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Module 4 Human Resource Dev

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  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    eve ope resente y:

    Prof. Ram N. Koner

    30.07.2009 1Prof. Ram N.Koner

    Digitally signed by Prof. Ram N.KonerDN: CN = Prof. Ram N. Koner, C =USDate: 2009.08.05 09:52:51 +05'30'

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Tracing HR Development Ancient India

    1. One can trace the ancient Indian education to the 3rd

    centur BC. In the ancient da s sa es and scholars

    imparted education orally, but after the development ofletters, it took the form of writing. Palm leaves and barks

    of trees were used for education, and this in turn helped

    spread the written literature.2. Temples and community centers took the role of school

    3. With the spread of Buddhism, world famous educational

    nst tut ons were esta s e , t us e ucat on ecamebecame available to all through, Nalanda, Vikramshila


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    30.07.2009 3

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    Tracing HR Development Ancient India

    4. Plastic Surgery was invented in India 125 types of

    surgical instruments existed5. The science of mathematics was gifted to the world

    y n a

    6. In the 11th

    Century, Muslims established elementaryan secon ary sc oo s s e o e es a s men

    of Universities in cities like Delhi, Lucknow and


    7. With the arrival of the British, English education

    s read.

    30.07.2009 4

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    Business Environment

    1. Fierce competition

    2. Rising demand for cost-effective solutions/services

    3. Rising demand for higher quality of service/product

    4. Stringent standards for adherence to regulatory requirements

    5. Shortage of trained human resourceere s a cont nuous nee or us nesses to:

    a) Evolve strategies for sustainable long-term growth

    re c an manage c anges n us ness env ronmenc) Create unique identities that set them apart in the market

    human resources30.07.2009 5

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Present Indian Education S stem India has inherited a system of education from the British,

    w c genera es an asp ra on or w e-co ar occupa on.

    If India has to make best possible use of the industrial

    , -


    White collar: Its getting dirty

    Gre Collar: The knowled e workers are comin u

    Blue Collar: entry level, skilling, re-skilling before exit

    Rust Collar: This is the largest in our country (approx. 280

    million the drop outs

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    Often Asked uestions Are we in the right business?

    Do we have the right people?

    Are we in the right industries?

    Are we in the right states?

    Given the same country climate, why are we wherewe are?

    Is it because we have/lack?

    Purpose Values

    30.07.2009 7

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Definition of HRDA set of systematic and planned activities designed by

    an organ zat on to prov e ts mem ers w t t e

    necessary knowledge and skills to meet current and


    1. Human Resource is the backbone of any

    2. Properly trained and highly skilled human resource

    is the reatest asset of an or anization

    3. They contribute to efficiency, growth, increased

    roductivit and market re utation of an


    30.07.2009 8

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    Definition of HRD To increase effectiveness and potential of

    human units Individuals,


    Dyads Teams,

    Inter teams and


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    Value Process of Human Resource Development INDIVIDUAL

    Self Mana ement -Goal Orientation

    Competence Building - KSA Advancement Potential Identification & Develop


    Optimal Stress Stretched Goals Linkages Importance Of Role

    Autonomy Decision, Initiatives


    Communication Give And Receive Feedback30.07.2009 10

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    HRD Systems

    PMS A raisal to Process Mana ement

    Career System Career Plan, Mentoring

    Development Development Of Human

    Culture Values in Action

    Self Renewal Self Examine, OD,Research Orientation

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    Developing Competencies

    What is Competency?,

    knowledge and personal attributes that are

    deemed essential for success. They distinguish


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  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Components of Competency

    brought to the job, representing the essential foundationu on which knowled e and skill can be develo ed.

    Behavior: The observable demonstration of some

    com etenc skill knowled e and ersonal attributes. It

    is an essentially definitive expression of a competency in

    that it is a set of action that, presumably, can be observed,

    taught, learned, and measured.

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    Types and Levels of Competencies

    Technical/ Functional Basic

    Human Relations


    Conceptual Expert

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    Understanding Human Resource Development1. Work-relevant Competencies have emerged as a promising

    conce t for makin human skills knowled e and abilities

    manageable and addressable in a wide range of applicationareas

    2. Such competencies provide adequate approximation of

    human performance as they can represent a set of skills,now e ge, an a t es t at e ong toget er an as

    competencies go beyond mere knowing towards work-

    3. HR managers need to activate learning goals and outcomes

    perspective via the competency abstraction30.07.2009 16

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    KSAs, Knowledge, Skills and Abilities arestatements related to the unique

    necessary for the successful performance of

    a position. The primary purpose of KSAs is to measure

    those qualities that will set one candidate

    apart rom t e ot ers.

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    Definition of KSA

    Knowledge: an organized body of information, usually of a

    ac ua or proce ura na ure w c , app e , ma es a equa e

    performance on the job possible, e.g., knowledge of EEO andersonnel laws re ulations etc

    Skill: the proficient manual, verbal, or mental manipulation of

    data or things. Skills are measurable through testing, can beobserved, and quantifiable, e.g., skill in counseling,


    y: e power or capac y o per orm an ac v y or as athe present time. Abilities are evidenced through activities or

    behaviors that are similar to those re uired on the ob e. .

    ability to plan and organize work.

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  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    HRM vs. HRDOrganizations are driven by human capital and it

    s cruc a o ave a sc en c oo a s ac or

    of production.

    HRM: Deals with optimum utilization of

    human capital An integrative & supportive function


    gradation of human capital

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    HRM vs. HRD HRM takes the stock of human capital as

    different processes /activities such that output


    HRD on the other hand tries to bring aboutqua a ve c anges n s s oc o uman

    capital in accordance with the needs of the

    organ za on rea s ra eg c an corpora eobjectives. It tries to mould the stock as per

    requ remen s

    30.07.2009 20

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    A Telescopic View of HRD

    of HRM

    Operative Functions of HRM

    of HRM

    Employment HR Dev. Comp. Mgmt. Human Relations

    Org design

    Perf. App. Job EvaMotivaton


    Job desi n

    Training WagesJob satisfaction


    Job anal sis

    Career pl Perks Communication


    30.07.2009 21Discp. action


    Quality of Life

    Industrial Relations

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    Relationship Between HRM & HRD

    encompasses many functions

    one of the functions within HRM

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    Primary Functions of HRM

    Equal employment opportunity

    ta ng recru tment an se ect on

    Compensation and benefits Employee and labor relations

    Health, safet , and securit

    Human resource development

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    Secondary Functions of HRM

    Organization and job design

    Performance management/ performance

    a raisal s stems Research and information systems

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    Evolution of HRD

    Early vocational education programs

    ar y actory sc oo s

    Early training for unskilled/semiskilled Human relations movement

    Establishment of trainin rofession

    Emergence of HRD

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    Early Apprenticeship Programs

    Artisans in 1700s

    Artisans had to train their own workers

    Guild schools Early workmens unions)

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    Early Vocational Education Programs

    1809 DeWitt Clintons manual school

    1863 President Lincoln si ns the Land-

    Grant Act promoting A&M colleges

    -for vocational education at the state level

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    Early Factory Schools

    trained workers to design, build, and repairmachines used b unskilled workers

    Companies started machinist and mechanical

    schools in-house Shorter and more narrowly-focused than

    apprenticeship programs

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    Early Training for Unskilled & Semiskilled Workers

    Mass production

    Production line one task = one worker

    Retool & retrain

    ow, e , o, ec

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    Human Relations Movement

    Factory system often abused workers

    Human relations movement promoted better

    working conditions Start of business & management education

    Tied to Maslows hierarch of needs

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    Establishment of Training Profession

    Outbreak of WWII increased the need fortrained workers

    Federal government started the Training

    Within Industr TWI ro ram 1942 American Society for Training

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    Emergence of HRD

    classroom Incl des co chin ro ork nd roblem


    Need for basic em lo ee develo ment Need for structured career development

    Society for Training and Development

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    Line vs. Staff Authority

    Line Authority given to managers directly

    services (direct function)

    a u or y g ven o un s a a v se

    and consult line units

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    Limits of Authority

    HRM & HRD units have staffauthorityOverhead function

    Line authority takes precedence

    you authorize?

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    HRD Functions

    Trainin and develo ment (T&D)

    Organizational development

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    Training & Development

    Training improving the knowledge, skillsand attitudes of employees for the short-term,

    particular to a specific job or task e.g.,

    Employee orientation Skills & technical training



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    Training & Development

    Development preparing for future,

    capacity to perform at a current job

    Supervisor development

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    Organizational Development

    The process of improving an organizationseffectiveness and members well-beinthrough the application of behavioral science

    concepts and techniques Focuses on both macro- and micro-levels

    HRD plays the role of a change agent

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    Career Development

    On oin rocess b which individuals

    progress through series of changes until theyachieve their personal level of maximumachievement.

    Career planning

    Career management

    What about retention of em lo ees? Whose


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    Critical HRD Issues

    Strate ic mana ement and HRD

    The supervisors role in HRD

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    Strategic Management & HRD

    Strategic management aims to ensure

    organizational effectiveness for the

    foreseeable future e.g., maximizing profits

    in the next 3 to 5 years HRD aims to get managers and workers ready

    for new products, procedures, and materials

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    Supervisors Role in HRD

    Implements HRD programs and procedures- -


    areer an emp oyee eve opmen

    A front-line participant in HRD

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    Org. Structure of HRD Division



    Depends in large part on how well the HRD

    manager ecomes an ns u ona par o e

    company i.e., a revenue contributor, not just

    a revenue user

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  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    HRD Organization in a Large Corporation


    Human Resource Development


    Research & Evaluation S ecialist


    Pro ram Develo er

    Management Development


    Skills Training


    Organization Development


    Career Development


    On-the-job Training

    CoordinatorSafety Trainer Sales Trainer

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    HRs Strategic Advisor Role

    Consults with corporate strategic thinkers

    Helps to articulate goals and strategies

    Develops HR plans

    Develops strategic planning education and

    trainin ro rams

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    HR Systems Designer/Developer

    Assists HR manager in the design anddevelo ment of HR s stems

    Designs HR programs

    Plans HR implementation actions

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    Organization Change Agent

    eve ops more e c ent wor teams

    Improves quality management

    Implements intervention strategies

    Develo s chan e re orts

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    Organization Design Consultant

    Designs work systems

    Develops effective alternative work designs

    Implements changed systems

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    Learning Program Specialist

    Identifies needs of learners

    Develops and designs learning programs

    Prepares learning materials and learning aids

    Develops program objectives, lesson plans,

    and strate ies

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    Presents learning materials

    Leads and facilitates structured learning


    Selects a ro riate instructional methods andtechniques

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    Develops individual assessments

    ac tates career wor s ops

    Provides career guidance

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    f l h

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    Performance Consultant (Coach)

    Advises line management on appropriateinterventions to im rove individual and rou


    Develops and provides coaching designs

    mp emen s coac ng ac v es

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    R h

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    Assesses HRD practices and programs

    Determines HRD program effectiveness

    Develops requirements for changing HRDprograms to address current and future


    30.07.2009 53

    Ch ll f HRD

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    Challenges for HRD

    Changing workforce demographics

    Eliminating the skills gap

    ee or e ong earn ng

    Need for organizational learning

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    N d f O i ti l L i

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Need for Organizational Learning

    Or anizations must be able to learn ada t

    and change

    Systems thinking

    Mental models

    Team learning

    30.07.2009 55

    A F k f HRD P

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    A Framework for HRD Process

    e orts s ou use t e o ow ng our

    phases (or stages):

    Needs assessment

    Desi n Implementation

    30.07.2009 56

    S f HRD

  • 8/2/2019 Module 4 Human Resource Dev


    Summary of HRD

    HRD is too important to be left to amateurs


    revenue user

    s ou e a cen ra par o company

    You need to be able to talk MONEY

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    Thank You!!!

    30.07.2009 58
