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Module 5.Process

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  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process




    OVERVIEW0 Introduction

    1 The curriculum

    development process

    2 Models of curriculum


    5.2.1 Tylers model

    5.2.2 Tabas model

    5.2.3 Aleander ! Taylors


    3 "oals of #ducation

    $ %evels of &oals

    5.$.1 #ducational philosophy5.$.2 #ducation &oals

    5.$.3 'urriculum &oals

    5.$.$ 'urriculum ob(ectives

    5.$.5 Instructional &oals

    5.$.) Instructional ob(ectives

    5 Instructional ob(ectives or

    learnin& outcomes

    ) 'lassifyin& instructional

    ob(ectives or learnin&


    5.).1 'o&nitive domain

    5.).2 Affective domain

    5.).3 *sychomotor domain

    +iscussion ,uestions-eadin&s

    Drug prevention, road safety


    National unity, racial

    tolerance, citizenship


    Language &



    Ethics, !oraleducation, religiouseducation

    LE"RNIN# O$%O'E(

    When you co!plete this !odule you )ill *e a*le to+

    +escribe Tylers model of curriculum development

    #plain the features of Tabas curriculum development model

    +escribe the aylor and Aleander model

    'ompare the Tyler/ Taba and the aylor ! Aleander models

    +ifferentiate beteen the levels of educational &oals

    'ompare the co&nitive/ affective and psychomotor domains

    ormulate ob(ectives usin& the different taonomies.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    Source+ adaptation of )))freeclipartco!-

    In Module 2/ 3 and $/ e discussed ho philosophy/ psycholo&y/ society and history

    events influence curriculum. In Modules 5/ )/ and 4/ e ill eamine the different

    phases of the curriculum development process. The first phase is curriculum plannin&

    folloed by curriculum desi&n/ curriculum

    implementation and curriculum evaluation. In

    this chapter e eamine in &eneral the

    curriculum development process by referrin&

    to three ell6non curriculum development

    model7 namely/ the Tyler model/ the Taba

    model and the aylor ! Aleander model. In

    the second part of the chapter/ e focus on the

    first phase of the process namely/ curriculumplanning )hich involves esta*lishing the

    goals and o*.ectives of a curriculu! *ased

    on the agreed educational philosophy

    /Source+ )))iconandclipartco!-

    'urriculum is the foundation of the teachin&learnin& process hether it is a

    school/ colle&e/ university or trainin& or&anisation. The tetboo6s used/ ho teachers

    are trained/ development of instructional plans/ evaluation of students/ preparation of

    &uides for both students and teachers/ and settin& of standards/ are all based on the

    curriculum. Thus ithout a curriculum no educational institution can functionefficiently. "iven such importance to curriculum a number of 8uestions are raised.


    5.0 Introduction

    5.1 The Curriculu De!elo"ent Proce##

    $CTIVIT% 5.19hat is the messa&e of the cartoon:

    ;o far is this characteristic of your education system:

    (cience and technology,

    Environ!ental education




    1o) can )e help children !a0e sense of these2

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    ;o is it developed: ;o is it or&anised: 9ho develops it: 9hat are the principles

    in developin& a curriculum: ;o do e 6no hether the curriculum is successful:

    'urriculum is a plan for orderin& and directin& the teachin&learnin&

    eperiences that students encounter in an educational institution. The process of

    providin& the plan and 6eepin& it runnin& smoothly is 6non as curriculum

    development. 'urriculum development is the more comprehensive term/ hichincludes plannin& ne of the best 6noncurriculum models is The Tyler Model introduced in

    1?$? by -alph Tyler in his classic boo6 Basic Principles of Curriculum and

    Instructionin hich he as6ed $ 8uestions@1. 9hat educationalpurposesshould the school see6 to attain:

    2. 9hat educational experiences can be provided that are li6ely to attain

    these purposes:

    3. ;o can these educational eperiences be effectively organised:

    $. ;o can e determine hether these purposes are bein& attained:

    In essence/ Tylers 8uestions represent the fourstep se8uence of

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    eperiences learners brin& to a situation. The learnin& eperiences ill have to be

    selected based on hat is 6non about human learnin& and human development.

    Det/ Tyler tal6ed about the organisationand se8uencin& of these learnin&

    eperiences. ;e emphasised that the eperiences should be properly or&anised so as

    to enhance learnin& and su&&ested that ideas/ concept/ values and s6ills be used as

    or&anisin& elements oven into the curriculum. These elements ould serve asor&anisers lin6in& content ithin a particular sub(ect b(ectives



    election of




    SELF-TEST 5.19hat is the role of ob(ectives in Tylers model:

    9hy do ob(ectives have to be screened by philosophy and


    "ive 3 specific eamples of Flearnin& eperiences accordin& to the

    Tyler Model/

    9hat are elements: "ive specific eamples

    9hat is the purpose of evaluation:

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    urriculu! Design urriculu!


    7igure 35 %yler8s urriculu! Develop!ent 'odel

    Source@ adapted from Allan '. >rnstein ! rancis *. ;un6ins/ Curriculum !oundations"

    Principles and Issues/

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    %eacher Input

    7igure 34 %a*a8s urriculu! Develop!ent 'odel

    Taba proposed ma(or steps to her &rassroots model in hich teachers ould have

    ma(or input throu&hout the curriculum development process@

    1. #iagnosis of needThe teacher ho is also the curriculum desi&ner starts the

    process by identifyin& the needs of students for hom the curriculum is

    planned. or eample/ the ma(ority of students are unable to thin6 critically.

    2. !ormulation of objectives After the teacher has identified needs that re8uire

    attention/ he or she specifies ob(ectives to be accomplished.

    3. Selection of content The ob(ectives selected or created su&&est the sub(ect

    matter or content of the curriculum. Dot only should ob(ectives and content

    match/ but also the validity and si&nificance of the content chosen needs to be

    determined. i.e. the relevancy and si&nificance of content.

    $. (rganisation of content A teacher cannot (ust select content/ but must

    or&anise it in some type of se8uence/ ta6in& into consideration the maturity of

    learners/ their academic achievement/ and their interests. We will discuss

    curriculum design in more detail in Module 6E.

    5. Selection of learning experiences'ontent must be presented to students andstudents must be en&a&ed ith the content. At this point/ the teacher selects

    instructional methods that ill involve the students ith the content.

    ). (rganisation of learning activities Gust as content must be se8uenced and

    or&anised/ so must the learnin& activities. >ften/ the se8uence of the learnin&

    activities is determined by the content. ut the teacher needs to 6eep in mind

    the particular students hom he or she ill be teachin&.

    . )valuation and means of evaluation The curriculum planner must determine

    (ust hat ob(ectives have been accomplished. #valuation procedures need to

    be desi&ned to evaluate learnin& outcomes. We will discuss curriculumevaluation in more detail in Module 8E.


    (election of


    Organisation of ontent

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    Taba model has much merit. ;oever/ some ar&ue that teacher involvement

    throu&hout the process assumes that they have the epertise and/ perhaps more

    importantly/ the time to en&a&e in such an etensive and intensive curricular activity.

    Teachers bein& involved in the early sta&es of curriculum development may not

    necessarily be an advanta&e as it ill not necessarily &uarantee an effectivecurriculum since it is a hi&hly specialised process.

    ;oever/ it cannot be denied that curriculum development re8uires the

    involvement of many parties at various sta&es of the process. It involves individuals

    from the 'entral >ffice or the Ministry of #ducation/ district education officers/

    principals/ teachers/ community leaders/ sub(ect matter eperts/ academics and even

    students. Hsually/ curriculum developers at the 'entral >ffice are &iven the tas6 of

    directin& those actions that brin& to&ether various participants in curriculum

    development. Teachers may only be involved in implementin& the curriculum hile

    the main part of the curriculum is determined by the Ministry of #ducation/

    academics/ content specialists and employers.

    349 %he (aylor and "le:ander 'odel"alenaylor and 9illiam Aleander

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    a= *oals" (bjectives and #omains@ The model indicates that curriculum planners

    be&in by specifyin& the ma(or educational &oals and specific ob(ectives they

    ish to accomplish. #ach ma(or &oal represents a curriculum domain and they

    advocate $ ma(or &oals or domains@ personal development/ human relations/

    continued learnin& s6ills and specialisation. The &oals/ ob(ectives and domainsare selected after careful consideration of several eternal variables such as

    findin&s from educational research/ accreditation standards/ vies of

    community &roups and others.

    b= Curriculum #esigning@ >nce the &oals/ ob(ectives and domains have been

    established/ planners move into the process of desi&nin& the curriculum. ;ere

    decision is made on the appropriate learnin& opportunities for each domain

    and ho and hen these opportunities ill be provided. 9ill the curriculum

    be desi&ned alon& the lines of academic disciplines/ or accordin& to student

    needs and interests or alon& themes: These are some of the 8uestions that need

    to be ansered at this sta&e of the development process We will discuss

    curriculum design in more detail in Module 6E.c= Curriculum Implementation@ After the desi&ns have been created the net step

    is implementation of the desi&ns by teachers. ased on the desi&n of the

    curriculum plan teachers ould specify instructional ob(ectives and then select

    relevant teachin& methods and strate&ies to achieve the desired learnin&

    outcomes amon& students in the classroom We will discuss curriculum

    implementation in more detail in Module +E.

    d= )valuation@ inally/ curriculum planner and teachers en&a&e in evaluation.

    The model proposed that evaluation should be comprehensive usin& a variety

    of evaluation techni8ues. #valuation should involve the total educational

    pro&ramme of the school and the curriculum plan/ the effectiveness of

    instruction and the achievement of students. Throu&h the evaluation process/

    curriculum planner and developers can determine hether or nor the &oals of

    the school and the ob(ectives of instruction have been met. We will discuss

    curriculum evaluation in more detail in Module 8E.

    The three models (ust discussed reveal both similarities and differences. All

    models outline a se8uence of steps to be ta6en in curriculum development.

    Interestin&ly/ the Taba model emphasises the role of teachers in curriculum

    development hile the Tyler model focuses on the to screens ob(ectives have to

    pass throu&h. ;oever/ you should 6eep in mind that models often are incomplete7

    they do not and cannot sho every detail and aspect of the complicated curriculum

    process. To depict every aspect in detail of the curriculum development processould re8uire an eceedin&ly comple and intricate model.


    SELF-CHECK 5.31= 9hat is meant by Fdomains in the aylor and Aleander


    2= 9hat must teachers do to implement a curriculum:

    3= 9hat is the role of evaluation in the aylor and Aleandermodel:

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    In loo6in& at the three models e cannot say that any one model is superior to

    another model. ome curriculum planners have folloed the Tyler model ith

    considerable success. ut this does not mean that the Tyler model represents the

    ultimate in models for curriculum development or that all educators are satisfied ith


    The cartoon at the be&innin& of this chapter shos the 6inds of decisions that

    curriculum or6ers have to ma6e in some education system somehere in the orld.

    ome decisions are relatively simple such as addin& a course/ deletin& a course or

    ma6in& some minor chan&es to content. >ther decisions are seepin& and far

    reachin& such as chan&in& the levels of schoolin& from )322

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    The educational philosophy of an educational system is a reflection of

    national policies. or eample/ use of one lan&ua&e of instruction to unite the

    different communities7 free primary education to reduce dropouts and a common

    national curriculum to reduce varyin& interpretations. The educational philosophy ill

    also reflect national prioritiessuch as the development aspects of the nation/ socio

    cultural needs of the people and levels of achievement of the children at differentcycles. +evelopment needs have to be identified in relation to the priorities. or

    eample does the country ant more &raduates or should the emphasis be on basic


    In relation to sociocultural needs/ the culture of peace/ conflict resolutions

    etc. could emer&e as important aspects that should be hi&hli&hted in the school

    curriculum. The needs of disabled persons and adults ho have lost opportunities for

    learnin& have to be incorporated too. >pportunities for vocational and career

    education have to be provided in the curriculum. Therefore/ vocational interests of

    students have to be assessed.

    In addition/ curriculum planners should not only study current best practices/

    customs/ and beliefs about education in the local schools but should compare these tothe educational research literature on best practices in teachin&/ learnin&/ and

    curriculum desi&n. %evels of achievements relate to understandin& of concepts at

    different &rades by children to enable them to complete the s6ills needed to move on

    to hi&her &rades. These have to be identified in order to brin& 8uality to learnin& and

    avoid asta&e in the learnin& pro&rammes.

    "(E (%$D< +%he Vision of (outh "frica8s urriculu! 7ra!e)or0 4==3


  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    National 6olicies &




    Research and >est











    Source 'H--I'H%HM 2005 %ifelon& %earnin& for the 21 st 'entury@ A Hsers "uide.

    [email protected]&.KaJhtmlJ&ovdocsJmiscJcurr2005.html:reboo6mar6L1*rinciplesE


    $CTIVIT% 5.&

    -ead the 'ase tudy and anser the folloin& 8uestions@

    9hy do you thin6 that in the vision it is emphasised that outh Africa

    should befree of violence" discrimination and prejudice:

    9hat are the &oals of the curriculum frameor6 of outh Africa:

    ;o are these educational &oals similar or different from those of your


    $CTIVIT% 5.&

    -ead the 'ase tudy and anser the folloin& 8uestions@

    9hy do you thin6 that in the vision it is emphasised that outh Africa

    should befree of violence" discrimination and prejudice:

    9hat are the &oals of the curriculum frameor6 of outh Africa:

    ;o are these educational &oals similar or different from those of your


    The curriculum frameor6 is a set of principles and &uidelines hich provides

    both a philosophical base and an or&anisational structure for curriculum development

    initiatives at all levels/ be they nationally/ provincially/ community or schoolbased.

    The vision for outh Africa encompasses a prosperous/ truly united/ democratic and

    internationally competitive country ith literate/ creative and critical citiKens/ leadin&

    productive/ selffulfilled lives in a country free of violence/ discrimination andpre(udice. The realisation of this vision re8uires appropriate/ lifelon& education/

    trainin& and development to empoer people to participate effectively in all the

    processes of a democratic society and to ecel in fields li6e human and natural

    resource development/ human and natural sciences/ the arts and technolo&y.

    The primary tas6 of educational policy ma6ers is the establishment of a (ust

    and e8uitable education and trainin& system hich is relevant/ of hi&h 8uality and is

    accessible to all learners/ irrespective of race/ colour/ &ender/ a&e/ reli&ion/ ability or

    lan&ua&e. A priority for both national and provincial education departments is/

    therefore/ the creation of a transformative/ democratic/ open learnin& system/

    fosterin& in all its users/ a stron& commitment to lifelon& learnin& and development.

    The curriculum frameor6 serves as a strate&ic intervention desi&ned to

    facilitate and &uide the development of a transformed education and trainin& system

    in a practicable and sustainable ay. It ta6es as point of departure/ that successful

    modern economies and societies re8uire citiKens ith a stron& foundation of &eneral

    education/ the desire and ability to continue to learn to adapt to/ and develop ne

    6noled&e/ s6ills and technolo&ies/ to move fleibly beteen occupations/ to ta6e

    responsibility for personal performance/ to set and achieve hi&h standards/ and to

    or6 cooperatively.

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    urriculu! 6hase

    Instructional *hase

    7igure 3; Levels of urriculu! 6lanning

    3;4 Education #oals


  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    #ducational &oals are outcomes to be achieved by students at the end of a

    particular period of time in school. 9hile certain &oals are universal and run

    throu&hout the period some are specific to particular levels and times. This means that

    a child ill be facin& different &oals at different levels. The &oals are the basic

    elements in curriculum plannin& and should be clear and ell articulated ithout

    ambi&uities. All these relate to human behaviour. In a country recoverin& from a civil

    ar/ its 6ey educational &oals mi&ht be peace/ developin& selfconfidence/

    cooperation/ responsible citiKenship needed to overcome the eistin& conflicts.Actually/ there could be a plethora of &oals such as developin& creativity/ mental

    health/ copin& ith chan&e/ informed participation/ basic s6ills and so forth/ endin&

    on the vision and cultural needs of the society. 'onnectin& development needs to

    education is an important strate&y to achieve &reater impact of education on society.


    3;9 urriculu! #oals

    A curriculum &oal is a purpose or desired end stated in &eneral terms. Do time

    period is specified hen the &oals must be reached. Deither is mention of the criteria

    for achievement or mastery. 'urriculum planners epect students to accomplish it as


    $CTIVIT% 5.(

    In 1??0/ the *resident of the Hnited tates and state &overnors issued

    a list of si &oals for the nations schools hich stated that by the year


    all children in America ill start school ready to learn

    the hi&h school &raduation rate ill increase to at least ?0N

    American students ill leave &rades $/ 4 and 12 havin& demonstrated

    competency in challen&in& sub(ect mater

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    a result of eposure to se&ments or all of a pro&ramme in a particular educational

    institution. "oals provide direction for the curriculum.

    or eample@

    Btudents shall ac8uire 6noled&e and s6ills necessary for functionin& as

    &ood citiKens in their on school and communityC.

    Bchools should see6 to promote the physical and emotional health ofstudentsC

    3;; urriculu! O*.ectives

    'urriculum ob(ectives are derived from the curriculum &oal. A curriculum

    ob(ective is a purpose or end stated in specific/ measurable terms. It is a refinement of

    the curriculum &oals. They specify the performance standards for the students for

    hom the curriculum is desi&ned. rom the curriculum &oal7 Btudents shall ac8uire

    6noled&e and s6ills necessary for functionin& on a daily basis/ as &ood citiKens in

    their on school and community settin&C7 the folloin& curriculum ob(ectives can be


    BThe ma(ority of students ill obey the rules and re&ulations of the schoolC

    BMore than 40N of students ill be involved in at least one voluntary activityC

    Dote ho the curriculum ob(ective refines the curriculum &oal. Many curriculum

    ob(ectives can emanate from a sin&le curriculum &oal.


  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    3;3 Instructional #oals

    At the instructional phase/ curriculum ob(ectives are translated initially into

    instructional &oals. An instructional &oal is a statement of performance epected of

    each student in a class stated in &eneral terms. It is the &eneral intentions of a course

    of instruction ithout criteria of achievement. or eample/ Ftudents ill sho an

    understandin& about the tropical rainforest. It indicates the performance expected; i.e.understand, but the performance level or criteria is not stated. So it is not easily measured.Instructional goals points the way to instructional objectives.

    3;? Instructional O*.ectives

    An instructional ob(ective is a statement of performance to be demonstrated by

    each student in a class. It is stated in a form that is measurable and observable. >ther

    names &iven for instructional ob(ectives are specific instructional objectives" specific


    $CTIVIT% 5.+ 'alaysian 6ri!ary (chool (cience urriculu!urriculu! #oal or "i!

    *rimary cience education aims to develop 6noled&eable/ s6ilful/ thin6in&/carin&/ dynamic and pro&ressive individuals able to contribute toards the creationof a society that practices science and technolo&y culture/ responsible toards the

    environment and appreciative of nature and "ods creations.

    (a!ple urriculu! O*.ectives

    The *rimary chool cience 'urriculum ill enable students to@Ac8uire an understandin& of science concepts and principles in an inte&rated

    manner and able to relate them ith natural phenomena and everyday eperiences/Apply science 6noled&e and s6ills creatively and intelli&ently in problem solvin&and decision ma6in&+evelop further the intrinsic values of science such as in8uisitiveness/ openmindedness/ intellectual honesty and perseverance/

    +evelop scientific and manipulative s6ills throu&h the discoveryin8uiry approach+evelop s6ills in conductin& scientific investi&ations and research

    (a!ple Instructional #oals for

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    learning outcomes" be%avioural objectives performance objectives"and competencies.

    An eample of an instructional ob(ective is@ FAt the end of the lesson students should

    be able to describe five characteristics of the tropical rainforest. It is important that

    you state clearly the instructional ob(ectives you intend to achieve at the end of a

    period of instruction. It determines the selection of content

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    The classification of learnin& ob(ectives or outcomes was developed by a teamled by (enjamin (loom in the )*+s. #hree domains were addressed and for each taxonomy of

    abilities, emotions and s!ills were developed. - taxonomy is a system for classifying something,and in this case; the classifying of learning objectives or learning outcomes. #axonomies of

    learning objectives or learning outcomes are used to categorise goals for student learning.#axonomies are based on the assumption that different types of objectives are learned throughdifferent mental processes. #he three taxonomies are

    The ognitive Do!ain hich is concerned ith mental or intellectual s6ills

    and abilities

    The "ffective Do!ainhich is concerned ith feelin&s/ values and attitudes

    The 6sycho!otor Do!ainhich is concerned ith physical s6ills

    #he three taxonomies remain a useful conceptual tool for thin!ing about what a body ofcontent re/uire students to do, and for thin!ing about how students should be able to

    demonstrate their learning through their behaviour. It is valuable because it draws attention tothe need to be clear about the complexity of intellectual tas!s which a subject might re/uire to




    0escription 1xamples of 2erbs for Stating3bjectives or 3utcomes

    Knowledge -ememberin& previously learned material.

    The s6ill may involve recall of a ideran&e of material/ from specific facts to

    +efine/ describe/ identify/ label/

    list/ match/ name/ select/ state/


    5./. Cl*##i'in In#truction*l O,-ecti!e# or Le*rnin Outcoe# $CTIVIT% 5.5

    6roponents of >ehavioural O*.ectives argue that it+

    forces the teachers to be precise about hat is to be accomplished

    enables the teacher to tell students hat they must achieve

    ma6es evaluation easier because it is measurable

    ma6es it easier for the selection of instructional ob(ectives

    ma6es accountability easier

    Opponents of >ehavioural O*.ectives argue that it+

    restricts creativity

    lead to trivial or unimportant competencies

    is dehumanisin&

    donplays affective outcomes

    ;o do behavioural ob(ectives restrict creativity amon& students:

    +o you a&ree ith the opponents of behavioural ob(ectives:

    tate >D# other reason each supportin& the proponents and

    opponents of behavioural ob(ectives.

    Sourceadapted from *eter >liva

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    complete theories/ but all that is re8uiredis the brin&in& to mind of the appropriate


    outline/ recite

    Comprehension The ability to &rasp meanin& of material.This s6ill may be shon by translatin&

    material from one form to another/ byinterpretin& material

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process


    9eceiving involves the willingness toreceive or accept and focussing


    tolerate, follow, as!.

    $esponding -efers to active participation by thestudent. The student is actively attendin&

    by respondin& in the class and isinvolved in the teachin&learnin& settin&.

    ;e or she &ains satisfaction fromen&a&in& in activities.

    A&ree/ anser/ communicate/

    comply/ consent/ contribute/

    cooperate/ help/ in8uire/ obey/participate/ 8uestion/ re8uest/

    report/ respond/ see6/ volunteer

    %al#ing The students sees orth or value in hatis bein& learned or the activity bein&

    done. The student does not merely obeyor complies but does so because he orshe is intrinsically motivated.

    Accept/ adopt/ approve/ complete/commit/ desire/ display/ ehibit/

    epress/ initiate/ invite/ prefer/share/ study/ or6.

    &rganisaion The student brin&s to&ether many

    different values and attempt to resolvethe conflicts beteen the value. Throu&h

    this process he or she builds a valuesystem. ;e or she sees ho ne values

    are related to eistin& values and tries toestablish a balance.

    Adapt/ alter/ arran&e/ classify/

    compare/ defend/ establish/&eneralise/ inte&rate/ modify/

    order/ ran6/ synthesise.

    Characerisaion The student internalises the values. Inother ords/ he or she adopts the values

    as his or her on. The valuesinternalised determines the behaviour of

    the student. The behaviour is consistentand predictable.

    Act/ behave/ conform/ devote/display/ endure/ eemplify/

    function/ maintain/ practice/perform/ uphold/ use/ influence.

    Sourceen(amin loom and +. Orathohl b(ectivesE

    #able +.: #he -ffective #axonomy

    3?4 "ffective Do!ain

    -fter the appearance of the cognitive taxonomy, 0avid 9. rathwohl and others,

    including (enjamin (loom, developed a taxonomy of objectives in the affective domain in )*6sychomotor 0omain

    The psychomotor domain is less 6non compared to the other two taxonomies.#here are several interpretations of the domain and one of them was developed by 9. 0ave in

    )*? 5see #able +.=7. #he psychomotor domain involves physical movement, coordination anduse of the motors!ill areas. 0evelopment of these s!ills re/uire practice and is measured in

    terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techni/ues in execution.


  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process




    0escription 1xamples of 2erbs for Stating3bjectives or 3utcomes

    'miaion The student indicates a readiness to learna certain complex s!ill. Imitationincludes repeating an act that has been

    demonstrated or explained. It includestrial and error until an appropriateresponse is achieved.

    Assemble/ carryout/ copy/

    construct/ repeat/ duplicate/

    practice/ reproduce/ start/ try/

    volunteer/ s6etch/ follo.

    (anip#laion The student continues to practice the s6illuntil it becomes habitual and can be

    performed ith some confidence. Theresponse is more comple but he or she is

    still not sure of himself or herself.

    all the verbs for Imitation plus thefolloin&E@ ac8uire/ conduct/ do/

    eecute/ operate/ perform/ produce/pro&ress/ use/ operate.

    )recision The student attains the s6ill andproficiency is indicated by a 8uic6/smooth and accurate performance. The

    response is comple and performedithout hesitation.

    all the verbs for Imitation and

    Manipulation plus the folloin&E@achieve/ automatise/ eceed/ ecel,

    master, reach, refine, surpass,accomplish.

    Aric#laion The student is involved at an even hi&herlevel of precision. The s6ill is ell

    developed. The student can adapt the s6illaccordin& to different re8uirements.

    Adapt/ chan&e/ alter/ reor&anise/rearran&e/ revise.

    *a#ralisaion The s6ill is automatic and the student isable to eperiment and create ne ays of

    usin& the s6ill.

    Arran&e/ compose/ refine/ create/desi&n/ ori&inate/ transcend.

    &Source 9. 0ave. >sychomotor 0omain, )*?

  • 7/22/2019 Module 5.Process



    ;enchey/ D.
