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Molecular phylogeny of the Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta ...and single-copy DNA–DNA hybridization...

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Molecular phylogeny of the Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta: Cladophorophyceae) Frederik Leliaert a, * , Olivier De Clerck a , Heroen Verbruggen a , Christian Boedeker b , Eric Coppejans a a Phycology Research Group and Centre for Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Biology Department, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S8, 9000 Ghent, Belgium b National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden University Branch, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 Leiden, The Netherlands Received 24 October 2006; accepted 9 April 2007 Available online 6 May 2007 Abstract The Siphonocladales are tropical to warm-temperate, marine green macro-algae characterized by a wide variety of thallus morphol- ogies, ranging from branched filaments to pseudo-parenchymatous plants. Phylogenetic analyses of partial large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences sampled from 166 isolates revealed nine well-supported siphonocladalean clades. Analyses of a concatenated dataset of small subunit (SSU) and partial LSU rDNA sequences greatly clarified the phylogeny of the Siphonocladales. However, the position of the root of the Siphonocladales could not be determined unambiguously, as outgroup rooting and molecular clock rooting resulted in a dif- ferent root placement. Different phylogenetic methods (likelihood, parsimony and distance) yielded similar tree topologies with compa- rable internal node resolution. Likewise, analyses under more realistic models of sequence evolution, taking into account differences in evolution between stem and loop regions of rRNA, did not differ markedly from analyses using standard four-state models. The molec- ular phylogeny revealed that all siphonocladalean architectures may be derived from a single Cladophora-like ancestor. Parallel and con- vergent evolution of various morphological characters (including those traditionally employed to circumscribe the families and genera) have occurred in the Siphonocladales. Consequently, incongruence with traditional classifications, including non-monophyly in all fam- ilies and most genera, was shown. Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Benthic marine algae; Cladophorales; Convergent evolution; Doublet model; Long branch attraction; Molecular clock rooting; Morphological evolution; Outgroup rooting; Ribosomal DNA; RNA secondary structure; Segregative cell division; Taxonomy; Cladophorophyceae; Molecular syste- matics; Siphonocladales 1. Introduction The Cladophorophyceae are green macro-algae found in tropical to cold-temperate coastal waters and freshwater habitats. They have a siphonocladous level of organization, which means that the multicellular thalli are composed of multinucleate cells (van den Hoek et al., 1995). Traditional classifications were largely based on thallus architecture and mode of cell division. Plants consisting of branched fil- aments were grouped in a large genus Cladophora (Fig. 1A) and placed in the order Cladophorales along with the unbranched filamentous genera Chaetomorpha and Rhizo clonium. The other genera (ca. 20 recognized at present), each characterized by their own typical thallus architecture, were placed in the order Siphonocladales. For example, blade-like thalli were classified in Anadyomene (Fig. 1H), plants with strongly inflated branched cells in Valonia (Fig. 1J), pseudo-parenchymatous thalli in Dictyosphaeria (Fig. 1K) and cushion-like thalli with specialized tenacular cells in Boodlea. Family level classification has been highly contentious. Five families are generally recognized (Ana- dyomenaceae, Boodleaceae, Cladophoraceae, Siphono- cladaceae and Valoniaceae) but their boundaries are 1055-7903/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.04.016 * Corresponding author. Fax: +32 9 264 8599. E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Leliaert). www.elsevier.com/locate/ympev Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256
  • www.elsevier.com/locate/ympev

    Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    Molecular phylogeny of the Siphonocladales(Chlorophyta: Cladophorophyceae)

    Frederik Leliaert a,*, Olivier De Clerck a, Heroen Verbruggen a,Christian Boedeker b, Eric Coppejans a

    a Phycology Research Group and Centre for Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Biology Department, Ghent University,

    Krijgslaan 281 S8, 9000 Ghent, Belgiumb National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden University Branch, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 Leiden, The Netherlands

    Received 24 October 2006; accepted 9 April 2007Available online 6 May 2007


    The Siphonocladales are tropical to warm-temperate, marine green macro-algae characterized by a wide variety of thallus morphol-ogies, ranging from branched filaments to pseudo-parenchymatous plants. Phylogenetic analyses of partial large subunit (LSU) rDNAsequences sampled from 166 isolates revealed nine well-supported siphonocladalean clades. Analyses of a concatenated dataset of smallsubunit (SSU) and partial LSU rDNA sequences greatly clarified the phylogeny of the Siphonocladales. However, the position of theroot of the Siphonocladales could not be determined unambiguously, as outgroup rooting and molecular clock rooting resulted in a dif-ferent root placement. Different phylogenetic methods (likelihood, parsimony and distance) yielded similar tree topologies with compa-rable internal node resolution. Likewise, analyses under more realistic models of sequence evolution, taking into account differences inevolution between stem and loop regions of rRNA, did not differ markedly from analyses using standard four-state models. The molec-ular phylogeny revealed that all siphonocladalean architectures may be derived from a single Cladophora-like ancestor. Parallel and con-vergent evolution of various morphological characters (including those traditionally employed to circumscribe the families and genera)have occurred in the Siphonocladales. Consequently, incongruence with traditional classifications, including non-monophyly in all fam-ilies and most genera, was shown.� 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Benthic marine algae; Cladophorales; Convergent evolution; Doublet model; Long branch attraction; Molecular clock rooting; Morphologicalevolution; Outgroup rooting; Ribosomal DNA; RNA secondary structure; Segregative cell division; Taxonomy; Cladophorophyceae; Molecular syste-matics; Siphonocladales

    1. Introduction

    The Cladophorophyceae are green macro-algae found intropical to cold-temperate coastal waters and freshwaterhabitats. They have a siphonocladous level of organization,which means that the multicellular thalli are composed ofmultinucleate cells (van den Hoek et al., 1995). Traditionalclassifications were largely based on thallus architectureand mode of cell division. Plants consisting of branched fil-aments were grouped in a large genus Cladophora (Fig. 1A)

    1055-7903/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.04.016

    * Corresponding author. Fax: +32 9 264 8599.E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Leliaert).

    and placed in the order Cladophorales along with theunbranched filamentous genera Chaetomorpha and Rhizoclonium. The other genera (ca. 20 recognized at present),each characterized by their own typical thallus architecture,were placed in the order Siphonocladales. For example,blade-like thalli were classified in Anadyomene (Fig. 1H),plants with strongly inflated branched cells in Valonia(Fig. 1J), pseudo-parenchymatous thalli in Dictyosphaeria(Fig. 1K) and cushion-like thalli with specialized tenacularcells in Boodlea. Family level classification has been highlycontentious. Five families are generally recognized (Ana-dyomenaceae, Boodleaceae, Cladophoraceae, Siphono-cladaceae and Valoniaceae) but their boundaries are

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Fig. 1. Morphological variety in the Siphonocladales (A) Cladophora sericea (Cladophorales: outgroup), (B) Boergesenia forbesii (F252: clade 1), (C)Siphonocladus pusillus (F306: clade 1), (D) Cladophora prolifera (F280: grade 2), (E) Cladophora coelothrix (F275: grade 2), (F) Cladophora sp. 1 (F224:‘‘clade’’ 3), (G) Cladophora sibogae (F61: clade 4), (H) Anadyomene stellata (F268, clade 5), (I) Microdictyon krausii (F2: clade 5), (J) Valonia utricularis(F242: clade 6), (K) Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (F283: clade 7), (L) Valoniopsis pachynema (F24: clade 8), (M) Apjohnia laetevirens (F273: clade 9), (N)Cladophoropsis membranacea (F295: clade 9), (O) Phyllodictyon orientale (F414: clade 9), (P) Phyllodictyon anastomosans (F36: clade 9). Scale bars, 1 mm.

    1238 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    rather vague and the genera assigned to them have changedfrequently in the course of time (Leliaert, 2004) (Table 1).

    Cytokinesis has conventionally been considered to be akey character for ordinal, familial, as well as generic leveltaxonomy (van den Hoek, 1984). Olsen-Stojkovich (1986)recognized four different modes of cell division within theCladophorophyceae. Mostly cells divide by centripetalinvagination of a primordial septum (CI), a process thatis well documented at the light-microscopic (Enomotoand Hirose, 1971) and ultrastructural level (McDonaldand Pickett-Heaps, 1976; Scott and Bullock, 1976). Threeother specialized modes of cell division occur in various

    members of the Siphonocladales lineage. In segregative celldivision (SCD), the whole protoplasm divides simulta-neously into numerous multinucleate aggregates of cyto-plasm, which later form walled spheres that remain in theparent cell and expand to form new cells or branches(Børgesen, 1912, 1913; Egerod, 1952). SCD has beendescribed in detail in Dictyosphaeria by Enomoto and Oku-da (1981); Enomoto et al. (1982) and Okuda et al. (1997). Amodified type of segregative cell division (SCDM), in whichcytoplasmic spheres are released from the parent cell, settleand form new plants, has been distinguished in Ventricariaand Boergesenia by Olsen-Stojkovich (1986) and Olsen and

  • Table 1Distribution of genera in the five recognized families of the Cladophorophyceae, illustrating the unstable family level classification (based on Børgesen,1940; Egerod, 1952; Taylor, 1928, 1950, 1960; Womersley and Bailey, 1970; Silva et al., 1996; Kraft, 2000)

    Anadyomenaceae Boodleaceae Cladophoraceae Siphonocladaceae Valoniaceae Siphonocladales phylogeny: clade

    Anadyomene • • 5Apjohnia • 9Boergesenia • 1Boodlea • • • • 9Chamaedoris • • 9Cladophora • 2, 3, 4, 5 + OutgroupCladophoropsis • • • • 9Dictyosphaeria • • 7Ernodesmis • • 1Microdictyon • • • • 5Phyllodictyon • • • 9Siphonocladus • • 1Struvea • • • 9Struveopsis • 9Valonia • 6Valoniopsis • • 8Ventricaria • • 6

    F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1239

    West (1988). In various other members of the Siphonocla-dales (e.g. Cladophoropsis and Ernodesmis), cell woundinginduces a reaction which closely resembles segregative celldivision (La Claire, 1982; O’Neil and La Claire, 1984). Insome large-celled taxa, cell division takes place by the for-mation of a convex septal disk along the cell-wall, followedby the formation of a new lateral; this process has beentermed lenticular cell division (LCD). Okuda et al. (1997)demonstrated that in Valonia, the process of lenticular cellformation is similar to CI, i.e. by a septum that is producedinwardly from the cell wall. LCD can thus be regarded as amodification of CI in inflated cells, where it is impossible tobridge the large cell diameter by invagination of cell walls(Leliaert et al., 2003).

    Early phylogenetic hypotheses based on comparativemorphology by van den Hoek (1982, 1984) and Olsen-Stojkovich (1986) were soon followed by studies includingimmunological distances (Olsen-Stojkovich et al., 1986)and single-copy DNA–DNA hybridization (Bot, 1992).Molecular phylogenetic studies based on gene sequencedata of the ribosomal small subunit (SSU: Bakker et al.,1994; Hanyuda et al., 2002) and partial large subunit(LSU: Leliaert et al., 2003) demonstrated that the Clado-phorophyceae consists of three main lineages rather thanthe traditional two orders. Additionally, these studiesrevealed that the traditional family and genus level classifi-cations did not reflect the phylogenetic relationships. Thegenus Cladophora appeared to be polyphyletic with repre-sentatives being distributed in all three lineages. However,all genera with specialized thallus architecture and mode ofcell division did clearly group in a single lineage, which wasfound to correspond largely to the Siphonocladales as tra-ditionally circumscribed, with the exception of a few anom-alous Cladophora taxa (Leliaert et al., 2003). This lineageexhibits an extremely broad morphological diversity withplants ranging from branched filaments, blade-like,strongly inflated cells to a pseudo-parenchymatous level

    of organization (Fig. 1). This is in contrast with representa-tives of the two other lineages, the Cladophorales andthe Aegagropila lineage, in which morphological variety isbasically restricted to very simple, branched or unbranchedfilaments. Taxa in the Siphonocladales lineage have amainly tropical to warm-temperate distribution, whilemany representatives of the Cladophorales and the Aegagropilalineage have successfully invaded cold-temperate to evenArctic and Antarctic regions (Wagner and Zaneveld,1988; Lindstrom, 2001). Likewise, the Siphonocladalesare strictly confined to marine environments, whereasseveral species of the Cladophorales and especially theAegagropila lineage have adapted to freshwater and eventerrestrial habitats (Fritsch, 1944; Rindi et al., 2006).

    Because of their wide morphological diversity, theSiphonocladales are an excellent group to study the evolu-tionary mechanisms that underlie morphological diversifi-cation. Hence, the need for a robust phylogeneticframework. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies basedon SSU and LSU rDNA sequences suffered from twoproblems. First, most genera were only represented by asingle specimen, not taking into account that the morpho-logical characters that define genera and species may haveevolved multiple times. In order to fully understand themorphological evolution within the Siphonocladales wehere determine phylogenetic relationships among theSiphonocladales based on an extensive taxon sampling of166 ingroup sequences representing 50 species. A secondpersistent problem in previous siphonocladalean phyloge-nies is the lack of overall resolution (using SSU) or resolu-tion in the basal divergences (using LSU). Short andunresolved branches can be attributed to a number of fac-tors, including conflict between characters, lack of phyloge-netic informativeness of the markers, insufficient taxonsampling or a historical signal of a rapid evolutionary radi-ation. In this study we aim to infer the relationships amongSiphonocladales with more confidence by increasing the

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    number of characters (combining SSU and partial LSUsequence data) and by applying more appropriate modelsof sequence evolution in the phylogenetic analyses. Becausethe functionality of RNA molecules lies in their secondarystructure, which is mediated by base pairing between some-times distant regions of the RNA molecule, there is a selec-tive pressure for maintenance of the rRNA secondarystructure. Substitutions affecting stem nucleotides have adifferent probability of fixation as compared to a nucleo-tide in a loop. Considering the widely accepted view thatusing more realistic models of sequence evolution shouldlead to more accurate phylogenies, the differences in evolu-tion between stem and loop regions of rDNA should ide-ally be accounted for (Murray et al., 2005; Telford et al.,2005). Using our molecular phylogenetic results, we aimto assess previous morphology-based hypotheses of sipho-nocladalean relationships.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Taxon sampling and morphology

    Sample information is listed in Appendix A1(Supplementary data). Broad taxonomic and geographicalsampling was carried out to ensure as complete a represen-tation of the Siphonocladales as possible. We analyzed 166ingroup specimens belonging to 54 species from all 17extant genera in the Siphonocladales. Generitypes areincluded for all but two genera (Microdictyon and Phyllo-dictyon). Six representatives of the Cladophorales wereselected as outgroup taxa based on existing hypotheses oftheir affinities with the Siphonocladales (Hanyuda et al.,2002; Leliaert et al., 2003).

    To permit direct comparison, morphological charactersand their states were collected from specimens alsoincluded in the molecular study. Morphological observa-tions were made on specimens preserved in 5% formalin-seawater solution, on rehydrated herbarium specimens oron cultured material. Calcium oxalate crystals were exam-ined using differential interference (Nomarski) contrast.Photographs were taken with an Olympus-DP50 digitalcamera mounted on a Wild M10 (Leica Microsystems)stereomicroscope.

    2.2. DNA amplification and sequencing

    DNA was extracted from silica gel-dried specimens,from herbarium material, or from living plants in culture.Total genomic DNA was extracted using a standardCTAB-extraction method and subsequent purification witha Wizard� DNA Clean-Up System (Promega) followingthe manufacturer’s protocol. The SSU rDNA gene (ca.1700 nucleotides) was amplified as two overlapping prod-ucts with primer pairs SR1-SS11H and SSU897-18SC2(Table 2). The partial LSU rDNA gene (ca. 550 nucleo-tides) was amplified as a single product using primersC1FL and D2FL. For some degraded or contaminated

    samples, two additional internal primers, specific for theSiphonocladales (LSUintF and LSUintR), were used.PCR conditions of the SSU primer combinations consistedof an initial denaturation step of 94 �C for 3 min, followedby 35 cycles of 94 �C for 1 min, 55 �C for 1 min, 72 �C for1 min 30 s, followed by a final extension of 3 min at 72 �C.For the PCR with the LSU primer combinations, denatur-ation, annealing and extension steps were reduced to 30 s.Excess primer and dNTP were removed with ExoSAP-IT� (USB Corporation) for 15 min at 37 �C, followed by15 min at 80 �C to inactivate the enzymes. The resultingproducts were used for cycle sequencing with the primersof the initial PCR using an ABI Prism Dye TerminatorCycle Sequencing Ready Reaction kit following the manu-facturer’s instructions. Sequencing products were analyzedwith an ABI 3100 Prism Genetic Analyzer (PE AppliedBiosystems). Sequences were edited and assembled withSequencher v4.0.5 software (Gene Codes).

    2.3. Sequence alignments, phylogenetic analyses and

    reconstruction of character evolution

    The SSU and partial LSU rDNA sequences were alignedon the basis of their rRNA secondary structure informa-tion with DCSE v2.6 (De Rijk and De Wachter, 1993).The rationale for using secondary structure models foraligning rDNA sequences is based on the fact that the con-servation of secondary structures exceeds that of nucleo-tides (Kjer, 1995). The SSU rDNA sequences of severalcladophoralean and siphonocladalean representativesincorporated in the European Ribosomal RNA Database(http://www.psb.ugent.be/rRNA/), was used as an initialmodel for building the SSU alignment. The LSU alignmentwas based on Leliaert et al. (2003). The alignment of thevariable helices 43 and 49 of the SSU gene and helicesB15 and C1-1 to C1-5 of the LSU gene [see De Rijket al. (1999) and Wuyts et al. (2001) for secondary structurenomenclature of the SSU and LSU, respectively] wasrefined and aided by folding the sequences of each sampleusing the Mfold software (http://www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/)(Zuker, 2003). Positions with ambivalent homologyassignment, mainly situated in the loop regions of theabove-mentioned variable helices, were removed prior tophylogenetic analysis. Alignments are available fromEMBL-EBI (Accession Nos. ALIGN_001139 andALIGN_001141 for the SSU and LSU alignments, respec-tively). The alignments including the secondary structureannotation can be obtained from FL on request.

    The amount of phylogenetic signal versus noise in therDNA data was assessed by three different approaches.First, the measure of skewness [g1-value calculated by using10,000 randomly selected trees in PAUP* 4.0b10 (Swofford,2002)] was compared with the empirical threshold values inHillis and Huelsenbeck (1992) to verify for non-randomstructuring of the data. Secondly, the rDNA data weretested for substitutional saturation by plotting the uncor-rected distances against corrected distances as determined


  • Table 2Primer sequences used for PCR amplification and sequencing

    Primer name Gene Primer sequence (50–30) Primer direction and position Reference

    SR1 SSU TACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAG F: 1–20a Hanyuda et al. (2002)



    18SC2 SSU TCCGCAGGTTCACCTACGGAG R: 1781–1761a Bakker et al. (1994)


    D2FL LSU GGTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGG R: 651–633b This study

    LSUintF LSU CGATGAAAAGACCGCTGGC F: 365–383b This study

    LSUintR LSU GCCAGCGGTCTTTTCATCG R: 383–365b This study

    F, forward primer; R, reverse primer.a Primer positions numbered according to their respective position in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii SSU rDNA sequence (GenBank Accession No.

    M32703).b Primer positions numbered according to their respective position in the Chlorella ellipsoidea LSU rDNA sequence (GenBank Accession No. D17810).

    F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1241

    with the model of sequence evolution yielding the best fit tothe data (estimated with PAUP/Modeltest v3.6) (Posada andCrandall, 1998). This was done for the SSU and partial LSUdatasets separately, with outgroup taxa in- or excluded. Inaddition, the Iss statistic, a measure of substitution satura-tion in molecular phylogenetic data sets, was calculated withDAMBE (Xia and Xie, 2001) for the SSU and LSU data sep-arately as well as for the combined dataset.

    Two sets of alignments were considered for the phyloge-netic analyses. The first one, consisting of a partial LSUalignment (663 sites) of all 166 ingroup sequences, was usedfor phylodiversity assessment (i.e. to delimit clusters ofsequences that are closely related). Initial analyses of thisdataset plus six cladophoralean outgroup sequencesshowed discordance in the position of the root of theingroup clade with outgroup rooting when applyingdifferent methods of phylogenetic inference (AppendixA2, Supplementary data). A second set of alignments wasassembled to assess phylogenetic relationships within theSiphonocladales and determine the position of its root,including a SSU, a partial LSU, and a concatenatedSSU + partial LSU alignment of a reduced number oftaxa, including representatives of each of the main cladesas determined from the phylodiversity assessment (36ingroup taxa and 6 outgroup sequences, 2368 sites). Toexclude incongruent taxon sampling and artefacts associ-ated with it, the two genes were sequenced exclusively fromthe same isolates. The incongruence length difference (ILD)test (Farris et al., 1995) was used to test for incongruencebetween the genes. The test was implemented in PAUP(partition homogeneity method with 1000 replicates) andindicated that the SSU and partial LSU rDNA data werenot significantly heterogeneous (P = 0.21), justifying acombined data approach. The SSU and LSU data werethen analyzed separately as well as combined. Because dis-tant outgroups can influence inferred relationships amongingroup taxa (Bergsten, 2005), independent phylogeneticanalyses were also conducted on a taxon set composed ofthe ingroup alone.

    Bayesian inference (BI) was performed with MrBayesv3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). Three approachesof model selection were implemented. Firstly, the most sim-ple model of nucleotide substitution, the Jukes–Cantor(JC) model (Jukes and Cantor, 1969) was chosen for theentire alignment. In the second set of analyses a single, gen-eral time-reversible model with rate variation across sitesand a proportion of invariable sites (GTR + I + C), as esti-mated by PAUP/MrModeltest 1.0b (Nylander, 2004), wasselected for the entire alignment. In the third set of analysesthe datasets were partitioned into stem and loop regions.We used the Xstem software (Telford et al., 2005) toextract the RNA secondary structure information fromDCSE to a nexus format readable in MrBayes. Differentsubstitution models were then selected for the two parti-tions. For the loop regions a GTR + I + C (a 4-state, sin-gle-nucleotide substitution model) was selected by PAUP/MrModelTest, while for the paired stem regions, the dou-blet model (a 16-state RNA stem substitution model, orig-inally formulated by Schöniger and von Haeseler, 1994)was selected as recommended by Telford et al. (2005). 16-state RNA substitution models consider pairs of nucleo-tides (16 possible pairs that can be formed with 4 bases)as their elementary states rather than single sites as in 4-state DNA substitution models. Posterior probabilitieswere calculated using a Metropolis-coupled Markov chainMonte Carlo approach with sampling according to theMetropolis–Hastings algorithm. For all analyses, two inde-pendent, simultaneous analyses were run for 3 · 106 gener-ations, each starting from different random trees andsampled every 1000th generation. Each analysis used fourchains, one cold and three incrementally heated. Summarystatistics and trees were generated using the last 2 · 106

    generations. The stationary distribution of the runs wasconfirmed by the average standard deviations of split fre-quencies between the two analyses, which approached zero(0.005–0.009, depending on the model selected) after nomore than 6 · 105 generations, reflecting the fact that thetwo tree samples became increasingly similar. The station-

  • 1242 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    ary distribution of both runs was confirmed by plottingthe ln likelihood values of the cold chain againstgeneration numbers, and the burnin value was based onthis graph.

    Maximum parsimony (MP), minimum evolution (ME)and neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses were performed usingPAUP. MP analyses consisted of heuristic searches with1000 random sequence addition replicates and Tree Bisec-tion Reconnection (TBR) with the option MULTREESand branches being collapsed if it was possible for themto have zero length. MP analyses were performed with orwithout Goloboff’s implied character weighting (K = 2,Goloboff, 1993). ME and NJ analyses were performedunder a JC model of sequence evolution. Robustness ofthe inferred MP, NJ and ME trees were tested using non-parametric bootstrapping (Felsenstein, 1985) with 1000pseudoreplicates.

    Pairwise comparison of MP trees from the independentSSU and partial LSU analyses, and combined analyseswere undertaken using results from Kishino–Hasegawatests as recorded using PAUP.

    The root of the siphonocladalean tree in all phylogeneticanalyses was determined by outgroup rooting with the sixcladophoralean taxa mentioned above. Root placementwas compared between the separate and combined analy-ses. Multiple outgroups were used in order to attempt tobreak up the long naked branches from the ingroup to indi-vidual outgroup taxa. Additionally, ingroup sequenceswere analyzed under a strict molecular clock using MrBa-yes (concatenated SSU + partial LSU with a clock con-strained GTR + I + C model, Huelsenbeck et al., 2002).The molecular clock analysis automatically roots the treealong its oldest branch. The fit of the GTR + I + C modelwith clock assumption to the data was assessed by calculat-ing the Bayes factor, i.e. the difference between the loga-rithms of the harmonic means of the likelihood values ofthe MCMC samples, and finding the corresponding inter-pretation in the table of Nylander et al. (2004).

    Character evolution was traced along the trees usingparsimony as well as maximum likelihood reconstruction(Cunningham et al., 1998) implemented in Mesquitev1.11 (Maddison and Maddison, 2006). For characterswhere polymorphic states were included, only parsimonyreconstruction was employed.

    3. Results

    3.1. Phylogenetic information and saturation

    Specifications of the partial LSU and SSU rDNA data-sets used for the phylogenetic analyses, evolutionary mod-els applied, and BI, ME and MP scores are given in Table3. The SSU fragment was roughly three times as long as thepartial LSU fragment but it contained about the samenumber of variable and parsimony-informative characters.Pairwise sequence divergence in the SSU was found to beconsiderably lower than in the LSU. The measure of skew-

    ness (g1-value), compared with the empirical threshold val-ues in Hillis and Huelsenbeck (1992) showed that thelength distributions of random trees of all data sets wereconsiderably left-skewed, indicating that the alignmentswere significantly more structured than random data.Saturation plots of the ingroup taxa (Fig. 2A) showed anear-linear correlation of the SSU and LSU data, indicat-ing little saturation. When the outgroup taxa were alsoconsidered (Fig. 2B) the saturation plot of LSU was foundto level off with increasing genetic distance, indicatingsaturation between in- and outgroup sequences. The Issstatistic (Xia and Xie, 2001) however, did not revealsignificant saturation in any of the datasets.

    3.2. Phylogenetic analyses

    Phylodiversity assessment performed on the LSU data-set including 166 ingroup sequences revealed 7 well-sup-ported clades, along with a grade of Cladophora taxa(grade-2) (Fig. 3A). Cladophora sp. 1 (‘‘clade 3’’) occupieda separate position in most analyses, except in those underthe ME criterion where it clustered with grade-2 (Fig. 3B).Internal branches connecting the main clades were rela-tively long and supported by high posterior probabilitiesand bootstrap values.

    To determine phylogenetic relationships between themajor siphonocladalean clades and to assess the root place-ment of the ingroup, the second set of alignments, includ-ing partial LSU and SSU data of a reduced number oftaxa (36 ingroup and 6 outgroup sequences), was analyzedseparately as well as combined. Analyses of the LSU datarevealed the same main clades as the phylodiversity assess-ment. Outgroup rooting introduced a long naked branchfrom the outgroup to the ingroup and showed discordancein the position of the root of the ingroup clade when apply-ing different methods of phylogenetic inference (Fig. 4Aand B). Molecular clock rooting positioned the root onyet another branch, separating clades (1-2-3-4-5) fromclades (6-7-8-9) (Fig. 4C), with the basal branches beingrather weakly supported. The main LSU clades were alsorevealed in the SSU tree, but here the relationships amongand within these clades were largely unresolved (Fig. 4D).The SSU analyses revealed relatively short branches con-necting the ingroup and outgroups, positioned on thebranch connecting clade 1 (BI and MP analyses) or clade4 (ME and NJ analyses) with the rest of the ingroup clades(Fig. 4E). Molecular clock rooting altered the ingrouptopology (particularly the position of Cladophoropsis sp.4) and placed the root on a branch connecting clades 1and 4 with the rest of the ingroup (Fig. 4F), again with veryweakly supported basal branches.

    The combined SSU + LSU analysis was found to per-form better than the separate SSU/LSU analyses, both interms of resolution and the stability of the root placement(as determined by outgroup rooting), which was found tobe stable, regardless of the phylogenetic methods employed(Fig. 5A and Table 3). Different phylogenetic methods

  • Table 3Specification of data sets, summary of models and model parameters obtained, and details on the BI, ML, MP and ME analyses

    Dataset 1 Dataset 2a

    166 Ingroup taxa 36 Ingroup taxa + 6 outgroup taxa

    Partial LSU rDNA SSU rDNA Partial LSU rDNA Concatenated

    Alignment length/analyzed 663/663 1724/1632 644/590 2368/2222Variable sites/parsimony informative sites 169/144 182/122 (142/96) 194/143 (126/89) 376/265 (268/185)Uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence (max/

    average)0.12/0.06 0.08/0.04 (0.03/0.02) 0.20/0.08 (0.09/0.05) 0.08/0.06 (0.04/0.02 )

    Measure of skewness (g1-value) �0.220 �1.211 (�0.559) �1.529 (�0.419) �1.291 (�0.702)Iss statistic (Iss/Iss Æ c, p-value of 32 taxon data subsets) 0.46/0.79, p < 0.001 0.52/0.78, p < 0.001

    (0.47/0.78, p < 0.001)0.55/0.71, p = 0.040(0.37/0.71, p < 0.001)

    0.67/0.84, p < 0.001(0.62/0.84, p < 0.001)

    Emperical base frequencies (A/C/G/T) 0.25/0.23/0.32/0.18 0.26/0.22/0.28/0.24 0.25/0.24/0.32/0.19 0.25/0.23/0.29/0.23Model estimatedb TrN + I + G TIM + I + G (TIM + I + G) TrN + I + G (TrN + I + G) TIM + I + G (TrN + I + G)Substitution rates (A-C/A-G/A-T/C-G/C-T/G-T) b 1.00/2.81/1.00/1.00/

    6.51/1.001.00/3.15/1.73/1.73/8.40/1.00 1.00/2.75/1.00/1.00/5.85/1.00 1.00/2.84/1.24/1.24/6.38/1.00

    Among-site rate variation: I/Gc: 0.58/0.70 0.76/0.72 (0.78/0.74) 0.48/0.68 (0.60/0.66) 0.69/0.64 (0.75/0.68)MP steps/Goloboff fit/# trees 504/�106.88/26 339/�100.25/99 479/�110.70/73 834/�209.94/176CI/RI 0.49/0.94 0.64/0.79 0.60/0.80 0.61/0.78ME:score 0.82 0.20 0.77 0.35BI: estimated marginal likelihood of models (harmonic

    mean, �lnL)JC model 4568.11 4765.68 (4395.41) 3849.55 (2413.50) 8849.94 (6928.80)GTR + I + C model 4151.43 4523.44 (4302.58) 3513.40 (2232.77) 8056.81 (6388.46)GTR + I + C model + doublet model 3856.37 4447.38 (3729.78) 2840.32 (2038.49) 7257.66 (5679.26)

    Node resolutiond

    BI (JC) 38/16/46 62/23/15 69/21/10 74/23/3BI (GTR + I + C model) 33/19/49 46/26/28 59/28/13 62/31/8BI (GTR + I + C//doublet model) 34/19/47 49/26/26 46/41/13 62/31/8ME 36/19/46 46/26/28 59/18/23 69/28/3MP (unweighted) 28/14/58 38/21/41 54/23/23 62/15/23MP (Goloboff weighted) 29/11/59 38/21/41 51/23/26 67/26/8

    a Values calculated for ingroup taxa only are given between brackets.b Estimated by the Akaike information criterion (AIC) implemented in PAUP/ModelTest.c Proportion of invariable sites (I) and gamma distribution shape parameter (G) as estimated by PAUP/Modeltest.d Percentage of all nodes receiving high (P95% PP for BI; P70% BP for ME and MP)/moderate (50–94% PP for BI; 50–69% BP for ME and MP)/low (

  • A B

    Fig. 2. Analysis of saturation of the SSU (black dots) and partial LSU rDNA (grey dots) sequences by plotting corrected distances versus uncorrected p-distances. Corrected distances are calculated using models estimated by PAUP/Modeltest for each specific data partition (Table 3). (A) Analyses ofingroup taxa only. (B) Analyses including outgroup sequences.

    1244 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    (BI/MP/ME) revealed similar tree topologies with compa-rable internal node resolution (Table 3). The ME tree dif-fered from the BI and MP trees in clustering of taxa ofgrade-2 and Cladophora sp. 1 in a single clade (Fig. 5B).The MP and ME topologies differed from the BI trees inthe relationships within clade 5 (Fig. 5C). Kishino–Hase-gawa tests revealed that the rooted tree topologies, inferredfrom SSU and partial LSU separately, and the combineddata were significantly different from one another(P < 0.005). However, ingroup topologies of separateSSU and partial LSU analyses were not significantly differ-ent from those of the combined analyses (P > 0.05, up toP = 0.39) (Figs. 4B, E and 5D). In the BI analyses, thecomplexity of the evolutionary models employed was pos-itively correlated with the likelihood of the phylogenetictrees, as expected (Posada and Buckley, 2004). However,all BI analyses yielded similar tree topologies. Further-more, better fitting (more complex) models did not resultin an increase of internal node resolution.

    The tree obtained using the clock-constrained GTR +I + C model differed from the trees inferred using uncon-strained models in the position of the root, which was sit-uated on the branch separating clades (6-7-8-9) from theremainder of ingroup clades (Fig. 5E). Basal branches inthis clock-constrained tree were very weakly supported.The estimated marginal ln likelihoods (harmonic means)were -6396.50 with the clock and -6388.46 without theclock, yielding a Bayes factor (B10) of 8.04, indicating posi-tive evidence against the molecular clock assumption.However, Huelsenbeck et al. (2002) found that clock root-ing was robust to moderate amounts of rate heterogeneity,meaning that it is still possible to accurately root treesusing a molecular clock, even when local clock deviationsexist. This leaves us with two different, credible root posi-tions, the first one determined by outgroup rooting, the sec-ond one established by a molecular clock. For now, weconsider the first one as our working hypothesis, but alsotake into consideration the alternative root placement. Thistree, rooted with the six cladophoralean outgroups, wasused as reference topology for ancestral character statereconstruction.

    3.3. Evolution of morphological characters

    Parsimony and maximum likelihood reconstruction ofancestral states yielded similar results. Fig. 6 illustratesthe parsimony reconstruction of the evolution of a numberof morphological characters along the SSU + LSU phylo-gram. Cell division by centripetal invagination (CI) of thecell wall appears to be plesiomorphic in the Siphonocla-dales, and the three specialized modes of cell division haveeach evolved several times independently in various clades(Fig. 6A). Fig. 6B shows that tenacular cells (i.e. specializedcells realizing the anastomosis of adjacent cells), evolved inclades 4–9 only. Tenacular cells of type-2 (minute hapter-oid cells formed laterally between adjacent vesicular cells,e.g. Dictyosphaeria and Valonia), type-3 (small hapteroidcells formed at the distal ends of cells, e.g. Boodlea) andtype-4 (hapteroid cells formed at the base of a cell andattaching to the cell below, e.g. Apjohnia) are clearly relatedand possibly evolved on a single occasion (and were lostsecondarily in Valoniopsis, Ventricaria and some Clado-phoropsis species). Lateral coalescence of branches (Ana-dyomene) probably evolved as a special form of type-1tenacular cells (Microdictyon). The formation of reticulatethalli is associated with tenacular cells (Fig. 6C). Identicaltypes of tenacular cells however, can be found in differenttypes of reticulate plants, and conversely different typesof tenacular cells can produce similar types of net-likeplants. For example both tenacular cells type-1 and -3can generate either flat reticulate blades (e.g. Microdictyon,Struvea, Phyllodictyon) or three-dimensional, cushion-likethalli (Boodlea, Cladophora liebetruthii). Special, derivedtypes of reticulate plants are found in Anadyomene (meshescompletely filled with small interstitial cells), and in Valoniaand Dictyosphaeria (net-like nature obscured by thestrongly inflated cells). Fig. 6D illustrates that branchedthalli with a low number of branches per cell (1–3) emergeas the ancestral state. The increase and the reduction(unbranched thalli) of the number of branches per cell haveevolved recurrently in the in- and outgroup. Fig. 6E showsthat large cells (diameter more than 800 lm) have evolvedat least twice independently and is correlated with the

  • A


    Fig. 3. Phylodiversity of the Siphonocladales based on 166 partial LSU rDNA ingroup sequences. (A) Unrooted BI analysis performed on a partitionedstem:loop dataset using a GTR + I + C model for RNA loop regions and a doublet model for RNA stem regions. Values at nodes indicate PP.Geographical regions are indicated next to the taxon names: C IO, central Indian Ocean; Car, Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico; E Pac, easternPacific Ocean; Med, Mediterranean Sea; NC Pac, north-central Pacific Ocean; NE Atl, north-eastern Atlantic Ocean; NW Pac, north-western PacificOcean; SC Pac, south-central Pacific Ocean; SE IO, south-eastern Indian Ocean; SW IO, south-western Indian Ocean; SW Pac, south-western PacificOcean; SW Pac, south-western Pacific Ocean; W IO, western Indian Ocean; W Pac, western Pacific Ocean. (B) Relationships within grade 2 and ‘‘clade’’ 3under ME criterion; values above branches indicate BS.

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  • 1246 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    mode of cell division (Fig. 6A): large cells generally divideby LCD, SCD or SCDM, while cells with a smaller diam-eter (smaller than 800 lm) generally divide by CI. Fig. 6Fshows the evolution of different types of rhizoids. All mem-




    bers of the Siphonocladales produce rhizoids in the basalpart of the thallus in at least some stage of their develop-ment. Two other types of rhizoids have been described;type-2 rhizoids develop at the basal pole of cells in any part




  • F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1247

    of the thallus and have evolved both in the Siphonocladalesand Cladophorales (outgroup); type-3 rhizoids are formedat the apex of cells and have evolved at least twice. Annularconstrictions (Fig. 6G), are often found in species withlarge, club-shaped basal cells or stipe cells (e.g. Boergese-nia, Struvea, Chamaedoris and Apjohnia) and have clearlyevolved recurrently within the Siphonocladales. In mostrepresentatives of the Siphonocladales, the formation of abranch is followed by the production of a cross-wall, sepa-rating the new lateral from the mother cell. In several taxathis cross-wall formation is markedly delayed (e.g. inCladophora coelothrix and Boodlea composita), to such anextent that cross-walls are never formed, resulting inbranches that remain in open connection with the mothercells (Cladophoropsis, Chamaedoris). Delay of cross wallformation has evidently evolved several times in theSiphonocladales as well as in the Cladophorales lineage(Cladophora herpestica) (Fig. 6H). Calcium oxalate crystals(Fig. 6I) have been observed in certain species of theSiphonocladales (Leliaert and Coppejans, 2004). Threemorphological types are recognized: prismatic or needle-shaped crystals evolved in clade 9; clustered rod-shapedcrystals, only found in Dictyosphaeria (clade 7); and octa-hedral crystals present in Valoniopsis (clade 8).

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Phylogenetic inference and root of the Siphonocladales

    Incorrectly rooted trees may result in misleading phylo-genetic and taxonomic inferences. It is well documentedthat spuriously rooted trees may be due to long branchesconnecting ingroup and outgroup taxa, resulting inlong-branch artifacts (Graham et al., 2002). The qualityof rooting provided by the outgroup criterion depends onthe sampling strategy of the outgroup taxa and of thephylogenetic proximity of the outgroup to the ingroup(Swofford et al., 1996; Wheeler, 1990; Huelsenbeck et al.,2002). It is therefore important to choose outgroup taxathat are closely related to the ingroup in order to reduceartifactual root placement by minimizing the distance

    Fig. 4. Reconstructed phylogenies of the Siphonocladales based on separate pinferred from partial LSU rDNA data, analyzed with a partitioned stem:loopmodel for RNA stem regions; root determined by outgroup rooting with six(partitioned stem:loop analyses/non-partitioned analyses under a single GTweighted MP/ME). Bold PP or BS values indicate identical, maximum valuesLSU rDNA ingroup sequences (BI analysis identical as above). Boxes indphylogenetic inference methods. PP values are indicated for the branches leadinfrom partial LSU rDNA ingroup sequences, using a clock-constrained GTR +clades only. (D) BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree inferred from SSU rDNAmodel for RNA loop regions and a doublet model for RNA stem regions; rooValues above the branches indicate PP (partitioned stem:loop analyses/non-parmajority-rule consensus tree inferred from SSU rDNA ingroup sequences (BI aoutgroup rooting, using different phylogenetic inference methods. PP values amajority-rule consensus tree inferred from SSU rDNA ingroup sequences, usinbranches leading to the main clades only.


    between the root node and the first outgroup node (Swof-ford et al., 1996). In case the sister group of the ingroup hasexperienced a substantial rate acceleration, more distantlyrelated, but less divergent, outgroups will provide morereliable evidence on ingroup rooting than the sister group(Lyons-Weiler et al., 1998). Less commonly, the inclusionof distantly related outgroup sequences can yield erroneousingroup topologies (Holland et al., 2003; Bergsten, 2005).

    In this study, outgroup taxa were carefully selectedbased on previous molecular evidence (Hanyuda et al.,2002; Leliaert et al., 2003). Multiple outgroup taxa wereselected in order to break up the branch between in- andoutgroup, and thus reducing long-branch attraction prob-lem associated with root placement (Maddison et al.,1984). In spite of the fact that these taxa were the closestknown, and less divergent, relatives of the Siphonocladales,outgroup rooting in the LSU analyses introduced a long,naked branch, making the phylogenetic analysis prone tolong branch attraction. The placement of the root wasfound to be unstable and dependent on the type of phylo-genetic analyses employed. Rooting experiments with arti-ficial, random outgroup sequences (Appendix A2,Supplementary data) revealed identical root positions onlong ingroup branches in the ME and MP analyses, sug-gesting that the root placements in these analyses mayindeed have been a consequence of long-branch artifacts.The SSU data provided a lower density of variable andparsimony-informative sites than the LSU data, and suf-fered less from saturation, even between in- and outgrouptaxa. This resulted in a phylogeny in which the outgroupbranch was more proportional to the internal ingroupbranches. The combined SSU + LSU phylogenetic analy-ses resulted in phylogenetic analyses with a stable positionof the root (as determined by outgroup rooting), placingthe Boergesenia/Ernodesmis/Siphonocladus clade (clade 1)sister to the rest of the Siphonocladales.

    Outgroup rooting is by far the most common method todetermine the root of a phylogenetic tree, although othermethods, such as the molecular clock, have been proposed(Huelsenbeck et al., 2002). In the combined SSU + LSUanalysis, molecular clock rooting resulted in a different root

    artial LSU and SSU rDNA data. (A) BI 50% majority-rule consensus treedataset, using a GTR + I + C model for RNA loop regions and a doublet

    cladophoralean outgroup taxa. Values above the branches indicate PPR + I + C model); numbers below the branches indicate BS (Goloboff. (B) Unrooted BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree inferred from partialicate root positions as determined by outgroup rooting, using differentg to the main clades only. (C) BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree inferredI + C model. PP values are indicated for the branches leading to the maindata, analyzed with a partitioned stem:loop dataset, using a GTR + I + Ct determined by outgroup rooting with six cladophoralean outgroup taxa.titioned analyses under a single GTR + I + C model) (E) Unrooted BI 50%nalysis identical as above). Boxes indicate root positions as determined byre indicated for the branches leading to the main clades only. (F) BI 50%g a clock-constrained GTR + I + C model. PP values are indicated for the

  • A



    D E

    Fig. 5. Reconstructed phylogenies of the Siphonocladales based on combined partial LSU + SSU rDNA data. (A) BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree,analyzed with a partitioned stem:loop dataset, using a GTR + I + C model for RNA loop regions and a doublet model for RNA stem regions; rootdetermined by outgroup rooting with six cladophoralean outgroup taxa. Numbers above the branches indicate the PP (partitioned stem:loop analysis/analysis under a single GTR + I + C model/analysis under a single JC model); numbers below the branches indicate BS (Goloboff weighted MP/ME).Bold PP or BS values indicate identical, maximum values. White box with arrow indicates the position of the root as determined by molecular-clockanalysis. (B) Relationships within grade 2 and ‘‘clade’’ 3 under ME criterion; values above branches indicate BS. (C) Relationships within clade 5 asdetermined by BI analysis under a single GTR + I + C model. Values above branches indicate PP (GTR + I + C model/JC model); values below branchesindicate BS (Goloboff weighted MP/ME). (D) Unrooted BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree inferred from ingroup sequences only (BI analysis identicalas above). PP values are indicated for the branches leading to the main clades only. (E) BI 50% majority-rule consensus tree inferred from ingroupsequences only, using a clock-constrained GTR + I + C model. PP values are indicated for the branches leading to the main clades only.

    1248 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

  • A B C

    D E F

    G H I

    Fig. 6. Morphological character mapping onto the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 5A).

    F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1249

    position than in the outgroup rooting analyses, yielding atree with two main lineages (clades 1-2-3-4-5 and 6-7-8-9)and very weakly supported basal branches (Fig. 5E). Con-sidering the above-mentioned problems with divergent out-groups in this study, the molecular clock root should beregarded as a worthy alternative (Holland et al., 2003).Further studies, including additional molecular markers,

    will be needed to address the issue of the correct root ofthe Siphonocladales.

    Combining signal from different data sets in phyloge-netic analyses has long been debated (Huelsenbeck et al.,1996). Numerous phylogenetic studies have shown thatthe combination of multiple-gene data sets leads to betterresolved and supported trees, compared with single-gene

  • Table 4Sequence divergence within a number of monophyletic morphospecies,and within the paraphyletic Dictyosphaeria cavernosa and the Boodleacomposita complex (including the species Boodlea composita, B. montagnei,B. siamensis, Cladophoropsis membranacea, C. philippinensis, Phyllodictyonanastomosans and Struveopsis siamensis): maximum and standard devia-tion of the uncorrected pairwise p-distances within each clade

    Species Max Stdev

    Anadyomene saldanhae (N = 8) 0 0Apjohnia laetevirens (N = 3) 0.002 0.001Boergesenia forbesii (N = 3) 0.002 0.001Chamaedoris delphinii (N = 5) 0 0Chamaedoris peniculum (N = 3) 0.002 0.001Cladophora catenata (N = 5) 0.016 0.007Cladophora liebetruthii (N = 5) 0 0Cladophora prolifera (N = 8) 0.007 0.002Ernodesmis verticillata (N = 7) 0.005 0.002Microdictyon japonicum (N = 2) 0.002 0.001Siphonocladus tropicus (N = 3) 0 0Valoniopsis pachynema (N = 5) 0.014 0.007Ventricaria ventricosa (N = 4) 0.004 0.001Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (N = 4) 0.043 0.017Boodlea composita complex (N = 24) 0.012 0.003

    Values in bold indicate p-distances higher than 0.01.

    1250 F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256

    partitions (Buchheim et al., 2005; Murray et al., 2005; Feauet al., 2006). An additional potential benefit of combina-tion is the appearance of relationships in a simultaneousanalysis that does not emerge from the individual partitiontrees (Gontcharov et al., 2004). However, in a few otherstudies, combining genes has been shown to reduce theeffectiveness of phylogenetic analysis, often because thecombined partitions contain contradictory signals (Wortleyet al., 2005). In the present study the topological differencesbetween the SSU and LSU data did not represent signifi-cant conflict, therefore supporting the usefulness of thecombination method. The SSU data contained much lessphylogenetic signal than the LSU data to resolve relation-ships between and within the main siphonocladalean clades(Fig. 4D). The combined SSU + LSU phylogenetic analy-ses was found to be ‘‘superior’’ to separate analyses, yield-ing a better resolved tree with more robust support ofinternal branches. It should be noted however, that it issomewhat erroneous to consider better resolved trees assuperior (i.e. closer to the true tree) since there is no a prioriknowledge of the true phylogeny and support does not nec-essarily correlate with accuracy (Gontcharov et al., 2004).

    It is well established that phylogenetic methods performbetter with models of evolution that are more representa-tive of the actual evolutionary forces affecting the markerin question (Posada and Crandall, 2001). Therefore, whenestimating phylogenies based on ribosomal DNA, the dif-ferences in evolution between stem and loop regions ofthe transcribed RNA molecules should ideally beaccounted for (Murray et al., 2005; Telford et al., 2005).These studies showed an improvement in the fit of the16-state models to the evolution of the pairs of stem nucle-otides (which is expected given the higher number ofparameters) but revealed only minor effects on tree topol-ogy and resolution. Similarly, in the present study, our con-sideration of the phylogeny of the Siphonocladales,analyzed by BI and partitioning stem and loop regionsand applying appropriate models (16-state and 4-state,respectively), does only differ slightly from BI analysesusing standard 4-state models (including the most simplemodel, JC), or from phylogenetic analyses using traditionalapproaches (such as distance and MP methods). This is inagreement with a number of studies, which show that whenusing data with an appropriate amount of phylogeneticinformation (in our case the conserved SSU in combinationwith the more variable LSU), different phylogenetic meth-ods often yield identical trees (Russo et al., 1996).

    4.2. Morphological versus phylogenetic species delineation

    As in nearly all algal groups, species of Siphonocla-dales are circumscribed based on the morphological spe-cies concept, which recognizes species by discontinuitiesin morphological characters. A major predicament indoing so lies in the fact that siphonocladalean plantsare relatively simple and that there is only a limitedrange of morphological characters available for delimita-

    tion of species. Moreover, many morphological charac-ters have been shown to be highly plastic and subjectto environmental conditions.

    Difficulties of accurate morphospecies delimitations aremirrored in the present molecular phylogeny. Many tradi-tionally circumscribed species are distributed in differentclades. The most prominent example is C. coelothrix, whichwas recovered in clades 2 and 4. Other non-monophyletictaxa include Anadyomene stellata, Cladophora socialis,Microdictyon boergesenii, Struvea elegans, Valonia aegagropila,Valonia utricularis and Valonia macrophysa. Dictyosphaeriacavernosa turns out to be paraphyletic since the isolatefrom Tanzania is more closely related to Dictyosphaeriaversluysii than to the D. cavernosa isolates from the Sey-chelles and Japan. On the other hand, several morpholog-ically defined species, do appear as natural groups. This isparticularly true for species from the monospecific (andhighly distinct) genera Apjohnia, Boergesenia, Ernodesmisand Valoniopsis; other examples include C. liebetruthii,Cladophora catenata, Siphonocladus tropicus and Ventricar-ia ventricosa. Pairwise genetic distances within these mono-phyletic taxa (Table 4) reveal either a low-to-zero geneticdistance (e.g. Anadyomene saldanhae, Boergesenia forbesii,C. liebetruthii, Microdictyon japonicum, S. tropicus), or ahigher sequence divergence within species clades, oftenresulting in distinct sub-clades (e.g. C. catenata, Valoniopsispachynema and Ernodesmis verticillata).

    LSU rDNA sequences, particularly the region encom-passing the hyper-variable C1 helices (De Rijk et al.,1999), have been used as a source of diagnostic sequencesin several eukaryotic groups, including a number of algaltaxa where the information contained in partial LSU datahas been shown to be suitable for species level phylogeneticand phylogeographic studies (e.g. Andreakis et al., 2004;

  • F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1251

    Harvey and Goff, 2006). The genotypic clusters (i.e. groupsof closely related or identical sequences preceded by a long,well-supported branch, Mallet, 1995) in the present LSUphylogram (Fig. 3) may correspond to phylogenetic spe-cies, where differences in LSU sequences between thesegenotypic clusters, are clearly greater in magnitude thanthe differences within the clusters (Verbruggen et al.,2005). Depending on the threshold one uses, 45–65 speciescan be delimited in the present phylogeny.

    An interesting group in this context is the speciescomplex comprising Cladophoropsis membranacea, Phyllo-dictyon anastomosans, Struveopsis siamensis and severalBoodlea taxa within clade 9. The observed low sequencedivergence within this clade would indicate a single geno-typic cluster. However, based on combined evidence fromrDNA ITS sequence divergence, differential microsatelliteamplification, and data on distribution and thermalecotypes, van der Strate et al. (2002) demonstrated thatC. membranacea consists of at least four cryptic species.Increased taxon sampling within this clade reveals at least12 distinct ITS clades, which could be considered as sepa-rate species (Wysor, 2002; Leliaert et al., unpublisheddata). This level of genetic variability and divergence isclearly not contained in the LSU data, indicating thatrecently diverged species in the Siphonocladales cannotbe distinguished using LSU sequences alone and that cryp-tic diversity may be much higher than conceived throughthe present phylogeny.

    4.3. Phylogeny and systematics of the Siphonocladales

    Few hypotheses regarding the evolution of the Siphono-cladales and Cladophorales have been presented in the liter-ature. The first phylogenetic hypotheses, based oncomparison of morphological characters, were developedby van den Hoek (1982, 1984) who proposed that differentgenera in the Siphonocladales and Cladophorales, with morecomplex or over-simplified architectures, represented fur-ther specializations of the basic architectural types foundin different Cladophora species. For instance, van den Hoekwas of the opinion that blade-like Microdictyon could haveoriginated from a Cladophora species, resembling the pres-ent-day C. liebetruthii, by planification of the branched fila-ments. He thought that this process of flattening could havetaken place more than once, for example in the presumptivederivation of blade-like Struvea from a C. coelothrix-likeancestor, through Cladophoropsis and Boodlea. Other sipho-nocladalean genera, like Ernodesmis, Valonia and Chamaed-oris were thought to have evolved from a Cladophorapellucida-like ancestor by inflation of the cells.

    The present molecular phylogeny corroborates the prin-ciple of van den Hoek’s morphology-based evolutionaryhypotheses, but suggests that all siphonocladalean archi-tectures may be derived from a single Cladophora-likeancestor. This ancestor was presumably characterized bybranched filaments and cell division by centripetal invagi-nation of the cell wall. Other siphonocladalean Cladophora

    species, like C. liebetruthii and C. catenata, have subse-quently evolved through secondary reduction events fromspecialized reticulate (Microdictyon) and blade-like (Ana-dyomene) morphologies. Parallel and convergent evolutionof various other morphological characters have occurredrepetitively in the siphonocladalean tree (Fig. 6). For exam-ple, specialized modes of cell division, such as SCD andSCDM, have evolved recurrently, especially in tropical rep-resentatives of the Siphonocladales. Segregative cell divi-sion and SCD-type wounding response is probably anadaptation of large multinucleate cells to the intensivegrazing pressure (mainly by fish and sea urchins) which isvery characteristic for shallow tropical rocky shores (vanden Hoek and Chihara, 2000). Culture experiments havedemonstrated that SCD-type wounding response occursin a much wider range of siphonocladalean algae thanpreviously conceived, including species of Boodlea,Cladophora, Cladophoropsis, Ernodesmis, Microdictyon,Phyllodictyon, Valonia (La Claire, 1982; Felicini andPerrone, 1994; Felicini et al., 1997; Kim et al., 2002; Kimand Klotchkova, 2004; Leliaert, unpublished data).Similarly, the recurrent evolution of intercalary rhizoidsand tenacular cells, which promote the formation ofcushions or dense turfs loaded with sand that are unattrac-tive to herbivores, can be regarded as an adaptive evolutionto tropical environments. The construction of blades can,in some cases, be regarded as an adaptation to low lightintensities in deep water or shaded localities (Phyllodictyonorientale, Struvea gardineri, and several species inAnadyomene and Microdictyon) (Littler and Littler, 1991;Norris and Olsen, 1991; Leliaert and Coppejans, 2007).

    Because several of the morphological characters tradi-tionally employed to circumscribe the families and generain the Siphonocladales have evolved multiple times indepen-dently (Fig. 6), a rearrangement of familial and generic levelclassification in the Siphonocladales seems inevitable. Thisis not a new revelation (Bakker et al., 1994; Hanyudaet al., 2002; Leliaert et al., 2003) but previous molecularphylogenies of the Siphonocladales (and Cladophorales)were based on a limited number of taxa and showed weaklyresolved relationships among the composing genera.Expanded taxon sampling and an improvement in resolu-tion of the siphonocladalean tree reveals non-monophylyin all families and most genera (Cladophora, Siphonocladus,Anadyomene, Microdictyon, Valonia, Phyllodictyon, Bood-lea, Struvea, Chamaedoris and Cladophoropsis), with thenotable exceptions of the genus Dictyosphaeria and, evi-dently, the monotypic genera Apjohnia, Boergesenia,Ernodesmis, Ventricaria and Valoniopsis. However, we areof the opinion that the present phylogenetic hypothesisneeds to be confirmed with additional, unlinked geneticmarkers (including organellar genes and non-rDNA nuclearloci) before undertaking drastic taxonomic changes.

    4.3.1. Clade 1The genera Siphonocladus, Boergesenia and Ernodesmis

    always group together in a well-supported clade. Their sys-

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    tematic position has been the subject of earlier speculation(Børgesen, 1913, 1940; Oltmanns, 1922; Taylor, 1960;Olsen-Stojkovich, 1986; Leliaert et al., 2003). All three gen-era are characterized by inflated, club-shaped cells withbasal annular constrictions, at least in their early stagesof development. When plants grow older, their thallusarchitectures become considerably dissimilar because ofdifferences in cell division. In Boergesenia (Fig. 1B) the sin-gle club-shaped cell remains unbranched and cells divide bySCDM, followed by degeneration of the mother cell andthe release and settlement of the divided segregative cells.On the other hand, the cells of Ernodesmis divide by apicallenticular cells (LCD), resulting in spherical thalli com-posed of cells with verticillate, apical clusters of branches.In Siphonocladus (Fig. 1C), cells divide by SCD, followedby the formation of branches that break through themother cell and radiate laterally from the club-shaped mainaxes. Siphonocladus pusillus, a species from the Mediterra-nean Sea and the type of Siphonocladus, is apparently moreclosely related to E. verticillata and B. forbesii than to the(sub)tropical Atlantic S. tropicus.

    4.3.2. ‘‘Clades’’ 2-3-4

    This group of clades comprises a rather heterogeneousassemblage of Cladophora species, which are convention-ally ranged in separate sections of the genus (van denHoek, 1963; van den Hoek and Chihara, 2000). Cladophoraprolifera (Fig. 1D) and the morphologically allied C. aokiiare placed in the section Rugulosae, based on the acropetalgrowth, the formation of descending rhizoids at the base ofthe cells, and the presence of annular constrictions in cellsand rhizoids. The phylogenetic affinity between the twotaxa is confirmed in the present phylogeny, although onlyconvincingly under the ME criterion; in all other analyses,the Japanese C. aokii and a South African isolate ofC. prolifera failed to group with the main C. prolifera clade.C. coelothrix (Fig. 1E), C. socialis and Cladophora sibogae(Fig. 1F) are characterized by cushion-like thalli composedof long cells with laterally inserted branches and rhizoids attheir basal cell poles, and are, based on these characteris-tics, placed in the Cladophora section Repentes. The molec-ular phylogeny supports the monophyletic nature of thismorphological group (clade 3), except for the EuropeanC. coelothrix plants, which are more closely related toC. prolifera than to the tropical representatives of C. coelo-thrix, which in their turn form a species complex withC. socialis in clade 3. The poorly known, Indo-PacificC. sibogae (Weber-van Bosse, 1913), characterized bytypical flabellate branches (Fig. 1G) forms a well separatedsister taxon to this C. coelothrix/socialis complex. Thesequence of Cladophora sp. 1 is from a Caribbean cultureisolate (Fig. 1F) that morphologically resembles the south-ern European C. echinus (Biasoletto) Kützing (a member ofthe Cladophorales lineage based on unpublished moleculardata). Because of the lack of morphological data of thisplant in nature, and given the known phenotypic plasticity

    of Cladophora in culture (van den Hoek, 1963), we areunable to assign this isolate to a described taxon.

    4.3.3. Clade 5

    The genera Anadyomene (Fig. 1H) and Microdictyon(Fig. 1I), characterized by flat, blade- or net-like thalli,always group together in clade 5, a relationship proposedby Kützing (1843) who established the family Anadyomena-ceae for them. C. liebetruthii evolved within Microdictyon byloss of the planar branching pattern. The morphological sim-ilarity between Anadyomene and C. catenata, which is amember of the Cladophora section Aegagropila, is much lessobvious; however, the molecular phylogeny suggests thatthis taxon evolved within Anadyomene by extreme secondaryreduction of branch-systems and loss of the blade-likestructure.

    4.3.4. Clade 6

    All representatives of the morphologically well circum-scribed genus Valonia (Fig. 1J) group in clade 6. Many work-ers have commented on the lack of clarity of species conceptswithin the genus (Børgesen, 1905, 1912, 1913; Egerod, 1952;Olsen and West, 1988) and this is clearly reflected in the pres-ent study, which reveals convergence of the limited numberof diagnostic characters in Valonia (branching pattern, celldimensions and organization of tenacular cells). Olsen andWest (1988) separated Ventricaria from Valonia based onthe evidence of immunological data, mode of cell division(SCDM, as opposed to LCD in Valonia) and reduced habit(lack of branches and tenacular cells). The present studyclearly shows that Ventricaria falls within the Valonia cladeand that specialized modes of cell division have evolved mul-tiple times independently within various clades of theSiphonocladales. Moreover, segregative cell division,induced by cell wounding in culture, has been demonstratedin several Valonia species (Felicini and Perrone, 1994; Feli-cini et al., 1997; Kim and Klotchkova, 2004).

    4.3.5. Clades 7 and 8The large genetic distances found within pantropical

    Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (Fig. 1K) are in concordance withhistoric phylogenetic studies based on immunological data(Olsen-Stojkovich et al., 1986), which showed large intra-specific divergence between morphologically identical spec-imens collected from the Indo-Pacific and the Caribbean.The present study confirms this apparent morphologicalstasis in D. cavernosa. D. versluysii (which differs fromD. cavernosa by the formation of solid thalli) appears tobe closely allied to D. cavernosa from the Indian Oceanwhile the D. cavernosa isolates from the Pacific form a dif-ferent sub-clade. More data and wider taxon sampling isneeded but, based on the present data, it seems probablethat D. cavernosa represents a cryptic species complex.The monospecific, Indo-Pacific genus Valoniopsis(Fig. 1L) is always revealed as sister to the Dictyosphae-ria-clade. This relationship is puzzling from a morphologi-cal point of view because the two genera hardly have any

  • F. Leliaert et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007) 1237–1256 1253

    characters in common (Fig. 6). A considerable amount ofsequence divergence is detected between the East AfricanV. pachynema and a clade including plants from the centralIndian and western Pacific Oceans, possibly indicatingcryptic diversity.

    4.3.6. Clade 9This morphologically diverse clade consists of seven

    genera. Morphological characters traditionally used todistinguish these genera have focused on modes ofbranching, types of tenacular cells, presence or absenceof annularly constricted cells and mode of cell division(Børgesen, 1905, 1912, 1913, 1940; Egerod, 1952, 1975;Kraft and Wynne, 1996; Leliaert, 2004; Leliaert and Cop-pejans, 2006, 2007). The molecular data shows that theimportance of these characters has been overemphasized.For example, Phyllodictyon (Fig. 1O) and Struvea are dis-tinguished, based on the different mode of cell division:Struvea including those species in which cells divide exclu-sively by SCD and Phyllodictyon encompassing taxa inwhich cells divide by CI. However, different specializedmodes of cell division have obviously evolved multipletimes independently (within clade 9, as well as in thewhole siphonocladalean lineage) resulting in the non-monophyletic nature of many taxa that are distinguishedonly on their mode of cell division. Similarly, the morpho-logical feature that differentiates Chamaedoris, i.e. the for-mation of a three-dimensional capitulum, has evolvedtwice. The reduced branch systems of Cladophoropsis(Fig. 1N) can either be regarded as pleisiomorphic inclade 9 or could have evolved multiple times indepen-dently. The taxonomic position of the genus Apjohnia(Fig. 1M) has long been uncertain. Apjohnia laetevirenshas been allied with E. verticillata, Cladophora rugulosaG. Martens and the genus Anadyomene based on similar-ities in branching pattern and thallus architecture (Papen-fuss and Chihara, 1975). The phylogenetic relationship ofA. laetevirens and P. orientale in the present study is sup-ported morphologically by the presence of type-4 tenacu-lar cells (Womersley, 1984; Leliaert, 2004; Leliaert andCoppejans, 2007).

    4.4. Biogeography

    The present phylogeny confirms the assumption that theSiphonocladales are an originally tropical lineage (Bakkeret al., 1994; van den Hoek and Chihara, 2000). Severaltropical and subtropical species have successfully invadedthe warm-temperate zones in both the northern and south-ern hemispheres. Based on the present data, cool-temperaterepresentatives seem to be absent in the siphonocladaleanlineage.

    To establish a credible hypothesis of historical biogeog-raphy, one would require a comprehensive species-levelphylogeny, knowledge of geographical distributions, anda time scale. The latter is problematic since the age ofthe Cladophorophyceae remains extremely doubtful.

    Scarce fossil evidence is provided by Butterfield et al.(1988) who found Cladophora-like forms in a submarineProterozoic shale of Spitsbergen, suggesting that clado-phoralean species are 800–700 Ma years old. Youngerbiosedimentary fossils are reported from the Triassic(245 Ma) and representatives of several genera arerecorded from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous(135 Ma) (Wray, 1978; Tappan, 1980). The age of theCladophorophyceae can also be derived indirectly by eval-uation of its sister groups, which do have a richer fossilrecord, Bryopsidophyceae (Bryopsidales) and Dasyclado-phyceae (Dasycladales) (Zechman et al., 1990; López-Bau-tista and Chapman, 2003). Both groups are supposed tobe Precambrian lineages of tropical marine green algaethat have maintained a relatively consistent body planthroughout their 600–570-million year evolutionary his-tory (Berger and Kaever, 1992), and this could thereforebe also the minimum age of the Cladophorophyceae(van den Hoek and Chihara, 2000). The old age of theSiphonocladales may explain the lack of signatures ofvicariance events in the present phylogenetic tree at thegeneric level: most of the main clades encompass speciesfrom tropical to warm-temperate regions of the world’sthree major oceans.

    Remarkably, this broad spatial scale is also observeddown to the level of several genotypic clusters, whereidentical (or nearly identical) sequences were obtainedfrom plants from distant localities. Examples of cladesdisplaying such biogeographical links include S. tropicusand A. saldanhae (each occurring on both sides of theAtlantic Ocean), C. liebetruthii and Microdictyon calodict-yon/krausii (each occurring in the NE Atlantic and SWIndian Ocean), B. forbesii (W Indian and W Pacificoceans), C. coelothrix of clade 4 (W Indian, W Pacificand W Atlantic oceans), Cladophora prolifera (Mediterra-nean Sea, N Atlantic and SW Pacific) and M. japonicum(Japan and Hawaii). This could indicate the ability of sev-eral siphonocladalean taxa to disperse rapidly over longdistances. This is in agreement with the results that werefound by van der Strate et al. (2002) who showed thatcryptic species of C. membranacea have dispersed betweenboth sides of the Atlantic Ocean in a timeframe fromthousands to even hundreds of years. Moreover, the pres-ent phylogeny suggests the ability of some tropical towarm-temperate siphonocladalean taxa to cross cold tem-perature barriers (e.g. C. liebetruthii and the tropical C.coelothrix-clade). Dispersal in many species is accom-plished by fragmentation of the thallus or modified segre-gative cell division, and the ability to float by trapping airin the thallus. For example cushion-like plants of Boodleaand the hollow thalli of Dictyosphaeria have beenobserved floating in the open sea (pers. obs.). AlsoSCDM, along with the dispersal of daughter cells, poten-tially plays a role in the broad distribution pattern of sev-eral species (e.g. V. ventricosa and B. forbesii). On theother hand, regional endemism is likely to be the casefor a number of species, for example A. laetevirens, Stru-

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    vea plumosa (S and W Australia) and Chamaedoris delphi-nii (SE Africa). The restricted geographical distribution ofthese taxa can possibly be explained by their stenothermalnature or the inability to disperse via fragmentation.


    This research was funded by FWO-Flanders (GrantsG.0136.01 and G.0142.05) and the Flemish Government(bilateral research Grant 01/46). F.L., O.D.C. and H.V.are indebted to BOF (Ghent University) and FWO-Flandersfor post-doctoral fellowship grants. Caroline Vlaeminck andEllen Cocquyt are gratefully acknowledged for laboratoryassistance. We sincerely thank Jeanine Olsen, Wytze Stam,John West, Willem Prud’homme van Reine, Lisette deSenerpont Domis, Stefano Draisma, Tom Schils, RobAnderson, Herre Stegenga, Olivier Dargent, Brian Wysor,Alan Millar, Wiebe Kooistra and Antoine N’Yeurt for pro-viding algal cultures and/or collecting specimens.

    Appendix A. Supplementary data

    Supplementary data associated with this article can befound, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.04.016.


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