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Monster week ppt.

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Monster week
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Monster Week 2014 Welcome to the week of Monster Fun in room 207!
  • 1. Monster Week 2014Welcome to the week ofMonster Fun in room 207!

2. Monday Warm- Up Today we will be writing a 6 word memoirabout our Monster. Look at your picture, tell a story about yourmonster in 6 words. We will be posting some of them here onthe Six Word memoir site.http://www.sixwordmemoirs.com/story.php?did=891032 3. Monday Reading Today we will be reading all about Halloween traditionsfrom an article in Achieve 3000 called Making Trick orTreat Sweet. Make sure you answer the Pre-reading poll. Read and summarize the article. Answer the questions about the article. Take the post reading poll. Your monster is due today!!! Make sure you turn it in bythe end of the period. 4. Tuesday Writing Prompt:Today we are going to write descriptive words using3 of our senses, sight and sound and touch. 5. Look at this picture: On your chart, list wordsand phrases that describe what you see. 6. Listen to these sounds 7. Our Third Sense Reach your hand into the bag. Do not look inside. Feel the object inside for 30 seconds. Think of words that describe what you feel. List them onyour chart. 8. Carousel Charting Wednesday Opening Warm Up Today we will be creating charts using our sights andsounds, and feelings from our work yesterday. Thereare posters around the room with prompts for our writing. Take a marker from your table and be ready to walkaround the classroom adding descriptive words to eachchart. 9. Wednesday Work Time Today we are going to review adjectivesand adverbs. You will complete the packetwith your partner and turn it in at the endof the period for a grade. We will use these lists and sentences forour descriptive writing tomorrow. 10. Thursday and Friday Over the next two days we are going tocreate amazing sentences about ourmonsters using mentor sentences. Each day you will play with four samplesentences, and then create a few of yourown about your monster. We will post our sentences and ourmonsters up on the wall for all to see onFriday. 11. Mentor Sentences From 12. What Do You Notice? Look at the following sentences from ourmentor text. We will study each sentenceusing these lens questions. What is the author doing? What can we call this? How can I use it in my own writing? 13. Sentence 1 My mama says there isnt any mean-eyedmonster with long slimy hair and pointyclaws going scritchy-scratch, scritchy-scritchyscratch outside my window. 14. Sentence 2 My mama says that a vampire isnt flyingover my house with his red and blackvampire cape and his vampire f-f-f-fangs. 15. Sentence 3 On certain nights when everyones cozyand sleeping, all of a sudden I hear aThing in the yard. 16. Sentence 4 And sometimes in my bunk bed I startthinking, maybe a fiend sneaked into mylower bunk, and hes sniffing around for aboy to eat, and Im the boy that hes sniffin,and 17. Try Them On Choose at least two sentences from ourwork today and publish them on yourmonster paper. 18. What Do You Notice? Look at the following sentences from ourmentor text. We will study each sentenceusing these lens questions. What is the author doing? What can we call this? How can I use it in my own writing? 19. Sentence 5 My mama says that a tall white ghost whogoes hoo! from a hole in its mouth, isnthoo-hoo-hooing in my closet. 20. Sentence 6 My mama says that a zombi with his eyesrolled back in his head, and his arms outstiff, and his skin as cold as ice, isntclonking up the stairs. 21. Sentence 7 And Im sure Ive seen a goblin slinking outof my dresser drawer with a sack on hisback to take me to goblin-y lands whereboys and girls eat brussel sprouts andnever get a birthday. 22. Sentence 8 My mama says that a creature isntreaching out his hand to pinch me, orsquinch me, or push me, or squush me, or~ agggh! 23. Final Writing Select your final few monster sentencesand publish them on your monster paper. We will digitize both our photos andsentences to create a monster book.
