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Monthly Newsletter of The Christian Church Disciple News

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November 2015 Monthly Newsletter of The Christian Church Disciple News 1201 E. Ohio St. Clinton, MO RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

November 2015 Monthly Newsletter of The Christian Church

Disciple News

1201 E. Ohio St.

Clinton, MO


“Praise the

Lord. Give

Thanks to

the LORD,

for he is

good; his

love endures


– Psalm 106:1

Church-In-Society would like to thank everyone who participated in the Festival of Sharing. The following items were donated by the congregation: 50 school kits ($15 each), 1 cleaning bucket ($25), numerous Best Choice labels and glasses, postage valued at $100 and $100 miscellaneous cash. All together we were able to donate over $975 worth of materials and monetary donations, so THANK YOU to all who helped!!

The CWF General Meeting will be a brunch this year, taking

place on Saturday, December 5 at 10am. in the Fellowship Hall.

There will be an election of officers from a list compiled by the

nominating committee. Bring a brunch item to share and come

join the fun and fellowship!

Thursday November 12th at noon, Phoebe's will meet in the Holy Grounds Room. Bring your sack lunch and fruit for the fruit plates we will prepare for Phoebe’s list of shut-ins. We will also be doing our annual silent auction. Please bring your craft or food item! We welcome new members. November 10th is Lloyd Kasper’s birthday.

Lunch N Prayer will meet Tuesday, November 10 in the Holy Grounds Room. This is the day to

bring your items for our Thanksgiving plates for our shut-ins. Please remember to bring some-thing you think they would enjoy—fruit, candy, sweet bread—of course, don’t forget your sack

lunch. See you there!

Our prayers of sympathy and consolation are with Pat Bouse and family with the passing of

Don Bouse. Services were held on

October 16th at Vansant Mills Funeral Home. Let us keep Pat and family in our prayers.

To my friends at Clinton Christian Church:

Your over-whelming outpouring of love and con-cern have been a great comfort to me. Memo-

ries of your words, gentle touches and hugs will continue to bless me in coming days. Thank



Dorothy Harlan

Interim Pastor Update Our search for an Interim Pastor continues and we are pleased that a po-

tential candidate will be with us to deliver our Sermon on Sunday, Nov. 1st.

Larry Colvin just finished as Interim Pastor at the Disciples Christian

Church in Farmington, Missouri. Please join us on Nov. 1st to meet Larry,

hear his sermon and welcome him. This is an important step in our

transition and we hope you can attend.

Church-In-Society will be giving Thanksgiving baskets to needy families. We will be needing the following items:

Turkeys, 5-lb bags of potatoes, cans of green beans, boxes of stuffing mix, bottles of

salad dressing, packages of pumpkin pie mix, boxes of Jiffy pie crust mix, cans of evaporated milk.

Contact Joanne Kemper or Annette Meyers if you would to like to make donations to

this cause.

PLEASE NOTE: The elders will meet on November 7th this month. We will be meeting at 8:30.

Advent starts November 29th and runs through December 24st this year!

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us with the beautiful colors of fall leaves, the crisp smell of the outdoors with its cooler tempera-tures and shorter days and the sound of geese heading south for the winter. It’s time to celebrate once again with food and fellowship! We will gather on Nov. 15th following our worship service to enjoy a fabulous meal & mingle with friends. The Congregational meeting will follow dinner! At that time, we will be voting on the 2016 slate of officers and the purposed budget.

A traditional turkey dinner will be provided through the com-bined efforts of the Membership and Elder Committees. The

congregation is asked to provide salads and desserts.

Come join us in this celebration of bounty, blessings and ser-vice!!

Henry County Community Thanksgiving Service will be held

November 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at the

First Baptist Church.

Church-In-Society will be providing 1,200 boxes of cakes mixes to the Samaritan Center. The collection box will be outside of the Office. We also have a box for stuffed animals. If you are unable to purchase cake mixes, you can make a donation & Church-In-Society will buy them for you. Please put your check/cash in one of the small manila envelopes in the church pews. Make checks to the church with “Project Christ-

mas Cheer” in the memo. Deadline for donations is December 1st. Thank you for helping with such a worth-

while cause to our community!

It’s that time again! Time to make your favorite cookies! The cookie-thon will be December 12th.

For further questions, contact Annette Meyers.

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME will end on Sunday, November 1, 2015. Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour on Satur-day, October 31st.

We are nearing the end of 2015 soon. Are you up to date on your pledges to the church? Please check your records or call JoAnne Kemper to find out. Any funds you would like to be counted in your 2015 giving need to be to the church or postmarked by December 31, 2015.

Annual Stewardship Campaign ends November 8

During October, two letters have been mailed to our congregation and the Stewardship committee

members have presented messages to the con-gregation weekly during worship. It’s not just

about money. Stewardship comes down to giv-ing our time, our talents, and our treasures back

to God and his Church…all of which are made

possible through Him.

The Stewardship campaign ends with a confiden-tial presentation of your Pledge card for your

2016 giving on Sunday, November 8. If by

chance you did not receive a letter with a Pledge card, copies will be available at the table at the

rear of the sanctuary.

A big thanks to the Committee of Annette Meyers,

Joanne Kemper, Andy Engelhart, Bob Brown, and Bonnie Townsend for all their time and efforts

working on behalf of our Church.

Dan Wallace, Chairman

“Praise the

Lord. Give

Thanks to

the LORD,

for he is

good; his

love endures


– Psalm 106:1

Property Update If you haven’t noticed, our shelter house has been rebuilt. Also a new garage roof has been installed as well as new siding on the North wall of the Sanctuary. All the above items were damaged as a result of the tornado this summer. Our Insur-ance paid for all so we are thankful we were cov-ered. A memorial stone has been placed at the playground entrance remembering Mary Margret Mills. Also, several loads of mulch were added to the Playground area and spread by the Cub Scout Den who meet in our church. A memorial bench was installed in the playground area In Memory of Larry Cooper, a wonderful addition for the parents of the kids. A Granite Bench has been installed in the courtyard in memory of Vance Gover. We thank Marjory Cooper and Marilyn Gover for those addi-tions, Larry and Vance were so active in our church and what a great way to honor their memory. The flowers by the front sign on Ohio

Street and the courtyard have been beautiful all

summer and we want to thank all those who have

worked tirelessly in the upkeep and maintenance

of God’s Church.

Volunteers Needed The 26th annual countywide Thanksgiving dinner will feed 600 area citi-

zens again this year, with home-delivered meals and an eat-in meal at the Eagles

Lodge. The planning committee needs your help to make this event a success.

We need the following help:

100 pumpkin or apple pies (delivered to Clinton Senior Center, 970 East Seda-

lia on Wednesday, Nov. 25 between 2 and 7pm.)

50 people to purchase a 14-18 pound turkey and bake it in a bag and disposable

pan then bring it, broth and all, to the Clinton Senior Center by 3pm on Wed,

Nov 25th.

20 drivers to deliver meals (Thanksgiving Day 10:00am until noon)

10 steam table servers and 6 helpers on Thanksgiving morning(Thanksgiving

Day 10:00 until noon)

3 pot scrubbers on Thanksgiving (shifts beginning at 9am and continuing

through 12:30pm)

Call the Henry County Library at 885-2612 to let us know what you can do to help

us. Lisa and Dan Wallace work with this event; give them a call at 660-492-2575 if

you have questions.

SERVING NOVEMBER 1, 2014: Worship Leader………..........……...…..…..Becky Culler

Elders……………………...…………...Nina Sisk, Lisa Wallace Prep. Comm...……….………................Annette Meyers Comm Meditation..…….….……..Brian Hetherington Holy Grounds Room……...………Lisa & Dan Wallace

Children’s Worship……………...…....Rev. Larry Colvin Young Disciple’s Time………….……………..June Berry Greeters/Offering………Alice Lower, Kent Lower, Tony Smith, Diana Smith Weekly Callers…..Christine Craig, Mary Laughlin

SERVING NOVEMBER 8, 2015: Worship Leader………….…...…………...……….Ann Park Elders…..……………..Brian Hetherington, Mary Cupp Prep. Comm………………..…….…………...Sharon Minich Shut-In Comm………..…Charlie & Bonnie Townsend N.H. Communion (11/11)……...…....….

Holy Grounds Room……..…………….JoAnne Kemper Children’s Worship……....……….…... Young Disciple’s Time…...……….…... Greeters/Offering….....................................Kent Lower, Alice Lower Weekly Callers....Carol Parsons, Sharon Minich

SERVING NOVEMBER 15, 2015: Worship Leader…………….….…………...…June Berry Elders….………………..Charlie & Bonnie Townsend Prep. Comm……….…………………………….……..OPEN Holy Grounds Room………………………...Mary Cupp

Children’s Worship………………………. Young Disciple’s Time……….……..….. Greeters/Offering….......Kent Lower, Alice Lower, Tony Smith, Diana Smith Weekly Callers…………………………….Florence Goslin

SERVING NOVEMBER 22, 2015: Worship Leader…………………………...Sherri DeHart Elders……………………………Pat Bouse, Elzie Berry Prep. Comm…….………..…....Steve & Melva Baker Holy Grounds Room…..…………...Florence Goslin Children’s Worship…………….………..…

Young Disciple’s Time…………...……. Greeters/Offering…..............................Kent Lower, Alice Lower, Andy Engelhart Weekly Callers…….……...Bill & Donna Martin

SERVING NOVEMBER 29, 2015: Worship Leader………………...…….…….Dan Wallace Elders………………………………..…Lisa & Dan Wallace Prep. Comm...……………………..Bill & Donna Martin Holy Grounds Room………………..….Sharon Minich Children’s Worship…………….….....… Young Disciple’s Time…………...……..

Greeters/Offering…...............Bill & Donna Martin, Scott Jones, Larry Conrad Weekly Callers…….…….. Marjory Cooper

Need to contact us? Church Office: (660) 885-4384 Sarah Smidt, Administrative Assistant [email protected] www.clintonchristianchurch.com Twitter: @CCC_DOCOhioSt Facebook: ClintonChristianChurchDOC

PRAYER REQUESTS: Wilma Ancell, Dee Kehm, Ida Richardson, Martha Keck, Byron Birge, Lloyd & Barbara Kasper, Maurita Carter, Virginia Hunter, Earl Smith, Ronnie Pitcock, Kelley Montgomery, Oscar Eidson, Mike Robinson, Sr., Bob Burke, Eric Wierman (nephew of Steve

& Melva Baker), Moe YoungBill Cason, Mollie Evanoff, Cindy Kagarice (sister of Joyce Kidwiler), Andy Englehart, Sharon

Minich, Gary Minich (Sharon Minich’s son), Tom Stephenson, Pat Bouse and family, Willie Mae and Earl Smith, Windsor

Christian Church, Mid-America Region, Our Church

ELDER ON CALL: Nina Sisk (660) 351-5260

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom

he justified, them he also glorified.

– Romans 8:30

Thank You

Moe Young wanted to express his thanks to the congrega-

tion for the card and prayers. It was much appreciated!

MOPS after dark invites moms with children ages birth to

five to join us for our monthly meeting on Thursday, Novem-

ber 19 at 6:00 pm. Whitney Wallace Kinne will share the pro-


If you have friends, neighbors, or family members with

young children, please tell them about MOPS.

Lisa Wallace
