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More Cool Stories

Date post: 01-Nov-2014
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Some examples of awesome eastern women who have or had romances with western men. See the full site - awayfromourheritage.com
Let's have a bit more positive note, shall we? http://www.datingtheworld.com/its-boom-time-for-indian-western-dating/ this would be cool if more desi girls were with western guys! and what is said is very true, unlike with western women....read on - It’s boom time for Indian-Western dating December 21, 2007 – 5:12 pm If you are intrigued by women from the Indian sub-continent, whether abroad or at home, then you should know that Indian women have grown to appreciate Western men as never before.The Indian economy is booming and the country’s women have followed after their Western sisters in the pursuit of equality in the workplace. For a new ambitious and strong minded generation of Indian women, a Western man who respects the independence and career of his female partner can be the ideal choice. Traditionally India has been a conservative country where family is prized above all else and gender roles are clearly defined: women take care of the house and children, while men support the family. Like other places in the world, these roles have been challenged by an increase in job opportunities for women outside the home. As India’s economy has grown at a rapid pace, women have increasingly pursued careers and many have enjoyed professional success for the first time. A recent survey for a major Indian news magazine revealed that 41% of young women living six of India’s largest cities have decided to focus on career over having a family. Many older generations of women encourage their daughters to support themselves before marriage, something that would have been unheard of in previous generations. With this familial support, many Indian women have decided to seek financial independence as their primary goal. This trend will persist as long as the country continues to develop. This means that the new working woman needs a partner who supports her ambition. Although Indian women have become more independent minded, this ideal is not shared by everyone. For many Indian men, a financially secure woman is a seen as a threat to his masculinity. Of course there are many Indian men who encourage their successful wives, but for some Indian women choosing a Western partner is a great option. More typically, Western men respect their female co-workers and value a partner who can contribute financially to the home. For the career-driven Indian woman, being valued as a woman and as a success will be the key to making her happy in her relationship. Although she’ll be interested in her career, for most Indian women their traditional family values will usually come through in many ways. She’ll treat you as a valued partner and in all likelihood will want children down the road. This means you get the best of both worlds – a woman who wants financial equality, but will want to respect family traditions and values For many Western men, this combination of important values and financial security go hand and hand. An Indian woman will be able to meet you between cultural differences to find common ground on these important subjects. No matter if you meet an Indian woman at home or abroad, she’ll admire your respect for women and this can help you to connect with her on a deeper level. She’ll be a loving and faithful partner with strong family values, as well as a fierce and independent woman that will keep you feeling challenged, in a good way. http://www.thejavajive.com/blog/?p=479 - cool blog very cool - http://www.indusladies.com/forums/married-life/99975-indian-women-and-western-men.html ThousandPercent

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