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Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

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Morris Oxford Service Vouchers
-T -:. r-,ryqryryEs 9*fZ,4_-' tl MAINTENANCE SERVICE Next Service Due at ,'./ l4{ t t-. VOUCHER BOOK
Page 1: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

-T - : .

r-,ryqryryEs 9*fZ,4_-'t l


Next Service Due at ,'./l4{ t

t - .


Page 2: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

Owners are recommended to carry out the followlng additional checks.Dotly Do,y WeeklyCh€ck engln6 oit lGvel Top up Bdl.tor ChGck tyrc prc.srrr..

owner's No me......8..k1.(T^...L..€.e{^.,/A .


Cor purchosed fromC. H€LBOURAIE & CO. LT'.'W|LDEnSPOOI -cAttsEwAY-----

RegtstrotionNo.-........$-1.L..F2-.^.'...-._.-Cor No.:

Englne No.:

Page 3: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

MORRIS M,{,INTENANCE SERI'ICE-. IIr order to maintain a vehicle in its most efrcient and economical running condition regular and thoroughservicing is essential, It is \yith the object of providing thjs service that the Mofos Maintenaice Voucher ftheiehas. been devised.. NotonJy_does thisichemd cover r6gular lubrication, oil changes, etc., but regulaimechanicalmalntenance ls also lncluded in aclordance with the recommendations laid down by the Engineering Stafl ofMorris Motors Ltd.

The Morris Maintenance Service commences on a new vehicle with a FREE-SERYICE to be given at or abouttho first 500 miles. This service is normally providert by the Dealer nho supplied the vehicle, lut-with

-tne consent

91ft+ P:"I".T and his staTped authlrity on the Free Seivice Youcher thic s6foe nay be canie[ oui by any otherMorris Distributor or Dealer to suit the convenience of the Owner.

Further Vouchers are contained within this book to cover lubrication and all maintenance necessary at 1,000-mile stages, up to and including 12,000 miles,

., Tliese Vouchers may be preselted to any Authorized Morris Distributor or Dealer in the United Kingdom fcirthe work specified to be carried outthe work sp€citied to be caried out ty trained and qualified personnel, at the special prices indicated-thereon,plus. the cost ot oils, and other materials used. Any additional work found necessary durinq the course of thesen@essary during the course of these

Luthorized by him.service operations will be reported to the owner anil charged separately, if authorize-d by. Should 1l'y Sltgr.alio-n! to the standard charges become necessary a poster giving details of tbe changes will beissued by the British Motor Corporation Ltd. This Doster will'be disnlaved in-the l)isrrihrrror's o-r DaalaicisSued by the British Motor Corporation poster will be displayed in the Distributor's oi Dealer's'premises and is the only authoritt for increased charge6.

^Regular.servicing, as prov-en by presentation of completed voucher counterfoils could well enhance the value

OMUr Venlcle ln the eVeS Of a Drosneclive nrrrchrscryour vehicle in the eyes of a piospective purchaser.

-trt is-important to note that the Youchers mwt be used in their cofiect sequence at intenals

of l,No miles, as if one type of senice is omitted accidentally or otherwiie the sequence ofmaintenance operutions will be disturbed,

Page 4: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


MORRIS ry'IAtr',{TENANCE SERYICE (cont.)Although the Scheme has been primarily devised for new cars, owners of cars

strongly advised to take advantage of this improved method of car maintenance.

The Vouchers are equally applicable, subject 1o the following provisions :

m servr@ are**av



The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not applicable.

At 1,000 miles prior to the use of the fust Service Voucher the car. should be gi:given a general inspection,)nt fitted. Thereafter theoils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear axle, and a new oil filter element

sequence of maintenance operations is as specified on the Vouchers, which

ask your

sequence oI marnlenanceat intervals of 1,000 miles.

is as specified on the Vouchers, which should be used strictly


- ,For those_requiring_ information of a more detailed and technical nature than is contained in the OperationManual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonable price from your Distributor or Dealer.

Remember that the Distributor/Dealer is better equipped to carry out service and repairs than the owner-driver.

An exchange scheme for many major items and assemblies is run by B.M.C, ServiceDistfibutor or Dealer for details.

Before the last Voucher Service has been completerl you are adviserl toobtain a new book of Youchers from a Morris Disfibutor or Dealer.

Page 5: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


tAdd 1,00q and entct on trext


This Voucher eDtitles thc bolder to the service scbeduledovcrleaf on payment of thc amount shown on countedoil

Cost of oil and rnate als exira


Chassis No.

***'+RcgistratioD No...............


The next service ir duowher the speedoooterncaos :


Page 6: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

,"f,Jlf :'1",::! i"T?i "l?:"H: 3,'lu.fti'#il:'f.:i s00 rvru,nsMORRIS

The Vouchers are equally applicable, subjept to the fol

(1) The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not a{

(2) At I,0OO miles prior to the use of the first Servioils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear axsequence of maintenance operations is as sp€at intervals of 1.000 miles.

Note ,For those requiring information of a more detailed a

Manual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonabl(

Remernber that the Distributor/Dealer is better equipp{

An exchange scheme for manyDistributor or Dealer for details.

Before the hst Youcher Service hagobtrin a new book of Vouch€Is frd


, {maJor lrems ano q

l. ENGINE._ _ Tishrcr cyliodcr h@dard maflrord nu13 to r@llrlfud€d

CtEk !ishtD6! ofvalve locklr lheftbr.ckdi to !.coqbcnd.d pcsrr6.Los.-vtlv. rockq cl.aram atrd

TiEirm fatr bclt if !e*e-Cbeck !U {s!.i @m.c!ioB ddtiahtc. clips if ncccsr.ry.,',hrqc md cld caibuDrtc! dd.sset slow runliry adjultmcd if

2. IGNTIION. Ex.ni@ and sdjusr!r. o..c.€sary .sparking ptugs and

Chek worklis of auromari,. isnirionconrrols .6!d if lecgsary rc-er

3. CLUTCH. Che.k clutch D€dat odbl..d if nec.ssry. Cheli lcv.l ofAuid in rho bydraulic cturch sup9ly

4. STEERINC. ChEk fronr ehelaliE ncnt Md srerirg comerions.aqJust !ffi$ry.

5. BRAKES. Chek br.kitrs sysr.mruc[onauy ald bie.d IirB if

Pt. No6. Brakc ffuid :Clutcb fluid :

FREEChek l.vcl of 6uid to rh. bydr.uticDrake suppty taD*,

6. HfDRAlruq DAMPERS. rBp.c!gyoEunc _-datnp.B ror te&!.Exaruo a|l revdg aod rop up if

7. BODY. Chcck door3 for €a!. irolctrill .!d .lositr8, lt hcc.!3rryuently sm.sr qirh a luitablo lublicratrs aesrr all dovc-tsil! and snikirs

8. ELECTRICAL Chek .l*aricslsysteo fudctiona lly. Eruine bartetuand..loD up ro @tEr lw.t wirio ied watcr a, rcquired. ct@nmd nRnren t.mi.als.

9. GENERAL. Cbek ti8hr..ss ofunrversat lonr_Eutsr spring clips and

10. LUARICAnON. DraiD oit fromud r€ at., aod

Check sr.lrins box oil tevet ald loDup.i, nc9.:sary. Oil atrd er..* all

11. \llIlEELS AND TYRES. TcltrtB ror .od6r pr6su.e. Ch.ck!3lluass or wbet nurs.

r7H7533 I ^t7ll1537 16 oz.

Page 7: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


The Service detailed on the back of thisvoucher has been carried out

This, Voucber enlides lhe holder (o rbe servicc s(.beduledoverleaf on payment of fhc arnount shorvn on counterfoil

Cml of oil and materials extfa


Holder,s sigrature

iPERS. Inspet

lES. Tesr




Cbassis No.

RcgistBtioD No


.Add 1,000 .nd .nt r or n.xt Vosch.,

rslTTbe next servicr is drwde.n the speedorrleierrcaos :


Page 8: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

MORRISAlthough the Scheme has been

strongly advised to take advantage of

(2) At 1,000 miles prior to the use of the first Servj

1,000 I\{ILF.S

l. ENCINE. Top up cs.budrar

Lubficao. €slbuctrc. coDt ot ,Top up r.diator.Chlck lovcl ofo ill sir clca&r (oilb&lh typo only).

2, g,IJIc'J' Ch..k lcvcl of fuid i!th6 hydlaulic clutch suppty ra* andaop up if lcccasaly.

3. BRAmS. Ch€ck blak€s and repodiI adjusrm€nt is rcqun€d.Mako visuat irupcctior of b.akc

Check lcy.l of6ui,l id th€ hydrsutic

rslTbratc rupply talrk and rop up if

4. IrYDn {,IIC DAMPERS. Blaminoall hy&aulic itaDpcrs for L!t!,

5, EI,ECTRICAL Ch€ck bdtcry cctlr!.cific sravity iladio8! ad bpu! ro corr.Et tev.I.

6. LI'B-RICATION, Top up cnsin€,gEsrbox, rcsr artc, .r.erins tor ard{.eri.g idl€r oil bvcts. Lub.icrtoc gr.!!6 nipptca.

7, WI{En,s AND TYRES. C1ccl

Ch.ck sh€er [!t! for rightnc*r.

17tI7533 I ^t?H?s3f, J' 02.

Ar rruJu rxrgs prlur lu ulg usg {Jl Ltr9ltfsl Jorvloils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear ai .sequence of maintenanc€ operations is as sprseouence of maintenanceat intervals of 1,000 miles.

Note (For those requiring information of a more detailed a

Manual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonabl(

Remember that the Distrlbutor/Dealer is better equipp{

- An.- exchange- sclemg fqr many major items and al

Distributor or Dealer for details.: rj

Before the last Youcher Service hrgobtain a new book of, Vouchers frd

The Vouchers are equally applicable, subject to the foi ,

(l) The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not a{ ,

Pt. No€. BEk. duid :Clurh 6utd :

Page 9: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers



The Service detailed on the back of thisvoucher has been carriod out

This Voucher eDtides the holder to the service scheduledovcrleaf on palbeDt of thc amouot showi on couDtgrfoil

Cost of oil aod materials extia



Chassis No.


The next servicc is drshen the speedoE€{errrads :



.Add 1,040 .nd .nt r oD n.xa Vouchtt


Page 10: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

MoRRIsmrENAriiAlthough the Scheme has been p.lnltity devised fdi

shongly advised to take advantage of this inproved met .

The Youchers are equally applicable, subject to the fol I

(l) The Fre€ Service Voucher is, of course, not a{ ;

(2) At 1,000 miles prior to the use oftbe first Servjoils cbanged in engine, gearbox, and rear axsequence of maintenance operations is as spaat intervals of 1,000 miles.

; jNote j :

For tbose requiring information of a morE detailed a ,Manual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonablr

Remember that the Distributor/Dealer is better equippl -

_ An..exchange sclem_e fgr many major items and q'Disfibutor or Dealer for details. ; '

4000 MrLEs

,. ENGINE Top up.carbu$!&r

Lubric.tc carbur.rb! co rol!.ToD up r.diaior.Chlck t.vcr ofol tu eil cl.aoc. (oiltsalb typc onry).

2. CI.UTCXL (bcck rovcl of fuid iottr! hy&ldic clutc_h sulply talk aldtop op if lcccrtsrt.

3. BRAKES, Chcck blak.s ard leponif sdjaimed ir r€Suned.Msto vilusl iosp.clior of bratoIin6 and pt!.r.Ch.ct lcv.I of ndd h th! by.trsdto

IbraLo .upply t&* and top u!, tfDcc!$ary. i

4. FTDRAITUC DAIIPDRS. Braotn€nll hyrlraulic rfrnperc for lcafr:

5. ELf,CIRIC1TL Chcck battdy c.Iryc.iic Sravity rcaaio8! srd ropup lo co{r€4 t.v€1.

7. WEEELS AND rrnnS. +r*ryrc pr63ur€t.Chect phc.l rulr fo. ristt cs!,

i1i.i ifiI ja o''

rop op .aUo.,, ltc6rine bofsadlcvclr. Lub.kat.


!t lrir8 fttlcr oililcr oildpDl€s,

rir8 idlcr

; :Before tle last Youcher Senice hs$ ,robtain a new book of Vouchers frd ,,

Pt Nc, Br6t fuit :Clu&h luid !

Page 11: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


.Add 1,000 .n.l .nt . on n ra Voo<hr.

t r . l7 .9

This Voucher etrtitles thc holder to the service scbeduledovcrleaf on payment of thc amount shown on couDterioil

Cost of oil and materials exlfa



Ctassis No.


The next s€rvice is dE

x:el ,* **''*t-


y c.ll

'. . -,'

Page 12: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

Although the Scheme has beenMORRIS \*ffii

devised fti i9:,strongly advised to tak€ advantage of this improved met ! 3,000 nnn_,ns

The Voucners are equally applicabte, suqect to the foj Ichers are equally applicable, subject to the fol i

The Free Service Voucher is, of courre, oot ui i

oils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear ax .,sequence of maintenance operations is as spr ,at intervals of 1,000 miles, ; '1

Noie ; i

For those requiring information of a more detailed a iManual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonabl( i

Remember that the Distributor/Dealer is better equippl I

An exchange scheme for many major items and {;Distributor or Dealer for details.

I _.' !

(l) The Free Service Voucher is, of courre, oot ui+

(2) At 1,000 mil€! priorto the use of the frst Sd J

Before the hst Voucher Seryice hrl {.obtain e new book of Youclers ff r

l. ENGINE. -

Top up carbud!..

Lubriqtc crrbulcrrcr @Dtrols.rop uD radntor.Cl.u and r.-oit ak clo6ler (oit balb

Check dydmo &iv6 b.lt rcn3ioD-cratr air ctdcr (dry ry!.).

2. IGMIION. _ Cbcck rutomaric

Check aod adjusr if lccBefldist ibutor conrad Doint3.Clean arld adjust spa.kins Dluss.

3. CLIJTCH. Chek lcvd of nuid irthc byd-raulic suppty tanl aidrop up rf occcasary,

4, BRAXES. Check brakcr and adjurt

Make visual insp*tion of brak.

Cb€ck leval-of fluid in lhc hydiaulicbrake ruppty lank dd roD uo if

- Pt No€. Brake Ouid :Ctutch fuid :


Page 13: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


The Service detailed on the back of thisvoucher has been carried out

Distr ibutor/Dea|er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -

This Voucher edtitles thc holder to thc service s,cheduledoverleaf on payment of thc amount sho*n on counterloil

Cost of oil and materials extra



Chassis No.





'ilileageDate..--...-. - .

.add r,o00.nd.nt.r on '.rr ""....' +

The next s€f,vice is &Ewhen the speedoneterr€aqs :


Page 14: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

rronnrs fr,uxrnNltiiAlthough tle Scheme bas been prinarily devised fri l

strongly advised to take advantage of this improved met'.

The Vouchers are equally applicable, subject to the fot ,

(l) The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not al i'

(2) At f ,m0 miles prior to the use of the first Servi ::oils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear ax jsequence of maintenance operations is as spr ;at intervals of 1,000 mile,s. ; l,

NoteFor those requiring information of a more detailed ; I

Manual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonablt {.

Remember that the Distributor/Dealer is better equippl t'

_ An _ exchange_ sclemp fgr many major items and q,' ;Distributor or Dealer for details.. , .:

, l

Before the last Voucher Service hag,t'obtain r new book of Youchers frd i

4,000 MrLEs

r. nNcINF- Top up ca.burctt€,liltotr dashporLubliclt! calburlttcr conrmlr.To! up radirtor.Cb.ck lcvol ofoil in ai! clcs.cr (oilbath tyD6 onjy).

2. q.mCII. Ch.ck tevcl of !ui,r iolhc hydraulic clutch luppt, lank ardtop up if mc.ssa.y.

3. BnAXES. Chcck brakc! and repo(if .djustmcnt is lEquir€d.M6kc vilual iNp.ciion of blsk

Chcck lcrcl of nuH in rhelvdrsi ic

rslTbra.kc lupply trnk and rop u, if

4. HYDRAUIICD MPF,RS. E aEinc.U hydtaulic daEp€$ for Lak!.

5. ELECTRICAL Ch€ct batrcry cdllpccific sraritr ItadirS! an.r roDup to cor.rt l.'vd,

6. LIJBRICATION. Top up c.sitr,8!a.bor, rcar axlc, lt€crirs bo, rtrd!t eriag idlc! oit lcv.ts. LobricltaU srcasc aipFt$.

7. WHEEI,S AND Trx.ES. clrct

Ch€ck whel ruts for tishtn.ss.

ITI I?53J 1-t7H7s3l J6 o'1

Pt Nos, Brakc nuid :Clutch fuid :

Page 15: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

lt-7l l M@RRilS

Tbis Voucher edri es thc holder to thc service scheduledoverleaf on payment of thc alrlount sho\r''l on coudterfoii

Cos! of oil and materials extnp up if SERVICE VOUCHER

ra@ine The service detailed on the back of this PLEASE CARRY olrr rHE woRr( DETATLED OVERLEAF

rk voucher has been catried out

Servic ing Distr ibutor/Dealer. . . : . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .


o! an.r srgnature


The next service is dEwhen the spoedom€terrEads :


. ,1

Chassis No.


.Arld I,OOO ..d .*- * t.* ".*r.t I


Page 16: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

\"IEffi$i{:v.r.F-$;,iiproved net ,1.;

The Vouchers are equally applicablq subject to the fol I

(l) The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not a{ l:(2) At 1,000 miles prior to the use of the first Servi J:

oils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear ax ,.sequence of maintenan@ operations is as spr ,at intervals of 1,000 miles. ll.

Note ' I

MORRISAlthough the Scheme has been

strongly advised to take advantage of 5,OOO MILES

r. ENGINE Top up ca$u,ctrcr

Lubricatc ca$ur.ti.c coltrots.Top rD radtitor.Cbcck lsvcl ofoit i, d, ct..ncr (oilbath rypc ody),

2. CLUICE qcck rovd of nuid irthc hydraulic clurct luppty aaDt dlop uD if lcc€ssry.

3. BRAXIS. Ch.c* brakcs lnd rcponif adjultEent is requircdM.k6 vtrud iffp€ctior of brsk

Cbcck lcvct of fuid in thc hydraulic

rslTbr.kc luppv taok aDat roD up ifDccallsly. .

{. HYDR.IItI,IC DAMPERS. ExaaincaU hydrautic drmDc.s for l€ak!.

5. EI,ECTRIC L Chccl bartcry ccnspccifc Sravity r!edi.8! ald topup ao cor€ct tcvcl.

6. LUBRIOTTION, To! !! .dsirc,lFsrDol r.ar srl.' sta.drg bor aadlf.crilg idla oit lsv.ts. Luhrt.ll grc€lc lrrpdca,

?. WI{EEIS AND TynES. Chcct

Chcck whcct nurs for ttg[tnc*!.

17If7533 'l -tfi7s33 Jd 02.

For tbose requiring information of a more detailed a' iManual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonablt r

| ! :

Remember that the Distrlbutor/Dealer is better equipd 1,,

_ An.. exchange_ sclemg fgr many major items and qi lDisributor or Dealer for details. l .lr i ,

Before the lost Yoncher Serrice hJ r..obtain a new book of Vouchers ft6 r,,

. { i

Fl. Nor Brakc iui.t :Clotch nuid :

Page 17: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers



Date.. . . . . . . . . . .


The Service detailed on the


Signature ..


This Voucher eotitlei thc holder to the service scheduledove eaf on payment of thc amount shown on couotedoil

Cost of oil and matedals extra



Cha$sis No.


Date..................... -.

'Add l,ono rnd .rt!. o. ..rt vouch.t


The next servic€ is dicwhe.n the spe€domete.ra€os :

--- Miili*-*

Page 18: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


Although the Scheme has been primarily devised f<i:.I 61000 MrLEsyrruquJ ^tvYtlw

rv 1,..

strongly advised to take advantage of this improved met .l

The Voucbers are equally applicable, subject to the foi ir i :

(l) The Free Service Voucher is, of course, not a( .,

(2) At 1,000 miles prior to the use oftbe first Servi j"

t' H!oo#' too uo

"t*o- o"tootubicalc erbtrEtt'",


s€quence of maintenanc€at intervals of 1,000 niles. jb€ck .utoDttic ird-

Iuo@tc dis!.ibubrcaE .od a.lvanc.

adju* if nec!!a!y disri_

tli".ft"Hi h, Ch.ck br.k6 and adjult

i'apcctior of bi.k6 tinci

cb€ck lcvd of fuid io thc tydraulic

3HL:;1"'" rcnr ud tor uD if

oils changed in engine, gearbox, and rear ax,is€quence of maintenanc€ operations is as sp( ir

mo drivc b.It tlrdon.

i:flT. l"Hi"":5:"*'".. rock.r ctcaraDcca rld

rS aS Sp( {l

obtain a new book of Vouchcrs Aa a:

' { !'.{t

". "* 3.fk#3#,o fud I r?H7533 (8 oz.)

s4. 2, . '6


Page 19: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


)il in

M@RRMSCost of oii and rraterials extra


Caassis No,


.Add I,OOO .nd ....r o. n.xt ***, +

+ #:""fi:*.ti#

This Youcher eDtitles thc holde. to thc service scheduledovedeaf on payment of thc amornt shown on counterfoii


Page 20: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

*o*nrs#,lrn"r"**1 -l

,.*1'g;*1";5,Tgfj"i?:"1# ji'trflH#:l'jf-'ji aooo MrLEs 15 17 |Tte Vouchers are equally applicable, subject to the fol'

I(l) The Free service Voucber is, of course, not af' '';i*T"".,:.e

up csrbu'luc' :*#:"" 'ad

and ,oe ue ir I

(2) At 1,000 miles priorto the useof the first Senil 4. H'D*^UU. DAMpErs. Er.,oir. Ioils changed in.engine, gearbox, and. rear ati ocrlcv.r oroir i' sir cr€arcr (oir .lr hyd^ulh 3uspc. ror rca.r!. Isequence of maintenance operations is as sFl bdb s!.ody). Iat intervals of 1,000 niles. 'l J. ELEcrRrc{L ch.ct bart ry c.r I

Note ll 'gm.m';"1,;l#i": :ffifrl:1"i**":1"" IFOr tbose requiring information of a more detailed ai .op up if D..c*!.ry, 6. LlrBRrcATroN, roD up Gnri[c. I

Manual a Workshop Manual is available at a reasonabltl s!!rbo', 'cir a:rc, src.'i'8 r,or lnd I

Remember tbat tbe Distributor/Dealer is beuer equipoil t

ix***-:flTff-'"*' :ffiJl;ii.'*" -**" I_An._exchange_sclem9 fqr 11any major items anc Et llh;tu;::r!'e'ctron

or bnt' tffff".f;t rYnEs' oeck I

Distributor or Dealer for details. ,i chel hvcr otfluid iD tr. by&aurc &*i. *o-i,*" r", ,r*.-". I

= Before the lsst voucher s""i* hJl "" "'" 8i:HXtfo', llHiiii )'- l\ I

obtain a new book of Vouchers ffr I\ t . , I-\: r- |

Page 21: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


. S"r"i"ing Distributor/Dealer.........,...........

,, s{gnature

SERVICE VOUCIIERCost of oil and matedals extra

The service detailed on the back of tfiis PLEASE cARRy olrr rrrE woRr( DETATLED OI/ERLEAT, voucher has been carried out

Holder's signature .

Chassis No.

' ' Date...........,.. Rcgistration

This Voucher entitles the holde. to tbe service slbeduledoverleaf on payment of thc amount shown on counterfoil

The next s€rvice is d.rcwhen the speedomoterttaos :


.Add l,0OO rnd .l*.f on n.r,t ""*t., +


Page 22: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


q000 MtrEs

I. El{cINE Top up cr.bE ?n,

Lublic{t. ca*)!..n r controt!.Top up radilrd.cbeck lcv.I ofon iD .n d.aF (oit

2. CLUTCE Cb.ct Lvcr of fuid inthc hyit -adic chr.h ryply ls* &rdlop Ep if r.c.ss.ty.

3. BRAKES, Cb.cL bBtcs dd Epo.tif adiusbcDi is r.quir.d-Ma}' vi3lr.st ilrD.{rion of brofc

Chcck l€vot of8uid ia tL hydrsuric

Pl. NG BrEk nuid :Clqt.b tuid :

8,000 MrLEs r5IF

l tbrakc aupplr t nk a.d toD up ;f

4. IIYDITAUUC DArtPrIts. r,,hincall hydraulic daEpcr! for t€ts,

5. EIICIRICAL CAeck baitcry ccrsp.ci6c rr4viry r@dins! !!d topup .o coE€ct tcYcl.

6. LITBRICATION. Top up .agi.c,gc-arbo& ..ar .nc, lreerins box ,!dsr..ri!e idl.r oil tcvd3. Lub!ic{&all sr.asc lipDLs.


ch.ck whccl nlrrs for rightrcas,

I7I{75J3 I ^tTtt533 J' o'z"

l. ENGINE Top up carburctr€r

Lublicato carburcr&r corrrols.Top uD radiaro!.Chcck i.y.t of oil h ai. cl.a.er (oitbarh typc only).

2. CLUTCII Crl.ct rcvd of nuid i!rho hydmulic clurch supply larl abdtop up if !€cdsary.

3. BRAKES. Chcck brakcs and rcpollif adjBrmerr k lequit€d.Msko vilual i.sp.ctior of bratclin€! and !ip€s,Cbcct t.vd ofnu i! rhc hydlauric

br.&. suppty aank a.d top up i

+. gYoUUr,rC O,lUpnnS. e"a.inalt hy.traulic dr.up€.s for tcak!,

s. ELECTRICTL Chcck baucry cdsp.cjfc sBvity rcadiogs a.od tolup ro con€cr t.v.l.

6. LI,f,_RICAT!ON, To! up caSinqs.€rbox, ..a! srtq st c.ins box udstccriDs ii €r oil lcvcts. Lubricatall grca!. drplc!.


Chcck whc.t rub for liStrncs!.

I7H7533 I _r?II7533 t6 oz'


Pt Nos. Btako iuid :Ctutch luid :

Page 23: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

Ja U@RRESCi:_: c: oil and materials ext.a


,Eioc The seryice detailed on the back of this PLL{SE C{RRY oLT THE \YORK DET{LED OVERIE{F

I Youcher has been carried outH^l i l . r '< ( im,r , ra

.Add 1,000 and .ntcr or n.* You€h.?

ct. 17 .9

Chassis No. .

Registration No

The next service is ducwhen the sp€cdometerrcads :


Page 24: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

9,000 tdrr-,Esl ENGINE. _ Top up carbuslt.r

LubricrE _cebut.racr @nrot3.

Clc.r and rsit aL ct.aner (oil balhEr€9dv).L[..r dyatmo drirc b.h te!!ior.Ll.an ur crcaD.. (dry rrD6).

2. IGNIIION. Check auronadcretu_roa cootrol, tubriclre driv.3@ r, €E ud {dvaacc aehanisd.L..rEr do e.ltBr if !.c6sdotcrDuror coora.r DoidB. -LE ! ud .diqr sF*ing plus:.

t. CIlIrlS- Ch..t tred of nuid inr E g.d- spply l,nt tld@p op n rcry,

:1. BRAXTS Ch..t htE |!d adisr

ly.l. "_..'4 iDsF.Gi6 of br.Ic

Ct!.* lcv.l bf 6uid i! rtrc hvdladicoruc supply rdt ald bD qD if!e6e!y.

PL Nc Br.t dEid :Chr.i nuid :

5. HYDnAULIC D,iMPERS. Esnin.{r lyoEul'c daDp.c for lab-

6. BODY. Lub.icarc door lek, ardLteo.Li"o_ o.-* rock opcErila

'.*J#H#*"ffiH:.tsB8. LITBRICATION. Chlnec @siro

Dhmattc oil 6lG! clcDcnt ald bo*r_*ls Dowr in D.uol aDd r€6L

-i3i,."*affiHl,ffii#i;iff*gruonqtc au 8rc$c niDDld.

9. WIIEEiLS AND TYRES. Chanr.roao -_wbc.ls roud diacolaliv

rerudDg sparc) o regutarise tyriCtck tyr. pr6$r.!.

t7lt7533 I -1fi75.]3 J' oz

9,000 MrLES

' f'lt8'T;,J1" qP calbulctto!

*ubricarc 4rburcuer mororr.19p up r!o8ror.

ifi!61.*u "i,.r*"*..u o",oLner dJrado (lriv€ belr !on3io._u.an l|rr cba!.r (dry tyD.).

2. IGMITON. Check aur,omaric

i*$i"":rlujffir;Hq;;o$rrrouror @nract poinG,r-|.ad ond .djwr sparking Dlus,g

'Si"ff*,3"*"5"';i;'lll'.",t4. lRA,aF,S- .ch€ck

brik.3 aftt sdj6tMate visuat irsp..tion of brak6

s#"li.f{}Ta"*a:",:;.rr,';PL No.. 8..k. fluid: t?Htili r

crurcb fluid : iTriiiii iE oz.

" R?..#!'#xf, i3:i ,$H

' *strH-'"ty.*t$$",a

"ffi#l#.ffiff*$ffiCheck iyr. pr.ssur6.

Page 25: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

" SERYICE VOUCHT]]RCost of oil arld materials extra

".. rrru service detailed on the back of this PLEASE CARRY OLrr TrrE woRr( DETATLED otERr.EAF

"' Youcher has been carrled out l


t Servicing Distributor/Dea|er.....................

$ Signature

F Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

= -F1teage.. . . . . . , . . , .

E} .Add l,ooo.nd .nr.r on r.rr vourh.r

3 ct .o.o

This Vouchcr eotitles the holder to the scrvic€ schedoledoverleaf oD patment of tie amount shown on coutrtedoil

Holder's signature

Chassis No.

R.gistratior No.... . ..

The n€xt s€rvica is duowhetr the sp€edornet€rrcaos :

Page 26: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers



101000 nm,rs

t'ffiT;*,Jt up carbur*tcr

*1ff:;"1"**"."-"ffiffi1r'u'*'-'.' ,.0


',?ffi-,ffi5.-..*"ff-ff1*- ". n'..G.c} lcvcl of &id b ah. t 6..!tt

PL Na. S!t! rdd :!.robb Auid :

l*:#:"" 'ank ald.op up,r




ffH3. rYxEsi c!€rCt ct vh.et r!.! for dgnt 4*!.

iEli:; j"".

- ' : i - - - . - - . .

,r0r000 wr.Es

I t"Tf"To*,]" up carbuciro'

ffi,"1;;"*,*-*.o.;'ff;:L1f'-ai.c,caacr (oir

;'$ffiffifl:;u'._:. 'ilffi**:i*;';g*"-."

ill'l'l"J'11".''*io' or bret.

I chect leid ofduid tn th6 tydradic

n. No!. qra&c fuid !L ruk! futd :

:*;T*.ank "'d rop up

'ffr#ffiffiff.'"HtrTF".,fft,"tr#",ff_gr#*F*;t,F*f* rr*rs chect

Check whcel Duts fo! tietrt!.ss.


Page 27: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


The Service detailed on the back of thisvoucher has been carried out

. ;


. l


, i


This Voucher enritlcs rhe bolder r(ovcrrear on o"r,*;;;";;:J: j|Hi:".f,lTffi

Cost of oil and materials extra


Holder'sServicing Distributor/Dealer



Chassis No.


rl,l ileage

The next service is ducwne-D the speedometerrcaqs :

--*-Vll.- -


Page 28: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

ll)000 MrLEs

I. TNGINE Top up csrbotln!,

Inbricaro calburcn r cortrob.Top up ndirtor.Ge|( l6'd of oil l. rn dc.ncr (oit

2 ('JTCE C5.(* t ld of tuid irrE LrrLldn.br.S ryply t|!l rldt.l' !9 if 6.t.

3. Bnr|xF-S. Ch.ct b.*6 .dd rtponif adjunri.d i rlqoitl(LMtt viar.t r''T'!cao.i d b.re

c'D.c& lcyd of nlid i! rb. Mrllic

Pr. Na B.*. nEid :CrdA nttid :

11,000 MrLEs l5l

ta l

l tbrakc $!ppb r.nk lrd t6p E, if

4. HYDRAUUCDAMPERS.E,Eir6all hydraulic drbpc.! for t€atr

5. ELECTRICTL Cnck batr.r, c.uspccifc Sravity ltadiDg! lnd roDup ro c.rcci t.v.t,

6. LITBRICATION. ToD lrp c.sr[c,Farbox, r.{r artc, lrsi.s box .Dd

.c.tDg idl€! oil Lr.lr, t.trb'.Er.alt 8rco.. Dipptcs.


Cbel ph..t nur! for tieht c.s.

17117533 I ^l7lnl!3 J' oL

l. ENGINB Top up carburcttcrpisron d!!Apot.Lubric{to carbu.Grtcr cortoh.

Chcck lcv€t ofoil in an dcadcl (oitbath typc ody).

2. CLUTCII. Chcck l.vd of nuid i.rh€ hydnulc clurch su!'pty raDk i4dtop up it .!c.s!a!y.

3. BRANES. Chcck brakes and rcponif adjusnnc.a is lequitld.Makc vilual irsFccrio' of br*.

Ch.ck levd ofnu in tbc bydEulic

ft. Noa Brato nDi.t :clotch tuid :

brato luppty ra.k and top up if

4. SYDRAULtrC DAMPERS. E:aEtncall hydrauric dan!.n for t.{k .

5. ELECIIIC L Chcct b6.rdy c.rl3p€ci6c Sravt9 .ladiryr lnd aoprp ro co.rcct tcvctr.

6. LITBRIO\TION. Top Ep cnabc,SErbor, r.{r .rlc, .rc€rilg boi a tit .riDS idlci oil levcb, Ixb.i..rcdl Irea!. aippl.s.

7. WIIEEI-S AND Tym.s, Chcct

Ch.ck wb.cl rr.3 for ri8l,nc|t.


Page 29: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


Please supply a new voucher book for a

o your Drevious voucher book covol.


vehicle W" the model name appeari$s










Page 30: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers


The Service detailed on the back of this

voucher has been carried out

Servicing Distributor/Deal€r". ..... " " '


Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

rMi leage.. . . . . . . .

*Add l,O0O .nd .nt.t on n.xt Vou.h.t


TtG vou.:ei e1liJei the holder to L\3 :eni;e s:reduled

o\e:leat_ o: ;:_.::?:t of lhe amount sho$n on a!.l1ie:ioil

C.:sr of oil and materials extra


H^l i i r ' r . : -_r a

Cha-<sb So.

Registnlion No.


The next service is duewhen the speedometerreads :

Page 31: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

? 12.OOO MILES I2.OOO MILES s4.Lg.5l. ENGIN€. .Remov! . carbur.(er 6. TIYDRAULIC DAVPERS. Exadi..

r+4semoE ano rcp up. rop up if nsessarv.Kemove carbu.eiter tloat cbdbcr, 7. RADIATOR. Diain. Rush our and.mpry seorhetrr and re-nt, refill radioLor.Lubri€re.@rbure(€r conlroh. 8, GE\ER{L, Iishren rca. road

ldtusr 'r n4\sary. _ . 9. BODY. chek od Lishrca if

iiii',;:i'iif' orce's'v !@rctireer md srriks

Lbc.k oy@do dnlc b.I rcaon, Lubricarc door tGks ond hirees.Lubr i@I. Earq oumtr.ratrsrr . bonnct rock ana -

; ; ; ; "c; ;rc r.a pap<i .t€!Et to dr-y l)p. m(hdnirm.ar tril.r. I0. ELE('TRICAL, Check b!trery cetl

2. tc}ffIo\. crb:k arr6m:ri. .lfili"!il" rr.-rc"0i"g" "'a

,.r "tieririoD orrol jub:i€te d.iv.

tr:i*:,F..':l:-, =,*l"J,x,, iiT[i.\i+ib",q.,bTj?^*. ""","",di{riburor q b2:( Nrs. nusn oul and rehu wilh fresh oit.,! ' t o '* ' *" ' - " ' ' ^

3. CLL_ICH. Co-* ,*A or n"io 'n il,h. n;oc-i,< c.-::h i::rr, brr aDd a;3JiL:j*

I'r-9rs n nerms s€rbor

. :Il"."ln";.,T"-"1j,[yf_10,,. S",]HI_S"lits" +irud:' %f":ds. BRAKrs. chet b,aL6. ad;Jsr ;r fll"or'"ji"*i';,'*"."",.

99c..s.). ChaDse road whlek round d'aaon_

Iir.",;i; ri,,o*,r*

"i u*r" u"o dry r-i""riJng ipiilij-. i"e-,r'5;;ii

Cbtr( lev. l .ofduid in the bJdraut ic t r . i ieeOreMpS. ch6k bqmb.ake \upDty la bd rop Lp jC ser,tins aod adiusr if D;;ary.-* '

[email protected]. 14. TLST. Road rerr car rnd.r.oon.'Remove e.giDe s!mp, cl*r out, rent, aod .cil

_ see s.nedure or Rtpai. *,",*f"|i$ f;1!.-' ", :r'ooo

-i,*.t,r. flos, Brare rnd clutch Ruid : t7H75J.t (8 oz.)( , r t nher. tem.nt : 8c681Sparkiry pluss : 3H2603Air cleane. el€menr : lHIt34

' F,Ln,"jf"";"-oliiii"",.ilil""i.Tii " jl,T,l*.i,^,J.."'*#.liL'ij"i1ili

*Il;""t*-*1.:fi Iq *"-*, z t"fo"tn'idiT"6?;., n".r, _, *oti:tffi:,::'?si:.'"i:tJ";.X; ",d

8 9;:;\Fl*l;,J,eh'"^ .ca',..d3illi,'.'l,ii*,:".1l,i .r "r.-* r.,r' ^'93,";." Sl$kr,;;i ":,lt'Tll.*ii!5i{,ii,!!!,-r1yt"r,,q,,,..^ illii,"#.T$i"i?,ti;*o r,r"*,.i-li1;i?""I;":'.i.#9,"?fl1fd,"o"" H'JB:'",,.:"'* ;;d -;p;;;;;;

t0. ELE(TR|CAL. Ch<k bauery cctl2. rcNmoN. chcak auromaric s3T:llJJi:lJr.readmss and

'oe ue

rsnrtron control, lubrjcale dri!6

ZIJ:r*lt a.'d"if,"i*ir;?l1::T;,,. i',:dfiii4ffitr" BtT".. **...distribuLor contact DoinLs. ' nush our and r.lill wirh fr6h oil..Fit. new (parkrng pluEs, ( ntnge oil in eearbo\ and rca. sxtc, [i,1i"s*ffi .*",;i"xrxre ilg,li*t{:,":'* x **.

. *ill,'")';"fi_.ij!.,.,,A.j1*""1:0,, i".iifil.{-l!ts' fiffdd:' lii?"i5. aRAXES. chek brakes, adjurr 'f

rvre prc$urec- ;":i:uii",##:;'J::T:J Fi,.f;".,n*"ru*;lyurn:;.5::r,i1r*'lx',l^t",lJ*;"'li " ff,s?:t{*:i::,,"1#a{:l.Remove ensine sunp, clean out, .enr. and refi* - - -"';,'"*;:'.gir.iiff i!ft #rug::inrii,:q

Slarkirs ptugs : lH250ia! ctsnor elco*lr : lHl.ll,l

Page 32: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

' . )




Clutch and brake fluid : 17H7533 (8 oz.)

Sparking plugs : 3H2603

Brake shoe assy. (sers, . {8G8250 (rerr)- - . .

L8C825t ( f ronr)

Arr cleaner element : l Hl334

Oil fi lter elenent : 8G683

Clutch driven plate : 7H3215

i;#:'lTff:::":r"1":: ""r",T*r

Book' r:" i'::' :r::':::: ":: .:":ii;r,g piugs ''r be ii,:J.

the correct parts are used. ese and st'n; !-::3r c'rl i ' f \ ' :3::s :::-

-: i eil below to ensure th3t

Page 33: Morris Oxford Service Vouchers

Prini.d in E.sland by th. Nufii.ld Pr63 Ltd . Cowt.v' O:tord {W.T.No. s l'l.C" 32385}
