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Date post: 19-Aug-2018
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Mount Waverley North NEWS Aspire Believe Achieve Postal Address: Marcus Avenue, Mount Waverley, VIC, 3149 Telephone: (03) 9802 3168 Facsimile: (03) 9886 1571 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mtwavnth.vic.edu.au Important Dates Term Dates Principal Team Report Issue 10: 14 June 2018 JUNE Thursday 14 th -ICAS (Writing) -PFA Meeting (7pm) Tuesday 19 th -Regional Cross Country Tuesday 26 th -Reports Sent Home Wednesday 27 th -School Council Meeting (6.30pm) Thursday 28 th -P-2 Disco (5.45pm – 7pm) -3-6 Disco (7.30pm – 9pm) JULY Monday 16 th -Term 3 Begins Tuesday 17 th -Year 3-6 Swimming Program Begins Friday 20 th -Year 3/4 Parents Principal Team Morning Tea (9am) Wednesday 25 th -Parent-Teacher Meetings (1pm-7pm) Term 2: 16 Apr – 29 Jun Term 3: 16 Jul – 21 Sept Term 4: 8 Oct – 21 Dec 2019 Enrolments Our Prep classes for 2019 are filling up fast. Please act now to secure your place and enable us to forward plan for next year. Enrolment forms must be accompanied by Immunisation and Birth Certificates. Please collect an enrolment form from the office. Our Prep teachers are beginning to make kindergarten visits to those children already enrolled for 2019. This aids the transition process and builds the relationship between teacher and child. House Athletics Carnival Yesterday our Year 3-6 students participated in the Mount Waverley North House Athletics Carnival at Bill Sewart Athletics Track. A great day was had by all good and ran very smoothly thank to the support of our parent community and numerous staff. A special mention to Mr Malelis and Mr Klein for putting such a fantastic event together. We wish all those students going on to represent our school at District Athletics on Friday 7 September all the very best.

Mount Waverley North NEWSAspire Believe Achieve

Postal Address: Marcus Avenue, Mount Waverley, VIC, 3149

Telephone: (03) 9802 3168 Facsimile: (03) 9886 1571

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.mtwavnth.vic.edu.au

Important Dates

Term Dates

Principal Team Report

Issue 10: 14 June 2018

JUNEThursday 14th

-ICAS (Writing)-PFA Meeting (7pm)

Tuesday 19th

-Regional Cross Country

Tuesday 26th

-Reports Sent Home

Wednesday 27th

-School Council Meeting (6.30pm)

Thursday 28th

-P-2 Disco (5.45pm – 7pm)-3-6 Disco (7.30pm – 9pm)

JULYMonday 16th

-Term 3 Begins

Tuesday 17th

-Year 3-6 Swimming Program Begins

Friday 20th

-Year 3/4 Parents Principal Team Morning Tea (9am)

Wednesday 25th

-Parent-Teacher Meetings (1pm-7pm)

Term 2: 16 Apr – 29 JunTerm 3: 16 Jul – 21 SeptTerm 4: 8 Oct – 21 Dec

2019 Enrolments

Our Prep classes for 2019 are filling up fast. Please act now to secure your placeand enable us to forward plan for next year. Enrolment forms must beaccompanied by Immunisation and Birth Certificates. Please collect anenrolment form from the office. Our Prep teachers are beginning to makekindergarten visits to those children already enrolled for 2019. This aids thetransition process and builds the relationship between teacher and child.

House Athletics Carnival

Yesterday our Year 3-6 studentsparticipated in the Mount Waverley NorthHouse Athletics Carnival at Bill SewartAthletics Track. A great day was had by allgoodand ran very smoothly thank to the support of our parent community andnumerous staff. A special mention to Mr Malelis and Mr Klein for putting such afantastic event together. We wish all those students going on to represent ourschool at District Athletics on Friday 7 September all the very best.

Mount Waverley North NEWS

Aspire Believe Achieve

Curriculum Day

Year 1-4 Chess Program

Over the past six weeks, our Year 1-4 students have enjoyed our Chess Program, teaching students to thinkcritically and learn the wonderful game of chess. We would like to thank Toni from Chess Rules Australia forsupporting our students to master the rules and tactics of chess and helping to extend their thinking.

Students interested in joining our ongoing Friday Lunchtime Chess club should contact the office.

Year 5/6 Public Speaking Night

What an amazing evening we were presented with last Wednesday as our Year5/6 Public Speaking program culminated in its Presentation Night. Students putinto practice their learning from this term to present to a captive audiencethrough inspirational and impromptu speeches as well as mini-debates.

Thank you to Sheree Mulraney for supporting our teachers to provide ourstudents with an outstanding opportunity to enhance their public speaking skills.

All staff at Mount Waverley North were busy on our recent Curriculum Day as we continued our Language ofLearning journey with Sophie Murphy and Luke Mandouit from the Melbourne University Graduate School ofEducation. Our teachers continue to evolve their practice and capacity by the implementation of Visible LearningStrategies in the teaching and learning within their classrooms. The principles of Visible Learning are developedfrom Melbourne University’s Professor John Hattie’s meta-analysis of research studies on student achievement,the largest global research base into what actually works best in schools to improve learning.

The Victorian Department of Education has adopted Hattie’s research and documentedthe High Impact Teaching Strategies which form the basis of best teaching practice inschools. A component of this model, includes the use of Learning Intentions andSuccess Criteria in each lesson, or lesson sequence, to provide students with clearunderstandings about what they are learning and why, and how they will know if theyare successful. Students from Prep to Year 6 at our school are familiar with the visibilityof this approach and its purpose to move their learning to a deeper level.

Professional Development is pivotal to providing high quality teaching and learning toour students for improved student outcomes. At MWNPS we are committed toproviding this development to all of our staff for the benefit of all of our students.

Student AbsencesAll primary schools have been advised by the Department Of Education that all student absences must beexplained on the day of absence. If your child is absent from school and we do not hear from you, we mustcontact you to request an explanation.

Going forward, at 11am each day, the Office will send out an e-mail to all families who have an unexplainedabsenceThank you for your understanding in this important matter.

Mount Waverley North NEWS

Aspire Believe Achieve

Division Cross Country

Congratulations to the Division Cross Country squad who put in a wonderful performance at the Division CrossCountry event last Thursday. We are proud of all of our students who represented our school, and congratulatethem all on their achievements. A number of students performed exceptionally well on the day and haveprogressed through to the Regional Cross Country competition, to be held next Tuesday, 19 June.

Mount Waverley Secondary College – Work Experience Students

Last week we welcomed eight Year 10 students from Mount Waverley Secondary College to MWN as theyundertook a week of Work Experience at our school. Each MWSC student followed a class for the week, learningabout the teaching profession and gaining experience as they begin to set their own personal directions for futureemployment.

We would like to thank these students for their efforts during the week and wish them all the best in their futurecareers.

Natalie Grieve and Andrew James

Mount Waverley North NEWS

Aspire Believe Achieve

Piano, Guitar, Ukulele and Bass Lessons

From beginner to advanced - learn pop, rock, classical and more! All learning abilities welcome.

Contact Sarah - Phone: 0488 666 838 Email: [email protected]: www.sjsmusic.com.au

Community Notices
