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  • 8/7/2019 MR FMS SI-II



    14 Sessions @1 Hr

    Marketing Research

    Sushil Raturi

    Associate ProfessorDepartment ofFashion Management Studies

    NIFT -Mumbai

  • 8/7/2019 MR FMS SI-II


    Concepts of Research?

    Search for information for the business , social service , academics.

    Scientific and systematic search for information on a topic

    Research comprise of Identification of a problem , developing hypothesis,

    collecting data , analyzing data interpreting data and deriving conclusions to solve

    the problem

    Problem Identification Research (Research undertaken to help identify problemswhich are not necessarily apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to arise in

    the future).

    Problem Solving Research (Research undertaken to help solve specific marketing


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    Scope and Importance of Marketing Research

    To gain familiarity with a new phenomenon or to achieve

    new insight into it To portray characteristics of a particular individual ,

    situation , process as it exists To establish relationships between variables.

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    Marketing ResearchVs

    Marketing IntelligenceVs

    Market Research

    Information can come from two main sources Marketing Intelligence and Marketing


    Marketing Intelligence - a continuous process, usually internally managed, based onpublished or otherwise available data, may be stored for future use .

    Marketing Research - data collected for specific action or decision problem,

    focused, with a time and budget, done by external marketing research company or

    by company staff, usually with a written report and/or presentation to the studys


    Market Research: Research for one P of Marketing i.e. Place (What distributionchannel , what format , which place )

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    Application Areas of Marketing Research


    Feasibility studiesy Measurement of Market potential

    y Consumer Behavior

    y Distribution channels

    y Test market

    y Customer satisfaction measure and management

    y Forecasting /Business trends

    y Acquisition studiesy Ad effectiveness

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    Types of Research


    Preliminary Researchy Exploratory Researchy Descriptive Researchy Analytical Researchy Conclusive Researchy Basic Researchy Causal Researchy Applied Researchy Qualitative Researchy Quantitative Researchy One time Researchy Longitudinal Researchy Field Researchy Desk Researchy Laboratory Researchy Diagnostic Research

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    Preliminary Research

    The research conducted to arrive at an issue /concern or a problem facing society , or abusiness situations.

    Such types of research are conducted in anunstructured manner and depends largely onsecondary data .

    The outcome of this Research is in the form of

    Research problem .

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    Exploratory Research

    Exploratory research is undertaken when theresearcher does not know much about the issue /concern /topic/problem and needs additional

    information or desires new or more recentinformation. Such types of research are conducted in an

    unstructured manner and depends largely onprimary data .

    The outcome of this Research is in the form of objectives and hypothesis .

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    Descriptive Research

    Descriptive research is undertaken to report thematter as it exists at present.

    Such types of research are conducted in an

    unstructured manner and depends on primary andsecondary data .

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    Analytical Research

    This form of research is limited to data analysis.

    Firms specializing in this form of Research getsprimary data from clients along with plan foranalysis .

    These types of firms uses statistical packages toconduct analytical Research.

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    Conclusive Research

    This form of research involves all the steps ofResearch Process.

    The firm starts with an issue / concern andconclude which helps in business decisions.

    Such a Research requires Research team whichspecializes in all the aspects of Research


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    Basic Research

    This form of research is also called academicResearch.

    The findings of the Research can be made public.

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    Causal Research

    This form of Research helps in establishingrelationship between various variables in the formof cause and effect.

    Causality may be thought of as understanding aphenomenon in terms of conditional statementsof the form If x, then y.


    ausal relationships are typically determined bythe use of experiments.

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    Research Design

    A research design is a framework within which theA research design is a framework within which the

    study is conducted . It is a blue print of what to collectstudy is conducted . It is a blue print of what to collect

    , from where to collect , how to collect , how much to, from where to collect , how to collect , how much to

    collect and what to do with the data collected . Acollect and what to do with the data collected . A

    Research design answers the following 10 questionsResearch design answers the following 10 questions


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    Research Design

    Why the studyWhy the study

    What is it aboutWhat is it about

    Where will the study be carried outWhere will the study be carried out

    What type of data is requiredWhat type of data is required

    Where will the data be collected fromWhere will the data be collected from

    What sampling techniques be used to collect dataWhat sampling techniques be used to collect data

    How will the data be collectedHow will the data be collected

    What is the time framework for the studyWhat is the time framework for the study How will the data be analyzedHow will the data be analyzed

    How will the report be presentedHow will the report be presented

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    Marketing ResearchProcess

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep One: Establish the Need for Marketing


    Marketing Research is needed when :

    decisions need not be made immediately

    Organization can afford

    the research Value of the research outweigh the cost of the


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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Two: Establish Research Objectives

    What information is needed in order to solve theproblem?

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    The Marketing Research Process

    Step Three: Determine Research Design




    Test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships.

    Gathers preliminary information

    that will help define the problemand suggest hypotheses.

    Gathers information that will helpdevelop the questionnaire

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Four: Identify Information Types and


    Secondary Data: information that has been


    for some purpose other than theresearch at hand

    Primary Data: information that has been gatheredspecifically for the research objectives at hand

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Five: Determine Methods of Accessing


    Secondary Data: accessing data through sources such as

    the Internet and library Primary Data: collecting data from participants through

    methods such as telephone, mail, online, and face-to-face(quantitative), and observation studies and focus groups(qualitative)

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Six: Design Data Collection Forms

    The design of the data collection form that is

    used to ask or observe and record information inmarketing research projects is critical to thesuccess of the project.

    It is easy to write a set of questions but verydifficult to construct a questionnaire.

    General types of instruments (forms) Questionnaires

    Observation Study forms (protocols)

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Seven: Determine Sample Plan and


    Sample plan: refers to the process used to select

    units from the population to be includ


    in thesample

    Sample size: refers to determining how manyelements (units) of the population should beincluded in the sample

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Eight: Collect Data

    Pilot Survey

    +10-15% of actual sample size

    Stick to the sampling plan

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Nine: Data Tabulation

    Data editing

    1. Central Editing

    2. Field editing

    Data coding

    Data entry

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Ten: Data analysis and interpretation

    Data analysis: involves conducting variousstatistical tests

    Data interpretation

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    The Marketing Research ProcessStep Eleven: Prepare and Present the Final

    Research Report

    Findings are presented, often by researchobjective, in a clear and concise way.

    The need for a good report cannot be overstated. It

    is the report, and/or its presentation, that properlycommunicates the results to the client.

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    Assignment 1

    Students are required toidentify a product ( new

    product , modified version ofan existing product )andconduct a Research toidentify whether there isa feasibility tolaunch the product , how muchis thepotentialfor the product and who are the potentialcustomersfollowed by 4PSStrategy.

    Toconduct a Research , the studentsshall make useofall the eleven stagesofMarketing Research . Theyalso need tosubmit a synopsisof the market

    research proposalcontaining Title, Introduction,objective, literature survey, ResearchDesign, ScopeofStudy andreference.

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    StagesofSubmission ofAssignment

    1. SynopsisofProposal: 4.2.2011 ( 5 pages): COE Submission:10 Marks

    2. Questionnaire Development:11.2.2011:3. Data collection:10.3.20114. Data Editing / Tabulation /analysis:15.4.2011

    5. Report writing /Submission :2.5.2011 : 10 Marks

    Group Assignment

    Submission ofSynopsis/ Report in Arial , 12 font , 1.5 Spacing ,Justified
