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MS Health & Hunger Atlas 2017
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MS Health & Hunger Atlas 2017

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Rachel Haggard, Anne Cafer, John Green

Address correspondence concerning this atlas to Dr. Anne Cafer; Assistant Professor of Sociology; 543 Lamar Hall; University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677; 662.915.5733; [email protected]

Ó The Center for Population Studies, affiliated with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The University of Mississippi, 2017.

Photo Courtesy of USDA NIFA 2009©

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Table of Contents Background .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1

Goals ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1

Reading the Atlas ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

State Maps ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4

Economic Indicators ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................5

Need Indicators .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Health .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Teen Pregnancy Rate per 1,000 Live Births .................................................................................................................................................................................8 Low Birth Weight per 100 Live Births .........................................................................................................................................................................................8 Pre-Term Birth Rate per 100 Live Births ......................................................................................................................................................................................9 Adult Obesity Rate ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Adult Diabetes Rate ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Adult Hypertension per 100,000 Deaths .......................................................................................................................................................................................9 Uninsured Adults .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Uninsured Under 18 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Avg. Miles to Closest Primary Care Provider .............................................................................................................................................................................10

Hunger .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Food Insecure Individuals ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Children Food Insecure ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Food Insecure with Hunger .........................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Population Income Eligible for SNAP ........................................................................................................................................................................................13 Children Income Eligible for SNAP ...........................................................................................................................................................................................13 Food Affordability .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Low Food Access Index ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................14

Overall Need Rank ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15

Performance Indicators ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Health ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16

Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 .........................................................................................................................................................................................16 Other Primary Care Providers per 100,000 .................................................................................................................................................................................16 Medicaid Enrollees per Primary Care Provider ..........................................................................................................................................................................17 Population Enrolled in Medicaid .................................................................................................................................................................................................17 Under 18 Enrolled in Medicaid ...................................................................................................................................................................................................17

Hunger .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 SNAP Enrollment (% Total Population) .....................................................................................................................................................................................18 SNAP Enrollment (% Eligible) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................18 SNAP Enrollment: Children (% Eligible) ...................................................................................................................................................................................18 Local Sustainability Resilience Index .........................................................................................................................................................................................19

Overall Performance Rank ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................20

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Comparing Need and Performance ......................................................................................................................................................................................................21 County Pages…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

Acknowledgements The Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas is an outcome of a cooperative endeavor of faculty and students at the University of Mississippi. Our efforts would not have been possible, however, without the support of individuals in public agencies who shared data on agency programs with us. Specifically, in Mississippi, we received wonderful assistance in the retrieval of information from Paul Nelson and Larry Strebeck (Mississippi Department of Human Services) and Sujith Ramachandran (Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Administration, UM). Additionally, special thanks to the University of Missouri’s Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security, that provided initial inspiration for this atlas.

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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 1

Background This atlas looks at two important problems in Mississippi—the extent of food insecurity and barriers to health. It also gauges how well public and private programs are doing in meeting the needs of Mississippians who may have difficulty in acquiring sufficient amounts and qualities of food or accessing the healthcare system. Food insecurity rates in Mississippi are consistently and statistically higher than national averages—having been ranked as #1 or #2 for highest food insecurity rate every year for the past 15 years (USDA-ERS). Additionally, as national trends point toward declining rates of food insecurity, the percentage of the state population in Mississippi food insecure continues to rise. These increased rates of food insecurity are tied to, among other hardships, poor health, especially in children. The combination of food insecurity and poor health has important economic and social costs, including income loss, work absenteeism, higher demand for public benefits and social services, and increased health care expenditures. In terms of specific health outcomes, obesity is a disease strongly associated with poverty and food insecurity, namely, a result of poor diet and access to quality foods. Obesity in children among low socioeconomic status (SES) households is a growing national trend (Singh et al. 2010). Children from these vulnerable households are two times more likely to be obese than their high SES counterparts and 1.7 times more likely to be severely obese (Singh et al. 2010; Skelton et al. 2009). Mississippi is on the frontlines of fighting this obesity epidemic with more than 40 percent of children in the state

obese or overweight. The implications for Mississippi’s health system are significant. Medical costs have been estimated at $19,000 more for an obese child over their lifetime, compared to a healthy weight child (Finkelstein, Graham, & Malhotra 2014). Left unchecked, obesity in Mississippi could cost the state nearly $4 billion by 2018 (MSDH 2015). In part, the propensity toward obesity among children in lower SES households is a product of poor environments with limited/poor quality food resources and limited access to quality healthcare (Hill & Peters 1998, Sallis & Glanz 2006, Sallis & Glanz 2009). This relationship between childhood obesity and environment highlights the need for quality county-level data on local context.

Goals Because the state of Mississippi consistently ranks in the bottom for a number of demographic, economic, food security, and health statistics, national thresholds for differentiating tiers







2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015%






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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 2

of severity become useless in determining variation within the state (i.e. all counties are in the bottom tier). This atlas is designed to normalize the values to the state, allowing community stakeholders, policy makers, and other researchers to see the spatial differences in a range of food security and health related indicators. To this end there are five primary goals:

1. Raise Mississippian’s awareness of the extent and depth of food insecurity and health needs in their own state, regions, and counties;

2. Increase Mississippians’ knowledge of the extent of the work of public and private programs and the success of these program in reaching vulnerable populations;

3. Reveal geographic patterns, including regional and county-level differences in hunger and health need and performance in our state;

4. Provide measures of need and performance that can be updated on a periodic basis and compared to assess trends in need and performance variables over time;

5. Help public and private decision-makers assess food insecurity and healthcare needs and program performance as a means for improving the delivery of human, technical, and fiscal resources to residents and regions requiring assistance.

Reading the Atlas County Tables and State Maps This atlas provides information on indicators related to health and hunger need and program performance in meeting citizen

needs at the county level. We have identified nine indicators related to health “need,” seven indicators related to hunger “need,” five indicators related to health “performance,” and four indicators related to hunger “performance.” For each indicator, we have used the most recent data available, which ranges from 2013 to 2016 calendar year and the 2016 state fiscal year (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016). In the county pages, which comprise the majority of this report, readers will find county-level information on (A) economic and demographic indicators, (B) health and hunger need indicators, and (C) health and hunger performance indicators. The following few pages of this atlas provide an overview of these three categories and information on how to read the county tables. Information depicting how to read the state maps is also included in this section. County Profile Indicators At the bottom of each county page is an economic profile that lists the demographic and economic status of each county. This profile provides context for each county because health and hunger indicators are often closely correlated to food security, diet, and health status. Within the economic profile, we provide both the county estimate for each indicator as well as the state estimate.

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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 3

Need and Performance Indicators The purpose of the “Need Indicators” is to provide measures of the extent of food insecurity, hunger, and health disparities in each Mississippi county. The “Performance Indicators” provide county level measures of the extent to which residents are participating in public programs intended to help cope with health needs and food insecurity and hunger. Assessing county level variation and need allows one to see barriers to health and hunger access and the success of programs’ performance established to address needs those needs. How to Read the Need and Performance Indicator Tables The left side of each table provides information on five indicators of hunger performance and four indicators on health performance. Three columns of information are presented for each variable. To demonstrate how to read this information, here is the first performance indicator, Primary Care Physicians per 100,000, for Adams County (see Page 23).

Ø The first column, “County,” reports the result for the

county on this indicator. In this case, there are 81.3 primary care physicians per 100,000 of the population in Adams County.

Ø The second column, “State,” shows the average across all counties for the state of Mississippi for the indicator. In this case, Mississippi’s average is 53.8 primary care physicians per 100,000 of the population.

Ø The third column is “Rank.” This last column indicates

the county’s rank in comparison with all other Mississippi counties. Individual county results are divided into five quintiles to reveal whether a county’s need or performance is in the top 20 percent, second highest 20 percent, and so on. The labels under “county rank” indicate the following groups:

o Very High: 80th to 100th percentile

o High: 60th to 79th percentile

o Average: 40th to 59th percentile

o Low: 20th to 39th percentile

o Very Low: 1st to 19th percentile

The example on Page 23 shows that the level in Adams County, in comparison to other counties, is in the high quintile for primary care physicians per 100,000 people.

PrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000 81.3 53.8 VeryHighHEALTH


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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 4

State Maps We provide maps for some of the health and hunger need and performance indicators to visually demonstrate the patterns among Mississippi’s 82 counties. The maps allow the reader to quickly and easily note the rankings of all counties in the state. Each map divides the state into five equal fifths, or quintiles, based on the calculations of the rankings, discussed earlier, for each county in the state. The quintiles on each need and performance indicator map are arranged from very low to very high. Counties with a very low ranking are in the lowest 20 percent for need or performance. Being in the lowest 20 percent or first quintile means counties either have low need or low performance, depending on the indicator. Counties with a very high ranking are in the highest 20 percent counties for need or performance. For example, a very high ranking for percent of food insecure individuals means that county is in the highest 20 percent, or fifth quintile. This denotes the highest need group for percentages of food insecure people in that county.

General Trends An examination of the county profiles and maps provides us with important insights into both levels of need and county efforts to meet that need. Generally, the highest need counties are concentrated in the Delta region, particularly as it relates to issues of food access and food insecurity. However, an

assessment of performance allows us to challenge common perceptions of these counties, and in fact, demonstrates that a number of Delta counties have the highest ranking for performance. What this assessment also allows us to see is that there are a number of central and southwest counties that rank low on the performance despite being high need counties. It is also worthy of noting that within the state of Mississippi, the number of high need counties with low performance is more than double (17) in number than high need counties with high performance (7). A closer examination also reveals a number of outlier counties. For example, Quitman and Issaquena Counties, like many of the surrounding Delta counties, are both high need, but unlike many of the surrounding counties that are high performing, both have very low performance. Or Pike and Neshoba counties—high performing counties surrounded by low performing counties. Though this atlas is not designed to be an exhaustive analysis, it begins to help provide an overview of the state of food security and health in the state and provides an important starting point for thoughtful consideration of how private and public sector responses to inequality are contributing to the welfare of Mississippians.

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Economic Indicators Total Population The estimated number of people of all ages living in a county in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Total Population Under 18 The estimated number of people under 18 years of age living in a county in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Total Population 65+ The estimated number of people in a county 65 years of age and older in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Families with Children The estimated number of families with children under 18 years of age in a county in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Single Parent Families with Children The estimated number of households in a county headed by a single parent not currently married or living with a spouse in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Dependency Ratio

“A measure defined by dividing the combined under 18 years and 65 years and over by the 18-64 years population and multiplying by 100.” Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Civilian Labor Force People classified as employed or unemployed. The ACS defines employed civilians as ages 16 and older who are “at work” who did any work during the reference week and those who may have not been “at work” for a short period due to illness, weather, or other short-term cause. For qualifications for unemployed, refer to the unemployment rate definition below. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Percent Under 18 in Poverty For whom poverty status can be determined, this is the estimated percent of the county’s population under 18 years of age living at or below 100 percent of the poverty rate in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Percent Total Population 65+ in Poverty For whom poverty status can be determined, this is the estimated percent of the county’s population 65 years and older living at or below 100 percent of the poverty rate in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015.

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Percent Population Below Poverty (MAP) For whom poverty status can be determined, this is the estimated percent of the county’s total population living at or below 100 percent of the poverty rate in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Percent Families in Poverty For whom poverty status can be determined, this is the estimated percent of families in a county living at or below 100 percent of the poverty rate in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Median Family Income “The median divides the income distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median income and one-half above the median. For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income. The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income. Median income for households, families, and individuals is computed on the basis of a standard distribution.” Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015.

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Percent Single Parent Families in Poverty (MAP) For whom poverty status can be determined, this is the estimated percent of households in a county headed by a single parent not currently married or living with a spouse in 2015. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015. Unemployment Rate The unemployment rate represents the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the civilian labor force. "All civilians 16 years old and over are classified as unemployed if they (1) were neither “at work” nor “with a job but not at work” during the reference week, and (2) were actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks, and (3) were available to start a job. Also, included as unemployed are civilians who did not work at all during the reference week, were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, and were available for work except for temporary illness.” Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau five-year estimates, 2015.

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Need Indicators Health Teen Pregnancy Rate per 1,000 Live Births (MAP) This rate is measured for mothers 10 to 19 years of age and accounts for the number of teen live births, per 1,000 live births. "The teen summary tables contain statistics on induced terminations (abortions) and pregnancies (combination of births, reportable fetal deaths, and induced terminations). Many Mississippi residents have induced terminations outside of Mississippi. At the time this information was posted, less than half of the 2015 induced terminations from Tennessee had been received. Producing statistics without these records would seriously underestimate the numbers and rates dependent on these induced terminations. Once these records have been received and edited, this page will be updated and the teen summary tables added." Source: Mississippi Statistically Automated Health Resource System (MSTAHRS), Mississippi Department of Health, 2010 through 2014. Available from: http://mstahrs.msdh.ms.gov/. Low Birth Weight per 100 Live Births The number of births, per 100 live births, where the fetus weights less than 2,500 grams, from 2011 through 2015. Source: Mississippi Statistically Automated Health Resource System (MSTAHRS), Mississippi Department of Health, 2011 through 2015. Available from: http://mstahrs.msdh.ms.gov/.

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Pre-Term Birth Rate per 100 Live Births Births per 100 live births from 2011 through 2015. Source: Mississippi Statistically Automated Health Resource System (MSTAHRS), Mississippi Department of Health. Available from: http://mstahrs.msdh.ms.gov/. Adult Obesity Rate (MAP) The estimated percent of the population 20 years and older that qualify as obese (Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 30) in 2014 using three year estimates. Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, Center for Disease Control, 2014. Adult Diabetes Rate The estimated percent of the population diagnosed with diabetes by a doctor in 2014 using three-year estimates. Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, Center for Disease Control, 2014. Adult Hypertension per 100,000 Deaths The estimated number of individuals per 100,000 of the population 35 years of age and older for whom high blood pressure is listed on the death certificate as the primary cause of death. Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, Center for Disease Control, 2012-2014.

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Uninsured Adults The estimated percentage of the population age 18 to 65 that lacks health insurance coverage. Source: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates 2013, data aggregated by County Health. Uninsured Under 18 The estimated percentage of the population less than 19 years of age that lack health insurance coverage. Source: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates 2013, data aggregated by County Health. Avg. Miles to Closest Primary Care Provider (MAP) The average number of miles a Medicaid recipient has to travel to see a Primary Care Provider. The distance between beneficiaries and PCPs was calculated as the straight-line distance between the zip codes of the beneficiary's residence and provider's address of practice. However, since address of practice for the PCP was obtained from the self-reported NPI records, some errors (keystroke errors, typos, incorrect addresses, change of address which is not updated) are possible. Source: Medicaid Pharmacy Quality Alliance aggregated by University of Mississippi Pharmacy School, 2016.

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Hunger Food Insecure Individuals (MAP) The estimated percentage of individuals in the U.S. that experienced inadequate access to nutritious food at the county level. Feeding America adapted this measure from the USDA survey to establish the extent of food insecurity of individuals at the national level. Source: Feeding America Map the Meal Gap collected from the 2011-2014 Current Population Survey. Children Food Insecure The estimated percentage of children under the age of 18 living in households in the U.S at the county level that experienced inadequate access to nutritious food at some point during the year. Feeding America adapted this measure from the USDA survey to establish the extent of food insecurity in households with children at the national level. Source: Feeding America Map the Meal Gap collected from the 2011-2014 Current Population Survey with children. Food Insecure with Hunger The estimated percent of the total population food uncertain with hunger in 2014 in a county. This is based on a state level calculation from Feeding America. Source: Feeding America Map the Meal Gap collected from the 2011-2014 Current Population Survey. Additional analysis and calculation conducted through University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies.

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Population Income Eligible for SNAP The estimated percent of the total population below the 130 percent poverty threshold in 2015 that qualify individuals for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimates, 2015. Additional analysis and calculation conducted through University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies. Children Income Eligible for SNAP The estimated percent of the population less than 18 years of age below the 130 percent poverty threshold in 2015 that qualify children for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimates, 2015. Additional analysis and mapping conducted through University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies.

Food Affordability (MAP) The estimated percent of income required each week by households in 2014 to meet average expenditures on food for that county. This indicator was calculated using the average weekly median household income from the American Community Survey and the average cost of meals calculated by Feeding America. Source: American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau one-year estimates, U.S. Census Quick Facts, 2015 and Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap, 2015.

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Low Food Access Index (MAP) This index incorporates the percentage of individuals with low access to grocery stores; individuals with low income and low access to grocery stores; and individuals with low income, low access to grocery stores, and no vehicle. The index is calculated by standardizing the three variables and then summating those standardized scores. The counties are then ranked from best food access to worst food access on a scale of 1 – 100 with 1 indicating best food access and 100 indicating worst food access. Source: Calculated from 2012 USDA data.

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Overall Need Rank (MAP) The Overall Need Rank is a single composite measure of all 16 health and hunger need indicators for each county presented in this atlas. The 16 indicators are weighted evenly by dividing 100 by all 16 indicators. This means each need indicator is weighted 6.25 percent. We then ranked each county 1-82 for all 16 indicators. A lower rank signifies that a county has a lower level of need and a higher rank has a higher level of need. So, a rank of one indicates the lowest need and a rank of 82 indicates the highest need. Then we multiplied each county ranking by 6.25 percent. To get the composite overall need we summed all 16 indicators. To map the overall need rank we took the sum for each county and divided it into quintiles.

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Performance Indicators Health Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 (MAP) The estimated number of primary care physicians per 100,000 people in a county. Source: Area Health Resource File/American Medical Association, 2013. Data aggregated by County Health and calculated using the American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau. Other Primary Care Providers per 100,000 The estimated number of other professionals that offer health care services such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants per 100,000 people. Source: Data sourced from the National Provider Identifier Registry recorded by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services National Plan and Provider Enumeration System in 2015.

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Medicaid Enrollees per Primary Care Provider The estimated number of individuals enrolled in Medicaid per every primary care provider. Providers are considered to be primary care providers (PCP) if they indicated they were PCPs in the self-identified National Provider Identity (NPI) file. (All providers are required to register in the NPI records). PCPs included not only physicians, but also nurse practitioners and other specialties that are expected to provide primary care. PCPs were expected to belong the county where they practice medicine, as indicated by their NPI records. Source: Medicaid Pharmacy Quality Alliance aggregated by University of Mississippi Pharmacy School, 2016.

Population Enrolled in Medicaid (MAP) The estimated percent of the population enrolled in Medicaid for at least one month in the 2016 calendar year. Source: Medicaid Pharmacy Quality Alliance aggregated by University of Mississippi Pharmacy School, 2016. Under 18 Enrolled in Medicaid The estimated percent of the population under 18 years of age enrolled in Medicaid for at least one month in the 2016 calendar year. Source: Medicaid Pharmacy Quality Alliance aggregated by University of Mississippi Pharmacy School, 2016.

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Hunger SNAP Enrollment (% Total Population) The estimated percent of county residents who participated in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in FY2016. Source: Mississippi Department of Health, 2016 and the American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimates, 2015. SNAP Enrollment (% Eligible) (MAP) The estimated percent of county residents who are income eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and who participated in the program for FY2016. To determine income eligibility, all households earning less than 130 percent of the poverty threshold are considered. Source: Mississippi Department of Health, 2016 and the American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimates, 2015. Additional analysis conducted by the Center for Population Studies. SNAP Enrollment: Children (% Eligible) The estimated percent of county residents less than 18 years of age who are eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and who participated in the program for FY2016. Source: Mississippi Department of Health, 2016 and the American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau 5-year estimates, 2015. Additional analysis conducted by the Center for Population Studies.

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Local Sustainability Resilience Index (MAP) Based on summated and standardized scores across 10 indicators. A higher score indicates a higher level of resilience on this measure. Source: Delta Land and Community, Inc. and University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies Resilience Project. Original data sources: 2012 Census of Agriculture, 2013 Food Atlas, 2013 Farm to School Census, and 2014 review of state policies and regulations. More information is available from: https://meadowcreekvalley.wordpress.com/projects/land/roots-of-resilience-the-book/. Additional calculations provided by the University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies.

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Overall Performance Rank (MAP) The Overall Performance Rank is a single composite measure of all nine health and hunger performance indicators for each county presented in this atlas. We weighted six of the nine indicators by dividing 100 by all nine indicators. In the overall performance, we included: Primary Care Physicians per 100,000, Other Primary Care Physicians per 100,000, Medicaid Enrollees per Primary Care Provider, SNAP Enrollment (% Eligible), SNAP Enrollment: Children (% Eligible), and the Local Sustainability Resilience Index. This means each of the six performance indicators is weighted 16.67 percent. We then ranked each county 1-82 for all six indicators. A lower rank signifies that a county has a higher level of performance and a higher rank has a lower level of performance. So, a rank of one indicates the highest performance and a rank of 82 indicates the lowest performance. Then we multiplied each county ranking by 16.67 percent. To get the composite overall performance, we summed all six indicators. To map the overall performance rank, we took the sum for each county and divided it into quintiles.

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Comparing Need and Performance Having compiled county-level composite ranks in the areas of hunger and health need and performance indicators, a final and useful step is to compare how each county ranks in terms of the combination of their ranks on need and performance. In essence, we can ask whether counties that have high need are doing comparatively well or comparatively poorly in addressing those needs. Counties with high needs that have high performance rankings, for example, are likely more successful in serving the hunger and health needs of their populations, while counties with high needs but low performance, are potential target locations for increased public and private sector attention. We used several steps to perform this analysis. First, we labeled counties as high need if their composite “overall need” ranking fell in the upper two quintiles (very high or high). Second, we designated counties as low need if their composite “overall need” ranking scored in the bottom two quintiles, (low or very low). Third, we designated counties as high performance if their composite “overall performance” ranking was in the upper two quintiles, (high or very high). Lastly, we labeled counties as low performance if their composite “overall performance” ranking was in the bottom two quintiles (low or very low). We did not include counties that scored in the average, or middle quintile, in either of these composite ranks in this analysis, but they appear in the map as the gray counties.

The designation of counties as either high need or low need, and as either high performance or low performance, offers the possibility of counties falling into one of four categories:

1. High need/low performance 2. High need/low performance 3. Low need/high performance 4. Low need/low performance

High Need/High Performance High Need/Low Performance Adams Bolivar Coahoma Leflore Noxubee Sunflower Washington

Amite Attala Benton Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Jasper Jefferson Jefferson Davis

Kemper Leake Marion Montgomery Quitman Walthall Wilkinson Winston

Low Need/High Performance Low Need/Low Performance DeSoto Forrest Franklin George Greene Grenada Harrison Jackson Lafayette Lauderdale

Lawrence Lee Lowndes Madison Neshoba Oktibbeha Rankin Stone Webster

Choctaw Copiah Itawamba Lamar Prentiss Smith Tate Tippah Tishomingo

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OVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 31.2 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.6 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.5 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 37.7 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.9 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 273.9 369.0 LowUninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 Average

PrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 81.3 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 107.2 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.6 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 365.1 194.6 AveragePopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 32.0 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 25.6 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.9 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 30.3 27.4 High

FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 12.7 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.4 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 35.5 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 59.0 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 58.7 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 73.3 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 27.9 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.2 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 81.7 - VeryHigh

TotalPopulation 31,979 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 30.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,817 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 51.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 5,251 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,731 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 26.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,720 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 61.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 60.6 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $35,907 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 16,245 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 11.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance








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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 28.4 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.1 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.7 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 37.9 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.3 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 178.8 369 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 37.5 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 117.6 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.5 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 145.0 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.7 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.6 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.0 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.1 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.7 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.1 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.0 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 48.9 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 45.2 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 66.4 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 24.3 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.5 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 18.3 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 37,319 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,945 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 30.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,207 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 10.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,934 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 15.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,318 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 45.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,008 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 16,245 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.0 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 25.9 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.2 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.1 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 42.3 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.6 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 511.1 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 15.6 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 55.4 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.2 1.0 0.95MedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 381.6 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.7 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.6 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 12.5 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.6 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.7 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.7 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.4 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.9 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 53.8 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 61.6 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 28.1 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.2 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 62.2 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 12,840 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,756 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 34.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,598 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,059 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.2 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 288 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 62.2 46.8 -DependencyRatio 71.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $42,672 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 5,226 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.7 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 24.8 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 13.1 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.7 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 39.2 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.4 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 256.3 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 57.4 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 62.6 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.5 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 382.8 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 35.9 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 23.6 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.7 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.9 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 10.7 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.5 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.8 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 58.4 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 47.6 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 78.6 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 27.8 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.3 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 22.0 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 19,175 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 4,909 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 36.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,551 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,064 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 870 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 56.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 79.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,941 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 7,599 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.6 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.4 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 13.3 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.5 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 37.0 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.9 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 540.3 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 0.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 48.2 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 3.7 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 720.8 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 34.0 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.7 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.3 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.8 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.8 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 22.8 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.7 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 76.9 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.9 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 30.2 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -10.2 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 93.9 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 8,470 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,016 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 21.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,413 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 796 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 18.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 256 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 39.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,924 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,611 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 17.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 32.5 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 13.2 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.7 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 37.5 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.5 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 537.6 369 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 53.2 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 74.0 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.7 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 409.4 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 42.4 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 29.5 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.3 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 32.6 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 16.6 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 31.6 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 44.1 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 70.5 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 63.3 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 84.9 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 29.6 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.1 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 95.1 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 33,803 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 37.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,548 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 53.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,576 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 18.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,332 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 31.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,022 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 62.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 63.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $35,700 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,971 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 15.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.1 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.7 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.3 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 35.8 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.7 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 401.4 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 20.3 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 27.1 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.7 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 790.2 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 32.1 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.1 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.5 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.2 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.2 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.3 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.7 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 57.1 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 47.4 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 75.2 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 27.7 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.9 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 19.5 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 14,789 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 25.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,614 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 38.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,539 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,510 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 645 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 53.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 71.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,190 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 6,208 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.6 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.5 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.3 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 34.2 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.5 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 512.8 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 19.3 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 11.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 29.3 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 6.4 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 831.7 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 24.1 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.3 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 10.9 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.6 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.4 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 14.8 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 24.5 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 59.9 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.2 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 83.8 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 25.7 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.9 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 90.2 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 10,338 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 20.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,079 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 30.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,092 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 20.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 900 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 14.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 249 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 58.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.6 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $50,276 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 4,204 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 11.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 35.6 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.9 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.4 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.4 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.2 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 232.5 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 34.5 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 69.3 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 334.9 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 34.7 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 23.1 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.4 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.2 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 10.2 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.5 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.4 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 58.9 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 47.8 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 75.0 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 27.0 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -6.8 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 13.4 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 17,391 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder121 4,414 736,173 - Under121inPoverty(%) 38.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation1212+ 2,616 414,833 - TotalPopulation1212+inPoverty(%) 13.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,005 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 903 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 55.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.9 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $36,000 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 7,462 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.2 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.5 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.2 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 11.7 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 31.7 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.6 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 177.6 369 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 47.9 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 48.2 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 3.4 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 505.4 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.2 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.6 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.6 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 29.4 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.7 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.8 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.4 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 54.0 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 52.1 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 66.6 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 25.9 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.3 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 7.3 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 8,354 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 1,933 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 36.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,564 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 26.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 723 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 250 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 56.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 72.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $45,139 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,404 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 14.2 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 26.9 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 16.0 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 19.3 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 47.6 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.0 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 313.7 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 32.2 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 55.1 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 4.4 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 565.1 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 42.4 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 33.0 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.5 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 32.3 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 20.1 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 37.1 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 49.7 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 73.2 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 61.4 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 38.7 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.8 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 69.5 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 9,330 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 42.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,081 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 54.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,373 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 24.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 767 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 35.2 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 571 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 59.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 58.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $29,958 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 2,921 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 17.5 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.5 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.3 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.0 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 34.8 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.9 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 212.7 369 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 30.6 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 49.1 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.6 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 388.6 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.5 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.9 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.4 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.1 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.0 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.1 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.4 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 72.7 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.5 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 96.0 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 25.0 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.1 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 57.3 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 16,362 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,844 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 31.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,912 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 12.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,674 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 16.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 642 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 50.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $46,406 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 7,204 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 11.7 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.5 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.6 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.4 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 35.3 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.6 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 388.6 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 49.3 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 34.6 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.4 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 360.4 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 32.0 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 28.1 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.8 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 32.8 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 15.2 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 24.2 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 35.7 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 67.1 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 51.6 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 84.2 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 25.1 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.8 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 50.0 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 20,279 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,019 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 41.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,201 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,108 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,114 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 58.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $39,927 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 8,976 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 16.2 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 36

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 42.4 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 17.7 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 25.1 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 42.9 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.8 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 622.3 369 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 71.3 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 112.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.6 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 436.9 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 48.4 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 33.1 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 24.7 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 33.5 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 20.2 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 37.9 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.2 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 85.6 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 57.3 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 31.1 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.0 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 84.2 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 25,254 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 34.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 7,180 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 44.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,252 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,893 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 29.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,913 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 54.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $34,135 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 10,920 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 20.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 37

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 24.3 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.3 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.0 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 37.4 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.0 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 366.4 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 41.5 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 13.9 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.5 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 810.4 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.6 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 23.6 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.9 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.4 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 10.7 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 23.1 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.8 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 68.1 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 48.6 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 90.0 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 24.6 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -0.5 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 85.4 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 28,921 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,938 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 41.1 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,281 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,491 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,023 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 57.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 63.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $42,221 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 12,001 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 14.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 38

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.8 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.2 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.2 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 36.3 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.3 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 301.9 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 30.8 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 41.2 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 389.2 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 32.0 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.3 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.1 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.4 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.8 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.7 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 57.5 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 46.3 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 76.6 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 26.7 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.2 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 2.4 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 19,471 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 4,951 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 37.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,414 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,654 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.8 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 726 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 51.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 75.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,554 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 7,677 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 13.7 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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OVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 14.8 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 8.4 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 10.5 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 35.9 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.8 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 390.7 369 AverageUninsuredAdults(%) 17.0 25.0 VeryLow

PrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 33.2 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 49.1 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.6 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 332.8 194.6 HighPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.8 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 14.5 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 10.4 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 20.1 27.4 VeryLow

FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 1.6 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 10.9 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 14.8 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 69.9 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 19.8 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 15.0 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.5 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 40.2 - Low

TotalPopulation 168,586 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 9.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 45,638 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 12.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 19,085 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 7.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 21,283 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 7.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 6,606 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 62.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $66,854 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 89,416 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 7.6 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance







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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 40

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 21.7 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.4 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.3 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.4 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 11.1 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 369.4 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 56.4 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 180.8 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 98.7 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 29.6 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 23.3 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.5 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.7 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 10.4 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.8 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 32.6 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 57.5 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 41.0 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 97.2 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 23.9 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 2.0 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 23.2 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 76,267 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 17,846 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 34.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 9,367 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 8,013 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 3,686 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 49.5 46.8 -DependencyRatio 55.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $47,268 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 37,572 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 13.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 41

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 21.6 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.1 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.2 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 35.6 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.1 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 202.7 369 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 38.2 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 114.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 5.7 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 297.8 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.3 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.0 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.8 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.4 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.1 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.9 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.1 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 63.1 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 41.3 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 74.1 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 20.8 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.2 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 73.2 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 7,857 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 18.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 1,937 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 24.4 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,373 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 975 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 15.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 366 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 72.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $52,420 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,406 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 8.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 42

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 33.8 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 8.9 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.3 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.2 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.1 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 417.2 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 39.0 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 25.7 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 317.2 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 24.7 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 5.3 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.3 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.2 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) -7.6 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.4 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 24.2 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 72.6 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.9 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 97.6 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 22.2 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 0.4 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 8.5 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 23,104 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 18.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,086 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 24.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,195 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 12.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,276 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 14.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 587 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 51.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $57,639 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 9,073 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.0 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 43

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 22.2 19.5OVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 8.9 11.5

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.8 14.5AdultObesityRate(%) 38.5 35.5AdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.0 11.9AdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 209.1 369

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0PrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 14.2 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0OtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 62.8 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 4.5 1.0MedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 450.3 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 22.3 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.1 22.3Under18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 11.1 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.3 27.4

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.2 12.9SNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 16.3 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 17.0 29.1SNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 91.6 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 17.6 40.6SNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 23.2 20.9LocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 1.2 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 36.6 -

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 14,129 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 14.5 22.5TotalPopulationUnder18 2,908 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 10.5 31.8TotalPopulation65+ 1,687 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.2 13.7FamilieswithChildren 1,162 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 9.8 17.6SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 320 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 23.6 46.8DependencyRatio 48.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $54,071 $49,274CivilianLaborForce 4,523 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.6 10.3*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 44

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.4 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.6 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.7 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 38.9 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.5 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 182.4 369 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 69.5 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 120.0 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.9 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 245.4 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 37.5 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.5 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.9 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.8 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.6 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.4 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.6 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 63.2 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.5 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 84.9 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 28.8 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -6.6 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 47.6 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 21,591 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,177 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 34.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,479 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,983 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 18.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 919 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 54.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.9 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $46,316 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 9,018 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 45

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 18.4 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 7.7 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 11.0 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 31.9 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.6 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 259 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 35.1 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 11.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 82.7 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.3 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 486.6 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 21.3 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 16.3 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 11.1 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.3 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 3.4 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.4 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.8 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 54.3 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.4 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 76.4 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 19.2 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 2.6 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 82.9 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 45,627 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 10,316 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 27.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 7,899 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 12.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,990 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,901 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 46.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $52,230 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 20,559 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 46

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.6 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.6 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.8 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 32.3 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.4 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 229.1 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 52.5 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 105.0 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 216.9 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.5 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.2 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) High 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.0 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.3 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.8 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 27.2 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 71.0 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 41.7 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 96.1 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 19.8 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 2.5 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 79.3 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 196,268 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 20.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 47,819 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 31.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 25,183 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 21,883 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 17.3 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 9,493 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 45.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 59.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $50,012 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 91,847 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.7 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 47

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 24.5 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 15.1 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.6 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 34.9 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.4 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 451.8 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 80.1 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 178.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.3 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 102.1 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.9 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 26.5 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.0 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 13.6 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 23.2 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 32.6 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 70.3 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 47.2 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 24.4 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.2 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 59.8 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 245,874 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 25.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 62,471 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 36.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 28,673 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 25,573 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.3 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 14,198 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.2 46.8 -DependencyRatio 58.9 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $47,739 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 117,559 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.2 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.1 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.1 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 46.1 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.5 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 459 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 47.9 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 54.2 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.4 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 522.4 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 47.3 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 35.7 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 22.1 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 37.8 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 22.8 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 35.4 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 53.2 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 65.0 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 71.7 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 79.7 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 47.1 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -8.4 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 91.5 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 18,772 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 43.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,106 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 60.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,515 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 28.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,847 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 37.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,379 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 64.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $26,059 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 6,564 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 19.2 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 38.0 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.2 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 18.3 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 41.6 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.3 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 584.3 369 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 33.4 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 22.9 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.5 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 770.8 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 51.5 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 35.8 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 25.0 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 36.0 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 22.9 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 44.8 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 50.4 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 85.7 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 58.2 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 39.5 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -6.4 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 76.8 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 8,984 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 39.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,476 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 49.1 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,230 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 27.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 779 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 34.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 466 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 57.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $29,712 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,660 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 26.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 40.7 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 22.8 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 22.8 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 34.4 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.5 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 435.1 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 0.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 71.6 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 8.1 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* - 194.6 - HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.1 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 33.0 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 12.5 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 38.7 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 20.1 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.0 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 40.1 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.8 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 71.1 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 80.4 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 25.4 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -11.7 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 92.7 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 1,291 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 40.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 189 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 63.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 257 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 65 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 34.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 17 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 90.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 52.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $26,250 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 345 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 11.6 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 25.1 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.3 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.0 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.5 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.8 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 225.6 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 25.6 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 97.8 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.3 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 225.7 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 22.1 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 15.6 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 11.0 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.6 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 2.7 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 12.3 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 26.9 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 45.8 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.2 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 64.5 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 22.0 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.4 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 20.7 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 23,451 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 18.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,307 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 26.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,946 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,626 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 13.8 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 680 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 65.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $46,052 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 10,395 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.8 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.6 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.4 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 32.0 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.3 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 536.9 369 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 54.7 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 58.1 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 213.8 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 21.3 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.5 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 12.0 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 24.7 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.6 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.1 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 20.9 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 72.6 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 27.3 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 19.1 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 2.4 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 41.5 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 140,676 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 15.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 34,505 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 19.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 19,287 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 8.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 12,738 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 11.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 4,739 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 30.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 61.9 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $58,374 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 64,718 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 25.0 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.2 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.3 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 37.9 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.8 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 398.5 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 18.1 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 24.1 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 6.0 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 809.4 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 34.2 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.6 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.8 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.8 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.7 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.8 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.7 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 54.0 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 49.0 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 74.1 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 22.8 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.1 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 65.9 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 16,588 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 23.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,869 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 34.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,920 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,925 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 957 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 69.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,951 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 6,792 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 7.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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OVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 33.4 19.5 VeryHigh

OVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 17.0 11.5 VeryHighPre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 19.1 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 44.5 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.9 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 447.4 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 39.5 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 65.8 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.8 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 539.2 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 42.6 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 37.5 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.4 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 39.9 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 24.6 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 30.0 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 50.7 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 58.6 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 68.7 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 81.9 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 38.2 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.9 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 45.1 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 7,586 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 48.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 1,816 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 63.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,086 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 34.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 651 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.3 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 485 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 65.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 62.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $26,492 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 2,214 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 15.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 28.3 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.6 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.9 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 39.4 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.6 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 375.6 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 25.1 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 33.8 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.0 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 673.7 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.8 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 26.2 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.5 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.7 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 13.3 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.6 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 45.0 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 46.8 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 59.5 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 65.4 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 27.5 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.3 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 6.1 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 11,941 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 34.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,581 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 47.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,227 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 32.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,081 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 26.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 625 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 59.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $31,295 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 4,703 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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OVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.3 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.5 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.0 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 38.4 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.6 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 317.9 369 AverageUninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 Average

PrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 54.2 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 85.0 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.6 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 205.7 194.6 VeryHighPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 31.0 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.7 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.1 27.4 Low

FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.8 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.7 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.2 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 50.4 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 46.3 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 75.6 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 22.2 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.2 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 29.3 - Low

TotalPopulation 68,276 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 17,440 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 35.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 10,227 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 7,172 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 17.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 3,069 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 55.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $45,157 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 28,558 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 7.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance







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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 17.3 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 15.2 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.1 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 36.9 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.9 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 308.7 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 0.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 9.8 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 4.7 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 700.0 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.4 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 27.4 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 12.7 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 32.9 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 14.5 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.9 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.0 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.2 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 59.9 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 61.6 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 27.2 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.8 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 96.3 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 10,211 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 30.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,184 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 47.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,672 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 28.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 837 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 482 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 50.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 60.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $38,085 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,936 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.1 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 10.3 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 8.0 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 10.2 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.3 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 10.4 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 365.7 369 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 64.5 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 75.6 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.7 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 132.9 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.1 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.3 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 7.9 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 24.3 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.4 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 8.4 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.1 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 30.9 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.9 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 75.0 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 25.2 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.8 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 67.1 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 51,169 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 25.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 9,295 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 25.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 5,597 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 8.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,513 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 12.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,593 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 41.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 41.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $62,416 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 24,664 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 8.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 16.6 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.8 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.1 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 32.8 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 10.8 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 291.5 369 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 18.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 147.7 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 16.6 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 794.3 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 18.9 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 16.5 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 10.9 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 22.7 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 3.6 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 11.7 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 22.8 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 52.6 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 29.0 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 81.6 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 16.4 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 0.4 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 12.2 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 58,885 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 16.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 15,200 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 20.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,606 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 7.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 7,938 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 11.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,856 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 39.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 58.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $62,615 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 29,465 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 8.5 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.9 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.9 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.1 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 32.3 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.3 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 31.8 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 101.5 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 107.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.1 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 145.1 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.1 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.6 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.2 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.6 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.7 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.4 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.5 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 67.1 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.8 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 93.8 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 22.1 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.4 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 39.0 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 79,832 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 19,236 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 36.1 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 11,748 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 8,287 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 4,140 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 53.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 63.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $47,861 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 36,233 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.6 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance



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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 26.3 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.1 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.2 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 36.8 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.9 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 191.5 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 31.8 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 88.0 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 3.5 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 383.9 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.5 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.8 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.1 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.0 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.9 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.4 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.1 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 68.1 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 41.6 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 84.1 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 21.3 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -0.6 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 61.0 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 12,586 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,077 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 32.4 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,978 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,279 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 433 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 53.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $43,517 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 5,201 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 32.8 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.5 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.8 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 40.9 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.5 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 339.8 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 26.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 8.6 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 12.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 43.1 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.8 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 522.2 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 31.6 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.6 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.3 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.7 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.4 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.4 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.0 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 48.7 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 64.7 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 25.4 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.5 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 46.3 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 23,153 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,590 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 42.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,217 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 18.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,493 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,041 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 53.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 73.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,397 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 9,536 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.5 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.4 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.7 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.9 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.0 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.7 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 424.6 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 17.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 88.2 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 183.2 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.1 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 100.6 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.4 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.2 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.5 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.4 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.3 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.2 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 26.0 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 58.8 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.0 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 81.3 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 19.7 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.3 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 42.7 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 85,036 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 18.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 22,059 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 28.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 11,782 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 9.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 10,294 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 15.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 3,923 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 49.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $54,539 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 40,821 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 7.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 32.8 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.7 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.2 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 44.0 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.1 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 891.7 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 60.3 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 63.7 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.7 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 308.4 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 45.0 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 33.9 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 22.1 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 35.8 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 21.0 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 34.7 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 47.7 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 71.5 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 65.2 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 91.2 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 38.1 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.5 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 86.6 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 31,516 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 41.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,481 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 57.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,887 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 24.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,372 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 37.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,246 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 69.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 64.6 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $29,399 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 11,263 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 16.3 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.4 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.2 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.6 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 39.1 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.9 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 474.6 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 43.1 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 71.9 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.9 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 270.7 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.0 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 20.1 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.1 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.5 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 7.2 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.2 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.5 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.2 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 48.6 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 65.0 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 24.4 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 1.2 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 56.1 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 34,765 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,753 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 40.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 5,246 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,014 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,552 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 60.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $41,104 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 14,247 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 7.5 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 21.8 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.8 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.8 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.3 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.6 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 382.2 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 45.2 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 118.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.7 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 227.1 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.6 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 24.1 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.4 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.9 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 11.2 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.6 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.0 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 66.4 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 42.2 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 92.9 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 21.4 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.2 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 53.7 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 59,699 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 23.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 14,398 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 32.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 8,328 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 6,763 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,770 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 56.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 61.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $50,033 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 27,727 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 12.6 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 12.0 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.7 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.9 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 28.6 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 10.2 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 388.3 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 15.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 126.7 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 76.7 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 172.8 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.9 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.3 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 8.9 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 19.3 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.4 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 14.8 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 16.9 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 58.0 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 22.2 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 89.0 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 15.4 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.4 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 25.6 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 100,202 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 13.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 25,836 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 18.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 12,021 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 12,113 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 9.8 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 4,156 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 33.5 46.8 -DependencyRatio 60.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $78,349 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 51,341 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 5.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.4 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.7 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.0 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 34.2 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.6 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 165.9 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 42.1 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 46.4 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.0 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 339.7 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.8 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.2 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.6 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 31.3 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.3 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.1 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.2 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 48.9 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 51.4 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 67.2 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 27.5 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.4 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 54.9 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 26,109 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 28.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,369 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 43.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,180 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 17.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,687 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,100 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 59.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,178 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 10,353 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.8 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.2 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.0 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 39.1 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.5 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 503.7 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 11.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 46.9 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.3 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 684.9 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 32.0 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.4 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.4 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.5 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.9 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.1 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 63.1 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 44.7 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 76.0 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 20.8 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.0 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 52.4 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 36,385 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 19.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,141 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 33.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 5,262 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,258 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 15.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,436 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 37.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 58.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,063 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 15,361 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 8.4 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 22.8 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.8 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.8 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 38.0 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.2 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 522.9 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 38.7 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 80.6 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.4 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 189.6 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.2 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.1 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.4 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.5 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 8.2 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.5 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 27.7 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 62.6 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.9 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 84.9 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 22.6 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.3 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 11.0 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 36,175 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 19.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,415 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 30.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,241 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,789 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 15.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,381 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 58.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $46,979 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 15,954 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 10.9 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 15.8 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 21.0 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 18.6 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 38.3 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.4 14.4 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 433.3 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 57.3 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 28.8 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.8 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 622.8 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 35.7 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 24.2 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.8 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 29.8 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 11.3 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.7 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.6 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 55.9 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 59.1 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 64.1 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 26.6 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.7 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 98.8 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 10,464 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 29.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,424 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 50.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,928 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,237 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 24.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 531 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 78.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 71.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $37,973 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 3,944 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 8.5 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 72

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.9 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.0 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.7 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 37.5 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.4 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 241.5 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 54.1 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 101.8 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 354.2 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 37.2 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.4 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.7 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.6 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.5 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 23.9 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 32.7 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 72.7 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 44.0 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 93.6 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 22.9 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 1.2 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 9.8 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 29,553 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 24.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,390 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 33.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,199 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,368 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,602 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 50.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 74.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $45,141 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 73

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.7 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.1 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.3 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 34.8 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.6 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 87.5 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 46.2 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 64.1 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.6 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 512.0 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.1 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.0 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 17.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.7 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.1 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.1 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.1 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 55.3 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 45.5 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 70.8 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 20.1 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.6 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 34.2 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 21,663 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,532 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 34.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,425 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 13.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,525 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 16.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,197 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 38.2 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,509 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 74

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.6 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.1 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.6 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 40.6 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.7 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 257.7 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 9.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 81.0 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.1 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 456.8 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 45.1 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 31.0 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.1 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 31.8 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 18.1 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 34.9 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.1 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 80.4 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 52.3 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 33.0 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.1 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 68.3 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 11,143 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 36.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,872 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 46.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,664 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 29.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,144 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 32.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 506 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 66.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,027 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 75

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 10.5 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.5 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.8 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 34.2 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 10.2 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 439.7 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 42.8 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 60.7 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.5 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 194.0 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.6 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 24.9 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 10.2 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.4 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 12.0 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.2 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.8 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 44.4 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.7 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 26.5 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.1 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 75.6 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 49,048 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 33.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,789 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 31.6 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,861 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,055 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,723 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 55.5 46.8 -DependencyRatio 38.6 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $51,626 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 76

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 34.9 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.2 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.9 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 36.0 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.5 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 771.1 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 26.2 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 63.9 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.8 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 653.4 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 38.0 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 24.3 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 19.8 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.7 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 11.4 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 24.4 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 32.8 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 74.0 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 42.5 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 25.7 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.7 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 72.0 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 34,373 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.8 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,973 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 30.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,745 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 14.4 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,217 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 17.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,418 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 36.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,803 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 77

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 23.8 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.0 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.8 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 33.7 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.7 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 268.5 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 30.8 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 48.9 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 370.2 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.5 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 16.8 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.1 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.3 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 3.9 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.6 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 27.7 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 67.3 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.9 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 87.9 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 20.9 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 1.8 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 28.1 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 55,196 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 13,142 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 32.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 9,086 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 5,725 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 16.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,070 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 54.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $50,455 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 78

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.0 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.8 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.6 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 37.2 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 11.8 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 524.1 369 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 0.0 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 73.6 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.3 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 348.6 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.6 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.8 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.2 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.0 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.9 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 17.9 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 29.3 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 61.7 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 35.2 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 95.1 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 26.2 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.2 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 14.6 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 12,187 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 18.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,905 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 22.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,014 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 15.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,237 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 14.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 396 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 39.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $41,566 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 79

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.6 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.9 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.9 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 37.2 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.6 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 599.2 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 42.4 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 92.3 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 345.8 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 38.0 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 24.8 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 19.4 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.3 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 11.9 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 24.9 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.9 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 67.3 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 50.6 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 92.1 89.4 Average FoodAffordability($) 25.9 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -0.6 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 15.9 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 40,075 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 29.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 10,720 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 41.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,065 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,272 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 23.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,185 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 53.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 72.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,648 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 80

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 30.7 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.7 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.5 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 21.1 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.5 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 302.3 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 22.9 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 64.6 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.5 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 510.7 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.8 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 15.6 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.9 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 24.2 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 2.7 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 15.1 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 23.0 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 66.6 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.2 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 23.8 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.3 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 26.8 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 30,517 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 16.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 8,118 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 21.4 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,266 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,956 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 12.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,096 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 33.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $52,081 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 81

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 29.7 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.8 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.8 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.1 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.3 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 293.9 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 51.2 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 66.8 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 342.1 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.3 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.5 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.4 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.6 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.6 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 14.2 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 29.7 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 47.9 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.5 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 77.3 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 23.2 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.3 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 4.9 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 25,380 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 21.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,874 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 27.4 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,188 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,890 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 16.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 998 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 47.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 65.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $41,851 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 82

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 37.8 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 17.4 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 23.7 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 41.5 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.4 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 512.6 369 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 23.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 12.9 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 26.0 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 4.6 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 828.5 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 42.7 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 31.8 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 19.2 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 35.1 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 18.9 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 32.3 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 49.5 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 63.1 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 72.0 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 71.0 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 32.9 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -8.0 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 97.6 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 7,761 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 39.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 1,937 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 60.8 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,159 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 18.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 744 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 32.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 455 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 65.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $32,500 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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Mississippi Health and Hunger Atlas 2017, Page 83

HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 16.0 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.0 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.2 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 31.5 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 11.1 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 199.4 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 15.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 66.8 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 57.4 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.3 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 29.2 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.9 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 14.2 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 9.4 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 20.8 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 1.3 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 8.7 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 14.7 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 60.0 63.8 Average ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 17.8 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 98.0 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 14.6 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.9 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 43.9 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 146,761 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 10.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 35,996 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 11.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 18,691 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 8.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 17,895 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 7.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 4,847 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.4 46.8 -DependencyRatio 59.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $67,837 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 33.9 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.7 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.6 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.7 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.1 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 184.3 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 26.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 14.1 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 11.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 87.9 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.5 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 341.4 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 36.2 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.9 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 19.8 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.8 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.0 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.4 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.6 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 55.8 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 53.0 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 79.3 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 24.9 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.6 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 51.2 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 28,293 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 7,521 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 42.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,721 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 16.8 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,182 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.3 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,745 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 43.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 65.9 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $36,521 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 37.6 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.4 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 18.8 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 37.5 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.1 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 511.6 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 41.6 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 21.5 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.9 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 426.4 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 44.4 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 30.4 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 20.2 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 30.8 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 17.5 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 38.5 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.7 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 95.0 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 52.1 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 28.0 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.6 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 37.8 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 4,805 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 29.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 1,213 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 33.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 674 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 20.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 339 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 177 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 35.2 46.8 -DependencyRatio 64.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $39,857 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 28.1 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.1 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.9 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 37.7 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 13.9 11.9 LowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 169.5 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 43.8 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 36.4 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.5 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 374.0 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 28.7 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.8 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.0 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.5 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.9 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.4 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 35.9 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.0 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 49.3 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 64.2 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 22.6 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.8 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 24.4 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 27,401 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 26.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 7,083 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 38.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,156 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 20.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,716 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 18.2 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,153 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 39.2 46.8 -DependencyRatio 69.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,763 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 24.4 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.7 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.1 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 36.8 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.4 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 207.2 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 18.5 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 49.4 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.0 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 413.9 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 25.5 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.7 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 12.8 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 27.3 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.8 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 14.5 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.8 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 46.5 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 42.4 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 60.5 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 22.1 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -0.2 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 32.9 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 16,257 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 23.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,988 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 37.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,733 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.1 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,919 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 19.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 853 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 51.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $47,375 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.5 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.3 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.6 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 35.8 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.4 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 284.7 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 27.8 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 33.6 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.4 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 344.7 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 24.9 24.9 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.2 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 11.9 11.9 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.8 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.3 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 14.1 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 20.6 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 68.7 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 26.8 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 22.5 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* 2.1 - VeryHigh LowFoodAccessIndex 48.8 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 17,978 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 17.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 4,118 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 23.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,376 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,588 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 12.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 744 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 30.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 56.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $50,074 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 32.4 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.5 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.4 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 42.2 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.2 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 561.9 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 28.7 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 87.3 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.9 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 398.5 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 37.1 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 32.3 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 18.1 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 34.5 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 19.4 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 32.5 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 39.0 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 80.7 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 60.9 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 93.9 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 33.2 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -4.2 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 74.4 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 27,911 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 35.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,611 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 51.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,135 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 17.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,227 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 29.8 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,424 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 51.5 46.8 -DependencyRatio 53.7 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $31,573 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 36.3 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 16.4 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.7 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 39.6 39.6 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.3 15.3 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 599.3 599.3 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 22.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 6.7 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 7.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 94.9 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.2 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 459.0 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.8 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.2 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.3 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 29.6 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.3 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 22.1 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 23.3 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 92.7 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.6 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 25.4 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.5 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 100.0 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 14,959 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 24.9 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,334 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 29.9 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,952 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 24.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,103 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 18.5 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 615 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 41.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 40.2 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $41,289 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 17.7 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.9 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 10.8 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 37.4 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.7 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 781.6 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 24.6 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 49.6 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.1 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 479.4 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 27.0 28.2 Low FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.6 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.6 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 25.2 27.4 VeryLow

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.7 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 16.3 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 24.0 29.1 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 67.6 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 36.5 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 93.8 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 19.9 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.8 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 80.5 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 28,415 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 17.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,974 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 23.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,036 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 12.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,843 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 13.8 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,236 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 32.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 63.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $53,416 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 27.4 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.2 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.1 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.9 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 12.8 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 299.1 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 36.3 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 95.3 84.0 VeryHigh Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.4 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 309.3 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.9 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 18.4 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.5 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 30.0 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 5.5 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 16.4 18.6 Low PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.0 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 53.0 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 41.6 40.6 LowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 64.4 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 23.8 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -7.2 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 17.1 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 22,054 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 24.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,486 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 35.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,483 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 11.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,512 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 17.9 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 784 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 41.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,315 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 21.4 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED VeryLow LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.6 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.0 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 36.6 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.0 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 222.8 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 40.9 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 72.1 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.4 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 321.2 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.3 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 15.4 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 11.8 14.7 VeryLow ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.0 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 2.5 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 10.3 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.2 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 36.5 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.8 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 51.0 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 22.8 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -6.6 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 1.2 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 19,539 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 16.4 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 4,356 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 27.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,726 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 6.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,009 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 11.3 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 611 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 42.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $42,664 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 42.6 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.0 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.8 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 40.7 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 16.2 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 906.0 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 17.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 19.1 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 84.9 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.0 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 926.4 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 44.2 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 32.5 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 25.5 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 29.7 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 19.6 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 43.3 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.6 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 114.0 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 53.1 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 25.9 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -6.5 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 87.8 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 10,477 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,116 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 39.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,062 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 25.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,126 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 22.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 751 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 45.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 66.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $33,206 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 28.0 19.5 AverageOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 10.3 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.6 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 33.2 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 11.3 11.9 VeryLowAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 196.4 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 57.5 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 74.7 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.4 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 182.0 194.6 VeryHigh HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 26.2 28.2 VeryLow FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 17.4 22.3 VeryLowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.8 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.9 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 4.5 12.9 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 11.9 18.6 VeryLow PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 29.8 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 40.8 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 43.2 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 54.1 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 24.2 20.9 AverageLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.1 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 30.5 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 27,811 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 7,077 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 33.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 4,289 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 10.5 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 3,152 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 18.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,052 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 48.8 46.8 -DependencyRatio 69.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $42,850 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 22.4 19.5 LowOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.7 11.5 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.3 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 38.3 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 17.0 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 522.0 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 24.0 25.0 VeryHighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 53.4 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 10.0 8.0 VeryHighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 33.6 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.3 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 583.9 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 31.2 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 21.9 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.9 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.1 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.0 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 18.5 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 37.0 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 48.8 63.8 VeryLow ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 50.8 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 68.4 89.4 VeryLow FoodAffordability($) 23.1 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.3 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 78.1 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 14,978 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 28.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 3,748 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 40.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,560 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 23.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,595 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 20.2 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 579 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 58.3 46.8 -DependencyRatio 72.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $42,572 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 29.5 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 12.5 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.0 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 32.7 35.5 VeryLowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.0 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 532.6 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 68.7 53.8 VeryHigh UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 58.3 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.2 1.0 VeryLowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 338.2 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 31.0 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 23.1 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.5 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.8 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 10.2 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 22.1 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 30.4 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 72.0 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 44.6 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 99.7 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 20.9 20.9 VeryLowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -8.2 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 58.5 - Average

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 48,020 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.6 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 12,116 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 36.2 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,802 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 9.0 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,909 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 17.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 2,234 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 48.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 65.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $51,854 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 39.4 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.2 11.5 VeryHigh

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 15.4 14.5 HighAdultObesityRate(%) 38.9 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.9 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 497.8 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 44.4 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 6.0 8.0 VeryLowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 79.7 84.0 High Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.2 1.0 AverageMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 453.1 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 46.7 28.2 VeryHigh FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 32.8 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 22.7 14.7 VeryHigh ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 34.8 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 19.9 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 36.8 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 44.4 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 80.7 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 62.1 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 99.5 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 30.6 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.7 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 35.4 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 49,499 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 36.0 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 13,299 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 52.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 6,558 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 18.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 4,890 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 30.7 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 3,029 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 58.0 46.8 -DependencyRatio 67.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $35,500 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 32.6 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.8 Average

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.5 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 38.2 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.5 11.9 HighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 469.8 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 34.0 53.8 Average UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 29.3 84.0 VeryLow Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 2.6 1.0 VeryHighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 406.4 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 31.6 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.5 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.2 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 30.0 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.6 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 24.4 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.2 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 71.4 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 45.4 40.6 AverageSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 99.1 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 27.4 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -1.3 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 3.7 - VeryLow

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 20,564 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 27.2 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 5,216 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 39.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,130 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 17.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,284 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 23.2 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 798 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 69.9 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.3 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $44,561 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE High TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 19.4 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED Low LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 9.9 11.5 VeryLow

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 12.3 14.5 VeryLowAdultObesityRate(%) 33.9 35.5 LowAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.7 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 741.1 369.0 VeryHigh

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 22.0 25.0 HighPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 50.0 53.8 High UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 70.2 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.7 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 229.1 194.6 High HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 29.8 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 19.6 22.3 LowUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 13.0 14.7 Low ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 28.4 27.4 Average

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 6.7 12.9 LowSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 20.0 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.6 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 69.2 63.8 High ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.1 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 98.0 89.4 High FoodAffordability($) 23.7 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -9.6 - VeryLow LowFoodAccessIndex 31.7 - Low

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 9,999 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 22.7 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,430 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 30.0 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,631 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 10.9 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,263 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 21.0 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 450 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 51.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 68.4 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $46,942 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Low TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 35.4 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.1 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 14.4 14.5 AverageAdultObesityRate(%) 39.9 35.5 VeryHighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 18.1 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 186.5 369.0 VeryLow

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 21.4 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 9.0 8.0 HighOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 65.3 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.3 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 443.0 194.6 Low HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 33.2 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 27.8 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 14.8 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 30.4 27.4 High

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 14.9 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 25.1 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 33.4 29.1 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 73.4 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 56.9 40.6 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 68.7 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 26.4 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.7 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 70.7 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 9,345 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 32.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,076 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 52.4 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 1,392 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.3 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 685 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 26.4 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 389 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 64.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 59.0 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $37,417 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryLow TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 20.0 19.5 VeryLowOVERALLNEED High LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 14.1 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 16.9 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 36.4 35.5 AverageAdultDiabetesRate(%) 15.0 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 264.1 369.0 Low

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 21.0 25.0 AveragePrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 32.1 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 48.7 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.7 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 384.4 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 30.8 28.2 Average FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 25.5 22.3 HighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 15.3 14.7 Average ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 33.0 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 12.6 12.9 HighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 19.9 18.6 Average PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 38.0 29.1 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 51.4 63.8 Low ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 56.2 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 69.5 89.4 Low FoodAffordability($) 23.1 20.9 LowLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -3.2 - Average LowFoodAccessIndex 63.4 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 18,697 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 29.5 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 4,477 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 46.3 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,251 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.2 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,018 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 25.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,072 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 63.7 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.5 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $40,258 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE VeryHigh TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 28.4 19.5 HighOVERALLNEED Average LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 11.4 11.5 Low

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 13.4 14.5 LowAdultObesityRate(%) 38.6 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 18.2 11.9 VeryHighAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 340.6 369.0 Average

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 19.0 25.0 VeryLowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 24.2 53.8 Low UninsuredUnder18(%) 8.0 8.0 AverageOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 65.1 84.0 Average Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 0.6 1.0 LowMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 347.7 194.6 Average HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 36.5 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 22.1 22.3 AverageUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 16.5 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 26.7 27.4 Low

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 9.2 12.9 AverageSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 21.0 18.6 High PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 28.1 29.1 LowSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 75.2 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 31.3 40.6 VeryLowSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 26.0 20.9 HighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -2.9 - High LowFoodAccessIndex 64.6 - High

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 12,381 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 20.3 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 2,894 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 22.7 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 2,210 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 19.6 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 1,554 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 16.6 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 618 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 44.6 46.8 -DependencyRatio 70.1 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $45,423 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance




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HEALTHOVERALLPERFORMANCE Average TeenPregnancyRateper1,000LiveBirths 37.3 19.5 VeryHighOVERALLNEED VeryHigh LowBirthWeightper100LiveBirths 13.5 11.5 High

Pre-TermBirthRateper100LiveBirths 17.4 14.5 VeryHighAdultObesityRate(%) 38.8 35.5 HighAdultDiabetesRate(%) 14.3 11.9 AverageAdultHypertensionper100,000deaths 514.8 369.0 High

HEALTH UninsuredAdults(%) 20.0 25.0 LowPrimaryCarePhysiciansper100,000* 17.9 53.8 VeryLow UninsuredUnder18(%) 7.0 8.0 LowOtherPrimaryCareProvidersper100,000* 53.9 84.0 Low Avg.MilestoClosestPrimaryCareProvider 1.4 1.0 HighMedicaidEnrolleesperPrimaryCareProvider* 606.8 194.6 VeryLow HUNGERPopulationEnrolledinMedicaid(%) 37.0 28.2 High FoodInsecureIndividuals(%) 28.3 22.3 VeryHighUnder18EnrolledinMedicaid(%) 19.0 14.7 High ChildrenFoodInsecure(%) 32.0 27.4 VeryHigh

HUNGER FoodInsecurewithHunger(%) 15.4 12.9 VeryHighSNAPEnrollment(%TotalPopulation) 28.2 18.6 VeryHigh PopulationIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 34.0 29.1 HighSNAPEnrollment(%Eligible)* 81.3 63.8 VeryHigh ChildrenIncomeEligibleforSNAP(%) 49.6 40.6 HighSNAPEnrollment:Children(%Eligible)* 100.0 89.4 VeryHigh FoodAffordability($) 35.7 20.9 VeryHighLocalSustainabilityResilienceIndex* -5.1 - Low LowFoodAccessIndex 89.0 - VeryHigh

ECONOMICPROFILETotalPopulation 27,911 2,988,081 - PopulationinPoverty(%) 33.1 22.5 -TotalPopulationUnder18 6,803 736,173 - Under18inPoverty(%) 44.5 31.8 -TotalPopulation65+ 3,424 414,833 - TotalPopulation65+inPoverty(%) 22.7 13.7 -FamilieswithChildren 2,678 317,157 - FamiliesinPoverty(%) 29.1 17.6 -SingleParentFamilieswithChildren 1,622 135,072 - SingleParentFamiliesinPoverty(%) 61.1 46.8 -DependencyRatio 57.8 62.7 - MedianFamilyIncome $36,694 $49,274 -CivilianLaborForce 13,597 1,342,359 - UnemploymentRate(%) 9.8 10.3 -*IncludedinOverallPerformance



