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MSc Summary Brochure 2012

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  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012




    Business.Masters.Specialist Masters Programme

    Summary brochure

  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


    Stand out inthe real world

    Student intakeby geographical region

    01 United Kingdom 15%

    02 RestofEurope 33%

    03 Asia 40%

    04 Americas 5%

    05 Arica 4%

    06 MiddleEast 3%

    MSc facts

    1,300students Averageage24 41%women 100nationalities.

    Cass Business School oers you: Agreatlocationinwhichtolive,

    study and ind career opportunities Awidechoiceoffull-timeandpart-time

    specialist Masters programmes High-qualityteachingdirectlyrelevant

    to your proessional career basedin stimulating, modern acilities

    Proactivecareersupportandadvicerightrom the start and throughout your course

    Superblocalandglobalnetworkingopportunities through our linkswith alumni, leading employersand institutions.



    Meet Us

    We hold a regular programme o InormationSessions, One-to-ones and Masterclasses hereat Cass and also in cities around the world.Visit www.cass.city.ac.uk/masters/eventsor the current schedule o events.

    We look forward to welcoming you at Cass.

    A specialist Masters degree is a highly sought aterqualication, helping you to move orward on yourcareer path and gain a good grounding in businessknowledge. It is an important investment in your careerandyourfuture.CassisoneofEuropesleadingbusinessschools and we believe it should be your rst choice.



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  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


    Cass Business School has a rolling admissions policy:you can apply for one of our specialist Masters programmesat any time in the year before you plan to start. In mostcases we let you know if you have a place within six weeksof receiving your application.

    When to apply

    Applying early maximises your chanceof a place. You are strongly recommendedto apply before 1 May for the best chanceof gaining admission to one of our courses.After this time, courses begin to fill quickly.

    Visit www.cass.city.ac.uk/masters orcontact the MSc Admissions Officedirectly for more information.

    Admission requirements

    To support your application you will need: Anundergraduatedegreewitha

    minimum 2.1 or higher UK equivalent ProofofproficiencyinEnglish

    (awellbalancedIELTSscoreof 7.0 with no less than 6.5 inwritingorTOEFLscore107)


    Youruniversitytranscriptand confirmation of professionalqualifications

    ForaMastersinaquantitativesubject you should have a firstdegree in a numerical discipline

    Allcandidatesforthefollowingcourses must take the GMAT*: MSc in ManagementMScinFinance

    TheGMATisstronglyrecommendedforthe MScs in Banking and InternationalFinance,InternationalAccountingandFinance,InvestmentManagementandCorporateFinance.

    Sources o unding

    We appreciate that a Masters degree isasignificantinvestment.EachyearCassmakes scholarship funds available foroutstanding applicants on each of thespecialist Masters courses.

    Scholarships are worth between 1,500and 20,000. Applications for scholarshipsand awards are considered on a competitivebasis. To qualify you must demonstratehigh academic calibre and be in needof financial assistance. In addition, Cassalumni have generously created severalscholarships related to particular courses.

    We aim to make decisions on scholarshipsas early as possible, but some decisionsmay not be made until July or Augusteachyear.Formoreinformationonscholarships and how to apply, please

    visit www.cass.city.ac.uk/masters/unding-your-study

    Eachyear,theBritishGovernmentoffers scholarships to overseas studentsfor postgraduate study in Britain underthe Chevening Scholarships Scheme.A number of our international studentshave been successful on this scheme.FordetailsoftheCheveningScholarships

    visit www.co.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/scholarships/chevening

    UK-based students can apply for a CareerDevelopmentLoantohelpfinancetheirstudies.Formoreinformationonthisloanscheme visit www.lielonglearning.co.uk/cdl or call +44 (0)800 585 505.

    Getting intoCass BusinessSchool

    Application details

    To apply online go to:www.cass.city.ac.uk/masters/applyor contact:

    MSc Admissions OfceCass Business School

    106 Bunhill RowLondonEC1Y8TZ


    *The GMAT is one of severaladmission criteria andis mandatory for theMSc in Finance and MSc

    in Management. We lookfor a well balanced scorein the range of 600-800.

  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


    Cassslocationisadecisiveadvantageor your study and career search. No otherEuropeanbusinessschoolhasasmanyFortune500companiesonitsdoorstep.These companies visit the School regularlyto give presentations about what they doand ofer advice and insights, invaluableor your job search. They also participate atour careers airs, ofering great opportunitiesto gather inormation and network.

    CasssextensivelinkswithbusinessinLondonalsoprovideagoodsourceofcourse projects. This not only developsstudentslearning,butcanalsoopendoorsto jobs even beore they are advertised.

    Londonisanexcitingandcosmopolitanplacetolive,withsomeoftheworldsbest known monuments, museums and artgalleries, as well as music, theatre, nightlieand restaurants. There is a vibrant studentcommunity at Cass and the rich internationalmix oers a particularly stimulatinglearning experience and social lie.

    Choice, quality andprofessional relevance

    Cass oers one o the widest choices oull-time and part-time specialist MastersprogrammesinEurope.Specialisttrainingin inance, real estate, management,actuarial sciences, insurance, shipping,energy and supply chain is backed by worldclass teaching, research and resources.In particular, Cass has one o the largestfinancefacultysinEurope,offeringcourses in accounting, banking, valuation,asset management and expert teachingin other niche inancial disciplines.

    Many o our courses oer proessionalexemptions which ast track your career.Forexample,doingourone-yearMScinActuarial Science course saves you our

    years o training or proessional qualiications.

    At Cass the teaching approach integratessta lectures, case studies, group work andmost importantly, student participation.This integrated approach and the widemix o student backgrounds makes or

    challenging classroom discussions,as well as an international perspectivethat employers increasingly value.

    The School possesses the sought-atertriplecrowngoldstandardinbusinesseducation which comprises AMBA, EQUISand AACSB accreditation. This places Cassin an elite group o global business schools.

    TheCFAInstituteisaprogrammepartnerwith the MSc in Banking and InternationalFinance,MScinFinance,MScinInternationalAccountingandFinance,MSc in Investment Management and MSc inCorporateFinance.TheMScinManagement

    isaccreditedbyAMBA(AssociationofMBAs).Outstanding modern facilities

    Openedin2003,theBunhillRowbuildingis a bright and lexible space designed toencourage a ree low o people and ideas.

    TheCyrilKleinwortLearningResourceCentrecombines library and computing servicesto support all business and managementteaching, learning and research. As well asbooks and journals, students can access manyspecialist databases, including sources orcompany data and economic inormation.

    There is computer access throughout the

    Resource Centre and in every lecture room.Students can also link into the wirelessnetwork throughout the building.

    A large proportion o our students move intocareers in the inancial services sector whereunderstanding how to use dealing screens is akey skill. Our Thomson Reuters and Bloombergtrading rooms complement classroom-basedstudybysimulatingtradinginrealtime.

    Clubs and societies

    Students are encouraged to create andparticipate in a range o clubs and societies.Currently there are about 40 activeclubs which all into the broad interest

    areas o business, sport and culture.

    They include Cass Women in Business,TheMarketingSociety,TheEntrepreneurialSociety,TheActuarialSociety,TheFinance

    A great location,a unique experience

    Reerred to as the best located businessschoolinEurope,CassisideallyplacedinthecentreofLondonsnancialdistrict,closetotheBankofEngland.

    A realperspective

    Get [email protected]+44(0)2070408641


    Country: India

    Course: MSc in Banking


    Cass ocuses on hands-on,practical experience along witha sound theoretical basis. Mostlecturers on the course were stillpart o the industry, thereorethey were able to provide uswith relevant, practical casestudies, whilst linking this toacademic thinking.

    The programme provided

    me with the basis or myresearch. I am very interestedin und management and, uponcompletion o my studies innance, I would like to orgea career in absolute returntracker unds and hedge unds.

  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


    Society,TheM&ASociety,TheLatin American Society, The Nordic Society,TheIndianSociety,LGBTgroup,SalsaClasses,TheFilmSociety,aswellasthefollowingsportingclubs:Football,Basketball,Tennis,Badminton, Cricket, Squash and Chess.

    These provide students with the opportunityto extend their soter skills, to make newriends and to network with people romother courses as well as providing some lightrelie rom their academic commitments.

    A year-round focuson your career

    Competition or the best jobs is intense

    so you must work hard to stand out romthe crowd. One o the eatures unique

    to the specialist Masters programme at

    Cass is that we encourage you to start

    your job search the day you arrive.

    The Cass Careers team works with you to

    help connect you with potential employers,

    to create powerul CVs and to prepare and

    practise or interviews and presentations.

    There are year-round workshops

    and events with industry experts

    and recruitment proessionals who are

    available to advise all specialist Masters

    students upon vital business skills.

    Cass Careers Online holds all the tools

    to help you manage your career and

    the challenging recruitment process.

    I you are uncertain about which career is right

    or you, our careers team will help you ocus

    on your strengths and interests and devise

    a strategy to pursue the best career path.

    Cass alumni

    Cass alumni orm a powerul and expanding

    network o prominent people in leading

    organisations worldwide there are now


    over 160 countries.

    We constantly invest in building

    our alumni network through a wide

    range o events, publications, special

    interest groups, international groupsand online communications.

    Our alumni team organises over 60 annualevents in the UK and worldwide. Wherever

    your career or personal lie takes you, youare likely to ind a ready-made local Cassalumni network to tap into. All o our alumniand students are invited to sign up to theOnline Community. This Cass resource addsenormous value to alumni by acilitatingonline networking, helping alumni makenew connections and allowing them toaccess the many beneits and services.


    students and alumni, allowing them tosearch or and contact alumni by sector,company, location, course and year attendedor careers and other advice. The serviceallows students and alumni to liaise directlywithAskAlumnivolunteers,whoarepart o our worldwide alumni network.

    Alumni are also entitled to return toCass to continue their education withContinuingProfessionalDevelopmentcourses and are provided with continuedaccess to library resources.

    Ourregularalumnie-bulletinTheHubupdates alumni on events and news rom

    ellow alumni and the School. Our eventsare an ideal opportunity to hear the latestideas and views rom leading businessexperts and senior igures, and networkwith aculty and ellow alumni. In additiontotheeventsrunbyCasssalumniteam,alumni and students set up and organiseSpecialInterestGroupsthemselves.Thesecentre on speciic industries or topics andare an excellent orum or networking.

    Pleasevisitwww.cass.city.ac.uk/alumnior more inormation and a taste ocurrent events and reunions worldwide.

    A realperspective

    Get [email protected]+44(0)2070408611


    Country: Cyprus

    Course: MSc in Supply Chain,TradeandFinance

    A amily riend studying atCass last year recommendedthe programme to me.

    Although I ound myunder-graduate courseinteresting, it was extremelybroad and I was unsure o thearea o business I wanted tospecialise in. This course hasdeinitely given me guidance

    towards an area o business thatI would thoroughly enjoy. I aimto be a high lyer. I would liketo work or an organisation togain experience and eventuallystart my own business.

    I believe the programmewill open up wider careeropportunities or me andallow me to excel in the areao Supply Chain Management.

    Quality at CassIntheUKsmostrecentResearchAssessmentExercise(RAE),Cassisranked in the top 10 business schools or business and managementresearch: 90% o our research is o international signicance and55% is internationally excellent. This rating is your assurance that allteaching at Cass is underpinned by the latest cutting-edge research,with our lecturers creating and imparting the most up-to-dateknowledge in their eld.

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    MSc in Real Estate



    This course is aimed at those students whowish to develop a career in the real estateindustry but may be unsure o the directionthey wish to take. It allows students entryinto a wide variety o career paths.

    It is designed to provide a broad backgroundin real estate investment, appraisal anddevelopment. The core modules providecoverage o a wide variety o areas in

    real estate, including real estate inance,valuation, development, market analysisand economics.

    Your routes to business success

    ThisRealEstatecourseisaccreditedby the Royal Institution o Chartered Surveyors(RICS),andenablesgraduatestobegintheRICSAssessmentofProfessionalCompetence(APC)qualification.Alumniofthiscoursehave gone on to senior roles in a range oproperty management and consultancybusinesses, as well as inancial institutions.


    Term one PropertyValuation RealEstateEconomics RealEstateAssetManagement QuantitativeTechniquesinInvestment.

    Term two


    Pleaseselectthreeoftheollowing modules**: RealEstateFinance InternationalRealEstate LandlordandTenantLaw RealEstateDevelopmentandPlanning

    AppliedValuationandTaxation.Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectand three electives*.

    MSc in Real EstateInvestment



    This course is aimed at those studentswishing to enter or advance their careersin the ields o real estate investmentmanagement, real estate inance andthe securitised real estate markets.

    The course combines the rigour o amainstream inance programme withthe direct application o inancial theoryand techniques in a real estate context.

    It deals extensively with the growth in thesecuritisedrealestatemarketsofRealEstateInvestment Trusts and Mortgage BackedSecurities. It also examines the growing realestate derivatives market. The programmeis designed or students with relevantundergraduate degrees or work experienceand strong quantitative skills.

    Your routes to business success

    ThisRealEstatecourseisaccreditedby the Royal Institution o Chartered Surveyors(RICS),andenablesgraduatestobegintheRICSAssessmentofProfessionalCompetence(APC)qualification.Alumniofthiscourse

    have gone on to senior roles in a rangeo property management and consultancybusinesses, as well as inancial institutions.TheMScinRealEstateInvestmentcourseoers a clear route or entry to theInvestmentPropertyForumintheUK.


    Term one

    InvestmentMarkets QuantitativeTechniques RealEstateEconomics RealEstateInvestment


    Term two PortfolioRiskManagement RealEstateCapitalMarkets RealEstateModellingand

    Market Dynamics RealEstateDebtMarkets.

    Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectand three electives*.

    Real Estate

    *To view the list of electivesfor these courses go towww.cass.city.ac.uk/mastersor call +44 (0)20 7040 8606

    ** Modules musthave a minimum of15 students to run

    A realperspective

    Get [email protected]+44(0)2070408606


    Country: UK

    Course: MSc inRealEstateInvestment

    I heard about Cass throughseveral ormer colleagues whohad studied here. The MSc enjoysa vastly superior reputation inthe market compared to thoseoered by other institutions.

    Beore starting the course I wasworking in real estate advisoryand transaction support. I choseto study or the MSc as the creditcrunch oered me an opportunityto relect on my personal goals

    and requirements or my nextcareer phase. The scope o thecourse resulted in my studyingmore general aspects o inance,portolio management andquantitative analysis, whichare ar more advanced thananything I have been exposedto in a work environment.

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    MSc in Insuranceand Risk Management

    Full-time and part-time


    Management o risk is now a key issue or allmajor irms. Business risk takes many orms,including luctuations in currencies, interestrates and commodity prices; threats tophysical assets rom earthquake, windstormand other natural perils; man-made threatso terrorism, raud and criminality, plusa host o urther operational risks thatsurround all commercial enterprises.

    The course explores this world o risk andthe growing relationship between insurance,risk management and inancial services.ForapplicantswhoalreadyholdaCIIAdvanced Diploma there is a special asttrackJanuarystart,givingexemptionrom the irst term o the MSc.

    Your routes to business success

    Graduates rom the MSc in Insurance andRisk Management programme hold positionsin many top companies worldwide, includingmajor insurers and re-insurers, international

    insurancebrokers,LloydsofLondon,investment and retail banks, accountancyirms, management consultancies andindustrial corporations.


    Term one

    InsuranceLawandRegulation PrinciplesofFinanceand

    FinancialAnalysis RiskManagement TheoryofRiskandInsuranceMarkets.

    Term two

    AccountingandFinancialManagement in Insurance


    Corporate Strategy in InsuranceandFinancialServices

    GeneralInsurance RiskAnalysisandModelling.

    Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectand three electives*.

    MSc in Actuarial Science



    The course is aimed at highly numeratestudents who wish to pursue actuarial careersin insurance, inance, consultancy andrelated areas. An actuary is a proessionalwho applies mathematical and statisticaltechniques to inancial problems.

    This ast track study route allows studentsto gain proessional qualiications beoreembarking upon their career.

    This course is also aimed at actuarialtrainees and associates. Up to eightexemptions can be gained rom the currentsystem o proessional examinationsoftheInstituteandFacultyofActuaries, which is just over hal o the examinationsrequiredforFellowship,therebysavingseveral years o study.

    Your routes to business success

    The actuarial proession is a small buthighly respected body, whose membersare among the highest paid in the UK.Cass graduates work or a variety oemployers, including insurance companies,

    investment and retail banks, actuarialconsultancies, plus government andnon-government organisations.


    Term one



    Term two


    Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectand one elective*



    MSc in Actuarial Management

    Full-time and part-time


    This course has been designed in view o theneeds o actuarial employers and employersrom other sectors requiring inancial riskmanagers. Cass aims to produce highly skilledactuarialprofessionals.Emphasisisplacedon skills in the areas o lie and non-lieinsurance, pensions, inance and investment.

    This course is accredited by the UK ActuarialProfession,enablingstudentstostudythekey areas o actuarial practice in an academicenvironment and to gain exemptions romtheCoreApplicationsConcept(CA1)andSpecialistTechnical(ST1-ST8)subjects oftheInstituteandFacultyofActuaries. In addition, lexible course structure allowsstudents to gain exemptions rom outstandingCoreTechnicalsubjectsCT2,4,5,6and8.

    Your routes to business success

    Cass graduates work or a variety o employers,including insurance companies, investmentand retail banks, actuarial consultancies, plusgovernment and non-government organisations.


    Term one

    Compulsory modules in: ActuarialRiskManagement(CA1)Part1Elective modules in: LifeInsurance(ST2) PensionsandOtherBenefits(ST4) GeneralInsuranceReserving

    andCapitalModelling(ST7) FinanceandFinancialReporting(CT2)**.

    Term two

    Compulsory modules in: ActuarialRiskManagement(CA1)Part2Elective modules in:

    HealthandCare(ST1) FinanceandInvestmentA(ST5) FinanceandInvestmentB(ST6) GeneralInsurancePricing(ST8) Modelling(CT4)** Contingencies(CT5)** StatisticalMethods(CT6)** FinancialEconomics(CT8)** Model Documentation. Analysis


    Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectand one elective*


    Fiveelectives*.Part-time schedule for the MScin Actuarial Management courseamounts to one full study dayattendance per week

    **Subject to availability as hosted byMSc in Actuarial Science

    *To view the list of electivesfor these courses go towww.cass.city.ac.uk/masters

  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


    MSc in Management



    ThiscourseisbasedonanMBA-stylecurriculum. It is academically rigorous andhighly practical, oering graduates roma variety o backgrounds the opportunityto develop knowledge and skills in keyareasofmodernmanagement.ThisAMBA(associationofMBAs)accreditedcourseallows you to tailor your studies to suit

    your particular interests and ambitions.You will acquire the most up-to-date,

    cutting edge knowledge in all managementdisciplines. Furthermore, you will be taughtpractical skills such as working with others,leadership, decision making, communication,managing conlict and job interviewtechniques, complementing theacademic elements o the course.

    The irst term ocuses on a range otheories which come rom Casss worldrenown aculty, as well as rameworksand management tools. You will beasked to select one o the ollowingareas to specialise in: Entrepreneurship,Marketing, Strategic Management or

    SupplyChain***.Intermthreeyouwill urther specialise in these areas.

    The Entrepreneurship stream is or aspiringentrepreneurs in all sectors who want togain a grounding in developing innovativebusiness ideas, begin their own venture or

    become part o a new, growing business.

    The Marketing stream recognises the centralrole played by marketing in organisationsand is aimed at students who want to studymanagement with a marketing ocus. Thisstream teaches strategic marketing conceptsbyusingalearning-by-doingapproach.

    The Strategic Management stream is orthose looking to develop their analyticalskills, whilst dealing with advanced strategicissues with an international context.

    Your routes to business successThe MSc in Management is an extremely

    versatile qualiication, oering access toa wide range o careers in strategy andmarketing roles. We have demonstratedsuccess in helping our students to gain awide range o careers in the corporate andconsulting world. The Entrepreneurshipstream can help budding entrepreneurswho want to develop their own innovativebusiness ideas, or those wishing to pursuea career in their amily business.


    Induction: Workshop in Management

    Term one Core modules Accounting Finance BusinessEconomics OrganisationalBehaviour PrinciplesofMarketing QuantitativeMethodsforBusiness StrategicAnalysis.

    Term two Core modules

    SupplyChainAnalysis InternationalFinance LeadershipandChange ResearchMethodsforBusiness.


    Find out moreCall 44 (0)20 7040 8600 or visitwww.cass.city.ac.uk/masters

    Term two Specialist modules

    Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship101

    EntrepreneurialManagementOrMarketing ConsumerBehaviour MarketingStrategySimulationOrStrategic Management AdvancedStrategyAnalysis StrategicRiskandControl

    Exciting new specialisation or the2013-14 intake: Supply Chain***

    Term three Core modules

    BusinessandSociety ConsultingProject

    PracticeofManagement BusinessResearchProject

    Term three Specialist modules

    Entrepreneurship HighGrowthEntrepreneurshipOrMarketing BrandManagementOrStrategic Management GlobalStrategyOr Supply Chain***



    Students must also select a furthertwo electives from a selection ofmodules including: BrandManagement ConsultingSkills CustomerServiceRelationship

    Management DigitalMarketing FamilyBusiness InformationSystems IslamicFinance AirTransport MergersandAcquisitions OperationalRiskManagement StrategiesofFastTrackVenturing.

    Full-time courses take anacademic year to complete.

    **Electives are sharedwith other courses andmay be subject to change.

    ***Module details availablefrom spring 2013.For more information aboutscholarships, please visit


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    Find out more



    MSc in Energy,Trade and Finance

    MSc in Shipping,Trade and Finance



    The International Centre or Shipping,TradeandFinanceatCass,whichprovidesteaching to these two MSc degrees, wasestablishedin1983,introducinganewintegrated and unique approach to globalbusiness. Recognised internationally orits educational excellence, the Centredemonstrates its commitment to the globalbusiness community, as well as students,by organising conerences, symposiaand seminars eaturing leading igures incommerce, inance and industry, as well asgovernment and international organisations.In addition, the Centre is internationallyknown or its research, teaching andinternational dialogue in the areas o energyeconomics, shipping inance, shipping riskinance, commodity inance, commoditytrade, inancial and commodity riskmodelling and management.

    These courses are designed to enablestudents to operate at the highest levels ointernational business, including banking

    and inance, shipping, transport, logistics,energy and other related sectorsand industries.

    The MSc in Energy, Trade and Finance isvalidatedbytheEnergyInstituteandstudentscan become members ater graduating.The MSc in Shipping, Trade and Finance

    is validated by the Institute o CharteredShipbrokers. Graduates will be grantedexemptions rom various examinationso the Institute.

    Your routes to business success

    TheCentresreputationforeducationalexcellenceandlocationintheCityofLondon the nexus o the global inancial, maritime,insurance and commodity trading industries oer graduates unparalleled networkingandjobseekingopportunities.Fromatotalofover1,900graduatestodate,35%areworkingin banking and inance,29%inshipping,13%in trade, industry and manuacturing and 6%

    in consultancy. The remainder work in othersectors including law, academia, governmentand international organisations.


    Term one

    Compulsory ManagerialAccounting PrinciplesofFinance QuantitativeMethods

    Path choice

    InternationalEconomicsor Shipping MSc

    Or EnergyEconomicsfortheEnergyMSc

    And either


    Or OilandEnergyTransportationandLogistics


    Term two

    Compulsory AdvancedQuantitativeMethods CorporateFinance FinancialMarkets

    Path choice

    Choose either InternationalCommodityTrade or Shipping MSc

    Or PowerMarketsfortheEnergyMSc

    And one o the ollowing related to your course

    ShippingInvestmentandFinanceOr OilandEnergyTrading


    Term three

    BusinessResearchProjectandoneelective*Or Fiveelectives*.

    Full-time courses take an

    academic year to complete.

    *To view the list of electivesfor these courses please visit


    A realperspective


    Country: Russia

    Course: MSc in InternationalAccountingandFinance

    AtCassscareersfairsIlearnedabout companies in the UKnancial markets, and therewere a number o really largecompanies I had never heardo beore. It was a antasticopportunity to learn about thegraduate programmes companieshave and to nd out who they arelooking to recruit. Interestingly,at the careers air I could askcompany representatives aboutthe type o questions I could beasked later at my job interviews.

    I took a number o one-to-onesessionswithCassscareersadvisers to polish my CV. I alsoattended presentations andinterview skills sessions at Cassand read presentations on howto write covering letters onthe Cass careers website.

    I took one-to-one sessionsto improve my interview skillsand to learn to identiy my weakpoints, which may be visible tointerviewers, so I could workon improving them.

    These sessions were really helpul.I took a lot o them because therewas a lot o work to be done.I must coness that I evolved into adiferent personality at Cass as myoverall attitude to the recruitmentprocess changed. I now know howto write a CV that sells itsel, knowwhat answers interviewers wantto hear and why networking isa winning ormula.

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    MSc in QuantitativeFinance



    This course is designed to give studentsa sound understanding o the quantitativeaspects o inance, used both by practitionersand academics. It ocuses on topics such aseconometrics, orecasting and risk modellingand covers the inancial instruments and theinancial theory rom a mathematical andpractical point o view. It also provides studentswith knowledge o various computer sotwareand programming languages such as Matlab.

    Your routes to business success

    Students rom this MSc are suitable or a numbero roles in the inancial industry requiringextensive and in-depth market analysis, or or acareer in asset management. Graduates rom theMScinQuantitativeFinancearealsoequippedto continue their postgraduate studies with aPhDinanyareaofquantitativefinance.

    Term one Core modules

    AssetPricing NumericalMethods1:Foundations Derivatives FoundationsofEconometrics.

    Term two Core modules

    FixedIncomeSecurities NumericalMethods2:

    ApplicationstoFinance RiskAnalysis EconometricsofFinancialMarkets.

    Term three Specialist modules

    BusinessResearchProjectandone elective*

    Or Fiveelectives*.

    MSc in FinancialMathematics



    This course gives you the tools necessary toundertake high-quality research in both inancialand academic institutions. This will includeinancial theory and mathematical modelling,along with stochastic calculus and programmingwhich are then applied or asset pricing, interestrates modelling and risk management. Thisprogramme is rigorous with respect to themathematics but also links the theory withreal world developments.

    Your routes to business success

    Graduates rom this MSc will be equipped orroles involving the development o pricing andrisk management models and their testing, or ora career as a risk analyst or quantitative analyst.TheMScinFinancialMathematicsalsoprovidesa solid platorm or urther postgraduate studies,suchasaPhDinmathematicalfinance.

    Term one Core modules

    AssetPricing NumericalMethods1:Foundations MathematicalModelsfor

    FinancialDerivatives StochasticCalculus.

    Term two Core modules

    FixedIncomeSecurities NumericalMethods2:

    ApplicationstoFinance RiskAnalysis AdvancedStochasticModelling


    Term three Specialist modules

    BusinessResearchProjectandone elective*

    Or Fiveelectives*.

    MSc in MathematicalTrading and Finance

    Full-time and part-time


    This course combines academic rigour with astrong practical orientation. It oers students,who already possess excellent appliedmathematical skills, a solid oundation ininancial mathematical theory and practice.

    This enables them to participate ully in theever-changing derivatives markets, whereinancial innovation and globalisation havecreated new investment opportunities, risksand instruments. Students acquire a soundknowledge o mathematical inance, stochastic

    calculus, derivatives valuation, inancialengineering, quantitative risk modelling,numerical methods and econometrictechniques. The use o TraderMade, a marketleadingplatform/database,enhancesthestudentslearningexperienceonthiscourse.

    Your routes to business success

    Students go on to pursue a wide rangeo careers in derivatives trading and riskmanagement,withmanyoftheworldsleading inancial institutions.


    Term one Core modules AdvancedFinancialEconometrics Derivatives1 QuantitativeAssetPricing MathematicalFinanceand

    Stochastics Calculus.

    Term two Core modules

    Derivatives2 NumericalMethods RiskAnalysisandModelling StructuredEquityandEnergyDerivatives.

    Term three Specialist modules

    BusinessResearchProjectandone elective*

    Or Fiveelectives*.

    Quantitative Finance

    Full-time courses take anacademic year to complete.

    *To view the list of electivesfor these courses go to


    For more information aboutscholarships, please visit


  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012



    MSc in InvestmentManagement



    This demanding but highly rewarding courseleads to a broad range o career opportunitieswithin the inancial sector. Students acquire asound knowledge o the theoretical oundationso modern investment and risk managementtechniques by applying these principles inpractice through case studies and the use o ourBloomberg and Thomson Reuters trading rooms.

    Your routes to business success

    Graduates work as traders, und managers,risk managers, security analysts, brokers

    and corporate treasurers.


    Term one

    EquityAnalysis FixedIncome PortfolioTheory QuantitativeMethodsfor

    Investment Management

    Term two

    AlternativeInvestments StructuredProducts AdvancedFinancialStatementAnalysis PortfolioManagement.

    Term three Elective modules CourserequireseitheraBusinessResearch


    MSc in Banking andInternational Finance



    This course recognises and relectsthe wide and sophisticated range oactivities within the banking sector.

    Your routes to business successThe course MSc in Banking and InternationalFinanceisdesignedtoequipourstudentsor a very wide range o careers in banks, asportolio managers, in inance departmentso industrial and service companies, asconsultants, in central banks and as auditorsin multinational inancial organisations.


    Term one

    FinanceandInvestmentsFinancialStatementAnalysis QuantitativeMethodsforFinance

    CommercialandInvestmentBanking.Term two

    CorporateFinance RiskManagement InternationalFinance


    Term three Elective modules



    MSc in InternationalAccounting and Finance



    This course aims at preparing graduatesor leading roles in the global investmentcommunity and within commercial entities.It provides students with a combined expertisein accounting and corporate inance. Startingwith the basic principles in accounting and

    inance, the course demonstrates how to assessperormance and conduct valuation o irmsusing complex inancial and accounting data.

    Your routes to business success

    Graduates rom this course move into a range ocareers in the inancial sector, including roles asanalysts in accounting irms, corporate inance,auditing, regulatory bodies and consultancy.


    Term one

    AppliedEmpiricalAccounting Finance1:CorporateFinanceandValuation FinancialReporting

    StrategicCostManagement.Term two

    FinancialStatementAnalysis AccountingInformationandCapitalMarkets InternationalFinancialManagement Finance2:AdvancedCorporateFinance.

    Term three Elective modules

    CourserequireseitheraBusinessResearchProjectandoneelective,fiveelectives*or ICA certiicate.

    MSc in Finance


    TheMScinFinanceaddressesarangeo inancial issues including: portoliomanagement, asset allocation, perormanceevaluation, behavioural inance, valuationo companies, raising capital, capitalstructure and dividends, mergers andacquisitions, cross-listing and oreignexchange management. Within term two,students take our core modules, twocompulsor and two chosen rom aurther our options.

    In addition, students acquire in-depth

    knowledge o statistics, accounting andinancial reporting. The course ocuseson inancial issues in all industry sectors.Students successully completing the MScinFinancemaybeeligibleforexemptionrom proessional examinations romthe CIMA and ACCA.

    Your routes to business success

    Our international body o graduates has movedinto a range o roles such as inancial analyst,risk manager and consultant, within areas such ascorporate inance, und management and banking.


    Term one

    CorporateFinanceandValuation TheoryofFinance FinancialReporting StatisticsinFinance.

    Term two

    AssetManagement Derivatives&RiskManagementChoose two of the following: InternationalFinance FixedIncome M&A/PrivateEquity AdvancedCorporateFinance.

    Term three Elective modules


    MSc in Corporate Finance



    This course is based on our highly ranked MScinFinanceandwillgivestudentstheopportunity

    to specialise in corporate inance, one o themost popular sectors o inancial services.

    Your routes to business success

    GraduatesfromtheMScinCorporateFinancewill move into a diverse range o inancial sectorcareers: investment banking, securities sales andtrading, oreign exchange, hedge unds, privatebanking, credit products, inancial and creditrisk management and consultancy.

    Term one

    CorporateFinanceandValuation FinancialReporting StatisticsinFinance


    Term two

    M&A/PrivateEquity AdvancedCorporateFinance CorporateRiskManagement FinancialStatementAnalysis.

    Term three Elective modules


    Full-time courses take anacademic year to complete.

    *To view the list of electivesfor these courses go to


  • 7/27/2019 MSc Summary Brochure 2012


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    3. Saddlers Sports Centre4. Francis Rowley Court5. Willen House6. Walter Sickert Hall

    Cass Business School

    In 2002, City Universitys Business

    School was renamed Sir John Cass

    Business School following a generous

    donation towards the development

    of its new building in Bunhill Row. The

    Schools name is usually abbreviated

    to Cass Business School.

    Sir John Casss Foundation

    Sir John Casss Foundation has supported

    education in London since the 18th century

    and takes its name from its founder, Sir

    John Cass, who established a school in

    Aldgate in 1710. Born in the City of London

    in 1661, Sir John served as an MP for

    the City and was knighted in 1713.

    Disclaimer: All information within thisbrochure is correct at the time of printing.
