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Museum Entrance Skeletal & Muscular System Digestive System Circulatory System 1 Circulatory System...

Date post: 03-Jan-2016
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Museum Entrance Skeletal & Muscular System Digestive System C i r c u l a t o r y S y s t e m 1 C i r c u l a t o r y S y s t e m 2 R e s p i r a t o r y S y s t e m Welcome to the Human Body Systems Museum Nervous System

Museum Entrance



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Circulatory System


Circulatory System





Welcome to the Human Body Systems Museum





Skeletal System

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What is the Circulatory System?


Circulatory System


How to stay Healthy



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What is the Circulatory System

The circulatory system is the most important system in our body. It is made up of vessels and muscles. The heart is the most important part of the Circulatory system. It pumps blood all over the body and carries oxygen and nutrients to where they are needed. On the way back the blood picks up the waste in the bloodstream to get rid of it.

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PartsDid you know the heart is a muscle? Your heart is about as big as one of your clenched fists. Your heart beats faster when you’re scared and excited or during physical exercise. There are four chambers in your heart they are called right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle. Your blood is made up of red and white blood cells. The blood travels through the arteries and veins in the body.

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The Heart is a pump that pumps blood through the valves to the whole body. When it’s pumping you can hear a sound from the valves opening and closing. When your body gets scared or tired the brain tells the heart to speed up and when the body is relaxed it tells it to slow down. The heart can never take a break or you would die.Red cells carries oxygen thought out whole body. The red blood cells get oxygen from the lungs and then carry the oxygen to all cells in the body. White blood cells fight germs in your body. They are made in the marrow of bones. The Arteries carry blood away from the heart and the veins return blood to the heart. The capillaries carry blood from the arteries to the veins. They are the tiniest blood vessels in the body. Only one blood cell at a time can through it. This is where the oxygen is given to every part of your body. The waste stuff, carbon dioxide is removed from the body and carried in the veins back to the heart and lungs where it is gotten rid of.

Ailments and Conditions

There are many different types of diseases in the circulatory system that can make us sick or even kill us. Heart disease is when muscles in your heart don’t work properly and this can be very dangerous because your heart won’t pump the amount of blood needed. If you have high blood pressure it can cause a stroke. You can get a Heart Attack if you don’t get enough blood sent to your heart. This can happen by having clogged arteries from high cholesterol. A Brain stroke may occur by not getting enough oxygen to your brain cells and if they don’t get enough they we can die.

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How to stay Healthy

You can stay healthy by not smoking because this will hurt your heart and your lungs. You can eat healthy things like apples and other fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water. You should try to run or exercise every day. You should also get at least eight hour of sleep a night. And remember don’t play too many video games because that won’t strengthen your heart.

Skeletal System

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What is the Circulatory System?


Circulatory System


How to stay Healthy



The circulatory system is the transportation of blood thru the body that is pumped by the heart. The blood carries nutrients, gases, blood cells, and hormones that help our body survive. It also helps eliminate waste in the bloodstream. All these are carried by blood vessels.

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What is the Circulatory System

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The main organ of the circulatory system is the heart. The heart is a hollow pump made out of muscle. It is one of the strongest muscles in the body and works as a delivery system for blood. The heart has four chambers and four valves. Blood moves through the arteries and veins. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. Your heart is the size of a clenched fist. The heart beats 100,000 times a day.

There are many different kinds of blood cells. They are red blood, cells white blood cells, and more. Blood is blue but when oxygen hits it, it turns red.

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The heart is a hollow, strong pump made of muscles. The heart is the size of a clutched fist.

Ailments and Conditions

There are many serious kinds of heart disease that can cause sickness and even death. The most common heart diseases are heart attacks, Angina, and heart defects. Arrhythmia is when your heart beats too fast or to slow. A heart attack is when you don’t get enough blood to your heart and some of the heart cells start to die. If you eat lots of butter and bad fats it will clog your arties then you may have a heart attack and die.

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How to stay Healthy

Haw to stay healthy. To stay healthy you need to be active for an hour or more. You should not smock because it can damage your heart. You all so need to eat 5 servings of vegetable or fruit. You shouldn’t eat too much butter because it can clog your arties.

Skeletal System

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What is the Digestive System?


Digestive System


How to stay Healthy



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What is the Digestive System

Define – digestive systemThe digestive system gives your body nutrients. Your body processes food we eat. Your body removes the waste that we don’t need.Parts and organs

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Parts and organsThe digestive system is made up of many parts. The first parts are the mouth, teeth and tongue. Then your food goes down the esophagus and into the stomach. From there it goes to the small intestine and then the large intestine. Finally the waste goes to the rectum and comes out. The pancreas, gall bladder and the liver are also important parts of the digestive system.

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How do they work?The digestive system starts with the mouth. The teeth chop and break up the food. Saliva also helps to break down the food. The tongue pushes food down the esophagus. Muscles in it push the food down into the stomach. The tongue pushes the food down to the stomach before you start to eat spit is called saliva. Your stomach has three jobs stores food breaks down food into liquidly mixer moves liquidly mixer to the small intestine is the largest and longest part of the digestive system. It’s 5 to 6 meters long. It is where most nutrients are absorbed

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What is the Respiratory



Respiratory System


How to Stay Healthy



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What is the Respiratory System

I am going to tell you a little bit about the respiratory system. The respiratory system is all about breathing, and breathing is very important which means that without the parts of the respiratory system we wouldn’t be able to live. The respiratory system always starts with the nose or the mouth so you can breathe in air.

The respiratory system is made up of all kinds of different parts. All of the parts are different shapes and sizes. Some parts are big like the trachea and the diaphragm. Some parts are long like the bronchioles. Some parts are small like the alveoli and the capillary. But the most important part of the respiratory system are the lungs, because they are what holds all of the oxygen inside your body. All of your body parts are fragile so be careful!

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Every different part works differently. The trachea is a large tube also known as your windpipe, when you breathe in oxygen it goes through the trachea into your lungs, it connects your nose and mouth with your lungs, and at the end it has tiny hairs called cilia that clean the air and take dirt out. The lungs are in the chest, they are about the size of both your fists put on top of each other so they take up most of the room in your chest, your lungs are protected by your rib cage, and when you breathe in air they hold all of the air that you just inhaled. The diaphragm is dome shaped, and it works with your lungs to help you inhale and exhale. The bronchioles carry air to each lung, it also connects to the alveoli. The alveoli are also known as air balloons, they are very small air sacs as thin as your nail or thinner, to help hold the oxygen, they carry oxygen through your body and turn it into carbon dioxide. The capillary are small blood vessels about the thickness of a dime, in your body, you have lots of them in your body. When you breathe in air the diaphragm contracts pulling air in through your body, the air goes through your trachea and inflates your lungs. When you breathe out the diaphragm relaxes and helps push air out of your lungs. It is pretty cool!

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Video: how our body breathes

Ailments and Conditions

There are some medical conditions having to do with the respiratory system such as…Smoking is when you breathe in smoke and it hurts your lungs. Air pollution is when the air is not clean enough for you to breathe in. Asthma is when you have trouble breathing sometimes and you have to breath through an inhaler. Lung cancer is a disease which consists of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. Black lung is what you get when you smoke too much. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of your body. So keep your respiratory system healthy!

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To stay healthy I would suggest avoiding smoking, exercise daily, keeping a normal blood pressure, and having an indoor plant to keep the air clean and to keep your respiratory system healthy. Second hand smoke (from others) can hurt your lungs as well so try to stay away from people who are smoking. I hope you do!

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How to stay Healthy

Skeletal System

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What is the Skeletal

& Muscular System


Skeletal & Muscular Systems


How to stay Healthy

Ailments &


if you don’t know a lot about the skeletal and muscular system then you want to read this .Bones help you stand and walk but you to walk your muscles help you to walk too, so if you don’t have bones and muscles then you would be floppy and gross just skin and blood and other things in your body that’s all that would be laying on the floor. If you don’t have any muscles then can’t pick things up and be strong and we have more than 600 muscles in our body. If we didn’t have any bones than we couldn’t be able to stand. We have 206 bones in our body; all your bones give you stuck-sure. In our body your bones are alive but in museum the bones are dry and crumbly and they are dead. Our muscles help our bones move and to help us walk and run and jog. We have something in our bones called Meryl. Bones are made of cells and living parts of your body. Inside your bones is soft but the outside is very hard and hard to break. Our bones have marrow inside. Yellow marrows are made of fat and sugar. Bones have red marrow and yellow marrow they are like jelly. First your muscles start small then they get bigger when you leafed heavy things like weights. Your muscles are responsible to be able to move your bones a round. Your skeleton is made of a bone that is very, very hard to break but you can break you skull. Your bones connect to other bones by joints. Your skeleton gives your body shape Return to


What is the Skeletal & Muscular System

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Hi today I’m going to tell you about the parts. Did you know that when you are born you have up to 300 bones in our body. We have 22 organs in our body when we are bones and when we are older and our eyes are organs so I just told you two organs in our body . Did you know bones fuse when you are older?


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Do you know how the skeletal and muscular system… if you don’t then you might want to read this. Muscles help your bones pick things up and your muscles your muscles help your bones to move. Back bones help you to sit straight and help your other bones to stand up too. Back bones and other bones help you to walk. Our jaws control your mouth and how it moves. Your teeth crush up our food even hard food, but our teeth don’t need to crush up soft food because it is already crushed up for you

Ailments and Conditions

I’m going to tell you some of things that can happen to your bones and your muscles. One the things that can happen to your bones is that they can break, and that will hurt a lot. Here’s some thing that can happen to your muscles is that muscles dystrophy is a disease that muscle wasting and a profound weakness and that might hurt

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How to stay Healthy

It isn’t that hurt to keep your system healthy… if you don’t know how to keep your system healthy then you will need to read this, but if you don’t know then you might want to still hear it. If you are not strong then you need to go to the gym to work out so your muscles will can get stronger and healthier. When your muscles get stronger then you can pick up heaver things up. When you grow your muscles and your bones grow bigger too.If you want your bones and your skeleton strong then you should drink more milk. If you eat more healthy food then you will get stronger faster but if you eat unhealthy food then you won’t really get stronger. If you wear a helmet when you are riding a bike than your bone of your head “skull” then if you fall than you won’t hurt your skull or break so you don’t want that because it hurts.

Skeletal System

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What is the Nervous System?


Nervous System


How to stay Healthy



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What is the Nervous SystemYour nervous system is

large and in charge. It controls everything you do you could not walk think or breathe without your nervous system. Your brain is the control center of the nervous system. Your nerves send messages for the brain to interpret. Your nervous system got its name nervous system because it is made of billions and billions of nerve cells. Your nerves let you feel sensation like when water is too hot or cold your nerves will feel the water and deliver the messages at 200 miles per hour up the spinal cord and the brain and your brain will tell your body if the water is too hot or cold. That is what the nervous system is.

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Your nervous system is made up of several parts Such as, the spinal cord, all of the nerves in your body, the brain and brain parts like, the cerebrum the brain stem, the cerebellum and the thalamus. All of these parts have important jobs.

Video for Nervous system

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The jobs of the parts are also important like the brain which is the control center of the nervous system. The nerves in your body deliver messages to the brain without your nerves you could not feel sensation. Your spinal cord acts as a highway for the nerves to travel across. Your cerebrum controls your ability to think to speak and to move around. Your thalamus caries messages to your sensory organs like your tongue eyes and skin. Your cerebellum controls coronation and balance. And your spinal cord controls breathing heart beat and digestion. It also connects the brain to the spinal cord. And that is how the parts work.


Video: nervous system

Ailments and Conditions

There are many diseases that can damage your nervous system. One of the conditions you can have is stroke which is caused when not enough blood gets to your brain and a brain cell dies. You can also get epilepsy when something is wrong with your brain cells and you have a lot of seizures. Another one is a concussions which are caused by a hard hit to the head and amnesia which is also caused by a hard hit to the head. And the last pain that you can get is a head ache

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How to stay Healthy

There are many ways to prevent these diseases. A way to prevent a concussion, a head ache or amnesia is to wear a helmet at all time when riding a bike or roller skating to avoid getting hit on the head. Another way is to only dive into the deep end of the pool so you do not hit your head. Sometimes thoughtless people dive in the shallow end and end up getting really hurt. Another way to prevent getting hurt is to wear a seat belt all the time in case of a car crash. You should also eat healthy and never take drugs for all the obvious reasons. Well now you know all about the nervous system.

Game for Nervous system
