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Home > Documents > 'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up...

'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up...

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&$ &' ..ci Mr .,.. ( I It i si I? w 'MW "'WPy'WEfgTTf"! vv flft Piyupu ' jf ""! SczZi3i tyj , '&,, 3 ... '&. v ... . . !; J. PeiIi J JV Jlr iJMi v HJ1U.JJ- - U-- i J 1U.1 -1- - J . f "! !'' 'lHIIJWWTiL'W'f 'U wni---u- mmi lf jju"Liff j'lf J WWJ.MTI,T1"' 'JLJ'Fjr' Vol. Xrir. No. 1937. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1888. CO OENTO SUOBGKIPTION PF.H MONTH. fe)i 3, THE DAILY .BULLETIN la pnutod ami ptililUhcil nt Uio oltlee, Quooti Street, Honolulu, II. I., every ntturnoon (Sundays uxecpted). Subscription, SO conts per Month. Addict all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements tc un3uro iubortion, Bhoulil 1)0 handed In before one o'clock r. ii. WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor JAS G. CLEVIOIt Manaflor Bullotin Stoam Printing Office Newspaper, Bunk and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorablo terms. Boll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephono No. 200 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting ami comprehensive publication mid contains 23 columns of reading mattei on Kc.il topics, and a complete resumo of Honolulu mid Island News. It is the best paper published iu the Kingdom to Bund to filcnd- - abroad. Subscription: Island : : : 1 00 year Foreign : : : GO!)" Coininission Morouants. FT UACKiSLD &; Co., Gcuoral Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTKKS Aj') COMMISSION MEUUHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - 1618 & COMPANY, OBItEWEIi (LUniUd) General Mboahtile and CoMMIBblON AGENTS LIST OP OFF1CM18: P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Managci J. O. Cauteii .Treasurer & Secretary dikkctoiis : Hon. C. R. Bisiioi". S. C Allen, H. WfATEBllOUSK. y. iy T. WATEKHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, queen at., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle -- J B. Athertou-- G. P. Castle As OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 ClauB Biirccltcla. Wm. Q. Irwin. TKT G. Irwin & Company, V Sug.u Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. . 1 & GO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal-- , and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & OO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 121 California, street, 1 Sau Francisco, Cal. K. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Coolco. ewers & Cooke, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers und Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu &'Oo., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. . Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of tho New Stores lu tile Tliomaw Jilouk, King Street, Three doots fioni Cattle & Cookes', Whore ho is pioparcd to manufacture all lndf Jewelry. CO a71. hewett, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel.im. Hull Tol.1102. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Or Jor? taken for Newspapers, Poriodl. cals, Books, Music, etc., tiom any pait of tho world, having made all arrange-ment- s theiefor whilst in San FraucUco, Ited Kubber HJtiintiH to Order. 71 'TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, JL auvenisu u iu iuu ua.m uuuuvktia Professionals. MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Ofllco, Gov't Building, Honolulu. :jo if TOHN A. HA8SINQEK. tP Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllco, Honolulu. M. THOMPSON, A.tloriioy-ii.t-I.rw- v. Ofllco In Campbell's Block, Cor. Pott & Merchant St--.- , Honolulu, II. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. 1ST When desired, will give the law In a written opinion, as to thu prob.iblo re- sult of the contention upon the facts tinted. luSSly LI. MON3ARRAT, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotitt ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 10(1 CECIL BROWN, Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred Magoon, J AT 1 ORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly J. H. SOPER, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon,. S. W. Comer Sixth and Market meets, opposite Hawaii Nui Millinery Estab- lishment, San Pi.iucisco. 23 JO-- S Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. l8Jy II. M. 11CNSON. Q. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes und Toilet Requisites, i2y H0LLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 00 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. aiimiifuoturiii;; JowellcrH, NO. OS XJ'OItT STXIJ333T. Constantly on hand i large assortmen of every description ot Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having Improved facilities, is prepared to till orders at bhort notice. 1854 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, G2, 03, 67, 73 & 97. i:. U. Wclmiiinii, - - I'roiirlctor. B2T Stand Corner Merchant and Fort Streets. tt3- - Tolopliones, U35. -t- EO inch U 80-l- CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, day and night. Baddlo Horecs, Buggies, Wugoncttcs und Village Carta with stylish and gentle horses to let. FOK SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiEY. Ifi74 lv THE OLDEST DAILY Iu the X Kingdom "Hio Daily Bulletin." no cents per month. THE BEST PAPER to sulwrllie U tho "Daily Bulletin." CO cents per mouth. SAMUEL K. KAEO, .A..ttoxney sxt; X-Ea- w. Office, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street. npSJ.88.ly Bern L, Saloon Tho Best Lunch In Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours The Flnn-- t Bran 1 of Ciprs, ?- -. Tobacco Alwayti on Hand. II. J. K4H.TI5, Proprietor. CHR. GEfJTZ, JxULLE Importer and Deakr in Jenln', IjmlicH', A CIiUdrcn'H Boots, Slioes and Slippers, Tho Choicer Brands of Cigars, (JllrJotaco Alwajn on ISaiul. t?f6rdcr3 from the othci IslandR solicited. 79 If 73 HOOAHU STREET. MRS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & PANCY racKers FRESH SODA CRACKERS salooTbread Always on hand. MILI BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. Ci Gm PIONEER STEAI CANDY FAfJTOSY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Patry Cook anil Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- AW Telephone 74 WM. McCAKIMiESS, No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest flcef, Veal, Xluttou, FIhIi, &.V., Aa Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live block furnibhed to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 34(1 ly Tiiaa H, tafias' Metropoiitanteij Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Bo tail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly ' PoEGu Anes Stock Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Holler Calves from 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT, Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 NOTICE. TXTESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO. XU. .ro authorised to tollect fortlio Bui.i.r.Tis Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. n7 rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER In 1 Honolulu Tliu Daily Btilletlu.' tO cents per month. .NOW OUPJET bn ta ropier iiwrf 101 Fort Street, Rl. S. SACHS, - A Most Complete and it Patte n unnnnTrt Showing tho New Shades BONNETS ! jAJS? ra Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of IPx-inime- cl aiicl Uxiti'IixiMiecl EEafcs ! Cannot bo excelled. Wo havo Black, Whito New Fancy Trimming Ribbons ! Also, an ImniuiiBO Assortment of MM Pi-Pra- Eiroltos, Birfls Hil Wings ! A New Stock of Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets ! fiSInspeetion is Solicited. a3? Honolulu. - - Proprietor. G Elegant Stock, Hals and Now B the and Latest Shades, in and all Colors is A Large & Unique Assortment by Mr. Dillingham in England and America. Call and examine the goods, now being opened by tho Pacific Hardware JPox't fejtreet, Honolulu. A. MORGAN, Blacksmith "Work, Painting and 79 & 81 - - - - IVom Iinc and Stw. Every of work in tho above lines iu a manner. a 107"a (mrh tSTBell 1G7-- S 175. Corner J OTS-IE- S nri Combinations Nowcst nbpecticn Carriage Selected Co., King Oil Eose Premises. EutranceH Blci-cliai- it description performed llist-cla- s Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty. Telephone, Telephone, AY Lowest Prices. Telephones ITT J Solicited.jjjtl? Building, Trimming. AY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, 01 TULLE Street, n?rt'ZX9. tt'ELltf:n&iriXJ? fffaSJBgaWlfi r'jlrsifA VA Edinburgh & Queen Streets. Mill Stree t jUl u ' ' iJSrWM !. to S Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. Jt-- iifeiiifateli ."JVT J"'VWi i EAEE CHANCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTER riLVN A GOVERNMENT HOND OKFEUri) BY THE Ewilaljle Life Assurance Go ASSETS OVEK OF THE UNITED STATES. 'IHE ptotcotlon of Llfo Innurauro f.omblncd with tho Investment Principles of JL u Savings Bank. Exntnploof a S'Vycar Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken out at the age of 25 years: Annual Total Picmlunm Ca li I'und Ecpilvalnnt Paid Annuity Piciniitm. Paid In 20 in T mi due. Up Policy t r Life. Jn for Lifa 187 50.740 $UU!0 43,300 $1,310 Estlmatoa for different niiiiHintu nt.d diirercnt ages cheerfully given. Protect your tiiniily from futuio want r provide for your own old age. Policies Free. Indisputable, Non-Fo- i reliable, &c, A.c. For full particulars, apply to Alexander J. Cai'twright, 1010 ly Geucral Agent, Hawaiian lalandb. VALKER & EEDWARD, Conl riH'toi'M A; liiilltlei'M. Bilek, 'lone and Wooden Building1!; given. Jobbing prompt'! at- tended to. 1(5 King sticel. Jbtll Tele- phone N . 2. P. O. Box, IS?!. tip 0 ly Q.EORGB LUCAS, ifA-- r- I'UuuuuLur - and Bulldor3gjgElK$ Honolulu Steam Planlnj; Mills, Jispla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes , Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- um, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and woik guaranteed. Ordeis from tho other solicited h? W Pi iMjiirjiriu mxxiii. LAIiikcu, near fciieen St 55. uiSr S&F Honolulu Ihon Works, SasStemn engines, mills, boil- - sugar .....i ftnnlii.n . nf l.Hi.on .1 .. il lnn.l n .. , ings; machinery of every description 1 innao io oruer. rarticuiar aticniiou pain to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted nt short notice. 1 -- PJTEJT"- Merchant Tailoring EstaMislim't The undersigned having opened a llrEt- - class McrchantTuiloring Estab- - lialinn.nl at the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the llrm inline of .Habermacher&rGo. Begs lcnc to solicit the pitronngo of ' his friends and public generally. CU Gm F. HABEItMACHER. J. C. MAHOHAXT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blanl:-boo- k Manufacturer. I'u'cud Building, Bethel meet, liono. 03 lulu. tf A. II. KASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. V slies to notify the public that lie has ri'inoved to larger quarters, Wo. 13 Kaahumanu Street, C2T UP STAIRS, -- a 81 3m FERTILIZERS JPor Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Eto. I'or Halo by II.vr.KOS , T7"B aro now prepared to receive all T T ordws for the above Fenillzernf a Mipiriur ijuality, thoroughly cured nnd warranted onu of the hebt articles of tho kind in tho maiket- - Order- - may bo left with L. P. HANRON, 200 Queen street, G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hot 1 Stable. 13 -- ill Tho Inter-Inlan- d Sloam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hnnd for talo Steam Family nnd Blackimith Coal und a general a.sortmcut of 415. Bar Iron. THE ONLY PAPER read by all JL cln.Bet. "Tho Utiliy Bulletin,'1 CO cents per month. 98(,00),000. FI11E, LIFE, a MARINE JLNSUKANCE. Hartford Firo Insuranco Co. Assets, 45,055,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-- evada Assuranco Corporation (Fire nnd Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Oo Capital, $10,000,000 Now Yorlc Life Insurance Co. Assot3, $75,000,000 C.O.BERG-E- HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 10:33 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marino Insur'co Agents. AGl'NTH roil Tlic Acv Uiiclnml MUTUAL LIFE liMS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The lititun -'- U-o and .Marine Ensurance Co. of San PrancUcp, Cala. l'Jl ly Prussian National Insurance Compy Ear.viiLifliiKD 18JC, Capital, 0,000,000 Relchsmarki IlE undorbiguud, having been ap-- pointed agent of tho above Company for Uio Hawaiian Islands, is prcpaied to accept lisl.ti, nguiiiiit Fiic, on Buildings. I'urnitiire.Merchundise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Pavorable Tcrrni Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. II. Mi.MENSCHNKIDEK, jly "Vny at Wilder &, Co's. usiace&Robertson, x xt u. ar ivr ir. v . LL orders for Cartage promptly aU Xi. (ended to. Particular attention paid to thu Storing & Skipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in (.unntitie- - to tult nt loweat prices. Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 032 ly Mutual 'IMcphono No. 10. .. M. li. COliBTJKN, J)ltAVJlVX ALL hinds of drnjugo attended to promptness. White nnd BIimk hand delivered in quuutitlf4 to suit Also, Black Book and Coial Rock. Olllee: With J. Y. Colhum, Klne etrct't. near Mannakca. 73 8m NOTICE. MH. John Magoon Is authorized to collect for our account, and sign receipts. J. K. BItOWN ifc CO Ian. 10. 18SS. 1635 TF YOU WANT A SITUATION X ftdvcrU.o.iti Uio DjULt ButLEnt,', -- K3 5 W. -- '01. 'u A V& ih ! , i '& 1 i 'IV
Page 1: 'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiEY. Ifi74 lv THEX OLDEST DAILY Iu the Kingdom










'MW "'WPy'WEfgTTf"! vv flftPiyupu ' jf ""!

SczZi3i tyj, '&,, 3... '&. v... . .

!;J. PeiIi J JV Jlr iJMi v

HJ1U.JJ- - U--i J 1U.1 -1-- J . f "! !'' 'lHIIJWWTiL'W'f 'U wni---u- mmi lf jju"Liff j'lf J WWJ.MTI,T1"' 'JLJ'Fjr'






la pnutod ami ptililUhcil nt Uio oltlee,

Quooti Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

ntturnoon (Sundays uxecpted).

Subscription, SO conts per Month.

Addict all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements tc un3uro iubortion,Bhoulil 1)0 handed In before one o'clockr. ii.WALTER HILL Editor and Propriolor

JAS G. CLEVIOIt Manaflor

Bullotin Stoam Printing OfficeNewspaper, Bunk and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorabloterms.Boll Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephono No. 200


Weekly Summary.An interesting ami comprehensive

publication mid contains 23 columns ofreading mattei on Kc.il topics, and acomplete resumo of Honolulu mid IslandNews. It is the best paper publishediu the Kingdom to Bund to filcnd- -abroad.

Subscription:Island : : : 1 00 yearForeign : : : GO!)"

Coininission Morouants.


Gcuoral Commission Agents.070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -1618


General Mboahtile andCoMMIBblON AGENTS


P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagciJ. O. Cauteii .Treasurer & Secretary

dikkctoiis :

Hon. C. R. Bisiioi". S. C Allen,H. WfATEBllOUSK.y. iy

T. WATEKHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, queen at., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle --J B. Athertou-- G. P. CastleAs OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

ClauB Biirccltcla. Wm. Q. Irwin.TKT G. Irwin & Company,

V Sug.u Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. . 1

& GO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal--

, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & OO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

121 California, street,1 Sau Francisco, Cal.

K. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey, O. M. Coolco.

ewers & Cooke,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers und Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.


Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of tho NewStores lu tile

Tliomaw Jilouk, King Street,Three doots fioni Cattle & Cookes',

Whore ho is pioparcd to manufactureall lndf Jewelry. CO

a71. hewett,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel.im. Hull Tol.1102.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Or Jor? taken for Newspapers, Poriodl.cals, Books, Music, etc., tiom any paitof tho world, having made all arrange-ment- s

theiefor whilst in San FraucUco,

Ited Kubber HJtiintiH to Order.71

'TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,JL auvenisu u iu iuu ua.m uuuuvktia



NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Ofllco, Gov't Building, Honolulu.:jo if

TOHN A. HA8SINQEK.tP Agent to tako Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllco,Honolulu.

M. THOMPSON,A.tloriioy-ii.t-I.rw- v.

Ofllco In Campbell's Block, Cor. Pott &Merchant St--.- , Honolulu, II. I.


1ST When desired, will give the law Ina written opinion, as to thu prob.iblo re-

sult of the contention upon the factstinted. luSSly

LI. MON3ARRAT,J . ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotittted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 10(1

CECIL BROWN,Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred Magoon,J AT 1 ORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

J. H. SOPER, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon,.S. W. Comer Sixth and Market meets,opposite Hawaii Nui Millinery Estab-lishment, San Pi.iucisco. 23

JO-- S

Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

l8JyII. M. 11CNSON. Q. W. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes und Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 00 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO.aiimiifuoturiii;; JowellcrH,

NO. OS XJ'OItT STXIJ333T.Constantly on hand i large assortmen

of every description ot Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having Improved facilities, is preparedto till orders at bhort notice.

1854 tf


Nos. 33, 45, G2, 03, 67, 73 & 97.

i:. U. Wclmiiinii, - - I'roiirlctor.B2T Stand Corner Merchant and Fort

Streets.tt3-- Tolopliones, U35. -t-EO

inch U 80-l-

CARRIAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Baddlo Horecs, Buggies, Wugoncttcs undVillage Carta with stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOK SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Cnits and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MILES & IlAYIiEY.Ifi74 lv

THE OLDEST DAILY Iu theX Kingdom "Hio Daily Bulletin."

no cents per month.

THE BEST PAPER to sulwrllieU tho "Daily Bulletin." CO

cents per mouth.


.A..ttoxney sxt; X-Ea-w.

Office, : No. 0 Kaahumanu street.npSJ.88.ly

Bern L, Saloon

Tho Best Lunch In Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The Flnn-- t Bran 1 of

Ciprs, ?--. Tobacco

Alwayti on Hand.II. J. K4H.TI5, Proprietor.

CHR. GEfJTZ, JxULLEImporter and Deakr in

Jenln', IjmlicH', A CIiUdrcn'H

Boots, Slioes and Slippers,

Tho Choicer Brands of

Cigars, (JllrJotacoAlwajn on ISaiul.

t?f6rdcr3 from the othci IslandRsolicited. 79 If



Every description of



salooTbreadAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.Ci Gm


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Patry Cook anil Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- AW Telephone 74

WM. McCAKIMiESS,No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestflcef, Veal, Xluttou, FIhIi, &.V., Aa

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live block furnibhed tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 34(1 ly

Tiiaa H,tafias' Metropoiitanteij

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Bo tail Butchers



PoEGu Anes Stock

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Holler Calves from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT,Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70


TXTESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO.XU. .ro authorised to tollect fortlioBui.i.r.Tis

Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. n7

rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER In1 Honolulu Tliu Daily Btilletlu.'

tO cents per month.


ropier iiwrf101 Fort Street,

Rl. S. SACHS, -

A Most Complete and

it Patte nunnnnTrt

Showing tho New Shades




Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of

IPx-inime- cl aiicl Uxiti'IixiMiecl EEafcs !

Cannot bo excelled. Wo havoBlack, Whito

New Fancy Trimming Ribbons !

Also, an ImniuiiBO Assortment of

MM Pi-Pra- Eiroltos, Birfls Hil Wings !

A New Stock of

Baby's Lace and Muslin Bonnets !

fiSInspeetion is Solicited. a3?


- - Proprietor.

GElegant Stock,

Halsand Now


the and Latest Shades, inand all Colors


A Large & Unique Assortmentby Mr. Dillingham in England and America.

Call and examine the goods, now being opened by tho

Pacific HardwareJPox't fejtreet, Honolulu.

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith "Work,

Painting and

79 & 81 - - - -

IVom Iinc and Stw.

Every of work in tho above lines iu a manner.

a107"a (mrh tSTBell 1G7-- S

175. Corner










King Oil Eose Premises.

EutranceH Blci-cliai- it

description performed llist-cla- s

Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty.Telephone, Telephone,


Lowest Prices.







GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,




n?rt'ZX9. tt'ELltf:n&iriXJ?fffaSJBgaWlfi r'jlrsifA VA

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

Mill StreetjUl u ' 'iJSrWM !.



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,



iifeiiifateli ."JVTJ"'VWi




Ewilaljle Life Assurance Go


'IHE ptotcotlon of Llfo Innurauro f.omblncd with tho Investment Principles ofJL u Savings Bank. Exntnploof a S'Vycar Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken

out at the age of 25 years:Annual Total Picmlunm Ca li I'und Ecpilvalnnt Paid AnnuityPiciniitm. Paid In 20 in T mi due. Up Policy t r Life. Jn for Lifa

187 50.740 $UU!0 43,300 $1,310Estlmatoa for different niiiiHintu nt.d diirercnt ages cheerfully given. Protect

your tiiniily from futuio want r provide for your own old age. Policies Free.Indisputable, Non-Fo- i reliable, &c, A.c.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander J. Cai'twright,1010 ly Geucral Agent, Hawaiian lalandb.


Conl riH'toi'M A; liiilltlei'M.Bilek, 'lone and Wooden Building1!;

given. Jobbing prompt'! at-

tended to. 1(5 King sticel. Jbtll Tele-phone N . 2. P. O. Box, IS?!. tip 0 ly

Q.EORGB LUCAS, ifA-- r-I'UuuuuLur -

and Bulldor3gjgElK$Honolulu Steam Planlnj; Mills, Jispla

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes , Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-um, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and woikguaranteed. Ordeis from tho other


h? W

Pi iMjiirjiriu mxxiii.

LAIiikcu, near fciieen St55. uiSr

S&F Honolulu Ihon Works,SasStemn engines, mills, boil- -sugar

.....i ftnnlii.n . nf l.Hi.on .1 .. il lnn.l n .. ,

ings; machinery of every description 1

innao io oruer. rarticuiar aticniiou painto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted nt short notice. 1


Merchant Tailoring EstaMislim't

The undersigned having opened a llrEt- -

class McrchantTuiloring Estab- -

lialinn.nl at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the llrm

inline of

.Habermacher&rGo.Begs lcnc to solicit the pitronngo of

' his friends and public generally.CU Gm F. HABEItMACHER.

J. C. MAHOHAXT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blanl:-boo- k


I'u'cud Building, Bethel meet, liono.03 lulu. tf


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


V slies to notify the public that liehas ri'inoved to larger quarters,

Wo. 13 Kaahumanu Street,C2T UP STAIRS, -- a

81 3m

FERTILIZERSJPor Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Eto.

I'or Halo by II.vr.KOS ,

T7"B aro now prepared to receive allT T ordws for the above Fenillzernf

a Mipiriur ijuality, thoroughly curednnd warranted onu of the hebt articlesof tho kind in tho maiket- - Order- - maybo left with

L. P. HANRON, 200 Queen street,G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hot 1 Stable.

13 -- ill

Tho Inter-Inlan- d SloamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hnnd for talo

Steam Family nnd Blackimith Coalund a general a.sortmcut of

415. Bar Iron.THE ONLY PAPER read by allJL cln.Bet. "Tho Utiliy Bulletin,'1 CO

cents per month.



MARINEJLNSUKANCE.Hartford Firo Insuranco Co.

Assets, 45,055,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-- evada Assuranco Corporation(Fire nnd Marino)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Oo

Capital, $10,000,000

Now Yorlc Life Insurance Co.

Assot3, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

10:33 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'co Agents.

AGl'NTH roilTlic Acv Uiiclnml


The iEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The lititun -'- U-o and.Marine Ensurance Co.

of San PrancUcp, Cala.l'Jl ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Compy

Ear.viiLifliiKD 18JC,

Capital, 0,000,000 RelchsmarkiIlE undorbiguud, having been ap--pointed agent of tho above Company

for Uio Hawaiian Islands, is prcpaied toaccept lisl.ti, nguiiiiit Fiic, on Buildings.I'urnitiire.Merchundise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Pavorable Tcrrni

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable inHonolulu.

II. Mi.MENSCHNKIDEK,jly "Vny at Wilder &, Co's.


x xt u. ar ivr ir. v .LL orders for Cartage promptly aU

Xi. (ended to. Particular attentionpaid to thu

Storing & Skippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin (.unntitie- - to tult nt loweat prices.

Ofllco, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.032 ly Mutual 'IMcphono No. 10.



ALL hinds of drnjugo attended topromptness. White nnd

BIimk hand delivered in quuutitlf4 tosuit Also, Black Book and Coial Rock.

Olllee: With J. Y. Colhum, Klneetrct't. near Mannakca. 73 8m


MH. John Magoon Is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

receipts. J. K. BItOWN ifc COIan. 10. 18SS. 1635

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX ftdvcrU.o.iti Uio DjULt ButLEnt,',




-- '01.



! ,





Page 2: 'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiEY. Ifi74 lv THEX OLDEST DAILY Iu the Kingdom

!& Bisnoi & Co.. hankeus




S ?






. T

Uounluiu, Ilauruitui IslandsDraw B'iobanKO ou thu

Bmlt(oi OuiM'orutn, W. 11'.

.ud their HgnuUiln


Min, N. SI. Inth-cuili- l & Son, London

Tho Comniorclnl Rank Co., of Sydnoy,London,

The Pominerclnl linn It Co, of Bydnoy,8yd noy,

Tho l.ank of Now Keilnnd: Aticklnnd,0 i.Wtehurch, and Wellington,

The Hank of British Columbia, Victerla, B. 0., acJ V oitlatvl, Or.

u Conoro'. rnhlnc Susitiwa.Cf.fi i v

Til 33

atTu jffiuTtitfin

Pledged to neither Seel nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1888.





Somo excursionists have safely re-

turned from the ascent of the vol-

cano Popocatepetl recently, an-

nounced as though it were a newdiscovery that there were signs thatthe crater was not cold but hot!They averred that the heat was in-

creasing, and that instead of itsbeing an extinct crater it was liableto become an active one at any mo-

ment. The agent for the New YorkAssociated Press immediately sentoff the news and it lias been heraldedthroughout the woild.

Tho fact is that the great craterin old Popocatepetl is no warmer to-

day than it has been at any periodduring the past fifty years. It al-

ways is hot. Perpetual snow coversthe outside of the huge peak butwithin the vast abyss of the craterthe weather is semi-tropica- l.

Every excursionist who makes theexhausting but not specially danger-ous ascent returns believing that heis "one of the few immortals" thathave really been there. But henever makes a second try. Onceis enough in n life-tim- e. Conse-quently he personally ha3 no meansof judging whether or not there hasbeen any increase of activity lately.The Indian guides of Amecamecawho make frequent ascents do notnote any change in the temperatureof the crater. The ever-prese- nt

-- fumes of sulphur are no moic dis-

agreeable y than when Glennic,liroikelhurst, Obner, Bishop, Rich-

ardson, Conklins and many an Ame-

rican resident in this cit- - mnde theascent of the highest volcano inNorth America. No two climbersfind the outside of the mountain justthe same. Some find it coveredwith soft snow, othcis with snowwith a hard crust, others with noth-ing but pure ice. This is causedby the constant change of theweather and seasons there. Butwithin the perimeter ot the yawninggulf all is serene, unvexed and un-

disturbed by the storms that havefor centuries beat upon that hoary-heade- d

monarch of the Sierra JIadrc.But it is the unexpected that al-

ways happens and we never can tellwhat a day may brine foitli. OldPopocatepetl, while apparentlypeaceful, may some day, finding hisbreathing holes choked up, coughhis head oil in one vast effort to freehis lungs, as did his companion,Ixtaccihuatl, in ages past. ("Cityof Mexico two Republics.


Opposite to me, cozily settled inthe corner of the carriage, was amost picturesque and remarkablyhandsome senora, arrayed in thecostume worn at a time before theinvasion of Paris fashions by nil theladies of quality in Spain, andcopied in all its charming details bythe women of Spanish America.Her gown was of a black silkenmaterial, with little ti burning andfew ornamentations ; for none wereneeded to set off the attractive sim-

plicity of the garment, which wasclosely and carefully lilted to hercharming figure. Theic was neitherheavy nor trailing phylacteries,Huffs, nor flounces, cumbersomefestoons, nor balloon-lik- e gatherings.The senora walked erect, grace-fully, tripping so lightly, it waspleasant to see her Hit about fromside to side of the carriage, fromwindow to window, like a humming-bird from flower to flower, to catchthe views presented through Infre-quent openings in the clouds.Dainty black wlippers with big satinbows had 6ho on her little feet andblack gloves on Jier hands. Shocairieda fan, without which the cos-tume would have been imperfect andthe senora horse! f would havo beenat n loss what to do with her idlehands. A veil of black lace partlycovered her head, tho two ends ofwhich were brought to tho front andcrossed in n single twist beneath herchin. Her hair was most dextrouslyarranged, smoothly brushed andgathered in alibiing heavy coils, allJu Id in place by mysterious skewersand bodkins of gold anclmlver woik.Over her shoulders theio was looselythrown a mantilla of fine texture.This, until we hud reached the cold-er regions far up the mountain bide,served her for outer garment a

gratification of her excusable vanityrather than a protection from theair, which became more invigorat-ing as we ascended from the plnins.

When the mountain wooed hertoo roughly, Senora folded herselfcozily in a biilliant wrap of soft andclinging woven llama wool, andthere, in her corner, fclio sat queen-like, but curiously peeping fromtime to time at the writer, who,whllo making a pietencc of studyingthe language of Cervantes, was lot-ting down ou the lly leaves of hisEnglish-Spanis- h Meisterchaft theforegoing nnd other memorandaconcerning the lady whom he shallalways remember as the beautifulCreole on the train to Caracas.Much court was paid to this gentlelady by the male passengers, andfor every pleasant, manly attentionshe returned the sweetest aud mostwinning smiles. She knew she hadbeautiful teeth, and glad was I thatshe knew it, for it was pleasant tosec them, so regular, so strong andwhite, and I was reminded of MasterGeoige llerrick and his "cirls andpearls." Who could resist payingher the tribute of frequent, imper-fectly concealed and respectfulglances of sincere admiration? Cor-

tes, not I, nor did I try. I hadcome far to so the sights in Vene-zuela, and here was one of the fair-est aud most charming picturesman's eye could rest upon in allyouth America.

1'iom time to time there came toolfer some little politeness to her ahandsome, black-eye- d priest, with aremarkably regular and intelligentface. Beneath the robe of an asce-tic there beat the heart of a gallantgentleman, and Jacnora was wellpleased with the innumerablepetty services the leverend (notvery reverend, either, for he wasyoung and sprightly) cavallero ren-dered her willi willing grace. Shepermitted bun to fasten her wrapmore closely around her, and onlyblushed slightly when his clumsyfingers pressed her dimpled chin,and yet she paid him the deferencedue his cloth, accepting his homagewith sweet resignation, albeit withthe air ot a grande dame accustomedto be waited upon and made muchof. What became of Scnoru? Alas!When the train readied Caracas aportly, well-favor- gentlemen mether, kissed her on both cheeks,handed her into a crand carriage,drove oli with his treasure, and tothis day the writer has never seenher since. fV. A, Ilatou in N. Y.'limes.


Speaking of Daniel Webster re-

minds the Washington correspond-ent of the Philadelphia "Record"that he had seen floating around inthe newspapers an absurd para-graph purpoiting to give Webster'slast notable speech, the few re-

marks he delivered fiom the balconvof his'housc on Louisiana avenue,now the Webster Law Building, thenight after Scott was nominated forPiesidentat Baltimore. Accordingto the paragraph which the corres-pondent refutes that godlike Danielsaid: "Boys, I am very much ob-

liged to you ; but I'm hard hit, andI'm going home to die." "I can-

not," says the correspondent, "im-agine any burlesque that could bemore grotesque than this appa-rently berioua report. FortunatelyJ have the means of correcting it.It was a beautiful starlit night inMay. The Whigs of Washington,who had scienaded and congratulat-ed Scott had made them a littlespeech, to Webster's house towaulmidnight to sec what the Massachu-setts statesman would say. Theytook their music with them, andwhen they dot down (o Webster s

they gave him a serenade, too. Pre-sently Webster appeared on the bal-

cony above them, wrapped in hisdressing-gow- n, the mere shadow ofhis former self, worn in body andbroken in spirit by disease antl dis-

appointment. His voice, though nolonger eloquent nor even powerful,had not lost its art, and what hesaid was in itsilf intensely interest-ing. So he held his audience in ab-

solute attention from the first to tholast word of what every one .felt tohe his valedictory. He said :

" 'I thank you, fellow-citizen- s,

for your friendly and respectfulcall. I am very glad to see you.Some of you have been engaged inan arduous public duty at Balti-more, the object of your meetingbeing tho selection of a fit personto bo supported for the olllce ofPresident ot the United States.Others of you take an interest in theicsult of the delibeiations of thatassembly of Whigs. It so happenedthat my name among others was pre-sented on that occasion. Anothercandidate, however, was preferred.I have only to say, gentlemen, thatthe Convention did, I doubt not,what it thought best, and oxeiciscdits discretion in the important mat-ter committed to it. The resulthas caused me no personal feelingwhatever, nor any change of con-duct or purpose. What 1 havo beenI am in principlo and in character,and what I tun I hope to continueto be. Circumstances or oppo-nents may tiiumph over my for-

tunes, but they will not triumphover 1113' temper or my self-respe-

Gentlemen, this is a serene andbeautiful night. Ten thousandthousands of tho lights of heavenilluminate tho firmament. Theyrule thu night, , A few hours hencetheir glory will be extinguished;

' Ye fe'iiii. tha' glitter In theKles,Aud gayly dunce befme my eyes,What uioyu when tho sun Multilist'?

Gentlemen, there is not one among


you who will sleep better ht

than I shall. If I woke I shalllearn the hour from the constella-tions, and I shall rise in the morning, God willing, with the laik, andthough the laik is a better songsterthan I am, yet he will not leave thodew and the daisies and spring up-

ward tn guet the puipling enst witha more blithe and jocund spirit thanI pose-s- . Gentlemen, I again repeat my thanks for this mark of

jour respect, and commend yon tothe enjoyment of a quiet and satis-factory leposo. May God bless youall.'

"This was the last word of hiseloquence. His hearers felt whatwe can almost see, tho tensestrain of the great self-contr- whichkept his mind and heart from hi cak-

ing under the full realization whichhad btust upon him that day for thefirst time that he would never bePresident of the United States.They felt, too, as though they hadseen his genius expire. His bodydied in the following October."

There is no limit to the ago atwhich a man may make a fool ofhimself.

Credulous men arc tho prey ofcrafty ones.

Modesty and humility arc the so-

briety of the mind.MeaMiio thy cloth ten limes, for

thou canst but cut it once.He who says what he iikes may

hear what he dues not like.Think well over your important

steps in life, and, having nnidc upyour mind, never look behind.

What is libeity without wisdomand without virtue? It is the gieal-e- st

of all evils; for it is folly, viceand madness, without tuition or re-

straint. Burke.Frugality does not imply parsi-

mony any more than extravagancecomprehends generosity.

NOTICE.my iiI'm-iic- from .the King,

di 111 M'.'Jclin l.uui'gut. will iicilor mil in nil iniittcis ot Ijiuiness underI own- - ot utlorui-y- .



npiIE uii'lerMgiicil having been on theJL J.li dul appniitcd

1 she Ks a u of Max Kckuri, !

llop'.'.ul 11 Itmkrupi, ly thu Hon. S.H. D )lt, .JiiMiuc of the Suptimc ( oiut,hercli uquests nil pcivoi.s ovelift ti.sulci -t lie lo ninko immediate payment(1 Hi" 10 Inn. lo IIjC uiiclci signal ntIlis (jJ'ikc in Honolulu.

W. ('. PARKF,Assignee of E.-tit- of JI.ix Lckail,

luini niptlimit 1 1 i.Jiny 5, 83. 35 31

FOR SALECurt nnd IIADUJI1' in good oitk-i- .

'to Le told cheap. Appl) to0 Smith or Luniililo Home.

.)- - 2vv

OS I A an el cot Mining a of1- -v jSf lit 01 about a wick sicoiT.quiru tiiN dike. 3 iw

Hot ban Francisco"With Immediate Despatch.

The At Iron Uritlsh Bark

ti rirx--s. pft II MI r" jv 3'i IIMI:3F ,' 1 IfBiBigSliSSt chEssS?

'"jpHH atiention of thippcrs of Sugai,JL Rici :u d oilier Islmul I'ri.duco it

direcic'l to U.is liiFtcl it-- . Vets-el-

Prr Aopiiintions lor spuce should hemade itutucdiuU'ly to

G. W. MACFAELANE & CO.,4!i Agents. it


rjpil K undersigned (live notice tha'X tlicy !mvi! I uui iinpoluu-e- l

ot Blown it Id, iiicmcJkuiIf, of Hono-lulu.

All pir.ons having nr y (liiiinf aguinUtho (.aid f r 111 win thir Mciueil ly n.oitgag or olli'i'wic, :iro rotillnl 10 pie.bo.il tl 0 lei the Ai-lgii- s, nillliutilt lnontlis I rom Api 1 'Jlinl

All oisiiin- indebied to J.Icmj1. Buiwn& Co 10 lvqtic'hlrd 10 miiki: insiiiuiliucp.ijmciit to Uiown & Co. or theAssignees.

A. .1. CAIlTWttlGIlT,W. F. Al.bEK.

Assignees ot ltiown & Co.Honolulu, April, 21, lfj'8. 23 tin

Continental aud Colonial

AGEKCY.36 Euo do Dunkeraue, - - - Pario.

Executes Inch uutcr every descriptionof French, llelghm,Stt'ii", German, and English Goods, ntthe l.en Munuf lUurris' Lowest Prices.

Commlstlon. Two.aml-- Half er cent.All Tiiidc! and Cnali allowedto Clients. Original invoices forwardedwheiiiiCjiicstod.

Remlilntires, through n London orParis Hunker, puynl le on delivery otShipping documents; or, direct to themiinager.

Tin Agency Ilcnrcicntf, Buys, nndBell.", f ir Home and Colonial Fiimf.

l'lere GonilB, Cibliniero", Cnmhiics,.SllksVohctb, Lowm, Chintzes,JIu-liii"- , Caipels, Cloths,Sli Hurry. Liicc, Glove,Frlngii", l'niusolo, Hnherdusliery,Gold nnd Mlver l.nce,FhuiM'li-- , Feathers, l'eurls,Boots and Hiocs, Gluts, andOhhui.wuro, Clocks, Watches,Jov.ellry, Fanny Goods.Klectio-plalc- , Musical Instruments,Fan?, Enlcsiat-tica- l andOptical Goods. Jllrroie, Toys.Vt rnuuoiy, YVlni-8-, &c,Olhnmi'f. Bton-8- , Ih ok- -, ArtistioFuuiluiri', Mailoneiy,UlironiCM, .Miiehlnen". &C, Ac.

inn iv s

JOB PRINTING ot nil kinds cxe.nt the Daily Bulxstw Ofllce


















Auction Sales by Lowls J. Lovoy,

Household Furniture--vr A.Tjcr.rxoN.

On THURSDAY, May lOtli, '88

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,At tho l evidence of Win. Wngcncr, toniiecount of doi'uituri;, comer of Fort& Kiikul 'tteetc, I will sell at Public- -

A'lelinn, the whole of his

Household Furniltiro nnd Effects,

ConsUtlni; In pint ni follows: One" Fine Toned

Upright "Flsclier" Piano and Stool,

(A splendid instrument.)

One Black Walnut Parlor Set,

Fpholstered m Plush Ne it ly New.1 Ulack Walnut BedmomSi t, 11. W.

Mmble-to- p Tabic,One AnIi JLScdroom Set !

Hair Mittrius, Spilng MtUrnnccs,CoimIcci is Lace Cuit lins,

Oil 1'aintiiiu; and fi'itiiurcs !

Hi in kit",4 Light Clnndelitr, I.imps Clodc,1 Largi- - Mltror, Foil her Pillows,

Mosquito Nets, Mining,

Large Center Rugs & Small Rugs I

U. W. Sidobonrd, Center lalile,

Crocltery Ss Cjrlnsiswji.ro I

1 S'ovo & Kitchen Uicii-iW- , Meat Safe,

Itefrlgcrutnr, Itntli Tub, IUe., Kte.

BEWIS J. LEVEY,31 5t Auctioneer.

Special Auction Sale"Wltltont Hcsorvc.

On FRIDAY and SATURDAY,3Iuy lltliit 10 a. in.,

I will tell nt l'uhllo Auoiion, at myS ilinronms, corner of Fi rt and

Queen Rticets, n Luge nndw Stock of


Received direct from Europe, con-

sisting of

English Worsted Coating !

Scotch &, English Tweed".SiTgo aud Melton Cloth,

Linen unci Silk Handkerchiefs,

Toilet Covers, Napkins,Together with u Luge Assort-

ment of

Ladies' Mo Pojlm!S.Ik & Satin Dress Patterns, &c, &c.


LEWIS J. LEVEY,i 5t Auctioneer.


Honsiuiold FraiiireI am insTiieted by Mc'-r- . II. Hnckfeld

& Co., lo iiffur at Public Auction,

On' WEDNESDAY, May 16th,

AT lO O'CLOCK A. 31..Vt my S.desri cm, corner of Koit and

(Jueeii sir ids n chniee lot of

New aud Elegant Household Furniture-- Consisting of- -

flnnnn I 0 I

Wnidio'iee, Burenu", Tuliles nndKtagureii, in M.ihouany and

Walnut. Also,

Yienna Bent Wood Furniture T

Q mien Seats, Hugs & Ciirpcts,T..ivelmg Trunks & lings,


LEWIS T. LEVEY,3311 1 Auctioneer.

Just received Ex. "Alameda" n emailcnnslgment of the

"Taranaki Butter"lu 1 & S llm. Healed TiuH.

Guaranteed tho finest In th6 Klngdnm

--FOK WALE- !-


LEWIS J. LEVEY,Nolo Auciit for tliu llawiilluii

35 iHlauelH. ilw"



Imported Direct from Havana.

G. 0. BERGER.33 tf

Partnership Notice,

A,J KSSHS. Julius H..ing mid Helnriehill Ii iijcs are ailiultted us pattoeisilitu oui linn.

V. A. SOIIAEFER & CO.Honolulu, May 1, 18K8. 31 lw

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Sale of Leases !

Hy order of tho Trustees of

HIS MAJESTY'S ESTATE,I will sell ut Public Auction,

On MONDAY, June 4th, 1888

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,At my Salesroom, Queen street, the

IiEASEd f the following

Parcels of Lands,Situated at Kona, Hawaii, us lollowsi

For a Ten of 15 Years.1 The Ahuptma of Waiului, dtB

crlbcd in 11. l No. HKSO.

2 I.tilid at Kiiliulllt, IConn, deicrlbcdIn 11. 1. No. CJ77 A.

3 Allium m of Kaliulul, Konn, apana3, It. l. 1009.

4 Aliiiunn of Kalnmii, Kona, up mmL', It. 1. ttlOU, I, O A. 8510 U.

D Ahupuuii ed I'lihcchoc, lCoui, K. 1'.S510 It.

G Aliiliuiiue of Kit1'iV npana 11, LC. A. 77 5, eoiiiiiu-lii.- . i!(0 i ucrtft.

7 Aliuiniuiot Luilhauiki, N. Kona.iipaniv "J, of K. 1'. JIMS, containing 3010ncrcs.

nf Ilonuaiiln, apana 4and 5, or 11. V. 3M3, containing 'JO 48 100acres.

9 Alii piuiii of Moeanon, apann 27, ofL i'. A. a71.

10 Alto, the Lenso for fi years of theKiiln portions of Mokaucii,' at Kulihl,Uahu, ma knl of thu rice plantation, andcM'iudlu,r lo within 100 feet of llshponds ul II s Majesty.

11 Also, the Lease for 10 years ofthe unleaded portion of Iwilei, includ-ing Sea Fishety, containing about 54acres, more or less.

And at the sauio time will he sold a

Parcel of Land at Aki, Lahaina,

Described in R- - P 3415, L. C. A.0705 Bcontaiuiug 'A hoods aud 14 Ilocts.

Terms Payable semi-annual- ly inadvance. Possession given on com-

pletion of papers and payment of

first six months' rent.

C5?"For further particulars apply tothoTrustcos, or to

JAS. F. MORGAN,35 ood Auctioneer.


Another Fresh Lot of

Just ni rived and


Algeroba Firewood & Charcoal !

Made fiom Algerohu AVood.


13ell Tele D3. -- jr" Mutual Tele. 887.32 2w


Belonging to the undersigned, will besold at

Yery Low PricesDuring the month of May, 188, and all

parties wi-hli- ig to supply them- -

ecIvof, will do well to call andexamine the Goods hefore

haying elsewhere.

"XMio GOODS MiiiHtbe HoldAnd embrace the Best Assortment of

Good Family Articles, that can hofound In this city.

i?E:aM xsnAt BROWN & CO.'s Store,

No. 14 Merchant Sheet.


Assignees of Urnwn & Co.Honolulu, April 2rf, 1tS8. 28 lm


Have arrived and can bo seenAT THE



NOTICE is hereby given that I willpay any debts contracted in

my name without my written order.V. 0. AOHI.

Honolulu, April 21, 1833. 23 tf


PER iu tho Kingdom "TheDaily Bulletin," CO cents per month.


Hawa'n Jockey Club.



I0NDAY, JIB 11, 1888.

Races to Commcnco at 10 o'clock Sharp.


KUXNINO RACE- -i Mile Dash.Free for all.


RUXNIXG RACE 1 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian In eel horses ownedby members of ihe Jockey Club.Cup to bceonie tho property of theone winning It twice.

3ret-KI- NG'S PLATE.

TROTTING and l'AOIXG RAC- E-, lor Hawaiian hied horses only to

harness Mile Heats best 2 in 3.


RUNNING RACE 14 Mile Dash.Fiee for all. If but one starts tobeat 2 :S0.


TROTTING and PACING RACEMllo Heats, bebt tl in 5. Free forall. All horses having a record of2 :30 or better to go to wagon.


RUNNING RACE 3 Mile Dash.Open to all old Hawaiianbred horses only.


RUNNING RACK 1 Mile Dash.Free for all. Winner to beat the le-eo-

of "Angle A," 1:454. To berun for annually.


$100 added.

RUNNING RACE- -4 Milo Heats,best 2 in 3. Hawaiian bred horses.Cup to become the property of thewinner two consecutive years.


SwKErsTAKES TROTTING andFACING RACE Mile Heats, best2 in a. Free for all horses thathave not a record of 3 minutes orbetter to be driven In Frazicr roadcarts hy members of the Club.


RUNNING RACE Mile Dash.Free for all.


Open to all ponies ds orunder, and old or over.

BST Rules regarding entries audstarting are suspended In races againsttime.

22 tf

PITT &SC0TT'SGeneral fclilpjiiiii; Agency unit For-

eign 1'ai-ccl- IIxpreHH.

Goods, Parcels, Baggage, Etc, Etc.,

Forwarded to and from all pnrts ofiho world.

C. O. D. amounts of invoices collectedin nny country.

of Jtntcs on AppIIcation-T- O

General Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,00 2S Merchant Street. tf

I mimHas just received a very

handsome assortment of all the

i StfLatest GliVJ) Mnvultinc


In the Millinery (Line, such as

Trimmings, Flowers,

Ornaments, &c, &o.Also, n Most Excellent Assortment of

DP 3L. XJ TWC DE S09J .Direct from Europe, lm


74 King st. --xgJ 74 KiDfJ St.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Cure.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality,

CHAIRS TO RENT.npr-1- 88

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT.J. advertise in tho Daily Buixutik.




.,vl. :4--kj W IdM 7 - V'ii'. .(f'rtji 'J A V '&& w W .fU , &&&&&.' 6u i' . i ; ."'uii,'WiiUAw X... ,C

Page 3: 'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiEY. Ifi74 lv THEX OLDEST DAILY Iu the Kingdom

P ft

For Spring Summer Clothing, For Fauoy Goods & Trimmings, Bargains in Embroideries, New Shades in Dress Goods, Barg'ns in Embroid'cd Dresses,

o to Go to At At

The Arcado-EG- AN & CO. The Aroade-EG- AN & CO. The Arcade-EG- AN & CO. The Arcade-Efi- AN & CO. The Arcado-EG- AN & CO.







X" XI 13

81-i-? eta" l

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1888.

AHriWAU.May 8

Bktiio Mary Whikclmiui from Han Finu- -

elcoIlk O D Uryaut from Sun Fianotsco

DEl'AHfUnES.May 8- -SS Auatrnlla for San at noon

Stinr LlkcllUc for Kahulttl and wayports at 0 in

Stinr Mlkahala for Kanai at 5 p inBtnir Lcliua for Ilniuukua at 0 p in15k Deiitschhuul for KanSchr Halcakala for Pepeckeo


Fer Maui mid Hawaii, pur steamerKlniiii, May 7 i or Volcano: It Hay,Miss Hay, Mrs Pllllcr, W 11 Hpooner. JII Maby, and K M Starkey. For lilloand way por s : .1 w naiua aim wiie.J Knlaimi and wife, Hoiib.I U Kawainutand APKalaukoa. .Major W U loin-wel- l,

John M Dowctt and biide, G I

V ilder and wife, .lulcs Tnvernlcr, (! IIWells, Mis Kynnctslcy. Miss M Low,Mis 11 It Miiomrlaiie, It W Poduioie,Mailon Stovir, Vis Xleoll, Mis 11 GTieadway and cldld, ir Uockbiirn andwife, Mi Hycrolt, A Fernandez andwife, Mr Cok'buin and wife,and about 70deck.

For Kauai, per steamer JameiMnkec,May 7th Jn Lovell and Mrs G ller-bei- t.

For Maul and Hawaii, per steamer WG Hull. May 7th O . iiam and wife,Hon II Kuihclani and wife. Miss 1)

Laknnti, Mrs Kngeis, Major J 1 Kahale-w- ai

and CO deck.For San Francisco, per S S Australia,

May 8th Kov I Goodell, .us W A

Johnson and child, A Kldeis, wife andchild, Mi-s- s L Vos, G Galbrath, Mis W"Wagoner and child, MUs M Miigtdrc,Mrs A T I abbitt, V andwife, Capt Kempff, Lieut ooie. SolEpbilam. Mis. I A ICenncdy and elii d,Mis Kiikland, Dr Parker and wife, C AG Gunning, Mis Logan and daughter,Mas er Arthur Loga , MiiS l'cttlboiic,Mrs Rogers, Miss 11 Day. K MeKeuio,wife and 3 children, Mrs do la Veigtieand son, Master W Itieo, Mis Wilcox,M U Augustine, J It and K V Low, MisPaira and child. C 11 Whetinorc, MissAda Joiie, DrGiuvaiid wife, MrsL ABaron and child. P Feck, ( apt G W"Willfong, W It Gould and wife, Miss FMomoe, Win Gerstle, II Ranjcs, Miss FSwaiizy, A Young, Jr, F K ls!p andwife, J Hue', and wi o, A O i'arlcy,wife and 2 childieii. Miss M Hopper, BW Purvis, F Geoige, A IJeibeit andwife, F W MoCheMioj" A M 11 ewe t, A--J

Iivlne, NatbanM ooke, G West,Mb--s Dunlap. Steeiage: G Sandunian,H Mudis, J Uilten, s itouiey. .miiuki,M Dougheity, F Kverson. II .Moig.in. CEgbert. J Fitzgei.ild, W U eggesends,F Bosking1 T Off, F lalton, wife aud3 children, AV II Coles and daughter, JII Congdon, J It Hall day, E V Winston,J D Merry, P Nelson, A" Johnson, wifeaud 5 children, JN Cliri.-tenso- u, wife

F Fmtado, wife and 4childieii, M Baitcllo, wife aud 1 child-ren, M Licouut, wife and 2 children, AItocke, wife and C children, H Hradlcy,Mrs D McGregor and child, B D Townaud sou, 10 Uliluainou and 82 Poitu-gues- e.



The S S Australia took for San Fiau-cisc- o

this noon, 24,135 bah sugar, 2,500bags lice, :!.171 bunches bananas, 75Sbdls gicen liides. 5.') dry hides, 11 billsgoat skins, 7 bdls sheep skins, 188empty kegs, 2 bags coffee, and 21 1 bagssweet potatoes. Value 8138,700.0-1-

The baik W B Godfrey sailed for iranFrancisco this afternoon, taking 18,174

bas sugar, weighing 2,113,181 lbs, andvalued at 03,01)15.73.


A canary bin! was caught by Po-

lice Officer David Moohonua lastnight.

A laugh brat-- s door key was pickedup in Emma. Squaio hist evening,and awaits the owner at this office.

Timcii Ciiinnnienfo'r having opiumin nossesiiioii, and u dibobedient wa- -

hine, wcio the ancsts by the Policeup to noon ta-da-

Tun sale of real estate, situated inMimoa valley, by Jas. F. Morgan thismorning, resulted in Pekelo becom-ing the pnrehas-e- r of the propertyfor $1,000.

Tin: Russian man-of-w- Razboy-ni- o

will tail for Nagasaki on Satui-da- y.

Tlfis evening the officers willhold a farewell gathering of a fewspecial acquaintances, on boaid ship.

Tin: bark C. D. Biyant which ar-

rived this morning fiom S.in Fran-

cisco this morning had lough weath-

er. Her port bulwaiks, midships,woio Move in. She biought iihoisofor Captain Clunuy.

Tin:itK will bo a wi calling Japanesetournament at tho Mtibic Hull onThursday evening, May 17th. AnyJapanese desiring to paiticipato intho tournament can have their namesentcied by applying at the Japanesestoie, King stieot.

Suven Hawaiian Mormons, Kaha-nanu- i,

carpenter, ago fiO years, andhis wife Elena, ago 30; Liloa, labor-

er, age 18, and his wife Lucy, ago 17 ;

James, laborer, ago 17, and his wife

Jennie, ago 10, and Kapela, laboior,ago 50, no wife, departed by tho b.ukW. U. Godfioy this afternoon forUtah.

"Now that you arc going to marrymy daughter I would like to know

something of your habits." "Verywell, sir." "Do you smoke orchew?" Never did either in my life."

you drink?" "No sir. I don'tdrink, or gamble, patronize horse- -

i .. ..:?. .. ,....i i ,..,,!,.. iii- -raCCS, 01 swum, mi mini nuoiijr nv;i- -I uttirc. And now, after the wedding,where would you advioc me to live V

lIn heaven, iny sou.'


Meeting of Co. 1$ Honolulu Kiflcsfor drill at 7:30 o'clock.

Excelsior Lodge I. O. O. F. meetsin its hull, Fort street, at, 7:!i0o'clock.

Meeting of Court Lunalilo No.(iGOO, A. O. of F. in the hall of theOahu Lodge K. of P., at 7:30o'clock.

Geo. W. Dc Long Tost G. A. R.meets in Harmony Hall at 7:30o'cldck. Business of importance inconnection with the observance ofMemorial day.

Meeting of the Anti-Asiati- c

Union.Olllcers of the Honolulu Rifles

will meet ut 7:30 o'clock, at thearmory.


Next Thursday, May 10th, isAscension Day, a festival daysolemnly kept by the Roman Catho-lic Church, as n memorial of the daywhen our Lord Jesus Christ, 40 daysafter His resurrection, ascended upinto Heaven, from Mount Olive inprescusc of His disciples and manyother witnesses, after having givenHis Apostles the commission ofteaching and baptizing all nations.At the Roman Catholic Cathedral ofHonolulu, low masses with holy com-munion at G and 7 a. it. Highpontifical mass at 10 a. m. Con-firmation at 3 i. si., followed byRosary and Benediction of tho M.B. Sacrament.


"For goodness sake, reporter,said a passenger clerk, "don't copjthe names in the same order as theyare in the book, because I'll losethe last fragments of hair 1 haveleft."

"Why, don't you enter the namesin the order in which applicationsfor passage come?

Certainly we do. The first whocomes is the first name to go down,and ho on.

How is that going to affect yourhair?

Well, ten minutes after the paperis out with the list of passengersgoing by the steamer, some womanwill pounce upon me and maul meunmercifully, because some otherwoman's name is before hers. Whenshe has satisfied her vengeance,another comes in for the same pur-pose. So for goocness sake, Re-porter, change the order of thenames that I may blame it on you.They are afraid to tackle a reporter,because he can give it back to themin print.


The departure of the S. S. Aus-tralia for San Francisco this noon,was, in all probability, the biggestsend off yet. The steamer took237 passengers 78 in the cabin and139 in the steerage. Fully GOO peo-ple were on the wharf to sec thesteamer off. The band was in at-tendance, and, as usual, playedwell. The flower vendors musthave reaped a harvest, judging fromthe decorations of the passengers.The steamer was delayed 20 min-

utes waiting for the mail, whichhaving come, was put on board theship in a lively style, and in a fewmoments the steamer was movingaway from the wharf. There was alate passenger, a Portuguese asusual, who was hauled up at thebow of the steamer.

The value of the domestic prod-uce taken by the S. S. Australiawas S238, 700.04. The quantity ofbananas taken by her was extralarge, (3171 bunches.)


Naturally enough, being of Britishorigin, our city dwellers try theirskill iu their particular lines, often,we regret to say, with much

Why we do not succeed mivybe retold the old story that thesun is too hot when allowed to plajrits full force on the flowerpots, whenexposed either on window-sill- s or onbalconies. To make window andbalcony gardening a pleasure, thegrower should always have recepta-cles wherein io plunge tho pots.These surrounded by moss or tanwill so keep the roots moist and coolthat plant cultivation under theseconditions should then bo a pleas-ure. For balcony and windowsplain wooden structures should notbe allowed. Thoy should he cover-ed over with what is termed virgincork, and in tho special way of bal-

cony gardening, neat rustic affairsmay bo made to imitato what istermed rockwork. What to plantwill depend on position, as in sunnyaspects sun-lovin- g plants must heselected, and in shady situationsthe reverse. As a matter of rule,all plants, when cultivated underBitch conditions, dislike high winds;theiefore, iu this description ofol gardening, unless a temporaryshelter can be supplied when suchoccurs, it will bo useless to attemptto cultivato plants. Nearly akin tobalcony plant cultivation is thebubhhouse. Wo again caution thosewho may cultivate plants in suchstructures of the necessity of havingshelves filled with either tan orcocoanut fibre, so that thoro may

ho a mnistnesa under the pots ;

and also so much better would It boif tho plants could he either par-

tially or totally plunged iu the samematerial. Sydney Mail.


Ah l'o, who assaulted Sam Baileywith a knife on tho steamer twaluniyesterday morning, was lined 830and sent to prison, at hard labor,for 30 days, in tho Police Court thismorning : It socms that Ah l'o wastaking Ilailey's breakfast to himthat morning, when tho oread felloff the plate onto the deck of thevessel. Bailey picked up the breadand saying, it; why don't yougive mc a plato for the biead, and,walking into the galley, was takinga plato when the Chinaman swore uthim. A short scitille ensued duiingwhich four plates were broken. Alll'o not having got the best of thotussle, threw a hatchet at Bailey, astho latter was about to retire fromthe galley. Dodging the hatchet,Bailey went for tho celestial, whoreact ing a big butcher knife, cutBailey's elbow and then his back ashe was i (treating. Alt l'o wasshortly afterwatds arrested with theabove result. The wounds Baileyteccived, were not dangetous butwere nevertheless painful and re-

quired medical attention.


HEFottr. uoli:,

Ti'Usday, May 8th.Daniel Kaleialii et. al. vs. Kektta-wel- a

et. al., ejectment. Jurywaived, April term. Recess 11:38a. m. until 1 i'. m.

W. A. Kinney for plaintiffs; M.Thompson for Kekuawcla and

; F. M. Hatch for KukaiauPlantation Co.



Iiritated tlnoats and annoyingcoughs ate quickly relieved by thogenuine Butter Scotch, only to bofound at the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Hoin. Plenty of testi-monials. 08


Nothing is easier in this woildthan for a man to "go to the dogs."And one may insensibly glide into aposition of social degradation, fromwhich it is impossible loiise withouthelp. How many wrecks of human-ity know this to their cost? Fitcndswho will help one in prosperity aregenerally conspicuous only by theirabsence in Hie time ol tuUersity.Probably no man is so utteily helpless as the discharged criminal. Hisrelations, if he ever had any, andthey are lespectable, he is ashamedto meet. Goodly people pass liiniby. The brand of Cain seems to beupon his brow, and there appears tobe nothing for him to do but to gofrom bad to wore, and to die, as hehas lately lived, in gaol. Besideswalking the street with a "bigdrum" aud flaring lights, andpreaching at each corners, the Sal-

vation Army people do other, andcertainly on the face it, equallycreditable work. Two importantinstitutions arc maintained by them.One is the Prison-gat- e BrigadeHome and the other a home devotedto the reform of fallen women.Both arc sustained chiefly by volun-tary contributions ; and althoughsomewhat strange for the balvationArmy they are woiked quietly andunostentatiously, both- - unquestion-ably are the means of doing greatgood. All the well-know- n zeal ofthe Army is thrown into both under-takings, and persons who once re-

form are afterwards kept iu touchby them as long as possible. Itwould appear that the Female Re-

fuge is, of the two institutions, moiegenerously subscribed to by thepublic. In a city like Sydney thereis, it is sad to say, very great scopefor a work of this kind, and thewomen who undertake this "mis-sion of women to women" must bebrave as well as practical. In thisway, at least, the Arm' can claimpublic sympathy, and ought as-

suredly to receive public support.Sydney Mail.


A new Guinea boy was seized andeaten by one of the many ctocodilcsthat prey upon the coasls of theisland. His sorrowing parents slewthe offending monster, and, rescuingtho half of their beloved son, whichwas still uneaten, they greedily de-

voured it iu their grief When theirkindred die they hang them it) orlay them on a framework of bamboos for tho sun to cleanse the bonesof flesh, While this is going onthey watch near tho corpse, and atintei'va's, when their griel becomestoo much for them, thoy visit it andsmear their bodies all over with thojuices that are dtopping from thedead body. When decay has doneitb work tho bones tiro cleaned audsome of them buried, whilo othersare worn as ornaments by the sur-vivors, and tho skulls decorate theirhouses. In other tribes the bodiesare buried in a sitting postute up tothe neck, and a vessel is placed overthe head. In these cases the skullalone is prepared for ornament, theeest of tho body beiug left beneaththe soil.

,i. in in i j

It is a little strange that amongall tho eminent men who have re-

cently wtiUi'ti of "books which havehelped me" none should have men-tioned tho dictionary,



Quite recently it happened that alady who was disappointed in thofit of an expensive tailor-mad- e gar-ment, took it hack to tho littlo manwho made it and rather oloqitontlyberated him for tho errors whichwere only too patent in the cut. In-

stead of attempting to pcrsuado herto the contrary, the unhappy tailorInn st into tears, and throwing him-

self down on a chair, admitted, withmany sobs, that it was all wrong.Here was n comical situation. Tholiuly knew not what to say, whilethe little Frenchman, whoso skillhas been acknowledged in manydirections, cried like a worn-ou- twoman. He said, with much truthand not a little pathos, that theladies had become so very particular ho could no longer please them ;

that he had mado jackets anddresses and mistakes for them al-

ways, but now he could bear nomore. A heart of steel would havebeen melted at this outburst of"nerves," and this lady, who is fullof sympathy, forgot her own giiev-auc- e

in the" effort to comfort andconsole lit in. After an hour's hardwork he became somewhat com-

posed, and it is hoped, encouragedlor the future by her friendly anddisinterested advice. She says,however, that it will be a long timebefore she recovers from the al-

together novel sensation of apolo-gising for what was not her ownfault. Boston Herald.


She has passed awayLike a gentlo breath,

And her eves ate closed with the sleepof death

The leaves on the tiees will lluttcr andfall,

1 nil the drifting snow will cover all,But she will peacefully calmly rest,

For ever happy.By angels blest.JuM; in the springOf womanhood,

Tender, and loving, and wise and good,All i too good lor the sinttii eauii!Only tiie angels knew her worth,to they called her unto thctn,

Decking her browWith a diadem.

Better to smileYVheu such a life

Give up the battle of earthly strife.Better to know that her tasks aic done,Tiials ended and glory won;Teats aie vain when a soul so blight

Wings its wayTo the gates of light.

She has passed awayBut her sweet good-wil- l,

Like a fr.iiiiant odor lingers still.The tender lesson that uieinoiy biingsThe memory of patience o'er us llings.

e learn to follow the path she trod,To bo mote like her,Who has gone to God.



nipr.viticABLU nxrniurcKOB or a Chi-cago max.

"I had been suffering for sometime," said the narrator of the story,"ftom a sort of nervous exhaustion,which, without greatly reducing mybodily sttength, left mc in a state ofparalysis of the will and extremeand constant weariness. One day Ihad got into the bathtub and hadsunk into a sort of agreeable stupor,allowing the hot water to run slowly,raising the temperature moment bymoment, and all tho time adding tothe sense of dull physical delightthat I was in. I had not slept morethan forty-eig- ht hours, and, as youmay imagine, this condition of deli-

cious repose soon had its naturaleffect in putting me to sleep. Andthe hot water was slowly and stead-ily running all the time. I shallnever know how long I slept; itma' havo been no more than twominutes, but it seemed to mo, whenItnally woke, with a fearful sensetfiat I was being boiled alive, that Imust have been asleep an hour, andthat during that time the tempcra-tut- e

of tho water had risen to atleast the boiling point. I knew per-fectly well that 1 was being slowlyboiled to death and perhaps not sovery slowly either. My first impulsewas to cry for help. I opened mylips to shriek, but my voice seemedas if paralyzed in my throat. Icould not utter a single sound I

What was 1 to do? I could see theboiling water slowly, noiselessly,pouring in, My agony was becom-ing most intense. My head was onfire, my senses reeled, my memoryset up a frightful dance of torturingreminisccncis; I felt even a certainpleasure when I became awaie thatI was fainting ; that it would boonbe all over.

"But suddenly my Binking sensesseemed to lally. I opened my oyesagain, aud all at once this thoughtcame into my head :

" 'Why not get out of tho tub?"I had not thought of that before.

I sprang up with a mighty boundand lauded on my feet iu tho middleof tho room. Tho air fairly driftediu clouds from ' the surface of thewater in the bathtub. Sick andfaint as I was, I could not refrainfrom laughing one long maniacallaugh. And 1 assure you, my dearboy, you are tho first mnn to whomI cyer related this incident since theday of its occurrence." ChicagojS'cws,

A liobton woman who used to pay$75 pur year for kid gloves now get';along with three pairs. TJeasomllcr husband bought her a diamondring,


It is greatly to be feared that hot-

ting and gambling arc assuming pro-

portions more and more set ions.Ilero wc may appeal to the factsbrought out by tho private Inquiriesof a newspaper commission. TheBritish Weekly has been publishinga scries of articles under the headof "Tempted London." Heie weread that "it is difllcult Io realizehow wide a hold the habit of bettinghas upon tho young men of London."Beginning with sweepstakes in al-

most every warehouse, shop and of-

fice for the Derby or the Oxfordand Cambridge boat race, it deve-lops into an eager hunting for Hips'from 'horsey' persons and 'knowing'barmaids, and into absorbing studyof sporting newspapers, till in serva-

nt-men and clciks and shopmen itoften culminates iu fraud, embezzle-ment, forgery, theft, disgrace andfinal ruin. Gambling, loo, with allits consequent evils, is greatly onthe increase. "There is scarce adistrict in the metropolis in whichgambling clubs do not exist. FromHaiupstead to Cambonvell, fromBayswatcr to Clcrkcnwell, in sidestreets and main tliorotighfaics, it isnot too much to say that whereveryou may be standing you arc notmore than live or ten minutes walkfrom a gambling house. In thesedens, and by them, thousands ofmen reduce themselves, and, whatis more, those dependent on them,to various degrees of wretchednessand misery." Archdeacon Fartar,in the Fortnightly Review.


THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- toJL The bust paper bend iibioml$5 per annum.

H'TY CARRIAGE COMPANY.J This Company is aum leoign-nize-

and pi spared to accommodate thetraveling public to any put of the eitand suburbs. (.Jood carnages and atten-tive drivcts. Stand: Jlctolinnt and Fortsttcets. Ring up Telephone Mutual457 and Bell 119. iil U

THE WEEKLY BULLETI- N-X 'M columns. purely loc.il mauer-1-

Jl.iilcd 1 1 forei'ii countries, .j perannum.

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,L advortii-- it in the Dau.v Bni.r.i'n.v.

IF YOU really want your money V

worth of tho finest HoincMailoFrench and Plain C.uidics tho mostDelicious lec Cream", or F.incv andPlain Cakes, call at tho Pioneer SteamCandy Factory, lijkcty and Ice CroamParlors, established IBM, Hotel, oppo-site Bethel street. V. Houx, PracticalConfectioner, Pastry Cool; mid Oum-tnente- r.

P. S. The only place wherethe Genuine Butter Scotch is manu-factured and sold. 1G tf

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- JLIsland subscription, SIpei annum



THE DAILY BULLETIN has theJL largest circulation of any paperptiuted in this Kingdom CO cents permonth.

WEEKLY BULLETIN-Go- esto every hamlet mid illiige

in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

ESSRS. DODD & MILLERhnvu lust received ev Austnilia

another lot of that, PHILADELPHIALAGER BELR" in kegs which theyare offering to their Ill w

THE DAILY BULLETIN is a liveX evening paper. 00 cent per month

?INEST BRANrJs OF CALTJL lonua Port, Madeira aud Malaga,for sale in kegs and cases by

GONSALVEb & CO.,01 Queen sticet.

CLEAN RAGS aim second handwill be gratefully receiv-

ed for the use of the inmates of theBranch Uospitnl for Lepers al Kaktiako,or at tho Leper Stttlmunt on Molokai,if left with J. T. Waterhottse, jr., at thoQueen Street Store. t&f tf

MISS. P. TIIIELE,On Berctania street near Pllkoi.

(Formerly McGuire'a House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French and Geiman taught, audMtibic LessoiiK given.

A eafo conveyance will oall for and re- -

turn children living .it a72 Miuiuil Telephone No, 501. pirn

Honolulu LibraryANB

Reading Room Association.

Cur. Hotel it Alakcu MtixolH.Open every Day and Fvcniug.

Tho Library consists at tho piesenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Keadiug Itooui is supplied withabout llfty of the lending newspaperand pcriodiculs.

A Parlor Is piovhlcd for convcitatloniiid games.

Terms of membership, llfty cents aJionth, payable (juaiterly in advance.No formality leuuhed In joining exceptsigning the roll.

titruncerd from foreiirn cotmtiiesandvisitors It oni tho other islands am wel-come to tho rooms at all limes as guests.

This Association liavlin; no ip"iilar.means of suppett except tho dues ofmcuiuers, u is expected uiai icsiueuisof Honolulu who desho lo avail them-selves of Its privileges, and nil who feelan Interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their mimesaud beoomo icgiilar coutilbiilors.

A. J.OAJtTU'ltlOirr, I'res.,M. M. SCO'lT, nt,

II. A. PAUMLLin:, KecioUry,A. L.HMlTJI.TreaBiiu'r,O. T. ItODGFIlS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Llbiary Committee,

1.-- .aw-J-.'- . Jh&&&teidJ&&rt tommbJsi &&&AA J iSSbbtJi



cia! Notice to the

Our Entire Stock of Embroideries, Ori-

ental, Spanish and Torch oug Laces will besold at an Immense Keduction. Ladies areinvited to call and learn our prices.

Received by last steamer a large assort-

ment of Oriental and Embroidedwhich we offer at Led Hock Prices.

Forty pieces Canvas Cloth3 iu Cream andWhite, at 12 1- -2 cents.



mh 87

63 & 65

Opposite Irwin & Co.

fn J-- 0-




1751 ly

H JQ M K l? C3

Arc receiving- - by every incoming- - steamer from SanFrancisco




Ladies !


HLI!w hwB






Etc., Etc., Etc.



Bird Cages, Etc.

Fancy Goods




Fancy Goods


Canary Birds,

Fiiitnre, Glairs, Pianos, Mm, Pictures,




Sold on the Installment Plan.

MATRASSES, CORNSGES & FRAMESAlways on Hand "and Mado lo Order.

anary Birds,


(Warranted Singers.)


G. WEST & 00.'S, 105 Fort Street,3EDLOKOXJKJlXJ. ly





-- iV


t t



Page 4: 'MW PeiIi...hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Cnits and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiEY. Ifi74 lv THEX OLDEST DAILY Iu the Kingdom







Steam Wovlcs, Sunny South,Tele., Bell 3 80, Mutual 245.

Depot, 28 Moi'chnnt Street,Tele., Boll 172, Mutual 860.



Tho Only English Apparatus milking High Class



PLAIN SODA WATER.g& Orders dolivercd to any part of tho city

1G tf

Just Received at Rollister & Co.'sA. assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMESComprising the well-know- n of






Island orders Jg$




Sale at X.ea,soiill 3PiiceWHOLESALE AMD RETASL.


Gone ml AfjentHAccountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insuranco

Agents, Cuslom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers.



Departments of Business:Bocks and Accounts accurately kepi and piopcrly adjusted.

Colletioas will receive special attention an I returns promptly mntle.

Conveyancing a Specialty. liicords searched and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

es;al Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.eugn

Copying and Translating in all lnnguaics in general uto Is this Kingdom.Real Eltate bouglu and sold. Tuxes raid and Piopcrty safely insured,Houass, Cottagea, Sooms, Offlcss and Land leased and rented, and rcntB collected.

Fire and Life Insurance effected in ftrst-clas- s Insurance Companies.CuUora-Hous- e Business transacted whh accuracy mid dispatch.

Loans negotiated al favorable ratos.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any. Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

CST AM Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate charges.

Having had an extensive begin ss expeiiinco for over twenty.five years InSew Yoik City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all businoss of anit.tric.ile and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit -. tiiil.

Jtit.ll Telephone No. 274. JBusiness Agency.ian. 7.b8 ly

Telephone Both Companies "40.

LEWES & CO--11- 1

P. O. Box 297.


FltESH GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of the O. S. 8. Co.-- A COMl'LETE i.i::e of




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.lfc50


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeCalifornia Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toFre3h

and uoods acuvereu to any pari oi uiocuy iree oi cuarge. island orders foU-cite-

Satisfaction truaranteed. Post Office Bos 145. Telephone No. 92. 1(18 ly


-- 0-

HAS JUST RECEIVEDDupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Reliies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs l'ork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Table Fruits, Gormen,

IIuekiiiH & Franco American Feed Co.'h AHMort'd HoupH,Ridges Food, Inipcrinl Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honoy, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

Aim1 a General Assor't ot Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

J" Lcavo your orders, or ring up 119,

"Daily Bulletin Summary,"9

Will be issued on May 5th.

60 columns of interesting news. The best paper to send abroad.

;ii- -.. .

BW. f3G$Qlf$



ROLLER FLOURHade iu America.

Meals Superior to all Others,



ontn r tlio

78 If


Willi Bros: Port. CBineut





Blacksmith Coal,Eire Bricks,EiroUlay,

Coal Tar, SlocRliolm Tar,fclecl Kails,Wire Nuila,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,Cloth,

llubbuek's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


00 tf

II awn 1 1 an

F. P.


H. Hackfeld & Co.

Australian fail Mm.

FOK SAK FKAKCISCO,The new and flue Al bteel steamship

" Mariposa,1'Of the Oceanic Steaimhip Company, will

be due al Honolulu trom sjdncyand Auckland ou r about

June 3, 1888.And will leave for the above port withmails and passengers ou or about thatdate.

Kor freight or passapp, having SU.PE1U0U ACCOMMODATIONS, appljto

WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents:

For Sydney and Auckland,

mmThe new and fine Al steel steamship

" Zeaiandia,"Of the Ocennic Steamship Compiny, will

be due at Honolulu from SunFrancisco on or about

FUiay 10, 1888,And will have piompt di patch witlimails and fir thonlnveport.

For Ireighi or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, uppl)

to37 WE G. IRWIN & CO.. Asrents.


Steamship Comp'y


"AUSTRALIA,"AV ill have Honolulu for the above

port on

Tuesday, May 8th,jVX1 noon.

For Freight or Passngc, apply to

WM, Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents.:il 1w

New York Line.

An Al vessel will bo despatchedthis Lim; for Honolulu, to leave

.New lot it iu all May.

For further Information apply to

W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 7'J Broad Street,

New York.

57 3 m

-- on-


CASTLE & COOKE,Honolulu,


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 "iVhulu Boat, HO feet long, Ii feetdeep; 8 fiet widcj-25- lee Surf Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat ; 2 Decked Hunger,10 feet long, 0 feet (1 inches wide, 2 feetfi inches deep, with most and Bulla allcomplete; 1 3J feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete, Anplv to.

E. U. HYA'N.Boat Builder iiml (Jcneriil .Tnlibrr. fil if

THEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERX "TIki DjIIv Jiul.etin." 00 emu

per no. iih.

THE. PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heBulletin 50' els per moath


Arrlvo at Honolulu Irom Snn.Franclsco.

Zcalandia May 10Australia, May 0Alameda., Juno 7Australia Juno 20Mariposa July 5

Australia July 24Xealandia August 2Australia August 21Alnnieda August 31

Austrulia September 18

Mariposa Soptember 27Australia October 1C

Zenlnndla October 25Australia November 13

Alameda .November 22Australia December 11

Loavo Honolulu tor San Francisco.

Australia May 8

Mariposa Juno 3

Australia Juno 5

Zeahiudia. . . July 1

Australia July 3Alameda July 29Australia July 31

Mariposa August 2G

Australia August 28Zcalandia September 23Australia September 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealundia December 10Australia December 18Alameda . . . .(1889) Junuury 13

Itull Tel. 34N. Jllltlinl Tot. 1U0

10. IJOX413.

Offlco . . 88 llcichaut St., Honolu'u



Conveyancing a Specialty Hecnrds f enroll-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllaiiuimgcs in gcutral use in the King-dom.

Custom Houso brokerage Fire and LifeInsuiancc icceive piompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCotiucior.

Skilled aRd Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,houiiht, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties in andaround .he city now for sals on crsyterms.

Convenient Cottages ill healthylocations in unit near the ciiy to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andbo,js, who will make thcm,Mjlc3 use-

ful in ptrfoimiug tie vaiious oillcesand chores retmlitd by puvate fami-lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat thongi-ncy- .

Orders trom the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Bell Tel. 172.. Mutual Tel.O. Box 4(59.

IWNFire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street



General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcrohH America.Connecting at Boston with the Azores

uud Madeira.

Through tickets gi anted from Honoluluto all points Eubt.

Accountant Department.Mcrchandlfc utorcil and fold un corn,

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Cuxtom Home Uuthiftt

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and BtjdH'xJ.Legal Documen'B prepurid.Averages unjuslcd,l'roptities leased, rented and vM,Legal documents drawn.

To Lei No 89 Klnau street; pnrlor, Z

bedrooms, Uilchcii, loom,Htuhle, carriage hou6e, gulden, etcItent very moderate.

Coltano at Wulklkl, oppose Sunnybuuth; large yaid, btable, etc. J'i;cnblon ou Iht April.

KEOJSIVBDBy the S. S. "Awstialhi" 8lh February,


CalilorniaOran(o$-"prlm.- e tamplo, Barreltsaurkraut. Kcgt saurKraui, urates miiuo

Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,



A large consignment ofPointers, FJg. Fruite, Jelllei,Jamp, PrniiH, ll'iisins, CliestnutH, Valiiuir, HurduiitK, AlinnndniiU, CuniiidToniuloeii. K o Etc., Em., Etc., Eto

ear low pihce to suit the TiMEs-- a


CO Kius trcet, Honolnln. tf

Notice to the Public of these islands

Wprlriinor OpIcpq

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above arti-cle are respectfully requested to call at tho Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18G3, beforo going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY tho only establishment In Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridioulous, empty and pompoiiH newspaper blow-ing and pdffitig, where n cake can bo procured to give tho greatest satis-faction to the most refined tastes, and to be an ornament of exquisiteworkmanship ou your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but bo n credit to tho fine art of the Confectioner, which has not only fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All at-

tempts in nny other establlslunoHt nre inferior to mine and not worth theprice yon pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions nre always cheaper than a hnlfmnde ono's arc.Having had over half a century's practical experience tho undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and the highest styles of art.

JF1. JBLOXS.JX,The only Practical Confectioner in all branches j Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-

tween Fort and Nuuuuu Streets, Honolulu, II. I.97

Made of the celebrated CREAM of the "Woodlawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of




SciirAs some evil disposed persons who are openly boasti-ng- of the intention of ruining-- my business and villanouslyfalsefying- - my GOODS and ICE CREAM I will forfeit

100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.


Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones No. 74

Horse Giipping!NEATLY

nnjj-Bnn- with despatchHAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-

PLES. lLiutl Clippers. 82tf

Cooked Taro Flour!The New Process to make tho Best

of Poi with hardly anytrouble.

rpnE Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Com--pany of Wailuku, Maui, will be

prcparid to supply the public of Hono-lulu ai.d tin other Island?, on iheQndliny of Ap il, 1888, with n new prepara-tion of T.to Fhair culled COOKEDTAUO FL017K. This uniilo U furupeiiiir t-- i the old raw Tro Flour.J

lui- - aril le is already cooueu and it re-

quires haidly any work to make thelie.st of I'oi anil otlior receipts, by ndd-in- g

Cooked Taro Flour to boiling hotwaier like pn paring coin meul yourPoi is mude ui. once. Thoe c

hour Poi will hive to let it Hand 24hours. If ton th i n or mur add freshpaste of Cooked Taro Flour. Our

with each bujj will give full s.

If our diicctions with eachbac; ure stiictly followed it will notfail to make Hie and best ofI'oi, Thin new ptocess ol Cooked TarnFlour Is made by machinery so theref anii'it be any dirtiiu-H-- t or ulthinos inlull way or making Pol. All groceryHiorcn will he fun Islicd with CookedTaro Flour on llie above date. Our re-ta- ll

price per C lb. ban will be 40 ccnltper Dag In Hi nolulu, Any ovir-ehurg-

will be relniidel by notifying W. II.CuminiiigH, Hell Telephone No. ',1'il. Alloidcrit from the ojIht 11iiiiiIh can betilled by lendlrig yohr order to

W. IL DAWIELH, Manager,Wallilhll, Maul,

V, II, CUMMIHOB, Auent,JIoiioIiiIii.

U&r't'lm (iomf'Uny U prcpun.'l U toii':0i(i u mipy Inn i) I'oi, uol iiicluiJ.nv. '"'a f wiiUii; n film or mum buiinU

iir imv low. in iiiyim Mjetjiiii; itricen.MM I in


rpWO (iOri'AOKH fully1. uppoliiied, beautif lly

located, within 5 minutes'walk of the Post Olllcc, An opportunlty million) offered to secure a comfort-abl- e

home within easy icach of thebusiness piirt of the city. For pattl.ciilurs Inquire alUOI tf GULIOK'S AGENCY.


ABOUT Ecvcn acres of good pasture,or gniden land, at Kupnluma,

about a mile and u half from town, withu two.Mnry dwelling house, kitchenstable, iml other out homes'.

8RO Per Alontli.CSTApply to

Wm. McCANDLESS.27 tf

Hotel St. bet. Nuuanu & Eort St.70 2m



A Speeilic for

RHEUMATISMHcro'fuln, Unit Jthcuni,

Neurnlcln, Klnc Worm,

And all other Skin and Blood Dlscasos.

It Itcgulateu the

LIVER AND KIDNEYS,Uurei Indigestion, and all Diseases

arising from an enfeebled con-dition of the system.

Dr. JIattine, of London, the celebratedspecialist, hvvh of PARDEE'S REMEDY :

" I huve used it lor twenty years forBlood DlHU'ises, Biinh us Scrofula, SaltKlieiim, Tetcr and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly.'1

'I bo Hev, I)r ThmniiB. of Hnntr Kong,Clilmi, biivh: "PARDEE'S REMEDY Iu awoildil'fiif medicine for the blood. Iliuvo pieHoilbcd li hundreds of times forlepioxy, nnil, when given In lime It al.ways cured the patient. I cau tnfcly sayUnit It'pioBy will never break out ou per.hoiiK who inko f'ardeo'H Kcmedy rcgu.luilV, mid I iidviHii nil peibons living incfiiiiililes vylura leproi-- Is prevalent toluki) Pardee's Jtemcdy us a preventive."

Tor Galo by all Druggists In Honolulu.Ap-- !)m

Tonsorial Artists, 88 King St.

of Honolulu: PlcasoGENTLEMEN that n neat BarberShop has been openod next door to tho

down stairs, 83 King street,by two of tho best practical Barbers intown. Gentlemen are requested to givous a trial. AVo guarniitcu satisfaction.Ulillurcnb' liuir cutting n speciality,

17 lmiti. r. IARDIM.ANTON 11. LUGE.


Views !

At J. J. flails'93 tf


Many people believe that Nnturohas Bomewhero a remedy for every 'disease. So many and so terriblenro tho ills of life, and so slight thepleasure we get as time flics past,that such a belief is tho least faithwo can show in a gracious and all-wi- se

Providence. A fow remediesbut, alas, how few 1 have been

found. Others, so far, lie hiddenfrom human inquiry. Occasionallydeath follows quickly on tho hecla oftho evil an Illustration of tho dan-

gerous character of the ailment tobe relieved.

For example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a comparatively icto disease,growing out of the conditions ofmodern life. It is a 'joint affectionof the digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two wcroformerly treated as separato ail-

ments, and it was left for tho clear-

sighted thinkers to prove that thobasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies ehielly in the disordered and depraved - functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus : "If we can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate the excretive organs todrive out of the body the poisonouswnsto matters which remain afterthe life-givi- elements of the foodhave been absorbed, we shall haveconquered Nervous Dyspepsia andNervous Exhaustion." And theywere right. Knowing the infalliblepower of Siegel'8 Syrup in less com-

plicated though similar diseases,they resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed the remedy in hundredsof cases which had been pronouncedincurable with perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost becalled a peculiarly English disease;To a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world are there somany insane asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symptoms are tiiese; irequent or eontintial headache; a dull pain at thebase of the brain; bad breath;nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thothroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep; disgust with food even whenweak from the need of it; stickyand slimy matter on the teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeetf; constipation; dry or roughskin ; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and oppressive and sadforebodings and fear.

All this terrible group MotherSicgel's Curative Syrup removes byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of digestion and assimila-tion. Those elements of tho foodthat build up and strengthen thesystem are sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (the ashes oflife's fire) which, unremoved poisonand kill, are expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and prostratednerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the re-

sult, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to thosufferer, who has perhaps abandonedall hopo of ever seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigel's Curative Syrupis for sale by all chemists and medi-cine vendors, and by the proprietors,A. J. White, Limited, 85, Farring-do- n

Koad, London.January 13, 1888.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing DEPorgejl'ort Ht.. Next Imcae' Hill.Shoeing-- , from $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: SI Alnkca Street,I. O. BOX 408.

Tlnll rrnl...l.nnn i Shop, 881." "'"l""""' I Beside


nco, 858.


iKS xe. x.ct xs: iSkating! Skating! Skating!

Corner Queen & Richard Streets.

Will bo open every evening from 7 to0:30. r. u.

HUSIOi Tuesdays and Saturdaysovnntni. fnr llin Piublio In General.

THOBIAS E. WAJX,1601 Proprietor. lyr

r$Sa.rii . - :.,!--.-', '., .A.U''..

KK.--': 'SXZkAittSSMMi.m'f.' MiLAmiMt&j, tM'foi,j

ri fifti

r-- '


