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My Awesome Life in 2011

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Food and Travel Log Planner in 2011
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My Awesome Life 2011 Travel Log Planner

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Awesome Thank You’s to Kuya Jess for leading us to an awesome life and for blessing us to help othersto our parents for supporting us emotionally and financially to my brothers, brobo and rommel, for the inspiring ideas and brotherly supportto BB2 for all the trust and the love during the happy and difficult moments of our livesto our cute little boys Aidan, Joshua, and Raphael who make our lives awesome!

A Blogger’s Prayer

Dear Lord,Thank you for giving me the opportunity to blog once again. Please continue to inspire me with the right words when I blog. Please give me the wisdom to know when to blog and when NOT to blog.Please bless all my readers so that they would be touched andbe inspired by Your love in each blog post.Please use me for Your greater glory until my last blog post.

Amen, Lord Amen! Basta Ikaw Lord!

Awesome Life Planner www.OurAwesomePlanet.com | [email protected] City, Philippines

Copyright 2010 OurAwesomePlanet.com

All Rights Reserved. No part of this planner may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission from Our Awesome Planet, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information and inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]

ISDN #. Published in the Philippines.

Dear Foodie & Traveler Friends,

Greetings from Our Awesome Planet!

We live only one life. It was meant to be as awesome as it can be each day.

Sometimes, we are stuck with a life that we don’t want to live because of the constraints and compromises we make in life.

The Awesome Life Planner starts with an annual renewal of what you would consider “My Ultimate Day”. I invite you to redesign your life based on what you really want it to be.

Through the Awesome Life Planner we aim to empower each person to live an awesome life in the Philippines by enjoying the BEST food at the BEST value, traveling to the BEST destinations at the BEST time, and following your passion.

I provide suggestions on the best restaurants to eat, the best places to explore and the best experiences to discover.

In this first edition, I invite you to eat in the best Filipino restaurants and to travel to the best beach destinations in the country.

Don’t forget to put a little memento of your awesome experiences in the scrap book pages. Let this be your own yearbook of how you lived your life in 2011.

Live an Awesome Life, No Day but Today!

Anton DiazFounder, www.OurAwesomePlanet.comEmail me: [email protected] or Text Me: +63917 5683-627 (LOVE-OAP)

P.S. I would like to thank Jill of MyStyleHooks.

com for the planner idea 2 years ago.

Page 3: My Awesome Life in 2011

Our Awesome Life Story

I started Our Awesome Planet (OAP), in January 2005 after the big tsunami

hit South East Asia and before my first son, Aidan, was born.

In those days, the art of blogging was new. I was armed with just my

love for photography and my love for technology. I was not a writer (at

that time). The only things I had ever written then were my engineering-

related papers (I am an Electronic Communications Engineering graduate) and project-related documentations in P&G. At

the start, the only thing I had in mind was to write for my newborn son a little bit of his parents’ history and a preview of his childhood


What Fuels My Passion?

A lot of people have been asking me why I blog. OAP is a written dedication to our sons, Aidan, Joshua and Raphael. I hope to immortalize

our family’s adventures and significant milestones through these online pages. I still can’t forget the first time we brought Aidan to

El Nido, Palawan (where he played in the waters of Shimizu and Entalula Island and our first time on the island of Balesin). I fondly

remember sharing the excitement of learning that we were having another baby boy, waiting for Joshua’s birth, and finally, giving birth

the Lamaze way. More recently, my wife, Rache, gave birth to our third boy, Raphael, in early 2010.

It was tempting to turn OAP into an online magazine, but I decided to maintain it as a family blog--a virtual heirloom that will be inherited

by my sons. Rache is now blogging at Mrs. Awesome Planet, hosted by Sanriotown, and Aidan recently created his first blog post. One

day, my entire family will be blogging, and it would be interesting to know the points of view of my three boys when we go on our food

and travel adventures.

Turning Full-Time in 2008

A series of events led me to go full-time with my blogging career.

Hearing Romi Garduce speak about being the first Filipino to successfully climb Mount Everest solidified my love for our country and

inspired me to conquer my own Everest, literally and figuratively.

The death of Julia Campbell, a US Peace Corps Worker, made me realize that even non-Filipinos like her have come to love the Philippines,

perhaps much more than most Filipinos.

When I attended the first Kerygma Feast in November 2007, the Holy Spirit inspired me and gave me the courage to pursue my dream:

to make the Philippines the top travel destination in the ASEAN and to share with the whole world the Tropical Paradise that is the


I realized that I want so much to bring to the world’s attention the significance and essence of the Philippines--that we should not be

defined by our politicians and public servants; that we are a nation that loves nature; that we are talented and can compete with the best

of the best. We are Filipinos--happy, positive and God-loving people.

The Beginning of OAP’s Food and Travel Legacy

I started OAP with my family as my primary audience. After 2 years, we were fortunate that OAP had been discovered by people (a few

readers turned into hundreds and thousands through word-of-mouth!) because of our family’s passion for finding new restaurants and

new places to experience around the Philippines. OAP is currently on its 5th year, with 8,000+ readers and about 20,000+ page views/

day, which continue to grow to this day.

I’m proud to have shared the food and travel secrets of the Philippines through my blog. Besides the milestones involving my family,

there have been many other highlights in my blogging career. Here are some of them: I was able to predict two dessert crazes in the

country: the Cupcake Craze when Sonja first opened in Serendra and the Frozen Yogurt Craze with the first Cold Spoon outlet in Angeles,

Pampanga. I introduced a lot of people to the Great Bulacan Sale when we first discovered it in July 2005. I was fortunate to witness the

early beginnings of Carlos Celdran’s Intramuros Tour, Ivan Man Dy’s Chinatown Food Tour, and Tina Decal’s culinary tour of Quezon. Joel

of MarketManila.com, Lori of DessertComesFirst.com and I were among the pioneers of Food Blogging in the Philippines. I also wrote

the first blog posts on most of the Viaje del Sol destinations in 2005. Our Awesome Planet will also be remembered for its post on the

virtual tour of the Mall of Asia and the opening of the first Imax in the Philippines. Also, I’m particularly proud of being able to share the

most comprehensive Awesome Calendar of the Philippines.

So What’s Next for OAP in 5 or 10 years from Now?

I believe that OAP’s greatest legacy will be our three boys--Aidan, Joshua, and Raphael--

particularly how they are able to truly embody the philosophy of Living an Awesome Life in

the Philippines and empowering other people to do the same.

In 5 years, Aidan will be 10 years old, Joshua will be 7, and Raphael will be 5. These are

the formative years for our family. Our focus is on inculcating our boys with true love for the

Philippines by encouraging them to interact with great Filipinos and showcasing the beauty

of the country to them. Also, we believe that exposing them to an entrepreneurial lifestyle at

an early age will be key in helping the Philippines become a First World Country.

In 10 years, our boys will be teenagers and (hopefully) professional bloggers or internet entrepreneurs at such a young age. I foresee

them becoming leaders in taking the Philippines to a whole new level in terms of Filipino pride and appreciation for our nation. This will

only be possible with the continued loving support of OAP readers and friends who have always been there for me and my entire family.

I believe that I am writing the food, travel and entrepreneurial autobiography of our family through Our Awesome Planet. I believe that He

has an awesome plan that even I can’t comprehend yet. I just know that it will be absolutely awesome. When it happens, I know that I

could not have done it all if not for His Grace.

Our Awesome Planet is a loving testimony of the grace that blesses not just our family, but the lives of family, friends and fans that read

OAP as well.

It is our mission in life to empower Our Awesome Planet friends to truly live an awesome life!

Anton Diaz Founder, www.OurAwesomePlanet.com

Page 4: My Awesome Life in 2011

My Ultimate Day(Vision Board)If you have all the resources in the world, and If you have to design your life from scratch, what would be your average day that you can live everyday for the rest of your life?

You can write it down or cut pictures to paint a visual peg of what your ultimate day would look like. It would be helpful if you can think about in specific details what would you do on a 24 hours time-frame from morning until night.

Guide Questions:1. The key is to define the “average” day that you can live everyday without getting tired of doing it everyday. What are those normal activities that you would enjoy each and everyday?2. What would you do when you wake up in the morning? How would your breakfast look like?3. How would your house look like? Where will you live?4. If you have a family, how do you envision your family life assuming you would have all the time and money to spend it with your family?5. Of course, once you have all the money that you need, what would you do? Would you just lie down all day and all night? Would you work for an NGO or dedicate your life to charity or religious work everyday of your life? What kind of business would you like to do?6. Where will you have lunch? What are the type of food you enjoy and where would you eat? 7. What kind of relationships will you have? Who are the people you would love to be with forever?8. Everyone wants to live a life of meaning, what would that mean for you? How would you want to be remembered in this world?9. If you have a topic that you can blog about forever, what would that topic be?10. At the end of the day, how do you envision dinner and ending the night with your special someone?

Page 5: My Awesome Life in 2011

Preparing For That Awesome Road

We love road trips!

Whether it’s a road trip from Manila all the way to Pagudpud in the north or all the way to Legaspi in the south, there’s always something new to discover.

Through the years, we’ve learned a few tips and tricks on how to be better prepared for the next road trip, and we’d like to share them with you.

1 Road Trip Worthiness of the CarAs a basic precaution, we make sure that our car is

serviced before a long road trip. At the minimum, the air pressure is checked – not only for the four tires used but also the spare one. The engine oil, power steering and brake fluids, and radiator water should be at the proper levels.

Tip: Make sure you’ve got a full tank of gas before you embark on your trip. Remember to refill when the fuel gauge is below the halfway mark.

2 Entertainment on Board for the KidsMaking the kids comfortable during a road trip is a must. Children should NOT sit in front. For the kids, we would usually bring:

• a box of child-friendly CDs;• soft pillows;• jackets for when it would get cold;• fruits to munch on like grapes, bananas, or lanzones;• snacks like nuts, candies, and chips; and • 1 liter Sigg with water (one each).

Tip: We always make sure to stop over at a gasoline station for bathroom breaks. This usually takes place an hour after the kids drink a lot of water.

3 Documentation Gadgets for DaddyHere is the list of the standard things we bring with

us when we travel:

• iPhone 3G with headphones and charger;• Macbook Pro laptop and charger;• Canon 20D with 17-40L Lens Digital Camera with extra battery and charger;• Ultra Flip HD Camera with extra batteries;• waterproof bag to protect the gadgets; and• Pacsafe Travel Security bag as our anti-theft bag (a very useful thing to have).

Tip: Don’t ever leave your laptop and gadgets in the car. Did you know that most laptops are stolen when left in parked vehicles? Best to bring them along with you wherever you go.

4 Outfit and Things-to-bring rule of thumbFor road trips, it’s always best to pack light. You never know what you’ll

end up buying along the way. Here’s the basic list of what we bring:

• one outfit for running with running shoes;• one outfit for swimming (with trunks, goggles, and sunblock);• one outfit for sleeping at night (with anti-mosquito repellant);• one extra set of clothes for emergencies;• the rest of the clothes are more casual and comfortable for the road trip;• a jacket is always a must in case it rains;• toiletries for the entire family; and• a first-aid kit with vitamins.

5 With Detailed Itineraries or No Itinerary at all?At first, whenever we traveled, we would always have detailed

itineraries. But now, we are slightly more freewheeling with our trips. We just make sure we have booked a place to stay for the first night. Then, we will let the rest of the trip dictate its course.

We would usually have access to the internet via mobile. The contact numbers of the people who know a lot about our destination are always on hand, just in case we need to “phone a friend”.

We like to explore and experience new things, so we would usually go to places we’ve never been. We particularly like discovering food that is unique to the place.

Tip: Talk to the locals and ask for their recommendations. You can also call me, Anton Diaz, at +63917 5683627 if you have road trip questions. :)

Final Tip!

It is not really the end destination that is important but the experience of the road trip itself. The journey with your family and friends is what will make it truly awesome.

Remember, misadventures are to be expected in any road trip, so don’t sweat it. I’ve never experienced a perfect and flawless road trip myself. Most (if not all) of the time, I find that these misadventures actually make things more memorable. So, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

Page 6: My Awesome Life in 2011

TOP 10World Renowned and Must-See

Places in the Philippines

Whether you are a local traveler or foreign tourist

just starting to discover the beauty of the Philippines,

here’s a list of places you shouldn’t dare miss:


1Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is one of the must-visit places among the World Heritage Sites of the Philippines. Its natural 8.2 km navigable underground

river is believed to be the world’s longest. The river can be found beneath a beautiful limestone karst mountain called St. Paul (named after one of its peaks that resembles the dome of St. Paul Cathedral in Italy).

This national park is one of the centers of biodiversity conservation in Palawan. In fact, you can see monkeys and large monitor lizards greeting you on your way to the mouth of the cave. Currently, it is one of the strongest contenders (out of the top 28 world finalists) for the 7 New Natural Wonders of the World Competition.

2The Historic Town of Vigan is one of the best examples of a well-preserved Spanish Colonial Town established in the 16th century. It is famous for its authentic

Spanish-era homes lining the restored cobblestone streets. Thankfully, this heritage gem has survived World War II and the onslaught of natural calamities.

During World War II, as story has it, the Japanese Military commander Captain Fujiro Takahashi asked the help of Fr. Joseph Kleikamp to take care of his Filipina wife and child in exchange for not burning the town when the Japanese forces retreated. When the Japanese left, the people of Vigan spread an oversized American flag in the plaza to avoid being bombed by the Americans.

3The Baroque Churches of the Philippines are among the few remnants of Spanish colonial architecture from the late 16th century, which was an

interpretation of the European Baroque style by Chinese and Filipino craftsmen. These churches are interesting particularly because of their unique Earthquake Baroque architecture, which put emphasis on the massive, carved buttresses for support during earthquakes.

The nearest one in Manila is the Immaculate Conception Church located in Intramuros. The most impressive buttress design can be seen in the San Agustin Church in Paoay, Ilocos Norte. On the way to Ilocos Norte, you will see the Nuestra Senora Church in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. Lastly, the Santo Tomas Church in Miag-ao, Iloilo has the most impressive façade with its impressively detailed carvings.

4The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is one of the best diving spots in the Philippines (and the world) because of its pristine coral

reef with a 100-m perpendicular wall, lagoons, and coral islands. It covers 130,028 hectares, including the North and South Reefs, with the North Islet serving as a nesting site for birds and marine turtles.

To get to Tubbataha, you can join live-aboard diving trips to explore the vast area for 5-7 days. There are also organized tours for people who just want to snorkel, but diving is highly recommended to see the wide variety of colorful marine life. There is only a small window of time to visit this World Heritage site – during the summer (from late March to early June) because of the stability of the weather.


5The Banaue Rice Terraces should be on every Filipino’s must-visit list. The Ifugaos learned how to use the contours of the mountains to cultivate rice

paddies, using the force of gravity for natural water irrigation. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation for 2,000 years. It is highly recommended to experience this great example of harmony between man and nature.

There are many rice terraces in Banaue, and you should see the three most-visited ones: (a) the Grand Rice Terraces in Banaue, immortalized on the back of the 1000-peso bill; (b) the Rice Terraces in Batad, which are among the most visited because you can swim in the natural Tapia waterfalls; and (c) the Rice Terraces of Mayoyao are the most preserved because it is difficult to get there.

The Banaue Rice Terraces are also included in the book 1,000 Places To See Before You Die, which was written and popularized by Patricia Schultz.

6Taal Volcano, of “A Lake within a Volcano within a Lake Within an Island” fame, is one of the world’s lowest and smallest volcanoes. It is very popular because it is only a day trip away from Manila. To get there, you’ll pass through Tagaytay, the garden restaurant

capital of the Philippines – the home of Sonya’s Garden and Antonio’s romantic restaurant.

An adventure-filled day awaits you as you journey to the volcano’s crater. First, you drive down the mountain along a steep, winding path. Then, you take a boat ride to cross Taal Lake to get to the foot of the volcano. You have the option of trekking or riding on horseback to go up to the crater, and then hiking down its slopes as smoke emanates out of the earth to release its steam.

7Amanpulo Resort is the holy grail and ultimate destination of any local traveler and beach lover in the Philippines. It is a secluded private beach resort by Aman Resorts, located in Pamalican Island in Palawan. You have an entire footprint-free, talcum-powder beach all to yourselves.

A price tag of P100,000+ for a weekend escape is not much for wealthy foreigners or celebrities looking for a private place to rest and be by themselves. But for local travelers, an Amanpulo visit is equal to the Ultimate Luxury Resort experience.


8Donsol, Sorsogon. Donsol is known as the “Whale Shark Capital of the World” because it has the largest number of recorded sightings of whale sharks anywhere on earth from December

to May. Donsol is the feeding ground for these gentle creatures because of the high concentration of plankton in the area.

Once you encounter these whale sharks up close, you’ll realize how relatively small we are in this world, and you’ll appreciate just how beautiful and blessed our marine biodiversity is in the Philippines.

9El Nido Resorts in El Nido, Palawan is a source of pride for the Philippines. It was recognized by Wild Asia with the 2009 Responsible Tourism Award and it was one of Travel + Leisure’s Favorite

Green Hotels in 2008. Its environmental, sustainable tourism program is very inspiring, and you can’t help but be influenced by it once you stay at the resort.

You can choose to be based in either the Miniloc or Lagen Resort. We like Miniloc because of its rustic feel. Plus, it is kayaking distance from the Big and Small Lagoons.

Don’t leave El Nido without having experienced the best white-sand beach island there – Entalula Island. It is owned by El Nido Resorts, so you can reserve it for private romantic dates or family escapes. You can arrange to have your breakfast or lunch there, and have the beach all to yourselves.

10 Boracay Island is consistently on the list of the best beach destinations in Asia because of its white, fine, sugar-like sands along the famous White Beach. Boracay is known for

having delicious gourmet food, the hottest nightlife, the coolest adventure sports, pampering spas, luxurious resorts and the bohemian lifestyle all rolled into one fun island experience.

But if the hectic beach lifestyle isn’t your thing, you’ll also find another part of Boracay catering to your whims. After all, it is also famous for the simple things in life, like walking while holding hands with your significant other along the beach…or eating chori burger and drinking Jonah’s Milkshakes…or riding the Paraw as the sun sets on the horizon.

Page 7: My Awesome Life in 2011

TOP 8Most Awesome Filipino

Restaurants in the Philippines

I love Filipino food, and I’m not just saying that because I’m Filipino.

Filipino fare is always a celebration of what’s fresh and in season — cooked slowly with love, served with warm hospitality, and enjoyed with the laughter of family and friends.

Here are the Top 8 Most Awesome Filipino Restaurants that Pinoys should experience in their lifetime:

1Ka Lui, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.Eating in Ka Lui (named after the owner, Louie Oliva) is like eating in a Filipino home, where

each guest is treated like a VIP. Here, the menu changes daily, depending on what the freshest seafood, vegetables and fruits are available at the Puerto Princesa market. The dishes are quite unique, and their presentation can surprise you.

When you enter the restaurant, you have to leave your shoes outside. As you rest your feet on the clean and polished floor of Ka Lui, enjoy the bahay kubo-inspired ambiance as the fresh air of Puerto Princesa cools you off while you eat. Nothing beats the Ka Lui experience.

2 Isla Naburot Resort, Guimaras.This secluded and rustic island resort in Guimaras is a secret beach escape for foodies and

beach lovers. There is no electricity on the island — only solar-powered lights at night so that you can enjoy a no-TV, no-telephone experience. This Saldaña family-owned island resort does not advertise to preserve its “un-commercial” charm.

It really is back-to-basics, where the food is prepared using slow cooking methods and wood-fire oven techniques. They only serve the freshest seafood from the market and the best mangoes from the island of Guimaras. All you have to do is literally swim, sleep and eat five times a day. Indeed, Isla Naburot lives up to its name, which means “beautiful island”.

3 Claude Tayag’s Bale Dutung, PampangaPampanga is the culinary center of the Philippines, and Claude Tayag’s Bale Dutung

(House of Wood) is the best place to taste true-blue Pampanga cuisine. They offer a private dining group experience (minimum of 10) where you enjoy a long, slow-cooked, five-hour lunch.

You have the option of having the Kapampangan menu or the now-famous 5-Ways Lechon with Sisig menu. Each dish is cooked to perfection. They only serve one dish at a time to ensure that guests get to savor each one until the desserts are served. So when you’re there, just sit back, relax, enjoy the hospitality of the Tayags, and take in the simple yet artistic ambiance of Bale Dutung.

4 Breakthrough, Iloilo.4. Breakthrough Restaurant, Iloilo

Breakthrough is the undisputed king of fresh seafood in Iloilo, and the number one tourist spot in the city. It is famous for its Aligue Rice and the Managat fish (also known as red snapper or mangrove jack). Native Chicken Inasal, and fresh and baked oysters are also served here.

The restaurant is the brainchild of marine biologist Raymundo Robles, who just wanted to have a side restaurant business for his wife. It was named after every scientist’s aspiration, which is to achieve a breakthrough in his/her field.

The best part of the Breakthrough experience is being able to enjoy the glorious food (and the popular vinegar called Pinakurat) with the fresh sea breeze blowing around you.

5 Ugu Bigyan, Tiaong, Quezon.The internationally renowned potter Ugu Bigyan opened his garden for merienda,

lunch and dinner in his private home in Tiaong. There are no signs leading to the place. In fact, his neighbors don’t even know that such a place exists.

Ugu Bigyan is famous for his Kulawo, a banana-heart dish that is charcoal-grilled in coconut milk, which tastes like creamy tuna. The Filipino set menu is fixed for a minimum of 5 persons.

Most visitors end up purchasing pottery before leaving, especially during the twice-a-year sale — May 15 (to coincide with the Pahiyas festival) and August 14 (his birthday, where the discount increases every year, equivalent to his age).

6 Kinabuhayan Cafe in Dolores, Quezon.Every stay in Kinabuhayan Café is magical. Its bed & breakfast is designed

in such a way that you feel like you are living in a theater stage set — any photo you take is photogenic. Plus, every dish that comes out of the kitchen is really good. Jay Herrera is the heart and soul of the place, with his charming, bohemian persona and magical touch when it comes to food. He is popular for his Alagaw Leaves appetizers, Risotto, and cooked-on-the-spot Lamb Chops.

Jay has a secluded place called Kubli Springs where they set up beautiful-looking lunches and dinners. The spring waters running down your feet and just-enough lights at night all add to the ambiance for a romantic evening under the stars.

The place is popular during the Holy Week because it is located at the foot of Mt. Banahaw. It is used as a home base by people who want to go to the blessed caves to recharge their powers.

7 Café Juanita, Pasig.Dr. Boy Vasquez wanted to honor the culinary heritage of his family by serving their

heirloom recipes in this colorfully homey restaurant. Artistically done comfort Filipino food is the specialty of the house — from Molo, to Kare-kare, to Twice-Cooked Adobo. But you also have the option of ordering other Asian-inspired dishes.

The most unique feature of Café Juanita is its kitschy ambiance. The place has a hodge-podge of decorative items. Dr. Vasquez makes it a point to move one piece (or more) each day so that the restaurant feels alive as small changes are made. Café Juanita’s vibrant, evolving, eclectic collection is actually a good reflection of the “halo-halo” culture of the Philippines.

8 Pendy’s, Bacolod City.When it comes to good food in Bacolod, Pendy’s is the foodies’ choice because it is

run by Omon Maravilla’s family (a family of foodies too). Pendy’s is already an institution in the area, and it is resisting the temptation to expand to keep its quality and consistency intact.

There’s a wide array of dishes on the menu, but don’t leave Pendy’s without trying the well-made Negrense cuisine. Among the crowd favorites are the Chicken Dinuguan, Pancit Molo, and Batchoy with Lechon. The menu is quite diverse because it is based on the food that the family likes and the food that they can cook well. Some people actually line up for their Korean Beef Stew, Spareribs and Pad Thai. But the best part of the Pendy’s experience is having the Napoleones and Half-moon for dessert!

Besides the comfortable and homey restaurant, Pendy’s also has a pasalubong center that carries the best pasalubong: Bailon’s Piaya and Dulce de Gatas.

Page 8: My Awesome Life in 2011

TOP 10Beaches In the Philippines

I realized if there is a place like this in Cebu, there must be a lot of places like these hidden in the 7,107 islands in the Philippines. This inspired Our Awesome Planet’s advocacy to inspire one mind, touch one heart, one Filipino at a time that the Philippines is truly beautiful because of its natural wonders that are God-made.

I’ve been to most of the best beaches in the Philippines except for one which is reserved for the 10th year anniversary of Our Awesome Planet. I would like to share with you our beach discoveries after 4 years of traveling almost every week.

1White Beach, Boracay IslandBoracay will always be the BEST beach place in the heart of the Filipinos for its unbeatable powdery

sugar-fine white sands. People go to Boracay not only for the night life, but to experience the Bohemian beach spirit. This spirit lives on in the people who decided to stay in Boracay despite the over-development in this small island off the coast of Caticlan.

You’ll be pampered with gourmet food from different cuisine, luxurious hotels, exotic spas, adventurous sport, and the best night life on any island. The people of Boracay are now more eco-conscious. Eco-friendly programs are being rolled out to protect the beauty of Boracay for the next generation.

2 Entalula Island, El Nido, PalawanEntalula Island is the best beach island in the Bacuit Bay group of Islands in El Nido, Palawan. It is a small secluded beach with limestone cliffs

protecting its beach. It is a private island owned by El Nido resorts where you can organize a private lunch or dinner with the group. A small portion of the beach can be accessed publicly for tourists island-hopping from the El Nido Town.

It’s sugar-fine white sand matches that of Boracay and I’m glad they decided not to build a resort on the island. It is well maintained and not over-developed but El Nido resorts arrange lunch or dinner here. The best part of the experience is that you can request to coordinate to have breakfast, lunch or dinner exclusively for your group. This allows you to enjoy the beach privately and to savor the experience with your special someone.

3 Long Beach, San Vicente PalawanSan Vicente Long Beach is the last beach frontier in the Philippines boasting 14km of undeveloped white

beach in San Vicente Palawan. Imagine running barefoot from one end to another!

While backpackers are usually the first people to discover a raw beach like this, it wasn’t the case with Long Beach. With its long unadulterated cove, the area has been attracting plenty of investors, especially now that the international airport runway has been developed. People are just waiting for the terminal to be built for the first official flights to San Vicente. With a change of political leadership in Palawan, its future remains speculative.

4 Daplac Cove, Boayan Island, San Vicente PalawanDaplac Cove is relatively undiscovered and never talked about except for the controversies on its

ownership. I had the pleasure of visiting the island and the small solar powered-house built by Ditchay Roxas. I was flabbergasted at how beautiful the entire cove is! Just imagine fine white sands like Boracay with clean waters that is a mix of fresh and sea water--you can open your eyes under water and it would not hurt! Marine life is very close to shore.

The island is a nature preserve for the endangered Tabon Bird, or the vulnerable Palawan hornbill and eagles. The people of Boayan are protecting the island from illegal fishing and illegal cutting of the kulasi trees. No wonder there is a fight between preserving the natural island versus an alleged buy-out of the cove by a big resort developer. My vote goes to preserving the island the way it is.

5Matukad Island, Caramoan, Camarines SurMatukad Island boasts the sugar-like beach of Boracay, the lime-stone cliffs of Palawan and is located

in a group of islands similar to Hundred Islands. It is across the popular Gota Beach which was the shoot location for Survivor. I like how it is undeveloped and it will remain that way.

There are stories of a hidden clean lagoon–you can climb up the limestone cliffs where you can find a legendary big bangus. According to local folk legend, there used to be two bangus swimming in the lagoon and one time a fisherman got one of the fish and ate it. That fisherman died mysteriously, which is why the local people say that the fish contains the spirit protecting the island. Ever since that time, nobody has dared touch the remaining bangus which just gets bigger and bigger.

I love beaches! The travel bug bit me when I was sitting watching the 270-degree view of sea and sky in Kota Beach, in Bantayan, Cebu in 2006. It was surreal and I can’t believe that nature is so awesome that there are no words to describe it. You will know the feeling when you experience it.

From Matukad, you can hop to nearby Laos Island, which is quite unique because it has two beach coves facing different sides of the island. If you stand on the intersection of the two beaches, you’ll have a breathtaking beach view on your left and yet another fantastic view on your right. Two limestone cliffs anchor the beach giving it a unique beach experience you’ll never forget.

6Mahabang Buhangin, Calaguas Islands, Camarines NorteCalaguas Islands is far from being developed but a lot of backpackers have been going there. To do so,

you have to bravely cross open seas for two hours onboard a fishing boat, big enough to carry a carabao from one island to another.

Once you arrive in Mahabang Buhangin, you’ll be captivated by its raw beauty. Its long uninhabited cove gives you a feeling you have arrived at The Beach. You would have to pitch a tent if you want to stay overnight, during which, Jurassic park scenes might play on your mind, and this only adds to the thrill of visiting this pure white sand beach.

This is perfect for a group of adventurous people who want to bond together with nature. Your only entertainment would be your funny life stories and misadventures along the way. Be careful when swimming because the beach slopes down drastically.

7 Club Paradise Beach, Coron, PalawanThe Calamianes Group of Islands in Coron, the Northern part of Palawan, is known for its dive spots

instead of its beaches. However, there is one island that seems to be blessed with all the white sands that surrounds the island. The island has a fully developed resort called Club Paradise which offers urban amenities, including a very good buffet and modern beach huts that open to the beach. They have a dive resort, a videoke room, a jungle bar, and conference rooms for team building.

The best parts of the island are the hiking trail on the topmost part of the island, the little nature museum and the secret beach.

8 Balesin, Polilio Islands, QuezonBalesin is a forgotten island destination. It used to be a popular private beach escape during the Marcos era.

All developments stopped at a point in time and the island became less accessible. There are only two ways to get there: via a 4-hour boat ride or a cost prohibitive charter flight. With Balesin’s halted development, the island was forced to close down to tourists. And the beauty of its beaches became the island’s centerpiece once again.

I was able to visit the island before Balesin closed and one of my most memorable experiences was going from one secluded beach cove to another on foot. It was a very rustic experience. Swimming on the beach is safe for kids because of its gradual slope. One of my best beach photographs was taken here.

Balesin is again being developed and most beach lovers eagerly await its opening.

9 Kota Beach, Bantayan and White Beach Malapascua Island, CebuMy first love is the twin island beaches of Malapascua and Bantayan. We would often go on an inter-island

boat cruise on a rented banca just to experience both beaches in one trip.

Kota Beach in Bantayan is the perfect spot because it is like a corner beach. You can see nature from your left and your right–a perfect muni-muni spot to reflect on your life and love.

Malapascua beach is an undeveloped Boracay where you can enjoy the beach escape sans the noise of overdevelopment and night life. A place where you can escape, write a book or simply lounge around incognito.

10 “Blue Lagoon” Maira-Ira Beach, PagudpudBlue Lagoon in Maira-Ira was once the hidden beach that justified Pagudpud’s alternate name: Boracay of the North. It has a natural cove that

turns turquoise blue when seen from a high vantage point. What gives it its beauty is its rawness with rice fields and foliage surrounding it. Such beauty was not able to escape enterprising developers. A big resort started to develop very close to the beach promising all the urban amenities and beach sports activities. The resort started to destroy its beauty by pouring cement to all the rice fields and cutting down all the trees in its path.

I’m not surprised if one day most of the rice fields are cemented and soon Blue Lagoon will just be a distant memory for those who have experienced its raw beauty.

NEXT: Amanpulo, Pamalican Island, PalawanAmanpulo is the ultimate beach escape destination for beach lovers like me. With promises of secluded beach existence, flawless service where people work without you seeing them, and an experience that your mind, heart and pocket will never forget.

I’ve never been to Amanpulo so I’m still not including it in my Top 10. I’m reserving this experience for our 10th year anniversary.

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TOP 8Awesome Adventures

To Live For In The Philippines

Life is too short to waste on the usual day-to-day activities and meaningless travel. Over my 4+ years of exploring the Philippines, I’ve discovered the most awesome adventures guaranteed to make your hearts race and rave. These are the experiences that left indelible memories in my mind. I’m sharing these with you because these are the adventures that make the Philippines truly awesome!

1 The Batanes AdventureThis is one of the last places in the Philippines that has its culture and tradition intact. The people who

live here are very proud of that fact. You can also still see the bayanihan spirit alive in their communities.

I love the 30-minute falowa ride from Batan to Sabtang Island. The falowa is a u-haul boat without any katig for balancing. It sways with the waves, which is safer for crossing the channel. People go to Sabtang to see the old bahay na bato that is still inhabited today. It is indeed a blast from the past. If you are adventurous enough, you can opt to try the 4-hour falowa ride from Batan to Itbayat Island.

The natural wonders of Batanes are awesome to behold, especially when you are in Racuh a Payaman (also known as Marlboro Country), which is a communal grazing land in the south of Batan Island. There are a lot of nature-tripping spots like the Vayang Rolling Hills and Valugan Boulder beach. But if you’d like something more laid-back, spend a day on the terrace of Fundacion Pacita, one of the best boutique hotels in the country. There, you can just sit and marvel at your 270-degree view of the mountain, sea and sky.

2 Palawan: Puerto Princesa, Coron and San VicentePalawan is indeed the last frontier. It’s the place where we can start development with the right eco-mindset and sustainable tourism programs.

Puerto Princesa City is famous for its Subterranean Underground River Park, which will hopefully soon be part of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The city is also home to Ka Lui (one of the best Filipino restaurants in the country) and one of the best fresh seafood markets. The air in Puerto Princesa is noticeably different--more fresh, more clean. Plus, you can feel the pride of the Palaweños in every person you encounter.

In the northernmost tip of Palawan is Coron, which is known for its wreck diving spots, Kayangan Lake (the cleanest lake in the country), and one of the best island hopping tours that ends with a relaxing dip in Maquinit Hot Springs. The city is also the jump-off point for the Calauit Safari or a trip to the exclusive twin resorts of Club Paradise and El Rio Y Mar.

3 El Nido Resorts ExperienceEl Nido is the first resort that we fell in love with. Its eco-friendly practices are very laudable. Early

on, they realized that protecting their natural wonders is the cornerstone of their success.

There is a debate on which of their twin resorts is better: Miniloc or Lagen? For me, I prefer the rustic beauty of Miniloc resort because there is a natural pool in front of it, with lots of fishes that are not afraid to interact with people. Also, when you are in Miniloc, you can kayak to the Big and Small Lagoons–a good way to exercise and one experience you’ll never forget.

You have to pay an all-in fee, which includes the buffet food and all the resort activities. You can also go on an island hopping tour that will also take you to the sand bar behind Lagen (it was once the setting of a very private and romantic beach wedding).

The best part, for me, is that you can arrange to have an island reserved all to yourself for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t forget to have this unforgettable experience in Entalula Island, one of the best beaches in the Philippines.

4 The Northern Road Trip to PagudpudMy first road trip was when we drove to Pagudpud for 12 hours. We didn’t know how to get there

and we only had an atlas to guide us. The experience was exhilarating – driving through one town after another, looking for the secret spots along the way. I can’t forget the first time we saw the giant windmills in Bangui. We were just standing there, with our jaws dropped, as we touched those gentle, white giants.

On the way to Pagudpud, it’s a must to stop over in Vigan to see the proud, old homes on Calle Real. In Laoag, don’t forget to eat bagnet and empanada. When you get to Paoay, visit Paoay Church (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and dine at Herencia Cafe, which serves Pinakbet Pizza and Dinuguan Pizza. Make sure to set aside time to try the sandboarding adventure in Paoay. It’s an awesome way to experience the sand dunes of Ilocos Norte.

Some travelers are already satisfied with just reaching Saud Beach and seeing the Patapat Bridge. But you shouldn’t dare miss the best part of the trip to Pagudpud, which is finally seeing and swimming in the Blue Lagoon, with some of its immaculate beauty still intact.

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5 The Southern Road Trip to BicolThe roadside to Bicol is equally as beautiful as the road trip to the north. With a lot of food stops

along the Quezon Viaje del Sol route, you can either dine at Ugu Bigyan in Tiaong, Quezon, or eat crispy pata in Candelaria. Most people stop over at Lita’s in Gumaca, Quezon for cocido or sinigang na isda.

Like Vigan in the north, Naga is the progressive town of Bicol with a vibrant row of restaurants along Magsaysay Avenue and an active nightlife. I enjoyed eating kinalas in one of the secluded houses and getting my fix of Bicolano cuisine from Naga Garden.

On the way to Legazpi, you have to travel early in the morning to get a great view of Mayon Volcano. There are two great photo spots: the Cagsawa Ruins and Lingñon Hill Natural Park. At the latter, you have to hike all the way to the top where you can zipline with Mayon as your backdrop.

Don’t leave Legazpi without tasting the best halo-halo in the Philippines – DJC Halo Halo in Tiwi. They now have branches in Legazpi and Naga.

Finally, there’s Donsol. This is the place where you can interact with the majestic yet gentle whale sharks. Every summer, these giant creatures appear because of the abundance of plankton in the area.

6 Eco-Adventure in BoholBohol is the eco-adventure tourism capital of the Philippines. With year-

round tourism (because typhoons don’t pass through here often), this is the best place for eco-adventures.

Our favorites are:• thecanyonswingandcanyonziplineinDanao,Bohol;• the4x4adventureridethroughtheChocolateHills;• theLobocRiverCruiselunch;• theLoayRiverFireflyWatchingCruiseatnight;and• theDolphinWatchingtouronPamilacanIsland.

You can also choose your own beach experience here. There’s the long, private stretchofwhitesandatBoholBeachClub;thevibrant,bohemianvibeofAlonaBeach;oryourown,secludedbeachresort. Any Bohol Adventure would be incomplete without savoring the healthy, organic food of Bohol Bee Farm.

7 Extreme Adventure: Cagayan de Oro - BukidnonCagayan de Oro (CDO) is finding its niche in providing fun, extreme activities to tourists. It all started with its White Water Rafting Adventure. At

first, there was just a Beginner route, then Advanced and, now, an Extreme route that goes up the CDO river.

Aside from that, Cagayan de Oro is starting to become famous for the Mapawa River Trek, where you go through 5 natural waterfall challenges. The first few waterfalls are easy because you just have to slide down the falls. But the best parts of the trek are the challenging ones – the 20-ft jump off the waterfall and the 65-ft rappel down the waterfall.

After CDO, most adventure seekers go to the latest adventure destination: the Zipline Park in Dahilayan, Bukidnon, which currently boasts the longest zipline in the Philippines.

Every second Sunday of the month, a lot of people journey to Malaybalay, Bukidnon to experience the Sunday Brunch Buffet with the monks of the Monastery of the Transfiguration. Some people opt to stay overnight in the monastery to pray with the monks as early as 3 am. Don’t leave Bukidnon without eating steak at the Del Monte Farms and buying fresh milk from the cooperative canteen.

8 Kayaking in Tuguegarao and White Water Rafting on Chico RiverNo doubt, the best White Water Rafting experience in the country is in Chico

River in Kalinga because of its wild beauty and difficult rapids. Before going on that exciting river ride, you can practice White Water kayaking along the Pinakawan River in Tuguegarao. You can also explore Callao Cave, known for the church built inside the cave’s natural dome formation.

Tuguegarao is also the jump-off point for people who want to visit the pilgrimage site of Our Lady of Piat or to explore more places up north. Some go all the way to Sta. Ana, Cagayan to check out the supposedly haunted Cape Engaño Lighthouse.

The Philippines never runs out of adventures for travelers to experience. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring!

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31Feast Day of St. John Bosco

New Year’s Day

Pasungay Festival (San Joaquin, Iloilo)Ati-Atihan Festival (Kalibo, Aklan)Sinulog (Cebu City)

Ati-Atihan Festival (Kalibo, Aklan)Sinulog (Cebu City)

Feast of the Black Nazarene (Quiapo, Manila)

Caracol (Makati City)Dinagyang Festival (Iloilo City)Dinagyang Festival (Iloilo City)

January Best Time to Climb Mt. Pinatubo!


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The Love Month!

Notable Events for the Month10-13 Hot Air Balloon Fiesta26 Panagbenga- Baguio Flower FestivalFebruary

Donsol Season

Notable Events for the Month9 Ash Wednesday26 Earth Hour


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Our Lady of Candles (Jaro, Iloilo) Chinese New Year (Rabbit)

Valentine’s DayAurora Surfing Competition(Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Clark, Angeles, Pampanga)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Clark, Angeles, Pampanga)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Clark, Angeles, Pampanga)Aurora Surfing Competition(Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Clark, Angeles, Pampanga)Aurora Surfing Competition(Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora)

EDSA Revolution AnniversaryPanagbenga - Flower Festival (Baguio City)

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta (Clark, Angeles, Pampanga)Aurora Surfing Competition(Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora)

February The Love Month!

Peak Time in Boracay

Notable Events for the Month9 Araw ng Kagitingan22 Moriones Festival22 Cutud Cruxificions18-24 Holy Week

Donsol Season

Notable Events for the Month9 Ash Wednesday26 Earth Hour


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March April

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Ash Wednesday

Earth Hour

March Best Time to go watch and shoot the awesome Manila sunset!Start of the Donsol Season in Bicol!


Notable Events for the Month1 Labor Day7-8 Caramoan Fiesta8 Mother’s Day15 Pahiyas

Peak Time in Boracay

Notable Events for the Month9 Araw ng Kagitingan22 Moriones Festival22 Cutud Cruxificions18-24 Holy Week



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April May

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Bataan Day

Black SaturdayMoriones Festival (Marinduque)Cutud Cruxificions (Pampanga)Earth Day Easter SundayGood FridayMaundy Thursday

AprilIndependence Month

Notable Events for the Month12 Independence Day19 Father’s Day27-28 Kasadyaan Festival


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27 28 29 30The Peak Time in Boracay.


Notable Events for the Month1 Labor Day7-8 Caramoan Fiesta8 Mother’s Day15 Pahiyas



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Caramoan Fiesta (Caramoan, Camarines Sur)

Mother’s DayCaramoan Fiesta (Caramoan, Camarines Sur)

Pahiyas (Lucban, Quezon)

Labor DayFeast of Divine Mercy

Black SaturdayMoriones Festival (Marinduque)Cutud Cruxificions (Pampanga)Earth Day

National Flag Day

Obando Fertility Rites (Obando, Bulacan)

Obando Fertility Rites (Obando, Bulacan)

Obando Fertility Rites (Obando, Bulacan)

MayRainy Season

Notable Events for the Month11 Declaration of new 7 Wonders of Nature23-24 Sandugo Festival


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25 26 27 28 29 30 31National-wide celebration of Flores de Mayo / Santacruzan.

Independence Month

Notable Events for the Month12 Independence Day19 Father’s Day27-28 Kasadyaan Festival


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Philippine’s Independence Day

Father’s Day150th Birth Anniversary of Jose Rizal!

Pintados/Kasadyaan Festival (Tacloban, Leyte)

Pintados/Kasadyaan Festival (Tacloban, Leyte)

JuneTime for Wild River Ride

Notable Events for the Month21 Ninoy Aquino Day20-21 Kadayawan sa Dabaw29 National Heroes’ Day


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29 30 31

Time to show your love for the Philippines by putting a flag on your home, car, and shirts.

Rainy Season

Notable Events for the Month11 Declaration of new 7 Wonders of Nature23-24 Sandugo Festival


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Official Declaration of the New 7 Wonders of Nature

Feast Day of Saint Anne

July Start of the Rainy Season in the Philippines.

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Sandugol Festival (Tagbilaran, Bohol)

Feast Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Sandugol Festival (Tagbilaran, Bohol)

Early Christmas Shopping

Notable Events for the Month8 Mother Mary’s Birthday7-11 26th Negros Trade Fair18 Penafrancia Viva La Virgen24-25 Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition


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SeptemberTime for Wild River Ride

Notable Events for the Month21 Ninoy Aquino Day20-21 Kadayawan sa Dabaw29 National Heroes’ Day


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Ugu Bigyan’s Birthday Sale(Tiaong, Quezon)

Ninoy Aquino DayKadyawan sa Dabaw (Davao City)Kadyawan sa Dabaw (Davao City)

Ascencion of Mother Mary into Heaven

National Heroes’ DayOld Swiss Inn Annual Price Rollback Eid’l Fitr

AugustSurfing Season

Notable Events for the Month15-16 Maskara Festival15-16 Lansones Festival26-30 Diwali Festival


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The Best Time to go on a wild river ride. OctoberEarly Christmas Shopping

Notable Events for the Month8 Mother Mary’s Birthday7-11 26th Negros Trade Fair18 Penafrancia Viva La Virgen24-25 Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition


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Grandparent’s Day26th Negros Trade Fair (Manila)26th Negros Trade Fair (Manila)26th Negros Trade Fair (Manila)

Mother Mary’s Birthday26th Negros Trade Fair (Manila)26th Negros Trade Fair (Manila)

Penafrancia Viva La Virgen(Naga City)

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition (Siargao)

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition (Siargao)

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition (Siargao)

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition (Siargao)

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition (Siargao)

SeptemberHalloween Parties

Notable Events for the Month22-23 Higantes Festival23-27 8th Maharlika Sunrise Festival26-27 Kerygma Conference


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The Best Time to go to Divisoria for Christmas shopping and preparations. November

Surfing Season

Notable Events for the Month15-16 Maskara Festival15-16 Lansones Festival26-30 Diwali Festival


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The Feast of St. Therese ofChild Jesus

World Bread DayMaskara Festival (Bacolod)Lansones Festival (Camiguin)

Maskara Festival (Bacolod)Lansones Festival (Camiguin)

Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights) Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights) Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights) Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights)Diwali Festival (Festival of Lights)

Majestic Surfing Competition(Puraran, Baras, Catanduanes)

Majestic Surfing Competition(Puraran, Baras, Catanduanes)

Majestic Surfing Competition(Puraran, Baras, Catanduanes)

OctoberChristmas Season

Notable Events for the Month4/11 Annual Cultural Tour of Negros16 Oblation Run16 Simbang Gabi18 Giant Lantern Festival


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26 27 28 29 30 31Surfing Season in the Philippines. December

Halloween Parties

Notable Events for the Month22-23 Higantes Festival23-27 8th Maharlika Sunrise Festival26-27 Kerygma Conference


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All Saint’s Day All Soul’s Day Eid-Ul-Adha

45 Days with the Lord Anniversary Mass

Higantes Festival (Angono, Rizal)8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

Thanksgiving Day8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

Kerygma Conference (Manila)8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

Kerygma Conference (Manila)8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

Higantes Festival (Angono, Rizal)8th Maharlika Festival (Roving Festival)

Bonifacio Day

NovemberYear 2012

Notable Events for the Month8 Feast of the Black Nazarene14 Pasungay Festival14-15 Ati-Atihan Festival14-15 Sinulog Festival21-22 Dinagyang Festival



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Time for Halloween Parties. JanuaryChristmas Season

Notable Events for the Month4/11 Annual Cultural Tour of Negros16 Oblation Run16 Simbang Gabi18 Giant Lantern Festival


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Annual Cultural Tour of Negros(Bacolod)

Immaculate Conception

Start of Simbang GabiOblation Run (UP)

Giant Lantern Festival(San Fernando, Pampanga)

Annual Cultural Tour of Negros(Bacolod)

Christmas Eve Christmas Day

Rizal Day New Year’s Eve

DecemberThe Love Month

Notable Events for the Month9-12 Hot Air Balloon Fiesta25 Panagbenga- Baguio Flower Festival


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27 28 29Christmas Season in the Philippines. February

Year 2012

Notable Events for the Month8 Feast of the Black Nazarene14 Pasungay Festival14-15 Ati-Atihan Festival14-15 Sinulog Festival21-22 Dinagyang Festival



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Sinulog, an Endless Fiesta!

People from all over the world visit Cebu to witness the Philippines’ own “Mardi

Gras” and it would be a shame if we, Filipinos, will not be able to experience this

awesome fiesta at least once in our lives.

Sinulog is a dance ritual in honor of the miraculous image of the Santo Niño. The

dance moves two steps forward and one step backward to the sound of the drums.

This resembles the current (sulog) of what was then known as Cebu’s Pahina River.

Sinulog is always scheduled on the third Sunday of January, which is when the

Grand Parade is held. The endless parade starts at 8am and closes at 7pm; you just

have to hope that you get to catch the best parts! It’s like watching the best cultural

show in the Southern Philippines. Don’t watch from the sidelines behind the line

boundaries; bring a camera and act like a photographer so that you can walk on

the streets while the performance is on. Better yet, set out for Fuentes Circle, the

epicenter, one of the stops before the Grand Show, and also where booths are

located and street dancing is happening.

Be prepared to walk from your hotel, or from Ayala Center where you can park your

car. Bring an umbrella or jacket in case it rains, wear comfortable clothes--rubber

shoes, shorts and a dri-fit shirt so you are prepared to sweat it out the entire day.

Tote a change of clothes, mineral water, a hat, and towels in a backpack so you

can walk freely, ready to shoot and document the festivities at all times. There is a

Sinulog Photo Contest where you can enter your best candid shots of the Fluvial/

Solemn Procession, Float, Higante, Sidelights and Route Decor/Arch.

If you are a Christian, make it a point to say a prayer to the miraculous Santo

Niño de Cebu either by joining the fluvial procession on Saturday afternoon or

by hearing mass at the Santo Niño Church and paying respects to the original

Santo Niño de Cebu image. This is the only

time that the original image of the Santo Niño

is displayed in the church. I always believe it

the power of prayer through the intercession of

Saints, Mother Mary or the Santo Niño. If there

is one thing that you want to happen in your

life, make that pilgrimage to the Santo Niño

Church. Just a word of caution: expect it to

be like Divisoria during Christmas season.

Tara Na! I do hope you consider Sinulog

in your next year’s travel plans. You got

to watch it because every year is bigger

that the last!

Cebu’s Best Lechon!From experience, if you go to any other lechon place in Cebu after lunch on a

Sunday, they won’t have any lechon to serve. I was surprised that the Zubuchon

stall still had plenty.

The first taste test was very good. The skin of the lechon was as crispy as

chicharon. The story is that they would puncture the lechon skin while it is being

cooked to get that crispiness; hence, it is called the acupunctured pig.

The lechon is full-flavored in itself, with no need for any sauce. I love Zubuchon

because it is lechon done in an old-school manner but with a noticeable leap

forward in terms of taste. The pig is cooked naturally without any MSG, artificial

mixes, and artificial painting of the skin. You can really taste the quality of the

herbs they use.

“We use only the freshest and often home grown organic lemongrass, green

onions, siling labuyo and local sea salt among other herbs and spices.” - Joel,


No doubt, this is the best lechon I’ve tasted in Cebu. The artisanal quality justifies

its premium pricing.

You need to buy a minimum of 2 kilos so that it could be boxed for take home. You

have the option of having it chopped or to have it wrapped as is. If you’re asking

your friends to bring you Zubuchon for pasalubong, it would easily cost you P900

for 2 kilos.

However, the problem with Zubuchon is that it is only good 2-3 hours from the time

you purchase it. It is perishable, so some people buy the Frozen Lechon. The frozen

ones are not that good anymore when you transport them to Manila. It might be

the better option to buy the fresh lechon from the airport branch but it becomes

P40/kilo more expensive.

Despite the extensive instructions they give on how to preserve the taste of the

lechon when you bring it to Manila, it does not taste as good as eating it in Cebu.

I don’t think there will be a way for Manilenos to enjoy it, not unless the lechon

itself is cooked in Manila.

ZUBUCHON Mactan Domestic Airport, Pre-departure

Lounge (Right after the last

security checkpoint in the airport)

Airport Store Hours: 6am to 9pm

January, A Full-On Festival Month!It isn’t surprising that the Santo Niño is the patron of a lot of towns in the Philippines, and Sinulog, Ati-Atihan (Kalibo) and Dinagyang (Iloilo) are just one of the many festivals held in its honor. Another such festival, although not as massive as Sinulog, is Biniray, held in the town of Romblon, Romblon, also in January. A flotilla of vessels go around the Romblon Bay seven times to reenact the time during the Spanish Occupation when the Spanish galleons tried to steal the town’s image of the Santo Niño. Waves and strong winds from the Romblon Bay were said to have prevented the Spanish from seizing the image; this occurrence was believed by the townspeople to be an act of God.

The image of the Santo Niño is then carried around town in a carriage decorated with flowers, accompanied by people in costume and paint on their bodies and faces--as if to proclaim our colorful history reason enough to celebrate.

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New Year’s Day

Most Important Things to Do


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Before traveling to other countries, Travel the Philippines first!

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Most Important Things to Do

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Feast of the Black Nazarene


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If you can live your life without time, financial, and mobility constraints, how would you design your life to be this 2011?

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Pasungay FestivalAti-Atihan



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In the airport, you can always find the ordinary metered taxi in the departure area like in NAIA 3, from the arrival area, go up and exit through the departure area to find the taxis waiting for you.

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Dinagyang Festival

Dinagyang FestivalCaracol

Most Important Things to Do


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To love the Philippines, we have to understand our roots. If you are a Filipino but lived in the US, go back to Manila and learn more about it. If you lived in Manila all your life, go back to

the province of your parents to know life in the province and to know how it all began.

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America has Disneyland... London has the Castles... and Singapore has all the latest man-made wonders... But the Beauty of the Philippines is in all the beaches and natural wonders of the

7,107 islands... One lifetime is not enough to explore its beauty. Once you discover it, you’ll fall in love with it and you will proclaim that it is indeed the best place to Live an Awesome Life!

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Our Lady of Candles Chinese New Year (Rabbit)Feast Day of St. John Bosco

Most Important Things to Do


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Chinese New Year Tip: Celebrate Chinese New Year in Binondo where you can chase the lucky dragon around the small streets of the China Town and eat the best dimsum in Manila.

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One Hot ValentineThis love month is the best time to go on a romantic adventure. Witness awesome hot air balloons fly out as the sun rises in the horizon at the Hot Air Balloon Festival. You will feel like you aren’t in the Philippines when surrounded by these world class balloons! Here, I answer frequently asked questions on how to get the most out of your balloon adventure! 1. Do we really need to leave at 3 in the morning?Yes you do. At the latest you should leave Manila by 3:30am. The hot air balloons are inflated at around 5:30am and all of them fly out before 7am. If you arrive late, you will be stuck in traffic going inside Clark and you would have a tough time finding parking. I had seen people arriving in Clark at around 7am thinking they’re still early, only to be disappointed and miss seeing the balloons take flight.

2. Can we ride the hot Air Balloon?There are only 5 ways you can ride a balloon:- You can pay $150/ head for the ride- You win in the daily photo contest and win a ride in the balloons courtesy of SM- You are part of Media and you request to ride the balloon. You have higher chances to do this on Thursday but definitely not on the weekend.- You host the balloonist in Manila and they give you a free ride as a token of their appreciation- You own a balloon or you have a relative that flies the balloon.I have been attending the festival several years but it continues to be a dream for me to ride a hot air balloon. I might just pay the $150 one of these days.3. Can we get close to the balloon?The entrance fee to the festival is P100 and this will give you access to the general viewing area where you can see the balloons from a distance. They usually issue 100 special shooters passes per day so that you can have a close encounter with the balloons, take photos, and enter the photo contest. 4. Any recommendations on where to stay in Clark? The most popular places are Clark Holiday Inn and Fontana. There are hotel options just outside

of Clark like Hotel Oasis.

5. Are there other things to do in the festival?The Hot Air Balloon Flight in the morning is the highlight of the festival. After all the balloons have left, you can stay to watch the micro light demonstrations, sky diving, small plane fly-bys, helicopter and kite flying exhibitions. There are also military tanks and planes on display, as

well as aerospace exhibits. What we normally do is take off for a Pampanga food trip around the Angeles area. If time permits, we go back to see the night glow, when the hot air

balloons come back. The only drawback to this is that everyone leaves at the same time; prepare to be stuck in a traffic jam going out of Clark.

A February Food Trip While in Clark, why not eat like a Kapampangan? These are OAP’s top three

stops on a Pampanga Food Trip:

1. Claude Tayag’s Bale Dutung (House of Wood) - It is now a popular

by-reservation-only restaurant (minimum of 10-12 people) where Claude and

his darling Mary Ann Tayag personally host an intimate slow-cooked 5-hour

lunch. You can choose from the traditional Kapampangan meal or their special

5-ways lechon. Recently, Bale Dutung made it to the Miele Guide as one of the

top restaurants in Asia. It is recommended that you have a very light breakfast

if you are going to Bale Dutung for lunch.

2. Chef Chris’s C’ Italian Dining - This is not Kapampangan cuisine but it

is voted as one of the best Italian restaurants in the country. It is best known

for its thinly sliced roll-over pizza called Panizza. This kind of pizza has

been copied but nothing beats the original. C’ Italian Dining is located along

Friendship Highway in Clark, Angeles, Pampanga. For a party of 10 or more,

you can personally ask Chef Chris to design a special set menu for your group

and let him do his culinary magic. It is great to hang out there at

night–dinner could easily last for 3-4 hours.

3. Aling Lucing’s Sisig - You can also pay tribute to the home of

the original sisig on a sizzling plate, popularized by Aling Lucing

in her original grill place along the railroad. Even after the owner

passed away, the place did not lose its popularity. Most people

would go here just to say that they have eaten in the birthplace

of sisig--one of the unofficial national dishes of the Philippines. KUNG HEI FAT CHOI! In the past, there was that occasional fear of pick pockets and feeling of being an outsider trying-hard-to-celebrate-the-New-Year that prevented me from experiencing the Binondo Chinese New Year! My wife’s family celebrates Chinese New Year and celebrating it in Binondo makes it more special.

There are endless photo opportunities as you chase the dragons and lions all around China Town. There is no organized schedule of activities as the happenings are organized by the shop owners. Each store prepares something for the lions—it could be candies or lucky coins to eat and sometimes beer to drink. They court the lions to dance and bring good luck to the store. The dance is usually culminated by fireworks. Before the lions leave, they get the angpao containing cash usually hooked high above the store’s entrance. It is quite an experience to see these dragons and lions do this ritual all over China Town.

How to Celebrate The New Year, The Binondo Way:1. Bring Ear Plugs! Prepare to be near the loudest drums and fireworks. 2. Go with the flow. There is no set schedule on when the dragons/lions appear so the best way to find out is to follow the group of dragons/lions. 3. Be there at 10am or at 4pm on the eve of Chinese New Year. This is when most of the dragons/lions appear. 4. Go on a Food Trip. Be with someone who would know where to eat in Binondo, unless you’ve joined Ivan Man Dy in his Big Binondo Food Wok, and you know your way around Binondo’s culinary secrets.

5. Celebrate it with friends and family. Beneath the noise and chaos of Binondo lies its mystery and charm; it is quite an experience to explore it with family and friends.

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Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

Hot Air Balloon FiestaHot Air Balloon Fiesta

Most Important Things to Do


How do you measure your life? (a) Amount of Wealth (b) Resume of Accomplishments (c) Unconditional Love

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Valentine’s Day

Most Important Things to Do


Valentines Tip: Valentines Day is the most marketed love celebration in the world. I think it is too commercialized to celebrate it on the day itself. Remember what is important is that you provide a

service to your loved one during the Valentines Week to make them feel special through your own efforts.

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Panagbenga FestivalEDSA Day


After Valentines, Filipinos shift to summer mode and this is the best time to finalize your travel plans. By this time, most of the popular destinations are fully booked for Holy Week. You’ll have more flexibility to organize your trips after holy week – end of April to early May.

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Most Important Things to Do


For Filipinos, eating and traveling are social events to be enjoyed with friends, family or special loved ones. These experiences are sacred bonding sessions to be cherished forever.February


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MarchThe Magic of the Batanes IslesYou will magically fall in love with these northernmost islands of the Philippines, not only with its beauty, but also with its cultural heritage, proudly preserved by the Ivatans.

Batanes comes from the word Batan-es, which means islands around Batan. Ivatan is the name of their local language and the name of the indigenous people, which came from the word I-Batan – meaning “from Batan”.

Visit Batanes and you will develop an authentic love for the place: not induced by any marketing ploy, not forced. You might find yourself wanting to live in this place.

Batanes’ magic lies in its raw and pristine state. Its beauty is well-preserved and protected from outside influences by the Ivatans themselves, who won’t sell their land to any foreigner; by the high airfare cost, which limits the entrance of travelers. The falowa ride protects the neighboring islands, Sabtang and Itbayat, from hordes of visiting tourists. This is one of the few places left where you won’t see any commercial food chains, and you will really get to experience what it is like to live in a rural province.

Batanes has three inhabited islands: Batan, Sabtang and Itbayat.

Batan IslandBasco, the capital, is located on the main island of Batan; the center of commerce and political power. It is also where the airport and main port are both located. The narrow Abad Street is the main street of the town, where the fresh market, souvenir shops and grocery stores can be found.

The town plaza is modest and easy to spot with the Sto. Domingo de Basco Cathedral, the Provincial Capitol, and other government offices around it. The hospital, police station, and Saint Dominic College are also located nearby. It is so safe in Batanes that the only people in jail are the Taiwanese caught fishing illegally. In fact, sometimes, they are allowed to go around the town because there is literally nowhere to go even if they decide to escape.

Near the town is a signature icon of Batanes – the Batanes lighthouse, designed by the Abads, resembles the lighthouses in Denmark. It puts an artistic accent to the vast grasslands and rolling terrain of the area as seen from the Vayang Rolling Hills viewpoint. The lighthouse now has a bunker restaurant where you can enjoy watching the sunset while enjoying a conversation over coffee or beer.

The famous spots to visit around the island would be the oldest inhabited stone house (called House of Dakay) in Ivana town and the Honesty Coffee Shop. At this unusual store, you can get any item you want and drop the payment in a box – it’s all based on the honesty system. The prices are indicated near the items, which you record alongside the list of the stuff you’re purchasing. Make sure to round it up to the nearest coin or bill value because you won’t get your change back.

One of the latest attractions is a secret room beside the San Carlos Borromeo Church of Mahatao. It is like a mini art library containing books labeled 1-99 with empty pages where guests can sign or create artwork on its pages. It is user-generated content (in

an offline sense) where each visitor can express his or her feelings about Batanes.

One of the favorite spots around the island is the Valugan boulder beach. The entire stretch is lined with big rocks

spewed from the volcano. It is best visited during sunrise. There, you can meditate, commune with nature, or

simply rest among the zen-like rocks. There is another boulder beach on the other side of the dormant Mt. Iraya Volcano, which you can clearly see from the Vayang Rolling Hills.

Another unique spot is the tiny village of Mahatao town called Diura fishing village. It faces the Pacific Ocean and is a fishing area for mahi-mahi or dolphin fish (also called dorado in Batanes). The fishing season is usually from March to May and starts with the Kapayvanuvanua ritual.

There are a lot of viewpoints in Batan Island, which include the Chewa Viewdeck and the Loran station with the Alapad rock formation. But the most loved viewpoint of all is Racuh a Payaman. It is also known as “Marlboro Country” to some because the grasslands remind them of the Marlboro commercial where the animals roam freely in a wide area. From this viewpoint, you can see the entire southern Batan island with the coastline of Diura fishing village on one side, the Diura lighthouse with hedgerows at the foreground, and a view of Mt. Iraya towering over the entire island. On a clear day, the silhouette of Itbayat can also be seen from this vantage point. The best time to go is early in the morning when the carabaos and cows wander around to feed. You could also go before sunset, with the sun having a good angle, providing a nice balance of light and shadows.

Sabtang IslandSabtang Island is 30-45 minutes away from Batan Island via a falowa ride. The falowa is a U-haul boat designed with no balancing beam called katig, so that it can freely dance with the waves. Between Batan and Sabtang is the channel where the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea meet. In this channel, you can see the waves flowing in different directions, and this is where most people get seasick with the falowa’s rocking motion.

Once you arrive in Sabtang and see the heritage towns of Savidug and Chavayan, you will realize that bearing with the rocky falowa trip was worth it. These two areas are the remaining coastal towns composed predominantly of the stone houses Batanes is known for. The houses have walls that are made from stones bonded with lime and their roofs are made from cogon. These towns are next in line for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Philippines.

Chavayan is the most loved heritage town of all, not only because of the intact stone houses but also because of the cute kids with anime eyes, and the vakul (traditional headdress used for planting root crop) weaving community.

In between the towns of Savidug and Chavayan is the Chamantad viewpoint, which can literally take your breath away. Some people remark that the grassland, mountain and seascape view remind them of Ireland. Most just appreciate the view in silence – in awe of the grandeur of Nature’s beauty and God’s creation.

You can end your day trip to Sabtang with an authentic Ivatan fresh seafood lunch along the beach. A simple serving of the fresh catch of the day, together with either lobsters or coconut crabs, will make the meal quite memorable. The beach is now more famous because of the natural arc formation found there (as shown in the movie, Batanes). After lunch, some people lie down for siesta along the beach or take a dip in the waters for a while. It is a bit rocky, though, because of the coral base.Itbayat Island

Itbayat is the biggest of all the islands. Some say that it was the first to be inhabited and it was made from corals that were pushed up from the sea. That could explain why there are no beaches there. Instead, Itbayat is home to magnificent cliffs and rock formations.

To get there from Batan, you can ride a bigger falowa (compared to the ones traveling to Sabtang). The trip can take around 3 hours and the waves encountered are much bigger. If you sit on the roof of the falowa, you will literally see the boat swaying almost 95 degrees from side to side. The boatmen give out plastic bags before traveling (so I guess getting seasick on the trip is already normal). The prime seats are those located beside the window so that you can still look out and see the horizon to avoid dizziness – or you can easily throw up into the sea.

Most Ivatans are fisherfolk by occupation. One of the popular ways they fish is they tie a long fish line in the falowa and then put the hook with fake bait into the sea. Consider it an extra treat if you see an actual fish caught using this method during your boat ride. If successful, the entire crew would clean the fish later on and eat it sashimi- or kilawin-style with chili vinegar.

Docking in Itbayat is an experience in itself, where there are no beaches, bays or harbors. The designated port has a steep ramp where a clever pulley system was devised to lift the goods from the port to the elevated road. There are stairs paved on the sides of the ramp for pedestrians to climb. Modes of transportation going to the central town are a bit rustic, and life on Itbayat is simple and laid-back compared to the other islands.

A hike to the highest viewpoint on the island; caving in Torongan cave – an ancient dwelling place with a burial ground on top; and visiting the old town of Raele are the adventures that await the more daring visitors to the island. The houses in the town center are a bit modern already, but in Raele, you can see the stone houses built with rocks from crushed coral stones (since there is no source of boulder rocks on the island). A 2-3 day trip is ideal when exploring Itbayat.

Yummy Ivatan FoodYou’ll discover just how yummy organic food can be when you are served the Ivatan platter with all the fresh vegetables available on the island, such as fern salad, ampalaya, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, and okra with bagoong. The vegetables taste sweeter than usual and are pleasant to eat – even non-vegetable lovers rave about them.

Ivatans are proud of their home-cooked food, often enjoyed on a big fruit-tree leaf called Kabaya, and eaten with the hands.

It’s a treat to end every meal in Batanes with turmeric rice, made with fresh yellow ginger (sometimes, turmeric powder is used already). My favorite Ivatan dishes are the steamed Uvud balls made from banana heart mixed with meat; Lunez, their crispy and dried adobo version; and Venus, which is made from gabi stalks.

For special occasions, the Ivatans prepare kinilaw (raw fish meat from the fresh catch of the day), uni (sea urchins) and snails. Lobsters are also served to special guests and, occasionally, the tasty meat of coconut crabs. These crabs, called tatus, are already on the endangered list and are only allowed to be consumed locally.Most of the Ivatan meals are served with freshly harvested root crops, like kamote,

cassava or gabi. One particular root crop called dukay, which is white in color, is used as the main ingredient for Dukay Salad (which is fresh fruit and dukay, mixed with cream). You should not miss trying Batanes kamote – it’s very sweet.

The beef in Batanes, when cooked, is very soft and tasty, ideal for dishes like tapa, Bulalo, and my favorite Inihaw na Crispy Tadyang ng Baka. Tes of Pension Ivatan prepares the best beef dishes on the island, and you can take some beef home as pasalubong. Only pork and chicken are allowed to be imported from Manila, while the beef is 100% sourced from Batanes. You can see the cows grazing freely and happily around the vast grasslands, only eating natural and organic grass and vegetables.

Fundacion Pacita AbadFundacion Pacita is one of the best boutique hotels in the Philippines with a “Wuthering Heights” ambiance as it is located on top of a cliff with a 270-degree view of the sea, mountains and the sky. In December, this is one of the only places where you can feel “winter” in a tropical paradise like the Philippines.

This Batanes resort on top of a rolling hill was once the home studio of internationally acclaimed artist Pacita Abad. She’s known for her larger-than-life, colorful mural paintings. One of her latest works was painting a modern pedestrian bridge called The Alkaff Bridge (it crosses the Singapore River at Robertson Quay) with playful colors.

The Fundacion Pacita Batanes Nature Lodge has a country-style charm in a lush garden setting. Its signature terrace rooms with blue chairs look out peacefully towards the sea. Each room was designed to resemble a gallery with works from well-known and up-and-coming artists.

The foundation supports the education of young Ivatan artists and the heritage conservation projects in Batanes. Among its artist beneficiaries are:• OlanGonzales,whoistheleadpainterintheTukonChapelceilingproject;• Mahatao-bornJaypeePortez;• XavierAbelador,arepresentationalandsurrealistpainter;and• ItbatyatartistJavierPonce.

The artworks of these young Ivatan artists are appreciated locally and recognized internationally by art collectors and enthusiasts. Some of their works are sold on Ebay and they have a couple of major commissioned projects also. You can see the tribute painting they created at the entrance of the Fundacion Pacita Batanes Nature Lodge. Pacita Abad’s insignia is located in the center, and each quadrant is painted with the young Ivatan artists’ own interpretation and tribute to the master artist who inspired them.

The Proud Ivatans

The core essence of the magic of Batanes is the first-hand encounter with the Ivatans. They are proud of their culture and heritage – never arrogant and never apologetic about who they are. They lead simple and happy lives, and they are always willing to help and go out of their way to assist you. The true spirit of Bayanihan – where people help each other out (ex. for building houses or preparing for a special occasion) – is still alive in their communities. They celebrate life to the fullest and they generously share this positive energy with the people they meet.

Through the years, Batanes has been able to successfully preserve its magical beauty. Now, it’s just waiting for you to discover it.

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Ash Wednesday

Most Important Things to Do


When Pinoys travel, food is an important factor. If the place is bad but the food is good, the overall experience is good. However, if the food is bad – no matter how good the scenery – the experience will most likely be remembered as negative.

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Most Important Things to Do


To truly experience the culture of the place, you have to eat and drink the unique food the place has to offer. Sometimes, the locals might be shy to offer it because they think that it is

ordinary food. Insist for something local and you’ll be blown away with your experience.

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Earth Hour (8:30 - 9:30 pm)

Most Important Things to Do


Earth Hour Tip: Use this as a teaching moment for kids to conserve energy wisely and to inculcate eco-conscious behaviors or habits.

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Remember, we travel for memories and not for the destination. We travel to share an escape with someone and not just to escape for escape’s sake.

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Chronicle the highlights of your trip here - the awesome experiences you like most and to immortalize the memories about

your trip. Feel free to scribble down your thoughts here.

Travel Log

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A Guide to an Awesome Road Trip to Legazpi City, Bicol!

Don’t miss these must-see and must-eat places to stop over on your road trip to Bicol!

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Araw ng Kagitingan

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Travel Tip: Best Travel destinations in Bicol: Camsur Wakeboarding, Caramoan Islands, Donsol Whale Sharks, Mt. Mayon, Surfing in Bagasbas Beach, and Calaguas Islands.

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Travel Tip: Best Travel destinations in Palawan: Kayangan Lake in Coron, Calauit Island Safari, El Nido and Apulit Islands, Underground River in Puerto Princesa, and San Vicente Long Beach.

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Black Saturday

Easter Sunday

Good FridayMoriones Festival

Earth DayCutud Cruxificions

Maundy Thursday

Most Important Things to Do


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There are three ways to celebrate Holy Week: 1. Commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ; 2. Retreat, Rejuvenate, and Relax; and

3. Experience the Holy Week traditions of different towns each year.

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Labor DayFeast of the Divine Mercy

Most Important Things to Do


Remember if you are going on a north/south road trip, you can always rely on Caltex Stations for car maintenance assistance, and clean restroom. Also, most travel accidents happen on a Good Friday -- make sure to keep it sacred and don’t travel on that day.

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May Why we will always love Boracay Some people already dismiss Boracay as an overdeveloped ecological disaster.

But we love it not only because of its night life and endless parties night after night, we love it because of the “Boracay Spirit” of living life to the fullest and communing with nature in all its glorious beauty. Everyone who visits Boracay imbibes this spirit. Every year, Boracay tries to reinvent itself.

The latest aqua sports and activities are already in Boracay. Riding the Zorb has become a must-try activity. There are two kinds of Zorb Rides: the hydro ride (1-3 persons) and the harness ride (1-2 persons). The hydro ride is more fun because you jump inside a mini pool of water inside the zorb and you don’t rotate with the ball (like in the harness ride, where you are strapped down). The coolest thing about it is you can let the Zorb roll over you. It’s not painful — it’s just like a soft, pillow-y ball running over you.

Helmet Diving, Parasailing, ATV/Buggy Ride and Sunset Paraw Sailing are the top activities to do in Boracay. The Banana Boat and Flying Fish rides are still on the list, too. Boracay now has a 320-meter zip line inside Fairways, but it still has basic service issues so I would not recommend it yet.

A Different Spa Experience I’ve never seen such drama in any other spa in the Philippines. The Tirta Spa difference starts with its “contemporary old” gates guarded by two ugly guards. They are there not to scare you but to scare anything evil—spirits, thoughts, and intentions—surrounding you. As I step past the yin yang and ascend into the gates, the sound of a gong further removes the bad spirits clinging to your soul. Finally, 10 Balinese guards holding a torch and an umbrella welcome you to Tirta spa. I can just imagine how impressive this scene would be at night.

Tirta Spa is the manifestation of En Calvert’s passion of bringing the benefits of a holistic spa experience to the Philippines. I love meeting a Filipina who decided to establish her roots here in the Philippines to show the whole world how we can create the finest health and wellness spa in Asia.Tirta Spa is a young spa with three royal suite villas designed for couples. Each villa has full amenities of a private bathroom, an outdoor bathtub, a shower, and a Koi carp pond to complete the serene ambiance. There are two outdoor Thai pavilion seated on top of the Koi pond where you can enjoy your massage of choice.

Each villa is brought to life with careful attention to detail—from the Indian-inspired doors, to the intricate trellis surrounding the villas, the traveler’s palm carving, and the expert skills of the masseuse. Each villa houses En Calvert’s personal collection of mementos from her travels around the world.The massage begins with a foot massage and a healthy drink of ginger tea. I chose the Herbal Compress massage which makes use of a special blend of herbs and spices (grown at the spa) wrapped in muslin cloth. When heated, the oil extract is massaged onto your body.

After the massage you really feel rejuvenated, and you’ll be so relaxed you won’t want to leave the place.

Boracay’s Finest It’s not just Boracay’s fine white sand, it’s also its delicious food that continues to draw people

to visit the island.

Aria is the undisputed king of Italian Pasta, Salad and wood-fire oven-cooked Pizzas in Boracay.

The spicy Tuna Tartare is a recent favorite. Italian Chef Gino Amodio still runs the kitchen, which

makes this one of the most authentic Italian Restaurants—not only in Boracay, but in the

Philippines. Don’t forget to order Aria’s creamy (never gelatinous) panna cotta with its signature,

innovative flavors like fresh strawberry and pandan syrup, and panna cotta with gata.

Most foodies agree that Discovery Suites has the best buffet on the island, maybe except for

Friday’s Seafood Buffet every Friday. Its impeccable service, delicious food, and great location

right along Station 1 of the white beach make it a winner.

Chef Andre is taking Dos Mestizos, one of the longest-running, top restaurants in Boracay, to The

Next Level. They launched their bottled tapas so that you can enjoy and take the Dos Mestizos

experience back with you to Manila. Among our favorites are the Homemade Chorizo, Callos con

Garbanzos, Blue Cheese Croquettes, and Boquerones (fresh anchovies aged in olive oil). Don’t go

home without tasting their paella, and without savoring the Boracay sunset with the best sangria

on the island.

Cyma lost a bit of its exoticness when it opened in Manila. Nevertheless, the pioneering branch

hidden in the corner of D’Mall continues to serve the best-tasting Greek food and the wildest

“Opa!” versus any Cyma Branch. For the ultimate Cyma experience, start with Saganaki,

Flaming Cheese served with an enthusiastic “OPA!”; have some Roka Salata with its secret

Greek Vinaigrette; for main course order Cyma char-broiled Lamb Chops; and end with Flaming

Mangoes with Vanilla Ice Cream. Cap off your meal with a shot of Ouzo liquor. It is a tradition to

shout “Opa!” before drinking the shot straight up. Try to shout it at the top of your lungs and beat

the loudest “Opa!” ever.

I was asking the Boracay locals about what they would consider the best restaurant in Boracay,

and Kasbah was often mentioned as it is one of the unique, only-in-Boracay restaurants. The only

thing is it is quite far, located beside Discovery Shores. You can take a tricycle up to White House

resort to get there. Try their Tagine stew; Tagine refers to the slow-cooked stew and the special

pot (with a conical cover) in which it is cooked. The stew is flavorful and rich, with very tender

meat. The prunes and eggs give it a different texture that contributes to the overall enjoyment of

this dish. Some say that it is authentic Moroccan cuisine. I honestly wouldn’t know for sure, but I

like it because it’s something refreshingly unique.

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Caramoan Fiesta

Caramoan FiestaMother’s Day

Most Important Things to Do


You will only appreciate the love and sacrifices of a mother once you have kids. Don’t forget to show your love and appreciation to your mother, wife, and all the mothers out there.

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There are three types of traveler: 1. The Checklist Traveler. The objective is to get to most places within the day.2. Off the Beaten Path Traveler. They travel to discover and sometimes look for the extreme adventure.

3. Awesome Traveler. They want to make a positive difference in the places they visit because it enriches them.Which one are you?

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Obando Fertility Rites Obando Fertility RitesObando Fertility Rites

Most Important Things to Do


People travel not only because of the destination but for the misadventures that await them getting to that destination.

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National Flag Day

Most Important Things to Do


Travel Tip: As a rule-of-thumb, a tricycle ride costs typically around P7-P10 per ride per person around the provinces. You can pay for a special trip by paying the cost per person

multiplied by the capacity of the tricycle (max of 6 people). Night trip is usually at a premium.

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Most Important Things to Do


Last Hurray for summer! Make it a tradition to bid farewell to summer by going to the beach one last time with your friends or family. Also, this is your last

chance to take advantage of good weather in Batanes — don’t miss it!

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Kubli Springs Night I’ve been to all the places in the Viaje del Sol route, and I can say that Kubli Springs at the foot

of Mt. Banahaw, in the heart of Dolores, Quezon, is one of those must try experiences for any


Imagine dining amidst a wild forest lit with bonfires, on a table set atop natural rocks, with fresh

spring water flowing at your feet. That same water is quite safe to drink; it is so natural that you

can almost taste the minerals. Water is all around you such that the longer you stay in the place

the calmer and safer it feels.

The best part of the dinner is the excellent food prepared by Jay and Ralph of Kinabuhayan

Cafe. I was caught off guard at how great the food tasted that all my friends were raving about it

long after dinner was over. We were literally dining under the stars; a truly priceless experience.

The best way to enjoy Kubli Springs is to wear swim shorts so you can dine while submerged

in cool clear water. Our dinner consisted of garlic chicken with garlic chili—the best we ever

tasted, a secret risotto dish that was perfect with the tender grilled lamb steak. They served a

salad with flowers and a dressing to remember.

We were challenged by Jay to submerge while eating, but we decided to stand. Frankly, we

didn’t mind because the food was so great that we forgot we were standing for a couple of hours

already. The dessert is an array of sweet fruits. Jay also served the best Barako coffee we ever

tasted and the best Lambanog—smooth and with just the right amount of alcohol.

After dinner, we went back to Jay’s Kinabuhayan cafe where we freshened up and played a little

billiards game. We were introduced to Jay’s loving dachshunds as we toured around the rustic

but homey bed and breakfast.

To get to Kinabuhayan Cafe, go to the end of South Expressway and exit going to Batangas (this

is the second to the last exit on your right). Proceed to the direction of Bicol and when you arrive

in the San Pablo, Laguna border (about an hour and a half from manila without traffic), stay

on the highway up to Km 86 where you will see the Meralco compound to your right. Shortly

after Meralco, turn left on the road leading to Dolores. Go passed Bato srpings and turn left

after the gas station. Stay on this road until you reach Bejarme St. Turn left, after a few meters,

Kinabuhayan cafe will be to your right. Call Jay if you get lost.

Kubli springs is a secret and Jay is not advertising it even in the Viaje del Sol brochure. You must

try it with your barkada!

Kinabuhayan Cafe Bed and Breakfast

Tel (042) 565 6828 Jay +63 917 368 0054 Winston +63 917 327 1106

The Potter’s Place After blogging about Ugu Bigyan’s Pottery Workshop, it continues to be one of the

secret places in the Philippines.Lonely Planet doesn’t mention it; even the people

who live within the area were unaware that such a beautiful garden place exists.

I’ve been raving about it for years now, and if you have not eaten here, you should

plan a Viaje Del Sol trip this coming summer.Here are some tips on making your Ugu Bigyan trip a memorable experience:

1. You need to reserve one day in advance for lunch (minimum of 5) or

merienda. They are strict that you pay for the exact amount of headcount

that you reserved since they buy the ingredients in the market based on the

reservation.2. The Best time to buy pottery items in Ugu are during the sale season. There

are three sale schedules: first is the Pahiyas sale on May 15 (this would be

too crowded); second is his birthday (August 14), where he discounts as

much as his age; lastl is during the first Sunday of October.3. Lunch is now @ P400/ head. It is usually a fixed set depending on what they

can buy in the market. You can influence this a bit and try to change some

of the items based on your preference.4. Merienda is also a nice time to go here and get a taste of their Sago and

Gulaman.5. You can learn pottery here and decide to stay for a night. I suggest you

inquire when the classes are and schedule your visit during that time.Ugu Bigyan’s Hearty Fare consists of:Kulawo (Banana Heart) – The Best seller in the house. This is just done with

charcoal to bring out the smokey flavor and cooked in vinegar and spices. I swear,

it tastes like tuna meat!Pako salad. This is a true filipino dish without any fusion.One of the best Calamares we ever tasted! It is cooked perfectly and with the

right bite.Huge Grilled Ribs that would satisfy any carnivore.Sweet and Sour Fish with Mango salsa. Can I ask for more?Ugu Bigyan: Potter’s Garden 490 Alvarez Village , Brgy Lusacan, Tiaong, Quezon

Call + 63 (42) 545-9144

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Independence Day

Most Important Things to Do


Travel Tip: Bohol and Puerto Princesa are two of the places that are not affected by big typhoons all year round. These two places have nice weather

all the time for tourists and they only get occasional rains.

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Father’s Day150th Birth Anniversary of

Jose Rizal!

Most Important Things to Do


Father’s Day Tip: Being a father of three kids, now I appreciate the big responsibility that every father has to fulfill to raise their kids in a loving but disciplined way. Say Thank You to your dads for bringing up such wonderful responsible Filipinos into this world.

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Most Important Things to Do


Food blogging tip: Learn how to take photos quickly and in its natural environment. Remember, you have to eat it while it is hot. Always ask permission before taking that photo.

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Pintados/Kasadyaan FestivalPintados/Kasadyaan Festival

Most Important Things to Do

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You’ll know good food just by looking at it. Trust your senses, you can already see if the food is prepared well by the way it glows and by the way it subliminally tells you it’s yummy.

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Travel LogChronicle the highlights of your trip here - the awesome

experiences you like most and to immortalize the memories about your trip. Feel free to scribble down your thoughts here.

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The Cagayan de Oro-Bukidnon Experience Cagayan de Oro (CDO) is the gateway to Mindanao and serves as a jump-off point to other

destinations in that region. It is also one of the pioneers in adventure tourism in the country and

it started the Whitewater Rafting craze in the Philippines. Together with thrill-seeking friends, we

decided to experience the Ultimate Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon adventure for 3 days and 2 nights.

Day 1: Mapawa River Trek

We started our journey at the Mapawa Nature Park and River Trek. I heard a lot about it because

of the pictures of the 65-ft waterfall adventure posted on Facebook. But I didn’t fully realize how

exciting — and dangerous — the entire experience would be up close.

The Mapawa River Trek literally entailed hiking along the path of the river where we encountered

five waterfall challenges. We started with a tractor ride and then went on a short hike to the river’s

jump-off point. It took us almost an hour to get there. The first challenge was easy because we just

had to descend a natural waterfall slide that’s about 20-ft tall. It’s scary at first when you look down,

but it’s fun (as long as you don’t hurt yourself by falling the wrong way). For guys, it’s painful if you

hit the water butt-first; for girls, it would hurt if you fall forward. The trick is you have to hit the water

feet-first with a straight body.

The second waterfall was an 11-ft challenge. It was a tricky climb down because of the raging

waters, so the guides created a rope system that helped us go down the falls. As for the third

waterfall, it was an easy 8-ft water slide.

The fourth waterfall challenge separated the men from the boys (in a manner of speaking). We had

to jump off a waterfall that’s 30-ft high. The trick is to be the first to jump because you don’t know

what to expect. The excitement and the adrenaline rush will power you to jump. The longer you wait

for your turn, the greater the chances that you will chicken out. Fear feeds on other people’s fear,

especially if you are afraid of heights.

After that exhilarating jump, we had a nice lunch of adobo, rice and egg. How I wish we had

chocolate cake for dessert...

The last waterfall was the most fun, but also the most challenging, because we had to rappel down

a 65-ft waterfall. It was scary to be hoisted down while peering at the water down, down, down

below. Nevertheless, our success in the previous waterfall jump gave us the confidence to trust the

adventure crew that everything would be safe and fun. The real fun starts when you take your first

step down and you begin to experience the power of the waterfall itself. I still can’t forget taking a

shower inside the falls — what an awesome experience!

After the Mapawa River Trek, we decided to spend the night at the Gardens of Malasag and celebrate

the conquer of the waterfalls with a traditional feast of Cagayan de Oro lechon.

Day 2: Monastery of the Transfiguration in Malaybalay

We went to Bukidnon because we had heard a lot about the Monastery of the Transfiguration in Malaybalay. Our first stopover was for lunch at the Del Monte Farm for tasty steaks and fresh pineapple juice!

I was personally excited to go on a personal retreat and stay overnight in a Benedictine monastery. I studied in the Benedictine Abbey School in Alabang, and I have great respect for the monks.

The food in the monastery was delicious (it was Kapampangan), thanks to the Celebrity Monk — designer Gang Gomez, now known as Benedictine Dom Martin. In fact, most people would flock to the monastery on the second Sunday of each month to have a breakfast feast with the monks after the Sunday Mass.

As for me, I got to experience the holy prayers in the Church with the monks. They pray 7 times a day — I can still remember the Benedictine motto: Ora et Labora, “Work and Play,” because idle time is the time of the devil. Waking up to the nice sound of the church bells, praying at very early hours of the morning with the monks, and listening to them singing all contributed to an experience I won’t ever forget.

After the Sunday mass, we went back to Cagayan de Oro for some Whitewater Rafting fun.

Day 3: White Water Rafting!

For more than 10 years now, CDO has been at the forefront of

Whitewater Rafting adventure sports in the country. Although

some argue that the Whitewater Rafting in Chico River in Kalinga

came first, nobody would dispute that CDO is the more popular

one. Maybe it’s because CDO has a beginner’s route and a more

advanced course. The latter just starts more upstream along the

same river. (For me, Chico River’s Whitewater Rafting experience

is on a different level though, because it’s like passing through

Jurassic Park.)

Our Whitewater Rafting adventure started with suiting up with a

vest and helmet, then getting safety training on how to behave

and paddle in the raft. We were first brought to easy whitewater

to build the confidence of the newbies in the group. After a

series of paddle hi-5’s, we soon felt brave enough to stand on

the raft while passing through moderately rated whitewater. Our

whitewater adventure took around 4 hours.

My favorite part was jumping off the raft and just floating on the

water, being swiftly carried away by the current. What made this

adventure even more memorable was the chance to commune

with nature and to feel embraced by it. At the end of the river

journey, we were treated to a well-deserved grill lunch. :)

It’s amazing how much can be seen and done in just 3 days. I

believe a longer stay would have given us a chance to discover

more gems in the area. As Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, and its

neighbors continue to evolve every year, we aim to be there to

experience it all.

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Most Important Things to Do


Travel Pro tip: Organize tours during the summer peak season, Travel during the off peak, and enjoy the December season with your family.

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Official Declaration of New 7 Wonders of Nature

Most Important Things to Do


Food is part of the Filipino culture; you’ll notice that it is always part of any conversation. When we eat lunch, we talk about what we had for breakfast and what we will have for merienda and dinner.

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Sandugo Festival

Sandugo Festival


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There are three types of Foodies:

1. The Snobbish Gourmets. These are the people who really know their food.2. The Wannabe Chefs. These are the foodies who aspire to be chefs someday.

3. The Amateur Foodies. They label themselves as Foodies because they enjoy food. Period.

Which one are you?

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Most Important Things to Do


Bloggers are the modern historians of our times. Filipinos 20 years from now would look at blog posts on what it was like to live during this time. Contribute to

that history by sharing your experiences through your own personal blog.

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A Taste of Adventure When itching for adventure, you can’t go wrong by picking Davao. Our family

decided to visit Davao to celebrate our second son Joshua’s birthday. We wanted

to go somewhere we had not been; we wanted to explore another city.

We had a fun tour at Eden’s Nature Park. It was raining but we had a fun tour of

the park, which has a 4KM trail route. We also went on our second White Water

Rafting adventure. We want to make it a point to complete the four white water

rafting courses in the Philippines: Cagayan de Oro River in CDO, Davao River in

Davao, Cagayan River in Tuguegarao, and Chico River in Kalinga.

We visited Camp Sabros in Davao del Sur for a “superman adventure. Rache,

Ahiya Aidan and I flew in tandem on the 380m zip line--this is our best family

adventure to date! The two-hour trip to Camp Sabros was worth it—flying

through all the zip line courses and the latest attraction, tree rappelling.

Most of the people I met who have tried tree rappelling raved about it more

than the zip line ride. At the time that we did it, the attraction was only 2 weeks

old. First you have to zip seated on your harness to the tree. The adventure is to

rappel down the swaying 80-foot high tree via the Free-fall Rappelling technique.

To go down, you grip a rappel device by your right hand which releases the rope

steadily while your left hand guides the rope behind your waist. Then you are

hoisted back up with a machine. This is the scarier part of the adventure because

at one point, you feel as though the rope is cut loose. You can’t help but heave a

sigh of relief once you are back up the tree.

On the way back, via cable car, you get to appreciate the entire Mt. Apo view and

the view of the trees below.

I look back on this adventure and remember how we want to establish this as a

tradition—to celebrate our sons’ birthdays exploring another city or destination

in the Philippines.

More than DurianAt Davao, we were raving about the fresh salads for

lunch, and the mango-bravo-like dessert. We also

had yummy Halo-Halo at Aling Fofing’s, had dinner at

Antonio’s Grill and had sansrival for dessert at Bo’s


Something else that is uniquely Davao, though, is

durian. And while I’m sure you’ve heard of durian

candies or durian-flavored jam and tarts, you might

not have tried durian coffee. Davao locals have been

experimenting with the fragrant fruit, mixing it into

different concoctions including coffee. Bluegre Café is

one of the pioneers of durian coffee. They say that the

durian’s sweetness balances out the coffee’s bitterness.

Locals love it, and they say it’s a must-try for visitors.

Fun Ranch HappinessKids these days are very lucky. Imagine an entire compound built for them where they can play,

shop, eat and have a spa massage. This place is called Fun Ranch Center (beside Tiendesitas)

where kids definitely rule! It is fast becoming the cool place to spend family time with your kids

or celebrate your kids’ birthday.

We celebrated valentines with Aidan at Fun Ranch and you can definitely see the happiness on

his face after the trip. It is best to visit here during the weekdays to avoid the kids’ crowd on

weekends. The best places are the Active Fun play area and Little Lambs Spa. There’s also a

Big Red Barn restaurant which was built with kids and family in mind—it makes me happy that

they didn’t opt to put the usual fast food joints. Overall, it’s a wonderful place for kids and I do

hope they are able to maintain it.

7 Tips for the best Fun Ranch Experience

1. Play with your kids @ Active Fun. For kids less than 3 years old, they should be accompanied

by a yaya/a parent (for free).

2. Socks are a must! (for the kids and the parent)

3. Go on a Weekday. You can avail of Little Lambs’ weekday discount promo.

4. Bring Extra Shirts. (for the kids and the parent)

5. Spend 3 hours in this order: Active Fun Play Center — Little Lambs Spa — Big Red Barn

Resto 6. Prepare a budget of P500/ kid for the entire experience.

7. Don’t forget to bring your camera and take fun shots.

Active Fun Play Center

Weekdays (12nn to 9pm) : P150/ Hour

Weekends (9am to 10pm) : P175/ Hour

Hobbies of Asia, 8 Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Ave., Pasay City, Metro Manila

+632 551 3848

Fun Ranch, Frontera Verde Ortigas Ave/ C5, Pasig City

+63 915 370 9006, +632 3965237, +632 6340067, +632 396 5290 Hotline: 0906-3005231

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When foodies want to de-stress or celebrate, they would go to a “feel-good” restaurant. This would mean yummy food, a laid back ambiance, and warm service. Welcome from lovely owners is a plus :)

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Ugu Bigyan’s Birthday Sale


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Ghost Month Tip: Chinese believe that the Ghosts would come out during this time of the year to get other souls to join them. It is bad luck to launch a new business or to travel during this time. The date varies

each year based on the Chinese lunar calendar which ranges from mid August to mid September.

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Kadyawan sa Dabaw

Kadyawan sa DabawNinoy Aquino Day

Ascencion of Mother Mary into Heaven

Most Important Things to Do


Inspire One Mind, Touch One Heart, One Filipino at a time that the Philippines is truly Awesome!

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Most Important Things to Do


Birthdays are a time for thanksgiving and a time to take your self to the next level. Make sure to use this time to ask feedback about how people perceived you and how you can improve your

life moving forward. Make this commitment to continually improve yourself until you die.

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Eid’l FitrNational Heroes’ DayOld Swiss Inn Annual Price Roll Back

Most Important Things to Do


My top 5 Filipino Food are: 1). Kare-Kare, 2). Adobo, 3). Crispy Pata, 4). Dinuguan, and 5). Sugba/Grilled. What are your top 5?August


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Thunderbird Roars Thunderbird Resort is the best resort in the La Union area. It is located in Poro Point Freeport Zone, San Fernando, La Union (about 6 hours away from Manila). This is quite near the La Union airport and about 30 minutes away from the popular San Juan Surf Resort (for those interested in surfing).

The place created a buzz when it opened because it was the first to provide a Santorini-themed resort — ahead of Bellarocca. Unlike Bellarocca, which is located on an island, Thunderbird is part of the La Union mainland and is easily accessible by car. Also, the resort has a decent Mediterranean restaurant called Olives, which makes up for its so-so buffet breakfast.Thunderbird has a swimming pool and a decent beach, good for families that just want to momentarily get away from Manila. Some people go to this resort because of the casino, which was built ahead of the hotel. I originally thought the casino was inside the resort hotel; fortunately, it’s in a different building that’s a bit far from the hotel.

The huge swimming pool area has a pool bar, a mini waterfall, an infinity pool (at the deep end of the pool), and water polo goals on both sides. It was built with children in mind and reminds me of the swimming pool in Sofitel (but without the water slides).

Thunderbird has a baywalk along the rocky shoreline, which leads to the cove with the beach. The beach area is quite nice--golden sand with a bit of crushed shells and clear blue water. Aidan and Joshua had a fun time playing with the baby waves. You won’t really have to worry about letting them explore by the beach because it is shallow and gradually slopes down.

It is quite a walk from the hotel, though. First, you have to go down to the swimming pool, then walk a few minutes along the baywalk before

you reach this beach. Swim here first before going to the swimming pool. You can also rent equipment if you want to jet ski, ride a banca, snorkel, kayak or waterski.

The hotel features whitewashed walls and a sky-blue dome. It is elevated, overlooking the swimming pool. I like the geometric-shaped design of the entire resort with its pockets of greens.

You have an option to stay on the first floor or on the second floor. The upper floor is more premium because it has a better view of the sea. Make sure to reserve ahead of time.

It comes with the basic amenities: safety deposit box, refrigerator, cable TV with stereo, complimentary bottled water, local newspaper, welcome drinks and — best of all — Wi-fi!

Overall, I find Thunderbird to be the best resort in this northern part of Luzon.Thunderbird ResortsPoro Point Freeport Zone, San Fernando City, La Union, PhilippinesEmail: [email protected]: www.ThunderBirdResorts.com/PhilippinesFor Reservations: +63 72 888-7777

A Preview of the Bicol Caravan Here are some things you can look forward to if you’re going to the Bicol area.

1. Photogenic but shy Mt. Mayon.If it is your first time to visit the Bicol region, the view of Mt. Mayon will be breathtaking and awesome. If your intentions are pure according to the local folklore, you should be able to see Mayon clearly. Otherwise, you’ll only be seeing Mayon wrapped around white clouds. Have your cameras ready and take the first opportunity to shoot Mt. Mayon when the clouds are clear.It’s best to visit the Cagsawa ruins duringweekdays when there are no tourists. You can also buy cheap handicrafts in the tiangge and don’t forget to buy mazapan pili.

2. The beautiful Naga.Naga is an ideal place for stop over on road to Donsol, Sorsogon (3 hours from Naga). There are a few places to explore here which includes:

a. Basilica Minore, Naga. Home to the miraculous image of the Patroness of Bicolandia, Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia. Thousands of pilgrims flock to this site during the September celebration of the Peñafrancia Fiesta just to visit and venerate the virgin.

b. Magsaysay Strip - This is where Malate meets Libis in Naga. One of my colleagues in college in DLSU, Junjee Abela, started the trendy restaurants that you can find in the now famous Magsaysay St. of Naga City. Five years ago, he

started Chili Peppers with the vision of having a hip place for sales agents/ transients and the fallen eagles in Ateneo de Naga. After 3 years of successful operation, the other trendy restaurants opened including Coco Leaf, which serves Asian food, and the local coffee house, Bean Bag Coffee. When you eat in Chili Peppers, don’t forget to other their killer food which includes: Baby Back Ribs, Bangus

Tail, Squid, and the Sinigang Bicol style with coconut.

3. An enjoyable road trip to Bicol.a. Don’t forget DVDs! Bring a car with TV/DVD installed and bring a lot of DVDs of movies that you have not watched before. The people inside the car won’t be sleeping if they’re engrossed in the movie they’re watching. But if you want your passengers to sleep, play soothing music (Norah Jones, anyone?) to send them off to dreamland.

b. Feast on fresh food. This is the time to enjoy the food of the southern provinces of Laguna, Quezon and Bicol region. Here are some potential

places to eat:

• Palay-Isdaan in Pagbilao, Quezon. Enjoy eating lunch in a hut amidst ostriches, birds, snakes, crocodiles. There are videoke terminals in some of the huts so that you can sing while eating. The

Tilapia is very good and you can taste its sweet freshness.

• Lita’s Carinderia, Atimonan, Quezon. I have not eaten here but this one is located facing the ocean and boasts of fresh fish and squid. There are alot of people stopping over in this restaurant.

• Biggs Diner in Bicol. Eating breakfast here is a must. Not that the food is great, but at least you can say that you have eaten in one of the successful diners concept in the Philippines. Bicol is the only region where Jollibee is not the number one fast food chain because of the strong equity built by Biggs in this region and a wider

assortment of food.

Makati’s Secret Bicol Comfort Food We love good food from the French Fine Dining Places to Hole-in-the-Wall restaurants. Our recent quest led us to Makati’s secret place for Bicol comfort food. Top Meal Food Haus specializes on Bicol favorites like the Pork Binagoongan and Bicol Express. It is also popular for its pancit selection which includes Pancit Lucban with Chili.

If you like Som’s Thai restaurant in Makati, check out Top Meals Food House within its Makati neighborhood (at the back of Rockwell). There are 5 small tables inside and 2 small tables outside that can sit 2-3 people. You would see native artworks from Sorsogon around the resto and a single ceiling fan to cool the surroundings. This place is a favorite hang-out of Atenistas, Rockwell people and foodies.

What I like about Top House is that it is not like a carinderia where the food is prepared in the morning and served all day. Most of the dishes are cooked when you order it so that it is served hot and fresh from the kitchen. It is best if Wilson Tan is in the resto because he will be the one to cook for you.

Wilson’s specialty is the Pork Binangoongan which is prepared with toasted alamang. The Bicol Express is made with gata and a good mix of fatty and lean meat pork. You can specify if you want your food to be really hot like how they enjoy it in Bicol. The serving plates are small (in proportion with the small tables) but its flavor is enough to compensate for its size.

The Halo-Halo was a bit different because it had a slimy texture because of the Ube made with gata. In Tiwi Halo-Halo tradition, it was served with cheese sprinkled on top. The Leche Flan tasted like it was sugar free. This one is a matter of preference — I like it because it has its own character, while my wife hates it because it was slimy.

Top Meals Food Haus5994 J.D. Villena St. cor. Mabini St. Poblacion, Makati.The place is beside Estelle Salon.

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26th Negros Trade Fair

26th Negros Trade FairGrandparent’s Day

26th Negros Trade Fair26th Negros Trade Fair 26th Negros Trade FairMother Mary’s Birthday


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Top 10 Food places in the Philippines: Pampanga, Tagaytay, Bacolod, Iloilo, Bicol, Cebu, Palawan, Roxas City, Boracay and Tacloban

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Penafrancia Viva La Virgen

Most Important Things to Do


The Rule of Three Independent Sources: Something is being shared through word of mouth if you receive it by three different and independent sources.

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Most Important Things to Do

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Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition

Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition


Foodies love unique yummy food that they can share with their loved ones. If you have a unique yummy food discovery, please email me at [email protected]

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Most Important Things to Do


The Philippines is about to be the next travel destination discovery by the world’s tourists. Let’s do our part in promoting the beauty of the Philippines within our own circle of influence.

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Travel LogChronicle the highlights of your trip here - the awesome

experiences you like most and to immortalize the memories about your trip. Feel free to scribble down your thoughts here.

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Makati’s Best Bacolod Chicken Inasal Place

Do you know that there is an authentic Bacolod Chicken Inasal in the heart of the Makati

District? Two of the authentic Bacolod Chicken Inasal places in Manila are Joel Torre’s

(JT’s) Manukan in Greenhills and Bacolod Chicken House Express in Makati. These are

the two places where people from Bacolod satisfy their craving for an authentic chicken

inasal. Here are the 8 secrets of the authentic Bacolod Chicken Inasal:

1. The authentic Bacolod Chicken Inasal place cooks the chicken 100% raw which

makes it juicier than the commercialized version. Other commercialized Chicken

Inasal places use chicken that is already half-cooked (or worse, cooked already

and just reheated).

2. The secret in the flavor of the Chicken Inasal is in the orange atsuete oil sauce.

3. One of the Bacolod favorites is the Isol (P38). In Bacolod, Isol means atras and

it refers to the chicken ass. The right way to eat isol is to put everything in your

mouth and eat it (including the tail bone).

4. Grilled Liempo (P65) Marinade is good, but the quality of meat is poor. They should

find a better meat supplier for their liempo.

5. Enjoy Chicken Inasal with a sauce of Sinamak Vinegar, Kalamansi, Soy Sauce and

Chili. Always make sure that sinamak vinegar is available.

6. The best way to enjoy the rice is to put a little bit of the orange atsuete sauce and

a pinch of rock salt.

7. To complete the authentic Manukan experience, eat Bacolod Chicken Inasal with

your hands.

8. Carlo’s Bacolod Chicken House Express is one of the authentic Bacolod Chicken

Houses in Manila! It is located in the Savana Market in front of Shopwise Makati.

The resto is owned by Jose Carlo Cajili who is the son of the owner of the Main

Bacolod Chicken House in Bacolod City.

Bacolod Chicken House Express

114 k Savana Market, Metropolitan Avenue, Pasong Tamo, Makati

Authentic Bacolod Fast Food, in Makati Bob’s, Bacolod’s favorite restaurant, is now in Manila. It is a restaurant institution — similar to Aristocrat here in Manila — started by Dr. Homero Sicangco in 1965 in Bacolod. It is popular for its American menu: BBQ, Baby Back Ribs and Cheeseburger. The restaurant in Magallanes is now managed by the 3rd generation. They were able to bring the authentic taste of Bob’s in Bacolod to Manila (but I find it a bit overpriced).

If you are looking for a place to celebrate Masskara festival in Manila, this is the right place to go.

Bob’s Famous Sate Babe with Sate Rice (P145). Tender pork barbecue grilled with peanut butter sauce a.k.a. “Sate Sauce”. Served with sate rice and atchara on the side.

This is Bob’s claim to fame. The Sate sauce tastes like BBQ with peanuts. It is similar to Aristocrat’s sauce but this one has a maasim twist in the end and a more peanut-y taste.

Baby Back Ribs with Onion Rings (P370). Tender pork ribs marinated in homemade bbq sauce and grilled to perfection. Served with crispy onion rings and veggies on the side.

I personally love this! The BBQ taste penetrates every single strand of meat that falls off the bones easily. It is overpriced, though, considering it is only P215 in Bacolod and it only has 4 ribs.

Bob’s Big Boy Cheeseburger (P170). Grilled double patty with Bob’s thousand island dressing, onion, tomato and lettuce in a burger bun.

It is not as big as I thought it would be. The taste is just similar to a double patty cheeseburger in McDonald’s. I was expecting a better burger bun. In Bacolod, this is only P110, so apparently, they priced the Manila dishes +50% or higher.

Fruit Punch (P95). This is one of the famous drinks in Bob’s. What makes it unique is the presence of Ubod bits (used in Fresh Lumpia) and chunks of fresh fruits.

Overall, we would recommend it because of its authentic Bacolod taste.

Bob’s (since 1965)Magallanes, MakatiMarian MagalonaMobile: +639209046401

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Most Important Things to Do


San Miguel Oktoberfest na! During this time of the year, San Miguel releases a special San Miguel Pale Pilsen Brew — this is the only time to taste and experience it so don’t miss it :)

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Maskara FestivalLansones Festival

Maskara FestivalLansones FestivalWorld Bread Day

Most Important Things to Do


Traveling with kids has its benefits — you can be first in line when boarding on an airplane, kids less than 6 years old are usually free of charge in Family-

friendly places, and kids below two years old travel for free in airlines.

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Remember, we travel for memories and not for the destination. We travel to share an escape with someone and not just to escape for escape sake.

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Diwali Festival

Diwali Festival

Diwali FestivalDiwali Festival Diwali Festival

Most Important Things to Do


Halloween Tip: The Halloween Costume parties for kids are becoming very competitive these days. In order for your kids to win in costume parties, the costumes need to be at a cosplay level of quality

already. Kids love it so plan for their awesome costume for next year starting this Halloween.

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All Soul’s DayAll Saint’s Day

Most Important Things to Do

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All Saints Day Tip: All of us are called to be a saint in order to enter the Kingdom of God. It is difficult but not impossible. Never lose sight of our ultimate

objective in life – to be with our friends and family in Heaven :)

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NovemberA Museum of Surprises We love to surprise Aidan these days. I would bring home surprise pasalubongs (cupcakes...) , or treat him to surprise restaurants (Haagen Dazs, Kozui...) or (our favorite) bring him to surprise places he would enjoy (Global Fun Carnival, etc.). He loves airplanes and helicopters, and we bought him helicopter / airplane toys to play with. Occasionally, we would go sunset airplane watching at the Heritage Park.

The ultimate surprise for any kid who loves Airplanes / Helicopters is to bring him in close encounter with the real thing! Of course, you need to set it up as a surprise and bring him to the Aerospace Museum of the Philippine Air Force in Villamor Air Base!

The world class Aerospace Museum opened its doors on the 60th founding anniversary of the Philippine Air Force last June 29, 2007. It was a long awaited opening after 10 years of planning, design and construction. The first floor has interactive displays of modern aerospace science. The second floor houses the Air Force heritage and the history of Aviation in the Philippines. The third floor has a view deck to see excellent views of the air base and its surroundings. Our favorite part of the museum is the display of the 18 kinds of military aircraft permanently towed in the museum for public viewing! The museum is located in the intersection of Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3 and Villamor air base complex. For P20 per person, you can enjoy this museum with your kids! They are open on weekdays and halfday on Saturdays.

Ways to enjoy the Aerospace Museum by the Philippine Air Force1. Touch one of the modern planes on display in the first floor of the museum. Aidan got scared at first because the plane lit up when you go near it.2. Ride and see what’s inside an actual helicopter. I can see the surprised happiness in Aidan’s face when he climbed into the helicopter.3. Sit in the cockpit of one of the jet fighter planes.4. Be amazed with the different airplane models on display like the airport model above.5. Get inside one of the big commercial airplanes donated by the Philippine Airlines. This is air-conditioned plane.6. See what it feels like to peak into a night vision goggle.7. Further explore a total of 18 military aircrafts on display in the aerospace museum.8. See this vintage 8mm movie camera and an old military phone.

Aerospace Museum of the Philippine Air ForceIntersection of Villamor Airbase Complex and NAIA Terminal 3P20 Entrance Fee | Mon-Friday 8am to 5pm and 8am-12nn on Saturday

An Underwater Playground At Manila Ocean Park, kids can have a live encounter with the diverse marine creatures indigenous to

the Philippines and South East Asia. It is priceless to see your toddler amazed and excited throughout

the Oceanarium’s self-paced tour of giant aquariums, coral reefs and live marine exhibits. Don’t miss

interacting with starfish and sea cucumber in the Agos (Flow) area, which is the first aquarium exhibit

that features the natural flow of water from land to sea. The highlight of the tour is the 25 meter-long

tunnel, which feels like watching the marine interaction of different fish, stingrays and sharks from

their underbellies. In the end, you’ll be awed and intimidated by the remarkable display of sharks,

showcasing the Blacktip and Whitetip Reef Shark, Gray Bamboo Shark and the Giant Guitarfish.

Most of the Oceanarium aquarium facilities are in covered and air-conditioned areas, except for the

Agos (Flow) area and the walkway from parking to the Oceanarium’s main entrance. You can bring

strollers, which are convenient to push around, except for areas with stairs (particularly the Agos area

and Oceanarium exit going to the second floor). Taking photos and videos is allowed, except for flash

photography because it would scare the marine animals.

Food and beverages are not allowed in the premises, except for infant formula. It would take a maximum

of 2 hours to go around the exhibits, so better feed your toddler before entering. Popular fast food outlets

like Chowking, North Park, etc. can be found in the vicinity. Tamayo’s Ozeano on the 2nd Floor offers an

Eat-All-You-Can buffet with a mouthwatering dessert display, which can lure your toddler to beg you to

eat there. On average, budget P500/head for your trip to Manila Ocean Park.

Manila Ocean Park

Behind the Quirino Grandstand Luneta, Manila, Philippines

Telephone Number: (+632) 567-7777

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.manilaoceanpark.com

Entrance Fee: Php 400 (Adult), Php 350 (Children 4 ft & below),

Complimentary (Children 2 ft & Below), P320 (Senior Citizens), P360 (Manila Resident)

Park Schedule: Weekends and Holidays 9am-9pm; Weekdays (Mondays-Fridays) 10am-9pm.

(Note: The ticket counter closes at 8:15pm.)

Dare to Discover One thing is for sure, the Nido Fortified Science Discovery Center will have a big impact on

Aidan’s generation. You don’t have to go Singapore to experience a similar Science Discovery

Center where you can teach your kids how science and technology will affect our lives. I also

liked the environmental focus of the Science Discovery Center and it will teach Filipinos to

be sensitive about our environment. My sincere thanks go to the Sy Family for creating this

Discovery Center, and Nestle Nido for the backing.

I took a leap of faith as I paid P330/person entrance fee for myself and Aidan on the opening

of Science Discovery Center. Only one year old kids and below are free. Just think about going

to Singapore to enjoy something like this and the P330 will be a bargain. Don’t compare

it to your playtime in Timezone because this is an educational center and more hi-tech

than your usual recreational game center. Remember your field trip to the now dilapidated

Planetarium in Manila? The new generation will now enjoy the awesome Planetarium inside

the Discovery Center.

I do hope they have a frequent pass (good 1 or 2 years) like they do in Singapore because

you can only do as much in one visit. This is a good brainwashing tool for your kids to learn

to love science and technology. I know families who still avoid Mall of Asia because of the

crowd. But the opening of Science Discovery Center would definitely give them a reason to

go to MOA.

Digitar Planetarium. Complete with star field and astronomical capabilities plus digital

surround sound, our dome-screened 158-seat Digistar Planetarium creates environment

that completely immerse you in images that educate through fun.

The Search for Life: Are We Alone? Synopsis

For ages, people have looked to the stars with inquisitive and dreaming minds. Sailors and

farmers have found guidance in them; poets and lovers, inspiration; scientists and scholars,

answers. But everyone who has ever looked heavenward has also found questions in the

cosmos. Perhaps the most common question pondered over thousands of years is, “Are

we Alone?”

Media City. Experience the latest in software and trends in digital information and computer

graphics, including the Gesture Xtreme Virtual Games.

Grossology Exhibit. Besides entertaining features that reveal how burping happens

(“Burp Man”) and how the kidneys work (“Urine: The Game”), Grossology also offers games

involving educational Q-and-A’s about grossness and identifying different bodily odors.

Transportation Nation. Have a tour inside the engines that will drive tomorrow’s vehicles

and experience the operation of power and the complex technical processes that occur

within the objects that have literally brought us to where we are today.

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45 Days with the Lord Anniversary Mass

Most Important Things to Do


Don’t collect wealth for this earth but collect lasting treasures in Heaven.

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Most Important Things to Do


Live your passion while you are still in your prime. There is no day but today to pursue the things that you truly love!

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8th Maharlika Sunrise FestivalKerygma Conference

8th Maharlika Sunrise FestivalKerygma Conference

8th Maharlika Sunrise FestivalHigantes Festival8th Maharlika Sunrise Festival

8th Maharlika Sunrise FestivalThanksgiving Day

Higantes Festival

Most Important Things to Do


Live for the memories and blog about it to immortalize the experience for future generations.

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Annual Cultural Tour of Negros

Bonifacio Day

Most Important Things to Do


Success means living life with childlike wonder and getting paid for what you love to do :)

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DecemberTop 10 Things To Do For Christmas 1. Immerse yourself in the Filipino Christmas Culture.

Nine days before Christmas, a lot of Filipinos attend Simbang Gabi (the early

morning mass) as a novena and to prepare themselves for Christmas Day.

Filipinos stay up late, waiting for December 25 to come around, to celebrate

Noche Buena with family and friends, culminating in the opening of gifts.

2. Enjoy the Christmas Cleaning.

The week after Christmas is actually an ideal time to get things done because most people will be traveling outside Manila. This is the best time

to purge your files, or do some cleaning and renewal in your work. This is the most laid back period during the year because you are already relieved

of gift-giving responsibilities and people are still on holiday mode.

3. See the Giant Lanterns Festival in the Christmas Capital of the Philippines.

The most celebrated festival during the Christmas season can be found in San Fernando, Pampanga. Various barangays compete for the honor of

having the best and biggest giant lantern display in the country. The lanterns are at least 18ft in diameter and are operated manually to light up and

dance to upbeat music.

4. Pamper yourself in Tagaytay.

Most people travel to Tagaytay to experience the coldest month in the country. This is the best time to

hike to see the Taal Volcano, eat a sunset dinner at Antonio’s, and chillax at the cozy boutique hotels.

The best ones are 8 Suites, The Boutique, T-house, The Inn at Cliffhouse, and Meteora.

5. Explore the Santa Claus House in Antipolo.

Kids would love to see Casa Santa, a Christmas-y house full of Santa Claus-inspired collections.

Since you are already in the area, check out the best Swiss restaurant in the country--Vieux Chalet.

Also, make an appointment to see furniture artist Benji Reyes’ place in Antipolo.

6. Entertain kids at Enchanted Kingdom or Manila Ocean Park.

Enchanted Kingdom is a theme park attraction located in Sta. Rosa, Laguna, just outside Manila. Most people go there during December because of

the cool weather, interesting Christmas shows, and fireworks display.

Manila Ocean Park, on the other hand, is one of the biggest aquarium theme parks in Asia, located near Manila Bay. It is a nice place to explore at

leisure. You can watch the special Christmas shows there or decide to stay at Hotel H2O so that you can really enjoy the place.

7. Avoid the malls and bazaar places from the 10th until Christmas Day.

Filipinos love to give gifts, and they also love to buy them during crunch time. Expect the heaviest traffic during the 12 days before Christmas due to

all the holiday parties, Kris Kringles and reunions happening around this time.

8. Watch a local Filipino film.

Every year, local filmmakers compete in the biggest movie festival in the country, the Metro Manila Film Fest. Starting on Christmas Day, all local

movie theaters would only show the movies taking part in the festival. The films shown don’t usually have subtitles, but watching them with locals

could give you a peek into what Filipino movie culture is all about.

9. Explore Viaje del Sol in Laguna and Quezon.

Here is a recommended itinerary: Lunch tour at Villa Escudero; eat and shop at the best pottery

garden place by Ugu Bigyan in Tiaong, Quezon; and then stay overnight at Hidden Valley in

Alaminos, Laguna.

10. Escape to the beach.

South of Manila, the nearest beaches are the private beaches of Kawayan Cove, Tali Beach and

Punta Fuego in Nasugbu, Batangas; Playa Calatagan in Calatagan, Batangas; Hamilo Coast and

the resorts in Laiya, Batangas. North of Manila, the best beach resort is the private Anvaya Cove

in Subic. Nothing beats just relaxing on the beach and spending time with your loved ones.

What a Spankadventure: The Very Best of Pampanga Cuisine! It was a foodie dream come true!

I have always dreamed about the day that I would get to explore the very best of Pampanga food.It was a feast not to be forgotten--Mely’s Sisig, Jun-Jun’s Barbecue and the popular Everybody Cafe’s authentic Pampanga food. We also treated ourselves to unique Pampanga desserts like Doren Tayag’s Decadent Cake with Caramel Sauce and Aurely’s Special upside down version of Brazo de Mercedes.

You won’t be a certified foodie if you haven’t tasted Kapampangan cuisine. I assure you, you can’t find these types of food in the Metro and yes, you have to travel to San Fernando, Pampanga for a taste of all of these.

Fried Catfish (P80) with Buro and Mustasa (P25). I was never fond of eating catfish specially the fried one because of its aftertaste. This one is an exception because the meat was fried well--crunchy outside but tasty juicy meat inside. You eat this by wrapping a piece of catfish meat with Buro in a vegetable leaf similar to how you would eat a peking duck. The buro is so good that you forget that it is made from fermented rice.

Fried Camaru (P160). I must admit that these food trips are becoming adventurous bordering into the exotic. Although it looks like a fear factor dish, don’t be deceived by its looks. This tastes like bacon and you won’t believe that this was the first dish that was wiped out!

Jun-Jun’s Barbecue (P40/stick). All my blog readers vouch for this, so we had to take out 5 sticks with us to eat in Everybody’s Cafe. This is the best barbecue I ever tasted and it tastes like Aristocrat Chicken Barbecue. It is marinated in Java sauce which makes the meat very tasty and you have the option to put more java sauce on top before eating. Each stick is already good for one meal, and the P40/stick is well worth it because it is full of meat and cooked while you order.

Mely’s Sisig. Voted as the Best Sisig in Pampanga by the locals. Mely’s Sisig is grilled to perfection, chopped and mixed with the special sauce which makes this dish very addicting.

Doren Tayag’s Decadent Cake with Caramel Sauce (P550/ box). The Best Chocolate Cake in Pampanga (if not in Metro Manila)! Now, I’m sounding like I’m exaggerating already but we had to seek out all these treats to taste the best of what Pampanga has to offer. Polly’s Cake will be no match for this soft chocolate cake with decadent icing topped with oh so delicious caramel sauce!

Aurely’s Special: Brazo de Mercedes (P125/box). These highly rich in cholesterol brazo de mercedes are sinfully tempting. I should warn you not to eat one of these or you’ll be addicted specially if you are a brazo de mercedes lover just like us.

Larger than Life Lanterns One of the reasons I love the Philippines is because of its awesome Festivals like the Giant Lantern Festival in San Fernando

Pampanga. If you haven’t seen this, this is one of those moments where you will be proud of the Filipino’s creativity and

hard work.

There were 12 giant lanterns during that year’s festival which makes this the biggest festival so far in terms of participation. It

was held at the back parking lot of SM Pampanga. All the giant lanterns were lined up in front of two tents where the different

celebrity and prominent judges were seated. There is no entrance fee to watch these giant lanterns but the place is too small for

100,000 people that it is literally a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd. The giant lantern competition usually starts at 8pm until 11pm

to complete all the three rounds of competition. The different barangays compete for barangay pride and there is no cash prize.

These lanterns are 18 feet in diameter; they get bigger and bigger each year. Each segment in the lantern

usually has a white Japanese paper cover having 3-4 bulbs behind it with different colors. It is like the Red-

Green-Blue (RGB) configuration in our computer monitors. Of course, each lantern has its own unique design

and creative purpose. Just imagine how complicated it is to create these giant lanterns and coordinating the

switching of the colors. During the competition, the lanterns need to dance and showcase its lights to the

tune of the Christmas songs.

There are three rounds in the competition — designed to showcase each lantern’s beauty and the group’s

ability to sync with the music. There are no commercials or intermission in between the competition, so

it is actually 2 full hours of a magical giant lantern show that you will only see here in the Philippines!

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Immaculate Conception

Annual Cultural Tour of Negros

Most Important Things to Do


15 days before Christmas is the time when most people would buy their Christmas presents. Make it a habit to buy your Christmas presents earlier and beat the Christmas Rush.

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Most Important Things to Do

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Giant Lantern Festival

Start of Simbang GabiUP Oblation Run


The Filipino Christmas is warm, festive, and alive — truly, it is one of the best Christmas Celebrations in the world!

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Most Important Things to Do


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What if the Mayan Prophecy is true that on December 12, 2012 the world as we knew it will end and will renew itself. If you only have one year to live – what would you do differently in 2012?

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New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Day

Rizal Ray

Most Important Things to Do


Merry Christmas! This is the time to forgive and love your enemies and to celebrate life with your friends and families. Celebrate this Christmas like it is the last Christmas in the world!

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Travel LogChronicle the highlights of your trip here - the awesome

experiences you like most and to immortalize the memories about your trip. Feel free to scribble down your thoughts here.

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Notes Notes

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Notes Notes

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Lifestyle Directory Lifestyle Directory

8 Most Awesome Filipino Restaurants

1. Ka Lui369 Rizal Ave., Puerto Princesa City, PalawanTelephone: +63 (48) 433-2580Website: http://www.KaLuiRestaurant.com

2. Isla NaburotBrgy. Sinapsapan, GuimarasContact: Theresa Saldaña Araneta, MDMobile: +63 918 909-8500Email: [email protected]

3. Claude Tayag’s Bale Dutung Villa Gloria Subdivision, Angeles City, PampangaMobile: +63 917 535-9198Telephone: +632 6684038, 5024527 Email: [email protected]: http://BaleDutung.com

4. Breakthrough RestaurantBarangay Sto. Niño Norte, Arevalo, Iloilo Telephone: +63 (33) 337-3027

5. Ugu Bigyan: Potter’s Garden490 Alvarez Village , Brgy Lusacan, Tiaong, QuezonTelephone: + 63 (42) 545-9144

6. Kinabuhayan CafeDolores, QuezonContact: Jay HerreraMobile: +63 917 368-0054Telephone: +63 42-565 6828Email address: [email protected]

7. Cafe Juanita#19 West Capitol Drive, Barrio Capitolyo, PasigTelephone Number: +632 632-0357

8. Pendy’s25th corner Lacson St., Bacolod CityContact: Omon MaravillaTelephone: +63 34 434-0269 (Judy/Margie)

Filipino Restaurants We Love

9. Chef Laudico’s Bistro FilipinoGround Floor net 2 Building, 3rd Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig Telephone: +632 856-0634, 856-0541Mobile: +63 917 800CHEF (2433)

Email: [email protected]: http://www.ChefLaudico.com.ph

10. Abe RestaurantSerendra, Bonifacio Global CityTaguig City, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 856-0526

11. Chef’s Table by Chef Bruce LimUnit 106 The Infinity Tower 26th Street Bonifacio Global City TaguigTelephone: +632 399-18-88Website: http://ChefsTableManila.com

12. Romulo Cafe# 32 Scout Lazcano cor Scout Tuason, Quezon CityMobile: +63 915 662-3121Telephone: +632 3327275

13. Kanin ClubPaseo de Sta. Rosa, Sta. Rosa, Laguna | Ayala Triangle GardensTelephone: +63 (49) 544-0332. Manila Number: +632 771-1400; 332-5978Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kanin-Club/9931121198

14. Bagoong Club122 Scout Dr. Lazcano, Sacred Heart, Quezon City.Telephone: +632 929-5450, 929-0544Website: http://bagoongclub.multiply.com/

15. Everybody’s CafeDel Pilar, MacArthur Highway, San Fernando, Pampanga PampangaTelephone: +63 (45) 860-1121 / 961-7121

The Best Romantic Restaurants

16. Antonio’s RestaurantBgy. Neogan, Tagaytay City, CaviteMobile Number: +63 918 899-2866

17. La Cocina de Tita Moning, San Miguel315 San Rafael St., San Miguel Manila, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 734-2146

18. Vieux ChaletTaktak Road Antipolo City Antipolo, Rizal

Telephone: +632 697-0396Mobile Phone: +63 929 7093063Website: http://vieuxchalet.multiply.com

19. Lemuria5 Julieta Circle, Horseshoe Village Quezon CityTelephone Numbers: +632 724-5211, 722-2185, 724-6306 E-Mail Address: [email protected], [email protected]: http://www.lemuria.com.ph and http://www.brumms.com.ph

19. Galileo Enoteca80 Calbayog St. cor. Malinao St. Mandaluyong City, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 534-4633

20. Ninyo66 Esteban Abada St., Loyola Heights Quezon CityTelephone: +6324260301Mobile: +639175385813Website: http://www.ninyo.ph

Quaint Places to Eat

21. Fat Michael’sLacuña cor. Rodriguez St., Bangkal, Makati City, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 843-1953

22. Cookbook Kitchen8 Socorro Fernandez Street, Mandaluyong City 1550Telephone: +632 724-3595, 381-5935 Website: http://cookbookkitchen.multiply.com/

23. TAuMBAYAN40 K-1st st corner Teodoro Gener St Kamuning, Quezon CityWebsite: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TAuMBAYAN/49898549130

24. Nomnomnom Happy FoodTomas Morato Corner R. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue Quezon City Metro Manila Phone: +632 8250338

25. Cocina Juan100 Maginhawa St., Teacher’s Village, Quezon CityTelephone: +632 434-3911Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cocina-Juan/59845509318

26. Vangogh is Bipolar154 H Maginhawa St. Sikatuna Village, Quezon CityWebsite: http://www.facebook.com/pages/van-gogh-is-bipolar/78957949878

27. Qasa 6161 Lopez Jaena St. Tañong, Marikina City, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 904-6417Mobile Number: +63 927-9411241Email: [email protected]: http://www.qasa61.com/

28. Top Meals Food Haus5994 J.D. Villena St. cor. Mabini St. Poblacion, MakatiWebsite: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Top-Meal-Food-Haus/73151448624

29. Aida’s Chicken House, Makati Cinema Square, Makati City

30. Bacolod Chicken House Express114 k Savana Market, Metropolitan Avenue, Pasong Tamo, Makati

31. You Jie Xiao Chao Chinese Hunan restaurant6404 Camia St. Guadalupe Viejo, Makati CityMobile Number: +63 915 4252972, +63 927 7876999

Most Awesome Chinese Restaurants

32. Tao Yuan508-512 General Malvar St., Corner A, Mabini St., Malate(Beside Music 21 and across Pan Pacific Hotel)Telephone: +632 522-7009, 522-7010 Mobile: (+63)917-8197218Email: [email protected], [email protected]: http://www.taoyuanrestaurant.com

33. Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long BaoUnit 117-121 (near Haagen Dazs and Goodwill Bookstore)V-Mall, Greenhills Shopping Center, Greenhills, San Juan CityTelephone: +632 570-6910, 570-6912Website: www.CrystalJade.com

34. Lugang Cafe - Bellagio in Manila115 Connecticut St., Northeast Greenhills, San Juan CityTelephone: +632 775-7599

35. Wee Nam Kee PhilippinesRestaurants at the Ayala Triangle Gardens, Makati Avenue, Makati CityTelephone: +632 846-8924Website: http://www.facebook.com/WeeNamKeePH

36. Peking Garden Restaurant4/F Greenbelt 5 Legaspi Street Legaspi Village Makati Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 729-0820

37. Choi Garden Seafood and Shark’s Fin Restaurant12 Annapolis St. cor. Purdue St., San Juan, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 727-6042

38. Eat Well! Delicious KitchenUnit C, G/F Net Quad Bldg., 30th-31st St. Bonifacio Global City, TaguigTelephone: +632 856-9408

39. The Legend Seafood RestaurantCCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay, Luzon, PhilippinesTelephone: +632 833-1188, 833-3388, 832-2288 Email: [email protected] Website: www.legendhkseafood.webs.com

40. Passion Restaurant2nd Floor, Maxims Hotel, Resorts World Manila, Newport Boulevard, Newport City, Cybertourism Zone, Pasay Telephone: +632 836-6333Website: www.rwmanila.com

Healthy Places to Eat

41. RawVolutionGOLD Bldg., 15 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan

42. Greens Vegetarian Restaurant and Cafe92 Scout Casto St., South Triangle, Quezon City, Metro ManilaTelephone: +632 415-4796

43. Corner Tree Cafe (Vegetarian Food)150 Jupiter Street Bel-Air, Makati,Mobile Number: Chiqui +63917-8481004 or Leah +63916-6149927

44.Wabi-Sabi Noodle House & Vegetarian Grocery7274 Malugay St., Brgy. San Antonio, Makati (Located at the back, right side of The Collective)Telephone: +63918-450 1714Email: [email protected]

45. Green Daisy20 Maginhawa St., UP VillageQuezon City, Metro Manila, PhilippinesPhone Number: +632 922-2409 Mobile Number: +63 917 814-8262

Most Awesome Japanese Restaurants

46. Urameshi-ya Yakiniku RestaurantLittle Tokyo, 2277 Pasong Tamo Makati CityTelephone: +632 8132210

47. Ukokkei Ramen RonUnit 1-2 Upper Ground Floor Tesoro Building 822 A. Arnaiz Avenue ( Pasay road ) Makati Telephone: +632 856-4588

48. Seryna Japanese RestaurantLittle Tokyo, 2277 Pasong Tamo Makati CityTelephone: +632 894-3855

49. Kikufuji, MakatiLittle Tokyo, 2277 Pasong Tamo Makati CityTelephone: +632 893-7319

50. Sushi Kappo KOBIKI-CHO150 Legazpi Street, Legazpi Village, Makati City+632 752-1280

51. InagikuMakati Shangrila, Ayala Avenue corner Makati Avenue, Makati CityTelephone: +632 840 0884Website: http://www.shangri-la.com/en/property/manila/makatishangrila/dining


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Lifestyle Directory

Most Awesome Italian Restaurant

52. C’ Italian Fine Italian Dining1210 Don Juico Avenue, Clark Field, Angeles City, PampangaContact: Chef Chris LocherTelephone: +63 45 892-4059Website: www.c-italian-dining.com

53. CantinettaG/F Karrivin Plaza, 2316 Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City+632 892-9873

54. Bellini’s Italian RestaurantCubao Expo, Gen. Romulo Ave., Cubao, Quezon CityContact: Roberto & Ma. Luisa BelliniTelephone: +(632) 913-2550

Most Awesome French Restaurants

55. Je Suis GourmandG/F, Net One Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City+632 815-8801

56. Restaurant CicouHotel Celeste San Lorenzo Drive cor. A. Arnaiz Ave., San Lorenzo Village, Makati CityTelephone: +632 887-8080 loc. 242

57. La Regalade French Bistro820 Arnaiz Ave., Makati CityTelephone: +632 750-2104Website: http://www.laregalademanila.com

58. Alexandre Full Bakery & Bistro31st St. cor. 1st Avenue, Ground Floor, The Grand Hamptons Tower 2,Crescent Park West, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. Telephone: +632 403-2907Website: http://alexandre.ph/

Specialty Restaurants We Love

59. L’Entrecote (Steak and Frites)Forbes Town Center, Unit A Bellagio 2Burgos Circle, Bonifacio Global City, TaguigTelephone: +632 856-4858

Email: [email protected]: http://www.lentrecotemanila.com/

60. Cyma (Greek)G/F Greenbelt 2, Ayala Malls, Makati CityTelephone: +632 729-4837Unit 638 Level 6 Shangri-la Mall, Mandaluyong CityTelephone: +632 637-3090Website: http://cymarestaurants.com/

61. Lu Restaurant (Mediterranean)G/F Joya Bldg., Joya Drive, Rockwell. Makati CityTelephone: (+632) 403-3991

62. Balkan Express (Balkan)87 Jose Abad Santos St., corner Mons St., Little Baguio, City of San JuanTelephone: +632 330-0945

63. Ba Noi’s (Vietnamese)G/F Greenbelt Mansions, Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati CityTelephone: +632 893-7359

64. MAYA Mexican Restaurant & Tequila Lounge (Mexican)Crossroads Banilad, CebuTelephone: +632 238-9552, 238-9618Mobile: +63 917 624-9185Email: [email protected]: http://www.MayaCebu.com

65. People’s Palace (Thai)G/F Garden Side, Greenbelt 3, Ayala Center, Makati CityTelephone: +632 729-2888Email: [email protected]: http://www.peoplespalacethai.com

66. Old Swiss Inn 24/7 (Swiss)G/F Somerset Olympia Makati Ave. (beside the Peninsula) cor. Sto Tomas St., Makati City Telephone: +632 818-0098, 818-8251, 894-5826Website: http://www.oldswissinn.com

67. Borough 24/7 (New York)Ground floor, Unit 107A, The Podium Mall, 12 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, MandaluyongTelephone: +632 5708906

68. Chocolate Fire (Desserts)PDCP Building, Corner of Leviste St. and Rufino St., Makati

Telephone: +632-840-FIRE (3473) Email: [email protected]: www.chocolatefire.com

69. Whistlestop 24/7 (Asian)Address: 28 Jupiter St., Makati, PhilippinesTelephone: +632 896 1989Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Whistlestop/129858612590

70. Swagat Indian Cuisine (Indian)FCC Building, 119 Rada St., Legaspi Village, Makati CityTelephone: +632 752-5669

The Best in Continental Cuisine

71. Aubergine Restaurant & Patisserie32nd and 5th Building. 5th Avenue cor. 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig Telephone: +632 856 9888.Email: [email protected] Website: www.aubergine.ph

72. Sala Restaurant6752 Ayala Avenue corner Makati Avenue, Makati CityTelephone: +632 750 1555 / +632 893 0242 Email: [email protected]: http://www.salarestaurant.com/

73. The Goose StationGround Floor, W Tower, 39th St., Bonifacio Global City, TaguigTelephone: +632 556 9068Mobile: +63917 85 GOOSE (46673)

74. Cafe 1771El Pueblo Real de Manila, Julia Vargas cor. ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, PasigTelephone: +632 631-7340

75. MassetoG/F 114 Valero St., Salcedo Village, Makati CityTelephone: +632 8103565, 3380929Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Masseto/253146102439

76. Restaurant 101Enderun Colleges, 1100 Campus Avenue, McKinley Hill, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig Telephone +632 856 5000 local 101 or 403-7840Website: www.101.enderuncolleges.com/

Lifestyle Directory

77. LussoG/F Greenbelt 5, Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati CityTelephone: +632 756-5893

78. Apartment 1BOne Lafayette Square, G/F Unit 1-B 132 L.P. Leviste cor. Sedeno St., Salcedo Village Makati CityTelephone: +632 843-4075

Best Steakhouse

79. CRU SteakhouseNo.10 Newport Boulevard, Newport City Complex, Pasay CityTelephone: +632 988-9992Fax: +632 988-9946Email: [email protected]: www.marriott.com/mnlap

80. MamouSerendra, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig CityTelephone: +632 856-3569

81. Elbert’s Steak Room3/F Sagittarius Building III, 111 H. V. de la Costa Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City Telephone: +632 339-3363Mobile Number: +63 915 315-1813Email: [email protected]: http://www.steakroom.com/

Best Buffets in Manila

82. SpiralsSofitel Philippine Plaza Manila, CCP Complex Roxas Boulevard , Pasay CityTelephone: +632 551-5555, 832-6988Website: http://www.sofitel.com

83. Circles Event CafeMakati Shangri-La Ayala Avenue corner Makati Avenue Makati City Telephone: +632 840 0884Website: http://www.shangri-la.com/en/property/manila/makatishangrila/dining

84. Sunday Family Crossover BrunchDusit Thani Hotel & Resorts, Ayala Centre, Makati CityTelephone: +632 238 8888Website: http://www.dusit.com/hotels/philippines/manila/dusit_thani/restaurants/index.html

85. Escolta, Manila PeninsulaThe Peninsula Manila, Corner of Ayala and Makati Avenues, Metro Manila Telephone: +632 887-2888Email: [email protected]: http://www.peninsula.com/Manila/en/Dining/Escolta/default.aspx

86. LiLi Restaurant (Yum Cha Buffet)5/F Hyatt Hotel & Casino Manila, Pedro Gil cor. MH del Pilar ManilaTelephone: +632 245-1234

Best Burger Places

87. Charlie’s Grind and Grills16 East Kapitolyo Drive Pasig CityTelephone: +632 501-0137, 635-4857

88. Chuck’s Deli141 C Serendra Piazza, Bonifacio Global City Taguig CityTelephone: +632 576-4210Mobile: +63 923 398-6378Email: [email protected]: www.chucksdeli.com.ph

89. BRGR: The Burger Project122 Maginhawa St., Teachers Village, QCTelephone: +632 351-7474Email: [email protected]: theburgerproject.com

Most Awesome Garden Restaurants

90. My Mother’s Garden2650 Zamora St. Pasay CityTelephone: +632 831-8407Mobile Numbers:Malu Antonio Veloso (+63 917 600 8886)Letlet Antonio Veloso (+63 918 702 2125)

91. Sonya’s Garden, TagaytayBarangay Buck Estate, Alfonso, Cavite, PhilippinesMobile: +63-9175329097 / +63-9175335140 / +63-9175231080 Email: [email protected]: http://www.sonyasgarden.com

92. Balai Indang, TagaytayIndang, CaviteContact: Marge Tan Mobile: +63 917 866 5825

93. Isabelo Garden RestaurantSan Roque, Marikina CityTelephone: +632 510.6914Mobile Number: +63 908 740-1645 Email: [email protected]: http://www.isabelogarden.com

94. Chateau Hestia Garden Restaurant Purok 5, Brgy. Bukal, Silang, Cavite, Philippines 4118 (near Tagaytay City)Telephone: +63 929 711-3289Email: [email protected]: http://www.chateauhestia.com/

95. Crescent Moon CafeSapang Buho, Ascencion Road, Barangay Dalig, Antipolo CityTelephone: +632 630-5854, +632 658-3866Mobile Number: +63917 523-2356

96. Bawai’s, Vietnamese RestaurantPurok 5, Silang, Cavite and Sandari, BatulaoMobile: +63920 9722924Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bawais-Vietnamese-Kitchen-Tagaytay/78856454717

Private Dining Places

97. SOCO Private Dining6 General Segundo Street San Antonio Village PasigPhone: +63(0922)8804823Telephone: +632 910-0724

98. The Home Chef Private Dining by Minnie PunoSomewhere in the Ayala Alabang areaTelephone: +632 842-2559 Mobile: +63917-8382559,Email: [email protected]

99. Chef Popit’sCrown Tower, 107 HV dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village, Makati CityMobile: +63 917 893-1938

100. Myrna Segismundo’s New Manila: Private Kitchen45 Sunrise Hill, New Manila Rolling Hills Village, Quezon CityTelephone: +632 721-0736Email: [email protected]


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