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My Top 20 by Adam the Crystal Grid Maker.pdf

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My Top 20 By Adam Garcia
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My Top 20


Adam Garcia

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An introductory guide to twenty of my favorite

crystals, rocks and stones, by Adam, “The

Crystal Grid Maker.”

Adam Garcia

- crystalgridmaker.com -

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Clear Quartz……………………...p11


Herkimer Diamond………………p13


Lemurian Seed Crystal………….p15


Peacock Ore……………………..p17

Red Jasper……………………….p18

Rose Quartz………………..........p19




Smoky Quartz…………………....p23

Tiger’s Eye…………………….....p24

About Adam………………………p25

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014

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Thank you for purchasing my first book on crystals, My

Top 20. Inside you will find photos and explanations

about my 20 most favorite stones and crystals.

You don’t have to be a crystal grid maker to enjoy the

healing and energy of these amazing beings. All you

have to be is open and willing to connect. That’s really

all it takes.

I’ve been using crystals and stones my whole life and I

can’t begin to tell you how much they mean to me. I

hope you enjoy connecting with them like I do.

Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker

PLEASE NOTE: The recommendations and opinions in this

book are in no means a replacement for medical treatment

or diagnosis. Seek medical assistance when necessary.

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I like to use amethyst to charge up other stones. It helps open up my third eye and strengthen my intuition. It also helps to connect people with their angels and spirit guides.

Amethyst has very powerful healing energy and helps to clear negativity from past lives. It can connect you to other times and spaces.

This healer helps to maintain focus and balance your emotions.

This stone is highly vibrational and does not pick up lower energies like most other stones. You can clear by smudging, by wand and also with prayerful intention.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Angelite assists in connecting with the Angelic Realm. If you meditate with it and focus your intention on calling forth the Angels, it is an amazing, extraordinary adventure.

This stone is full of compassion and kindness and helps those who are depressed. Angelite assists the throat chakra and thyroid which helps people to speak their truth.

If you are someone who beats themselves up, or is really low on self worth, this is a good stone to have. Keeping it on you or near you can uplift your spirit and help you to see the love and the light that defines you.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Aventurine is a very powerful, highly vibrational stone. It is good for the adrenal glands. If you are feeling low of energy, stressed or tired, this is an awesome stone for you.

Aventurine promotes calm and balance. This stone is wonderful for healing of the heart, whether that be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing that is necessary.

Wear this stone on your body, carry it in your pocket, meditate with it, pray with it or have it nearby to create a path to your spiritual adventure!

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Bloodstone is like a filtering stone. It helps to detoxify negative energy and emotion. Not only does it pull away lower vibrations from your energy field, it also helps to detox your body of toxicity. People with kidney, liver, or stomach problems will benefit from this stone.

Place bloodstone on the area that is affected by toxins, and it will help draw out the negative energies. This will create peace and balance in the body.

Make sure to cleanse this stone often as it acts like a sponge for lower vibrations. You can clear it by smudging, by wand or by prayerful intention. It’s also a great idea to keep this healer charged up so it is at the most powerful state.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Celestite is a stone of a protection from lower energies and negative beings. It attracts love and light vibrations and is a connector to the angelic realm.

This is an excellent crystal to use for those who have thyroid issues or who have problems expressing their truth.

Meditate with this healer and you will be uplifted in spiritual and emotional vibration.

Celestite is also great for muscle relaxation. If you are stressed, place this stone on the body and ask for its healing frequencies to assist you.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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This stone helps with eye sight and the digestive system. It is wonderful at recharging energy and also releasing negativity.

Citrine can help physically with the thyroid, kidneys and stomach as well as assist with healing infections.

Use this stone to attract abundance and higher vibrations into your life. If you are working on manifesting a goal, place citrine on top of a piece of paper with your goal written on it and this will help you keep focus on making the goal your reality.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Clear quartz is a multipurpose stone. It can be used to heal, to clear, and to charge. Quartz acts as a generator and is amazing to use in crystal grids. It revs up the vibration of whatever stone it is paired with.

When placed on the third eye chakra, quartz stimulates and clears as well as activates the pineal gland. This will help strengthen clairvoyance and psychic ability.

Clear quartz is a conduit for making the energy flow easier and smoother and can also energize you when necessary.

Place clear quartz in a room to heighten the vibration in your home.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Flourite is good for psychic protection and helps you ground and balance. It is used to repair DNA, remove pain, sooth inflammation and assist with healing from infections. This stone is also good for the digestive system.

Place flourite on the area of your body that is affected and ask the stone for healing.

Flourite can also help clear other stones of lower vibrations.

It makes a wonderful study helper as it helps maintain focus. Hold onto a piece of flourite while you’re doing homework and then bring it with you at test time. The energy will help you remember your studies.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Like quartz, Herkimer Diamonds are multi-purpose stones. They can be used for healing, grounding, chakra cleansing, and strengthening intuition and telepathy.

These stones are also great to help with past life memory recall. They can help you connect with past life memories that may be blocking you now.

Herkimer diamonds help with restlessness and when placed near a bed can bring calm and peaceful sleep.

Work with these crystals on a deep, meditative level and they will help you see spirits and achieve discernment.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Kyanite IS MY FAVORITE STONE! It is powerful, healing and calming. It is good to keep by you at night to keep negative spirits and energy and entities away. Kyanite is the only stone that NEVER needs clearing because it never picks up negative energy. It can also be used to clear other rocks.

Keep it next to the front door to help remove negative energy from guests entering your home. If you’re angry or unsettled, wear this stone or keep it close to you to help remove lower vibrations.

NEVER place kyanite in water to cleanse it. Water can harm this stone. Clear this stone with smudging, by wand or with healing intention.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Lemurian seed crystals are said to be left by elders of Lemuria, an advanced civilization that existed before Atlantis. Each seed crystal has records located on its edges that store information that existed during the times of Lemuria.

These crystals work specifically with the heart chakra to heal old wounds from memories of life time’s past. They are also key to opening up memories of life within Lemuria. Meditate with them and you will perceive Lemuria.

Lemurian seed crystals find you. It’s really not the other way around. They help to open up your third eye and connect you with other dimensions.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Obsidian is a highly vibrational, stress clearing stone. It can be used like kyanite to clear negative energies away and is also helpful to prevent psychic attack.

If you are angry, hold obsidian and allow it to lessen the charge of the anger. Set your intention to release, and let the stone help you.

Because obsidian draws out lower vibrations, it is important to clear this stone often. You can smudge it, use a wand or prayerful intention to clear it.

Obsidian is also good for grounding, balancing and clearing spaces.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Peacock Ore is a helpful stone that provides physical and chakra healing. It works with the heart and is good for people with heart and lung issues.

This stone also works with the soul. Peacock ore can be used in soul retrieval and also in connecting to a deeper understanding of one’s spirit.

When used in grids it is good for focus and also abundance. Place this stone next to your bed for protection as well as good dreams. Peacock ore can work as a dream catcher, pulling negativity from your dream state.

Make sure to clear this stone often with sage or prayerful intention.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Red Jasper is a powerful healer for the digestive system. It works to detox the liver, especially, but also the blood and circulatory system.

This stone works well for grounding and connecting to the Earth. Use it while laying down after a hard day and feel the energy lighten up around you. Red Jasper works well in Shamanic healing and meditation.

The Angels work through this stone to help souls get used to being on Earth and birthed into a physical form. This will help those who feel like they are out of place or that they do not belong here.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Rose Quartz is the LOVE STONE. It gives out a powerful vibration of unconditional love.

Use this stone to heal from emotional stress or trauma. It is helpful for recovery from a broken heart and will also assist with moving through the grieving process.

Used in an intention grid, rose quartz can help attract more love into your life. It can be used to draw in romantic love as well as love of self.

Place rose quartz around a room where family gathers to help with peace and harmony in the home.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Ruby is many different colors. It is not always red as most people think. These rubies are purple and pink.

They are very beautiful and highly vibrational. I like to think of them as EPIC!

Ruby is calming and helps to balance out the emotions. It can also really charge you up, so if you are sensitive it may make you hyper.

This stone works physically for fevers and infections. It helps people with chronic fatigue. Ruby works with your thought processes to maintain focus.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Selenite is a good stone for the chakra points. It helps to balance energies of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This stone also works to heal the nerve system in the body. If you have spinal or nerve problems, selenite is a good choice for your healing.

Selenite is a high vibration stone and is used to charge up other rocks and crystals. Its high energy lightens up a room and the mood of all who connect with it.

This stone is wonderful when working with children, being used by kids or healing your inner child.

Water should not be used around selenite as it can harm this stone.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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This stone forms differently than most other stones. It forms from organic life forms and has all the elements of the periodic table in it. The only place in the world where this stone is located is Russia.

It is a very powerful stone and is good for any chakra healing, the bone structure and pain relief. It also is a good clearing and shielding stone and helps shield from EMF energies.

Place shungite around your computer, cell phone, or other electronic devices to create a barrier from EMF energies.

Shungite raises your own vibration because of its power. If you are sensitive to energy, be careful when working with this stone.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Smoky Quartz is a good stone for many things such as clearing stones, relieving stress, and is good in rutilatedgrids. They are a boundless stone to help mend the heart after a love one’s passing. They can be used as a wand to position energy into other possessions or other individuals. They are a countless stone to have around you to defend you from lesser vibrations.

This stone is also good to rest with to catch bad dreams which means that it has to be cleared a lot. You can clear smoke quartz with sage, with a wand or with prayerful intention.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Tiger’s eye is a fantastic stone for focus, terminated grids, and digestive issues.

You can position it in your pocket to help you keep attention on the task at hand and not get distracted. If you create a grid completely out of tigers eye you can develop a very powerful focus grid.

This crystal is a flawless stone for those who have digestive complications. It aids you to have fewer stomach difficulties. Tiger’s eye is tremendous in terminated grids. It helps clear the stones in the grid which is very helpful.

©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014


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Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker, was born a

crystal child and soon exhibited his incredible

connection to stones and crystals. He uses

his sensitivity and healing abilities to help

others understand and recognize their own

spiritual power and gifts. See more about

Adam on his website at


©Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Adam Garcia, The Crystal Grid Maker 2014
