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myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute

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About myForesight, Malaysian Foresight Institute roles and responsibilities as well as programs and activities
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® Exploring Future Possibilities
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Exploring Future Possibilities

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

The Need For Foresight

Why Foresight?

There is a need for governments & policy makers to

take a long-term view, as the choices and decisions

made today will have an impact on the lives of future

generations. However the short-term nature of the

electoral cycle and the limits of ministerial &

departmental boundaries makes it difficult to address

long-term as well as trans-disciplinary challenges.

The limits of projections of future trends using past

data combined with the inherent uncertainty of the

future, suggest that there is a need to focus on medium

to long-term time horizons as the context for short-

term responses.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Aspects & Characteristics of Foresight

Foresight or future oriented work is nothing new and

has been used in decision making contexts since the

1950s. Recently, the use of such methods in policy has

grown due to increased occurrences of unexpected

events such as flooding & economic crises; the

increasing rapidity of social and economic change as

well as the complex nature of contemporary problems

such as obesity, climate change & social exclusion.

Foresight refers to systematic and purposeful processes

of future-oriented deliberation between participants

with a view to identifying actions to be taken, or goals

to be pursued for better future outcomes.

General Foresight Approaches

• Anticipation – Identification of plausible future

developments by systematically identifying potential

threats and opportunities through the use of scenarios &

horizon scanning.

• Participation – Participative processes since knowledge

is widely distributed & there is a need for a trans–

disciplinary stakeholders engagement to include

government, industry, academia and the wider public.

Participation can also increase support for and

implementation of the outcomes.

• Action - Foresight anticipates plausible futures & feeds

insights to help decision makers take action. Action

includes but not limited to creating policy goals, setting

priorities, building networks & aiding participants to

develop or adjust strategy.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Global & National Foresight

A recognized tool for public policy & planning, foresight has been used and promoted by the likes of UNIDO, UNEP & WEF. Most developed countries conduct national foresight exercises of some form, driven by the escalation in industrial and economic competition and increasing pressures on government spending. The European Commission (EC) has been influential in promoting technology foresight by supporting Candidate Countries to develop a full Foresight capability.

Although foresight in the 1990s had a technology focus, to date there has been a global trend towards increased participation and the inclusion of broader socio-economic challenges as seen in the foresight programme in the UK, Germany and Japan. One of the merits of broader models of foresight is their ability to take account of scientific, economic, social and environmental factors.

In the UK, Foresight was launched in 1994, based within the Government Office of Science which is chaired by the Chief Scientist. The UK foresight model is well recognized internationally, and foresight programmes in Europe, US, Japan and Latin America have been inspired by them.

Closer to home; South Korea’s Foresight are conducted regularly in support of National Science & Technology Council. Whereas Singapore established their foresight oriented programme as part of the National Security Coordination Secretariat at the Prime Minister's Office.
















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Mapping Foresight R. Popper (2011)

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

In Malaysian context, foresight will enable the bridging of

the various development plans as well as providing a

framework and guidance toward creating better future

oriented policies.

The participatory process of foresight will ensure

harmonization & offer techniques to think beyond normal

planning horizons to spot potential discontinuities from

current trends. Futures thinking will enable identification

of opportunities & risks to help policy makers identify

strategies that are robust to a variety of outcomes,

examining the unintended consequences of policy options

and to shape long-term action.

They are not meant to replace existing processes, but

complement them and increase their effectiveness.

Foresight for Socio Economic Planning

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Foresight & Malaysian Futures

The future scenarios for Malaysia were developed over a period of time synthesizing the perspectives of senior executives from leading organizations, as well as thought leaders, scenario practitioners and public figures in the country. Based on the scenarios developed, a common theme was derived. The common theme identified provides a foundation for identifying the broad areas to be considered which will affect Malaysia in the future.

Green Futures is an encompassing theme whereby in moving forward there is a need to sustain the environment as well as conserve the natural ecosystem and resources, thus curbing the negative impacts of development.

In propelling the country forward in achieving developed nation status, Mobility & interconnectivity is of great importance since it will be the pulse of the nation development.

In no uncertain terms Security & sustainability could be compromised in developing a positive futures for the country

Cross cutting issues like innovation, human capital, education as well as technology figures prominently in futures thinking. Therefore serve to highlight its importance in addressing Malaysian Futures.

“myForesight activities will be guided by these future themes”

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Foresight Projects & Activities

myForesight® projects and activities are undertaken to realize the goals and objectives of the Malaysian Foresight Institute as well as upholding the national vision, mission and aspiration. It will also be guided by futures trends, issues & themes.

The selection of these projects ensures that it draws upon a range of disciplines and deal with key issues for the economy, society and environment; where science & technology offers valuable insights & solutions. By looking ahead further than is traditional we want to assist the Government to strike the right balance between long-term thinking & tackling issues that need immediate attention. Our goal is that any Foresight project must: • Looking ahead at least 10 years; • Future-oriented and preferably based upon science & technology; • Trans-disciplinary, and policy issues that cut across

ministries/departmental boundaries; • Can produce results that can influence Government policy; • Will not duplicate work taking place elsewhere; • Has support in and commitment from key stakeholders.

Ideas may arise from within myForesight® itself, as a result of consultation with government departments or from discussions with the research community. The myForesight® Governance Board also feeds into the process.

A wholesome approach in looking at various issues

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

“initiate future oriented subject or topic for discussions and attention”

myForesight® promotes the use of futures thinking by combining well known foresight methodologies with futures analysis in developing strategies and policies which are resilient to different future outcomes as well as exploring future possibilities. myForesight® will do this in three ways:

• Horizon & Trend Scanning: Framework in continuous monitoring of trends to pick up weak signals and emerging issues;

• Foresight Projects: Looking at major issues 10-20 years into the future, which provide futures and evidence analysis to fill a specific gap in existing policy understanding;

• Capacity building: Training, toolkits and networks to strengthen futures thinking capacity and share best practice within and across government.

This will be supported by myForesight® creation of network for foresight aficionados and experts. Leveraging on international expertise and promoting Malaysia’s competencies in foresight internationally.

It is our aim that the work we do will be used to stimulate & inform the development of more effective strategies, policies and priorities at regional, national and international levels. Therefore programmes and activities will be created to enable the mainstreaming of foresight findings, tools and methodologies. myForesight® will also be promoting the sharing of knowledge and information as well as a reference point for foresight activities in Malaysia

Foresight Projects & Activities

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute

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Programmes & Activities

The diverse nature of myForesight activities reflects the complexity of dealing with issues and trends of the future and will require the involvement of various stakeholders. Already in the pipeline are activities dealing with technology, youth

and social development.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Highlights on Programmes & Activities

Green Technology Scenarios 2030 is a project to be undertaken in collaboration with Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water. It is a prelude to the creation of the country’s National Green Technology Roadmaps across 9 pre selected sectors.

There is a need to have a wholesome approach in development of green technology in the country to support the green economy/green futures. The following are highlights of myForesight® preliminary assessment. • A review of 22 policies from multiple ministries/agencies related to green technology in selected sectors shows high

emphasis on energy and waste sector; • The policies shows lack of quantifiable targets set to achieve in the future; • There is no an integrated model of green technology that can be implemented – to break the barriers of every

ministries / agencies; • High content of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) across nine (9) sectors of Green Technology which can be

potentially developed.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Highlights on Programmes & Activities

The nation’s effort to achieve a developed status by 2020 will have an impact towards the family institution. Coupled with the changing social structure, “technology intrusiveness” as well as other influential trends, this initiative will enable us to foresee the future of families in Malaysia for the next 20 to 30 years & analyse its potential impact to the national development.

Family & home life are in tremendous flux, driven by changing family formats, aging, evolving norms around marriage and diversity—and, increasingly, new technologies. In the decades ahead, the confluence of these social and technological trends will begin to change the very nature and function of homes, give family members new roles, and further alter family dynamics.

These trends & value changes are diminishing the role of families as the prevailing demographic and social structure. At its extreme, it is likely to produce results that are demographically & economically harmful, with falling workforces and rising dependent senior populations. Policy and planning responses may help stem the tide of this trend and could include attention to livability of cities for families, more government support etc.

With the current situation there are challenges ahead to the family institution and the role it will play in enabling the achievement of Vision 2020; establishing a united “Bangsa Malaysia”

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Other Programmes & Activities

Based on myForesight® horizon scanning activities, the report captures & integrates local and global megatrends ; exploring the links between key trends and the drivers of change that will shape the future of Malaysia. It covers multiple perspectives including social, technology, economy, environment as well as culture & values.

As part of the institute’s mainstreaming activities, a “Foresight Club” will be created among youth/university students to promote & inculcate foresight & futures thinking. A pilot project is now being conducted with the final year students of UTHM in co-supervising their Projek Sarjana Muda.

Other programmes and activities by myForesight® are more operational in nature and is conducted continuously and periodically to support the institute’s goals and objectives.

The institute will continue to play its role in providing institutional support to the National Science & Research Council. A planned review of the priority areas is already in the works to enable improved mechanism in soliciting experts opinion and review.

One of the major outreach tool of the institute, myForesight® periodical publication provides the means to disseminate and promote foresight and futures studies. This includes insight into trends, stakeholders views as well as experts and thought leaders interview on issues of tomorrow.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

Other Programmes & Activities

Future Rail 2030 involves identification of future mobility trends and needs as well as the consultation of multidisciplinary stakeholders. This body of work provides the basis for the development of National Rail Industry Development Roadmap conducted by MIGHT & SPAD.

The following are past and completed projects that was undertaken by myForesight® for the last 2 years.

Identification of National R&D Priority areas for the National Science & Research Council. This will enable an efficient utilization of funds allocated for technology research in the country by identifying future needs & current capacity.

This project involves the engagement of students in 10 universities nationwide provides an insights into the minds of youths. The outcome provides valuable inputs into the development of spin off programs & activities for the youth.

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This presentation by myForesight - Malaysian Foresight Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported License. This basically allows you to use the presentation as you like as long as you acknowledge the source.

As part of the institute’s mainstreaming of methodology and findings, myForesight has been actively organizing as well as invited to participate and share their body of work with various stakeholders, both local and international.

Other Programmes & Activities

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Exploring Future Possibilities
