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NBV Full Services Brochure

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Take a look at New Brand Vision's full services brochure, including information on our Creative Design & Web Marketing services as well as case studies from our existing clients.
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Make the leap! Welcome to New Brand Vision Group
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Make theleap!Welcome to New Brand Vision Group

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Hello.The following brochure is a detailed look at our web capability.

Web Marketing 45

Web Marketing Overview 46

Search Engine Optimisation 47

Pay Per Click Advertising 48


About Us 3

Client List 4

Industry Experience 5

Company Accreditations 6

Quality Management 7

Staff Capability 7

Client Servicing 8

How We Work 9

Key Milestones 10

Our Process 11

Why us? 49

Contact 50

33Website Development 33

Content Management 34

CMS Functionality 35

CMS Plug-in Modules 36

Web 2.0 37

CMS Specification 38

Taxonomy 41

Hosting 42

Traffic Statistics 43

Heatmaps 46


12Web Case Studies 12

Live Websites 32

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Welcome to New Brand Vision Group, an award winning agency delivering high-quality brands and websites. We work with businesses of all sizes transforming their online and offline presence.

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About UsExperience

Established eight years ago, New Brand Vision

(NBV) has a vast amount of experience in delivering

high quality brands and websites.


NBV is a marketing-led agency, which means the

primary goal is to create websites that generate

more business for our clients.


Our in-house creative and technical teams are

equally weighted enabling us to approach projects

from both a creative and technical perspective.


We are committed to fulfilling briefs in accordance

with client instructions and follow a robust process

to ensure every detail is put in place.

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Client List

We work with ambitious businesses of all sizes.

Our mix of clients keeps us excited, fresh, and at the top of our game.

Our mix of clients keeps us at the cutting edge.

• Microsoft


• easyGroup

• CLWorldBrands

• ExcellGroupPlc

• TheShareCentrePlc

• MoneyDebtandCreditPlc

• EuromoneyInstitutionalInvestorPlc

• HaymarketMedia

• FrameworkMedia

• UniversityofCambridge

• Axiom

• KemptonPark

• V&AMuseum

• ArrowGroup

• SwannGroup

• SmartGroup

• CompreGroup

• CatalystInvestmentGroup

• AstonCarterGroup

• JustSearchGroup

• DoxMedicalGroup

• EtonbridgeConsulting

• DCAdvisoryPartners

• Abiquo

• eFinancialCareers

• LondonBoroughofLambeth

• LondonBoroughofCamden

• LondonBoroughofHaringey

• InternationalTennisFederation

• TheChurchesConservationTrust

• CommonwealthParliamentaryAssoc.

• ConsensioPartners

• MarlinHawk

• Xenith

• NHSIslington

• FirstRateFX


• Creditflux

• Ixico

• FinancialSoftware/CGIX

• SmartPool(NYSEEuronext)

• StrictlyFinancial

• FarnWilliams

• Marketforce

• Grayling

• TreshamInstitute

• Unitas

• AbacusFinancial


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Industry Experience

Business to Business (B2B)

• Financial/Insurance/City

• CorporateFinance

• ITandSoftware

• ProfessionalServices

• ConsultancyFirms

• Recruitment

• Government/PublicSector

• Research

• Scientific

• Telecoms

• Agriculture

• Manufacturing

• Publishing/Exhibition

• Education

• Engineering

• Printing

• Medical

• PR

• Construction

• Training

Business to Consumer (B2C)

• Entertainment/Sport

• AlcoholicBeverages

• SoftDrinks

• Health

• Travel

• Furniture

• Charity

We bring experience, ideas, and knowledge from different industries and apply it to all

our clients. Here are some of the recent sectors we’ve worked in:

You say tomato, we say tomato.We speak your language.

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Microsoft Approved Vendor List: NBV has been screened by the procurement

department at Microsoft and is deemed to have reached the required standards

in terms of financial robustness and creative excellence. NBV has been

appointed as an approved vendor.

Company Accreditations

The London Borough of Haringey has awarded New Brand Vision a three year

contract on its roster after a framework tender process involving more than

150 competing agencies.

BBC Approved Supplier List: NBV has been screened by the procurement

department at the BBC and is deemed to have reached the required standards

in terms of financial robustness and creative excellence. NBV has been

appointed as an approved supplier.

New Brand Vision is an approved agency of the Department of Business

Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) run Business Link. They use

recommended selected and screened companies like ours to implement

marketing strategies and creative work in businesses they assist. It means

they recommend us to businesses around the UK.

Associated with top businesses.

Exor is an independent body for suppliers to the Public Sector. NBV is gold

accredited. This means we have been pre-screened and have all the required

processes, structures, staff, policies, insurances, and financial stature to work

with Local and Central Government. Exor’s standards are recognised as being

amongst the most stringent.

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Quality ManagementNBV prides itself and its reputation on the delivery of top quality projects. Our

overall objective is to ensure that NBV consistently deliver a high level of service.


• Understandtherequirementsandexpectationsofourclients

• Implementprojectsinasystematicandplannedway

• Workcloselywithourclientstoachievequalityobjectives

• Trainourstafftosupportthedeliveryofhighqualitywork

• Establishandmeasureperformanceandcustomersatisfaction

• Continuallyreviewandimproveourprocessesandlevelsofservice

• Maintaintheinvolvementofseniormanagementineveryproject

Staff Capability New Brand Vision has been delivering excellent work consistently for eight years.

Our team are well trained, talented and understand the need for our output to

exceed expectations everyday. Their particular skills are:

• Producingtop-enddesignandtechnicalsolutions

• Matchingdesignstylesidenticallytothosealreadyadoptedbyclients

• Totaladherenceto,andrespectforbrandguidelines

• Thoroughplanninganddocumentationattheoutset

• Deliveringwork/fixesquicklyevenatshortnotice

• Ensuringthattheclientiskeptuptodateatalltimes

• Beingeasytoworkwithandtransparentatalltimes

Producing web design of the finest quality.

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Client ServicingClient servicing is at the core of our business. We understand that accurate delivery

is as important as producing impressive design. To us, client servicing means:

• Understandingthebrief

• Developingthebriefwhere necessarywiththeclient

• Planningprojectsinadvance

• Presentingexcellentwork

• Makingfeedbackeasy

• Beingaccuratewhenfulfilling feedbackandrequests

• Checkingbackamendments

• Beingtransparentatalltimes

• Providingupdatesregularly

• Providingachievabletimings

• Managingexpectationsaccurately

• Givingclientssightoftheprocess

• Ensuringthatdetailsareconsidered and addressed

• Beingproactiveinmaking constructive suggestions

• Beingmindfuloftheultimate aimsoftheproject

• Returningcallsimmediately

• Briefingandworkshop

• Approvalofprototype

• Approvaloffunctionalspecificatons

• Approvalofthehomepageconcepts

• Approvalofallcontentpages

• Creationandinsertionofcontent

• Approvalofworkingsite

• Clienttrainingandhandover

Key MilestonesIn summary the stages of the process involving clients are as follows:

We make your job easy.

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How We WorkBriefings and WorkshopsWe start by gathering and compiling stakeholder ideas.

There are various ways to do this – whether it is via our 14

page questionnaire or via client interviews and workshops.

Site Architecture and PrototypingWe draw architectural style plans and convert them in

working online prototypes. This enables all stakeholders

to test the user experience from the perspective of every

target audience.

Bespoke Design Our designers have superb understanding of user

interface design, user experience, branding, search engine

optimisation, accessibility, content management, and of

course good clean creative design.

The strength of our process is what makes us different.

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We consider projects from every angle.

Collaboration with ClientsWe encourage strong working relationships with clients.

We request their input and feedback at defined moments

during the project, presenting various options and assisting

with the selection of the most appropriate work.

Customisation and ConfigurationOur technology is both powerful and easy to use. Once we

define the functional and technical requirements we

configure the system and build any bespoke functions

according to our client’s exact requirements.

Training Training is provided so that the clients can manage the

website themselves. We provide full support and aim to

respond to user questions or technical issues immediately

or within minutes of a call.

Online Marketing Our overriding aim is to help clients generate more

business. We plan the marketing of the website at the

start, during the planning phase of the project, which

enables us to hit the ground running when the site is live.

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The Web Process




















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Case Studies

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CreditfluxBackground: Creditflux are a global financial

publishing company. They have an online news

portal and an offline publication. The website

had previously been outsourced to a one-man

development team who could not react fast

enough to their ongoing development needs.

The front end design and the back end system

urgently required updating.

Brief: New Brand Vision were asked to create

a new website with fully functioning CMS and

CRM application with news publishing functions,

subscriber management, journalist contact

management, banner ad management, conversion

tracking, ecommerce, email campaign management,

data collection, rich media, and a strong design with

clear calls to action for the web and PDA.

Outcome: The resulting website gives them full

control over their website, contacts, subscribers, and

streamlines their businesses processes. Since launch,

Creditflux has received a large increase in the number

of new registrations and subscriptions.

CLIENT: Creditflux

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + CRM

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CLIENT: emap

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS

emapBackground: emap Inform is one of the largest

magazine publishers in the UK. They have awarded

19 website projects to New Brand Vision, one

of which is an 150 page site to hold media pack

information across its 15 magazine titles. New

Brand Vision has a sophisticated digital publishing

platform, which makes managing websites like

this intelligent and easy.

Process: New Brand Vision researched each of the

magazines to identify the requirement for each of

the brands and put together a full wireframe content

architecture document with recommendations for

how to search and navigate across the site. After

updating the document with the feedback given

the site was designed.

Outcome: The design was approved in the first

round of ideas presented. emap believe the site

will transform this areas of their business.

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Aston CarterBackground: Aston Carter is a large IT commerce

and financial recruitment agency which has

experienced rapid growth since its inception in 1995,

now with a presence in 9 countries worldwide.

Breif: Aston Carter instructed New Brand Vision to

design and build a global web presence, as well as

creating individual dual-language sites in each

location to reflect its new global position. Supporting

brochures, e-flyers and presentation documents

were also required.

Process: Our team started the project as always

with online research of competitors and the industry

as a whole, built an interactive prototype in html and

delivered clean and modern design concepts.

Deliverable: To launch the new site, and

drive traffic using on and off page SEO as well as

deliver eye-catching printed materials to support the

business as it grows.

CLIENT: Aston Carter

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO

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Farn WilliamsBackground: The client is an International Executive

Search firm with a range of high profile clients.

They requested a new website to better represent

their business.

Process: We worked actively with the client to

create a corporate style to combine each of the

markets and industry sectors in which they

operate. The client gave us tight timelines

to deliver two websites.

Outcome: The client was extremely pleased with the

end result, and wrote a detailed testimonial letter

commending and recommending our services.

CLIENT: Farn Williams + FWP

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Brand + Build + CMS + SEO

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MicrosoftBackground: When Microsoft bCentral lost market

share in the small business online information

market, NBV was tasked to reposition them.

Issue: It was clear that bCentral had lost credibility

in the market as its competitors had grown in

sophistication. Our research led to the need to

re-structure and redesign their 5,000 page website.

Process: NBV formulated a brand and web

strategy, which was developed into a creative

brief and specification.

Deliverables: A new bCentral brand strategy, logo

identity, brand, website, and online launch campaign.

Outcome: Traffic targets were exceeded by over 100%.

CLIENT: Microsoft

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Brand + Build + Marketing

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CLIENT: The Church Conservation Trust

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO

The Churches Conservation TrustBackground: The Churches Conservation Trust (CCT)

is the national charity for protecting historic churches

at risk.  They represent over 340 churches across the

UK, attracting more than 1.5 million visitors a year.

Brief: New Brand Vision was tasked to create a

content-heavy site, with taxonomised content to

relate news, reviews, local attractions, projects and

imagery to each church in the network. The site had

to handle high level payment integrations for

donations payments, commenting functionality and

extensive image and video content.

Deliverables: After extensive consultations in order

to define the architecture, New Brand Vision prepare

a functional specification and work closely with the

designers to create a user friendly, highly accessible

and SEO-friendly site. Built around our core CMS, a

number of bespoke features are agreed in order to

offer CCT full flexibility and control over their


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PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Brand + Design + Build + CMS

Background: Ixico are a spin-off from a University.

Having achieved some large funding they have seen

impressive growth.

Brief: Ixico tasked NBV with creating a cutting

edge website that would help establish them

as market leaders.

Process: We were involved in their general team

discussion and from that devised a list of ideas and

architecture for the site, thereafter leading them

through our typical web process.

Outcome: Ixico were extremely pleased that New

Brand Vision were able to deliver all of their

requirements by a specific deadline date, an

international exhibition at which they were showing.

The exhibition was successful and since we have

continued to work on new marketing collateral.

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CLIENT: SmartPool

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + CRM

Background: SmartPool is part of the New York Stock

Exchange (NYSE/Euronext) and in partnership with jP

Morgan, HSBC and BNP Paribas.

Brief: The client was to present‘SmartPool’ as the

leader in this new area, so the website had to be

original and memorable. We worked with their CEO to

understand the business and its proposition, and to

identify with him key differentiating messages. From

this we developed an explosive theme which lead to

the development of an advertising campaign for high

profile financial publications (which we also created).

Outcome: SmartPool were impressed with the level

of creativity (having originally won the brief on the

basis of a conservative but contemporary corporate

website under their old CEO) and the clarity of our

ideas. They also commented at how quickly and

efficiently the site was developed to meet a tight

launch deadline.

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Epsom DownsBackground: Epsom Downs racecourse is a

national treasure – the home of the Derby and

a renowned events and conferencing venue in

the heart of Surrey.

Brief: Epsom’s brief was to put the Derby

back on the map whilst creating an integrated

campaign to appeal to core racing fans and

potential new customers in both the corporate

and consumer marketplace.

Process: We conducted full research, including

consumer surveys, visitor analysis and competitor

review before presenting three creative concepts.

Requirement: Advertising (on and off line), direct

marketing, brochure and website. As the on line

presence was key, the website was required to

present a vast amount of information at the

first level whilst using an eye-catching design.

Design shown is concept only.

CLIENT: Epsom Downs

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO + Print

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Swann GroupBackground: Swann Group had been through

a series of acquisitions with a vision of a group

structure. With many of these organisations run

by engineers, it was difficult to persuade them to

give up their name and brand and to agree to

adopt a new integrated approach.

Brief: The Swann Group CEO tasked NBV to

oversee the merger of 11 companies under one

brand, to create a brand strategy and a new brand

for the group.

Process: We involved all key stakeholders in a group

discussion about their businesses and their short

and long term vision. During this discussion we were

able to agree to a merger of all the companies into

three divisions. However they were not keen to give

up their existing brand (which we considered to be

extremely outdated). We agreed to show an

alternative which formed a progression and reference

to the existing logo. This was immediately approved.

Outcome: We created a combined site and since

have gone on to create websites for other companies

with the wider organisation.CLIENT: Swann Group

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Brand + Design + Build + CMS

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CLIENT: Business System

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO

Business Systems UKBackground: Business Systems is a reseller of call

recording and analytical systems, marketing their

services to clients in highly compliant industries. The

company’s previous website had not been

redesigned for some time and was beginning to have

a detrimental effect on their business.

Brief: New Brand Vision were asked to redesign the

website with a fresh approach. The website had to

show a large number of products under different

categories, support a news archive dating back seven

years, capture user information, suggest products

and maintain a prominent search engine ranking.

Outcome: Business Systems were very pleased with

the resulting website thanks to a highly intuitive

CMS that makes the management of large amounts

of content easy. Different products are automatically

assigned to pages throughout the site based on

categories and users are recommended products

based on the keywords they used to find the site.

The search engine rankings also increased on launch.

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CLIENT: Retail jeweller

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + VTS

Retail JewellerBackground: Retail jeweller was part of a

website project to create 19 subscription

websites for emap.

Issue: It was decided that each of their business

publications required a dedicated site to promote

the benefits of subscriptions.

Process: We created a style which would make the

roll out of the 19 websites fast, cost effective but

still unique to each publication.

Outcome: Even though the types of publications

vary considerably, as seen by the Retail jeweller

example, it still looks as if it is unique to the brand,

and utilises search engine optimisation and pay per

click strategies to attract targeted traffic and


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PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + CRM

Background: We were approached after the merger

between two of the largest players in the Asbestos

market, Ace and PSI.

Issues: We were asked to combine their brands to

create a new identity and website presence, which

surpassed all of their competitors.

Process: As with all the websites we design and

build, our focus is to ensure that on launch, the

website can be marketed on search engines and

that it will generate new enquiries for the client.

Outcome: The client is extremely happy with the

strength of the visual identity and is already reaping

the benefit of a market leading website.

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PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + CRM

Background: MjF is an established business services

organisation made up of five separate but interlinking

divisions. These divisions vary considerably in the type

of ‘sell’ and target audience, yet are part of a well

developed overall offering.

Brief: A clean, contemporary and uncluttered design

that adds credibility to each division. To create a look

and feel that is consistent across all divisions, with

each division differentiated through unique imagery

and a leading colour scheme.

Process: Meeting with the various divisions and

discussing their individual requirements regularly,

meant we acted as an intermediary between all

sectors and able to steer the project from the


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CLIENT: Xenith

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO + PTT

Background: Xenith is a large and successful

London-based organisation selling print

management solutions. They are one of Xerox’s

premium and most important resellers.

Issue: Xenith had a dated brand identity and only a

basic website. Up until now, the internet has not

been a sales channel. After meeting with them, they

recognised that the web could be a significant source

of new enquiries.

Process: We were asked to update their brand and

have created a strong corporate and product website,

which will are preparing to promote on search

engines. The website utilises best practice usability

and search engine optimisation.

Outcome: The website will be a new sales channel

when launched and is expected to generate an

increase in leads and notable business growth.

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CLIENT: DC Advisory Partner Ltd

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO

DC Advisory PartnersBackground: DC Advisory Partners Ltd was formed

when japanese investment bank, Daiwa Capital

Markets, acquired the Corporate Finance side of

Close Brothers. After a grueling tender process to the

global board, New Brand Vision was appointed to

handle the full re-brand, including naming, identity,

website, e-marketing and offline materials.

Process: New Brand Vision conducted a Europe-wide

naming consultation before implementing the

re-brand and creating the visual identity. The online

process involved building a fully working prototype,

functional specification and flexible design to be

used across Europe, built into a multi-lingual,

taxonomies website structure powered by a number

of bespoke content management tools integrated

into our own CMS.

Outcome: The launch was a huge success, achieving

press coverage for the business and transforming

their online presence to reflect their size and stature

in the marketplace.

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CLIENT: Grayling

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + SEO

Background: Grayling was formed when four

companies merged to create the second largest

global public relations and public affairs consultancies

in the world.

Brief: To design, build and implement a global

website and extranet to represent Grayling’s 66

locations across the world, in 10 languages.

Process: The process started with server capacity

testing to manage an influx of traffic at launch,

before information architecture was sketched out

and an html prototype created. Template designs

were then agreed before implementing the build.

Deliverable: We have delivered a global website and

extranet and our supporting global online campaign.

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Central Health

CLIENT: Central Health

PROjECT: New website

DESCRIPTION: Brand + Design

Background: Central Health is an ambitious

expanding health and physiotherapy company.

NBV created their initial brand and collateral

some time ago.

Outcome: More recently we devised a new website

concept for them. The design was to demonstrate

their potential online and was shown to them as

part of other general meeting. Although for various

reasons they were unable to implement it, we think

it represents a creative idea and a different way of

achieving quality stand-out design.

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Cambridge UniversityBackground: Cambridge University’s examination

arm, OCR, instructed New Brand Vision to create

an interactive portal for its Media Studies course.

The brief was to create a highly interactive website

to portray the exciting nature of a multi-media

rich course.

Process: We created a storyboard to show our

idea and on client approval rendered graphics in

3D to create a strong distinctive impression and a

high-quality experience. We then built the animated

graphics into our content management system so

that content could be changed and updated.

Outcome: NBV was given an open brief to create

a different, stand-out, and relevant website, which

supports a range of other marketing activities. It will

shortly be entered for a variety of industry awards.

CLIENT: Cambridge University

PROjECT: Virtual tradeshow

DESCRIPTION: Design + Build + CMS + VTS

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Live Websites

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Web Development

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Content Management










New Brand Vision’s web development platform and dynamic content management system

(CMS) is called Decibel. It is a mature, stable and powerful system that focuses on ease of

use, flexibility, and lead generation.

All clients are provided with a custom installation of the system to give them full control

of their new websites. Decibel means websites are quicker and easier to roll-out, are

robust, and clients benefit from new features added regularly.

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CMS Functionality

• Fulleditingcapabilities

• In-contextcontribution

• Extranetcapabilities

• Remoteadministrationaccess

• Expandablesitearchitecture

• Applicationconfiguration

• Databaseutilities

• Searchengineoptimisationfunctions

• Accessibilityflexibilityandstablecode

• Multilevelsecurityanduserprofiles

• Multi-layeredcachingsystem

• Globalupdatecapabilities

• Templatebased/CSS-driven

• Industrystandardsforaccessibility

• Flexiblepagelayout

• ManualHTMLcontentediting

• WYSIWYGeditorfeatures

• Spellchecking

• Virusscanningofuploadedassets

• Contentreviewingandapproval

• Previousversionrollback

• Third-partydatabaseintegration

• Medialibrary

• Video/audiostreaming/RSS

• Sandboxdevelopmentarea

• Archiving

• Fullindexingandsitesearchcapabilities

• Automaticsitemaps

• Multilanguage/foreigncharacters

• Automatickeywordcreation

• Unbreakablelinks

• Taxonomystructures

• Heatmaps

• TimezoneManagement

• MultipleLandingPage

The following details the core functionality delivered to all clients. The list is continuously

growing with new core features available to clients. The system enables content to be quickly

updated, is easy to use and has multi-level access so you can control who can access and edit

pages. Below is a list of key functionality.

Edit your website from the comfort of your office.

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CMS Plug-in Modules

• ContentManager

• RichMediaManager

• ContactandFormManager

• DataCollection

• EmailCampaignManagement

• Extranet/ClientLogin

• BannerAdManager

• ConversionTracking

• JobBoardManager

• SubscriberManager

• EcommerceShoppingBasket

• VirtualTradeshow

• NewsPublisher

• ConferenceManager

• InstantChat


• SurveysandUserPolls

• CRM/CustomerManager

Our development team configures and creates bespoke functionality that ‘plugs’ into the

CMS. We know that not all websites are the same, that you have your own unique needs

and requirements, that one size does not fit all. So we designed ‘Decibel’ CMS based on a

flexible architecture. When you need to add a compelling new feature to your site you can

simply upload it to the plug-in module. The following is a list of available options.

We configure our system to meet your needs.

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Social Interaction and User Generated ContentDuring the planning phase of any website or web strategy we consider which types of

interactivity will enhance a client’s brand and ultimately lead to an increase in sales. We

stay focused on the specific target audiences in question, consider their propensity to

engage with such interactivity, and make recommendations accordingly.

Web 2.0

Social Interaction• Twitter• Linked-in• Facebook• YouTube• Flickr• Delicious

Mobile Devices• iPhoneApps• iPadApps• AndroidApps• WebsitesforMobile

User Generated Content• Blogging• Commenting• Forums• RSSfeeds• Askaquestion• Rating

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CMS Specification

Ease of Use

An ‘inline’ editing interface is also provided,

enabling new content to be created and

existing content to be edited, while browsing

the site. This makes it very easy to correct

errors that are noticed within the site, and

to preview changes to the site.

Flexible and Expandable

New pages can easily be added without any

limits. All changes are applied throughout

the site without the need to create or

modify any files or scripts.

Navigation within the site is generated

automatically based on the site structure.

Any change to the site architecture instantly

updates any menus, breadcrumb trails and

site maps.

A single installation of the Content Manager

can run multiple sites, resulting in savings

on hosting and other technical costs.

Search and SEO

New Brand Vision CMS provides full support

for Search Engine Optimisation. Metadata is

configurable at a page level, Search Engine

Friendly URLs and XML Site Maps for

Google and Yahoo are automatically

generated, and use standard HTML

enforced throughout the site.

The Content Manager provides statistics

on visitors usage of the website, tracking

conversions and the keywords and search

engines that converted visitors accessed

the site from.

The internal search engine also provides a

way for visitors to quickly find the content

they are looking for.

Decibel CMS is accessible through an online web interface. This allows anyone

with a basic knowledge of the web to successfully operate the software after just a

brief training session.

The key to a successful website.

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Creative Freedom

New Brand Vision CMS places no restrictions

on the look and feel of a website, giving our

designers the opportunity to fully express

your brand through modern, accessible

page layouts. The inbuilt template system

produces XHTML compliant templates, and

supports the most stringent accessibility


The template system provides functionality

to define different ‘views’ over the website

content. This system can be utilised to

provide a different version of website

pages for standard browsers and hand-

held devices. A printable version of the

content can also be easily generated.

The Content Manager also provides creative

freedom in website content, allowing you to

play videos and audio in your pages, and

upload Flash to the website.


All content is created and edited through

WYSIWYG editors, with no HTML coding

skills required. An asset manager allows

images, documents, and other multimedia

to be uploaded and embedded within pages.

Links to internal and external content can

be easily created.

Rich Media

The ‘Asset Manager’ stores all images,

documents, videos and other rich content

used throughout the website. The asset

manager can identify media usage

information and provides management

functions including resizing and optimisation.


Content published to the website can

automatically be published to RSS feeds,

allowing users to be informed when new

content is available without having to

regularly visit the website.


A multi-layered caching system ensures

that content is returned to the user in a

fraction of a second.


The inbuilt workflow engine ensures

only approved content is shown on the

website. Multiple levels of approvals can

be configured, with automated notifications

being sent to approvers. Content changes

can be approved or rejected, and in an

emergency the content can be rolled

back to a previous version.

We provide web security that offers peace of mind.

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The permission system of New Brand Vision

CMS provides full extranet capabilities that

are tightly integrated with the public website.

Private sections requiring password

authentication can be easily created by

assigning custom permissions to sections

of the site.

Content within the extranet is then

administered from the same interface as

the public website. All functionality and

resources can be shared between public

and private sections of the site, dependent

on the correct permissions being set.

Pages within private sections can have

additional permissions assigned, limiting

access to users within sub-groups.

The user management functions also allow you

to easily manage your internal team, providing

different employees with access to edit their

respective areas of the website.


The software has been created using robust,

industry-standard code. All code meets

recommended practices for PHP-based

software and complies with our own strict

internal requirements for documentation,

code cleanliness and algorithm efficiency.

Inbuilt exception handling ensures the

browsing experience of website visitors

is never interrupted should an issue occur,

while alerting website administrators to

potential problems.

New Brand Vision employs industry-standard

source control methods and code versioning.

Updates and bug fixes are released as tested

packages, which can be applied to existing



The open plug-in architecture of Make

The Leap CMS allows for a vast range of

integrations to occur with any third party

database or application. External content and

functionality can be exposed through the site

as required.

The Content Manager’s flexible API allows new

functionality to be developed directly into the

Content Manager in the form of a plug-in.


All of the websites we design and build are

designed to W3C for accessibility, including

both the visually impaired and those using

screen readers. Sites degrade gracefully on

older computer systems. Our CMS supports

multiple languages should you wish to make

your content available to visitors.


The system is fully tested although we

ask our clients to assist with this process

by undertaking their own testing

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Our intention is to fix all code related bugs

within 2 to 48 hours and to rectify any server

downtime within a 2 to 12 hour period

although in practice it is usually faster than

this. Our full SLA can be provided on request.

The specification is indicative only and

subject to change without notice. The

exact configuration depends on the

specific client requirement.

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The Futureof Websites

Taxonomy Structures ‘Taxonomy’ by definition is “the science or technique of classification”. To us web folk it means

classifying content, whether it is pictures, videos, case studies, PDFs etc into predefined categories

when they are uploaded to a website. The website software that drives the website itself then

automatically decides the most relevant content to show a visitor for maximum impact. New Brand

Vision’s Decibel software offers this sophisticated functionality to all its clients.

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All our web servers are under 24 hour

monitoring to ensure continual and reliable

performance. Our data centre provides the

capability required to maintain a 99.95%

uptime. We offer affordable hosting to

all our clients and provide unsurpassed

customer service. You will be hard pushed

to find a better package.

We host all of our sites at a

dedicated facility in Maidenhead:

• 10,000sqfttotalsize

• 1.5megawatton-sitesubstation

• Diversepowerfeedstosubstation

• Broadcrown2megawattgenerator

connected via ATS systems

• Twomainfibreductpointsintobuilding

• N+1PowerWaveUPSsystem

• N+1AiredaleAirHandlingsystem

• 22°C+/-2°Cdatafloortemperature

• 16Ampfeedperequipmentrack

• 24x7secureentryviaswipecardsystem,

with 6-layer entry

• Datacentrelocatedinsideitsownsecure

compound, with 3-metre

fencing and electric entry, including anti-

tailgate systems

• OnsiteNOCengineersavailable

24x7 for remote hands service

• Serviced,secureengineer/businessoffice

space available from 200 sq.

ft. to 1,000 sq ft

• 430mmraisedheavydutyflooring

• 20GBitresilientEthernetringavailable

to all customers, linking to London

Docklands facilities, with 50ms

self-healing capacity

Please ask if you require details

on our server specifications.

All our web servers are monitored 24 hour.


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We tend to use Google Analytics. It is robust and provides useful information in well presented

reports that can automatically be set to be received weekly by email, and is free. Omniture,

Webtrends and other analytics programmes can also be integrated into the system.

Google Analytics provides the following information:

• TrafficSources

• TrafficKeywords

• Visits

• UniqueVisits

• PageViews

• TimeonSite

• BounceRate

• Browsers

• ConnectionSpeeds

Traffic StatisticsReceive reports and analysis weekly.

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Heatmaps New Brand Vision CMS has a built in ‘heatmap’ so that clients can see how pages on their sites

are performing. Clicks to each part of the page are represented by a change in colour. Clients

can improve the effectiveness of each element of each page by visually seeing what works.

Easily spot what interests your clients.

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Web Marketing

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Web Marketing Overview

Now with search engine optimisation and

pay per click advertising, collectively known

as search engine marketing or search

marketing, marketing has been

revolutionised forever. Using these

techniques, we can show clients how much

they spent, and how much they get back.

The two key areas of online marketing are:



Our aim is to get the maximum amount

of relevant traffic through to a website.

Gill le Fevre, Microsoft Marketing Manager,

said “I’ve been delighted with the quality

and level of service provided by New Brand

Vision for our search campaign this year.

They’ve kept on top of the campaign and

made a number of recommendations

around different approaches to test. Best of

all our cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion

have been kept impressively low delivering

excellent overall results.”

Our search marketing team maximise website visibility. For decades clients and agencies

debated the possible solutions to Lord Lever’s famous quote “Half my advertising money is

wasted. The problem is that I don’t know which half”.

We know what makes your customers click.

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There are two parts to optimising a

website for search engines, on-page

and off-page optimisation.

On-page factors consist of the visible

elements and front-end code that form

a website. By adapting these in line with

best practice techniques, we can influence

how search engines regard the site when

they visit it.

Off-page optimisation is the process of

increasing the deemed importance of the

site so search engines rank a website higher

than its competitors. To do this we approach

related third party websites and ask them

to include a ‘link’ to the site from theirs.

Search engines interpret these as ‘votes’

for the site and they take this into account

together with the content on the site to

deciding rankings.

During the normal course of redesigning a

website and the adoption of our content

management system, any on-page

optimisation issues are naturally ironed out.

An on-going campaign to create inbound

links for off-page optimisation though is

crucial and should begin as soon as possible.

Our typical service breaks down as follows:

1. Website audit and analysis

2. On-page code improvement

3. On-page metadata insertion

4. On-page content improvement

5. On-page content addition

6. Off-page link building

7. Social media optimisation

8. Tracking and analytics

9. Creative feedback

10. New SEO suggestions


recommendation based on the


Search Engine OptimisationWe make your site easy to find.

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PPC is the principle of a company bidding against its

competitors for their adverts to appear as high as possible

on search engine results. The brilliance and simplicity of

PPC is that displaying the advert itself is free.

Advertisers only pay when their adverts are clicked-on by

web-users and a visitor is delivered to their site. Using

simple tracking methods, it is possible therefore to quantify

how many of those web-users requested more information

or bought something having clicked on a PPC advert.

Over the past year or two, PPC charges have increased

significantly, meaning it’s more important than ever

to manage your campaigns effectively, efficiently and

creatively. If you think you’re paying too much for your

PPC advertising, let us take a look at your campaign to

see how we can improve it.

Unlike any other form of marketing, it means when

using PPC, advertisers can accurately calculate how

much it costs to generate a lead or to make a sale.

Pay Per Click Advertising

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Why us?We pride ourselves on our:



Web Design•Creativeconceptsandcleandesign


Web Development•Robustandproventechnology



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ContactCall Ben on 020 7392 9740 or email [email protected]

The coffee’s on us.

