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NEWExpanded Coverage:

North and South America: U.S, Canada, Brazil

APAC: Australia, China, India

EMEA: EU5, UK, Germany, Netherlands,

Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France

Factors is a reference guide for cross platform testing of digital appsApply Perfecto’s Triple E Coverage Strategy: Essential, Enhanced & Extended

Windows 7 market share



Huawei market share in European and Asian grows

Denmark Norway Sweden

Denmark, Finland and Sweden rank numbers one, two and three in Europe in terms of digitization in all of Europe.

In a constantly changing market, digital app teams must keep up: Objective market data





Table of Contents

Why We Created Factors ............................................................................... Pg. 4 Here’s your answer: The Perfecto Coverage Methodology .................................... Pg. 5The solution Part 2: Putting it into your development process ............................ Pg. 7

Indexes by Country

Global Web Index ....................................................................................... Pg. 10North and South America U.S. ...................................................................................................... Pg. 11 Canada .................................................................................................. Pg. 12 Brazil .................................................................................................... Pg. 13EMEA: EU5 ...................................................................................................... Pg. 14 UK ........................................................................................................ Pg. 15 Germany ................................................................................................ Pg. 16 Netherlands ........................................................................................... Pg. 17 Switzerland ........................................................................................... Pg. 18 Italy ..................................................................................................... Pg. 19 Spain .................................................................................................... Pg. 20 France ................................................................................................... Pg. 21Nordics: Denmark ............................................................................................... Pg. 22 Norway ................................................................................................. Pg. 23 Sweden ................................................................................................. Pg. 24APAC: Australia ............................................................................................... Pg. 25 China .................................................................................................... Pg. 26 India .................................................................................................... Pg. 27


Mobile Market Calendar 2018 ........................................................................ Pg. 28Web Browser Calendar 2018 .......................................................................... Pg. 29


Why We Created The Factors Reference GuideOur customers often ask us a simple question:

Which devices and browsers should I be testing my apps and websites on?

Enterprise brands recognize that the main channel for customer engagement is shifting toward digital apps. Distilled from Perfecto's wealth of expertise in partnering with teams to implement continuous testing, Factors is a reference guide that helps developers, QA pros and test lab managers select the best platforms on which to test their apps during development. These teams are faced with the challenge of delivering flawless user experiences in a market beset by a continually evolving set of platforms used by consumers worldwide; to reach their goal, they must apply a sound platform coverage strategy at each stage of the development process.


Asia Pacific

Western Europe

Middle East and Africa

Central andEastern Europe

North America 13

Latin America3

9 4

1 3

2016 2021

2.3 3.5

Average number of devices per person 2017

Number of Devices and Connections Per Person by 2021


The problem: coverage vs. risk

It is critical for development and test teams to make sure that new and existing code behaves as expected on an array of platforms during development. With the landscape of digital platforms in constant flux, the “what platforms to test” decision is inherently risky.

Factors is designed to empower development teams by lowering the risk associated with identifying their optimal platform test coverage. Our analysis simplifies this task by helping teams determine a platform coverage goal using a simple three-tier categorization. We recommend combining data from this reference guide with traffic data generated by your own customers.

The solution: a proven methodology

With unparalleled experience in digital app quality, Perfecto is in a unique position to help you choose the right set of platforms for your test lab. The Factors reference guide analyzes actual traffic for desktop browsers, smartphones, and tablets, across operating systems.

For mobile devices, platforms are selected based on an analysis of global web traffic combined with testing activity performed by over 3,000 Perfecto customers, measured quarterly. The dataset is generated by applying a patented user agent string-parsing

technique. It is then broken down by region into sixteen countries; the data includes platform type, model, screen size, screen resolution, operating system, and release date. This analysis also includes trend data comparing the current quarter to the previous.

Perfectohelpsteamsidentifythespecificplatformsonwhich to test, thereby lowering the risk of a poor user experience while utilizing the appropriate amount of testing resources.

Examining the bulk of mobile traffic by operating systems reveals that the Android usage is essentially split across five OS families while iOS usage is split between three OS families. Therefore, eight smartphones are required to cover roughly eighty percent of mobile traffic. In addition to operating system families, displays represent a second critical coverage aspect. Analyzing display characteristics identifies important clusters between screen size and pixel density. We have grouped these into categories: small, normal, large, and extra-large. When display characteristics are taken into account, the importance of including tablets, with their extra-large displays, becomes readily apparent. Our top-10 list of smartphones and tablets represents the highest-usage platforms when accounting for operating system, display characteristics, and model.

Here’s your answer: The Perfecto Coverage Methodology





< 480px

960px - 1280px

1280px - 1920px

> 1920px

Source: Android Support Different Screen Sizes (https://developer.android.com/training/multiscreen/screensizes.html)

To simplify responding to the “which devices and browsers should I be testing my apps and websites on?” question, we have defined three representative groups of devices: essential, enhanced, and extended.

• ESSENTIAL: a ten-device list which covers the leading smartphones and tablets. While the most-used devices fall into the essential category, this isn’t sufficient to cover the entire market.

• ENHANCED coverage adds more commonly used platforms such as the previous and prior operating systems for iOS and Android. It also expands the list of device vendors.

• The EXTENDED group of devices adds legacy devices that remain popular, together with new and emerging devices that, based on our experience, will grow in usage in the coming quarters.

While traffic share is easily determined for mobile devices, desktop browsers are updated more often and thus requires a different approach. Perfecto builds the desktop browser set based on two criteria: browser version and operating system. Browser version selection should normally consist of the following: current version, current version minus one, current version minus two and the most recent beta version. Given the long life of computer operating systems, it is best to look not only at the most current Windows OS but the previous two as well. For Macs, it is best to include the current version as well as the previous one.

# Unique Device/OS Combinations








10 ++


Color is a powerful component of the Perfecto identity system. It’s often the first perceived attribute of a brand and creates an undeniable first impression in the minds of theaudience. Our color palette speaks to customers before they even have a chance to recognize the related words or graphics. That’s why color is such an important part of creating excitement, setting a mood, ex-pressing personality and conveying brand attributes.

The color system presented was informed by an extensive compet-itive audit. This system also seeks to improve strength, impact and uniqueness in expressing Perfecto’s brand attributes.

376 387

Black 3 7493 7545 55037460 355




300 151 186109

C54 M0 Y100 K0R130 G188 B65

C12 M0 Y80 K0R227 G233 B53

C67 M44 Y67 K95 R33 G39 B33

C100 M6 Y2 K10R0 G134 B191

C25 M4 Y44 K3R187 G197 B146

C58 M32 Y18 K54R66 G85 B99

C91 M0 Y100 K0R0 G150 B57

C39 M2 Y14 K10R148 G183 B187

C0 M9 Y100 K0R255 G209 B0

C99 M50 Y0 K0R0 G94 B184

C0 M60 Y100 K0R255 G130 B0

C2 M100 Y85 K6R200 G16 B46

Wordmark Special Dark Field Use


C7 M1 Y3 K2R217 G225 B226


Dial into the right criteria to identify the desktop browser combinations required for your test lab



Unit Testing Build Acceptance Test Acceptance Test Production


Test Platform1 iOS (Device/Simulator)

1 Android (Device/Emulator)2 Desktop Browsers

Essential (Top 10) Mobile1 and Web Platforms

Enhanced/Extended Coverage (Top 25-32 Platforms)

2 iOS2 Android

2-4 Browsers

Trigger Per-commit Post-commit Scheduled Daily Scheduled Nightly Scheduled Hourly

Environment Dev Workstation Continuous Integration Server Production

The solution Part 2: Putting it into your development processMaking sure you have the right amount of platform coverage in your test lab solves the first part of the problem. In an ideal world, teams would perform all tests on every platform; practically speaking, however, this is impossible.To achieve development velocity objectives, you need to apply the appropriate set of platforms for each development stage: unit testing, build acceptance testing, acceptance testing, and testing during production. During each stage, the feedback objectives from testing range from ensuring that new and existing code works to verifying that user experience is achieved across a variety of typical conditions.

In this ninth edition of Factors, we have extended our methodology to include a prescriptive approach for defining which set of platforms should be used during each stage of development. This approach achieves the objective of quality at speed. But, of course this approach requires tailoring for each development team.

With continuous testing as your goal, the Factor’s Reference Guide optimizes platform coverage while balancing test scope, test duration and platforms under test. We recommend teams work towards the following target:

• Smoke testing every commit with a maximum ten-minute duration executed in parallel on a maximum of four platforms.

• Build acceptance testing executed on a daily schedule with a maximum 90-minute duration using the Essential set of platforms.

• Regression and non-functional testing executed nightly with a maximum 8-hour duration using the appropriate Enhanced/Extended platforms.

• Testing in production executed hourly focused on high value transactions using four to six platforms.

Platform Coverage Throughout the DevOps Pipeline

P1 P32P1 P2Regression and Non-functional*+

1. Real devices2. Subset of P1 & P2 test flows* Fit into regression as many non-functional automated tests as possible

Priority 1 Flows (P1) Code impacted areas short test scenarios

Priority 2 Flows (P2) Smoke and Integration testing of the newly introduced features

Priority 3 Flows (P3) Subset of the regression suite that covers key business transactions in the product (focusing on response time and availability)



With more than 3,000 global customers, Perfecto is uniquely positioned to provide you with both the expertise and the information necessary to minimize user experience risk created by platform coverage gaps in your app testing process. The Factors Reference Guide delivers objective market data to complement your own customer traffic in order to define your platform coverage strategy.

Coverage Levels Mobile Device Coverage

Desktop Web (Only) Coverage

Responsive Web Design Coverage

Essential Top 10 Top 10Top 20 (Essential

Web + Mobile)

Enhanced Top 25 (Essential +15) Top 22 (Essential +12)Top 47 (Enhanced

Web + Mobile)

Extended Top 32 (Enhanced +7) Top 33 (Enhanced +11)Top 65 (Extended

Web + Mobile)


Essential Web Family Enhanced Web Family Extended Web Family

Chrome Latest/Win 10 Chrome Beta/Win 7 Chrome Latest/Win 8.1

Chrome Latest/MacOS Latest Chrome -1/Win 7 Chrome Beta/Win 8.1

Firefox Latest/Win 10 Firefox Beta/Win 10 Chrome -1/Win 8.1

IE 11/Win 10 Firefox Latest/Win 7 Firefox Latest/Win 8.1

Safari Latest/MacOS Latest Firefox -1/Win 10 Firefox -1/Win 8.1

Edge Latest/Win 10 Safari Latest/MacOS -1 Firefox Beta/Win 8.1

Chrome Beta/Win 10 IE 11/Win 7 Safari -1/MacOS Latest

Chrome Latest/Win 7 IE 11/Win 8.1 Safari -1/MacOS -1

Firefox -1/Win 7 IE 9/Win 7 Firefox Beta/MacOS Latest

Chrome -1/Win 10 Chrome -1/MacOS -1 Chrome Beta/MacOS Latest

Chrome Latest/MacOS -1 IE 8/WIN 7

Firefox Beta/WIN 7

Total 10 Browser Permutations Total 12 Browser Permutations Total 11 Browser Permutations

Responsive Web Design Coverage


Mobile Test Coverage – U.S.








*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 6S Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad Mini 4 NEW XL 7.9'' 1536 x 2048 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 L 5.67" 1440 x 2560 Aug-2015 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 XL 9.7'' 1536 x 2048 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad Pro XL 12.9'' 2048 x 2732 Nov-2015 iOS Latest

Google Pixel 2 NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2017 Android 8.1

Apple iPad 9.7 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Mar-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 4S S 3.5" 640 x 960 Oct-2011 iOS 9.3.5

LG G6 L 5.7'' 1440 x 2880 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone SE NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Google Pixel XL L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Motorola Moto Z NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Sep-2016 Android 7.1.1


Mobile Test Coverage – Canada








*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS Latest

Google Pixe REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 neo (SM-G903W) M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Aug-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 6S Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

LG G5 M 5.3'' 1440 x 2560 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2012 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel 2 NEW XL 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2017 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW XL 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy Tab E M 9.6'' 800 x 1280 Jul-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad Pro XL 12.9'' 2048 x 2732 Nov-2015 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Blackberry Keyone M 4.5'' 1080 x 1620 Apr-2017 Android 7.1

Blackberry Motion NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1620 Dec-2017 Android 7.1

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW S 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Google Pixel XL NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0


Mobile Test Coverage – Brazil








13*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Motorola Moto G5 Plus L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

LG Q6 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2017 Android 7.1.1

Motorola Moto G5S NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2017 Android 7.1

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sept-2016 iOS Latest

Motorola Moto G4 Plus (XT1640) L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 May-2016 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Oct-2016 Android 6.0.1

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

LG G4 L 5.5" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Motorola Moto X4 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2017 Android 7.1

LG K10 (K430) L 5.3'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 6.0.1

Asus Zenfone 4 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2017 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 6 Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sept-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Motorola Moto Z Play (XT1635M) L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 6.0.1

Samsung J2 Prime NEW M 5.0'' 540 x 960 Nov-2016 Android 6.0

Samsung J5 Duos NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 7.1.1

Motorola Moto Z2 Play NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jun-2017 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime M 5.0'' 540 x 960 Oct-2014 Android 4.4.4

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sept-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sept-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sept-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS 10.3.3


Mobile Test Coverage – EU5








*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S L 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy J3 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPad Air XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Huawei P9lite L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 10.1" 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 L 5.67" 1440 x 2560 Aug-2015 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy A3 M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Dec-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPad Pro XL 9.7'' 1536 x 2048 Mar-2016 iOS Latest


Mobile Test Coverage – UK








*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.15

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J3 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad Air XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Sony Xperia XA NEW M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab E XL 9.6'' 800 x 1280 Jul-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy S4 M 5.0" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2013 Android 5.0.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6S Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sep-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy J5 L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPad Pro NEW XL 9.7'' 1536 x 2048 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Huawei P9lite L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0


Mobile Test Coverage – Germany








*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Mar-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 5.1.1

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ XL 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy A3 M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Dec-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung S5 Mini M 4.5'' 720 x 1280 Jun-2014 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Huawei P8lite M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 10.1'' 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Huawei P9lite L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact NEW M 4.6'' 720 x 1280 Oct-2017 Android 8.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Blackberry Motion NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1620 Dec-2017 Android 7.1


Mobile Test Coverage – Netherlands








17*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 3 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 10.1'' 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad Air XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy J3 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy A3 M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Dec-2015 Android 6.0.1

Huawei P8lite M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 L 5.7" 1440 x 2560 Sep-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Huawei Mate 10 Pro NEW L 6.0'' 1080 x 2160 Nov-2017 Android 8.0


Mobile Test Coverage – Switzerland








18*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 3 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A3 M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Dec- 2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep- 2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6S Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad Air XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 10.1'' 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPad Pro XL 12.9'' 2048 x 2732 Nov-2015 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest


Mobile Test Coverage – Italy








19*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Huawei P9lite L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J3 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 5.1.1

Huawei P8lite M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo M 4.8" 720 x 1280 May-2014 Android 4.4.4

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Huawei P8lite (2017) NEW L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 Lite NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact NEW M 4.6'' 720 x 1280 Oct-2017 Android 8.0

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 L 5.7" 1440 x 2560 Sep-2014 Android 6.0.1

Huawei GR3 (2017) NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Huawei Mate 10 Pro NEW L 6.0'' 1080 x 2160 Nov-2017 Android 8.0

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Nokia 8 NEW L 5.3'' 1440 x 2560 Oct-2017 Android 7.1.1


Mobile Test Coverage – Spain








20*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Huawei P9lite L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J3 NEW M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Huawei P8lite M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S8 NEW L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo M 4.8" 720 x 1280 May-2014 Android 4.4.4

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2015 Android 7.0

Huawei P8 Lite (2017) NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J7 L 5.5'' 720 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S4 M 5.0" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2013 Android 5.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 9.7" 768 x 1024 May-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

LG G6 L 5.7'' 1440 x 2880 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Huawei Mate 10 NEW L 5.9'' 1440 x 2560 Nov-2017 Android 8.0

Sony Xperia XZ1 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 Android 8.0

BQ Aquaris U NEW M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Sep-2016 Android 6.0.1


Mobile Test Coverage – France








21*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J3 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J5 L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy A5 L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 10.1'' 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Huawei P8 Lite (2017) NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad Air XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS Latest

Huawei Mate 10 Pro NEW L 6.0'' 1080 x 2160 Nov-2017 Android 8.0

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Blackberry Keyone S 4.5'' 1080 x 1620 Apr-2017 Android 7.1

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Huawei P8lite M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Nokia 8 NEW L 5.3'' 1440 x 2560 Oct-2017 Android 7.1.1

Huawei P10 Lite NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra NEW L 6.0'' 1080 x 1920 May 2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Mobile Test Coverage – Denmark








22*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S NEW M 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 NEW M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb- 2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 NEW L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Huawei P9lite NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad Air 2 NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6 NEW M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone SE NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Huawei P10 Lite NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad 2 NEW XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Huawei P8lite NEW M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone 5S NEW S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 NEW L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Huawei P9 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 6.0

OnePlus 3 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 7 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 NEW M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Huawei Mate 9 Pro NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad Air NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS Latest

Lenovo Tab 2 A10-30 NEW XL 10.1'' 800 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 5.1

Apple iPad mini NEW XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Sony Xperia Z5 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2015 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Mobile Test Coverage – Norway








23*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 NEW M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8 NEW L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb- 2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6S NEW M 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6 NEW M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep- 2014 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad 4 NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S6 NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 2 NEW XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 7 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 NEW M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Apple iPhone SE NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy A3 NEW M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad Air 2 NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy A5 NEW L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 5 NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Sep-2012 iOS 10.3.3

Huawei Honor 8 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPad mini NEW XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Huawei P9 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 6.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S4 NEW M 5.0" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2013 Android 5.0.1

Sony Xperia Z5 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2015 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 Lite NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab A NEW XL 10.1'' 1200 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Huawei P10 Lite NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Mobile Test Coverage – Sweden








24*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 NEW M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 6S NEW M 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8 NEW L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6 NEW M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad 4 NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Google Pixel REF NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad Air 2 NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Huawei Honor 8 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S5 NEW M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Apple iPhone 7 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Apple iPad 2 NEW XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone SE NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge NEW M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad Air NEW XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 5S NEW S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPad mini NEW XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Sony Xperia Z5 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2015 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J5 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Mar-2016 Android 7.1.1

Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo NEW M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Aug-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 5 NEW S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Sep-2012 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S4 NEW M 5.0" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2013 Android 5.0.1

Sony Xperia X Compact NEW M 4.6'' 720 x 1280 Sep-2016 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 NEW L 5.2" 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy A3 NEW M 4.7" 720 x 1280 Jan-2017 Android 7.0


Mobile Test Coverage – Australia








25*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy S7 M 5.1'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S5 M 5.1" 1080 x 1920 Apr-2014 Android 5.0

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 6 M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2014 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Apple iPad 4 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2012 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy S8+ L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy S6 M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPhone 6S Plus L 5.5" 1080 x 1920 Sep-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Tab A XL 8.0" 768 x 1024 May-2015 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPad mini XL 7.9" 1024 x 768 Nov-2012 iOS 9.3.5

Apple iPad Air 2 XL 9.7" 2048 x 1536 Oct-2014 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 NEW L 6.3'' 1440 x 2960 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.1

Apple iPhone 8 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 5S S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Google Pixel XL L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge M 5.1" 1440 x 2560 Apr-2015 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 L 5.7" 1440 x 2560 Aug-2015 Android 7.0

OPPO F1s L 5.5'' 720 x 1280 Aug-2016 Android 5.1

Apple iPhone 5C S 4.0" 640 x 1136 Sep-2013 iOS 10.3.3

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS Latest

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad Pro XL 9.7'' 1536 x 2048 Mar-2016 iOS Latest

Huawei Mate 9 L 5.9'' 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Oppo A57 NEW L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Nov-2016 Android 6.0.1


Mobile Test Coverage – China








26*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Huawei Mate 9 L 5.9'' 1080 x 1920 Dec-2016 Android 7.0

Oppo R9S L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 6.0.1

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 L 5.7'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2013 Android 4.4.2

Huawei P9 L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2016 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy A5 M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Dec-2014 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7" 750 x 1334 Sep-2015 iOS 10.3.3

Huawei Mate 8 L 6.0'' 1080 x 1920 Nov-2015 Android 7.0

Google Nexus 6P REF NEW L 5.7'' 1440 x 2560 Sep-2015 Android 8.1

Huawei P8lite NEW M 5.0" 720 x 1280 May-2015 Android 6.0

Apple iPhone 7 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Xiaomi Mi 6 M 5.15'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2017 Android 7.1.1

Coolad Y82-520 NEW L 5.5'' 540 x 960 Sep-2015 Android 4.4.4

Huawei P10 M 5.1'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPad mini 2 XL 7.9" 2048 x 1536 Nov-2013 iOS Latest

Smartisan T2 NEW M 4.95'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2016 Android 5.1.1

Xiaomi Mi 5 M 5.15'' 1080x1920 Apr-2016 Android 6.0

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 L 5.5'' 1080x1920 Feb-2016 Android 5.1.1

Oppo R9m NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Mar-2016 Android 6.0

Huawei Honor 9 NEW M 5.15'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2017 Android 7.0

Vivo X7 NEW L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2016 Android 5.1

Sony Xperia X Performance NEW M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Jun-2016 Android 6.0.1

Huawei Honor 8 L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2016 Android 6.0

Vivo X9 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Nov-2016 Android 6.0.1

Huawei P10 Plus NEW L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Meizu MX4 Pro L 5.5'' 1536 x 2560 Dec-2014 Android 4.4.4

Oppo A57 L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Dec-2016 Android 6.0

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Huawei Honor 6X L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 7.0

Huawei Maimang 5 L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2016 Android 6.0

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone X NEW L 5.8'' 1125 x 2436 Nov-2017 iOS Latest


Mobile Test Coverage – India








27*Some devices/OS combinations may not be commercially available. See Note on page 4.

powered by

Device Name Screen Family Screen SizeScreen

Resolution Release DateRecommended

OS Version

Samsung Galaxy J2 NEW M 4.7'' 540 x 960 Sep-2015 Android 5.1.1

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J7 NEW L 5.5'' 720 x 1280 Apr-2016 Android 7.0

Xiaomi Redmi 3s M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jun-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 7 M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 Android 7.0

Xiaomi Redmi 4A NEW M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Nov-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone 6S M 4.7'' 750x1334 Sep-2015 iOS Latest

Google Pixel REF M 5.0'' 1080 x 1920 Oct-2016 Android 8.1

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge L 5.5'' 1440 x 2560 Feb-2016 Android 7.0

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 L 5.5'' 1080x1920 Feb-2016 Android 5.0.2

Samsung Galaxy On Max NEW L 5.7'' 1080 x 1920 Jul-2017 Android 7.0

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 Android 6.0.1

Oppo A37F M 5.0'' 720 x 1280 Jun-2016 Android 5.1

Motorola Moto G5 Plus L 5.2'' 1080 x 1920 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Oppo F1S L 5.5'' 720 x 1280 Aug-2016 Android 5.1

Vivo Y53 NEW M 5.0'' 540 x 960 Mar-2017 Android 6.0.1

Oppo A57 L 5.2'' 720 x 1280 Dec-2016 Android 6.0

OnePlus 5 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jun-2017 Android 7.1.1

Vivo Y21L S 4.5'' 480 x 854 Aug-2016 Android 5.1

Oppo Neo7 NEW M 5.0'' 540 x 960 Oct-2015 Android 5.1

OnePlus 3T L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Nov-2016 Android 7.1.1

Lenovo Vibe K5 Note NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Jan-2016 Android 5.1

Samsung Galaxy S8 L 5.8'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Apple iPhone 7 Plus L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2016 iOS Latest

Xiaomi Mi A1 NEW L 5.5'' 1080 x 1920 Sep-2017 Android 7.1.2

Apple iPhone 8 NEW M 4.7'' 750 x 1334 Sep-2017 iOS Latest

Apple iPad 2 XL 9.7" 1024 x 768 Mar-2011 iOS 9.3.5

Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro (2016) L 6.0'' 1080 x 1920 May-2016 Android 6.0.1

Apple iPhone SE S 4.0'' 640 x 1136 Mar-2016 iOS 10.3.3

Samsung Galaxy S8+ NEW L 6.2'' 1440 x 2960 Apr-2017 Android 7.0

Vivo V5 L 5.5'' 720 x 1280 Nov-2016 Android 6.0































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© 2018 Perfecto Mobile Ltd.www.perfectomobile.com


Looking to learn more? Here are some of our favorite resources:

GSMArena http://www.gsmarena.com/

Phone Arena http://www.phonearena.com/

Open Signal http://opensignal.com/reports/

Apple https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store/

Android Developers http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html

App Annie https://www.appannie.com/

IHS https://www.ihs.com/index.html

Localytics http://www.localytics.com

About PerfectoPerfecto is a cloud-based platform for web, mobile and IoT software testing, empowering enterprises with the tools needed to deliver better digital experiences. Perfecto’s users can automate continuous testing throughout the DevOps cycle, using a test lab comprised of real browsers, smart phones and devices under real end-user conditions. More than 3,000 customers, including the top global enterprises across the banking, retail, telecommunications, hospitality and media industries rely on Perfecto to help meet user expectations, boost brand reputations, and establish loyal customers. For more information about Perfecto, visit perfecto.io and join our community.
