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New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 9. Pre-reading activity: (20ms) Ⅰ. Background Information.

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New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 9
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New Horizon English Book 1

Unit 9

Page 2: New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 9. Pre-reading activity: (20ms) Ⅰ. Background Information.

Pre-reading activity: (20ms)

Ⅰ. Background Information

Page 3: New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 9. Pre-reading activity: (20ms) Ⅰ. Background Information.

The Futurist http://www.wfs.org/futurist.htm, a bi-monthly magazine of predictions, trends and ideas published since 1967, takes no position on what the future will or should be but acts simply as a clearing house for ideas.

The World Future Society http://www.wfs.org, located in Maryland, produces five publications, manages a bookstore, its web site http://www.wfs.org and its membership of over 30,000. It is a not-for-profit organization for educators and scientists interested in how social and technical developments shape the future.

ⅡLead-in Activity

Discuss in group the following topics:

1.       What the world will be like in the future?

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While-reading Activity

Ⅰ words and phrases:

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New Words

editor n. a person who prepares (a newspaper, film, etc.) 编辑

He is the chief editor of the newspaper. 他是这家报纸的主编。

futurist n. a person who favors futurism 未来主义者

Futurists agree that these directions will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more capable. 未来主义者一致认为,随着邮电网络变得更便宜和有效,这些趋势将会增长。

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publish vt.

1. bring out (a book, newspaper, etc.) 出版

He has published three novels. 他出版了三部小说。

2. make known in general 发布;公布

The school published the exam results this morning. 学校今天早上公布了考试成绩。

impose vt. 1. (on) put (a load, or punishment) on 把 ...... 强加于

The judge imposed a fine of $100 on the guilty man. 法官判罚那个有罪的人 100 美元。

2. (on) establish (an additional bill) officially 征 ( 税 等 ) , 处 以(罚款、监禁等)

The company refused to pay the taxes imposed on them. 公司拒绝支付强征的税款。

fate n. power beyond human control that decides events 命运

He does not believe in fate. 他不相信命运。

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volunteer n. a person who offers to do something 志愿者

One of the volunteers died in the fight against the great flood. 在抗洪斗争中有一个志愿者牺牲了。

v. offer to do something without pay or reward 甘愿

She volunteered to clean the room. 她主动打扫房间。

arithmetic n. [U] the science of numbers; the adding, dividing, etc. of numbers 算术

He teaches arithmetic in that middle school. 他在那个中学教算术。

a. of or concerning arithmetic 算术的

The pupils are taking an arithmetic test. 学生正在进行算术考试。

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Predict vt. say in advance (what will happen) 预测

It's hard to predict what will happen in the new century. 很难预测新世纪会发生什么事。

performance n.

1. the action or way of doing something 表现

The teacher praised him for his performance in class. 老师因他在课堂上表现好而表扬了他。

2. a show of music, a play, etc. 表演

There were quite a few good performances at the party last night. 昨晚的晚会有不少好节目。

electrical a. concerned with or using electricity 与电有关的;用电的

electrical equipment 用电设备

electrical appliances 电器

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analysis n. examination of something; analyzing 分析

This article is an analysis of the main character in the novel. 这篇文章对小说的主人公作了分析。

He based his decision on an analysis of the figures. 他的结论是在对数据进行分析的基础上做出的。

diagnosis n. discovery of the nature of a disease诊断

I need to have a second test to establish the diagnosis. 我需要再化验一次,以确定对我的诊断。

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n. 1. the act or way of dealing with a disease 治疗

My cold won't respond to treatment. 治疗对我的感冒没有什么作用。

Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. 许多病人没有得到他们需要的治疗。

2. dealing with 处理;对待

All visitors should receive proper treatment. 所有来客都应得到良好的接待。

His treatment of the problem doesn't satisfy his boss. 他对问题的处理没能使他的老板满意。

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vi. 1. have an effect on each other 相互作用 ; 相互影响

You have to understand the way they interact. 你得理解他们相互交往的方式。

2. exchange information or instructions 互通信息

Millions of people want new ways of interacting with a computer. 数以百万计的人希望掌握与计算机互通信息的新方式。


a. 1. acting on each other 相互作用;互相影响

There is little information that this encourages interactive teaching in the classroom. 没有信息表明这会促进课堂上的互动教学。

2. communicating (between the user and the machine) (人机之间)可互通信息的

This will make computer games more interactive than ever. 这会使计算机游戏中人机之间比以前更能互通信息。

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alternative a. giving a choice from among more than two things 可选择的

They had a right to seek alternative employment. 他们有权选择另一项工作。

n. a serious choice (必须作的)选择

If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight, he has no alternative but to go by plane. 如果他想在今晚到达芝加哥,除了坐飞机没有别的选择。

You have no alternative about whether or not to work, but you do have a choice of jobs. 是工作还是不工作,在这一点上你没有选择;但对于做什么工作,你是完全可以选择的。

toll n. a small sum of money that one has to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road (通过路或桥等的)费用

A toll road is a road which people have to pay to drive on. 付费公路是要付钱方可通行的公路。

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engine n. a machine that turns power into movement 引擎;发动机

The car's engine is out of order. 这辆汽车的发动机出了毛病。

connection ( 英 connexion)

n. 1. joining; uniting连接

computer connections 电脑网络

2. relations between two things, people, or groups 关系;联系

He refused to admit any connection to the bombing. 他否认自己与那起轰炸事件有关。

There is no support of a connection between AIDS and smoking. 没有证据表明艾滋病与抽烟有什么联系。

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household n. all the people living in a house 家庭

Many poor households are experiencing real hard times. 许多贫困家庭正过着极度艰难的生活。

a. concerned with the management of a house 家庭的

household costs 家庭开支 household business 家庭企业


n. 1. protection 治安保卫

strict security measures 严密的安全防卫措施

The money I've saved is my security against hard times. 我积攒的钱可使我遇难不慌。

For security reasons the passengers have to be searched. 为了确保安全,旅客得接受检查。

2. state of being secure 安全

Living in such an area, he has no feeling of security. 住在这样的地区他没有安全感。

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worldwide a. & ad. in or all over the world 世界范围(的)

He enjoys a worldwide name. 他享有世界性的知名度。

The novel has sold 20 million copies worldwide. 这部小说在全世界售出了二千万册。

site n. 1. a station from which one can get information through the Internet 网站

You may try some of the following sites for the information about the author. 想了解有关这位作家的信息,不妨试试以下这些网站。

2. a place 地点;地方

Here is the site where we shot the film. 这儿就是我们拍摄那部电影的地方。

He went to the building site by bike. 他骑自行车上工地去了。

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museum n. a building where old or important objects from history, science, or the arts are kept and shown 博物馆

The museum opens from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 博物馆开放的时间是早上 10 点到晚上 9 点。


n. 1. [pl.] useful things 设施

shopping facilities 采购设施

sporting facilities 体育设施

teaching facilities 教学设施

2. an advantage or opportunity 便利,容易,方便

A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel. 只有这家酒店为旅客提供去机场的免费汽车服务。

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database n. a computer‘s organization of information 资料库 : a database of hotels旅馆数据库

globe n. 1. the Earth 地球 : About 70% of our globe's surface is water. 地球表面 70% 是水。

2. an object in the shape of a ball, especially one with a map of the Earth painted on it 球状物;地球仪

Three large globes stand on the floor. 地板上立着三个大地球仪。

The ceiling light is now covered with a white globe. 现在那盏吊灯上装了一个球形灯罩。

grocer n. a shop-keeper who sells dry foods and other things for the home 食品杂货商

She is a Chinese grocer's daughter. 她是个华裔食品杂货商的女儿。

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purchase n. something that one buys 购买的物品

He was pleased with his purchase. 他对自己买的东西感到满意。

vt. buy购买

He kept boasting about the new house he purchased last month. 他老吹嘘他上个月买的那幢新房。

widespread a. 1. occurring in many places or among many people 广泛的

It is a widespread belief that China will join the WTO. 人们普遍相信中国将加入世贸组织。

2. wide open; fully extended 展开的

She greeted her son with widespread arms. 她张开双臂迎接她的儿子。

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ⅡLanguage Points

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Language Point 1

The future does not determine itself. The actions of the present determine the future. (Para. 2)

Meaning: The future is not determined by itself but by the actions we take today.

Language Point 2

Edward Cornish, editor of "The Futurist" magazine published by the World Future Society, says: (Para. 3)

editor: n. person who prepares (a newspaper, film, etc.)

a chief editor 主编,总编辑 a managing editor 编辑主任

A newspaper editor makes the final decisions about which articles will be printed. 报纸编辑对于文章的刊用做出最终决定。

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Language Point 3

The responsibility we have for the future begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the future — that the future is not something imposed upon us by fate or other forces beyond our control. (Para. 4)

Meaning: It is we who are responsible for the future. When we know that we ourselves create the future, that is, when we realize that it is we, not fate nor other forces beyond our control, who determine the future, our responsibility begins.

Please notice that the second "that" clause is the explanation of the first that clause.

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Language Point 4

...that the future is not something imposed upon us by fate...(Para. 4)

impose on (upon): force on; place on

Parents should not impose their own tastes on their children. 父母不应该将自己的爱好强加给孩子。

The higher income taxes imposed on the people by the government last year were very unpopular.去年政府强加于人民头上的更加高额的税收很不得人心。

The university is unwilling to impose upon students the heavy responsibility of choosing their own courses. 这所大学不愿将选择课程的重大责任强压给学生。

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Language Point 5

...or other forces beyond our control. (Para. 4)

beyond: prep. outside the limits of

beyond our power 非我们力所能及的

beyond doubt 毫无疑义

beyond compare 无与伦比的

beyond praise夸不胜夸的

Language Point 6

Your brainwaves may be checked to see whether you are busy, tired or doing your work properly. (Para. 6)

Meaning: Research work may be done on your brainwaves to see if you are busy, tired or doing your work in a suitable way.

brainwave: electric current produced by rhythmic electric changes between the parts of the brain

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Language Point 7 : Psychologist Arthur F. Kramer tested volunteers working on arithmetic problems (Para. 7)

Meaning: Psychologist Arthur F. Kramer tested willing persons who were trying to solve arithmetic problems

volunteer: n. person offering to do something without being forced

This is a huge project, but we have a lot of volunteers for the most difficult work. 这是一个大项目,但我们拥有许多志愿者来承担其中最困难的工作。

After the dancing party, quite a lot of young men stayed behind as volunteers to clean the place. 舞会之后,许多年轻人自愿留下来打扫场所。

work on (upon): have (something) as the subject of thought or effort

The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space. 科学家仍在努力探索进入外层空间的新方法。

Is Tom still working on the new book that he promised? 汤姆还在写那本他答应写的书吗?

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Language Point 8

He could predict their performance from the strength of the brain's electrical activity measured through the head. (Para. 7)

Meaning: He could tell how good the volunteers were in their work on the foundation of the strength of the brain's electrical activity that was measured through the head.

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Language Point 9

He could predict their performance from the strength of the brain's electrical activity…(Para. 7)

predict: vt. say in advance

One can look to the future but can't predict the future. 人可以展望未来,但无法预测未来。

They predict that about twenty percent of the students will fail to pass the examination. 他们预计将有 20% 的学生考试不及格。

performance: n. 1. action or way of doing something

Our football team's performance has been poor during the whole year. 我们的足球队今年一直表现不佳。

2. show of music, a play, etc.

His performance at the party last night was very good. 昨晚他在晚会上的表演很棒。

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Language Point 10

Bosses could measure brain activity to learn worker quality. (Para. 8)

Meaning: Through measuring brain activity bosses can learn how well a worker is performing to see if he is working hard, or too tired to do the job properly.

Language Point 11

Frequent computer analysis could tell whether workers, like air traffic controllers, are seeing all activity clearly enough to monitor it properly. (Para. 8)

Meaning: Frequent computer analyses could tell us whether workers such as air traffic controllers have a clear picture of all the activity in front of them so that they can control the activity in a suitable way.

Here "it" refers to "activity".

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Language Point 12

Frequent computer analysis ...(Para. 8)

analysis: n. examination of something; analyzing

Please note that "Analyses" is the plural form of "analysis".

My evaluation of a work of art may be based not on analysis but on a general impression. 我对于文艺作品的评价往往不是基于分析,而是凭总体印象。

A general impression sometimes unconsciously takes account of the important elements which are not taken into account by an analysis. 总体印象有时倒会无意识地把一些分析时往往被忽略的重要因素考虑了进去。

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Language Point 13 : ...are seeing all activity clearly enough to monitor it properly. (Para. 8)

monitor: vt. watch for a period of time for a special purpose

The instruments monitor the patient's heartbeats. 这些仪器监测着病人的心跳。

Language Point 14 : More and more, doctors will use visual information about your condition from computers, instead of textbooks, for diagnosis and treatment. (Para. 10)

Meaning: Increasing with time, doctors will acquire the information about your condition in their diagnosis and treatment from computers. Instead of textbooks, they get the information that can be seen on a computer screen.

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Post-reading Activity

Ⅰ Exercise: (pp.178-183)

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1. Who or what determines our future?

We ourselves or our actions determine our future.2. What was psychologist Arthur Kramer’s finding?

He found that he could predict the performance of tested volunteers from the strength of the brain’s electrical activity.3. What will the 21st Century doctors depend on in their medical diagnosis and treatment?

They will depend more on computers in their medical diagnosis and treatment.4. Will car driving be easier in the 21st Century with the help of computers? Why?

Yes. With computers, drivers know where they are, what kind of problems their car engines have,

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5. How will computers help students in the future do their homework assignments?

Through computer connections, students in the future will get worldwide resources from suchsources as museums, libraries, databases, and other science facilities all around the world. Theycan also get assistance from teachers and fellow students around the globe.6. What will be more important to the success of a business?

Information and specialists will be more important to the success of a business.

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7. Will the environment in the future change for the better? Why?

Yes. There are two reasons for this: first, governments and businesses now realize the importanceof environmental protection; and second, they are taking actions to protect the environment. Forexample, many European countries and the United States check automobiles for gas and smokeemissions.

8. What do most doctors do now for the health of patients?

On one hand, they prescribe pills for them; on the other, they require them to focus on healthylifestyles by changing diets and using more exercise as means to keep well.

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Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where


1.       She failed badly in the performance of her duty as a secretary.

2.       No one should do anything to prevent farmers from knowing the government’s policy/policies on agriculture.

3.       The animals that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive.

4.       Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to reduce tension and stress.

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5.       This will make computer games more interactive.

6.       He is now focusing on a career as a specialist in computers.

7.       To improve your chances of profit you have to plan your business policy carefully.

8.       The company has recently placed a(n) advertisement for staff in the local newspaper.

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Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.1. If you impose your opinions or beliefs on/upon other people, you try to make people accept them as a rule or as a model to copy.

2. When all the instruments had been checked out/over , he signaled that he was ready to start the engine.3. Much information about computer science has been acquired through hard work since last year.

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4. Before I pay I’d like to know what I pay for.5. Any driver who drives his or her car at a speed of 160 km on this highway will be billed for/up to $500.6. He gave a happy cry when the information he’d been looking for appeared on the small screen of the computer.7. Many shoppers order their groceries at home through/from Internet suppliers and have their purchases delivered.8. Twice he had raised the money and started up a small business of his own, and twice he failed.

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Rewrite the following sentences by omitting the word “if”. 

1. If you should fail to solve the arithmetic problem, come to me. Should you fail to solve the arithmetic problem, come to me.2. If your car should break down, change to a bus. Should your car break down, change to a bus.3. If a serious crisis should arise, the public would have to be informed of what it means. Should a serious crisis arise, the public would have to be informed of what it means.

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4. If you should fail in the exam, your parents and teachers would not blame you.

Should you fail in the exam, your parents and teachers would not blame you.5. If you should change your mind, no one would say anything against it. Should you change your mind, no one would say anything against it.

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Study the model and then rewrite the following sentences by using the structure of “make it +

adj. for somebody to do something”. 

1. It’s difficult for teachers and students to have proper teaching and learning because of the poor teaching facilities. The poor teaching facilities make it difficult for teachers and students to have proper teaching andlearning.2. It is hard for one to start up a new business because of lack of money. Lack of money makes it hard for one to start up a new business.

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3. With frequent computer analyses it is possible for a manager to tell whether a worker is performing well in his work.  Frequent computer analyses make it possible for a manager to tell whether a worker is performingwell in his work.4. With the Internet it is easier for shoppers to order their groceries at home. The Internet makes it easier for shoppers to order their groceries at home.5. Because of the new teaching building it is possible for the university to admit more students this year. The new teaching building makes it possible for the university to admit more students this year.

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Translate the following sentences into English.1. 在 21 世纪,人们将在家里通过因特网购货,并将货送到家里。 In the 21st Century people will order their goods at home through the Internet and have themdelivered.2. 对高层次经理来说,增长管理方面的信息和知识将更重要。 The increase in information and knowledge about management will be more important to topmanagers.3. 由于许多地方禁止抽烟广告,抽烟就将受到批评 (under siege) 了。 As smoking advertising is banned in many areas, smoking cigarettes will be under siege.

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4. 做家庭作业时,每十个学生有八人将使用诸如博物馆和科学设施这样的资源。 Eight out of every ten students will use sources such as museums and science facilities in doingtheir homework assignments.5. 正是我们的所为和我们的所不为才决定我们的将来。 It is what we do and what we do not do that determine our future.

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Translate the following into Chinese.Future tasks computers already do at home include:Computers turn on the lights, heating and essential household services before people arrive home from work. Computers control cooking, hot water, security. Computers enable homework assignments to be done with worldwide resources, using sites like museums and science facilities around the world. Homework help can come equally from the local library, or libraries and databases in places as far apart as New York and London, or from teachers and fellow students around the globe. Many shoppers order groceries at home through Internet suppliers and have purchases delivered.

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