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New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N....

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VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS i 1 1 1 1 i. :^* New Jersey Central Fran Cranfertf to Klftrteth. HmnUt w* Nw vark, . at*. U:M, ttlt 11 H i 11:11. 11 U:M, ttltTA, tt:lt, »!:«*. .kUOl 11:11. 11 :H. xlilt, tilt. UM, t.-tt.* MS 1:41. »l:«. aM*/**-**. «:>*. «:«. MM. «:ti. tJ.lt. >:U. »:«, i»:M. IMt. «l:». xll JIT: firt, Bundan—*J:M a*:03. 9:*S. a*~h«^ »-^p» *v.«v. xll:J» A. i t , aU.-U, • » : « ; ll:U, «J:W. 1:44. 2:lt, «*: aS:U. l i i , ai :«». ill i.U. *f' *T:U, 1:1*. a» 17 For V . 4:l«, . I M l i o f c H:4» A. ML M:«f •»:». 1:41, 'Ittl. titL titt, *l:M, 1:U, 1:41. 4:16. 4:41 J:1U:«. »:M. t&Vss m. S«i- unUya) fctl, Mas «c a»iurd»yi) (:44, «:U. 7:11. tf:«, till, »:ll. 10:14, 11:14 P. M. lt:4t A. M. 8und*r»-l'f>.< 4:51. t:«T, .»!«!. 10:48. II inLE. 11:41. I:4J. »:Si. 4:41. »:!0. • It, :•?, 7:». I:1T. iiM, 10:4*. 1I:1T. 11 IS F. II.. l:0T A. M. for E»»ton. Bethl»h«m. Allwitown. Mauch Chuolt—*:H. »:«>. Kmc Miucti Chunk. I:M, Mitt A. iL, l-M, 4:41, 1:14, (C 44 to Baaton only), P. M. Sundny* ill. «:0T, »:4I A. R . 1:11, S:». «:«7 1". M. For WIlkM B a m and Benuiton—I:M. « SI A. II. 6:14 P. M. Sundajs 4:M. ».4» A. U.. 6:J» P. M. tor Lak««rawS-a:t(. Mot A. M,. IMl. Saturday* only, l : « , *:»».flund»y»«:14. ».5» A. Jt. 1:*5. »Th P. K. Par Atlantic Cltr—3:M. low A. M. li:U Batwdan onir }:M P. at, Sun- day. 9:H A. )i.. ajjl P. M, i Except Ntwarlt. a Tbrouih tmtn to Kewar*. Saturday only. os< AB M. LuDIS M. llf.l-" Hess Bros., Plumbing, Heating an. Tinning, 7 3. Union Awonu«> Tal.31iW. CRAWFORD. N J Auto Vans Packing Shipping: sa Storage Auto Truck for Joy Rides & Allison Circa.t«.forcll« J. C. W. RflNKINJ Lehigh Valley Coal AND Sand* Cement Slag Sewer Pipe, Etc. 4 Office, 11 East North Avenue, *J CRANFOBD, N. J. IM. 0. D. IRVING -CHOICE- Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Poultry PHONE 93. Cranford Hotel Union and Walnut. AVML-.^. Axcommodatloostor Perman- ent and Transient Quests. Booms nicely furnished, heated by steam, lighted by electricity and.In all respects adapted to promote comfort and conven- ience. Meals Scrvid at all EDW. W. MOLLER. Proa. htophau W-l ' a » e 4 > « n 4 > a FREDH. |AHN, "* t: ?•*-"?*"- -"' m (Succeeeor to Philipp Jabo) House, Sign, and Fresco Painting, f lain and Oacoratlv. Paper Hanging —AMP DBAXiBtt Tff /* Glass, Oil, Paint^VarnieheB Paper. . R«w Jersey THE LIBRARY COMPETITION EXCESS « R CRANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT LEADS Vote This Week Very Qose. Citizen Proposition Opens ' New and Fertile Reid for Votes Which is Being Taken Advantage of by Many Workers. Uml Letter Days in the stares are continuing to bo a boon to i voter**, Accounts aro boing paid aud purchaaea mada \>J ^«ai'preciHte the importance of this large avenue for votes, flu. ('raiiTbrii Firo Oepartiui'Ut luiuiagaa to shade them all tnia week, but by a margin very narrow «nd svero all our reports iu it nji^lit \m a difTereiit story. Still it proves that these bustlora are bus; us been and every i^iouitmt nlivo to the issue. Cleveland School is also plugging aloiifr st<>aTlily aud surely. It is tiometiui«» even butter not to advance tittliK front for it tentlfi to over-vontideuce, but with* tUf goal alwuvH uheacls tlio effort Leconms ^rtiwiugly pornistout. This as well applie.i to Lincoln School, the Juuioni aud the i.'anoo Club. These workers are improving ovory uioiuent and lmve only to fully realuo their Htrtiti^tli whon properly bunded together to render them for.emodt of the contend***™ for yoo<l books.. •*' THE PRID13 OF 5I0UX VALLEY FLOUR ~\ , The l'rido of Sioux Valley Flour is now on the toufjues of overy voter. The tmipty'bans are fouiin^.iu with $?«•"»•• frequency, nud this promises to be oue of the greatest contributing forces to. the Hiiocesa of our contcMtuntH. We ndviHo u trial of this ciicolleiit flour after which you will litu'oiuo a permanent convert to its uicrita, THE CITIZEN ANNOUNCEMENT. Tlin propositfon for subscribing to the CITIZEN has nrousod'em nil to a newline of tu'tiou. It in recognized thnt this feature is to play ii prominent pnrt iu tli« outcume. Tin- subHcription blanks aro ready mid should lie in the hands of our workers that no opportunity to >btaiu this largo roveuuo iu votes may bo missod. .For full particulars see thoH'irizeN advertineuieuton this page. LUtUARY ADVKKTIBING 60., .*, 32 Uniou Square, New York. Cratiford Fire Department .... I>l'.lt2 C l l d S h l f i l l G C Holy Nn«io Society 7694 (Jraut School . 4U0. Azure Lodgo, l'\ & A. M...... 4010 First t'resbytoriau Church... 3103 HeciMoiI 1484 Sherman School... ,,. 67H Hoyal Arcauum... •: 106 Fir'at BaptUt OhuroL .76 V. I. A CO Cleveland .School. Lincoln School.! 37111 it Criuiforil Canoo Blub .... : .'..~3«162' CraufordCouncil .Ir.O. U.A.M.2SJ425 St Miuhael's School .-...21847 Crouford Public Library 1818a Field dud Kiyor Club;. ...... 13301 Gorwood School 11409 First M. E. Church :... 0105 These ure the merchauta who i&sue votes, BEKHY&CO. APOLLO PHAUUAOY "DAVI0"KRAMEK ' A. 0: PIKE ")' PH. KIVATINOS OTIS WBIGHT, lie. OHAY BURIAL CO. J. F. DOREMtJS JOHN DOYLE, PI umbor , HECKER'S BttEA'KFAST CEREALS. The fi onta from Heoker'H cereal producto aro good for GOVO{JOB ouch when prcHented to Ht'iry's Department Store for redemption. , A vote for each cout of uniuuut will be given on all onlu'ra for coal from Otis Wright.Co., Inc. AVo'will redeem The Pride of the Sjoui Vn'lloy Flour Sn'cks,BB followH: • • • . ' . ' * ' 'I ' •18 pound fciick';.: i '..„•: ;.'.... 1,000 votes 21 pound Sack 500 vote* Rye Flour, tun pound Sack .; .... .-. ........ 2 5 0 votoH Rye Graham Flour, tonpound Sack .... 260 Vote* WJioat Griilmm, ton pound Sack ., 260 votes. Yollow Corn Meal, ten pound Sack .............. : 260 votes when presented terBerry A; Cp's.' Dnpartuiept Store. J. A. Cnrpeutor pitt'1h3TIirTliio~T'fgulaf'"'~iiieTc'lfiu»t 'vTuto - "TTp^n~reeu*^~gr51u~^Suu < ouicEeu feed. . Library Contest CITIZEN COUPON , : . GOOD FOR 5 VOTES. Depoiiit this'in nuy merchants ballot box. Carefully write name of contestant on.tirHt lino and your signature on Hcco.nd lino. . . . - FOB. By ; Ammesa,. „... We PayJntctcst. Your $500 occeunt subject to check will earn money, for you. ' :. We pay interest on all balances of that amount or over. The rate of interest is as high as Bound banking practice wouldtsanctipn. " ' . . , Your account, large or small, will be safeguarded by our conservative management and capital and surplus amounting to $120,000.00. V j CRANFORD* TRUST COrtPANY CRANFORD, N. J. Moneyl FIBST ASD8BOOND, EDWARD MO8HER, CIVIL EN6UKER ni SURVEYOR Engln«*w. Various Attempts to Enact New State Laws Have Been —:——itosocesssffidt:—~*—=—^ )'!./l»J«lVihU, rtb. 17. '• KlToris of iiiu tr«lani«a'« orftttia- tlou iu for c Y\i\\ Crew Uw«—rtally I'ein'i-is" irisv liiw«— upun varioui Italcn aii> nu'rilng with ntroui public oppuntUuit. l"ariucn aud builans meu ef Kiiiiias mu.lf such »tiarj> protect tba,l niii bill bofore tbe legislature at that »utu w*» KUUiJ ^•bj-uarjr II Iu Au eBort to «u»ct U.''HI'IM" cr»W lfiW In West Virginia mtt with gen- •ral opposltlou, tad th» bill i u r» porlt',1 udMT.ely by th* legUlattve comniltti!<! to which It wai r«f«rr»J. Down Iu Alabama a leglilitlf* cool' mltteo, artt>r public btarlns* upoo a lull cruw bill, voncluded lhat Iba conteullmm of tha tralnmtn'a union were not well found*] aud that th* ta*asure would onljr compel employ' meat of extra men not needad on U* trains. The bill, waa conivquuttlr *d< Tersely reimrted. ID T«»M a new effort to f*t an "eiipsi" <rew bill pulled hu encoun- tered veiKiineut opposition from th* fumori, who defeated a previous ef' fort Out In Washington a bUl has beeu sgrevd upon bjr committees of both th* st'iiate and the home, which In effect will repeal the Kull Crew Law i<( that Btuta and Icav* It to lha Public Sorvli'o Oommltslon to MX llow trains shull Xm mmned. The lillt bcrortslli* New York Ugls- Uture for repeal o( the rail Crew Law of that state Is being *ara*stl7 supported l>y newspaper* all over the stain, by Rranice uiul bustnes* orgaul- Utlons, such an, the Rochester Cliniu- ber of Cntiiiiivrcu, and b*r Influentlul men of affairs. ' Ttiu mate Moan) of Agriculture and -Cbtt—• NoW" J*jrB<?y" ~Htat<>' "tihanibor" "of OoDimeno mand xtrongly for ropetl at ibe I'ulI Crew Law of New Jersey, with power to the Public Utilities Couimliulun to dutcrmlo* ho# trains should he manned. ' . At u inuotlnjt of tho oxecutlrn ajm- inltlm of tbe Mons' t^oaKUO of tbe l're»- IJ) tofiun church, to lie held uoxt .Satur- day uvuniiiK, Brrati((oinoJit« for t|ie uul dinner, to bo beld March 23, will rw Maa and Tekphcme Onkis U^iverd Prompdy. MYER'SilMARKET 16 North Avenue, Cast Cranford, N. J. Telephone 89., This market will hereafter be conducted on a Strictly Cash basis. Specials Every Day! For FRIDAY and SATURDAY WE OFFBR.TJiE FOLLOWING Lamb. HindquaHcr Lamb, Forequartcr Lamb, Legs of Lamb, Lamb Chops, shoulder, Beef. Prime Rib Roast, Blade Roast, Chuck Roast, Top Sirloin Roast, Cross Rib Roast, j Pot Roast, <HO.UI)'MEAT). ••' Porter House Steak, Sirloin Steak, Round Steak, V..- Chuck Steak, Flank Steak, Hamburger Steak, - - - 20c 18c I 20c| Poultry. Fancy Roasting Chickens, I r i csh Ki ed row , 20c 20c 18c 16c 22c 22c 20c 25c 24c 24c 18c 20c 20c Fish. Cod,' . . 16c Halibm/. . . 20c Weak, . . 16c Sea Frout, . . 16c Flounders, . . 10c Fresh Salmon, • 25c Smelts, large. * . 16c , Smoked Meats. Smoked Hams, 17c Regular Hams, 18c California Hams, 14c Bacon, strip, 22c SPECIAL! PORK SPECIAL! Loins of Pork, 15c j Sausage Meat, 20c Pork Roast, Pork Chops, Fresh Hams, Fresh Butts, 16c j Taylor's Pork Roll, wfiole, 24c I j c ! Pork Good iie, . 24c 15c All kinds I5olo^n<i, 16c LIBRARY CDJMIESI BIO VOTE IHSUED FOR aUUSOHll'TION TO 1 The Cranford Citizen Will Issue Votes as Follows: 1 Years Subscription $).00 2 Years Subscription $2.00 3 Years Subscription $3.00 . 1,000 Votes . 3 , 0 0 0 Votes . 7,000 Votes TO SECURE » P A Y I « MUST BE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE . • „ - - * • i Every voter should be a subscriber Every subscriber should be a voter Subscription blanks may be had upon application to this office Select your Workers for the big vote by subscription. They quickly run into large figures. " If you are now a paid up cubscriber, your subscription can be extended and money paid for this purpose will count the same as a new subscription. THE CRANFORD CITIZEN ' •--».
Page 1: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central

* ~ ** - _ t- -r^j


V : ^





: ^ *

New Jersey CentralFran Cranfertf to Klftrteth.HmnUt w*

N w vark, .

at* .U:M, ttlt11 H i 11:11.

1 1U:M, ttltTA, tt:lt, »!:«*. .kUOl 11:11.11 :H. xlilt, tilt. UM, t.-tt.* MS 1:41.»l:«. aM*/**-**. «:>*. «:«. MM. «:ti.tJ.lt. >:U. »:«, i»:M. IMt. « l :» . xll



a*:03. 9:*S. a*~h«^ »-^p» *v.«v.xll:J» A. i t , aU.-U, • » : « ; ll:U, «J:W.1:44. 2:lt, «*:aS:U. l i i , ai

:«». i l li.U. *f' *T:U, 1:1*. a» 17


. 4:l«,. I M l i o f c H:4» A. ML M:«f •»:».

1:41, 'Ittl. titL titt, *l:M, 1:U, 1:41.4:16. 4:41 J : 1 U : « . »:M. t&Vss m . S«i-unUya) fctl, Mas « c a»iurd»yi) (:44,«:U. 7:11. tf:«, till, »:ll. 10:14, 11:14P. M. lt:4t A. M.

8und*r»-l'f>.< 4:51. t:«T, .»!«!. 10:48.II i n L E . 11:41. I:4J. »:Si. 4:41. »:!0.• It, • :•?, 7:». I:1T. iiM, 10:4*. 1I:1T.11 IS F. II.. l:0T A. M.

for E»»ton. Bethl»h«m. Allwitown.Mauch Chuolt—*:H. »:«>. Kmc MiuctiChunk. I:M, Mitt A. iL, l-M, 4:41, 1:14,(C 44 to Baaton only), P. M. Sundny*i l l . «:0T, »:4I A. R . 1:11, S:». «:«71". M.

For WIlkM Bam and Benuiton—I:M.« SI A. II. 6:14 P. M. Sundajs 4:M.».4» A. U.. 6:J» P. M.

tor Lak««rawS-a:t(. Mot A. M,. IMl.Saturday* only, l :« , *:»». flund»y» «:14.».5» A. Jt. 1:*5. »Th P. K.

Par Atlantic Cltr—3:M. low A. M.l i :U Batwdan onir }:M P. at, Sun-day. 9:H A. )i.. ajjl P. M,

i Except Ntwarlt.a Tbrouih tmtn to Kewar*.• Saturday only.

os< AB M. LuDIS M. llf.l-"

Hess Bros.,Plumbing, Heating an . Tinning,

7 3 . Union Awonu«>


Auto VansPacking Shipping:

sa StorageAuto Truck for Joy Rides

& Allison


J. C. W. RflNKINJLehigh Valley Coal


Sand*Cement SlagSewer Pipe, Etc. 4

Office, 11 East North Avenue, *JCRANFOBD, N. J.



Meats, Fish,Butter, Eggs

and PoultryPHONE 93.

Cranford HotelUnion and Walnut. A V M L - . ^ .

Axcommodatloostor Perman-ent and Transient Quests.Booms nicely furnished, heatedby steam, lighted by electricityand.In all respects adapted topromote comfort and conven-ience.Meals Scrvid at all

EDW. W. MOLLER. Proa.htophau W-l '

a » e 4 > « n 4 > a


• JSi

"* t:?•*-"?*"- - " '


(Succeeeor to Philipp Jabo)

House, Sign, andFresco Painting,

f lain and Oacoratlv.

Paper Hanging—AMP DBAXiBtt Tff /*

Glass, Oil, Paint^VarnieheBPaper. .

R«w Jersey


Vote This Week Very Qose. Citizen Proposition Opens' New and Fertile Reid for Votes Which is Being

Taken Advantage of by Many Workers.Uml Letter Days in the stares are continuing to bo a boon to

i voter**, Accounts aro boing paid aud purchaaea mada \>J^ « a i ' p r e c i H t e the importance of this large avenue for votes,flu. ('raiiTbrii Firo Oepartiui'Ut luiuiagaa to shade them all tnia

week, but by a margin very narrow «nd svero all our reports iu itnji^lit \m a difTereiit story. Still it proves that these bustlora are bus;us been and every i iouitmt nlivo to the issue. Cleveland School is alsoplugging aloiifr st<>aTlily aud surely. It is tiometiui«» even butter notto advance tittliK front for it tentlfi to over-vontideuce, but with* tUfgoal alwuvH uheacls tlio effort Leconms ^rtiwiugly pornistout. This aswell applie.i to Lincoln School, the Juuioni aud the i.'anoo Club. Theseworkers are improving ovory uioiuent and lmve only to fully realuotheir Htrtiti tli whon properly bunded together to render them for.emodtof the contend***™ for yoo<l books.. •*'

THE PRID13 OF 5I0UX VALLEY FLOUR ~\, The l'rido of Sioux Valley Flour is now on the toufjues of overy

voter. The tmipty'bans are fouiin^.iu with $?«•"»•• frequency, nud thispromises to be oue of the greatest contributing forces to. the Hiiocesaof our contcMtuntH. We ndviHo u trial of this ciicolleiit flour afterwhich you will litu'oiuo a permanent convert to its uicrita,

THE CITIZEN ANNOUNCEMENT.Tlin propositfon for subscribing to the CITIZEN has nrousod'em

nil to a new line of tu'tiou. It in recognized thnt this feature is to playii prominent pnrt iu tli« outcume. Tin- subHcription blanks aro readymid should lie in the hands of our workers that no opportunity to>btaiu this largo roveuuo iu votes may bo missod. .For full particulars

see thoH'irizeN advertineuieuton this page. •LUtUARY ADVKKTIBING 60 . ,

.*, • 32 Uniou Square, New York.Cratiford Fire Department....I>l'.lt2C l l d S h l f i l l G C

Holy Nn«io Society 7694(Jraut School . 4U0.Azure Lodgo, l'\ & A. M...... 4010First t'resbytoriau Church... 3103HeciMoiI 1484Sherman School... ,,. 67HHoyal Arcauum... •: 106Fir'at BaptUt OhuroL .76V. I. A CO

Cleveland .School.Lincoln School.! 37111 itCriuiforil Canoo Blub ....: .'..~3«162'CraufordCouncil .Ir.O. U.A.M.2SJ425St Miuhael's School .-...21847Crouford Public Library 1818aField dud Kiyor Club;. . . . . . . 13301Gorwood School 11409First M. E. Church :... 0105

These ure the merchauta who i&sue votes,BEKHY&CO. APOLLO PHAUUAOY



The fi onta from Heoker'H cereal producto aro good for GO VO{JOBouch when prcHented to Ht'iry's Department Store for redemption.

, A vote for each cout of uniuuut will be given on all onlu'ra forcoal from Otis Wright.Co., Inc. • AVo'will redeem The Pride of theSjoui Vn'lloy Flour Sn'cks,BB followH: • • • . ' . ' * ' 'I ' •

•18 pound fciick';.: i ' . . „ • : ;.'.... 1,000 votes21 pound Sack 500 vote*Rye Flour, tun pound Sack .;.... .-. . . . . . . . .250 votoHRye Graham Flour, ton pound Sack ....260 Vote*WJioat Griilmm, ton pound Sack ., 260 votes.Yollow Corn Meal, ten pound Sack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 260 votes

when presented terBerry A; Cp's.' Dnpartuiept Store. J. A. Cnrpeutorpitt'1h3TIirTliio~T'fgulaf'"'~iiieTc'lfiu»t 'vTuto-"TTp n~reeu* ~gr51u~ Suu< ouicEeu

feed. .

Library ContestCITIZEN COUPON, : . GOOD FOR 5 VOTES.Depoiiit this'in nuy merchants ballot box. Carefully

write name of contestant on.tirHt lino and your signature onHcco.nd lino. . . . -


By ;

Ammesa,. „...

We PayJntctcst.Your $500 occeunt subject to check will earn money,

for you. ' :.

We pay interest on all balances of that amount or over.

The rate of interest is as high as Bound banking practicewouldtsanctipn. —" ' . .

, Your account, large or small, will be safeguarded by ourconservative management and capital and surplus amountingto $120,000.00. V j





Various Attempts to Enact NewState Laws Have Been

—:——itosocesssffidt:—~*—=—^)'!./l»J«lVihU, rtb. 17.

'• KlToris of iiiu tr«lani«a'« orftttia-tlou iu for c Y\i\\ Crew Uw«—rtallyI'ein'i-is" irisv liiw«— upun variouiItalcn aii> nu'rilng with ntroui publicoppuntUuit. l"ariucn aud builans meuef Kiiiiias mu.lf such »tiarj> protecttba,l niii bill bofore tbe legislature atthat »utu w*» KUUiJ ^•bj-uarjr II Iu

Au eBort to «u»ct U . ' ' H I ' I M " cr»WlfiW In West Virginia mtt with gen-•ral opposltlou, tad th» bill i u r»porlt',1 udMT.ely by th* legUlattvecomniltti!<! to which It wai r«f«rr»J.Down Iu Alabama a legl i l i t l f* cool'mltteo, artt>r public btarlns* upooa l u l l cruw bill, voncluded lhat Ibaconteullmm of tha tralnmtn'a unionwere not well found*] aud that th*ta*asure would onljr compel employ'meat of extra men not needad on U *trains. The bill, waa conivquuttlr *d<Tersely reimrted.

ID T « » M a new effort to f*t an"ei ipsi" <rew bill pulled h u encoun-tered veiKiineut opposition from th*fumori , who defeated a previous ef'fort Out In Washington a bUl hasbeeu sgrevd upon bjr committees ofboth th* st'iiate and the home, whichIn effect will repeal the Kull CrewLaw i<( that Btuta and Icav* It to lhaPublic Sorvli'o Oommltslon to MX l l o w

trains shull Xm mmned.

The lillt bcrortslli* New York Ugls-Uture for repeal o( the rai l CrewLaw of that state Is being *ara*stl7supported l>y newspaper* all over thestain, by Rranice uiul bustnes* orgaul-Utlons, such an, the Rochester Cliniu-ber of Cntiiiiivrcu, and b*r Influentlulmen of affairs. '

Ttiu mate Moan) of Agriculture and-Cbtt—• NoW" J*jrB<?y" ~Htat<>' "tihanibor" "ofOoDimeno mand xtrongly for ropetlat ibe I'ulI Crew Law of New Jersey,with power to the Public UtilitiesCouimliulun to dutcrmlo* ho# trainsshould he manned. ' .

At u inuotlnjt of tho oxecutlrn ajm-inltlm of tbe Mons' t oaKUO of tbe l're»-IJ) tofiun church, to lie held uoxt .Satur-day uvuniiiK, Brrati((oinoJit« for t|ie

uul dinner, to bo beld March 23, willrw

Maa and Tekphcme Onkis U^iverd Prompdy.

MYER'SilMARKET16 North Avenue, Cast Cranford, N. J.

Telephone 89.,

This market will hereafter be conductedon a Strictly Cash basis.

Specials Every Day!For FRIDAY and SATURDAY


Lamb.HindquaHcr Lamb,Forequartcr Lamb,Legs of Lamb,Lamb Chops, shoulder,

Beef.Prime Rib Roast,Blade Roast,Chuck Roast,Top Sirloin Roast,Cross Rib Roast, jPot Roast,

< H O . U I ) ' M E A T ) . ••'

Porter House Steak,Sirloin Steak,Round Steak, V..-Chuck Steak,Flank Steak,Hamburger Steak, - - -

20c18c I20c|

Poultry.Fancy Roasting


I r i csh Ki ed row , 20c20c18c16c22c22c20c


Fish.Cod,' . . 16cHalibm/. . . 20cWeak, . . 16cSea Frout, . . 16cFlounders, . . 10cFresh Salmon, • 25cSmelts, large. * . 16c

, Smoked Meats.Smoked Hams, 17cRegular Hams, 18cCalifornia Hams, 14cBacon, strip, 22c

SPECIAL! P O R K SPECIAL!Loins of Pork, 15c j Sausage Meat, 20cPork Roast,Pork Chops,Fresh Hams,Fresh Butts,

16c j Taylor's Pork Roll, wfiole, 24cI j c ! Pork Good iie, . 24c15c All kinds I5olo^n<i, 16c



The Cranford Citizen Will Issue Votes as Follows:1 Years Subscription $).002 Years Subscription $2.003 Years Subscription $3.00

. 1,000 Votes

. 3 , 0 0 0 Votes

. 7,000 Votes


Every voter should be a subscriberEvery subscriber should be a voter

Subscription blanks may be had upon application to this officeSelect your Workers for the big vote by subscription. They quickly run

into large figures. "

If you are now a paid up cubscriber, your subscription can be extended and

money paid for this purpose will count the same as a new subscription.


' ' I L •


Page 2: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central


, T

Christians May at LastlCet Christ's———-


Sport World J

.-ry unt

The IJ-IOII Kxplalrml. Vi'i-ws."t-rrn%i\ry reform*,i'lie tr.'iele dentl i o f KM and h l « '

um, Hophnl itn.I I ' M U W I U H : the I'.-

> all , tlie rapture of the niU.Were m i unpri'. eilpiili-d cnlniu

A s the y e a r s iKissed a f t e r i l i i* «u.) i'"'"""'•"•""" ' '•••=»" • -r.v,m ih* ,« ,p | . l,.,nme more a-ttom ™ » ! i a ( r f l l <; «>» "«>•»<> " . " " ' ' , ' " '

...i.,. ,i.,. ..,.„.., i., ,;, < ceremony of confession and esplntiuii

-..;,,;,,!,. -r.-a.-v n"t to.,r.i." The.V had I"'-;''"

, _j- continue I" I'*-* "t1"1"1

! fnst ly and wi th fuith (•• Jrle ivuh. iiK'l! tj;.' i;.»l "f b u l l i e s «Hii! a-'ur.-djy grunt• ; l ic iu uViH.-rmti'-. "A »u.l! . i tf lainr."1 .Not I.-14 t h a n n i - v . i i , l i i ) s oil! (1-i-v. ix'li.[•.Ti. - A burnt offering wholly unto Ih-• I-oi'i l- T h e ent ire animal was pla/i-di upon the a l tar to. lndh-at. , the . . .u ipl ' t f; lonM-i.Tatluii of tKe in-ijiie tn Ji-lu.vali.

Tlwy roiillmiPtl In -I* Hiethe pagan rhllMlnes, unitwuy they could gel out oftloli of miserable servitude v

coiiill- j

for.sin. "The I.01U heard hint." TheHai'rifli'e and the Intercessions were-ac-cepted. Proof of tbe dlvlne-approval

; ' Olympic" Games Here?: | :„• I n.vi«;.i.' .M-IICS in 1UI0 may take1 .,!,.'-.. i.-i' tin- liiiti-t States. Ilaron

i-i.rn- •.!•• foiil»Ttiii of France, presl- .• ,!,..it ..f iin< int'-ruailoiial runirolttee.,', - .us if .my . i|-.-uiu>tiiii.'(^. material or-i-• ...i-tiiiiii.tiil. ilrewnt their li-lng held: in 10m •!>•' hi'iyl'i they <-nnu<it b»-post- .! J«.a.si :intll r-r-V "-1 --ugge>t'-d. but t h a ti I h . - y u . i j j h l '<!• l i e l d lU A l l l . T l . - J I . . .' The war. li-Crvni lie I'oiibertin thinks,

ulll w't have anything more than U|,ri.-f. temporary effi-ct "I1"" s\M*t ''1Fnm.i'. individual nyurd* will suffer,

Jean liwiln. tbo

' j •:

Holy Sepuloher For Which Crusaders Fought Has Been In

. Turks' Hands For Centuries.'•"' Moslem Soldiers Now Guard

Its Gates — Palestine FearsBritish Invasion—Hills AroundNazareth Fortified.

THE. holy uppulcher lit JerU-•aioin, for tbo- possession- ofwhich tbo crusades of tbo lnld-dl> ages were undertaken, will

• t last become the property of tbc• Christian* of the world lu casa tlie al-

Urn win In the European war. Today|tbo keys of this tho must veneratedMttctuury in Christendom nro held l>ytbe Turks, and'Moslem aentluela atandoutside of Its doors nlglit and day,tthllo Ui» paTcnient In front of ttamain entrance Is occupied ot all hourst>y bcxirani and" atreet peddlcra, whonnatl vl«itor» tod paisenby....JuJUtarr prvpo ration* bav«.b<MiaiuBU<<In iuitlelpatloii of n llrltUli liiviuioii ofl'«)e»tlm>. Tbe hill* around Nasar«Uinre aald to !>• fortlflod, and ri>ud« milt-nWo for the trauiiport ot bpury gum*are btiag constructed , from Acre toMuuut Cunupl. ' • •

Amirioa aa a ProtccHr. •Tbo London Cbronlcle rdltorlally

iUgjHU Uint Ani*rlcn may eventuallybe rnllml upuu to vivrditti n sort of•utoralnty over l'nlcstliir.

"It victory <-rownn HIP tanm-r of tin*tdlle*," It iiayi, "tho dooui of tbo Otto-man emplro will bo •enlrd, Wlmt INto become of l'nli'stiui"V It 1* OUP oftho itrrat crtmo of blntury that therradle of Cbrlstlaulty Kbould fur con-

ciinlonofanon-ChrlatlanpcopIt1. Whentho Turk goon who nud wlmt In to takobla place? U tlivro any chnnop of. a

• Kloslst IdeaV luatcrlallilnir Into nn nc-tunlll)-? At tbnprvst'Dt tliut< Uio Jewsform only a very amull minority of tlit>Inbabltnuw, but If. with tbt> Bynipa-ib«tle lielp of ifreat |iowvra, tlu> JOWT

' Ith alato wore crcntcd a new- 1'ulcsUuow'ould Ooubtltsi be a lodrsttir to Jowethe world over, and tlio ao'dlrht slorlwicf Jiidea might bo Kivlvtd.

"Evi'n were tbiV now Zlon to becomean •timnupUBluHl fact nod tW Jcwxciict- nioro bad a national hearth audhomo provision would still b»v« to l>«made fur Chrb/tlnu guardluuiblp oftbo boly acpulclier oud otber nacredtilaees to .which every year acorea 'ofthouaands of Christians, chiefly fromltinula, niako a- i>tlgrlmag«. We as-

. fume that a new Palestine, wbt'Uier itbe prodouilnntcly Hebrew or non-He-brew, will tit tbe outset be a state withlimited Keif government rights under

'tbe pivtwtluc IVIIIB of some greatl>ower. Who I* that power to lx>*-Trauoe tins traditional claims to, theprotectorate of Christian races in A»laMinor and ban historic Huts with S y rla. Bugland in tbo protector of Kgypt,end Pnleatlne for aeea has iiokuowled-rd tbe suzerainty of the l'linrnobs.

"America lms for many, vrarti di«-pla>ed A noudcrTul rntliUMlasm totmissionary and educational work inAsia Minor. That I'ali^Uue should beplaced under tbo guardianship of oneor tbe other of these power* tiettiuvfairly obvious. The problem of its fu-ture will not be nn easy one to solve."

Contained 'Within Walls of Church.The scpulcher l.i contained •« Ithln th-

-vralbriif n cburx-li, in which not onlythe Catholics, but also the l irwks, jl'n\Arm(>)ilans and tbc Copt*, have altarsof worship. It Is a grotto or cavern.consisting ot two .rooms howit out ofIl\ Ing rock Thejttitfr cbamUur. whichIs sixteen feet lon^by ten foot Wide, to

. railed the Chapelf ot the Angel*. TheInner room is the eopnlcher itself «ndcontains tbe stono on which ttuf bodyef Jesua repoaed. '.

it ww to tbo ont«r cbamUw, I**,IT*»-itor Is told, that thft,WI«ltthe resurrection 6? Ul a t b d d d l r U

J.—Co|iyriaht by rndprwoi") 4 IJiKterwooil. 1—Photo by Ainfrlrsn I'resa1.—Eaitar Sunday at the Church of the Holy Sepulehar. 2.—Turkish soldiers

in Jerusalem. 3.—Moslems an guard aa Catholio priests hold rsliglouiceremony at the tomb. " • • . - ' •*

many chrlstinn imtlons, whkh art al- | church, a._ruLi*lder.abh>__i>ar:L.o.(t which...».,.-.. - i • . . . : . - = - - • i-1- fa nYlu t-xtnut. in consequence of fresh

damage done to the l.ulMlngs In IISTmill l'.'»l (mother hiindiuuno' churili

A dour so low that tho visitor canonly ti.v xtooplng rntrau're

ti» the tuner room, |iulnt<Hl out ns tlic,actual liurlal phue of .II-NUI, which lahnrdly mure tliiiu KIX feet Kijuavr. .TileNlononn wliltb Ilin body of tbo Ite-dwuier lay In rulsi'tl three feet nhovili,tin- K run ml nud, covered with a iniir-lilit Hlnti, In vi»iil us nu iiltnr. limH-luucb UH ouly four persons nt'n tluiecha tlnd room lu tbu Htunjl cbnfuber,fbo I'lUhollcii, Greeks and Armentuiis

to take turnit In perform-

white marble,1

lug services.Tbe Church of the lioly Hcpulcber

IK surmounted by a dome. Heiicaththe dome Is a rotunda, off which Istho Chapel of tint Appurltlonrmnrk-

lu!TBnnpIiice"'wlTeTer1Ticr"KrvliTiir ilrstshowed himself lu his mother after Jhoresurrection. Itul thin is only one ofninny mured association* pertaining totho uncluiit buslllcn. Just Inside tbumain door Is tbe sttiiin of iiucttou onwhich the body of Jesus was laidwiillo it was uiiolutcd by the holy wo-men before builsi. .

Where CKrUt Wat Crucified.On enterlinj tlie church the visitor

ascends to )ho top uf a stairway, where,a tablet net In the wall states that thiswns (ho place where Christ, was "strip-ped, of his garments." For.lt shouldbe understood that the sacred edltlcohere described'actually covers tbe rockof Calvary, nud a IOIIK strip of mosaiclu tbi) floor nuuks the *pol whereJesus was untied to the cross, lie*ncsth H nearby altar Is tho bole orsocket in which tbe cross was planted.it ls IIIUHI with silver. Tho hole* for,the crosses of Ibe two thieve; are oncither bund a little to the back.

Oil one side of this nluir. Inclosed by.. sliver rilllhiK. Id tbe lift umdo lu therock Ht tbe uioni»nt of the 'death, ofJesus. This Vleft extends downwardto n hollow -beneath-.- known- n« the'grotto of Adiiin," because the skull

of the Ilrst mnn Is wild to be burledthere.

The Cliuri-h of tbe Holy Sepulcher InJeYUsiltem stnnils. sin>|H>siiliy. on tHoHtte of the^iolSolhii of the New Te>t;i-nielit. the ioiuli cut^ih/the Vock luwhich the iKHliy of our I.oM was iu-terr»«(l after tlie crucifixion.. Some sortof church ban mvupUM the site slmv:i:tO A. IV, wlicu. In the leiKU of theKuiperor Oous'tnutluo, two Ohnrcheswere cousevratptf there. '

Tbems- oii^lim'l .b'idldiiii;s were de-8tr»>y«l in .OH by. the JVrsluns under

Two years Liter.-'however,j Moticslus, ubbitt.tif. tlie'.Monastery of

ThetKloalus, started Work on three newcluuvhes jnimpleted In ttitV'.which. Werecullnl the Church of the •ltiwurrt'CtUin, iChurch of ibp Cross" and Church of.rialvary. In 070 it api>ears that afourth was ndd«L

In the tclith aud' eleventh centuriesthe buildings saff«r«d severely fromflro and were further damaged anddeswrated by the. Moaienn; benc« to;*wsi|^g^!»^^i5riii»:jpn^ up. :-::;a ' '••'

was built In Kill), to which two domeswere lidded lu 14Ki. Owlnjr to i-ontlu-uc.l coniphiluts during the enduing ten.turles that the bitter were unsafe, uHfent part .of thii!|-liuiib wn» rebuilt. In17111. Then. In- 1MW, the entire struc-ture was nliudst entirely wiped out'bytlrtv '

The (!roekn bad by'tlint time securedto themselves tbe principal right to )h»liiillillnx. With the asslHtNlicn mainlyof the Armenians they Imllt nu entire-ly now chilli1!! lifter designs by Koin-nenos Knffii of Mltylene. Architectsof various nations helped In the res-J."Jijli°Il-!i(! L!l!L-Lb-"-Jl.''i Ipivlim been IMI.

to do so by thi>made wllh the

and ltus.-du:

of iinTurks

The Church of the Holy Sepub her,aciVildliig to a description of It In aeydopedla of Hnbltecture In the l;e-vaut, lies west of the platform of tbeformer Jewish temple, outside'of whatwilt probably tbe Jewish wall, nud soInclosed In newer bulldiiiKX that noth-Ing In seen but Its durance. Its twodomes niul the stump of the twelfthceutury tower.

6orvlrovtny Over Site.A j ' t o whether the Church of tln»

Holy Kepillcher' really stanils on thenlle of the Saviour's tomb, hewn hi :'h<«loi'k., whefehl bis Imity lay after theci'UclnXlOii, there are all sorts of con-tllctiiiK ti'slliiuuiy.

Itlblb'lit l-efert'iii-cs to the location ofthe tomb nre very meaner. From theNew Testament we learn that the

K«irniii-r«.-prf«'bine. T u t awny. Ibettrnuge ^.MN."- They were cuiiKht Intin.- liicslos of forelKn deltb-4 and bail jrorruptiM . their liven by w>iMhl(>lni 'them. Tlii-S" IdoU must IH- illxcardeil i(•'•nipletely and Rpeiillly^ "Ashtnrotb," jtin., femiije ileltli-s who were worship- |e«l iimler the symbol ofor Kai;red trc -H, "Prepare your tieart--* I

itea were enifajted in 'Ibest- rfbelou* exeri'Ities "'the I'hllistiui^" i-aine n\»mthem, but they were speedily dlsioni-tlte.1 by nn Intervention of Jehovahhimself, "Thumlered with a creal Hum-der." This Hiay In? a -Ugurutive -ile-

of a Hiidden storm which de-IIKJU them an they were In the

plain, while the Israelites were mi tho

nnt.t the Lord." Hec.m,. .Men.ifasT'lri j I',111*,;''?"?1'"'1- W l l r t ! ' ' f n ' " " , "and i-urp.™. concerning Jeho- ] " ' 1>h''""""'i« "<•«> s«'la-d..wlth panic

vab. -Herve him only," f. the ejrlu- ' ° ' 0 m<>n "f I s r u e l t(>oU rnnTa«<; "'"'

n.-h >tnir-<i;r. :tt fallen i i.-tima to

ii sLviiU.. ..WJiik-lUt J«lj;l.-. j.-j"11V(. .;j^5,-T -.), ,-rf, J ^ - t .•...« «t livi-4. .ua« Juubt —.—,.

irlon of (iii other Kods. - These earne*itthe dc«lred effct,

and the |u-opl.' xliow.il a w Illlnuni'Sn toArriineemeiit') wire then mndu

by Hnimn'1 to hold an nsKinihly of theI>eople at "Miz|if h." Tbli "watch tow-er," a* Its name Implies, woa tbe

plnen of the tribes on n for-mer pccnHlon (Judg. xx, 1) and »lno ona later and notable occnslon when theyen me together to elect Haul as kin it(I f iim. x, ITi. This FatlylnR enmudlathe same us thp modern Nebl Hum-Wit, it lofty hill about H,IK)O feet IIIRII.situnted about five miles northwest ofJerusalem. "1 will pray for you.",Hamuel had lived all his day In the at-mosphere of. prayer, and It was In-e v i t a b l e t h a t h o s h o u l d bffor t o a o l n ! M 4 J o ' r e tht h o Intert - iwsor o f Ids p e o p l e n f t e r u p - 1 • ' - • -tho Interciwsor of his people nfter up-

lH-fore them as their preat-Jucr,Verses 7-1S.—A splendid victory.The nssumbly must luivn eontiniieil

for some time, because the riilllstluesheard of It uud at once mustered theirforce* to disperse tills KatuerlUK. wIRPff.they reirdrded im of it revulutlmuirycharacter. "\Ven> afraid of the 1'hllls-tlnes." They hud been kept under sub-Jcction so IOIIK that the rank and flloof tho Israelites reKiiriled these aliennilcrs with feflf. Hut Hamuj>j 'Was

"pursued" after them uud "amntethem" ns far m.Vllethriir," which wasprolmbly op the bonier of riililstln.1

territory. "Ebenezer." Literally means"the stone of help." This memorial -was erected In honor of the SIKUIII vie jtory which marked n.'new era lu their |life. "Hitherto hath the I>ml helpwl jus." What Jehovah had done for them jup to thi' prnecnt time Is regarded as n |pledge of future blessings.• Verses 13-17.—An Influential career.

Tho days of oppression and servitudewere ended, and better times wereabend of them.. Indeed, this ancientand bitter enemy was kept away "ailthe "days of Hilinuel." ills leadershipwas firm and vluorou*, mid the I'lilllx-tlncs wenj compelled !jy treaty to re-

nill follow, iiii'l.ihe. yiiuiiKiT elementwill not" rea.-h (heir hiirtiest form fortliTf-i' yenrs or inor.-. luit t»ventunlly,the baron tliin!.s. the war xvlll provoM have li'-.-n .an udditlfinul Incentiveto phyi-li-al .training.

Gotch May Be Governor.I'rinU liotrli. the champion wrestler,

i- thinking of enti-rinj,-' politics andmay make a try to liecome the gov-ii nor of Iowa. The athlete Is populaf

Ie» which they had cap-tured."''From Kkniu even unto tSuth."TheHp placeM were on the l'billMtlnetxtrder. '-The Ammonites" were th"natives of Canaan, who dwelt in theeiisturn hlk'hlaniU nnd were the mustIliVetenite foex of Israel aftj.r theriilllstlnes.. Tho<«nistnirtiv« work (ifSamuel Is dctterlbcd lu verses 10 nud17. He acted us n circuit Judue midmeted out Justice nt "Iti'tliel" and"Glhjnl." which had local sanctuaries.Kverywhero ho waw treated with honorfor his character nnd work.

Several Painters For the FarmerTO RAISE SQUABS .


K«epj(, Them Free From Vermin andWatch Them Carefully For

Any. Irragularitiea.

To rear sipiabs successfully a person mint know Ills liii-ds, must knowthat there arc none but working pairs,mint keep them free from vermin and

I M I •»••»•»»IN THE PIG PEN.

regular thin may lie KOIUL'-OII In theloft, suys. the i-'urni Journal. This re-i|iilres constant care and atlcutUin. aiija loft of '.W pairs requires lit least twoluiurf*' work per pay, liesiilcs iun>. daya week for killing the ynuuKstern'iindcleanlu^'up lu Keueral.

Ihe .females, as a rule, are moredelicate than the males. This Is tint;lu lioth old and y piteous.y pt

Seldom do ,vuun£ piteous pro-ducetheir f 1 rst in l.v-is than

that they should be allowed to run illthe highways nndi'throiiKh the neigh-bors' fences. • ,

If-you have anything the mattervvilh yo'iir hugs Just put thepi tin a dietof dry oats and water and see howquickly they will come around.

All Year Chicken Math.Professor Klrkpatrlck of the Con-

necticut Agricultural college bus usedthe following mash during the pastthree years lu feeding the birds enter-ed In the egg laying contests hcM un-der bis direction. The dry ninsh iscomposed x>t coarse wheat bran, "0&pounds; corniucal, 100; gluteu feed,ItHi; ground oats, KK); standard m il-illlngs. *."•; llsh wrap, MO; beef scrap,

w a ^ n e a M h e ^ r ; : ^gate" and that the watch, K,big-from nn}l"l^T t« « M Z? Hkh.n«i ' 'o r"' ^ ' k n "" l s : vvl"""' ^ "pav-v

the .MMIU-Her t o . t l , cbb;t pries.',. - ^ J t " is n d Z w e not to Hreed jybi.c ..Is.-IO; barley, ^ Katlir corn."ciime Into the illy Ihereuue It • ' • - • • - • •

>^K»iu-tbat fill) locality:

months, and two pahs lire aknit allthey produce before ihey nre one year

Id, Tlie Midi lu the tlrst pair nreKeiiernlly small. j _,

Tbo l«'sl lueciUrs .Ire birds that nrehatched lu April or May. These Ren-ciall.v ilu not mature before Octobernud M'Mimi breed until the following

i hThlit them a chance toCCt fully developed, nnd they will rearuiinh hardier nnd larger youngstersh htmnb' wiis In a gar.leii.* "In tlie place { t 1 l : l" "'""'' t l l ! l t 1>rt''"tl "'ut'" younger,

where Christ »•«»' eriicltleil," that , , ' 1 > l 1 - ' - ' • • " - ' ' - • - • - •y

have been known to breed, when

- | I'.se your skluuuilk. l-'lve pounds ofNklinmilk hnve been found eipial to a[in.mil of grain for,pigs.

It Is well known that pigs underilca.ily loiiilltlous thrive much'belterthan those in illihy .surrouuillugs.

Cliolcraanil other dlsicascs of swineattack hiT.ls wblih are lu poor coiulU-jtlon, anij lonseipu'iilly most MIM-CPI

Keep fire sows anil pigs away fromfattening hogs and give them' feeds

I'hnio hy American i'rtsa Aafciiciatlon.-Frank Gotch, tha Champion Wrastlsr,Who la Considaring Entaring Politics

In hi* state iuid will linvnsiU!l><!rt.if.hu.rfitera.poUtIi!s. lrecently been xpcnkiitK beforo Hchools.^nnd rnlle|,'v's, nilvocatlns ntbljUcJ^vb'lrn; for the youii),'. ^

Dunn's "Hard Luck."A lot of sympathy. It seems, lias been

wasted; mi .lackj Ilium of Haltlnmre.Iluim probably ninde mol-e iniuiey last'season than any other club owner inthe liiilrrnatliiiml league. With ni\e»'it players and rci'elpls 1'rnln exliihltlousanies iMiuu lias inaile hay while thesun shone, 'while oilier Ink-mntloua)mau'iijitcs, IiaviiiK' only regular attend,mice to ilepeml iipiin, are ail badly luthe IIIIIL- on the .season's operations.

In this connection Art liny In theItochester I'ulon writes: "Mniiy u man-

i *J

tlonal lensue could take a few notesfrom Dunn ami prollt by them. Duun

:!;:::, r H " i t v " - " «.»• * - ' - • i ^ ; •;;;;;;• b a u ^ " ^ ^ - . ^llian fat.l-'ree ramie for does not nieim

as. the site of Ilk' sepnh her inust havelulu at tlie lime of (he ciucltlxlou out-side tho Walls oThlfrnsuleui


squabs It Is advisable not to breedfrom birds-that haw-very dark legsor beaks. Some have .m Idea that ti !Mid with black plumage Is more like- fIv to be dark isklnticil than a while

y, ; Kiitlir corn,I0j, buckwheat. U>, a ml-coarse:-be*f"iscrap 10scrap, 10.

Fir»t Feed For a Cow.iof the' Holy SepuK-her i fl'-'<lhe.eil one, biit this Is not the case, Af l ('r 0; l lv l'ig the lirst feed for a cow, , „ ] , | ,,r

wbl.h we kliovt Imlu luvs I.,MI|I|,.,| t|1(, ' s '••'me of the wlutisl .-Lluned v,liiuilil b .r -even quirts of whole

lsauie site for the lasen quirts of whole

oi pufer.iblt trouml o.it-i, which bin6

Mi's. In.the lieiift of.piysent day-Jem

LAND OF MINE,Oh. isle o f Saints, ^,M n a , | v e

home,1 tiles* your sain-d name.

Thy color wear..whrre'cr 1 roam,Sweet laud of eudless fume.

1 kiss thy little sbamhjck soraif-• <;otTs emblem, pure, divine.

And naUona all rcA-ere thy day<; Cj> native ian(l«f mu». • '

"»'.':,'-. '•'"*•• ' -JTofin-S.

r**IUnfl, Market.'»*IJj«n T ° u r daughter lau't u°lut to


Ls not eaten up becomes spt'l'rwi'nnd i {v^^ :1 «>»' "bout three weeks to~ • • " !^..!.. ?.r_f!"!.flow. .?* n«I'k. <lepeiidl,,i;wasted • 'Ilu- bc-t plan N to u«e lra\sand feed Inside the buildings wiu'ie.


p d l n i ,upon the skill of the djlr.vm.iusins h t hno-dampness cati s[»ll the fooit Keed '« ! j ! [ ? s ' " s U c r t o h e^ f l lU opacity,

aa iiueh_n« will be eaten up clean at | i ^ t l , C " e ^ " ^ . ^ . ^ r c l s A l . n o t toone uu'.il.; It Is far better to have•W.nl» go a. little hungry than to hnyefood before them all day, as some (JoV

The profitable Cow. , -\ It Is,a recognized fact nmong suc-cessful farmers and dairymen- thatcows, like persons, do tnelr best onlyunder the most favorable condition*.Well bred, cows have a highly develop-ed ucrvous system aud arc'more sensi-tive even than human beings to goodahd bad tivatnlent and to ibe effectsof saultary aiid biMnltary surrpmjrj.

••••-•'-•••" -• "•"• • ? « j ^ g ^ | ; ^ i y i |

lein nt ' c a r e I>llollId b o ""fcls«o "have ' **}!?**, t l l e , c o w t 0 ° ° w dr''f«fcritical period.

to»t this

Grain For Calvlt. 'A little grain should be fed to calves

.-M soon as sklmmllk feeding begins inorder to replace tbe.butter fat remor-el in tbe creaiu Two parts by Weightoi cracked com and one ot wheat branmake a good grain mixture whichevery farmer can readily secure nndrequires no special .preparation. Thecalf should be t'aujht to eat this grainby sprinkling a Uttbl of It in ibi> feedMS riebt afferfeedliig thmore. sraJfi'slwuld be fedW W d W d l

itecelvlng no support, he 'dis-mantled his club nnd now has tho, 'cheapest, it would not be mirprlslnff 11Dunn Is making more money than any .' .club In the league. Ills showing forthe I'lillro Reason, nt least, should bobest of nil. The $45,000 be received forthe sale, of his best "talent looks likc"n . , ^fortune to some of the club owners'who nre paying big salaries to theirplayers each -fifteen days, only to see '•'•them play to empty benches,, Dunn Isnot aii object of pity, Instead, hashould be congratulated."

What Athletio Sport Means.In connection with the, announce-

ment of the date of the nnuunl meet-ing of the National Collegiate Athleticassociation held nt Chicago recentlythe association Issued a statement re-garding the right and.wrong views otathletic sport. Jn part it is as follows:

"Athletic sport if honorably and 'wisely conducted can hold Its own Inany Institution of learning, but to gaina position of;dl|fnltj'irimJsri)e""saVedfrom .rnnjiy, of. lta friends nnd. muln-talned on so high a level that no rcu-sonable,' mnu can question its value.Rightly administered. It strengthenstbe weak, improves the weak placedIn tbe strong, clears the brain, tenches,boys and young men to respect their...b«lies nnd to know tbc relation of n 'clean,- vigorous- body to an active mudand mi honorable life. lUghtly . con-ducted, it Is a school of manly skill,courage, honesty, self control nnd evenof courtesy; wrongly conducted. It isa school of bad manners, vulgarity,tricky evasion, brutality—the Ideas notof a sportsman, but of a sporting mun.

"We nre constantly to|d that In Eng-land men play for the sake of playing,whereas In America men play for thosake of winning. Tbc more seriousthe question of winning tbe more'serl-ous the need' pf winning honorably.Sport in America la. not mere fan; itIs a test of character, aod nothing thatmakes the player less a gentleman be-lonka'tb-it The football "player ifhbwarj only Injures 61s jiVals, the .base-ball jpiayer who-persists In shoatbig torattle, his opponents, the achool*"- - -student who takes money fur sibaseball, and conceals tbe factJ

Page 3: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central




nay takeItaron

e, presl-aunlttee.,terlnl orrng held .tW fK'St-

but that

i thinks,than u

sport inI suffer.Mill. lilt)•tints to

elementurin for•ntunlly,II provi)ucentlve

wrestler.Ics amithe gov-populat



A chase after a fair face leads4»v«Ftoft ~ BrW-a • weaittry-"Tfiarr"

about town, into assisting in thedefeat "of the most astoundingact of piracy ever attempted onthe high seas.

Copyright. 1«.;, by Lothrop, Le. A Sliep-ard

!t.> wi.nld s lmty 'hehr ussunsl tlte KMtat, l»nt tb»iv

"*a» tt»ore fvnor t» hi* IM-HII than laMs wortK.r After M-imti tutd di-pirrwl pi g,sj ,"»drink of air," as he exprvsw-tt it and fitvctiktt lie dect:tre<l t.uuwif >erj mil. blu luviL-^trill ntrulii enlisted Sn-otiliHi'jwfrlcrs i s j . t s H principally Israus*lie he!li"v«l ln> own judgment mightbe untrustworthy .under- the vln.ua*

T.i tell the truth, the ioiidUi.>i< ofhU one suit t>{ ,'iutheK gute him abnor-mal ivnci-ru. l ie . Mr. Overtoil Him,had n»« worn this es-jieWal outfit forfour days it It bout chdnge, when enehad been nu unusual ilmlt in the old

Tii«'. • l ie rueful!) lisikcd nt Him-elf int.hv gia*.-i .ni.l fUe'ii r.ui lu> hand-* overhis t.Wie» .1. ,t i.. tiwt thch- pn-sentii-blllly. - . , . . , .

i n

" t i h . I . - iv . Mi•; H: i i iUy >i'f.


las liectiIthiHire.icy hisf.viier inli HiSloahihllloi)illu theuitloua)iitlcnilmlly iu

PROUOGUt. - "Tlie action of tbo story ban Its'real

beginning'on "n ocean lltipr hoii'ml forliurope nnil Jtist lcsvlng Now Vorl>,It bns been boarilwl In hasto on n win-

. ler-dny hy Ovprtmi Brill, nil It:>[«>ttiOtis wealthy young bachelor, who. nt-traded by a pretty s;lr! accompaniedby nu elderly ccutluiilnn. has followedIliem aboanl. Hilll was on his wayuptown with Arlstldes KleMifnx. Idsrnlet, known « s Jny. when be snw theKlrl, Just after iincciinalng a valuablehrucelct n» Sciri for a Mlss-Carstulra.The passenger list reveals the namesuf tbo pursued aa Mr. Andrew .lentil-

-son and datichter. liiill tlmls himselfwithout money am] neijotlatCT with nilart Individual named Ilcunlle.t' forthe sale of the bracelet, receiving JJUOfor I t .with which lie secures n <le luxooubln. A^dlnnerthecmlVei'siitlon ttlmsto tbo weather, nnd a Professor l'euny-tborpo'a stprui predUtlou is plneed lie-fore Captntn IIuiuplirloH for judgment

V Ilrilj inakcvtl ie nciiualntance of Mr.Jecubon. and tbo two proceed to tho

, .captain's cabtir to Inspect-a plienoin-eunl, wonderfully trained cniiary. Atliilivheon a Jovln! IKTSOII, ClirlstoplHTC. Marsh. Introduces himself to Iliill.Startlna; from a sou ml .sleets 1 trill hears

, UirouHt>-hlB..\v|ii<Jow~lteneUlct, the pro-feaaor nnd Jcnnlson discussing tho

Vhirso "lilpincut of p i l j abonrd. Sooniiroi^.hls he is rewarded by a smilefrom Miniort '.lenulson for a sinnltcourtesy. Marsh Is Informed that he

• lias been selected to take charge of tin;Christmas concert, and he choosesllrill, Dorothy Jcnnl.wn, the professormid Mrs. ItlucUer-Ward as his nlds.llrlli. knojlrn as Mr. Overtonj and'Miss.leuuison. have a pleanaiit chut toL'elh-cr. Iceherji-i and f.>K lire reported. Achild "lies in the steerage, and JH»sJeniilson asks lirill to seek Iho'riip-tnln's eouseilt fo In.Id tin;- funeral Intlm lli-st.ciildii. He Minis the cltfrri-er In coiiipany « i th Henedht andwonders, ui- «els the penult, hnt theiiin-sor nniclulps at tile si-rvlees. '_

| expressive

an anyfor

uld baed forlikc-n

tlieirto seeunu isid, |ia


thletlcGently;nt re-(W8 ofHows:

and 'wn in» galn_saved

o rea-value.[tuenaplaced•aches

tueicof a


Sklll,evenIt b

arlty,is notmuu.Eng.

'Jlns,ir Iho>rious•'se'rl.•ably,in; it:thatn be-who


.. Something Was In the Air.

A the door that gnvo upon thdeck (ivcrlon methcr and «:nvIhut she was alouc.

"Isn't your father "coming,Mies Jennlson?'1 ho asked lu as'matterpf fact n tone as hu could command.

Tho girl's face grew nail all iit mice."Xo," NIK*. replied'in a low voice: "h»

does not feel oijunl to seeing the burial.This death on board has affccteil himBtrnngely. lie sees In it soiih* omen ofevil. I would not ndd to his. depressionfor the world." _ ^

llrlll saw that this anxiety was deepand well founded. He realized mor,!than ever that the matter of the goldshipment was a terrible strain uponAndrew: Je-nnlsott, and. be roundlycursed tho stufT that had brought theshadow of sorrow U|KUI a beautifulface.

As they eanie upon dis'U .they Hawthat the ship had run out of the fogbank that now loomed dark und threat-ening In the .west. The sun wnu ra-diant In a sappiitrc sky, and the feath-ery tufts oX thc_wlilt«iea(i9_aJ_l_nlxMJltthem were- Ilka bits of snow on thedeep" of jltie sea/ The sting of •winterIn the air was'as a draft of some mar-velous stimulant, nnd the wind wastlirieo blessed In that It 'disarrangedMarlon Jennlson's wraps and gave Sir.Ovcrton Brill the delight of foldingthem more- closely nbout her andbreathing the scent of her breeze blownhair ns he did so.

The Hftle group of mourners hadgathered near the saloon gangway,ind the purser stood ready, with hisbook in his hand, one finger at theInjrial service of the church of Kng-iand Soon there came from the door-way opiioslte them two stewards bear-Ing a small black IKII. the forwardend heavily weighted with lead. Aftertbetn walked with uncertain step thepoor young moUier, leaning heavily onher husband's arm, a pitiful 'bit ofcrape entwined In her bonnet •

"I must go to her—I.must help herIf I tan," whispered Marlon as she leftBrill's side to meet the mourningmother. The young man could seethat she S|K>ke a word or two to theKngUshwoman. for tbc pale face lipbt-

n sad little smile ns the pair'before the long line of sea-

iln.- deck, ami over It the purser re.nlthe Impressive words with which (lieclurrch of li!« loiintiy commits hu-manity to the eternal goodness. A* heiliiHicd and the two- stewards tookthe black bo* am] p,.i.s,.d it t,vi;r the :open port a signal man. who Moml be- |side them, w::'.'••<! it flag to somebody ion the bridge.,and Instantly the great jpropellers fenced to. revolve ami a Istrange ipilel settled over the monster isteamship as hhe glided on under herown momentum.

With a sudden movement the meupi.shed the eelllu overboard. It wentdown straight-as .11 die. The spln'MiIts impact miiile was mingled with amoan of anguish from the woman hi jeiape. who bowed her bond upon.Minimi .lennlsou'-M shoulder and weptheir heart out. At thai moment llrlllfelt more touched" than he hud overbeen. He grasped the hand of tho fa-ther, wrung it with Intense strength of I H 1 | y S|> f ) | ) |

f-tnipnlliy and led th,. ninn to his wife.Together they, walked unsteadily tothe corridor and were lost to idght.

The gnngwiiy was closed ipilokly.the ponderous engines hegan.. tlu-Trthrobbing pulse beats once more, the jNiaiiieu marched away, the passengers: j

AcaUered to. theii.i|iLirti-M iiud.Uiu 4iu4cldent was over. • j

Yet hoi ipille tiver, fur-Itrlll, noting |that I'.enedlct was not present iiudglad, though wondering, assumed theroh- of Mui'lou's cavalier and escortedher ba.k to her father; who was stilln cllnliiu-.in his Idg chair. .

Ill the ci.nljh.r near his hlatcrmnihu foujnd Mnrih pacing iii> and dnwnlike a fat nn'd .lolly M'/itliicI nndl iiivit-

1 him Into his .abln."Say, Overt..n, limy I leave lli<. door

openi" asked the visitor, meantimediluting himself MI that he fanil It.

"•ifeonrse. lly Ihe way. I didn't SITyou at the .burial," .said llrill, some-what t-iirluiis as In the conilnerchiliiiiiu's prcdllcctbui

-.t itint he.>ut,-r gar-y Uvniiii.


»lr."his patron

iljnl In hi- ,iv»i| nllUrtt.ins at IIsiinii. time, but I .an t MM- It. And,uuy-nay,-I ilon't think she'll notice li

llrtll saw in' tt.ite «.f Millie .'ii the|d-;|! Id, hufii'^t fan1, and IhiTe wan evldi'iillv no pri'o.'f retort on the subjertHut one Ihlii!.' lie-c.mld ..bject t". and

a weekhimselfincuts«ork v!

• Yes;

• I t Hi

I'li-.l .\


f o rlutb'



r lM

. and lie1 tvte<




inn onirs bi'

ifc t b l

If )".,!• . faltl

knew ;ilic'M'•fore

s -\


•fi.r- tb.

! , - , -A,

> '*.


mi. "Rvrn father -sats It I*, lm| itttoulilr»-btai jimt th.» vtuiv: That*«hy I b:n,. e,>me (o ton '

H« VU'lKjeJTsI ttllftlWT 111* tilvk «<!»t.i !><• t.» st.md iiuitrtt ottr llw p>kl lutli* s|*vie i~vt>m or to hunt IVr |««u.|lili>burglars ttsivasii the ship, bill lie <«H'm'thtnir. A* Mht Jt-uuUon tt as y. t f.iikins. ' '• • . • ' • • ' • .

"I'nther divsii'i f«"l tvtll. ciiU<u:h t«go down «here (lie ri>uiv t«. jiitl, U>

ld >«, he doesn't "want to li-ivr It gentmlly Viiotttt that lie l» lutrrvMe^l."

Tlu-a « hy ditl -ho f»idiet, llrlll w.,ii(lfl>xl.

• So I t..id him I d go*l^tt it," >tu> ««iii unitmonieiit. .Vft«r«r*nl h.nf;...- an >'l.tu»,'JHthe K'rl hud beenas esi-ort.


" " ' ••>l"-'l»

naranty of tutfwy,and Maih-;i tv.is taken back to herU'lirtcrs j . . , \ fill,. lt» kwnt ledge Unitliilghl imiwrnr h«* lathpr> iinnlitloa.

"W'eittti * tt h.i I»IH.* didn't iiak Hene-illct tu !•,• her gulih'V"" iutntp4 HrlU ontl«> it.it I.I hw -Litci'-Mti in til» nietit.tllritr-.it U^t bit bitu iuetitiitdy to thatsw,in'hy Indltldonl. Then i'am«« .<ttn'ii(.-lit like H grvitt t'..i"-Ii vf Ughtnliii:1I« mmevt t.i ,siH'l>in» nmt fiilrly

j n u

and Hi-si for n

'I ii»k«l jnii the other day ifttiHiclit 1 «a< a fivl. There's li" lotij iluiiht of it: 1 "am."Itrlll « « s jjitul when Mar«Ji k.uocknt

l •'•* »r<!"*ii tloot t6»rnft«»nHiti. !'»

h<> realized tlitltf"f lil» 1'fTPV

III thu iiKM.'mbllm; "of I tiei-vMict-ft «i»»iiuttlTO iief t. lOPmUis Ilierw

anyHltll Mlis .|i>|Hii«otl. N t - l t . t o much

c o m p a n y «*f ttitv

„„!„ i ,„ • , , -, ;, ., . r i l'>«>'v >-'et l«'i ml-»l,.Mi fix>m _'••» kmm. him. >on *«v" ; • ""'


H.k hnmW ttltti hl« vi«ll.if'

yeffect of bclinj

: he did. • •j "Sir here. .lay. drop (hut sir'! h.'iir'r l imp it:" h.. s.tbl sliatply.

"Yes. sir," was the uuvk' reply, .indi Hlili.g.i»v.e up In despair.| ArlsUdet did hh hcM \tltli the tcryI limited advantage's il li.in.l ti. muki| llrlll sajlstbd th.iit. he was" well dress

iil. Hi' «;»•<-unusually silent about 11,though, so ' that '» hen he did speilk nt

j thi- close of the sartorial ceremony hi| observation had tin

dii'd lu Its II Ir of . ;iWho was'.tin' bidv." lii'-.'i-<kcil nu

1 he put the Until toni-hivi of brushluj upon the Well built form of hw niiisl.'r.

••l.ndy':" ipierled Itrlll. \iMr.7.{n\' foru inimiclil. "Oh. yes . Miss Jinnlson'smold."

"t i l l ." • ' • • : • • ..

Monnsylbiblj's «ci»(. S'lebbltiV inontforni of .'.lilliii'iil. but Ibl-t

f Hi^nelhtuu unusual thatllrlll hiiighi-d Inwardly as an abMiidIdea iH.ufred tn him. .

Hut th.'it .same lib1.i v\iit ropoiislblef>.r iinother that sent Jihit liupulleiillyto the llhrnry.'iilllioiigh luncheon limeWIIH by no ine.'iiis uenr l ie fumbledover lite b....ks. ildgelcd lu his clutirmut "irm ntltert\l«i« v i i y itlsfivjneOTeduntil he smv Miss .liniiliou's (nil cltr-ure t'liler I'tie of .the doortvn.vi. The.nhe arose « Ith tvomhTfii! alael'ily midhurried to meet hj« divinity. !

• The girl " n i l siin|j;lii ai in,, uiaib'1-in hand. "I want, to imk a finor, Mr.utcrlon." sin. said, j | I

.llrlll felt Unit vtlmjevet h.- mi-lit j-ayitn this »ould l»' luexpienshe, iiiid-he'simply bowed. ! ' • ' • . ! •

".My fiilher I - n..| u-rj well.". . on- •tinned tile girl. "I'm afraid 1iivuiTV««nre a bit worn. At all events', he Ismuch worried." . . .

Here a lew .'oiiiiu..nplace Holds vtcieboth |«i.HSlble and lilting,and thetoiing

excrcWc In


e gstewards drawn vp solemnly

f\kittSnf eoOo was placed on

"No':" returned the. other. "AVell.wasn't. I've been nt scvcnil burialat .sen; they're depressing. Hi >iili-I've been esciise me a inoiueiit.''

The stout IMIIII Jumped to his feewith amazing celerity, ran |o the dooralmost shut it and peered.out throughtho crack for nn Instant. Then he returned to hh seat.

".!u»tft as I ihoiight," he observed,smiling Indulgently at lirlll's nmiiif.ustoulshtu'eiit. "It was Iicnedlcl's wan— the wireless operator, I menu—who'sbeen closeted with him."

Drill's anljuoidty toward the .Mexlcaihnd been tempered greatly by-bln newfeeling nf tenderness for Jlnrliui Jennlson and by Ills; growing convictionUiat his: i|itest. wns not without hop<>He rnuld tolerate any one under sueliclrcumsiimccs..

"Oh. well." ho1 replied carelessly,lie's Ileuedict's rmpjoyeu before IK.-'S

the Hltlp's wireless operator, youknow."-' , • '

.Marsh flcck<*l a bit of imaginary dustfrom Uic tip of one of bin well pollnh-cd shoes. Then he gave llrill a loukof keenest scrutiny nnd nodded-Illsiumd-lwo j)r tliree tlme-v •-•-•

That's exactly what I've betn think-ing," ho said. •

At the Instiint of Marsh's rather oddobservation! thero earned knock ut tlieen bin door, a smart little tap thut sug-gested jniiiitlnos In Its maker. llrlllallied to Stehhliis, who was In b b

own room."Open the door, will you. Jay'/"Aristidijs hastened out, dellgiUed to

ilo some iSort of service; He had feltiy that he was-not earning his sal-

ary. ' ..'•A' latjy, 16'see you, »dr," he said after

he had fleered Into the^corrldor.saw that Marsh Hashed a glance at Uieyoutli, ilnd be divined why.

"AlI'Hiht. sir," he replied to, bUprotege; accsnliiiB the hist-word insuch a way that be hoped It would re-mind St'ebblns of ,the rmdcslmbillty of'r«4(jj:Ktftie: to the old castom on shore,,v t,-.?iot exdte any;.. suspicion on the

of SiarsU." HB ^-cnt to the door*an<j. foflbd his caller to be Marion Jeji-idsou's maid, a Krcnch young pcrt-onultli nvpale. pl(|uaut fuecand an airof-complete self satisfaction.

"Mecsi Jcnnlsou's eompllmcnLV salilthe girl, her chin in air,, "and wouldM. Ov-r-r-ton ba aa rare Kind flu toMeet Mces, Jfennigon fat. a moment In,xe Ilbraire jtM before «e loncBeonJ" '

Brill burred nt& watt $opethtng'»tmit

' .inipreheiiM.ui burst In- .Ml the j• >>.iing nun's mind and sent htm Iteiiv- |eiiwnrtl. Hi- tiixlslfd nu U-liuc tier jk-iUdi'in Ih.. «hole inatler nml left her jwith the tissiiran.'e that' lu- «.mld ,<o- ji urc the re.jutrtxi jH'ltulssltitt. i.r, ns b.» ftold himself, be put lu In.us. fm- his j|i.>rs|steti.y. In reality he found .the jta«k'teiy ensy. He nut Marsh In the j..rib e. fold idui what he wt«luM to tlo jjiud iiskiil tlie \thereab"Uts of the ..iip •t a i n . j

"Don't l.,ib..r llnillng bhii/'-uild the j..immeickiriiKfti. " Tlic pinner's In Idaihn. ,lus| Mm him. He'll tl\ .Miii,' j

And-.MI. in fact, he iltd. with'the.nliiii'St couriesy-iiiid wllllnifiies;. Thatai i.uik-.'il. llrlll dniggi-d Miirtli linpelu.ou»ly along ttlth him toward 'the IIbrai'\.: i In lhe(r way (hi.t run IntoProfessor IViiii,vlb'i>rpti with bis <f\tiint, and the IIIIIII of K.'II.)IIV. button-holed Miirsh ut oiu.i'.

"!t'» Just us positive us Hint ih(. situshliien, • Mr. Miirsh," he ilniTiitiMtMl•Thl's ship', .-..virsi- f.ir tlit> past tiro

days If .'oiiHiiued would biiiu;, us toihc coast ..f I'oilimal Insleiid of' \'.uit-lalid.'1 ' •

Then he.' lr.itied off in", ii »t!\ti> ..fgreat iiitltntbin |o linpiiit his l iens tothe next' vl<-||ui,

"U'hat on earth* tile, nmller nlththe ilJd donkey?" askwl Htlll, mereauliiseil than Interested.

MHIHII e\plaluiil."lie MIJS bis olixeltnlloii prints tte

are ninny miles ppulh of our courseand below the fort} lln«t degree of bill-tilde." '«•-.

"Why iloesii't he ask the other oilct-r*; Ilo Ib.'lr •dis.ervalloiis"

"That's Ih.' funny purl of II.. TlietvInn e been no ob-.l'1't iltb.ns- fi-f | mi ,|:tt M

tnl. i l i e i n V "I h K s h l j i ; b i l lp . < l l | o l t o f u h |

itiuli b j t i l e i p e

. , tin»hip




ili'.-nlid.his pirtly

H« Rutfully Look.d at HimttlfGI«M.

man said what hr-.really felt-that hewas very xorry to see the evident hi-dlsi>osltlon of Andrew Jemdsou.

"It's about the gold, of courne," tnUlMarlon. "As I com« to upcak of. It, It

pears more fiwllsli than when hetold of it. but hist night he had a <!!*-agreeable dream." - , . .

Foolish? Oh. no: UrciJnw aresonietlmes"— But this was decidedlyon the wrong tack. llrlll realized.) Whytry to ndd t'i the girl's solicitude?" :

"Wnat was the dream?" he.asked."He dreamed' that burglars were on

board (he ship nnd hud drilled theirway into the specie room and uere re-moilng the bars of gold and bngx of

MlM Jeniibson laughed at the fastdsy,ana Brill,Inuxuea lu sjiupatby. Anyemotion »li*red with her «M,«.auir-Tefou*'pri» liege.

t"0r cennw it's abiunl," tb* glrr wt»t,

"Isn't It iisiijtl, "Yes, lit b'llsl i.nnot obligatory. "J'li.eall be told ttcll Cland course."

llrill j.att I. 'Wil l . I K

lli'l'IH l.ll'.U h'lU III Illll ftlet' lliaii I'l'iiii.tlliorpi1,!' Ii"

After tuui'lii..n li.> 'oiitidIlltge Ml tll<- !l|'|».lll|.)'il Irjut'/.v1..!!-,

bill there «»•' a small lly in lilU linnetpot in the sli:i|,e ,,r Miiile, tin- miild.tho th.iliulll. e\|ihlllied MIHH .lelililpull,he ttiilllll like to see 111.' hlilp |.,.i.

Tltcle was ii'ilhliig for II bill I" iniikei|te !..".( nf (|te clii'iimn'iiiii.',', i.'itiberng whnli \cr . "infillt there tins In the |!hoiight that the ittaldV atb'tnhni. e

The Journey of inpfnt-iloii led therlo lit" easy stages,to the spi-i |e iw.ini.

• Jii the way they <s»- ihe cliilKiiiilitkitchen, v. hire Million tteiit Into tto -iiiniily ruptures over Its slilnlin." ilean"llncss; the yrcat eold Moniiec phmlM.With ad'.TIIUl.'Ids of sideT of beef midii|mirterii nf mutton; III.- trip hummerInferno of the engine room, tvliire thegirl clung ('lowly to the arm uf the. liclliiuli-.,! llrill ns they crushed

•Well," amiotiuccd Marsh chrvrfujly,"I t e just i,-ft lVmivthor|>r." .•'»•

IlrlH stntlitl nt IhU Important «Utrtiu-iit. "I ihviiiiht ,t(Hi | .mk«| purtku-In lit ha|>p«," be «»ilt.

• Is nu !ts«. isn't ni>? iii i , .~, ttKiiigh.In- l.itom s,.im.tliing despite hi* effortsto c.lineal li. I'urhiips Im'll knowinon-Mlieu he get* through with Hum-I'hiies,"

"Vyiiiii's In. going to do, j;lu> ttipcap-tain liliftii. tlini Hi seaiiiiuislilpr '

"Hn's IJIH'II iibnut vtltb ti |iapi>r, pelf.''lltw hp culls it, ib liui lull ui; why tlu>Hlilp Is i«lf ttf her emirnv" (

"And IIP'H golug to iirccnt' that toIliiinplirbs. ' asked Iliill dellKhtiMlly.

.Mnrsh nodded, iiud hii tniit liuj;fii'iloutii*;hl as In. called to iiUud the lionSeverity he hud SI-MI under tho wiilllnnmask til,. . .tpt.'ibr hablimilly preNciitedto his pusseii|{ei>. lint Mnrxti illd )un>s|,,in,| in ktud. l lf wan more sifloithan iliili'hnd e\<r >nii him.

"I don t know ithi'thcr i t s A InugliIns: matter after nil, l.lt-ert..|i," n»ld htwlllliu; hi*. Iti-jity wtitrli chain t.ttyeeli ItW tillers.

"Winit do you- ineaii'r" a»kiit III!

i A Minute or Two!!With the Funny Man

Handing Out a Qint!« On*."I don't quite hee the |Hdtit of that

ri-miirk at four*." saM Mr, Skinner, thogrocer, •» bo*tkil nji the package ofsugar,

"WUnt rrmiirk nns that?" asked ttioi uiitouicr.

"You Ju*t rt-uisrkpil that some menlisa ml »»flt*nd \\-«y of doing tilings.An«t jou WlmhiHj I was ono."• "Ve«.. 1 n-Khcd to rrmln.1 you thatyour hand wiiii on thu nugor whon^ou

It."- Kansan City Star.

Why Ht HuiUttd. 'If I) Unlthrd

the exblblllon a ml let people sec It?KtuuMTly Ilerausri hp'x tu a ipi.m-

ilnr.v nhout Riving 1t n name. Some oflilt friends winit. him to enter It m"Tln» KBIli or N'Uisarii." nml others ml-rite hljtt-tu .turn tlm rnnvna npgldedown and call It ".\ Yellowstone 1'uri;t.'i'ysiT." I'Hck.

Dnipppintmint."Why nro you late for scliool, llnr*

oldf"WV (lad the most tlcllclon* pnn-kes ftir bri>nWf«st, und It liikri n

long lime to iniike them. Mother »pntyou a notr.'"

"IIIIIU," .snllY^d the teacher. "Wti»didn't slm srtul miv a fi>w of tho pan-

kes-V—Knit'uni rity .Inurnal.

QtntU Kint.

"I giles* Peiiii)|li..ipe» right,"tin1 nt her, lowering his vulie,

"About the fihlp'1 iii'ltn; off t i n

•Ver Altliouch the Olyinplud'snew ship tn ui,., | - w . Hindi' friend* Hitsiiine ..f In r olltc'ci's mi other Hlllps.''

"Vim dont iiu'iin llmt llicy""of cuuCM' not." wtm tin'ipilck reidy

H u m to um< thunibscrciVs to got linyIhliiK out nf II"jUnlor olllcpr. HutIIIIIII i.in talk without saving nnythluie,.I'm preltycerialn l'iniiytlii,r|ii''« not ibig ii f.ml us lir loiikx, th.nik'b Hill

.-VU'JJlduX-lie. JitiVilbli!. .wuiiUIJt';'.' _.•Thin ,i..n think" . begun Ilrl

III'l'X <H|H|\ . °

"Nnlhliik-. except Unit Ihe Oljmplal« hnii.b.'.l-. of ndli-ri out of li.'i- iijuriie.

' i nut there be cune inKtakeV""In iiatlitnllnii'f I.lkely, Isn't It I

(lie wiaihei w-o'te hnd'.' I'M' only onthe.dv. Tin-re inii.t bo a unr."' Itrlll iiiii.'iiibered Unit HlehbliH ImiIOM jiljii iluii fhe «tennic|K nf tlm llmwere .h'.-lmied |.. h,. IIHI-II' ni arnieil• ruliim In inne of need, but Ihr Olympliiil wns 'only II p.'iHHoniier nteiiiurm m . llciw . oiild sin. p,iM..|l,lv l.enffecl

d'f l ie Kiilil HI mii.li lii Miimh."TIIMI i rjirht," ndmlited his r>.|uin

• "ini'.inl'.ii "liui ivlinl . nn Hfh.'iir" • • " " ' . '

.VI-file. sallu;rliuf'of Um...f.liin«dliiio'i they met riiiiiyllinrpc, Ids facewenrliig an miiisiiiillv pmn|>oiin tim

Iron bridges mul ilesceudisl terrifyingstairs. All thrsit MihmuriiKJIJHI more they gar.eil nt until

nl last u gray uteri ijoor m u l » mailwith a rifle Hitting In front nf It |.them they had leiichcd Ihe C|M-rboii).

Marlon sto.nl for « moment Mutingat the imi«slv<; Htccl work JIH If HIIOmight by xoine magic visluu i>«.|i<the masHis of, yellow Imrs Inside andthe bag* plethoric with goldiit coin.I lotv much .rime and dishonor a mlwretchedness the IIIIIIIOIIH behind thatdoor could cull forth, sb« thought, nodyet hoitr much of blessing nnd luippl-new* and the b.auly of life they couldbeftow! llrill saw her bosom rise Ina -long t>igh, but In; -could ticircclyknow tlie cauie.

"Well," he said nt la-,t, half >iulzzlc/il-ly. "are you satisfied tjmt the stuff inlirtnct, Miss .lennisoii, or. riithcr, nreyou satlstleil Hint your father will In;

Itsllvdr"Oh,'I wns not thinking of that:"

»lii! replied, with a faint smile. "IHiippost' all Is «H secure ns can 1>*?,J-I.'t if;"

Italher. If you don't believe It axkthis gentleman here."

miss," slHikiTlip^r"^ man withIbe rifle, wiio had bis-n watching llrillwilli the eye of, u huwk. "J'ou w?e,there are two doors with t » o i-omblu.i-lion Imks. Tho cnptnlii iini ouo set utVvyr, mid the llrwt ofltcr unollier. Onucan't open tlie door without tin.-other.It'simply ain't possible for anybody to'do finythlfig <jut»er. mum."

The Utilis party moved tiff .In due or-der, .Marie bringing Up the rear at avery considerable distance...Then Mar-lon remenibt-red tliat her father had

led sumu inforiuatlou ulK/ut thepig lead iii! the foritnrd hold. , Hr4.itjudgwl /rom_lha| reqtjest tin; «fitc utU\n mind, for a few Impilrkw, Hfth'tip

it perVw-lly c«|.dootj that neither "they nor any one.eUc could get within fortr feet of tbcmetal, whicb, Ibe young man remtii)-'

M~* goia l» Oisguiie. la tlntt\- I

self Fiitltili'd iilr.. I.Ike aiiutlier nu.'lciil.liwirlner.. ho fljed Ihe two itllh III* eyeand Al'arhli he selr.i-d tiy the eont htiie!

"I 'wax t'lglil," he began In-hli profi.iitui tones. "\\'i< HIM bending foAtari.I'lirtngiil. Tin' cnpliilu mliujbt If." "

•''In the' mtiniinf .N'eptime, whiit for?'cried .MmHit.

P<-nnyllior|ie loved Vinilorli-itl clrcuniloiiilloii. nnd with nil due «olemiillynnd proper emphniils, lie rnllc'il out Iliustory nt bis visit to < nptahi HumphrleH, the impresHfnfi If, npitcnwd totunkr* ou the Hitllor findprcsi'iitation of the piiKscugcr*' peti-tion. : riiifdly. he itrrlvid. at th« onlypoint nf Ifnportniiie.

"fapliilii Humphries ciidnlim," heKiild. "Mint he hns taken nri cjtrcinesouthern COUIHC to avoid tho floatingIce und bergs, ullli nttendant urea oftftH, of which tvnrnlngs haru he(?n K)V-cn over the wlrrlpsii."

".MlKhly careful nil of n sudden,"uruivled Marsh. |

"Id: hns hud t<|x"i»l Inslrn'tloiiHfrom Ihn m'liiaiteuiPiit to proceed tlitm,"c/iiitiniU'd. the irofifBWir, MiiblinMJyhcedl.i-H of Interriiptloii, "Imt the(ours<! will Ix' chnriigi-d at OIHMJ to thedirect route to Holitlifttiiptoii." »

Hiiylnu !v.hl< h he bustled nwiiy. andllrlll "niihl$.f'(tr tin.' \»)inn\UK of hisvolci! itlxivr. tin! shriller staccuto ofgt'iicrnl itiiiil t;dk.

"ijiicor," hnd bci'ii Mnrsh't nnly com-ment en the stntcineiif. Tlii-reij|>oii h«tInpM-d Into what wns for blin an til-most imriiiiny "Hence, hri-ukiug It </nlybclwi'.-ii IWu H|«">iifulH of pistachiocream, to observe or.icularly:

"I x e tbi; captain Isn't nt his table.Hasn't ixe/i nliici< frliiay.".

That w/H iibsoluti'ly of nu connc-i|inii'i' to* Drill, l i t low not bin enp-taIn* kc+per. The only (ibscncc thatbit.'r"-.tcd him In the Ic.'ixt vvnfl thatof the Jennlsons, ».>nc nt the vacant

dr« could Iw filled "by,!, nu one elseIn iill the world but Itspantl: -- ••' •

| To b« continutd.]

Ju«t Craw Up.• Mrn children you hate . Which Is

• Mstrns tho hcaltlilest lowklne oueof tbc lot.!'

"Yes. Hr ihe time hfc came aUJotrkUtmoltitt bad run out of tueeriefc-"—Lotv.

YitiniK Mnu (ll:.*!ii Hlnrt IIio phono*grliph, 1 jiny, nnd piny Hint beautifulfioiig, "tiood Night, "ear Heart."

Tho Ulrt I'd rather'hi.'itr you Kpcnkthose wordi, W!lltp.—WflRliliitctoii Htar,

Too Sbft."WlnmiPii nlnt got no n-ino of Iho

pro|irlc||es." ' ., ."lloiv IIMH•';""Volt know Ili.-it. bulldog I got myf ' ; '

> \

"V.'*.'""Mile wiints to iHiipp It

IHc foitilcr-.liiiirnal.l'KI." l.otil.v

A Curtful Houitwlf*."IMil you peel the onion under wnter

• .itold having your eyes sninrt?""Vcs, nnd I Imvo tin Idea.""Whnt IH IIV"/"Why mil holKthe ttabf iiud scrva.tt,

us onion Houp;" Knnsiin l.'lly Journul,'

H. W n Right.Aiitlriiiatrd I'eiiiiilp -My denr frleurln,

I il'i nut belief luiimilftughtcr nhotlld ba]iuillH|ied Jiy dnil.li. : ^

"No," said n me.iri iimn lit tlm audl-I'tieii; "It I* hnd fiioiiKli Unit thtr»«TTMTfl7nio iTiiirTnTiTTTeiis."' - Klchotig».

Ollokino «e On* Oratd,' (clcstlno iisdl t o . b e iiittinlonntol/

Icvotcd to her bulldog. Wliat becotnar.r the hriiteV" . •' •

"It died, 'itnd' Oli'Mlnn (•imsoli.il her-Mlf by innrrylnic n bulldog type ofIIIIIII."" Iliruiliiglinm A-cc Herald.

, Sob atutf. • • • iHoclely Dndiiy-My win, It In th«

Ienrest wish "f my heart to «co you dl-lorred and ni'tllcd down Iwforrt I die.

.Society H'm- Hut, dad, I could hard-ly do that on my income, with alimonyus high nM It Is now.- I'Hirk.

CHUM Per • 8ml«l«,Thrro win n yminx nmn of Hello l i l tWho wore * magnificent tlal«,

JIM Imriil of i>nle ircm.nAri'I frlovny silk nhern

(.'ould ho niMn for nnnrly ft mlalit.-riilldtrlphla riibllc U4ftr.

Intant* Lav*.t,"I»rp you rrnlly jovo Kmhiellno?" snk."d his best friend.

"J,oVB IUT'/" rcsriondwl the mnn withlip jh/np, .'.'.Whjrj I'VIIxntYiii her natnsn my cork leg."—I'hllitdelphlo Ledger.

Th. Official Publication.Knlckpr-'W'hat. hnpnciiH when you

mvfl a fight with your wife?JJockcr«-I have to ket out a white or

yellow or fiiuk cbri,'kl>ook to prove I Kdidn't start the warJ~N8W York Hun. '•'•

Net HopaltM."Mr. Moneybai{»; wlint ore you goig.to make wPyour w n'/" '. •"1 can't make rtfi'ything of him, butII'S got n girl who's ranking ii monkey•f him."—Buffalo:

> •

\ , -

Th* Only Way Ha Could.lloivlcr—I made <iulte nu ImnrensiodIth my voice Inst night. ._Illnkley-What did you do? Hlnjt

tito n phonograph xomewhero?— Ilockyiloutitnin New*. •''

Manly Homalinaia.The do<:tor nmlntuliia that bis wlfo

an't see a Jolte." ^ _ '"TIIMI, to Judge by the doctor, ilie

be bllnd.'-I'blladelpbla Ledger.

Sometimaa."I'op. about a Mar bvrsc"—"Well, wr «onr , -"Id a *ar'Jidfl6<?a1iora'du combat';--

,1A . I.i- *

Page 4: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central




t H E CSANFORD CITIZEN."t • tIacoTpdr.ted.1

XJsdoa Areiwe, Cfajlord. N. J.

Terms. On* Dollar • Yaar.

«ht Cnaiord POMMatter.

O « c


At last night's meeting af tbe Town.•bJp Cfatnnilttee, Mr. Marshall bit tbee*U oo tbe head when be ttsted hi* op-pmitkw to granting any per ml U fordriveways oror gntteni that would' en-Croat* on tbe street There fau beenoonrtructed in tbe yean, gone by aveird a»*ortment of inch driveways andthe statement of ffr. Marshal) M chair-man of the Street Committee tb»t astandard plan for such work would be

fufit to Cranford as a wboie. Daringascent jremn great care hot been excr-eted by the Committee in such mittenwith good results, bat ft rioter rule willbe sUU better. • -

Proceedings started tut nlgbl beforetb* Township Oomtntttee by petition tocleanup two long problems of • I root

: opening; the block of Oranga avenuobetween Riverside Drive ftml ttpringfteld•venue and tbo block of Claretnont1'taoo between Union and f'rotpaclavenues, mean good bu»lnoa» for Cranford. Both tlisao section* of *treet»have been eyeaoim a* well a* an incon-venience to tbe public which tlioro now•oem* to be a good chance of bringingto an end- Proceedings taken of couniowill be with full regard to propertyinterntt uHoctwl Effuot* iujlio pint toopen properly tbo •troota named bavoproved abortive but under tbe law a* itnow U wo believe the Township Com-mittee will be able to bring proceeding*toaMioooaful conclusion.

Common Seise.' Longfellow oould take a worthlessHire* of paper and write a poem on Itand make it worth 108,000—that'tffMiiui. There are nme rnon who oouldwrite a few words on a plooo of paperand make it worth 18,000,000-that'*capital The United Btato* can take antrance and a quarter of gold* and makeit worth fSO—that's money. A mechaniccao'tako material worth |5 and make itinto watch »pring»_worth fl ,000-that'sskill.' There U a man In Chicago whocan t*ke a fifty cent piece of can via,paint a picture on It, and make it worthU.000-that's art, AUrook can takean article worth 76 cents and toll it forti—•that's business. A wiVimin oouldpurchase a bat (or 78 oenti but prefersone worth |27—that's foolishness. Aditch digger bandies several tons of«»rth for t l 60 • day—that's labor. Tbeaathor of this can, write a check forta.000,000, but it wouldn't bo worth adime—that's rough

There a n people who will tell youthat other papers are an good as this—that's nerve. Take 11.00 and got ayeor'ssubscription to The Citizen and receivea thousand votes and deposit them foryour favorite candidate—that's com-•nonsense.

i . kBtmtive bmbeTbe meeting of the Llnoatn-8benaM

Home and School Laajrao, held In tbeLincoln Scbooi, yesterday aftemooo.was exceptionally pleasing anrTntereet-ing, aad much important business trans-acted. There was a large attendaecewhich-tboroagjily enjoyed the following

gong*... Bis pupil* of Sixth GradeRecitation... ..John HporlockGroup of Song* l»t Grade, ShermanRecitation Rotb BellPiano 8ok» < Everett PenisloaVocal Solo MiesPienonAddress... Mrs. John L. Warner

Mrs. Warner for three years waspresident of tbe Parent-Teacbsm Asao-CUUOD of Roselle, and the local leaguegained much from her address, outlin-ing as it did tbe successful work acoomptisbed there. It contained much valu-able data and was very Interesting

A feature was a victrola demonstra-tion In which thrwe machines were triedOUtr "The fcBagttf YOttrf WO furine por-chase of a Victrola, 110 for the V. I. A.lunch fund, and ISO to purchase appa-ratus to fit up tbe playground.

It was decided to provide can. forsmall' children at meeting* so that pa-rent* need not hesitate to attend.

A card party will be held Friday even-ing, April tf. An admission of 29 cent*will be charged, and tally cards will beon salo at tbe door.

Another evening when • th« men folk*will bo able to bo present, U planned forin May. Tho lait one was such ade-cidod «ucco*», that we won't name par-ticulars a* tlio capacity of the audito-rium I* limited.

GABWOOD AffftBS.i'tum i field ij «*««•alter Jl Wgo<j'•«»* sward«l tfa

janitor»bip uf the n*w buroogb ball atUM Council martin* Ttvwlay aigbi Mr.Wood1, figure wax feoo. Other »*i»were aa follow*: Jnepb•720; Jumpb Balitt-k. 1700,Held, >572: r n d MarSbn. MM* CbrMiaaliajs. fe3», Chariot .Sebnarr, $W0 Mr.Schnarr'* propoaal • •< rejected u b t Hnot a resident of tb» Uiroogh. A n a -

ttee from the Mountain**!* apart men t askail tbe Cooocit ifmight procure OarwoMl'e uid fir* belt.Mayor Erlksao replied thu the arm-ben would tie gfad li/ducate tb# bellMountainside, fnsemocb a* It bad o x nto the borough a» a gift. Clerk Keimwas Instructed to rtxnmnnn-aio wiUiRobert Lang-, •nfttiarj of U* neigbinrIng company. Marti*/, Marcla ft, wnamed a* tbe poiitiv* Oat* toftht

•out mad« fnTAarptar™ fm- tbw

Tl* Hail 'Signal (V.ha* moved it*NVw York offies of wxoooting to tbefrmt oflSce building b«re. Hot oil of themtoitxrrt uf tb*jet »rri»ed.

force, however, have

fXUtoen4x«fpt J.

KtNILWORIH NOTtS. •member* »f tiw Borootrb Coooeil

Board of Educdtion.The meeting ot tho Hoard of Educa-

tion Tuesday night wa* takoo up prlncipally with dlaonasion In au endeavortu fix salaries of teacher* during tbetuxnuig year, although several ; other•enii important matters cauio upj amongthem being a report .from AttorneyAuatin that negotiation* for a settle-

* u.out with the contractor* of the Cleve-land Scbooi were in progros*. Bevoraljn ojosition* wero received from localinsurance brokers to bond teacher*,janitor* and other employees of tbotfjard.ondar the provliiou* of tho Work-men * Compensation Act, These werereferred to tbo Building and Q roundsCommittee for investigation and report,

J. K. Quaile, an Instructor in tbe highacUool. tendered his resignation to takeeffect at thr end of the present sohoolturm.

On motion of Trustee Meatkk, a reso-lution n'as passed expressing the regret*uf the trustees over the resignation ofAirs. Hughes, and setting forth the high

' Appreciation in which she I* held by thebaud. The resolution was ordered on-greeted and sent as a memorial to Mrs,

, who now live* in Montolair.

Chess Out.Hy Cbadwlck

The record mode by Gepablaiuia onLincoln'* Birthday at airaultaneoa* playws* not destined to stand for long. OnFebruary in, Frank J, Marshall played03 games at Portland, Orogon, complet-ing them in *U and one-bait hours,which i* 15 minutes less than theCuban champion took to play 00 game*.Marshall's score was 78 won, 10 drawnand 4 lost Thi* 1* a hard nut for Cepa-bUnca to crack,

A. Uupcbik succeeded In winningtbo New York Slate Championship bywinning his game in the final roundagulntt Edouard Lasker. Hn 1* atnoloading In tho" champlouahtp tourna-ment or tbo Manhattan Chess Clubwhere he Isjnow tbe title holder.

E l i . Couboi Paterton won the New,Jersoy State Championship on Washing-ton'* Birthday,

Arrangement* fur the master's tour-nament to'behold in Now York Cityduring the Spring mouths, are progress-ing satisfactorily, and a good field Isalmost a certainty.


1 am pleased to state that our mom-bers are responding in good *bape tomy requoat for , annotated games, andmany inUuestlng ones, have come tohand I wish I might publish them alla* fast.aa they coint'aloDf. '

Thl* vreok I can off»v- you it gamewith quite au unusual position.-TheBlock Quoon not* bottled up ratherneatly and the manner In which Whitekeep* her "bora de combat'* is interest-ing

Councilman jtotb announced, tLsl tbatpecisJ oummlttea would sake 0CAI arrangemente in tb« n<*r falum m *matter* were al», consider**! Owuaell man (Jorlaoo bring a<lvl«*d tu *f-iireprices on tarvkfor tbeOntre street *ndSpruce avenue improvflnM&ti I'rcright of way a, acn-w tb« Ootr»i rail-road track*, wore aiscumed »t icejrth.iteport* of the lira chief aoU lira•uperintendent, ufoiwed ibe fire appara-tus to be in good working order. Ontbe n>coainienda!k«i, of PoJwcKelly, lock* were ordered for tbe »*wpolice rail*. Ttie moling adjuarced toMarch 17. Mayor Krikmo. Clart Keim,Engineei Ctmrchill and Oxtoctlmenlleulttr. Kelly, Itotb. McMaau*. Kand Carlson wer« presrat

At an elimination roo»t itotuimy -,noon, too following pupiUto repreaeot tha (liirmtfd srbooW iu tfcecounty .peaking i-ontnt at li/jtelior,March 18:. Uirls' primary, lUieoPuishee/'The Lost Doll"; toy . primary,Frank BcboenwUner, 'Tbo fChildren"; girl*' grammar scbooi UntCowell, "Dorothy'* Uostt'nto". trays'lioy*'jtrammar schoul, Harukl Waegler,'DerOak und der Vine" Tbe jodge*

were the English teacben. Mr» Butow.Mis* Mallory, Mia* Kobimoa and MixGiles. Friday'nigut. a preliminarc ran-test WM Imld in the- Franklin vbuolaudltoiinm, twenty-eight driMrma mm-potlog Nino awonb were ouile byRev. Welboelter. Jobo StlCf >od Mr*.John Kahb.

Members of the Hoy dcoot Iruop wcr«the hosta at a plraaant social in thePresbyterian church basement Taetdaynight. Tfalrty-nv« acooU axd u ePftivut Wera prt"tent. apesehaa weremade by Scoutmaster CarkbeS andA*aWant Wlbon. of \Ve**ft*ld Re-freshments were servtil. In cturge attbe affair were scoutmaster Foster Gtrfc-huff anil his aastontt, Adaot UiU«r acdMcClellen Cowell

Coming from all part* uf . tbe CoiledStates, sakaman for' the Anchor PottIron Work* b«4d an latoresttcg

A State College for Wonven.N*w Jersey is the only State In the

Vnion which has no midonomhsatiQQalDoliege for women. The New JerseySitte Fedoratioo of Women's dubs.seeing the need, has organised aWomen'* College Committee, whiohsow b u under way a vigorou* campaignto eaublish a State Oallege for MewJersey women. .

Already a suitable building and twelveacre* of ground adjacent to the Agricuisaral College at N*w Bruntwlok haveueeo procured, and while the college• i l l not in any sense be co-edncattonsl,it«jU,-fpraUme at least, be aUUatedfriSh Bntgen College.

, Tfcetniuon at tha New Jereayfar Women wiU be about «ll»._*teaaodset tlw College for the flnt towyearswiUheeoamaU that the people ot«be State eureiy wUlnot let the on*


10aIBU15It* 117inItt80


Whllo9. PoersallPK4Kt-KBD11IMdutiesKt-BSP-Q3Kt*8(a(PsBKtKtaBKSQ.Qli (b)


BlackP, M. Thomas

l'K«Kt.QliaB-B4 -KtB»PQ8




80 PH




tlon at the local' factory -TnUy after-noon. Fourteen men **r* prew-nt.together with President TbompKus itsdother, official* of the compasy A!IM-an Inspection Of tbo pUat. Ib* n»ii>went to to New York where a Ui»j*ftwa* given in the> evening.

After a lingering iltnew. Mr*.

K Butler were prewtit tbeu m««tiug b«ld on Tamday even-

ifljl. incluxliujf Attorney N. R. fxavitt,u i l i'oblic Accountant John E Cooperwho a auditing the Inrougb book*. Apeutiun >ign«i by & property owner*in tbo boruogb, on which aa order waxiwnM-d by .-iupreaiti Court Justice Bergen/in Clifabetb on tbe 'SSrtl, was read bytha clerk and referred to Attorney Nft Ijwtitl who iriii prt»cnt. Tbe orderM it.turn»l.lo on Saturday the 8th., andu tu (bow cjow why on inve«tigation

finances should not be


Sunday* tha Equal Francbue

urderul A uoiioe of appual from tbeMarango lleblty Co , for a reduction idttoir UkHaKOioot from tl.'dW to fl.tMO•ra* roni \>T tli« clerk in which theyWfefe-Karrying tbuir »ppoal tu- ttia StateUiMt'X for furthor adjudication, was re-tenvi tu ilin Borough Attorney .Mrs.j.£ Crt-iii of Kttirflflld avenue, appuared

referencu to antha Board some

tbe. Ooancil inapplicatiou tilod withtime agu is wlncli they hod anked for adriveway or foot path to tbeir rtxddenceat the corimr of FoirAeld avmine andiltl atrm-l... The highway coinmitteamprjrttxJ that they bad invnetlgatixl, butbad found out that the strrat had notbe™ auc«pt«tl by tb« through, nnd thatthey could not recommend its i in prove-ami tbo Treuaurnr'a report iliowwi ut«laru-« of f4.4.V).yT. tliat the boroughheld over flD.MO.OO in tax titlos ou• Uicli lite IUIM for tlio yt-ur :it #1.."IM«aa #2112.1X1 Bill* to tb« amount oftlWJ 33 which included 150 the February•alary for tbe uniformed policvinanwere approved and ordfirod paid. Tbemneting then adjounlod to meet at tberail cf the choir. /

An adjourned ifleetiug of tha Board ofEducation will be held in thu McKlnley«rbool building to morrow evening.

Tim tlr»t regular montiiig of thu'*r«jt Teacunr* Amociation I.H bBing

brld in the principal's room in thu Me-Kintey nciiuol building thta afternoon.

Delbert Anthony who«bu.i l»«n con-fined to bi» home during the puat weekwith a severe attack of pnouraonia lioonvaleicing.

library Book ListUKNKilAfc LITERATUHE

Alberton, California: uu intimateit»tory._ _.".. ;_.'....... '. 'Bacun Beauty for aahet.Burrough*. Winter sunshineCobb. Europe revised,CXwlidgu. The United States'a* a

world i«>wer,Curie. Joseph Conrad; a studyUeigbton. Solectlou* from tbw .Six

League re»poo1od to an invitation fromthe I t m .Baptist. Church to apeak be-fore tbeir congregation oo ' tbe subjectot suffrage for wonwn By special re-quest Her. E M. Compton addressedthe meeting and hi* remark* were earn-estly appreciated

Mra. Fanny Bate*. Mr*. F. B. .HyanMr*. N. K. Thompson alao made abortaddresses, tolling what the League wo*doing, aod asking for tbe co-operationof. the colored 'people of Cranford tofurther the cauie of «u drags.'/ On the evening of March iftSrdf at tbeTJncoln scbooi there will be a mootingwhich ought to attract every body whoha* given the (abject any thought at alland wtU'be of »p»cial Interest to tbo*ewho have not formed any opinion ontbe question. By raro good fortune tbeLeague ha* aecured Muw Leach ot Mou-


5Sioln At*n• * " " " W E D S E S D A T . XASCB IT, . U t t•I K.3Du'eloe* p . n . rt i

rI u> nil

woman who, in u short time achieved anational reputation for her remarkableSIJIJ uarnett work during the recentcampaign in Montana, her native 9tat«.Sue wo* salectod by the Etutern State*to come here to take charge of the Heldwork in the suffrage battle now on. itwill not only be a pleasure to meet MianLeocb personally but it will bu a groatprivilege to hear what *be baa to sayabout the ijuention DO soon to be decidedliy our voter*. Kverylmdy ii invitud tocuniu and tiring a friend.

•Saturday, March liHh, tbe Leaguewill hold a caka sate at thrt' Apollo drugitore.



•• • ~ • —— ' -- k - u & t j J % I n>a* t ^^ j »^* » F"»-^ — —— — —

uf Cranford.

Casino Notes.Tu« Ciuiirio tmwlwni went to Roselle

Tucniluy night und I heir »eries develop(•U anytbinK Imt KUXI bowlinir. . tlin«s.-ond KuniH only showing form, .whenthey were defeated by 7 pin*. In tliollrat frame everybody full down, South-ard'» 179 l>eing the highest ncore, Tbelust Kume tvan also of the same order.Just to^bow bow bad tho boy* bowledtho score* aro appended: .;

Kowllo Ca.il no.StoutJonwt :Cox...:...WrightHuwn

bf Iho Jywv&llp dm;mftvmm Ituf Cr»nlorl (a. to» «Jannay *

I si South AT«rniw> f

[hi Sontii Avonu-rraa Bstmr Sli»»[hito Loi'>a A

ic) S Uto £lm t*tre

nit Eiiuthe R«hir«

V 8 i


trr, BrJad !>tre«* tmm..-.trw!. Ml«a 5 tnK CrYui* street

miltm<Ut«i M«nnI l l

duatot. uuuisutuc »

IUE*. -4 •mad. g>nfflrni»ua inun, lit*

tw bUaca ot «*id iflnt ot Auiaal Mch T™' thmn

1 \hi ll t l. 1 \

l-l MarilMlrIHl-l March 3. i'Jli


l iW170naHO

DeQuifiiwy. KumlnljcenW of tbeKaghsb "Lake poets. ,

Dudlpy. In my youtli ' ;Eppendorf Handwork construction.'Jordan. War's uftermath.Undencrono. The imntiy sida of dip-

lomatio life.McCluro My autobiography.Noyes. Collectud poom».

• PbeJp*. comp, Selected artlclBt onthe recall.

Porter. Moth* of tbo Limberlost.Kill. Neighbors: life storie* of tbe

Tutitl*. H80 «74Cranfnril Cusiuii,,.

Saphar .' 188 178'i'lummer 112 11)7Marston.. .'.,' 129 127 'Hopkins.. . .186 188Southard 1B9 179

"rotalsvTr.TTTTTr:; 6 8 4 — S O T







Notice of Inteotiom... i ii hereby Kiron coas it i» zhit \ntwnaiUm

of tb« ilnrouKn uutincii lit Mu-Kenllwurth. L'uloii C"Unty.' 3 J , t » »

• irn,u In Kmllvrurto,. u'ama. t.'nontj«rf**-y" ninl ttittt

TU'KsiDAV. APIUL ata. !'J1*.at K o'clock p. m.. w tft* tim^. aiui ctur iMoll. Ki-ullwortn, N.J.. a ih«llnal huariuff Will b« iclrt-u u> nJl tHOBHtoife ilillflr

if whi<*li n n iM futluwtbv iturualnKtl hy itm B*ir.ta«itC.iuaeiii.iietaw

Borough of Keullwortli: -A Tbnt tlin old mwl ltnowna»GalIuaUnra^ill\%f\ be vw-iited fr^m whent tlw mul. r'l&li iiiuna

with tbe Mv*tfrn rria nt BtiaUivwrt wait CJUUKMPforks northwtfsl^rtr running in a. (pmitrat fl^aicwaM COUTW %n chif K>.rillMr.>rtli -AoOnn .prurau*of the* llnhwar Valli-y liailnmiL

II Tlmt N -'Nt -Lr.-. 1 ami X. iSott llm—l>etWH4>n I't'llrgtt Avenue and Ctxuat0T A n m w ,and Uolunititul Av^nu*1 frnnx Coc & N )U>lllock No. lt «-uatrrly t.i the ri«hc nt w*yItatiway Valley llallnHwl Cinnpanr a* 4Bi«ot 'ou Mtetlonal map No. >, tUnl hy ^ ^ «'JIJMIS»

AMWH-latlon, 5e0t*mb**tr JO;, UflBXoie

C That the following Street*b« 'S, Mn tltn-et,tj.6th S t r m .

Dili .street, S. lUth streat. a. 1UH otmmB m i l * .Illth Htitx-l. Win-Men Laurel Aieuim JUI£ 1vanl, aj) sliourn on M, .tii)aiki ntNew Orange Induct rial AmoeIIMI.

r» That the fiillnnrinirnrIS. Nth NlCfHl. S. 1.1CI1 titrneC. ». hllll. :

H. 17ln Nlr<«t. ti. latn scrmc and ± lUclu :betwtwn ljaurt'1 Avenue unitCMltiton Avenu**. between 4. uth. LHint Street, aa nhowit on aeettoilai' n ^

vl by New Orangw lniluaorlai ftmr—tffrn*t*tiAnrll 2«h. 1UTO. , — - — u i - - . i , .K That CUntou Avenue. bMt»vi»ttn4 -3t.-^tsa

treetandH. » t h Htrwt. v i l l a i n . •al map So. IU, Hied by New Ona*»Auoclatlon. January 31. linti *

iMteO, f»bru»ry 18. lais.

Kt«81 PKt»88 QsP

Notes by the Winner(•) To open the Kt'* Die.(b) Thi* lose* a piece. KtxKt i

K R should have been played,(o) This loess.(d) Probably test. It he trie*

save the Kt bit B would be cut off andthe Q can never escape.

(e) An ingenious effort to esoape.Tbe Q cannot be taken.

(f) This locks htm up again, for ifBxP. then PxP.

Address all communications to 3.Cbadwlck, Orantord, M. J.


died Monday .nlghl* at her !»&« coSouth avenue. She lfuu-» toie« sUbgb-ter* and. one son, among wbum art MnKmlly Peter* and Mrs Phillip Mdhr ofthis place, funeral aervlco. «r#r« ttoday,

An excellent program will U-ed at the meeting uf tb» Parent Teachera' Association In the, Franklin Scfax-ithis afternoon. County Sap«A. L, Johnson will ip«ik ooTraining" and Dr. . Manb Wilt? p«»i-dentof thu Aasiviution wilt cvettlrrdomestic science in har tulk oa "Ht,»-..JAmerica."

Thirty.Ovu iuomU>» atircUcU sti»mwtlng of the Q»r\vt«Hi L\»tn-ji»; C1a!>in the Jetlerxm whool t'riday aMgbX.Ttcketa were diitributcj fur tbe ctaV*Or»t entertainment to be given ut tb»Fnuikllu school un April 13 f'ocrmembers wer» accepted

The lo^nl tiro departmentto tlw flrat lire alarm of im Luc Tfcjjrjday. A small ttre occurred in oo* rfthe "op* bouses1'in Anchorthe bhue WAS quicklyThe nre, which wa* condneU t»room; was said to have b«n carnal by ?a man smoking in bed. •

Andrew J. Oraham otNew York mission worker.

riouaevolt. America uuj tho worldwar. • , . '

!>beip, ed. Haudbouk of tbo Europeanw»r


. Kvelina.Uidtvn's bond.

CbmtMiMi Wisdom

Tbe king ol tbe dark "i-hum-

und Cotton. Tbo complete

World almanac and oucyclopediu.

of Father

. Cusrad. \ set of six.Hardy Diane and her fricudi

i u^ff1**-, Arcadian'adventure* withtbeidlo rich

Luca* Lindmark*Lutx. .Man of tbe deaort.MacUrath Voice in tbe fogOpjx-nlieim Mr Utox of Monte

Siuuth. . Aiuiu. Koversbam..^pph^ns. Tho dotni.goUs.Tarkiogum. Tho turmoil.»aaoe. Sboep'a clolhing.

Pierre Vinton.t'HUJJKKN'S HOOKS

Gulliver's travel, retold.Thirty more famous stories

Squirrel* and othsr fur-

TOILET NEEDS-Every Helrjfor Comfort and Beauty

Every toilet help you couldwant is stiroly here. A hostof olovtr complexion beauti-flem in overy forin--oldfashiooed lutious, the purestcold oriiftniH, (Iftinf. t l

the men', meeting la thechurch Bundav afternoonare l»eld weakly at a p. m

Somueltoa and Obboo,cooihlnaUqo, wUl icon open

Th« ««i>*Br


Dopp. The early cave men.ttapp. Tba tree-dweUer*.Joho»oa, «1 &K>IC of foiry-^Long. • Secrets of the woodsXttolsy Boys'. • life -' of Abraham

s>tor3r <* KiLK Arthur and hii


» - • ' - . - •

St Paul's.M. E. Church.Rev. E. M. Oompton, Pastor.

Sunday Scbooi 8.80Morning Worship. 1Q.45Gpworth League devotianal *ervlce

p. a>.Evening worship 8.00.Regular monthly businee* meeting of

the Ladles'AJd Society Friday after-Boon in the chapel

The Board of Health did coeillaesaoi

cecesetary ntwBMf

Funeral nrvices fyrSylvester were beld^aichurch, Cronfcrd,

or young

LitUe play* from American

Patty'* aoclal »ea»on.

New Hose Wagon Arrives. 'tJfc new hose wagon for tbe tire de-

lortamct which was ordered about twoS'aMitt ago. arrived last Friday after-"" *~ was built by Fisher

II par y«ar.new*

s:Braun have been added to the- local

, yand all tbo latest discover-ies iu scieiitiflo dermato-logical formulae. . . . .Whether for baby's tenderakin or father's face aftershaving, rest assured wehave as good toilet urtiolesus your money could buyanywhere, Simply auk foryour favorite-if its a stand-ard preparation certainlywe havo it. . . . . . .


Pmcription Speeiatimt$.

SHKHIFITs'SALE-In <:hanc<»T of Xrm Am-tey. ««tw«n fsullna Uaaiunia,. U

aot, and Jo»«ph Trllca. »t. «L. Wtdnfa. for aaln of mortgrnyeU prsmiaw _ x

Hj vlrtuo of thi.. abuncatalUVvror'ae llufacias to raedireotwl I shall .Minn n,r mlm Sopubllo veudiitt, at thw tttmritr* tiOUrn- iit ^ MCourtboiuu, lu tlla.fity ol ttamUeUl, 3K i. i iu,WKUNESpAY, THK SBYSNTBHaraB; Diaa"

OP MAKCH. A. 1J.. IMS. • "at two o'clock In tha afternuon at -mut <iux atttraot or panel at lands and. prmniM*: ^ii^.—.ulng ana btlmr In th» Townahlp at Cntan, u»thsOqanlyof Oolon and BCato ul a « r .I«rawAjloHouilrtrtwo(a«),ariTtan» ;isa. a SJ.ur^K"l ""»'»>• (Wan? flftr»l* * » > «blockDor•Sprlngfleld A m u flarar 3ut '•••aa Bhown on uio map theraur, wnidi I*airaifcUi>thoolHcuuf tho rev(Utrf ot iiw!rt» <i£ COIUJEConnty, Naw Jonwj. alatJ«ne a. twaY •*> 3sW» O , living the premJsM uonTorat Uw -»•-»—;HWUInMkl ana Victoria Wlslnraiu. Slli. WICB !Si>uwsahlJoseiihTrUea and Maria. TritaaTa*wife, by ired daUxl April at, iKia. niui. naBobatlin the register t DIBQB of Union Count* oa; atK17th dai of Hay, 11)13, In Bouk Xt Stt, a£- B*KUafur Union County, on pagwtu. et.- •

?J?5t wrruiear~WILUAMFob EIW*CC

NowIB a good time to get out thewindow screens and doors andfix them. We have all sizes andkinds of .

Wire, Pafait and Hardwarefor the purpose. AlsoPoultry Wife, Roofing, LawnSeed, Rollers, Fertilizer, Etc

PIKE'SIf if* Hardirary. it$ here.

TeUpboiM 219-B

•W. Xa

w**onl» painted auwoon,trimming »nl across the

the words "CMBIOKI p.


All work given panooml mparvia^on.

ISO Oentranial Aveoos,C3UN


8HKB1FF-8 SALB-InChancerr of S w .MT. Bstween The Citizen* Buikiuu*

Loan Amociation ot Elliabeth. it jant. and Mary B. Gabriel, at. »li.. i k* I. fa. for aalo of mortgagni nnmlm

By virtue of th» aboTa Mated writ at Anafacia, to nmdlMctad I aaail ape** ftyr « S a ? ^pnbllo Tendne. at tho aherurTofflc» l S T ( SCourt Hooae; lu tha oltj or Kllmijayi, a; x ^nf


at two o'clock In the afternoon uf 3»tt Jap., aili}r«"orP?«»lofUuiila and prHnu»«, ^ouHfe}r«"orP?«»lofUuiila and prHnul;lli(«nd being In the Boroagk ofthe County of Union and Statoof 3T«»Jand kooirn and dtalgnated on th.nura.irUoaella Land andlmproremrac ^SnmBled In the om™ of the Clwkot ta* 3Union. In ««ld. Stato or N«w Jeighteenth day of Julr. eighteen.•UtT.aU.aa lot numbered thlrtrmunberedtwantj^neffli).

Heglonlng al a point In tha northarij- »Fifth, avenna dlatant one hnsdmt a(«aaatwsjrdlr from lu lnteraeeaoa^tti

Tbe Yormontstrictly fresh etieliverod.

"Salads" vraiuc tciecce lectn•stryker. yesten

•A son was howard ScfasXer, i

feff^H*! wlth Loco»*pttl) feet t o l t hly parallel with Flpoint; th«nce-(S)

In tb« northerlr aide of Fifthihence (I) wwtwsrdlj- l»vbnueflftjr(BO) feet t

JOHN K. WoHSISfiFeb. 11 (w EDJ4CC

two. ann,

[IDAIOMAS'8 SBTTUQJB3T." h e r e b y given, t h t th


to Xhm Orphans Court of the Countyon aj


Dated February «, 18IS.


M. F. Wheeler

Telephone 180-J




Schafer & Neumann.Masons and Co

Tard-Mortb.•rwpod, K. J.




Tbe Metbodlrid in S t Luk

ginning MarchKev. George I

the value of peichapel exerciera

Tbere will beness Men'. AaacKoumsi, this eve

Mrs. CharlesN Y., has beenMrs. R. J. Mix

Tbe Cranfordgirls met Tot.'home uf ilirm E

The Cranfordto present a \Cleveland scboc

A dog belongithe barber, lieliithe rabbie*. wrFred Yeager.

C. J. Crowlyand has-engagenew. commencii

success in his n<Miss Stewart,

the local school-on music beforeland High achthe school on Fi

Don't forgotare to give tbeiand imperaonaCleveland schois given by thefree. *

A party wasiat the home of 1

ue, when t^Florence DtekK

r\of CranfonHabey, was aiu

is taking pratiogarten teacblniWestfleld. Misswell fitted in tjijeare' collegeand two yenraCity inetitate o

To determintake part in tspeaking eonttthe primary giGrant acbool. cat 5:80.: and foi

—liacola-achooliat 3:30.

alias Dorotinnrr.h.1- o f frie!

Saturday eyeniPotter, of BostEdith Hillier.The latest st«

were served dtpresent were:Phyllis PotteiMiller. DorotTrualow. DoroSantiago Pore*

. ick Smith. RSmith, Arthuraod Raymond

Hanier Natlifor an Qlostr

toriam. by Oilan instructoriteen dollars wof tickets, wiAthletic Asaotfor equippingtoriam as alectaiB was iAthletic Aasotpresident, in tiLeSourd livein tbe near vitain, and watalk on the so

' tv . ^ral * m. '•X,

Page 5: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central

«•" \ l ITdw» "Notes.


mStarlot '



Xigfct school will close far tlitf y&ir

Miss Edith Merrill, a former resident,ting friends in Cranford.

\a informal dance will be held at theanno, oo Friday evening. March 12.Earl J. Tripp, instructor in the Cli

od school, has recovered fromiZhwes.

George Stanton is visiting his brotherGay. at Washington. D. C, for severalvets*. '

The Yarmond Poultry Farm u sellingstrictlj' fresh eggs, at 25 cent* per dozt-n,delivered.

"Salads" was the subject of a JomesHe science lecture by Miss A Jelaide B

•stryker. yesterday.'A son was born to Mn and Mrs Ed

ward Schafer, of Burnside avenue, on—snradajrj-Feb.-SStb:.—--— —--'-

The Methodist Conference will twheld in 3 t Luke's church, Newark, be'ginning March 24th.

Kev. George Francis Greena spuka untbe value of peace, at Cteveland schoolchapel exercises Friday.

There will be a meeting uf tli» Husiness Men's Aswciation ut the TownshipKoumsi. this evening at * »Vlm:k.

Mrs. Charles W, Pbrlrn. of Syracuse.-N Y.. has been vuiting at tht> liouio ofMrs. R. J. Mix in Springfield avenue.

Tbe Cranford branch of tjie Gimp tirngirls met Tuesday aftfrniaiif at thehome of Mi») Ethel Maudf Hall

The Cranford Fife and Drum ( orps isto present a vaudevilln show at theCleveland school anditonum, March 12

A dog belonging to Janm H. Bryant,the barber, believed tu In* sulTi-riii); fromthe rabbin, wai abut Sunday uvening l>yFred Yeager. •

C. J. Crowly has purchased an outiitand has-engaged in the huckster busi-ness, commencing bnsineeii last Monday'Neil has a boat of friends who wish himsuccess in his new venture

Miss Stewart, instructor of mn*ic inthe local school*, will given second talkon music before tbo pupils in tbe Cleve-land High school in the auditorium oftbe school on Friday morning.

Don't forgot that Mr. and Mrs. Prieoare to give their song recital, rootling*and impersonations tonight in theCleveland school. This entertainmentis given by the Public Library and isf r e e . •• •'. ' . .• •

A party was given Saturday eveningat the borne of L. 3. Ilatsey, on Orangeavenue, when tbe engagement of Miss

^Florence IHckson, ofBrooklyn, -former-,of Cranford, to William Sickles

Halaey, wasannounced.Miss Florehse Messick, of Alileu street,

is taking pratical instruction in Kinder-garten teaching at the Grant school,WestQeld. Miss Messick is exceptionallywell fitted iii this line, having had a twoyears' college course at Mt. Holyoke,and two years of atudytat a Neyr YorkCity institute of Ethical Culture.

To determine who will be eligible totake part in the Union County prizespeaking contest a. competition amongthe primary grades will be held in theGrant scbool. next Tuesday afternoon,at 5:80.: and for tbe gnunmnr grades in

ailav }iftttrnfK?nn

Frank.L. Shales «l l>ittan>ld_itreetU oil iilrosinesB trip to Philiielphu- "

Raymond \Ve.t ii wriuusly ill at bishome on South avenuF with, an attackof appendicitis.

C K Vnwm. of Suuth avenue: willshortly move into one of tha JainapartmenU in FUstman street

Dr. Anna Peck, of str^uihhnrg. Pa',is vo t ing her brother, the Ilfjv.' J. ft

I Peck, of Walnut avenue.The monthly meeting of tbe Ikiard of

l^rustewi of tlie Cranfjrd Free PublicLibrary, <cuedu[nl for Tutaday was.at}-jyurnki until next Tuesday evening.

Mi> .1 F Penitfon. entertained aparty of friends at luncheun yesterday,ut her hoine in the Sperry apartments.North avenue. East.

Teachers and Officers of the KiratItiptist Sunday School have i»u«d in-vn.Hiuin tu members and friends toattend a nitM-ting.-and »|>end a socialhour on Wednesday evening, March 17,

The Wednesday Morning Club met attbe Library this week, the president.Mrs. A - L Johnson, prnaiding. Theprogram opened with a paper by Mrs.John L (lurrison on "Tlitf Purpose ofrim Drama in alf Age* " Tha secondj>a|»'r '.'The Influence of the ModernDrama" was given by Mrs. Henry D.

sit. A gnnural discussion of tho sub-jects followml.

Laddie, tbe ptit (log belonging to Kuti-yon .Messick, was run over by an autoin Central aventip, Sunday, and terriblyrippled, but managed to get nearly

home, utul .swam the rlvtjr toduso . Atthe foot of Aldoii street bo was. dls-covereil, und luting in anuh ugony Wasshut. The dog IIIIH been n pet for 14years, null during that time had tb«

nviablti distinction of nuvor (xiing in ulight.

Cranftml will have any desire it mayhave bad for u minstrel shows. satlnllwlwithin tho next few months. Four uroon sclieilulo to ilnto' They arc thoYoung Moil's Bible Class of Cranfordtor March 20, Holy Name Society of thoCatholic church, und Boys' Bicycle Club,xliortly after Kastur, and the CranfordCosmo is arranging piio. x

. Work was begun Monday on tho im-provements to tho Control Hotel pro-perty, Tbo excavation for the bowlingalleys is about finished,anil tbu carpun-tors will soon commence work. Thechanged contmnplated.besida the' nlf&ysare the raising of the old hotel, whentbe barroom willtlw located'on thoground floor. Tbe dining room will lieenlarged nud many minor alterationsmade. _

The Cranford A. A.'held'"its" regular'monthly meeting in their new clulihouse ' oil William street last Fridayevening, and tbo list Thursday of eachmouth was designated on tho regularmeeting night. Business was transactedund two ne v inemburn, Phil Kuoimnand J Doylttj Jr. voted in Thoy will be

I««sla»Jafam^_Many ibbre than Banal were at the

meeting of tbe Township CommitteeTuesday night, partly anx»ict«' far bythe hearing as advertised on the Asses*.m«ot Comtnission't report of aawminnntiilaid for (toad Improvements in Elm,High and Broad streets. Mansion/rer-race and Sooth avenue All tbe mem-tiers of the Townihip Committee worepresent.

The report of the Road AssessmentCommission was'read «by Township

| Clerk Denman together with writtenprotests regarding same that had beenriled with him. There was but one re-garding tbe assessment, from 3. A.Shiiheen for the Cranford Estates Com-pany, owners of four corner lots, whoiiaestloned tbe method of assessing, bothfronts having been figured In. Far theassessment commuaiuu Mr. F. \V. Parkexplained method of assessment statingthat present lustnament, IQ matterseoniplsJBBd ot-by iif. 6hab«en. buttwo-sidored complaint made by him in con-nection with a previous assessment(Lincoln avenue) and bad changedKimewhat the method previously usedto ffiqet this objection. After confer-ence. Chairman Halna stated the unani-mous opinion of the Committee to be

"...1. •_..Jpwr.Sig|..IKi«,F«l>ruary mh (Sunday)

that tha commissionrectly in tliis regard.

hod assessed cur-The otbar protest

(from Angunt Hogrefa) had to do withtha curb and gutter work of a section ofElm street and this was not deemed lmpurtunt enough to bold Dp proceedings,so tbe report uf the a*se*imont commia-sion wan conttrmod and an ordinancefor the collxctiou of the asseajiments


were busier from ' o'clock In tbe sv*n-ing until midnight than at any timeduring the month, there bring threeBrea and two alarms to which the flrh-men responded. About 7 o'clock neigh-l»rs ai«ovwmi a bias* in the rear of T.A. Crane's barn on Wtlnat avenue, andran to the teene and put the tire out be-fore any damage * uthought to have beeuorigin as the Are. was

done. It wasof incendiaryla a bundle ofg

straw un which fence picket! had beenplaced. At about V U the barn belong,ing to the Adam Horn estate Wai dis-covered ablaxe. The prompt arrival ofthe firemen prevented serious damage.

das Dames were burningmaking rapid headway.

steadily andg p The work of

the Bremen was must creditable when Itis to lie considered bad tbe tiro gainedsulUdent headway it would have beenhardly possible to save several other


|uu»od oii 1st and 2d readings. Thisprovides for payment in 10 snnual in-stallments, the Unit of which becomesduo on the confirmation of the reportTho data for ilnal bearing and possaguof this ordinuncn was Hied (or March 17.


The old Clareuiont Place trouble wasiipugaiu on |K'tition, this time undertho laws of 181)0 as amended In 1014.Tho widening of tbo street is asked forIwtween Union avenue and Prospectstreet to u uniform width. Tbo petitionis signed by C. Stolk. K. O. Woodllng,E. K. He*ton. 0 . 11. Hansel. Robt. Kin-dell. F. N. B. 'Close. H. A. Sinclair, W.U. RosencrnnU, C. K. Coy, C. A. Strut-ton, U. B. Jones and others. The pell-tiun was referred to Attorney Austinfor report,


A petition for the opening of Orangeuvonue between Hlverslds Drive andHpringHold avonus was alio presanted,this being aignixt by I T . Itovei, j . H,I»w, L. A Hug«n, A. It. BrundaKe, E.

ing to the Central hutol. This. bl»ce isalso believed to have been of incnndlsryorigin.

Tb« (irameu bad barely retired whenat Il:l5 another alarm was turned Infrom ho« It). The flra was Just acrosstbe street In C. A. Malta's grocery iturr,cat\s»d by a defective flue. The woodwork around the, cbiiunoy in thu hackof the store was alilute and the placefilled with smoke. A itrosm was turnedun and in a few minutes tho rtr» « uunder control. The damage which, wasmostly by water is nuvered by insurance.' At H HO p. m. Tuesday were called

out by on alarm from box ilin, at Lin-coln and Ceutminlal avenuos when ublaie was disiwnrod la a barn belong-ing td Ana A. Shahtwn npar tbe LebighValley railroad. The firemen resixiiidmlpromptly but the Hre had gained such

ildi & i

installed at tuo next moeting.Zielke, M. McCluskuy' and J.

A. IIWelch

at 3:30. -Mias Dorothy Smith entertained a

number of friends at an informal danceSaturday evening, at which Miss PhyllisPotter, of BoatoD. who is visiting Mi*.Edith Hillier. was tbe guest of honorThe latest steps were danced,. . withmusic by the Victrola. Refreahmentswere served during the evening. Tbowpresent were: Misses Bdlth Hillier,Phyllis Potter, Freda Luwin, JessieMiller. Dorothy Hogencamp, ' HelenTrualow. Dorothy Smith. Mr. and Mrs.Santiago Porcella; Edwin Wild. Roder-

. icic Smith. Richard Sullivan. Foster.Smith, Arthur Hopkins, Percy Tnulowand Raymond Hnnicke, of Roselle.

Banier National Park, was the subjectfar an illustrated lecture las( Fridayevening in the Cleveland school nudi-toriam, by Gilbert Q. LeSourd. who isan instructor in the High school. Eigh-teen dollars were realized from the saleof tickets, which will be used for thoAthletic Association of tbe High schoolfor equipping the Cleveland scbool audi-torium as a basketball court. Tbelecture was under the auspices of tbeAthletic Association. Thomas Osbourne,president, introduced the speaker. Mr.LeSourd . lived many years in tbe westin tbe near vicinity of the Ranier Mouri-.tain, and was' thoroughly qualified to

' talk on the subject.

were elected to full luemberslilp. Theclub in rapidly growing, now number-ing !50 members.

Mian Aiuioe MacPherson Of Elizabeth,was tho guest of honor ut an Informaldance given by Mrs. W|.J .Butcliuldor athor home, IJ Holly gtroet, last uvoning.Among tho guests' wore Mr. and -Mrs."Wilbur Rutbruuff, Mr. and Mrs/ Frank

T. fowler, H. B. llogt-inon. M.J. Oross,H Cox, VV. H Clarke, J, 3. .Voorhees,V. Roves, E. B. Powor. A. V, V.Hibson,It. J. Mix. (1. T. Iteve* and () M.llnndricks. Thia provlilud for tbo workto be done us ahown on map by Tiiwn-ship lOiiKinwr Bauer but apparently unsocond tliought tins didn't suit property

on, otio qido of the. block iif'Urange averiue in 'jiiRxtioli.fora protevt-Ing petition algnud by I. 't', Itovra, A.R. Brubdage,: 0. G. Laverty. J. II.Smith and Frances He-vos wu» alao pro-sentixl. Both petitions wore referred toAttorney Austin. It in understood that

headway that tb« building (j {ui practlcally deatroyod, although tbe*' tlreinonworked for over un hour trying to savetha structure. A great dool of theirelTurt wasdirectotiin.trying to rescuesfull bloodnd Jersoy cow and tuilf inaidethe liuru. Vlremen Vandetnark andTuuison who aru used to such mattersactiid as nurses and savod tho calf butthe cow iimlil not \w movod and- wassuffocated. There was also a quantityof hay and feed, and several seta .ufharness dnstroyed. The • barn was builtmany years ago, and WHS constructedot very buavy timber.

Silk Stocking Shower.Mias JFSSIO Miller, of Orchard atrmt,

tendered Miss Bertlia Htrattun a silkstocking abower yesterday aftornnon, inhonor pfbnrouruiHtf nsiriagit tu PaulNlckerson, of Maryland, Thirty pairsWfirn abowerod. Much amusuttjont wascaused wbuu little Edgar Millar, dressodus u muaseiiger Ixiy, brought them In.Cards wore played and Miss Lillian Nick-umau won Ural prlto. a. French erabroldered pin tray. Mist Cforotby Smithcu|iturod socond prize, a green quill pun

Tim priKlotntnatlriK color was grennCandin<\ cakes, san<l\vic)i»>i. and candlmall displayed groau. Floral dscoratiunawure In a largo green bat. They Included greun and wblla carnstluua and ilaf

a compromise plan of the proposeding of this block of Orange avenue buIjoen prepared usbor

D. Crulksuank, Mr, und Mm. H. S,Clrattan. Mrs. J. C. WagstaS. Mis*Marion WagatunT. Min Leslie WagstaS.Mr. and Mrs. ED. Crlbbsof New York,Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Porcella, Mr.und Mm, Win. 1'luinmer, Mr. J. 3Crane. Mr. Wm. MacPherson of Ellta-betb, and Mr. Clifford Day.

Tlio 'runfoiv Higo School girls' basket-ball tcmn defeated tbe Rahwuy sextetTuesday by a score of 28-9. Dur girlshad things thuir own way from tbe bo-,ginning. Miss Florence Brennen starred,making 17 points for Cranford, allplayed Well. The lino-up for .Cranfordwas, guards, Miss Ruth Smith and MissKatlierino Johnson; center, Mias MiriamHumphrey, sub center Miss BettieSholes; forwards, Mias Florence Brennenand Miss Edith Cox. Tbo game wasplayed at tbe Boy's Club.

A delightful informal tea and dance,was given at the Casino last Saturdayafternoon, for tbe members and out-of-town gudsts. Tea and cake was servedin the reception room by Mrs. Sharpand Mrs. Benjamin. Tbe,floaters, wereMrs. VanSaun and Southard. Musicfor dancing was furnished by, the Vic-trola. Among theme present were; Mrs.George Damon, Mrs.. Speucer, Damon,

The guests wero Misses Bertha Stratton, Dorothy Siultb, Freda Lowii, Moli;« nf.uw.tmf T^«II« Wmtua

D^D you ever count thasteps you take in the

course of a day to and fromyour main telephone?

Extension Telephones savemost of these steps. Theydouble the convenience ofyour telephone service and

' cost less than two cents aday in connection .with aresidence telephone.


Why nol hsva snExtension Tsltphoos?



~ > . W. WAENKE, Dlitrict Commmcial

1208 Ea»t Grand Street, Klisiitbrth. N. J

A Safe Investment!^

Buy a Lot.If you nrn working fur n milnry alul liinl it lUWiuilt to HAVU

money, or, if you hnvo a littlit money ami wmil it tu mini utoruinonny for you—BUY A LOT.

You OAU buy a lot fur u Hlnnll PHHII psyiuunt, tlin baluucn tobe paid in inontlily iiiHtnlliii<uitn.


Your lot, if carefully buiiKlit, will mcrenHo in valuo. Homo•lay you may iiood it notiHidorabln NIIIII in oduL—thou you will •have a valuable lot for HBIU.

Our lota hava all city improvenienta and are located Intho beit Section of the town and within a lew minutes' walk-frtyn the railroad station and trolley lino,— - - .—. . . .

^ i

"And the Spirit and the bride say.Come. And be that beareth. let himBay. Come. And be that is atbirst.let him come: be that will, let himtake the water of life freely:"

. Rev. 22: 17.

...firsL.Presbyterian ChurchBar. G s o o s FMA3tct» G u m , 0 D.

SUSD4T SERVICESShmdsj BcfcooL **S A. M.*mbW Wetshlp. U A. 1». u d S P. M.Tern* ftottes 8. C K_ 7-li P. M-Vsdaasla.itP.M.

Mr«. Canda, Mrs. Carr,, ndMra.Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, Mr.and Mrs. Southard, Mrs. Timpaon, Mrs.Plcmmer. Mr. and Mrs. George. Fer-guson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Bates, Mr.and Mrs. Samuel Wetherill, Mr andMrs. Pearsall, Mr.- and. Mrj. Fay, Mr.and Mrs. Mason, Mai R. Maraton, MissDorothy Smith, Miss Jessie Miller, Mrs.George B. Taylor. Mrs. Jaques, Mr. andMrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. FrankCruikshank, Mr. and Mrs. Grattoo, Mr.and Mrs C. T. Parks. Mrs. Hicks, Mrs.Slikman and Mrs. Andrews. V

ppwhich la ucc«pluhlo to all parties Jit In-terest. It will be presented at a latermeeting! Of tub Committee.

Permits to build driveways from streetto - property were asked for by H. C.a till well of Hamptcn street and H. H.Bovls of Orange avenue and the applica-tions referred to tlio Street CommitteeanU Engineer with powor. Committee;man Marshall stated that he may op-pose tbe granting of any such applica-tions where same would interfere withthe street by projecting therein. -

Mr. 8. It. Droescher asked that gradesof Thomas avenno be changed and someaidewulk'thereon be relaicff was referredto Street Committee and Engineer.Tbe New York Telephone Co. askedpermit to erect 13 poles, consent fromowners having been obtained. Referredio Street Committee and AttorneyAustin. Notice of application ot It. T.Potts for liquor license was 'orderedBled. - • ,

I"ABK IMPROVEMENTS. 'On .recommendation of Street Com-

missioner 'Marshall 1600 was appro-priated for improvements at tbe East-man street park and $110 for like workat tbe park on Central avenue at Riveraide Drive. The work to be done In,eludes removal of dead trees. Mr.Marshall also recommended the placingof three lights on Burcbfleld street andthe mot-ins o f * l j 8 D t o n Casino avenuenear Maple Place. Ten dollars collectedI F b b J d Va 8 Koosa

Hllllor, Hylvla Porcolln, Elaine Worn -pie, Lucilla Woodliag, KotberlneUrwne. Uladys Teller, Mary Htolk,Elizuliotb. Bush, Dorothy Hogencamp,Mrs, Lawrence Post, of Baltimore. MissEmrnaMoMaster, of Newark, Miss LI Ia , ,lian Nlckersun, of New York; MissHelen Dray ton, of Jersey. City; MissMae Cooper, Miss Dorothy Bell and Mrs.William Sharp, of Mew York; Mrs. San-tiago Porcella, and Mrs. Ktchard Medi-na, of Philadelphia. •!

Mrs, Miller later in tba afternoonentertained, a number at Mr*. CharleaStratum's and Miia Stratton's frlendi,among them being Mrs. Plumb, Mri.Hayes, Mrs. Harriott, Mrs. Droescher,Mrs. Marston, Mra. Wetherill, Mrs.Clark, Mrs. Kepner, Mrs. H. C. Hmltb,Mrs. Stolk and Mrs, Kaltenbach.

Cranford Property My Specialty.

Real Estate Bought/Sold and Exchanged!RBNTINU AND MANAUIJMliNT OH




Automobile Repairing and SuppliesSundries

The J. R. See Garage,

Hearms April f n t ,Notice has been servedj'jSa all parties

at interest. Including all property own-e n who will be affected, that'the, nextbearing on the proposition for the elim-ination of tbe tfnioo avenue grade cross-ing will be held at Newark (KinneyBuilding) on April Brat. At this timedates will befijod for the Martias andfinishing of tbe work.'' \ , . .

In February by Judge Van 8 Roosawas ordered turned into the Townshiptreasury.

,-. " W..C-T. U/A large number were in attendance at

the W. C. T. U.. meeting, held at theborne of Mrs. J. C Miller, on. Tuesdayafternoon. - The meeting was a very en-joyable one, and showed an awakenedInterest in the prohibition momnent,Rev. J. L. Peck gave a very interestingtalk on tbe progress of prohibition,wkich was followed- by coostderablediscusaion on bow to better cooditionsin Cranford. Flans were formed toforward the temperaa

BirtWay Surprise.Tbe members of tbe Epwortb League

of Hi. Paul's cbarch very; completelysnrprised tbo Rev. E M. Comptoo witha birthday party on Tuesday night.The number of goesuv were Identicalwith the number of birthdays Rev.Compton has celebrated; and it Is aquestion whether any former nirptUowas an complete as this—be being oom-pelled fat receive the crowd in his look-ing jacket and mlona collar^and tie.The young folksr kept things hamminguntil eleven o'clock, when refreshmentswere served and the cottpany departedwishing Mr. and Mrs, Cotsptoo manyiature happy anniversaries.


North Avenue and Eastman Street. Cranford, N. J.

Miss Mabel Bearao then favored thosepresent with bar gold m d l s l e t i o n"Th M f ffas Bopresent with bar gol ."The Mao of ffas Boor," which was

tl j d b lL The presJdtnt

Anammi Notes.On Tuesday eveulog tbero was an

unusually large attendance present togreet Grand Truatee Jubn D. Bosch nfBayonoe. and District Deputy Baker ofJersey City, who mode tbe Ctmncil anofficial visit. Trustee Beach talked onIhe benefits of tbe Royal.Arcanum.

The Mao of fgreatly enjoyed by alLpnn^iw^T that Mrs.

Tbe presidentMary Harris

Armot, of Geoope, the'great tsmper-ance orator, known sis, the "GeorgiaCj5ooe" bad btan sscnrsdtor »p«bHe

Cranford Council:

Jr.O.JU;A.M.:1 MsetaUtaodfcdTBanday ot• • , - • • • - e a c h a n o n t b • : - . • , * . : . - .

/ AT MABOmC HALL ,fat infuiuufViii addrsal " ' ^ /


After the builneas meeting, a cardparty was enjoyed. Prizes were wonby Edward Monteneoourt and E. O.Woodling.

On Tuesday evening, March 80, Cran-ford Council will bold "Ladlos' Night,"at which time tbe Haydn Quartet, ofNewark, will give a- concert. Thesingers will be assisted fay Sirs. M. J.Ones, of Cranford, lyric soprano. ' Inview of the fact that fh» entertainmentgiven by tbe quartet earlier In the sea-son was sneb a decided saccess, there ,\xnoaoobt tbe ball will be crowded tocapacity.

TelopbouH 104

Very Best, Potatoes

75c. per bushel

15 Sweet. Oranges for

25 cents

A. Richter & Son21 EaKtinan S t . Cranford", N, J.

. ROLT & JOHN RYDBERGCariMtfft Md Cabiaft Makers

Ailklndtot Ntw tadRavilr WorkjBtUmtmfatnUtttL,

New Laid Eggs Eggs for Hatching

Yarmond Poultry FarmBABY CtilX

8pring%)ljl Ave. Cranford, N.' J>

TO RENT-Pleasant front room;lbjhtand Jieat; uae of telepbone; with orwlthont board. 11» North Ave; W. tf

\ :*


Page 6: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central

" T H E A C C O M P L I C E " AGlanceatCurrentTopicsand EventsBy FREDERICK TREVOR HILL

4 Caique larder Trial asDescribed by the Foremanof tiie Jnrj, I i Which IsRevealed ibeMosf Astound-

. ing and Inconceivable Actof Rascality.

• PROLOGUE.The office of foreman on tlio Jury In

the People versus Kinory case, fnlls tollic lot «f Mr. I-aiubrrt. n literary man,whose nunlll]entloiin luy In tits absolutoIgnorance ot the case. IVrrlallaratow, aman of tenacious t<ndi'iiclin.Isthe.law-yer for tho HCCUMHI ir'rl. Allco Kmory,former private secretary- of GregoryShaw, who «n« found murdered mys-tcrlou«ty lu lit* homo, tn presentingthe case to tliu Jury \>vnUi< Gilbert, thoprosecutor, uxplalns the tacit In detail,• nd the evidence nil points to the guiltof tho accusMi. The foretnani home-ward bound, assists Unrlmrn I'niyiic,• young borjicwoman, nnd unwillinglylistens to a declaration on tlio Kmoryrate, llnrhnra believes Miss l'tnoryto bo Innocent. The foreman visitsthe scene of tlm murder. Viewingthe homo from I bo outside, ho over-bean Madeleine Mnpcu. tlio hftusukeep*er, endeavoring to persuade '^lettyField, another servant, to forget nil•bout n tilno Bklrt sho hud seen tlioformer put In tho 'furnace. At this mo-

ment itaratow's assistant, Mr. Hunt,visits the wornrn In. an effort to cotthem to leave th» netgbbotunorl wheretheir testimony might injure tho nc-cuwil. The trial opens. Lambert forcesvaluable testimony from tlio architectwho bad drawn tho plans for tlio Slmwhouse' Gilbert producer) evidence thatforced Shaw chucks wero rondo out totho order of Allco Kmory. When court•dJouniftT.atuliert (tots n message to railup 22 rolllcet nnd Ii told i>y Miss

. t-'rayno that sho occupied JMI.MRmory'aroom on tho night of tbo murder nndthat Minn Emory waa not there. Boonthereafter I«ambcrt U approached hia durk In no by n man who Ijitnbort bo-Moves Ii Harstow's assistant. Hunt, butwho colla blmielf Gilbert's assistantnnd Riven tho nnmo Corning. Thismini trim to worm Xrotii Lambert hisrciiKoii for desiring to leavo tlio Jury, butfalli. I<ambcrt meets tho real CorningInter. Ilarutow requests a dclhy- In thocourt proceeding* bocnuss of Illueoi,mid Lambert, taking ndvantago of thorecess, plans to -drive to Hefryvllie,ciitchlnc up to Minx l-'rayno on tho wayAfter a chase, Kho Is on her way tovisit her friend, tho prisoner, and onchcontinue on tbelr scpnrato Journeys.Meeting Gilbert soiin afterward. Lam-

nsrwafnea lie ilwuluTfrifavo forHrfryvMtj without first consulting lbsJudge. Ijimbcrt Ignores tho warningand plays the part of hero, with nnrban a witness, by saving Miiis Mapcsand Hetty Field from rrhat looked like• runaway. Tbo driver la pitched offliii seat and Is badly hurt. He jsroveato be Hunt In disguise. Tlio defendantIs led Into th,o court, leaning lieurllyon tho arm of her lawyer, llaync char-acterUrs It "sham."

A Question of Forgery.

TUB shock of Itayno'a mule mensago numbed uio for nu. lu-stsnt, but •when 1 fully re>allied its meaning 1 felt' re-

sentful and Irritated. I was provokedwith my astodato for presuming towarn me against being hoodwinked•and annoyed with myself. A cheaptrick to catch tho jury's sympathy wnsquite In line with Harrow's 'other du-bious tactics, but to admit that be hudattempted it was to acknowledge tintI had been caught, nnd 1 covertly•canned the faces'of the other occu-pants of the Jury box to discover whatImpression Imd been made upou.thcmby the scene we hud just WitnessedTh"e result wns not'reassuring. Therewas no Indication of concern or sym-pathy In any of the. Juror's faces. In-deed, I thought I detected signs of Im-patience and disgust In more than onocountenance, and ireluetantly reachedthe conclusion (lint I wns the only manwlio bad been dceelve'd by tyarstow'acheap nuiucurer. Itut, whlli< 1 iiiUnlt-ted this to myself. I was coiisrlitus ofresenting the failure of the trick rath-er than the trick,Itself.

I experienced a reeling of Intensepity for the woman and n desire toprotect her from the errors ot theblundering bully to whom Khc hurt lu-trusted her life, and 1 determined todraw attention to Madeleine Mnpes at

" tbe first opportunity nud save a mis*carriage of justice.

My resolve was no sooucr taken thanHarstow proceeded to Justify It bymove which to my mind was luckless-l f

rhair, ,'hU fan- fairly <1i»tom-J «>tb

"Al/olosi??!'' wbl-pvnd 'JiilxTt.quli Il-ly. VIII take rare of Ilarntow."

'Tho wit lies* relic'taiitly turoul t'»lM

"You «r» a llsr.and • toward, sir,"

my Inference WIIN to 1* drawn fromheir contents.•The only effect of till* speech wiis to•inpluinluc nn InJurloiiH fnei, for Oil-

licit liiiniiMllauly pointed out thntlurxtnw lilmnelf hndAliened th« door'nr tho cashier's ill»closura by Intro-iuiiiiK tint Ntibject of tho dUimted

chwkn, nnd tlmt Imvlmi done «a It wn»oo Into for him trt shut out mifiivor-

nlito. answer*. The Juilgo pnmipllywith him, find the defcmhiiit'n

couunel took nn exception to the rnlliiKof the court.

"Dr. MncLcaii, plrane tiiko tho•land."

The phyalclnn who Imd testllleil ntho llrst licnrlnit rout- nt Ollbort'N bid-

ding, nnd nH ho w-utcd blmnelf In thnI'hnlr 1 ccmnxl to bo n mero

Mild became u vitliiHtifr, —Dr. Mnil.cnn tcitlflcd (hut lie wm

(ireiinry SIIIIW'M cxiiiitor. IICIIIIKundern will mnde more tlitui n yenr beforetill) tcHtutor'* deiilh, mid which badbeen regutnrly proved ns hl.i ln*t willnnd tcMliuncnt. * .

i Ihptw'niiy effort mnde hy anyone, 'doctor,;.Jo .prove 'the will leavingMil >hv-+WiW"S property to his wife,Alice?'1 , ._ • V1

(lllbert held the dlnputetl documentn his hands OH ho put the question.

"No one nppenred ("tpetiiilly In .sup-port of Unit pn|>er," tho witness nn-mvcreil. "but It wns subiultted to thecourtilipd r^Jw'tod." , . ..x '

(Jlliiert then olfef^l In evidence'therecord of the prolinte court ndiutttlimthe ono will nnd rejecting tlio other,nnd nftcr-n lone w-ranglo'between thelnwyers the Judge received the proof,bis decision being ngaln followed liyHnrstow's omltuum "Uxceptlon!"

Unrotow nppurt'nlly cciMitcil danger,nnd when he turned to CMJM eJtnniluethe physician he Avns In hismood. ' . - '

.You nro fiinillliir with Air.bnudwrltlng, »ro you not, doctor!"llnrstow begiui lu a shnrp tone. -

"Yen, sir," tho physician niiswcPed."KuovvliiR tho handwriting of the de-

censed i>» you do, nr« you pusltlvo thatthU U his xlguuturoV •

The lawyer held out' the will ofwhich Ibo witness wns ciccnlor.'."I certainly nnj."

"You aro |Kislt|ve>" ."Qullci" - "JViul this jlgunturo on the 'wife'

will—you boiltivc IhU to IK! n forgery >"The witnfiis besltntixl mid theii shut

out l»ls niiDWcr llku u retort."Yes, ulr; 1 do!"HurMovv greeted llic uuswer with n

KnviiRb ^mlle."UIHHI!" ho'eJAculntcd; "You can nn-

iiwer -when you want tn, I see. Now,tell us how those two signature)) differono from the other."

"I cannot point out nny piittlcul.irdifference In thv Hlgimturt^, If llmt Iswhat you wnnt."

"You iue««,,}ou have some reasonsnot Mippjled. by the slKiiatures them-selves for believing one fort;nl nnd thepthor genuine?"

"rreclsely." •• . ' .. Itnrstow steppe<l kick fnuu the rail-ing nud studk'd Ithe Jury as he put thenext question. \ ,

"J.et us »ee If \ivc cauiiot unearthsome of those reuisoiis, doctor. You- re-ceive a legacy of J10.000 under the willyou think genuine;,.do you not?1'" "Ye», sir." . v^

"That Is nil. doctor. I wou't (roubleyou further. (Jowl day."

The courtroom wa» In'n tltu>r*asBiirst iW reswiued ht» scat, but lt«in>staqtl.V hushed aa the witness leapedf % h i d i t d &kl*r foolish, for bo at once recalled tho

disastrous close of the last day T>y moT-Ins to strike tbe Kink cashier's testi-mony from'the record. .The witnesshad had no right, he declared, to testi-fy that V>c 'hecks ,wUU the doubtful

'' rfsnature* had all be^n drawn to ibq

, he insisted," we« «m be**i of what they coaulped, M i

£^im***e«lf r

from nl» chair and pointedfinger at the. h»wjrer'a face, .., •

"You We a liar and n coward, sir!"he begau\but before he wuhl, continuethe Judge1* gavel cmbbo^tauiiou. tbo

e»k."T*k« jxiur seat \\r. SlacX»>aul" bo

Utandercd. 'SUow dare you use sucUluj iume to my court, «jr>" •'

« M « < H rf«K*d at^ the ah0r>a W l x tctrcftted to ht«

len«i, hit volte Kill! khnking- with fcry.The Judge >i,'!aii'cl ulernlji i at Ibe

prtiker. Htnrlf^l ti< reply, l>uf .pausedami (iimed to tbe prw.< tit/.r.

"(.'yntlnut! your examination. Sir. Gil-i-rt," he rommandnl. "t will1 ".nnHer

your cantj Inter. *lr,' In- f>'l<l?Ing the phy«Jijan,

JlllK-rt nliowoi tbe «itn«-s< a

the i-ourt'i h»- mut-

Gov«rr>m»nt H*'ps JobUu.WafliliiirCw!!. lVb..2£.--A untk.nal eui-

pUiftEMil l.urcau reaching Into everyM<-tJ(>ii of th<* t'nitn] HtatMl Un* brt-nji:t in "i«Tatliiii Ijy lli<> rli^i«rtru«-ut ofL>i«.r, rarrylng out tber «ui;g«itloii of1 re»li!-i:t VVjl».)ii )a the lmllanapoll*»|*«<li fur "a nynteuiatlc iqethcl ofhi-.j lug tbf wiirkliismcn ot AUicrl^a."

rr**ilailij»r> worl* f«r the btireuu wasrumi-N-trd. !'}' Comrolnslorier (.'ouilnt'ttlof it.-- immigration bureau ami la-itru«'tiuiH t^-iit X't (lie tboiiHau(l4 (tf|«»i!iua»t<-r* and rural mall farrierstbr«ijKb««t the •••>uutry and to nearlyM>.W> f!«-M aeeiita of tiii- clti'iirtilli-litof *srii tilture, nho are co-operating

on Harnt'iw'H ttwi*."I»r. Mnef^'sn." Ixt'/in llw prwifo-

lur nt in««, '1H (IK- etUti- of 'JrfgoryHhnw solvent?" ' . :

"It l« nut, tilr. Tin* i-l.ilm* against Itan." il'Hiljli' tin- «»»••!"."

"Ho that the i'rtiUt»ri will'grt theentire citnter'"

"Yen.""And the let'"''''* ii"thliisV"Ni>t n penny.""Then, d(K(or. ymi'iire ntit fM*rsonaIly

th l l dlliti*reste<l Iff d|H-lnHiiii» the'wlfii1 will ii fcirgir.vV" • .- ' •

"I mil lini, mill that iimi'i know* In"Tin* iiH'nker poliiii-il lil-i tltigrr uirti

aclngly nt Iliir»t«>w..".That will do, doctor."'CllbiTt Hilt dunii. but tbn physld.ta

tllil not innvo from his w i t .May 1 miiki* n ntuliim<'iit'f be re-

Jril'lf It toui'hi't thi" i'n«e.""II tmiilir* tbo inm> nt It* ••nrr,"Gilbert f'roppfd tin- 'pnpeni he w.i*

exniuinliiK nnd Htareil nt ttio wlttii?**,and i-vi-ry inn- rice In the ro<Jtii sjit^atIlioiiuli turned til ftlone.

"I'rocieil sir; we are niiltlng.''"I WIIM linked," beifmi tbu witness,

hi* volcirshaking with anger—"*»k«lby Ilih person"—Ids eye» tuMiiiht ltafs-tuw'x an he Indlcntcd him with a trcru-blliiK llngiT "If I linil come reasnn forthinking m>e of tl>r "UN In this i-nw aforgery. I have not yet glvra that re«-B"ii, I \vn<< willing not lo KIVC It, butmy Witi-Bilty linvlng Uvu iiiieotloiicl.I M 111 withhold nothing. Tbl-i difendnut WIIH In (lie hiililt of flgnllig <>reg-ory Hliaw's letters, nnd 1 could nut tellhli own KlKiiiiturn from hers. »he Imi-tated II KO iHTfc tly. Mr. Hhaw Vnewtin- could do till* and clirfiurnKnl herd> do It, mill I have talked with him

Till' wHlloss |iai|ieil. but HO VIII?moved 'or Hjmke, mid all eye* .noughtI hi' (lefcniliint,. who was gar.lng eat-nestly'ut Itarstow. I coiilil stnud thesu*|n<uxc no lunger, unit, rising frommy < hall',. I faced the. bciuli.

"May I'nHk n t|iic.-ttlon';' I Iii'iulrt-O.The Jutlk'e frowned mill lirtfl'lnted a

moment."I think you Inn' Mler allow-,.coun-

sel lo eros.4 examine, sir." he respond-(il coldly.

"I will yield |o tin- L'ontb-niiili." Ilarn-tow glniiiYd inn hU fboiildvr andwaved Ills bund towaril rno as hi!

"Very well, sir." «u:ippt'il the judge."1'i'tn-ced.' -—•-! wnnt I*—li-iw-w why the wlttto**-

CcmmiasJener Csminetti Aiding In Fed-eral Aid to Jobless.

with (lie labor department to bring llioJobless man and the ruanless job to-gelller.

Alt agents of the Immigration bureaualso participate In the Iniiii! tusk, Mr:i'aminettl said. .

The'general plan of the employmentbureau was outlined by Mr. ('.iiniiu-ttlB« follows: ,. . . > • .

Not'ir* are posted lu all poslotllce*

lins-fiuiccaliil the fuels In- him Just re-lutnl until tin' present .moment,*' I re-Hponilod. • • .

"I objivt to tho -word •rtinccaled,"*.Interiwscd (illbi-rt. '.'The. wltuesa-WM,not (liiratloiiiil coiiccrulni: the mottiff.nud tlmt Is nil there Ii t" It." .

"1 Hhould tike tbc UIIIH'-'S' »*vu an-swer," 1 retorted,

"N|e> 'riii! Sic Vm'" .whWiwred anapproving volets behind lni'. . • , .-'

"1 did not think it my duty it volun-teer testimony," rv-*pitnil<>d the wltmessInuiely.

"And yet you knew It went to thocon- of the cams".

"Now, thu lhonor. "IHi yiiu \vlsh (n cross ciamliie, Mr. ltarnto\v J" '•

"Kid you over"—! boiaiu."Tlmt wlll^o, sir:"jhundeml Judge

Pudley. "Iildn't'-jrott hear mo. «lr?That will dor ''• "IHd-.you ever seo-Mlsa Kuiorynctimlly sign"—

"Mr. l.aniU>rt, if yig^mwak auo(|rrwonl I'll hold you In fontompt ofCourt;" ' ' ' ' 4,i "

The Judge fanned: tlm-atcnlnsly uv.-rhi«T "dcsli and" ineiLicptl roe with mVtlnger as bi5»|Hikc. und at tbe s:iuie'uiolut'tit some one gi'utly piittctl me onthe back. V' -

"Did you ever see Miss Kmory actual-ly slgti Mr. Show's naiuvi" demandedltnrstow, taking up my uuvstion-

"No, sir.""Tlu'u all this,,vou have told us Is.1'

mere hearsay, I» U5""1 henr.1 It from .Mr. SUaw.""Who 1* di'ad and can't tv cruss c i -

amliuMi: Yv>ur honor. I'move lo strikeevery word of thto testimony fmni thertHtird."

llariitowylH'iiitiil to the striu»graiiher"»OlH'ii notebook as he spoke. '.' "Motion grunted, Strike it out" ,

lWyne Untied iiiy kuee as Judge J>Dil-ley gavo the order, and. glancing co-vertly at the face* «f:my otl»r assocl-

dawiu',1 HiH'ti me that 1 mlsht^ j ' the leader of iln-se mru.tho real foreman of thevoatn ganfc,uud-at ilia luuctioou bour 1 rvctiVcd asmall ovation. " ' ;f Tbo prosecutor began the afternoon"*

pr>K-n\Ungs by prodnttni: JU aSKlaxitmade by Mr. Shan In a IIMI estatetTttn.<actlon » few weeks prior ft> hisdeath. In which he swot? ttut be wasan unmarried nsu, .and 1 immediatelysaw uc were enterlag' up©n at-nvwphaie^f: the case. - -


"iVii IVL»«J ti<c- in at tlint appllcatioiifi for wVirl;or Workcrs"wlll )«• received by thu |w>Ht-nn^ter:. who will Ho. supplied »withforms to Itc HUHI out and forwarded tothe labor department agent III cliurguof (tie »OIH- ln-v!llcu tho oltlco bi UMat.i-U. The distribution brunch of the tin-migration scrfieo liantllds this. |mH of(lie work, and lii Ibein ulso p> the ro-(Mirts of the drpactmeiit of 'ngrlctiltifrnaKt'iit* as to sections when' help InnettUHl lu harvesting or. other work.Appllt ants art- then to be luformetl ofHit- phKr wherv tbey.iau obtain workof llw kind they se*k mill a( the near-est (Hiliit to them, tho postal serviceactiui: as tbo dl.sirlbuiing nud folks;.Itou uceiicy. lor appilcTiXlons iitnl nF"plies thtoiiBUout tlm transactions.

Wants Us to Remember Birthday.Washington.- Feb. '.':i,-ltwailse. <o

\ery many Anioricans lire so carelessabout remcmtVrlng. tlielr blrilidays,thrtr-alwt or the y<'ais of their birthtb(T t'rilted States putillc licalth servicefejiiwl « bulletin in wliUli.lt says: •

T'ltriMM tho enslest way to reinem.brr jtiur'ngo Is t<> form some littloJlngUyw.Ktnc «n your birth j-i'ar. Forinstance:

Tn f^tfhtecn ^uiu)ri-U mul uhiely-»c\cnL.lltl« Johnnln came from hcavtir.Or- .In etgritt-fn tiunfirr** Antt cifihty-twollab} 8u»lc brgun t\> "bw."it U a common wcurrence. accord-

lug to the public health reports, toflmi cblldri'n. evvu of. hbjh schwl age.who caunot tell bow old they are. It

[ i« i««lntiM out that marrlaw licenses,Inheritsiiccsi and the right of franchisedeiK-ml «>u near accuracy ns to ago.itut t*a the ]>olnt of the riming devicethe public health kervht" also suggests:

" X w r mind what- the rime Is, Justso.you. rr.mcmbcr.lt. .and. if Jxf (er.rc-acb=-

I lug the age of forty you waut lo provel you arc <>uly twenty-tbrve/why, slm-| ply chaiun- tho rime, and perhaps the

l-eopli" will .believe the rliuc if theywon't K'Heve you.'*

$20.00(1000 to Fight Tuberculosis.on. Fob. •a.-Morc thanwas sjH'iit last year in tho

campaUni aspiinst tubrrculoal.*, lUlS p>rJ c*»t_C'f whkh was derived from public

fucU.% cither'federal state, t-ounty oruuuViral. autl tin- remainder was con-trlUuted ^ by private , philanthropy.The*c i i » sonw of the flsurcs coutaiueUUi tbe. annual' statistical statement! ofttl'o- NaUonal AsxK-iaUon For the Studyand Pwv«"i!tk>»: of Tuberculosis.i lustlrutUinal care and treatment otcotisamptiTcs in lKksi>itals and saultarla

i nuke op the largest share of the total| expcjiditures. More than $17,300,000i was spent for this purivsc, with an ad-j dlAottal ?iCS.<XW fur sfnvial traitnieutj of rttfbircnkjus insane and. "prisoners,j These figures lnclwle uot otHy the costj t-f nialiitciiancp. but in some !iu>tuncca. Ibe «wl of constitution of Institution1:,j '.\nti tnbtfrcnk'sls ns»xriations s|ieut.tlio• iMMLt Urgent -Tim. amounting to, a Uitle

Care of ftaticnts lu dis-bjr vlsittng, unices cost

{aiaaoft a» <an«h. appraxnuateij- taea.-

• last rear more than fc»,ooi.i was epentj for Ibis purpow, an ssaunit $1O.W»J el-' |K-IK1«<1 five years ago. State an<* city'• t«.anl» of health «r*ut laXi.OOO directly'.. oil tuberculoul* work. ^ -I lu.'the la«jf:llve yean.tbe iierrentase• of money spent from potilte fundit has»!>tta<lHy lucrias*fd fmui S3 per cent In1.41*00" to 09.3 |*r,crut la 1813] and C9.8j l*-r cent la»t year. The National-sisso-

cliitiou eonnlderi< thk ID'.TCHW (il^illil-rant. .-Kfii'-e. It'Indicates a shifting ofthe burden of institutional rare of theconsurnptlvL' front tbe prltqf U- pijrw toHi* general public puree, where It right-ly belougtf. ,

Stay on the Farm Spirit Qain*.Wafthlngton, Feb. "£.'.—Summarizing

the result* of lUfltiinulry to detennlnowKrr nas-XSen'^one'1u""Wral"tj'Oo1W'Kehoola toward infusing in parents andpupil* the "iitay on tbe, farm" spirit;the fi-ili-rnl bureau of t-ducatlon an-uounci-H that Hie Inquiry reveals Ira-provementcvf'rywhere in thn schoolsfor country children. Data tar tbe In-vestigation were furolxhfd by 3,500 KU-perliitemlents throughout the country,w.tio supervise rural Kchools.

''There is a feeling," nays the burenu,"that thn country' cjiild will bo bratr<|iicaUK| for'whatever life, he paylend, wietber In tlio city or country,If taught In (crmnof country life. Thomovement.toward tbl» In nation wide."

Animals Will Talk to Ue Some Day.JM Angeles. Cal., Feb. 'Ji""Some

ilnyV rnun win tulk to bis dog and hisdog wTrt\[aljil to him. Ro will the mantalk to blrriji of the air. It will bethen that all animal nnd bird life willbocom« hearer to us, und a widening ofour conmlc horUon now undreamed ofwlli roJillt." Tbls^trns tile statement otIt. U Onruer, noted-iibllyloKlHt and tutor of JlaeterllncHiJJ'lio lias spent twen-ty flve yxarn In ^fe wilds of (ho:. Kon-go ntudyliiff the rbltnpancee aud thegorilla. From liie.te two nnlruflli Oar-ner lietleve.i will l>e stntng tho limttwin cables from which silentlM* willhang a hrldgu on which man mid hit)lesser brilhers of tliu world, will uieotlu orflcul&r converse.. ' A dream, you say?" hn-continued.1

"Ciiinot Ih" litt! leach us u higher com-inunNm. the qulek, i-fTi-Hlve elimina-tion of the unlit and shirker? 'Cannot• he birds tell us tholr secret of Hying?Would we not like to know why theoriole, thn overblrd and rustic bnlldliiffant are so much butter «• iiiflneers (lmnwe are? I believe tho ilay^jvlll comowhen they will be able to fell tin.. In

Bt-TlL'l'. .'.!.*-_.!'.l,i.lniivy±.r.en Is tar liiore .elrilir.nl than man.Von never did or never will hear ofeither abandoning hi* wives'."

Each State Has Star Ih Canal Flag.PliMiidi-lphlti. I'.eb. ".".'.-The Anier-

linn II.it speiially iniidn to bo unfurledut lihe ollli'liil opeuinc of tbo I'anaiuacaiiu) ias been linlile in tlie ileisy llosdlio.usl! In I.'lillndelphlii, and caeli of thostars placed .In. the tin); WIIM siiiiplleilby tbe governor of one of tbo states ofthe 1'nlon.

King Honors Fr«nch General.I'nrls. l'eli. **!.—Wlii'ti, King (ivorco

\islled.the front In; gtivo lh«>.MIIIIU OIVdor to licneral Forli (tilt! grand ""rossi

«»r*B»ent b *S»1ni te tbc, tact that

-trf-rlK' l.latlii"HS lu-tlre I'vjtiniiitidi'jf Inchief of tlio allli-s, Ceiicrnl Jolt re. ThisIs I lie hlKhcst dlstluctiou tin; king, oflOiiglaud ciiu confer oil a gcuunil forpurely military services.

tiwliig to (lie couuiinteiless of tiio••Veiicli censorship, which preventsnny general from being singled outfor publicity und. tliu siuall attentionpali) In,the wotk-^jfi tin; French gen-erals In thn Kngllsh [iress, people wereniysllllisl in KiitiUiinl wlii-n GeneralFov'h. a person unknown' to them,win* singled out for> tills coiuplluicutby tlielr kliig.

lint the fact Is that <ienenii Kochwas the hero of the battles of (beM;irue mid Yser and is likely to godown hi history as the greatest figureof the war on the French, sliie. next toUtia-ral JoCfre. Joffre iiluus, Foch ex-

Gsnaral f^eh, th» Fr»n«h Cemmnnder" Hdnond by King

; JuSre, l«,'the headpiece, *-<x-|ithe Tight haiilf ot the French army.Kacli likesi and respects the other? ~ .

Early In Qctubcr Focithe. command, of .tbo tare*Ore north. He i», now Jhand man and Ut looted

«!«•• scaeraitaliu' ct

ajpearrwar, Italiau'futurintu joiui~,l li;m. .iau».Several Sfn-lan* « w u.so '!n.-r<-

These arthts rci^rt tliat '!«• _ •yr-sr

[MH not klllfsl uioliTii (laiiitiinr. Kverjrparticular movemMii Is uiiii.iis- - ' H Tuux'wiir'.-igaiiikt rvery other •"»> i" '•"•'village'. The village is rf|ii:u-!n« I''ii~*a-i the center of imnlern p:iiut!ni

Prii* For War Prophet*.IMris, 1VI.."-.'I,- p i Vi.. l'artMenr.*

aliaudmw aiistcrf war plmroiamBl'S'for What »pi*f>ai'!ic< its u-wii It'viir-It otr.-rs it* rrailer* I J-.l!"" nri»- fi.p--tlie'.be«t fvivi-a-t or tin» iicftlMluiuifrontiers of l-:t:r»|'e"n " ! r : ' ' s "" •'•map Hupp.linl with its-tiiti-t. is«i»'-

Iieadnrs irni t "ru-l mai'i «-:th lli»'frontiers drawn ii.-nirdlni; '•> iin-ir!n»-dividual prnBiiostlcatliiut l^'fnn- .laa..111. Thn awanl will be tuado after tliU'treaty of peace Is slgnwl.

Aid Wealthy but Starving Indlanm' tVnshlngtMii. Felt.'--J.-Tlii! n>|iort ,<&.

-vxteniled |ie:irlug.s iM-forc tin* Joint- ••"ii>-Kre.fsioiial r!«itniiiisslun I'm i'liillim mar-tei'H, of which Senator -.rowplt T; Ulill'-iiis'on of ArkfinsiiK Is djiilrnmiii willeitibrmiulit to light a sliiw.'liliw -*nirri- «CiilTniru on tln-iTiiw Indian re-.arr.irloiiiin southern .Montnna. hus uiromlsr Had!a tyiiii'llcial I'lTcct. on tln> Indlain>,

The i-ecjrit shows thur. altliousil: ilio>('nnv.-Indians of tlmt ri'scnitlon limli4!KXI,'XX) 111 blllili to tlieir fredih .tili-nnWIIH iivtunl want on tlh- rnuun. snvomllor tin- indlaua ilylns of .starvatiUn. •*«the same time tlteir agcustoiaudj LUIUU*-


Cubist* Colonit* I" Spa."-I^HUOU. Fi'l>- Ul.-lth:!-!»•«•••'•'"

tlmt among waf * vUtim* &» : * -wtubl-t uf p.iiut..'P.-I«"t .sapn-*istaj futorl-^. cul-Uts. ,laiuirj«iin a village nfar San l^basfiau mill a deathblow. letter* fr.m • ! ! H

« ' vv


vlliagifne ;Tarts from oue of l!w b*"* tuoivii -<zthe »imu!tatici.->t lender* show Cat l u *I*•.rxuggeratp.l. Tt.1." ! <J<"'. * i'™rvuian, was i-xcuwd fnuu imliti'-T *'r"""'Ke owlnu to SIi!M«scl iueiiBU .ti-U'.'li--i>->•/.' aitbough in- M !'iiy>i<-i:iy - i^ 1"-He took refuge iu Sp'iiu. l!amt-Ilati«'yafUT mobilization I"1 'v!"* J"1"1"*1' ! > r

advanced l"n-n-li. Ormaii. A:i.-=r-:i.and Uusulan artist*. rj(i-r. -v!n-!i .tr.

i i i i ^ ' " ^ «

» Chldi'erlnu.Senator JoMpK T, Rabinaam Chiinrmnt-

of Committee on Indian Mattar*.

lty 'was witllheld. on the rleii tlsat ifcwas.lielnc UHcd.fof IrrtKitior. imijei-ts,.As to these Irrigation projects' tlu-m i*eridence that .the Indians-.get. little,. IEany, Iwnvllt from them .umi tliac-tSmifull cost of niaiuteuiiiici' comc» oun uBtho Indian funds, while wb,it« -!«ttii>r3ialong the Oitch pay uothlug. Tlu-w ir»-rlgnted laiida are passing, altugrtu&rout of ludlau 1'iVntrol.

The commission took mueli tratimorryregarding tho system of leaves uf. Iiuili-an laud. It develoiied tiuir pmiticaU-ly WM.OOO acn-s of land allotted, tu inj-dlvidual Indiana are utilized, by rraittlessees with no compensation to tiia.Indians. The loss to tho Indiana is-us.-timatcd at $25,000 a year,"

Rabbit KillingAid* H^Bju m^Salem, Ore., F i - I ) , - ; " - ^ auw ^ J J „

unusual plan to rai*e miiney ttt fboiEthe- starving Belgians has t jne Hittreffect in thU state. The seuemu oriiplnated with a United State* jpv.ernment oHlclal. It provides that;, tin.til further notice, for ev«ry rabrric kiiUetl in :i largo section of Uresfon ." . enrB-will lie "deposited <tu the cnnllt ot: ttleDelglau rt'liff eooimittei; in .V«-w Yorb;

The Idea of making the 's&iip hoimtrJjald by tl»»..)gvernment tu abate tliiyrabbit uulsafter***!ijiutce .'A n-vcoua-for. tUp Itelgiau charity wortn in letter received at theeonimittec.

Wh.«t Crop Mahw a Tawir.Mandan. N. D., Feb. 21.-A11 r

records ot tosrn buirdlng hare \ktm>nhattemi by the growth nt KiWi«erX !».. termluui ot the north llai'liranch oat of Mandan; A sliorc timiLago the »lte was bare prairta TiK-day live.,elevators are in. ctmrss-.,econstruction. Hie Northern TactSe nauroad company is buildingKmrmUliom-.«nd sxn»tl snopji. two bankss a. new«-paper oOce, a hundred residences^ uid3thirty-five stores am bemc bniJt.^ e r c a r e at least 3M jienwrn f i b r i . ,ahr, makjttg tfcrtr homes tn tems w




rerj' graoemounted oluce, fancy


HiBh Toppo

Extra hishorter skcd,' us anglimpse olneuth tbeuml UU1 viKlioes lH ncloth vnm•Chu browiiii-iowetruns i&t"

Tin- bhvhad a selmul these

ofrom a othe toervith a poeacli butt

Tho efttromi.' iipover, eachtops binVt-ry; 'fevii

• Thefri:rlons It Inwear urnni'tmil IIlittle croBtep. 'flItonian Kwith kid

ChIt you

rub thenn Uttlo ionwes iter of a


' *

, \ : , : -'w j l'to laJJana wnatj:.ot a. tonunoniiy

Page 7: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central

and Fancies In Woman's Sphere : ReligiousA MINER'S ROMANCEs Lamp Carried Out In Classic Design *»»>••)•><»>><»)<»>>»»<»»>»

F JC A n * ^atnnrurj- v«ry vl<Je. plainst Itigli &ct*exa. wiy* the

pry i-Z,»M\^f.•.unite-si, r;iiU<*», Matin*,in the t*»t-

.?».•»»* **>•' altVflii^Jitlvd fur

t.. , . i t .T •.»?tart tujnici;chin as at £

- liUle*

-w~, I"i-rrai:

artl..rCit- f

• .mart


r«- vurti

•n..-yirsu tolilcli :

1» >n.ti>\ the

eietlUy \ iirte<nil



lbs- varlK

In- usediu mtvi>tk'iwl -lttcl

at. i. ins .thai black.

tlic l«ist. seller*. 7'."

tell vi* a story."-Mm was u p»ldear creek,

many yearn :IKI». He wn* onei inrty ••(• miner* who were hit

• nil under tlio blue be«\en> liftMIPIHT -iiuiklni; Ihetr pipe* midilk' tn Ket lid of the I Hue which

en their hand* when theywork. The Utftaluiv of

persons, be they sailor*.I Mil.tlers <ir laborers, Is .nuns, and tlio| man who can »npply thelit is Ihe besti fellnwv • •

Ij hunt! hiiivyj weie nut iiti uin-din-ated

liiiu* ^*i* tie t;itmii£.vmniup the leiiaiiiii'W rolurs. will lipout yrtifi. ««•" new cruy* iui the battle-•*iii : ^ciH'r • *«• iiiptMia liltHid nr t*era-:Uun". •csii.- rlie Hefciau or uruiory blue.nut- r^tnii 3i*-lcmii *ir nruKiry IK \iM'din ;iw»iigm.T.i- ii «eri«. ut- bhicv mi ihev«rF itoiSt XYHT ir-iU-r.' UtTeiider. em-wrnikl; f»i*ui i uti si\nil will alsn -have a

SPRtHiG NECKWEAR,j Am AutturHty iwiul j^ In Prediction*| Ritte^inia Htftuu Will B» Worn.

j i.iiuirljaij; 3.11 ;lie J'ry tii.mls Ki'ouo-tfll»r.. (SiHWr i* .liilit -duitlit llia( thi- jirvs-

t ^iin crtutcT-L at ci'»c<l ninl hi'iuU-lojtetli * '•"iiliiiiicrf. 'J'hi'iie IIIOBH

imi oiiiy in Ihi- m>vur«;* fur Mrcct Avi-ur, but to

hnmtr <bi;^vw in i ti,. lofti-r, tuorc ue-""«nlpt. Hmuiili'il for freshou.

-u ill Hjijienr Iu a wide

j pilK- IIIIL nf li|» iniiuth. "K|\ 'IH'>ou'ni sturv. Inn 1 feel Wnd ^ .backwardi ttlhint It,-Nit-iu' I'm the hern of It, nnd

• "WPII. nowof HIP party.n lnvp Mory

;. Ilip lo \ t-l'.•'

.llm |ini hU |ii|>pand salil itothlnuili'in thai hp liatlallpr n «oo.l CIINI!|iiT«undiMl aiiil.'Htu

"ll WiiH wju'iiitlom: tlip i-rrpk,

»p Illiv iliut." sulilltuy». «•• iv coin' lo


ut i>" Jim, ami to In

l>ink into his moulliluorp. It XV:IK pvl-

bii'ii Hfarpil off. lintof ioaxlntf ho was

rlcd. In:1 wa« luiisppctln'

tin1 UrM off on tlio

the two women to defend their-selves iw IK'SI they could mil l threemen. The men tWiikln' ilis'v Intd ineasy jol> uf It >.tnit<M |n~ rush cmJu-t then 1 gojt my KIIII Untiled niula | the. snine tlnte seen the it:il divp hermm uiiil put her tmml In her shoulder.1 klloWed she WIIH till*, ulld It llUlde IlleHind In «ii> n i;:ij -truck like ihnt wltlt.lead nred by i innu, I let drive.-mid1 dropped tin- nt>t nntn that left i \ , ierto make the rush.

"That klndii' tliinletcd the jumpers.They didn't roiilUe- m ttn*i -wheie ni>• hjjX..Ai.',!3je.iu.Xtv.1.Ui

j , While they .wajithlnklii' alHiiit ii I pit"iiTTirTreinrFaiTand ilrn|iii.'d auutlier iniui. 1'hW nnlvtuk l)\'i> of 'em. bui two'imt left onlyI't'Wj He cuncht "IBIII of ii little ottinkedilftlH* cIT n|i w-heii- I wan. ami illtlllilllilKlt tloaliHl <|lllel. like a bit u'tlii'ci>' i'hitld. In the'»ky iitmvei.lt niinle

A Virgin Mmioqary"lln* mli<li>nary 11, ,1 In t| lt. Ken-

tu.'ky mountain* is a!uio>t \iruin itTrltory for K"«J I'ltrtitlan work." Soreaih a r>|Hirt •.( the Met. W. A,WortblnKtou of t!ii- Annviile lii-lltulf.Amiville. Ky . to.Mr lii^riti' rule etthe IUitch Ileforronl i Uun U or Long.IN',;ilid n t y . .N. V

In thttt In-tlluie the .hlldreu of.thninoiintsltui'rH art- tvmoldeJ It take*.ibout two VIMIN to ch.mgi> the ihllilentirely.! With the alii of I'brlstUa-i hoolliiK, t'lirisiUu lo«e, ChrUtlanIKIIII towel. i'lirt«tl»ii t iuthbnuh amirhrlsthtn endeavor throhftn^e is msdtf',accinilni; to ihp ltc\ Wortblngtoo.The refKirt rcitd* In part i n follows:


IMcturcil lions In a chnrwlits lump for the drnwliiE room or iMjmlnlr.rerj' Rntcefuf<!rcelt laini) mid clnwilc figure thftt form Hip imHp art? of nhibmounted on chony.. Tl'e I'luk nllk Hluido Is of phUti-d'.allk i-omblinsl with tluce, fancy braid unit allk fringe.


will )«•


SMART SPRING SHOES.Hiflh Topped One» Raquirtd by th« Cut

of th< Modiih 8kirt.Extra liltiit boots aru worn with the

shorter aklrts. The Ultfjl boot 1M neod-ed; as an ugly effect 1H ohtninexl by ngllnipHP. of thi! IMIKC of a boot top he-npath tlie gown. Inntpad of cloth top*aud ^ kuLA\fliups.o.ui' of thtsyory npwt-sth 1 d d i l d h 'bTiikshops 1H and we ilnd h 'bTiick

t'loth vamp wilb hrnwu. HIHMIP uppi'm.H^CIIU hrowu Hiiwlo forms tlio back of

tiie-JbW'M part of thu shot! ami alsoruns ftlo tht lippl.

TIK> UlMttc .(Kith «»l"d for the vamphaH u solf culor stripe In thp, weave,'niul tlipsi- xtriiH'H aru made to radiatefrom a ventral KIMIM wlili'h runs Intothe top. Other Ujipijrs arev i t h a |ioluted.^iJ(ue, Ji pointeach ImUollWe. ..'

The 6fte«?t Is- very l«fet'ty.trume iipi»ers havp a rounded acullopover, <'n<;h linltouholp.. On brown Huedetops blnck Imttoiis ' nre appearing.A'pry''fe\v all lirotPnuKhoes nrd Heen.sitypurH wiHi l« i i ;^ aurt side* ot lto-O « H ^ * l j ) 0 a i k J U ^ « f f l j . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tlie'froiitH'nf'faujlV'NtliipffM'are In va-rious kinds of khl: H'Uey are for xtiwtweiir and an- IPSK <<ounptuuoiiit In them-tual than Iu UIL- tcllint;. Intrioati!little orons str.ip* Interlu'i'i" over the In-Rtpp. Tlic-i'. too, have a touch of theItoiuan Ktrl|N>, ulllioUKli they are eilsetl-with kid to innlil) them iluralile.

Chronio Moftture of Hand*.If you ore truiiMiMl with moist hamls

ml) them SPVPJIII I.IUIPH a day \vit|yjiuit'n Httlo of the foliowliiu mixture! Twoonm'ps of pun dp cologne and a quar-ter of na mince of licllniloiHin. After-

sprinkle wit b ta-lrum powder.

CHILDREN'S P U Y APRONS.Thuss Are Usually Dtcorat.d With;

Pictures Which Littla Folks LikavI'lny uiiniientu nre tmiiortant Item*

In the ehlld'B wiirdrube today. Someof tlie most Interesting exnmpl«* "1Much lire made of serviceable drillCloth or khnkt In tan Mini InKriiy tones Ibiit lire aliiH>st Mill

. (trm*. suilii.

* wit! Ue u Klunrt feiitiuv, <•>•u* a *iw»mtiiin for ihi'liui'St

isrtiiij; thr military lden,rj<»*« \tsSU "tie juinlriihirly fnvurnl. \m\j H>»rw' wt'.il tit- »iiinp uiw nf br»«s, crochet

EEiiufl '(lUilirnJdiTj- will acaln be innrliIni «"»1iflniiM-un 11«- tub. us well n» on

tiiH'r. inure d"Unite novel-

Mouwhold Hint*. . .I*- W'i.-itir rife ih pooked in nioi;eH tinl»nn T'Uiuiuaiou for «oup.. - -

rijriiii .nmde with a Mb )jr tablerjiiUfiitt ^rtmt t.:iver when washlui!

EMI. mm : « heavy

niiil th'.it iiilVbe wiislicd AVtieu the tiewfc j r ^ ' il«'-U'^,4iie -lu.mukS'.nurines without fatally Injuiinii the ur>-peavmice uf the apron.

Some uf these iiphniM lire adornr*!:with etubroldercil or applli|iii.> HKIUW*of Klioines, fairies and other ilcul.'ini.-fof fairyland that are inore or lirs» fa- jmllliir to the ixissessor uf the modern \pinafore. (ienerully speiiUln«, .. they Itire uitide without sleeves and slip over!the. iiijck nnd are fastened aliinit rln» iwiilst In n "ilianner Kini estiU'i.' yf tliH :

aiiroiift worn by-'the urncer. ;Kor the «lrl In the klndcrpirten tl(en» '

are little pockets In the upmu tn lntMthe crewelH and eolored papers wltljwhich shir dm's her'work, and for theboy these mime iK«kets may l,e niinle ;Jo hold nnirbli'S. tops and oilier pan- itime Illlers of "touui; .\inerira. - L'«£ ]went' when the little c'rl Is Inwtcw a t 'the dolls' party there an- i liarmln^ lir- jtie affairs of lawir iiinl lace, inaili! )n jhretelle fnslilon nnd mostly, wltliuut;. jsleeves. !

;• i 'mill. IIHItlc tllider

tliii.iM'-VHiUi l'.iitumlHile the • til

.VUlUll.il jmcli nf ciiiliwiiule ,,f umliiIn: r!ln- "iritter iii which • i-abbn^es arci)»iiif»j|-;jit»««i>rvi> t'.ie mtnr "f ihe vejie-riUiii- Jin! li'VHi'iiv tjie niipli'iisunt odnr

"UUt. M13i»rr;i.ii!

i !Ti't;i frock- laiionn Hie

hotiN an liu-'H mod.

Kold lever In these' pnrt>r. Must u" thebuys was wnsliln' fur nuld rlnht lieremi the deck, but milue uf us lit out toMM- what we could till furder up.Wbeie (ienrnelowii Is mm', I cilulpeilmie niglil .HI the Klde of the divideMini was wakened toward inoriilii' byshuts tired dnwn lit till' \ alley belowuic. I slatted up and llstemsl. It « wJust cniiihr dnwn, and cverythtim-ox-cent an nccasliinnl nhot WIIH HIIII IIHIhe stars fiiillu' abuve Ihnt lln lllilnhas ever heard n smind coinv frmn.

"Thlnkn I, reckon I'll Junt'ilrnp down,tllcre ami see whnt's Knlli' "ll. So Iink my rllle and uieaiidcre.d dnwunniimi; rocks nnd lives tilt I come tothe edite of»a cteaiiu'. ily thlx timeIt wan Kettln' IlKht I'IIOIIKII to SIT, nn,lI Keen. Tlicre liifiicatli me WHS ulnntdand a woinnii iryln' to hold oil tli'renineii-^ Then', wim a pile n' dirt biitldeu hole In the Ki'ouud, mid the mini nndwoman wa» lltin' from behind the pile.

"I till: l|i the Hlluaildii itt onrt. Th >man and the Woman bad lutn dlnuln'for Ko'id. and the otliei'H ivim i IniuiJlllllpcrx. I.Ike elioimh the dllCUershad struck payln' dirt nnd them uswas thin' n! 'em had uut nti to It nndwas trylu' In drhe 'em away, 'Untilthut • lime a -unl come tinier.:.a. catilnhi'ildc tlie li'ilc and liniided Hiilne miliniinttlnii in the mail liud tin* Wonitin.Then >.lie Ink a place behind the dtr.lpile uinl beKitii \n pump lead at themen herself, r-''."Them was the days when everytime a i.lle wils II i d I It hlld to beIniided ai;'ln. I hlld no bind in uibie,but I had fuine iiiiiliiiinitlini. llefnre1 'cnuld t ct Ii Into my I;IIU. the uintibelow Was lilt and fell KI.'IIHCU'H*, lellV,-

him JlUllI' l i e didn't seem, tl. Utmnwhat tn do. 1 kep' inn n" hitshl, andhe dtilu'i know whi'tlier there IIHNune II' me or a ilti.cn. He lnnki-,1 utthe twndeud men. ilien lit mil.

"I Jit*! dropped down aninnn the fuiti-ily t"see how Imd they was hurl. Theywas MI iiu«iirtlii iilHiiit wlui had hcllnilVm «iul mid so ii.n\liius aticiut e,ti*hnlber's wounds thai they didn't knowwhether I" lake nntlce.it1. me or thewounded. 1 went f"r the Kill audslnnched ihe bluml from her Hlmulder.While the wouiau wan plekllt' up theUlan. 'I'tiet*!' was two w-uuuded- andtwu uf lit all litfl't. The man was »li"ltliruiiiili the liuiKK nuit wait In a punybad way. I lit nut for a dnclor nndK"t. "lie there by iniiin. l i e said thutthe man's wmiiiil wumi't mortal, innIt was a inluiily clime cull.

"The itnl'ii wimiul ytnn humid up, andBile was well on tu t w o very In ten

'days, but the limn her rather witsnlljh on In s is weeks ln-fure he wn«unti l ' Ihe wood*. I stnyisl with 'emami tuk euro of 'etn, nnd when theyCot KtralKliteuvd out 1 hid Vyi liisulbyand wnsKoln' iiway, Tim mini ntuppodtue Mini told me. I hut he'd struck piiyln'dirt, uinl uliico I'd HIIVIII him and IdsWtfe'ii niul ihliluhli'l's lives 1 WIIH welcnliie to nuy part n' the mine I wauled.I tole him 1 wiiNii't no low down an Intnke n mine fur u little Ihhiit like thaimid WIIH Kulii' iiwny when the wniiinnoffei'i'il iiit* a tiitup n' ifiild she'd had aI'Hil; while. I liile her that Wns Innmuch fnrlwu lead billlt'ls, all I'd spenttill 'iitii. nnit «'iiii (t"tn' nw'it)- ttu'lu-when.Ihe KUI united me ef there really wiisn thnmepln the)1 cimlil Klve IIIII fnr whatI'd dune fur 'em,

11 Well,' I Hiild. si rnli bin' my head,'ef VI'll llmlst nil 11 lit I. Ill* a |j.i.l Inenl Iivcltiiii I'll lake ynii.' "

Tin; Kpeaker shipped, and nun nf the


u t«o sruiw in .nil ilomotvTv iiifluem*",hu-ti in<.»fi« ihv In^uen< «* uf i'rtil*tl«li

. hoellrttf. I'lvritti^u s..*^. *'hri«tliin ti itlienrK rhitnlUu t,Hiihbru»h AtiA rtitWltftttr.liutor. iiiaks a . *.|'.J t int mil luuK

slciieiH exchilnicil:" W h o KIIJH . l lm hain'tmice | n hlmV" •

n.i to-

In and Out of the Children's Playroom

Doyt and Olrla of Ihe Kentucky Moun-tain* Transformed by Mlilionariea.

I'l'ttl'l- t l i / l l l l ! > HlV*Mli?f 1,'MM , | N r w | H , i ^ , .'L'llU f« v l i i i l o ni.lt H u t u In lht> <ihl> i t l l l i ei l u i ' \%ltli ' Htst. l l ' lli*-v i ' . i n i - In i - . l i t l l i I r

1 e l i t l l l i l h » l Ihi. lKV IliM'Vtr.t l i i I'li'i'lttt'^tix l u i ' i i i i n n in n > t « » !. , , , i i i , . i . i in< m i l n i iev ,m t * U ' t ' l>«lll l i» In U-HP IIrllw- iKi i t u l U l 111-\i-».l|.«l t h a n u u v l h . i t i . o i tm l n \ > » | . i i «;,> '

• «lif | , . .A l l Ittr. liov% \\\,>i «»lav V*UH o n l i . t w

'tliVir 1 , ' i tuUr h t . ' o n «.r vn,rK. i>lu> *iii'i•H-li'lV, -. W ' v . l U u l . . 'U l i ' . t i . J ' ! SI't "HI l i ' t l * 'i l i i i i n t l n r v l i i e U i,.< i i , , , i i , . 'i.iit"jliT. f « i i l . 1 'li'K u u l l l ' l r,nll U ' U I . \S>' <<»l\ <I.W» lil>i'l>.l i n t ill«l n o l n i ' l ll.ft i ' i i i t i l n i l p y . HU I I I I I I H -f«,l tll*^I II I'lT.rHi ilt'OVe 111^ Ixiyil' %«ot't'.i*lHit-Inlit u ti<>>K' i l . ' i n i f t m v nin\ ti4i*> Irri t>-n!,In it- T * M l i ' u . l i ^ m jiti- Iu iiiH'thVr l<» i l"I t h i n Iml l iUnt i . T l , r h . . | » i v m l i In p a l i •

l£''| U|l 111 &. .1. III.. Hli'l IIOtK tllM l.-lUAi'.A f i i r iiUMihfiipt.«11-> u i u i i . l n> n i u k l i m utO . U . ! ,Hef.i ,tni( iin-l IWIiitf I m i i i n In t l e - l ll ' ' l l)'l l l l l l ' t l ' *> m e |llili,'.IKli; l i t tl' II- I IO

I I I " k l, ut1 In


Boraeio Acid For Eyes..> ("oiul borai'lc liitlon fur lite HJ.

ni'ny. be made n.« follows; Tut inhVpint lmtlle one ounce of boraclr ariiC j 'cr.vWtulK, fill up with hot boiled, water j 'nnd i thorouchly shake. When, the In- ftlnn has been -used If nny crystali*'.are- jleft at the bottom mine hot wafcur i-art |

Game to Be Playtd at aBirthday Party.

.\i ivnifuif fc'0'«l suine f> play iit youri:t'Jlilli',t .;iiii'!.v ivil if rintf tani i i -Afteryi'r iiuwnt. -nr«'"«ientPd dlMrllmtp pa.R*'.liuti iwiicilK. Then wilt jour^clfi W«"'Miiii«|ir'iiT the c!ri'lc.:nid ask !lhei'.icv.'im: (|up«itii.ii*.. Ntatlno; that elich.'-J'V .ir IMIQ* in' n '"TiiiK'"

•TT)Jn-J"liic Tljirt is often loKt'ln ojd a:"!hut luiiiy (dmuld tnke dully?

I."]if suite fi? the intvBier VIS iiicio.es tli« artor?

'D!l«- zilus itt i h e rwle man V


Coth«rin« Brown U H«r Nam*, andHer Father, Who U a Champion,

Taught Her.

I'nllicilni' Hrowu, dauuhter of Alllrown. the champion IOIIK dlslainBuimmer, ulmse liohip l« |h. New Vorl;,Ii now tin; subject of much liitpi'csl

He? father Is i IIIHKIII by a

'SQH-Cjus thin iileanes the orator?ring Jnuua in the sea}'rat! \ rtwr? .mmcknt V rluc5

ije. (.'urine. InnlritiB. tonrlns, eucor-

»B»srh«:. juOring, < beeriiiK, berrluu.

cout Patrol.dlstiui'tion iu lioy sifiut

. >;1M: JIOIIUT at ci.riiiHjifiit In thu•<"tmt i«jir«i.- lias IM-CH conferred

t!ii 3ueJ3ibv.r?* and the itcuutitf the "Bui ktail" tn>op of

3t»un. These birys, who will' » a T "£be «a>;le tiadirp on thf-lr

r r 'tlie 'Srst to be houore<l Inrii<f It"lirtini SlJilM!- Tliey ltave j iuwt l

i ac of «rout work,c»ati''xnuOislInat'.'Vt first clans wont,

iit uaauifm have won twenty <mwSgf* try Tumulus exnniinatloHH

«ihjwl» ot *c«ut actlvi-is BUCB a« "Brst aid'

CUDOK MiiS MituTe Mudy.

Tha Boy Seouta.TTla- MXmi. -onuer!}lns the troy grout

utQUarr; It In that ofs id ti> teach bftyn

lor themselves. In viewof ma; snnrSi of the moremept it InmttaattK 3toa *un»e ixiiKoiiccggoiu still

admit 3t Its, VBTIXBK Is not totoitu •mtMkr*,, latt to . train, dtizeiw."EB* auan 3«B3t •woodcnti and airap-«Htt tom^ann «U liter BT« tixxgbt

S by Anwriean I'raaa AiuocUtlon.M-ntatlru, ot tbc Chlldren'ii nociety with

lowinjf Catherine, only fuur yenniold, to give dlvlni; eihlljltlons In vio-lation of the law concttrnluit txrform-ancc» by cliildren.

The little Slrl Is a marvel la the wa-ter tit batb fancy,nod Ion* disunity,strlmmlng and in divlug feaW. • '

Riddle*., What I9 the difference between o,

.. oUwr^rtittrar..tU a mart met-s crying pig nhat aitt

Mai Would he call blml fork, yen


Amutlng the Complny With a 8impl»Trick.

l'rp|Mirp a IIIIUP circular ciudlmard

target iiinl to thU nllW nn man; rinrk

ni l or blue bulliicyi'* IIH there me

HIICHIH, InivlUK Inul, of c u l l hullHcyp

a Iliiy-Hlln of |>n|M-r on which (V wilt,

ten illreillmiH fiir HOIIIP KIJIIII, xinh at

whlNtlliiK n tune, HIIIKIUK II HOIIK.

NiiimlltiK with the ,fni'i> In llm innicr

or an)' t i h k which »uimyiil»'-iltM-\t tu

thp lionteKH IIH likely to iiinilHC MID com-

p:in.v. I'rovide • liow nn'l nrtnw niul

iikk c!icli fjiiest III turn to HIIOIII at Ihe

target until an arrow pierce* mime oneof the bullneypV. 'i'lle plujcr thentiiki/H the slip of |i!i|ier which Ills nr-row linn pierced and titaud* lit. rvadl-Jic-M to yerform tlitt. "atttnt" writtenii|ion ll, ulllioiii;h tm miiKf. noi tell

It In until III* turn roint-x forthe.


The Silkwerm'* Work.If every particle of the natural silk

hi the world, cntbunted lit HU/MMJOOV were rili'lidwl li^ out tiirintd.

-it-tttrned -««t by a loom, itwould make n Hue that would tnfenethe entire earth at tlie equator I4,0G0,-itoo times, or :i«4 tlmwt tlio dUtaoccbetween the earth nnd the" «Un» Tbo«(iecd of light 1» IHOJOOO tnllen per sec-ond, lint even nt tbli decree of awlft-licfn iu trawling a ray of light woulltuko about two day* to travel a illn-lance, equal to the length, of thinthrrtid. The coUrtpial tank of the »llk-nnrnt'cnu be Kathered from (be factIliut about nil lllainerit» Mpun by theworm In I to cocoon muit go to form« BlnKle *IIU thread »m.h an the loom»pin» Into fabric.

' Dr. Dlddty't Donkey,Meat oil the players In a Hue'and a»lc

the leader to state that Or. Dlddey'adonkey walk* in - an awkward way.Thu next player must form a sentence

the word* Dr. Dkldejr** don-key and nwkward, although he .ranhave the animal engaged In any waytlwt to him fteeaa best, anch as kick-ing, braying, catlog, drinking, dancing,•Taxing, etc. 'Tlio players other thanthe one ffivlng the sentence may taoghus mttch as they chooae, bat the onespeaking must' par* a forfeit I f n*

: Tfafctaflki f framing aenteuceawitbtbfl four words goea d^ntu th«


Illul ilnv>i'». I'M" l». i« mllli tlm m i > ii ,.'is»m. iift.i «• l,i,i.l ,uul mi: IIITXUMII ill fi' I'll.- linilr It tli'liK ftKiil - l» il Allcr »ni>-: ;>• i tliv>- nib,,'iiavn a ti;«ir hniir ut no, tlirii; mi hour m..l it hnir nl' i ly iMrrliKl, llril-j Mum It S» |i iu Drill i an Arttu nit tnilli-it! Ulll'lOKt Ht«ilU *'l»l|l oil" ilf lll»»»l ltu> K.j niul Kti am Hhiii Iu i}<> it, i>iil> w» nuiilil'• Ilk,- t'l l.ii'in hi Mftirlnl-iiiitlltio tlip i-h.ii-Lj iJi t j i f_! i !»_l»' i i l ' i»t l i i i i - i i i«t mmlil .1 1

it lnlfii.»f l-.j-fti<j»<: »TT5^r?1iiSKTnyTtn—I \t\\ rnllitf lit.

Httiii';llini'« b l . v i i n p ami] {ilt'luiea of xhittilMnli nlil «,ui ttlfivlm w.-ty, "\S'ti)*, t h e y .

niiU Jiiwt like i.,tiii'r liu>« anil airls, ' ti»if tin-/ fi-lt <lteap[M;Uilr.t ttiAt ^liry <)«> not

j »ll?iw .i«t«hl«liirli t}r*cn ' T AlVli'it iirriilir<lj hi r9Kfi. Thi-> •'>iiirtllill-jt frlft tllat tf th*?

•'mi H,',»r I'm li l»ii*- -i k»U(*» tfisy i u e iwlIn iiri-O., l..it ii,,i «^> Omi rnuiit of tli«KirU Ui tlil» lil"tUf»t iiiw iiir ilrfunltorvKttU. Jri'1, tl^uUKn « i i ir'iulfr Imlfiilli. Ifl i . f i e »r*.' itn^, .lo flliril«>i ili'tlilltK. fnOiit iifujitit Hunt; kill« iiicvn wi .has b*vn RfiitIn liarrnli. If »'-m.«? of tliimr who liflviilu'eli ;llil*<l#ntni oi ttiilt- •KDiK'ltl the K«rr-lti.'k>' irtoutitMlltil I'j'ik .«li>n«:l> lh«y IlilKllti*'i'fKHlii# a null •-»( ;i *lr'>ji in tie. u for i i - .t»ilivll>K |i |itutl'.

Wil,l.l.\M A WllHTHINUTdN',HulTrltuniln.l Alinvllls liidlluto.

GERMAN CIVIL COURTS.Mod* of Procedure Whir t Commercial

CaMl Ar» Triad,Tlio "hanitcURvrkbt," or tonimerchil

i-ourt, 1» prpnldpd over by ofic Jmlg«nnd two InynU'n known wt "haiulcl*rlcbter"~con>m*n'lal Judxeti uuuiln.it«d by tointnerclal bodle* and uplwlut'fd by the goremmeni. Any Cjeromu lieligible w h o ! * registered «* a mcr .chant, thirty ye»r»<<Id, aud otbernriitnuallfled a* specially provided by InwOnly commercial caaei are. sent to till*departtoent upon motion of either purty. t Wltneated a trial between mer-cuanta and was much pl«as«d, withtbi* ttceedy method of detcrmlolng tu«i'B*e. . ' . .' : •"".

Instead of aobmltting technical bust-neu qoeaUoui to a Jury.'who in allprobability never heard of the like be-fore, and than ottering the twtlmonjof expert* on each aide of the case,which often haa a tendency to con-fti*e the Jury rather than to enlightenthem, the German commercial Judge*poMesa penonal experience i s bml-nt«« and skill In affairs of commerceof the greatest value In arriving at

coodtulon*. Be«[de*, the pro-cedure, a« a rnle.'la brief and to-tbe

and ranies little delay to th«Hp'far a* I could obtenre!

thi* nyntexn forked very aatlifactorily.-Kred U, l'eterson la Case and Com-ment.

* Mean Trick."Ura. Chink baa Bit on a plan to

keep her husband from smoking: la theparlor.- ' ' - '

Page 8: New Jersey Central EXCESS « MYER'SilMARKE R · * ~ ** - _ t- -r^j VOL. XVIII NO. 1. CRANFORD, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1015 THRBB CENTS V:^ tA i 1 1 11 i.:^* New Jersey Central


G, J. WENKE,ij&wxemur to Miller 4 Nirk) * "

5 Eastman Street.

Fresh Fruits




Hrottipt Service and .CourfMui* Treatment

G.J. WENKE5 Eastman Street


Efficiency and Local OptionMeasures Passick

FOR TEACHERS' PENSIONS.lommiwion t . Cedify Filh and Cam*L«w I* Favond by Meu«e—AlaoAgr.t. lo Appointm«nt «f W.mtn • •Polio Ofiort—S.nat* Approve* Cre-ation ol Dtpirtm.nl »l C»nMrv»ti»nand b.v.lopment. ~ .•-.-_„.. . . ,

Cranford Dairy,CHARLES GRIMM, Prop.



Rnrltan Valley FarmsImporter of High (trade

(lerman l)ellcat«*»«n.

318 North Avenue,

CranrorU, Now Jtireoy

1*1 tit >• In tlil-< MMSIQU wi-ra paased bytb« Ki-tuiti* thin week Tliey Include tttt-

lit i< ••iiMiiiy i'ml i-llliii-ii'-» b l l l i a n d

I.HMI '>I>11 IIti riiru<uiri«i. T b e e c o u -

V mill eltlrlMiry uicaauree, wUlob are

luti'inti-ii l<< reor i i iu i lw «e»e>*l of tbe

uU- ili-i' inliih'liti ini-t wl l l i I lie vlgur-

IUI <i|i|»i>,ltl<>u of I hit h o t u i x r a t " anil

:h«) Imil I" tm |IIIMI>II liy t b e soldi Tot*

if llii> lii'iHililiiiiii major i ty . T l i e

iii'ii-raN i'liiiriti'il llnit iMiMllr* w c r *

. ..IK 111 n V ti 1 Ii) I III- <i. I ) I1. rOlltlnKflllIn ilrii» ln« II|i (In- lillln tn a f'iriii differ

ut from thai In which tliry Imd beenn<{iui*f l Ii) tin- iu'ouuiu> iin(l f*tili*letu:y

*imiiiU*k>n l(r|iiil>|li«li» lu'ld that tb«•IIULUCH niTc tuudi! duly a f u r publicimrlhm imd nhowu them to be ad

KEN1LW0RTH INN,I. i. APGAR, f top.

K1SNILWOKTI1, N. J. •Auto Parties Served on Short

Notice.Chicken Dinner* » Specialty.Order* tnltim fur I1OHKMIA Hot-

l1i»l IJtHir at. ttio Itjn, (or ilullverjr utI Konllwortli. Tu(xri»yi,

fl a t lThursdays 6nfl a»turtlnyii.Telephone Connection

OTIS WRIGHT, incorporated,COAL, L U M B E R

•', And Mason'* Material*.CleknOml.. i Prompt

I , A. PRICECarriageAutomobileCanoeSign




. T^.

. : . E. A, PRICK"Sori l i jVvfcaUo' &*)(1 E»»t|uari Ktrt«rt

ra niord, N..

i f '

Peter Markusson


•a*. O. Iloai. 1HM



CflMILLO MASSAGeneral Contractor.

Concrete Work

Collars excavated.

'Swmm, Outwalks, Btcu

s. Mi r * Ito.rKanlMii ulaletx>ar<l of b(-;ilih

Iloil** 5.W. l,o|j!i'ln AtitttorUt-a num-lien Mil liounl t<> ,-lnlilUb «trV1 <|n«rau

ID«" oft furiu" l"t foot dud UIHIIOI «ili->ase |>m-nuliou y

HOUJU- ,vw, Ixilili-iii • Allowjt jwjruicnl•f V< |wr >ent nl vtltit- itTuiiirki-l <fbattle klllcfl 1<* )i(K>f and mouth dl*

for i-ti«»tHenale i:K). Ac

«tat* to KITP Cton.rWuate Vi, i;aunl \AHK\ p\,{iou lilllHill* prcm-nlni in U>« aeaateBy Sir Kfau- IVrailU <i>nntlfi« U> t»

•ue IwBda for the erection of a powrr1.1a nt t» »u|.|.i> I It-lit and heat to twoor Won- (-utility iii-tltatlonnultnated on

trait of l«nd.

Ttoiitou. V. J., MarrtiJV-Tbe uw»t

p p pbaa been madt- fur the purpoae of lotIng tbt rentu« as rtxiutrcd lijr tbe art ofW0.By Mr. ru-nd Trurldlue f'«r tbe «x-

prewton of oplnloa by Ibe [teople ufNew J«r»ry »n tin- qUMtlon of natUmalprohibition.

By Mr. HuuhliHOP-Provide for Hieprotectloti of offlif n and men emplny- |Ml |ii Itif [filli t> ilp[iartni<'iit» by m»k jn« their trim re more certnlii - ;

By Mr Hainnav -PennltH muulclt*! •tlei to I'atirel wiitir rent*.uf*collcfpn.

ool* and mnorliiiloui orgauUet] (ortbe mental nml iimral lmproTrment <'f

Holli »IJi'» uf tbe upiiar l»ott*» wereHvldHl uii ttie lucai optlun nwasura,

bat tUi> bill racelTad ]u»t tlie neeas-aary eleven tutve to pail It.

BUI* passed tij the bouae luclude:House 3(M, 'Uaruuxmd, J O I U K - I'IT

mlta cltU-i tu i-rint public eviqfort sta-tions. . .

flouae !ll«, OtXHlbjr—ilake* possibletbe prompt payment of pension* to re-Urwi imliili- ncliool teai-hera, '

lfiH. llcrry—I'erinltn iMinrds ofHI in l»iy twloi' u inonlli c-mnllii'r (linn tt-ncliers

lltiUHd '.'So. liiirrtulnli' -ItelmtiurtdM Inthe "tun *'f VJ.tWl.2T, Mary IS, Duontuu.ailmlntiilrntrlt for tbe wtnti' of Ontsr\ ItiuiHtiiii. for lnoome tax paid lu the

foilrhil mni-riimi'ia a(id retuoded totbe Ktnlr.

llmiii- 1117, Mutchti>r~Mak«« it uuflwftij to kill or c»t«U atij1 rtlnbowiroul ur IIIOWD trout l»i»tii«ti •liTnVti'H luii).-,

HtiiiHi' itlH, l»owii»-l'r«te<-.l« laullix'ki'il Hiiliiiuii ur trout oni'iit truuiApril I io July If.. Krook trout nr« al

tin- uulv onea proltctrd by *Kl-llWHIl -

Q«n» Law Modlfloatleii,lluiiif Joint llVifoliiUDii 4, SlicppanlI'rovlikoi for it i^'ininl»«lou tu

the (l»li i\tnl\uui» hiw«,Hfiiuti- 77. Iti-nil Mnki-n It a

loeniiur ts> tt'll tii-nilu17, lUlliliuo 1'rrmHii iiiutlier

tu aliuti- i-(|U»lly wllli father lu dnccntof real entitle

Hcunte 00, Colgatu-Teruilu p«ii4luuInn of employeca uf inmirniu-e- mm-

Henato 67. Colirale—permit! th«polntinent uf women »« pullv*

Uouae 83. Ullbert-Tenure of olll<-t<act for truaut ofilcera In towiia.

House CM, JubJuon~Xakaa from JuiUtmm of tbe l*«ce and *\\v* to coiuinon plcm court (he trying uf crueltyto uuliunls caaae.

House '21D. Peacock—KeguUte* clear-i(< of bru!iliw«iod to prevent forwtrem.Donate I'otnlltuUgutil ilaav\utlou 2.

Ht-iinei«)y — Aioeodioent to coaatltuUou provldluti « uiHtiner for the luti

to the voleni ofto the cotiatltutloD.

UOUHC SUit, «ialryuiliU< - l i n r f n a culary or l'uwiKlo court MttendtiulH.

Beimte I'-M. Kdge— rerwlt« AtlaiitkCltj lu upend Jft.OOO for (ho ruterlaltt-ment of the URllonal U. A It. lu 1U15.

8«natt> 72, Krtgt— Atlaullo c i ty arinory bill.

Ubunc U. Huu/un — Cxuiitpts chur>-tisrHiuiMKM front taSHtlou.House ITS, Stereua--';;>.IKX) for nimorjr In Ocean,BUI* p«iw«(l by the venate luchijivKeaatc 1U8, Mr Itainia; -Permit

fculMIng yf ltocke(«UeT ln*UlUte_futanimal eTiHTltnf-qtaUon.

9tanta 100,' VVhlti'-ReiuoTMi UmlUtlon ou number of automobile lmiiev-ton thattoay be appointed and flye*$1,000 to deputy chief Inspector.

Senate 201. Muntott—Prohibit*'twiuctlon An salnry of lurrorate* duringterm of uSli's -

Bennte 104. Hutcbliuwn—Permits'itate cvologlit to exact f^et fromitate rotumlMlone and mnnlclpalltleetor making chemical analf««a.

Scoate. ne-r-Dcflttct termed" In food act and requlnsa markltigof weight on pAckafe* to two ouqe^a,

Senate 117. Barber—ProbtbUa aaU ofmeat treated chemically.

Senate 150, Hntchtoaon—Pcrmlta ofU i oh lUucraut vendoca In dtlea

Hotute ift), -Morgan—Ptraxlti of ialeof land of lunatic by guardian naluettky chsncclKir,

ik-uute 1, Edge-Creates departmentof conservation and development

Senate 2, Edje-Creatw depaitmentof commerce and, n*TigttSon •

Provide* Far TrniwMr.-Benate a Bd(«—Tnaiten en«t&eer«

ot aaatMora to utllltj «ommiuto«.Senate i Bd|«-OotnpeU boarda *it

in each rMmklptllty to

Senate 1. YS.i" r,«(»li!Uti<-k hrmM ef ,u n l t d aiwa'!»iiii>tit. ... .. ?

By Mr. E|-an - AittborUMi cotintlm to

Hr Mr. Ilenm-Hiy-<'resu» n ronnnlnikm of aolnMl lixlimtry, to.consist oftbe pfKldent of. Ibe Ktate lioard ofhealth, prt'stdtnt and eecretary of thestate board of aKrloulture, tbe directorof tbe tt'perlmi-ut statlou and wnumber of the n-terlnary profeasloo.

Hy Mr, Iliilchlnson -AtOMMli lh» Inberltsnce tat ad of 1909 by proTldlugtbjit where a decedent aball hvraatterle»r» on dupuilt to his or her creditwttta any bankUm institution any sumof money not <uce*din| fSOO It ibalib« law/ul tor iui-b depository tu pny-the aura t» any I'-icI reprctentatlre utth» decedent upon orewntlnn « rerti

rate signed by Hie «nrrogat«.Foreign Corporation Tan.

Ur. Mr. lttitcblnson-tmpo«e« a t a tot $IK upon ever; foreign corporationdoluit bimlneas In the state, v V

Dy Mr. Humllry- rortnltn froeholilrmto approprliite money to bonplul* snp-ported b j ptlrale chnrlty.

By Mr. - Colgate- I'eraalla domeatK.'life UuurstK'e companies to changetheir bunltifwi from a partlcuttng to anonp>(rllcl[>ntluK Imala. ,

Dy Mr. /tHen-CunSnna the lasutnceof bond* liy n wliool dl«trtct.

Of MrrOnnit-'I'TOTlde* -tbat-raoan-ctea In the «taU< ur county committeeof a political party shall »* filled' bythe county committee- where theTncaucy- occur*.

Hy Mr. UAutit-l'roTlde* fur tbe envployment of tbe Inmates, of thi> penalluetltullou* under tho dlrecttvn of thepsrole UIIMHI-I uf Hie tnitttntlonn.

Uy Mr, Wtilte— I'erialW svcouil cUa<cltle«,uud lowitsi, of 'JO.OOO luliHt'ilUiitito appoint HvnIMfinU tu tb» nvt-rxwrsof tht* luKir 1'or in It •» uf dl«cuii<'Ku fruiu

lH-r»(Ui» iiiil.i'iitltliHl tn mipport at pulmi- tipi>u«w.

Uy Mr Math!*-IVrinltft uuiiilt't|>nlItles to borrow money lu autk-lpntli>nof the payment to them of Iliu state's•bare ot rfu-h In'inlluypiit of the con"Irlct price lOTTtiFTniproieiueul of yub~lie rood* • « ' . - . •

Uy Mr Iliittilnlii 1'iTiiilti « iimirlpiltvomnn of II>K>II (>KO to ;u'nulr<> nml din4>o»p of riiil tuiil in-rimiiil prupcrty, n«If aiie were «lut;lis iilmi Allows bn^band ami wife to c-oiivey property toeach other . •

Aluouti tlic tilll* Introduced lu the.house nre: • \, .

May U n Typawritsr. ,By Mt Crvaby-Mslus It Wgal f«r n

tow null l|i clerk to riionl all ordluam-eswith. » typewriter. Tbi> prvs«nt''lavrI-OQIIU'IH tlu-iu to IH> I'liiimntiHl.

By Mr. .Muntuu - Hetpilre* luulfrtnkera and. MHxt-itniit to roister niinuatlyWith state boanl of etiitmlnierx.

Itj Sir. Moriian ~lVriuHn jlierllt toarrnuM for i<ducutluu uf lutiuite* ofJail* with, the cnuwnt "t fm-lioliletsami couitnun pU-an Jtulgu.

By Mr. Berr.v~Authorlt«« peu^lunloc;of public sfhuol Juultorn »ud flit*fl.SOO a year n« the hlitheat nniountthnt niny be palil.

Uy Mr. IVtcock -tllvea tu tnH.>tiold•s lUHtend of tho gxiveruor tbe i\p

IHilntmotit of coual.v bonrU* of tati^Unuand ImihWi upon the counties thv'pay-uient of the mlarles and other ei—penwa.

By Mr. l» Itlnte-Problt.lti r»Uroadt from making testa with employees during the regular course ot th*lrwork.

By Ur. La I'olnte— lie^ulres mllroidcompanies to Install automatic, bellaand stgnils at railroad crossings.

Biy >Mr. Colstun—Prohibits the use ofOctltlou* urnups In deeds wUeu mort-gagw are ahont to be foreclosed. -

By Mr. LobletD—Pennlts of differen-tiating In gradca ot cattle that h*T« tobe destroyed hy the state becsuat otdisease and permit* appropriate con»-pen»»Unn by the state The maxlmosaUow»oce U to be *C5.

Joint Besolwton-Protiies tot theappointment ot a coamtuton t o i n m -UgAte the full crew law.

By atr. 8teTens-61\vs Uwjosttceaoithe supreme court power to Increasethe salary of the pjiw^utor Ut CapeMay and Ocebn countle*, The bacreaaela not to be ifit>re tnaa >5B ivr rent ofO»eU wguur saUrlea. •

By Mr. Uwwaada-RepeaU the, lawtor the examination and Uccmslng. ofengineer* and Bremen having charge ot

and. portable steam boUors

What Could Be Done withWhich the Full Crew Laws Arbitrarily

Take From the Railroads. ' • ' . - • * r . • - . . . • • - • •

Increased Railroad facilities, better service, greater safety andconvenience, business expansion'and the employment of a greatnumber of men now idle would follow tbe repeal of the waste-ful Pennsylvania and New Jersey Full Crew Laws.

Facts—Not Theories$2,000,000 would buy 200 «te«l coaches.

, It would pay for 80 locomotives. -• " * , •It would purchase 67,000 tons of rails. ""'

......_...„..„...... 4twot»Wi^w»S.par-<ant,-oa.f*uVOQfly9flflU,._, _,_«..m....i_..._It would block-aignal 1000 miles of track. •It would eliminate 65 grade crossings. • .'-• .

. It would pay for 2000 freight cars.It would build 200 new stations at $10,000. 'It would provide additional freight -terminal facilities.It would buy 2,500,000 railroad .ties.It would pay for 2,000,000 ton* of coal.The iron and steel industry would be stimulated, furnish-ing steel for new cars, rails, bridges, buildings, etc.Miners and coke oven operatives would get increased.work a* industry expanded.New construction would mean busy times for the Lehigh

: region cement plants and their workmen.Thousands of architects, contractors, building tradesworkers, electrical concerns and electricians, skilledmechanics,, carpenters, miners, and day laborers wouldso get work.

'/;'• With these incontestible facts thus clearly set forth, thetwentyone railroads of Pennsylvania and New Jersey feel ittheir duty to place the fate of the Full Crew Laws in the handspf the people. They are convinced the people prefer that em-ploy ment be given to thousands for whom there actually is work toknowing that $2,000,000 ar year is being paid in mandatory wagesfor extra men for whom there exists no essential service to per-form and whose presence, it has been conclusively shown,increases—rather- than decreases—tho hazards of railroadoperation. •


SAMUEL REA,PniMaat, PaontyWanla Railroad.

DANIEL WILLARD,Pre«ld.i>t. Btltimon aad Obi* Railtea4.

THEODORE VOORHEE5,Pr.»i<l.nt, Phil.d.lpt.U;."«'ad Reading

R. L O'DONNEL, Chairman.Ex*cutt>* Cammlttee. Ai«xi«t.dl Railroadt of Pawaiylvani* and Naw Jaraay,

, Tai CwKawcUl Tnul BuMlna. PkllwIaWte V


. 8» ilf. Stereos- Itepealj the ran

JohalnaWork Carefully Don*

fcstlmstaa Furnished-

Residence and Shop,HO. uomt. BurnsirJe Avenue

JOHN T. KANANE,Real Estate and InsuranceChoice Houses aud Store lor



a'oiat ott»o*»


» .>

TrueEconomyLow prices do not necessarily indicate cheapness,

' Ubotls which coat the lejwt in the begiuning may be themost expensive in the end. From the standpoint of econ-

-• otuY its vtinri to hmya interior qooda alona and get thebest. To buy her* ii to practice economy, because aniuTeatiueut tn our merohandiw aaaurea TOU qualityperfection. , - ' ,- •

AARON D. CRANECranford. Warehouse? Rosclle Park. Elizabeth.

—Rc-Cltaned Qraln, Flour, Feed, Baled Hay,—Poultry Feed a Specialty.


< i

< i


Berkshire Butter

Prepared Under Strictly Sanitary Conditions.


.•«* ' * » - 's 4^^-A E


r *'S-


:??*!*• * • *•* tf J -*
