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New nuclear power plant construction · PDF fileNew nuclear power plant construction project...

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New nuclear power plant construction project Overall description This is an overall description of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant project as required in section 13 of the Nuclear Energy Act, inspected and approved by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. It is to be distributed to households and municipal offices in the following municipalities: Alavieska, Artjärvi, Askola, Ii, Kalajoki, Kemi, Keminmaa, Kotka; Elimäki and Anjalankoski (now merged with the town of Kouvola), Lapinjärvi, Liljendal, Loviisa, Merijärvi, Myrskylä, Oulainen, Pernaja, Porvoo, Pyhtää, Pyhäjoki, Raahe, Ranua, Ruotsinpyhtää, Siikajoki, Simo, Tervola, Tornio, Vihanti, Ylivieska. Copies of this overall description may be ordered from Fennovoima ([email protected]). There is an online version available at the Fennovoima website (fennovoima.fi).
Page 1: New nuclear power plant construction · PDF fileNew nuclear power plant construction project Overall description This is an overall description of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant

New nuclear power plant construction project

Overall description

This is an overall description of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant project as required in section 13 of the Nuclear Energy Act, inspected and approved by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

It is to be distributed to households and municipal offices in the following municipalities: Alavieska, Artjärvi, Askola, Ii, Kalajoki, Kemi,

Keminmaa, Kotka; Elimäki and Anjalankoski (now merged with the town of Kouvola), Lapinjärvi, Liljendal, Loviisa, Merijärvi, Myrskylä,

Oulainen, Pernaja, Porvoo, Pyhtää, Pyhäjoki, Raahe, Ranua, Ruotsinpyhtää, Siikajoki, Simo, Tervola, Tornio, Vihanti, Ylivieska.

Copies of this overall description may be ordered from Fennovoima ([email protected]). There is an online version available at the Fennovoima website (fennovoima.fi).

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Statement by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy

on the overall description ......................................................................................... 3

Foreword .......................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5

Fennovoima...................................................................................................................... 6

General signifi cance and necessity of the Fennovoima nuclear

power plant project .................................................................................................... 8

Project implementation ................................................................................................. 14

Environment ................................................................................................................... 16

Alternative sites for the nuclear power plant .............................................................. 18

Technology ..................................................................................................................... 20

Nuclear fuel and nuclear waste management ............................................................ 21

Safety .............................................................................................................................. 22

Public hearing and contact information ...................................................................... 23

Frequently asked questions

What will be the benefi ts of the nuclear power plant to Finland and

to the community where it is located? pp. 11-12

How will the site be selected? p. 18

Where will the spent nuclear fuel be stored? p. 21

How will the safety of the nuclear power plant be ensured? p. 22

How can citizens infl uence the project? p. 23

The Fennovoima application is available in Finnish, Swedish and English

at the company website (fennovoima.fi ).

This publication is the overall description of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant pro-

ject required in section 13 of the Nuclear Energy Act. It is based on the application for

a decision-in-principle submitted by Fennovoima and has been inspected and appro-

ved by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

The application process, submitting of opinions and timetable are detailed on the last


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Dear reader,

In January 2009, Fennovoima submitted an appli-cation for a decision-in-principle for the construc-tion of a new nuclear power plant to the Finnish Government. A decision is expected in 2010.

The alternative sites for the new power plant are in Pyhäjoki, Ruotsinpyhtää and Simo. Until the fi nal selection is made, Fennovoima will continue preparing the project in all three municipalities. Dialogue with local residents is a key factor. Fen-novoima has held several public briefi ngs in all three municipalities. The formal public hearings of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy regarding the application will be held in May.

This overall description of the Fennovoima proj-ect, distributed to households in and around the relevant municipalities, forms part of the public hearing process. It explains how the application progresses, how and at what point citizens can participate in the process, and where further in-formation is available. Information is available from the Ministry of Employment and Economy (TEM), the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Author-ity (STUK) and Fennovoima. The application for a decision-in-principle and the environmental im-pact assessment report are available in full at our website.

We have local offi ces in Pyhäjoki, Ruotsinpyhtää and Simo. We warmly welcome all local residents to visit our offi ces to fi nd out more about Fen-novoima. Contact information is given in this publication.

Fennovoima’s shareholders are 63 Finnish busi-nesses and power companies, and E.ON Nordic.

Fennovoima shareholders need the electricity that the new power plant will produce to safeguard their operating potential and the jobs they provide in Finland. At the moment, they are not self-suffi -cient and have to buy electricity on the open mar-ket. Fennovoima will increase competition on the Finnish electricity market, which will ultimately benefi t all Finnish consumers.

Fennovoima will bring jobs and vitality for de-cades to the municipality eventually selected. The tax revenue generated will benefi t the entire area.

I hope this publication addresses any questions you may have. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us.

Respectfully yours,

Tapio SaarenpääCEOFennovoima Oy

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Alternative sites for the

Fennovoima nuclear power


Fennovoima Oy has submitted an application for a Government decision-in-principle concern-ing the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Finland.

There are three alternative sites for the Nuclear Power Plant: Hanhikivi in Pyhäjoki, Gäddbergsö in Ruotsinpyhtää and Karsikko in Simo. One of these sites will be selected for the project. The plant to be constructed will have a rated output of 1,500 to 2,500 MW and will consist of one or two light-water reactor nuclear power plant units. Electricity production should begin by 2020. The planned service life of the plant is 60 years.

Fennovoima submitted its application to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in January 2009. The Ministry is obtaining state-ments from other ministries, authorities and the relevant municipalities. Citizens and corpora-tions may submit their opinions to the Ministry in writing. The Ministry will also be holding for-mal public hearings in the three relevant munic-ipalities this spring (see p. 23). Written opinions on the application should be submitted by post by June 15, 2009 to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, PO Box 23, 00023 Valtioneu-vosto, or by e-mail to [email protected] .

Please quote the registration number 49/815/2009 and give the name and contact details of the person or corporation submitting the opinion.

The Government will decide whether the Fen-novoima project is in the overall interests of society. Approval of the application requires a favorable statement from the municipality in which the plant is to be constructed. Also, a preliminary statement that the project can be safely implemented is required from STUK. If the Government approves the application, the decision-in-principle will be submitted to Parliament, which may approve or reject it.

This publication is the overall description of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant project required by the Nuclear Energy Act. It is based on the application for a decision-in-principle submitted by Fennovoima and has been inspect-ed and approved by the Ministry of Employ-ment and the Economy.

The Fennovoima application is available in Finnish, Swedish and English at the company website (fennovoima.fi ). Related documents are also available at the Ministry website (tem.fi ).

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Registered offices of the

energy company shareholders

Food industry

Energy industry

Trade and services

Chemical industry

Metal industry

Construction material


Sectors in which Fennovoima shareholders operate:


A new Finnish nuclear power company

Fennovoima is a Finnish company founded in 2007. Its purpose is to construct a new nuclear power plant in Finland. Its shareholders will be entitled to the electricity it produces at cost price, in proportion to their holdings. The shareholders will also fi nance the project and cover its costs in similar proportion. Fenno- voima will not aim to generate profi ts.

Its parent company is Voimaosakeyhtiö SF, which owns 66% of its shares. E.ON Nordic has a 34% holding. The owners of Voimaosakeyhtiö SF are trade and industry companies operating in Finland such as Boliden, Kesko, Outokumpu, Ovako, Rautaruukki and SOK, and local energy companies such as Imatran Seudun Sähkö, Jyväskylän Energia, Kuopion Energia, Lahti Energia, Turku Energia and Vantaan Energia.

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Ownership structure of Fennovoima

Voimaosakeyhtiö SF

Regional and localenergy companies

Finnish industrial,retail and service


E.ON Nordic34%66%

55% 45%

Fennovoima has 64 shareholdersAGA

Alajärven Sähkö


Boliden Harjavalta

Boliden Kokkola


E.ON Nordic

Esse Elektro-Kraft

Etelä-Savon Energia


Haminan Energia


Hiirikosken Energia

Imatran Seudun Sähkö

Itä-Lapin Energia

Jylhän Sähköosuuskunta

Jyväskylän Energia

Kemin Energia

Keravan Energia


Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö

Kokemäen Sähkö

Kotkan Energia

Kruunupyyn Sähkölaitos

KSS Energia

Kuopion Energia

Kuoreveden Sähkö

Köyliön-Säkylän Sähkö

Lahti Energia

Lankosken Sähkö

Lehtimäen Sähkö

Leppäkosken Sähkö

Mondo Minerals

Myllyn Paras

Mäntsälän Sähkö

Nurmijärven Sähkö


Oulun Seudun Sähkö

Outokummun Energia


Ovako Bar

Paneliankosken Voima

Parikkalan Valo

Pietarsaaren Energialaitos

Porvoon Energia

Rantakairan Sähkö

Rauman Energia


Rovakairan Tuotanto

Sallila Energia

Seinäjoen Energia


Tammisaaren Energia

Turku Energia

Uudenkaarlepyyn Voimalaitos


Valkeakosken Energia

Vantaan Energia

Vatajankosken Sähkö

Vetelin Sähkölaitos

Vimpelin Voima

Vakka-Suomen Voima

Ålands Elandelslag

Ääneseudun Energia

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Nuclear power is competitive, stable and predictable in its

costs. High reliability and stable costs reinforce the profi tabil-

ity of the project.

General signifi cance and necessity of the Fennovoima nuclear power plant project

Shareholders have real need for electricity

Fennovoima has 64 shareholders. Fennovoima shareholders have a real need and interest in investing in their own emission-free electricity production in Finland.

Combined, they account for nearly 30% of all electricity consumption in Finland. Electricity is needed by industry, trade, services, farms and households.

Fennovoima shareholders own very little elec-tricity generation capacity themselves. They have to buy most of their electricity on the open market. Market-priced electricity is expen-sive, and its price fl uctuations are considerable and diffi cult to predict. In order to safeguard their international competitiveness and their in-vestment and employment potential in Finland, the Fennovoima shareholders need to be sure of the availability of electricity at a reasonable and

stable price. Fennovoima was set up to respond to this demand.

A nuclear power plant owned by the sharehold-ers will secure them reasonable self-suffi ciency with regard to electricity for the long term. The shareholders are also investing in bioenergy, wind energy and small-scale hydropower.

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Agriculture and households

Electricity needs of Fennovoima

shareholders by user group 2007

Electricity needs in Finland

by user group 2007


26% 26%





Trade, services and public sector

Energy consumption in

Finland and the share of

Fennovoima shareholders

in it in 2007; distribution

of electricity procurement

among Fennovoima share-


Electricity needs of Fenno-

voima shareholders and in

Finland as a whole by user

group in 2007.


c. 30 %


Electricity needs in Finland 2007 Filling the electricity needs of

Fennovoima shareholders 2007

0 5 10 15 20


Purchased electricity

Own production

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Nuclear power Hydropower Wind power Combined heat and power production

Other condensing







Stora Enso

Helsingin Energia



Distribution of electric-

ity production in Finland

among major operators by

production mode once the

fifth nuclear power plant

now under construction is


More competition on the electricity market

Several published expert assessments and re-ports by the Nordic competition authorities state that there are problems on the electricity market. The centralized ownership of electricity production is considered a signifi cant cause of these problems. Today nuclear power provides close to one quarter of Finland’s electricity. Production, however, remains in the hands of only a few companies. The fi ve largest owners of nuclear power in Finland account for no less than 85% of Finland’s total nuclear power production.

The Fennovoima plant will increase the supply of electricity on the wholesale market.

The energy company shareholders in Fennovo-ima have some 900,000 small-scale customers in Finland’s retail markets. The competitiveness of small and medium-sized local energy com-panies will be particularly enhanced by their share in Fennovoima. It is advantageous for consumers that many local energy companies price their retail sales on the basis of their own actual costs, not on the basis of the market price of electricity.

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Impact of the project on the balanced development of Finland

In terms of its size, duration and requirements, the Fennovoima nuclear power plant con-struction project is a major investment. At the construction phase, the project will employ thousands of people in Finland. The permanent economic impact on both the immediate local-ity and the surrounding region as a whole will be considerable.

A nuclear power plant in a completely new lo-cation will generate long-term industrial activ-ity and help consolidate the business structure and economy of the surrounding region. Es-tablishment of a new nuclear energy company will provide hundreds of permanent jobs for decades ahead. Because of the long-term nature of nuclear power production, the region will be well placed to diversify its range of services.

All of the alternative Fennovoima nuclear pow-er plant sites are located in Government-defi ned development areas, as specifi ed by Finnish Gov-ernment Resolution. The project is an example of cooperation allowing the companies to focus on long-term development of their operations in Finland and their respective local strengths.

The Fennovoima project will contribute to the balanced development of Finland without draw-ing on central government budget funds.

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Estimated local economic

and employment impact

of the Fennovoima project.

These will be essentially

the same regardless of

which site is selected.1

1) Pöyry Energy Oy 2008. Background report for local economic impact assessment. Fennovoima Oy nuclear power plant project. Environmental impact assessment procedure.

Effects on the municipal economy and economic and employment structure

Permanent jobs

• Fennovoima personnel: 300-400

• Personnel in external services: about 100

• Annual maintenance: about 500 (one month per year)

Jobs during construction

• Construction site: up to 3,500 to 5,000

• Local sub-contracting: more than 3,000 person-years

• Sub-contracting in Finland: 20,000 to 40,000 person-years

Tax revenue

• Real estate tax after plant completion: EUR 3.5 to 5.0 million

• Municipal tax during the operating phase: about EUR 2.0 million

• Increase in other tax revenue

Impacts on the local economy

The construction and operation of the Fennovo-ima nuclear power plant will have a signifi cant impact on the business activities, service indus-try and labor market of the plant site and its surrounding economic zone. The tax revenues of the selected region will increase signifi cant-ly due to real estate, municipal and corporate taxation.

The municipality will be able to invest its in-creased tax revenues in boosting the quality and extent of its service provision. The improved level of services will in turn attract new resi-dents. On the other hand, as a counterbalance to the higher tax revenue, the region must in-vest, for example, in the production of services and infrastructure construction.

Improving security of supply

Electricity is important for security of supply for society as a whole. Last year, Finland im-ported 15% of its electricity. Finland’s current dependence on imports and centralization of production are risk factors that must be taken into account when assessing future investment in electricity production. Nuclear power plants typically have a very high capacity factor. With the exception of annual maintenance outages, the plants are kept in continuous operation. The national security of supply of fuels is en-sured by emergency stockpiling.

Construction of new nuclear power capacity improves Finland’s security of supply by reduc-ing dependence on imported electricity and on fuels that cause emissions of greenhouse gases. Because nuclear power is produced in large-scale power plant units, suffi cient decentraliza-tion is sensible. The Fennovoima project will decentralize Finland’s nuclear power produc-tion in terms of location, ownership and orga-nization. This will improve security of supply.

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Coal Natural gas Hydroenergy Bioenergy (forest)

Wind energy

Nuclear energy

Solar energy

g C







Comparison of greenhouse

gas emissions from various

types of electricity produc-

tion, based on a life cycle

model. 2

2) Electricity and heating life cycle studies in decision-making, World Energy Council, Energia-foorumi.

Supporting the National Climate and Energy Strategy

Through increasing the production of reason-ably and stably priced electricity in Finland, the Fennovoima project will support the national energy supply in accordance with the objec-tives set in the National Climate and Energy Strategy. The nuclear power production of Fen-novoima will be specifi cally aimed at meeting the electricity needs of companies operating in Finland, Finnish households and Finnish agri-culture. The long-term goal set by the Finnish Government is security of energy supply and competitiveness combined with environmen-tally sustainable solutions.

Priority is given in the Strategy to emission-free electricity production. The Fennovoima plant will increase electricity production in Finland by at least 12 TWh per year without causing any greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing nuclear power production will also reduce Finland’s dependence on imported fuels causing green-house gas emissions: coal, natural gas and oil.

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Fennovoima founded in June 2007.


In January 2009, Fennovoima submitted an application for a decision-in-principle for the construction of a new nuclear power plant to the Finnish Government. The Ministry of Employment and the Economy will consult the relevant mu-nicipal councils during 2009. A favorable statement from the municipality of the selected site is a requirement for the project to go ahead.


Permit and construction phase to begin.

Environmental impact assess-ment report completed in October 2008.


Electricity production at the nuclear power plant to start.


Government decision. Parliament debate. Parliament can either approve or reject the Government’s decision-in-principle. Fennovo-ima will not make the fi nal selection of site or plant type until Parliament has passed the decision-in-principle.


Timetable and progress of the project

Project implementation

2008 2012 20162010 2014 20182009 2013 20172011 2015 2019 2020


Preparation Construction and commissioningProcurement Permits Use

Selection of plant site

Plant contractConstruction work



Commercial use

Detailed design

Beginning main casting


Building permit Environmental permit and water permit

Construction license Operating license

Preparation of plant site

Pre-planning / project planning





Basic design

*) Depends on the type of plant and the supplier

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Project management

Fennovoima has the goal of beginning electric-ity production at the nuclear power plant in 2020 at the latest. The main factors in the prog-ress of the project are the licensing processes re-quired by nuclear energy legislation, construc-tion legislation and environmental legislation and the management of the design and con-struction of the nuclear power plant.

The company will pay particular attention to project management and quality management. The company has shortlisted three alternatives for the nuclear power plant unit to be used in the project: the EPR and SWR-1000 by Areva and the ABWR by Toshiba. Fennovoima has conducted a feasibility study for each alterna-tive together with the plant suppliers. The Radi-ation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) will evaluate for each whether it can be implement-ed safely and according to Finnish regulations.

The company will be responsible for safety at all phases of the project. Under the Nuclear En-ergy Act, the nuclear power plant must be safe and must cause no danger to people, property or the environment. Fennovoima prioritizes safety in all decision-making.


Fennovoima has access to suffi cient expertise for building the nuclear power plant in compli-ance with safety requirements and other objec-tives set. The Fennovoima project organization will employ 150 to 200 people at the procure-ment and permit phase and about 300 at the construction and commissioning phases.

Fennovoima began the development of the project organization and management system at the preparation phase of the project. For key tasks at the preparation phase, the company recruited nuclear energy experts with solid experience in the design and construction of nuclear power plants and the management of extensive and demanding projects.

E.ON is committed to the implementation of the Fennovoima project and to ensuring the availability of the required expertise. E.ON’s ex-pertise in all the areas required for implementa-tion of the project is at Fennovoima’s disposal.

The project now employs about 100 people, and more will be recruited in spring 2009.

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Fennovoima conducted an environmental im-pact assessment (EIA) for the three alternative sites in Pyhäjoki, Ruotsinpyhtää and Simo in 2008.

The EIA report was submitted to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in October 2008 . The Ministry issued its fi nal statement on February 20, 2009, concluding the EIA pro-cedure. The Ministry noted that the Fennovo-ima EIA report complies in content with the requirements of legislation and was prepared in the required manner. Fennovoima will sub-mit the further clarifi cations required in the fi nal statement to the Ministry according to the agreed timetable. These will be added to the ap-plication process.

The EIA report is a required supplement to the application for a decision-in-principle. Implementation of the project will also need a construction licence from Government and an operating licence before the plant is commis-sioned. Moreover, permits under the Environ-mental Protection Act and the Water Act are

also needed, and also a construction permit from the local authority. The local detailed plan must allow for construction of the facility. The information from the EIA procedure will be used in the permit process.

EIA results

As a result of the EIA report no implementa-tion option was found to be such that it would have any such detrimental environmental ef-fects which could not be either approved of or be lowered to an acceptable level.

Construction of the nuclear power plant will limit land use in the protective zone of the plant but will enable new land use in suburbs and villages as well as along road connections. The fi rst stage of construction will involve road building and excavation to prepare for the power plant and ancillary buildings. Construc-tion site impacts include dust, noise, impacts on fl ora, fauna and the landscape, and impacts on soil, bedrock and groundwater. The dust from

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the construction site has a local impact only. Traffi c will be heavy only during the fourth or fi ft h year of construction.

Emissions from traffi c at the site will not cause signifi cant adverse eff ects to people or the natu-ral environment through decreased air quality. The construction of power lines will restrict land use in the power line clearing.

Through careful planning, excavation and earthmoving work can be scheduled so as to cause minimum disruption. Conveying the cooling water from the plant to the sea will increase the water temperature in the immedi-ate vicinity of the discharge point. This impact and the eff ects of various intake and discharge confi gurations were studied for each site using 3D fl ow models. How wide a sea area is aff ected depends on the size of the plant and the intake and discharge confi guration.

In the winter, the cooling water discharge will weaken the ice cover. Aquatic vegetation and phytoplankton will proliferate in the impact area. Fishing may be adversely aff ected by slim-

ing of fi shing gear, and catching certain species may become more diffi cult. Construction will also have an impact on fl ora and fauna. Part of the environment will be permanently altered. The local impact of the cooling water discharge can be alleviated through various technical so-lutions. Implementing the project in Ruotsin-pyhtää will require further study of cooling water discharges if Fortum goes ahead with the Loviisa 3 project.

The normal use of a nuclear power plant causes no radiation impacts to the health, living con-ditions or recreation of people in the vicin-ity. However, access to and recreation at the (fenced) power plant site is not allowed. The impact of the plant on local fl ora and fauna during the operating phase can be alleviated through measures considering local bird life in particular. Environmental impacts must be monitored according to guidelines approved by the authorities.

For further information and the complete EIA report, see fennovoima.fi /yva/.

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0 10 20 km












PyhäjokiThe Hanhikivi site is located in the

northern part of the municipality of

Pyhäjoki on the Hanhikivi headland.

The plant is planned to be built in

the middle and northern parts of the


Alternative sites for the nuclear power plant

Illustration of an EPR power plant at Hanhikivi, view towards the east from the sea.

There are three alternative sites considered by Fennovoima for the nuclear power plant: Hanhikivenniemi in Pyhäjoki, Gäddbergsö in Ruotsinpyhtää and Karsikko in Simo. These three alternatives were shortlisted through a complicated selection process involving stud-ies of soil and bedrock, availability of cooling water, transport and access to the national grid. The alternative sites comply with STUK prin-ciples of protecting the plant from external risks and minimizing the risks and threats caused to the immediate environment.

The alternative sites fulfi ll the requirements for constructing the nuclear power plant and are suitable for the project. Fennovoima will select one of these for the implementation of the proj-ect and will build the nuclear power plant at a single plant site. Fennovoima owns land suit-able for use as the nuclear power plant site at all

three alternative sites. Local detailed planning is in progress for all three sites.

The company has consulted Fingrid, the nation-al grid company, to ensure that the plant could be connected to the national grid at all three alternative sites.

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0 10 20 km









Ruotsinpyhtää Gäddbergsö


Myrskylä Elimäki





RuotsinpyhtääThe Gäddbergsö site is located

on the headland of Gäddbergsö

in the southern part of the mu-

nicipality of Ruotsinpyhtää. The

plant is planned to be built in

the middle part of the headland.




0 10 20 km







SimoThe Karsikko site is locat-

ed on the headland of Kar-

sikkoniemi in the western

part of the municipality of

Simo. The plant is planned

to be built in the southern

and southwestern parts of

the headland.

Illustration of a single-unit SWR-1000 plant at Gäddbergsö, view towards the north from the sea.

Illustration of an ABWR power plant at Karsikko, view towards the northwest from the sea.

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ABWR by Toshiba

SWR 1000 by Areva NP

EPR by Areva NP

Toshiba ABWR EPR SWR 1000

Manufacturer, Country [of origin]



Areva NP

France, GermanyAreva NP

France, Germany

Thermal Power (MW) 4,300 4,590 3,370

Electricity Output (MW) about 1,600 about 1,700 about 1,250

Reactor Type Boiling water Pressurized water Boiling water

Primary Safety Systems Active Active Passive

Reference plant, Country

Hamaoka 5


Olkiluoto 3


Gundremmingen C


Fennovoima aims to construct a plant comprising one or two nuclear power

plant units, equipped with light water reactors, with a combined electricity

output of 1,500 to 2,500 MW.


Fennovoima has three power plant unit op-tions: the EPR and SWR-1000 by Areva and the ABWR by Toshiba. The options represent proven technology, and their key operating principles are equivalent to the nuclear reactors currently operating in Finland.

They incorporate the most advanced safety technology currently available, and all can be built in compliance with Finnish regulations. Regardless of the option chosen, the plant can be designed to make use of waste heat or to also produce district heating. For example, pro-ducing 1,000 MW in district heating would re-duce electricity production by 200 to 250 MW. Producing district heating at the nuclear power plant would have no eff ect on the plant’s safety properties. All safety requirements will in any case be fulfi lled.

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Fennovoima plans to fi nally dispose of its spent nuclear fuel at the

repository to be built at Olkiluoto in Eurajoki. In 1983, the Govern-

ment determined that a single site in Finland should be chosen as

the fi nal repository for spent nuclear fuel. In 2000, a decision-in-

principle by Government and Parliament designated Olkiluoto as the

site for the repository for spent nuclear fuel from existing nuclear

power plants in Finland.

Nuclear fuel and nuclear waste management

Fennovoima will organize nuclear fuel manage-ment with appropriate supervision of planning, production, transport and storage to ensure quality and safety.

The Fennovoima project will not require urani-um mining in Finland. Nuclear fuel is not pro-duced here. Uranium is produced responsibly and according to regulations in several countries such as Canada and Australia, and it is available on the international commodities market just like other metals such as iron, copper or gold. The availability of nuclear fuel is secured for the useful life of the plant.

Fennovoima plans to procure nuclear fuel in co-operation with the international E.ON Group. Nuclear fuel suppliers are required to be com-mitted to Fennovoima’s and E.ON’s demanding environmental and quality objectives.

Fennovoima has the appropriate methods at its disposal for implementing the Fennovoima nu-clear power plant’s nuclear waste management. Nuclear waste management at the Fennovoima nuclear power plant will be implemented using the same methods as at nuclear power plants al-ready in operation in Finland.

Fennovoima plans to develop and implement the fi nal disposal of spent nuclear fuel together with other Finnish operators that have a nuclear

waste management obligation. Under section 29 of the Nuclear Energy Act, the Ministry of Em-ployment and the Economy may order various licensees under the waste management obliga-tion to undertake waste management measures jointly, if by doing so safety can be increased or costs can be substantially reduced or if any other weighty reason so requires.

The fi nal disposal method ensures through mul-tiple redundancy that the radioactive waste will pose no hazard to the environment or to people. It is estimated that fi nal disposal of spent nu-clear fuel from the Fennovoima nuclear power plant will begin in 2050 at the earliest. The spent nuclear fuel will be placed in interim storage in separate buildings at the plant site. In addition to spent nuclear fuel, the plant will produce low- and medium-level reactor waste. This waste, produced in normal operations, will be pro-cessed, stored and fi nally disposed of at the plant site. The same procedure is followed at existing nuclear power plants in Finland.

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The minimum security level will be determined by legislation,

Government safety orders and other regulations pertaining to

nuclear power plants. However, Fennovoima aims to achieve a

substantially better level of safety than this.

For more information on safety and monitoring, see the STUK

website at stuk.fi .

Levels of defence-in-depth protection.

Nuclear power plant technical release barriers against radioactive materials.


Pursuant to the Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987), the use of nuclear energy must be safe and must not cause injury to people, or damage to the environ-ment or property. The Fennovoima plant will be built and operated in compliance with the law. Fennovoima is responsible for the safety of the nuclear power plant and for the safe management of its nuclear waste.

This will be ensured through the principle of de-fense in depth, i.e. by means of successive indepen-dent protection systems encompassing both the operational and structural safety of the plant. The safety functions are parallel, and failure of one will cause no danger to people or the environment.

Neither the radiation exposure of individuals nor the limit values set for the release of radioactive materials will be exceeded during normal plant operation or in the event of operational failure or accident. The technical design ensuring this will be shown in the construction and operating li-cence process. Before commissioning, Fennovoima will prepare an environmental radiation monitor-ing programme with continuous monitoring and regular sampling.

Physical protection planning for the event of emer-gency situations will be prepared in cooperation with safety and rescue authorities. The overall de-sign safety of the plant will be assessed as a whole in conjunction with the construction license application. The initial safety assessment will be conducted by Fennovoima in compliance with Finnish regulations and the company’s own safety requirements. The plans will then be submitted to STUK for inspection and approval.

An uncompromising safety culture forms the foundation for the design, construction and use of the plant. The plant will be designed, construct-ed and used so that it fulfi lls all requirements for nuclear safety and radiation use.

The safety functions will reliably ensure that safety is also maintained in situations of system failure or during equipment servicing or in the case of a human error. Allowance will be made not only for

internal risks but also for external threats such as oil and chemical spills and extreme weather, and illegal acts. The facility will be designed to withstand even a passenger aircraft crash.

Failure of an entire safety system

Mitigation of consequences

Control of accidents

Control of abnormal operation

Normal operation

Control of severe accidents

Failure of an individual device

Multiple failure of independent

safety systems

Containment buildingfailure

Inner containment building

Nuclear reactor coolant circuit Nuclear fuel

Outer containment building

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Public hearing and contact information

Statements The Ministry of Employment and the Economy will request statements from minis-tries, authorities, the alternative placement municipalities of Pyhäjoki, Ruotsinpyhtää and Simo and their neighboring municipalities.

On January 1, 2010, the municipalities of Ruotsinpyhtää, Liljendal and Pyhtää will merge with the town of Loviisa, where a new council will be elected in October 2009. Because of the merger, the Ministry has requested statements on the Fennovoima ap-plication also from the merger committee and the municipalities bordering Ruotsin-pyhtää.

Announcements The Ministry published an announcement on the Fennovoima nuclear power plant project in newspapers and at its website tem.fi on April 15, 2009.

Application on display at municipal offices

A copy of the application for a decision-in-principle is on display from April 15 to June 15, 2009 at the municipal offices of Pyhäjoki (Kuntatie 1), Ruotsinpyhtää (Pitäjäntie 7 A), Simo (Ratatie 6) and neighboring municipalities.

Public hearing The Ministry will hold public hearings in the municipalities where the alternative sites are located as follows: Simo, Tuesday May 26, 2009 at 18.00 (Simo school gymnasi-um, Simontie 3); Pyhäjoki, Wednesday May 27, 2009 at 18.00 (Pyhäjoki multi-purpose hall gymnasium, Koulutie 7); and Ruotsinpyhtää, Thursday May 28, 2009 at 18.00 (Strömfors workers’ hall, Forsellesintie 2).

These are not forums for public discussion, but briefings in accordance with the pub-lic hearing provided for in section 13 of the Nuclear Energy Act.

Submitting opinions Opinions on the project may be submitted to the Ministry by post (Ministry of Em-ployment and the Economy, PO Box 32, 00023 Valtioneuvosto) or e-mail ([email protected]). Opinions must be submitted to the Ministry by June 15, 2009. Please quote the registration number 49/815/2009 and give the name and contact details of the person or corporation submitting the opinion.

More information, Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Further information on the application process at the Ministry: Jorma Aurela, Senior Engineer, tel. + 358 10 606 4832, and Eriika Melkas, Senior Adviser, tel. + 358 10 606 4103.

More information, Fennovoima

Fennovoima website: fennovoima.fi, e-mail: [email protected] has local offices in three municipalities:

Pyhäjoki officeVanhatie 48, 86100 Pyhäjokiopen Mon and Thu 10.00 to 16.30, Tue and Fri 09.00 to 15.30 Communications assistant Heli HaikolaTel. + 358 20 757 9224

Ruotsinpyhtää officeMailing address: Fennovoima Oy, PO Box 59, 07901 Loviisaopen Thu 13.00 to 18.00 and Fri 09.00 to 13.00Liaison manager Patrik HellmanTel. + 358 20 757 9215

Simo officeMaksniementie 28, 95230 Maksniemiopen Mon and Thu 10.00 to 16.30, Tue and Fri 09.00 to 15.30Communications assistant Minna PalosaariTel. + 358 20 757 9223

Fennovoima personnel e-mail addresses: [email protected]

Street address: Brandensteininkatu 19, 07900 Loviisa

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Salmisaarenaukio 1, FIN-00180 Helsinki

fennovoima.fi , + 358 20 757 9200
