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New Social Media: Transnational Information Exchange at the Shop-floor Level

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New Social Media: Transnational Information Exchange at the Shop-foor Level May 2012 Amsterdam A User Guide for Shop Stewards TIE–Netherlands en Networganisation
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of thetelephone


Graham Bell

..President of the Unites StatesRutherford B. Hayes


R   E    A   C   T    I    O    N    

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“An amazinginvention – butwho would ever

want to use one?”

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Globalisation links national economies all over the world causing destructive international crises on a

global scale. The nancial crisis rst occurred in the US in 2007and created extreme hardship for workers

and workers’ organisations around the world. Highly organised large business groups have production and

management units in more than one country. As a result they benet from crises by creating competition

and conict among workers. This results in poor working conditions for the many employees working in

such establishments. Therefore we need strong international solidarity among workers today. In this bro-

chure, we will explain in what ways social media can be of use to help us reaching this goal.

The selection of the various sorts of social media presented in the brochure is based on what is called the

“TIE Method”. The central them in this method is strengthening the organisation of workers in their work-

place and learning collectively. We hope that union members and activists can get various new ideas on

how to use social media in their international union work by using our brochure. That is why we specicallylooked at various sorts of social media tools we thought that are helpful to strengthen international solida-

rity. The key functions in this are: self-training, organisation and sharing knowledge. On the other hand,

workers and activists can use these tools in their local solidarity networks, workplace committees and orga-

nising teams.

There are several challenges to meet when using social media tools for international trade union 

puposes. For instance differences in languages and cultures. Knowing how to use online

translation devices is therefore essential. Also to built stronger long distance ties and

to maintain them, face to face video conferencing is an essential tool.

However, there are serious security- and privacy risks involved. To avoid being

tracked by employers, union busters, or government agents and to minimise

the risks of control we need to take various measures. Besides going over the

different possibilities social media has to offer, we will also take a look at privacy

problems and their possible solution.

Several measures can be taken. For example, we can use “open sources” or free software applications.

These are not controlled by corporations and tend to respect the privacy of its users. When we use suchtools in our union work, we have to be aware of these issues.


...is presenting various possibilities that social media offers and tobuild international networks among workers and unions’ activists. Wehope that our information can strengthen daily union work in the ‘non-virtual world.

The main


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The list below includes several popular commercial tools for computers, tablets and smart phones. We

also present some non-commercial alternatives for free and ‘open source’ software. Considering the

rapid development of social media, it is not possible to cover all possibilities. Therefore an interactive

(wiki)version of this guide is available online via http://tie.wikia.com. We will add instructions and video

tutorials to this online version explaining how to use the different tools and their specic functions.

Wiki-pages are websites of which the content can be easily modied by visitors. This means that eve-

ryone is able to add his/her ideas or experiences to the online version of this brochure.

We tried our best to avoid technical language, yet this is not always possible when speaking of social

media. Therefore you will nd an explanation of all the technical terms used in this brochure at the end

of this document. There is also a list of websites in this brochure where you can nd more information onrelevant tools.

Dutch trade unions are experimenting with social media and online social networking tools such

as followings:

  *  Job Circle and Mijn FNV B by FNV Bondgenoten

* Abvakabo FNV developed Virtueel Kantoor  which can be used by its members

* FNV Bouw is experimenting with Vakbond 3.0

  * FNV Vakcentraal launched the FNV Panel recently.

Dutch unions are also active on popular social network sites. As an example they created an Internati-

onal Solidarity page on Facebook to links active members in  international solidarity union projects. 

These tools operate in Dutch, linking Dutch unions and union members. If we want to engage colleagues

from different countries we need to use multilingual global networking sites. International and national

ties can be linked using our own national social network tools and combine it with international tools.

Facebook & Google+ are the two largest commercial international online social networking sites.

Facebook has over one billion active users (December 2012), more than half of which ‘sign in’ on daily

basis. Google + is a more recent service, but already has about 100 million users (December 2012).

Considering their size and possible reach, Facebook and Google + can be very useful for unions i.e. to

obtain transparency, subscribing new members and to run large scale public campaigns.

Network sites are also powerful tools linking union members from different

countries and building communication between workers at the base.

These networks enable union members to spread knowledgeamongst their own union and towards a wider audience.

It can also be a capable strategy to use several pa-

rallel networks to increase the possible impact.

online networking toolsStronger ties with

1. Go to the link: http://tie.wikia.com,

2. Press the ‘edit’ button where you want to add/change something,

3. Make the changes you wish and click on ‘save’. 

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It is easy to join social networks. To join Facebook or Google+, go

to their website and create an account by lling in a short registration

form. Conrm your registration by clicking on the link that will be sent

to your email address. It can take 72 hours to open your new account.

Both Facebook and Google + are multilingual tools that can be run on

devices such as computers, tablets and smart phones. They function

on operating systems such as Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and


Once you have an account you will be able to build a ‘prole’ by sub -

mitting information about yourself and changing your privacy settings.

The privacy settings allow you to decide which information you want to share with others. You can search

for your ‘friends’ and invite them to join your network. They have to accept your friendship request to join

your network. If they do so, you can see the proles of your friends; you can see who their friends are and

what your friends share or do on Facebook or Google+. People who are part of your network can see your

prole and activities as well.

Facebook accounts can be directly linked with other online tools like Twitter and Skype. With an ac-

count on any other social media, you can share information across different networks at once

Users of different languages can communicate on Facebook and Google +. The

social pages combine services such as email, SMS, chat, video and audio-calls and

micro-blogging. Such features enable users who speak different languages to keep

in touch through sharing photos, videos, and other information. On Facebook it is

1. Go to http://www.facebook.com or https://plus.google.com to

create a Facebook or Google+ account as described above

2. Handle your privacy settings carefully, allow only your friends to see

your personal details.

3. Use the search bar to look for and connect with your friends and col-


4. Check your friends’ ‘friends list’ or their ‘circles’ to see who is

there whom you would like to connect with

5. Search the name of your union and connect with the people you

might know already.

 Share information with your network

carefully, consciously and regularly 

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possible to view the translation of any shared text on the active page. When your

friends on Facebook ‘like’, ‘share’, or ‘comment’ your actions is seen across the net -

works of others. Google + has comparable functions, i.e., giving +1 to items shard by


Relatively safer and more efcient ways to realise a sustained international exchan-

ge among union activists can be a ‘closed’ work groups or pages on Facebook or

Google +. Add or invite peers and colleagues to join the group or to ‘like’ the pageyou created for sharing relevant and non-risky information. You can also create an

‘event’ to schedule a meeting and invite others, or to just spread information.

UnionBook supports networking among unionists. It was set up by LabourStart

in 2008 and conceived as an alternative to Facebook for union workers. Through the years it be-

came a congregation point for more than ve thousand unionists, members, labour activists and

academics from all over the world. Register to the site to register for a UnionBook account.

UnionBook is a good alternative to Facebook and Google +, if you want to contact other unionists wor -king in your sector. It is also a complementary tool to the international exchange activities of your union.

It is usefull for keeping in touch with your colleagues globally and you can link up with other unionists and

let them know what you are doing. Already there are more than 200 workgroups on UnionBook to which

you can subscribe. It’s possible to set up a workgroup for your own network and share information. If you

have set up an open group, on the main page of UnionBook, all other UnionBook members can see what

is being shared in the group. You can share photos, music, video and post blog items by using the various

functions UnionBook has to offer. This way, UnionBook is the ‘missing link’ in the currently globalising uni-

ons’ movement.

The business model and privacy policy of Facebook and Google + is very problematic for unionmembers and activists. Facebook collects all possible data about their users and sells this information to

any interested third parties. Facebook observes, keeps records, classies and sells information like telep-

hone numbers, conversations, content, shared les, visited sites, current location and all range of activity of

its users. The current value of Facebook is estimated 100 billion US Dollars. This gure indicates the value

of information regarding its users. Google recently adopted a new privacy and surveillance policy that

also bears serious threats for union members and activists. Using such tools without being alert and

cautious of what we are sharing and doing online would mean taking serious risks for all, but especially for

those workers and activists involved in online exchange.

There are several comparable private networking tools on the Internet, such as MySpace, Hyves andOrkut. However, the safest options for unionists are to use free and open source alternatives such as Di-

aspora, N-1, and Crabgrass. You can nd detailed information on these tools on the online version of this


1. Go to http://unionbook.org and register Unionbook to create a prole for yourself 

2. Create a Group on Unionbook for your network and invite people from your network

to join this group

3. Invite your colleagues to join Unionbook and your Unionbook group

4. Share your thoughts, ideas, or information about your union activities on your Union-

book group and prole

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 Although they became old fashioned, mailing lists and discussion groups still play an important role inbuilding international communication channels. They are useful to connect individuals from different coun-

tries on a daily basis. Besides this mailing lists are re-valued now smart phones users have direct access

to internet and therefore to mailing accounts. Mailing lists can be complementary to online social networks.

They are very useful to share large-scale and private information that you don’t like to post on a social

network page for example.

Union members meeting for the rst time to discuss an international pro-

 ject, often exchange email addresses. By creating a mailing list on Ya-

hoo, Gmail or on a secure server, they can start communicating imme-diately after the meeting. In order to do so one just needs to register

to Yahoo or Gmail and get an email address from a Yahoo or Gmail

Group. Then login to Yahoo or Gmail, go to Groups page and click on

Start your group or Create Group.

First you choose a category for your email group and then write a short

description for the group. Next you chose which email address you want

to use when managing the list. Administrators of such list will be able to add col-

leagues’ email addresses to the list or delete them, or he/she can invite colleagues to join in. An email list

allows members of a solidarity network to send emails to all the group members at once.

Web-conferencing or webinar  are tools to organise online meetings through the Internet. Using

these tools, union activists or workers in different countries can exchange information on a regular basis.

Using these tools union activists or workers from work places located in different countries form regular

study and exchange groups. In such groups they learn from each other in a systematic way, by ‘mapping’;

comparing work place situations and understanding the conditions in different plants of any company. It is

possible to develop common strategies and coordinate solidarity activities with unionists from other coun-

Tools voor

Cybermeetings en Webinars

1. Collect the email addresses of the participants of the solidarity project you

involved2. Go to http://groups.gmail.com and create a Gmail Group

3. Add email addresses of your friends to the Group and start with sending a

test email

4. Use Google Translator or Gmail translation function to translate your emails

5. Use your group to share information, plan and schedule your collective acti-


Email lists allow members of the solidarity network to send emails to all

group members at once

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tries.This can be done on a personal computer at home, at the unions’ ofce, at an internet

café or on a mobile device. One can organise meetings without having to travel to another


Skype is one of the best known real-time online conference tools. You can download it on the

Internet and use it for free. It is very easy to install Skype and it works with all operating sys-

tems running on a PC, Mac, smart phone or tablet. After the installation you create an account

by choosing a Skype name and password to start. You need these to login Skype. To makecalls you also need a set of tools like speakers or headphones, a microphone and a camera.

Skype combines several functions that can be used to have online meetings. You’re able to make free Sky-

pe-to-Skype audio or video calls, call land lines, make video or teleconference calls at minimal costs. Skype

also offers SMS, real-time chat and fax capacity, and le and screen sharing. Using

these functions, activists are able to organise international trainings, seminars,

workshops and strategy meetings.

 Also you can download Apps, such as Skype call recorder, white board,or real-time chat translation. You can do this by clicking on ‘Apps’. You

can nd the ‘Get Apps’ button underneath the ‘Conversations’ option.

If you run these Apps when you are logged in on Skype, they function as

an expansion of Skype. This happens automatically. With screen sharing

and white board you can create power point presentations and collective

drawings; work on an agenda or map together or share what you see on your

desktop screen with others during the call.

The chat function can be used to ask to speak, pass information or to keep record of the proceedings.Video and teleconferences can also be recorded and saved for later use. Real-time Chat translation allows

activists who cannot speak each others’ languages to communicate at a very basic level. Skype works in

major languages only. Not all participants will be able to use the program in their own languages. Therefore

interpreters can be added to calls, via a computer, tablet or smart-phone running Skype, or via a landline

without Internet. The person at the other end does not always need to be on Skype, nor have a computer.

Calls to landlines are cheap, although not free (1 cent/min.). This allows including participants with slower

internet connection joining in meetings from any telephone at a low cost (billed to caller). The other option is

having interpreters in a physical space where one or some of particular participants are based.

 You can download and use Skype on your smart phone. If you have an internet connection, Skype ena-

bles you to join in any call or meeting for free wherever you are. Google Talks, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo

Messenger can be used as alternatives to Skype.

BigBlueButton is a free and open source version of commercial online seminar tools

such as AnyMeeting. It is free to download and to use. BigBlueButton works

on Mac, UNIX, FOSS operating systems and Android phones. It does not

support Windows. AnyMeeting works also on Windows and does not

need any additional program to run.

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BigBlueButton is designed by university software developers, originally for long distance

higher education. AnyMeeting is designed for the market, for instance to organise board

meetings or trainings. Such tools could be very powerful in the hands of union members

at the work oor. Both tools bring most of the features we mentioned together on one

page only.

Multiple users can share their web-cams at the same time. There is no built-in limit on

the number of simultaneously active web-cams on BigBlueButton. With the free version of AnyMeeting, 200

participants is the limit. Both systems support voice conferencing. Participants need speakers or headpho-

nes, cameras and microphones to join in meetings. It is possible to record meetings (slides + audio + chat)

for later uses. For AnyMeeting it is also possible to schedule a meeting and send emails to invite people

or to remind people of the meeting. Participants can join in on a call or a meeting via land line or mobile


Both kinds of software allows broadcasting desktop screens, upload PDF

presentations, share ofce documents and to use the zoom function. During

a BigBlueButton meeting you can use the whiteboard function to make no-

tes. Participants can digitally raise their hands to ask for their turn.

Skype and other commercial tools contain several risks for union members

and activists. It is not recommended to use these tools when collabo-

rating with colleagues from repressed countries. Be careful when using

these instruments. Use nick names for example, avoid sharing risky infor -

mation and use simple encryption. BigBlueButton is not privately owned and

it can run only on Mac, UNIX, and open source and free operating systems. This makes it safer for unionactivities. There are several alternatives to BigBlueButton and AnyMeeting. There are Yugma, WebEx,

Freebinar, Vyew, Mikago, Dim Dim, Fuze Meeting, GoToMeeting, Open Meetings, and Zoho.

1. Create a Skype or AnyMeeting account for yourself and invite people in your email

group, or Facebook or Google+ friends to do the same

2. Have several experimenting meetings with local colleagues on Skype or AnyMeeting

and then try to arrange bilingual meetings with colleagues from another country

3. Use your email list or social network links to schedule and plan these meetings

4. Keep records of proceedings and save the meetings for later evaluation and reporting

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Production Mapping is a method through which employees collectively gather knowledge about

their workplace and their own role in the production process. This method assumes that workers have the

latest and most detailed information on the production process because they are the most important part of

this process. Local groups from different provinces or countries can use production mapping to strengthen

their collaboration. By having online meetings, workers are able to share and analyse any information theycollect through production mapping. Online tools make it possible to analyse any information collected from

different plants of multinationals located in different countries. Where there are different languages involved,

help from a translator is necessary during these meetings.

Online production mapping needs be planned carefully and should include the following steps:

• There should be an agenda for the meeting and key information should

be spread to all participants in advance

• Translators should be arranged and all participants should have accessto necessary software and hardware (microphones, head phones and


• All participants should be registered to the particular program that is

being used

1. Before the meeting everyone should be signed in at Skype and be on-

line. They need to be available for calls. The host of the particular meeting

should start calling people to join the meeting one by one. After the meeting

has begun, the participants should shortly introduce themselves

2. During the meeting participants can share any information they have collected from their respective

workplaces by sending photos, videos etc. The meeting can start with a short presentation using apps of

screen share or white board (to be downloaded as described above). Local maps can be displayed for

others or a new map comparing any plants concerned (global chain) can be drawn collectively.

The term Blog is short for ‘web log’ . It is an informal news site published on the internet by one person

or a small group. It can also function as a website and is often themed on a certain subject. It consists of

‘posts’ typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so the most recent one appears rst..

The same logic goes for Micro-blogging, be it with less amount of text.

Micro-blogging is also seen as “the SMS of the Internet.” Blogging as well as micro-blogging can be

used by union activists to spread information about events in their workplaces or experiences in internati-

onal solidarity networks. Blogging or micro-blogging can disseminate the results of solidarity projects, can

share news and can spread records of proceedings in local networks.

Online ‘mapping’ groups

Bottom-up publishing

for knowledge dissemination

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The distinction between blogs and websites is less evident since the existence of tools such as Word-

Press, Joomla, and Blogger etc. These programs make it easier to build and manage websites without

advanced computer skills. Anyone with an account can use the ‘dashboard’ or ‘control panel’ to add posts,

polls, forms, chat facilities, news-feeds, forums and can even change the way the blog looks, once he/she

attained an admin role.

WordPress is an open source free software. The blog is the most exible and innovative one of all.

With WordPress, it is possible to create a section of the website that can be managed by users in

possession of the password only. This enables the possibility to have private discussions. It is also

possible to link your blog to your social network accounts. In this way, whenever you post some-

thing new on your blog it will be directed to any other network account you are linked to.

Twitter  is an online micro-blogging service that enables users sending and reading text-based posts of

up to 140 characters known as “tweets”. Twitter was created in 2006 and rapidly gained worldwide popu-

larity. By the end of 2011, over 300 million users generated 300 million tweets a day with an average of 1.6

billion search queries. Twitter does not require downloading any software. One simply need to register to a

Twitter website.

Using Twitter-like tools we are able to share information on the spot, which ma-

kes it a potentially large independent news channel for activists.

Use “hashtags” to cover certain events or negotiations and communicate on

campaigns and activities to colleagues. This way collegues in other countries

as well as people in our local networks are up to date. It is also possible to send

and receive text SMS via Twitter.

Other micro-blogging tools are: Friendfeed, Identi.ca, and Thimbl. Identi.ca is anopen source tool. Thimbl is freely distributed software and makes it the safest


1. Go to http://www.wordpress.com and start a test blog by clicking ‘Start a Blog’.

2. Choose a name for your blog and work on its design using the dashboard.

3. Write or collect texts, photos or videos about your activities and post them on your blog

4. Connect your blog to your accounts on Facebook and Twitter so your posts are directedto those sites as well.

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 All the tools we reviewed are available in the major languages. This means that most union members andactivists are able to use Skype, AnyMeeting, Facebook, Twitter, or blog tools in their own language. It is,

however, necessary to think of solutions for language problems while online networking internationally. We

have already mentioned several possibilities above.

 An additional possibility when using Skype is downloading Clown Fish to translate messages during a chat

conversation. Starting Clown Fish while logged in on Skype, the programme will automatically start transla-

ting the messages send and received.


1. Go to http://twitter.com, create a Twitter account and invite people in

your network to do the same.

2. Search for your union, colleagues and friends, and ‘follow’ them

3. Check the ‘followers’ and ‘following’ lists of the people you ‘follow’ to

extend your network

4. Write short texts about your union activities and ‘tweet’ them on yourprole, ‘re-tweet’ the ‘tweets’ you nd interesting and want to spread

Translationand Interpretation

Download Clown Fish: http://clown-sh-translator.com and try to use it

on Skype

For other tools mentioned above, it is possible to usewebsites such as Ortsbo. Ortsbo is a web-based service

that does not require downloading any special software.

 Also, there is no need to register on the Ortsbo website.

However, your computer does need to run on the Microsoft

Silverlight programme in order to use Ortsbo. It works on

all operational systems and Ipad, Iphone, Blackbarry and

 Android mobile devices. The service is a “live” translation

tool such as Clown Fish. It translates to over 50 languages

and works with Facebook chat, Google Talk, MSN Messen-

ger, and Yahoo Messenger accounts. When using Google

Talk it is possible to use Google Translator for translation.

BigBlueButton has its own integrated translation program-


 All the tools mentioned above enable interaction between

people speaking different languages. Google and iPhone

are currently working on a live interpretation tool. Until this

tool becomes operational there are several things we can

do to improve communication.

 A simple solution would be including interpreters in the

conference calls, meetings and online seminars. This can

Go to http://www.ortsbo.com and

follow the instructions to link your Fa-

cebook chat with Ortsbo online trans-

Go to http://translate.google.com/ 

and translate your emails in any lan-

guage. Cut the email text and paste it

on the rst box, choose the languages

for the original text and your languagefor the second box on the right, then

click translate.

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be done via computers, land lines, ordinary mobile

phones, smart phones or tablets. When planned well, it

is possible to have a conversation in three or four lan-

guages. Yet it is wise to form bilingual groups to decrease

the level of complexity. Union experts or executives can help

nding interpreters.

Privacy- and security risks could be extremely high when doing online union work and activism.

The global tendency towards more control and surveillance by governments and corporations, and rapid

development of the technology in this eld is alarming. The capacity of employers and governments to spy

on employees and activists is much higher today.

Threats for union activists and organised workers vary for the legal context in countries. These can vary

from losing reputation, getting red, a low chance to nd another job or even being jailed or killed. We

therefore have to nd a good balance between potential benets and risks.

We must balance openness, connectivity and safety when working with online tools.

The degree of protection or security needed is different in each

country, in each sector and even in the different workplaces. But

we might not need an equal degree of openness at every level of


It is important to stay on the safe side and consider all the possibi-

lities. In any case, it is necessary to be aware of the legal context

of a country, of our own rights and those of our colleagues.

 Also, it is important to realise what it is exactly that we want to

achieve with the used tools. We must use nicknames and fake

accounts when security is incertain. We must avoid sharing anysensitive information that can give away our or our colleagues’ real

identities. We can use simplied language and replace names of worplaces, cities, etc.

Participation and Opennessversus Security and Privacy

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In June 2010, a group of young union members and unionists from the Netherlands participated in aninternational gathering in Turkey. The gathering was organised by TIE-Netherlands and a partner orga-

nisation from Turkey. Around 200 young unionists and work-oor activists came together to network and

exchange their experiences. Other participants were from Russia, Belarus, Brazil, South Africa and Turkey.

The example below is constructed based on the real experiences we had during and after this gathering.

During the meetings and workshops interpreters translated ve different languages. Bilingual ex-

change groups were formed in which one interpreter facilitated the communication. During the brakes in-

terpreters rested. English speaking participants helped others to communicate. There were cases in which

participants could engage in conversations about various topics including their union work without sharing acommon language but instead using Google Translator .

 After the event, names, telephone numbers, and email addresses were exchanged. From this gathering a

solidarity group emerged in order to build a campaign to support the UPS workers resisting in Izmir. The

Dutch group launched a local campaign back in the Netherlands. Relationships were developed via Internet

and mobile phones.

Brazilian, Dutch, Russian, Turkish and Belarusian colleagues formed a Facebook group. They decided

to use Ortsbo to chat. Facebook’s own translation function helped them to maintain ba-

sic communication to stay in touch as well as traditional tools like emails and SMS. They

formed a Google Group and added all the email addresses to form a mailing list. This way

a sustainable communication channel for the network could be maintained. For the transla-

tion of emails they used Google Translator.

Some of the workers for automobile factories in Russia, Belarus and Brazil decided to

develop closer communication by creating a space for systematic information exchange.

They wanted to share information they gained through exchanges on the local

level with friends at factories and with their unions.

The Russians, Belarusians and Brazilians did not speak eachothers’ languages which was a barrier to be overcome in

their communication. It was an advantage however that

Belarusian and Russian colleagues could communi-

cate in Russian.

1. In case of high risk, use nick names when creating accounts and proles

2. Learn about free and open source software and prefer to use these kind of tools

3. Do not share important or sensitive information publicly online

4. Make sure that you handled your Privacy Settings carefully and consciously

Exampleof using social media

during international exchanges between unionists

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Using Facebook and an email list they agreed to organise Skype meetings to

talk face to face. They created Skype accounts and added each other to their

contact lists. Since the regimes in Russia and Belarus were oppressive, col-

leagues from these countries decided to use nicknames when opening their

Skype accounts. They all downloaded Clown Fish and used it on Skype for chat translation. They used

cameras and microphones to be able to have voice and video conferences. The basic bilingual group was

formed and it was ready to organise regular meetings. 

 As a next step they set up an discussion agenda. Next they scheduled a meeting after taking into account

the differences between local time in the different countries. And they invited someone to interpret between

Russian and Portuguese during the calls. This person was a Portuguese linguistic student living in the US.

They called him before the meeting. The call was made over a land line, this way it did not cost him any-


During the meetings participants made notes of conversations and there was someone keeping the records

of proceedings. After several experimental meetings real meetings were set up.

The group formed a blog and posted these results on the blog

whenever important results came up and these were needed to

be shared and spread,. They linked the blog to their Facebook

and Twitter accounts so that the information could be spread

within their local networks as well. They made sure that neither

Russian and Belarusian governments nor the employers could

identify individuals and learn about the process.

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KeywordsApp  Short for Application Software

Download  Receiving les from the Internet into your computer

Hardware  Hard and material parts of the tools and devices we use

Installation  Putting software or hardware on your computer IRC  A protocol for real-time internet text messaging (Instand Relay Chat).

LogIn/Signin  Conrming your user name and password to start a program

Open Source Software of which source code is open to all other computer programmers’ use

Register/Signup Opening an account on any service providing software

Software  Computer program written with special algorithms called code

Upload Sending les from your computer to internet

Webinar Online seminar 

Wiki Collective online content creation tool or website

Online sociale netwerken van FNV:

FNV Panel  https://www.fnvpanel.nl

Mijn FNV B  https://www.fnvbondgenoten.nl/lidmaatschap/mijn_fnv/online_proel

Job Circle  http://www.jobcircle.nl

FNV Bouw Vakbond 3.0  http://bouw.fnv.net/activityFNV Opdebouwplaats  http://opdebouwplaats.fnv.net

Abvakabo Virtueel Kantoor   http://abvakabo.wbofce.nl/ofce/info/?

FNV IS groep op Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/125057527563370

Facebook  http://www.facebook.comGoogle+  https://plus.google.com

Unionbook  http://unionbook.org

MySpace  http://www.myspace.com

Diaspora  https://joindiaspora.com

N-1  https://n-1.cc

Crabgrass  http://crabgrass.riseuplabs.org

 Yahoo Groups  http://groups.yahoo.com

Google Groups https://groups.google.com


InternationalSocial Networks

Email lists

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Skype  http://www.skype.com

Google Talks http://www.google.com/talk

MSN Messenger   http://explore.live.com/messenger

 Yahoo Messenger   http://messenger.yahoo.com

Skype  http://www.skype.com

BigBlueButton  http://www.bigbluebutton.org

AnyMeeting  http://www.anymeeting.com

 Yugma  https://www.yugma.com

Freebinar   http://www.freebinar.com

Vyew  http://vyew.comMikago  http://www.mikogo.com

Dim Dim  http://www.dimdim.com

Fuze Meeting  http://www.fuzemeeting.com

GoToMeeting  http://www.gotomeeting.com

Open Meetings  http://www.openmeetings.de

Zoho  http://www.zoho.com/meeting

Wordpress  http://www.wordpress.com

Blogger   http://www.blogger.com

Squarespace  http://www.squarespace.com

TypePad  http://www.typepad.com

Joomla  http://www.joomla.org

Twitter   http://twitter.com

Friendsfeed  http://friendfeed.com

Identica  http://identi.ca

Thimbl  http://www.thimbl.net

Clown Fish  http://clownsh-translator.com/

Google Translator   http://translate.google.com/

Ortsbo  http://www.ortsbo.com/

Web Conferencing




Chat Translation

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Pirate Pad http:/piratepad.net

Titan Pad http:/titanpad.com

Ether Pad http:/etherpad.org

 YouTube  http://www.youtube.com

Vimeo  http://vimeo.com

Flickr   http://www.ickr.com

Picasa  https://picasaweb.google.com

Turtle  http://www.turtle4privacy.org/new

Bambuser   http:/bambuser.com

Ustream  www.ustream.tv

Livestream  www.livestream.com

Mumble  http://www.mumble.comFreenode IRC  http://webchat.freenode.net

Tor/Onion  https://www.torproject.org

Media sharing

Security and Privacy


Contact:  Marten van den Berge

Email: [email protected]

Adress: Marius van Bouwdijk

Bastiaansestraat 56

  1054 SP Amsterdam

Website: http://www.tie-netherlands.nl/

Facebook: Tie netherlandsUnionbook: Tie netherlands

Twitter:  TIENetherlands


networg.wordpress.comContact:  Örsan Şenalp

Email:  [email protected]




Prepared for  TIE-Netherlands

by Networganisation

Translation: Tessa Marsman

Design:  Sanne van den Berge

mei 2012 Amsterdam

Colloborative Pads

Live streaming

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may 2012, Amsterdam
