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New Store. iwWs. Bowers Hurst,...building is a spacious room for--work tud for the storage of...

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building is a spacious room for- - work tud for the storage of clothing. Altogether there are eighteen separate l'OOniS 1U this extensivn hnitinpcR hniiKA and they are all abundantly stocked with the newest and best things in the various branches of manufacture which they rep- resent. Fire buckets hang at convenient and accessible places in every part of the building, so that in case of emergency the employees could readily form themselves into a fire brigade. The pay roll of the nousa numbers 28; and on Saturday niglit anu lfusy dayjs ihqre it anauxiliary corps of 10 Balesmen, 'students at Franklin & Marshall college. The clothing and trunk departments are under the charge of Mr. S. S. Martin, an affable aad popular young gentlemen, wniiss ir. wmiam wail, for merly with Strawbndgo & Clothier, of Philadelpaia, looks after the gents' fur- nishing goods, also a great specialty with this house. Fair dealing, an exclusively one price standard, an honest and reliable quality of goods at the lowest market prices, kind and courteous attention to patrons, aietlio ruling characteristics at this popular tstaSbljfthmentroCr' Williamson fc Foster ; and thrso, joined with a liberal use of punter's ink in advertising, have nerved to bring the house forward to tne honorable and conspicuous place it occu- pies in the trade of the city. mm More Kino Millinery. Mrs. A. W. Wcikel elsewhere adver- tises a fine stock' of 'millinery and trim- mings at.fceV store, 'No. S8 North Queen street, where the visitor is invited to in- spect an assortment which comprises all the leading styles of dress and promenade hats, and where customers are ansured of speedy and satisfactory attention in the tilling of o:ders and the lowest prices for which the goods can be sold. Children's school and dress hats also constitute an impoitant feature of Mrs. Wcikei's large anrt elegant stock, while human hair goods is made a specialty, a full line being kept constantly on hand and all kiud of hair work done at lowest prices. ? f T . - j. t ,HomttAsUm. Mr. C'nis Oorvte-ba- s arrived at Lancaster Horn Lexington and Tails, Kentucky, with twenty liciul et extra flue driving-- , saddle and coacli horses. They arc at tlie stubles formerly kept liy Kc.k x llro., rear el City Hotel, ltd ' Independent six " Kail. On Monday night nn organization styling themselves the ' Independent Six," will give a grand May hop in West End hall, where a pleasant tlnih is asMited to all who attend. It is expected that the attendance will be largo, theurrangcmctitsure in the hands el compe- tent eomniittcovund nll,'caro,w (11 1fe 'taken to make itn success. . $j , fi f U.trniini'H Cheap Excursion to Keadlnir on Tuesday, May 9, excursion tickets at half fare will lie sold Irani all stations on tlio Heading,!: olimibl.i lailroad, good to go on the early moniin- - train and to return on any train during, the day. For particulars see cii eulars at ail stations. . 1 Insurance Companies the Difference. Now tliat the graveyard insurance com- panies are helng wiped out, the public should know the dltlcicncc between tlieui and the U. U. Mutual Aid bociety or Pennsylvania. This society was chaitcred by n special act of the Slate LeifUUilute. Marcli 11, 1SS9. Its charter Is peculiar and grants it special Important pi Ivileges. In 1873 ti-- state created the oflice of Coiiimi-sionc- r el Insnntnceanil a Commis- sioner was appointed. In 187C the State Legis- lature cnacUd n general insniance law, pro- viding ter the oiganization of or assessment life insurance companies. Un- der this gcneiiil law the numerous graveynrd companies Iliac been organized and done their diity work. A Jittlc observation will thow very p'lafnjy that tbe'bVBl Mutual Aid Society el Pennsylvania, vrnt In a flourishing condition long betorc the olllce et Insurance Commissioner was created, and still longer before the general law inder which the grave- yard companies weie organized was enacted. It will also be noticed liyiiu ,ixaminution el the charter .olthc U. '!., tliat itm" rights, powers and privileges nra?inu::h greater than arc securcd'to the companies chartered under the general law et 1S7C, anil tliat the state au- thorities have no power to disturb It so long as It compiles with the requirements of its chatter, which It has always done, aad hence la not incladcdjtamoiig the 213 companies against which the comtulssion'cr has instituted proow'dingsritli'a vtew to closing them up. 1H AfEVlAL. XUT1VES. Files and Itugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bug- s, rats, mice gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Bough on Bals." lSe. Lunos convulsed by cough can be soothed with Hale's Honey et Horchouud and Tar. Fikc's Toith'ichc Drojis cure m one minute How j oung soever you way be, -- Willi tailing teeth, you're grim "and old ; And losing your mouth's purity, Your features seem both dull and cold. Then man or maid, warned of your tate, SeefcSOZODOXT, e'er It's too late. DEATHS. I.irroiT. In this city, on the soth of April, lS32,altlic Lancaster Countv Ilot-l,Ea- King Htreet. Carolina, wile of Prof. C. W. Lippott,ln the 39ih year et her age. Notice of luncral hereafter, it v;ir advertisemenis TUESH ARRIVAL. OF UKNT'S FURNISH- - V IXG Good?, Shirting and other Calicoes, List colors, nt five ntulsixcentsperyard. only. Hosiery, Notions, etc , cheaper than ever at It ECU! OLD'S, ltd No. J.2 North Queen Street. ANTED. A GOOD KITCHEN GIRL w Apply at No. 2--2 East King street. lt IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU TCKEKT'M good eating .Apples, )rngi, Binanas. Lancaster County Head -- Salad and irc?h Vegetables of all kinds ; choice Oysters-- ; iresh Deviled Crab. ltd No. 129 EAST KING STUEET. lOTATE ANU COUNXT-TAJ- C T CJ r-- The duplicate et-h- e eastwards having, been placed in the hands of the undersigned lor collection, he will receive the same on and atter MAY 1st at his store, No. 11 North Queen street, i tier ent. abatement for prompt nay uicnt. ltd J 8. W. UAUB. PUKI.ICSALKOFHORSKSUN MONDAY, stables, Market street, rear et the McGrann House, Lancaster. 1'a., 20 head of Canada Horses. Among these nre heavy boned lecders and several fine drivers. One Gray Horse can trot In three minutes and well broke. Sale to com- mence at 1 o'clock. A credit et GO days will be given. iltdI "pAXIKjL LOGAN A S THROtTutTXIFE STOP BY THE WAYAJp -- " " BUY'YOUE r- - FAIfCY CAKES, 'CANDIEifatTdBlJTTOJi HOLE B0DQ.UETS AT BOLLINGER'S, ap29- - No. 150 XOUTII QUEEN ST. I ICE. THE I'ARTMKRSHIP HEKE-toio- re NO existing between John K. Iieed and Amos 8. Henderson, under the name nnd style et Uccd &.Hendewefi,lnBbeendlaeolvcd by the death oKJnbnKl Jteert. - I ( f . ;i The undersigned wl'carryBOitliojbnlnes8 of Panking in alHtsllrAnehea.nt XoJU Worth Queen btrcet, nnder'tne-nSm- e Ot A. S. Hen- derson. Banker, and will also close up the affairs et the firm of Reed A Henderson. AUatit HKMDERSON. Lancaster, Pai, April t9,;i8St- - - I 'S t yj n ltd "VTOTICK TO C.ROCKR4 XI UUXUEUS WHl-MA- d our stock of Satchel and Plain Bottom PAPER BAGS, PAPEUJ1AG3, that they can bo.7ntn1hadlafTliomo wkh a better bag at lpwer- - prices than Jeanjtofchad elsewhere. litrcIzo home.tiaflp n ISSe us a call. (i lit i iB.aTrI:OL PAPER BAG and FLOUR SXCK MANUFAC- TORY, 15K East King street, Over Bunk's Grocery. ltd DISCO ARUrl5 OF PUS FROM THE EAR A is the most striking symptoms In chronic suppuration or the middle tar. There can tion in this part withoiit.a perioral ion pit the. ii ii iiiiuvuil-b- i vma.u it ill ir.ai ! M:paniin All dlaeaseoT the eyewear and throat ncrnia- - tiAnlltrniiwul hi' lll6 IT fl nnl If a t vm AKKIC. Oflice 13 Kant Wulnut slreer.Lanca?- - icr. onbu.iaiion ncf. upu;-3tax- v rOHN a. GIVIER ft CO.8 ADVKKTISEMENT. No. 25 S. WE If SATURDAY ANU April 29th and Mavlet BOCK BEE a will be kept on tap at the brewery and by my customers. Ho ! ter a good glass of Bock Boer. C28-2- t C. KOEHLER. OFFICE CANAL. COM- - VJ panv, corner et Lexington and Davis streets, Baltimore, April 28, 188i Notice is ncreuy given mat a general meeting oi me stockholders oftliis company will be at the office, In Baltimore, on MONDAY, M AY 8, 1882, at 1 o'clock, p m for the election or offi- cers anu managers ter the ensuing year. The transfer books will be closed on 291(1 Inst., and remain closed until alter the election. By order KOBEUT D. BltOWX, a28-8t-d Treasurer. 1UH tt MARTIN. H AT Just received per " British Grown " another in-voi- oe of WHITE and in Table, Hotel and Ware, Wares if not We have added to stock a line of PAPER WARE. & 15 EAST KING FITTING, C. P. No. 27 South DONE ONLT BY SKILLFUL AND CAKKKUL WORKMEN'. LAltGK STOCK OF GAS ON HAND. Jan2S-lyd- S KUEK'S. 8. w Fine and Hair Store, Just received from and aflnelot of Millinery and Hair Goods, which wUl be sold at bottom prices at No. 47XOUTII QUEEN STREET, Where he still continues business, and has employed the best and most artistic hands In botu brandies, it being one of tne oldest and most reliable In the City of Lancaster, and wnerc no pains will be spared to please the people. 4V PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. a22-3td- VEW MILLINERY STORE. (Late of 47 North Queen St.), HAS OPENED A PIKE WEST KING ST., (Snyder's Old Stand), Where site will be pleased to have her friends, customers and the public in general patronize her. COMBINGS MADE INTO SWITCHES nt 25c. per oz. A large variety of hair work on hand. Millinery and Hair Work done at reduced prices. Crepe done over like new. Feathers cleaned, curled and dyed. The Latest Novel- ties is et Hats. Flowers, Feathers. &c. Please the give me a call. rt TINE No. 38 My many friends and patrons are respect- fully invited to call and examine my OF OOXPBISIJta AU. TBI LKADIUQ 8TYT.B8 TOR DRESS and HATS. LADIES can have their orders lUlod in much less time than they have been accustomed to elsewhere. 49Pleasc call and examine my goods and prices without obligation to purchase WH. B. The Largest and Finest Stock of IN THIS CITY. A lull line of Always on hand, anl an kinds et HA1K WOBK done at th'! LOWEST 'PRICES at i NO. 38 ST., vV PA. SATURDAY 29, HEW OPEN TODAY An Immense Stock of New Dress Goods at New Prices, NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT LOWEST PRICES. JOHN BAST KING JNO. GIV1.ER. ADVERTISEMENTS. LION BRKWKKY.-O- N SUSQUEHANNA SATURDAY, lite Gramie fare CHINA HALL. steamship GRANITE PORCELAIN Chamber exchanged satisfactory. JAPANESE High Martin, STREET "PLUMBING, JOHN SCHADM, Queen Street. Hniiil3ingt6asfltting FIXTURES Millinery PHILADELPHIA NEWTOKK, PETER WEBER'S, establishments Miss LIZZIE WEBER, IHlirF ana Triraii btore, AtNo20 MILLINERY. Mrs-LW-Weike- l, NORTH QUEEN STBEET. PINE STOCK Millinery Tnmmmgti PROMENADE CIlILDBE2r'8 School and Dress Hats Human Hair Goods fa WJME'S, NORTH QUEEN LANCASTER, ANCASTEkiPHLY INTELUGENCER APRIL 1882. AnTXRTI8T.mr.STS. WILL S. GIVLER & CO. STREET, LANCASTER, PENNA. N IIRY GOODS STORE. saw Ajtrj!.icrisic3iJsxiH. New Store. iwWs. Low Prices. Bowers & Hurst, (Formerly et Glvler. Bowers & Hurst, et Xo. 35 East King street.) HAVING OPENED AT 129-13- 1 North Queen Street, ubtwke:,- - oranue street and r. n. B. depot. WITH AN ENTIRE MW STOCK OF DRY GOODS and NOTIONS! Invite their friends and customers to call at their new place, where they will find an elegant assortment or NEW GOODS, which we offer at extremely low prices. We offer bargains in Prints, Giughams, Sheeting and Shiiting Muslins, Table Linens, Towels, &c. Wo offer a great bargain in Black silk. We call special attention to our $1.00 quality. Wc oiler the best makes of all wool Black Cashmeres extremely low. We bell an elegant all wool Black Cashmere at 40c. and 60c. per yatd. An elegant line line of Colored Silks at 73c. per yard. We show an elegant line of New Dress Goods in latest styles. Gicat Bargains in Ladies', Children's and Gent's Hosiery. Wo sell best $1.00 Unlaundiied Shirt in th city. Call and see them, Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and Boys GOSSAMER WATERPROOFS; best quality at lowest paiccs. Pleas.0 c.;ll and see us in our new room, which is the lightest store room in city. No trouble to see what you are buying. W.'B. BOWERS, LINN TVILLSON- - F HOUSEFURNISHING. BARGAINS IN LA VN 310 WEBS, Ii Alt GAINS IN BABY CARRIAGES, HA RGA INS IN ItEFRIGERATORS, BARGAINS IN WATER COOLERS, BARGAINS IN CROQUET SETS, BARGAINS IN FISHING TACKLE, AND GREAT BARGAINS IN GARDEN TOOLS, GAS AND COAL OIL CHANDELIERS, And THE LADIES' FRIEND CARPET SWEEPER, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. FUNN & WILLSON, 152 North Queen Street. SIGN OF THE TWO BIG DOGS.l LANCASTER, PA. Plumbing, Gas-Filli-ng, Tin-Roof- ing and Spouting Specialties. AVI'. YOU SEEN OUR KlVV FACTORY H E. held our GAS the the NOEBECK & MILEY'S Old Reliable Coach Works, CORNER OF DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, Enlarged, Improved, Rebuilt. Wc manufacture ami tire prepmed to lurnUu all the Latest Patterns et BUGGIES, PIAETOIS, CAEBIAGES, &c. And especially t!ie veiy latest tliat wonder et the age- - the SHIFTING -- SEAT EXTENSION-TO- P PHAETON. Also the MoOall & Dayton LIGHT BUSINESS WAGON. Finished up in plain wood and best style, with Shifting Seals and Tops to suit convenience. 4-- employ none but the bus t nnd most practical workmen, and OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WOIID ! A'EW AHT&RT1SEMHXTB. PHILADELPHIA IUJ Bock Beer on lap to night at AliNOLUHASS ltd Northern Market Hotel. - A U11CI. S WAMW. to assist in care et children. Apply at No. 413 NOIiTH DUKK STREET. ltd OCKTURTLK'SOUP 1.UNCU TO-lH- T M at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL. ltd No. North Muibeiry Street. riCTHUIUVS PAINT SHOP, UNDER THE VT Schiller House. 'o.'J&J North Queen St., where tl.o very bent of Painting ami Urainini; done liy skilled mechanic, and none but best material ltd iRARn " Five Insurance Company OKPHILADKLPIA. Assets over Eleven Hundred Thou-- -' iw sand. Dollars, securely invested. For a policy ir this old and w company call on RIFE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. dSM.WRXS R. MARTIN St CO. OtTlt LINE OF Carputs and Wall Papers IS NOW COMPLETE. CARPETS IN EVERY GRADE, BODY BRUSSELS, MOQUETTE, VELVET, TAPESTRY, VENITIAN and INGRAIN CARPETS, ALL IN ELEUANT PATTERNS, AT LOWEST PRICES. 49We have our own Upholsterer, and do all Carpet and Window Sliado Work at lower prices than elsewhere. All work guaranteed. WALLPAPERS. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. Wc show the Largest Line lor selection, and our prices are the lowest. GOLD. BRONZES, FLATS.M1CAS, BLANKS CEILING WORK A SPECIALTY. The Designs Work are furnished by a Philadelphia .Frefccoe Painter, and are en- tirely differenttlrom any work ever before done in this city. Experienced Paper Hangers furnhhed. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER. PA. GEO. F. RATHYON. HERVEY N. HURST. PA. NEW Alt rJBRTISEMENTS. AND SKK OUR HANDSOM K, GOOD, CALL and reliable Parlor Suits, Walnut and Painted Chamber Suits. An Immense stock of all kinds of Furniture, etc . at HOFFMEIEU'S, ltd No. 26 East Kinjj Street. QPK1NO HOUSECLEANINO. MOUSK- - O KEEPERS.it will be to your Interest to try a bottle et Excelsior Piano. Organ and Furniture. Polish. One trial will convince you of its merits. Manufactured by FRANK J. STEINUAUSER, ltd S07 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. MKKTINO OF THE SUN ASPKCIAL Engine and Hose Company-No- . 1, will be held at their hall on Monday evening. May I, at 7:30 sharp. Every member is requested to be present, ltd .1. G. T1IACKARA, Secretary. KXT DOOR TO THK N COURT HOUSE. FAHNEST0CK. Our store is now stocked fall et NE W Dry Goods! AMONGST WHICH WILL DC FOUND MANY BAKGAINS, From recent Large Importers' Auction Sales HELD in NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA A'ew Goods Opened Daily A- T- PAMESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER. PA. THIRD EDITION SATTJBDAT EVBN'Q, APBH, 29, 1882. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. THE CHINESE BIIX IN THE HOUsE. Consideration of the Senate Amendment Deferred Until Monday Tne Peruvian Inquiry Gen. Chalmem Ousted. Washington, April 29. In the House a message from the Senate announced the passage by that body with amendments of tne Moose bill to execute certain treaty stipulations relating to the Chinese. Mr. Page, of California, moved concurrence Jo lite Senate amendment?; Mr. Hooker,of Ml&fUttpjrf, objected oo the ground that it was not wtoa legislation to act upon such an important ineasuyo w;tbQUt something being given to consider the amendments. Mr. Page then obtained an order for the pjiuting of the bill and amendments, and Cave n?uco uai no woiim its ior ineir consideration Oil Monday . A resolution was adopted authorizing the committee on foreign affairs to send a to New York for the pur. pose of examining witnesso) in the Chili-Per- u investigation. The House then resumed the considera- tion of the Mississippi contested election case of Lynch vs. Chalmers and the previous question having been orderded Mr. Calkins, of Indiana took the floor to close the debate. Mr. Calkins spoke for nearly two hours and was frequently applauded by his party, friends. In conclusion he received tie benefits granted to the colored people by the Republican party and assured that people that the party would continue to educate tbem, and standing by them in each advancing step in civilization would invoke God's blessing upon them atd their children. The conclusion of his speech was greeted with loud and long continued applause on tne Republican side and in the galleries, in which a large number of colored men were assembled. The vote was then taken on the resolu- tion of the minority of the committee ou elections declaring Chalmers entitled to retain his scat. This was leiected veas 104, nays 125 a party vote. There were about thirty pairs announced on this vote. The resolution declaring Lynch entitled a to the seat was adopted yeas 125, nays 83. Lynch was then sworn in. The Peruvian Investigation. Washington, April 29. The House having adopted a resolution this morning authorizing the committee ou foreign affairs to soud a sub commitee to New York to take testimony in the pending Chili-Per- u investigation. Chairman Will- iams has designated the following named gentlemen to constitute the sub commit- tee : Representatives Kasson, Bunnell, Wilson and Belmont. TKE IN vTINNIrKO. Largo Bulldlnj; Destroyed Several Narrow Escapes ana one Life Supposed to be Lost. Winnipeg, Min., April 29. A fire hero yesterday destroyed the building owned by Jehu Robertson and occupied by the Im- perial bank, Gilmonr's grocery, the law 2 offices of Sculver, Aiken & Hamilton and several other offices. The loss is $60,000. The building is insured for $14,000, the Im- perial bank for $20,000, Gilmonr for $50,-00- 0, Aiken, Sculver & Hamilton for $30,-00- 0 in various companies. The fire was caused by the explosion of a coal oil lamp which fell from the hands of a man occupying sleeping apartments on the second floor. He was seriously burned and was also injured by jumping through a window. Other persons sleep- ing on the third floor were rescued with difficulty. Ono man is reported missing, and it is believed that be has been bnrucd to death. StIOIJOY MILL UU1CNKU. A Thirty Thousatad Dollar Ulazo In Phil- adelphia. 2 do Philadelphia, April 29. Firo broke out shortly after two o'clock this morning in the shoddy mill of Casey & White, a four-stor- y brick building on Sophia street, below Edward. The first floor was occu- pied by Jacob Maurer, dealer in wastr, who sustained a loss of $4,000 ; insured for $1,500 iu the Lebanon mutual. The three , upper floors were occupied by Joseph Weiss, furniture manufacturer, and his L. loss is placed at $13,000. The flames ex- tended across an alley to another building N. on the south, entailing a loss of $4,000 on Isaac Cassin & Co., machinists, and $6,000 on Rohrcr & Knocll, furniture manufac- turers. The damage to the building was $5,000, makiiie the total loss $32,000. Both buildings were owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Rect and were insured for $15,000. LOST IN A CiALK. A Ship Goes Down on the New England Coast. Plymouth, Mass., April 29. Collector 11. S. H. Doteu has received information from the life saving station at Mariomet in re- gard to the chest reported as found yes- terday that leaves little doubt that a ves- sel must have been lost, with all ou board, near this coast in the storm of Thursday. The chest when opened showed teveral articles of clothing, outer and underwear with small ai tides usually carried by seamen. On the fly leaf of a testament was written the name of "Robinson B. Millbury, Hampton." There was also a watch chain with an acorn for a charm- - Iu a memo- randum on was the entry, "April 5th 1882. Shipped in the Ana for $15 per month," also a piece of manuscript poetry. Signed it. "Isaiah Millbury." The surfmen also picked up during the day pieces of panel work of the cabin finish and a barrel of flour, the contents being only slightly wet. RACING IN THE THAMES. Gookln Wins am Xss Victory. ' London, April 29. A race took place on the Thames today between Bohear and Gookiu, of Boston, Mass., IT. S. A. et It was for 100 and was over the cham- pionship course, from the Aqueduct to "The Ship" at Mortlake Gookin to wiu to come in over ten seconds before Bobear. Tho betting was two to one on Gookin. It was raining when the race in was rowed. The wind was slightly in favor of the men. Tte.e was a ripple on the water and the tide was strong. Gookin led the start. At Hammersmith bridge, one mile and three-quarte- rs from the Aqueduct, Gookin was leading by five lengths and was rowing well. Ho won by twenty-fou- r and one-hal- f seconds. "STkaw bond." Another Faulty Indlctmant Quashed. Washington, April 29. Judge Wylie to-da- y considered the motion to quash made by counsel for the defense in the straw bond cases. The motion in the case of Miss Armstrong is based upon the same ground of misnomer which was allowed in Rerdell's case. After ar- gument Judge Wylie quashed the indict- ments against her and the prosecution gave notice of their intention to reindict her. Argument then proceeded in the case of Boone, who in addition to other things is charged with subornation of perjury. ' KUbourn's Bis Verdict Set Aside. Washington, April 29. In the circuit court to day Judge McArthur set aside the verdict for $100,000 damages recently ren- dered in the Kilbourn case for false im- prisonment, on 'the ground of excessive damages, and gave, each side 20 days in which to make further motions. TKCEGRAPHIC TAPS. - m , Klactria Wiraa. JS&!2U2t'"tm to Afninteen-year-oi- d girl, who refuses to VIVA ... fiAt nomn qtfAmtvInd .. Wl v .,vu,j,ltu, uusuccessiairr. to throw herself into the Schuylkill river Ex-.Cad- et Whittakcr fa in Chicago bant- ing work. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon thprn hA been no verdict is the Barr murder case ia Philadelphia. Soteldo to-da- y pleaded not guilty to the charge of murdering his brother ia Wash ingtan. Two more bodies hV hmn raiaail hn the river at Memphis, supposed to be Tic tims of the Golden City disaster. An affray took place between Martin Fi&herhart and Edward Carter, both col- ored, in Wllkesbarre this afternoon, in Which the latter was nrabahlr atallv in. jured, Hugh McGlinn, CO years old, was struck by a locomotive on Washington avenae; Philadelphia, this afternoon, and instantly killed. The land commissioners at Albany this morning considered the application of the standard oil company for land under water in the East river, between North 10th and North 11th streets, Brooklyn, E. WEATUEB INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, April 29. For the Middle Atlantic Rt.ltps. Wa.1 rains followed by clearing weatber.northwesterly iu, uiguer oaromeier, stationary or lower temperature. Worn Stopped on a Bis Contract. Victoria, B. C, April 29. The. local contractors for the dry dock here have suspended operations, and it is understood that they have abandoned the work. Large sums are due laborers and dealers here on account of the work. Not Bounded by Nationality. London, April 29. The Timet says that in appealing to the Czar on behalf of the Jews in Russia the American legation at St. Petersburg will speak for the heart of Europe as well as for the United States. Suspected of Incendiarism. Lebanon, Pa., April 29. Jacob Stager, farmer, was arrested last night on sus- picion of having set fire to the barn of Jefferson Light, on the night of April 26. Ho entered bail in $1,500. Dunder Out on Ball. Reading, Pa., April 29. Dunder, the defaulting was released from jail to-da- y on $10,000 bail. MAKKKTIt. fhlladelpbl Market. Philadelphia, April 29. Flour lirni hut dun; Kuperlinc. S3 75 ! 50; Extra. M 75 hm, uuiu unu inu.ina iatnuy, u aoai Zj: Penuu. do, 46 25&6 50. Kye Hour at (4 7535. Wheat Arm; No. 2 Weatern, $1 4401 4U; Pit. Kcd, l 441 47 ; do Amber, 91 47Q1 50. Corn dull und easier : Steamer, 83c ; Yel- low, SJ85c"; Mixed, 8381c ; No. 3 Mixed, Sic. Oats dnll and easier ; No. 1 White, 60c : No. do, B8i85!)c ; No. 3 do, C757Ko ; No. 2 Mixed, 56c. Kye scarce nt 91c. Provisions steady. Lnrd steady. Butter li nn and moderately active ; Cream-cr- y extra Pa., 3J34c ; do Western, 31Q32c; do good to choice, 2S03OC ; ii. C. St N. Y. extra, 2i ''e ; do firsts. 2527c ; .Vestern reserve ex- tra, 25c ; do good to elioice, 2024c. Kgg9 Ann with llgnt supply ; P., 17018c : Weatern, 1717c. . Cheese steady. c Petroleum dull ; Refined, 70. Whisky at $1 21 Seeds tfood to prime clover dull, new, 7 a 68c : do do Timothy nominal at 2702 75 : do Flaxseed scarce und wanted at (1 46. New ter Hsrsn. New ork, April 29. Flour State and Western dull, and prices without quotable change. Soutnern uull. Wheat uscttled ; opened i)i lower, subse- quently recovered und advanced a trifle ; No. Kcd. May. SI 47; do June, $1 47'XI T; July, $1 3201 32 ; do Augut,Sl 2al 24J. Corn a better anu lalrly active ; Mixed Western spot, 808c ; future, 8ejiQ82c. Oats scarcely be strong ; No. 2 May, 980 60Jc ; S.ate, I66le ; Western, 60364c. stksk nafm. New York, Philadelphia and Local Stocks also United States Bonds reported daily by Jaocb B. Lohq, ii North Queen street. April 10. 10:00 1:00 )!:. a. x. p. a. r.ic. L. ct 1. L. 1.. It..... ..... ....... .... .... 10 DeL, Lack-- . A Western 118 118 llSMi Denver Bio Grande 61 61Ji 6Ui Y.. Lake Krie A Western.... 35 c6 1 East Tenn, Vn. ft Georgia 11 Missouri. Kansas & Texas SO 30 29 Lake Shore Mich. Southern... 101 100 lOOM A.UU1SV nit; , HUSIIVIliC,. ..... 74 '. mm ' mtmU 47B New York Central 126 125 12ft:,. New Jersey Central (K Ctf OS ft Ontario A Western 25 25 35 Omaha Com...... 36 XC H Omaha Preferred 99 99 91S Pacific Mail Steamship Co.. 89 39 :; Chicago. Mil. St. Paul 111 111 lll' Texas Pacific 3J as?i 3iJi Wabash. Su uts ft Pacific. 28 aA "54 Western Union Tel. Co 82 81 81 Pennsylvania B. K 61 61 6) 11U1U 28 284 Bullalo Pitts, ft West at 15 11 Noithcrn Pacific Com 38 38 " Preferred. 77 77 77 fOLlTlVAL. FOK JUKI COUflllShlONEK. gUl'JKOT TO THE DECISION OF THK DKMOCRATIO COC25TV COMVXXTION. WILLIAM ELLMAKER, Ecrl Township. ISEV.IAMIN HUIIEK. 8th Ward. City. JEBOME li SIIULTZ, Elizabethtown. County Committee Meeting. The Democratic County Committee will meet at Shober's Hotel, this city, at 10 a. m., MONDAY, MAY 1, 1S82, to fix the time ior the County Convention and to transact such other business as may be brought before W. U. HEN3EL, Chairman. Lancaster, Pa., April 19, 1882. dftw JfElf ADVERTISEMENT. TTrrU'VE OOT 'J5JI. a THE HUMAN HAND OUT BONE 1 THE NORTON DOOR CHECK AND SPRING! JUST OUT, is one et the greatest Inventions the age. It prevents the slammingof doors most thoroughly and closes them automati- cally with more precision than can be done with hand. It not only shuts the door noise- lessly ut with such' easy n ess et action that the door itself cannot be Injured by any at- tempt to slam it. The invention can be seen operation at John Copland's. Jos. Cromer's and Amos Lee's, North Queen street, S. BOYD MARTIN, HAKRISBUUG, PA. Sole Agent lor Central Pennsylvania. OfKClAL. NOTICE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c. Preparatory to the change we will make la car business about MAYlOra, alter wblca date we propose to drop the retail and do STRICTLY A WHOLESALE BUSINESS. We are ottering soma good In nearly 6verr department at U BEAT BEuUCTIONb PKOM FORMEK PBICES. We propose to start la oar new business with NEW AND FEE3H GOODS. MAHT OF TBS WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c Wo are now offering so low are a little senfled or dull looking, but not a,t all Impaired In running qualities, and not wishing to offer them at public auction, we offer tbem in tbl way, ami fully guarantee the running of eveiy Watch and Clock thus sold, and bold oar-selv-es responsible for their performance for one year. E. F. BOWMAN, NO. 106 BAST KLNGt STRSET; ap2(Mmayl0dftItw JOmx WAHAMAKEJPS. I AT JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY: A little change on the Market-- street front, which is still on, and which we shall speak of witn more comtort when done, suggesst explanation. We have there all the branches of trade that put on what men and boys wear. We mean to have them neady set down there side bv side, with pleasant windows, spacious aisles, orderly arrange- ment of goods, and obliging at- tendants. Shoes have already been set right. Hats don't need any me. i ding. Clothing, for both men and boys, ready-mad- e and to measure, is about as well ar- ranged as wc know how to fix it. And. mnvbe. harnesses, sad dlery, trunks aud valises ought to be mentioned here. But that great medley of neck-wea- r, shirts, collars, cuffs, undercloth- ing, socks, gloves, handkerchiefs, suspenders, jewelry,etc a great medley, because every word stands for a multitude of things is being turned upside down, to the end that it may be seen to be, what it really is, one of the brightest collections of new things in the whole store ; ar- ranged, sorts of this together, and sorts of that together, so that a quick look through shall take in everything in order. This part of the store is open for business on Saturday even- ings till 9.30 o'clock. Market street front. 3,145 little antique tidies at quarter-valu- e, 12 to 25 cents ; little but fine. They spoil our own goods for a week, if they last so long. Black silk lace with colored-sil- k and gold threads running through it, for millinery, etc., 1 to 4 inches wide, 10 cents a yard, all alike. Was worth 75 cents to $1 last year. Black Spanish net of five pat- terns, 28 inches wide, 1 24 cents yard. Four of them are silk net, with cotton figures ; one is all-cotto- n. These are an odd pick-u- p in New York yesterday. First circle, southwest from centre. Parisian silk novelties for street dresses. We began to make a list of them ; but there are too many. Here are a tenth of them, judging from the piles on the shelves. They amount to about three hundred differ- ent styles. Buff loaUlnes embroiift red with leave and flowers ofblues, stone-and-faw- n, cream aad tell, blue-un- d Bull tanvtas daraasse witn sprigs ( blueand. wood, bronre-and-weo- garnetnd-wood- , myrtle-and-woo- d. brown-and-silve- r. But! taffetas with damasse globes, crescents and dots, of garnst and-woo- d, blueund-wood- , uiyrtla-andwoo- d, apblre-aiid-woo- d, bronse-and-wooi- l, brown nnd-woo- Satin and molre-antlquepek- stripes; bronze, drab, wood, bronze, etc., etc. Satin and molre-antlqu- o pekln stripes et browns and woods. rancy pekln stripes, the stripes bearing a scroll damasse; e. n, fawn-and-blu- lawn-umt- -t bronze, fawn and-myrtl- e. Fancy pekln stripes et satin and molre-antiuu- warp-priute- d in Oriental effects. The Putin of these colon : amethyst, myrtle, bronze, garnet, black, blue. The Oriental stripes are lighter and Indescribable; they m:' y to harmonize with the others. But description fails to show even the easiest of them. Our only object i ; to ask you to see them. Th .ire sent over by our Paris bu cr as the justifica- tion of his being there. Do not judge the others by these mentioned. Do not judge even these by our ineffectual words. We have tried to give notion of the first we put our hands on. Next-ente- r cirele.Cliestnut street entrance. Black embroidered dress-patter- ns appear to be outelsewhere. We have plenty-fo- r a few days, and very choice ones. The last received are embroid- ered garnitures of grenadine, nun's veiling, and cashmere, not in dress patterns; and they are brilliant beyond all precedent One of grenadine ($85 for the embroidery of a single dress) we do not hesitate to believe is the richest in the United States. True nun's veiling at 25 and 31 cents; and true nun's veil- ing at those prices is extremely rare. Jjext-ouu- r circle. Ckestaat-atrae- t entrance. Men's and boys' embroidered slippers and ladies' kid slippers and sandals at half-pric- e and less. Some of all sorts on the tables. Ready at nine d clock; not before. West of middle aisle, towards Market street. JOHN WANAMAKER. Cbejtnat. Thirteenth tad Market streets and City-ba-ll square. PHILADELPHIA.
Page 1: New Store. iwWs. Bowers Hurst,...building is a spacious room for--work tud for the storage of clothing. Altogether there are eighteen separate l'OOniS 1U this extensivn hnitinpcR hniiKA

building is a spacious room for-- work tudfor the storage of clothing.

Altogether there are eighteen separatel'OOniS 1U this extensivn hnitinpcR hniiKAand they are all abundantly stocked withthe newest and best things in the variousbranches of manufacture which they rep-resent. Fire buckets hang at convenientand accessible places in every part of thebuilding, so that in case of emergency theemployees could readily form themselvesinto a fire brigade. The pay roll of thenousa numbers 28; and on Saturday niglitanu lfusy dayjs ihqre it anauxiliary corpsof 10 Balesmen, 'students at Franklin &Marshall college. The clothing and trunkdepartments are under the charge of Mr.S. S. Martin, an affable aad popular younggentlemen, wniiss ir. wmiam wail, formerly with Strawbndgo & Clothier, ofPhiladelpaia, looks after the gents' fur-nishing goods, also a great specialty withthis house. Fair dealing, an exclusivelyone price standard, an honest and reliablequality of goods at the lowest marketprices, kind and courteous attention topatrons, aietlio ruling characteristics atthis popular tstaSbljfthmentroCr' Williamsonfc Foster ; and thrso, joined with a liberaluse of punter's ink in advertising, havenerved to bring the house forward to tnehonorable and conspicuous place it occu-pies in the trade of the city.


More Kino Millinery.Mrs. A. W. Wcikel elsewhere adver-

tises a fine stock' of 'millinery and trim-mings at.fceV store, 'No. S8 North Queenstreet, where the visitor is invited to in-

spect an assortment which comprises allthe leading styles of dress and promenadehats, and where customers are ansured ofspeedy and satisfactory attention in thetilling of o:ders and the lowest prices forwhich the goods can be sold. Children'sschool and dress hats also constitute animpoitant feature of Mrs. Wcikei's largeanrt elegant stock, while human hair goodsis made a specialty, a full line being keptconstantly on hand and all kiud of hairwork done at lowest prices.

? f T . -j. t ,HomttAsUm.

Mr. C'nis Oorvte-ba- s arrived at LancasterHorn Lexington and Tails, Kentucky, withtwenty liciul et extra flue driving-- , saddle andcoacli horses. They arc at tlie stubles formerlykept liy Kc.k x llro., rear el City Hotel, ltd

' Independent six " Kail.On Monday night nn organization styling

themselves the ' Independent Six," will givea grand May hop in West End hall, where apleasant tlnih is asMited to all who attend. Itis expected that the attendance will be largo,theurrangcmctitsure in the hands el compe-tent eomniittcovund nll,'caro,w (11 1fe 'taken tomake itn success. . $j , fi f

U.trniini'H Cheap Excursionto Keadlnir on Tuesday, May 9, excursiontickets at half fare will lie sold Irani all stationson tlio Heading,!: olimibl.i lailroad, good togo on the early moniin- - train and to returnon any train during, the day. For particularssee cii eulars at ail stations.

. 1Insurance Companies the Difference.

Now tliat the graveyard insurance com-panies are helng wiped out, the public shouldknow the dltlcicncc between tlieui and the U.U. Mutual Aid bociety or Pennsylvania. Thissociety was chaitcred by n special act of theSlate LeifUUilute. Marcli 11, 1SS9. Its charterIs peculiar and grants it special Importantpi Ivileges. In 1873 ti-- state created the ofliceof Coiiimi-sionc- r el Insnntnceanil a Commis-sioner was appointed. In 187C the State Legis-lature cnacUd n general insniance law, pro-viding ter the oiganization ofor assessment life insurance companies. Un-der this gcneiiil law the numerous graveynrdcompanies Iliac been organized and donetheir diity work. A Jittlc observation willthow very p'lafnjy that tbe'bVBl Mutual AidSociety el Pennsylvania, vrnt In a flourishingcondition long betorc the olllce et InsuranceCommissioner was created, and still longerbefore the general law inder which the grave-yard companies weie organized was enacted.It will also be noticed liyiiu ,ixaminution elthe charter .olthc U. '!., tliat itm" rights,powers and privileges nra?inu::h greater thanarc securcd'to the companies chartered underthe general law et 1S7C, anil tliat the state au-thorities have no power to disturb It so longas It compiles with the requirements of itschatter, which It has always done, aad hencela not incladcdjtamoiig the 213 companiesagainst which the comtulssion'cr has institutedproow'dingsritli'a vtew to closing them up.



Files and Itugs.Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bug- s, rats, mice

gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Boughon Bals." lSe.

Lunos convulsed by cough can be soothedwith Hale's Honey et Horchouud and Tar.Fikc's Toith'ichc Drojis cure m one minute

How j oung soever you way be, --

Willi tailing teeth, you're grim "and old ;

And losing your mouth's purity,Your features seem both dull and cold.

Then man or maid, warned of your tate,SeefcSOZODOXT, e'er It's too late.


I.irroiT. In this city, on the soth of April,lS32,altlic Lancaster Countv Ilot-l,Ea- KingHtreet. Carolina, wile of Prof. C. W. Lippott,lnthe 39ih year et her age.

Notice of luncral hereafter, itv;ir advertisemenis

TUESH ARRIVAL. OF UKNT'S FURNISH- -V IXG Good?, Shirting and other Calicoes,

List colors, nt five ntulsixcentsperyard. only.Hosiery, Notions, etc , cheaper than ever at

It ECU! OLD'S,ltd No. J.2 North Queen Street.

ANTED. A GOOD KITCHEN GIRLw Apply at No. 2--2 East King street. ltIS THE ONLY PLACE YOUTCKEKT'M good eating .Apples, )rngi,

Binanas. Lancaster County Head --Salad andirc?h Vegetables of all kinds ; choice Oysters-- ;

iresh Deviled Crab.ltd No. 129 EAST KING STUEET.


The duplicate et-h- e eastwards having,been placed in the hands of the undersignedlor collection, he will receive the same on andatter MAY 1st at his store, No. 11 North Queenstreet, i tier ent. abatement for prompt nayuicnt. ltd J 8. W. UAUB.


Market street, rear et the McGrann House,Lancaster. 1'a., 20 head of Canada Horses.Among these nre heavy boned lecders andseveral fine drivers. One Gray Horse can trotIn three minutes and well broke. Sale to com-mence at 1 o'clock. A credit et GO days will begiven. iltdI "pAXIKjL LOGAN






NO existing between John K. Iieedand Amos 8. Henderson, under the name nndstyle et Uccd &.Hendewefi,lnBbeendlaeolvcdby the death oKJnbnKl Jteert. - I ( f . ;i

The undersigned wl'carryBOitliojbnlnes8of Panking in alHtsllrAnehea.nt XoJU WorthQueen btrcet, nnder'tne-nSm- e Ot A. S. Hen-derson. Banker, and will also close up theaffairs et the firm of Reed A Henderson.

AUatit HKMDERSON.Lancaster, Pai, April t9,;i8St- -

- I 'St yj n ltd

"VTOTICK TO C.ROCKR4XI UUXUEUS WHl-MA- d ourstock of Satchel and Plain Bottom

PAPER BAGS, PAPEUJ1AG3,that they can bo.7ntn1hadlafTliomo wkh abetter bag at lpwer- - prices than Jeanjtofchadelsewhere. litrcIzo home.tiaflp n ISSe usa call. (i lit i iB.aTrI:OLPAPER BAG and FLOUR SXCK MANUFAC-

TORY,15K East King street, Over Bunk's Grocery.

ltdDISCO ARUrl5 OF PUS FROM THE EARA is the most striking symptoms In chronicsuppuration or the middle tar. There can

tion in this part withoiit.a perioral ion pit the.ii ii iiiiuvuil-b- i vma.u it ill ir.ai ! M:paniinAll dlaeaseoT the eyewear and throat ncrnia- -tiAnlltrniiwul hi' lll6 IT fl nnl If a t vmAKKIC. Oflice 13 Kant Wulnut slreer.Lanca?- -

icr. onbu.iaiion ncf. upu;-3tax- v


No. 25S.


April 29th and Mavlet BOCKBEE a will be kept on tap at the brewery andby my customers. Ho ! ter a good glass ofBock Boer.C28-2-t C. KOEHLER.

OFFICE CANAL. COM- -VJ panv, corner et Lexington and Davisstreets, Baltimore, April 28, 188i Notice isncreuy given mat a general meeting oi mestockholders oftliis company will be atthe office, In Baltimore, on MONDAY, M AY 8,1882, at 1 o'clock, p m for the election or offi-cers anu managers ter the ensuing year. Thetransfer books will be closed on291(1 Inst., and remain closed until alter theelection. By order

KOBEUT D. BltOWX,a28-8t-d Treasurer.



Just received per" British Grown " another in-voi- oe

of WHITEand in Table,Hotel and Ware,

Wares if not

We have added tostock a line ofPAPER WARE.




No. 27 South




GAS ON HAND.Jan2S-lyd- S

KUEK'S. 8.wFine and Hair Store,

Just received from andaflnelot of Millinery and Hair

Goods, which wUl be sold at bottom prices at

No. 47XOUTII QUEEN STREET,Where he still continues business, and hasemployed the best and most artistic hands Inbotu brandies, it being one of tne oldest andmost reliable In the City ofLancaster, and wnerc no pains will be sparedto please the people.



(Late of 47 North Queen St.),HAS OPENED A PIKE

WEST KING ST.,(Snyder's Old Stand),

Where site will be pleased to have her friends,customers and the public in general

patronize her.COMBINGS MADE INTO SWITCHES nt 25c.per oz. A large variety of hair work on hand.Millinery and Hair Work done at reducedprices. Crepe done over like new. Featherscleaned, curled and dyed. The Latest Novel-ties

iset Hats. Flowers, Feathers. &c. Please the

give me a call. rtTINE

No. 38

My many friends and patrons are respect-fully invited to call and examine my




LADIES can have their orders lUlod in muchless time than they have been accustomed toelsewhere.

49Pleasc call and examine my goods andprices without obligation to purchase

WH. B. The Largest and Finest Stock of


A lull line of

Always on hand, anl an kinds et HA1KWOBK done at th'! LOWEST 'PRICES at

iNO. 38 ST.,vV




OPEN TODAYAn Immense Stock of New Dress Goods at New Prices,







lite Gramie fare

CHINA HALL.steamship





High Martin,STREET



Queen Street.








IHlirF ana Triraii btore,







Millinery Tnmmmgti



School and Dress Hats

Human Hair Goods








saw Ajtrj!.icrisic3iJsxiH.

New Store. iwWs. Low Prices.

Bowers & Hurst,(Formerly et Glvler. Bowers & Hurst, et Xo. 35 East King street.)


129-13- 1 North Queen Street,ubtwke:,- - oranue street and r. n. B. depot.


MW STOCK OF DRY GOODS and NOTIONS!Invite their friends and customers to call at their new place, where they will find anelegant assortment or NEW GOODS, which we offer at extremely low prices. Weoffer bargains in Prints, Giughams, Sheeting and Shiiting Muslins, Table Linens,Towels, &c. Wo offer a great bargain in Black silk. We call special attention toour $1.00 quality. Wc oiler the best makes of all wool Black Cashmeres extremelylow. We bell an elegant all wool Black Cashmere at 40c. and 60c. per yatd. Anelegant line line of Colored Silks at 73c. per yard. We show an elegant line of NewDress Goods in latest styles. Gicat Bargains in Ladies', Children's and Gent's Hosiery.Wo sell best $1.00 Unlaundiied Shirt in th city. Call and see them, Ladies',Gent's, Misses' and Boys GOSSAMER WATERPROOFS; best quality at lowestpaiccs. Pleas.0 c.;ll and see us in our new room, which is the lightest store room in

city. No trouble to see what you are buying.








FUNN & WILLSON,152 North Queen Street.


Plumbing, Gas-Filli-ng, Tin-Roof- ing and Spouting Specialties.








NOEBECK & MILEY'SOld Reliable Coach Works,


Enlarged, Improved, Rebuilt.Wc manufacture ami tire prepmed to lurnUu all the Latest Patterns et

BUGGIES, PIAETOIS, CAEBIAGES, &c.And especially t!ie veiy latest tliat wonder et the age- - the


Finished up in plain wood and best style, with Shifting Seals and Tops to suit convenience.4-- employ none but the bus t nnd most practical workmen, and



PHILADELPHIAIUJ Bock Beer on lap to night atAliNOLUHASS

ltd Northern Market Hotel.

- A U11CI. SWAMW. to assist in care et children.Apply at No. 413 NOIiTH DUKK STREET.


OCKTURTLK'SOUP 1.UNCU TO-lH- TM at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL.ltd No. North Muibeiry Street.

riCTHUIUVS PAINT SHOP, UNDER THEVT Schiller House. 'o.'J&J North Queen St.,where tl.o very bent of Painting ami Urainini;

done liy skilled mechanic, and none butbest material ltd



Five Insurance CompanyOKPHILADKLPIA.

Assets over

Eleven Hundred Thou-- -'iw sand.

Dollars, securely invested. For a policy irthis old and w company call on





Carputs and Wall PapersIS NOW COMPLETE.






49We have our own Upholsterer, and do allCarpet and Window Sliado Work at lowerprices than elsewhere. All work guaranteed.


Wc show the Largest Line lor selection,and our prices are the lowest.


The Designs Work are furnishedby a Philadelphia .Frefccoe Painter, and are en-tirely differenttlrom any work ever beforedone in this city.

Experienced Paper Hangers furnhhed.

J. B. MARTIN & CO.,Cor. West King and Prince Sts.






AND SKK OUR HANDSOM K, GOOD,CALL and reliable Parlor Suits, Walnutand Painted Chamber Suits. An Immensestock of all kinds of Furniture, etc . at

HOFFMEIEU'S,ltd No. 26 East Kinjj Street.

QPK1NO HOUSECLEANINO. MOUSK- -O KEEPERS.it will be to your Interest totry a bottle et Excelsior Piano. Organ andFurniture. Polish. One trial will convince youof its merits. Manufactured by

FRANK J. STEINUAUSER,ltd S07 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.

MKKTINO OF THE SUNASPKCIAL Engine and Hose Company-No- .

1, will be held at their hall on Mondayevening. May I, at 7:30 sharp. Every memberis requested to be present,

ltd .1. G. T1IACKARA, Secretary.



Our store is now stocked fall et

NE WDry Goods!


MANY BAKGAINS,From recent Large Importers'


A'ew Goods Opened Daily







Consideration of the Senate AmendmentDeferred Until Monday Tne Peruvian

Inquiry Gen. Chalmem Ousted.Washington, April 29. In the House a

message from the Senate announced thepassage by that body with amendments oftne Moose bill to execute certain treatystipulations relating to the Chinese.Mr. Page, of California, moved concurrenceJo lite Senate amendment?; Mr. Hooker,ofMl&fUttpjrf, objected oo the ground that itwas not wtoa legislation to act upon suchan important ineasuyo w;tbQUt somethingbeing given to consider the amendments.Mr. Page then obtained an order for thepjiuting of the bill and amendments, andCave n?uco uai no woiim its ior ineirconsideration Oil Monday.

A resolution was adopted authorizingthe committee on foreign affairs to send a

to New York for the pur.pose of examining witnesso) in the Chili-Per- u

investigation.The House then resumed the considera-

tion of the Mississippi contested electioncase of Lynch vs. Chalmers and theprevious question having been orderdedMr. Calkins, of Indiana took the floor toclose the debate.

Mr. Calkins spoke for nearly two hoursand was frequently applauded by his party,friends. In conclusion he received tiebenefits granted to the colored people bythe Republican party and assured thatpeople that the party would continue toeducate tbem, and standing by them ineach advancing step in civilization wouldinvoke God's blessing upon them atdtheir children. The conclusion of hisspeech was greeted with loud and longcontinued applause on tne Republicanside and in the galleries, in which a largenumber of colored men were assembled.

The vote was then taken on the resolu-tion of the minority of the committee ouelections declaring Chalmers entitled toretain his scat. This was leiected veas104, nays 125 a party vote. There wereabout thirty pairs announced on thisvote.

The resolution declaring Lynch entitled ato the seat was adopted yeas 125, nays83. Lynch was then sworn in.

The Peruvian Investigation.Washington, April 29. The House

having adopted a resolution this morningauthorizing the committee ou foreignaffairs to soud a sub commitee to NewYork to take testimony in the pendingChili-Per- u investigation. Chairman Will-iams has designated the following namedgentlemen to constitute the sub commit-tee : Representatives Kasson, Bunnell,Wilson and Belmont.


Largo Bulldlnj; Destroyed Several NarrowEscapes ana one Life Supposed to be Lost.Winnipeg, Min., April 29. A fire hero

yesterday destroyed the building owned byJehu Robertson and occupied by the Im-perial bank, Gilmonr's grocery, the law 2offices of Sculver, Aiken & Hamilton andseveral other offices. The loss is $60,000.The building is insured for $14,000, the Im-perial bank for $20,000, Gilmonr for $50,-00- 0,

Aiken, Sculver & Hamilton for $30,-00- 0

in various companies.The fire was caused by the explosion of

a coal oil lamp which fell from the handsof a man occupying sleeping apartmentson the second floor. He was seriouslyburned and was also injured by jumpingthrough a window. Other persons sleep-ing on the third floor were rescued withdifficulty. Ono man is reported missing,and it is believed that be has been bnrucdto death.


A Thirty Thousatad Dollar Ulazo In Phil-adelphia.


Philadelphia, April 29. Firo brokeout shortly after two o'clock this morningin the shoddy mill of Casey & White, afour-stor- y brick building on Sophia street,below Edward. The first floor was occu-pied by Jacob Maurer, dealer in wastr,who sustained a loss of $4,000 ; insured for$1,500 iu the Lebanon mutual. The three ,

upper floors were occupied by JosephWeiss, furniture manufacturer, and his L.loss is placed at $13,000. The flames ex-tended across an alley to another building N.on the south, entailing a loss of $4,000 onIsaac Cassin & Co., machinists, and $6,000on Rohrcr & Knocll, furniture manufac-turers. The damage to the building was$5,000, makiiie the total loss $32,000. Bothbuildings were owned by Mrs. ElizabethRect and were insured for $15,000.


A Ship Goes Down on the New EnglandCoast.

Plymouth, Mass., April 29. Collector 11.

S. H. Doteu has received information fromthe life saving station at Mariomet in re-gard to the chest reported as found yes-terday that leaves little doubt that a ves-sel must have been lost, withall ou board, near this coast inthe storm of Thursday. The chestwhen opened showed teveral articlesof clothing, outer and underwear withsmall ai tides usually carried by seamen.On the fly leaf of a testament was writtenthe name of "Robinson B. Millbury,Hampton." There was also a watch chainwith an acorn for a charm- - Iu a memo-randum

onwas the entry, "April 5th 1882.

Shipped in the Ana for $15 per month,"also a piece of manuscript poetry. Signed it."Isaiah Millbury."

The surfmen also picked up during theday pieces of panel work of the cabin finishand a barrel of flour, the contents beingonly slightly wet.


Gookln Wins am Xss Victory. 'London, April 29. A race took place

on the Thames today between Bohearand Gookiu, of Boston, Mass., IT. S. A. etIt was for 100 and was over the cham-pionship course, from the Aqueduct to"The Ship" at Mortlake Gookin towiu to come in over ten seconds beforeBobear. Tho betting was two to one onGookin. It was raining when the race inwas rowed. The wind was slightly infavor of the men. Tte.e was a ripple onthe water and the tide was strong. Gookinled the start. At Hammersmith bridge,one mile and three-quarte- rs from theAqueduct, Gookin was leading by fivelengths and was rowing well. Ho won bytwenty-fou- r and one-hal- f seconds.

"STkaw bond."Another Faulty Indlctmant Quashed.

Washington, April 29. Judge Wylieto-da- y considered the motion to quashmade by counsel for the defense inthe straw bond cases. The motion inthe case of Miss Armstrong is basedupon the same ground of misnomer whichwas allowed in Rerdell's case. After ar-gument Judge Wylie quashed the indict-ments against her and the prosecutiongave notice of their intention to reindicther.

Argument then proceeded in the case ofBoone, who in addition to other things ischarged with subornation ofperjury. '

KUbourn's Bis Verdict Set Aside.Washington, April 29. In the circuit

court to day Judge McArthur set aside theverdict for $100,000 damages recently ren-dered in the Kilbourn case for false im-prisonment, on 'the ground of excessivedamages, and gave, each side 20 days inwhich to make further motions.


- m ,

Klactria Wiraa.

JS&!2U2t'"tm toAfninteen-year-oi- d girl, who refuses to

VIVA...fiAt nomn qtfAmtvInd .. Wlv .,vu,j,ltu, uusuccessiairr.to throw herself into the Schuylkill riverEx-.Cad- et Whittakcr fa in Chicago bant-

ing work.Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon thprn hA

been no verdict is the Barr murder case iaPhiladelphia.

Soteldo to-da- y pleaded not guilty to thecharge of murdering his brother ia Washingtan.

Two more bodies hV hmn raiaail hnthe river at Memphis, supposed to be Tictims of the Golden City disaster.

An affray took place between MartinFi&herhart and Edward Carter, both col-ored, in Wllkesbarre this afternoon, inWhich the latter was nrabahlr atallv in.jured,

Hugh McGlinn, CO years old, was struckby a locomotive on Washington avenae;Philadelphia, this afternoon, and instantlykilled.

The land commissioners at Albany thismorning considered the application of thestandard oil company for land underwater in the East river, between North10th and North 11th streets, Brooklyn, E.

WEATUEB INDICATIONS.Washington, D. C, April 29. For

the Middle Atlantic Rt.ltps. Wa.1 rainsfollowed by clearing weatber.northwesterlyiu, uiguer oaromeier, stationary or

lower temperature.

Worn Stopped on a Bis Contract.Victoria, B. C, April 29. The. local

contractors for the dry dock here havesuspended operations, and it is understoodthat they have abandoned the work. Largesums are due laborers and dealers here onaccount of the work.

Not Bounded by Nationality.London, April 29. The Timet says

that in appealing to the Czar on behalf ofthe Jews in Russia the American legationat St. Petersburg will speak for the heartof Europe as well as for the UnitedStates.

Suspected of Incendiarism.Lebanon, Pa., April 29. Jacob Stager,farmer, was arrested last night on sus-

picion of having set fire to the barn ofJefferson Light, on the night of April 26.Ho entered bail in $1,500.

Dunder Out on Ball.Reading, Pa., April 29. Dunder, the

defaulting was released fromjail to-da- y on $10,000 bail.


fhlladelpbl Market.Philadelphia, April 29. Flour lirni hut

dun; Kuperlinc. S3 75 ! 50; Extra. M 75hm, uuiu unu inu.ina iatnuy, u aoai Zj:Penuu. do, 46 25&6 50.

Kye Hour at (4 7535.Wheat Arm; No. 2 Weatern, $1 4401 4U;

Pit. Kcd, l 441 47 ; do Amber, 91 47Q1 50.Corn dull und easier : Steamer, 83c ; Yel-

low, SJ85c"; Mixed, 8381c ; No. 3 Mixed,Sic.

Oats dnll and easier ; No. 1 White, 60c : No.do, B8i85!)c ; No. 3 do, C757Ko ; No. 2 Mixed,

56c.Kye scarce nt 91c.Provisions steady.Lnrd steady.Butter li nn and moderately active ; Cream-cr- y

extra Pa., 3J34c ; do Western, 31Q32c; dogood to choice, 2S03OC ; ii. C. St N. Y. extra, 2i

''e ; do firsts. 2527c ; .Vestern reserve ex-tra, 25c ; do good to elioice, 2024c.

Kgg9 Ann with llgnt supply ; P., 17018c :Weatern, 1717c. .

Cheese steady. cPetroleum dull ; Refined, 70.Whisky at $1 21Seeds tfood to prime clover dull, new, 7 a68c : do do Timothy nominal at 2702 75 : do

Flaxseed scarce und wanted at (1 46.

New ter Hsrsn.New ork, April 29. Flour State and

Western dull, and prices without quotablechange. Soutnern uull.

Wheat uscttled ; opened i)i lower, subse-quently recovered und advanced a trifle ; No.

Kcd. May. SI 47; do June, $1 47'XI T;July, $1 3201 32 ; do Augut,Sl 2al 24J.Corn a better anu lalrly active ; Mixed

Western spot, 808c ; future, 8ejiQ82c.Oats scarcely be strong ; No. 2 May, 980

60Jc ; S.ate, I66le ; Western, 60364c.

stksk nafm.New York, Philadelphia and Local Stocks

also United States Bonds reported daily byJaocb B. Lohq, ii North Queen street.

April 10.10:00 1:00 )!:.a. x. p. a. r.ic.

L. ct 1. L. 1.. It..... ..... ....... .... .... 10DeL, Lack--. A Western 118 118 llSMiDenver Bio Grande 61 61Ji 6Ui

Y.. Lake Krie A Western.... 35 c6 1East Tenn, Vn. ft Georgia 11Missouri. Kansas & Texas SO 30 29Lake Shore Mich. Southern... 101 100 lOOMA.UU1SV nit; , HUSIIVIliC,. ..... 74 '.

mm' mtmU47BNew York Central 126 125 12ft:,.New Jersey Central (K Ctf OS ftOntario A Western 25 25 35Omaha Com...... 36 XC H

Omaha Preferred 99 99 91SPacific Mail Steamship Co.. 89 39 :;Chicago. Mil. St. Paul 111 111 lll'Texas Pacific 3J as?i 3iJiWabash. Su uts ft Pacific. 28 aA "54Western Union Tel. Co 82 81 81Pennsylvania B. K 61 61 6)

11U1U 28 284Bullalo Pitts, ft West at 15 11

Noithcrn Pacific Com 38 38" Preferred. 77 77 77




WILLIAM ELLMAKER, Ecrl Township.ISEV.IAMIN HUIIEK. 8th Ward. City.JEBOME li SIIULTZ, Elizabethtown.

County Committee Meeting.The Democratic County Committee will

meet at Shober's Hotel, this city, at 10 a. m.,MONDAY, MAY 1, 1S82, to fix the time

ior the County Convention and to transactsuch other business as may be brought before

W. U. HEN3EL, Chairman.Lancaster, Pa., April 19, 1882. dftw




DOOR CHECK AND SPRING!JUST OUT, is one et the greatest Inventions

the age. It prevents the slammingof doorsmost thoroughly and closes them automati-cally with more precision than can be donewith hand. It not only shuts the door noise-lessly ut with such' easy n ess et action thatthe door itself cannot be Injured by any at-tempt to slam it. The invention can be seen

operation at John Copland's. Jos. Cromer'sand Amos Lee's, North Queen street,


Sole Agent lor Central Pennsylvania.



Preparatory to the change we will make lacar business about MAYlOra, alter wblcadate we propose to drop the retail and do


We are ottering soma good In nearly 6verrdepartment at U BEAT BEuUCTIONb PKOMFORMEK PBICES. We propose to start laoar new business with


WATCHES, CLOCKS, &cWo are now offering so low are a little senfledor dull looking, but not a,t all Impaired Inrunning qualities, and not wishing to offerthem at public auction, we offer tbem in tblway, ami fully guarantee the running of eveiyWatch and Clock thus sold, and bold oar-selv-es

responsible for their performance forone year.






SATURDAY:A little change on the Market--

street front, which is stillon, and which we shall speak ofwitn more comtort when done,suggesst explanation. We havethere all the branches of tradethat put on what men and boyswear. We mean to have themneady set down there side bvside, with pleasant windows,spacious aisles, orderly arrange-ment of goods, and obliging at-tendants.

Shoes have already been setright. Hats don't need anyme. i ding. Clothing, for both menand boys, ready-mad- e and tomeasure, is about as well ar-ranged as wc know how to fixit. And. mnvbe. harnesses, saddlery, trunks aud valises oughtto be mentioned here. But thatgreat medley of neck-wea- r,

shirts, collars, cuffs, undercloth-ing, socks, gloves, handkerchiefs,suspenders, jewelry,etc a greatmedley, because every wordstands for a multitude of things

is being turned upside down,to the end that it may be seento be, what it really is, one ofthe brightest collections of newthings in the whole store ; ar-ranged, sorts of this together,and sorts of that together,so that a quick look throughshall take in everything in order.

This part of the store is openfor business on Saturday even-ings till 9.30 o'clock.Market street front.

3,145 little antique tidies atquarter-valu-e, 12 to 25 cents ;

little but fine. They spoil ourown goods for a week, if theylast so long.

Black silk lace with colored-sil- k

and gold threads runningthrough it, for millinery, etc., 1

to 4 inches wide, 10 cents a yard,all alike. Was worth 75 centsto $1 last year.

Black Spanish net of five pat-terns, 28 inches wide, 1 24 cents

yard. Four of them are silknet, with cotton figures ; one isall-cotto- n.

These are an odd pick-u-p inNew York yesterday.First circle, southwest from centre.

Parisian silk novelties forstreet dresses. We began tomake a list of them ; but thereare too many. Here are a tenthof them, judging from the pileson the shelves. They amountto about three hundred differ-ent styles.Buff loaUlnes embroiift red with leave and

flowers ofblues,stone-and-faw- n, cream aad tell, blue-un- d

Bull tanvtas daraasse witn sprigs ( blueand.wood, bronre-and-weo- garnetnd-wood- ,myrtle-and-woo- d. brown-and-silve- r.

But! taffetas with damasse globes, crescentsand dots, of garnst and-woo- d, blueund-wood- ,

uiyrtla-andwoo- d, apblre-aiid-woo- d,

bronse-and-wooi- l, brown nnd-woo-

Satin and molre-antlquepek- stripes; bronze,drab, wood, bronze, etc., etc.

Satin and molre-antlqu- o pekln stripes etbrowns and woods.rancy pekln stripes, the stripes bearing ascroll damasse; e. n,

fawn-and-blu- lawn-umt- -t

bronze, fawn and-myrtl- e.

Fancy pekln stripes et satin and molre-antiuu-

warp-priute- d in Oriental effects. ThePutin of these colon : amethyst, myrtle,bronze, garnet, black, blue. The Orientalstripes are lighter and Indescribable; theym:' y to harmonize with the others.

But description fails to showeven the easiest of them. Ouronly object i ; to ask you to seethem. Th .ire sent over byour Paris bu cr as the justifica-tion of his being there.

Do not judge the others bythese mentioned. Do not judgeeven these by our ineffectualwords. We have tried to give

notion of the first we put ourhands on.Next-ente- r cirele.Cliestnut street entrance.

Black embroidered dress-patter- ns

appear to be outelsewhere.We have plenty-fo- r a few days,and very choice ones.

The last received are embroid-ered garnitures of grenadine,nun's veiling, and cashmere, notin dress patterns; and they arebrilliant beyond all precedentOne of grenadine ($85 for theembroidery of a single dress)we do not hesitate to believe isthe richest in the United States.

True nun's veiling at 25 and31 cents; and true nun's veil-

ing at those prices is extremelyrare.Jjext-ouu- r circle. Ckestaat-atrae- t entrance.

Men's and boys' embroideredslippers and ladies' kid slippersand sandals at half-pric-e andless. Some of all sorts on thetables. Ready at nine dclock;not before.West of middle aisle, towards Market street.

JOHN WANAMAKER.Cbejtnat. Thirteenth tad Market streets

and City-ba-ll square.

