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New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1854-07-12 [p 3].they an enjoyinc» tu miearthly Can.-.nu....

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MAMíSE AFFAIRS. NAVAL inrSLLIOXRCK. Tbe U. Bi ship Albaa· teik-d from Peineacola on tho Mth alt., on a cralee. Subjoined a a list of lor «in. ··.-· JatTie-sT. deny, Km,·, ('ommantb-r·, Ki< utenanta.Win. W. Bbt-ecker, Montgomery riant, John y. Adams, II an ttrodfrrtr·; Parr-fT.N'iion White·; Surgi on-Stephen A. Mil'rer-ry. Marter. Ki'bert A. Man A«»i»tnnt Surgeon. ?., tanl A- Cowman; Miilebiptnan.Binnet J. Klley; Captato« Clerk.Nicholas F. Moni·; Boat*»ein.Wm. Jone·. Gunner.Wm. Cm«; Carpenter Rowland Leach iV.'ihnaker-Jamei Krazicr. The U. 8. brif Terry was at Ambrizotto. Welt Coast of Africa. «>n tb* l.'»th May, all well. ?', ß. »hip O-trtnantown aaileel from Monteviden 3d ilt. ar MaJ.icnaal«.. ocirit PAtfA«.».. Tkf Panana Star nid Hrrtld of June'JO »ar»: On jtolerdoy asía tog la»t th« »hit. S:»r of Empire, Captain trench, arrive«! at Taboca, and aa Nninlav aeoOMg cam«· up tv the oaadbaraaa hi nur Im», sii«· ì«ft Bew-Yerk Mani) ... tliu» mak'iin; a poeraireto this pt.rt in th·· »beri time nt';-:i day», being, we Ioli··»·, il«»· «piioke-st fripon merd. ? l.e» Starni Empir«- BBMtl the »"»'?.;'·' from the Letituii«! ut < »a·.· Horn to the latitude of Callao in the M> fraortjiiiiiry abort line af II «lay», nnd Ben BnBM lore in 10 days. On the !0tb «.I May pr»»*.»d Jinn ParBOBeBB· Tlie «Slur e.i Km|>iie a new « lipjK-r »hip, inni <·?? thi«. h«r nr»t vnytLx«-, hue pro»ed herself a fart »nil· r. Sin· ha« a re neral «-ar^o fcr varion« in«-r«-haiite m tlii« city, and realigned to thi C. s. CoaaoL . ni· ni » ? »» 11 * ? »».? ? Hiv teco. Hark Ban Thornton, of New-ll. dt'· -r. J. will, the hsJance «f Ler rar»T«>. war sold at San Emm imo j re viou* to the 19th '»lt. f'.r IM '?"·. RbO I.ml on lioar.l With minor arti- «?!ß*, ir-rj.Ofto feet luir.be-r, '.'i.OOOf.hinirh «, 7,000 clajiboards. 13,000 Ulli, 3U. hid». BMM OMat/sW ,1·.. i.i'ii.-dri»·.! inc.i, le,I>00 t'a« t -brick. 10 ti.n- 1?« k .»vr.rina «oui. ??? libi*. ra»ks arid «hooks, K»o l.lil». batter, a lot afeen fu· 1», pro» i-inn«, ß??? vtliiiliin. n » tool», Ac., A.c., together with a full inventory. Als«i, hark R. Adam·, IM tuns re- gsOar, 1er ÇIO.OOO. Al»., ü-mtutted sehr. Sony. MO tun« reinster, baiti in lnvrnre, lij y«:nrs olii, t.urehaied by Meier«. Mneondiy A Co. for f?ß,?? Mah, nr account of a house in China. Tlie wreck of th< .?« inner Ari»j.e. with ill her ajipnrte- iifln· «*, »he lit* aaak on Point Arenai·, was Bead at San fiMBaHie, 10th ult.. for «?'-??.? The hark E. Wriirht, Jr., U71 tun» r«'i.'iat»r, |.rori«ionnd and ready for iwa, with two suit» of «ails and a full inventory, wa» also sold for 03,000. BBPABTITBI oi nir. ?????????? bah. PACBET. Cameron « elij.·.. r »hipGeiIIade cleared »enter«lay for Aurtrnlia, with the Knifed Stato» moil«. She ?!»·» took out the materials for three new»j>aj>er offices and an A'rn.r- irnn ln«t j.rintiript j.rie« of small size. '??<· («· rtru'le will make a voyage to the Chinea It lands for ¡.'unno, before her return to tie boated Stan»·. Iowa. The Free Democratic Convention in tlie First District have withdratvn S. K. Howe as their candidate, at.,I i.on inat« d II. L H- Clarke._ Mr Dosai ? at HuMr...Mosel McDonald, the only Beati -dilative from Maine who voted for the Nebraska hill, ia now on a visit home. It Ls »aid that at Linier,ik be was I.unk,' Lu «fti-rytiy members of hi-'own political party, Bad that whil»· jtaouloa, at Hiddeford I»ep..t he wan greeted ili pen Bad hta»·»1. fir.st futnino tuition. WEDNKHDAV AFTKKNOON, «t O'CLOCK. »nie« at Ihe Stock Kirhantrr_Ji it U, 4-..Hé I ir,ne Sta·- h. H7 M Cumherlaud CoeJ tk»..«l. »li .'¦«« I · r ? ?.. ,.· -71.. 77 lull «o..C 1.111. Mirh ro Himd*. SW *'· do .....MM M'tai.nam« Htfr.lro .... ITS *Vi do.t>3i> 35 ||.0n in t«n BE Btralf... 71 j Ita do.«?;·? .i| ll«0 d..c 71| I"» do.«Til SU 1 »Slitlen» A I in RR. 7a. Il'i i»«· do.10 Jl| 1,110 b. V I'm Hit Bd'... ? » 1"" «lo.«15 JM A* IM. A 111. 1 fan Cn.hiS'lll .On do.hau II- in d,·.ite in do.bleed ¦ do.K. .list] HO do.ivi IH IMI tt.liAO.Ill 1ÜI do.»IO SU ..»e)B«nki,i cominri.«I...M. M|aa «in.l.-HS'-i 6.M«lro|i.lii»n Um,'« ... .hi lull I'·" do.»H ... ine,,i,,iioii».«lih B.i.i,.... ÍS· J"C do.IS .'111 10 Mirabili:·· Beai«.117 >»' do. SII 17 ? ?,, ? Bank.IHy ·">" do.W0 SM aeCastaal.boo ¿l M «lo.-i .i I'·· la.·» .'4 ^ai do .M tal leti do.bsaH'ae do.«twai 1*0 di.ß??] «> do.«Hi 311 1*0 do.bin ¿4\ HX» d«.beo 3. «? New Jer*.y /ire 1 o...bJ · ·»> N. Y. Cei t.-·! H. R. »«4 af» Milulli'ch «old. »IMI do.98 ? llutlnn Riter RU....IIO ? I'll do. !I7* Its) do. I- I i"' do.*t.O :»7 100 d.MB M 4Ä0 Nlc. Ttatait Co....r.peic IM HO do.opg H«l u. .I.· Il .' V do liai «eo.l»Sn 10 du S Il do.e 117, l""Oalen«AC!,ic»»<ill.K....l.'l »{ ine. »u.l Toledo R.R... 71] ¦ do..... 79 H«J do.boti |u 70 Erie Railroad.58 17 afa. d·».tMMJ HO d<.WM IJ d. Sii IM· R. «dug Raiil«i«d. 72 K0 do. 72 liti do.'¦·" 71 un la.··'·., HO do.e Ì.'J .fri d«.? 7 do.hJO i7t( G7? do.e ?7·, MB «lo.h3 .-»7» Hai do.LIO .Ó7< in do.a eri 2fi do. 571 2IKI do.l.si R«. do.,..-li' 7.«; IMI do.*1A 57» .«- da.? tri do..bau :a\ .lai «to.b37¡.k;l.»0 do.57J ¦? do.bio 73 do.·» .W «.'M.h t .u lleinoad. tvej, do.c 57J 30 do. ¡«Il .50 do.e 57 ¿? ilo.blO »ti 100 do.571 G. M.h. Suu'h n»ilio«d.... ? ?? do.MB a7| Ita l'ai.?» Riiirnatl.t.|g Iit'.l ?50 Nor» siiti U or. ? II opg ,'.? 3?? lr»e ,43, A (in Il H.- |0|| DAMMI ??????? AT A BANKING-HOUSE. Some timo duiin·.' last nicht the brnkitiir-house of Au¬ gust II· lruont »\ Co., enrner of Ih.ncr uml Hauovi-r-i«te., was entered by uusnn of sluletnii keys. last rnfe was nlso afOBOd hy false· keys, and |14»0M in fl.CiHI bills on tin· Bank of tho State of New-York were »toh n thetr« iVom. It »vus suppofed thiit iliesc hills were dated Noveiiilnr 1, l-.'>'.\ Tur rlonvoN».--A W IBM would he MBMOd, interested und amii-i il »»· ic he l" ? .·¦ ? vi-it to the Mnrui m «ump ar Weetj.orl. I: tonal like it -rent «-ity built BO in the I.et.iiUtil pruine .a.uith ot town, and the ntiinbor of tent* pl» «'«il out in legotor order, oiv«·· one Man i |«··? ni' the multitude cimi.? ktatod tocelher. They number tin»»·, v»v believe, alwuit ?,'.'??», and still thev conn.every hont hrii i-a more n h M "t t lita«- ?ß??????? heil'.!.'».lor tirili»' ni' thiiii auppoae. as we hear frnra relitilde iriforrnitinn, tl.r.t they an enjoyinc» tu mi earthly Can.-.nu. which to prove an entrance to the heavenly /imi. In itti «me old huly «ItieMioiied ujM'ii the »ubjVot stated that she had no friends or nlatire.« ia all the conijtaiiy, but an is in InpMhM troiild··.·« would soon he to an eaa, for she wa; BOW Mar the peaaatood land; taa lead of j.eate. pteatp and holi¬ ness. Other old, decrepid, lame, halt and blind, all ionr· in» itiL' "?, belie» inn ?'!»( their inHhulies will be it ¦· I ami th« ir dilHculti« s reiiiiived sonn Bl they reach this du- lierir.nl -pet. Poor traetene, we hope it muy bo so. 'they ae« m to be ii.-u'iithered from all clinns aad conn- trier.", hut we believe the majoritv of them at of us here now, ni·· lianes Bad English und ????,? the imiiinent.few from HoOtlead «.r Ireland. It i.« the intention of tho.-e in cfiar«·«» of them to »tart u¡m.h th< ir jouriiev nero-» tin- plain» this wteki they are to move in heade, so that they will not imjiene the p'reit'res» of Mch other, l'hey ge a nt w route, one which is neuer nnd better than at.» otJier hedna tend by at toaat IM or ?????; the· It ire that t omit y and k<«¡. tb· Beato ?. rotili until they come to the 110, oi-t'oumil t'.riive Creek, and then »trike iiiiintjli'ilely Meen to Eon BOtor. and th« bm in a strain-lit dlroettea t·· p'ort Karami«. (Juide» will acc«impan> them to »sV·»' th«uci lh·'route. WlkM opened out in Urie mmii.cr thi» w ll be Ihe mo-t popeln and only nate open dl < In r<m, 4'aiiforria «tr Satt l.ake, and insure all tbe «nii-rration horeadtoe ?<> «?» jmrt Ban ihi» eooearr. »in j ntteaanlo their «ourte wt will kee¡> our readear» aeltisetl ol Ihe r.»*vl, «eunlrv and the»»· MOaiag m it- 'lnd> Ji mlelit Mia-e. Tin CAtJnva >li>M»i ;»r. We learn Ban T>r »>...-...'.· B.C. V f ??··? the Committee M the Cal- h-'un »Monuni'iit, »»hi« h it ? be erected in that oit», haye adopted a de»i::n rst the structure. The non unii nl will cvn-'iet el a bron.e stallie of the liist'incuisln J sti.ttntunrt. nstin« njenti e niaible cata« ouib twtmty l'i et aqaON by .kti«-en reel Mejh, tho oatonaab itsolf sane pi na aaoa a far!, tret-at rusia Vaee. In the t-en'er ti t'n tnur ti le» n: ttvatr.oi.inb are Men, each inne feet by »iv. and |>»n- rleai. l'I*-l'Uin.1» aie in be oriiainetiU'd '»;r! lUegerieal tiíjiii·»».tin..»* sa tin ?.«nt uoor oeateialug s tgareof Pi-nth. the left donr that ol Jn-fiie: the ricbl tlmt of Pt'tve-e, «nd the baa k «ljor that of W'ia.l.'it:. O:: the four «JdMOa the caiac.omb will « \t,ii,i n jilatlorro eir^ht and a half faet in width, and MMMaas by iii^ruis Of ? wide riliiirwny M each »ide of the monumi at. At ea ·!? ?????? of the Btati*nm, rahtACtte tn¦«·· an to be ptoolod. »rhieh. rit-inn to a kitrlt «>t some thirty.ftv« hot, will »uvo their tyraticli«» iiliove the »tnlute .·! tb·· dtjiarteti. The mon li¬ ment itit.fii'ed to he in Ihe Cn ae>ssiaaaaie ·· yto. The ioalflja a Bsntsthed hy Mr. C. Wena ' -¦·.·',· belog o . ; . ti'ieone es«,fnt'Hl hy t'owi r». MARINS JOURNAL PORT NKVV YORK.JiLV IZ -·*>- Arrlvrd. aiptVl .n the W.f. TiaVlrpatith. Si ? Juan. Nie. t dar·, arit»Hgo>dttd«rilsiA»'n»«;». to li«·.. M*r«au. July S Iti. », .oa '·9 t", «.«?? »id »bip Lav. n BO .ani', a Bstf olSiantoe i. thornp er·»'· ?»t·* i-te. >.r o ?. 1 Sba»B*»"B.»rii[.|*ri e'ir«-l»r, Ptdang. A- I «0, *«·,*-?., to . ? Wairrrt. L'I lo A meri, an \e«»e .·?·? .on «?- 0 W. ai» ··-*»ip Cattarla« H·-....'¦.r«y, bel ilcattt for J...K1C.I. ^1 d»»· ..^i. «toa .f prrvinon», «rula» ? cl «·.)> y ha-. «tbrpaya/oia« .LdMiv C!«rle, io·' W»k'i>ra».-o) El --»«.n, Cuhr, j«j».««a« *i.d ·« ne. > maater. Biig »»-¦· ' ... iv«, Iron «Bdllpt-w-r »r,· to f: ·" ? "nr». I»t r.«t, le«. 4J loa.''. tas -? .I»··.« .-a -' , For Tto ? T. Trie»»«. SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE. ? «?·.? that follow«?«! not a look to beevon, On loaely wind» thron;:!! flu- mid · ther tusaMnl. Some «pirit yet ui.»hrivon. Mourned it« Heal lost. " All variteli, ·1 from that purple; mountain-top_ All faded from th«· «till, »fray n·-e» p .«höre. No »oft, s'ow dew», shall «Irop Emm thy white· eye -lids more·. "(jone- 'run the- «..ütiirx arel ef pu«, (»«??«· iroui ti«· aU-nmteriotis l;i(rlita et" dawn, r'rotn eve · pal··, attroii light, ratal aoea'l · Nor | r\ ors MM ' For··· er parte«! from my s«.rod «rerun. No hi BaaVajJ ,-lory far, far up may bum. No lilt· revix. iati» trli-ari, afa orili: of turn' " Ah niise-ralde what iJ.aH hide the-ej now I What depths of dark m »s cover thy ilewpair 1 Tok<- r.ah«·» on thy brow- Dust for thy tinnin'iit wear. " All seat, all »hiveriri'r, nil deiiolaie. Mruek to tlie eoul with mo-t immortal woe-. Thee afreet u.'i too late- Take up thy s-.off snd ge Far thrilling, tàmmjAmJ, through san mo intuin ge-dea, I he-urd an awful, tender voi··*· arise. That otif·'·. in thickest »lm !··» ? reiiihle d tliron»tli Paradise. " Mir.d, but belovod »hull thy « 1 Brisa! DU ever »?··??etnaeaaJ saetaee «'ie I Oui ol the dust arise, Thine agooy dirty " I «m I I wa» e'er thine ideal shone I wr.« i?« i.tpLry-i: I it» life divine ; The I n numi fine- Tin· nl. th incarnate» thin··. " I ^-rive the· will, did I deny thee power Fir«· »nnwArd flic«.thy los- )o»t in me. Ls.-k from th·· leenkaf hour. To mine · ternity. " If ont of ?;?· it sei ms to dr.i.i. nnd die, So leaf (ïod amid ar'Langel» stands. Thy pur·· asnal on hi-??. It» worshiper demand». H·»·*·lesi ___________________ I w.u. STATISTICS OF PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ASI» SOCIETIES IN NRW-TORK. In thi· compilation of the Aaneaén- to Rode » Directory for the ( ¡tv of Nevi-York for IfM ??·! ta, the roinpile-rs .r.y, we tin enable d to sanai t a ma»» of valuable »tatis- tii'iil ini·nasalisa relative to the leeeial public institutions and societies of tin» City: und vxi- BBaVfVn that some se¬ lci t oae from thi-ee stntisti'-s will be found iaesieetiag : :- tir for piilil'u-rotrit/ition. The »ttidy of statistic·« in any ? lupe is gum rally rit-rirded ns ? dull, dry pursuit, but there enn be no «jueetion, nl the- »unie- time, of the publie in Berten« ß ef the science, Hml aa eeaeaiee that a ghasee at the p.-trftuetit to whii h we refer will prove, in a grafi· fyinc inanuer, that while the City of New-York line beea advnniinc in commerce nnd ¡ncrensin·: in popiilatinti mure rapidly Hum any etane city in the Union, ln-r citizen» have not negleeted Dm elaims ef enacting aaaseaity, or aeea inattentive to the objfarts of hi-m-voleiue. I'tider the Lend of Ho»pitnlH and Dispensari«1·, laclad· eng two liinntir nayiiim« mid the Alins-Hoiiee, wo Und the expenditure for IB33 Basent1ited to the sum of 17 M,«14 Mb 'llns expenditure may be clar-itied thu«: luiigiei :e llni.iial aid Heliige.e3Ai,V7 »g Maim» ? ·11·»: end Quarantine. 1\y,i i| Ni s 11 I. itv hixpilsl and ItlootiiiiigdtJi- Aiyluin. ttJUl 41 II. levai lli.pl·»!. 41,'71 43 Lunati. A«. Inni on 111 r.lwe,l'i Island. ???···»1 Peniti aliar« Hosssiel, BtaikwiU'e laumd. IS K«i 8S Nurtarv Ho«iiital Blarkwell'e Iilt'id. 14.017 9G ... I'. . 11, S|.lts). liii.X». leiei.J. Ill -l Mew-York Il;-i»ia»erv. 4.341 11 Noi their. III«!» iieary. 3.442 »I Eamtii l>i«|.nieary. ? "ut M Alme·1·? nee, Biertw-ll'· l.leiid. 47 H4 »? Alo · llouee.to -uldror p.o-. 82.1.10 74 The fBtiie eireii-e of tlm Alme-House Department under the City Corporation, ne specified in the report ef the Ten Uovernoit·, leaned on the falli May, amounted, for they««· ??.????μ' 31»! I»iniiiliir, lêSX, to the sum of t*ntiH 70. A coimidcriible portion of this -um included in tin- >i»t above given, rt-lstiog to the institution* on Blackwell'· I,Oi.it. It ie feir to observe that the receipt» by tbe Commission¬ er« of KiniL'Mitiixn frinii the commutation t it levied on ira- migrants, wr.« inure th m suftlcieiit to meet tin· ·?,|μ·??.;, ire iriven ? Um a for lb·· Kiniirrant a Kefugo aud (Quarantine Hospital: siso, that a fair proportion of tho etpendiliire fur the City lloapital and Bloomin»?dale Asylum was con¬ ti ibuti d by the patient.» fur board. I'.igsüiir from the Hospital« und Dispensaries find that exriu-it·· uf the Alm«-House liiere aro »iltt'i'il chari- table a-;· luu:· :u the City all prinuipnlly iiiniutiiiiied by vol¬ untary eoiitriliutiiins, to which may be added the Institu¬ tion of the Associatimi for Iunproviiie» ihe Condition of the I'oor. fur ss we could obtAin the data from these In- »titutiiii», we find the years expenditure amounted to ???,?] 17, which is detailed tliu«: h «tin.-?..:, for tr» Blind. (Ill ininate«! .t-'? «1 2·*· I oloted Horn··, (received.) ?!·3 iiiuiaiee. 9,lll#l «?1. red Hi | lian, iniiieir«. ll.OM fel Deaf aiid ll'ii,tk AexUiin. Ul inmates. 47.717 M III n for Nailoi·' (hiidr. ? on Seten lelaiid. laslitstteaof Metv-t. 1 ?' ? ???»p?, Houston «t.,average of il" iiima-ee daily. Jnvrnile Delinquente' Aevluni, for rr!· nnation of, *2\ in metre.. J ? ··. Leale ard Walt·'» lliphtn Aevliin. fsSrTSM 'mrl«i ?·?. i. ,»:· -n .¦! in IKS intuale»). Magdalena ?? Blair Bim volei.t Aixlun nj» Msv. 1?>?3.? inutile. ;. .4.1 74 Af»niiatioii tor lin),ro\.n« l'oud.tioo ol G.·.?. ??.'?|? eons sssieledl. . 2?.«12 47 N. Y Uiitn.i Asm un. Ill iniuatee. UM· »I Did Ladies* ?ß·.?G???. M ininaiee. 9.??0 PO ??? ··«: Half 11·| ai A.xluoi. 17*. .?maire. r ', 3? ??.?.p, l'elio.?.· Halt Drptos, SS t.·: ut, of e-aatnas, 140 inmate». Ruinan ( e:i: .u (lr;:mu do IM ini,,elee. latini»' Sr.ug HarTior. Stelen l«'anil. ineoine froi priva'e t. m ,tulion r.l.i .¡t ekejMSs vear. no teturo ot taptSSS 2VI initistr«. Bt, Fatruk'e Male >? l.«n Aevluru, B. t i.o ret'irn of ei- 11 tei .avilas» of S«»· imi.ate». Si au en'» K.imlei.il treat u »'e'.iu l-lnnd sverei» ef «lu ni -?»lístaseos, ?·, ?? -e exrrtec * J.jUU a uionth, no rrtuin ofrtjrin. l'nder the head ef IJenevolent and I'm vident in»titu- linn», which cnniiot he currectlv lne-iti»·! with the lu-y li.?,», there are four iiist'tliiiioii» thus designated: Pu» ?·. inte ?sees sal Betoel oi Indwrv. .etMeatstohssni ?", inmates, mi ·· ..· u ot SaxSS-SSe put,l'ieh»d. Bosso «id Ktkool sf losleetTJ for Kxuialr», uuiiitrr »in· j.iox.d «Lout M.-t'ieen p Indu«tn«l S, h .,i Iseoiiatnii. t'atelv lormed J remili. .1 . ..?«. . SO" la* Stilorv' Home. IteU eherrrs'., erened tl an SSSStSS» of + « ..en·, I y 4ti.riiiin »»aniane Knend Sfwiety.eiid eeeeSBS»olesfatS«kaatl .'Vim»B at a meal-rat» weekly Saysass, heeides artor.lii.g grsiuilois artiatauro to ea¬ st ix :i g »? auu ti wtos in J ist re·». Exclmliiiu' the -.'4,tot', persons r( turned temporarily rcli· veil by ihe ·'A»»oi'ia.,oii lor Improvement ol C.nn.i- ·· lira of tiie Peer, the returns of these ????·:··? charitable a»y!stii» «ml two provident iuatituliou» leave the untuber ri iiovid or prote*tiil by their nei mv to emuuu: to J..1J3. And ivr,;!i jf wo exclu,le the IU person» aide! by the Kit·· Periata A·yliiin m··! the BoBseand Bcaaalaf Indus¬ try for KniitU«·. we hnve only I.eSe r'-inainiiiir »x» the «lernt oi ibe tejlaam Btnanr; and thi.« eeesasjtalsaa· when eeatreetedwitk Ike esjuai sineaditere,areaM wno an OMTtice of about f'O to each itima'e. l'jiesincrou from those lesiliSlieas who«·· muiediafe and direct abject ai the abyeleal feeVnl nf the aaeeeeianea. ate ioni to tome not ka· i.itiie-itinu'deisil» of tbe laìig.seai »orietri » rwtaabslwd la lb« city, a¡id tonte of which, it may be nliMTiol, uniti .liniUsble operations m ith their direct action. W c have 4-.· seajeaixatseas cla>aid uuder this Lend of Relipitna SeeWtiee· We ere not able te arrive ai t t.« -pi < ueiiary »tati-tic» of ail of them, but ne «hall en- ilenv.x»r to mske the li»t colutili te ns the n-sources at nur eoasnkead will eetaùt In th;.« instance it ¡a more tci- trnal ta anew the yenre income fhau the nmouut ut ex- ¦esidit'irc. Cash receipts. Anerican H»n>s· H< e MtoSSS etojkttf II-.·2 to ..... *V> IS« M Am· rvee ilibli- ¡tocielv.te April. It,»*. J*5>42 Amerlcea reasret» riessi rJssöa, no reiirr. t»t. Art. riran st.d 11 min Bit·!- Bsslers, to April. ISM. «4.S43 11 ka tretas »¡d Fsreltsl b:i» iau tTsesa. to 1*M. i7 «? 11 Alun', su Ut DslsB Bsp: is:), au r r l. A - d Boeri of 1 »stai >ai.«rie ef Fereles Missmne. !.. .1,,'v.lRjÌ. »it.«: Anuía x'u Ilouia Al.«a...i.av áo. leiy, -o Aprii 1*~>I. 171,154 »4 \ .. Mi««iotarv Aa» ia-.ion tu A i«ua· I .i 41 14 Anterk-ar. «-abballi lia. ? »Wie.y, te (Vtoher. I*'ai. Iti TI Ai.» ss Seadsy S tool VeioB, M Msrtk, ltaS .. ri,«aS Atsetl tn T:'.rt Sori···» le Apri. 1158. »».'."»? W AeSaciSS· Alunni ot «Jeurta! Itt'o >i:ca Srai:r.sry. no pe, iniarv re «rrs. . Crii .ral Aaitncau Liiuia.'pe Stotot« u·· :r'\:rn» (Su *aa- VMpMWm ß <f.eiy >p «»y t.'M. ... ? «*· S I «llreiate si,.1 T; »>..^· ·' Kd-irat ra ito^eet .... ttjf e.niegetionel toaeeSM lea of NswYork ead Bro»klye. tteeele Mass» taie ·»..· ?»·t ut 3le«s»T«aTl«, sto·· ¡ Mtetoaatt eaptoepsl Mesnteasn .-. .e j. veer isvs- äj,st) r Methodist Eplseopal Ti« <e .»'x v-ar ÍsBb, .»v-'aanve i ot s»*k donatioo··. '* »irx. York I. fa « » · ? liliaiyl ne». 51.7*. Nav. Y ,ik Biìile luion laeiiritrv ). no reters·. ?. r«tk - ..? Bt . ·· a an nj ne -»· tnirat. . . N'tw-Tstk Hi»:« ani. eoi-.iu..o F-svai Bmo» «tones«, ¦Vi . .re! ISAl. ' f Rew-Terk City Beato« Sehssl »s»es»iy,aWeWWBa.:__.. s s , ? o II· .__. .?'** · ?. V. Ladies fi on- Alisusoe » Se- p ? IfISS ?*«·" « ·)__. .uè. .»en H I I »daySrhoO G»» -t 4·· « -? ' ¡·:»G»... ?. ?. Hand j- . ? «» ««t Fräs issi s.· or g. «esioee io istan - ..... Pie.?, ·., »? ? -.u -0 ·· ? .-.· » m «? 'Uè-? G a'Kin. lliî. FneSvl-r.« ?. if a'» , ,- «? ., «. ¦- ·' ¦· Pie.-.xttr »? HcmJ ß: ?'-????, »:. >??. ?. «;. »... . 1 ¦ ? r». \1 .. : · -? - »-J, Btf tU- Pi*4**<*at Ppieeapal Tract Serai -, raksilpiaui»· »ad ·*>·. Mltta. . l 142 M Pr««v»«.r«l«»a«r«IEp«serr-»l ».,edey »-bsci tr.-n.ivd (b«iet H..ok N'iet«. ? M«., iVïl. Ti -: s·v.Lth i»ay n«r*at ? ¡ fui ??. uffa S'T.Bk Day Pai,·.·. ? -- -y · J.rr M... I MB «I .»-.?. ,| \ ,. «at Pan ? ? t. r.n.·· · ¦oa.L ru ??-, »?·:· J».-«i: »rv new. ao retern«. .. »LLCa. -' !.. ·: . «j \i .. ,: FrisropeJ, .IM IbLiiaa Ataaer«:«·.:. ot .».a- '.·» ï' it, lu t.:»n·.. laeeaeaette toca ertaato aee, we an | itstodf ly «till w.ll po f:,r :.. rhee thor »Ithon^ih the mer. tntOe com¬ munity of NVw York are «·, ,'r·anaoaty hargeal wttii a ra.'nd pu rati after the alniiehty dollar! oar cirjiene are n<>t »low to part with their ?? J pr ·:ß rjhilautlij»vpic»J op rali·.··..«» ohieef» which ther e,,n«idee -¡«-a^rr- th*ir »np- P«rt. latonoMnoaTnoasBssnoaMAooaarBaMeaoea· leaplatiajg I . .' it· y ? reren reflg 11 i eeataMafagthenarkih the t. itij «ni;» -? .li -.in,- .?,?,, h ,¿re .¡.prnpnalod by Um Basto nth« aiii.1. ui· ·t of th« tn·!·· .1 ind ^enara'l rhotitkiof the City; bet wateell - · tri-saoead with ? u.sny ·!.G. -: tans, that pr«-f«rr.l,!·· to »How j.,vb- t·. da gaed in tlreirowu way and .n whatever rr. :.:.· r 'hiia lo eipr«-»» »rr, t>] iii'mii of mir own ipon tbe -l'j Jo toll«.»- ou: tl,.· ».I i-. t af the»« ^aniary «ra:.*ties a* toe· they ere irai eleae, wehen aha· el «nrietin to exam.·· ·.·.·' l-r the head of ** Beaeroaatt. Beetoload Gea I -* MOBbes- ídc; ?·. We rbsll nleel aaafe ef than »> hare any bear- lag epM |thilaothiepiral ? charii - Inro-ri». ??. ' «t. Draatatl I .: lavaci t, n·.·«· i »p. a. . turn. ?.' ta ??.?·?,«·?, Love l,u li.u »o ir-.y »upr-ir-ius tho I.·¦¦<.· lot ib« Pitead.« · ,'.,7 pete itairaiI a.· y»»D la Me» », Mil. I.'-. T7 An'i·«!. aad Fan · A --..-r- » ... 0 raiae »>»' 1st BOietaf·«.'.. An.»!..ai aad Y -.· »?il ? . · .id ??. pi« n»ttM»'eti «r«»ai*tl lea Mafcfe . lastitaa M«sa «? G.I pon· ta taba ?- ;. rr ?: . ut t-jrd r -he pita ni the Dittati 1 A»-'C1». B. Al -an I <;eti t..r M«. ratta· il Jtai.rBdii.rMiy. It-1. MVA M Bat« ?.? in »..:.. ? · r. .-o. .--v. u·,. .- -, An.« ri«»n'lenperaLe· 1 lui to return«. I hi.a?... < tclniittt.LL S.^.etv (fcr ?'.-??ß rn»er*r.t»i I > I lt-r»-... i- IB ? Fnm l.er.· ·. « ... « r·-· fe tor ye.r erd;ri« ÍI lafetr, 115.1. it ¦· -....·. Ml · a. u G?...-..-.r. r ;??· r*t.d »ub pentaaeai rasd, tessei sad «ppt. ,!,..-. .ibiny atacfet t -d ritorti» nl rccrip.». li. nil. M stai ?·.··, » r. y art uimlated fand ? . I ·' li.Kt m, Carretta] li ·· il -:y stosartpalaa ti noi« J · r B.oiitt.. «.lowitiice iu «???· ·· e«,d faner»; et jinn. .sfati . -.. l'a. »t Bearvi ral t y naine tnnd ab.,u·. ai ->· tveilre of ert.u«: r·· ri· ¦'·. . Iti» h > I: .irait .»ortrtv. li.euitrii: S»iin««Binl attached t. : » Lot ; afe« Its*. Lidi-i L'aita Au. 1 M -.laliat Epucop·., man Uni »r. ta · Salle· ter tati »ne ii.fiim niririoeri. re ee.pil . t.tOB M Mnm Battei] ihr WsbrWa and Btebaa·) -<" member« ai ¡· : >·· r .a· I., in e... d « dtua n ..: BavJM Irum Mil ii. KBasie« laat year,. «UM Mllitxltr* ?·? -1 p not rer^i., d. BeW'Tak U d hi .-id Orphic· of Medical Men. n.y in d in... 011.1 «?. »i.i.ual retun.» ? |ilbll«l.ed. N«w ink Tyufrapk ¦¦· [Bri k I'mi'-r. Fire Librti» st.». r.» d | no reíais· iBtarlved . Pri.. ? A*»*-ri»tii ? of .S·» Itti ? »Marat. M Ar··-· ¦:· ni Bew-Totfe, rhn.table e»| ei . ha* »ear. .»t ???t?ß ? Beati I New York and h, « Ijn. tie in il trai ?. de-aili rot ?.-.»·.·.:. tt. ti.'.rk« ? » ·· » Y«rk. Brimh ) d. ta. ? ui tu ¦ tiii'i.. .Ve ngiet that ere eaaan onke Ban >.te npreeeot, Weebrited ererj ieetttatiM Bs»disaor*Vn otf ever, tociety lo eh» h we h ire let, Ted, vìth th. .>bje«>tof coi'.. t'iijr. ..;!.. r hy tbeh ; orts M hen ftwrnmal ¡p- tiurii ·. Ihe fuii« «? partii iiltir« >? the « p.i at .im· ..G. u h, b it fi« n. iln- b,' ; that :l ·· report·of terete! vary a thear pe· ri«··;« ni tone, oad tb·· ßμß?μ of any aeeente«tonto .ohei iii-ifii .·.»·.. aid aot toBBbtotopr ottoto theoajtoet wt bad in ·. i> w. Hotrerer, fi.atine we here etrea OMOot fail to prore «aggeeüre, Bod we tru«t it at» t»;. ici th· -"iiiti u oi inaiiv panaaa turbe fact thai there ar·· »«?· r··! njp... uiiiti·- .i.inr'inl them by tl.i:ist,:u:n,n« und «m ··.· performing note /»od ortton, a eoatrib· uiing t«· Ihe aM '·'·" "e deeerrtog eeaea. ,1.\ G/-? EMMA8KA DEMON8tk A TIONS. N'r»\ ,Ii:i;-J v. . At the Ilem.i.rati.· A-iti-NVbraeka ni. in.tr c«:itl) M at Tteoteo, r>« .lutniin w.-re niiojitiil »u»t:iiiiirig the cour»·· ot Dr. HheHen toCoogreei in retieg agalaat tbe repeal ol the Mbnoeri Ceaapron'ne. 'Ihe t'otlnwiiig ree., ulin?.s »· re ???··?;··?| With other» of an tijiiaily tpirited character: ba» I'd. lhat t!·· h Ry »pp. »tU*BI nfaaet t,f ? ? ,|-vi)'e.| ·,? the evni.ii,n ef Sl>v«ri tnalllne i,ft...nl h.-..k« »ml K»n«a*. nd the pul.lu derlari'nn» made by to tl·.· aaar« nf Mlwti a: d Arkan'M f iheir let ft bat t·· infr .In· ..v-tr ista Kar: a- tai 11, ?«io by »? m·· all fritad· ot bmtVÉin frtsa - ·?·.?.« m 1.1« r-rri- tiiv ifcaa h.» ubi »p. il:,· pestexu »nd ·«,;.¦¦« BttJk byth* n iti:· ru uoughftr. « il t oi.-r··'« tor tneir penid.ou, ?. ?·p rat ai il. MIL r.rni'ird. That every i.orthern man who »nt- i t. r tl - M baa foi (.Un: It ?? :,,:·:,,·, fret uno. and «h, uld not be p- htiohed. That we «d».-e the Irli nd« 1 f.eed'U il «-.e, -yery whr.r lu ui .t· .?. ? I. t:t.g by ixiin-n»·- u.aj ,r, .. , -h -r «MIober« i.l I .r·.· »!,·, ri that infam·"!» aud ;.· ri.' hfhtii ThttWI r«· ¦"..t.l.r-.J in t II·· p. <·,...· t.î ? N rll'ci »Itet'i to hold .alii·· I L«rrnlie«it ib ih· ir re»|iri ?. in /?.,?-.?.' ?. tristi, .? d L'.nnniie ione bai un h a. are »ell knnwn ·.·» lie in ,y,,r ui ·? a r»-i in tal nf ih- Miratati Ci,mi n.nme. l»r Cbiitie« skeltmi, the worthy Beert natathre of th«· lid Diatrrt in Ceagnaa, arai penen a; the aneObar, aod iielivered an eleqeiiOl luidr»···· iij.mi the amant condition ot our publie ulUirit. lu fer· lu to th· Nebriuakii ·)??.·· tion. hecaid: ..Thoiiiii» Jeff« G-··??, tin- father ti the --?«-rat DOonentie jinrtv. i»ns iheoothnel t'·'· poBey neoBotsed hv the Mi·- fnut'i t cmiminiti·. ? li»· »um«: |.riiicij,le bus boMnOOC* idled hy »Il the I»· nmirati· Pre-idenls ami ??·1.···1 by nil the Pi ? »¡di lit». Ihe act«·!' 1·??, and .t- ..?-?.? it.ontlrv »?« th« ii reviewed. Thome» .It (T. r»on «¦;.« if· niirhor. It wn- supported by Jann» M ad i-on. It »vas indorsed hv the Csbiiiei af Pri-nient Moar.i··, Jnln C Colhooa, Win. 11. Cifl»»i.ini. William W lit, Joba Qetoej A,inu.» ami athera. Tbe withering end blighting efftatrli "f sin·. ·»· wtt thea juirtiayed in Htroni.'colnrv. I'nderiU inrlm m e Virginia, .ii·· nt the Breodeel llatoa to the Eni.m tho netAaref »tr,t> -a,11,-hud t'otn.'l I.er ?:· M.« I'..r»;iktii, und ber B tpelo- tion dwii.'lled away. Bul to Slavery, "iiilliir.« of happy freeona miiht hav· hen "pon h. r tea. «Too muy call me what »ou pl«ii»e, an Abolitionist or PiM -fciitof bat I will still BOJ ?Imt Sin»»r» ¡« a ? ur-·-. nnd incnnaiatent with the It u if ß re|iubbcmi Ito»· nuiniit. «The tiu-ii.l« ol' :he No- breaba bill «uy that it is a hard ei.»eth it «htva-holileis can¬ not have the pri·. ib .·«.· of tohhtg their slave« to N'ebrnrka. Wliy, th.rtt is no ditti'-ulty about it. They · mi Hike lliein where tiny plia··· if they will but ht thtm'fr. <·. Hut thia will BOI suit th«-ui. lb. y want M rpeteote an toetltathio whuh aaoMn them to «oil tb, «·. unfortunnte IBM nd women. Bad mak·.' BMBOy m human laah. The free lobenn od tao North bare e deep totoreel in thi« qu« -lion. It to the aecndotsM ef fne blnrtaal form» on«· ot the iuuft ???? objection» to tit in bill. Sia»« rj debraile» lui.or wher«»e'r it is nilr.idu.ed. W·· ?iiiij ly a·h that the fne aoO ef the eeaatey »Indi remain fi«'e. Nini we eir· t·· » ·» to mir brothiM "f the loath lik· Abraham snid to Lot let ? separate and it. tine our '..., ili tin that we any dwell locetber in peeee. ladt bill is an tofringmeal of the right <>i alf gérera oant. Aintdy, .ia¬ ti, r the jirovisiou» ef t h ir« bill, hav·· slavrhold.-r« etOaaajatod to «lierai«· m to who «hall occupy ihe TeeiaOnj af Keaaoa it. · « the peen r to ihe tYeeidoal le appo.ut eoaeen for tb·· people, rind virtually co'iipela them to «ub mt to law· in the atahg -.f wl.n h they aere m » doe. d ><u m t toare the nhjetrt »( Btoreryn the peuple, bur thro»·« th·· »vhole matt» r into the hands of the (¡eiutral flovern- in. uL Now, rill we contend lor is for OH J righto. Wn ny to the rNi.hn'iili is. by the Mi»->uri G »inj..-·.ini-·' you »free to confine yeonetontO «'»rtuin limit«. Abele hy tbe iiiiapoct Wo atned with you to ? "i> aH aaitaaaM bribe nttltnral ef Ihe .¡u« »ti.n in udaway. Bket we liiid th« m tr« atinir ?.· ? nullity this «olemii bnr_'tiin. and an?tMoa han lha fri· mis ,,f beeden iitr own neh Why iheeld lb· North, with ????,??? of people, be canai led to submit thi» (¿r· si .(iieeti-.n af Immun ft. don to 90OM0 pappili of ihe .»..luth ' it lieht ' Is then anythino lit».· « ijoiil lighta in u dmlriiie ef this kind t ua b-ttt.e, lor the ri -?.? to II.·' · \::!¡'ii of \imri.itn labor ag.n: : »- dtaiaMiiea by the atora pawer. !.. t ..ur aeoririaed tre. llatoa. Liberty and Krnt.rn v. pUBlTLVAXIA,.At the Potter Ce» 1th ot" July tii ? the e ?- ei t.-1· lied, to the ne*ea. 7'»· Cea /. p- /., './ at ·.,;,' «??» a. tt.r.t da Boaaaeol tAith «m shdnoeaed, ¦.a »oi. uai 11 ¡rit ael iliaiBjoidi d, the rtegia n it Behrae» " ka t l.i »n ..j n le il·· "" ef Seren, the ft ¦.it laértt ¦«'.· ir'.-'/;/-i' ttwtrfttt. At then »-line of tlie BOaptoof OoÍM Co. at Lewis 'ur^. Jal) e Pisi .is Wji-..?? j.n nding. it wa» ?'. hat lb»' neot 'he miai he»i y a itali ·.. ? »d· »? o ir Reino mi-i mìei, »«nuil the Kit« o: «»real ?: -a. i w». tin». .·.-.:. ».rod I '¡'u «' ?·»-- tn.i-.-.-lu -».rr» lata tk«»eSt»'ri then Brit lb Colotue·. tnd tn»t bad w.. leliyut«- fcf«d tl« e:lt rti c: -be ?·'.·; le to nd ih-mMve« ·? m»· treat e,ii - ird Tt ·: it thr propweticn of Sl«»ery wa. ¦ -t in- m ·:.- .e. b ·. mind, a R:rt« o! Enc:ind, in IB age jf otnpata-.i.e dtrka»··. i'. ? fai tr- iter ri ime it c^nimirrrd bt rh·.· ·;·ß haarissl reijp;. la rh» tu! liti.· :'· i..L'<rrf.h CeBIBry. l.»i .'rid That the :u-»·.;»·.« dfiunid .; 1st So;b. :or ia .acreiiie ot Slur lenilory.sbilt vatt dittncU already inch lie ïnoccupied. evinca a dein u iuatiu o uMaui for tb« slave power t. po.itical pre. r" oderai ce in the oatioual .'uuoiil. and tatfe preponderance woe'd be u>ed to pir. id.r he t.n.«, and ( mtamtk . ol tor r- Statt». t.... ..d T»ï»t -b .. il nl-l» ..f e UBire·· » hi ·.. l:f ill» «rTKa-ed .he p.¦..«r ? '.tir Bebt»··*· bill, whatever a ay ?«to-il party aeiuee icd piny ate. a·· ir» «atllltl a af kataaa aa Ohi·»..We have received the ;·?»«-«««·??·.·» of many of the County CearaoOieM hi the atoa BOOf l)i-«e»sjat·«* Ibi \iiti-N(hr»*ka '»tate Convention at Celumb't« ia July. One »liirit j·re» nil.« MBOag the friend« ef Keputdicanlarn Ihroegbaal the S-nt. j-resr« ti\.· ef party, mat is r*ai*t- .are ??» t vi-j -.; a loth« aanaatoMofi » -? jj. ? E··· n''tn s Lertitte. Some of the beit and ino*'in.1u.-a- ti»l men in 'h» Mato ka»" L·:· u appoint·.»! eatogOtoa :???- hanhaa« IsaiAH*.. \ m«*tir.c of the inJcrender.· ( .tiitne of Al¬ len i«>. w»· belai ·? Port Wayne J fly I, W. ». S-nJth pre- -, wbK-h wa· BaNdrreeed by th»» Boa. ». brenton. I harl-i t Ite, »m II· Cl-ei:man, aid a -er.·» of r»aolvee breathic,; rh» true «pint was jdoi-ted. oce f which we t iti set Ar· .?·» T'jtw« ¡ìiir.Iti·, ? ,xg a -.«.«uii.- p, 1?a:·?·??!?· -? ·?- K h a. a -? r* ¿n -neo! a ge·. er») jo.iiDg »f an leur« ol -ha and·: -r t* «ttaOe CcaaTeaann«! D .tri'-·» »t llbvon. N V- Cjuoty «g«a ea.-Iy aAay M ptaea ¦ he Batea »«It*.« of ..rielve« and -·· ·>*»t(1' /,-».«>»«. Tb»: we *»-ee wth th* V- · ' «. ·.- Eat » to I «hi a -.«: »I lLd.aii«p« s ou ;tc .U-i. .f M «atetaB«m-· » · tr»*t Ljieieni -e· taj eyi' -.1 i; >.· . 1-hii.i: t ¦.-».y »ad piotali, bui we .*ar.·.; tr .<»·-aai uyltwt -i' · »"-f il! tuV-'iBof ligairt k'»t lot « a w .-la»V .ha·. ¦- · f ?-·»- ' Iba aaiVtis« «naptabMa taaaaa thai ta·«est-1* ? natal·,«Bd Ht Rrj*rtrrttj* that·'een n«.»no-'f«· .werran »rlbab». and the.1'«· - ·,. ¦!· NiVrjtk» biLL un iiuu-.isy. .imi .aaasani » ot : -;. .1. ? to bel lat M of Lib- «t ·* t!.e »m. rose Tut \'mipcru,u> Oosr-rpti- »aye ttast tbs axr.i-Ne- !.rs«ka feeiiae * verv «tron»: «vn-oi·* eten " Old f»em«> rat» m ì.«ak»» C..nnty. mut Mrl»..re»y «dl «ske tbe field witb ail b.« ?-«ver sgratast ran l Indorai f tai Sa very c. rea.- «?? fi h eHse ·«·: h. ivy enti-N.·· .-a ka ral M D - ¦M-a«theaseaerae »han,. ;:.. «Bate Cvsavaakba . . ... bj ?···: n.· ;!¦¦ mi tieni >.t :he < en; .¡.-.t ? -" ?; . ··. ..r ·|·» »·· - for ·.:.«· : ¦·. mote lin;;;».e ibaa tea »neh j. .... L_ Ko'i.n-. n. »;'£> u anr.iull af can··· api»«·, i-ould r»pair. Iri Kosiir.ako and Dehware f e :nr.ei "Jie um' feeBeg pr»-veils. ard celle for Cmiitv M-eim,»· for Ibe ß??-''iit- |... ,( |». . k,· ·.- t.. .... V\,, A,i;i..\'ei.-ti»|lu1.· e cai ? eie · bj sarete*« ih» most ? r-im.ue-u- Demnerat» ¦ : Peci ::>··:··.: a ··. V '·· s trai slat · a-» ? --. rasan annm anbsnsia i er säcbuygea _km ..·· ,··.»-"»· Ion« , e-iple imeichni nt.» -if the »lave p.wer. ato t'.r breehiag i.t. all oanaaeeaise· vitbsleeerr. Le? aliti· freeC*inasas ? tute aad tre·· er sfs id.- mi be aarien d by th»1 rVirterina h ml« of the «!e\tl!.ii«i«v».fbat it the i»»..e now. Let is u. ;. tr-er >.e the 1 :li of July. Jai » . | .__ th·· hnbi sieve taw it umoiistitutioi.»'. Barrai Judßt Ss.ith At ß ti...: ia V.'auki-La l .Itire '-«. if »·!« /«aUreW Tta: t-'or» -he I·«,...· · -hat -- »?¬ ?* »'« » w »t . -. ,, t:| ¦· t .r ( i,.)S. .r..: -. er¿ n. IRRIVAL <>r THF. STAR OF Tifi: WEST. The »leaiiiship Star of the West, Capt. K. I.. 1 aafb« an ved al th t ???G???.;. in - day« Beai S«ui -luán erìth IOpeMsnajawn, tl 107,333 '.7 or. f.-· fht, en·' ? tu out t in tt ? hand« of th· ? ssMBfl re. The An-er!i es l.uisrd of -o nun. leti by Mr. lV>r'.r:nd for Hi·· pri't'ii.on ef tl:e Tru.ai- lo. .-· pr>>:~-rT·' a: Peata «rv- «« be^n iiiabrir.dod aai tur;· ·? benne my thi· «m . r. ssnsoanj reme ?.?*· t,u.··! at «»in -luan. ll.e r«in» ba%e he«-n ry heavy and ;h··. ,.!.:.t.on for iri'eeint:, the trot.«:', bnehnj beaBaseae ? '. ? tin:· -linn T<>r rw.'Vi rei mentii«, past. Tbe Tran.»it Company« ali - OtoJ ;.. .·· ratear, r d it S,»n .Iu?.n on th·· ?? ult.. a'l »·?. ,?r,ly I, let. a*0 10', Ion. 7··- 4i)'. sir-nal'ucd »nip Lata- Isjjte »ml aahipof Stnnton «V Ihonipson« G·;«« lin·, stsL.il ?? north. lì» Cr.ifomia new* his «ksssj einti· iaafesa by the arri, al fthe estonrae Leer. YV. ftr·· itidiht. d Set ? ».Inaiò·· favor, te lbs 1 IBI 1 I r of the West. The follo» ine Hie »peci· Ral ni tic *»:..: fi,? \»e«i li -e. ?. Miei m.? A G? ejCte.SSS.Nelevas It.,bt:je<n. *»-'. l'i¬ li, fi'lei.» Bai...... SVA.SS· lésasses» £ I.ow.t»n.... ISaa «? ?·. l»i.tiw \>m Seluman A e'··. · W Hegel eo. Idi*.rio J ?linei gelei· k I W.'? Ferii A«'«. lai.OM t'ass. il ir.-«u. M li.··«·,Al. 1*.*0·' - Tual. ai I e (rr'iji edenre of Tbe ?. V. Tnl..ine. ¡TlsTBarTllsT. Krtjeajr, Jaae 30, IrJM liy tra» af postscript to my leite ih·· 'iîth iii»t., I hate to inforni yea tail ea Iae eteeasei Htar af 'in· West waa [ruiecdin^ doun th·- hsr'mr toward Part Knyiil, for tl·· earpeea of esartehnhhnj, ·>? her sayaga, ou tl.e night of th·· 'Ji ili she went iirihore not fir from Port Kojal. All itli'iig ear iparione btrber fiitm ere dr'iM ? ai:«l ;ir·· tafteieBtl} kenftby ta eaasjar ? roaaai· «¦r.il'lc liiirht kboee erater. Ob tbeee pil·-« the depth af water ia eerieaer· indicated in figure«. Ir would ßßßß? thut ( tl the n.ttht in iitti «tiou the pilot, ilista-.nl ol'kci'l»- ?ß| the st· ¡in.· r hetwci-n tin- pile ui.irk< d " nine feed " ¦?«· the li .'linliitid, lll.ide ??t pi.-'.« tin' pile on the n'll.r »irle, in ti.·· ibklVew iv;;ter. Th·· eeaeeqaeaee w··« »I·· ran aaliyre on ·? bank ef mud. It bel ? n «.lid, essai the cullai- of ??·· pilot linkilli: »noti u u Intake sta· ttie pl.-n-iui; afe iiijiit un fh·· trreaaj pi'·', hut thi» I baee Bestertsaiae·] to be ???·??t·'··?. Tbe ift is, tin- lewasWag ni th·· reeeel v. eaaaai bj th·· ibeer e'urcli «»ni »« or nicoiiip.-tciic) ef tba pilot in eberte, A.iiali-i.c·' w.i- proti.;·!', pmctin-d for the purponi· af L'ettiii.· ti;·· «ti.¦.inier oil the h.'ii.k, and the briaattae Van ? ir·· ;md one or two schooner»· trttt ap.lily ?-??- ¦efea in linhtcBiiiir her. Application havin·; ??-?-?? iliade to Capi, t imper, Baperlateaáeat ef the ?. If. Beeaa < ? ? ? un», the .ti ¡liner Eagle ame lenaannVatalj basi in «p-ii.itioii, for the parpeee af baalhaj od' the8tai af tic V.'.-.t. Thla ta.k, it «....in», was not in eitai oti·-, m li rii.lv era· ti.·- »te-unicr ¡inhedilnl ?-? rio- intuì; timi ir «?,« not fill thi« inumili·: thai ehe wu* ejot oil, when rie intuì dill.· Il G? tlirind lip the Halber, .'lini W...4 broneht to ih aiaailagemS Httrhiae' Wharf. Ji'irin»; the tune the HtentniT was ea the hank, mo»t ot' the pee- seagi cam·· up to Kin«;sion, with the rlea ef larther Ii·.!,!· ahn] tin- ship. A reaj ill-cut inni trtssle h.-m aaasakaai that ensxaiai iti ? diiiiy |apcr, call« J T/n Dailp i<ie,rtisir. in ?????·?? ü,euiort Baweeerri «1 abaee kr keansed ea the Captala of the Star ot the West, and t*ieino«t uiitrnrht'il »t ite- n · nts -i-ule relative to the condm l of rliat ????·· uian. I or instance, it is a--··, ted that (he niifht ??? dirk nd storni}, und that tl··- pilot cnile.i?ored, bn' with¬ out »ncce.-a. le asaaaale the raptaiu IVeai pro.eediti^ to a M Neh a nietlit. It quit«· true flist the itiieh». .? ..-li.'irK. hut not »e darle as represented hy Th. ??- r:rtit,r."au dark tliat it was ultuorl iuiposaible fo tea one's land.' Tl.e ..»»eitinn thai "'he r.Tn fell " rather heaxily, and there were all the indication» a «Meads»] «turni," in without th«· eaflghaton] loundition. I etarfeil lor In.in«·, about rlree'-ipiarters of a mile dis¬ tant, at II o'clock on tli.I eaaflht, and oil itli|irill,' at Miti-liin's Wharf, «hile pensaisf, if the «reamer arai still sli.ticaide, «Aa» ansa that ah·· waa off. I pro¬ ci·· (¡ed In Howard, wliere I arriied without h.-iviiij; ? wet with a aliale iirop of rain. I will nut uu- iertahe to ».,} that it did not rain at a «iih»ei,'ient p·· | erii d the nicht, lone kfteff the »tcini'-r sTM off: but it is certain that it did not pre, ion« to that. Neitlier «as tier«· the liKt resson to apprehend a «torni. I li;.\e «la·· hccii inti rmed by aVtëVal «ughhf rc«p«'ct.iiut· pnaseafen on the steatner that the that th·! «tateiiien· ot tie ah) r ? 11 ¦« havin»/ im;.ted on pattane, to »¦ i. ceititrary to the ri-ruonainrio·· th.· pilot, is ei|ii¡illy untnie. (In the contrary, the captain was .i » - «? «1 hy tin- pilot that thi» tailor ????» .'.eiLi.id take the ve.ecl out at» »afi-ly he Masjjjjht I.· r in. Nay, «Neu alter the steamer had hauled off the wt.ait, the captain wa· «olicitiou« for the preaer- ihtioii ?,I hi· employer» pr· pattai for he tei Id the pilot that if Le (the pilot) had uü> doubt af hin capahiliti of titkirii: ni.t the veeeeL it ame not tini late Ie detertmne ¦ .? p tnaitiiiiL'. The tad is, the offensive urtici« evi¬ dently written under the -uppo.itimi that a master pilot t an.···! Coldaon was in churire the steamer, and tLut it wa« necessary to ». re. ti this individual, who un,ally a »killiul pilot, from blame. It ··, happen», however, tl.at Mr. ???1??»·,?\?ß·? sur thepihst in charee; ami ff M trtrr. such a ditattrr would si>f have accurred. nor areahl Mr. OaUeaa hare required the taei of left- l.iiniid ¡nlviM-ai-y which Thr .lifref/.· ri." ??·:-·.?!?··:?!; »t· n'td «? him. The |aa«eni;er· ea the Star of the Werit. who »?··«? in ibe hiiiheat term« Captain TinlilepauL'h, are high¬ ly bkanoaal at the muss misstatement«.not to use a liar»?·G rm.that have be»-ti made «» t«> hio cou- ducf. I In!':·'·· »nine uitheui are about, .vririuK a re- f · I ?. -o iipne'.-r in on»- of th·· daily ?«?*t« 1*-?·?*??t?, to the article in ike AHt-'rtwr. .Should tiiey do »o, I have nitriera! intcrer-t with the new-pa|ier» '·> he ahle to aneare « proof af the letter for faeteaare tu you, provided tie proof ik ready in firn··. I .ehall keep opeu tur that BBrpaae, as wHI its with the view of aH'-e.-t lir·- ÌM whet'er IB] aiirvey h«d«i on the »r.-an er, thu'izl; I bcii'ie 1 cm ».v. she ¿ i-tained no J-jtiia.'e aj bat« e\. T. 'Ihe Hen. Kdward Jordan ha· been pi-vailed on hi accept the Mayoralty ot thi« city, and wa» «.-.vorn into 11..· · ? ? the «t8th iiisUiit. II;· at-i.-pt nice is ou the ci teliti· a thai the niemtrcr« af hat Corporation »bfUl aid tim in eteleavoritu t·· effect a full iuej«iire of civic int. by le«;i»l8ti\e movement. 1 have ju»t waited on Colonel Harriwin. Consol for tie lutt.-d «-tste«, who ?·.« im.) me that re utrtey nee»·-ary on th·· Star of the West. The Colonel a verv erhaae and Kind old c.-nrl.-mvn. of whom your eltiieii» may well be proud. A; Brat, hearin.' I was a iti'» r of the Kour'h Estate, he wtedispo»«kl to treat me raiL»r cavali« rly, thinkii··» I mijlt be an emissary in m Ihr. Atlctrtwr. 1\·? tlii«, he fsnnor b·· blamed, he muht to be tenacious of the honor hi· nation. I MB happy to cmirirm »hat I merely -'innts»d iu an earier eart of this letter, that the .Star af the Weit ucinjnrtd. At a ¡ate hour, 1 NeSJnfoei the proof af th»· letter. .i:B. d. "Maty ? ...fl*· ol the ^tar ·>·' the W. 1 bp| to panel. It is follow· : I ", ''.Uf»J G4- '«ni.jlfr»! I 1 ke puumtugett tbe Sii.- ?? .? e »? est, erba ebbi ^.ercte», |.rw:ked lb» aka.-f at Kictstee ks· r> ine .ne:, m Der of th- selon .ua:e »aa-ASsal »ílir'j iX ..»S tsl T.seeds· ,Tests, ·«·«,/ »»re. ¦*< tue! Sil, 1»is4 is tteir «upr-suaus 01' .t»-;i» . >;t^.i-M »h h 'fce Co at ? ut e -ti»:i »r ladreeetveai at lave Semia of ri'uree ei Ki: tsteo. : · . . is,-· ^4-ot mi --te ÍUjel «ir. · tots ? roanasaler- H-eS-raos asi «Usa-·, «rae W «vfcfc I ... .»r-xl j.t¿ %A m »ttnVMhtS ? · ' .(i tal at ibi li \·.;?· %«·· atW ail »to remVnS aVat e. ee ?«· ??·? ---- I . a - .-. .- ?. .e-(.. ?... , , ;,ja.. ». ? « · a- -ie -r - ?-.- »-- -i-x -.'« . ia'vt.1 ta< inttea, «SkiSe s -< í-s - . . - a- I SI ll. - -i^ -«a ? a »!» »e-a' '"«t ¦-.-· a-e '·»'.».«·. o. · e r' t; ,t r. w tw <«e»ie;«ae- has «rotee «if oar remmener- aoS the Wi Ie a-fair: east etSJ act tbe rrrerat sereeas· ef tto »»«sm«ere -o »eir.ajes .hertoe Be« secb s asi isa rff-ve.-vaooa ol -er-e«OcaU he a>- .»4.«ick a »eartrae as· uuaiei.lv ettari ipom a atiltai aui ». Lbv -vit. »o·1»· Sie-J "»e ? «tJS'd- it' Uteri.,., »av» I- sel «r »? ?- .'»¦ · iti to aoilja ? res« ** issaassi that -t- ». a tkc ect, C»{at. . · . «. 'S aere ni tfce torta.. I I .Si· .. tal . . : X .«- >. . . .- ·: .; ...«-.-o.-di# s ¡v.etal uel» eu-Ji-·. r-)'·.;· «a. i: r·... :.- na.«-:· .»Et'tei»«-» llteeaa ·' ,.»¦·. u/er» .10 boenlth«· »-x -»¦ vaaoi. Se.-Jia »t.; ·?·p ceteot aa«n» .»I the..· p., -a·-· et si par« . , ave al «e; l»«rue«i au ui* i. it '··..-, ...» ··.· v. ?. ejti of '- «· tos . ··. g .>>«t essto hs'.liv pr».J' «he« a . · . ·«.._.·.. « ari ?- 1res« ·-. ·, . . «av rww-Ter . . . .. ,.| -·.. ..r «lei er ! t»-- le>J|sl :air. Ih» tnìik r ~ r W | tato · -? b-retrm-id I i-e«,, f . editor of /"»e ·-»· -e-' «r to' t». srtret waea k -a · « · -a. | » ; «.. .- :.. r-i «ecu ae.ie*«u,e · tkat to t he t. unii from thr tira« the .hiiivrent »..le. ai 11 s h. ? «? u ?. .. ke ie. *A tur prient -·. . «a·) tanoren ? pi,, a«lii ..'i..·« SS '·¦ ¦» ··.»...«·..:.. -e aTes » aal tasakk 1 W Weref.ier ai··»»«-» vreeoin. v · ·. ·««<«·!«·.*' atti Mare tto ? s-ar aftas Wear, is kasass (m · Jar· »· · I ' - ·?· mi le] as ¦ h. r :o ernrlwe.e. tra, tot kit il·.·«· «nu» a end -«rai.; «heu t, ... rv-1 ß?? oe in »aaeesSas* tasi · . »ySstoSSatvi SSsl ri'.pa.«.·»",» .(. 1- ,-xer « oaseesfer oa rtstiSr.wktttier he or Anieni-ar, Bai Iriirl. tftl · P- Jrar.«r w . beastekla aessi n .? o tt« t aast« ? ··" Bstsn.ki tto « ··:¦·. ita-stiri «rc-ril ft ¦:¦ a »toy «.'r'.tleee SI x Iras ? vetar Sa*, of a barter isas ¡,'- West .. levitar- »tiralei a: lea- r.xitej fi· re· . ti. 1... ¦ .... e pi , . · < ...«...· »?; lied ' - a t.. il , .... ·.... ... h??? to D»\ i»ei» tesateti >' -·??.»? eel »? »?»·>: the ·-«·.. ? eels ? ·¦· !«·'. tersi tot ist» ef tkeeV Ire ·? ito «ri «-' th» ¦easssteit Tir ?..·.·'· etto! «ras »ttr ?.· ilj ne.·»,' or" - usti ett it «re» elese· « e te »ss '. o·'· rer.: tastassi ItBSwMck ito Kfrrrf ir.- .:·» .·,· tei ·...·. ? .·- e ; lista« » taio ·!·· .r ,h«.aeter lor " »»seta»»*' ? »tup farina r t.i re Tto K.l.i. ? ef /A . a u.weil :.· xi«.i rh» Staiti n leu to shall li «il! Itoa. »t Imst. k»Ti ? munit« le i- e m toa lereepeel .a ? ? ·. BM ttol ..· -, T..» ? Pase»uà .- ·¦¦ ?. - ??«!«·!«». Je·».. June I STAR UK G tr: «VEST Sffonöfucnimjföition. FOR STEAMBOATS, RAILROADS, &C. HKUM»DAV AITKU>OON, 3 ???,?G?. ITATI OF THE KABKafTl To v.. Wi Baaeaai. duly la.· P. M. A-iir«.The m.-irhet i.« quiet but finn et*'» 50 c ?'· '? for Pearls, and M *U fur l'ole. I'm tun.A very finn market, but the biiaines* light, ilealer» wsitinL' furiher advices limn Kumpe. Floi ?? «M· Mi He.1 he better i-mil«¦ of \Ve.»t· rn and State I-'lour arc ¡inner uni a Hfht sto« k, but tlie losr grail * an- at. nily in.l in BaiaV it·- ¦.¡ue.af, eaeeaaeasnl by th·· l'ulne report that the »teanier m.s below., ('»'inaurili Kl· nr is firm titid U-sa ?'.? nty «alu af Ml bhle, at $1 2?. lie »alee ef Western ( unni are ?,ß?? bbN. at *?8 *7 for ini:i· ii to i»ood State. MeV#«M for ·¦ Ho^u- "Stat··. 17.tl '.? lor \Vi»i onniu, and $7 M u *7 Î3 for i.iiiliiou to Bass·] Ohio. B4B'tie r:i ?',.'?G i-4 dull und hi'uvy. 3i)o bbl.«. »old ut N ? 99 far ii-.ìm il le ?»·«"? brand» Hult- imore, ¿We. li)..· Hour hiaachaageil »nies IM bids, al $5 JO foT fine. Corn Heal e »ti .nlv aalse MI bbl«. ut $:i 79 ior ,??-r»· y. OaAIB.Tae mnrktt f··! Wheat is st «ady. willi I fuir ilenniid; sali« ·,?' ? bush. I'pper l^ke nt II M| t,4M do. new Snuth and North Carolina r»'d »t «Jl of. Oute ara higher uud asee ??-tu··, «air» af sut· ami Weal ia a* ¦··-' u ..je-. Ban) ii inactive et ·1 t-''-??? ?? Corn is in limited dcman.l md prie·· er·· lower; «ale· '.'? M In. I.· Is utf,Stt)7c. for western tnited; 74a75Jc. for -i.iitln rn y< ¡loti ; 7u ., rf|c, foi round yellow; Me7M|e« for -? ii.li. in white, and IM Ule. for unsound. ????'?) witlmut ehenjri, but is ipiit-t. IriO bbls. wer·» «old at -J'· krM|e« for 1'rison letter prie·· on time. pnnvi-HiN»- potlv is rallier tinner; sale» of »."M) bbl«. al III IM 111 N for Mees, and I10u«10 -¿S fot Prias·. Itia-f is rUiiily at y«·»!·-relay'· .(iiotatioiiri. Oilier kiuds ua- eh«iiL'·.;. /va·/;.». riKE ta laïair aaaaaia ei. On Widneaday mornint; rt tir·· broke out iu s knssjl of frame building» ?? Thirty·»· ? ????-?. beta« ? the Seventh and Kteehth-avs earned by Oudley Seiden, Kaii., and oe- uji.'l by laverai «Httnien stubiee. Oejhnj m aha iu- tlr,u.i;.ah'i material in the premise·, the Hume« s|iread ra- piiHy ai.d «J« spit«- tin ex'rtlun» ol tin- tir· men who were eerij ea th«· ground, the whole nur,'·· mi bmldii.. wa« en¬ tirely destri·) ed. Several anaaaj peri»hed m tin rlau.ea, all erTorte to get tl· m out provine· ,.'.?· ..!·-. ; The total loss esrinistod bt ??,??. bY ThLLGRATH TO THE OW-Ihsg TRIBC.VE. DI MO( l.'ATIC BASO SlIKLLi (O.VVKNTIO.N AT svUACisi;. « ·.vTeÉMBiejí July II MM. Tkere an about one iiundr· d delegete· to the Conven¬ tion present. The Ulk of the CeasaaBssa is to nominnte Mr. Bromos for Covercor, and if he ..eclinea, then to nominate Mr. Srh'll. t.'andidate» u:e plenty. TLe pr'ui'ij.le» of the ?? bra«ka bill will be indorse··!, but the President and tie bill a" it «tend»: will reçoive the cold »houlder. Tut Lmit r anil Juvrmi' irçe« the W*hi^»e not to press their particular candid.-.teg for Oovernor. That paper havinjr warmly support«? Mr. I^avenworth this is deemed .¡.raiticant. A cuuca· met last night Lu the parlor of the hotel. Mr. Mitchell wa« the Presici' tit. The «ift'ir« d··· lined to ftrnish s prir^Tamuie ef the pea- rasjáhnf· for the pr· tt. ?.· OSO Dl II. Ihe Ciiuw ntion was calle 1 la order by ??ß??··? 8. Cut- in«· ?rie, at I- o'cloek. Thotnea M. Mitri.« 11 veo« ahsnsaj temporary Chainnan. acd took his «eat amid lot.d «pplaiist·. He Muriied thank« fur th·. honor onferred. Sunii.el Ki.rl af Herkinvr, and Oro*vcn«r i, Adams af » folk, were sppointed Sei r< (arier- ?I ¦ ro'l v, ej then eaaW. LATKk ntOM nO JAXK1KO. aUtTin^oaa, Wednesday, July 1J, l»-',4. The Urk I^pwini? h-a «rriitd itt thi» port with Hio Ji»n· irò dalia tu the sth of Jane. Kob· p G. Scott, Am· r- ii au Consul at Kio cum«· in-seniçi-r in ber. Universal good heallh prevailed at Kio. Tbe I'nited State« frii-vte Savannah and «tor»«lop aWasf were in port.the U'ter aimut to »ail for Xc-w-York with Lo ut. loiter of the ^avanx?Mb, who returns in conttiiueuce ?? ill-health. The bri.:.' Heii.hr! I ; id -a·1 -I tor Montevideo.and th« ?·, iiiantown was expect· l at Kio «iKiut the middle oi Julv. ?-¦ LATO HíoM HAVANA AND KEY WF.S'f-AKKI- VAL <)V THE ISAHKL AT CHARLESTON. t..t UU i.»tos, Tuesday, July ll, i-i4. The eteaiiirhip Ia»bf 1 ».rrived at t^uirantine at 11 o'clock ou Monday L.-rt-t. snd BBanhas] her whsrf at »i o'clock thu snssaahaBi Her dates are, H... j:.·« -.he morniuz "f the -th int:., sjnl Key West the ex· r.:.-,r- ? -he same day. Passed, off Moro d tie. two French fricases and one 1, h «ttamtr, a-.d rAT J W est »hip Moee» lafae Ibe I'ri.nch Adt-iiral, Duijuesie, whose death on the »d met. hu h«en revtoutl, reported, wa« to be borie«! on the th, with xreat peana· rheSpfcii.»h wi»r'· !«* .r.J.. ,? ?»,.'!» arrived at Havana «a the Äh ir.tt., «itb Ml »??·^, rs of tbe infsntry . e -t.; of Ibena. Be'.weer. the Hi Juiic and th·; Mb J»t. there bed n-«o Isathl from velliiw invera: ?·;? West -anioni·??!""» Cepi. J. H. s.-amib af the L. (4. »eBflaa ea, who aaa ·«- L- t ata edine ibe {ssnertraetiea ef mn fsvstse« , 1U ·-.- '»Ve. ..... ......; fnm N,w-Yo-k. tW <¦' - VUri- i tV·* en the «MB. ^'"7 * »3-oi.rH'·«, ? ai CsaasTetv^Mkiea »< <>·*. "»··»- . i.ff-G? et. by wrecker» »mi »ustanr«! but little daiiiago. Balrage and ??????? S", .e. She «ailed mtat aWet, '.;:k»i:! the-rtb. H'CUE>TKK CMVKhMTY COMMENCEMENT. ? ?. -. W.d-.e-dar.JaJyl'J, 1-04. Ihe Cm me«·-»ment eterei»«», of the Lcir-reity ... ?,,-j,.·!, r »r» being held thi. weak \ ^¿"d··» 1 · *. tb« Ear. l»r. ?? «·p-"? w»» inauírarite.i nneaaOOM. in tue e», nil ? theIJterarv S.»« seti«·· »er» a«ldrrta»eal by Heury J. ?·»·, ..i.t.t i'' -' .»..-¦-?.t«. 7V'.«. and a ??ß? waa read Charle· Thurber tt Wmitejer, Meee J+<¡9 .i.,·.- ..? tl.. _r«di.aJiiigclsis«· will bebe ·1 er-, tee n.errrd. «s* . THE WDITtl HANK ??????- ?·.»!.«.»«».,» bla.. Monti·»'. JeJjrlOt ¦>· 11· ?? tote Ci art fis« ;u.at «rii ni·»! the d«»ÌM«.-« ·»! b«J l'i ..:··«» Ceert ef Mebito, ?tabal the Winter», ami to ,,». ? .ii.l.n. ? ,-» «\ ?... It dteeded that Jo-inn. lee. r. lit'T ur» Ilkbl. in.!:» finally, for lin- M . al ihe ··!·* ? ? »ht bank. w».i«h the»· haoed aal ut in tin ni.ilion iu Alabama ami that the tirm ·'· "*· Wmt« r A ? o. .a .»,?·.»!',» iiab'.· nati that the OBOI BOBM by ;l:e b.ank on the tee et tM insoiven« y. ot John Bk H OH 'ni· binili· »s tt» it. ws» a frau.! mi ir» .rt-ditor«. -·*>-- ????.???1) ACCIDENT. H il riaoas, \\ rdiiestiay. July ?», |_ :. M. -: an WnbtoetwB aorte oulyjuaarrieed. he·· ina rnn ad 'he track at l-lncensbitr-h.' The engir«-er wae bt ? the BOasaaoen vii eaaoead. f PIKE-TWt» PIUWOXE hkowvei». Iltiitioi !>, \N edili» .iv. July 1·.· ;-.|. ? fir.·! -·h.it alxoit 1 cl.» k tliia inorriu»· ? ihe Bg No. ! 'Irurr.hui'-s: accepted by C. M. B-ninarsl -»-?. ,u.«ir». The in·!·!·· of the tviiil.t'mjf wa- nrej-ly all il.-etn »id. hut the wi.ii* arc ststidii«. L«»« Ml l.iavy. Ml Wti'. Turner. · re«]>cc*r'·!'· cititeli of this place, Bged nbi't.t n. aad a -on el Loarle Wilcox, ahoet II rean . .id. wert dt'owtieil y«»ttrdiy while hnihin»: in \ It !l v- -r. BaT. Turner an attempting M snim a. r«»-« BM with the boy on hi» back, when he was seil..··, w il he .ramp. --*> XXXIIM CONdKES«·».First ?ßß??ß. IfltTllT ?G?????????. V, edtiisdar.July I., '.«it. Mr. B.MH.EK atavi I to lek. ap the Senate Inii iar Bat nil...?» ? ui nt ot Ci ;:r II.», r. which Wit« larr.ed ton the Baa·· witi aa anoadaa at. Agreed t>» nn»l .ha ami t.dm« nl « ??.« urr« it in. Mr. sEW iBD pweeotod a mem .rial of the c:../*n«ei l«i«ea Cm.!. ?·»-.··.» teaiag to a repeal ef da· five Slave »?··. Also a pitltii ? ot thi l».-ni.»-ra·:· n«u« Of th« «: te- [·' ce, in tW · Ij'l""' rrf 'ib-rtv. Mr. KI MX HU pi«.·· :itt d; ? ??·!·??· tonXew-H.n:: .. s-i Mr. h'lM"KY\ El I. irotii Wi.e,e-tcr. Ma.. :'.·- re the Pagrlire Btori a. f. Mr. HAML1X tttiTtcl :··«·«. Ii lloii-c ill a in»» r»L'Sii r to th. Airitiii.ii-bi.il; brig Hallow«·.' ...i aea ··: J .n.· ? hh. dee. ? Mr. Hi ilsi ? »? .«?«, totoattoe to lore paotaahkaa I ujion Sniatois deihe. wiittOB b) E. \S. ^l«.»»r·-. M !.··¦ repe»t«»il hi« it niaiks uj».ii ««'lut money trentvactioi.» - -.,,,! Beoti. The ri tu.leti.·!· prprUing to th·· pritititi·.· old;".,· '.,··?- ? "1.t Ilo- l'i'in|. i.iiuni ot tile Cenai;» »vue - · il up and iiniem'.iO M M te ? 'Pipare a table »haw-uar the m uibi-r »f aero· to eoeh Mat«· aaator cultivation an·' ri ¦ JiSaMd. The 1··11 for the oanplettoa of be Treasur» beildi g and to th·· \\ i;r and Ihe Nit» » Pepar:un nt »? its tin ? Bfel » up. HOUSE OF ¡.II'ìUnHNTATIVES. Un motion ol Mr. LEI IIEK. the SelectCotnm.lt««· to totjato vhetan totptroeer taeoM hare boM eaaytoyt t·» p.iin. tin aeaoagi >>t rh.· Ini» .»tending Colt'· patent, aea eut! ori'' ? io euiplo» a clteh, m noti, the tcsr.mony. Mr. I III INti uà.» « »? ii-i .1 ii.nn Herviug on ti) ?' I m- n Ut. r, to the bm n that hi is M the Committee tofOBOh i.-st ., iti ·?'??? · :···? »iti. tbe Geraten etofca »»h-.h ?. nuit« much of bh t.me. Mr. BAhBIB Mia· Baadra peraeaol Baptaaatlea t»> tl.« « beet lhat he bad ? eaae. -.«aniy aorere m h « murks »» hen the 1 ill] | rorMtog to the execution ··! rh·' íe- n, t treat) »« ith M< » . t> m- ?.ml. -1 ..nsi.leraliou. 1 .·· a .|t:isitii ? of rnier» tmtii M »toby purchaee. an.l espe Oatlll -m b tl ? Or». wii» mil in his jiuliriiieii', rieOBBaOad die t.t«<-sities of the nitiet;. but tb« ahnraetion ef »n nun h of the treaty ef Geedalope Hidalgo m aaaoV 'h·· lloveiiiii;« nt napoanhto fer liman ilejirtKiaiioBi »¦- .in object..' gren toanrtaoee» Ta tins evtent the tnaty bod »..in« thing of -:,I,»Ini,I,ill basis ro rt Kt on. The lleuiu then risuined the considération of the till rep· aliag to much of tl·· art oi IBM a* makes a red.ntion it tiitv jier cent, on prepaM pestaajeM oataaaaeai-i aud parto «li« al» Mr. OLDS sud he bad aa beatllBj to the city pros«, lut ass williiij.' tbe newspaper» shull have the larj.'···* ostQOie· ti.,? < oinj,atilde wiili the niibli geotl He wiiute.l n. »v«. papan to pep ? the reeaaan at the 1·<>»?·0??<· li» p»rt- int nl the ainoiiiit it ..»t« |o trnu-port them tin·· .i "o- mails. Mi. ('??????Uh' '.jilied. airtog this bill, it' pa»<ed. wnald hi.» e ti.? ? fticf of curtuiUr.' newspaper «'ire ilu'.on. I'm j s nini lieiiii m:s i i.» pay the e\pcn»c ol 'p??-|?G?*> tion. If yoa 11· »? ;.t j.rint· d m.-itter. a* now transiuitfed, «ieductiiig fifty jxin'tit. poetogo by im-paymeir. i..mi psseiiiL' llinliph Ihe u nils )«oi poj net a «.nt ie. ·> tb« poraaoa »»ith wlmni yea «nnirsrt to carry tho imiilr. Mr. BABBT t.·»». rito«aeaad that Qesnianen - not I·, nnd 1.1 c.n» .-.u» loans ketten und jinpers at ¡«·· ·· i.u the coet af traaapertOasM» The) who enjoy th·· ·- ..· the Poetai svsti in should | >.» it- evjrenses. Mr. SMIÏH took similar ¿round. Th«1 u.m ? in.· hour then einiri <t. and the Hour·- baM want into ( oininittee of ihe Whole e»n the »late of the Dotoo u Ihe Kiver aad Harbor hill. -s>- I HOLEKA AT SIIELHYVILLE, b»Y. L'im ? .·* a 11. Wednesday, July l. · 4. The « I.olera moine at Sin11.» ville,'Ky. ? in.m.· the '. ¡«¦tints was the jinncipal phyaaatM of the town. A Pin SritoKt: .We heard an anecrloto fmm a u'tnde man who recently traveled t, .on from Itristol to I ? don, which displays the nu.ok witr-.d prompnti.de of lome people. There waa in the carriage with him a feiiow pal .-ii.'.r n ii ni..r to b. m. but who while looking out of the waidow soon after tho train passed Swindon. had bis hat blown ?tV. Without hesitating a moment, or pa·«;Lg a second m ?·-rjib xit». he took from the roof-straps over hi- -ml a ?.·» leathern hat-hog, and tnrew it eut af win¬ dow after the hat. All looked aauinuthed at this ajipear an< «· of foolish wilfulncM. awl our informant venture»! to aik him if be thought it a wise act. boi-ause he hai lost hi· hat, to throw away hi- hat-box ·1*? ? " Certainly, re- [diesl the other, " my hat was a new bat. and it «oree " workrmn or pohe«msn pick« it np, he will either pal it " on bis greasy head or carry it along to the next sta: ·>?? in " hi» hand, until, on a wet day like this, it ia ruined. Now. " when h·· see« the bat-Lux ui»tr it, he wdl have the senio " to pat it into it. and my name ia in tho hat-box ··¦ that ·' I can have both »eat up t«< Irowlon after mc; and »e> aa» mir be litilil.« rot. put on hi* traveling cap, and ina«.« himself quite easy on the point 1 tur inlbnnant, on retuie- ing tr.an town, waa curioti* «-notigli to inquire at Sw.udon if these raltuiatioDi were (iiccoesful. and learn! it waa iust be anticipated. The hat and hat-hot were found, and the name being teen, they were forward·»! to Lon¬ don for the owner. |llriitol 11 met. TiKr Pti'iK, and How io Masi; It..The proco»· of niNUUlBCtiire of the tati paper r-»|n»-la thnt now loll·,», J for usaking «traw paper. The jreat is first thoroughly »«rimi, to «e-parate all tlie earthy matter from the filtro«· perttoo; the atter is thea put mio a strong· eaOsfde lye, where-it allow« «1 to siak fer tw«-nty-íoar hour», it.· then removed and jila· ad for about four hour· in a bath of weak hydrochloric acid, and kept constantly agitatisd: then washed in wat· r and pin.· ? in a weeyk «·¦! ' ·? «i alum, att(«r »te« ping for a «hört time ia Mi solution, the liquid is run off, and the ma·» ·?··*·1?>:<1 by mean· of h!o- rine, and mixed with front five to ten per ent. of rng-hi.f >rno and worked up in the entrine, and made into ? atíer io Ih· ordinar) way. Thi· the aro« esa of Ur. .7. ???1·- mand, ot MBOM on, in Prance-, where ¡t hsa been patentee. It is evident that the fr.-«b p*at, «nt in tbe botf, woul«t niitw· r for making paper accordina- to thi» pro«:·»·», »h r would lave the exjiease of drving. »tacking, fee. Ij.i-.ru»; of lnd«*tr* » ?·» A Urciaio!· CoicrjiMM. Cocbts ?a?p??...In rerrent- «ltsposing of a case »ubsnitted to him by the Secretary ? Wir, the Attorn*)-!Jenem«·· ha*decide«! that an offioer af thi· army it lubject to trill for one ind the seme art by ihe civil courts, as for a violation of the ordinary law of the land, and ai*o by a court martial for violation of he military law. Tbu·. where an officer waa BbBOBBl or marder on account of the death of a soldier and sjc- qnitted, he may still be tried by court mania« and aoa> shed. (Woahing-oi -»'ar. MARINE JOURNAL. -·>- PORTOP NEW YORK.Ice-I -«. -s>- I leare-d IkU F»riweaa. -»u.ai it.LtonaBtb -t.oae· NoifoU. Lodlaa ? »a· ? » », p I,.ht, Wad«, fielding bio -anatre. Woodbaa A Co. dan -? one.,, iBraa Marraa »obey Itdaad. Sifter. A lea ¦btok Brig ??·«? Srr.«II, «tuiall Phllide'phie, Breft, Una * Co. ".cbooBat-Adnaace. '<>.·-.'. .»-beve Auinrrstai. Fve t A Meisck·.. .-.ettt- r.Parker Vela T»rarr "a rio err ? V. Ce s.wjf-Kllea Klli*. ?·?t Bedford, mw'-r. AjTlreaL B«rt Oven»»» Lug. R.o stojflejjtoeB.Bste^^ a Jok., ? Thomiislri· Tfe. bark ?:1«>·*? M,a?t.í'a» 1"' »? «d th. d», V^^\¿r¿**3^'£'£fa ft,oT !.·.- »gam Jree M oqti.de o' te« ·*'. "¿,7~Zm- «._ r ' G il.' n,aSt\MW%aaam, aaa· *****aE?CkLTaJSV* .~l« »ri«» io -»ace troa» """"·¦",...; Untuo. eoe« ,.. ·. M «gletca A Co- lall m *«· iMlta Li».." tV Ht*- iin.34r" u,»'t*: t·*·-. » -*· i». ' "!""..?.«?«?. »aile« .Beo with ^ek, a... y».. r,l»«ltv «SI e·/»··^ ^^^i. 7, . * ·¦¦ » -»«» .... tot * n«.nio«e». ß«!'« »o witb arrbr. fefat. D·.o iabeT ß?5 5-J-b-3 ??· SS -Í»M*S Y¿rtr: Iran. raaaaaw-H* 'or E-x* i_d Me «m, 4. -w .,., . «te'lol »pettred a ha*a be·., fe.it a a»r·. -U;.« t tL«. By T.l.ar.ad* l.iy II, it>auab:p BABXWTX>»-Arr. JrtJ, 11 «t^taabip Naur '«»?·«·, lam ? rt :«*»* e . .A Irr. Jajy II. «lean at o lutti ?. «»» ? . ?
Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1854-07-12 [p 3].they an enjoyinc» tu miearthly Can.-.nu. whichi» to prove anentranceto the heavenly /imi. In itti «meold huly «ItieMioiied



Tbe U. Bi ship Albaa· teik-d from Peineacola on thoMth alt., on a cralee. Subjoined a a list of lor «in. ··.-·

JatTie-sT. deny, Km,·, ('ommantb-r·, Ki< utenanta.Win.W. Bbt-ecker, Montgomery riant, John y. Adams, II an

ttrodfrrtr·; Parr-fT.N'iion White·; Surgi on-Stephen A.Mil'rer-ry. Marter. Ki'bert A. Man A«»i»tnnt Surgeon.?., tanl A- Cowman; Miilebiptnan.Binnet J. Klley;Captato« Clerk.Nicholas F. Moni·; Boat*»ein.Wm.Jone·. Gunner.Wm. Cm«; Carpenter Rowland LeachiV.'ihnaker-Jamei Krazicr.The U. 8. brif Terry was at Ambrizotto. Welt Coast of

Africa. «>n tb* l.'»th May, all well.?', ß. »hip O-trtnantown aaileel from Monteviden 3d ilt.

ar MaJ.icnaal«..ocirit PAtfA«.»..

Tkf Panana Star nid Hrrtld of June'JO »ar»: Onjtolerdoy asíatog la»t th« »hit. S:»r of Empire, Captaintrench, arrive«! at Taboca, and aa Nninlav aeoOMg cam«·

up tv the oaadbaraaa hi nur Im», sii«· ì«ft Bew-YerkMani) ... tliu» mak'iin; a poeraireto this pt.rt in th·· »beritime nt';-:i day», being, we Ioli··»·, il«»· «piioke-st friponmerd. ? l.e» Starni Empir«- BBMtl the »"»'?.;'·' from theLetituii«! ut < »a·.· Horn to the latitude of Callao in the M>fraortjiiiiiry abort line af II «lay», nnd Ben BnBM lore in10 days. On the !0tb «.I May pr»»*.»d Jinn ParBOBeBB·Tlie «Slur e.i Km|>iie i« a new « lipjK-r »hip, inni <·?? thi«. h«rnr»t vnytLx«-, hue pro»ed herself a fart »nil· r. Sin· ha« a

re neral «-ar^o fcr varion« in«-r«-haiite m tlii« city, and i«realigned to thi C. s. CoaaoL

. ni· ni » ? »» 11 * ? »».? ? Hiv teco.Hark Ban Thornton, of New-ll. dt'· -r. J. will, the hsJance

«f Ler rar»T«>. war sold at San Emm imo j re viou* to the19th '»lt. f'.r IM '?"·. RbO I.ml on lioar.l With minor arti-«?!ß*, ir-rj.Ofto feet luir.be-r, '.'i.OOOf.hinirh «, 7,000 clajiboards.13,000 Ulli, 3U. hid». BMM OMat/sW ,1·.. i.i'ii.-dri»·.! inc.i,le,I>00 t'a« t -brick. 10 ti.n- 1?« k .»vr.rina «oui. ??? libi*.ra»ks arid «hooks, K»o l.lil». batter, a lot afeen fu· 1»,pro» i-inn«, ß??? vtliiiliin. n » tool», Ac., A.c., togetherwith a full inventory. Als«i, hark R. Adam·, IM tuns re-

gsOar, 1er ÇIO.OOO. Al»., ü-mtutted sehr. Sony. MO tun«reinster, baiti in D« lnvrnre, lij y«:nrs olii, t.urehaied byMeier«. Mneondiy A Co. for f?ß,?? Mah, nr account ofa house in China.

Tlie wreck of th< .?« inner Ari»j.e. with ill her ajipnrte-iifln· «*, a» »he lit* aaak on Point Arenai·, was Bead atSan fiMBaHie, 10th ult.. for «?'-??.? The hark E. Wriirht,Jr., U71 tun» r«'i.'iat»r, |.rori«ionnd and ready for iwa,with two suit» of «ails and a full inventory, wa» also soldfor 03,000.

BBPABTITBI oi nir. ?????????? bah. PACBET.Cameron « elij.·.. r »hipGeiIIade cleared »enter«lay for

Aurtrnlia, with the Knifed Stato» moil«. She ?!»·» tookout the materials for three new»j>aj>er offices and an A'rn.r-irnn ln«t j.rintiript j.rie« of small size. '??<· («· rtru'le willmake a voyage to the Chinea It lands for ¡.'unno, before herreturn to tie boated Stan»·.

Iowa. The Free Democratic Convention in tlie FirstDistrict have withdratvn S. K. Howe as their candidate,at.,I i.on inat« d II. L H- Clarke._Mr Dosai ? at HuMr...Mosel McDonald, the only

Beati -dilative from Maine who voted for the Nebraskahill, ia now on a visit home. It Ls »aid that at Linier,ikbe was I.unk,' Lu «fti-rytiy members of hi-'own politicalparty, Bad that whil»· jtaouloa, at Hiddeford I»ep..t he wan

greeted ?« ili pen Bad hta»·»1.

fir.st futnino tuition.WEDNKHDAV AFTKKNOON, «t O'CLOCK.

»nie« at Ihe Stock Kirhantrr_Ji it U,4-..Hé I ir,ne Sta·-h. H7 M Cumherlaud CoeJ tk»..«l. »li.'¦«« I · r ? ?.. ,.· -71.. 77 lull «o..C1.111. Mirh ro Himd*. SW *'· do .....MMM'tai.nam« Htfr.lro I·.... ITS *Vi do.t>3i> 35||.0n in t«n BE Btralf... 71j Ita do.«?;·? .i|ll«0 d..c 71| I"» do.«Til SU1 »Slitlen» A I in RR. 7a. Il'i i»«· do.10 Jl|1,110 b. V I'm Hit Bd'... ? » 1"" «lo.«15 JMA* IM. A 111. 1fan Cn.hiS'lll .On do.hau II-in d,·.ite in do.bleed

¦do.K. .list] HO do.ivi IHIMItt.liAO.Ill 1ÜI do.»IO SU

..»e)B«nki,i cominri.«I...M. M|aa «in.l.-HS'-i6.M«lro|i.lii»n Um,'« ... .hi lull I'·" do.»H ...

ine,,i,,iioii».«lih B.i.i,.... ÍS· J"C do.IS .'11110 Mirabili:·· Beai«.117 >»' do.SII17 ? ?,, ? Bank.IHy ·">" do.W0SMaeCastaal.boo ¿l M «lo.-i .i

I'·· la.·» .'4 ^ai do.M talleti do.bsaH'ae do.«twai

1*0di.ß??] «> do.«Hi 3111*0do.bin ¿4\ HX» d«.beo 3.

«? New Jer*.y /ire 1 o...bJ · ·»> N. Y. Cei t.-·! H.R. »«4af» Milulli'ch «old. »IMI do.98? llutlnn Riter RU....IIO ? I'll do.!I7*

Its) do. I- I i"' do.*t.O :»7100 d.MBM4Ä0 Nlc. Ttatait Co....r.peic IMHO do.opg

H«lu. .I.· Il .'V doliai «eo.l»Sn10 du


Il do.e 117,l""Oalen«AC!,ic»»<ill.K....l.'l»{ ine. »u.l Toledo R.R... 71]¦ do..... 79H«J do.boti |u70 Erie Railroad.58


afa. d·».tMMJ HO d<.WMIJ d. Sii

IM· R. «dug Raiil«i«d. 72K0 do. 72liti do.'¦·" 71un la.··'·.,HO do.e Ì.'J.fri d«.? 7

do.hJO i7t(G7? do.e ?7·,MB «lo.h3 .-»7»Hai do.LIO .Ó7<in do.a eri2fi do. 5712IKI do.l.si

R«.do.,..-li' 7.«; IMI do.*1A 57».«- da.? tri I» do..bau :a\

.lai«to.b37¡.k;l.»0 do.57J¦?do.bio 73 a« do.·» .W

«.'M.h t .u lleinoad. tvej, V» do.c 57J30do. ¡«Il .50 do.e 57¿?ilo.blO »ti 100 do.571

G. M.h. Suu'h n»ilio«d.... ? ?? do.MB a7|Ita l'ai.?» Riiirnatl.t.|g Iit'.l ?50 Nor» siiti U or. ? II opg ,'.?3?? lr»e ,43, A (in Il H.- |0||


Some timo duiin·.' last nicht the brnkitiir-house of Au¬

gust II· lruont »\ Co., enrner of Ih.ncr uml Hauovi-r-i«te.,was entered by uusnn of sluletnii keys.last rnfe was nlso afOBOd hy false· keys, and |14»0M in

fl.CiHI bills on tin· Bank of tho State of New-York were

»toh n thetr« iVom. It »vus suppofed thiit iliesc hills weredated Noveiiilnr 1, l-.'>'.\

Tur rlonvoN».--A W IBM would he MBMOd, interestedund amii-i il »»· ic he l" ? .·¦ ? vi-it to the Mnrui m «umpn« ar Weetj.orl. I: tonal like it -rent «-ity built BO in theI.et.iiUtil pruine .a.uith ot town, and the ntiinbor of tent*

pl» «'«il out in legotor order, oiv«·· one Man i |«··? ni' themultitude cimi.? ktatod tocelher. They number tin»»·, v»v

believe, alwuit ?,'.'??», and still thev conn.every honthrii i-a more n h M "t t lita«- ?ß??????? heil'.!.'».lor tirili»' ni'thiiii auppoae. as we hear frnra relitilde iriforrnitinn, tl.r.tthey an enjoyinc» tu mi earthly Can.-.nu. which i» to provean entrance to the heavenly /imi. In itti «me old huly«ItieMioiied ujM'ii the »ubjVot stated that she had no friendsor nlatire.« ia all the conijtaiiy, but an is in InpMhMtroiild··.·« would soon he to an eaa, for she wa; BOW Marthe peaaatood land; taa lead of j.eate. pteatp and holi¬ness. Other old, decrepid, lame, halt and blind, all ionr·in» itiL' "?, belie» inn ?'!»( their inHhulies will be it r· ¦· I amith« ir dilHculti« s reiiiiived u« sonn Bl they reach this du-lierir.nl -pet. Poor traetene, we hope it muy bo so.

'they ae« m to be ii.-u'iithered from all clinns aad conn-

trier.", hut we believe the majoritv of them w· at of us herenow, ni·· lianes Bad English und ????,? the imiiinent.fewfrom HoOtlead «.r Ireland. It i.« the intention of tho.-e incfiar«·«» of them to »tart u¡m.h th< ir jouriiev nero-» tin-plain» this wteki they are to move in heade, so that theywill not imjiene the p'reit'res» of Mch other, l'hey ge a

nt w route, one which is neuer nnd better than at.» otJierhedna tend by at toaat IM or ?????; the· It ire thatt omity and k<«¡. tb· Beato ?. rotili until they come to the110, oi-t'oumil t'.riive Creek, and then »trike iiiiintjli'ilelyMeen to Eon BOtor. and th« bm in a strain-lit dlroettea t··p'ort Karami«. (Juide» will acc«impan> them to »sV·»'th«uci lh·'route. WlkM opened out in Urie mmii.cr thi»w ll be Ihe mo-t popeln and only nate open dl < In r<m,4'aiiforria «tr Satt l.ake, and insure all tbe «nii-rrationhoreadtoe ?<> «?» jmrt Ban ihi» eooearr. A· »in j ntteaanlotheir «ourte wt will kee¡> our readear» aeltisetl ol Ihe r.»*vl,«eunlrv and the»»· MOaiagm it- 'lnd> Ji mlelit Mia-e.

Tin CAtJnva >li>M»i ;»r. We learn Ban T>r»>...-...'.· B.C. V f ??··? the Committee M the Cal-h-'un »Monuni'iit, »»hi« h it ? be erected in that oit», hayeadopted a de»i::n rst the structure. The non unii nl willcvn-'iet el a bron.e stallie of the liist'incuisln J sti.ttntunrt.

nstin« njenti e niaible cata« ouib twtmty l'i et aqaON by.kti«-en reel Mejh, tho oatonaab itsolf sane pi na aaoa a

far!, tret-at rusia Vaee. In the t-en'er ti t'n tnur ti le» n:

ttvatr.oi.inb are Men, each inne feet by »iv. and |>»n-rleai. l'I*-l'Uin.1» aie in be oriiainetiU'd '»;r! lUegeriealtiíjiii·»».tin..»* sa tin ?.«nt uoor oeateialug s tgareofPi-nth. the left donr that ol Jn-fiie: the ricbl tlmt ofPt'tve-e, «nd the baa k «ljor that of W'ia.l.'it:. O:: the four«JdMOa the caiac.omb will « \t,ii,i n jilatlorro eir^ht and a

half faet in width, and MMMaas by iii^ruis Of ? wideriliiirwny M each »ide of the monumi at. At ea ·!? ??????of the Btati*nm, rahtACtte tn¦«·· an to be ptoolod. »rhieh.rit-inn to a kitrlt «>t some thirty.ftv« hot, will »uvo theirtyraticli«» iiliove the »tnlute .·! tb·· dtjiarteti. The mon li¬

ment i« itit.fii'ed to he in Ihe Cn ae>ssiaaaaie ·· yto. Theioalflja a Bsntsthed hy Mr. C. Wena ' -¦·.·',· belog o. ; . ti'ieone es«,fnt'Hl hy t'owi r».


Arrlvrd.aiptVl .n the W.f. TiaVlrpatith. Si ? Juan. Nie. t dar·,

arit»Hgo>dttd«rilsiA»'n»«;». to li«·.. M*r«au. July S Iti. ?ß »,.oa '·9 t", «.«?? »id »bip Lav. n BO .ani', a Bstf olSiantoe i. thornper·»'· ?»t·* i-te. >.r o ?. 1

Sba»B*»"B.»rii[.|*ri e'ir«-l»r, Ptdang. A- I «0, *«·,*-?., to. ? Wairrrt. L'I lo A meri, an \e«»e .·?·?

.on «?- 0 W. ai» ··-*»ip Cattarla« H·-....'¦.r«y, bel ilcattt for

J...K1C.I. ^1 d»»· ..^i. «toa .f prrvinon», «rula» ? cl «·.)> y ha-.

«tbrpaya/oia« .LdMiv C!«rle, io·' W»k'i>ra».-o) El --»«.n, Cuhr,j«j».««a« *i.d ·« ne. > maater.

Biig »»-¦· ' ... iv«, Iron «Bdllpt-w-r»r,· to f: -· ·" ? "nr». I»t r.«t, le«. 4J loa.''. tas -?


.-a -',

For Tto ? T. Trie»»«.

SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE.? «?·.? that follow«?«! not a look to beevon,On loaely wind» thron;:!! flu- mid · ther tusaMnl.

Some «pirit yet ui.»hrivon.Mourned it« Heal lost.

" All variteli, ·1 from that purple; mountain-top_All faded from th«· «till, »fray n·-e»p.«höre.

No »oft, s'ow dew», shall «IropEmm thy white· eye -lids more·.

"(jone- 'run the- «..ütiirx arel ef pu«,(»«??«· iroui ti«· aU-nmteriotis l;i(rlita et" dawn,

r'rotn eve · pal··, attroii light,ratal aoea'l · Nor | r\ ors MM '

For··· er parte«! from my s«.rod «rerun.No hi BaaVajJ ,-lory far, far up may bum.

No lilt· revix. iati» trli-ari,afa orili: of r» turn'

" Ah niise-ralde what iJ.aH hide the-ej now IWhat depths of darkm »s cover thy ilewpair 1

Tok<- r.ah«·» on thy brow-Dust for thy tinnin'iit wear.

" All seat, all »hiveriri'r, nil deiiolaie.Mruek to tlie eoul with mo-t immortal woe-.

Thee afreet u.'i too late-Take up thy s-.off snd ge

Far thrilling, tàmmjAmJ, through san mo intuin ge-dea,I he-urd an awful, tender voi··*· arise.

That otif·'·. in thickest »lm !··»? reiiihle d tliron»tli Paradise.

" Mir.d, but belovod »hull thy d« « 1 Brisa!DU ever »?··??etnaeaaJ saetaee «'ie I

Oui ol the dust arise,Thine agooy dirty

" I «m I I wa» e'er thine ideal shoneI wr.« i?« i.tpLry-i: I it» life divine ;

The I n numi fine-Tin· r· nl. th incarnate» thin··.

" I ^-rive the· will, did I deny thee powerFir«· »nnwArd flic«.thy los- i» )o»t in me.

Ls.-k from th·· leenkaf hour.To mine · ternity.

" If ont of ?;?· it sei ms to dr.i.i. nnd die,So leaf n« (ïod amid ar'Langel» stands.

Thy pur·· asnal on hi-??.It» worshiper demand».

H·»·*·lesi ___________________I w.u.


In thi· compilation of the Aaneaén- to Rode » Directoryfor the ( ¡tv of Nevi-York for IfM ??·! ta, the roinpile-rs.r.y, we tin enable d to sanai t a ma»» of valuable »tatis-tii'iil ini·nasalisa relative to the leeeial public institutionsand societies of tin» City: und vxi- BBaVfVn that some se¬

lci t oae from thi-ee stntisti'-s will be found iaesieetiag : :-

tir for piilil'u-rotrit/ition. The »ttidy of statistic·« in any? lupe is gum rally rit-rirded ns ? dull, dry pursuit, butthere enn be no «jueetion, nl the- »unie- time, of the publiein Berten« ß ef the science, Hml aa eeaeaiee that a ghaseeat the d· p.-trftuetit to whii h we refer will prove, in a grafi·fyinc inanuer, that while the City of New-York line beeaadvnniinc in commerce nnd ¡ncrensin·: in popiilatinti mure

rapidly Hum any etane city in the Union, ln-r citizen» havenot negleeted Dm elaims ef enacting aaaseaity, or aeeainattentive to the objfarts of hi-m-voleiue.

I'tider the Lend of Ho»pitnlH and Dispensari«1·, laclad·eng two liinntir nayiiim« mid the Alins-Hoiiee, wo Und theexpenditure for IB33 Basent1ited to the sum of 17 M,«14 Mb'llns expenditure may be clar-itied thu«:luiigiei :e llni.iial aid Heliige.e3Ai,V7 »g

Maim» ? ·11·»: end Quarantine. 1\y,i i|Ni s V· 11 I. itv hixpilsl and ItlootiiiiigdtJi- Aiyluin. ttJUl 41

II. levai lli.pl·»!. 41,'71 43

Lunati. A«. Inni on 111 r.lwe,l'i Island. ???···»1Peniti aliar« Hosssiel, BtaikwiU'e laumd. IS K«i 8S

Nurtarv Ho«iiital Blarkwell'e Iilt'id. 14.017 9G.« ... I'. . 11, S|.lts). liii.X». leiei.J. Ill -l

Mew-York Il;-i»ia»erv. 4.341 11Noi their. III«!» iieary. 3.442 »IEamtii l>i«|.nieary. ? "ut M

Alme·1·? nee, Biertw-ll'· l.leiid. 47 H4 »?Alo · llouee.to -uldror p.o-. 82.1.10 74

The fBtiie eireii-e of tlm Alme-House Department underthe City Corporation, ne specified in the report ef the TenUovernoit·, leaned on the falli May, amounted, for they««·??.????µ' 31»! I»iniiiliir, lêSX, to the sum of t*ntiH 70.A coimidcriible portion of this -um i« included in tin- >i»t

above given, rt-lstiog to the institution* on Blackwell'·I,Oi.it.

It ie feir to observe that the receipt» by tbe Commission¬er« of KiniL'Mitiixn frinii the commutation t it levied on ira-migrants, wr.« inure th m suftlcieiit to meet tin· ·?,|µ·??.;, ire

iriven ? Um a for lb·· Kiniirrant a Kefugo aud (QuarantineHospital: siso, that a fair proportion of tho etpendiliirefur the City lloapital and Bloomin»?dale Asylum was con¬

ti ibuti d by the patient.» fur board.I'.igsüiir from the Hospital« und Dispensaries w» find

that exriu-it·· uf the Alm«-House liiere aro »iltt'i'il chari-table a-;· luu:· :u the City all prinuipnlly iiiniutiiiiied by vol¬untary eoiitriliutiiins, to which may be added the Institu¬tion of the Associatimi for Iunproviiie» ihe Condition of theI'oor. A« fur ss we could obtAin the data from these In-»titutiiii», we find the years expenditure amounted to

???,?] 17, which is detailed tliu«:h «tin.-?..:, for tr» Blind. (Ill ininate«! .t-'? «1 2·*·I oloted Horn··, (received.) ?!·3 iiiuiaiee. 9,lll#l«?1. red Hi | lian, I» iniiieir«. ll.OM fel

Deaf aiid ll'ii,tk AexUiin. Ul inmates. 47.717 MIII n for Nailoi·' (hiidr. ? on Seten lelaiid.laslitstteaof Metv-t. 1 ?' ? ???»p?, Houston «t.,averageof il" iiima-ee daily.

Jnvrnile Delinquente' Aevluni, for rr!· nnation of, *2\ inmetre.. J ? ··.

Leale ard Walt·'» lliphtn Aevliin. fsSrTSM 'mrl«i ?·?.

i. ,»:· -n .¦! in IKS intuale»).Magdalena ?? Blair Bim volei.t Aixlun nj» I« Msv. 1?>?3.?

inutile. ;. .4.1 74Af»niiatioii tor lin),ro\.n« l'oud.tioo ol G.·.?. ??.'?|?eons sssieledl. . 2?.«12 47

N. Y Uiitn.i Asm un. Ill iniuatee. UM· »IDid Ladies* ?ß·.?G???. M ininaiee. 9.??0 PO??? :· ··«: Half 11·| ai A.xluoi. 17*. .?maire. r ', 3???.?.p, l'elio.?.· Halt Drptos, SS t.·: ut, of e-aatnas, 140inmate».

Ruinan ( e:i: .u (lr;:mu do IM ini,,elee.latini»' Sr.ug HarTior. Stelen l«'anil. ineoine froi priva'e

t. m ,tulion r.l.i .¡t ekejMSs vear. no teturo ot taptSSS2VI initistr«.

Bt, Fatruk'e Male >? l.«n Aevluru, B. t i.o ret'irn of ei-

11 tei .avilas» of S«»· imi.ate».Si au en'» K.imlei.il ?· treat u »'e'.iu l-lnnd sverei» ef«lu ni -?»lístaseos, ?·, ?? -e exrrtec * J.jUU a uionth, no

rrtuin ofrtjrin.l'nder the head ef IJenevolent and I'mvident in»titu-

linn», which cnniiot he currectlv lne-iti»·! with the lu-yli.?,», there are four iiist'tliiiioii» thus designated:Pu» ?·. inte ?sees sal Betoel oi Indwrv. .etMeatstohssni

?", inmates, mi ·· ..· u ot SaxSS-SSe put,l'ieh»d.Bosso «id Ktkool sf losleetTJ for Kxuialr», uuiiitrr »in·

j.iox.d «Lout M.-t'ieen pIndu«tn«l S, h .,i Iseoiiatnii. t'atelv lormed J remili. .1

. ..?«. . SO" la*

Stilorv' Home. IteU eherrrs'., erened tl an SSSStSS» of+ « ..en·, I y 4ti.riiiin »»aniane Knend Sfwiety.eiideeeeSBS»olesfatS«kaatl .'Vim»B at a meal-rat» weeklySaysass, heeides artor.lii.g grsiuilois artiatauro to ea¬

st ix :i g »? auu ti wtos in J ist re·».

Exclmliiiu' the -.'4,tot', persons r( turned n» temporarilyrcli· veil by ihe ·'A»»oi'ia.,oii lor Improvement ol C.nn.i-·· lira of tiie Peer, the returns of these ????·:··? charitablea»y!stii» «ml two provident iuatituliou» leave the untuberri iiovid or prote*tiil by their nei mv to emuuu: to J..1J3.And ivr,;!i jf wo exclu,le the IU person» aide! by theKit·· Periata A·yliiin m··! the BoBseand Bcaaalaf Indus¬try for KniitU«·. we hnve only I.eSe r'-inainiiiir »x» the«lernt oi ibe tejlaam Btnanr; and thi.« eeesasjtalsaa· wheneeatreetedwitk Ike esjuai sineaditere,areaM wno an

OMTtice of about f'O to each itima'e.l'jiesincrou from those lesiliSlieas who«·· muiediafe and

direct abject ai the abyeleal feeVnl nf the aaeeeeianea. ateioni to tome not ka· i.itiie-itinu'deisil» of tbe laìig.seai»orietri » rwtaabslwd la lb« city, a¡id tonte of which, it maybe nliMTiol, uniti .liniUsble operations m ith their directaction. W c have 4-.· seajeaixatseas cla>aid uuder thisLend of Relipitna SeeWtiee· We ere not able te arrive ai

t t.«-pi < ueiiary »tati-tic» of ail of them, but ne «hall en-

ilenv.x»r to mske the li»t n» colutili te ns the n-sources at

nur eoasnkead will eetaùt In th;.« instance it ¡a more tci-

trnal ta anew the yenre income fhau the nmouut ut ex-

¦esidit'irc. Cash receipts.Anerican H»n>s· H< e MtoSSS etojkttf II-.·2 to '«..... *V> IS« MAm· rvee ilibli- ¡tocielv.te April. It,»*. J*5>42 4ÎAmerlcea reasret»riessi rJssöa, no reiirr. t»t.Art. riran st.d 11 min Bit·!- Bsslers, to April. ISM. «4.S43 11

ka tretas »¡d Fsreltsl b:i» iau tTsesa. to 1*M. i7 «? 11

Alun', su Ut DslsB Bsp: is:), au r r l.

A - d Boeri of 1 »stai >ai.«rie ef Fereles Missmne.!.. .1,,'v.lRjÌ. »it.«:

Anuía x'u Ilouia Al.«a...i.av áo. leiy, -o Aprii 1*~>I. 171,154 »4

\ .. Mi««iotarv Aa» ia-.ion tu A i«ua· I .i 41 n« 14

Anterk-ar. «-abballi lia. ? »Wie.y, te (Vtoher. I*'ai. Iti TIAi.» ss Seadsy S tool VeioB, M Msrtk, ltaS .. ri,«aSAtsetl tn T:'.rt Sori···» le Apri. 1158. »».'."»? W

AeSaciSS· Alunni ot «Jeurta! Itt'o >i:ca Srai:r.sry. no

pe, iniarv re «rrs. .

Crii .ral Aaitncau Liiuia.'pe Stotot« u·· :r'\:rn» (Su *aa-

VMpMWm ß <f.eiy >p «»y t.'M. ... ? «*· SI «llreiate si,.1 T; »>..^· ·' Kd-irat r a ito^eet .... ttjfe.niegetionel toaeeSM lea of NswYork ead Bro»klye.

tteeele Mass» taie ·»..· ?»·t ut 3le«s»T«aTl«, sto·· ¡Mtetoaatt eaptoepsl Mesnteasn .-. .e j. veer isvs- äj,st) r

Methodist Eplseopal Ti« <e .»'x v-ar ÍsBb, .»v-'aanveiot s»*k donatioo··.


»irx. York I. fa « » · ? liliaiyl ne». 51.7*. <«

Nav. Y ,ik Biìile luion laeiiritrv ). no reters·.

?. .· r«tk - ..? Bt . v· ·· a an nj ne -»·

tnirat. . .

N'tw-Tstk Hi»:« ani. eoi-.iu..o F-svai Bmo» «tones«,¦Vi . .re! ISAl.

' f

Rew-Terk City Beato« Sehssl »s»es»iy,aWeWWBa.:__..s s , ? o II· .__. .?'** ·

?. V. Ladies fi on- Alisusoe » Se- p ? IfISS ?*«·" « ·)__..uè. .»en

H I I »daySrhoO G»» -t 4·· « -? ' ¡·:»G»...

?. ?. Hand j-.

? «» ««t Fräs '¦ issi s.· or g. «esioeeio istan -


Pie.?, ·., »? ? -.u -0 ·· ? .-.· » m«? 'Uè-? G a'Kin. lliî.

FneSvl-r.« ?. if a'» , ,- «? ., «. ¦- ·' ¦·

Pie.-.xttr »? HcmJ ß: ?'-????, »:. >??. ?. «;. »... .

1 ¦ ? ?· r». \1 .. : · -? - »-J, Btf tU-

Pi*4**<*at Ppieeapal Tract Serai -, raksilpiaui»· »ad·*>·. Mltta. .

l 142 MPr««v»«.r«l«»a«r«IEp«serr-»l ».,edey »-bsci tr.-n.ivd(b«iet H..ok N'iet«. ? M«., iVïl. Ti-:

s·v.Lth i»ay n«r*at r« ? ¡ fui ??. uffaS'T.Bk Day Pai,·.·. ? -- -y · J.rr M... I MB «I.»-.?. ,| -· \ ,. «at d· Pan ? ? t. r.n.·· ·

¦oa.L ru ??-, »?·:· ?« J».-«i: »rv new. ao retern«. ..

»LLCa. -' !.. ·: t« . «j \i .. ,: FrisropeJ, .IMIbLiiaa Ataaer«:«·.:. ot .».a- '.·» ï' it, lu t.:»n·..

laeeaeaette e» toca ertaato aee, we an | itstodf ly«till w.ll po f:,r :.. rhee thor »Ithon^ih the mer. tntOe com¬

munity of NVw York are «·, ,'r·anaoaty hargeal wttii a ra.'ndpurati after the alniiehty dollar! oar cirjiene are n<>t»low to part with their ?? J *· pr ·:ß rjhilautlij»vpic»Jop rali·.··..«» ohieef» which ther e,,n«idee -¡«-a^rr- th*ir »np-P«rt. latonoMnoaTnoasBssnoaMAooaarBaMeaoea·leaplatiajg I . .' it· y? ?« reren reflg 11 i eeataMafagthenarkihthe t. itij «ni;» ?» -? .li -.in,- .?,?,, h ,¿re .¡.prnpnalod byUm Basto nth« aiii.1. ui· ·t of th« tn·!·· .1 ind ^enara'lrhotitkiof the City; bet wateell -

· tri-saoeadwith ? u.sny ·!.G. -: tans, that i· i»pr«-f«rr.l,!·· to »How j.,vb- t·. da gaed in tlreirowu way and.n whatever rr. :.:.· r 'hiia lo

eipr«-»» »rr, t>] iii'mii of mir own ipon tbe -l'jJo toll«.»- ou: tl,.· ».I i-. t af the»« ^aniary «ra:.*ties a*

toe· they ere irai eleae, wehen aha· el«nrietin to exam.·· ·.·.·' l-r the headof ** Beaeroaatt. Beetoload Gea '· I -* MOBbes-ídc; ?·. We rbsll nleel aaafe ef than »> hare any bear-lag epM |thilaothiepiral? charii -

Inro-ri».??. ' «t. Draatatl I .: lavaci t, n·.·«· i »p. a.

.turn. ?.' ta??.?·?,«·?, Love l,u li.u »o ir-.y »upr-ir-ius tho

I.·¦¦<.· lot ib« Pitead.« · ,'.,7 pete itairaiI a.·

y»»D la Me» »,Mil. I.'-. T7An'i·«!. aad Fan · A --..-r- » ... 0

raiae »>»' 1st BOietaf·«.'..An.»!..ai aad Y -.· »?il ? . · .id ??. pi«n»ttM»'eti «r«»ai*tl lea Mafcfe .

lastitaa M«sa «? G.I pon· ta taba ?¬?- ;. rr ?: . ut t-jrd r -he pita ni the Dittati 1A»-'C1». B.

Al -an I <;eti t..r M«. ratta· ilJtai.rBdii.rMiy. It-1. MVA M

Bat« ?.? in »..:.. ? ?· · r. .-o. .--v. u·,. .- -,

An.« ri«»n'lenperaLe· 1 lui to return«.I hi.a?... <

tclniittt.LL S.^.etv (fcr ?'.-??ß rn»er*r.t»i I > Ilt-r»-...i- IB ?

Fnm !» l.er.· ·. « ... «

r·-· fe tor ye.r erd;ri« ÍI lafetr, 115.1. it¦· L» -....·. Ml · a. u G?...-..-.r. r ;??·r*t.d »ub pentaaeai rasd, tessei sad «ppt. ,!,..-.

.ibiny atacfet t -d ritorti» nl rccrip.».li. nil. M stai ?·.··, » r. y art uimlated fand? . I ·'

li.Kt m, Carretta] li ·· il -:y stosartpalaa tinoi« J · r B.oiitt.. «.lowitiice iu «???· ·· e«,d faner»; et

jinn. .sfati . -..l'a. »t Bearvi ral t y naine tnnd ab.,u·. ai ->·

tveilre of ert.u«: r·· ri· ¦'·. .

Iti» h > I: .irait .»ortrtv. li.euitrii: S»iin««Binl attachedt. : » Lot ; afe« Its*.

Lidi-i L'aita Au. 1 M -.laliat Epucop·., man

Uni »r. ta · Salle· ter tati »ne ii.fiim niririoeri. re

ee.pil . t.tOB MMnm Battei] ihr WsbrWa and Btebaa·) -<" member« ai

t« ¡· : >·· r .a· I., in e... d « dtua n ..: BavJM IrumMil ii. KBasie« laat year,. «UM

Mllitxltr*?·? -1 p not rer^i., d.BeW'Tak 0« U d hi .-id Orphic· ofMedical Men. n.y in d in... 011.1 «?. »i.i.ual retun.» ?

|ilbll«l.ed.N«w ink Tyufrapk ¦¦· [Bri k I'mi'-r. FireLibrti» st.». r.» d | no reíais· iBtarlved .

Pri.. ? A*»*-ri»tii ? of .S·» Itti ? »Marat.M Ar··-· ¦:· ni Bew-Totfe, rhn.tablee»| ei . ha* »ear.

.»t ???t?ß ? Beati I New York and h, «

Ijn. tie in il trai .« ?.

de-aili rot ?.-.»·.·.:.tt. ti.'.rk« ? » ·· » Y«rk. Brimh ) d. ta. ? ui

b« tu ¦ tiii'i...Ve ngiet that ere eaaan onke Ban >.te

npreeeot, Weebrited ererj ieetttatiM Bs»disaor*Vn otfever, tociety lo eh» h we h ire let, Ted, vìth th. .>bje«>tofcoi'.. t'iijr. ..;!.. r hy tbeh r· ; orts M hen ftwrnmal ¡p-

tiurii ·. Ihe fuii« «? partii iiltir« >? the « p.i at .im· ..G. u h, b itfi« n. iln- b,' ; that :l ·· report·of terete! vary a thear pe·ri«··;« ni tone, oad tb·· ßµß?µ of any aeeente«tonto.ohei iii-ifii .·.»·.. aid aot toBBbtotopr ottoto theoajtoetwt bad in ·. i> w. Hotrerer, fi.atine we here etreaOMOot fail to prore «aggeeüre, Bod we tru«t it at» t»;. icith· -"iiiti u oi inaiiv panaaa turbe fact thai there ar··

»«?·r··!njp... uiiiti·- .i.inr'inl them bytl.i:ist,:u:n,n«und «m ··.· performing note /»od ortton, a eoatrib·uiing t«· Ihe aM '·'·" "e deeerrtog eeaea.


N'r»\ ,Ii:i;-J v.. At the Ilem.i.rati.· A-iti-NVbraekani. in.tr i· c«:itl) h« M at Tteoteo, r>« .lutniin w.-re

niiojitiil »u»t:iiiiirig the cour»·· ot Dr. HheHen toCoogreeiin retieg agalaat tbe repeal ol the Mbnoeri Ceaapron'ne.'Ihe t'otlnwiiig ree., ulin?.s »· re ???··?;··?| With other» of an

tijiiaily tpirited character:ba» I'd. lhat t!·· h Ry »pp. »tU*BI nfaaet t,f ? ? ,|-vi)'e.| ·,?

the evni.ii,n ef Sl>v«ri tnalllne i,ft...nl N· h.-..k« »ml K»n«a*.nd the pul.lu derlari'nn» made by to tl·.· aaar« nf Mlwtia: d Arkan'M f iheir letft bat t·· infr .In· ..v-tr ista Kar: a- tai11, ?«io by »? ?« m·· all fritad· ot bmtVÉin frtsa - ·?·.?.« m 1.1« r-rri-tiiv ifcaa h.» ubi »p. il:,· pestexu »nd ·«,;.¦¦« BttJk byth*n iti:· ru uoughftr. « il t oi.-r··'« tor tneir penid.ou, ?. ?·p t» rat aiil. MIL

r.rni'ird. That every i.orthern man who »nt- i t. r tl - M baa foi(.Un: It ?? :,,:·:,,·, fret uno. and «h, uld not be p-

htiohed. That we «d».-e the Irli nd« 1 f.eed'U il «-.e, -yerywhr.r lu ui .t· .?. ? I. t:t.g by ixiin-n»·- u.aj ,r, .. , -h -r «MIober«i.l I .r·.· »!,·, ri that infam·"!» aud ;.· ri.'

hfhtii ThttWI r«· ¦"..t.l.r-.J in t II·· p. <·,...· t.î ? N rll'ci »Itet'ito hold .alii·· I L«rrnlie«it ib ih· ir re»|iri ?. in /?.,?-.?.' ?. tristi,.? d L'.nnniie ione bai un h a. are »ell knnwn ·.·» lie in ,y,,r ui ·? a

r»-i a· in tal nf ih- Miratati Ci,mi n.nme.

l»r Cbiitie« skeltmi, the worthy Beert natathre of th«·lid Diatrrt in Ceagnaa, arai penen a; the aneObar, aodiielivered an eleqeiiOl luidr»···· iij.mi the amant conditionot our publie ulUirit. lu r· fer· lu .· to th· Nebriuakii ·)??.··tion. hecaid:

..Thoiiiii» Jeff« G-··??, tin- father ti the --?«-rat DOonentiejinrtv. i»ns iheoothnel t'·'· poBey neoBotsed hv the Mi·-fnut'i t cmiminiti·. ? li»· »um«: |.riiicij,le bus boMnOOC*idled hy »Il the I»· nmirati· Pre-idenls ami ??·1.···1 by nilthe Pi ? »¡di lit». Ihe act«·!' 1·??, and .t- ..?-?.? it.ontlrv»?« th« ii reviewed. Thome» .It (T. r»on «¦;.« if· niirhor. Itwn- supported by Jann» Mad i-on. It »vas indorsed hv theCsbiiiei af Pri-nient Moar.i··, Jnln C Colhooa, Win. 11.Cifl»»i.ini. William W lit, Joba Qetoej A,inu.» ami athera.Tbe withering end blighting efftatrli "f sin·. ·»· wtt theajuirtiayed in Htroni.'colnrv. I'nderiU inrlm m e Virginia,.ii·· nt the Breodeel llatoa to the Eni.m tho netAaref

»tr,t> -a,11,-hud t'otn.'l I.er ?:· M.« I'..r»;iktii, und ber B tpelo-tion dwii.'lled away. Bul to Slavery, "iiilliir.« of happyfreeona miiht hav· hen "pon h. r tea. «Too muy call mewhat »ou pl«ii»e, an Abolitionist or PiM -fciitof bat I willstill BOJ ?Imt Sin»»r» ¡« a ? ur-·-. nnd incnnaiatent with the

It u if ß re|iubbcmi Ito»· nuiniit. «The tiu-ii.l« ol' :he No-breaba bill «uy that it is a hard ei.»eth it «htva-holileis can¬

not have the pri·. ib .·«.· of tohhtg their slave«to N'ebrnrka. Wliy, th.rtt is no ditti'-ulty aboutit. They ·mi Hike lliein where tiny plia··· if they will butht thtm'fr. <·. Hut thia will BOI suit th«-ui. lb. y want M

?« rpeteote an toetltathio whuh aaoMn them to «oil tb, «·.

unfortunnte IBM nd women. Bad mak·.' BMBOy m humanlaah. The free lobenn od tao North bare e deep totoreelin thi« qu« -lion. It to the aecndotsM ef fne blnrtaalform» on«· ot the iuuft ???? objection» to tit in bill.Sia»« rj debraile» lui.or wher«»e'r it is nilr.idu.ed. W··

?iiiij ly a·h that the fne aoO ef the eeaatey »Indi remainfi«'e. Nini we d· eir· t·· » ·» to mir brothiM "f the loath lik·Abraham snid to Lot let ? separate and it. tine our '..., ili

tin that we any dwell locetber in peeee. ladt bill is an

tofringmeal of the right <>i alfgéreraoant. Aintdy, .ia¬

ti, r the jirovisiou» ef t h ir« bill, hav·· slavrhold.-r« etOaaajatodto «lierai«· m to who «hall occupy ihe TeeiaOnj af Keaaoait. i» · « the peen r to ihe tYeeidoal le appo.ut eoaeenfor tb·· people, rind virtually co'iipela them to «ub mt to

law· in the atahg -.f wl.n h they aere m » doe. I» d ><u

m t toare the nhjetrt »( Btoreryn the peuple, bur thro»·«th·· »vhole matt» r into the hands of the (¡eiutral flovern-in. uL Now, rill we contend lor is for OH J righto. Wnny to the rNi.hn'iili is. by the Mi»->uri G »inj..-·.ini-·' you»free to confine yeonetontO «'»rtuin limit«. Abele hytbe iiiiapoct Wo atned with you to ? "i> aH aaitaaaMbribe nttltnral ef Ihe .¡u« »ti.n in udaway. Bket we

liiid th« m tr« atinir ?.· ? nullity this «olemii bnr_'tiin. andan?tMoa han lha fri· mis ,,f beeden iitr own neh Whyiheeld lb· North, with ????,??? of people, be canai ledto submit thi» (¿r· si .(iieeti-.n af Immun ft. don to 90OM0pappili of ihe .»..luth ' I« it lieht ' Is then anythino lit».·« ijoiil lighta in u dmlriiie ef this kind K« t ua b-ttt.e, lor

the ri -?.? to II.·' · !· \::!¡'ii of \imri.itn labor ag.n: : »-

dtaiaMiiea by the atora pawer. !.. t ..ur aeoririaed tre.llatoa. Liberty and Krnt.rn v.

pUBlTLVAXIA,.At the Potter Ce» 1th ot" Julytii ? the e ?- ei t.-1· lied, to the ne*ea. a« 7'»· Cea /. p-

/., './ at ·.,;,' «??» a. tt.r.t da Boaaaeol tAith «m shdnoeaed,¦.a »oi. uai 11 ¡rit ael iliaiBjoidi d, the rtegia n it Behrae»" ka t l.i »n ..j n le il·· "" ef Seren, the ft /¦

¦.it laértt ¦«'.· ir'.-'/;/-i' ttwtrfttt.At then »-line of tlie BOaptoof OoÍM Co. at Lewis 'ur^.

Jal) e Pisi .is Wji-..?? j.n nding. it wa»?'. hat lb»' neot 'he miai he»i y a itali ·.. ? »d· »? o ir

Reino mi-i mìei, »«nuil the Kit« o: «»real ?: -a. i w». tin».

.·.-.:. ».rod I '¡'u «' ?·»-- tn.i-.-.-lu -».rr» latatk«»eSt»'ri then Brit lb Colotue·. tnd tn»t h· bad w.. leliyut«-fcf«d tl« e:lt rti c: -be ?·'.·; le to nd ih-mMve« ·? m»· treat e,ii

- ird Tt ·: it thr propweticn of Sl«»ery wa. ¦ -t in- m ·:.-

.e. b ·. mind, a R:rt« o! Enc:ind, in IB age jf otnpata-.i.e dtrka»··. i'.

i« ? fai tr- iter ri ime it c^nimirrrd bt rh·.· ·;·ß haarissl reijp;. la

rh» tu! liti.· :'· i..L'<rrf.h CeBIBry.l.»i .'rid That the :u-»·.;»·.« dfiunid .; 1st So;b. :or ia .acreiiie

ot Slur lenilory.sbilt vatt dittncU already inch lie ïnoccupied.evinca a dein u iuatiu o uMaui for tb« slave power t. po.itical pre.r" oderai ce in the oatioual .'uuoiil. and tatfe preponderance woe'dbe u>ed to pir. id.r he t.n.«, and ( mtamtk . ol tor r- Statt».

t.... ..d T»ï»t -b .. il nl-l» ..f e UBire·· » hi ·.. l:f ill» «rTKa-ed.he p.¦..«r ? '.tir Bebt»··*· bill, whatever a ay ?«to-il party aeiuee

icd piny ate. a·· ?« ir» «atllltla af kataaa aaOhi·»..We have received the ;·?»«-«««·??·.·» of many of

the County CearaoOieM hi the atoa BOOf l)i-«e»sjat·«* t»

Ibi \iiti-N(hr»*ka '»tate Convention at Celumb't« ia July.One »liirit j·re» nil.« MBOag the friend« ef KeputdicanlarnIhroegbaal the S-nt. j-resr« ti\.· ef party, mat is r*ai*t-

.are ??» t vi-j -.; a loth« aanaatoMofi » -? jj. ?E··· n''tn s Lertitte. Some of the beit and ino*'in.1u.-a-ti»l men in 'h» Mato ka»" L·:· u appoint·.»! eatogOtoa :???-hanhaa«IsaiAH*.. \ m«*tir.c of the inJcrender.· ( .tiitne of Al¬

len i«>. w»· belai ·? Port Wayne J fly I, W. ». S-nJth pre--, wbK-h wa· BaNdrreeed by th»» Boa. ». brenton.

I harl-i t Ite, »m II· Cl-ei:man, aid a -er.·» of r»aolveebreathic,; rh» true «pint was jdoi-ted. oce f which we

t iti setAr· .?·» T'jtw« ¡ìiir.Iti·, ? ,xg a -.«.«uii.- b·

p, .· ,· 1?a:·?·??!?· -? ·?- K h a. a -? r* ¿n -neo! a ge·.

er») jo.iiDg »f an leur« ol -ha and·: -r t* «ttaOe CcaaTeaann«!D .tri'-·» »t llbvon. N V- Cjuoty «g«a ea.-Iy aAay M ptaea ¦

he Batea »«It*.« of ..rielve« and -·· ·>*»t(1'

/,-».«>»«. Tb»: we *»-ee wth th* V- ·' «. ·.- Eat » to

I «hi a -.«: »I lLd.aii«p« s ou ;tc .U-i. .f M«atetaB«m-· » · tr»*t Ljieieni -e· taj eyi' -.1 i; >.· .

1-hii.i: t .· a« ¦.-».y »ad piotali, bui we .*ar.·.; tr .<»·-aai

uyltwt -i'· »"-f il! 1·

tuV-'iBof ligairt k'»t lot « a w .-la»V

.ha·. ¦- · f» f ?-·»- '

Iba aaiVtis« «naptabMa taaaaa thai ta·«est-1* ? natal·,«Bd

Ht Rrj*rtrrttj* that·'een n«.»no-'f«·.werran »rlbab». and the.1'«· -

·,. ¦!· NiVrjtk» biLL

un iiuu-.isy. .imi

.aaasani » ot : -;..1. ? to bel lat M

of Lib- «t ·* t!.e »m. rose

Tut \'mipcru,u> Oosr-rpti- »aye ttast tbs axr.i-Ne-!.rs«ka feeiiae * verv «tron»: «vn-oi·* eten " Old

f»em«> rat» m ì.«ak»» C..nnty. mut Mrl»..re»y«dl «ske tbe field witb ail b.« ?-«ver sgratast ranl Indorai f tai Savery c. rea.- «?? fih eHse ·«·: h. ivy enti-N.·· .-a ka ral M D -

¦M-a«theaseaerae »han,. ;:.. «Bate Cvsavaakba. . ... bj ?···: n.· ;!¦¦ mi tieni >.t :he < en;

.¡.-.t ? -" ?; . ··.

..r ·|·» »·· - for ·.:.«· : ¦·.

mote lin;;;».e ibaa tea »neh n» j. .... L_ Ko'i.n-. n. »;'£> u

anr.iull af can··· api»«·, i-ould r»pair.Iri Kosiir.ako and Dehware f e :nr.ei "Jie um' feeBeg

pr»-veils. ard celle for Cmiitv M-eim,»· for Ibe ß??-''iit-|... ,( |». . k,· ·.- t.. .... V\,, A,i;i..\'ei.-ti»|lu1.·

e cai ? eie ·

bj sarete*« ih» most ? r-im.ue-u- Demnerat» ¦ :

1Ú Peci ::>··:··.: a ··.

V '·· s trai slat ·

a-» ? --. rasan annm anbsnsia i er säcbuygea_km .· ..·· ,··.»-"»·

Ion« , e-ipleimeichni nt.» -if the »lave

p.wer. ato t'.r breehiag i.t. all oanaaeeaise· vitbsleeerr.Le? aliti· freeC*inasas ? tute aad b·tre·· er sfs id.- mi be aarien d by th»1 rVirterina h ml« ofthe «!e\tl!.ii«i«v».fbat it the i»»..e now. Let is u.

;. tr-er >.e the 1 :li of July.Jai » . | .__

th·· hnbi sieve taw it umoiistitutioi.»'. BarraiJudßt Ss.ith

At ß u· ti...: ia V.'auki-La l.Itire '-«. if »·!«/«aUreW Tta: t-'or» -he I·«,...· · -hat -- »?¬

?* »'« » w »t . -. ,, t:|¦· t .r ( i,.)S. .r..:

-. er¿ n.


The »leaiiiship Star of the West, Capt. K. I.. 1

aafb« an ved al th t ???G???.;. in - day« Beai S«ui -luánerìth IOpeMsnajawn, tl 107,333 '.7 or. f.-· fht, en·' ?

tu out t in tt ? hand« of th· ? ssMBfl re.

The An-er!i es l.uisrd of -o nun. leti by Mr. lV>r'.r:nd forHi·· pri't'ii.on ef tl:e Tru.ai- lo. .-· pr>>:~-rT·' a: Peata «rv-

«« be^n iiiabrir.dod aai r· tur;· ·? benne my thi· «m

. r. ssnsoanj reme ?.?*· t,u.··! at «»in -luan.ll.e r«in» ba%e he«-n v· ry heavy and ;h··. .·

,.!.:.t.on for iri'eeint:, the trot.«:', bnehnj beaBaseae ?

'. ? tin:· -linn T<>r rw.'Vi rei mentii«, past.Tbe Tran.»it Company« ali - OtoJ ;.. .·· ratear,

r \· d it S,»n .Iu?.n on th·· ?? ult.. a'l »·?.

,?r,ly I, let. a*0 10', Ion. 7··- 4i)'. sir-nal'ucd »nip Lata-Isjjte »ml aahipof Stnnton «V Ihonipson« G·;«« lin·,stsL.il ?? north.

lì» Cr.ifomia new* his «ksssj einti· iaafesa by the arri, al

fthe estonrae Leer.YV. ftr·· itidiht. d Set ? ».Inaiò·· favor, te lbs 1 IBI 1

I r of the West.The follo» ine i» Hie »peci· Ral ni tic *»:..: fi,? \»e«i

li -e. ?. Miei m.? A G? ejCte.SSS.Nelevas It.,bt:je<n. *»-'. l'i¬li, fi'lei.» Bai...... SVA.SS· lésasses» £ I.ow.t»n....ISaa «? ?·. l»i.tiw \>m Seluman A e'··. ·W Hegel eo. Idi*.rio J ?linei e» gelei· k IW.'? Ferii A«'«. lai.OM t'ass. il ir.-«u. Mli.··«·,Al. 1*.*0·'-

Tual. ai I

e (rr'iji edenre of Tbe ?. V. Tnl..ine.

¡TlsTBarTllsT. Krtjeajr, Jaae 30, IrJMliy tra» af postscript to my leite oí ih·· 'iîth iii»t.,

I hate to inforni yea tail ea Iae eteeasei Htar af 'in·West waa [ruiecdin^ doun th·- hsr'mr toward PartKnyiil, for tl·· earpeea of esartehnhhnj, ·>? her sayaga, ou

tl.e night of th·· 'Ji ili she went iirihore not fir fromPort Kojal. All itli'iig ear iparione btrber fiitm eredr'iM ? ai:«l ;ir·· tafteieBtl} kenftby ta eaasjar ? roaaai·«¦r.il'lc liiirht kboee erater. Ob tbeee pil·-« the depth afwater ia eerieaer· indicated in figure«. Ir would ßßßß?thut ( tl the n.ttht in iitti «tiou the pilot, ilista-.nl ol'kci'l»-?ß| the st· ¡in.· r hetwci-n tin- pile ui.irk< d " nine feed "

¦?«· the li .'linliitid, lll.ide ??t pi.-'.« tin' pile on the n'll.r»irle, in ti.·· ibklVew iv;;ter. Th·· eeaeeqaeaee w··«

»I·· ran aaliyre on ·? bank ef mud. Itbel h« ? n «.lid, essai the cullai- of ??·· pilot linkilli: »notiu u Intake sta· ttie pl.-n-iui; afe iiijiit un fh·· trreaaj pi'·',hut thi» I baee Bestertsaiae·] to be ???·??t·'··?. Tbe iftis, tin- lewasWag ni th·· reeeel v. eaaaai bj th·· ibeere'urcli «»ni »« or nicoiiip.-tciic) ef tba pilot in eberte,A.iiali-i.c·' w.i- proti.;·!', pmctin-d for the purponi· afL'ettiii.· ti;·· «ti.¦.inier oil the h.'ii.k, and the briaattaeVan ? ir·· ;md one or two schooner»· trttt ap.lily ?-??-

¦efea in linhtcBiiiir her. Application havin·; ??-?-?? iliadeto Capi, t imper, Baperlateaáeat ef the ?. If. Beeaa< ? ? ? un», the .ti ¡liner Eagle ame lenaannVatalj basi inr· «p-ii.itioii, for the parpeee af baalhaj od' the8tai aftic V.'.-.t. Thla ta.k, it «....in», was not in eitai oti·-,m li rii.lv era· ti.·- »te-unicr ¡inhedilnl ?-? rio- intuì; timi ir«?,« not fill thi« inumili·: thai ehe wu* ejot oil, whenrie intuì dill.· Il G? tlirind lip the Halber, .'lini W...4

broneht to ih aiaailagemS Httrhiae' Wharf. Ji'irin»;the tune the HtentniT was ea the hank, mo»t ot' the pee-seagi r« cam·· up to Kin«;sion, with the rlea ef lartherIi·.!,!· ahn] tin- ship.A reaj ill-cut inni trtssle h.-m aaasakaai that ensxaiai

iti ? diiiiy |apcr, call« J T/n Dailp i<ie,rtisir. in ?????·??ü,euiort Baweeerri «1 abaee kr keansed ea the Captalaof the Star ot the West, and t*ieino«t uiitrnrht'il »t ite-n · nts -i-ule relative to the condm l of rliat ????·· uian.

I or instance, it is a--··, ted that (he niifht ??? dirknd storni}, und that tl··- pilot cnile.i?ored, bn' with¬

out »ncce.-a. le asaaaale the raptaiu IVeai pro.eediti^to .· a M Neh a nietlit. It ?« quit«· true flist the itiieh»..? ..-li.'irK. hut not »e darle as represented hy Th. ??-r:rtit,r."au dark tliat it was ultuorl iuiposaible fo'· tea one's land.' Tl.e ..»»eitinn thai "'he r.Tn fell" rather heaxily, and there were all the indication» oí'· a «Meads»] «turni," in without th«· eaflghaton] loundition.I etarfeil lor In.in«·, about rlree'-ipiarters of a mile dis¬tant, at II o'clock on tli.I eaaflht, and oil itli|irill,' at

Miti-liin's Wharf, «hile pensaisf, if the «reamer araistill sli.ticaide, «Aa» ansa that ah·· waa off. I pro¬ci·· (¡ed In Howard, wliere I arriied without h.-iviiij;h· ? wet with a aliale iirop of rain. I will nut uu-

iertahe to ».,} that it did not rain at a «iih»ei,'ient p··| erii d oí the nicht, lone kfteff the »tcini'-r sTM off: butit is certain that it did not pre, ion« to that. Neitlier«as tier«· the liKt resson to apprehend a «torni. Ili;.\e «la·· hccii inti rmed by aVtëVal «ughhf rc«p«'ct.iiut·pnaseafen on the steatner that the that th·! «tateiiien·ot tie ah) r ? 11 ¦« havin»/ im;.ted on pattane, to »¦ i.

ceititrary to the ri-ruonainrio·· oí th.· pilot, isei|ii¡illy untnie. (In the contrary, the captainwas .i » - «? r« «1 hy tin- pilot that thi» tailor ????».'.eiLi.id take the ve.ecl out at» »afi-ly a« he MasjjjjhtI.· r in. Nay, «Neu alter the steamer had hauled offthe wt.ait, the captain wa· «olicitiou« for the preaer-ihtioii ?,I hi· employer» pr· pattai for he tei Id the pilotthat if Le (the pilot) had uü> doubt af hin capahiliti oftitkirii: ni.t the veeeeL it ame not tini late Ie detertmne¦ .? p tnaitiiiiL'. The tad is, the offensive urtici« i« evi¬dently written under the -uppo.itimi that a master

pilot t an.···! Coldaon was in churire oí the steamer, andtLut it wa« necessary to ». re. ti this individual, who i·un,ally a »killiul pilot, from blame. It ··, happen»,however, tl.at Mr. ???1??»·,?\?ß·? sur thepihst in charee;ami ffM trtrr. such a ditattrr would si>f have accurred.nor areahl Mr. OaUeaa hare required the taei of left-l.iiniid ¡nlviM-ai-y which Thr .lifref/.· ri." ??·:-·.?!?··:?!;b« »t· n'td «? him.The |aa«eni;er· ea the Star of the Werit. who »?··«?

in ibe hiiiheat term« oí Captain TinlilepauL'h, are high¬ly bkanoaal at the muss oí misstatement«.not to use

a liar»?·G t· rm.that have be»-ti made «» t«> hio cou-

ducf. I In!':·'·· »nine uitheui are about, .vririuK a re-

f· I ?. -o iipne'.-r in on»- of th·· daily ?«?*t« 1*-?·?*??t?, to

the article in ike AHt-'rtwr. .Should tiiey do »o, Ihave nitriera! intcrer-t with the new-pa|ier» '·> he ahleto aneare « proof af the letter for faeteaare tu you,provided tie proof ik ready in firn··. I .ehall keep opeutur that BBrpaae, as wHI its with the view of aH'-e.-t lir·-ÌM whet'er IB] aiirvey i« h«d«i on the »r.-an er, thu'izl;I bcii'ie 1 cm ».v. she ¿ i-tained no J-jtiia.'e aj bat«e\. T.

'Ihe Hen. Kdward Jordan ha· been pi-vailed on hiaccept the Mayoralty ot thi« city, and wa» «.-.vorn into11..· · ? ? the «t8th iiisUiit. II;· at-i.-pt nice is ou theci teliti· a thai the niemtrcr« af hat Corporation »bfUlaid tim in eteleavoritu t·· effect a full iuej«iire ofcivicr· ?· int. by le«;i»l8ti\e movement.

1 have ju»t waited on Colonel Harriwin. Consol fortie lutt.-d «-tste«, who ?·.« im.) me that re utrtey i«

nee»·-ary on th·· Star of the West. The Colonel i« averv erhaae and Kind old c.-nrl.-mvn. of whom youreltiieii» may well be proud. A; Brat, hearin.' I was a

m« iti'» r of the Kour'h Estate, he wtedispo»«kl to treat

me raiL»r cavali« rly, thinkii··» I mijlt be an emissaryin m Ihr. Atlctrtwr. 1\·? tlii«, he fsnnor b·· blamed,a« he muht to be tenacious of the honor oí hi· nation.I MB happy to cmirirm »hat I merely -'innts»d iu an

earier eart of this letter, that the .Star af the Weit i»ucinjnrtd.At a ¡ate hour, 1 NeSJnfoei the proof af th»· letter.

.i:B. d. "Maty ? ...fl*· r» ol the ^tar ·>·' the W.1 bp| to a« panel. It is a« follow· :

I ", ''.Uf»J G4- '«ni.jlfr»!I 1 ke puumtugett oí tbe Sii.- ?? .? e »? est, erba ebbi

^.ercte», |.rw:ked lb» aka.-f at Kictstee ks· r> ine .ne:, m

Der of th- selon .ua:e »aa-ASsal »ílir'j iX ..»S tslT.seeds· ,Tests, ·«·«,/ »»re. ¦*< tue! Sil, 1»is4 is tteir «upr-suaus 01'.t»-;i» . t» >;t^.i-M »h h 'fce Co at ? ut e-ti»:i »r ladreeetveai at lave Semia of I« ri'uree ei Ki: tsteo. : ·

. .is,-· ^4-ot mi --te ÍUjel «ir. ·

tots a· ? roanasaler- H-eS-raos asi «Usa-·, «raeW «vfcfc I... .»r-xl j.t¿ %A m »ttnVMhtS

? · '.(i t»tal at ibi li \·.;?· %«··atW ail »to remVnS e» aVat e. ee ?«· ??·? ---- '·

I . a -

.-. .- ?. .e-(.. ?... , , ;,ja.. ». ? .·

« ·

a- -ie -r - ?-.- »-- -i-x -.'«. ia'vt.1 ta< inttea, «SkiSe s

-< í-s - . . -

a- I SI ll. - -i^ -«a

? a »!» »e-a' '"«t ¦-.-· a-e '·»'.».«·. o. · e r' t; ,t r. w

tw <«e»ie;«ae- has «rotee «if oar remmener- aoS the Wi Ie a-fair:east etSJ act tbe rrrerat sereeas· ef tto »»«sm«ere -o »eir.ajes

.hertoe Be« secb s asi isa rff-ve.-vaooa ol -er-e«OcaU he a>-

.»4.«ick a »eartrae as· uuaiei.lv ettari ipom a atiltai aui». Lbv -vit. »o·1»· Sie-J "»e ? «tJS'd- it' Uteri.,., »av» I-

sel«r »? ?- .'»¦ · iti to aoilja ?

res«** issaassi that k»-t- » . a tkc ect, C»{at.

. · . «. 'S aere ni tfce torta..I I .Si· .. tal

. . :X .«-

>. . . .- ·: .; ...«-.-o.-di#s ¡v.etal uel» eu-Ji-·. r-)'·.;· «a. i: r·... :.- na.«-:·

.»Et'tei»«-» llteeaa ·' ,.»¦·. u/er» .10 boenlth«· »-x -»¦

vaaoi. a· Se.-Jia »t.; ·?·pceteot aa«n» .»I the..· p., -a·-· et si

par« . , ave al «e; l»«rue«i au ui* i. it

'··..-, ...» ··.· v. ?. ejti of '- «· tos. ··. g .>>«t essto hs'.liv pr».J' «he« a

. · .


ari ?- 1res« ·-. ·, . .

«av rww-Ter . .


.. ,· ,.|

-·.. ..r «lei er !t»-- le>J|sl:air. Ih» tnìik r

~ r W -· | tato · -? b-retrm-id I» Ii-e«,, .· f . editor of /"»e ·-»· -e-' «r

to' t». srtret waea k -a · « .· ·

-a. .· | » ; «.. .- :.. r-i «ecu ae.ie*«u,e ·

tkat tot he t. unii from thr tira« the .hiiivrent »..le.

ai 11 s h. ? ?» «? 1» u ?. ..

ke ie. *A tur prient -·. . «a·) tanoren ?

pi,, a«lii ..'i..·« .· SS '·¦ ¦» ··.»...«·..:.. -e

aTes » aal tasakk1 W Weref.ier ai··»»«-» vreeoin. v

· ·. ·««<«·!«·.*' atti Mare tto ?

s-ar aftas Wear, is kasass (m ·

Jar· »· · I -¦ ' - ·?· mi le] as ¦h. r :o ernrlwe.e.

tra, tot kitil·.·«· «nu» a end -«rai.; «heu t, ...

rv-1 ß?? oe in »aaeesSas* tasi · .

»ySstoSSatvi SSsl ri'.pa.«.·»",» .(. 1- ,-xer «

oaseesfer oa rtstiSr.wktttier he or Anieni-ar, BaiIriirl. e· tftl · P- Jrar.«r w .

beastekla aessi n .?

o tt« t aast« ? ··" Bstsn.ki tto «

··:¦·. ita-stiri«rc-ril ft ¦:¦ a »toy «.'r'.tleee SI

x Iras ?

vetar Sa*, of a barter isas¡,'-West

.. levitar- »tiralei a: lea- h» r.xitej fi· re·

. ti. 1... ¦ ....

e pi ,

.· < ...«...·

»?; lied ' -at..il, ....

·.... ...

h??? to D»\ i»ei» tesateti >' -·??.»? eel »? »?»·>: the·-«·.. ? eels ? ·¦· !«·'.tersi tot ist» ef tkeeV Ire ·? ito «ri «-' th»

¦easssteit Tir?..·.·'· .· etto! «ras

»ttr ?.· ilj ne.·»,' or" - usti ett it «re» elese· « e te »ss'. o·'· rer.:tastassi ItBSwMck ito Kfrrrf ir.- .:·» .·,·


? .·- e ;lista« »

taio ·!·· .r ,h«.aeter lor " »»seta»»*' ? »tup farina r t.i re

Tto K.l.i. ? ef /A . a u.weil :.· xi«.i rh»Staiti n leu to shall li «il! Itoa. »t Imst. k»Ti? munit« le i- e m toa lereepeel.a ? ? ·. BM ttol ..·-,

T..» ? Pase»uà .- ·¦¦ ?. -

??«!«·!«». Je·».. June I STAR UK G tr: «VEST



ITATI OF THE KABKafTl To I» v..Wi Baaeaai. duly la.· P. M.

A-iir«.The m.-irhet i.« quiet but finn et*'» 50 c ?'· '?

for Pearls, and M *U fur l'ole.I'm tun.A very finn market, but the biiaines* i· light,

ilealer» wsitinL' furiher advices limn Kumpe.Floi ?? «M· Mi He.1 he better i-mil«¦ of \Ve.»t· rn and

State I-'lour arc ¡inner uni a Hfht sto« k, but tlie losr

grail * an- at. nily in.l in BaiaV it·- r· ¦.¡ue.af, eaeeaaeasnl byth·· l'ulne report that the »teanier m.s below., ('»'inauriliKl· nr is firm titid U-sa ?'.? nty «alu af Ml bhle, at $1 2?.

lie »alee ef Western ( unni are ?,ß?? bbN. at *?8 K·*7 for ini:i· ii to i»ood State. MeV#«M for ·¦ Ho^u-"Stat··. 17.tl '.? lor \Vi»i onniu, and $7 M u *7 Î3 for

i.iiiliiou to Bass·] Ohio. B4B'tie r:i ?',.'?G i-4 dull und hi'uvy.3i)o bbl.«. »old ut N S· ? 99 far ii-.ìm il le ?»·«"? brand» Hult-imore, ¿We. li)..· Hour hiaachaageil »nies IM bids, al

$5 JO foT fine. Corn Heal e »ti .nlv aalse MI bbl«. ut $:i79 ior ,??-r»· y.OaAIB.Tae mnrktt f··! Wheat is st «ady. willi I fuir

ilenniid; sali« ·,?' ? bush. I'pper l^ke nt II M| t,4M do.new Snuth and North Carolina r»'d »t «Jl of. Oute ara

higher uud asee ??-tu··, «air» af sut· ami Weal ia a* ¦··-'

u ..je-. Ban) ii inactive et ·1 t-''-??? ??Corn is in limited dcman.l md prie·· er·· lower; «ale·

'.'? M In. I.· Is utf,Stt)7c. for western tnited; 74a75Jc.for -i.iitln rn y< ¡loti ; 7u ., rf|c, foi round yellow; Me7M|e«for -? ii.li. in white, and IM Ule. for unsound.????'?) i« witlmut ehenjri, but is ipiit-t. IriO bbls. wer·»

«old at -J'· krM|e« for 1'rison letter prie·· on time.pnnvi-HiN»- potlv is rallier tinner; sale» of »."M) bbl«. al

III IM 111 N for Mees, and I10u«10 -¿S fot Prias·.Itia-f is rUiiily at y«·»!·-relay'· .(iiotatioiiri. Oilier kiuds ua-



riKE ta laïair aaaaaia ei.On Widneaday mornint; rt tir·· broke out iu s knssjl of

frame building» ?? Thirty·»· ? ????-?. beta« ? the Seventhand Kteehth-avs earned by Oudley Seiden, Kaii., and oe-

uji.'l by laverai «Httnien a« stubiee. Oejhnj m aha iu-tlr,u.i;.ah'i material in the premise·, the Hume« s|iread ra-

piiHy ai.d «J« spit«- tin ex'rtlun» ol tin- tir· men who were

eerij ea th«· ground, the whole nur,'·· mi bmldii.. wa« en¬

tirely destri·) ed.Several anaaaj peri»hed m tin rlau.ea, all erTorte to get

tl· m out provine· ,.'.?· ..!·-. ; The total loss ?» esrinistodbt ??,??.



« ·.vTeÉMBiejí July II MM.Tkere an about one iiundr· d delegete· to the Conven¬

tion present.The Ulk of the CeasaaBssa is to nominnte Mr. Bromos

for Covercor, and if he ..eclinea, then to nominate Mr.Srh'll. t.'andidate» u:e plenty.TLe pr'ui'ij.le» of the ?? bra«ka bill will be indorse··!, but

the President and tie bill a" it «tend»: will reçoive the cold»houlder.

Tut Lmit r anil Juvrmi' irçe« the W*hi^»e not to presstheir particular candid.-.teg for Oovernor. That paperhavinjr warmly support«? Mr. I^avenworth this is deemed.¡.raiticant.A cuuca· met last night Lu the parlor of the hotel. Mr.

Mitchell wa« the Presici' tit.The «ift'ir« r» d··· lined to ftrnish s prir^Tamuie ef the pea-

rasjáhnf· for the pr· tt.

?.· OSO Dl f« f· II.

Ihe Ciiuw ntion was calle 1 la order by ??ß??··? 8. Cut-

in«· oí ?rie, at I- o'cloek.Thotnea M. Mitri.« 11 veo« ahsnsaj temporary Chainnan.

acd took his «eat amid lot.d «pplaiist·. He Muriied thank«fur th·. honor onferred.

Sunii.el Ki.rl af Herkinvr, and Oro*vcn«r i, Adams af» folk, were sppointed Sei r< (arier-?I ¦ ro'l v, ej then eaaW.

LATKk ntOM nO JAXK1KO.aUtTin^oaa, Wednesday, July 1J, l»-',4.

The Urk I^pwini? h-a «rriitd itt thi» port with HioJi»n· irò dalia tu the sth of Jane. Kob· p G. Scott, Am· r-

ii au Consul at Kio cum«· in-seniçi-r in ber.Universal good heallh prevailed at Kio.Tbe I'nited State« frii-vte Savannah and «tor»«lop aWasf

were in port.the U'ter aimut to »ail for Xc-w-York withLo ut. loiter of the ^avanx?Mb, who returns in conttiiueuce

?? ill-health.The bri.:.' Heii.hr! I ; id -a·1 -I tor Montevideo.and th«

?·, iiiantown was expect· l at Kio «iKiut the middle oiJulv.



t..t UU i.»tos, Tuesday, July ll, i-i4.The eteaiiirhip Ia»bf 1 ».rrived at t^uirantine at 11 o'clock

ou Monday L.-rt-t. snd BBanhas] her whsrf at »i o'clock thusnssaahaBiHer dates are, H... j:.·« -.he morniuz "f the -th int:., sjnl

Key West the ex· r.:.-,r- ? -he same day.Passed, off Moro d tie. two French fricases and one

1, n· h «ttamtr, a-.d rAT K· J W est »hip Moee» lafaeIbe I'ri.nch Adt-iiral, Duijuesie, whose death on the »d

met. hu h«en revtoutl, reported, wa« to be borie«! on theth, with xreat peana·rheSpfcii.»h wi»r'· !«* .r.J.. ,? ?»,.'!» arrived at

Havana «a the Äh ir.tt., «itb Ml »??·^, rs of tbe infsntry. e -t.; of Ibena.Be'.weer. the Hi Juiic and th·; Mb J»t. there bed n-«o

Isathl from velliiw invera: ?·;? West -anioni·??!""»Cepi. J. H. s.-amib af the L. (4. »eBflaa ea, who aaa ·«-

L- t ata edine ibe {ssnertraetiea ef mn fsvstse« ,

1U ·-.- '»Ve. ..... ......; fnm N,w-Yo-k. tW <¦' -

VUri- .· i tV·* en the «MB. ^'"7 *

»3-oi.rH'·«, ? ai CsaasTetv^Mkiea »< <>·*. "»··»-

. i.ff-G? et. by wrecker» »mi »ustanr«! but little daiiiago.Balrage and ??????? S", .e. She «ailed mtat aWet,'.;:k»i:! the-rtb.

H'CUE>TKK CMVKhMTY COMMENCEMENT.? ?. -. W.d-.e-dar.JaJyl'J, 1-04.

Ihe Cm me«·-»ment eterei»«», of the Lcir-reity ...

?,,-j,.·!, r »r» being held thi. weak \ ^¿"d··» 1 · *. tb«

Ear. l»r. ?? «·p-"? w»» inauírarite.i nneaaOOM. in tue

e», nil ? theIJterarv S.»« seti«·· »er» a«ldrrta»eal by HeuryJ. ?·»·, ..i.t.t i'' -' .»..-¦-?.t«. 7V'.«. and a ??ß? waa

read l» Charle· Thurber tt Wmitejer, Meee J+<¡9.i.,·.- ..? tl.. _r«di.aJiiigclsis«· will bebe ·1 er-, tee

n.errrd.«s* .

THE WDITtl HANK ??????-?·.»!.«.»«».,» bla.. Monti·»'. JeJjrlOt ¦>·

11· ?? tote Ci art fis« ;u.at «rii ni·»! the d«»ÌM«.-« ·»! b«Jl'i ..:··«» Ceert ef Mebito, ?tabal the Winter», ami to,,». ? .ii.l.n. ?« ? ,-» «\ ?... It dteeded that Jo-inn.

lee. r. lit'T ur» Ilkbl. in.!:» finally, for lin- M. al ihe ··!·* ? ? »ht bank. w».i«h the»· haoed aal

ut in tin ni.ilion iu Alabama ami that the tirm OÍ ·'· "*·

Wmt« r A ? o. .a .»,?·.»!',» iiab'.· nati that the OBOI BOBM by;l:e b.ank on the tee et tM insoiven« y. ot John Bk H OH'ni· binili· »s tt» it. ws» a frau.! mi ir» .rt-ditor«.

-·*>--????.???1) ACCIDENT.

H il riaoas, \\ rdiiestiay. July ?», !« |_ :. M.-: an WnbtoetwB aorte oulyjuaarrieed. he··

ina rnn ad 'he track at l-lncensbitr-h.' The engir«-er wae

bt ? the BOasaaoen vii eaaoead.f

PIKE-TWt» PIUWOXE hkowvei».Iltiitioi !>, \N edili» .iv. July 1·.· ;-.|.

? fir.·! -·h.it alxoit 1 a» cl.» k tliia inorriu»· ? iheBg No. ! 'Irurr.hui'-s: accepted by C. M. B-ninarsl

-»-?. ,u.«ir». The in·!·!·· of the tviiil.t'mjf wa- nrej-lyall il.-etn »id. hut the wi.ii* arc ststidii«. L«»« Ml l.iavy.Ml Wti'. Turner. · re«]>cc*r'·!'· cititeli of this place,

Bged nbi't.t n. aad a -on el Loarle Wilcox, ahoet II rean. .id. wert dt'owtieil y«»ttrdiy while hnihin»: in \ It !l v-

-r. BaT. Turner an attempting M snim a. r«»-« BMwith the boy on hi» back, when he was seil..··, w il he.ramp.


XXXIIM CONdKES«·».First ?ßß??ß.IfltTllT ?G?????????. V, edtiisdar.July I., '.«it.

Mr. B.MH.EK atavi I to lek. ap the Senate Inii iar Batnil...?» ? ui nt ot Ci !¦ ;:r II.», r. which Wit« r· larr.edton the Baa·· witi aa anoadaa at. Agreed t>» nn»l .haami t.dm« nl « ??.« urr« it in.

Mr. sEW iBD pweeotod a mem .rial of the c:../*n«eil«i«ea Cm.!. ?·»-.··.» teaiag to a repeal ef da·five Slave »?··. Also a pitltii ? ot thi l».-ni.»-ra·:· n«u«

Of th« «: te- [·' ce, in tW · Ij'l""' rrf 'ib-rtv.Mr. KI MX HU pi«.·· :itt d; ? ??·!·??· tonXew-H.n:: ..

s-i Mr. h'lM"KY\ El I. irotii Wi.e,e-tcr. Ma.. :'.·- re

the Pagrlire Btori a. f.Mr. HAML1X tttiTtcl :··«·«. Ii lloii-c ill a

in»» r»L'Sii r to th. Airitiii.ii-bi.il; brig Hallow«·.' ...i

aea ··: J .n.· ? hh. dee. ?Mr. Hi ilsi ? »? .«?«, totoattoe to lore paotaahkaa I

ujion Sniatois deihe. wiittOB b) E. \S. ^l«.»»r·-. M !.··¦

repe»t«»il hi« it niaiks uj».ii ««'lut money trentvactioi.» -

-.,,,! Beoti.The ri tu.leti.·!· prprUing to th·· pritititi·.· old;".,· '.,··?-? "1.t Ilo- l'i'in|. i.iiuni ot tile Cenai;» »vue - · il

up and iiniem'.iO M M te ? 'Pipare a table »haw-uar them uibi-r »f aero· to eoeh Mat«· aaator cultivation an·' ri ¦

JiSaMd.The 1··11 for the oanplettoa of be Treasur» beildi g and

to th·· \\ i;r and Ihe Nit» » Pepar:un nt »? its tin ? Bfel » up.

HOUSE OF ¡.II'ìUnHNTATIVES.Un motion ol Mr. LEI IIEK. the SelectCotnm.lt««· to

totjato vhetan totptroeer taeoM hare boM eaaytoyt t·»

p.iin. tin aeaoagi >>t rh.· Ini» .»tending Colt'· patent,aea eut! ori'' ? io euiplo» a clteh, m noti, the tcsr.mony.

Mr. I III INti uà.» « »? ii-i .1 ii.nn Herviug on ti) ?' I m-

n Ut. r, to the r· bm n that hi is M the Committee tofOBOhi.-st ., iti ?» ·?'??? · :···? »iti. tbe Geraten etofca »»h-.h?. nuit« much of bh t.me.

Mr. BAhBIB Mia· Baadra peraeaol Baptaaatlea t»>tl.« « beet lhat he bad b· ? eaae. -.«aniy aorere m h « r·

murks »» hen the 1 ill] | rorMtog to the execution ··! rh·' íe-

n, t treat) »« ith M< » . t> m- ?.ml. -1 ..nsi.leraliou. 1 .·· a

.|t:isitii ? of t· rnier» tmtii M »toby purchaee. an.l espeOatlll -m b tl ? Or». wii» mil in his jiuliriiieii', rieOBBaOadb» die t.t«<-sities of the nitiet;. but tb« ahnraetion ef»n nun h of the treaty ef Geedalope Hidalgo m aaaoV 'h··lloveiiiii;« nt napoanhto fer liman ilejirtKiaiioBi »¦- .in

object..' gren toanrtaoee» Ta tins evtent the tnaty bod»..in« thing of -:,I,»Ini,I,ill basis ro rt Kt on.

The lleuiu then risuined the considération of the till

rep· aliag to much of tl·· art oi IBM a* makes a red.ntionit tiitv jier cent, on prepaM pestaajeM oataaaaeai-i audparto «li« al»Mr. OLDS sud he bad aa beatllBj to the city pros«, lut

ass williiij.' tbe newspaper» shull have the larj.'···* ostQOie·ti.,? < oinj,atilde wiili the niibli geotl He wiiute.l n. »v«.

papan to pep? the reeaaan at the 1·<>»?·0??<· li» p»rt-int nl the ainoiiiit it ..»t« |o trnu-port them tin·· .i "o-

mails.Mi. ('??????Uh' '.jilied. airtog this bill, it' pa»<ed.

wnald hi.» e ti.? ? fticf of curtuiUr.' newspaper «'ire ilu'.on.I'm j s nini f« lieiiii m:s i i.» pay the e\pcn»c ol 'p??-|?G?*>tion. If yoa 11· »? ;.t j.rint· d m.-itter. a* now transiuitfed,«ieductiiig fifty jxin'tit. poetogo by im-paymeir. i..mi

psseiiiL' llinliph Ihe u nils )«oi poj net a «.nt ie. ·> tb«

poraaoa »»ith wlmni yea «nnirsrt to carry tho imiilr.Mr. BABBT t.·»». rito«aeaad that Qesnianen - not

I·, nnd 1.1 c.n» .-.u» loans ketten und jinpers at ¡«·· ·· i.u

the coet af traaapertOasM» The) who enjoy th·· b· n· ·- ..·

the Poetai svsti in should | >.» it- evjrenses.Mr. SMIÏH took similar ¿round.Th«1 u.m ? in.· hour then einiri <t. and the Hour·- baM want

into ( oininittee of ihe Whole e»n the »late of the Dotoo u

Ihe Kiver aad Harbor hill.-s>-

I HOLEKA AT SIIELHYVILLE, b»Y.L'im ? .·* a 11. Wednesday, July l. · 4.

The « I.olera i» moine at Sin11.» ville,'Ky. ? in.m.· the'. ¡«¦tints was the jinncipal phyaaatM of the town.

A Pin SritoKt: .We heard an anecrloto fmm a u'tndeman who recently traveled b» t, .on from Itristol to I ?

don, which displays the nu.ok witr-.d prompnti.de of lome

people. There waa in the carriage with him a feiiow pal.-ii.'.r n ii ni..r to b. m. but who while looking out of

the waidow soon after tho train passed Swindon. had bishat blown ?tV. Without hesitating a moment, or pa·«;Lga second m ?·-rjib xit». he took from the roof-straps overhi- -ml a ?.·» leathern hat-hog, and tnrew it eut af win¬dow after the hat. All looked aauinuthed at this ajipearan< «· of foolish wilfulncM. awl our informant venture»! toaik him if be thought it a wise act. boi-ause he hai lost hi·hat, to throw away hi- hat-box ·1*? ? " Certainly, re-

[diesl the other, " my hat was a new bat. and it «oree" workrmn or pohe«msn pick« it np, he will either pal it" on bis greasy head or carry it along to the next sta: ·>?? in" hi» hand, until, on a wet day like this, it ia ruined. Now." when h·· see« the bat-Lux ui»tr it, he wdl have the senio" to pat it into it. and my name ia in tho hat-box ··¦ that·' I can have both »eat up t«< Irowlon after mc; and »e>

aa» mir be litilil.« rot. 1» put on hi* traveling cap, and ina«.«himself quite easy on the point 1 tur inlbnnant, on retuie-

ing tr.an town, waa curioti* «-notigli to inquire at Sw.udonif these raltuiatioDi were (iiccoesful. and learn! it waaiust n« be anticipated. The hat and hat-hot were found,and the name being teen, they were forward·»! to Lon¬don for the owner. |llriitol 11met.TiKr Pti'iK, and How io Masi; It..The proco»· of

niNUUlBCtiire of the tati paper r-»|n»-la thnt now loll·,», Jfor usaking «traw paper. The jreat is first thoroughly»«rimi, to «e-parate all tlie earthy matter from the filtro«·perttoo; the atter is thea put mio a strong· eaOsfde lye,where-it i» allow« «1 to siak fer tw«-nty-íoar hour», it.·then removed and jila· ad for about four hour· in a bathof weak hydrochloric acid, and kept constantly agitatisd:then washed in wat· r and pin.· ? in a weeyk «·¦! ' ·? «i

alum, att(«r »te« ping for a «hört time ia Mi solution, theliquid is run off, and the ma·» ·?··*·1?>:<1 by mean· of h!o-rine, and mixed with front five to ten per ent. of rng-hi.f>rno and worked up in the entrine, and made into ? atíer ioIh· ordinar) way. Thi· ?» the aro« esa of Ur. .7. ???1·-mand, ot MBOM on, in Prance-, where ¡t hsa been patentee.It is evident that the fr.-«b p*at, a» «nt in tbe botf, woul«tniitw· r for making paper accordina- to thi» pro«:·»·», »h r

would lave the exjiease of drving. »tacking, fee.Ij.i-.ru»; of lnd«*tr* » ?·»

A Urciaio!· CoicrjiMM. Cocbts ?a?p??...In rerrent-1» «ltsposing of a case »ubsnitted to him by the Secretary? Wir, the Attorn*)-!Jenem«·· ha*decide«! that an offioeraf thi· army it lubject to trill for one ind the seme art byihe civil courts, as for a violation of the ordinary law ofthe land, and ai*o by a court martial for violation ofhe military law. Tbu·. where an officer waa BbBOBBlor marder on account of the death of a soldier and sjc-

qnitted, he may still be tried by court mania« and aoa>shed.(Woahing-oi -»'ar.



-s>-I leare-d IkU F»riweaa.

.« -»u.ai it.LtonaBtb -t.oae· NoifoU. Lodlaa ? »a· ? »

», p I,.ht, Wad«, fielding bio -anatre. Woodbaa A Co.dan -? one.,, iBraa Marraa »obey Itdaad. Sifter. A lea

¦btokBrig ??·«? Srr.«II, «tuiall Phllide'phie, Breft, Una * Co.".cbooBat-Adnaace. '<>.·-.'. .»-beve Auinrrstai. Fve t A

Meisck·...-.ettt- r.Parker Vela T»rarr "a rio err ? V. Ces.wjf-Kllea Klli*. ?·?t Bedford, mw'-r.

AjTlreaLB«rt Oven»»» Lug. R.o stojflejjtoeB.Bste^^

a Jok., ? Thomiislri· Tfe. bark ?:1«>·*? M,a?t.í'a» 1"'»? «d th. d», V^^\¿r¿**3^'£'£fa ft,oT!.·.- »gam Jree M oqti.de o' te« ·*'. "¿,7~Zm- «._ r

' G il.'n,aSt\MW%aaam, aaa· *****aE?CkLTaJSV*.~l« »ri«» io-»ace troa» """"·¦",...; Untuo. eoe« ,..

·. M «gletca A Co- lall m *«· iMlta

Li».." tV Ht*- iin.34r" u,»'t*: t·*·-. » -*· i».' "!""..?.«?«?. »aile« .Beo with ^ek, a... y»..r,l»«ltv «SI e·/»··^ ^^^i. 7, .

* ·¦¦ » -»«»

.... tot * n«.nio«e». ß«!'« '· »o witb arrbr. fefat. D·.oiabeT ß?5 SÍ 5-J-b-3 ??· SS -Í»M*SY¿rtr: Iran. raaaaaw-H* 'or E-x* i_d Me «m, 4. -w .,., .

«te'lol »pettred a ha*a be·., fe.it a a»r·. -U;.« t tL«.

By T.l.ar.ad*l.iy II, it>auab:p

BABXWTX>»-Arr. JrtJ, 11 «t^taabip Naur .» '«»?·«·,lam ? rt :«*»*

e . .A Irr. Jajy II. «lean at o lutti ?. «»»? . ?
