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News of the ongregational hurch of Sun ity€¦ ·  · 2017-12-14Paul is not writing about...

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Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 1 October 2017 ~ Volume 30 ~ Issue 4 News of the Congregational Church of Sun City 18401 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85373 Phone: 623-977-4241 Visit us on the Web: www.ccscaz.org “A Love that makes the world go around” Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Richard Selzer tells in his book Mortal Lessons---Notes on the Art of Surgeryabout a young woman whom he had operated on to remove a tumor in her cheek, and to do so had to sever the nerve. This caused her mouth to be paralyzed and twisted. Her husband asked, Will her mouth always be like this?” “I am afraid that it willreplied the surgeon. Then the husband bent down to kiss his wifes crooked mouth, and as he kissed her, the husband twisted his own mouth to accommodate hers, to show that his loving kiss sll worked and that he sll loved her. We all have read 1 Corinthians 13, and we hear that passage read at weddings, because it is a passage all about love! The beauty of the prose which comes from the pen of the Apostle Paul causes us to treat this chapter lightly and unthinkingly. We treat it like Shakespeare and emboss it in frames and greeng cards, use it at college graduaon ceremonies, and we harness it in debates on ethics, and hold it up as a standard we all ought to aim for and live for. But that is to wrench the text from its context and to use the Greek word in quite the wrong way. For the word is agapemeaning the love of God for us and our love for fellow Chrisans. One of my preaching heroes was George B. Duncan; George used to say about this word: Agape love, has with it the minimum of emoon and the maximum of evaluaon. Paul is not wring about brotherly love or love of family or romanc love, but a very specific kind of love, agapeis the Greek word for it, making it specific and disnct from all other kinds of love. Agape love is not based on emoon or aracon, but rather a decision of the will. God choose to love people who are unlovely. He stoops to kiss that which has become deformed, and by that very act, to make it beauful. Thats why Gods love for us is rightly called Amazing Grace.Your Pastor and friend, Brian Anderson

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 1

October 2017 ~ Volume 30 ~ Issue 4

News of the Congregational Church of Sun City

18401 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85373

Phone: 623-977-4241

Visit us on the Web: www.ccscaz.org

“A Love that makes the world go around”

Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in

this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.

Richard Selzer tells in his book “Mortal Lessons---Notes on the Art of

Surgery” about a young woman whom he had operated on to remove a

tumor in her cheek, and to do so had to sever the nerve. This caused her

mouth to be paralyzed and twisted. Her husband asked, “Will her mouth

always be like this?” “I am afraid that it will” replied the surgeon.

Then the husband bent down to kiss his wife’s crooked mouth, and as he

kissed her, the husband twisted his own mouth to accommodate hers, to show that his loving kiss still

worked and that he still loved her.

We all have read 1 Corinthians 13, and we hear that passage read at weddings, because it is a passage all

about love!

The beauty of the prose which comes from the pen of the Apostle Paul causes us to treat this chapter lightly

and unthinkingly.

We treat it like Shakespeare and emboss it in frames and greeting cards, use it at college graduation

ceremonies, and we harness it in debates on ethics, and hold it up as a standard we all ought to aim for and

live for.

But that is to wrench the text from its context and to use the Greek word in quite the wrong way. For the

word is “agape” meaning the love of God for us and our love for fellow Christians.

One of my preaching heroes was George B. Duncan; George used to say about this word: “Agape love, has

with it the minimum of emotion and the maximum of evaluation.”

Paul is not writing about brotherly love or love of family or romantic love, but a very specific kind of love,

“agape” is the Greek word for it, making it specific and distinct from all other kinds of love.

Agape love is not based on emotion or attraction, but rather a decision of the will. God choose to love people

who are unlovely. He stoops to kiss that which has become deformed, and by that very act, to make it

beautiful. That’s why God’s love for us is rightly called “Amazing Grace.”

Your Pastor and friend,

Brian Anderson

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Senior Minister Dr. Brian Anderson

[email protected]

Music Director Jane Higgs

[email protected]

Organist Christine Kyhn

[email protected]

Office Manager Terri King

[email protected]

Business Manager Sherry Moore

[email protected]

Senior Custodian Mike Rush

Maintenance Support Glenn Ankrum

To contact our pastor when he is away from the office, call Dr. Anderson’s cell phone:

1-781-534-5701 Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 AM Fellowship time in Alexander Hall is offered immediately after the service ends. Church Office Information Hours: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu - 8:00AM – 1:00PM Phone: 623-977-4241 Fax: 623-977-0008 Email: [email protected] Church Website: http://www.ccscaz.org Please visit our web site for all the latest information about our church! You can also listen to Pastor Anderson’s sermons, download Sunday bulletins, and current and previous copies of the Roadrunner. Roadrunner Information The Roadrunner is published 9 times a year. Call the church office if you have a question regarding an item printed in the Roadrunner. Copies of the Roadrunner are e-mailed if we have your address, available on the counter in the church narthex, or you may access it on our website.


2017 OFFICERS & CHAIRS Church Moderator: Norma Sandvig

Moderator Elect: Bonnie Shetley

Church Council Clerk: Pat Canfield

Council Members at Large: Art Hamilton (1 yr)

Nancy Asendorf (2 yrs)

Jean Brenn (3 yrs)

Board of Trustees Chair (Interim): Carl Wolkenhauer

Treasurer/Finance Chair (Interim): Dick Clauer

Deacons’ Board Chair: Bev Eilken

Membership Board Chair: Chuck Harrison

Missions Board Chair: Gloria Almrud

Women’s Fellowship Chair: Joyce Dudley

Men’s Club Chair: Scotty MacCleary

Flower Committee Chair: Ginger Hamilton

Congregational Church of Sun City is pleased to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.

If you are currently giving on a weekly or monthly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 or 12 checks a year or prepare giving envelopes. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your scheduled offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.

This service is provided by Vanco Payment Solutions, a very reputable company. If you are interested in this service, an authorization form and a “Frequently Asked Questions” flyer are available from the church office or in the Narthex.

On Sunday, September 10, 2017 we raised

$5,720 to donate to relief efforts from

Hurricane Harvey and Irma through the

NACCC One Great Hour of Sharing.

Thank you to all who donated !

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Mimi was a vendor at our Arts & Crafts Fair, and she thought we were a friendly warm group of people. Vendors Bob and Jackie Schultz said we noticed “how well your people work together.” Vendors Scotty and Carol MacCleary said: “Our membership board has been advertising and working to bring new people to our congregation.” THEY NEED OUR HELP!!!!!

• Let’s all make an effort to meet and greet Sunday visitors. Invite them to coffee. • Let’s all make an effort to invite friends and neighbors to our Sunday service. • Let’s all make an effort to bring guests to our special events.


• We have sermons second to none. • We have a music program second to none. • We have a projector system that completes our spiritual experience. • We are a warm, friendly church family.


• Phyllis Spross in the swimming pool; • Bill and Doreen Muir getting a flu shot; • Jan and Bill Wagner at the Rummage Sale; • Mary Williams at a dinner party; • Many at the Westbrook Village Posse and many at the bridge table!

They are out there. If we work together, we will find them. In Christian Love, Normal Sandvig Moderator P.S. Thank you to our many dedicated Liturgists. You are much appreciated!

Thank you to Neil Dawson for

taking the time to repair our

hymn books last month. We

appreciate your time and effort

with this project!

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 4

2017 Annual Meeting - Part 2

My last report concerned the Bible lectures, an important event at any Annual Meeting. Another highlight is the Congregational lecture. This year, instead of listening to a single speaker, we heard a panel of several pastors discuss what Congregationalism means to each one of them. One stressed that in our polity, the small church is equal to the large church. Another liked the voluntary nature of our Way: we can develop a deeper relationship with God not because someone tells us to, but because we want to. Still another, a former Lutheran, appreciated that there is no top down pressure to confirm, and that we are free to do, not what we want to do, but what God wants us to do, guided by the Holy Spirit. The Sunday worship service was held in the Piedmont College worship center, and the sermon was delivered by a 2016 CFTS graduate, Reverend Emily Miller-Todd. It was nice that the organizing committee gave this important role to a young, newly minted pastor—Rev. Miller-Todd is in her mid twenties. Sunday evening Nancy and I enjoyed a visit to the college president’s home for the Congregational Foundation Donors reception. Free wine and hor d’oeuvres. Yum! On Monday, I participated in a Rise Against Hunger project. I joined young people from NAPF and HOPE (Ask me what the acronyms mean) to pack food supplies for hungry people in Malawi. My job was to weigh bags of rice and other items and then pass them on to someone else for sealing. Working together we packed over 27,000 units for shipment to Africa. Next Month, I’ll tell you about the worships we attended. Randy Asendorf NACCC Year-Round Delegate

Learn more about the National Association of Congregational Churches at www.naccc.org.


Happy Autumn! But it still feels like summer! Welcome back to our church family who have been away. Our Deacons met Monday, September 11th, and will continue to meet monthly.

We're planning a "thank you" breakfast in November for all our volunteers who usher, greet, or serve as fellowship hosts. We could not do everything without you!!!

Also, just a reminder of our church's Arts & Crafts Fair on November 17 & 18, 2017. If you have any really nice items you would be willing to donate to our Silent Auction - please see myself or Chris Palmer.

Thank you, Bev Eilken Deacon's chair


Each year we have our annual pledge campaign and we ask all our church family to look at their commitment to our church in terms of financial contributions. This year our Pledge Sunday will be on November 12, 2017. Everyone will receive in the mail a letter from the Trustees and a pledge card, and you are asked to return that card by placing it in the offering plate on November 12th.

Let’s make 2018 a great year for our church in terms of all of us being willing to attend our church, commend our church to friends and neighbors, and support our church financially as we are able!

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 5

Our Needle Chatters are still

active and busy during the

year, gathering in each other’s

homes to use our creative talents for the benefit

of others. We knit, crochet, and loom—making

baby hats, blankets and layettes that are donated

to local hospitals and donated to our church Arts

& Craft Fair in the fall. We share personal

experiences and enjoy each other’s

companionship, all while chatting continues. We

need donations of yarn that you may have. If you

have yarn to donate or you would like to join in

and help us create items, please contact Joan

Miller at 360-608-9393. You can also leave yarn

at the church office for Joan to pick up.

SWEAT SHOP SORORITY Summer was fun with many ladies doing a variety of projects. It was so great to be able to just leave our mess and shut the door. Now that choir is back, we share that room. So we have to be neat and tidy once more. We welcomed new members Ruth Maxwell, Linda Ash, Yvonne Campbell and Carol Suhr. Ruth is going to have a table at the Arts & Crafts Fair, and her crafts are really special. Vivian Klobuchar is teaching her how to make neat napkin holders. Your going to have a very festive table using these pretty items. Sue Dawson came back from her summer in Logan, Utah with an armful of quilts again. Sandy Larson also made such cute baby quilts for the Fair this year. It is always so fun to have show-and-tell and see all the pretty things everyone has to display. Norma Sandvig has ladies working on those pretty trees. Marcia Lynk got two ladies interested in making place mats. Of course, we always have a quilt or two in the works. Bless Mabel Kearney! She is legally blind but still comes and finds projects to help the group. We are once again cleaning out and trying to organize. We thank you for the many used cards you have donated. We have another project we hope to learn after the first of the year so we will still be asking you to keep giving us your cards. The placemats that do not sell are donated to hospice. The new cards we give to the committee who sends out greetings to church members. Some we will also sell at Arts & Crafts Fair. The Arts & Crafts Fair is November 17 and 18. We can always use helping hands, of course. Be sure to mark your calendars, and come do your shopping at this really wonderful event. Our Sweat Shop Sorority meets the first and third Monday from 8;30 to noon. Our doors are always open to new ladies and ideas.

Marcia Lynk Sweat Shop Sorority



CAN YOU HELP? The Arts & Crafts Fair is coming up next month (November 17-18) and the Silent Auction committee is looking for donations for the Silent Auction. ALL PROCEEDS ARE GIVEN TO HOSPICE OF THE VALLEY.

Do you have some auction-worthy items to make this outreach amazing? Perhaps you are doing some cleaning and prepping for the holidays and have something unique to donate. Or, you could donate gift cards or event tickets to this worthy cause. Examples of items include:

Jewelry *Sporting/Show Tickets Gift Cards *Special Activities Equipment Collectibles *Unique (rare music, etc.) Artwork

If you have questions or would like to make a donation, contact Silent Auction Chair, Bev Eilken, 623-975-1091.


- Chris Palmer, Arts & Crafts Fair

Silent Auction Items to Benefit Hospice of the


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We’ve all heard it – We’ve all said it. “I taught Sunday School for years”; I sang in the choir back home”; “I was a deacon ----“; “I’ve served on too many committees in the past—let someone else do it”; “It’s time for ‘ME’; “no more involvement”.

Sound familiar??

Welcome to ‘retirement’. Welcome to ‘not being involved’. Welcome to not being ‘fulfilled’. Yes, “fulfilled”. Something was missing. That part of me that I share with others; helping others; making a difference; serving God instead of myself.

That was me six years ago. Is that you now? Something WAS missing from my life. So, I became “involved”. It felt good. I was alive inside again. I was serving others and MY GOD for a change instead of myself. I was “involved”.

So next time someone asks you to serve, say “BEEN THERE – DONE THAT-----AND IT FELT GOOD! SO SIGN ME UP!”

Pepper Roady/Gearhart

Wednesdays beginning October 11th at 9 AM

Join us for Bible study beginning Wednesday,

October 11th in Alexander Hall at 9 AM. Dr.

Brian Anderson will lead the sessions; we will

continue the study of Luke’s Gospel. We will

begin with a recap of Chapters 1-8 for

newcomers and as a refresh for those returning

from last winter’s studies. We will then dive into

Chapter 9. There will only be one Bible study

session this season—9 AM every Wednesday in

Alexander Hall led by Dr. Anderson.

We encourage and welcome everyone to attend

Bible study. Bring a friend!

Participation: Getting the Job Done

We look forward to fall season and eagerly await lower temperatures; hopefully this will be sooner than later. Our church family begins returning and our boards and committees resume meetings and activities. The Nominating Committee also begins our duties to fill the leadership positions candidates’ slate for 2018.

Our committee meeting is scheduled for October 30, 2017 at 9:30 AM and as of the publishing of this Roadrunner issue, all committee members will soon receive copies of necessary documents and instructions. Those who are members of the nominating committee: if you do not receive your paperwork by mid-October, please contact Bonnie Shetley, [email protected], of 623-972-3574.

We appreciate all those who currently serve on our boards and committees. You help create the backbone of our church structure. We ask those who will be contacted and asked to serve in this coming year step forward and say YES, I can help my church by participating on a board/committee.

The plan is to have the slate completed no later than December 1, 2017. As in previous years, copies of the completed Nominating Committee slate of candidates for officers will be provided to all members and associate members with the 2018 CALL TO THE ANNUAL MEETING. Our next annual meeting is on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, at 1:00PM in Alexander Hall. All members and associate members have voting rights as provided in our church bylaws and are encouraged to attend. All other church family are most welcome to attend as observers.

— Bonnie Shetley, 2017 Nominating Committee Chair

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Can you guess who this

lovely lady is that has such

a great sense of fashion at

every Sunday service???

Appreciate—and act

October is Pastor (or Clergy) Appreciation Month,

reminding church members to thank their

hardworking ministry leaders. But the people in

the pews — though they might lack official church

titles — also play important roles in doing God’s


In User Friendly Churches (Regal Books),

researcher George Barna compares the behavior

of people in growing vs. stagnant or declining

churches. Members of growing churches actively

participate in the church’s ministry. “They did not

divorce their faith from their lifestyle; their faith

was their lifestyle,” Barna writes. “They took

seriously the classical Reformation doctrine of the

priesthood of all believers.”

By contrast, laypeople in stagnant churches tend

to observe rather than participate. “They

perceived their role as being in the audience...in

the stands,” Barna notes, “nodding approvingly in

efforts to demonstrate religious behavior as the

clergy went through their paces.”

Appreciate your pastor, but then follow their

example by living out your beliefs!



Mary sure misses everyone!

She would love to hear from

her church family now and

again. Her address is:

Mary Veazey

2419 N. Euclid Ave.

Upland, CA 91784-1185

Tel: 909-981-4002


Prayers would be appreciated for Sara Witzel who is in

a group home in Marshfield Wisconsin. She had a

stroke in September 2016. Sara is the widow of Tom

Witzel, who was the Associate Pastor of our church.

She would be so happy to receive cards and notes from

those of us who remember her kindness, warmth, and

love. She may not be able to reply due to her condition.

but it will warm her heart to read them. Her address is:

Sara Witzel

912 W. 6th Street

Marshfield Wisconsin, 54449


Folks may remember Jane Cook. She helped with

jewelry in rummage sales many times for the church.

She and Ed moved to North Carolina, and Ed passed

away in 2012. She is doing quite well but has had a few

falls and has moved in with her daughter, Barbara

Pisano. She would appreciate getting notes and cards

from you all.

Jane Cook

109 Beeston Court

Cary, NC 27519

Tel: 919-234-6002

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 8



The Women’s Fellowship

Planning Meeting in October has

been changed to Wednesday,

October 18th at 10:30 AM. October 11, 2017: Fall Bible Study Begins

October 24, 2017: Church Council Mtg.

November 12, 2017: Pledge Sunday

November 17-18, 2017: Arts & Crafts Fair

November 19—December 10, 2017: Angel Tree

November 23, 2017: Thanksgiving Luncheon November 30, 2017: Hanging of the Green

December 7, 2017: Women’s Luncheon

January 30, 2018: Annual Meeting

February 22-24, 2018: Annual Rummage Sale February 25, 2018: Ranchers Choir Visit

BRIDGE ANYONE? We would like to form a bridge group(s) for "fun", "social" bridge. This is intended to be “fun" bridge,

welcoming all beginners and intermediate bridge players. If you are an expert with lots of patience, you are welcome as well. Did I mention we just want to have "fun"? Once we have players, we will work out the details. Please contact Pepper at 623-210-3355, if interested.

Last year, many of our church family and their friends

enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving lunch catered by

Classic Catering of Peoria. We will be having the same

company provide food for our meal this Thanksgiving,

November 23, 2017. Tickets will be the same price as

last year, $20, and they will be on sale soon in

Alexander Hall. Why cook when you can come to

church and have someone else fix the green bean

casserole and all the rest?

Thanksgiving Luncheon

November 23, 2017

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 9

The following members and friends of our

congregation have passed away since our last

Roadrunner edition:

• Ruth Stevens—June 14, 2017

• Bob Dewey—August 13, 2017

• Phyllis Hidinger—August 15, 2017

• Charles Droege—August 20, 2017

• Patsy Denne—September 15, 2017

• Rich Richmond—September 17, 2017

God Answers Prayers

Please see the large bulletin board outside of Alexander Hall for our current list of church

family and friends in need of prayers. The prayer list is updated weekly and posted for all

to see—towards the right side of the board between the calendar and flower sign ups. We

encourage you to take the “take-home” cards available underneath the posted prayer list

sign as well.

To place someone on our prayer chain, please contact our prayer chain coordinator, Bonnie Shetley, 623-

972-3574; the church office, 623-977-4241 or talk to Pastor Brian. Those of you who would like to be one of

our prayer partners, please call Bonnie. New prayer partners are always welcome.

A Note from Betty—A Mom Who Was In Need of School Supplies for Her Sons:

“My kids are great kids. I am the first generation to break chains with dysfunction. I grew up in a domestic

violence home. But by the grace of God, things have changed. I am raising my boys with Jesus the

foundation of our lives. I was praying, driving down 99th Ave, for God to provide for our needs of school

supplies and groceries . And as I was driving by your church, I saw the sign saying something about school

supply donations. And I googled the number and called. Thank you so much (for donating supplies). God

bless you.”

A Note From Nancy Asendorf to all Church Members & Family:

“Thank you to everyone who prayed for my successful surgery and who sent me cards and emails wishing

me a speedy recovery. I am blessed to be part of such a caring church family. My recovery is coming along

well, and I hope to be at church in worship soon.”

A Note From the Charles Droege Family:

“Thank you for your prayers and cards. It was very much appreciated. We want to thank Women’s

Fellowship for your help. We also want to thank Dr. Brian Anderson for his visits and prayers.”

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Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 11


10/2: Joan Carlson

Ann Short

10/3: Norma Anderson

Shirley Pommells

10/4: Bob Harloff

10/5: Barbara Dabul

10/9: Syd Fawcett

Annie Hall

Marilyn Munns

10/10: Dory Golden

Robert Schultz

10/11: Betty Showers

10/16: Shirley Galligan

10/19: Terri King

10/20: Nancy Rodich

10/23: Christine Kyhn

10/26: Joyce Dudley

10/28: Joan Simpson


However many years anyone may live,



10/10: Lyndon & Shirley Pommells 10/18: Jack & Deb Teuteberg

October Anniversaries Advice From a Pumpkin

Pilgrim Roadrunner Page 12

Pilgrim Roadrunner

Volume 30—Issue 4

18401 N. 99th Avenue Sun City, AZ 85373 Phone: 623-977-4241





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November 23~12 PM

The Congregational Church of Sun City

2017 Church Family

Thanksgiving Dinner




November 17-18,



