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Newsletter - July, formatted.docx

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Sodexo HLHF Health 101 Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. – Jim Rohn - July 2015 Healthy Eating Be Mindful Of: Saturated fat: found in animal products like meats, full-fat dairy items, cheeses, packaged goods (pastries, cookies, snack mixes) Added sugar: found in sodas, juices, baked goods (doughnuts, cakes, cookies), candy Salt (sodium): found in canned foods, deli meats, bacon, breads, crackers *Pizza and sandwiches are typically very high in sodium Why is it important to watch what we eat? Over time, poor diet choices can result in high blood pressure, weight gain or obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood lipid levels. These are risk factors that increase your chances of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, and heart disease. How can I improve my diet? Healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all deal! Regardless of your food preferences, aim to fill half your plates with fruits and vegetables, a quarter of your plate with protein (lean meats, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs), and a quarter of your plate with grains (rice, bread, tortillas). Try to choose whole grains when possible. Include up to one serving of dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) at each meal. Food is the fuel our bodies need in order to perform. Whether we are sleeping, doing yard work, walking, or playing with kids, we are using energy. Food also helps our bodies stay strong and healthy. A balanced meal can include foods from

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Saturated fat: found in animal products like meats, full-fat dairy items, cheeses, packaged goods (pastries, cookies, snack mixes)Added sugar: found in sodas, juices, baked goods (doughnuts, cakes, cookies), candySalt (sodium): found in canned foods, deli meats, bacon, breads, crackers *Pizza and sandwiches are typically very high in sodium

A balanced meal can include foods from around the globeBe Mindful Of:Take care of your body. Its the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn

-How can I improve my diet?Healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all deal! Regardless of your food preferences, aim to fill half your plates with fruits and vegetables, a quarter of your plate with protein (lean meats, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs), and a quarter of your plate with grains (rice, bread, tortillas). Try to choose whole grains when possible. Include up to one serving of dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) at each meal.

Healthy EatingFood is the fuel our bodies need in order to perform. Whether we are sleeping, doing yard work, walking, or playing with kids, we are using energy. Food also helps our bodies stay strong and healthy. It is important we eat a variety of foods to make sure we get all the nutrients we need.

Why is it important to watch what we eat?Over time, poor diet choices can result in high blood pressure, weight gain or obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood lipid levels. These are risk factors that increase your chances of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, and heart disease.

Health 101July 2015

HLHFSodexoPortion ControlUse the following as a general guide when creating a balanced plate: Grains (rice, pasta): about 1 cup or the size of your fist Meats and protein foods: about 3 oz. or the size of your palm or a deck of cards Cheese: 1 oz. or the size of your thumb Milk and yogurt: 1 cup or the size of your fist Butter, mayonnaise, oils: 1 teaspoon, or the size of the tip of your thumb. Use these sparingly. Fruits and vegetables: the more the better, BUT watch out for sauces and cooking methods (fried, creamed) that add extra, unwanted nutrients like salt, saturated fat, and sugar.

Color Your PlateStrive to eat a variety of colors every day, especially fruits and vegetables. Different colors mean different nutrients. For example, purple foods like eggplant contain flavonoids, which are shown to improve heart health, while red-orange foods like sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C, and may help lower blood pressure.

It is important that we choose foods that will give us energy in the short-term and protect our bodies in the long-term. Remember, variety and balance is key.

Don't forget about physical activity!

Regular physical activity is critical for good health, and especially important if you are trying to loose or maintain a healthy weight. BONUS! Physical activity helps reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes beyond that produced by weight loss alone. Aim for 2 hours of physical activity per week, or about 20-25 minutes a day.

Physical Activity Comes in Many Forms! Take the stairs Walk around the block after dinner Clean the house or garden Walk while talking on the phone Play with the kids Do sit-ups or pushups during TV commercials

Vestibulum condimentum nonummy justoSuspendisse luctus felis sed augue. Aenean sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec accumsan lectus sed odio. Quisque egestas rutrum pede. Integer a nisi. Quisque sollicitudin mi et purus. Nunc a nibh. Fusce non urna. Mauris faucibus ipsum et risus. Sed posuere lacinia risus. Mauris sed erat quis libero vestibulum facilisis. Sed laoreet arcu ut sem. Nam a nisi eu orci congue porttitor. Nulla odio. Nam porta, sapien vitae euismod bibendum, velit velit tincidunt purus, ut dictum arcu lorem ac lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed libero.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras leo. Nam venenatis risus ut diam. Sed cursus pretium dolor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam dapibus justo sit amet felis. Aenean ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla fringilla sodales ipsum. Nunc vestibulum. Aliquam adipiscing dolor a leo.Phasellus nunc. Mauris placerat magna quis sem. Vestibulum tristique justo vitae lorem. Quisque sollicitudin sapien et mauris. Maecenas dictum tristique nunc. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque id lectus. Donec et neque tempor elit ultricies pharetra. Donec quis augue. Nullam pellentesque. Sed odio diam, bibendum id, facilisis eget, porttitor eu, diam. Nunc diam velit, tincidunt in, consequat id, tincidunt non, est. Maecenas nec turpis at arcu pharetra fermentum. Curabitur consectetuer lobortis lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Donec commodo felis vitae nisi porttitor interdum. Donec rutrum, massa ac gravida convallis, diam odio accumsan velit, vel iaculis risus tellus luctus mauris. Curabitur sodales aliquam augue. Nunc et justo gravida erat sollicitudin tristique. Integer interdum. Vestibulum elementum sagittis eros. Quisque sit amet augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt odio eu libero. Aliquam sapien. Vivamus vitae orci. Sed eleifend lacus ut elit. Sed imperdiet diam vel metus. In consequat ante vitae nisl. Donec mattis euismod pede. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed varius, velit aliquam feugiat iaculis, quam nisl viverra metus, et pretium mi eros eget lacus. Pellentesque sed ipsum sed metus aliquet vestibulum. Maecenas a odio at pede pellentesque rhoncus. Sed dui purus, iaculis quis, hendrerit consectetuer, tempor condimentum, velit. Fusce quis nulla. Cras mauris sem, ornare ac, iaculis in, fermentum ac, augue. Ut lacinia lobortis purus. Aenean elementum ligula in turpis.Pellentesque eu tortor in pede placerat ullamcorper. Mauris id elit in tellus lobortis nonummy. Mauris imperdiet aliquet tellus. Mauris eleifend, urna non ullamcorper ornare, tellus leo egestas nibh, vel dictum dolor nunc et ipsum. Curabitur sollicitudin ornare justo. Curabitur orci elit, lobortis vel, iaculis vel, commodo at, est. Pellentesque urna. Vivamus felis tellus, pulvinar in, placerat ut, hendrerit lobortis, nisl. Pellentesque nisi nibh, venenatis venenatis, gravida eget, tincidunt sit amet, lectus. Fusce pede pede, sollicitudin eu, semper quis, faucibus ac, ipsum. Suspendisse mollis dui at arcu tincidunt iaculis. Sed et leo eget nunc vestibulum vestibulum. Vivamus sed mi. Phasellus ac quam. Integer consequat lacus in orci. Donec feugiat lacus id arcu. Vestibulum lacus.Cras pulvinar. Vestibulum pretium, eros eget ullamcorper eleifend, nisi libero aliquam pede, vel pellentesque nunc massa et arcu. Sed diam. Ut consequat luctus augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent id lacus. Suspendisse sollicitudin nulla in risus.
