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Newsletter no.2 of the ENSOSP's International actions · NOLASCO RIBEIRO and Majors Rô- ... tain...

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of the ENSOSP’s International Actions Newsletter no.2 October 2013 N°2
Page 1: Newsletter no.2 of the ENSOSP's International actions · NOLASCO RIBEIRO and Majors Rô- ... tain Rodrigo RASIA; ... Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October

of the ENSOSP’s International ActionsNewsletter

no.2 October 2013


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2 October 2013 - Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2

Belgian Delegation 4 and 5 June 2013

A Belgian Delegation from the Hainaut Pro-vince visited the ENSOSP on 4 and 5 June 2013. The purpose of the visit was to form a partnership with the Operations and Com-mand Management (GOC) Unit. The eight delegates were able to learn about our training programmes, observe the primary exercises undertaken on the GOC5 site and also visit the operational training center.

Chinese Delegation (Lang fang) from 10 to 14 June 2013

From 10 to 14 June, a Chinese De-legation, from Lang Fang, visited our premises to hear a presen-tation about the ENSOSP and its training programmes, to visit the operational training center and witness the various exercises which are undertaken. The purpose of the delegation was to establish a civil security partnership between France and China.

Our following areas of expertise were presented to the delegates:

• Technological and Natural Risks: virtual simulation tools and the training platform;

• SIMURGe : Para-hospital ac-cident and emergency simu-lator;

• GOC (Operations and Com-mand Management) : tactical and simulation premises;

• PRODEV : Presentation of the PNRS (the national website for resources and knowledge), the CRD (Centre for Documen-tary Resources) and research works.

Georgian Delegation from 26 May to 1 June 2013

From 26 May to 1 June 2013, the ENSOSP hosted a Georgian delega-tion composed of Lasha IMERLISH-VILI, Georgian Minister for Foreign Affairs (CBRN group), Jemali KO-LASHVILI, Head of the Civil Security Division at EMD (a Division of Civil Security), Malkhaz LAGURISHVILI, Departmental Head at EMD, Giorgi APTSIAURI, Inspector at EMD (Civil Security Division), Nino NIKOLASH-VILI, Interpreter.The purpose of this visit was to im-plement a strategy to fight against the Chemical, Biological, Radiolo-

gical and Nuclear risk (CBRN). In this regard, the participants were able to observe and participate in virtual reality exercises in the fra-mework of recycling category 3 and 4 Chemical Hazards (RCH3 and RCH4). They also discovered the national website for resources and knowledge (PNRS), the Centre for Documentary Resources (CRD) and the research work produced. Virtual simulation tools and the training platform for Technological and Natural Risk Support were pre-sented as well as the tactical and simulation premises for Operations and Command Management (GOC) and the operational training center.

Retrospective overviewof the delegations hosted at the ENSOSP

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3 Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October 2013

Brazilian Delegation 17 September 2013

On 17 September, the ENSOSP hosted a delegation of fire fighters from Brazil.

The head of the delegation was Lieutenant-Colonel Franciso RO-BERTO, who was accompanied by Major Alex DE SOUZA AGUIAR, Delegation Secretary, Jean SU-BLON and Nagila VIEIRA SUBLON.

They were all accompanied by students from the Higher Educa-tion Institute, namely Lieutenant-Colonels Leonardo RODRIGUES DE AFONSECA and Sebastião NOLASCO RIBEIRO and Majors Rô-mulo QUINHONES PIRES, Gláuber Anderson MATINS DE LA FUENTE, Flávio DA COSTA PORTELA, Rob-son DE OLIVEIRA LAGARES, Ales-sandro SANTOS DA ROCHA, Pedro ANIBAL CAIXETA JUNIOR.

The purpose of the visit was to learn about the organisation and operations of the ENSOSP. They were able to visit the educational training section and find out about our training programmes. The PERF (Research Study and Trai-ning Platform) was also presented before they visited Vitrolles to see the operational training center.

Brazilian Delegation 24 September 2013

On Tuesday 24 September, the ENSOSP hosted a Brazilian dele-gation and the NIC EIG (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Che-mical Economic Interest Group) who visited the the operational training center to take part in an NRBC material demonstration.

The Delegation comprised Colo-nels Alan Alexandre ARAUJO; Head of Brasilia CBRN, Gilberto LOPES DA SILVA; General Com-mander, Reginaldo CAMPOS RE-PULHO; General Commander, Pau-lo Cesar; BERTO; Head of Sao Paulo CBRN Team, André Luis TEIXEIRA MORGADO; Head of CBRN, Cap-tain Rodrigo RASIA; Operational CBRN Sub-commander and Majors Moises;ALVES BARCELOS; GC advi-ser for General Affairs et Moises FONTES BARBOSA DA SILVA; Ope-rational CBRN Sub Commander.

After presenting the ENSOSP’s ac-tivities, international partnerships and training infrastructure, Bertin Technologie went on to present its infra-red camera toxic cloud de-tection system (Secondsight) and Fly-n-Sense, a drone fitted with an on-board camera and already used by SDIS 40.

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4 October 2013 - Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2

A Public Relations training pro-gramme is undertaken abroad for the very first time

The French Academy for Fire, Res-cue and Civil Protection officers (ENSOSP) and Directorate General for Civil Security and Crisis Mana-gement (DGSCGC) have just given their first public relation training pro-gramme (REP) for foreign fire service officers. From 9 to 14 September, Lieutenant-Colonels Hervé TAUZIA and Sébastien HREBLAY visited the Moroccan National Civil Protection Academy in Casablanca. After prepa-ratory training course development and organisation, the two trainers then gave some 30 hours of training to fifteen officers and administrators from various regions in Morocco, comprising theory (general commu-nication, Moroccan media landscape and operations, communication challenges, the added-value of a communications officer, introduction to crisis communication, etc.) and practical exercises (notably media training). These training hours were

then complemented by two visits to the largest Moroccan public audiovi-sual media institution, the National Company for Radio and Television Broadcasting (SNRT). Both in Rabat and in Casablanca, the participants were able to take part in two four-hour behind-the-scenes visits of the radio and television station, seeing studios, production controls, live broadcasts and meetings with mana-gement, producers and journalists to discuss constructive issues.

After witnessing various TV and pro-duction roles, the participants even took part, during a two hour works-hop, in their own broadcast, under live conditions, under the manage-ment of a journalist from the chan-nel. Facilitated by the high level of coordination between the Moroccan Civil Protection and its national aca-demy, the ENSOSP, the DGSCGC, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the French Embassy in Rabat, the training ended with the issue of certification, with all participants expressing their overall enjoyment.

Exchange and trainingprogrammes abroad

The ENSOSP visited Pionki in Poland in the framework of FENIX 2013

This year, and for the tenth time, the National Higher School for Fire Ser-vice Officers in Warsaw organised a European seminar based on exchan-ging practical expertise, named FENIX 2013, held from 9 to 14 June. Parti-cipating countries included Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Ger-many and France. International dele-gations were welcomed by the Direc-tor of the Warsaw School, General Ryszard DABROWA.The ENSOSP encourages transparen-cy and international cooperation, and this was the fifth time we had partici-pated in this FENIX week-long event. On Monday, the focus was on tech-nological risk manoeuvres with Esto-nia, Ukraine and France. On Tuesday, there was a visit to National Congress. And on Thursday, emergency road manoeuvres were undertaken with the involvement of France and Ger-many.

The week-long event was the oppor-tunity to share technical experience as well as human experience and al-low participants to learn more about the organisation of officer training and civil security in each of the parti-cipating countries.

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5 Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October 2013

A retrospective in images of...

The Bastille Day Parade on 14 July 2013

For 7 years the ENSOSP has taken part in the Bastille day parade along the Champs-Elysées in Paris on 14 July. For student fire officers and their instructors, it is an immense honour and privilege to represent the profession during this National Holiday.


The ENSOSP took part in the general annual assem-bly of the EFSCA (European Fire Service Colleges’ Association, comprising 31 member countries) from 28 till 31 May 2013 in the capital of Belarus (Minsk).This year, more than 40 persons, representatives of 19 countries, could attend, in particular, the presen-tation of the current training program in Belarus, in Ukraine, in Poland and in Hungary.

Innovation, research and development were also shared within the dedicated working group in which the representative of the ENSOSP participates since last year.

Furthermore, this meeting gave the opportunity to discover some very efficient facilities for the training of the Belarusians fire fighters (Institute for Com-mand Engineers and Institute for training and pro-fessional Development).

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6 October 2013 - Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2

FILT 78 class project in Sweden March 2013

The FILT 78 class project focused on the fresh risks created by new technologies and, more particularly, those in the ecological sector. The project focused on risks related to renewable energies (photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, etc.) and low-consumption homes. Sweden was easily identified as the most suitable country in which to under-take this class project thanks to its developed used of re-newable energies. Malmo was selected as this city allowed us to undertake the entire project within a single region. There is, indeed, an ecological district (district BO01), a Fire and Rescue Academy in Revine and a University which undertakes research in this sector. Immediately upon ar-rival in Malmo, Sweden’s third largest city, officers from the ENSOSP were able to visit the largest building in the country, the Turning Torso which stands at a height of some 200 metres. They then visited the ecological district which has zero environmental impact thanks to the use of renewable wind and solar energy. Each resident has a view over the sea, a lake or a beautiful landscape.

FILT 79 class project in Ireland September 2013

It is in the framework of such a project that FILT 79 orga-nised a visit in early September to the FIRESERT (Institute for Fire Safety Engineering Research and Technology) labo-ratory at Ulster University in Belfast.

The class project focused on the issue of «Fire engineering and digital modelling: tools for fire and rescue officers»:

• development of fire,• stability of constructions during a fire,• human behaviour during a fire,• transposition to fire and rescue (from prevention to


The choice of this destination was based on the desire of the trainees to continue and build upon the training dis-pensed by the ENSOSP with scientific and technical conso-lidation in fire engineering. This multi-disciplinary sector, which is a specialist domain at FIRESERT, will clearly bear an impact on many of the future career paths of our trainees (prevention, anticipation, operations, training, analysis of causes and circumstances of fires, etc.).

For this five day project, a total of 44 trainees attended classes, conferences and experiments. At the same time,


«Class projects» are practical management and administration exercises for officers following Lieutenant Qualification Training Programmes(FILt).

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7 Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October 2013

they were able to discover the research currently being un-dertaken and the content of higher education degrees pro-grammes on offer at the University.

This project was also an ideal opportunity for the ENSOSP to touch upon the future perspectives for development of the issue of fire engineering within our own Academy and to foster an international partnership already initiated with the HySAFE centre (Hydrogen Safety engineering and research centre) in the framework of the establishment within the ENSOSP of a training centre for first response emergency services following hydrogen-related accidents (HyResponse European Programme).

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8 October 2013 - Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.28

The objective was to be able to in-form the CTIF of good practices in force so as to promote these interna-tionally in the form of proposed trai-ning curriculum developments.

This meeting allowed the ENSOSP representative to discuss the French National Reference Guide (GNR) and the measures taken to ensure safety of firefighters (material, training, dedicated manoeuvres, permanent command post control, etc.). It was possible to promote the French mo-del through specific training: Opera-tions and Command Management (GOC), Forest Fires (FDF), Heli-lifting Intervention Unit (DIH) and AER (Ae-ronautical Officer).

The presentation was prepared on the basis of information provided by our colleagues and partners from the ECASC (Civil Protection Training School). It enabled training capabili-ties to be highlighted as well as the simulation tools which are on offer within this civil security training aca-demy. Operations and Command Management (GOC) training, as is-sued to all ENSOSP executives, was also discussed. Such training pro-

vides the skills to be able to manage large-scale forest fire interventions by promoting a culture and metho-dology which is shared by all fire-fighters.

The French model, which is well advanced in light of the practices in force in other countries which are less confronted to this type of risk, was of interest to all participants and the Chairman, who planned potential practical follow up in the framework of an international partnership.

Another highlight of this meeting was the visit to the Greek National Civil Protection Coordination Centre which, under the command of a fire officer general, employs people from various partner public bodies for crisis management operations (air force, navy, police, national forestry department). This example of inter-disciplinary coordination, which is permanently operational, is of great interest due to its ability to quickly mobilise and coordinate a range of resources for situations affecting civil security.


The ENSOSP in Athens for the annual «Education and training» working group meeting of the CTIF on 18 and 19 September 2013 The annual «Education and training» working group meeting of the CTIF (International Association of Fire and Rescue Services) was held on 18 and 19 September 2013 in Athens.

After a French absence of two years, the French National Federation of Fire Officers (FNSPF) solicited the ENSOSP to request that an executive could take part in this working group and report activities.

The Chairman of the working group, Mr. Kim LINDRUP from Denmark, and the hosts of the Greek Fire Offi-cer Corps, prepared a programme in relation with the dramatic news of recent months and the many deaths suffered by their colleagues in fighting forest fires. The meeting primarily focussed on training in fi-ghting forest fires and how to ensure the safety of firefighters involved in such activities.

Working group annual meeting «Education and training» in Athens

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Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October 2013 9

The 7 partners of the project:

• ENSOSP • AIR LIQUIDE Business (France :

Grenoble) : subsidiary «Renewable energy» of the AIR LIQUIDE Group, global distributor of industrial gases.

• Université d’Ulster (United Kingdom : Newtownabbey) : CHY-safer Centre which delivers Mas-ter’s dregree in Hydrogen risk and e-training and will host the e-lear-ning website on hydrogen.

• AREVA Energy storage (ex HE-LION) (France : Aix Arbois) : «Re-newable energies» department of AREVA group.

• FAST (Italy : Milano) : Italian Fede-ration which is active in scientific and technical societies, delegation of the Ministry of Interior.

• CCS global group (United kingdom: Great Bookham at the London SW) : expert leader of stan-dardization in the hydrogen field.

• CRISIS (France : Aix Arbois) : a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) specialised in sofware application of virtual reality (ex EMI which supplies Valabre and the ENSOSP).

Official launch of the european research programme HyResponse

On June 12, the europrean research programme HyResponse (a profes-sional training centre devoted to Hy-drogen risk) was officialy launched in the presence of all seven partners English, Italian and French.

Funded by the European Com-mission and scientific and industrial groupings of the hydrogen fuel, the project runs until May 2016 and takes part of the European Programme FCH JU, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

Demonstrators or teaching pilots will be created to raise all issues en-countered on the field of hydrogen.

Innovative teaching aids will be crea-ted using among other tools virtual reality.

A guide of good practice will be created to define a new training reference guide in that field .

Meeting between the partners of the HyResponse project

Leading the HyResponse pro-gramme, ENSOSP is able to anticipate and is well positio-ned with regard to emerging risks.

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October 2013 - Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.210

A 360° virtual visitof the ENSOSP

This year the ENSOSP wanted to bulk out its communication with a new interactive virtual visit of its premises.

This tool was developed with the assistance of a chartered professional photo-grapher. It involved taking 360° shots of various parts of the Academy premises:

- Training centre,- The operational training center,- SIMURGe, - Restaurant and canteen area, - Classrooms,- Sports infrastructure, etc.

It will enable our future visitors, whether trainees, private companies, or foreign delegations, inter alia, to see an online presentation of our premises as if they were here in person.Each area is described in detail with the option of autonomous navigation, and comments (later videos will be added).

The Moodle e-learning platform also includes these virtual visits, which are more specifically for officer students, allowing our future trainees, whatever their status, to easily and quickly familiarise themselves with their learning environment and residence, even before setting foot on the ENSOSP campus.

Demystifying the impression of a «large and faceless academy», helping people to easily locate themselves and helping integration are the main objectives of this tool, notably for volunteer fire officers with vastly different profiles.

Follow us on social networking sites !As with many other academies, institutions and Fire and Rescue Services (SDIS), the ENSOSP has created a Twitter account and Facebook page, so as to increase the scope of its commu-nication, and notably to inform followers about:• Life at the ENSOSP• Events• Training• Education• Our areas of expertise• Hosting delegations, personalities and companies

• Initiatives taken by our Academy within the fire and rescue domain

• Research• International strategy• Campus life• Our values, etc.

If you have any questions or would like any further information, please contact the communication and international relations department at: [email protected]


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Newsletter of the ENSOSP’s International Action no.2 - October 2013 11

Lassana TRAORE,1st Mauritanian officer to undergo training at the ENSOSP

For the first time, between 17 and 20 June 2013, the ENSOSP wel-comed a Mauritanian trainee, fol-lowing a training programme in Operations and Command Mana-gement (GOC). Lassana TRAORE is Deputy Regional Director at the Regional Rescue Centre in the ca-pital of Mauritania, Nouakchott. Lassana TRAORE was selected to follow this training programme alongside French counterparts as, thanks to his solid experience, he was able to clearly follow the GOC operation and to understand the added-value of such a mechanism which could then be implemented, on his return to Mauritania, in a country wishing to adopt and adapt such an infrastructure and operating method. In the absence of any pre-requisites and despite a different operating method, the first Mauritanian trainee at the EN-SOSP joined the FILT V-T 2013/07 programme (C2 Tactics Module) in order to receive a «bespoke» training curriculum which would meet the required results. As EN-SOSP’s expertise lies, for this type of demand, and via its Internatio-nal Strategy team, in joint esta-blishment of targeted education and training in partnership with all stakeholders concerned, from the initial request until welcoming the trainee, including the following:• the Embassy, • the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

(MAE), • the International Relations Di-

vision (MRI) at the General Di-rectorate for Civil Security and Crisis Management (DGSCGC)

• teams at the ENSOSP.

In the framework of welcoming foreign trainees, the ENSOSP, as well as providing a response to training requirements, sets out to disseminate the French rescue and emergency service model beyond our own borders.

Question: What training pro-gramme did you come to follow at the ENSOSP?I came with the Vendée Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) and its Professional Baccalaureate Pro-gramme Students who are trai-ning at the operational training center. There is a partnership between the Vendée and Tanana-rive and it is in this framework that the French and Madagascan fire service officers collaborate. Twice per year trainers from the Vendée visit us in Madagascar, and once a year they send containers with equipment. Madagascan fire ser-vice officers often come to France to follow training programmes.

As Training Manager in my fire sta-tion, I am in France to learn about the various training methods and documentation used, as well as the professional experience of di-rectors and trainers to then imple-ment these in Madagascar.

Question:What is your opinion ofthe ENSOSP?Trainers are not only perfectionists, they are absolute perfectionists; they give a great deal of detailed information, they’re absolutely perfect! In general, the fire and rescue officers are also very so-ciable. I didn’t expect to find such large-scale facilities and infras-tructure, it is really amazing.

Eric ANDRIANTSIFERANARABEMANANTSOATraining Manager at Tananarive fire station

in Madagascar

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© Communication ENSOSPPublication manager: Francis MENÉ

Editor in chief: Audrey GLORIAN International reference: Eric DUVERGER

Desk editor: Carole GRANGIERGraphic design: Emmanuelle MILLET

Photo credits: Malik MICHAUD and fotolia.com

Contact :Virginie MARTINETCommunication and International Relations DivisionTél. : +33 (0)4 42 39 05 25 Mail : [email protected]
