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Nights in Fantasy

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Table of Contents Acknowledgments Dedication Introduction Stories Lunch with Vader 4 Welcome to the Hotel California 8 Prophet of Truth 13

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StoriesLunch with Vader 4Welcome to the Hotel California 8Prophet of Truth 13


To Dat, for making two of the best internet communities around.

To Greg, for his help in this project. These wouldnt be what they are if it werent for your guidance.

For Meg,To a good friend and a great cyber-mom, without whose inspirationthese stories would have never been written.

The imagination is an amazing thing. With it, children make stories and play in fantasy worlds. However, sometimes, those stories are written for you...

Lunch with Vader

I blinked twice and slowly came to. As I woke up, I stretched my limbs, trying to relieve the feelings of stiffness that were creeping into them, especially my legs. Now that I was somewhat awake, I realized that I was lying on the floor. Slowly, moving each aching leg so as not to induce any unneeded pain, I managed to struggle to my feet. As I surveyed my prison, with its creme-colored, frighteningly clean walls, I felt chills run down my spine. The room itself wasn't cold, but its sterility gave it a chilling feeling, as if some ghost had entered the room and turned down the thermostat.What am I doing here?Not knowing what else to do, I sank down in one corner of the room and began to contemplate my situation. How did I get here and what am I doing here? I again asked myself. However hard I tried to answer the question, my mind always drew a blank and I knew why. Someone had drugged me and I had the headache to prove it.Getting up to take a better look at my new home, I was determined to find a way to escape. But as I examined the walls, it became clear that my captors didn't want me to escape and had anticipated all of the likely methods. Ventilation shafts at the top of the walls would have made an ideal exit, but I quickly found the walls to be smoother than polished glass and slicker than grease.Not ready to surrender my life to my captors, I continued to scrutinize the walls. A knot began growing in my stomach as I continued searching and couldnt even find the door that I had to have passed through to enter this wretched room. Whoever had captured me understood the value of quality work, for I couldn't find a single flaw in the rooms interior materials.Getting desperate, I began shouting for help. Yet again however, "they" had anticipated my actions and my cries for help simply died upon the walls of my prison. I was trapped in my own little world and despite my original hopes of rescue, I resigned myself to the understanding that my fate had been sealed and my life as good as snuffed out.

A pneumatic hiss resounded through the halls as another door opened and then shut. Each one of these doors brings me closer to him. As the lieutenant continued his walk towards the conference room, a mounting dread washed over him. What if he realizes I didnt capture all of the renegades? The thought made him sick to his stomach, but he couldnt allow that to show on his face. But if the reports that he can read my mind are true, Im dead even if I dont look scared. He paused at the door that opened to the conference room, took a deep breath and prayed that his meeting with Darth Vader would be shortand that he would leave the room on his own power.

Darth Vader spun in his chair as the door opened. Yes?I was told that you wished to see me, Lord Vader. Something about wanting to discuss the stage of the operations.Yes, that is what you were told, but that is not why I called for you.The young lieutenant gulped and weakly responded, Its not, Lord Vader?Vader slowly got up from his chair and walked around the desk to face the operations officer. From the chair, Vader was a formidable black-suited man; face-to-face however, it was like he was the embodiment of evil itself. Sweat began saturating the lieutenants uniform.Lieutenant Holm, are you aware that you failed your mission to capture the entire rebel command?Not sure whether the mind reading stories were true, Holm decided that honesty was the best policy. Yes, my Lord. I am aware that I did not fulfill your request.Vaders fingers twitched and Lieutenant Holm could feel the air closing in around him. You disappoint me, Lieutenant. My request should have been easy for you.Still struggling with the invisible vice that was closing around his neck, Lieutenant Holm laboriously attempted to blurt out an explanation, but Vader cut him off.Yes I am aware of Captain Midesos bungling in this matter. Vader relaxed his fingers and Lieutenant Holm collapsed in a heap on the floor. Darth Vader walked back to his desk and touched a holopad device. Send me Captain Mideso.Within minutes Captain Mideso appeared. He knelt before the seated Vader. Yes, Excellency?Stand.Captain Mideso rose to his feet and immediately began clawing his neck. Lieutenant Holm looked in horror at Vaders outstretched arm and then back at Captain Mideso, whose body was being crushed by the force of Darth Vaders grip. Vader lowered his arm and Captain Mideso hit the floor dead.Lieutenant Holm.Yes, my lord?Where are the prisoners onboard the ship?Two are in the execution room and the other is in a holding cell.Move the one prisoner into the execution room with the other two.Yes, Excellency. Holm turned to leave, but Vader continued talking.When you have moved the one prisoner to the execution room, wait for me. And take your dead captain with you.

I must have passed out during my time in the prison, for I did not hear the sound of the door opening, or that of the Stormtrooper telling me to get up. I did however, feel the electrical shock that he delivered to rouse me. Rising to my feet, I stumbled slightly and two Stormtroopers caught me by the arms.Come with us, please.It became clear to me that I was about to leave my prison, though I sincerely wished that I wasnt.

The door to the execution chamber was huge, easily big enough for fighters to pass through. Once inside the room, I understood why; it was a maintenance facility for TIE fighters. On the walls were various types of torture devices, largely for intimidation purposes. Against the back wall were restraining clasps and two people were already detained there.Add him to the others.The two Stormtroopers who had been holding my arms gave me a jerk and walked in the direction of the locks.Now clasped against the wall, I had a chance to meet my two new associates. Who are you two?Im Fred.And Im Jessica.Where you captured in the same raid as me?I think so.Silence! yelled the attendant officer. If Lord Vader didnt want you alive, you all would beCommander Biggs.Commander Biggs turned around and knelt as Vader strode up to him.Stand by your men.Commander Biggs obediently rose and walked to the area his men were standing. Vader turned his head and looked to us.Were it not for the fact that rebel fighters are attacking this ship, you would all be shot immediately. However, this ship is about to fall apart, so we will let you stay onboard and ride the ship down to the surface. With that Darth Vader summoned his staff and the entire assembly filed out of the room.How are we going to get out? I asked.Jessica turned her head to the right and began explaining what she had seen. These locks are not securely fastened. The commander doesnt understand how to properly fasten these restraints. With that, she twisted her wrists and the locks popped free. Fred and I did likewise.Now, how do we get through this door? Despite there being two windows alongside the door, we couldnt see anything outside of the room. However, even though we could not see outside the room, we could tell that the ship was rapidly falling to the surface.What are those? Jessica asked.They look like clay pots, I replied.Fred rushed forward to grab one and then ran back to the window and began smashing. Jessica screamed something about Fred being a fool, but he kept on smashing and surprisingly, the window began to crack.Greatly heartened by this development, I grabbed a pot and began working on the other window. Jessica grabbed one too and began helping Fred.The ship was shaking more as it moved closer to the planets surface, and we could tell that there wasnt much time left. The orange warning lights made it seem like we were stuck in a falling elevator rather than a crashing starship.We continued pounding at the windows, more than a little surprised that they were holding up to this level of abuse. Freds window began to crack badly and then suddenly, my window broke and we were lying on our backs. The three of us rose to our feet and could see that one of the viewports in the hallway outside had broken and that we were on solid ground. We carefully climbed through the broken window and stepped into the hallway outside. Two people from the planet were staring into the ship, like we were some extraterrestrials who had come from another world. We climbed out of the ship and Fred asked one of the locals where we were. As the man answered, it became apparent to me what had happenedwe had crash-landed onto a golf course in Australia.

Welcome to the Hotel California

We rolled through the citys main drag, passing through traffic light after traffic light. While it was only six oclock, the sun was setting behind us and it bathed everything in an orange light.Just like home.Now where did you say that we were going to be spending the night? I asked my traveling companion, who happened to be driving.Theres a Marriott just a few miles ahead. I thought that wed spend the night in comfort, especially since theyre the same price as everyone else in town.Sounds like a plan to me. Having spent most of the day cooped up in a car, I was ready to get out and stretch and just relax. Note to self: Dont drink so much Coke next time.My friend made a right turn and pulled into a small parking lot that looked more like the parking lot for a small strip mall than for a hotel.Ill stay in the Dakota, I announced.My friend got out and walked up to the door and stepped inside.Why is he going into a Sears, Roebuck store? The hotel is around back.Mere seconds later, he returned and was holding my answerroom keys for our hotel room.I saw you walk into a Sears store; how did you get room keys for a hotel?The shortest way to the lobby is to pass through the Sears store. They share the same first floor, so the two managements must have thought that it would be advantageous for business if they allowed people to pass through.What would a hotel patron want a hammer and wrench for?Maybe these people are so cheap that they make the guests fix the beds, my friend chuckled.Well, whatever the reason is, it sure is odd.We pulled around to the back of the hotel and got out. We each seized our duffel bags and headed inside. Heres the keys to the room. Ill be up there is a second; Im gonna check out the swimming pool.Alright, I responded while catching the keys.Wheres theOh, theres the elevator, I mused. I took a few more steps and turned right to meet an elevator attendant.Going up?Yeah, eighth floor.I set my luggage down and turned to take a look around. I hardly noticed that the elevator carriage was glass and that I could see a lobby below. What is up with this guys strange uniform? It looks like something out of Spaceballs. With its odd, appendage-like rods coming off the side of it, he looked like he belonged at a Halloween party. Have a long trip?Yeah.As the elevator continued to climb, I could see this small platform that had no walls. The floor was made from stained wood and had tile set into it. Whats that? I inquired.Thats the office of an accountant that works in this building.But it has no walls. Someone could sit down and fall to their death.Thats the way he says he likes it. He says that if a client is too dumb not to fall off, he didnt want to serve him anyway.As strange as this explanation was, I quickly found myself occupied with other thoughts because I now realized that I was hearing voices inside the elevator.I am Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. We wish to speak with your leader, the voice said.I spun my head around to see what I was hearing, and discovered that a strange, holographic display was playing scenes from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Somewhat shocked at this new development, I was becoming frantic to get off the elevator.Eighth floor, the attendant announced cheerfully.Thanks, I mumbled. I grabbed my duffel bag and clutched it tightly, almost expecting that some other oddity was about to jump out from the corner and accost me.Wheres my room, wheres my room?I found the door and quickly fumbled with my passkey and got myself in. Im locking that door and when he gets here, he can knock.Dropping my bag on the floor, I surveyed the room and found it to be a little like a dormitory room. There was a bed close to the door, another along the same wall, and a bathroom facing us. It was a little small, but that wouldnt be a problem for the one night that we would be spending here.And with the way things are around here, Im glad were only spending one night.With that, a loud banging began and I realized that my friend wanted to get in.What did you lock the door for?Dont ask. There are weird people around here.Nah, youre just being paranoid. Besides, you should check out the pool and the weight roomstheyre pretty cool.With that, I announced that I was going to go to sleep and see about getting the first good nights rest in three days.

I woke up at 4 oclock and looked at the window. Man, the sun runs a weird schedule around here.Getting out of bed, I staggered in the direction of my duffel bag and fumbled around for my exercise clothes. Im no runner, but today Ill have to change professions. I picked up my room key, closed the door behind me, and was off for my morning exercise.

Returning to the parking lot of the hotel, I decided to enter the building through its Sears, Roebuck entrance. When I stepped inside, however, instead of being greeted by a split-lobby design, I found myself inside a hardware store with a little sign telling me to walk around the shelves and find the hotel desk.This is weird.I weaved my way through the store and found two Asian women behind a counter.May we help you? one of them inquired.You guys sure have an odd lobby.Did you enjoy your night?I slept, but this place is really strange.Please go back up to your room and well meet you up there shortly, one of them said.As queer as this statement was, I found myself oddly agreeing with them, and I strode off in the direction of the elevator. When I got there, I was greeted by the same elevator attendant I had met the other day.Good morning, sir.Good morning, I responded.As the elevator ascended to the eighth floor, we passed by the same accountants office and I noticed that the chairs were empty like the day before. Must not be business hours yet, I thought as I began hearing the voice of Captain Picard once again. Turning to face the hologram, I noticed that although these were not the same scenes as the prior night, the device that displayed them seemed to have no physical components. It was as if the picture was simply just there. Here we are, sir. Enjoy the rest of your stay.Getting off the elevator, I turned left and walked back to my room, only to find that the door was open.Must be getting ready to leave. Guess I need to get my stuff collected.I stepped inside and began picking up yesterdays clothes, collecting toiletries, and repacking my duffel bag. Its nice to be able to travel out of a duffel bag. Makes life so much easier.I swung my head in the direction of the door, as someone was knocking on the doorframe.Yes? I asked, seeing that my callers were the two women I had met in the lobby.We would like you to take Mr. Williams for a walk. He is a regular with us, and we would like you to help him.I looked down at the doorway that they were standing by, and this small dog came walking out. Or was it a deformed, hunched over human? Upon closer inspection, I realized that Mr. Williams was a both a dog and a human at the same time. I was horrified at the prospect of walking this human-dog hybrid, but once again, I found myself seeing no other alternative. I just hope that it doesnt talk.Our walk was rather uneventful, but we did make a few extra laps around the vending machines and drinking fountains on each level of the hotel. When we made it back to the eighth floor, I was just about to let Mr. Williams go back to his room, when I again met up with the two women.Thank you for walking Mr. Williams. Now, would you mind doing us another favor?Umm, no thanks. I really need to be getting packed to leave.But youve only been with us one evening. We have more that we would like you to do here.No thanks, I said, making a quick dash for my room and locking the door behind me.Those women are crazy. I dont know what it is about this place, but it gives me goosebumps. Now, wheres my stuff so I can get out of here.I began repacking my duffel bag furiously, not really giving any concern for how articles when in, or in what condition my belongings would be when I looked at them again.Once again, the door issued another knock, and I quickly realized that the two women were still standing outside my room door. How in the world am I going to get out? Jumping from the window only works in the movies. Besides that, they probably sealed the window so people couldnt get out of here.I was so jumpy that I nearly passed out from fright when I heard my cell phone ringing.Where have you been, man?There isnt time, we have to get out of here now!Meet me down at the truck, Ill have the engine waiting.I slammed my phone shut and grabbed my duffel bag. If I dont have everything, Im just gonna be missing stuff! Please dont make us do this. Youve been such a good guest so far, I heard one of them say.When they open that door, Im breaking out of here.A couple seconds later, the door indeed did open and I rushed out of the room, nearly knocking one of the women over, and setting Mr. Williams into a barking fit. Looking ahead, I found an emergency exit staircase.Only use in case of emergency. Yeah, well, this is an emergency!Ordinarily one should only take stairs one-at-a-time. However, I was so desperate to get out of this insane hotel building that I was leaping from landing to landing. When I reached the bottom, despite my sore shins, I sprinted at full speed for the waiting truck.Cmom! We gotta get outta here! my friend was yelling.Throwing my stuff in the bed, I got in the truck and noticed my friend was still in his swim trunks.There was something in the pool, and it wasnt human.We spend off, greatly relieved to be away from that awful hotel. However, we never realized that we had left our contact information at the front desk.

Prophet of Truth

Stop the car! Stop the car!I cant stop the car! The brakes are gone!Im telling youstop the car!The truck careened wildly out of control as both driver and passenger attempted to bring the rapidly descending vehicle to a halt.Hit the brakes, the bridge has traffic ahead!There are no brakes!Youre going to get us both killed!A lousy way to die, but there are no brakes!Turn!The steering wheel turned a hard left as the driver attempted to adjust the vehicle to the bridge that they were rapidly bearing down upon.Get out of the truck!With that the passenger opened his door and jumped out and hit the dirt. Rolling several times, he came to a stop with enough time to see the vehicle hit the bridge to his right.He got up and started running. There is no way he survived that. Yet, as he got near the vehicle, he saw his buddy crawling out of the drivers window.How in the world did you get out of that thing without any broken bones?I told you these vehicles are built like tanks. Now lets move the thing from this support structure and assess the front end of this thing.With that, they both put their backs into getting the truck shoved back about four feet so that they could have some room to do any needed repair work to the engine.Ya know, Gordon, no man in the world has the right to be as lucky as you are.Tell me about it, he said, getting under the engine. Ha! Not even a scratch under the hood. What did I say about these things being built like tanks?When you get your service medal, Im going to make them pin it on this trucks grille.You do that, John, he laughed. Fire it up and lets see how it runs.I stuck my arm around the windshield and turned the key. The engine sprung to life.See, the heart of a Klingon.Yeah, well, your Klingon has asthma.Hmmit does sound kind of choked.The old man is going to have your head when we get back to the base. Look at this.Gordon crawled out from under the engine and looked at the new prototype air performance system that had been installed earlier that month.Why would I care about that? You know I told those grease monkeys on HQ that they should keep their fancy inventions.Director is still going to want your head.He can have it. And my whole body too, if he wants.In the meantime, how do we get across the bridge? It has traffic on it and you know the truck doesnt idle well without the specialty air system.Well cross that bridge when we get to it.Great joke, Gordon, I groanedIm glad you approve. Now get inside and lets get moving.

Nest 01, this is Falcon 05, over.Roger, Falcon 05, this is Nest 01. What can we do for you?We need a place to land, over.Platforms 03 and 04 are open. You are clear to land, over.Strobe lights flashed on and flooded the landing pads with a bright, radiant, white light while ground teams scurried about making last second preparations for the two steel birds that were set to touch down in less than a minute.And tell the med team to get their butts out here, stat! another man said. We took fire and one guy took a flash grenade to his gut. We pumped him full of biofoam, but hes still really messed up.Roger, Falcon 05, med team en route.The medical team was arriving on the landing pads as the two helicopters touched down. As soon as the landing chief gave the all clear, they rushed to the helicopters ready to help the wounded.Hes really bad, Doc.Hes already gone. Hes expiring before our eyes.Go check up on the other guys, Ill sit with him.Youre going to be okay.No, Im not. Youre lying. My guts are more mixed up than when Mom made scrambled eggs for me as a kid.Youre right, youre in bad shape.Tell me we were successful. Tell me we completed our mission.The mission was a success. We control Node 8.With that the warrior gave a sigh of relief and committed his soul to the afterlife.Although Lt. Commander Jack Williams was too much of a man to cry, he was too overcome by grief not to.

You know, Gordon, remind me to get you some disciplinary action for your lousy jokes.Hey, thatd be great. A trip to the Dutch Indies would be cool.Who says youd go to the Dutch Indies. Could get sent to Paradise Island.Nah, Im so bad that old man Freddie would be nice to me.Youre probably right.Now, John, allow me to amaze you as I get us through this mess of cars.You gonna drive on the shoulder?Why not? We make the rules in this world, remember?No, you dont make them, you enforce them.But if I dont enforce em, they as good as dont exist, right?You are a piece of work, man.Sculpted by the best, admired by the rest, he added.The drive across the long bridge was uneventful, even for driving through a shoulder thats hardly as wide as your vehicle. We crossed over the bridge in record time, and soon found ourselves ready to go up the lift that would take us into the heart of the mountain.You gonna actually wait for your turn on the lift, or are you going off-roading?Off-roading, naturally, he grinned.The truck dug into the slime as it began climbing the hill that would lead to the highway inside the mountain.Why is there all this slime in here? You would think that they would have thought to clean it out while they were working on this road.Well, maybe they thought it looked pretty, Gordon chuckled.At the top of the hill, the engine stalled.Hmmlooks like were walking. No wait, youre walking while I call this in and get back-up out here.Thats great, Gordon. Really smooth.Hey, I pull rank on you.Yeah, you have no more rank privileges on me than I can give orders to the Director.Doesnt matter, I still pull rank, Gordon cheerfully announced. Enjoy the slime.Yeah, thanks. Now Im going to have purple slime in my boots.Have fun.Gordon.Yeah?When we get back to base, I am so putting ants in your bunk.Heehee, Ill call the Terminex guy first. Now get out there and enjoy your slime.Opening the door and stepping out of the truck, I felt the cold slime seep into my boots and soak my socks. Yuck. I grabbed my backpack, hoisted it on my back, and trudged off into the slime pit that lay ahead of me.

Tell me why Betroski had to die!The entire meeting room froze at the intrusion. A 6 foot, 5 inch man had broken a locked door and was standing in their midst, armed and possibly angry enough to shoot the first person to move.Leveling a gun at the speakers head, he again repeated his demand.Jack, you know that casualties are inevitable in combat. Youve been a professional soldier your entire adult life. Heck, youve even faced death yourself a couple of times.That doesnt excuse you arrogant boneheads decisions on what we did and did not need on that mission. Betroski died because of your caviar-eating, champagne-sipping, arrogant mindlessness. Saying you keep your brains in glass jars on your desks is a compliment to you fools!Some of the panel members seemed perturbed at this mention but knew enough to keep their comments to themselves; a man with a gun leveled at the assistant directors head was either mentally deranged, or extremely good at his job.With seemingly endless patience for the uninvited guest, Assistant Director Alexander Groffholm continued talking. Jack, you know that Im due for a promotion next week. In a few days, Ill be able to listen to your requests. Until then, my hands are tied as assistant director. In a week, things will be different. I promise.If you live to see that promotion, he said storming out of the conference room.

Walking down the halls, Lt. Commander Jack Williams was a formidable man, the exact reason the agency had chosen him as chief squad commander. Covered in black war paint, the only parts of the mans body that werent black were his eyes and the Delta Con insignia he bore on his shoulder. Even there, however, only select parts of the eagles body were not a shade of black.He stepped into his quarters and prepared for a shower. While the war paint was needed for camouflage in combat, it gave him skin irritations if he failed to clean it off within a few hours.After spending nearly an hour scrubbing the residues off his skin, Williams stepped out of the shower and changed into a fresh uniform. Williams favorite color was green, but black was the color of the agency and all agency troops were expected to dress according to that code. Fitting a handgun to the back of his belt, he stepped out of his quarters and headed for the cafeteria. Caffeine was the weapon of choice for long nights analyzing assault plans, and Williams had a massive assault scheduled in only a few dozen hours.And this time, the directors will see who really runs this organization.

The sun was rising through the window when he saw it. Yawning for a good five seconds, he realized that the other side of the bed felt rather cold. Hmmwhen did she get up?Getting out of bed, he reached for his robe and threw it around his shoulders. Not in the bathroom. He left the room and headed for the kitchen. Whered she go?As if she sensed his thoughts, a woman strode out of the living room and intercepted him on his trip to the kitchen.You got up early today.Well, I couldnt sleep much. We have a big day ahead of us today, dont we, she responded.Yeah, we do. Todays our lucky day.Assuming you dont miss the shot like you did last time, she teased him.I maintain my position on that score, he chuckled.Of course you do. But that doesnt change the facts, she added.If you say so, he laughed. Do we have the provisions ready?Everythings in the truck ready to go. Get dressed and well be ready to start.Be back in five minutes, he chimed. Before this is over, Im going to be very rich.

Ya know, Gordon is the biggest child Ive had occasion to work with, I said to myself. But for some reason, I still like him and consider him my friend. Is he using mind tricks on me or am I just that whacked?I continued trudging through the purple slime. It wasnt enough that it had to be cold, thick, and have small creatures in it. This slime just had to be purple, didnt it? I could have walked through black slime, green slime, orange slime, brown slime, or any other color slime, but I had to get stuck with purple slime. What did I do wrong in my childhood to deserve this?Looking out, I realized that my travels in the purple slime of mental anguish were going to go on for a while longer yet; the highway was ahead, and I could crawl out onto that and walk on normal ground when I got there, but in this slime, that would still take most of the afternoon to get to, and the sun was going to set fast that evening. The people that programmed this world didnt use their brains. It may be winter, but they could have made the sun stay out longer.I took two more steps and suddenly wished I hadnt. The ground below me sank and I found myself up to my ribs in purple slime. Wonderful. Might as well have had the Purple Swamp Monster grab my gun and shoot me in both feet. Ill be all night trying to make it to the highway.

With a light step, he bounded down the stairs, opened the door to the outside, and jumped over the railing to land on the driveway below.Youre so immature.But todays the big day. I have a reason to be happy.You still act like a teenager.Well, whats wrong with that, Kara?Your mother named you Juvenalis for a reason, Juve, she replied.She said Id never grow up.She was totally right about that. Now get in the truck and start driving.Yes, maam, he cheerfully replied, starting the engine.Turning out of the driveway and onto the road, Kara began fiddling in a bag and got her cosmetics.Makeup?Sure. A female bounty hunter has to look good while she kicks your butt, doesnt she?Gun fighting cosmetics model, he said, not quite comprehending her logic.

Well, well, well, made it out of the slime pit before midnight.Standing up on the highway, I was thankful that there were no vehicles on the road at 23:55 hours. No cars meant nobody that would pick up a hitchhiker, but then, probably not many people would pick up a guy covered in purple slime. Well, lets see if my undershirt looks any better than my uniform shirt, I mused.Taking my shirt off, I realized that what had once been a bleach white shirt had turned a brilliant shade of purple. Great, now I look like the Purple People Eater.A stiff, cold wind was blowing, but putting on a jacket was out of the question. Last thing I need is to get another article of clothing soaked in this infernal slime.Lets see here. At this rate of travel, it will be morning before I get to the city. If I push it, I should be able to get there before they leave for work in the morning. Oh well, thats what they made PT for. With 90 pounds of gear in my backpack and what seemed like 50 pounds of purple slime in my boots, I started running, hoping I wouldnt be too late.

Tonights the night, he said.Looking at his junior officer, Lt. Commander Jack Williams agreed with his assessment. However, he agreed for different reasons. While tonights mission would ensure control of the entire simulation that millions knew as home, it would serve a much deeper purpose. My grunts are real men, with real lives. The directors will know that before this is over.A fine night for a battle, dont you think, the junior officer asked, looking out at the clear, star-filled sky.What makes you think that the battle will be tonight?Were the most advanced fighting force this agency has ever assembled. Were the elite of the elite. No one is capable of stopping us.You still have a lot to learn about the realities of combat. Men die. Sometimes by their own mistakes, sometimes by the mistakes of others, and sometimes by the will of those above them.Sir, you should be more optimistic. The battle plan is perfect. Were being led by the best of the best. Well succeed tonight.Williams clapped a hand on the junior officers shoulder and told him to make sure that his troops were ready for the nights mission. With that, the younger officer left the officers balcony, and Williams was left standing, looking at the stars.

The helicopters set down on a patch of dry ground in the middle of a large, eerie swamp. The swamp wasnt much of a swamp, but it was still a swamp; engineers deemed this to be a swamp in this computer world, never mind the fact that it was more like a marshland than it was a swamp.I got a back feeling about this.Mendoza, you always have a bad feeling about something. If you woke up at night and found your cat looking at you with red eyes, youd swear that it was possessed.Wouldnt you?Id call it a computer glitch. Only the engineers know how much the computer world they made encompasses. As far as you know, the Agency is inside this computer world, and its the pawn of a bigger agency.Guys, put a lid on it. Were in the field. We have to maintain silence unless absolutely necessary, Williams said.Whispering to his former speaking companion, Mendoza said, Did you hear the rumor that after the project was finished, the engineers were killed to protect the secrets of the world that they had made?Nah, but I wouldnt doubt it. Information is deadly if you know too much of it.Turning to his junior officer, Williams motioned for the troops to form into file and prepare to march. The junior officer repeated this signal to his troops, and they filed into order.Men, we are about 10 miles from the objective point. If we move quickly, and dont stop to smell the flowers, well make it there by about noon. Itll be about a 10 hour march, but you are up to that. After that, well throw a big party complete with the requisite fireworks, and then get our butts back to the real world.Hail Commander Williams, one of the troops yelled from the back ranks.With that, Williams gave the order, and the troops moved out for the city.

Rolling up to a security checkpoint inside the city, Juve opened his window so that he could present his identification papers to the guard on detail. However, when the guard reached to accept the papers, he was greeted by two bullets to his throat. Juve pressed on the gas as the guard lowered himself to his knees, to die in his own blood.That was smooth. Any guy that trusts a female bounty hunter wont make it in the real world, Kara added.Hey, youre forgetting someone here.Well, Im being nice to you till I figure out how to get your share too.Thats my Kara. Everybodys a target, he chuckled.They drove for a few more minutes and then stopped. Juve looked around him and then looked at Kara. Hand me the map.Still cleaning her gun, Kara tossed him the map that she had packed with them. Id say to ask for directions, but that would only slow us down and jeopardize things, she added.You know the rules. Im a man, we dont ask for directions, he replied.Juve folded the map and handed it back to Kara. Turning left, he merged onto the highway and pressed on the gas, eager to get to their destination. As he began rehearsing in his mind for the second stage of their plan, he looked to his right and noticed Kara had finished cleaning her gun, and had started trimming her nails. How she does that Ill never know.

Theres got to be someone here that will take in the Purple People Eater.The sun was rising over the tops of the houses on the other side of the highway. The alleyways that I had been searching looked like typical slums, with garbage in the streets and an occasional stray animal darting between the apartment buildings. Typical scenario; people living in wealth on one side of the highway, people living in poverty on the other. I turned a corner and jumped a fence and found myself in an alley with people. Hopefully these kids wont be scared by a purple man.One of the children looked in my direction and began pointing at me.Look, a stranger, the child said in wonder and excitement. The street-soccer game stopped and many of the children simply stared in amazement.Havent these kids seen someone they didnt recognize before? Or is it because Im covered in purple slime?Mama, mama, someone is here!What is it, Adam? she said, and then looked up. In an instant, she realized why Adam had been calling for her; a man had stepped into their alley and was a threat to the children. Grabbing the only thing handy, a large broom, she stepped out into the alley. If he decides to fire, Im dead. However, she couldnt dwell on that thought, and prepared to meet her fate, whatever it may be.A cleaning broom makes a lousy weapon against an assault rifle. Doesnt matter though, Im not here to hurt anyone.Can you help me? I asked.What do you want with me, aside from my money or belongings?Actually, I was wondering if I could borrow your shower to get cleaned up. This purple slime is really rather annoying and I was hoping someone would let me borrow the utilities so that I could get it cleaned off.Youre not here to kill me or my children?Just then, I realized what the problem had been. This area was patrolled by the NuXi unit and they wore black uniforms. The purple in my clothes must have looked like black in the morning dusk.No, Im not here to kill anyone. Honestly, Im just looking for a hot shower.Well, you can go around to the back of that building and find the area showers. They arent warm, but they will let you get cleaned up, she said, pointing to the building on my right.Thank you.Thirty minutes later, I was stepping back into the alley, greatly appreciative of being rid of the infernal slime, and actually being somewhat comfortable for the first time in basically twelve hours. Wheres my backpack? Looking to the right, I noticed it on a stair step a good twenty feet away. Hmmwonder who moved it. Just then, the door opened and I got my answer.I moved your bag. The children were playing with it.Thank you, I responded, picking up my bag. I hoisted in on my back and was getting ready to make my leave.Would you please take a moment to talk with my husband?Looking up, I saw the woman with her head stuck out of the window.Sure, if he can provide me with some help. A man stepped out of the doorway and walked up. You must be the man my wife was talking about.I guess I am, I chuckled.Are you one of the regular officers?Im one of the regular patrol officers, yes, although I dont patrol any specific area.Can you tell me why the NuXi units steal our children and loot our homes?Sadly, I cannot. I dont understand those units.A pity. But still, you had something you wanted to ask me.Im looking for the man known as the Prophet. His insights are said to be extremely reliable.I am the Prophet, the man replied.Do you know anything about the Pixie?She is dangerous. She may live on the land, but shes as dangerous as a siren of the sea.She has a gem that Ive been sent to receive. Technically, Im supposed to acquire it from her, but regardless of how I get it, I need the gem.Men are corrupted by gold and silver. A gem of priceless value may be of different material, but it is nonetheless dangerous to ones safety and character.I have my orders. I cannot go back on them.Many seek this gem you look for. Some have killed for it; others have been killed for it. It destroys all who come by it.Ive been told this stone is sapphire. Is this true?Indeed, the stone is sapphire, but it is red with the blood of the men who have died for it. The stone will turn red for all those who possess it.Still, can you tell me where I can find the Pixie? The gem travels with her.Look to the west. The day dies with it, and so shall you. With the dying sun you shall find your orders, and your future.Thank you for your kindness and help. I hope one day Ill meet you again.May your future be one of life, not death. Remember, seek the truth and you will be free. Peace be with you.

Buy me a drink, the man said.Irritated by this disruption, but still a professional military man, Lt. Commander Williams looked at the man in front of him and detected a strong scent of alcohol on his breath. Sir, youre drunk.And insane, he added.So youre drunk and insane. You dont need another drink, you need medical help.But look at this bottle. Its all out of whisky and I need more to fill up my little girl.Your bottle is a little girl?Yeah, named her Susan. She keeps me company when Im lonely.Sir, you need mental help, not alcohol.From the back of the ranks a soldier called, Hey, Commander, cant we just shoot him and get going again?Turning his head around, Williams responded, No, we cant just shoot him, hes unarmed and a civilian. Youve been trained better than that. Were Delta Con, not the NuXi.I can take you on, claimed the mentally unstable man.No you cant! Were Delta Con, the most elite force in the world, the soldier sneered.Delta Con! I can take you on. With that, he pulled out a handgun and began waving it around while troops scattered for cover.Sir, your insane, Williams said. Put the gun away and well try to help you.I dont want your help, you demons! Youre my enemy! The man continued to wave the gun around, pointing both at Williams and at himself. Youre the enemy. I swore to kill you all and I still hold to my oath. Ill make your lives a living hell!You cant kill us all. My men are trained too well for that.But I can kill as many of you as I can, he said, moving to cover for the upcoming gunfight. Ill make you regret the day you met me.The men readied there weapons and prepared for what would either be a short, stiff firefight or a long drawn out standoff between them and the man.Ill kill all of you!Suddenly a single gunshot rang out in their midst. Each soldier looked at the other, trying to figure out who had fired that shot. Williams strode up to the mans body and examined the wound.Its self-inflicted.That guy really was as crazy as a coconut if he thought that hed hold us up by killing himself.Williams lifted the mans left sleeve and looked at his arm. Tattooed on it he saw the letters . Instantly, Williams realized what had just occurred.This man was retired NuXi.They really did exist, one soldier whispered.Rising to his feet, Williams returned his thoughts to reality. Move out, he ordered.

Man, my legs are sore.Twenty miles in less than 4 hours would make anyone sore, but it felt like my legs were about to break. Talk about pain. All the aspirin in the world isnt going to help for this.However, despite all my complaining about the pain in my legs, I was still relieved to be where I was. The door that I was standing in front should, if my information was correct, lead me to the woman known as the Pixie. She may live on the land, but shes as dangerous as a siren of the sea. I dont know what he was referring to, but I do know that she wields a great deal of power, I mused. However, that power comes from her gem. Obtain that and Ill be able to go home.I opened the door and was greeted by two armed guards who immediately leveled guns at me.Drop your weapon and surrender your gear, they demanded in unison.Heres my gun, and Ill set my backpack down here, I responded.Surrender your sidearm also.Im keeping that with me. She has an armed bodyguard. Im keeping my sidearm.Very well, come with us.The two guards led me through several hallways and past quite a few security checks. For being as powerful as she is with that gem, she definitely believes in high security. Up a lift, and through another hall and I was standing outside the Pixies private room.Do you have your money for bargain?Eighty million dollars with me, with a promise for up to twice that if needed.Very well, enter.I stepped into the room and immediately noticed the decorum of the place. A sofa on the wall by the door, a wood desk in front and to the left of the entrance, and a grandfather clock in the middle of the room completed the interior decorations. The Pixies bodyguard, a large man that looked sort of like a genie, motioned me to sit on the sofa. Taking a seat, he immediate took a seat to me right and the Pixie sat down at the desk in front of me.I understand that you wish to bargain for this gem, she said, holding out the sapphire rock that gave her so much power.That would be correct, I responded. I have eighty million dollars on hand, plus a guarantee for twice that amount if needed.Your agency pays well. You may have the gem for the original eighty million that we had discussed. However, to obtain this gem, you must earn it.And how exactly do I earn this gem?The Prophet was telling the truth when he said that this gem destroys all those who come by it. Ill give you the gem, but for you to earn it by keeping yourself alive.And if I die, what happens to the gem?It reverts back to me, of course, she responded.Lets have the gem. I want to get back to my home.With that, we exchanged the money and the gem. I took my newfound objective and left the room, following the hallways back to the front door of the building. Upon opening the door, shots flew directly for my head. Ducking behind the doorframe, I realized that I was going to have to go out the back way, because the people at the front door wanted me dead. Well, that was fast work. Hardly had this rock five minutes and Im already being shot at.

This time you missed him, Juve exclaimed.Shut up and lets get down there and get him at the back door, she retorted.The husband and wife team packed up their gear and ran for the truck. Juve started the engine even before he had gotten in the vehicle himself, and was already rolling by the time Kara had joined him inside the cabin. Time was of the essence if they were going to catch their escaped prey.Less than a minute later, they rolled up to the back entrance and ran inside and into the courtyard.He couldnt have made it out of the labyrinth of halls inside that building before we got here, Juve declared. All we need to do is take position and wait.

I ran outside the door and found myself in a large courtyard, easily bigger than four football fields. Weaving my way through the plants and other ornamentations, I was confident that I would make it off the premises alive. Whether I survive the rest of the trip home is another story, but getting out of here will be a plus. I ran for a few more steps and then stopped dead in my tracks. A man with a gun was blocking the path and it was obvious that he would kill for whatever it was he wanted.Give me the gem.Why?Because if you cooperate, I might let you live long enough for me to shoot you in the back.And if I kill you instead?Then Ill kill you, a woman added, walking out from behind a thick shrub.Hmmlooks like I have no choice then.No, you do

With the pull of the trigger, target one had been neutralized. The woman he had been standing with reeled in rage and screamed, but her cries were drowned out by the chatter of the automatic weapons that were rapidly bringing her life to an end. Seeing their two targets dead, the men held their fire and advanced on the one man left standing. Lt. Commander Williams strode forward, resting in both his confidence and his experience, proud of the men he lead, and proud to be a Delta Con soldier.

As the man walked towards me, I could see that he was looking for the same thing the other two individuals had been seeking, although, apparently, he had made better preparations for it. An exchange of nods, a silent way of greeting one another and moving past the formalities, and he began to talk.Im Lt. Commander Jack Williams of the Delta Con force. Our goal was the recovery of the gem that you are presently possessing.Why would I want to give it to you? After all, this gem was my mission too.That is true, and I can respect your desire to complete your mission. However, I can guarantee that if you refuse to surrender the stone, you will loose it by force.In other words, your killing the two people standing in front of me didnt help me much.That would accurately sum up the situation, I think.Well, I dont see myself as getting out of this one alive, so I might as well save my skin and hand over the gem.When the gem is in my hands, I can guarantee you safe passage out of this area.Very well, Ill hand you your stone.I reached for my backpack to pull the stone out of the compartment that I had placed it in earlier. However, as I was handing it to the man, a scream came from behind him, a report of gunfire, and blood squirted out onto my uniform. The man stiffened and dropped to the ground.

No! The gem is mine! The man that Williams had trusted as his junior officer rushed forward, screaming and shooting the man he had only minutes ago called his commander. Even he, however, was not to touch the sacred gem that he would kill for. Before reaching his fallen commanders body, a bullet ripped through his brain, compliments of the sniper that had already killed the male bounty hunter. Automatic weapons fire announced that the entire Delta Con team had turned on itself in each individuals attempt to take the sapphire for his own pleasure.

Seeing no reason to get killed for what was rightfully mine, I used the chaos as my cover to escape to the outside of the courtyard. Getting outside, I was people walking along the alleyway. Some stopped to star at the blood spatters covering parts of my chest and abdomen, but I didnt care. My objective was complete, the treasure secure, and my trip back home reasonably secure as all informed parties were either dead or destroying themselves.Reaching into my pocket to take another glance at my precious stone, I saw something that made me stop like a man frozen by fear. The sapphire that I had been sent to take was not a brilliant, blue, stone. Instead, it was blood red, covered in the blood of the fallen Delta Con commander. The stone will turn red for all those who possess it. A moment later, the awful truth hit me: I had obtained a gem that knew nothing but evil. The Pixie was said to be evil. This gem was constructed by her, and it bears that evil nature. Men see it and desire its power, but are blind to its true nature. With that realization, I felt a sharp stab of pain in the base of my skull, and my vision went black.

The hum of electric lights droned on over my head. Okay, Im in a hospital, but where am I?Rising from the chair opposite my bed, a doctor came over to my bedside and looked at a heart-rate monitor and checked his chart.Looks like youve stabilized. Here, lets get you out of that hospital uniform and into your military uniformat least the pants anyway.With a little bit of help, I was able to change clothes and move from the hospital bed and onto an examining table. Reaching for his basic instruments, he begin running a series of basic checks for reflexes, muscle tension, breathing, and the like.Make a fist for me with your left arm.I tried making a fist, but found that nearly impossible. What happened to my arm?Nerve damage most likely. The doctor raised his sleeve to use his own arm as an example of what nerves had likely been damaged. Raising the sleeve up to his shoulder, I noticed a tattoo with the letters in it. Where have I seen that image before?You likely damaged the nerves running through this part of your muscles, he said, tracing the likely routes with his finger.I still couldnt shake the thoughts of those symbols I saw on his arm. Looking to my left arm, I began a careful search of the skin to see if there were any tell-tale scars indicating a tattoo in the past. Where is it?Where is what?The tattoo you have on your arm. Ive seen it before, but I cant find it.Its the symbol of the NuXi. You bore it yourself once.But the soldiers of the NuXi bear that marker for life. Not only it is a symbol of who they are, but it is their very honor and reason to live.With that, the doctor reached for a scalpel and quickly stabbed my left arm.What did you do that for? I asked, a little more than indignant that my doctor had just stabbed me.Nevermind that. Look at this blade.Where is the blood?Exactly. Your left arm is artificial. Engineers designed an artificial arm that would function and look like a real arm, but they werent able to make the synthetic skin take the ink like real skin does.Pulling on the skin, I could see the truth of the doctors statement. Wires, metal rods, actuators, and feedback sensors were woven together in a complex web of connections that allowed the arm to function.You are a soldier of the NuXi. However, when you lost your left arm, it provided the agency with an opportunity to place you into another division, another agency. You worked as a spy inside their agency, silently stealing whatever classified information that you came across.But then why the accusations of NuXi stealing children? If I worked for an agency that spied on another agency, why torment civilians?Delta Con stole the children. Delta Con sought the destruction of the NuXi agency, although only the upper level directors knew the truth of the agencys objectives. The agency that you thought you worked for was actually an illusion. They appeared real, but they were only a computer program. The world that you understood to be the real world was actually an extension of the same world that you nearly died in today.So Gordon was a hologram?The entire agency that you worked for was an elaborate hoax put on by your actual employer, the NuXi.So, am I actually alive or dead in all of this?Youre alive. This is the real world. What Ive told you is the truth. Make of it what you will.The truth is liberating. But what of the sapphire that I nearly died to recover?An illusion. The world you fought in was imagination. Everything that you encountered happened, but none of it was real. Its an alternate reality that you can pass in and out of.The truth will set you free, I mumbled.
