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Brooks Ida L 2x10 r1 NNNN11NN11NNNNNINNNNNN111N111111N1 SUBSCRIBEiT AN INDEPENDENT j1IT O D A YLNNNNNNW E E KL Y 111N INN1111N11N 1 11N11N11N11N1NN 11 1N 11 111 Circulation 1000 Devoted to the Interests of the Home School and Farm BOc a Tsar VOL h BKKKA MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8 1000 NO 29 THE T CITIZENl Iubllitiot UlioollM ol TUg OITIUtf Huron ICy Klteml at le Id one al ttrrra Ay nt muntl dau vuiUmntltr With thin imtto tin editor tAkeA chnrgjof TUB CITIZKV aCtor nn nb HJiicoof thr io mlth4 oatiHcd hy ty ¬ phoid fever rill the unforced vacation during couviiliMfiico To nil who Hhoivod their kiiulnoss during hill 111 noi by iiiiiry by gifts of Hoxvcra nnd othor thing which help to make ilium oilier autl by HO freely giving their aorviciM tho editor down to ox prim hU Hlncjre than kA and to with thoin iw 011I all our frionds II Happy Now Year IDEAS Now 1t aid rmolutionanro unsuully math to bo brokiM- tWlmtH the use of breaking n lot of thorn evory your Why not resoho to lake tnoru of yourself tliiH yi nr mid wtick to UT Butter out resolution well kept titan two only half kept Hut Now Years Diy is not the only tiinu for Htiuh IhitigH Every day roily bngin n now year if you only think so- Heroin ono rosolution you should keip rinolvo to Hiibsoribo for tlio CITIZEN nt onCe Now thuu how does that Hiiit yout The Wide World Tlie American campaign in Luzon hanopeiUHl by llio capture of fiilmyno It in estimated that tho South Afri ciin war will coit Kiiglurd 300000 000 A military dictator for tho British cabinet has boon mtg oited by tho IxMidoii Morning Pod Gun French commanding tho lint ¬ ish forces on Monday captured Colon hung In S Africa and drove out tho Boom A Copular voto on tho question of n new premdout of Mexico showed n i T grout majority in favor of ireaidjnt Diaz Acconling to war department 1- port tho Filipino robeU wore Hovoro ly whippud by tho American soldiery Inst wwkI Our CountryI Coiignvisman Boutollo of Mine is suffering from rights disease SOIIRVB baud has been flolected OH tho official American band to play nt tho Paris Exposition Navigation of tho Ohio river from IitUburg to Cairo has boon suspend tl on account of ice IfiO li tnxn of tho Maine dixastor worn buried in Arlington cemetery tit Washington last Thursday Smallpox is becoming serious among the Indians in Indian Territory and nt Crow Agency in South Dakota Tho probable election of Mrs Unto tio Hughes Cannon as Unit d Status Senator from Utah is being discussed The Mormons would regard it as yin ¬ dicating Uoburts STATE NEWS A movement to renovate and repair tho state buildings nt Frankfort nt n cost of < 00ODO is on foot Charges of bribery wore made against John Whalton of Louisville last Monday nighll > y Senator Hnrrell A livcrymonn trust was recently fonnnd at Lancaster including prom taunt liver atom of Central Kentucky Oov Taylor appointed M II Mnckoy nnd A M J Couhriins stale election commissioner in place of comiiiisiioiiars Ellis and Iryor ro fiigncd County News County court day yesterday in toad of Monday Tho bxird of tax suporrisora is now in session iu Richmond A train on tho LouisvillQ nUll Allan tio was wrecked last Thursday night near Valley View Tho mail car was burnt but no lives wero lost Trnllic way delayed several houra I i PERSONAL Mrs E M Ircslon Is quito sick Rev George Ames Is In rather pour health ut present Frank Hays lane been sick torn few days but is now hotter Elias Wallace of Wullnceton rot turned Friday from tho North It M Moore wont to Owaley Co Saturday to canvass for the King bet brace Fred Keller hits returned from his trip to Indianapolis where he had his eyes treated 1T Oshorno was in Cincinnati on college business from Wednesday until Saturday Will A Klein of Langford was in Borea Thursday and Friday calling on his friends James W VnnWiuklo loft Monday for a few weeks with relatives nt El wood Indiana- F 1V Kidd wont to Owsley lust Friday on n business trip expecting to ho gone several days Sum T Martin and his friend H C Dennis of Greenville Ky wero in town two days lust week Lmvis L Davis a prominent teacher of J wood tad spent the holidays with relatives here Taylor and Meredith Gabbard an rived from Owsley county last Wed ncMlay and entered school J E Sutton returned from Cin ¬ chianti Friday where he had an operation performed for abscess Ernest G Dodge left Friday for Cumberland Cap Tenu where ho will teach for tho ensuing six months Her John G Fee has bola quite dangerously sick for thin past week but seems n little improved nt pros out Miss Edith Mt Fairchild left Mon day for Cumberland Cap Teun t resume her teaching in the School Rev Fl A Paddock loft Thursday on his way East to solicit money for Wieser Academy for which ho is workingMiss Pearl McKcehnn of Dreyfus arrived last Thursday for a visit of several days with Mrs E T Fish on BroadwayJ formerly n student of Berea now of Cleveland Ky spoilt a few days hero last week visit ing friends T A Robinson W F Kldd J M Early E M Preston and J W Urntchor wore among tho Court Day visitors yesterday O C Hall of Dundee III former ¬ ly a student hero arrived last Wed- nesday for n visit with his uncle E P Fairchild mind family Dr G T Fairchild and Mrs Kato E Putnam attended tho Teachers Association in session nt Louisville last week returning Saturday Dr Fairchild was elected president of the State Reading Circle E W Baker of Wnllacoton was in town Friday to uncut his sister Miss Kate who returned that day from her holiday visit with her sister Mary fit Chicago where Miss Mary is at- tending ¬ that Moody Institute Wm Lodwick spent Sunday and Monday In Cincinnati attending the EistedlTod n meeting of tho Welsh singing societies of tho United States Mr Lodwickh father Prof John B Lodwick of Youngstown bro ¬ turned to Beren with him and will sing in tho Hnrmonin concert next Tuesday night LOCALS Horse for sale CITIZEN ollico Bicycle for sale CITIZEN ollico Wax paper nt the priiitiugoflice 1npor napluiifl at prinlingollicu Order your blank books nt tho priutingolfico Curl hoards und blotters at tho printing ollico- Iloinoinado scratch pads at tho Print ingoflico Best pad in town Tho famous Stato Bond paper and n n WZZ7 zi zozz1 I A PROCLAMATION OF ECONOMY for the Fall and Winter i O0Season in Mens and Boys Fine Stylish Made OLOTaI fG I l I Y7Km prermntl to cloth you with the Ixwcutprlccd rlgtrIr tnailc aWlutvly all wad Clotldng In America Hlglillymiulo an It U of famout Vital Jlraml p- lhO only readyttwrarclothingTRltonrlen antrlctly nlvnllllc tjiuli Iu clean workroom Itrfret mtlnirunil warrulUIIIC UTOUBC the InMile 111 the very life ul the KHrmvnt In tarcfiilncw Iu nmklnx reprmnl the wclli of time and thought and In s ilrrldcd contrail to the tailoring rcuily to wear CMothlnit Tim Knhrlcs that we > how are the very tIIIIII that will Ie eau thin e atm Mall rolltlllcllJclulwl to In ht the IIIC I the ulJOTe filM The mot extraou unary texturecomblultlg our gent onr le that 01i ntn and do wit our Clothing n- tLESS < MONEY < e Than elewhero How can we aIT111 toenouch hlxhenula Clothing lor len money thau rlwwhcrt + Our anwerkurueadrhnpte OllnlRlnoterullrlreeontrueted rltU un JfIIltIho 1IIIn our ClolbllllC III old on the maitet mrgln of prunt I deleuhugana1Arge Tolnme or Itutlncu Tho more Clothing we sell the gvter i our purchailiu ewer the lowvrimr price thafi the story In a nulthell Idii COVINGTON MITCHELL RICHMOND KENTUCKY 01 tZfZ fi3I2 L2 6ZtZIfZo S S envelopes nt wholesale prices at the Print ngollicc Fine corpspondenco papers mid envelopes nt tho Printing office light nUll heavy weights rough mid smooth surfaces fine goods at low prices A Great Bargaini MX wheels of fair quality ruled writing paper 8xll for SO cents worth f 0 cents Wo have n limited quantity of this papjr end prices arc rising At tho Printing OHico Cold weather is here Hud you realized itT Born to Mr and Mrs John F Coyle last Friday 13j pound boy 0Shipping staves and stokes still continues nt tho depot hero in spite of tho cold weather I Mrs E II Yocum gave tho College lecture in tho chapel last night Il consisted of readings stories etc nnd was much enjoyed Tho annual church dinner and business meeting of the Union Church will IMS held Saturday All members nro urged to bo present Coasting null skating parties have the preference just now For several lays tho ice and snow tins furnished enjoyment to numbers of citizens and studenls Sunday night Marshal Shockley and Deputy Sheriff Preston took Dick Campbell to tho Richmond jell ho being charged with forging chocks on John Billiard Last week Tuesday Arthur Titus oldest son of LoiU Titus broke his collar bono wtiilo playing with two othor boys Tho racturo was dressed and tho patient is doing well Dr E B McCoy our popular den list has removed his oflico furniture over to tho front offices in the Hanson building over tho printingoffice Tho doctor is building up n good practiceE Fish recently sold his louse and lot on Center street now occupied by J C Coyle to G L Isaacs of Es till county Consideration 51000 Mr manes will move his family to Berea to educate his children The new board of trustees of Bo rca was sworn nnd begun its work last Monday night S E Welch Jr was elected chairman of tho hearth and line with him its members Messrs J C Teeters S C Lewis Gee Amoy and Geo Hoffman Robert Fish nn old colored man living near Boron died early Wed ¬ nesday morning Ills deaths was caused by hemorrhage hastened it is thought by the excitement conse ¬ grunt upon n social gathering at his homo tho night before Mr Fish served during tho Civil War and was n pensioner Burial Friday- J W Clianoy has just been np appointed Soliciting agent for tl o countiis of Madison Gurrurd and Estill by tho Continental Firo I Insurance Co of Now York Mr Clianoy received also a certiiicalo of- t t the filet from oho Kentucky Insur ¬ ance Commissioner doled Jan I I 1100 and authorizing him to do bus ¬ iness in this state Curry1Ued caused by chronic cystitis Mr Curry lived in tho Green property at the springs mid was drinking the water fur life hell I h Time deceased was n biother of limo county nssisior T 0 Curry and of Mrs Jumes Rowlett who lived for stout y urs with Mrs Cornolisou on Center street Jan 1 C F Hanson WHH busy mov ¬ ing his livery business into his new table Although tho new burn is hardly completed enough to ho used us H shelter for stack jelMr Huuson moved in order to clear the way for Uicliiinltion nnd leases the now own- ers ¬ of the property The latter in istedal moving iu spite of tho cold weather and Mr Hanson moved also iu order to save any trouble later On Thursday Jan 4 will occur the marriage of Mr Hurry Blazer of Scaffold Cane und Miss Stella Klein at tho home of the bride at Lnngford Ky Both parties are well kiown tore especially the groom who is in ho lumber business at Scaffold Cane rho bride is a daughter of G A Klein superintendent of the Rock castle Quarry ut Langford and is u capable young lady situ an able teach re Their friends hero otTer congrat ¬ ulations and good wishes Tho Crack rjack basket ball team and their lady friends were en lerlaitifd lest Monday evouing at tho homo of M K Pusco Jr ono of the team Refreshments were served and iho evening was spent enjoyably with different games and amusements Those present were Misses Rogers Paddock Fish Gouilbn Gay achwesingcr Burdctt Messrs Charles Burdelto John BurdetlHoward Em bree Edwin Kmbree M L Spick Uen Paddock and M K Pasco Jr Howard hall boys kept open house Now Years night nnd nicely outer- teined n largo number of their friends Two hundred invitations wero issued und evidently lItarlnil who were invited saw lit to como for there was present about that uumber of stu ¬ dents mid citizens After snmo time spent ill a social visit tho guests were invited to tho third floor hall where nice lunch waR served used nil were entertained with music on the banjo and tho juba danco given by homo of tho boys Lagrippp with its after effects an iiually destroys thousands of people It may bo quickly cured by Ono Min ¬ ute Cough Cure tho only remedy that produces immediate results iu coughs colds croup bronchitis pneu ¬ monia and throat troubles It will prevent consumption S E WolchJr J D Bridges Editor Democrat Lancaster N II says Ouo Minute Cough Cure ia the best remedy for roIliopIt ¬ usthnm pneumonia bronchitis grippe and all throat nnd nil lung troubles S E Welch Jr the the sold Feet No Other 207 Wet Main St KY The Berea Monumental Co The result of work and reasonable prices is that O now have customers in all parts of the Stale tltcn you want Anything in the monumental line Let us liiow and tee will send you designs and prices Headstones 600 up to any amount I Marble and Granite Monuments At prices to suit the and work JOHN HARWOOD Prop Berea Ky waDN Y a dkaiatr I ad i il 1 J O1HrDr CI Y ou ua ar rr ur LI erLt depr n U I eu1Nr Canalena l1tueluuurl r rMI niel ue J frchl charc1 haililn IIrIA i w detIRM1fli J fKifQlrc GfEtc r rr lrt uue r > rrotrrrr d benv bane OF IP < liTAT ONSEtj °° yrc Ifl isI HSBURDICK hit MaliGRDI JiltZ nlalt moaty SOLID QUARTER SAWED Olt eAImNtttpllkiOn doted brad dropping In in >i Ij tn be coed a a ut IIb s1 f + r Corwin 5D tebratourrater4 altthrcaOngnbntlurshuttleautonatkt barpatent t aeIIuulld lSe1 telltnthowanonannrunltanddoelthnpllnoraapSh II IT COSTS YOU NOTHING thae r4VBliW a and then it rnnrlneed that you are nnR wuo to flOoo pay freirht ann tb tissor TIInITIIt nyltmewabinthrmnntbdous ON DELAY v rethmuhlereilaMerrdtorarre flnrtJ ClilcrO III CENTER STREET GALLERY- C I 000 Proprietor UptoDate Pohtos Nothing Bnt The Best Finish at the Lowest Prices BURTON The Photographer UKALKK IN AMATKUIl HU1TLIK8 Fine Photographs at Prices Views about Jlerea a specially TO C F I HANSONS LIVERY LEWIS A DAVIS Medicine and Surgery Berea Ky Office nt Residence E B McCOY Dentist Berea Kentucky H C JASPER M D MEDICINE and SURGERY KyI DENTAL SURGERY A WILKES SMITH D D S Smith Jiuilding Main Street Jiicfnnond Ky Telephone Kolilrncr Nofl 00 J C MORGAN Dental Surgery Office Hours S to 12 i1M- t loS P jr National Bunk Building Hieimoiid Ky u Ifj m sDESIGNS I FREENotlco CMrpumodernlNofeetlll patent II lecured Address Eo O SIGGERS Palrnt Lawyer Washington ii c x r JENNESS MILLER SHOES For Women Are Most Stylish Are the Most Durable Are Most Perfect Are for Young and Old Are only by Us They Fit the as Nature Accept DOUGLAS BRIGHT CO RICHMOND good times Material firstclass 11ern Ii WARE your YOtkiIoltta ocaraaotaaded oaoaaros ART Reasonable GO OnlcrXo Intended Job PrintingDirt IWe are prepared to do all kind crycheaprntesHere 500 White envelopes Ji 25 500 Ruled Note Heads E oo 500 Ruled Letterheads x 25 500 Billheads 13 lines I 50 500 Regular Statements 1 i 50 500 6x9 Hand bills x oo 5009X12 1 I 50 Business Cards 500 I 2q We trill prepay far portage on any one of the abtrt orburinm plainlyMail to STUDENTS JOB PRINT Berea Kentucky Yon Want GOOD GLASSES IF YOU WANT lIIE1tlT ALL Ulmct that are not property ndjustol to your yen HIV actiinlly daugeroua 1 know It and- you aught iu Vuow It 1 will not attempt to mit gIo ors to your until 1 know what la nLLedd liycCgamtnet free tl Nice line of Iforellies in JEWKLKV T A ROBINSON I Jeweler and Op- ticianKodol i I Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Itartl flclally digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon ¬ structing the exhausted digestive or ¬ gans It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It In clllclency It In- stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Sour Stomach Nausea BIckfTcadachc1GastralgiaCraninsani all otherref111tf of Imporfectdlgestlon Prepared by EC OcWItt ACo Cblcooa I S E WKLC1I Tit
Page 1: NNNN11NN11NNNNNINNNNNN111N111111N1 j1IT O D Achroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052076/1900-01-03/ed... · 2009-02-26 · Brooks Ida L 2x10 r1NNNN11NN11NNNNNINNNNNN111N111111N1SUBSCRIBEiT

Brooks Ida L 2x10


j1IT O D AYLNNNNNNW E EK LY111N INN1111N11N 1 11N11N11N11N1NN 11 1N 11 111

Circulation 1000 Devoted to the Interests of the Home School and Farm BOc a Tsar



Iubllitiot UlioollM ol

TUg OITIUtf Huron ICy

Klteml at le Id one al ttrrra Ay nt muntldau vuiUmntltr

With thin imtto tin editor tAkeA

chnrgjof TUB CITIZKV aCtor nn nbHJiicoof thr io mlth4 oatiHcd hy ty ¬

phoid fever rill the unforced vacationduring couviiliMfiico To nil whoHhoivod their kiiulnoss during hill 111

noi by iiiiiry by gifts of Hoxvcra

nnd othor thing which help to makeilium oilier autl by HO freely givingtheir aorviciM tho editor down to ox

prim hU Hlncjre than kA and to withthoin iw 011I all our frionds II

Happy Now Year


Now 1t aid rmolutionanro unsuullymath to bo brokiM-

tWlmtH the use of breaking n lot ofthorn evory your Why not resohoto lake tnoru of yourself tliiH yi nrmid wtick to UT

Butter out resolution well kepttitan two only half kept

Hut Now Years Diy is not the onlytiinu for Htiuh IhitigH Every dayroily bngin n now year if you onlythink so-

Heroin ono rosolution you shouldkeip rinolvo to Hiibsoribo for tlioCITIZEN nt onCe Now thuu howdoes that Hiiit yout

The Wide WorldTlie American campaign in Luzon

hanopeiUHl by llio capture of fiilmyno

It in estimated that tho South Africiin war will coit Kiiglurd 300000000

A military dictator for tho Britishcabinet has boon mtg oited by thoIxMidoii Morning Pod

Gun French commanding tho lint ¬

ish forces on Monday captured Colonhung In S Africa and drove out thoBoom

A Copular voto on tho question ofn new premdout of Mexico showed n

i T grout majority in favor of ireaidjntDiaz

Acconling to war department 1-port tho Filipino robeU wore Hovoroly whippud by tho American soldieryInst wwkIOur CountryI

Coiignvisman Boutollo of Mineis suffering from rights disease

SOIIRVB baud has been flolected OH

tho official American band to play nttho Paris Exposition

Navigation of tho Ohio river fromIitUburg to Cairo has boon suspendtl on account of ice

IfiO li tnxn of tho Maine dixastorworn buried in Arlington cemetery titWashington last Thursday

Smallpox is becoming seriousamong the Indians in Indian Territoryand nt Crow Agency in South Dakota

Tho probable election of Mrs Untotio Hughes Cannon as Unit d StatusSenator from Utah is being discussedThe Mormons would regard it as yin ¬

dicating Uoburts

STATE NEWSA movement to renovate and repair

tho state buildings nt Frankfort nt ncost of < 00ODO is on foot

Charges of bribery wore madeagainst John Whalton of Louisvillelast Monday nighll >y Senator Hnrrell

A livcrymonn trust was recentlyfonnnd at Lancaster including promtaunt liver atom of Central Kentucky

Oov Taylor appointed M IIMnckoy nnd A M J Couhriins staleelection commissioner in place ofcomiiiisiioiiars Ellis and Iryor rofiigncd

County NewsCounty court day yesterday in

toad of MondayTho bxird of tax suporrisora is

now in session iu RichmondA train on tho LouisvillQ nUll Allan

tio was wrecked last Thursday nightnear Valley View Tho mail car wasburnt but no lives wero lost Trnllicway delayed several houra




Mrs E M Ircslon Is quito sick

Rev George Ames Is In rather pourhealth ut present

Frank Hays lane been sick torn fewdays but is now hotter

Elias Wallace of Wullnceton rotturned Friday from tho North

It M Moore wont to Owaley CoSaturday to canvass for the King betbrace

Fred Keller hits returned from histrip to Indianapolis where he had hiseyes treated

1T Oshorno was in Cincinnati oncollege business from Wednesdayuntil Saturday

Will A Klein of Langford was inBorea Thursday and Friday callingon his friends

James W VnnWiuklo loft Mondayfor a few weeks with relatives nt Elwood Indiana-

F 1V Kidd wont to Owsley lustFriday on n business trip expectingto ho gone several days

Sum T Martin and his friend H

C Dennis of Greenville Ky wero intown two days lust week

Lmvis L Davis a prominentteacher of J wood tad spent theholidays with relatives here

Taylor and Meredith Gabbard anrived from Owsley county last WedncMlay and entered school

J E Sutton returned from Cin ¬

chianti Friday where he had anoperation performed for abscess

Ernest G Dodge left Friday forCumberland Cap Tenu where howill teach for tho ensuing six months

Her John G Fee has bola quitedangerously sick for thin past weekbut seems n little improved nt prosout

Miss Edith Mt Fairchild left Monday for Cumberland Cap Teun t

resume her teaching in theSchool

Rev Fl A Paddock loft Thursdayon his way East to solicit money forWieser Academy for which ho is


Pearl McKcehnn of Dreyfusarrived last Thursday for a visit ofseveral days with Mrs E T Fish on

BroadwayJformerly n student

of Berea now of Cleveland Kyspoilt a few days hero last week visiting friends

T A Robinson W F Kldd J M

Early E M Preston and J WUrntchor wore among tho Court Dayvisitors yesterday

O C Hall of Dundee III former ¬

ly a student hero arrived last Wed-

nesday for n visit with his uncle EP Fairchild mind family

Dr G T Fairchild and Mrs KatoE Putnam attended tho TeachersAssociation in session nt Louisvillelast week returning Saturday DrFairchild was elected president ofthe State Reading Circle

E W Baker of Wnllacoton was intown Friday to uncut his sister MissKate who returned that day fromher holiday visit with her sister Maryfit Chicago where Miss Mary is at-


that Moody Institute

Wm Lodwick spent Sunday andMonday In Cincinnati attending theEistedlTod n meeting of tho Welshsinging societies of tho United StatesMr Lodwickh father Prof John BLodwick of Youngstown bro ¬

turned to Beren with him and willsing in tho Hnrmonin concert nextTuesday night


Horse for sale CITIZEN ollico

Bicycle for sale CITIZEN ollico

Wax paper nt the priiitiugoflice

1npor napluiifl at prinlingollicu

Order your blank books nt thopriutingolfico

Curl hoards und blotters at thoprinting ollico-

Iloinoinado scratch pads at thoPrint ingoflico Best pad in town

Tho famous Stato Bond paper and


WZZ7 zi zozz1I A PROCLAMATION OFECONOMY for the Fall and Winter iO0Season in Mens and Boys Fine

Stylish Made

OLOTaI fG IlI Y7Km prermntl to cloth you with the Ixwcutprlccd rlgtrIr tnailc aWlutvly

all wad Clotldng In America Hlglillymiulo an It U of famout Vital Jlraml p-

lhOonly readyttwrarclothingTRltonrlen antrlctly nlvnllllc tjiuli Iu clean

workroom Itrfret mtlnirunil warrulUIIIC UTOUBC the InMile

111 the very life ul the KHrmvnt In tarcfiilncw Iu nmklnx reprmnl thewclliof time and thought and In s ilrrldcd contrail to the tailoring

rcuily to wear CMothlnit Tim Knhrlcs that we >how are the very

tIIIIII that will Ie eau thin e atm Mall rolltlllcllJclulwl to In ht the IIIC

I the ulJOTe filM The mot extraou unary texturecomblultlg our gent onr le that 01intn and do wit our Clothing n-


Than elewhero How can we aIT111 toenouch hlxhenula Clothing lor len money

thau rlwwhcrt + Our anwerkurueadrhnpte OllnlRlnoterullrlreeontruetedrltU un JfIIltIho 1IIIn our ClolbllllC III old on the maitet mrgln of prunt

I deleuhugana1Arge Tolnme or Itutlncu Tho more Clothing we sell the gvter iour purchailiu ewer the lowvrimr price thafi the story In a nulthell


envelopes nt wholesale prices at thePrint ngollicc

Fine corpspondenco papers midenvelopes nt tho Printing officelight nUll heavy weights rough midsmooth surfaces fine goods at lowprices

A Great BargainiMX wheels of fair quality ruled

writing paper 8xll for SO centsworth f 0 cents Wo have n limitedquantity of this papjr end prices arcrising At tho Printing OHico

Cold weather is here Hud yourealized itT

Born to Mr and Mrs John FCoyle last Friday 13j pound boy

0Shipping staves and stokes stillcontinues nt tho depot hero in spiteof tho cold weather I

Mrs E II Yocum gave tho Collegelecture in tho chapel last night Ilconsisted of readings stories etcnnd was much enjoyed

Tho annual church dinner andbusiness meeting of the UnionChurch will IMS held Saturday Allmembers nro urged to bo present

Coasting null skating parties havethe preference just now For severallays tho ice and snow tins furnishedenjoyment to numbers of citizens andstudenls

Sunday night Marshal Shockleyand Deputy Sheriff Preston tookDick Campbell to tho Richmond jellho being charged with forging chockson John Billiard

Last week Tuesday Arthur Titusoldest son of LoiU Titus broke hiscollar bono wtiilo playing with twoothor boys Tho racturo was dressedand tho patient is doing well

Dr E B McCoy our popular denlist has removed his oflico furnitureover to tho front offices in the Hansonbuilding over tho printingofficeTho doctor is building up n good

practiceEFish recently sold his louse

and lot on Center street now occupiedby J C Coyle to G L Isaacs of Estill county Consideration 51000 Mrmanes will move his family to Bereato educate his children

The new board of trustees of Borca was sworn nnd begun its worklast Monday night S E Welch Jrwas elected chairman of tho hearthand line with him its members MessrsJ C Teeters S C Lewis GeeAmoy and Geo Hoffman

Robert Fish nn old colored manliving near Boron died early Wed ¬

nesday morning Ills deaths wascaused by hemorrhage hastened it isthought by the excitement conse ¬

grunt upon n social gathering at hishomo tho night before Mr Fishserved during tho Civil War and wasn pensioner Burial Friday-

J W Clianoy has just been npappointed Soliciting agent for tl o

countiis of Madison Gurrurdand Estill by tho Continental Firo


Insurance Co of Now York MrClianoy received also a certiiicalo of-



the filet from oho Kentucky Insur ¬

ance Commissioner doled Jan II 1100 and authorizing him to do bus ¬

iness in this state

Curry1Uedcaused by chronic cystitis Mr Currylived in tho Green property at thesprings mid was drinking the waterfur life hell I h Time deceased was nbiother of limo county nssisior T 0Curry and of Mrs Jumes Rowlettwho lived for stout y urs with MrsCornolisou on Center street

Jan 1 C F Hanson WHH busy mov¬

ing his livery business into his newtable Although tho new burn ishardly completed enough to ho usedus H shelter for stack jelMr Huusonmoved in order to clear the way forUicliiinltion nnd leases the now own-


of the property The latter inistedal moving iu spite of tho cold

weather and Mr Hanson moved alsoiu order to save any trouble later

On Thursday Jan 4 will occur themarriage of Mr Hurry Blazer ofScaffold Cane und Miss Stella Kleinat tho home of the bride at LnngfordKy Both parties are well kiowntore especially the groom who is inho lumber business at Scaffold Canerho bride is a daughter of G AKlein superintendent of the Rockcastle Quarry ut Langford and is ucapable young lady situ an able teach

re Their friends hero otTer congrat ¬

ulations and good wishes

Tho Crack rjack basket ballteam and their lady friends were enlerlaitifd lest Monday evouing at thohomo of M K Pusco Jr ono of theteam Refreshments were served andiho evening was spent enjoyably withdifferent games and amusementsThose present were Misses RogersPaddock Fish Gouilbn Gayachwesingcr Burdctt Messrs CharlesBurdelto John BurdetlHoward Embree Edwin Kmbree M L SpickUen Paddock and M K Pasco Jr

Howard hall boys kept open houseNow Years night nnd nicely outer-

teined n largo number of their friendsTwo hundred invitations wero issuedund evidently lItarlnil who wereinvited saw lit to como for there waspresent about that uumber of stu ¬

dents mid citizens After snmo timespent ill a social visit tho guests wereinvited to tho third floor hall wherenice lunch waR served used nil wereentertained with music on the banjoand tho juba danco given by homo oftho boys

Lagrippp with its after effects aniiually destroys thousands of peopleIt may bo quickly cured by Ono Min ¬

ute Cough Cure tho only remedythat produces immediate results iucoughs colds croup bronchitis pneu ¬

monia and throat troubles It willprevent consumption S E WolchJr

J D Bridges Editor DemocratLancaster N II says Ouo MinuteCough Cure ia the best remedy for

roIliopIt ¬

usthnm pneumonia bronchitisgrippe and all throat nnd nil lungtroubles S E Welch Jr





No Other

207 Wet Main St KY

The Berea Monumental CoThe result of work and reasonable prices is that Onow have customers in all parts of the Stale

tltcn you want

Anything in the monumental lineLet us liiow and tee will send you designs and prices

Headstones 600 up to any amount

I Marble and Granite MonumentsAt prices to suit the and work


waDN Y a dkaiatr I ad i il 1 JO1HrDr CIY ou ua ar rr ur LI erLt depr n U I

eu1Nr Canalenal1tueluuurl rrMI niel ue

J frchl charc1 haililn IIrIA i w detIRM1fli JfKifQlrcGfEtcr rr lrt uue r > rrotrrrr d benv baneOF IP <liTAT ONSEtj °°yrc IflisIHSBURDICK hitMaliGRDIJiltZnlalt moaty

SOLID QUARTER SAWED Olt eAImNtttpllkiOndoted brad dropping In in > i Ij tn be coed a a ut IIb s1f+ rCorwin5D tebratourrater4altthrcaOngnbntlurshuttleautonatktbarpatentt aeIIuulldlSe1telltnthowanonannrunltanddoelthnpllnoraapSh

II IT COSTS YOU NOTHINGthaer4VBliWa and then it rnnrlneed that you are nnR wuo to flOoo pay freirht ann tb tissorTIInITIIt nyltmewabinthrmnntbdous


rethmuhlereilaMerrdtorarre flnrtJ ClilcrO III


C I 000 ProprietorUptoDate Pohtos Nothing Bnt The

Best Finish at the Lowest Prices

BURTONThe Photographer

UKALKK IN AMATKUIl HU1TLIK8Fine Photographs at Prices

Views about Jlerea a specially




Medicine and SurgeryBerea Ky

Office nt Residence

E B McCOY Dentist

Berea Kentucky


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Jiicfnnond KyTelephone Kolilrncr Nofl 00

J C MORGANDental Surgery

Office Hours S to 12 i1M-t loS P jr National Bunk Building

Hieimoiid Kyu


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Are for Young and OldAre only by Us

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times Material firstclass



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IWe are prepared to do all kind

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We trill prepay far portage on any one of the abtrtorburinmplainlyMail toSTUDENTS JOB PRINT

Berea Kentucky


IF YOU WANT lIIE1tlT ALLUlmct that are not property ndjustol to your

yen HIV actiinlly daugeroua 1 know It and-you aught iu Vuow It 1 will not attempt to mitgIo ors to your until 1 know what la nLLedd

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