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Nobodys Perfect Programme

Date post: 15-Mar-2016
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home of the No Smoking in the Theatre Please switch off mobile phones 2 A huge thank you to all the cast and crew and I hope you all enjoy the show. Heather It has been a joy to direct this play and watch it take shape. However the final tweaking is being left up to Ryan, my co-director who is taking over the reins while I am off in sunnier climes! One of the Wheatsheaf Crew, Ryan is a very fast learner and all-round theatre person and is doing an excellent job. 3
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Welcome to the

Co-operative Theatre

home of the

Please switch off mobile phones

No Smoking in the Theatre

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Director’s Cut A view from directors Heather Evans

And Ryan Blake Randall

This play is hilarious. It has some excellent one liners, great situation comedy and a real warm feel to it. Put that together with a fab cast and you’ll understand just why we did the play. It is always nice to have a new member so a big welcome and thank you to Phil for joining us. It has been a joy to direct this play and watch it take shape. However the final tweaking is being left up to Ryan, my co-director who is taking over the reins while I am off in sunnier climes! One of the Wheatsheaf Crew, Ryan is a very fast learner and all-round theatre person and is doing an excellent job. A huge thank you to all the cast and crew and I hope you all enjoy the show.

Heather This is the first play that I have directed and what a brilliant play it is. I’ve done both acting and been part of front of house before but never directed a full play. When I was asked if I’d like to help direct this show I was only too happy. I’ve really enjoyed it – it’s funny and all the cast are perfect for the parts. Once I got into it I really enjoyed directing even though at first I was slightly unsure, but then again – Nobody’s Perfect!


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Georgia Darlison Georgia plays Harriet

It is great to have Georgia back on stage after a break of a couple of years. In the meantime she has got married, changed job and appeared in a charity calendar – do take a look in the bar to see her as ‘Miss May’.

Cast Profile

Chris Jarvis Chris plays Leonard Chris is back on stage after the huge success of Bouncers earlier this year. Then he played both a man and a woman. In this year’s panto he was the dame and tonight…well, wait and see. There does seem to be a pattern forming though!

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Christine Rye Christine plays Dee Dee

Christine has been involved in quite a few of the plays this year, from ‘An Inspector Calls’, to the Crew play ‘A Grimm Night for Hans Anderson’ and now this. As well as all that she is in charge of Front of House, and helps run the youth group! You would think after all that she would need a break – but she can’t wait for panto!!

Cast Profile

Phil Astle Phil plays Gus Phil joined Hall Green Little Theatre in 2003 and has played a number of different roles, his favourite being Stephen, the alpha male, in Patricks Marber’s ‘Dealers Choice’. Like Gus, Phil is a father of a (nearly) 30 year old and due to be a grandfather in December!

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Nobody’s Perfect

By Simon Williams

Directed by Heather Evans And Ryan Blake Randall

Act 1

Leonard’s Flat, Southwest London


Act 2

Leonard’s Flat — Two weeks later

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Leonard Loftus Chris Jarvis

Harriet Copeland Georgia Darlison

Gus Phil Astle

Dee Dee Christine Rye

Stella Briggs Jennie Jones


Continuity Jennie Jones

Lighting & Sound Design Stephen Hocking

Lighting & Sound Operation Lewis Sykes

Stage Manager Richard Taylor

Set Design Stephen Hocking

Set Construction Wheatsheaf Wednesday Wheatsheaf Crew

Graphic Design Nicola Taylor Chris Evans

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Their Loss is Our Gain...

Georgia Darlison Raising money for Breast Cancer Research UK

When Georgia joined her slimming club she really didn’t expect to

be getting naked – but that’s just what she’s done.

13 local ladies from Lighter Life agreed to strip off ‘Calendar Girls’

style to raise money for Breast Cancer Research UK. After

shedding a staggering 68 stones between them, they shed their

clothes and bravely went in front of the camera.

Since then they have

appeared on Central

News and in the Sunday

Mirror. They have already

raised in excess of

£12,000 and the

calendars are still selling

well. These fab calendars

showing our ‘Miss May’

are available in the bar

area at £5 each – all the

proceeds go to charity.

Well done Georgia!

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Coming Soon...

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Can you fill this space?

The Wheatsheaf Players are always looking for new talent, whether on stage or off.

If you would like to be involved with the theatre in any capacity from actor to stage hand, barman to set builder please contact a member of staff or give us a call on 02476 456179

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Coming Soon...

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