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Noise level reduction through SILENT ASPHALT · Noise level reduction through SILENT ASPHALT ......

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Noise level reduction through SILENT ASPHALT Study carried out on the order of the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology by Hon.·Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Gottfried Nievelt a. o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Gerhard Stehno Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Helmut Stickler Dipl.-Ing. Johann Ertl

Noise level reduction through SILENT ASPHALT

Study carried out on the order of the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology


Hon.·Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Gottfried Nievelt a. o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Gerhard Stehno

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Helmut Stickler Dipl.-Ing. Johann Ertl

Editor, Copyright, and Publisher: CT Bitumengesel!schaft m. b. H. Theobaldgasse 7, A·1060 Vienna

GF Dipl.·lng. A. Tibor Nemeth

Responsible for the contents:

Dipl.·lng. Zivilingenieur Dr. techno Gottfried Nievelt Hon.-Prof. TU Innsbruck

Wiener StraBe 35, A·2000 Stockerau

a.o. Univ.·Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techno Gerhard Stehno Zivilingenieur fOr Bauwesen

Wiedner HauptstraBe 23-25, A·1040 Vienna

Dipl.·lng. Dr. techno Helmut Stickler Zivilingenieur fOr Bauwesen

Lohbachufer 21, A·6020 Innsbruck


"Silent Asphalt" (FIOsterasphalt) is a two-layer, extremely elastic road surfacing which can be applied without joints in thicknesses of three to eight centimeters on any supporting base course and road surfacing.

Tests carried out under this project on the Angath test section (A 12 km 14_5-16.0) demons­trate that the road surfacing using silent asphalt offers considerable advantages when compared with conventional road surfacings. These advantages include:

- The open·graded asphalt applied on a highly elastic membrane layer has a high voids content ranging between 16 and 20 percent due to the special, highly elastomeric binder used in its preparation and thus ensures satisfactory drainage of any surface water accumulating on the road. During the "wet" measurements hardly any spray was thrown up behind the vehicles passing by.

- The highly elastic membrane layer ensures perfect insulation against the penetration of surface water into the underlying courses.

- In comparison with conventional drain asphalts the abrasion resistance is higher by 40 percent, so that rutting is prevented, and a long service life may be expected of the silent asphalt surfacings.

- The extremely good flexibility at low temperatures and a rigidity modulus higher by 60 percent than that of conventional bitumens combine to provide durable open-graded surface courses eliminating aquaplaning and spray and thus, increasing traffic safety.

- The application of silent asphalt takes little time, and traffic disturbances can be I(ept to a minimum. Work on the Angath test section with an area of 30,000 square meters was completed within eight calendar days.

- The appl ication of silent asphalt on the concrete pavement of the test section reduced the traffic noise level by 4.1 to 5.5dB. The highest mean noise level reduction (5.3dB) was obtained during the night measure­ments followed by 4.9dB during the "wet" measurements and 4.3dB during the day measurements. The results of the measurements taken on a dry road surface showed that the noise level at all four measuring points by day and by night had on the average been reduced by 4.8dB. The greatest noise level difference measured at the frequency of 4,000 Hz was 10dB.

- The high-frequency whizzing sounds produced by vehicles passing by on a wet concrete pavement had been eliminated by silent asphalt. The relevant energy-equivalent permanent sound level was on the wet concrete pavement by 0.6dB higher than on the dry one. In the case of silent asphalt there was no difference in the noise levels on the wet and dry road surfaces.

- The road/tire noise level measured on silent asphalt for a passenger car was reduced by 8.2dB and the road/tire noise level measured on silent asphalt for a truck was reduced by 8.8 dB.

- The road/tire noise produced on concrete pavements is, because of its dominant high­frequency content, much more disturbing than the road/tire noise on silent asphalt. In the medium and high frequency range, traffic noise produced on dry silent asphalt surfaces has a level by 4.0 to 15.0dB lower than that produced on concrete pavements. This phenomenon may be attributed to the sound-absorption capacity of the mat and non-skid surface as well as to its smoothness and elasticity. The results of the noise measurements are confirmed by the subjective perceptions of the people affected. Traffic noise of lower frequency is less disturbing and better tolerated.

The application of silent asphalt is a measure suitable to control traffic noise at its source. Silent asphalt will thus supplement or replace structural measures aimed at sound isolation.


The Angath test section has been carried out by the "ARGE FIOsterasphalt", a joint venture group made up of CT-Bitumen Gesellschaft, Vienna; ESSQ-Spezialbitumen, Vienna; Traunfellner Baugesellschaft, Scheibbs.

The tests on the asphalt technology and the concomitant quality checks have been carried out by the "Nievelt-Labor" (certified laboratory for the inspection of bituminous materials, construction materials and concrete) in Stockerau near Vienna.

The authors of this report wish to thank Dipl.-Ing. Tibor NEMETH of CT Bitumen.

Table of contents


1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Formulation of the Problem ............................................................................................... 7

1.2 Silent Asphalt ........................................................................................................................ 8

1.3 Objectives of the Research Project ................................................................................... 10

2. Test Section A 12 - Angath ..................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Requirements with regard to the Road Surface Properties .......................................... 10

2.2 Laying of the Surfacing ....................................................................................................... 11

2.2.1 Preparatory Work ........................................................................................................ 11

2.2.2 Application of the Surfacing .................................................................................... 12

2.3 Acceptance Test on Site ................................. :, .................................................................. 14

2.3.1 Planeness .................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Skid Resistance .......................................................................................................... 14

2.4 Constructional Engineering Opinion ................................................................................. 15

3. Noise Measurements .................................................................................................................. 16

3.1 Set up of the Measuring Points ......................................................................................... 16

3.1.1 Description of the Measuring Points ...................................................................... 16

3.1.2 The Measuring Instruments Used ............................................................................ 19

3.2 Carrying out the Measurements ........................................................................................ 19

3.2.1 Traffic Noise Measurement ...................................................................................... 19

3.2.2 Road/Tire Noise Measurement ................................................................................. 23

3.3 Meteorological Data ............................................................................................................. 24

3.4 Traffic Data ........................................................................................................................... 25

3.4.1 Concomitant Traffic Census ..................................................................................... 25

3.4.2 Results of the Speed Measurements ...................................................................... 30

3.5 Noise Measurement Data ................................................................................................... 38

3.5.1 General - Definitions ............................................................................................... 38

3.5.2 Energy-Equivalent Permanent Sound Level and Cumulative Frequency Level. 42

3.5.3 Road/Tire Noise Level ................................................................................................ 50

3.6 Results ................................................................................................................................... 51

3.6.1 Energy-Equivalent Permanent Sound Level ............................................................ 51

3.6.2 Level Frequency Distribution .................................................................................... 59

3.6.3 Frequency Spectra of the Traffic Noise ................................................................. 60

3.6.4 Road/Tire Noise .......................................................................................................... 66

3.7 Examination of the Disturbances ...................................................................................... 74

3.7.1 Loudness Levels ......................................................................................................... 74

3.7.2 Determination of the Loudness Levels ................................................................... 75

3.7.3 Assessment of the Disturbance Effect ................................................................... 75


4. Laboralory Tesls on Asphalt Paving Technology .................................................................. 80

4.1 Tests Carried out .................................................................................................................. 80

4.2 Binder Examination .............................................................................................................. 81

4.3 Aggregates ............................................................................................................................ 84

4.4 Deformation Resistance ...................................................................................................... 84

4.5 Wear Resistance ................................................................................................................... 87

4.6 Adhesion ................................................................................................................................ 88

5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 89

5.1 Suitability of Silent Asphalt as a Road Surfacing .......................................................... 89

5.2 Results of the Noise Measurements ................................................................................. 89

5.2.1 Energy-Equivalent Permanent Sound Level ............................................................ 89

5.2.2 Level Frequencies ...................................................................................................... 91

5.2.3 Frequency Spectra of Traffic Noise ........................................................................ 91

5.2.4 RoadlTire Noise .......................................................................................................... 91

5.3 The Sound Emission of Silent Asphalt in Comparison with other Road Pavements 92

Lileralure ........................................................................................................................................... 93

1. Introduction

1.1 Formulation of the Problem

Traffic noise is one of the least tolerable phenomena that we have to face on a daily basis. Opinion polls taken over the last few years show that one out of every three inhabitants in our country is disturbed by highly bothersome traffic noise. Scientists in all fields of transportation technology and the automobile industry, as well as experts in road construction and environ­mental engineering have been searching for decades for suitable solutions to improve living conditions along roads exposed to heavy traffic.

So far attempts have been made to protect the people living near major roads mainly through structural measures aimed at sound isolation. The passive protection measures taken alongside available roads consisted mainly in the construction of nOise-isolating wall barriers, steep earth banks, the installation of sound-isolating windows or a combination of these protective solutions. However, these measures very often interfere with the beauty of the landscape and, by restricting the flow of traffic, cause considerable disruption while the construction work is going on. What is more, the installation of sound-isolating windows may create a nuisance for the people who are affected_ These unsatisfactory structural solutions have prompted extensive research work in the sector of road pavements and vehicle construction.

According to ULLRICH [31] it may be assumed that the vehicle noise level of passenger cars upshifted into the highest gear is only 1 to 2dB higher than the road/tire noise level. This slight difference means that road/tire noise is more intensive than the motor noise and that thus the total noise level produced by driving vehicles is basically determined by the type of the tires, the road surface and the vehicle speed.

The maximum measured mean difference between the road/tire noise levels on a grooved bituminous mastic concrete pavement and an asphalt concrete pavement was 6dB. This value may be considered the maximum achievable in the attempts to reduce the road/tire noise produced by passenger cars with the road pavements used today.

Apart from downgrade road sections where the road/tire noise alone may be relevant, the difference will in general be lower, because the motor noise contributes to the effective noise level. Thus, the road/tire noise reduction by 6dB will mean a reduction in the level of noise produced by a flow of passenger cars on motorways and expressways of 3.5dB [10]. Depending on the share of trucks, this reduction will diminish.

Considering that the reduction of the traffic noise level by 3dB (A) corresponds to

a doubling of the distance (line source),

a reduction of the traffic volume by half and

a reduction of the traffic speed by 25 percent, .,

the scope of the traffic noise implications is determined.

Therefore measures for reducing the traffic noise will be successful if within built-up areas they aim at sound-proofing motors and outside of built-up areas with higher speeds and freely flowing traffic they aim at the selection of appropriate road surfaces and tire deSign. Thus, the question will have to be answered what the road construction technology may contribute to noise control by road construction methods, pavement design, mix composition, application processes and the finish of the road surfacings.

In selecting the type of surfacing, not only planeness, skid resistance, wear resistance and stability but also the noise behavior as an important factor should be taken into consideration.


1.2 Silent Asphalt

Innovations in the sector of bituminous road pavements are at present microlayers according to the slurry process and the hot·mixing method, both using highly elastomeric bitumen. Also for the manufacture of open·graded asphalts intended to reduce above all aquaplaning and the roadltire noise highly elastomeric bitumens are often used.

Open'graded asphalts have after application void contents of more than 15 percent by volume, a coarse·grained granulometry, ensuring good drainage, and offer a number of advan· tages for traffic safety and environmental protection [37]:

Drainage: The numerous voids of the order before·mentioned, having large intercon· nected cross·sections, absorb the surface water within the surfacing, discharging it into the drainage system if the rainfalls keep within certain limits. Under such circums· tances the much-feared aquaplaning can be avoided. If precipitation, however, exceeds the drainage capacity of the surfacing, a mechanism comes into play that also prevents aquaplaning, i.e., the tire will press the water below its surface into the pores. Since these pores are connected with parts of the pavement surface not touched by the tire tread, the pressure is compensated and the wheel retains contact with the road surface.

Roadltire noise: The voids described above are able to break the pressure waves hitting the road at the moment the wheels rollover it and thus considerably reduce the roadltire noise. If a highly elastomeric bitumen is used as binder, then certain elastic components are active within the voids on the edges of the individual grains and additionally reduce the roadltire noise, but above all its reflection in the environment.

Light reflection: Open·graded asphalts have on their surface numerous voids whose lateral surfaces are vertical to the pavement surface. Since such areas may-unlike a completely smooth road surfacing-reflect the headlight, open·graded asphalts seem much lighter during the night when the headlights are on and make obstacles better visible.

Open·graded asphalts basically consist of coarse chip fractions cemented together in spots by fine grain fractions with a thick bitumen film. In the manufacture of the first open· graded asphalts attempts were made to achieve high thicknesses of the binder film by the addition of stabilizing fillers and by keeping the mixing temperature as low as possible.

Over longer transport distances, this method, of course, gave rise to difficulties. Only when modern fiber materials were used, the necessary adhesion of thick binder films on the aggregate could be achieved. If in addition a highly elastomeric binder is used, then the stability of the opengraded asphalt surfacing may be highly increased and at the same time the roadltire noise level within the surfacing additionally reduced.

The use of highly elastomeric binders means a further improvement of this open·graded asphalt surfacing which in itself represents an innovation [37].

In the United States already the second generation of pavement surfacings using highly elastic modified binders with special noise·absorbing properties has beed developed.

The so·called silent asphalt is a two·layer asphalt pavement using highly elastomeric special bitumen. This special binder was developed by the Arizona Refinery Company and standardized at the Asphalt Institute in Arizona (U.S.A.) [32 to 36]. The patent rights are held by the Exxon Group which has been producing this special binder since 1974. Silent asphalt has been used in Europe (for the first time in Belgium) since 1981.

Unlike the open·graded asphalts so far applied in Europe, silent asphalt is not spread directly on asphalt or concrete pavements but instead a stress-absorbing membrane interlayer is applied first. These courses lying between the asphalt or concrete pavement and the drainage layer are made by spraying highly elastic bitumen at the rate of approximately 2.3 to 3.2 literslm' and covering it with precoated 5/8 or 8/12 chippings. This stress-absorbing membrane interlayer (SAM I)



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creates a shear-resistant and durable bond with the open-graded surface course;

ensures perfect insulation against the penetration of surface water into the underlying asphalt or concrete pavement; and

increases the noise-absorbing effect of the open-graded asphalt which is manufactured with special patented binders and applied in a second operation step.

On this stress-absorbing membrane interlayer, the special open-graded asphalt, which contains the highly elastomeric bitumen, is applied in a thickness of 3 to 8 cm and then compacted.

The use of this new type of binder and the resulting high thicknesses of the film coating the chippings produces the outstanding, permanently elastic behavior of such open-graded courses, as they have never been achieved before with other types of bitumen [37J.

Both courses together make up the noise-absorbing silent asphalt.

1.3 Objectives of the Research Project

The satisfactory results obtained with silent asphalt abroad induced the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology to apply this surfacing on a test section of the Inntal Motorway A 12 (Fig. 1.1) to be able to carry out tests for determining

the suitability of silent asphalt as a road surfacing,

the noise-reducing properties of silent asphalt before and after its application.

The routing of the Inntal Motorway through the river valley and the heavy traffic with a high share of goods transport means that the adjacent housing settlement areas are extremely affected by the resulting noise.

Because of the special noise conditions near Angath, the concrete pavement in both directions of the section 14.5-16.0 was covered by silent asphalt, since the noise-isolating concrete wall barriers did not effectively reduce the nuisance for people living nearby.

The traffic noise on the concrete pavement and on the silent asphalt surfacing was measured and analyzed with the following objectives in mind:

The determination of the differing energy-equivalent permanent noise levels;

At a distance of 25 m from the road;

Near buildings and structures particularly exposed to noise.

Determination of the possibility to reduce the energy-equivalent permanent noise level;

Frequency analysis of the traffic noise;

Frequency analysis of the roadltire noise alone.

2. Test Section Angath-Inntal Motorway A 12

2.1 Requirements with regard to the Road Surfacing Properties

The instructions for the preparation of the highly elastic binder as well as the mix formula­tions were provided by the Central Laboratory of ESSO Belgium. The required binder properties and the asphalt mix composition were determined in accordance with the binder and asphalt qualities used in the area of the Brussels Ring.


Thus, in the construction of the silent asphalt test section on the Inntal Motorway A 12 in the area of Angath in Austria binder qualities were used which in Belgium have been successful since 1981 [13J. This means that not only the results of measurements are comparable but that in addition the satisfactory results achieved with silent asphalt in Belgium provide the basis for setting up requirements with regard to the road surfacing properties of the Austrian test section. These requirements are as follows:

Fatigue resistance

Open·graded asphalt prepared with a highly elastomeric bitumen shows after an equal number of stress and strain cycles, e.g. of 10' load repetitions, 80 percent of the endurance strength of a conventional dense asphalt concrete, while an open·graded asphalt made with conventional bitumen has, under the same load conditions, only 30 percent of the endurance strength of a conventional asphalt concrete. Also with regard to permanent deformation caused by traffic silent asphalt is ahead of conven· tional open·graded asphalts. Silent asphalt surfacings may take more than the 100·fold stress and strain without an increase in permanent deformation in comparison with conventional open-graded asphalts.

Wear resistance

Owing to the highly elastic properties of the special binder in the road surfacing, most of the impact of spike tires is absorbed and abraSion, reduced.

Viscosity at high service temperatures

High cohesion and a very high viscosity of the special binder improve one of the components of the deformation resistance deciSively, and that is the cohesive deformation resistance. Therefore, silent asphalt shows virtually no rutting, provided that a highly elastic binder membrane interlayer is properly laid between the open· graded asphalt and the road surfacing and that only chippings with a Los Angeles value of ,;20 are used for both, the chip seal and the preparation of the open·graded.

Flexibility at low temperatures

With regard to flexibility at low temperatures the highly elastomeric bitumen has a definite advantage over conventional bitumens. Provided that at least 50 percent of the chippings are well embedded, the loss of chippings due to low temperatures and impact is with highly elastomeric bitumen much lower than with conventional bitumen.

2.2 Laying of the Surfacing

2.2.1 Preparatory Work

The following working steps had to be carried out before the laying operation:

Installation of the elastomer mixer immediately next to the asphalt mixing plant for the preparation of the special binder. The elastomer mixer was a mobile machine specially developed by ESSO Belgium.

Testing the operating condition of the elastomer mixer.

Preparation of the patented highly elastomeric bitumen with B 100 bitumen supplied by the Schwechat refinery to which not volatile, aromatic oils in the prescribed boiling range and synthetic ground rubber (both of foreign origin) are added. Preparation time was two hours per batch of 15 tons basic bitumen material. At the same time the temperature was raised from 160°C to 205°C. The changes in the viscosity of the bitumen during the addition of additives was continuously checked.

Filling the highly elastomeric bitumen into the spreader trucks after the application temperature of 205°C was achieved. These special vehicles are equipped with their own heating system. They convey the binder from the mixing plant to the site and are designed to apply the binder in a layer of uniform thickness.


Reloading of the special binder prepared in the elastomer mixer into the bitumen tanks of the mixing plant and manufacture of the open-graded asphalt.

Closing the Inntal Motorway in one traffic direction and

Cutting of a wedge-shaped groove, 3 cm deep, into the concrete pavement at the beginning and at the end of the test section to provide a neat delimination for the silent asphalt surfacing.

Cleaning the entire test section from dust by means of a suction sweeper.

2.2.2 Application of the Surfacing


The two layers of the silent asphalt were applied in the following operations:

Application of the highly elastomeric bitumen on the concrete pavement in one working step by spreading it evenly at the rate of 2.3 literslm' and at a working temperature of minimum 200°C (Picture 2.1)_

Spreading on the binder membrane of precoated chippings 8/12 mm at a rate of ap­proximately 20 kglm' by means of a chip spreader (Picture 2.2) following the spraying truck at a maximum distance of about 40 m.

Compacting of the chippings in three operations using rubber-tired rollers.

Removing any loose chippings by means of a suction sweeper after the SAMI layer is hardened.

Application of the like-grained open-graded asphalt using the same highly elastomeric binder as for the binder membrane in a thickness of 3 cm by means of a finisher (Picture 2.3).

Compacting by means of metallic rollers without vibration_


\-Picture 2.1: Application of the SAMI layer

Picture 2.2: Spreading the chippings on the SAMI layer

Picture 2.3: Application of the open·graded asphalt


The stress-absorbing membrane interlayer was laid in dry weather at a pavement temper­ature of about 15°C. The open-graded asphalt was in each case applied on the next working day. For the laying of 1.5 km of silent asphalt, the Inntal Motorway A 12 was closed to traffic only for three working days in each direction.

2.3 Acceptance Test on Site

2.3.1 Planeness

The acceptance of the planeness was carried out to RVS 8.627 item 6.64. The required planeness in the longitudinal and transverse gradient was achieved throughout.

2.3.2 Skid Resistance

Measurements of the skid resistance by means of the Stuttgart Trailer have been carried out by the Office of the Provincial Governor of the Tyrol. The sliding resistance coefficient should at a speed of 60 km/h be at least 0.35 and at the speed of 80 km/h, at least 0.30. The measured sliding resistance coefficients (Table 2.1) for silent asphalt by far exceeded these values.

Table 2.1 Skid reSistance measurements using the Stuttgart Trailer

Date Road km LOC woc 40 60 80 Remarks

1984-10-30 A12 15.25 R 12°C 12°C 0.439 Dry pavement

A 12 15.25 L 0.445

A12 15.25 R 0.442

A12 15.25 L 0.447

A12 15.25 R 0.466

A12 15.25 L 0.465

Table 2.2 Skid resistance measurements taken with the SRT pendulum,.

Carriageway Individual

Temperature °C Corrected SRT

measurements values measuring value

A 12 Road to Innsbruck

Deceleration lane 53, 54, 52, 52, 52 19 52

Right lane of the 53, 53, 55, 53, 53 19 54

first carriageway

Right lane of the 55, 56, 55, 56, 55 19 55

first carriageway

A 12 Road to Kufstein

Acceleration lane 53, 54, 53, 54, 53 19 53

Acceleration lane 53, 56, 55, 54, 56 19 55

Right lane of the 59, 60, 57, 58, 57 19 57

first carriageway


The skid resistance measurements were carried out with the sliding resistance meter SRT to the Swiss standard SNV 640.511 for roads with a design speed of more than 80 km/h. The required skid resistance of 50 SRT units was on silent asphalt achieved with all measurements (Table 2.2).

2.4 Constructional Engineering Opinion

After an inspection of the silent asphalt section with the Head of the Motorway Mainten· ance Center concerned on March 12, 1985, the Office of the Provincial Governor of Tyrol, Department of the Federal Road Administration, has issued the following opinion:

Assessment of the construction engineering condition

The silent asphalt in principle makes a very satisfactory impression. The coarse open· graded layer still shows good porosity and macrotexture throughout. In the ruts made by the truck tires the faces of the coarse chippings have become aligned parallel to the road surface, recognizable by a light specular effect in these ruts. The bitumen film has for the most part been maintained. On the contact surfaces, the microtexture of the diabasic chippings is apparent. The priming membrane described as SAMI layer between the concrete pavement and the like·grained overlay showed at the time of the inspection, in spite of a temperature of only 5°C, very good plasticity and could be easily moved. And yet no lateral displace· ment or ruts are visible on the surface of the open-graded asphalt. The hairline cracks developed in winter above the contraction joints of the concrete pavement have at the onset of warmer weather nearly completely closed and can no longer be identified. Minor losses of coarse chippings occurred on the edges of the asphalt pavement, probably during snow removal operations (digging in of the snow plow). At one point west of the Angath provincial road bridge, the priming membrane, obviously due to a construction fault, has been pressed upwards over a length of about 10 m and a width of 0.5-1.5 m, forming a plastic slippery film. This fault must be remedied shortly by milling off.

Behavior in winter

The open·graded asphalt has proved surprisingly good in winter. The original opinion that more de-icing salt will be necessary has not been confirmed. The salt solution remains in If,e large pores for a relatively long time and is drawn up by the tires so that the road surface is constantly covered by a salt solution. It is for this reason that the road surface remains wet for a longer than usual time. It turned out that with the onset of snowfall the open-graded asphalt remained skid· resistant for much longer than the adjacent concrete pavement, probably because the snow is pressed into the pores and in the presence of the standing salt solution, melts quickly. The winter of 1984/85, however, was with regard to snowfall not representative. In the very cold period (-10°C to -20°C) the weather was extremely dry so that the combination of high air humidity with temperatures around DoC, leading to the much feared glazed frost formation, hardly ever occurred. From the findings established so far it may be however concluded that the behavior of silent asphalt in winter is by no means worse than that of a concrete or asphalt pavement. The only difficulty arose in connection with snow removal from the shoulder not covered by the silent asphalt surfacing. The blade of the snow plow was because of the bevelled wearing course not able to remove all of the snow. Thus, a snow wedge remained along the carriageway edge and disappeared only under the effect of the de-icing salt. In future therefore the entire width of the carriageway should be covered with open-graded asphalt. If the shoulder is given a standard asphalt surfacing, water would accumulate on the carriageway edge.


Behavior in summer

So far no statement can be made on the behavior of silent asphalt at high summer temperature. In the summer of 1984 there was no extended hot weather spell so that even with standard black top pavements hardly any lateral displacement occurred. Owing to the permanently plastic behavior of the SAMI layer, certain distortions may, however, be expected when the superimposed open·graded asphalt is subject to high summer temperatures. The observation will in any case be continued by transverse profile examinations in the summer of 1985. So far it is not yet possible to establish whether the deterioration of the open-graded asphalt has an influence on the acoustic values.

3. Noise Measurements

3.1 Set up of the Measuring points

3.1.1 Description of the Measuring points

By agreement with the Office of the Provincial Governor of Tyrol and the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology a section of the A 12 Inntal Motorway near Angath between the motorway km 14.450 and the motorway km 16.000 was selected as test track. The measuring points were located with a view to a comprehensive recording of the noise situation. Between the motorway km 14.660 and 15.450 an acoustic wall barrier made of concrete has been erected along the road leading to Kufstein.

The main measuring cross·section was selected at motorway km 15.660 because this section has a relatively straight alignment, a low longitudinal gradient, a pavement level not much elevated above the terrain, and the acoustic wall barrier ends at a distance of only 200 m; also because at this point (house No. 26) measurements have already been taken at an earlier date and because no other noise sources are in the neighborhood.

The other measuring paints were located near apartment houses where traffic noise measurements have at an earlier date been already taken.

The location of the measuring points is shown in Fig. 3.1. All indicated sound levels are A-weighted if no other statements are made.

Measuring point 1: Motorway km 15.660 distance of 25 m from the axis of the road to Kufstein 3.0 m above the pavement surface (see Fig. 3.2a)

Measuring point 2: Motorway km 15.660 distance of 124.5 m from the axis of the road to Kufstein at the entrance to house No. 26 (see Fig. 3.2a)

Measuring point 3: Motorway km 14.955 behind the noise barrier distance of 114.5 m from the axis of the road to Kufslein on the balcony of house No. 86 (see Fig. 3.2b)

Measuring paint 4: Motorway km 15.415 distance of 74.0 m from the axis of the road to Innsbruck on the balcony of house No. 46 (see Fig. 3.2c).

The gradient of the motorway is at the measuring cross-sections approximately 0.5 percent. The measuring points and the local conditions are shown in Figures 3.3-3.8.


o o o Lfl

w -' C3 UJ

~ z 0 "-(!) z a: ::J UJ <t W ::;;: W I f-LL 0 f-::J 0 ~ -'


> .

. y

, ,


'\ , , II


\ Fig. 3.1: Location of Measuring points

z w f­U1 u.. :::J Y:


6 Y: LJ :::J cr: en U1 Z Z




" ciS'

'" i'-? s: <D

'" <n c ~

::J <0

" a <n <n U, <D ~ a ::J <n

:E g 3 <D

'" <n c ~

::J <0

~ a S.

m~ noo

I I I 2500 650 , 6"0


I I I ' " 1 I MPl Y .P'-"- MP 1 1~:6 00 KUFST,EIN INN;BRU[K

NR. 26 V ~ I ~I +"'''' ... VE ~ 500 r-- -"

a) Main measuring cross-section with measuring points 1 and 2

101,:'0 1600

B,O I 1100 !lao I I , I I

r MP l~~ KUFSTEIN INNS8RU[K i ' <f I I I ,

NR 86 V[: 500 ""+-./ + ,+ -+ ... . ... ~ b) Measuring point 3

~t.o~ lL~~ 14,00

NR. 46

I 4 7775 7m .1



I • I • + +

\IE ~ ~oo

c) Measuring point 4

3.1.2 The Measuring Instruments Used

The recording of the noise measurement results was carried out with the aid of integrating precision noise level meters with an automatic determination of the energy-equivalent permanent sound level and the exceeded levels. The measuring instruments meet the require­ments of DIN 45.633. Part 1 and 2 [11].

For measuring and recording of traffic noise, the following instruments have been used:

Measuring point 1 Statistical level analyzer Alphanumeric printer Magnetic tape measurement recorder, tape speed 38.1 cmlsec Capacitor microphone with a wind screen Acoustic calibrator

Measuring point 2 Statistical noise level measuring instrument with printer i-inch capacitor microphone with wind screen

Measuring point 3 Acoustic measuring system Axiom videoprinter Magnetic tape measurement recorder} tape speed 19 cmlsec Capacitor microphone with wind screen

Measuring paint 4 At this point the instruments of measuring point 2 have been used.

B&K4426 B & K 2312

B&K7003 B&K4165 B & K 4230

CEl324 CEl

lB - Electronics NOR 823 lB - Electronics EX 850

UHER 4200 B & K 4145

For the evaluation and the analysis of the tape recordings in the laboratory the following equipment was used:

Magnetic tape measurement recorders

Statistical level analyzer level recorder X-Y recorder Acoustic measuring system Narrow band real time analyzer

3.2 Carrying out the Measurements

3.2.1 Traffic Noise Measurement

B & K 7003 and UHER 4200 B&K4426 B&K2305 B&K2308 lB - Electronics NOR 823 B&K2033

The measuring instruments were set up and the sound level measurements carried out in compliance with the relevant requirements [8, 12, 20, 21].

The sound level measurements were taken in the same places shortly before and after the asphalt surfacing has been applied. The measuring paints 1, 2 and 3 were operated at the same time to ensure that external meteorological and road conditions were equal. Measuring point 3 was established at a distance of about 700 m from measuring point 1, with no exit or access points lying in between and thus, without any major changes in the traffic conditions, which were about the same for measuring point 3 as for measuring point 1.

The concomitant traffic census was therefore carried out only at measuring point 1. In addition to the traffic census, for which the vehicles were recorded broken down by passenger cars and trucks, the speed of the vehicles was recorded by means of a slight barrier recorder.



Picture 3.3: Set-up at measuring point 1

Picture 3.4: Measuring point 1, instruments for measuring the traffic noise and the traffic

Picture 3.5: Measuring point 1, instruments for measuring speed

~ MP 1 MP 2

House No. 26

Picture 3.6: Main measuring cross-section, measuring points 1 and 2



House No.8

Picture 3.7: Measuring point 3

Picture 3.8: Measuring point 4, House No. 46

The traffic census and the speed measurements were carried out on both sides of the motorway.

Furthermore, the meteorological data such as temperatures, relative air humidity, wind velocity and wind direction were recorded for each measuring period.

The following Table 3.1 lists the measuring days and hours during which the traffic noise measurements were made.

Table 3.1 Traffic noise measuring schedule

Measuring Type of pavement Date Hours

Condition of the points road surface

1, 2, 3 Concrete 1984·05·16 11.00-12.00 Dry 14.53-15.28 Wet-Spr. truck 16.15-17.15 Dry 21.00-22.00 Dry

4 Concrete 1984·05-16 18.30-19.00 Dry

1, 2, 3 Silent asphalt 1984·06·05 10.30-11.30 Dry 13.31-14.01 Wet·Spr. truck 15.00-16.00 Dry 21.30-22.30 Dry

4 Silent asphalt 1984·06·05 17.15-17.45 Dry

Since the differing types of road pavements in a wet condition produce different noise levels than in a dry condition, storm water conditions were simulated by spraying the pavement with water.

The measuring point 4, building 46, the Embacher house, is located opposite to the acoustic wall barrier on the other side of the motorway. This house is particularly exposed to the direct effect of the motorway noise and its reflection from the acoustic wall barrier. For this reason the noise levels were recorded also near this house between the synchronized measure­ments. With the aim of subsequently eliminating any disturbing influences of noise from other sources, the sound levels established at the measuring points 1 and 3 were not only directly evaluated but also recorded. Thus, it has become possible to analyze in the laboratory the frequency ranges of the various types of pavement in various pavement conditions. Before and after each measurement, the measuring instruments and the tape recorders were calibrated.

3.2.2 Road/Tire Noise Measurement

The traffic noise as recorded is basically composed of the road/tire noise and the motor noise. A road pavement covered with silent asphalt will change the roadltire noise not only with regard to the noise level but also with regard to the frequency characteristics.

For the determination of changes in the sound pattern and in the sound level, road/tire noise measurements were carried out on the test section before measuring point 1.

For this purpose the motorway was for a short time closed to traffic in both directions. As soon as no other vehicles were driving on the road section singled out for the measurements, a truck and a passenger car were sent along the test track leading to Kufstein which was next to the microphone.

About 100 m before measuring point 1, the test vehicle stopped the motor and coasted by the measuring point; in the process the coast· by level of the road/tire noise was measured and tape·recorded. The speed of the vehicle at the measuring pOint was also recorded. The drivers of the test vehicles coasted by the microphone trying to stay in the middle of the lane so that the distance between the vehicle and the microphone remained nearly equal.

A tape recording was made for testing the road/tire noise in the laboratory.


The two-axle truck was loaded with crushed stone and had a total weight of 16 tons. The passenger car was a Ford station wagon. For both measurements the same vehicles were used.

The road/tire noise measurements were carried out on the concrete pavement on May 16, 1984 between 22.30 and 24_00 hours and on the asphalt pavement on June 5, 1984 between 19.00 and 21.30 hours. In the latter case the measurements were carried out earlier at the request of the motorway police, because it is easier to stop the traffic by daylight.

3.3 Meteorological Data

The following meteorological data were collected at measuring point 1 and are shown in Table 3.2.

On both measuring days the wind direction was almost the same; the winds, coming mainly from the South, had on June 5, 1984 a velocity somewhat lower than on May 16, 1984. The wind direction may be described as normal with regard to the sound propagation. Studies made on the wind impact [17] have shown that with winds blowing vertically to the direction of the sound propagation the wind impact is eliminated.

The temperature values established by the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geo· dynamics for the area W6rgl-KitzbOhel were used to determine whether a temperature inversion occurred on the measuring days.

The values shown in Table 3.3 are mean values provided by the meteorological stations of Jenbach, Kirchbichl and KitzbOhel. The meteorological values provided by the mountain station Ehrenbachh6he were used for the assessment of the temperature inversion (Table 3.4).

Table 3.2 Meteorological data

Average values

~ C

~ '" c ::> '0;

"' a 0

Measuring Olc m :g Type of noise Date Q; > .- > Weather

time "- :;:;~ -0 ~ measured E ~ E c -0 Ol Ol ::> ~ I- OC.c -0

c 'C % km/h ~

16/05/1984 11.00-12.00 19 40 6.6 S Sunny Traffic noise

14.53-15.28 21 36 7.2 S Sunny Traffic noise

16.15-17.15 21 35 9.5 S Sunny Traffic noise

18.30-19.00 17 33 9.0 S Sunny Traffic noise

21.00-22.00 15 34 5.5 SO Moon·

Traffic noise shine

22.20-24.00 14 55 4.0 S Moon·

Road/Tire noise shine

05/06/1984 10.30-11.30 18 48 4.6 SW Sunny Traffic noise

13.30-14.01 18 50 4.2 SW Covered Traffic noise

15.00-16.00 18 64 3.3 SW Covered Traffic noise

17.15-17.45 17 72 5.0 SW Covered Traffic noise

19.00-21.00 13 89 6.5 SW Covered RoadlTire noise

21.30-22.30 12 90 2.2 SW Covered Traffic noise


Table 3.3 Meteorological data in the Worgl area

Tem· ReI. air Wind Wind Precipitation Date Time perature humidity velocity direc· per day

"C % kmlh tian mm

16/05/1984 8.00 16 73 6 S

15.00 20 31 22 S -

20.00 15 34 15 S

0510611984 8.00 13 73 7 SW

15.00 18 38 5 SW 1,5')

20.00 13 72 12 SW

') During the measurement there was no precipitation

Table 3.4 Temperatures at Ehrenbachhbhe

~e Date 8.00 15.00 20.00

1984·05-16 11.2 20.2 14.3

1984·06·05 -3.2 9.1 5.2

No temperature inversion occurred on either of the measuring days. The meteorological data in Table 3.3 correspond to those established at the place of measurement.

It may therefore be concluded that the meteorological conditions on the two measuring days had no major influence on the no'ise level values measured.

3.4 Traffic Data

3.4.1 Concomitant Traffic Census

Together with the traffic noise measurements also the traffic volume was recorded at measuring point 1. The cross-section count was, as the noise level measurement, carried out in 15·minute intervals for both driving directions. The results were broken down by motor vehicle types, that is, motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks, trucks with trailers, semitrailers and buses.

The Tables 3.5 and 3.6 show the results of the traffic census taken at measuring paint 1. The abbreviations used stand for:

EIN ................. Motorcycles LKW + A .......... Truck with trailer SAT .................. Semitrailer BUS .................. Bus

This differentiated traffic census was carried out because according to [30] the noise levels of all trucks differ over a range of 15dB at the same speed, while in the case of trucks with more than three axles, i.e. semitrailers and trucks with trailers, the noise levels differ only over a range of 5-8dB. The wide noise level range obtained by including the two·axle and three-axle trucks is due to the large tonnage of these vehicles. In a detailed noise emission


'" en Table 3.5 Traffic census

at motorway I<m 15,660

Road to lnnsbrucll Time


11.00-11.15 0 65 6 7 17

11.15-11.30 2 68 10 5 7

11.30-11.45 0 76 7 6 16

11.45-12.00 I 65 3 22 " 11.00-12.00 3 274 26 40 64

14.53-15.08 0 67 6 11 12

15.08-15.23 0 6·1 14 11 1,1

15.23-15.28 0 27 4 2 11

14.53-15.28 0 158 24 " 37

16.15-16.30 0 76 6 7 15

16.30-16.'15 0 84 8 11 13

16.'15-17.00 0 88 6 10 11

17.00-17.15 3 7,1 2 9 14

16.15-17.15 3 322 22 37 53

18.30-18.45 1 65 6 4 21

18.45-19.00 1 62 2 6 14

18.30-19.00 2 127 8 10 35

21.00-21.15 0 22 2 9 18

21.15-21.30 1 " 2 12 14

21.30-21.45 0 20 3 11 8

21.45-22.00 0 17 1 10 11

21.00-22.00 1 83 8 42 51

Date: 16/5/1984

Road to Kufslein


1 0 66 10 8 12 0

1 2 61 3 9 16 , 2 0 68 6 7 13 1

0 0 68 14 9 9 2

'I 2 263 33 33 50 7

0 0 72 7 8 4 0

0 0 80 8 7 8 0

I 0 37 4 2 7 0

1 0 189 19 17 19 0

0 0 73 10 12 14 0

1 2 89 16 11 11 2

3 5 92 5 9 18 0

4 0 84 7 12 17 4

8 7 338 38 44 60 6

3 0 65 8 9 11 2

0 0 51 2 7 12 2

3 0 116 10 16 23 4

0 0 17 1 12 6 0

0 0 23 5 3 14 0

0 0 24 2 5 6 0

0 0 22 2 5 13 0

0 0 I 86 10 25 39 0

Table 3.6 Traffic census at motorway km 15,660 Date: 5/6/1984

Road 10 Innsbruck Road to Kufslein Time


10.30-10.45 1 109 6 6 8 1 1 80 13 6 12 2

10.45-11.00 1 95 5 11 15 0 0 83 9 5 8 4

11.00-11.15 0 89 10 10 16 0 0 88 10 6 17 0

11.15-11.30 3 104 8 10 12 1 0 77 12 4 'I 1

10.30-11.30 5 397 29 37 51 2 1 328 44 21 41 7

13.31-13.46 1 83 10 13 24 3 0 83 9 2 12 3

13.46-14.01 0 99 9 9 24 4 0 80 9 3 14 4

13.31-14.01 I 182 19 22 48 7 0 163 18 5 26 7

15.00-15.15 0 80 6 14 16 0 4 118 5 5 16 1

15.15-15.30 0 68 3 17 15 0 2 123 8 6 9 0

15.30-15.45 0 80 4 10 13 3 1 89 7 8 11 1

15.45-16.00 0 75 11 11 17 0 0 96 6 4 19 2

15,00-16.00 0 303 24 52 61 3 7 426 26 23 55 4

17.15-17.30 0 104 6 14 19 0 3 105 5 11 18 6

17.30-17.45 0 80 3 9 " 1 0 84 9 8 11 3

17.15-17.45 0 184 9 23 33 1 3 189 14 19 29 9

21.30-21.45 0 25 0 6 17 1 0 29 1 2 10 1

21.45-22.00 0 14 1 8 13 0 0 31 1 8 4 3

22.00-22.15 0 25 1 10 11 0 0 18 7 6 15 0

22.15-22.30 0 18 1 15 7 0 1 16 1 9 11 0

21.30-22.30 0 82 3 39 48 1 1 94 10 25 40 4

'" ...,

Table 3.7 Hourly traffic intensity

Hourly traffic intensity

Direction Direction Total traffic load

Date Time to Innsbruck to Kulstein

Vehicles Trucks Vehicles Trucks Vehicles Trucks per h % per h % per h %

1984·05·16 11.00-12.00 411 32.6 388 31.7 799 32.2

(14.53-15.28) ') 418') 35.2 418') 22.5 836') 28.9

16.15-17.15 445 27 493 30 938 28.5

(18.30-19.30r) 370') 30.3 338') 31.4 708') 30.9

21.00-22.00 185 54.6 160 46.3 345 50.5

1984·06·05 10.30-11.30 521 22.8 442 25.6 963 24.2

(13.31-14.01),) 558') 43.4 438') 25.6 996') 34.5

15.00-16.00 443 31.6 551 21.4 994 26.5

(17.15-17.45),) 500') 26.4 526') 27.0 1026') 26.7

21.30-22.30 173 52.6 174 45.4 347 49.0

') These measuring periods have been extrapolated to obtain hourly traffic volumes

Type of pavement Pavement condition


Sprinkler truck

Concrete Dry




Sprinkler truck

Silent asphalt Dry



ijl Table 3.8 Results of speed measurements Date: 16/5/1984, concrete pavement

C Time Q)

c 0 Date:

E '0 1984·05·16 Motor- Pass.-Q) c > 0 cycles cars OJ D.. 0

Aver. speed 116.33 119.1 11.00

to ~ Stand. dev. 16.65 195.54

12.00 0 Vmin 103.0 73.0

hours Vmax 135.0 196.0

Aver. speed 0 114.54 14.53

to C; Stand. dev. 0 19.73

15.28 S Vmin 0 76.0

hours Q)

'§ Vmax 0 169.0

" c 0 Aver. speed 119.33 119.83 0

16.15 to :>, Stand. dev. 4.16 20.02

17.15 0 Vmin 116.0 59.0

hours Vmax 124.0 202.0

Aver. speed 128.0 120.57 21.00

to ~ Stand. dev. 0.0 17.92

22.00 0 Vmin 128.0 71.0

hours Vmax 128.0 161.0

'------ - - _ ..

Direction to Innsbrucl<

Trucks Trucks Trucks

without with total

trailer trailer

82.84 82.4 79.94

7.62 6.31 7.29

67.0 72.0 67.0

108.0 98.0 97.0

78.64 78.68 77.1

7.11 7.12 7.46

65.0 65.0 65.0

104.0 95.0 92.0

81.50 77.87 79.91

8.93 12.42 8.28

44.0 44.0 68.0

105.0 92.0 105.0

80.1 85.0 76.6

7.71 6.66 6.27

65.0 75.0 66.0

105.0 94.0 95.0 _. -,

Direction to Kufstein

Trucks Trucks Buses

Semi- Motor- Pass.- Trucks without with Buses

Semi· trailers cycles cars total trailers

trailer trailer

95.67 83.89 130.5 123.93 85.28 85.55 81.74 102.5 85.24

9.29 7.36 0.71 18.03 8.02 9.03 5.75 10.78 4.98

85.0 71.0 130.0 81.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 89.0 76.0

102.0 108.0 131.0 186.0 116.0 107.0 97.0 116.0 101.0

104.0 78.76 0 114.11 81.15 83.0 74.47 0 81.44

0.0 5.59 0 17.29 9.33 15.18 5.99 0 6.13

104.0 67.0 0 72.0 62.0 62.0 69.0 0 71.0

104.0 90.0 0 160.0 109.0 109.0 89.0 0 93.0

98.67 81.7 116.0 121.22 83.59 83.88 80.8 91.6 84.73

3.14 5.5 8.46 16.76 7.93 11.94 5.93 5.9 5.39

94.0 69.0 105.0 82.0 60.0 60.0 71.0 82.0 77.0

103.0 94.0 126.0 170.0 114.0 114.0 93.0 96.0 103.0

0 82.36 0 122.37 82.23 86.7 77.78 0 83.74

0 7.84 0 19.52 8.32 12.94 6.69 0 6.61

0 65.0 0 72.0 67.0 67.0 68.0 0 70.0

0 105.0 0 178.0 107.0 107.0 91.0 0 99.0 - --- ---- -

'" '"

Table 3.9 Results of speed measurements Date: 5/6/1984, silent asphalt

C c: Time 0 Date: Q)

E 1984·06·05 Motor Pass. Q) '0 > c: cycles ~

0 cars 0

Aver. speed 123.75 116.16 10.30

to ~ Stand. dev. 9.88 18.23

11.30 0 Vmin 110.0 71.0


Vmax 133.0 177.0

Aver. speed 112.0 109.64 13.31

to a; Stand. dev. 0.0 15.55

14.01 S Vmin 112.0 74.0

hours '" .c Vmax 112.0 145.0 0.


'" C Aver. speed 0 116.46 15.00 !!1

to C/l Stand. dev. 0 18.63 ~

16.00 0 Vmin 0 66.0


Vmax 0 175.0

Aver. speed 0 118.11 21.30

to >, Stand. dev. 0 22.98

22.30 0 Vmin 0 66.0


Vmax 0 164.0

Direction to Innsbruck

Trucks Trucks Trucks

without with Buses total

trailer trailer

79.79 79.22 76.15 96.0

7.69 8.65 6.42 2.83

57.0 57.0 65.0 94.0

104.0 95.0 93.0 98.0

79.21 81.0 73.0 91.17

8.18 6.59 4.68 7.76

57.0 75.0 67.0 78.0

107.0 100.0 84.0 99.0

78.9 80.50 76.39 98.33

7.99 8.79 8.33 3.51

60.0 68.0 67.0 95.0

126.0 105.0 126.0 102.0

80.64 76.33 78.74 72.0

6.37 11.93 6.77 0.0

57.0 68.0 57.0 72.0

96.0 90.0 92.0 72.0

Direction to Kufstein

Trucks Trucks Semi Motor Pass. Trucks Semi

without with Buses trailers cycles total trailers cars

trailer trailer

81.92 110.0 115.55 84.58 86.31 80.9 95.0 82.55

6.53 0.0 15.82 7.41 7.97 5.19 9.22 4.6

70.0 110.0 76.0 71.0 71.0 74.0 82.0 74.0

104.0 110.0 163.0 107.0 105.0 92.0 107.0 91.0

79.71 0 109.69 83.41 81.08 75.6 94.83 83.44

7.72 0 15.20 12.84 11.98 10.85 13.32 12.37

57.0 0 63.0 28.0 61.0 61.0 72.0 28.0

107.0 0 151.0 107.0 107.0 85.0 107.0 98.0

79.46 120.6 115.03 82.94 82.95 80.8 97.0 83.02

5.81 25.62 16.5 7.23 8.59 7.73 5.66 5.8

60.0 76.0 69.0 68.0 68.0 69.0 93.0 72.0

93.0 141.0 178.0 101.0 101.0 98.0 101.0 99.0

82.72 112.0 116.61 82.97 84.8 80.46 97.67 82.92

4.9 0.0 18.87 8.58 17.68 5.33 6.11 5.37

72.0 112.0 77.0 54.0 54.0 72.0 91.0 72.0

96.0 112.0 178.0 103.0 102.0 93.0 103.0 97.0

computation, a differentiation is therefore made between the standard trucks, the trucks of at least 2.8 tons permissible total weight, the full trailer combination or heavy trucks of at least 9 tons permissible total weight.

The typical traffic volumes are for the computing of the nOise emission on the basis of the traffic census composed of the following types of vehicles:

Passenger cars Trucks, total weight> 2.8tons Trucks, total weight> 9.0 tons

Passenger cars + motorcycles 50% trucks + buses 50% trucks + trucks with trailers + semitrailers

Table 3.7 shows the hourly traffic volumes broken down by passenger cars and trucks for both driving directions and the total cross-section. For measuring periods shorter than one hour, the traffic volumes extrapolated to one full hour are shown in Table 3.7. The long-haulage traffic was in relation to the total traffic volume on the measuring days relatively high, but, expressed in percent, it was on the test days fairly equal.

3.4.2 Results of the Speed Measurements

In addition to the sound level measurements and the traffic census, also the speed of the vehicles, broken down by motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks without trailers, trucks with trailers, buses, semitrailers, was measured by means of light barriers on the basis of the time/traverse ratio.

The recording of the speed measurements was in the main measuring cross·section carried out near measuring point 1 for both driving directions. A summary of the average speeds, the standard deviation and the maximum and minimum speeds occurring in one measuring period is given in Table 3.8 for the concrete pavements and in table 3.9 for the silent asphalt.

~ >-0 z w :::J a w a: LL

w > ~ ...J :::J :;;; :::J 0



I I : '/


, I' I I

I '

.1' 60 ---- r ,


.I 40-

i I

20 -.---"-~---


I ' .... /'

0 ,~

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190

SPEED (kmlh)

Fig. 3.9: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30


>-0 z W :::J a w a: LL

w > ~ ...J :::J ::;: :::J 0


>-0 z W :::J a w a: LL

w > ~ ...J :::J ::;: :::J 0






o 50






, , 70

/)J I /1 I

j,'~ / I I 1

I 1 I I II , !

I 1/ I I


V I I I ! ,



I ,

JY I I I , 1 , , , ,

90 110 130 150 170 190

SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.10: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Kulstein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30





Jif I i i !

i I

, ,




{ 1



i , I ,

! I ! !

I I ,



I !

I ! ,




if ,

i , I ,

I I ,


, I

I ,

I , I

, Ii I I


1 ,

I ,

• I



20 .-. - ~ ________ 0 ____


/j i , , ,

, ,


50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.11: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30





>-u z UJ :::J a UJ 0: LL UJ > ~ -' :::J :;; :::J u


>-u z UJ :::J a UJ 0: LL UJ > ~ -' :::J :;; :::J u



/ 7


60 I I







l I I , ,


~ I

I I , , , I I , , , , 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.12: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Kufstein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30


80 /j V






,J I

I ,(I



I 1/ I !

); ,1

--UJ I , I I I I

.., I ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)






Fig. 3.13: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 16.15-17.15 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00


>-u z W :J a w 0:: u.. w > ~ --J :J ~ :J U


>-u z W :J a w 0:: u.. W > ~ .• J :J ~ :J u


/' :/ I






, 'j i

j/ / '/

I 1/ II ,

J ' / I

I " II I i 1/ I

I,/V I I

-~-Y1 I I i I I , I I I , , , I I , ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.14: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Kulstein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 16.15-17.15 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00


t7 I-"" 1 - I /

( I I I 80


f'( I







l I



I I _/ I I , I , , I I I

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.15: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 16.15-17.15 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00




, , 190






"J'->-() z W ::::J a w a: u. w > ~ --' ::::J :2 ::::J ()

"J'->-() z W ::::J a w a: u. w > ~ --' ::::J :2 ::::J ()



! I











I , I

! I I

Y ,


I , , , , , 1 , , 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.16: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Kuistein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 16.15-17.15 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00


I( ,






I ra I I 1,,'1 I


i If ,

I /J I

I rl


I , ,,/

, I I

1/ iI ! ,

I i

I I I ..< i

1/ /1/ I -

I , , , , , , , , , , 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)


, 190


I ,

, 190

Fig. 3.17: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 21.00-22.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30




~ e.... >-u z w ::> a w 0: Ll.. W > ~ -' ::> :;: ::> u

'J!. >-u z w ::> a w 0: Ll.. W > ~ -' ::> :;: ::> u


80 /; lJ i





,II ,

/11 I

I /1 I

I I / i I



I '/ ,J;/

0 , - , , , , , , , , , , , ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.18: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Ku/stein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 21.00-22.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30

100 v 80 !








I I.' I

I/, ,

I : /1 I



.~ , , , ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.19: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Innsbruck, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 21.00-22.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30

I ,

, 190




, ,





~ >-() z W ::J a w 0: LL

W > ~ --' ::J :2 ::J ()


>-() z W ::J a w 0: LL

W > ~ --' ::J :2 ::J ()


V 80



I Ii I

I! I I I I I







I ) ,

- -I I , I , , , , I I , I

50 70 90 110 130 150 170







SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.20: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Kufstein, dry

Concrete pavement, measuring period 21.00-22.00 Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30

/' V , / I

I rl I I

!j I , I I

~! ~" !



/ ~y ,

, , I I I I , , 50 70 90 110 130 150 170

SPEED (km/h)



, 190



Fig. 3.21: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Innsbruck, wet (sprinkler truck)

Concrete pavement, measuring period 14.53-15.28 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 13.31-14.01


;F- 80 >-0 z

~ V , , V I ,

/ '/ I w I ::> 60 a w 0: LL


J/ (

> 40 ~ ..J ::> ::;; ::> 20 0


,j/ ~ - ,..,..-,

I I I I , , , I

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.22: Speed distribution, passenger cars - Road to Kufstein, wet (sprinkler truck)

Concrete pavement, measuring period 14.53-15.28 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 13.31-14.01


;F- 80 >-0 z w ::> 60 a w 0: LL

W 40 > ~ ..J ::> ::;;

20 ::>

~T -

I /


II ,




/: I I I


0 Jt I I , I , , , , I I , , , , , ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.23: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Innsbruck, wet (sprinkler truck)

Concrete pavement, measuring period 14.53-15.28 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 13.31-14.01



v-: V

"" 80 ~

>-0 z W ::J 60 a

/ , ,

II! I I I w

rr: u..

I I I w 40 >

~ ...J ::J :2 20 ::J 0

/1 II

0 J I , , , , , , , ,

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 SPEED (km/h)

Fig. 3.24: Speed distribution, trucks - Road to Kufstein, wet (sprinkler truck)

Concrete pavement, measuring period 14.53-15.28 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 13.31-14.01


Both Tables show that the speeds of the passenger cars riding on the silent asphalt were on the average by 6km/h lower in all measuring periods. This is probably due to a higher traffic volume.

The average truck speeds were almost equal on both measuring days. The vehicle speeds measured on pavements wetted by sprinkler trucks were lower than on dry pavements. This was caused by the unexpected wetness of the road surface and by the presence of the sprinkler trucks which presented quite an obstacle for the traffic.

The distribution of the motor vehicle speeds on concrete and silent asphalt pavements with dry and wet road surfaces, broken down by passenger cars and trucks is represented in the cumulative frequency distribution diagrams. The cumulative frequency distributions of the speeds observed are represented in the figures 3.9 to 3.24. A comparison of the cumulative frequency curves of the various measuring periods and conditions shows that the speed profiles on both days are only slightly different. The passenger cars show a stronger deviation, the speed distribution for the trucks is uniform and nearly equal for both pavement conditions.

3.5 Noise Measurement Data

3.5.1 General - Definitions

For describing the noise pattern, the following levels were recorded:

Leq ................... Energy-equivalent permanent sound level

L95 ................... Background noise level

L5 .................... 5% peak level (frequent peaks)

L, .................... 1 % peak level (unfrequent peaks)


OJ <0

Table 3.10 Sound level measurement - concrete pavement

Location: measuring point MPl

Date: 16/51198L1

L,,~ L~" Lo L, Time Pavement Condition


11.00-11.15 70.8 52.8 77.0 78.5

11.15-11.30 71.0 51.0 77.3 79.3

11.30-11.45 70.4 52.5 76.8 79.0 Concrete Dcy

11A5-12.00 70.6 54.5 76.8 78.8

11.00-12.00 70.7 52.9 77.0 78.9

14.53-15.08 69.5 54.7 75.8 77.4

15.08-15.23 71.8 59.4 77.1 79.3 Sprinlder truck

15.23-15.28 72.1 56.0 77.8 80.0 Wet

14.53-15.28 71.0 57.5 76.7 78.7

16.15-16.30 71.3 56.3 77.5 79.8

16.30-16.45 71.3 57.5 76.5 79.3

16.45-17.00 72.0 57.5 77.8 79.3 Dcy

17.00-17.15 72.3 59.5 78.0 79.8

16.15-17.15 71.7 57.9 77.5 79.6

21.00-21.15 71.5 53.8 78.0 80.8

21.15-21.30 69.L1 L19.3 76.0 78.5

21.30-21.'15 69.9 L19.3 76.8 80.0 Dcy

21.45-22.00 69.1 L17.5 76.5 78.8

21.00-22.00 70.1 50.7 76.9 79.6

Table 3.11 Sound level measurement - silent asphalt

Location: measuring point MP1

Date: 516/198L1

L,,'l L~5 L, L,

Time Pavement Condition


10.30-10.L15 66.2 52.3 72.3 75.3

10.45-11.00 65.5 52.8 71.5 7L1.3

11.00-11.15 66.6 52.5 72.8 75.3 Silent Dcy asphalt

11.15-11.30 66.1 52.5 72.3 7L1.B

10.30-11.30 66.1 52.5 72.2 74.9

13.31-13.46 66.8 55.9 72.0 75.2

13.46-14.01 66.4 53.7 71.8 74.5 Sprinkler lruck


13.31-14.0'1 66.6 54.9 71.9 74.8

15.00-15.15 68.0 54.0 73.5 76.8

15.15-15.30 67.0 53.3 73.0 7,1.5

15.30-15.45 67.0 53.0 73.3 76.0 O,y

15.45-16.00 67.7 55.3 73.8 75.5

15.00-16.00 67.4 5,1.0 73.4 75.8

21.30-21.45 64,5 47.0 71.4 75.0

21.45-22.00 65,1 44.8 72.0 75.8 !

22.00-22.15 66.0 46.5 73.3 76.5 D,y

22.15-22.30 64.3 42.3 71.8 74.8

21.30-22.30 65.0 L15.5 72.2 75.6

"" o Table 3.12 Sound level measurement - concrete pavement

location: measuring point MP2

Dale: 1615119811

L,,'I L"" L L, Time Pavement ConeJltion




1130-11.45 I Concrete D,y


11.00-12.00 .) I RS3-1S.08 63.1 55.6 68.1 I 70.3

15.08-1 5.23 I 65.3 58.2 69.0 702 Sprinldor trucil

15.23-15.28 I 65.1 55.6 69.2 I 70.8 Wei

1<1.53-15.28 I 6<1.3 56.7 I 68.6 70_<1

16.15-16.30 65.8 55.0 70.0 72.0

16.30-16.,15 65.6 56.5 68.5 I 70.5

16.45-17.00 65.2 57.0 70.0 71,5 D,y

17.00-17.15 65.5 580 69.0 71.5

16.15-17.15 65.5 568 69.4 71.4

21.00-21.15 64.3 49.5 68.5 70.5

21.15-21.30 64.3 50.5 70.0 71.5

21.30-21.'15 626 '17.5 68.5 70.0 D,y

21.45-22.00 6,1.'1 52.0 68.5 71.5

21.00-22.00 6<1.0 50.2 68.9 70.9

.) Incomplete recording, ti1erefore no evaluatIOn

Table 3.13 Sound level measurement - silent asphalt

LocLlllon: measuring point MP2

Delle. 5/61198,1

L, ~ Ly , L" L, TIfl10 Pavement Condition


10.30-10.45 59.7 51.0 63.0 65.5

10.45-11.00 60.7 51.0 5,1.0 65.5

11.00-11.15 50.1 I 52.0 64.5 66.0 Silent D,y asphalt

11.15-11.30 61.6 50.5 55.5 68.5

10.30-11.30 50.4 51.2 6<1.3 I 66.6

13.31-13.46 60.4 55.6 64.0 65.8

13.46-1<1.01 60.0 53.0 6,1.1 67.6 Sprinlder lrucl(


13.31-14.01 60.2 54.5 641 65.8

15,00-15.15 I 61.3 53.5 65,5 67.5

1515-15.30 61.1 52.5 6,1,0 65.5

1530-15.45 61,3 50.5 656 67.5 D,y

15.45-16.00 60.9 53.5 65.5 67,0

15,00-16.00 61,2 52.7 65.2 66.9

21,30-21.45 60.2 '18.0 63.0 66.0

2U5-22.00 57.8 45.0 64.0 65.5

22.00-22.15 59.7 '16.5 65.5 68.5 D,y

22.15-22.30 59,3 ,14.5 64.0 66.0

21.30-22.30 59.3 46.2 64.2 66.7

Table 3.14 Sound level measurement - concrete pavement Table 3.15 Sound level measurement - silent asphalt

Location: measuring point MP3 Location: measuring point MP3

Date: tG151198,1 Dale: 5/611984

LCG Lel"

L, L, L"'I L·I" L,. L, Time Pavement Condition Time Pavement CondillOn

dB dB

11.00-11.15 58.5 51.3 60.9 62.5 10.30~10.<l5 52.2 47.9 55.0 55.9

11.15-11.30 57.7 52.3 61.5 63.5 10.45-11.00 52.8 48.7 55.9 56.7

11.30~ 11.'15 56.5 50.1 60.1 G21 Concrete Dcy 11.00-11.15 53.6 '\9.1 56.7 579 Silont Dcy

11.45-12.00 57.1 50.6 61.0 62.2 asphall

11.15~11.30 54.1 51.0 56.7 57.9

11.00-12.00 57.5 51.2 60.9 62.6 10.30~11.30 I 53.2 49.3 5G 1 57.2

1'1.53-15.08 13.31~ 13.46

15.08~ 15.23 No measurements

15.23~ 15.28 lallen

No measurements 13.46-14.01



14.53~ 15.28 15.00-15.15 54.1 49.8 57.5 59.9

16.15~16.30 58.5 54.2 61.7 63.8 15.15~15.30 53.2 48.7 55.8 57.9

16.30~16.45 58.2 53.7 61.8 642

16.45-17.00 58.7 53.3 I 61.5 63.2 Dcy 15.30-15.45 53.8 49.1 56.7 58.3 Dcy

17.00-17.15 59.5 53.1 I 63.5 65.1 15.45-16.00 53.9 50.4 56.9 58.5

16.15~17.15 58.9 53.6 62.2 64.1 15.00-16.00 53.8 49.5 56.8 587

21.00~21.15 56.0 '19.0 I 60.2 61.8

21.15-21.30 55.7 48.0 I 60.0 61.2

21.30-21.45 50.2 44.8 54.4 56.1

21.45~22.00 51.4 I 43.9 56.3 59.5

21.30~21.45 55.3 46.2 593 61.5 Dcy 22.00-22.15 50.9 45.0 55.1 56.3 Dcy

21.45-22.00 56.5 50.2 I 61.0 64.6 22.15-22.30 50.2 40.6 55.5 57.9

:":: 21.00-22.00 55.9 48.6 60.2 62.5 21.30-22.30 50.7 43.9 55.4 57.7

L,q ................... A·weighted energy·equivalent permanent sound level in dB: index serving to describe the sound even with fluctuating sound level (e.g. road traffic noise, aircraft noise). It is computed from the noise level which in the case of permanent action is equivalent to the uninterrupted noise or to noise with a fluctuating sound level.

Los ................... Background noise level: the lowest A-weighted sound level in dB measured in one place over a certain period of time, caused by distant noise and perceived as silent. It is the noise level that for 95 percent of the measuring period is exceeded.

L5 .................... Peak level exceeded for 5 percent of the test period.

L, .................... Peak level exceeded for 1 percent of the test period.

The equivalent permanent sound level, the cumulative frequency levels Los, L5 and L, were recorded, evaluated and printed out, using the instruments described in Item 3.1, at the measuring points 1, 2 and 3. At the measuring points 1 and 3, the sound levels were in addition tape-recorded.

3.5.2 Energy-Equivalent Permanent Sound Level and Cumulative Frequency Level

In the following Tables the results of the sound level measurements, broken down by measuring paints, are indicated.

Table 3.10 measuring point 1 3.11 measuring point 1 3.12') measuring point 2 3.13 measuring point 2

concrete pavement silent asphalt concrete pavement silent asphalt

3.14 measuring pOint 3 concrete pavement 3.15 measuring point 3 silent asphalt 3.16 measuring point 4 concrete pavement 3.17 measuring point 4 silent asphalt

Furthermore, the frequency classes and the cumulative frequencies have been established and are shown in the Figures 3.25 to 3.28 for measuring point 1 and in the Figures 3,29 to 3.31 for measuring point 3.

Table 3.16 Sound level measurement - concrete

Location: measuring point MP 4

Date: 16/5/1984

L,q Los L5 L,

Time dB

Pavement Condition

18.30-18.45 70.4 57.0 73.0 75.0

18.45-19.00 68.8 54.0 72.5 75.0 Concrete Dry

18.30-19.00 69.7 55.8 72.8 75.0

.) Due to a technical defect, the level values of the measurement "concrete pavement" at measuring point 2 in the measuring period 11.00-12.00 hours on May 16, 1984 have not been fully recorded and thus, are not used for further evaluation.



>-0 z W ::J a w 0: u.. (j) (j)

« -' 0

>­o z W ::J a w







99 95


8: 50 w >

~ ::J :2 ::J o

10 5 1



I I ,


----.... --

I---- f.-- I f--

f.-I , I

50 60 70 80 90


" ~ i , .'\

I \

1\ \

';,\ ! I I !

I , I \ I \ 1\

I I, '\ I


I I \ I !

\ I I

I I 1 \ 1\ I ! i

I I I '(\J I i I I !


I i I \'\ I , ,

I ! I \ ' I ! ! I

! I I , I \ i \ I , , I , , I I "_ ... _'!::... ! , , , ,

50 60 70 80 90 SOUND LEVEL (dB)

Fig. 3.25: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 1, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30



>-0 z w ::J a w a: u. UJ UJ « ...J 0


>-0 z W ::J a w a: u. w > ~ ...J ::J :;: ::J 0







99 95


10 5 1




1 I 1


-- "- -- -r--

--'-- ----



50 60 70 80 90


, "-, "

, , \ ,

, \ " , \ 1 ,

I 1\ i

\ \ \ I I '. , \ I I

,I I

I '. i\ i 1 !

i I I I ' i \1 : \! ,

I ! ! '1 .,., i , ! I 1 i'


I , I I , I

50 60 70 80 90 SOUND LEVEL (dB)

Fig. 3.26: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 1, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 16.15-17.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00



>-() z w ::J a w IT: LL (f) (f)

« ...J ()


>-() z W ::J a w IT: LL

W > ~ ...J ::J :;; ::J ()






o 40

99 95


10 5 1




-- 1- ___


'--1--- - f---

--t~ , , , ,

50 60 70 80 90


" "- , , 1

1 \

1\ ! \

\ \ 1 1 I


\ \ 1

I \ I \ \ i I

, \ I I . ' I

1\ 1\ I I I I ,


~ I ! I

I 1 , '. i I ! I

I i , !'\ , i

I I , , I

I I 'k \ , I

I I I , , ,

I I '" " I 1

, "I "I "I I ,'l I , I , , ,

50 60 70 80 90 SOUND LEVEL (dB)

Fig. 3.27: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 1, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 21.00-22.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30



'd'->-() z w :::> a w a: LL

CJJ CJJ « -' ()

~ >-() z w :::> a w a: LL

w > ~ -' :::> ::;: :::> ()







99 95


10 5 1







-- , , 50 60 70 80 90


1'-. \'\

'l\ \\

\1\ I

'\ I \ \ I :

\ , ,

i I \ \ I I


I t\[ I I I ,

\ i\ I I , I I I \ \ I

I 'l '-l: I , , , , , , I , 50 60 70 80 90


Fig. 3.28: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 1, wet pavement (sprinkler truck)

Concrete, measuring period 14.53-15.28 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 13.31-14.01


>-0 z W ::J a w a: LL

C/J C/J <t -' 0

:S: '!..->-0 z W ::J a w a: LL

w > ~ -' ::J :2 ::J 0







0 40

99 95


10 5 1






-, , , , , 50 60 70 80 90


"' I

I \ \ I

I II \



1 I \

I \ 1 I I , I

I 1



I ,

\ I i



1 1 1 1 I :

\ I

1 \1 1 1 i !


\1 I 1 I 1



, I i I I ,

1 1 'l ,


i I

I I i ! ' \ \ I I ,

I I I "- I I I !

, , , , , , , , , 50 60 70 80 90


Fig. 3.29: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 3, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 11.00-12.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 10.30-11.30



>-0 z w :::> a w a: LL

CJJ CJJ <! -' 0


>-0 z w :::> a w a: LL

w > ~ -' :::> :;: :::> 0








99 95


10 5 1




- r--

r-- f--- f--, , , ,

50 60 70 80 90


L \ '\ I I \ I

I \

I \

I \ I I , \

I \

I \

I I \ I I I

I I " I

I ! I :

I \1 ;, , I i

I ~ I I i I

! I , , I

I I I I I I \

I i I \ \ I I

, I , I I I , , , , , , , I I I

50 60 70 80 90


Fig. 3.30: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 3, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 16.15-17.15 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 15.00-16.00



>-u z LU ::J a LU a: LL CJJ CJJ « -' u


>-u Z LU ::J a LU a: LL LU > ~ -' ::J :;; ::J U


50 r---,--

40 , 1---

30 r---

20 --


-0 1... .• , I , I

40 50 60 70 SOUND LEVEL (dB)

'\.1 99 95 II \


10 5 1





I 1

I , I , ! ,


1 I

I ,

1\ 1 I

1\ 1 1 1

\ I \ i I

1 I \ I

\1 \ I 1 I'


I , I

1\ 1\ I I I i I

! \ ! I

I I \ I I I

I \ I \ I 1

I \ i . ,

i 'l "-, !

i .,


I ! -

, I , 50 60 70





I ,

I I ,

80 90


, I I !

1 1

, I


1 1 ! i

I I , I !

I ! I I ,

I , I


, ! ,

1 I





I ! I , I

! I

I !

I I I i , , , I

80 90

Fig. 3.31: Class and cumulative frequency distribution - Measuring Point 1, dry pavement

Concrete, measuring period 21.00-22.00 ------- Silent asphalt, measuring period 21.30-22.30


Table 3.17 Sound level measurement - silent asphalt

Location: measuring point MP 4

Date: 5/6/1984

L,q L95 L5 L, Time

dB Pavement Condition

17.15-17.30 67 55.5 71.5 73.5

17.30-17.45 65.9 55.5 70.5 72.0 Silent

Dry asphalt

17.15-17.45 66.5 55.5 71.0 72.8

3.5.3 Road/Tire Noise Level

The road/tire noise was measured at measuring point 1 for vehicles which after having reached the appropriate speed rolled on aiter having stopped their motors. About 100 m before the measuring cross·section the drivers stopped the motor and disengaged the clutch. The coast-by noise of the test vehicles was tape-recorded, the maximum coast-by level, read at once. The measured speeds and coast·by levels are shown in Table 3.18 for the concrete pavement and in Table 3.19 for the silent asphalt. The following test vehicles were used:

Passenger car: Ford Taunus 1600 Kombi Truck: MAN 280

For the test, the truck was loaded with gravel and had a total weight of 16 tons.

On May 16, 1984, the day on which the measurements were taken, there was during the night hours when the roadltire measurements were made nearly no wind, while on June 5, 1984 occasional gusts of wind influenced some of the measurements. In between the gusts of wind it was relatively calm. The wind direction was almost vertical to the direction of the sound propagation.

In the beginning of the silent asphalt measurement, a few raindrops were noticed. The pavement surface, however, may be described as dry.

Table 3.18 Roadltire measurement - concrete pavement

Passenger car Truck Test Pavement run Coast·by

Speed Coast-by

Speed Wind

condition No. level level

dB kmlh dB kmlh kmlh

1 71.1 98 72.2 78

2 72.0 104 71.7 78 Wind speed:

3 72.8 105 71.7') 75 calm to

Dry max.

4 73.0 109 73.0 81 3 kmlh

5 71.2 96 73.9 83

1) Ghost drivers in the cross-section


Table 3.19 Roadltire noise measurement - silent asphalt

Passenger car Truck Test

Wind Pavement

run Coast·by Speed

Coast-by Speed condition

No. level level

dB kmlh dB kmlh kmlh

1 64.2 107 -') 75 Gustsl10, SW

2 64.0 107 63.3 81 7, SW A few

raindrops 3 64.1 107 64.0 81 7, SW

4 65.6 109 65.0 84 6, SW Dry

5 -') 110 64.0 81 GustslS, SW

') Wind gust caused wind noise (leaf rustling), the measuring values were eliminated.

3.6 Results

For the description of the strongly fluctuating noise, the road noise, the energy·equivalent permanent sound level Leq is used. For the assessment of the noise development or situation, the following additional information is required:

The level frequency distribution (background noise level and peak level) for the fluctuation range of the sound levels and for determining the background situation.

The level changes over time.

The frequency spectrum in which the noise is perceived as more or less tolerable.

3.6.1 Energy-Equivalent Permanent Sound Level Initial Data

With equal meteorological and geometrical propagation conditions, the sound energy emitted from the road will depend on the traffic volume, the traffic composition, the speed of the traffic flows and the pavement surface.

To establish the effect of the tested road surfacings on the sound immission, it is necessary to base the analysis on equal traffic volumes, traffic compositions and speeds of the individual traffic flows.

Since on both measuring days the traffic volumes, traffic compositions and speeds were differing, the sound immission levels were converted on the basis of a selected traffic volume, traffic composition and speed.

The selected traffic data were computed as average values from the daily counts and rounded off as follows:

Selected traffic volume in the cross-section:

Selected traffic volume per travelling direction:

Selected truck percentage:

Selected passenger car speed:

Selected truck speed:

Mw = 900 vehicleslh

M" = 450 vehicleslh

Pw = 30%

Vp, w = 120 kmlh

VL, w = 85 kmlh

To determine the characteristic immission sound levels, the procedure is a follows.

51 Computation of the Characteristic Energy·Equivalent Permanent Sound Level

For the selected and for the computed traffic situation the energy·equivalent permanent sound level is mathematically determined in accordance with the method described below. The difference between these two values is added to the actually measured equivalent permanent sound level to obtain the "characteristic" equivalent permanent sound level. This characteristic permanent sound level is then used for the comparative examination of the concrete and silent asphalt road pavements.

The method used here for determining the characteristic noise pollution corresponds to that recommended in the service instructions for noise control on Federal highways issued by the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology [6] and described there as calibration.

The computation of the immission values is according to [30], [24], [25] carried out using the following equations:

lmmission level caused by passenger cars

L,q, = 27.2 + 10 log [1 + (0.02 Vp)'] + 10 log Mp - L£

Immission level caused by trucks

L,q, = 34.2 - 15.5 C + (5 + 10 C) log VL + 10 log ML - L£

Loss from propagation

L£ = 13.8 - 7 log s - 2 . (log S)2

Total immission level

In these equations





Leqp1 LeqL ... stands for equivalent permanent sound level at the immission place caused by passenger cars or trucks

Mp , ML ...... stands for characteristic traffic volumes (passenger cars per hour, trucks per hour)

Vp , VL •••••••• stands for mean speeds of the passenger cars or trucks in km/h

C ................ stands for factor for the share of heavy haulage traffic ()9tons) in the total truck traffic (C = 100% corresponds to 100% heavy haulage traffic)

L£ ............... stands for propagation loss

S ................. stands for distance between the immission point and the road center, in meters.

The computation of the immission level at measuring point 1 is given below by way of example for the measured and selected traffic data.


Initial data:

Measuring point 1 (see also Figures 3.1 and 3.2)

Type of pavement concrete pavement, dry

Date May 16, 1984, 11.00-12.00 hours

Distances Center of the road to Kufstein, 25 m from MP 1 Center of the road to Innsbruck, 38 m from MP 1

Measured traffic volumes (see also Item 3.4.1), index M

Road to Innsbruck: M p. M = 277 passenger cars/h, Mp. M = 134 trucks/h

Road to Kufstein: Mp. M = 265 passenger cars/h, ML, M = 123 trucks/h

Measured mean speeds (see Item 3.4.2)

Road to Innsbruck VP• M = 119.1 kmlh, VL• M = 82.8 kmlh

Road to Kulstein: VP• M = 124.0 kmlh, VL• M = 85.3 kmlh

Share 01 the heavy traffic in the total haulage traffic:

Road to Innsbruck: C = 0.87

Road to Kulstein: C = 0.81

C is determined as lollows (see Item 3.4.1)

C = 1 _ Number 01 trucks < 9 t Total number 01 trucks

The number 01 trucks < 9 tons is computed on the basis 01 the trallic census data and is composed 0150 percent 01 the trucks without trailers and buses.

Selected traffic data: index W

Road to Innsbruck

Road to Kulstein

Selected speeds

Road to Innsbruck

Road to Kulstein

Mp. w = 315 passenger carslh, ML• W = 135 truckslh

VP• W = 120 kmlh, VL• W = 85 kmlh

Selected heavy traffic share

Road to Innsbruck C = 0.8

Road to Kulstein

The partial immission levels for the measured traffic volume are computed in accordance with the equations 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3

Road to Innsbruck

L~".M = 27.2 + 10 log [1 + (0.02 .119.1)3] + 10 log 277 - 2,3 = 60.9 dB

LE = 13.8 - 7 log 38 - 2 . (log 38)2 = 2.3 dB

L~q,. M = 34.2 - + (5 + 10 . 0.87) log 82.8 + 10 log 134 - 2.3 = 66.0 dB

Road to Kulstein

L~".M = 27.2 + 10 log [1 + (] + 10 log 265 ± 0 = 63.5 dB

LE = 0 dB

L~q,.M = 34.2 - + (5 + 10.0.81) log 85.3 + 10 log 123 ± 0 = 67.8 dB

The mathematically determined total immission level resulting lrom measured traffic volumes is according to the equation 3.4 as follows:

L~"., = 10 log [106.09 + 1066 + 10635 + 106.78] = 71.3 dB

For the selected traffic volumes, speeds and share of heavy traffic, the same computation is carried out with the lollowing results:

Road to Innsbruck:

Road to Kulstein:

Mathematically established total level:

L~qp.w = 61.6 dB

L~qL IV = 65.9 dB

L~qp, w = 63.9 dB

L~qL. IV = 68.2 dB

L~qw= 71.6 dB


'E: Table 3.20 Characteristic energy·equivalent permanent sound levels, measuring point 1

Pave· L~qp, M L~qL, M L~qM L~qW L1L~q L;;'q Leo Date Time Condition Direction Remarks

ment dB

Innsbruck 60.9 66.0 Day 1984·05·16 11.00-12.00 Dry 71.3 71.6 0.3 70.7 71.0

Kufstein 63.5 67.8 measurement

Innsbruck 60.4 66.0 Wet 14.53-15.28 2 Wet 70.7 71.6 0.9 71.0 71.9

measurement ~ Kufstein 63.4 66.5

" c: 0 Innsbruck 61.7 65.3 () Day

16.15-17.15 Dry 71.7 71.6 -0.1 71.7 71.6 Kufstein 64.4 68.6 measurement

Innsbruck 55.9 63.6 71.6 3.0 73.1 Night 21.00-22.00 Dry 68.6 70.1

Kufstein 58.5 65.9 69.6 1.0 71.1 measurement

Innsbruck 62.3 65.2 Day 1984·06·05 10.30-11.30 Dry 71.0 71.6 0.6 66.1 66.7

Kufstein 63.6 67.2 measurement

~ Innsbruck 61.2 67.1 Wet

13.31-14.01 <ii Wet 71.3 71.6 0.3 66.6 66.9 .c: measurement "- Kufstein 63.0 67.0 "' <1l

1:: Innsbruck 61.1 65.9 Day 15.00-16.00 <D

Dry iii 71.5 71.6 0.1 67.4 67.5 Kufstein 64.8 67.8 measurement

Innsbruck 55.6 64.4 71.6 2.7 67.7 Night 21.30-22.30 Dry 68.9 65 Kufstein 58.3 66.1 69.6 0.7 65.7 measurement

en en

Table 3.21 Characteristic energy·equivalent permanent sound levels, measuring point 2

Pave· L~qp,1.I L~qL, M L~qM Date Time

ment Condition Direction

Innsbruck 1984·05·16 11.00-12.00 Dry


Innsbruck 52.4 57.9 14.53-15.28 Q) Wet 61.7

~ Kufslein 53.8 56.7

" c 0 Innsbruck 53.7 57.3 0

16.15-17.15 Dry 62.7 Kufstein 54.8 58.9

lnnsbruck 47.9 55.5 21.00-22.00 Dry 59.6

Kufstein 48.8 56.2

Innsbruck 54.3 57.2 1984·06·05 10.30-11.30 Dry 62.0

Kufstein 53.97 57.5

Innsbruck 53.2 59.1 13.31-14.01 '" Wet 62.5 .c

D. Kufstein 53.3 57.3 "' '" C Innsbruck 53.1 57.9

15.00-16.00 Q)

Dry 62.5 iii Kufstein 55.1 58.0

Innsbruck 47.6 56.3 21.30-22.30 Dry 59.0

I Kufstein 48.7 56.4

L~q\V LlL~q L~q Leq Remarks


Measurement instrument failure

Wei 62.6 0.9 64.3 65.2


Day 62.6 -0.1 65.5 65.4


62.6 3.0 67.3 Night

64.3 measurement

60.6 1.0 65.3

Day 62.6 0.6 60.4 61.0


Wet 62.6 0.1 60.2 60.3


62.6 0.1 61.2 Day

61.3 measurement

62.6 2.7 62.0 Night 59.3

60.6 0.7 61.0 measurement

1£ Table 3.22 Characteristic energy·equivalent permanent sound levels, measuring point 3

Pave- L~qp,1.f LB L~ql.f L~qW .dL~q LA! L,q Date Time Condition Direction

eqL. M eq Remarks

ment dB

Innsbrucl< 54.1 59.1 63.6 63.9 56.5 Day

1984·05·16 11.00-12.00 Dry 0.3 56.8 Kufstein 55.5 59.4 measurement

2' l' Innsbruck 54.9 58.5 Day

16.15-17.15 " i Dry 64.0 63.9 -0.1 58.9 58.8 c: 0

I Kufstein 56.1 60.3 measurement


Innsbruck 49.1 56.8 63.9 3.0 58.9 Night 21.00-22.00 Dry 60.9 55.9

Kufstein 50.2 57.6 61.9 1.0 56.9 measurement

Innsbruck 55.5 58.4 Day 1984·06·05 10.30-11.30 Dry 63.3 63.9 0.6 53.2 53.8

Kufstein 55.3 58.9 measurement

'" .c D. Innsbruck 54.3 59.1 Day

15.00-16.00 U) Dry 63.8 63.9 0.1 53.8 53.9 '" C Kufstein 56.5 59.4 measurement Q)

UJ Innsbruck 48.8 57.5 63.9 2.7 53.4 Night 21.30-22.30 Dry 61.2 50.7

Kufstein 50.0 57.7 61.9 0.7 51.4 measurement

Table 3.23 Characteristic energy·equivalent permanent sound levels, measuring point 4

Pave- L~qp' /,f L~qL, I.f L~qM L~qW L1 L~q LA! L,q Date Time Condition Direction

'q Remarks

ment dB

Innsbruck 56.4 60.5 Day 1984·05·16 18.30-19.00 Concrete Dry 64.3 65.3 1.0 69.7 70.7

Kufstein 54.6 59.3 measurement

Silent Innsbruck 57.9 61.9 Day

1984·06·05 17.15-17.45 Dry 65.7 65.3 -0.4 66.5 66.1 asphalt Kufstein 56.8 60.3 measurement

For the computed energy-equivalent permanent sound level, the difference between the selected and measured traffic load is

Ll L~q = L~qW - L~ql.f

LlL~, = 71.6 - 71.3 = 0.3 dS

The difference LlL~q is then added to the energy-equivalent permanent sound level (M~,) measured at measuring pOint 1 from 11.00 to 12.00 hours on May 16, 1984. As a result, the characteristic immission level for the selected traffic load, speed and traffic composition and the dry concrete pavement can be determined.

Leq = L~q + .J L~q

L" = 70.7 + 0.3 = 71.0 dS

This conversion, given here for illustration with regard to measuring point 1 and the measuring period from 11.00 to 12.00 hours on May 16, 1984, is then carried out for all measuring periods and measuring points. The results are shown in the Tables below.

Table 3.20 Characteristic immission level, measuring point 1

Table 3.21 Characteristic immission level, measuring point 2 The distances are shown in Fig. 3.2

Table 3.22 Characteristic immission level, measuring pOint 3 The distances are shown in Fig. 3.2

The traffic volumes, speeds and compositions are for measuring points 2 and 3 per measuring period the same as for measuring point 1, with the exception of distance changes.

Table 3.23 Characteristic immission levels, measuring pOint 4 The distances are shown in Fig. 3.2c.

A comparison between the established characteristic energy-equivalent permanent sound levels shows the difference in the levels of the traffic noise produced on concrete pavements and those produced on silent asphalt, related to 900 vehicles per hour with a share of trucks of 30 percent.

Table 3.24 shows the results of the computation, broken down by day measurements, night measuremenfs and wet measurements. For the two day measurements taken on May 16, 1984 between 11.00 and 12.00 hours and between 16.15 and 17.15 hours and for the two day measure­ments taken on June 5, 1984 between 10.30 and 11.30 hours and 15.00 and 16.00 hours, the average value is indicated.

In relation to the traffic volume, the night measurements on both days of the test established relatively high immission levels. This is illustrated also in the case of the character­istic L" in Table 3.24.

The difference between the characteristic energy-equivalent permanent sound levels reflects the values of the immission level reduction obtained due to the differing road pavement conditions.

On the basis of the evaluation we can see that the application of a silent asphalt surfacing on the concrete pavement reduced the emission level at the various measuring paints by 4.1-5.5dS. The maximum level reduction was obtained during the night measurements (on the average-5.3dS), followed by the "wet measurement" (4.9dS) and the day measurement (4.3dS).

The average value of the level reduction for the dry pavement as computed from the day and night measurements at the four measuring pOints is 4.8dS.

A comparison of the dry with the wet road pavement shows at measuring point 1, at a distance of 25m from the axis of the road to Kufstein, an energy-equivalent permanent sound level by 0.6dS higher for the wet concrete pavement and by 0.2dS lower for the wet silent asphalt surfacing. These calculated sound level differences can hardly be recorded or even been heard in the field tests.


Table 3.24 Listing of the characteristic energy-equivalent permanent sound levels for the traffic volume M = 900 motor vehicles per hour, with a share of trucks of 30 percent.

Characteristic L,q Mean value of

Meas· Meas· Pavement Con- Silent Difference

the difference uring uring

condition crete asphalt point time

dB dB dB dB

1 71.3 67.1 4.2

2 Day Dry 65.4 61.3 4.1 4.2

3 58.3 53.9 4.4

4 Day Dry 70.7 66.1 4.6 4.6

1 73.1 67.7 5.4

2 Night Dry 67.3 62.0 5.3 5.3

3 58.9 53.4 5.5

1 Wet 71.9 66.9 5.0 Day (sprinkler 4.9

2 truck) 65.2 60.3 4.9 Discussion of the Characteristic Energy·Equivalent Permanent Sound Levels

The noise emitted by travelling motor vehicles are made up of various components. In addition to wind noise at high speed and the noise produced by the bodies of unloaded trucks, the basic components are the roadltire noise and the motor noise. In the case of passenger cars, the road/tire noise is at higher speeds dominating, while in the case of trucks the motor noise is the dominating noise factor. According to [3, 31] the difference between the vehicle noise and the road/tire noise with passenger cars, at a speed of 120km/h, is 1-2dB and with trucks driving at a speed of 80km/h, approximately 6-8dB.

This means that with increasing truck percentages in the total traffic the differences between the noise produced by various types of road pavements should become smaller because the motor noise is the predominant factor.

In [26], the influence of the traffic composition has been studied to answer the question how the emission level will change on differing road pavements with variable truck percen· tages. In Fig. 5.1 taken from [12], the connection between the traffic noise and the type of pavement is shown for night traffic as a function of the truck percentage.

The tests carried out show however that the difference between the emission levels of various types of road pavement increases with rising truck percentages. With trucks making up 50 percent of the traffic flow, the silent asphalt was by 5.3 dB less noisy than the concrete pavement and with trucks making up 30 percent of the traffic flow, it was by 4.2dB less noisy than the concrete pavement. This statement is in contradiction to the statements made above. Sound level measurements described in [13] carried out on these highly elastomeric asphalt surfacings and concrete pavements in Belgium showed that the asphalt surfacing reduces the coast·by levels of trucks much more than the coast-by levels of passenger cars. This study has established a reduction by 4-5dB of the noise produced by passenger cars and a very pronounced reduction by about 7-8dB of the noise produced by trucks.

The sound level measurements carried out on the Angath test section show the same tendency. To provide, however, sufficiently corroborated evidence, further measurements will be necessary.


100y-______________________________________ -,





------70 --- -


50~--__ --__ --____ --~--~--~--~--~--~ o 10 70 30 40 50 50 70 ao 90 100


Fig. 5.1: Dependence of the vehicle noise on the truck percentage during night traffic involving 175 motor vehicles, at a distance of 25 m

Concrete Asphalt 0/8 Asphalt 0/12

The wet concrete pavement is by 4.9dB louder than the wet silent asphalt. Since the silent asphalt is a bituminous road surfacing with a high voids content, the water sprayed by the sprinkler truck on the road immediately penetrated into the open pores and after a certain time ran off on both sides of the surfacing.

As a result, the pavement surface was not wet but rather moist. The whizzing, high· frequency vehicle noise produced by wet concrete pavements was eliminated by silent asphalt. The characteristic energy·equivalent permanent sound level is for the wet concrete pavement by 0.6dB louder than the dry one but the wet silent asphalt is even less noisy than the dry one.

For this reason the road pavements wetted by the sprinkler truck show a greater difference in noise levels than the dry ones.

The test carried out by HARLAND [14] with a passenger car on an open·graded macadam surfacing showed that in the case of light rainfall the surface water is quickly drained and the roadltire noise on such a road pavement undergoes hardly any changes. The silent asphalt is an open·graded surfacing with excellent drainage properties preventing the formation of a water film over the entire road surface in the case of light rainfall. Thus, the noise produced by the impact of the accelerated spray water particles on the water film is considerably reduced [4].

3.6.2 Level Frequency Distribution The Exceeded Levels

In the Figures 3.25 to 3.31 the class frequencies and cumulative frequencies are graphi· cally represented. For both types of pavement the results are shown for the morning, afternoon, night and "wet" measurements.


In spite of differing traffic compositions, these diagrams clearly show the shifting of the noise pattern from the noisy concrete pavement to the less noisy silent asphalt.

In the Figures 3.32 to 3.37 the exceeded levels L, unfrequent peaks, L5 frequent peaks and L95 background noise level

are graphically represented.

The comparison between the exceeded levels on the concrete pavement and those on the silent asphalt shows that

- the unfrequent peak levels L, on the average are by approximately 4.3dB lower for silent asphalt than for the concrete pavement;

- the frequent peaks L5 are on the average by 4.7dB less noisy, and that

- the background level also shows a falling tendency. It mainly depends on the traffic volume and, if the traffic is not heavy, the noise produced by the environment. This applies here in particular for measuring paints 2 and 3, because they were relatively far removed from the motorway. The traffic volume on the day, on which the measuring of silent asphalt was carried out, was higher than on the day on which the concrete pavement was tested. A qualitative statement therefore cannot be made. Changes in the Level over Time

Apart from the energy level and the frequency composition, the distribution of the noise impact over time is another factor in connection with the perceived noise disturbance.

Near the road, the sound level emitted by each vehicle is separately-in terms of time­recorded as a steeply rising and falling curve whose peak value will vary with the noise produced by the vehicle concerned and whose slope will depend on the driving speed. Except in cases where vehicles quickly following each other produce a series of superimposed noises, we are faced here with a strong level fluctuation as a function of time, as illustrated by a few examples in Figures 5.8 to 5.11. Some typical level recordings made at measuring point 1 for the concrete pavement and the silent asphalt by day and by night were also evaluated.

A comparison of the level recordings clearly shows that the peak levels of the asphalt surfacing were by about 4-5dB lower. Discussion of the Level Frequency Distribution

In conclusion it can be said that the concrete pavement had un frequent and frequent peak levels on the average by about 4.0 to 5.0dB higher than the silent asphalt. No significant diffe· rence was established with regard to the peak levels of the dry and wet pavements, which may be due to the fact that the driving speeds on the wet pavement were lower.

The background level is also reduced by the silent asphalt, because the lower emission level of the motor vehicles will reduce the sound intensity ("sound energy") accumulated over time.

3.6.3 Frequency Spectra of the Traffic Noise General

The frequency spectrum of the road traffic noise is influenced by the various road surlac· ings. The traffic noise recorded on magnetic tapes in accordance with the acoustic measuring system NOR 823 has been analyzed for the assessment of the noise behavior of the tested concrete and silent asphalt surfacings.

In the 31.5-10,000Hz range of the one·third octave band center frequency, the particular energy·equivalent permanent sound levels, established per one·third over a period of 30 minutes at measuring point 1, was evaluated.


L dB









6 5 4 3 2 1


;!:Q 7541 77,3 ~172,9

156,1 153,3

L1 L5 L95

BY DAY Dry surface

;BE.. 756 J.M. ~


150 ,7


L1 L5 L95

BY NIGHT Dry surface

-- Concrete pavement -- Silent asphalt

]J}1 1 76 ,7

1!1i 1 71 ,9

~ ~

L1 L5 L95

BY DAY Wet surface

Fig. 3.32: Exceeded levels, measuring point 1

52 44 4,0

47 48 38 3,9

2,8 26

L1 Ls L05 L1 Ls L95 L1 Ls L9S

BY DAY BY NIGHT BY DAY Dry surface Dry surface Wet surface

Fig. 3.33: Exceeded level differences, measuring pOint 1



L dB






l>L dB

6 5 4 3 2 1 o

BY DAY Dry surface


BY NIGHT Dry surface

-- Concrete pavement -- Silent asphalt

:~'~ 68,6

BY DAY Wet surface

Fig. 3.34: Exceeded levels, measuring point 2

46 46 4,8

L1 Ls L9S

BY DAY Dry surface

~/!:.2- 40 ....:.:..::-

L1 Ls L95

BY NIGHT Dry surface

~ 2

22 L1 Ls I7sl

BY DAY Wet surface

Fig. 3.35: Exceeded level differences, measuring point 2

L dB




50 .


63,4 61,6

58 ° 565

526 494

BY DAY Dry surface

62,5 60,2

577 554



BY NIGHT Dry surface

-- Concrete pavement -- Silent asphalt

Fig. 3.36: Exceeded levels, measuring point 3

tJ.L dB

6 5 4 3 Z 1 o

5,4 51

~ L1 Ls L9S

BY DAY Dry surface

4,8 4,8 47

L1 Ls L9S

BY NIGHT Dry surface

Fig. 3.37: Exceeded level differences, measuring point 3




Qi > !'! "C C :J 0





> !'! "C C :J 0


















Fig. 3.38: Concrete pavement, by day


Fig. 3.39: Silent asphalt, by day


The measurements were taken in the following measuring periods: Concrete pavement 1610511984 11.00-11.30 hours dry

14.53-15.28 hours dry 21.00-21.30 hours dry

Silent asphalt 0510611984 11.00-11.30 hours dry 13.31-14.01 hours wet 22.00-22.30 hours dry


Time in minutes


Time in minutes

The length of the evaluation period was quite sufficient for a comparison of the various road surfacings and conditions. The evaluation carried out with a narrow~band real time



aJ 80 " c

" > 70 ~

" C :J a

(fJ 60



aJ 80

(fJ GO





I 5

Fig. 3.40: Concrete pavement, by night



Fig. 3.41: Silent asphalt, by night


Time in minutes


Time in minutes

analyzer showed that after an averaging time of about 10 minutes the frequency spectrum does no longer significantly change.

To facilitate the comparison between the one-third spectra having absolute levels, the sound levels obtained in day-time measurements were related to a uniform traffic load of 900 motor vehicles per hour, including 30 percent of trucks in the cross-section. For the night measurement, the computation was based on a traffic volume of 400 motor vehicles per hour including 50 percent of trucks in the cross-section. As shown in the Figures below, the concrete and the silent asphalt surfacing were first compared in a dry and in a wet condition, and then each type of pavement was tested in a dry and in a wet condition, and the results compared with each other.


3.6.~.2 Concrete Pavement - Silent Asphalt

The dry silent asphalt is in the medium and high frequency ranges less noisy than the concrete pavement (see Fig. 3.42). At a frequency of 1,250 Hz, the greatest level differences were 8dS. In the case of masurements taken on wet (sprinkler truck) surfacing, the differences in the size as in the frequency bandwidth became more pronounced (see Fig. 3.43).

The maximum level difference (10dS) occurred in the center frequency of 4,000 Hz. The traffic composition was about the same on the concrete pavement as on the silent

asphalt surfacing during the night measurements. The frequency characteristic of the silent asphalt remains nearly over the entire frequency range below that of the concrete pavement. The maximum level difference is 8dS at a frequency of 2,000 Hz (see Fig. 3.46). Dry Pavement - Wet Pavement

As Fig. 3.44 shows, the wet pavement has the effect of increasing the levels in the frequency range of 500 Hz to 1,250 Hz slightly and in the frequency range of 1,600 Hz to 10,000 Hz, considerably. The wet silent asphalt (Fig. 3.45) shows a rise in the level at a frequency of more than 1,000 Hz, but this rise is much lower than in the case of the concrete pavement. Owing to the good drainage effect of this type of surfacing, the water of the sprinkler truck is rapidly discharged, so that the road surface is not wet but rather moist.

No final statement can be made on the behavior of the silent asphalt in the presence of storm water on the basis of this study. It may, however, be assumed that under these condi· tions it will be similar as long as no water film covering the entire road surface is formed. Discussion of the Frequency Analysis

For the resulting immission and, in particular, for the degree to which the noise is perceived as nuisance, it is important to know which frequency components and to which degree are eliminated. High·frequency noise components are perceived by people as more bothersome than low·frequency noise of the same loudness.

As the test shows, the silent asphalt brings about mainly a reduction of the frequency noise components above 100 Hz. This could be also heard during the measurement. The high whizzing vehicle noise perceived on the concrete pavement is eliminated by silent asphalt. Riding in a passenger car, one notices very clearly the transition from the concrete pavement to the silent asphalt surfacing. The first relatively high-frequency noise changes to a deep drone. No measurements, however, were taken in the vehicle.

This reduction of the high and medium·frequency vehicle noise by silent asphalt will be probably due to its good sound absorption capacity on the one hand, and to its planeness on the other, reducing the road/tire noise. It is, however, established that the high voids content ensures good drainage. During the "wet" measurement, no spray was thrown up behind the trucks and passenger cars, even when they were driving immediately behind the sprinkler truck. The rapid water elimination prevents also the additional noise produced when the pavement is in a wet condition. The comparison between the "wet" measurement frequency spectra very impressively shows this effect.

In conclusion it may be said that silent asphalt not only reduces the energy·equivalent sound level, but by producing a shift in the frequency spectrum, considerably diminishes the noise pollution caused by passenger cars and trucks.

3.6.4 Road/Tire Noise Maximum Coast· by Levels

For determining the roadllire noise alone, a passenger car (Ford Taunus 1600 Kombi) and a truck (MAN 280) having a total weight of 16 tons were sent along the test track. To facilitate a comparison between the coast-by levels of the noise emitted, they are related to a uniform speed. For the passenger car a comparative speed of v = 105 km/h and for the truck a com· parative speed of v = 81 km/h were determined. The calculated mean coast-by level of the roadllire noise is represented in Table 3.25.


dB .,


.-r-' L

Y '1-r-"L

t, r\ ,..5 "'-"1- 1

1 ._--P


r2i J L_ , ,

" L_



fr -, , '- ..... _-


~, ""31S 125 .30 500 1CW AXX1 t.O:XJ 8M 8IV Hz 63

dB .,





One-third octave band center frequency

Fig_ 3-42: Frequency spectrum of the traffic noise (A-weighted)

Concrete, dry, 11.00-11.30 hours - - - - - Silent asphalt, dry, 11.00-11.30 hours

J '- iL-, i

I ~jrr~rL~-, t 1 -r"1 " , , ' pi" ,-, • ..1 i , I ,

1)1 ~ I, L fL-'.. 1 I -!

§ .... ' .... _-

lP , "" 3'.5 63 125 ;SO 500 10c0 xn; f.lXX) 8M 'f,QZl Hz

One-third octave band center frequency

Fig. 3-43: Frequency spectrum of the traffic noise (A-weighted)

Concrete, wet, 14.53-15.28 hours - - - - - Silent asphalt, wet, 13.31-14.01 hours



dB III !


_J-~-, ~- L ~-,

r r' ILtI I ~.,

I ~ lLr

f? ltL._ J L~, ! L_




Jf ,-, I ,- ,


2D it I 31S 6J 125 250 500 ifX1) xoa t.CO.J ciT.. b::rt' Hz






One-third octave band center frequency

Fig. 3.44: Frequency spectrum of the traffic noise (A-weighted)

Concrete, dry - - - - - Concrete, wet



rrl~ - I ._, I,

,r, i -~

If ~ J' -r

f-J I ~ ,

I .J

f :

2f) 31.5 63 125 30 500 10C1J xoa L.COJ E[[(i bID Hz

One-third octave band center frequency

Fig. 3.45: Frequency spectrum of the traffic nOise (A-weighted)

Silent asphalt, dry - - - - - Silent asphalt, wet

dB I1J



-I~pl--" '-'--. L\ ' , , t....!.,

I rtf-f' -1 1,1l "I

I rj Lo I

I L_.... I

I L_-.._ !



-I r~...I 1 L __ , r-' -, .s,

[d-sj" I i


20 31,5 t3 1.25 .30 500 1CXD ..IW .:...xv ECW tiIV Hz

One-third octave band center frequency

Fig. 3.46: Frequency spectrum of the traffic noise (A-weighted)

Concrete. dry, 21.00-21.30 hours







- - - - - Silent asphalt, dry, 22.00-22.30 hours


• • • • . ' .. B

a a

70 80 90 100 ~10 120 km/h

Fig. 3.47: Road/tire noise as a function of speed

• Passenger car o Passenger car IiII Truck o Truck

Concrete Silent asphalt Concrete Silent asphalt


Table 3.25 Mean coast-by level of the road/tire noise Concrete

Passenger car: v Truck: v

105km/h 81 km/h

72.4dB 72.6dB

Silent asphalt 63.2dB 63.8dB

The difference between the roadltire noise produced on the concrete pavement and that produced by silent asphalt is

for the passenger car ilL 8.2dB

for the truck ilL 8.8dB

The measured coast-by levels are shown in Figure 3.47. Frequency Analysis of the Coast· by Levels

To obtain an overall pattern of the coast·by levels obtained on the concrete pavement and on the silent asphalt surfacing, the coast-by noise recorded on a tape made by B & K, type 7003, was evaluated by means of a real time narrow·band analyzer. A time period of approximately 1.5 seconds only was used for the analysis of the frequency spectrum in each case, i.e., the time when the vehicle was right in front of the measuring point. The evaluation was carried out on the basis of a frequency range of 1-10Hz using a 400 line spectrum (see Figures 3.52 and 3.53).

The representation of the narrow·band spectra of the road/tire noise produced on the concrete pavement and the noise produced on silent asphalt is given by way of example in the Figures 3.48 and 3.49 for single runs at the characteristic speed of 81 km/h (truck) and 105 km/h (passenger car) or at a similar speed. The road/tire noise produced by the passenger car was reduced by the silent asphalt over the entire spectrum by 4 to 14dB. Figure 3.49 shows these spectra of the truck road/tire noise produced on concrete and silent asphalt. The road/tire noise produced by trucks is reduced by silent asphalt from 200 Hz to about 10 kHz. The extent of the level reduction per frequency is represented in Fig. 3.49.


Fig. 3.48: Frequency spectrum of the road/tire noise emitted by passenger cars (A·weighted)

Concrete Silent asphalt

v = 105 km/h v = 107 km/h

60 dB , '

ii j :'

" ii

" "

, , ,II , ~ I i , l; " , " ", ", I,; i,1 ,

" ", I' ! "

" (,' " ii' I I; ,


:1, i


" , i: , ,

" ,I I :j

,11 I ,

I' , ,


Fig. 3.49: Frequency spectrum of the roadltire noise of trucks (A·weighted)

Concrete v 81 km/h Silent asphalt v = 81 km/h

dB , i I I ,


I rl~ i

i st' L_, l I L_, ,

I ~ r-l , I 1, L_ ,

rt , I r-" , , L.., .-" J ,--,




I ~-' I " r-' -f


~: I..

30 rJ 20

31,S 63 125


250 500 10r0 JXJO

, ,






l , ,

-~ - L_,

I L. ! i , I



One·third octave band center frequency

W1J Hz

Fig. 3.50: Frequency spectrum of the road/tire noise of passenger cars (A·weighted)

Concrete pavement - - - - - Silent asphalt


, :1' +


'I I

'I 10 ~111




OJ 70 "C


Qi > ~ "C

60 c: ::l 0





dB i

I ,


70 ,

I ~ Yh !


W- r' ~l r_J L_r-, ,-' , L ,

~-, -, ~ 50

, L_; l~ _1 I L_,

r -, , '


TJJ~} I 0.-1"-"1.._-. , ,

I L_ , I , I I ' ,

J1 I



20 31.5 63 125 ;so 500 1OC<J

One-third octave band center frequency

, --':c; 8rJX: QQ'XJ Hz

Fig. 3.51: Frequency spectrum of the road/tire noise of trucks (A-weighted)

Concrete pavement - - - - - Silent asphalt


Silenl asphalt.

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 B

Time in seconds

Fig. 3.52: Coast-by level recording, passenger car




'" c 70

" > ~

'" C ::J

60 0 (f)


Silent asphalt


o 2 3


4 5 6 7 8

Time in seconds

Fig. 3.53: Coast· by level recording, truck

The linear narrow-band sound spectra of all the test runs are converted into one-third spectra and related to the characteristic speeds. The result of this mean value formation is shown in Figures 3.50 and 3.51.

A comparison of the frequency-response curves reflects the level differences established on silent asphalt and on concrete.

The roadltire noise produced by the passenger car is strongly reduced by silent asphalt in the range of 1,250 to 10,000 Hz (see Figure 3.50). The maximum level of 66.5 dB was recorded at the frequency of 1,600 Hz on the concrete pavement; for silent asphalt, the maximum level established was 59.5dB at a frequency of 1,000 Hz. In the frequency range of 160-1,000 Hz, the road/tire noise levels are even lower than those recorded on the concrete pavement.

The roadltire noise of the tested truck are reduced already at relatively low frequencies, starting from 160 Hz.

The highest value is for both, the concrete pavement (65,5dB) and the silent asphalt (58dB), at 500 Hz. Also here the high frequency components are more reduced than the low ones. Discussion

The noise emitted by the two test vehicles was produced by the tires rolling over the pavement. The roadllire noise, generated by the interaction between the tire and the road surface, was reduced by silent asphalt in the passenger car test by 8.2dB and in the truck test, by 8.8dB. The roadltire noise produced by the test passenger car was reduced in its loudness, as was that of the test truck, to virtually the same extent. The roadllire noise produced on the concrete pavement is, because of its dominant high frequency components, perceived as more annoying and thus more disturbing than that produced on silent asphalt.

As the results of the studies according to [3, 31] show, the roadltire noise increases with the driving speed. It may therefore be assumed that at an average motorway speed of 120 kmlh the noise levels established for passenger cars on the concrete pavement and on silent asphalt will show the same difference as that observed at a speed of 105 km/h.


3.7 Examination of the Disturbances

On the basis of numerous studies it may be assumed that there is a connection between the permanent sound level and the disturbance effect of traffic noise (see for instance [5]). The application of silent asphalt on the concrete pavement of the test section in Angath brought about not only a reduction of the energy·equivalent permanent sound level but also a change in the frequency spectrum of the traffic noise.

The positive comments of people affected in the neighborhood of the test section provide a basis for the assumption that the change in the frequency spectrum by diminishing the frequency components higher than 1,000 Hz is equivalent to reducing the nuisance and disturbance for people living nearby.

3.7.1 Loudness Levels

Noise is defined by DIN 1320 [7] as a sound signal which "mostly characterizes a sound event occurring with no definite purpose (e.g., machine noise, vehicle noise, noise generated by people in a living room)". It is implied that noise is an audible sound, i.e., a sound in the frequency range that can be perceived by the human ear (about 16Hz-16kHz). Again according to DIN 1320, noise is "an audible sound disturbing the peace and quiet or an intended sound perception, or an audible sound likely to cause nuisance or damage to health".

Loudness is defined as the intensity of the sound perception. It may be indicated as a level of the perception intensity on an appropriately selected scale of values differentiating between "soft" and "loud".

The human perception of the loudness of various types of tones has been thoroughly examined long ago and lines of equal sound intensity have been determined via the frequency (see for instance [2]), after it turned out that the subjective perception of tones of different frequencies but the same sound pressure differs from person to person:

Pure tones in the low·frequency range are with the same sound pressure (here equivalent to the sound pressure level) perceived as less loud than high·frequency tones. This difference between high and low frequencies is more pronounced with low than with high sound pressure levels. The lines of the same sound intensity are internationally standardized (see also ONORM S 5003, part 2, [23]).

The objectively measurable sound pressure level does not reflect precisely the intensity of the subjective sound perception even if weighted on the basis of frequency and time. On the other hand, it is, because of the wide variation range of natural sounds, tempting to avail oneself of the advantages of the level criterion also for indicating the loudness. This considera· tion made scientists use the so·called loudness level (loudness for short).

According to the currently applicable definition in ONORM S 5003, Part 1 [22] or DIN 45630, Sheet 1 [9], the loudness level LN of an unidentified sound in phons is numerically equal to the sound pressure level, expressed in dB, of a 1,000·hertz tone heard with both ears; this tone is incoming from the front as a plane wave and judged by the listener to be equally loud.

LN = L1000 = 20lg 0 10001po)

LN in phons, L 1000 in dB,

,01000 Sound pressure of the standard sound perceived as equally loud

Po :::: 20.uPa reference sound pressure

Loudness does not appear to increase proportionately with the number of phons. A perception·proportional scale may, however, be derived from the subjective doubling and halving measurements of the loudness sensation. The value thus defined is called loudness N and its unit is the sone.

I! has been established that in the medium level range each doubling step corresponds to a change in the loudness level by 10 phons. To ensure a consistant approach, the following conversion relation between the loudness N and the loudness level LN has, as the best ap·


proximation to the scattered results obtained by various authors, been determined by standardization:

N = 2 (LN - 40)/10


LN 40+10IbN~40+33IgN

LN in phons, N in sones.

As reference point, the loudness N = 1 sane has been arbitrarily assigned to the loudness level LN = 40 phons.

3.7.2 Determination of the Loudness Levels

In practice it is much too complicated and time·consuming to determine the loudness level by comparing subjective perceptions (questioning several persons). For this reason several authors proposed loudness computation methods representing a good approximation to the subjectively perceived loudness level.

In the following paragraphs the method according to ZWICKER [38]-standardized in DIN 45631 [10]-will be explained in detail; with this method, a measure for the loudness level may be obtained on the basis of objective measuring values, namely the measured components of various frequencies making up the noise. This method permits a classification of various noise types in the order of their subjectively perceived loudness. The method may also be applied to sound phenomena in whose spectrum individual tones or certain frequency areas clearly occupy a salient position in their spectral enVironment, as it occurs in our test case of a vehicle coasting by near the measuring point.

For determining the loudness level from the noise spectrum, at first one·third levels of the noise to be examined are plotted onto the diagrams developed by ZWICKER. The diagrams for the determination of the loudness level were based on sounds incoming from the front, as it is the rule along traffic roads.

The one-third levels of the various frequencies are represented in a coherent curve path, the so·called loudness distribution, which is delimited by the abscissa and the end ordinates of the diagram and which corresponds to the loudness N expressed in sones. From the level of the congruent, rectangular diagram area, the loudness in sane units may then be read off the left scale and the loudness level in phons, off the right scale.

The basis for the computation was provided by the one·third levels represented in the Figures 3.42 to 3.46 and 3.50 to 3.51, namely as sound pressure levels in the corresponding one· third octave frequency band. Above the frequency of 280 Hz, the frequency series were ap· proximated by one-third bands, below the frequency of 280 Hz, by grouping several one-third bands together.

The Figures 3.54 to 3.60 show the results obtained in the determination of the loudness levels from the noise spectra. They indicate the conditions under comparison, the calculated loudness levels in phons and the loudness in sone units.

3.7.3 Assessment of the Disturbance Effect

The loudness in sane units is proportional to the intensity of sound as perceived by an observer of normal hearing. Thus, the quotient of the loudness of two comparative conditions, the so-called "disturbance factor", may by approximation indicate the increase or decrease of the disturbing effect (sound perception).

Table 3.25 shows the established loudness levels in phons, the loudness in sane units and the "disturbance factors" for the seven examined comparative conditions. As a result, the following essential statements are possible:

The concrete pavement tested before the application of silent asphalt and still available on other sections of the Inntal Motorway produces in dry weather a disturbing effect stronger by about 30 percent than that produced by silent asphalt.


~ ~

OJ <J) <J)

OJ t:

1:J :J a

1:J Q)

'" :J

" <ii o

~ 0

OJ <J) <J) Q) t:

1:J :J

S> 1:J Q)

'" :J

" <ii 0






Center frequencies 125 224 31S 400 500 6)0 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,15 4,0 5,0 6,3 8,0 10,0 12,5 kHz

phon (OF)


90 89,0

T 85,3

4590180 280355450 550710 900Hz 1.12 1ft 1,B 2.24 2,8 3,55 4,5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11,214kHz

Limit frequencies



'0 '0

Fig. 3.54: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of Fig. 3.42

Concrete, dry, 11.00-11.30 hours - - - - - Silent asphalt, dry, 11.00-11.30 hours

Center frequencies 125 224 315400 SOD 630 OOOHz 1.0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 :l,15 4,0 5,0 6,3 8,0 10,0 12.5 k!iz








4590100 280355 450 560 710 900Hz 1,12 1ft 1,8 2.24 2,8 J,55 4,5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11.21<1 kHz

Limit frequencies

Fig. 3.55: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of Fig. 3.43

Concrete, wet, 14.53-15.28 hours - - - - - Silent asphalt, wet, 13.31-14.01 hours


~ ..J

~ Q)

<J) <J) Q) c:

1:J :J o

1:J Q)

'" :J

" <ii o


Sl ..J

a; > .!!!

<J) <J) Q) c:

1:J :J a

1:J Q)

'" :J

" <ii o


" '" '" '" " <:: "0 :J g "0

" <ti :J

" "iii 0

Sane (Grl



Center frequencies 125 224 315 400 500 630 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,15 4,0 5,0 6,3 D,O 10,0 12,5 kHz

, , I

-\ I

phan (GF)

;~,9 ~

" 34,1

29,9 89,0 C

4590100 280355 450 560 710 900hz 1,12 1~ 1,8 2,24 2.8 3,55 4,5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11,2 N kHz

Limit frequencies


60 60

Fig. 3.56: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of Fig. 3.44

sane (Gr)



" 24,1 22,9



Concrete, dry - - - - - Concrete, wet

Center frequencies 125 224 315400500630 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1.6 2,0 2,5 3,15 4,0 5.0 6,3 8,0 10,0 12,5 kHz

phon (GF)


.I- 85,9 T 85,2


" '0 '0

4590160 280355450 560 710 900Hz 1.12 1f\ l,B 2,24 2.8 3,55 4,5 5,6 7.1 9,0 11.2 N kHz

Limit frequencies

Fig. 3.57: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of Fig. 3.45

Silent asphalt, dry - - - - - Silent asphalt, wet

"0 :J o "0

" <ti :J

" "iii o


" ~ ....J

" >

" '" '" " <:: "0 :J o "0

" <ti :J

" "iii o


~ ~

OJ <Il <Il Q) t:

"0 :J o

sone (Gr)


Center frequencies 125 224 315400500630 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,15 4,0 5,0 6,3 0,0 10,0 12,5 kHz

<Il <Il co t:

"0 CO 28,2 88,2 -g ro :J

" <ii ()



4590 100 280355 450560 710 900Hz 1,12 14 1,8 2,24 2,6 3,55 4,5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11,2 14 kHz

Limit frequencies

Fig. 3.58: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of Fig. 3.46

~ ~

OJ <Il <Il co t:

"0 :J a "0 co § :J

" <ii ()

Sone (Gr)



Concrete, dry, 21.00-21.30 hours - - - - - Silent asphalt, dry, 22.00-22.30 hours

Center frequencies 125 224 315 400 SOD 630 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,15 ,1,0 5,0 6,3 8,0 10,0 12,5 kHz

phon (GF)

4590180 260355 450 560 710 900Hz 1,12 14 1,0 2,24 2,8 3,55 4,5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11,2 N kHz

Limit frequencies

Fig. 3.59: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of the road/tire noise (passenger car, Fig. 3.50)

Concrete pavement - - - - - Silent asphalt



Table 3.25 Computation of the loudness levels on the basis of the frequency spectra

Frequency Loudness Loudness Disturbance

spectrum Comparison level Sane factor

as by Fig. Phon

Concrete pave· 89.0 29.9

mant, dry 3.42 1.29

Silent asphalt, 85.3 23.1


Concrete pave· 90.0 34.1

ment, wet 3.43 1.43

Silent asphalt, 85.? 23.8


Concrete pave· 90.9 34.1

ment, wet 3.44 1.14

Concrete pave· 89.0 29.9

ment, dry

Silent asphalt, 85.9 24.1

wet 3.45 1.05

Silent asphalt 85.2 22.9


Concrete pave· 88.2 28.2

ment, dry 3.46 1.36

Silent asphalt, 83.? 20.?


Road/tire noise pass. car, con- 89.1 30.1 crete pavement

3.50 1.64 Roadltire noise pass. car, 82.0 18.4 silent asphalt

Road/tire noise truck, concrete 90.2 32.4 pavement

3.51 1.58 Road/tire noise truck, silent 83.6 20.5 asphalt

When the road surface is wet, the disturbing effect of the conventional concrete pavement is incresed to more than 40 percent in comparison with silent asphalt.

Wet road surfacings have a higher disturbing effect than dry ones (concrete-14 percent, silent asphalt-5 percent).

The disturbing effect of individual vehicles-both passenger cars and trucks-is for concrete pavements by about 60 percent higher than the disturbing effect produced by silent asphalt.


Center frequencies 125 224 315400500630 800Hz 1,0 1,25 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,15 4,0 5,0 6,3 8,0 10,0 12,5 kHz

Sone (GrJ phon (GF)

"' H " \

\ \

32,4 30



4590180 200355 450 560 710 900Hz 1.12 I~ 1,0 2,24 2,8 3.55 -1.5 5,6 7,1 9,0 11,214 kHz

Limit frequencies


Fig. 3.60: Determination of the loudness level on the basis of the frequency spectrum of the road/tire noise (truck, Fig. 3.51)

Concrete pavement Silent asphalt

To qualify this statement it must be admitted that the coast-by level, i.e., the peak level, was recorded only for some of the vehicles, but an extrapolation to a collective value seems possible in a first approximation. The determination of the coast-by levels on a larger scale, with due consideration given to Ihe total number of vehicles circulating on the silent asphalt sections in Austria, will have to be undertaken in further studies.

4. Laboratory Tests on Asphalt Paving Technology

4.1 Tests Carried out

The following tests were carried out with the base bitumen, the highly elastomeric special binder and the asphalts:


Determination of the bitumen characteristics,

Determination of the binder content,

Determination of the grain size distribution,

Determination of the resistance to deformation,

Wear resistance forecast,

Assessment of the bonding.

On the site the cores were lifted from the shoulders, since core lifting from the finished surfacings would destroy the sound·absorbing membrane interlayer. During the mix prepa· ration) samples were also taken for quality control.

4.2 Binder Examination

For determining the bitumen characteristics, the following criteria have been applied:

Softening point, ring and ball, to ONORM C 9250, Part 6,

Penetration at 25°C to ONORM C 9250, Part 9,

FRAASS breaking point to ONORM C 9250, Part 8,

Determination of the bulk density to DIN 1996, Sheet 7, and

Determination of the binder content to DIN 1996, Sheet 6.

The results are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Binder characteristics

Bitumen B 100 Highlyelastomeric

special binder

Penetration at 25°C, 1/10 mm

101,100, 101 72

Softening point 50.0°C 54.2°C R&BOC

FRAAS breaking -14.0°C -13.0°C pOint

Resilience aCG. 67.5%

to NUSSEL in %

Binder recovered from the mix sample

taken on the test section





No oversize in sieving above 0.09 and 0.02 mm

In using the highly elastomeric special binder, the dose of the binder may be by 3 percent higher than with open·graded asphalts using a conventional bitumen.

In Angath the open·graded asphalt was prepared with a binder addition of 7 mineral percent-related to one ton of open·graded asphalt this corresponds to a share of 6.5 percent of a highly elastomeric special binder.

In extracting the binder, only a soluble binder content was determined which is by about 20 percent lower than the original quantity of binder. This difference may be explained by the fact that the aromatic oils have evaporated while, on the other hand, the added synthetic ground rubber has only in part been dissolved. A part of the insoluble rubber filler has to be added to the aggregates because with the greatest care taken in the extraction process it does not dissolve in the solvents (toluene or benzene) used.

A check·up of the extracted and recovered binder with regard to particles larger than 0.02 mm has shown that such particles were not found in the recovered binder. Thus, in


Table 4.2 Binder analysis

Open·graded Open·graded asphalt (diabase) asphalt (diabase) 12mm, B 100 - 12 mm, highly

zero mix elastomeric binder

No. I. Original sample

1 Thickness cm

2 Volumetric density g/cm'

3 Compaction in %

4 Bulk density g/cmJ 2.601 2.527

5 Voids (calc.) % by vol.

II. Extracted binder

6 Soluble binder 3.86 5.18 content % by weight

7 Amount allowed for in· 0.15

sol. org. camp. % by W. 0.14

8 Total binder 4.0 5.3 content % by w.

9 Total binder content % by vol.

10 Soft. point R + B °C

11 Penetr. at 25°C 1/10 mm

III. Marshall sample

12 Volumetr. density g/cm' 2.028 2.018

13 Mineral share % by vol.

14 Binder share % by vol. 8.0 10.6

15 Voids (calc.) % by vol. 22.0 20.1

16 Voids of mineral 30.0 structure % by vol. 30.7

17 Filled with 26.6

binder % by vol. 34.4

18 Marshall 0.0

stability/60 ° kN (kp) 0.0

19 Marshall flow 0

value/60 ° 1/10 mm 0

20 S (stability/ flow value) kNIO,1 mm


Table 4.3 Composition of the open·graded asphalt

1st main mix 2nd main mix - zero mix

85 m. % EK') 8/12 mm diabase 85 m. % EK 8/12 mm diabase

15 m. % EK 0/2 mm 15 m % EK 0/2 mm

2 m. % limestone powder 2 m. % limestone powder

7,0 m. % highly elastomeric special binder 4.3 m. % 6100

*) Twice crushed and screened

Table 4.4 Sieve analysis of aggregates

Sieve analysis Throughs

35.50-25.00 mm

25.00-18.00 mm

18.00-12.50 mm 1.4% 100.0%

12.50- 8.00 mm 77.6% 98.6%

8.00- 5.00 mm 12.5% 21.0%

5.00- 2.00 mm 4.8% 8.5%

2.00- 1.00 mm 1.0% 3.7%

1.00- 0.63 mm 0.3% 2.7%

0.63- 0.20 mm 0.5% 2.4%

0.20- 0.09 mm 1.4% 1.9%

Smaller than 0.09 mm 0.5% 0.5%

L % by w. 100.0%

Table 4.5 Filler analysis for the preparation of open·graded asphalt

Sieve analysis Throughs

1.000-0.630 mm 0.1% 100.0%

0.630-0.220 mm 4.6% 99.9%

0.200-0.090 mm 11.1 % 95.4%

0.090-0.063 mm 14.9% 84.3%

0.063-0.020 mm 39.5% 69.3%

Smaller than 0.02 mm 29.8% 29.8%

L% by w. 100.0%


Table 4.6 Determination of the grain size distribution in a sedimentation test

Grain density: 2,794g/cm' Dispersion agent: sodium pyrophosphate Quantity weighed·in for the sedimentation test: 40g (20% of the total specimen)

Hydrometer used: No.1

Temperature Time Hydrometer Grain diameter % of total passed reading (mm) specimen

19.4'C 30 s 21.0 0.063 70.1

19.4'C 1 s 19.5 0.046 65.2

19.4'C 2 s 18.5 0.033 61.9

19.4'C 5 s 13.0 0.022 43.9

19.4'C 15 s 0.0 0.015 1.2

establishing the bitumen content, the fact that it is not possible to fully extract the highly elastomeric binder used, will have to be taken into consideration.

The voids content of the open·graded asphalt in the Marshall sample varies in the case of highly elastomeric asphalt compositions in the range of 14 to 18 percent by volume. The voids contents of open·graded asphalts are higher if conventional binders are used, because those are added in a much lower quantity.

The average voids content established in the cores lifted on the Angath section was around 30 percent by volume.

The difference between this value and the voids content established for the Marshall sample may be explained by the fact that some of the bitumen of the SAMI layer penetrated into the voids of the open·graded asphalt and thus was found in the lifted core.

4.3 Aggregates

The aggregates were a mix of 15 percent twice crushed and screened 0/2 mm diabase sand and 85 mineral percent of twice crushed and screened 8/12 mm chippings coming from the Cerwinka Diabase Works in Oberndorf near KitzbOhel.

In the hot mixing plant, 2 mineral percent of limestone powder were added to this mixture. The binder additive consisted of 7 mineral percent of a highly elastomeric special bitumen.

The zero mix of the open·graded asphalt was prepared using the equally composed aggre· gates, but here the maximum possible addition of bitumen B 100 was 4.3 mineral percent.

In the six mix tests carried out, the filler content (share of particles smaller than 0.09 mm) was determined in the range of 3.1 to 5.4 mineral percent, with a share of sand (share of particles smaller than 2mm including the filler) in the range of 13.6 to 19.4. The share of chippings was in the range of 80.6 to 86.5 mineral percent.

The share of 8/12 chippings varied between 60 and 74.2 mineral percent.

4.4 Deformation Resistance

The deformation resistance of the open·graded asphalt was carried out in a uniaxial static creep test.

The uniaxial static creep test [19] has proved to be a simple and satisfactory test method for estimating the deformation resistance of asphalts. Unlike the Marshall test, the creep test


aims at determining exclusively the deformation behavior of the test specimen in a known, simple to describe state of stress. By means of the uniaxial creep test under static load, the rheological properties may be established in a Simple way. With cylindrical test specimens made of asphalt, a uniform compressive stress is applied in the direction of the cylinder axis and the uniaxial deformation, measured as a function of time. The lateral expansion is un­hindered, and therefore, the stress condition is uniaxial. Thus, the form and the dimensions of the test specimens, the type of compaction, the level and duration of the loading stress and the test temperature have been selected in accordance with the recommendation for carrying out uniaxial static creep tests on asphalt bodies [16].

Table 4.7 Creep test report of the zero series

Designation: open-graded asphalt 12 mm, bitumen B 1 00 zero series

MTS 1 2 3 4 5 Meas. v.

Deformation (in mm) after a time of:

15 sec. 0.235 0.247 0.248 0.215 0.240 -

1 min. 0.278 0.295 0.288 0.268 0.288 -

2 min. 0.289 0.331 0.308 0.280 0.297 -3 min. 0.298 0.352 0.312 0.291 0.322 -

5 min. 0.305 0.360 0.320 0.298 0.330 -10 min. 0.310 0.380 0.331 0.304 0.347 -

30 min. 0.320 0.397 0.348 0.314 0.362 -

60 min. 0.327 0.407 0.355 0.319 0.377 -

Height (mm) 61.2 62.8 63.1 63.2 64.1

Relative deformation (x 1/1000)

15 sec. 3.840 3.933 3.930 3.402 3.744 3.77 1 min. 4.542 4.697 4.564 4.241 4.493 4.508 2 min. 4.722 5.271 4.881 4.430 4.633 4.788 3 min. 4.869 5.605 4.945 4.604 5.023 5.009 5 min. 4.984 5.732 5.071 4.715 5.148 5.13

10 min. 5.065 6.051 5.246 4.810 5.413 5.317 30 min. 5.229 6.322 5.515 4.968 5.647 5.536 60 min. 5.343 6.481 5.626 5.047 5.881 5.676

Rigidity modulus S (MN/m') (10 kp/cm')

15 sec. 26.0 25.4 25.4 29.4 26.7 26.6 1 min. 22.0 21.3 21.9 23.6 22.3 22.2 2 min. 21.2 19.0 20.5 22.6 21.6 21 3 min. 20.5 17.8 20.2 21.7 19.9 20 5 min. 20.1 17.4 19.7 21.2 19.4 19.6

10 min. 19.7 16.5 19.1 20.8 18.5 18.9 30 min. 19.1 15.8 18.1 20.1 17.7 18.2 60 min. 18.7 15.4 17.8 19.8 17.0 17.7

Vol. dens, 2.044 2.051 2.038 2.041 2.037 2.042


Bulk density: 2.605 (g/cm')

Voids 21.5 21.3 21.8 21.7 21.8 21.6


Table 4.8 Creep test report for silent asphalt

Designation: open-graded asphalt 12mm; series 1 highly elastomeric binder

MTS 1 2 3 4

Deformation (in mm) after a time of:

15 sec. 0.128 0.130 0.150 0.117 1 min. 0.164 0.177 0.192 0.151 2 min. 0.183 0.199 0.212 0.172 3 min. 0.190 0.214 0.230 0.181 5 min. 0.199 0.228 0.237 0.187

10 min. 0.217 0.241 0.248 0.206 30 min. 0.239 0.262 0.264 0.230 60 min. 0.251 0.276 0.278 0.239

Height (mm) 70.2 68.9 68.8 69.7

Relative deformation (x 1/1000)

15 sec. 1.823 1.887 2.180 1.679 1 min. 2.336 2.569 2.791 2.166 2 min. 2.607 2.888 3.081 2.468 3 min. 2.707 3.106 3.343 2.597 5 min. 2.835 3.309 3.445 2.683

10 min. 3.091 3.498 3.605 2.956 30 min. 3.405 3.803 3.837 3.300 60 min. 3.576 4.006 4.041 3.429

Rigidity modulus S (MN/m') (10 kp/cm')

15 sec. 54.8 53.0 45.9 59.6 1 min. 42.8 38.9 35.8 46.2 2 min. 38.4 34.6 32.5 40.5 3 min. 36.9 32.2 29.9 38.5 5 min. 35.3 30.2 29.0 37.3

10 min. 32.4 28.6 27.7 33.8 30 min. 29.4 26.3 26.1 30.3 60 min. 28.0 25.0 24.7 29.2

Vol. density 2.139 2.150 2.154 2.147


Bulk density: 2.506 (g/cm')

Voids 14.6 14.2 14.0 14.3

Marshall test specimen (diameter 100 mm, height 60 ± 5 mm)

Test temperature 40 'C ± 1 "C

Compressive stress

Test duration

0,1 MN/m'

1 hour


0.141 0.188 0.207 0.228 0.240 0.260 0.278 0.291


2.041 2.721 2.996 3.300 3.473 3.763 4.023 4.211

49.0 36.8 33.4 30.3 28.8 26.6 24.9 23.7



Meas. v.







1.922 2.517 2.808 3.01 3.149 3.382 3.673 3.852

52.5 40.1 35.9 33.6 32.1 29.8 27.4 26.1



The axial deformations are measured using an inductive displacement pick~up and, recorded by means of a Y-t logger. From the time·traverse diagram, the deformations of the asphalt samples are determined after an exposure of 15 seconds as well as 1, 2, 3, 5,10,30 and


60 minutes. For each point of measuring time (t) the creep strain (relative deformation) is deter· mined according to the following equation:

Llh (I) e (I) = -h-' 1000 ('lOu) (4.1)

The rigidity modulus is computed according to the following equation:

s . (I) = ~ (MNfm') mix G (t) (4.2)

In the creep test reports also the volumetric density of the test specimens established by immersion weighing, the bulk density of the asphalt blend determined in the pyknometer and the voids contents of the test specimens computed on the basis of these values are indicated. Thus, the test specimens may be compared with regard to the degree of their compaction (Tables 4.7 and 4.8).

The consolidation of open·graded asphalt slightly increases in the course of their service life. In the same time, however, their deformation resistance increases, so that a deformation resistance value of more than 25 MNfm' is to be rated as extremely high for asphalts having such a high voids content as these open·graded courses.

4.5 Wear Resistance

The wear resistance was determined according to the short duration test with the impact abrasion (needle abrasion) equipment developed by Dr. TROGER [27, 28, 29].

The wear caused by spikes to the road surface is two·fold: At the moment they hit the surface, by impact, and while the contact with the pavement surface lasts, by scratching. At high speeds the effect of the impact will be stronger on straight·line tracks and at low speeds, for instance in curves, and at the moment of braking and starting, the scratching effect will predominate.

The Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn has from 1971 to 1973 sponsored numerous research projects with the aim of developing and testing laboratory equipment to be used for short duration tests on wear simulation and fore· casting for asphalt surfacings. The wear forecasting equipment developed by Dr. H. TROGER proved successful in that the values determined for the wear behavior in the laboratory with his equipment came nearest to the values established in practice on the relevant road pavements (Federal Motorway Salzburg-Munich). As a consequence, this equipment was used for the assessment of the wear resistance in this study.

The impact abrasion equipment includes a needle gun designed to produce wear on a Marshall sample or a core. The needle gun is for this purpose firmly clamped and centered, with the test specimen rotating underneath (30 r.p.m., test area-42.2 em', surface pressure 0.5 MNfm'). Owing to the rotation, the steel needle paints, upon hitting the sample surface, have a certain scratching effect similar to that during the impact of spikes on the pavement surface. The equipment may be used at virtually any test temperature down to sub·zero ranges. The needle gun is suitable for both, wet and dry open surfaces.

The Marshall samples are sawn across the axis, so that the test can be carried out on the intersecting plane. In this way, the test results are not influenced by the more or less thick binder film coating the surfaces of the Marshall test specimen.

The advantage of this equipment is in its portability and its diversified application areas. The needle points are subject to very little wear, and it does not matter whether the test is carried out with a brand·new set of needles or with one that had been used for an extended period of time. This statement is important for the reproducibility of the test results.

If the wear resistance of conventional open·graded asphalts is compared with that of silent asphalt, then it becomes clear that the susceptibility to wear of silent asphalt is by 40 percent lower.


In practice this means that in Austria, where spike tires are still frequently used, the service life of silent asphalt surfacings is considerably higher or that the tendency to rutting as a consequence of wear may be expected to be half as strong as that of conventional open· graded asphalts.

The established wear resistance of silent asphalt is comparable to the wear resistance achieved with bituminous mastic concretes. The surprisingly good results may be attributed to the elastic behavior of the highly elastomeric binder used.

Table 4.9 Determination of the wear resistance with the needle abrasion equipment accord­ing to Dr. TROGER

Open·graded asphalt 12 mm, B 1 00 zero mix

Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Test specimen

1 2 3

Before abrasion 522.0 216.6 527.4 224.7 571.4 241.4

After 8th abrasion 495.4 201.4 492.3 208.5 539.0 223.0

After 16th abrasion 476.1 194.9 480.6 201.0 520.3 215.1

Abrasion 45.9 21.7 46.8 23.7 51.1 26.3

Mean abrasion: 47.9 g

Mean abrasion: 23.9 cm'

Open·graded asphalt 12mm, highly elastomeric special binder

Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Mass (g) Vol. (cm') Test specimen

1 2 3

Before abrasion 532.2 231.9 547.6 240.0 554.4 242.4

After 8th abrasion 508.2 223.5 525.0 231.1 535.7 233.2

After 16th abrasion 505.7 218.9 522.0 228.0 528.5 230.1

Abrasion 26.5 13.0 25.6 12.0 25.9 12.3

Mean abrasion: 26.0 g

Mean abrasion: 12.4 cm'

4.6 Adhesion

The assessment of the bonding between the open·graded asphalt and the concrete pavement was made by using the Schenck·Trebel equipment.

This equipment suitable to test the bonding consists of a loading unit and a measuring or controlling device. Its operating principle is based on the hydraulic motion of a piston which tears a previously bonded stamp off a surface; the cylinder in which the piston moves rests with its circumference on the surface. The appropriate arrangement of piston, cylinder, stamp and connecting jOints ensures the high precision of the Schenck·Trebel equipment which fully meets the requirements of DIN 51.220 and provides a reliable method for the determination of the bonding and tensile strength to DIN 53.232 (SO 4624).


Table 4.10 Testing of the adhesion of the highly elastomeric special binder

Place of sampling Adhesion N/mm 2 Crack description

Deceleration lane towards Pre·spread binder (bitumen membrane

the filling station 1.27 =SAMI)

torn off the concrete

Deceleration lane towards Pre·spread binder (bitumen membrane

the filling station 1.01 = SAMI)

torn off the concrete

The testing of the adhesion using the Schenck:rrebel equipment was carried out on two cores.

The adhesion values established in the area of the deceleration lane meet in any case the present expectations with regard to the bonding between the substrate and the coating.

5. Conclusion

5.1 Suitability of Silent Asphalts as a Road Surfacing

The positive experience made with silent asphalt abroad have been fully confirmed on the Angath test section by concomitant quality checks (Table 5.1). With regard to the "classical" requirements a road surfacing is expected to meet, namely

- maximum traffic safety and

- maximum length of service life,

the silent asphalt has all the advantages of a conventional open·graded asphalt combined with an extremely high deformation resistance and a wear resistance comparable to that of the bituminous mastic concrete.

The rigidity modulus of silent asphalt in comparison with conventional open·graded asphalt is higher by 63 percent, the abrasion values are lower by 40 percent.

This means that owing to the great flexibility ensuring good elasticity at low temperatures and preventing crack formation, a long service life of this road surfacing may be expected; also rutting as a consequence of wear is expected to be reduced almost by half the value applying to conventional open~graded asphalts.

5.2 Results of the Noise Measurements

A comparative study of a concrete pavement with a silent asphalt surfacing on the Angath test section produced the following results.

5.2.1 Energy·Equivalent Permanent Sound Level

The coating of the concrete pavement with a special asphalt surfacing, the so·called silent asphalt, reduced the energy·equivalent permanent sound level, measured on the dry road surface, by 4.3 dB during the day measurements and by 5.3 dB during the night measurements.


~ Table 5.1 Results of the Laboratory Tests on the asphalt paving technology

Binder Deler. Filler Sand Chipp. Coarse Voids Voids Rela\. Rigidity Impact added binder content (incl. content chipp. MrS content defor. modulus abrasion

filler) 01 cores M% c. M % M% M% M% M% M% c [x 1110001 S (MNlrnl) em' (TROGER)

Laboratory lesls

Open-graded 12 mm with B 100 4.1 4.0 4.1 15.2 84.8 71.7 22.0 - - -

Open-graded 12 mm with highly elast. special binder 7.0 5.3 3.3 15.3 84.7 74.2 20.1 - - -

24% insoluble synthetic rubber inclusion of filler and uneven

dissolution of synthetic ground rubber

Main laboratory tesis

Open-graded 12 mm with B 100 4.3 4.2 4.6 16.8 83.2 73.3 21.5 5.676 17.7 23.9

Open-graded 12mm with highlyelasiomeric special binder 7.3 6.1 5.4 17.8 82.2 72.7 14.1 3.853 26.1 14.4

Rigidity mod. by 63% Wear by 40% lower higher than normal than convent.

open-graded open-graded

Mix sample taken during application on the lest section - 5.7 3.1 13.6 86.4 70.1 18.1

13% This voids content is definitely lower than the voids content estabtished in the tab. on the M. sam pte

because the SAMI has penetrated into the core and thus has Iilled part of the voids in the core.

Mix sample from cores "broken up" 5.8 3.7 19.4 80.6 60.0 - - - - 12.4

The difference between the day and the night measurements is probably due to the differing traffic composition in the two cases. During the day measurements about 30 percent of all vehicles were trucks, during the night measurement the share of trucks was approximately 50 percent. The measured L,q were by night only by about 1 dB lower than the day measurement values, although the traffic volume during the night measurements amounted to about one third of that of the traffic volume during the day measurements.

With higher truck percentages in the total traffic volume, the noise emissions on the two road pavements differ less than with a lower truck percentage because the motor noise is dominating. The tests carried out in the framework of this study have not, however, been able to confirm the fact that with higher truck percentages the difference between the noise emission levels of the total traffic on the concrete pavement and on the silent asphalt becomes less pronounced.

Similar results were obtained in tests carried out in Belgium with such roads. To establish definite causes in this connection, further tests will have to be carried out.

The silent asphalt wetted by means of a sprinkler truck is by 4.9 dB less noisy than the wetted concrete pavement. On the silent asphalt, with its high voids content, the water is quickly absorbed and discharged. There is hardly any spray behind the motor vehicles, as it is the case with concrete pavements. The whizzing water sounds are therefore less pronounced.

The indicated reduction of the energy·equivalent permanent sound level is a mean value of the data obtained at various measuring points, with three measuring stations operated at the same time and at differing propagation conditions (with and without acoustic wall barriers) and at varying distances from the motorway.

5.2.2 Level Frequencies

Tests carried out on the dry silent asphalt showed for the unfrequent peaks (L ,) a value by 4.3 dB lower and for the frequent peaks (L5), a value by 4.7 dB lower than on the dry concrete pavement. For the peak levels, no significant difference was established between the dry and the wet road pavements. The background noise level L95 was lower on the silent asphalt in spite of a higher traffic volume. The reduced sound emission of vehicles on silent asphalt cuts the time during which a vehicle is heard, so that the noise intervals become longer.

5.2.3 Frequency Spectra of Traffic Noise

Alongside the sound pressure level, the frequency spectrum is an essential factor for the assessment of traffic noise. High-frequency noise is perceived by people more annoying than low-frequency noise.

The dry silent asphalt is in the frequency range of 250Hz-10 kHz less noisy, with the major level differences occurring from 1,000 Hz onwards. The high·frequency whizzing vehicle noise produced by the concrete pavement could hardly even be noticed on the silent asphalt.

The wet road pavements showed a similar behavior as the dry ones, the level differences in the high·frequency ranges were even greater. The analysis of the night measurements shows that silent asphalt is over the entire frequency range less noisy than the concrete pavement.

On the basis of a comparison between the concrete pavement wetted by means of a sprinkler truck and the dry silent asphalt surfacing, somewhat higher levels have been established in the upper frequency range of the wet pavement.

Silent asphalt has considerably reduced the high-frequency components of the noise produced on concrete pavements. The low-frequency noise perceived by the human ear is thus judged less annoying.

5.2.4 Road/Tire Noise

The test showed that the A·weighted sound level of the road/tire noise produced by the test passenger car (Ford Taunus 1600 Kombi) in its run on the concrete pavement was by 8.2 dB louder than on the silent asphalt. The test truck (MAN 280) of a total weight of 16 tons was by 8.8 dB louder. These levels were obtained at the passenger car speed of 105 km/h and at the truck speed of 81 km/h.


This statement applies also to the test vehicle tires. For other vehicles with other types of tires and treads, different measuring results are to be expected.

The frequency spectra of the road/tire noise show for both, the passenger car and the truck, that the high·frequency components have been considerably reduced (up to 15 dB) by silent asphalt. But even from 160 Hz onwards, the levels established for the passenger car and the truck on silent asphalt are lower than those for vehicles on concrete pavements.

The reduction of the high·frequency and medium·frequency road/tire noise and the vehicle noise may be attributed to the sound absorption properties of silent asphalt and to its planeness.

5.3 The Sound Emission of Silent Asphalt in Comparison with Other Road Pavements

For the purposes of such a comparison, the concrete pavement has been selected as reference pavement. On the Inntal Motorway such comparative noise studies have already been carried out on asphalt and concrete pavements [26].

The noise behavior of the concrete pavement was tested at motorway km 18 + 200, i.e., at a short distance from the test section of silent asphalt and the measuring point 1, which is located at motorway km 15 + 660.

At the motorway km 18 + 200 and the motorway km 15 + 660 the concrete pavement is the same. This concrete pavement was opened to traffic in 1979. The measurements in [26] were also carried out in 1979. At the time of the test measurements for the silent asphalt in Angath, the concrete pavement was thus five years old.

If the frequency spectrum of the dry concrete pavement established in [26] is compared with the frequency spectrum of the dry concrete pavement established at measuring point 1, one can see from the frequency spectra that the level developments are in agreement with each other. From the relevant literature it is also known that the noise behavior of concrete pavements only slightly changes with an increasing number of vehicles.

On the assumption that after the concrete pavement has been used for passenger car and truck traffic for 5 years its sound behavior has not essentially changed, the concrete pavement has been selected as reference pavement for comparison with other road pavements. In the following Table 5.1, the sound emissions of the concrete pavement and those of the silent asphalt were compared with the sound emissions of the fine·graded asphaltic concrete pavement 0/12 described in [26]. For this purpose, the energy·equivalent permanent sound level of the characteristic traffic (990 motor vehicles per hour) is used. In Table 5.1 the differences with regard to the energy·equivalent permanent sound level between the concrete pavement and the other road pavements are shown. The concrete pavement as reference value is indicated with an emission difference of 0 dB.

Table 5.2 The differences between the emission levels of asphalt pavements and the emission levels of the reference concrete pavement

Type of pavement Emission difference dB

Concrete 0 Finewgraded asphaltic concrete pavement 0/12 -1.9 Silent asphalt -4.3 to -5.3

Table 5.2 shows that silent asphalt is by 4.3 to 5.3 dB less noisy than the concrete pavement and by 2.4 to 3.4dB less noisy than the fine·graded asphaltic concrete pavement 0/12.

The influence of the road surface on the noise emission is in the various calculation rules taken into account with a corrective value or with an increase.

For the noise control on Federal roads, the Service Instructions issued by the Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology No. 920.080/2·111114·83 shall apply [6].


On the basis of this study's results, the proposal is made to include silent asphalt in the Table of Correction Values (KF) for the road pavement forming part of the service instructions (see Table 5.3):

Table 5.3 Correction for the road pavement KF according to [6], dry pavement (proposal)

Type of pavement Correction KF in dB

Silent asphalt -3 Asphalt concrete 0 Cement concrete, asphalt friction course 2 Small sett paving 4 Large cube sett paving, unsealed 8

The correction factor of -3 dB results from this study as rounded·off mean value from -2.4 dB to -3.4 dB.

The level reduction of the vehicle noise on silent asphalt, as compared with conventional road pavements, by (at least) 3 dB corresponds to

- doubling the distance (line source) - reducing the traffic volume by half, - reducing the traffic speed by 25 percent. The qualitative comparison of the frequency analysis of the traffic noise on dry silent

asphalt with the analyses carried out in [26] shows furthermore that silent asphalt io, in the range of 1,000 Hz to 8,000 Hz, considerably less noisy than the fine·graded asphaltic concrete pavement 0/12. The lower frequency range of the traffic noise produced on silent asphalt is perceived as less annoying by the human ear.

In conclusion it may be said that the development of silent asphalt has been a further step forward towards reducing traffic noise at its source.


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[25] RSL-81: Richtlinien fOr den Larmschutz an StraBen (Guidelines ror the Noise Control on Roads), The Federal Minister or Transport, Bonn (1981)


[26] RUDELSTORFER, K., TIEFENTHALER, H., KAMMERINGER, E.: Das Gerauschverhalten der untersuchten Beton- und Asphaltfahrbahndecken auf der Inntal-Autobahn (The NOise Behavior of the Tested Concrete and Asphalt Road Pavements on the Inntal Motorway), Federal Ministry of Public Works and Technology, Road Research, No. 157, Vienna (1981)

[27] SCHULZE, K.: Erprobung von Untersuchungsverfahren zur Ermittlung der EinflOsse auf den VerschleiB von Fahrbahndecken (Testing of Methods for the Determination of Influences on the Road Pavement Wear). Research Project No. 7.804 of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Bonn, Final Report (October 1972).

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[29] TROGER, H., HELFERICH, H. H.: Ober den Widerstand bituminoser Deckschichten gegen VerschleiB (On the Resistance of Bituminous Surface Courses to Wear) "StraBe und Autobahn" No.1 (1974)

[30] ULLRICH, S.: Der Mittelungspegel des Larms an StraBen mit frei flieBendem Verkehr (The Averaged Noise Level on Roads with Freely Flowing Traffic), " Technische Oberwachung 17", No.9 (1976)

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[331 U.S. Patent 3.833,528: Bituminous Composition, (Sept. 3, 1974)

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[35] U.S. Patent 4.068,023: Rubberized Asphalt Paving Composition and Use thereof, (Jan. 10, 1978)

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