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NINTENDII“ 354222.1‘ EääHEIfä .512?’ INewsund previews IFirst lor Gamecube und GBA news IMost tips IEvery N64 gume testet! IBest Pokemon info ' s" -': "man x ‚. .- * - ."'r"- - ... .. 1 . ; GGEST * äzvmw I b Fun gfijfgumegöurfiilithe Nintgndo crew _ J TBEET FIEHTEB II The GBA's hottest fighter yet v!“ 2> " More monster x A I 1 . Ü } Krewew . a ballles on GBI: 4 A %

NINTENDII“ 354222.1‘EääHEIfä .512?’

INewsundpreviews IF i rs t lor Gamecube undGBAnewsIMost tips IEveryN64gume testet! IBestPokemon info

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Fun gfijfgumegöurfiilithe Nintgndocrew_ J

TBEETFIEHTEB IIThe GBA's hottest fighter yet




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We showyou...O FunkynewboardsO Side splittinggamesO Mario'sN64masterpiecesThe last ever N64release is here und it'sone partyyouwon'twant to miss.HJFirsteverplaytestHAIIyou need to know

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Game Infoi s - l; "Forget ‘lwister and tohellwith Monopoly.

Maria Party 3’: the only party game you’II need.”

Price:Releosez 16 November

0.-"-x J

uuunmn ” ‘“

If you're throwing a Christmos porty,whobetter to invite thon Mario, Luigi, Peachund Bowser?Well, moybe not Bowser...-

Worum lhctl lime. Marieund his {Menüs wehe allxipgrfig relmting.

nun’: p-‚ghrl Thay zouH yhv

"mmPan-f’ rom: uhn

um M9925: Suvcralor uns’

äThe bes! lookingofall three Mario Party games, with Bourdbusics

ilä brlght, cartoony looks.The animated backgrounds reallybring the hoards Io Iile and you’ll never tire ofthe soenery.

One of the coolest Iaspects of the MarioPartygames has alwaysbeen the way (hatsomeof your favourlteNintendo characters arefeatured.You can even in ' .choose to play asone of ‚ | jthe bad guys ifyou're ‚ _ _ ’

w '

feeling fiendish. InStoryMode lake your pi(k from You never knowwhen your fave‚_ Mario,Luigi,Printess Pea(h,Wario, ravesmight appear.Here‘;Toad,- Voshi and Donkey Kongwhat a choice! keeping order at lheFree Playdesk.

. ‘ N .

Those evermischievous Boosare DisturhBowser inbismurky Iair lo m w‘ “

4 < < g - m * 4 * * -V 0 always onhand (o doyour biddingand niggevoff a random BowserEvenLYou ‘ w 4 u v w»

sleal some starsand golden coins. might even get towalch him runaway.

Buttle Royal„ u mQggßithrggman;amsztovisitjnPartyMode i;Battlgam:wherg, wjouan ‘alsgpl ‚aIl_ hesgagegghgggugfiyqjiheemphasls isplaced onmultiplayer gaming. morefunwlth

‘ ‚mvouglfqlw'

l l It'sgreat tohear the cute commentsam! occasional growls from the likes olMaria,Wario and IlonkeyKong.The sound effects antlmusic appear tohelifletl straight from your favegames. Agreat trip down memory lane.

DuelMode is themost exciting of the new additions to Mario Party 3 asyou get to go head to head againsi a fellow gamer or the (omputer.Eitherway, it features amuch fester style ofgameplay than the usual Mario

Party style.You can choose a sidekick to help you around the board, butbeware, lose your coins and they will Ieaveyou!

i - \ --When you selecl your Duelmode InDuelmode you gel Io pick from five

charader you also zhoose apannev tohelp maps.They're nol asdecoratlve asIheyou.When you move around Iheboavd boards inBanle Royalmode, but lheyfielheywill anuk the enemy for you. just asmuch fun (o play.

_-n:.u_r_r‘ parmei": salar-y

w w ‘l Whilstthe

single player StoryModemighlgel a littletetlious, the smnningminigameswill keep youKeep aneye onyour coin count inDuelmode.Runout ofmoneyand your tvusty _ _ _

sidekickwill desen you and you'll have (o head t0 the stan 1ohire somebody new. comlng “me aflel‘ Illlle.


The easiest board inthe game and a good place to start your party.ChillyWaters has some exzellent little (ricks up lts sleeves.Get your thermals onand prepare for a snowball fight 1o Ihe finish asyou

take onyour partying opponents in the snow capped mountains.

Snowhull scrumbleWhen you hitoneoflhe :‘appening squaresantheChihywaters board, you'd heuer make sureyou'vegot yourjumping boots on‘cos there's abig surpriseinstoreforyou.The jant snowmana:the top ofthe screenbegins(o wobble and thenhissnow cm/ered hand {lies oficreating aglant snowbail,and you knowi1’;going 1ospell tmubie for someone.The ballracesaround the board Iookingfor people{oflalterLYouhave topressOjust at the right limeinorder toavoid the peril,oryou’lt bechased awayktoanother part ofthe board. J


look out for.There are some familiar faces Iining Ihe board and somewicked Iinle tricks Io

Socast your eyes across the board and take a look a:some of (he things (hatyou should keep your eyes peeled for.

When Ihewinlelwealher sets In,thls tranquil lakefreezes ovenßut becarefulbecause the ice isn01very slrong.When oneof the playerswalksomo the ice,awarning message appears telling them that ifanother pevson tries lo come onto the icethen i!will break.Unfonunately, none ofthe other players heedthe warning and they happilywalk intocertain doom.The ice begins toaack and the playevs have

Ltoflee to safety onthe far side ofthe board. J

Fum urflffiucesYoucan trusl Nintendotowork ina running lhememroughout lheirganbes, soifsnosurprlse t0 seeafamfllar faceo:(woasyou travel around thehoards.InChlllyWalers, there are IoadsofpenguinsIiningthe coursehavlng Ioads offunandgemng Imotrouble.Keen eyed Nintendoidswill recognise thepenguins from their appearance in lhedassicSuperMario64game.Same ofthe cheeky bfrdsareeven taking asunbathlng break while you trudge around inthe freezing snow and ice.

Gut the moves to master Quidditch“ spells?Or the know-how to challenge other wizzufls using potions, charms,nncl creaturefl? The flany Pocter“ trarling canl game testn ymlrxmugical nbilitien, zmd alI-new Qulddlcah Cup canls Iel. yrmand your frientln mke your gmne t0 new heights!

Hop aboard your Nimbus Two Thousand“und get ready t0 play!

Came Support Line: 08457 125599Avuilublc .1: .I stur:nuar you. l-"or morc infunnntinn about l lnrry Partei‘,gn m l I-.1r|'_v|’uttcr.co|n.Fm umrc infilrnvzuitxn ahuuz thc I-larryPoller lradingcm1gnmc, go mwimrdsxcxlllfl InrrjwPortL-r.


Mario Party 3

eep Bloober SeuOnce you've Iearned the basics in the frozen wastes of ChillyWaters, S°me o‘{h9 Iocals you'll mee‘°_n (h6 b°ard are Very fiiendly 3nd may eve"then it's time for some top underwater aclion in Deep Bloober Sea. help V0"m70l"anempß 1° 93'"Ymmy’ _ ‚ _You'll get involved in some crazy capers here,with aII manner ofunderwater au‘ ‘hereamwme|0?“who d0" I mket°° kmdly 1° Strangers‘Her“ aqumk

beames ‘o comendWim Iook at some of Ihe thlngs t0 watch out for a1 Ihebottom of Ihe ocean,

1"‘; ‚


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Torpedo terrorQ

One wish Movmg niummy' 4 um: In;LP-I‘ uhhn} m in:LJ-JI-J III .1 ‚Ming/I‘, Ihr‘ mm! um um‘ ‚MrwZhrHxn1.1J»nHh-unyn-„h n»; ‚ |I „n lIr-n H zu „p w»; wand man 1 n " ' ‘Vwvv’v nurw“; ><‚„:„. r.-.r.«v I ‚: '. Iuui‘: muw-‚l „n45: WM -.' 'hr« xnn-‚w n? ‘hn- wwhfuh’ wmHw

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Power in yourPocÄet .7

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Spiny IlesertUp until now, it's all been a bit cold and a bit wet for our Iiking.It's timeto get your feet back on dry land in the Spiny Desen.This board isdefinitely a lot drier than the previous two,with hungry

vuitures and spiky cacti Iining the edge ofthe game board,


Cucus olympicsWehope you've brought your running shoesmtheSpiny Deserl ‘cosyou'll need ‘em ifyou gel inIhistricky Situation.Landonthe junction and choose to gothrough these cacti.but den’: expect them tohitch uplheiv skirts and Iet you lhroughflcosi!won't be (hat easy.You'vegol lowork havd ifyou wam togei pasl Ihespiky einen and onioanewpanoflheboard.Preis0 just at Iheright time andyou'll hurdle lhecacti and tun on1oflndmoreoilheboard, bulyolrll


Into the voidThese islands oniheboaldare almosl compieteiysunounded byhappening squams,bulyou'd beadvised (o lry and avoid ihm.Landingononewil cause lhesand to9er veryangry indeed and ium intoaviclous vortex thafllswallowyou all upand spiIyou outonlheolhersideThalsand’lI gel everywhere.Luckily,the nasly swiriy vortexwon't sleal anyofyour items,but you'llwony in:awhiie untilyouseeyouv character emeige fromnieolher sldeJfsaiwaysMm(o ward-iwhere you're steppingasyouumin(Iouble ilyougel spiknd bythem. J


LplayMarioParty 3.

There are loads of interesling things to see and do here, and Ihegames startgening {hat Iittle bit harder soyoL/H have t0 be onyour toes ifyouwant towalk awaywiIh Ihe prize.Donyour sombrero, slap on the shades and take a cioser iook...

/— \Boo to youThat nastyghost,Boa.nukubisvery ownunlqueappearance inMadoParty3.You'llfindbissquareluclwdaway,usuallybehinda Inclieddoor.Bulyou'd beweiladvised loStock uponmin:andpayhlmavlsilbecausem:cheeky Imlefella couidmanallm:differencabetweenwinnlngand Iosing."you'reshononcash,BooMilflyoffn! 5malsomeoneEisesdosh for lheprice o1just fivecoinxFor50colns.Boowillflytoanopponmland stealasiar foryou.A ofthepiayers(antequest80c’:servicessowatch out.Andbuyaan ofBoorepellent spmy fromoneoflheshops.

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r: 200l Enzcuuunc Anm mc, Au. M a n n nzsxnvxn, EA GAMES "Is am ELECTRDNIC A n s " wann. ALL 0 m m VIIADKMARII Anz m:p u m p e n " or T n s m n n n c n v :uwuuu.HARHV POTIIR,cmmcmas. NAME! mu IuuuznmuncmAll wann-ums a: uonwmnm Bann1 5 0 | l‘ wn SHIELD: "' a n W n m l n 5:05.

Creepy CuvernThe final board in the game is Ihemost scary and ehe hardest. PuII thoseblankets up tight and prepare to jump out of your skin.There's a surprise at every { u m an the Creepy Cavevn board. It's Iineredwith

Boos and Thwomps and other scary things that go bump in the night.

Runawuy train'Nve‘‚aIr:\IHr:wJ Hw 'nrwr\«.‚1uI„:-r«:w \TH{‘HIW'P‘.‘

.. UNI" wg

"man In rl mm‘ ymnl hr7‘ Mumm} 4U„y‚nun, in vuu InL»:m h: '

f. . .SelecfrE‘. . . Euch

Bad old BowserI» ‘um n! Vhv: Mrv; MIN.) usnzunn: >1Lniw1LIux1.|'.:‚:mma4!‘ wu4 nwnxev dIMJ1LM\wlHHLl-PIL‘lbrattw h; J! m:Ihr Im! mhl h4ü‘Hyutlwlhrff!’ aFnwxrr -4lLh'4"“y1H\Hin-H‘

--:||' m: .|I‘ ul vnmnur ‘n1| 5 » |_‚|'|'l Innlun;pur Ulm I‚. Hln- ilwn Hukvxr-l Irun «Man;

Bythe time you get the better ofthis board, you'll truly be able {o caH yoursefia party master.Sogive yourselves a pat onthe ba(k.Let's get a closer Iook at some ofthe cool things that happen on this board,that is ifyou're not too scared!

. i \'f->v'|:vkmn: M Iw- mir- xtHw’m} 4 LIWTINLIWI.

I?4 n u km3 I'm Iw- -‚lvvu m‘.7

um pnt?‘ ‘HuhnxnnI.lv'Ä4|In1L-1nVHwhwrM m thmmw ‘(nwm-fVnn Wviwnuw ww] wuv’. w m, u! n!m»V.‚1‘‚‘ ‘wuHer‘ He --Lwhh- mm»! mm Hwm ‚wn vVhwr n-n “II„u;wJ|||I 1L‚k: 1. [m nm Im! vfi 1 | » : war)

hr1 wnnh» :m— ynu Irlü.‘ wlnw P nwmnu. n‘ w‘!Im. r Im‘ ‘II Im- «Iv'|\u

Best ofall,once you've unlocked them inBattleRoyal and Duelmode,youcan play them in the MiniGame Roomwhenever you like.

Mario Party 3 features a whopping 70 mentalmini games for you t0enjoy and fans of the originalswill love(hoseon offer.

‘agq,n3 ‚." g - " N a


Baby BowsevBonkers gives you lhe opporlunity to' InBowserToss you gel (o grabMarldsold adversary by MotorRooler islikeaminiatuv WipEout Mspeed

bounce heanily an(he heads ofIotsoftiny Bowsers. lhe tail and Swing him into thewaILHemay bemean and through a Iongdark tunnel and try (o avoid the nastyVery satisfying for all Nintendonuts. moody, but you can have him.0h,sweet bliss! eledric shocksalong theway.

3n U C0 ' 1 -

‚mflßfik‘r ' I . . 1u n‘l5!

CozonutConk isabigfavouvite,and not just Hideand Sneak isjust plain silly.Runaround Iike rabid ThwompPuIIgives Ihemuchuverlooked bricktasticbecause o!lheace name.Dropcoconutsonyourmates kippers and hide behind vocks untilyour opponent finds Thwomps lhechance lo take (entreslagewatch theivaslhey roll around inabarrel.It'smad! you.MarioParty 3 ispatked wilhbonkers games like (his! directions tosleevyour sledge.

InEtthn’Catthyou have to runmadly rounda Theaim inEatsa Piua isfor you anda team male topinure ofToad whilsl drawing a (irdewithamagic crawl around agiant plate, gobbiing upamonsteraayonJhis isveryweivd indeed! pizza. Just don’t burp loo Ioudlyafterwavds!

1 ‘ — Multiplayer kicks don’! get any heuer than this. Amillion limesmore tun than acrusty old board game, expect tokeephattlingway inlo the wee small hours.22

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Best mates,bulliesand




Yup,they're allpart of my

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Game InfoBwEAPrice:€34.99 ondtheReleose: 23 Nov

ü a: s[Z] €?i;?E

The boywho Iivedou can't move at the momentwithout hearing about a certain HarryPotter.The youngwizard isabsolutely everywherel

The number one global superstar of themoment isabout to get his flrstGame BoyAdvance game, based on the very first blockbuster film and book.Just Iike the story, the game follows Harry's progress as he joins Hogwans

School ofWitchcraft andWizardry after escaping from the evilDursleys.Joining him are many ofthe book’s characters and plenly ofmagic!

__ E. argn! .3..1.a3T'.! Enge-y

Benie Bon’;weird flavouredbeans can betastedJust don'tgoneav lhe bogeyflavoured beans,they are honible!

‘The grounds ofHogwans areswarmingwithweirdmagicalaeatures. It'snolIikeyour normalschool,y’know.

.Hogwartshas four houses, Slytherin,HufflepuftGryffindov and Ravendaw.

You'llbe faced withmanymagicalbanles inlhe (orridors ofHogwans.

E“- ‚:„i‚—„

Philosophefs StoneThe wizurding world of Hogwurts prepares tocost o spell on your Game BoyAdvance.

J‘o "Gamesbased onmovies are usuallyrubbish.Let's hope Harry can buck the lrend.”

Bock to schoolV Be(anzful when you are nur .11niqhloryou ma'‚' lose hause puint; ‘cf (aught.


The gnme 5mmwhen Harry {imjoins Hogwarts. Bul ifyouhaven't read lhe books, there's aquick inlro sequence tc bringyou up to speed.AnIlw (JAHIPK tuwd (m Hw


Ä Planyout tou|e avound Hugwarlsusing Ihisvery useful map.

A You ( a n evc-n try your hand playinqÜuiddilthüogc! thcGolden Snilch!

‘HUF-ß? "ü? 3&5?’‚.393 „

. „ 1 Alotofeffort has gone intobringing thevmole HarryFolterworld to life,and itshows.

Keep talkingHany Potler is the kind of gamewhere i! pays |0 talk t0 everyone.Most of lhe characters you'll meel have something I0 say. and you'll be

set all kindsofchallenges by lhe people you chat tu.

4 Weall knowSnapehalesHany,RunandHermione.»becarefulwhen you enler (he hiscmepy dasxwom.

P IheHogwarts pupllslurk inaverycornerandyou'llneed lo bequidxonyou: feel i!youwantlo find lhe ingredientstomixupaspell.

The characters sound just like lhefllmand emusic tries tocapture the neatatmospheric efiects from the Harry Futter flink.

EusypuzzlementThroughout the game you'll be sei puzzles aplenty,with confusingmazes to stumble through, switches to trip and Iocked doors to findand open in the deepest recesses of Hogwarls.

A Hogwarts isa huge ancient school and there are(onsofpassages Io unlock.Keep yourwand byyouvside because you never knowwhat's round the cornev.

MagiespellsNany Pnner nsall ahoul maqu spells. am]Un- game l5 loo wulh (laisu poluons lilu- lheFhpendo Knoul Bark lmln un ufier im wuuld b: Noqwans‘„„l„..

puwls.l‘lr' x.l‚"l‘I"'‚l' v:

Ä Wnlrh m: h {um 11H ann lalluv. Ihm! Inuwmvnn Inwann neu. mqau upnln mm mll ‘(an „f? a: n hmhlfimn„m. II„ u m n.»-«um, ‚unn- d w m u m r xuwlh

A Hmmm... wonder what's behind Ihisbookcase?You'llhave (o search every nook and cranny inorder to complelelhisgame.PoovHanywill be kna(kered!

I!mighlbeamidnight duelwith another Hogwarls house‚or a toughchallenge to find ingredients for a maglcal spell.Just imagine rhe look onDracoMalfoy‘:face ifyoubeal him!. . _ » n.

Most ofthe puzzles aren't too difficult to work ouLand it's usually prenyclear what you have to do to figure itout.With frequent save poims too‚your quesl shouldn’: be too taxing.

f :r_;'«.'r:'»fr.'—.

‚f‘ I'_.

i .-7.-


A There are plenty ofswitches tohit (hatwill openolher areasofHogwansJust don't get (aughl byProfessor Snape oryou'll befor the highjump.

The game’:pitched atyounger gamers andexperiencetl GBAtlvance ownersshould fly through ileasily.



ß Es mne In flhilhnr um n xp-u m w“ um»: und!

Vnnvrhlr hevaul- an mdnuq m mo- \l\d41uw\ u! Huuwull»Nnvi- m m 9 „r mal m4. lnmlblv lu-awl‘

mMoves masteredHModes pluyedmBison beaten

äctififzä‘, .TurbolFäevivoReleuse:November

g -_-' ' lt hus one hell of a Iong title‚ und it's gotv -- ' one hell of a reputation. Hold tight for the

return ol the heat 'emup Duddy...

Efllsafigmä’i‘ Buck by populur clemundexnßfiflllcfl,m a““|0 treet Fighter games have been around for Soitwas only amatter oftime before a Street- n ages, offering gamers slick side scrolling Fighter game made an appearance onGBAdvance.navouro‘W Hanoi.‘ fighting, awhole heap ofspeclalmoves and Would the makers be able to includeall Ihe moves. deadly combos staring a cast (hathave become and characters that made the series great in the first

part of video game folk law. place? Read onto find ou!more. ..

A Prepave for anonslaught Iikenoothenand a reallestoffighting prowess and stamina.F All the grudge matdms (hatmade lhis gamesodamn popular an: includedwhat a resull!

AThe fighlingä fast and fluid leaturing multiplecombos and spezialmoves.

Aswlthprevlousstreetflqhtetgatnosmsmrywwolvasmmldthe rivalrycf Ihn undRyu,and(bei:misslon 0othvnrteheplanto1a (enormgvoup callodshadowhw,Inpartlmlar h: leiderM.Ilmnandhis benehmen,BalrogundSegel.Earning the rightmtrade

punches with IheShadowlawleadels means banling a mulmudeofcthev Lharacters.And onlywhenymfie good enough (anyou looklmwardmthe final showdown.

DThe paih In your final shomlovmwir}:M.Bison in Iongandwhfiqvom»! l0mevnionvery painfinl.

Lhthcharaciarhashlsorharawn LTogualIflvewaytoMBisonisfiyniu slylewhntbeyallhavein touqlnbulfighling hiniswmlnarder.

Lconmonisamealagoodscrap. Heäsoquiduotrllhmmbefasl.

28 Ninlendo

Previous Super Street Fightergames have fealured six aclionbuuons,and wehear you cry,(hatthe GBNs only got four!Luckily for fight fans‚Capcom’s

button expens have got aroundthe problem byassigning twomoves to bolh the 0 and 0buttons on your handheld. Let'shave a (loser Iook at what eachbutton does incombat...


How fast cunyou go?Super streutHgMer IITurboRwivnldoesn't sklmpwhen i! comes Such is the amazing auention to detail in the game, (hereare four speedlo gameplay rundes. making(Msgame awlnner when il m m 9 : tn senings you can choose from inTurbo Revival.repllyvalun.Hanf!vlllat’: an nffer... They range from the reasonahly sedateNormal setting, right up to Turbo 3

for those who never need to blink.Ontop ofthat you can also tinker with thedifficulty ofyour opponents, cranking them up to unbeatable,

A AnaleThedassic Iongbaulumseesyou It'syou upagainsiwemyou IkeJlIhrawlyour way lo all fuur comevso!me youneed Es(wocopies o!m:gameandqiobe inaflghtingprocession o1ever im GarneBwAdvances01mm!don'tharder brawlers. Fnr1h:hardtorvm Iorgetsomeone to69h!against!

A With a choice offour speed senings.evenyour Granwill beable lo find a pa(elo suilher fighting style.Q OnNormalsetting,the fighting isstillpreny fast, but not quile ashectic asTurbo3,which isonly for Ihehardcore.

This prmkeman:ß aguaranleedway Thismode isanmalen!way o!boning _mleam your mm2 :without the your skfllsHm you ranfighl every boss Voll Wam agrea‘ Iooklng,extreme"äjifhlfommgxffähi; ygajggg;mgfwvfaiwmw° well anlmated 2|!heat ‘amupthen thns game"‘"’°“J cannot befaulted. Your anwill beproml!

a9. ——

While the game’s music ismost deflnitely annoying afler 20secomls, the variety ofcool snuntl eflcctsand speech samples are spol on.

.’.7.\_J’imbga» _—_: _;_.Turbo Revival ispackedwithminigames to test yourspeed and skill on

the bunonLOne game seesyou smashing upa (a1against (h2 (Iock,whiIeinolhers your job isto bust lhe banels asthey drop down from above. A


Ken isone ofthe bes! Sneet Fighter characlerswilh hisawesome ‚-'

skills.His long langefirebal| anadt isate.Shame about lhe redpyjamas! . . v . j

Make it easy ' V "* A. “"°"'!"""monster that wnll see qune a fewsegne

of thebulftonZorcmjlndsfireelcied



more elaborate moves are very long, baflgrigs |I||||aufmmyouan very comp Icate . ou’ eit er ove il or ate i! -Soto keep everyone happy, the game has the option |0 simplify theway you perform them. By evemhmg! or870W

pressing (33113) as a bout begins you can accessyour fightefis special move.Toattack all you have to do ispress 0 and 0 togelher.Other moves Iike fireball attacks are also

simplified.making Ihegamemuchmore user friendly for gamers new to Street Fighter.

bored o!this beat ‘amup.


ü‘r .

j „ n .Once your powermelefis fuII you can Iet vip with a Why bolher to remember a Iistofcommandswhen

spezialmove lhatwill floov anyone. you (angel the same resultswilhJust (wobuttons.

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‚— "II they can get near

Bwrnn WWF IloMarcy, there could bepnce::34.ss - nRemosezß„m, l ‚

» A ecstatlc fanstheworltl over._

We cun smellwhat The Rock is cooking on Gume BoyAdvance from here undit sure doesn't smell too pretty. Grapple funswon't be pleasedone bit...

I.ay the smackdown Ace entranceltwas only going to be a matter of time before the WWF carnival rolled onto GBAdvance and Weall luww theGarniBoyAdvancewouldunfortunately it'sa Iinle disappointing for Nintendo’s handheld. rock Indie soundsdepamnemandRoadAcompleteWWF roster ishere, including Stone Cold Steve Austin,UndertakenThe Rock and Kane,with t0 Wrcsllcmania nally shmus i!ofl.

awide range ofmatch types Ihatmake a very impressive Iineup. After selecting your wresfler,you'll beBut you need excellent gameplay for awrestling game and, Iike itsGame BoyColor predecessors‚the lreated to adass entrance scene rhatdepicts

GBAVersion suffers severely from poorwrestler controls. how they emer lhe (Ing in real Iife.Putting togelher some fluid moves,other Khan (he basics‚ i5all but impossible and you'll spend half Choose the Undertaker and you'll seea

your time being subjected to pain byyourWWF opponent. silhouengofhjmonhis bike,whileWllllamRegal {sIrealedto a trumpet fanfare.

wun „-...nliDown inIheCageJhe Rozk and

Undenakev battle itout fov supremacy.

A GnnduldWilliam Regal enters the fing lo lhesound oftmmpeuwhat 1 nice guyi

The entrance scenesarepreny good. Come onKane‚youdon’! scare us!

w: The game’:slick presentation,"‘“”“"°'°“"“°“‘?“'°°F”‘”V smooth flglner animation and wrestlergood, but lhegameplay ISasnnker. lt

mightbeWWEbutthisisverypoor. entrances are all very impressive.

Am:(anomy beoneWWF siav. Ilodenaket Iooksimpnsing ash: ndes into themnaanhisblke.

w„i wA 1 The match upchoices onoffer are impressive,thouglu your frustrationwill reach huilingpoint tlown inthe ring.

( n i m m )

r '\MICROTDSwwwmicmidssom


o mm‚ m m r r m n m i nnnuvlcvus -C1mneUPA'4l:..’1nun mcmos LI FIVRSRaum:nun m um, Pmwntxlnhvd In: Kflslnkrulvma! Pmqmmnqmnadyltvgm m 0w:US rmmnuu I n : man: nr m nun-um man b. cum-z: man: c 7m m: 5 m s }IICÜUIES. ll Mm‘: neunte 7M11K f M: C 20‘)! 7T)! SLNSLMIDROIBELIR17: kann

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„AlällG a x


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F1Every cup Iifted mGouls scored l6All tuckles won

FootballfirstIthough FIFA lootygames have all theglitz and glamour o! the footballwovld,

ISS lswidely regarded as the connoisseur’:choice of footy sims.This i5rnainly because ixjust plays more llke

the real thing,and we're pleased to report [hatthis realism ISherein spadesonGBA.Don't expect any 1&0drubbings asyou'll

haue to wark hard toget a xesult on ISS,fightingfov every ball and making every shol (ount.A5the name suggestxthis isall about lucity

a: international lexiel,soyou ( a n pick from someof theworld's best,and worst,nations.You ( a n even try blasting five past Germany

again and rub your hands with glee!

4 It's llnallyhere!"' ISShas landed anA

GBAdvance. It's thehandheld footymoment thatwe've all beenwaiting Im.Genius.

A The graphiu avebig and hrighLThcroamalso4Dinternationalem;with whith to try oul your luck,whether it be England, France orGermany.

m + -'_l"ü1:b Ihe styleand (omplexilyfmmpreviousISS litles hasbeen poltednntnNintenddshandheld gern.What a result.


.-... 1--

1 Ifyou canachieve successwith adodgyteam lilteSwiuerland,you ought Io beplaylng the realIhing.FotBrazil.

How long’s a piece ofstring? ISSwill last aslong

The daddy of thefootbull simulutors_ _ By:Konumifmully mukes I ts wuy Pricezcy-ssonto GBA. Is it up for Räm"

"°""'"’°'{I}! rthe cup or poised

above the drop zone?“We love ISSat Ilolll,andwehope aswe’ve never

llopetl liefere, that itwill bethe lastword inportable lootball.”

Ifyou're a fan of the beautiful game, thenyou'll be welcomed here with open arms.Leave the route one football at the door.The way to the opposition’s goal is by stringing

together passes rather than hoofing it up field,

I ’

u: M q‘ M‘= o4: m “nafa.

__1t_____ ,3 }‚

A France are probably the best side A Even ifyou get inongoal, it'sstill A Delicate passing and intricateintheworld at themomem,and this very hard toscore.Practice i: the key runsofl the ballarewhat's requiredisveflected inthe gamez slats. tosuccess, sokeeponIeaming. towin.Noneofthat long ballstuff.

There are 40 international sides to choosefrom‚ includingworld Champions France andWorld Cup hosts Japan and South Korea.Asalways, each team's position has a rating

and the players have real names for authenticity.

The game looks very slick and lively.The game screenisbright and clear but the players are perhaps a little bit too big.

ard tackleFans of previous ISS games willinstantly recognise the difficulty Ievelof this game. It's really not that easy to Qscore, or even to hold on to the ball. ’‚This isn't helped bythe size of the 5... ‚. _‘

sprites, they seem a bit too big and itmakes itdifficult to seewhere the rest of ayour team mates are on the pitch.Tobe fair,after a few plays this problem l ‚v

begins to subside.But itcould put off anyN0 OHHKPLHH l LE . H ( I L » ) I | l i 1 i o l g o l l h i ’ .

casual footballers or those who are new

A Dead ballsituationsarequite frustrating asyou can'tto the ISSway of football.The same problem applies to a dead

seewhere the ballwill end up.Betterstitk it inthemixerand see ifa team matecangetonthe end.

ball Situation.It'svery tough aiming toone ofyour teammates simply becauseyou can't see them.

E W Ü - ‘ t fl fl ü

( I fi fi bOFFICIRL mflüflllflE


A The sprites are a Iittle too big for our liking.It'softendiffitult to see any ofyour players.

asyou're uplor the challenge. That could bea long time indeetl. ‘l W" W'-





mm_t|‚q_wwfgames_com o Mumm.usuuts-nnvnnlfßn tnnmuLs o rau.nmmun Emanfls


ByMitlwuyPnce:€34.99Releuse: 1 Dezember

E Review HAliens killedn Ace high scoresmClussics licked

Midway'sGreutestrcudeHitsWe tuke u trip back in time to the earlyEighties when the uim of gumeswassimple, pull the trigger und ki I the enemy.

A longtime agobout 2o years ago,games used (o be made of Iinesand squares while Controllers had just one hnlton.

‘u! L|dlfIvfIS who „m? üIdc-nuuqh IOICI1‘z‘|17h!’I'fi:l':'-|((unmlvx Iikc- [In- .-’\t.u| Äu-DÜ, l\.'||zI'.-.=.1y's Lnmlesl flnmade Nilswill be a wulcunwc lnp down nwnxgayy LuwIlyutfvv nur ul lhuse who kebp uuvmg {Im (mm0;|u5I

mm"! uv|1.1YT|iPV\|'-.nd In hrxlhifll lw viqhl up vum xlwvl.

‘Null: Ion: Llusm J1i.(|(iL3llIi(‘S from ihgcL-‚yvrx n?vwcimqanwe". nnmw mit mnhes m" luvr Il

Ö GummiHlts has n0lancy Iooksm Ioadi olcclours on«man.JustIike lhe olddays all youare qoinqI0 gt-l |5 alaw linos!

h lllllz u’.I

I'‚' - E’

m?‚ I ?1 u n -: L

A Just like lhey were II1 lhe old days. the controls are always Slfllplf’.AII you noocl to du ismovn and shoot, bul thcy are ldr lrum easy

.A Ilyou're not one lor complicaled slory Iines. (bis Is simple.Hunldown Ihn einem in your spam ship and blasl Ihcm Into oblwion!


"This bring: some old gems back to lileonyour lillA andwill hegreat lor oltler games players.”The pnckage

The four classic titles that feature inGrealest Hits are Defender, Robotron2004,Joust and Sinislar. In Defender you control a fighter ship and have to destroy alienswarms in the skies above a lunar landscape.

Robotron places you inan arena fuII ofrobots who are out 1o destroy mankind.InJoust you musl avoid being knocked off your ostrich byhining the enemy with yourIance.Finally,Sinistar sees you using Sinibombs to fight the evil Sinistar himself.

AII four games are great examples ofwhat arcades used to be Iike and anyone whohas played them before will be happy to know that they have made the conversion tothe Game BoyAdvance completely unchanged.

AWeremember DefenderweII and it's one ofour favouritesYou have to bevery skilled (o (Iear oullhe alienswithout being shot down inflames. Ealsome Iead‚Manian boy!

A Robotron isthe most action packed ofall thefour games. It's non stop blasling action asyouward ofl robots bythe bucket Ioad!

A Sinistav isout there somewhere collectingpans to build his ship.Vou had bener get somebombs and deslroy him before it's too Iate!

Betains the simple graphics olthe four arcadeclassics. However,hullets and olher small ohiecls arehard tospot onthe GBAdvance’: portable screen.

We wantmoreIt's great to see these golden oldies alterall this time but the problem is,fourgames is simply not enough.These titles are small and very basic. Just

four ufthem would not even keep hardcurevetro gamers Elllellälnfid lang enough (o

‚ustify the E35 purchase.Another problem i5that some cf the

smaller objects. Iike alien gunfire,are toosmall io see on Ihedark backgrounds.Unlottunately, the pocket sized screen Is

noi weil suited to this style of graphics. I1would have looked grealmthe arcades, butonGBA ihey dlE simply too smail.

LGameshave come a Iongway sinte lhe Eighliesand theywon't enlertain you anywheve neueslongesother good Game BoyMvancetitles.

A Enemy bullets appear sosmall onman it (ansometimes bebald tosee themJhls makes the91m: hardev compared 1oplaying ana telly.

lt’s gootl toreturnantl top your highscore,but only lourgamesmeans thiswill last just a lew hours.


GFIITIE SCOREVllillstlon-tlllmlflllway’:Groatostnrcatlellitslsstllnotvnrllthnshnsollyoldthogannswllqproelahtlm

wmflflnumlnflnrolrogaos, ohtnqolosm“ 12/.»

Super Iust-A-Move Review

lllovehas always

this loolts Iike itwill dou pleasetl puzzle lans aml

IIES l l l "llustA

just the sann."

Bust-A-MoveGume InfoByr.Ubi SoftPrioe:€34.55Releose:November

E}i 2 )

More puzzle actionhits the Gume BoyAdvnnce. but howdoes it compure tothe clnssic versionsof this bruin game.

lllols The visuals are simple, laut clear antl eolourlul.ThaGame BoyAtlvanclfswider screen tlisplays the action perlectly.

Bubhle burstmg funpopularpiazzlnwies.SuperBtnt- Previousportable outlngscfSuperBast-A-

A-Movormnsthejumpmmcfillfl, Movewerehardtoplay becausethehubhlesbrlnglnghuhhlebmthgacfionmyour wemtoodifflculttoseeonthefiameßoyhanliold’:anallman. Color‘:umhandheld screen.Tlie ldea ofSuperBust-A-Movelstoclear LudtllmlnlsVersion i: rnuchmoreplayäble

lleldsofhuhblbyshootlngmatching thanls to theslzie and clavityoftheGBA’:oolours lromahuhhle lamdierat tlxe display.ltalsoman:mitthe twoplantVersusbonomoflhesaeen. modeislieretooandlsawesomefiln!"Inaslmilaistyletothe dasslcTECfiSÄfÜE Howevflr.thlshasasllghtlySlllllllelpaaä

llddoverflllsyomgame lsuvenJust keep oompared tocansolevusionswlthm:your screendearatalltlmesl launclierfneezlngwhen vonmatchbubbles.



"’Üi \ 92:12"t7 Ä_'

w a n » ?



III!IEIIGTII There areloallsol levels toclear aswallasabrilliant Iink upmotle.Thispuzzle game is too alltlictivel


GfifnE SCORESupoI-IIst-A-lflovelsonooltlnnostadlhtlnfllptuxlors.Eronlhqiliuctlonlsalltfloslovnrlllaouotlnoreonsolos.tliswllkupyouhapnloraps." w "optionlsonnoltlnflhlmt.


V1Powers used n Enemies routed n X-Men refined

Game InfoByAdsinPrice:€34.99Re|eusez 0m Now


The X-Men ure the number onefoursome of the comic bookscene and their brund ofmutunt powered uction iscoming to Gume Boy Advunce.

ReignofApocalypse"After some disappointing X-Men games on

G58, IlelgnofApocalypse seems abreath o!fresh air.”

Four stur uctione’ve had the comics,we've had the cartoon series, we've had thefilm, and a few games along the way too.Now it's the turn of

another (o join the Iong [ist of X-Men titles.X-Men Reign ofApocalypse isbasically a beat’em up,with a bit ofa story

bolted on tojustify the Iegion ofenemies the game challenges you (o beat. Stockuponplastersyour fingerswill badly need them.

This X-Men star has aSkeleton and(Iawsmade frommelal.He's rhestrongesl ofthe four and highlyskilled a! hand t0 hand combal.

A The baddies come thi(k and fasnwhichwouldbegreal iflhe controlswere goodenough to keep upwith the aclion.

Ä They’re a crazy bunch ofsuper poweredheroes and the starsofcountless comics andcartoonsäay hello (o theX-Men.

This fearsome lady Ievitates abovethe ground,and can jump higherthan the other three, Her mutampower isa deadly Iighming blast,

| vurr :amklniAI. lntlwn :

RÜGUEA Ifyou're using Cyclopsweguarantee that


you'll spend aIIyour time zapping enemieswith his clever visor Iaser.How smart is(hat!

A A!the end o1each Ievelyou have tofightamini boss‚which isjust asdull asthe otherenemies you'll come across inrhe game.

The backgrounds look terrific, infactthey look lilre tlley are straigln out ofaMarvelcomic.The group o!X-Men Iookspretty good, too.

Theyoungest ofthe four.She'scapable ofbeating anenemywithher big punch,while her mutantpowers can drain enemy strength,

Thismulant isnoslouchwhen itcomes togetting his knucklesdirty.Hespecialises infiring anenergy beam from his visor.

ngagfivcxxyängzämmwsmgfi’Ql"TUVJY3fi7MÜ»ÜÄ‘Ä3-‘Q’7GT‘TÖ5W'9%?cumamaumqmymfiifi *9;


The soundlrack isn'tol the a es! standard and thesound elleots are only adequate.

X-Men upgrade

hruwb‘b ÜHhov-o 4 a ;

Slonnv gameoonlrolsmalte ‘stille Iongerthan itshoultl he.Multiplayermotles are okay though.


GIJIT|E SCOREllolglnoupocalypsoloohpul.Iulrsuhllowiooonlorapoalhtrnnfluaapulohoiooonlllolalol

llenkiBlocks Review

DenkiBlocksBy.RagePrice:E3439Release: 0m Now

l fi ä

Bloclopartyuzzle Island i5home to the DenkiBlocks puuling phenomenon.und if

youwe inlomind bending puzzles you maywell want to visit (h:island.Hlt‘ d l l l ‘ n h: nnwr: LLHOLIIEI] Dlurka d m u n u

a qnd ‚jnd LOÜPELI Ihr": mn1.1ks—>.hapc5


Ivxnurdx ousy, umIJedr m „und mat anunshlciu 64'; muve iugelhr-r ‚und Ihr} ouw ardv innmw {In-m mdc-ynvnvdevuny I) n:1m-mr nnnwunnnq squazesm Leim-v (c-vmin hlOCk‘;Nerclvsa u»my, u >a whult Amsamt»:m

Lnnzmsxund than um rxgnhnuunn:

Ä Punls Island |5 a nmgual iandpopulaled by p-eople who Iwß luplay Denkt Blocks Am’! lhal(um?

LBIIIS « -. v

w ‚

Be the best

A lessup is lhe oldmanwhoacls n: vom qulde. Heknuw:everylhlng aboul Denlu Elocks.

A llyouMmlu exemae yuuvbminmanDenlci Blocks isjusl lheIhmg.Don I expou II 1obe easy.




ByBann!Price:€34.99Releuse: 1 Der;

cks vs.Sever is a futuristlc shooter set in a seedy underworlmwithadollop of government conspiracy thrown in for goodmeasure.Blasting nuts can choose to play aseither Ecks‚a government operative, or

Sever, amember ofthe underground NSA group.Whoever you pick‚your objective issimple, find the opposition and destroy

them using whatever firepower you can get your hands on.You'll meet awhole host ofenemies whose onlywish is to see you dead!


Playing asE(ks,you must hunt down Sevev and stop the rebellious NSA group.

Hot on the heels of BuckTruck comes this newGBAdvance first person shooter. Does it huvethe firepower to outgun the opposition?There's only one wuy to find out cowboys.... "This looks Iike it’s firing from the hipwilh adecentstoryline and a steady procession ofgunwielding enemies.”

Two's company .o-

Ecks vs.Sever isa framic,fast paced, firstpevson shooterfifhe backgrounds may Iookalinledrab,but the action’swhile hol.



Mailand amoody__ ‚. atmospheremake ita

„filfliifilflfli;E°Z:Z‚L?J2'3„’;IZifif255m, treat-Somea-‘easa-‘easIa<k.They’re extvemely hostile you know. "tue Ionman“ “Iflllgh-

Great guns are accompanied bysomemeaty eflects and enemies diewith a satisfying ‘ugh’.lI-O

Atlantis The Lost Empire Review mfi\

CIs thnt you ‚

Everyfirst person shooter needs a (lass l

mulllplayer Option,and lhe one inEcksvs.Sever is absolutely ‘ m.Wilh onc can,your opfions are limiied to l .

a single characlerand arena.but Ifeveryonehas a copy lhen lhings startmmolor.The game Iooks excellem inmuhiplavger.

losing noneof iIs speed orfinesselhe rangeof characters adds a real edge, too.Extramultiplayerarenascan be unlocked "CtD“ the heels 0' ‘h2

in the single player nmde and there's a nltest nisney actionchoice of frag limit,Iime limn,o! oneof the B)’.THQ . - -special modeslers move out! Price:E34.95 ' “dvgnture colnes thls rlp

Releosez1um _ Ionrflg‘6::plcfitlorlnner.“r ‚ OIH I 0 CHI: (I5 EE » _ . .E] _ ‚

4’nttempts to unruvel themysteries o! the lost city.

WEsm "Atlantis isshapingu]: toIn:a top Game lloy lldvancetille.We're keeping nurfingen-scrossed Ior llüsuns.”

llnder the seuMiloThatch‘; grandlather discovered the secret of lhe lost ‚

A Fourplayer link up i; exceIIenLThe game loses city ofAtlantis, but he died befove h: could uncover it. K Wnospeed ordelail and the characters are easily SoM510 takes it upon himself to complete his qrandfathers ' ‚_ fdislinguishable inlhe intense heal ofbanle. legaqujumping un huard lhe guud ship Ulysses wilh its muxley ‚

crew and heading off imo the watery unknown. b O’

GuideMilo ßver I8 levels (hrough submaxines.murky f’ l z,underwatel cdvervus and ufcoursa the cnty of Atlantis ilself.The plot closely follows the storyline of the Iatest Disney flick

and uses aclual aruvork frum lhe film l0 recreale anaulhentic A Thejoumey tnAtlantis i5fraughlatmosphem on yourGarne BoyAdvance. with perils Ioryou lo overcome.

i—<.' n —. k Ü ' ' b’.l 1|! ..‘l: ‘ l1 ‘S, '

‚ ‚ , . ‚

‘‚ «r. '-. ‚r‘ «'43 Ö ‘vA InBombKitmodegyou muxt findall the pietes .

o!Iheexplosive and get to this computer (o win. A Ynur grandlalher (erlainly A The submarine h ahout toblow! A You've finally reathed dry land,wasn't up lo lhe(hallenge, soi! Findlhe clew and help lhom Io hut you'll have l0 boquizk lo IzeepIookslike it'sup (o Milo. escape belore jumping overboard. upwilh Kida.Move i!Milo!

There areloads olmlsslons, and the alnlny p _ - ‘ GMIE LEIIGTII Tllere I r e

n r xtoplay a:Ecks orSever adds -m 7 „ s anouzll levels flllllVIPMV |0real longevny tolhlsblaster. - 4W)‘: _- m! V0"MIIIIY 70l‘ I fflll‘Willi!-

I .I „ ‚ dann

’ 14"" —D F H C m L mmmzms . M oFFnclnn. m n a n z l n e

GnfnE SCURE ' i’:‚ 4-‘

g A Ilwouldn't beaproperAtlantis game wimoulsome swimminq.Lonl:oul lormalglanl sea crealuteahove a; hecenainly doesm Iookwolviendly.

Looxs Tho oharacteranimations are impressive andIhegame Iookscloso l0 thencw llisnoy animation movie.


Byr.KonumiPnce:€34.59Release: ‘|6NovemberGrudius

"liratlius is regarded asaclassic, soifthis remains faithful totheoriginalwith 21st century power, thisoould bea shoot ‘emupchart topper.”Yet another Eighties classic gets the Game BoyAdvance treutment. I.et's bust some alien hide.Blast from the pust

he Gradius series ranks up there alongside R-Typeas one of thegreatest blasting titles money can buy.

NowGradius Advance ishere to send all you retro nuts imo ecstasy asyou take the role ofVicViper and cap some aliens inouter space.

Gradius Advance isswarmingwith the scourgeofthe galaxy andevemhing ishere fvom small crafi togiant end of level bosses.ifit's oid school biasting youwant onyour handheldßradiusAdvance is

brimmingwithmouthwatering shoot’em up action.


x" ‚..

‚.‚ s' ' vc.'av'w'avt.in am “mm4.

Your ship has theability to increase itsfirepower bypickingupthe itempods (hat are lefl lvy the enemy.

. nu u H".“‘L' uurufltrval 1

Your spaceship looks tiny upagainst the end o1Ievelbosses.Keep inbetween its Iasers and take itdown.

Enemies inlhe sky and onthe groundwill anempt t0blow you apart,sokeepmovingand blasting away.

Tgohd “p _«l The fast paced_> w W A u muslcfils the speedy frantlc

Before heading out intothe deepest recesses of outer k natura o‘‘bis excellemspace, you can select your choice of power up. l _ _Byblasting away at the enemy,somewill Ieave behind hlastel‘and “|9Halm":Vmce

power up pods when they blow up.lfyou are a level headed pilot, there's a balanced range hell’: w“ power

ofweapons on offer including Iasers and double fire. II|ISvoll v3 EM"nense heatShould you be more ofa space cowboy, Power Missiles o‘banle.Great idea.will be right up your street with their photons and thrusts.You'll also get the choice ofwhat shield you prefenfrom

forward facing protection to anall surrounding force field. m: 7,13123 ‚Hl { E S Y E E D „n ucag-qiäcaaiä„s-gä -« —‚&Zn.c._5- '- l-

1! "3 Hl F 5 1 " Ä i} D.’{A{.-__‚"ä-€_Jt-b4€..5u.g* 3,5015!‘


These huge Iaserswill take out mutantalien ships frommiles

"oäv ' ' away.Fry‚ET,fry!’.

Ifyou selecled air 1o

g-r-gtgqp-‚vugfigvpg, ground missiles‚enemy.

' installations are easy.

Enemy rocket fire isextremely difficult tododge, sobevery wary.E“ 5 _ -. .’

* "'*tv'alf*vv>.' VI"'D"Cg‘1. ' '

The olassic game has been given adeoent overhaul lor the liameBoyAnlvancewith someimpressive levels.The end oImissionbosses are something tohehold asyou blast them topieces.lI-E

Get u Iifeline

Each vicjeoclipibibrom nfldwn _to"s:t'a'ges;soyoucan seegica’ y yo äiägbing‘l- '

wnvrongand corriäcl x_tlz_afc'cggr„d{rjigijv.:‚ __c lThehin't'modä529er: prpvldesyatiwith,tacfidsfonvhowmdefeatfthäbianfiähdxiflevel iflmisessrrpayattentiohSpachranger;



ilhlsfcyells . n" W

teeminzjwith ÄallgnjiIeIorms 5whciarejuit‘ ‘hthing_for__9'_ .rucketinflreir‘. ibaclcsidesltill! Ä

""t“"’ ‘ ' fldYoLrllhaieL‚uicnntinuplvly‘bloßitägajhmmuwmnoozinglayäor.

1 .yours'hip’will—‘ bbqyshcfl.

The toughchallenge aller:greal value formoney.Takingins!one hit andgoing back tothe start olthestagewill beharsh onyoungergamers. You've been warned!


GFIITIE SGOREGradIushdlIIII-yllhqpodonrlhyamdifluIllunihnharhblnhrülishnhdhhddI I I I I I IH I I I I I I I I I I

25:13.’. ‚q D

Tetris Worlds Review ‘A53:

Game InfoBM-THQ 7Price:€34.59Reieuse: 0m Now

LOOKS ' 1-<w 1 mJ-‘w m-

GAME LEIIGTII i»:„.’:::v— {I}: " z " ||WII


a".||I[ ‚u

‘V\ \ || l [l |||

* Ihil I H: v n. u w‚ M ‘ “N‘J’ I |< m n . I I . I u.

„ ‘ « „w v „ V’. , ;HJI .1:lv\: HHP L I!«m


‘nfiflmnl! u d; TllLll ldl-

1!!" v flflfiflflI] ‘l .- n DFFICIDL mncnznne

5M snme SGORE..‚ .4 . l



‚;„;. {‘‚' . ‘

BOYA r t :

Game InfByr.BBI u lPrice:534.99 lReleose:23 Nov äÜ E? u. lE] _e'„_ l

If you yearn for the good old days of the sidei » "There'sallen scrolling shoot 'emup then this Iittle GBbutl l0 stomp along theway.” Advance gem could be right up your street.

halanx is an awesome space based shooterwith its roots firmlyplanted in the good old days of gaming.

The action i5fast paced and furious, there are Ioads ofenemies on screen allafter your blood,and the music pumps into your ears.Byblasting the evil enemies out of lhe sky you can collect bigger and better

power ups which give you ridiculously Iargeweapons.The Ievels are big,the bosses are bigger and thewhole game is incredibly

tough.You’II feel you've accomplished something when you finish this,

Phalanx isavery tvicky chaIIenge.You’ll have (o be100%alen at all times ifyouwannt0 avoid being blownup‚sokeep your linger tightmthe lrigger and destroy them.

w = Thisgame isnothingshort olIramic.

_ .v

I _ I

There’s Ioadsh4231114252212?322527331T322’;I3:213322211liäiäfiläffäifiifgäfi?'” 80i":0" b!"

Phalanx never— The music sounds a littlehit daled, but . _„ ‚ _ slows down. ltalli|’s fast and furiuus and itfits the action pretty ’

Iheenemvaneckscomerrpickandfasnxouv _ looks extremelvwell.There’s also the usual bangs and booms. ÜSECÄÄEÄÜi:33333ääÄleÄlflfoÜfllehifäsifdm” 188W iflfleed-

|T ‘u:

Tools for the jobj

‘Fä-vg-poo v - I P «a l ‚ - ‚ u „ - : uogqpya

' "Im:z, ..4m.J._-/..J -_n» . _1,.» 14170..‚a 4 .-"T


« w : „ w !«z. “v? x

9"?"7"”F"‚"”"‘7"’ l l Phalanx is; ß 4- . ‘ w”) _‚ v-- .. l g reallytouglnlle preparedto

_ _ _ _ _ _ «a „ spendalotoltimewithil.


BossyhootsLlkeallgood seifi shooters, Phalanx Im:somerealugly Iookingand of levelbosses to confront and destroy.Fansofarcadedasslcs likeR-Typewlll

instandy recognise the styleofthese badguys a5 they're very blgand tough.They alsocome inseveral parts,Iikea

glantMeccano klt.sofinding theweak spotsand picking them offfirst isall imponant.You'll also need tokeep your eyespeeled.

a5 bosses tend to have avariety ofmissiles.Onewrongmove and you're toasl.


AFansoffineoldR-TypegameswlllIm:umIookeda In!lilte lhlsone.


„ ‘ ‚ ' ; . : " „ M 0

Aonthe untlerwalellwemhebaddlesumgetfingmudlblqgerand uglienYouan bet thebosswillbeamalMonster laman.


q.. . r v x l ‘ . s . . . _ „ _.-...|_.. |

< ..-.. - n-‚IVI-M»Aksymprogressllwnughflaeguneyonrllbeforcedwflghtsomeprettymeanwhbossesmwy(anbeamilpiininllaehuntotlestmy.


snme SGORE

ScoobyDoo und the Cyber Chase Review M...

ScoobyDonund the Cyber Chaselinkies! The hungryhound urrives on 68A tot r y und thwurt the planso! an evil cyber crook.Help Scoohy und thegang unruvel the mysteryund snve the dny.

Gume InfoBwTHQPrice:€34.99Releuse:30 November

5 1 %I X ]

"Gut vour lillelScooby snacks inthis supcrDon-perIookingallvcmure. This could hetop (logonyour GBMann.”

Cyber Scoobyh: game heqms In tme Scooby Duo style wim Myslevy Im hol onm.1mal ol an uvilphanmm vnus. They l ry In catm il, Im!m. unlslev vlms v5 npoed milde a mmpulav

gome Benevuvand nach n down belore u does Iny damaqe,„m... n —y „mm . a" 1' »' ‚m e’ u „j M„'.«« ‚ u... " u m 1m n; am w“! um w... .„unnmwcmm.- ' n ‘I . ‚ m . m’ )' ‚qmm; n. r „fpgwll ymw' . Um ‚ ‘nhy-v um I in ‘l. mll "' ‘‚“>"-: Vlw- „urw 1.4" ' lW-‚x‘ M!Wn- ‚ man „ILHW

.:1!l:-\„J1r..:.l\ ' 'l-r‘ um y-w-hl m w.» g m .—w 'umI||..‚ -n:w _.."Ir"| nun.» w! .0.- Um: uhn- l „man. n ‚ u - ‘n m ‚um u m ‘

v n».L-- "- pvvu. m - w w» xvwl. v: I» w, um; ' um w,

V Elw qnme Iss-qm» an uunwvml:mmuux‘nmmy umthe ganqman lu Jmlge manwounly guanrls and munhwle Uhr ummx

.-‚n? w,‘ ‘a.’ v| H n n

ÄH! \‚},v'

A Ihn n m.» lau»: mal xrau-‚rd all u! Ihn-wuhlmm Y-In IInur! h: uw .l (u qm man]!m1»vldiü qame and rundmeu-mh

unsLEIIETII Cyber chaseprcsnnts apntty tough GBAchallenge. ltwill Inkaawhilel0 unmask lhe villain.


l5.T-Öa"“}1väi963l Wfllfl.ägia E‘°”’I}.’?‚G"<?'Fä?2

°f.‘ i

äA m: n:u m». m»„um „m.„au. um „u:m:mmn ‚uu lmwl lmuuqh IM mvexleuaumovivv qmm.-

‚O‘ IX J



‚ggf. wg;3..|

_. _ _.


Looxs Thismanage: tocapture all the charm andhmnour lrom the TVseries.

{ I fl fi bDFFICIHL lflflGI-‘IZIHE

‚GHITIE SCOREIlluscoollyllooanfllhocybu-fihaaluhnmnflladlhaflunfllnllhflmhs.lrufllnpnnrlcflamrlr.

rähsuduofilhunbmnTmau O%_Clubman.


There's nowhere to hidefrom the cartoon kings ofSuturduy TV. Not even GameBoy Atlvance is suie.

Cost CopersPrice:€34.99 - ' '

Everyone’:favourite canoon babies are crawling The Iittle lady has also nicked all the babiedtoys

Releuse: 0m now ’ onto GBA ina feast of fun platforming. and they want them back.Angelica has crowned herselfto be queen ofa Not to be ones to take it Iyingdown‚Tommy and

playground Stu’s built for the Reptar pizza company, the gang are onamission to stop the little minx.

w: { The cartoonworlds are vibrant even ilthe Bugrats characlersden’! quite look spot on.

Castle Capers even stars new Phil’n’lil also appeav intherecruit Kimiwho first appeared in Rugrats’first Game BoyAdvanceRugvals inParis.Ain't she (ute. outing.Grab those bananas!

‚ Retrievingyour toys isonly halfofthe game.You've also got to find two ofyour Iinlefriends.

The nappygung 53339?fl-

vYou'll have to take (o the air inthe AliBaby Ievel1ofind

aII the ranlexWatch out for dive bombing birds‚as lheywon't stop flying just because you ave inthe sky.


-l Finish itonce

and there isnothingwortllreturning tocastle Bauers for.llltler Ilintentloidswill have this

once "Po"u time licketlextremely quickly.

‘T!X 2 S 0 1 5 0 O 7

The playground Stu has Iovinglybullt is a wonderland packed

G n m e SCORE


BatmanVengeance Price:€34.99Releose:Gut NowGotham City's one mancrime fightingmachinecan M _i

smell some familior rats in his patch.The Batphone’: Ü 7"‘-

redhat, so let's put some evil faces behindbars.

Caped crasadehe GBAdvance has already been (reatedto Spidey’s firstadventure and now It'sBatman's ( u m to fly intoaction.DCComics’favourite isagain face to facewith old adversaries,

includingThe Joker and this time he's brought Batgirl and Robin.With a feast ofside scrolling rooftop scraps to enjoy, plus fast

car chases in the Batmobile and battles across the Gotham Cityskies in the Batplane, Bat fans are going to Iove it.

The roads ofGothamCity are snarled upwith ( a mandIorries.You’lIhave Io swerve the motoß and the potholestoveach The Joker befove the timer rea<hes zero.

GFIfnE SGOREYouvflrsl toughmission islo stopTheJoker.You'llhave (oraceacvossthe city inyour aceBatmobile mgmy,+‚-‚.._ „n„n

H 5 (In-"HF‘: nun-a nf r‘ .-|rrn=- h". iaffll};

n 86%’

The Batplane IsweII equipped totakeout the rooftop inslallations.

Game InfoBy.Bon-n!Price:€34.99Releose: 1 De: Gir] powgr Game Info

Race tnme w «n. am...Ü g“: MojoJojo has stolen a rare diamond Price:€34.99

n n n . n n nn nn n andChemicalXto create an army of Releosez14 Decn H „nu nnnnn. ‚nnn n n n

n nnn. mighty robots to take overTownsville.n ' ’

n n . n n n n n n n n n n Fonunalely,Blossomßuttevcup andBubbles have spotledwhat Mojo Jojo‘; upso

. nn _ n and Ieap Imo action to save Ihe city.n n n .n - You'll have to baute your way fromTownsville right up Into outev

n space and into xhe MegaMecha Robo JojomsIop (hefiend.

A!the slartMojoJojo breaks im a You (answi-tch between theGirls.jewellers (o steal a rarediamond.


mm! ‚n r. ‚n ‚n rv w‘ The gameplay hardly vaties {vomIeve! lo IeveLWhaIa shame..;‚n,.‚. 7J—‘‚\|1:‚y'|v‚ nn


nDinos creuted F1Huppy customers nMoney made

After the DNA Fuctor debacle,can'

this new Iurussic Park Iicence add 0r UI erlife to the prehistoric franchise...

Game Info a "look out lor the customers, they bite!You’ll need toheBycKonumi » heiter lhanDisney ilyou want your park open formore than aweek.”Price:E3439

Park llfeReleose: 0m now

fyou’ve ever dreamed of owning a dinosaur themepark‚you can rejoice as Park Builder hits the GBA.Starting with an empty Island,you've got a blank

canvas.With one million credits to build anawesometourist attraction, it's time to fill itwith cool stuff.Hotels,shopsnestaurants and cf course the dinosaurs

are all available for you to position asyou see fit.But make sure that you keep the public happy oryour

mighty dinosaur park will start to lose money and itcouldbe curtains for your money making empire.

AWhalwould you Iike (o build today? Shops and hotels1 Adinosaur theme park ofyour very own.Tal<e good care ofthe need to bekept weII stocked and nicely fumished oryou’IIpark and the beasts and you could beavery rithmogul indeed. put the public offand lheywon't want to ( o m eback.

The graphics are small and very detailed making it ideal Ringfand;lor this kintlofgame. There’s acolourlul look tothe litle, too.‚l .|— l.‘ ':_-_ _ .'l .Il— l:-

‚ThemostlmportanttlnlngInyour lhemapark isthe transport system.Buses ferry thepublicaround sothey can

see the dlnos inthelr enclosures.Unfonunately, youcan't assign eadi

buseädirectlon, soyou'lloftenflnd themgoing amund inclvdes, loslngyoumoney.

’CFI:I.%I 1 ' 8 9 7 ? ‘

A The range ofdinoswill please {ans ol the preliisioric. A Charge too much enlry fee and i!won't amatt visitors.

AYour road networl:rnuslincludesiopsattlieeniranteornnonewillbeahle Iogut Inslde.


GQTTIE SCOREJu-asslcllarklullflorhalirmIlhqnnnwfllurmll’:p u o n m d h u d m a fl lrnflyhsllmüaonmn

Aslongasyouwam it tobe. Ifyou’re a ruhbishpark ownr you're out olbusiness‚ it'sassimple asthat.ua

‚ m . : „ a m .

3WTHIIPrice:€34.99Releose 9 November

E] Ü": E;Ü =sFortress

Build q gnighty structure und_then blow the hell out of theopposmon. A puule gumewrth guns... excellent!

Fortressis a puzzler with a difference. lnstead of simply

positioning blocks andwatching them disappear, youhave to build an almigh y fortress.And you're not alone in this task as anopponent isalso

buiiding their own fortress right next door Io yours.Aswell asblocks‚you have to position guns and helpersrThe

former will batter rhe Opposition into Submission while the lanerwill help you rebuild your shattered fortress.There are four different arenas where you can fight including

PrehistorigMediei/al,Pirate and Space.There’s even a (woplayerIinkup mode, soyou can fight your mates.

The leveis are nice and varied and lhere’:agreat senseoffunJhe Pirale srage ( o m e scompietewith cannons.

Build i!upand knock itdown.Tlre biocks look a lot IikeTetris,butdon't Iet (hat fool you.Trying tograba:much floor

space aspossibie isvitaLSpreadyour base out nice andwide andyou'll last much longer.

IfowerRungers Garne InfoTime Force 8mm

Price:€34.59Releose:23 November

ij ‚u,Ü 34-.

Price:€34.99Releose:nur now

Featuringthe four time AMA national

champion,RickyCarmichael, this lsaMotocross simwilh all the thrills and spillsof the real (hing.Ricky and 27 orherMXsuperstarsareavallable to raceacrossworld

famous tracks inChampionshiporFreestyle mode.Wirh all the hype and ceiebrity endorsement, it's nowonder that the

developers forgot to includedecent gameplay orany enjoyment.And a5 itmoves sluggishly. this i5

nolhing Iikea franric dlrt bilcesim.

InFreestyle youmust pullsome Iairytricks.Don'tholdfor longoryou'llCrash.

All (h2 top riders are inrluded.Takeyour pitkand get out tothe track.


MX2002 islifelessand dull,whilethe tracks areblandand unexdling.

" ' t '

‚ L1 " 'V

r ‚r n l 1 ’ ;

PrehistorikManDoyou yeurn to be back in the w rege‘„a“d Id a 2 Th b


3:13» alltd rolläroznilgäflseyäysr '°"’°'"°'"5" '°"°'""" Bwviruin-n-evacüvetime to go dino bushing in this °|'_31Y CreafllnsWhen


plutform udventure romp. thrs one lands on65A.”E] 4’- Ü n22 »


Fmd the foodhen everybody in the vlllagewas Sam has 1omake hisway through theasleep, a gang of nastydlnosaurs strange, unexploved Wilderness to collect


Releose:1 Dezember

broke inand stoleall the food. enough bones to buy back all of the grub.There's only oneman brave enough (o get on Trying to stop him are all sorts cf nasty As ifall the exploringwasn't enough for poor

with lhe lobofgetting back the grub, and that enemies such asdinos‚ lions,wolves, spiders old Sam, he will also have to deal with somehero isSam, the PrehistorikMan. and lunlesTime lo ge! your clubbing shoesan. crazy prehistoric beasts as he tries winning

back all hisvillage's nosh.The first of these isa vicious mountain lionuYou

must beat him and steal his fur so Ihat a smarthang glider can be built for you.Asthe Ievels get bigger,sodo the bosses. Pretty

soon you'll be confronted by some enormous bad’ Ä

guyswho are after your blond.‘ - ‘ _ The only (hing stopping them from getting to

These nasty dinonurs have Bydubblng the enemlegyou Don‘t1ry and runat the turtles, you isyour trusty club,soyou'd better get Swingingbmkeninlo Ihevilage and stolen will9Mbones.These are counted at asthey'll bite.Bulifyou lime "rt ifyou want to survive (hequest.llte food.SammPreltinorikMan the end o1eadr Ievelundused to rlqhl.youanjumpontltei:bad:basgot toget ltbadpzonto. buy bad:your villagds food. and rldeawaymuss lhelevel. Thismountain

Iionis lhe lirsthoss_ you'll enmunter.. i II .. The graphlcs are excellem and the whole game has a He'snormanlouuh- but youneed hiswrclrerl eartoon leel and agreat sense olhumour. ‚„‚‚o „m a„o,

hang glider.

Luwsof the Iand rThis dlno boss isI mu<hfiercer.He'll

IfSam's themanwho can savehls people, TheChlelof the lrihe has told Sam (hat ilhe spilfire at you andlhen that doesn't saya In! lor the rest nf the succeeds, hewill be allov/ed to marry the _ ‘ -. swoop in(o try andtribe.'l’o put it bluntly, Sam's pretty thick. Chief's daughter and take comrol of the tribe. ._ n‘‘ f4, f biteyou.Bash himBu: Iucklly,he's gut the support ofall his Samwill have to learn how to run‚use his ‘ i ’ ' .. 3'"E"' ß’ w onthe head with

friends.They'll be Ihere to help Sam inhis weapons, climb and even flyifhe's to make it to b/Pftffiltfiirfita. l yourtrusty club.adventure,making weapons and machines the dinosaur graveyards and get enough bonesvrhich he can use t0 win back the food. to buy the Iribesome more food. ‘


l ’1Wlllll-‘A Thetlrum n hasslleals are anythrng lmlprehrstorrc.Whaclr onyourlteadphones and getonIlown tothese ol soumls.

.' a ‘ . ' r ‚o Q‘:‘--‘:'-°:"a.'.- Ä ‘

alnl ’/‚°t.4...4I'IJo.-J.?i.Q-ff. x ; . I

A Walldngs lurcivilisedpeople. Bad: inthe limeso1 A lnthe burnt forest, Sam (anuso these spears tolhecaveman. lhey used lo mnonall lours. boume hlswaywer the rulned trees.

GFIITIE SCORE4 Learnlng to lly

'* ' " ' ' " H’" " 1 Lookout lor

can bepretty sensltlve plecestrklry,but the ' of Iand.Bashvillagerswill lend '> . tlremwlthyour ‘


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exter is working in his Iabwhen hismeddlesome sister,DeeDee‚wanders into hisCIone-O-Maticmachine.

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THE FIUJESOITIECÜLLECTIÜNColnpletelytestadhyourexpens Allthegumesyounmsthcve


The lnwdnwnAbreathtaking title that's asmuch anadventure game asit isaplatlormerfiontrolBanjo andKazooie through beautifulworldsonamisston to find Banjo’: sister.

Why it rodrsIncredible (ontrols keep youclose to the actiomand boy,isthere artion! Hugebosses, trirkypuzzles and massive worldsmake this anN64milestane.

Tlte lowdownIt's fuII ofhuge worlds tltat offera non stop procession ofcrazy(hararters, lerocious bosses andthe type o!puzzles that malteRare games surh apleasure.

Why it rodrsVou can (ontrol bothBanjo andKazooielhis iseven berietIookinglhan tlte ftrst game,wllhbigger tvorlds and (ameraanglesthat work murhheuer.

The lowdownBFD follows Conkefs adventuresover an inrtedible,action packedday. It's the rudest, lewdest anddownright lunniest gamewe'veeverseen onthe N64.

Why lt rorksIt's not all toilet gags! ConkersBFD ts also a bnIltantJy designedadventure/platformer thatmagnifirently apes films IikeSaving Private Ryan and Aliens.

Tlte lnwdownAseriously fun racerwith awhole bunch ofBeetles raringanbrtlliant tracks.Add (razy powerups and tealistic handling andyou're looking at awinner.

Why it rorksIt's the perfert (umbination olartade racing and a realistlr sim.Testing trarks, cralty shortrulsand vrell tltought out powerupsmalte this hugely enjoyable.


BeslbltThe last battlewitlt Gruntilda thewitrh isafine example olRatesamazing originality,with aquizsltowdetetminingwhether youfight ornot.Very highprexsure,and you can't phone ahiend inthis strangegame!

Best bitTltroughout the adventure areminigames that send tlte fun<o-meter soaring‚not leastOrdinanceChallengawhirhinvolves a rare against time (odefuse agroup oltroublesomedynamite sticks.

Bast hltThe scene that imitatesTheMatrix isgamrng gold,Inthefilm‚a bank's lobby israised tothe gmund hyNeo andTrinity.Conkefis BFD leatures slowmotion bullets and the samemixofkung-luacrobatics.

MulliplayerverdinOnly two players (an race tlte(itcuits, but it's Iightning lasLThefour player Battlemodes aremore than amatrh lot tlte IikesofMarioKart 64. Ilyou're Iookingfor a top quality ratet, this ishlghly recommended.

The lowdownUnbelievably cute and supremelyplayablelhe one player game iswirked fumwhile the multiplayermode isonlyjuxt beaten bythefantastitMarieKart64.

Whyit rorkslt rewrote tne kart racingrulebcok wllh the introduttionofplanes and hoverrraftsThe oneplayer mode isguaranteed tokeep you racing'tildawn.

Ute lowdownDonaldcomes to Iife ina titlethat manage; to capture all themagir ofa Disney cartoonYouteagainst the (Iock,making i1ahighpressure platfotm pleasure.

Why lt rocksThe are (ontrol systemmeanszero lrustrationand maximumlunasyou romp througlt Ievelslullcforiginal desigmofleringboth 3Dand 2Dgameplay.

Tlte IowdownAnotlter slice olRatemagitasDKlinallygets anN64 gameworthyolhis nameJhe etril KingK.Roolisuptonogood‚and it'sdown totheKongrlan (o stophim.

Why lt rorksThismassive title isparked fttll nlweII thought out minigames. It'salso oneolthe toughestplatlormers onthe block‚and it'sgot the originalDKintt!

The IowdownMrGungHoreturns inahighoctane adventure.Duke travelsthrough time to stop alienstaking over Eanlt,ftomVictorianEngland to the lMIdWest.

Why it rocksThete are not many third personshooters onN64.Luckily,(hlS isa(lass example ofgun fun. It's gottheweapons, the baddies, theattitude and the (ool hero.


. Q ‚ I '92"‚ .

MultlplayerverdidOkay,soitmay not bequite axgood a; Maria Kart 64,but it’;still abigbundle offun.Fastraringwith awesome (ontrols,and the grapltics Iookamazingevenwith four people onsrreenat Iltesame time.

Bes! hitFindingMerlockand freeingDaisy isjust ret-rards for thistouglt platfortnenMerlocks nopushoverand yotrll have toworkhard tobeat him,but you'll behaving somuch lunyou v.ron'tmindone bit!

The final banlewith the evil KingK.Roolispuremagir.Irsaboxingmatrh tharll have youantlte edgeolyour seat asyou durk and diveyourway tovictoryflothing (an

boat thejoyolrompleting thishuge platfonn gante.

Bast hltDuke’;got some cracking oneliners that give you Iight relieffrom the tense artion and arebound tomalte you chuckle.You'll Ioveknockingofltoughbosses and then saylng/Comeon.Bleed lorme/(lasslcl

l,The lowdownArcade stylemotorbike racerwith the

l,emphasisonfun and speedlhere areindoor‚stunt and cross (ountry tracks,withtonsofriders tochoose from.

Why il’rotksThe makers have spent ages ensuring thecontrols are second tonone,while thetracks are all brilliantly designedTheTratkEditor isthe icingonthe cake.

MultiplayerverdidWith hardly any slow down,Excitebike64isanawesome four player mash up.You'Ilfeel every bump and groove! It'sgreat ifyou Iike to racea Iinledirtykos trying toknock your opponems offis a Iaugh riot.r

l sattes:

"lt/um: ‘Fr :‚I"

MultlplayerverdlnHardtoreWrestling from aIeague Tnis game really cumes into itsthafs bloodier andmoreviolent ownwhen you start scrapping itthanWWF.Tons oioptions, from out with your matesThethe longhaulol(areermode to multiplayer controls feel ace,the cheap thrills olExhibition. while the wrestlersmovevery

corwincinglyAnd it's prettyWhy i! vocks darnn vielem, too.Top stuff‘.Ilyou IoveWrestling, you'll gomental lor the noholds banednature ofECW.ltpushes the Iimitwith elemems Ilkebarbedwireropes and studded baseball bats.

‘riiVlßivlJü I „ m 1 T ' n79} ‘tr 1.} 8U „

Thelowdnwn MultiplayevverdinIt'samongst the best sellirtg Thegameis simplysensationalvideo game brands intheWorld, once you start playingagainstand this N64Version showswhy. your rnates.You’lljust lovePackedwith teamsfwm Ilaly’: hammering your lriends,it's orteSerieAto international squads. ol life's pleasures! Upto lour can

play onone team,making FIFA aWhy it vozlu classy kick about.FlFA99isdead easy topick upand play and there'sa superbarsenal uftricks at your disposaltokeep you playing.Masse;olcups and tournamenrs toplay in.


t1. r

The Iowdorwn Multiplayer vevdinThe lollow uptoMonacoGPand Unlortunately there are only twoagreat improvement it istoo, carsonthe tracl< inthe twowith all the raters from the 1999 player mode, but it's very fast,seasonA great tuning option with a(hoice ofeither amakes this the choice lor F7nuts. horizontalorvertical split screen.

Bash upyour motor and you'll beWhy i!mdß amazed bythe realistic damage.It'sa last gamewith very realistichandling, sodon't expect anarcade style driving exnerience.There are plenty ofoptions wkeep you glued to the N64.

7r:‘-n.1r.'.'1.' .. .»

The lowdown MultlplayerverdidAll the lhrills and spills from the There's nolour player, but Flbreakneck world olF1racirtg. World GrandPrix llmore thanEvery superstar from the startrng makes upfor thiswith a nippygrid i5lncludettas are their cars two playeLThe only downside toand the tracks from the F1circuit. the multiplayer isthat there are

noother carsonthe traclcwhithWhy it ratlts lsashame.‘lhisgame looks the business,with spot ontratkside detail and 3zars that not only Iookgreat,buthandle Ilkeadream.Challengesgalore for the racing nur.

The Iowdnwn MultlplayevverdinIt's the 26th cerrtury and F1 nny laster and itwouldhave toracing i: longgoneThe number cany agovevnment healthone thrill isiound in(aning zem warntng!Onze you stan playinggraviry vessels around super fast thiswith your mates you justtratksat ablinding speed. worflwant lostunFlying

throughmillionsoftrarks inyourWhy ll vodts zero friction ship isgreat iun.rrsanamazingly last va<er‚withupto loshipslound blasting r „r , u r‘round the tradrxTltere are also „

some sneakyways tosmack youropponentsoff the track


. „‚ 22;‘)? . l L ‘i: " i.The Iowdown MulliplayervevdlnTomany it's the finest first Goldeneye isacompleteperson shooter olall lime, Nintendo (lassic from start tooffering asitdoes finely tuned finish. It'suntouchable inloursingle player missions and some player mode,wr‘thgameplay andpretty inrense multiplayer thrills. graphics that’ll have you

reachlng lor the replay buttonwhy i: rodu again and again.The single playenvill have youbelieving that you are JamesBand.armed with all the gadgetsand weapons you'd expett fromthe world's (eolest spy.



Tlte lowdownltmay Iack the namesofany reallootballers, but ithas gameplay ofunbelievable quality and super realisticgraphicslans afdifferentways toplay,too.

Why i: rotksIt'sthegameofchaice inNOMTowers.Naather looty title hasgameplaya:hot asIhis.Nothingbeats awell placed throuqhbaIIorperfectlytimed tackle.

MultlplayerverdictISS98lseasily the king afmultiplayer footylunwith action that'II live inyourmemorylonger Ihanany game featured anThePremiershlp,Everyself respecting footballlan should play this game.lt’s a(lassic.

Thc lowdown MultlplayerverdinThe ultimatemultiplayer game Intematianal Tra(k &Field istheleaturing turprise, surprise, tratk perlen way al settling old scaresand field eventx!Amixol buttan and starting new rivalriesuindbashers like the 100m sprint and because there's acambmation al ...timing events Iike the vault. speed and timing events, there's

bound to beat least ane you're . JWhy it rodts better at than yaur males. ä _fltere are Ioads ofdtfierent g. -

playinqexperiences soyouwon't „l D ' R t;ever get bored.And there's ‘ g

‘t’something very addlttive abaut

' ' Ü‘

chasing aworld retard.

i? -'v'r*'_; -,:'r I l i

l {usw} -- v .The lowdown MultiplayerverdlnIt’suptothe JFG team ta deleat Nat quite a; good aswehadMizarand his ant anny lna haped lar,Seeing a; ltwas frammassive action adventure. It's gat the samextable a:Goldeneyesome red hot gun running set 007. Despite this, it's still goodover awhopping 150 Ievels. fun‚witlt acouple ofquirky

multiplayer modes throwrt infarWhy lt rodts goodmeasure.Tlte attian never sladtsaltwitlrsome incrediblewarlds taexplare and taugh puzzles tosolveAnd there are three super _coal tharatters tacontrol.


The lawdownFaxMcclaudbaldlygaes intaspace inthis sequel toStartoxanthe Super NES.Ate space blauerwith tap tralts,weapans andtons atstulf ta blow up.

Why lt rozluFoxäArwing isascaal aseverand‚with the crazy power ups,there's sameclassl: blasting tobehad.Same olthe basses haveto beseen tabebelieved.

V w - n < ' —ll F u ß ,

The lowdownAll your Nintendo laves pitk uptheirClubs and produte the mostplayable gallsim everlhere’;plenty ofwatkyways ta play‚andSamevery neat toudtes.

Why lt rodtsThis game isfull ofsetret (oursesand characters sayou'll play itover again.Gameplay i; easy taget inta butmastering it takesages, espetially anthe greens.

The lowdownAfter all these years,we're stillplayingMaria Kart 64every dayinthe NOMoffitexwe play thisgame asmuthasGoldeneye 007and theOriginal ISS.

Why it rocksThe contrals are simple, thecaurses are varied and thecharacters are awesameMarioKart 64has everything you needfar a lunnight in,and then same!

Isthere nothing tltis plumber(an't turn his hand t0? Asyotfdexpett, it'sa slightly quirky tennisgamewith same ate playingmades and brilliant gameplay.

Why it rodtslt’; the Iittle taudtes Iike thetennis caurt suspended hychainsthat mark tltis game aut a:something different.LikeallMariogames, it's pretly addktlve.


- -< ‚ . „. u.

wwlfi: l‘ ‚

Not that manydifferent aptionxtochaose from,but the Battlemadewill Ieaveavery broadsmile anyour la<e.The aim issimple—blowyour appanentsout o1the sky, before tlrey doitt0 you.Super (ool!

Multlplayerverdldltmay nat beashectic asthedeathmatches afGoIdeneye 007.orasextitingasISS98faoty fest),but this game has agald platedmultiplayet pedigreewithmassesolmades lur you tasink yourteeth into.

Multlplayerverdlnlt’;still the finest multiplayerrating game anthe N64.Vouwon't beable to slop laughing asyau unleash adevastating blueshell against the IeaderWitlt thislil'beauty,yau just tan’tmissyour hapless targetl

MultiplayerverdinMaria lennis i;wicked tun inrwaplayer mode and the lour playeraption issimply ahoot.Altltougltitmay bedead easyto pitk upand play,the gamek gat enoughdeplh tomake itperlen farplayingwith your mates.

The Iowdownit's the ultimateparty game! lheaim issimple, ltool:upwith threemates andworin your way roundtarout boardswhilst taking partinSame (razymini games.

Why lt rodtslt‘; tlte variety and originality oftlte mini games that keep peopleplaying,as weil asthe brilliantlydesigned boardsJAakesMonopolyseem Iikeawet Sundayafternoon.

The lowdowrtThe young pretender t0 thekarting crowmstarring a tertainltlirkey Mouse.Acartucn touraround the good oI'US olAchasing the nastyWeasels.

Wlty it rodßRare has done itagain! Pure eyecandywith killergameplayTheone player Startsoff easy butyou'll soon progress tosome olthe hardest (OUKSGS ever wen.

The lowdownit'sa real fight lest,somethingthat's quite rareonthe N64.Luckily thisMortal Kombat gameisanexcellent laratvler,even ifitdoes look a tad dated.

Why lt rorksUnlikemany beat 'emups,tlteone player quest isa tough(hallenge, even lor the best.Deadly vreapons, last and luriousmovesand torts olthe recl stufl.

The lowdownThe finest Amerkan footy gameonN64witlt more options thanyou (anshake aSlkk aLWeretkon the road to the Superbowlltas never Iookedbetter.

Wlty lt rocksThis game Iooks the bee!knees.Everything’; sodetatled andtrisp,even down to the acetautltdown (elebralions. llyouIovegridiron,you'lldie lor Iltis.

MultiplayerverdldHours just melt away esyou playthrough the liveboards and 64minigamesxonstantly trying tokeep one step ahead ofyourmatexA great improvement anthe first game and one the wholelamily (anenjoyt

MultiplayerverdictTlte Battlemode ixwltked lunvrith some (unning pot-rer upsand weil designed arenas,whilethe four player racemode iseasily a; good asDiddyKongRating.Pickyour laVOulllEDisneycltaracter and you're away.

MultiplayerverdidThere may have been some realstinken intheMortal Kombatseries but this edttion hasmultiplayer tlas<writtert all overit. It'x very Fluidand violenLjustwltat you want when you'rebeating your mates toapulp.

Multiplayerverdidlfyou don't knowdiddly ahoutAmerican looty,you'll lte lorgivenilyou get a Iittle(onfusedwithlhiS gameßut ilyouiea(an.you're inloramultiplayer treat,witlt awemmeplaysandincredible lookinggraphiu.

" ntrtrvinno“


Tlte lowdowrtPrepare loranexplosive missionassuper agent Jean Luc (ougar.Vou’ll beagalnst the (Iotk to stopavillain using a terrtble t-‚leapon.Part sneak, part blast, total tun.

Why i: rodtsThe missions are varied. Somerequire you to sneak about,whileotlters involve firing oft a Iot ofIeattThe controls are tritky,butothertvise it's top (lass fun,

The lawdownMarie’;batk intltis lantastic(artoon RPG adventuraHeIplllario rescuePrincess Peadt lromBowsers (astle Iair.and unlotk thesevenStar Spirits along theway.

Why lt rocltsPaperMario manages tocombinedropdead gorgeousgraphiuwithtouglt gameplay. ltcertainlyproves that there's a littlebit morelile intheN64 yet.

Tlte lowdowrtRare’; loIlot-IuptoGoldeneyeOolstanlng Joanna Darklougltmissions, bad assweaports andgadgets tltat putBand tosltame.plus plenty olhidden extras.

Why lt rotlulrIooksbettertttan GoldeneyeO07.withastory tltat’: just escompelling andmissions thatllleaveyou speecltlessfltis tsortegame tltat live:upto tlte hypc.

The IowdownPokemon meetsTetrisAttatkand puzzle {ans sltould reloice.Connett horizontalorvertioalblocks either onyour own‚ortvith apal,in2Dor3DIevels.

Why it rodtsDead simple topi<l< upand play‚and it'sa treat rolook at too.Heaps olcptions and awesomegameplayWill have you blotkbuildirrg lor ages!

MultlplayerverdktOperationWinba(k's rrotaBandbeater byanymeans,butnevertlteless it's good tun lor awhlleYculI probably find itabllbasigwith the dodgy tontrolsand tricky camera angles reallyspniling the lun.Shamo.

t l . ‘ rumtzrttno“i

MultlplayerverdlctIt'salways lun togrve Bowseraright good pasting, but the bestbattle inPaperMaria iswhen youloil the Koopa Bros.fiendishBowserdisguiseflotrll beIaughing sohard that you'll forgetabout fightingl

MultlplayerverdktThinkGoldeneye 007 but heiter.lt leaturessomeoltltearenasseert irt tlte Bandgame and addsa tuhole loado!new and excitingones.Plus you (anunlotkmorebyplayingdifferent single playermissions.Stirringslufi.

MultlplayerverdiclInone player mode it's brillianttun,but it's the multiplayer thatWill reallyget you going. Playyour male and tlte gamebecomes ahighpressure (ocktailolsweaty palmed excitementand brainmeltingstrategy.


Whut we're pluying' ' Thelowdown B!!! bitnur flngers ure uchlng’ becuuse o‘ Irsthegamethatletsyoubattle llPokemoniulesyourwoildlhen

yourhand veated GB(ritten in Im: l5anessenlial putthaselhe

Pope‘: gloriouslüHeaps o1playing TianslerPaklsagammgmodes lrom (ups l0minigames. revclulion and analhe’exampleLooks verycool indeed. clNinlendo lnvesllng insuper

qualilmot quanlllMnd it'sgteat ballllng ycuv male: in 3D

Ytiu cun ttlwnvi 3 ('JI1H|"1(lrlU(](IlT1l'InDegrent antl thns is n0 exceptiorm Pupev whyi„„k‚Munu I) huqu There's 50 much t0 d0 manmm9weing „u, im“;Ihm I've been playnlg für ttgM TIM ona tiny Garne ßoyscreen and

anothev seeing lhem upcloseand personaHhe altatks Iookabsolutely out olthix wotld!



Duke NukemZero HourIlyou're alter n llrst petsun shooter

The IowdownThe pMkElmonsters are batk in all theltwith u sense nl humour, Iunk H0 lurthwr 3D9km,m, yom „MUSERemai

thnn the Duke Same o1his cmch Pokämomoryourown poke5q„ad‚mhruxtgs uns wie: sphttinq, MARK baltleyourway I0 the lop ol lhe lower

H 7 n 7 7 7 7V W

Why itVodtsYou now have 25l Pokämon lrom Rad,BIue,YeIlow‚Gold,Silver and (tystal,alyour disposallhe graphits havc beenimproved, there are more mini games andtons ofaction packed battles,

Bes:bitJust seeing all o!the new Pokemon in 3Dwillmake your eyes stitk out onstalks llyou thought Pokömon Stadium was good,you ain't seen nolhing yel.

Zelda MUJOTG MusklAll this talk uhüut the new Gmnetube ‘verslun hus qm me feelintj nostnlqic

H ‘ i

Thii N54 titlvetiluvs- mpucketl wilhmclw puzzles und SCUly€flEfl1lESR|cH 5 i ‘ i‘ ‘ ‘

The Iowdown Bes!bitProveyour wonh a; a lootball Wall,you've nat buying it (er lhemanagenlt may seem a little Made thi llantivxithgames tratdated‚l>ut the gamds Sli|| totally (anliterally goanlormarths onaddittive toanyonewho thinks 2nd, tlvrs isteally only loimsthey (ould dothe England Job. hatd<cte„ lt’:agteat vaay ol

passing time lhcugh,but only ‘lWhy lt roclts you've winmngPlottingyour team’; steady iisethroughtheleaguesissatixfying, ,„l ‚ t t ,and you'll beoverthemoon il ‘ l 1„you heat ManUnitedAdd la(li(s „ t l

and transfert and it'sgame on.


The lowdownlt non stop hag fest featuring a(ooi Iine indeadly aliens andmassive weaponsions ofIevelsand some veiy iumpymomentsput this right upwith the best.

Why i: rodtsGraphically this isa niumph‚withall the tension you'd expett inaOuake game.Loads ofmadweapons and enough options tomake the game vight for you.

The lowdownRestue Rayman’; friendswhohave been kidnapped bysomenasty xpace piratesOne ofthebest Iookingand most playableplatiormers iot N64.

Why i! radts _It’snot just apvetty fate!There'ssomewhite hat gameplaywithtricky puzzlesmard bosses andamazing secret levels tofind.You'll beplaying itfovyears!

The IowdownYou've got todestvoy amystetiousVirus,fight off hotdesofitungry mutants and solvesome tvicky puzzles, all undevintense pressure.Extreme!

Why il votksYou nevet quite knowwhat Iurksbehmd eash (ornenmakingResident Evil2ajumpy starefestquite unlikeanything eise onN64.Yotfve Iookingat a(Iassit.

The lowdownThe Iegendary Ridge Rate: seriesfinally touthesdotvn onN64‚andit's apowerhouse ofoutvageoushandling,mindbending (ourses

and avcadedrivingmayhem.

Why lt rocksNot only does the game Iookamazing but itplays Iikeadveam‚with achoice ofthreepower siide setting:and somemeaty (austo throw avound.

MultiplayevvevdlnVery fast and smooth.whidt i5just what you want homafirstperson shootenihare’:agvaatvariety tothe multiplayer Ieveisand,withweapons asinsane a;thesayou know you and you!mates aminfor some fun.

Bes! bitit's very hard topickjust one panofRayman 2 that stands out,astheve are somanymagicalmoments tochoose from,Butwe'd say that finally fatingCaptain Razotbeavd isabit nervy,but vevy extiting,

lestbltForamazing graphits and sheerjump out ofyout seat thrilis‚thisgame just <an't bebeatenThescariest part iswhen afiodt oi(rowsbreaks thtough awindotvesyou pass bywejumpedandyou'll jump too,guaranteed.

MultlplayervevdidRidge Racer 64isa; fast asiightning in two playet mode, hutthings get abit murky and slowwhen theve are three orfour ofyou playingTratkside detaiitends tosuffev, too.lt’s ashame’<os it(ould have been bettev.


The lowdownAvery difierent platformerstaning avobot without armso:Iegs.ControlRocket onalastditch eiion to reopenWhoopieWorId‚a huge amusement park.

Why lt vocks .LittleRocket handle:briliiantlyand the ievels areall designedwith great imagination.Fullo1otiginalityand wkked challenges.Afitst tate platiormev.

The IowdownInthis distutbing spookathon.you playMikeLeRoLaka ShadowMan,the only guy who (anstopJack the Rippe:and Legion ftomdestroying lhewovld,

Why I!rodtslt takes awhile toget going but,onceyou're gvippedyotfll find itacompelling playingexpevience,The plot twists and tutnxgivingyou one Inght afieranothei,

‘IM IowdownThe fiHHiESLCIUÜESI and rudestkids onTVmake itonto the N64inthis hilavious and vevy playableshoot 'em up.Blast avaay athordes ofmutant turkeys.

Why it IodtsIt'sexactiy Iike the (artoonseties,with ail thewit and off the wallattitudeorthe South Park uew.lt’salso avery biggamaand arhallenging one at that.

The lowdownit'sakart vacing game thatrewrites the tule book bynothaving aset route orachequevedilag.Youwin bycompieting(ertain tasks.

Why hWdßItdoesn't even try l0 beaMarioKart64o:Diddy KongRacingdone. Looksvery differenLwithall ofSouth Parks distindivehumour and top graphits.

BastbitThe game’:pazkedwith LOO|

touches, but Ihelast Icvel,MineBlowinjstand; oul. It'sestouglt astage asyou'll find inanN64game. (ompieting it'IITIERE youfeel Iikea gaming90dwhen youveopen the pavk.

liest hitForsheer bvowntvousev WalestheNewYorkMansionIevelisrightup theve, espeziallywhenyoucomeaaoss the fearsomeNailGunKiller.Anice relaxinggame you (anplaywithyou:Mumand Daditain't!

MultiplayevvevdictThe multiplayer mode isfivstdass,with Ioadso1differentplaymg options and someS|i(kqameplayPlus you (an(hoose{vom nearly all the (havacters[vom the IVseries.And (hat can'tb2bad. (anit?

MultiplayerverdktRealiy (omes into itsownwhenyou're playinqwith your mates.(ovking funwithhad Ianguageand topmultiplayeikaningattion.Irsvery last and hasblindinghandlingwemommend youbuy this,



Tlte Iowdowrrtheyve made anemtregamebased ontlte aI-resome podracing scene inTltePhantomMenaü.Super last racersanüIoads olluturistic courses.

Why it rocksLikeRogue Squadron, EpisodeOneRater reallymanage; tocapture the Spilit ofrheStarwarsfilms,aswell asdelivering anadrenaline (harged experiente.

The IowdownIt's the StarltVars game everyonewanted to beateand lt is!(ontrolcool vehrtles, fromX-Wtngs toAirspeeders, inactionpatl-ted missions.

Why it rocksFrom thelamous scrolling storyat tlte statt to the boomlng StarWars ntusigthis game isthe realdeal and as(lose tc the filmsasaVideogame (ouldget.

Tlte towdownSuperMario64(hanged the waywethought abcut platlormerswhen itfirst ( a m eout‚and itstillrocks even nowAsever.it's htarioagainst the vritked Bowser.

Why it rorkslt takesall the (haracter and(harm olearlierMariegamesand injects tltertr with same 3Dplatlorm lunArnazing minigames,setret areasand puzzles.

The IawdownThe Nintendoall stars forgettlteir rutesy image lor amomentand statt baslting each other toapuIp.0ne olthe most playablebeat 'em ups ever seen onN64.

Why it ruksAside from fightingall yourlavourite (haractets, the speed olthe game iselectnnlhere areIoads ofwild fighting movesandace interactive arenas.


Multlplayer verdittThere'sonly a rwo player mode.but brxause o!that it'swhtppetquicldhe luturislic sparepodsyouget to (hoose from lockate,and the multiplayer coursesareasgood a5 theone player mude.Plays just llke the Starwarsfilm.

Bes:bitils your spatetralt swoopsdownover latooirte,you'll notice LukeSkytvalker’: hause and Jabba’:Palateand from that moment onyou'll know that Iltis isgoing toheorte tuicked gante.May the .>lorce bewith you,Nirrtendoids.


Bast bitTurning orr the machine andseeing lularicfsworld in3Dfor thefirst time tsanunforgettableIeelingxspetialiywhen you'revralking around Peach‘; tastle. lt|00|tSsoreal you Ieel tltat you'reactually inside the game.

MultiplayerverdictWithout adoubt, this i: the bestbeatem upyou Läll buy forllintundo64‘(es you (anchooselrom all your Nintendo laves! It'sgreat toduke itout with Marioand beat up IittlePikadtu!Hedeserves the puntxltment!

The lowdownIt'sa snowboarding gameand aretkinone at lhal.Combines jawdropping graphlcswith i<e (oolgameplayfind with plenty oluptions, it's aqualrty titler

Why lt IDKKSTlte grinding soundtra<k fits theaztion periectly and, unlikeothersnuv/boardinggames‚youaflually teel a:ifyou're inlullcontrololyour board.

The IowdownFabDisney tIe lnthat's anattiorlpacked side scrolling treat ofaplatlormer, Play a:young andadult Iarzamas you save thejungle lromClayton tlte hunter.

Why it rodtslt’salantastit Iookinggameandthe side scrolling levels are awelcome change rothe wideopen spaces ol3Dplatlormers.It'seasy tocontrolTarzan, ttxt.

Tlte IowdownIt's skateboarding and it'smental!Pullphat tritks onavariety cflevels, lrom shoppingcentres to s<hool yardslons oltricks to Ieam,tons cl fun.

Why it rodtsWithout spot on(ontrols thisgame (ould have been dire,butludtily itplays Iikeadreamwtlhintuitive (ontrols that lceep you(lose tothe auion.

The IowdownVetmore dino (runchinmayhem,with some olthe goriest ands(ariest Iragging tobeloundonN64.Someolthe monsters you'llencounter are simply staggering.

Why lt rotksIt'sahuge game, make nomrstakeand there's seldom amoments break lrom themonsterfiattatks, Ieavingyou(Wllihlng away Iikea mad man.

Multlplayerverdln0I<ay‚so theremight not beafttur player mode to thrash outwith your mates,but tltere i5avery last two player. It‘sawitkedIaughand makes awelcome(ltarrge tocar orkart ra<ing.Try itout ifyou Iancya(bange!

Bes!bltBeing (hased bythe rampagingherd ofelephants isgreat fun,although keeping orte stepahead cftltem iseasier said thandoneAnd when you ger tltehang cfSwinging lrom tree totree Irsjust socool.

MultiplayerverdittIonyHawksSkateboarding hassome really originalmultiplayeroptions, Iike theGraifitimode,where objectsare sprayed vrithyouraylour ilycudoatrtck onthemHard togeLso try secondhand shopsorlook inbargain bins.

MultiplayervevdiclArthe time olreIeaseJurok 2SeedsolEvilwas (orrsideredamongst the best multiplayersthe N64 had tooffer.NDW it Iooksawee bit dated, soyou mightprefer togofor Perfect DarkorGcldeneye D07.

The IowdownIt'saTurok game esperiallydeslgned lormulliplayerlragging. Packed wllh amazingarenas, klck assweapons andreally gross lookingbaddies.

Why lt rodrsThe gerne isdesigned for playingwilh yourmales so,unlike insnme olher firsr person sheoten.Turok RageWar; issmoorh andslick infour player mode.

The luwdownBased on|heBand film ol |hesame name, lhiS isafimpersonshooter (hat plays and Iooksverymurh IlkeGoldeneye 0D7‚evenrhough n’; notmade byRare

Why lt rorkslWlNE l5anamazlng playmgexperiencewirh gorgeousIocations, superbanimalions andsomeol|hebes:misslons you'llever see inashoor 'em up.

Ihe Iowdnwnlt’; ajam packed grapple lest(hat perlerrly raplures |heworldofWWFwresllinglons cfoptions, mounrains olwresllersandmulliplayer fun guaranreed!

Why h rorksAlthoughWWFNuMercymayIookbeuenWWF Auilude isSlillavery capable wrestling sim. |lS(reale aWresrler mode l5streng.asisthe grapplingameplay.

The IowdawnIt'sWWF, soyou iuslknow it's lullo1supevsrargall bearing anintredible Iikeness lo the real(hing.Infaa, the game does irsbesl (o mirror |he real deal.

Why lt rorlrsWllh evenmore (haraaem locanlrol, ir:|hebes!wresllingqame bya Iongrhalk.Great 1oIookarand rhe differentOption;add Ioads al Iaslabilily.

. 3 -

MultlplayerverdidT0die for! There are some briIIideas, Iikechoosing aserlesolarenas, soa:soon a:one baulefinishesyou're lransponedm|henexr.Easy 1o(onrrol and packedwirh monslers lhalmake yeupoo your panls.

‘l , „‚MultiplayerverdinOkay,soTWINE’s nol quile aJoanna Dark beater, bul it's srillable (o hold irs head uphighJhedawnsldes are [hat ndoesn'thave a; many playlngopuons.IhEvisuals are a |IH|Ebaslt and it(an leelquile slow

MulllplayerverdlctWWFAuitude isa redholwrestllng sim,wilh amounrainoldifferenr moves l0 useandwresller anlmallons {hat aresmoulh and fluldJlImost a; gooda5WWF NoMercy.Pin,pummeland lieyour opponenx.

MultlplayervevdiuTons cfnewoptionswill keepyou and your pals going back lormorewirh |he addnion olLadder Matrhes and |hehilarlousGuesl Relereemode‚WWF NoMercy reallydelivers rhe bes!mulriplayer playing experience,


For yeors, he bottlerl Morlo for the tltle of bestgaming muscot. Now he's onhis woy over toNintendo to moke gaming history. Let's take ocloser Iook ot the opple of Segds eye, Sonicthe Hedgehog.

Wim is m? gBuck in the eorly Nlnetles, Segu was struggllng to lind ummcol mrepresent thenr Megndrlve console Yu|i Naku undNumo Ohshlmu were lwo umsls put In churge 01cremvng ucool, comrolluble vldeognme churucler. They creuled Somc.

When did he malte bis dehnt?Sonic's journey hegen in 199l, when he mude hr5 hrsluppeurunce on the Mequdnveß Sonnc the Hedgehog. Yourmussiun was (o burn through the Ievelsmbreukneck Speer!und rlestroy the evil Docmr Rnbornik.

Why is h: coming to manch?Alter the demise ol the Drenmcnsl,Segu hus now deciderl tucunrr-nlrute on maklng soltwure fnr mher crmsoles, mclurlingGnm Cube und GBAdvunce, Sonic lltsmwlth Nintendoperleclly, comblmng speed, grem looks und excellenl lun.

Wim:will we seemm?Sonlc should be comlngmGnme Boy Advunce und GomeCubesume time nexl vem, Like Nlnlonrlrfs Gomefuho Kirby tilles.Sonlc Adventure 2 wlll be nble t0 Iink up wlth GBA, so you mnexchnnge Ilems and develop your udventure onmemove,



Rayman AdvanceNo arms,no I ‚hat u damn line platformadvemure th reully Shows oH the GBNS power.


The IowdownMore time Iravelling fun and gameswithLink‚and agam It's equal pans exploring,solving puzzles, meeting people andfighting.Learn new Songs, too.

Whyit mcksManymoughi Ihisgame would not beabie I0 (cum Ocanna offimabul iIsiienzed irsmm5with anadventure asengaging and compeiiing asbefore

Best bitTvying oul the DekuScrubMask isagreaxmomenLas issxopping themoon (rashingdown.Wi(h somanynewMasks to try onand songs 1oIeam it's hard (o find just onebesl bnbut beating Gyorg feit good.

- —r r - "‘Intuition“The Iowdown Bes!bitLink Stars inanadvenlunng RPG, (ompleting Ihis advenluve i; ansel in (hemyuikal Iandof impvessive feal in its own righl,HyruIaThe aim o!hisquesl isto bux l'on sheer spine linglingdefeat Ganondovfand save lhe grealness i1has (0 betheIovelyPrincess Zelda. mumenl you (ime lravel (o: (he

fimtime and see Link a5 anWhy it rodxs aduIL It's jUSl Iikea fairy (ale!Ocarina oflime i; (onsideved bynxany 1obe(he greaiesx WdEOgame eve: and, vnm astovy (hatsu<ks you inand Lombat soengagmg, it's havdwdisagvee

Azdaim:Anivlslon: .

BBI: . ‚x

Blaze: . i ‚ ‚Capcom:


Datei: .

EA: ‚ ‚ ‚ / ‚

Gamesler:Guillemot:lnlogrames:Inland:Joytedi: ’

Konami: '

Logk 3: ‘y ‚

Mldway:Nlmendn: .NYKO: . .TDK:THQ:

. „ UbiSafl:„n i ‘ q m m i i ‘ Virgin:

f \ r fl r \ r \ fl \ r \ r \ n


4 D — ‚ — . _ >-/.

mstmragnafluufinmet Lwnwzmrßhacnmm

n wepromise thut every single tip undcheot hos been tested byour teum ofNintendoexperts.Theywillonly tell you tips, hintsundcheats thut they know reallywork und that's guuronteed.

Hints‚Tips undCheats Your Tips PokäStadium 2ESPNfinalRound Dracleof Seusons Ask usunyNintendo Howto reochthe top ofGolfZ002 Ruyrnnn Advunce question...orteil usthe GymLeader CnstleExcitehike64 Super MorioAdvunce answer for top prizes!

p MFinulFi ht One TonyHawk's a gr urioMaria Kgurt ProSkater 2 von‘ scores “des:80W“!undsweSuperCircuit WWFNoMercy Are youu gnming90d?Tun m m 8 “p IMurioPartyZ the pagesund findout

oracle o!SeasonsMvamurmTlpslOracle of Seasonswill have you glued to your GBscreen for weekslThere are somany dlfficult puzzles and bosses 1o overcome {hat you'll need

a5 mu(h help a5 you ( a n get t0 save Ihe day,We tell you how Io get the big Bomb Bag,plus hidden Seeds and Rings„.

A After nading inthe Star Shaped Ore a! A When you visit SubrosiaMarket,buy alheMarket,next time you come back you'll Ring.When you return,anewRingwill bebeable (o get aBig BombBag for S0Ore available and after buying live, themarkei AThere i5a secvet Ringonthe beach nearwhere the plrate ship landsJust exit Iefl,goChunks and ‘l0Bombs! will run out and sell Silver Seeds instead. wund (he beach and keepwalking (ill you find lhe seuet Chest.

A Assoon a:you get the PowerofAulumn,use itand goto Eyeglass Islandwhere you'll A lfyou are Iooking for moreGasha Seedmhereis one hidden in lheMayor's houseJustlindapreviously unreachableChest. Inside isaGasha Seed for your invenlory. blow up the weakwall onlhe righi (o reveal lhe secret passagei

B l i -

Find yourwayaround the codeswith nur easy tofollow icons,Just presswhat yousee!



Olficiul Tips Gamma

I64Controller Icons GBAtlvanoe Controller IconsIfyou've got aGame BoyAdvance, find yourway around the codeswith oureasy to follow icons, Just presswhat you see!


Excitebike 64 is the idealgumeil you Iike huir ruising speedund intense twowheel Hunger.Here'su lew cocles to mukethings even more tun!

Dir: bilting is a dangeaous spart, bul IuckilyN64 fans ( a nexperienceall the fun and frolics o1lhe spart a! home.We've dug up some ace cheals, sosimply hold@+@+@+0 lo

access the cheat menua: lhe MainMenu screen.

19m9bns un9M21ml)all) qunaqOA rbss sflsm n51umxlwirsnlsxlAA‚ylbsno:snoh llMAJIIHAJHsbo:9m li Ilsdzinnsl s zsIlunzeshssnl tvsbhmlm9d) lo Ilsam r.m»:um;nsrlw am1sGAJHKI‘! am:am19m5um;

lzbsstlnidsvsnl Iliw ldpusl a Isrlwunsmman)

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n5 9dn5) lsvsldmil) lIiHsdT Aumsumlim8 lrizsmzamloads

am n 5 )1:01.960)5 25 iiiiiiillwmanzizirlTJIirl9mnwob

uw‚THDMOIMobo) 9d) 39m9 uoqllAnsdwwoM sboM lrlpllfl slsvinn Iliw

svsd lfuwwoM ‚xhsb9dIliw 1119351umJnon amm1o:yllulsmmmshh o1

k J

Goll cun he u renl tough gume,und in ESPN Finul Round Golf2002,you'll huve (o pluy Iike udemon in order to open ull lhecourses in the gume!

The simple controls inESPNFinalRoundGolfmakes ehe sporl easyenough for everyone (o enjoy on GBAdvan u.But youwill have In achieve cerrain tasks before the whole game

becomes available.Glance belowmSee what you've got x0 d0‘

uwsnuo:abizssz amxlmlnuoTAwnuo) )ili)s‘l an] t5 niwmm9 019mlnl000.006? m55mlmmsmuolduD

lrluuo!mmwon Jgsnom sxhq

rnsdnoMaminolnuo! InswumllAherum svsrl uoy IimuysIq.sz1uo)IIiHlog 9v'uu‘lxsnom 911m ni000.009?

wwmap Iuom:lmwwog

las!9:11 15do! 9mm:-


dul)wnuo)um; "Lamm:

s z‘: lasenU2 pnlqqonlw


s leuLqu Iinsqoeno ni2940:1wsl


5 . 5

IlinlemloTop 5GBA Tips

Mario Kurt Super ‘Circuit

L.Ävrsrigfkituii‘ „‘umamtausuav w?‘ n

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lcthetopnlflnllnstlcmlulcflpflc. Il1"‘?- ‘

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A Charactmran h: boughiatflxesmvadzduwnMalLfiuttheydzeapandymfll hauen:doa Iulofflghtlngh mdertoaffotdlflm.

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A111:umundmies:wayiogenhe AblafiingmraughSmvinmodeiswrestlmk InSurviva!Mode.liefen also (M nickenvny lo eammnney.munheminovdermseeenthm. Vndugeta ssoorwardforwnryfln.

It 's your cholcehing the onlyoffldalHlmendomagazine in the0K.m want1obringyouthebastcodasforthegamesyonplayeverymonmlfyou ‘ w w w - - w - - H <

wouldllkemmeüpsforanNflgamemldornamletulrnowhy' " ‘H N '


sendlnginn lauer{einemRequcsled’zumusual address.

HReuders’ tactics HQuestions unswered HExpert ndvice

„ ä . —?"‚i‘:„._ . 7‘_

iWinace prizes this monthThis months muilbug was bloutedwith Your Tips Ietters. If you huveIound any sneuky secrets orgumepluy tuctics, or you're stuckund wunt help, sencl them in und itcould be in u future issue!

Jonathan skyes.qastlevaniaGircle ofthe MoonActivatc any card inthe game

‘man’: ' '


There are Ioads of DSS Cards to find in Castlevania but you needn'tworry about getting them all.Jonathan has found away ofusing any DSS card you Iike,once you have

one working DSS combination!What a genius!


(ombination(hat youalready haveand exit the

Now hitflj}thenEflEand simplyfollow theinstructions

4 . ""1. - - -A Now,enterthe DSSmenu again and set upany pair you Iike,even ifthey are not yetcollected!Exit the menu,and lheywi|I still attivate!Now goand find the evilCount.


4 OnIheDSS

screen, set upa

menu SUEGDS.

beiow.You'venearly gol it...

IMaria Karl wa‚g‚»‚-‚=.;;„s c‘ ' mgosam.uper IrcuitTlmn savlngshortamMarioKart Super Circuitmay be cute and cartoony, but it's certainlyone tough cookie to beat on the higher speeds.Youwill need every advantage possible t0 take goIdonthe 150ccCups,

but thanks Io Craigwith hishandy shortcuts,you'll bewell onyour way!

°'ä""*l'i*12siw «am

1A:_ 7

. lijf

Ä OnRibbonRoad, hit the first rampa:speed bytouching bolhboost pads orusing aMushroomJum right inmidairto (u!off a [argesection ofnach.

A On(heese Land,(ry tohit the setondIeftjumpso(hat you Iandonthe yellowjump bars.(ominue tuming Ieft toshaveofia fewmoreseconds.

BombermanTournamentFlnd the TransistorSome of the items in this adventureare tough to find but you haveone less to worry aboumhanks to Angelica.She has given usa useful tip for the Coloseum inGamma Town, so take

a look below and gei cracking!

'v_g_ _ __ r

A InGamma Town gosouth into theCoioseurvLWinfive battles ina rowandyou'llberewardedwith the FusibieTransistor and 150goid pieces.

Your questions answereSame gumescan be sohard they will have youpullingyour Imir out infrustrmion. Butwe'rehere to help, so sencl usyour gaming queries utthe usuul NOMuddress.

Kruzy Racers


Ihave heard rumours thal EbisuMarucan be unlocked in KrazyRacers.Can you tellmehowand spill the beans on anyother secrets?TonyCromwell,BlackpoolI Weheard about EbisuMaru and thcught itwas a bogus rumour,buthe is indeed inthere and here’s how to get him.

First you need |0 unlock the BearTank.Dothls byplaying (heChampion(upand (ollect the bluediamond nearthe finish IineonCyber Field2.


This isanolher cool secret. Ilyou. ..


Nowyou (anuse lheDPad lo totale

. .Now‚playingasBear,sel lhe Iap(ime records onGanbare Dochu 1and 2.This isnot hard at all.Now EbisuMaruwill beyours to use!

finish inlhe top three‚skip through the lhe camera round and zoom ouLVousmresand hold0 when the camera (analso use[land‘E to changescrolls round you kart. IheangIe.The power oftheGBA!

Ilewway ToPlay‘We Iovedusting off our old classics and replaying lhe bes! parts forold time’; sake. lt’s two games Ior the price o! one!

WWF NoMerc ‚ Leuther Strap MatchI Stan afightwiih rulesoff,excepr Submission.I Now you must aim 1obash you: opponenl tolhe canvas, then pressGto grabth9m‚I Yourtask isto dragIhemaround the ring 1oall four turnbutkles. thentry tomakethem submit.I The first playerwhosuccessfully drags lhoother roundand makeslhem submit wins.

Scoob DooElassic reep CapersScooby Doo on lhe N64 isloads o1fun lautmycouragebar keeps running out andl’m completely stuckl 0o youhave any solutions?BruceO/ivera‚KentI Hey,noproblem!WeknowClassic Creep Capers has been asteady seller since itwasreleased and we've had a few'questions about the game inourYourTips mailbag.Keepingthe courage bar healthy can be(ough with all the meaniesaround, sowe've rustled up acouple ofhandy cheats to helpout all ofour Scooby playingreaders! Now Shaggy andScooby should have noproblems againsl those fiends.


‚While playing,holdI) andpvesso.<9.G.G.D.l1.D.n.U, E],U, D, u, Glhiswill giveyour character unlimited courage!

. ' When playingasShaggyholdD andDress (D.G.6. 9. D.G.D.D.D.{M}.E].Nowv0"will skip lhe Ievelyou are strugglingonand (anstarr onthe next slage.

Flur ifyou have lüund nn alternativfor nwaxinwurww levels offun, send lhern u: ro us a! the usual drJtl

Your Tips

fixerMariaonceHeyNOM, Ihave managed toplay all the way throughMarioAdvance but l can'tdefeatWartl Are there anyspecial tactics?RoyTay/or,Retford,NorrsI Wart isnoproblem once youknowwhat t0 do. First,avoid thebubbles byStanding on the IeftplatformWait for the machineto spit out aveggie.When itdoes, catch it,then jump behindWarLWhen he opens hisgob,chuck it in!Todefeat the oldtoad, repeat this attack umil he'sfinished and the land ofSubconwlll be saved‚Good work!




Throw lumips intoWenn'smouth(o send the biguglybeast running!Wealways thought that vegelableswere good loryou.

Wrile inlHand: up who wanls to winsome top Nintendo gear?It's easy! Just drop usa Iinewithyour top tip,quessle answer oranewway t0 play,and you couldbe the proud owner ofanawesomeNintendo prize.Write to usat. ..Your Tips,NOM,AngelHouse,338-346GoswellRoad,London EC1V 7QP.

playing an;Nzntnndo gerne

I Start amultiplaycrracewith (wo In lourplayers onRalnhow Road.I When lhe rate begins,everyune musl drive loIhebonom o! lhe hugedrap and lurn round.I Line ynurst-Ives upfaring the wrong way sothal rhe hlll isahead.I Onthe (cumoflhree,use theQ3 bunon tohop lu the luplhe firsltoreach thcsummilwins!

v.Arg_yo_u the best? n’The coolest gumes mAwesome prizes.1

This month’s tough chullengesD1 Y0TÄET|IE’lfi2‘:"1.'3fi'57o M.

s s A s‘

Prove your skillson theGBA driving daddy. Ü; _'I._3_'-_fiHINT!Remcmber to driftaround lhe

n" 0 .‘l b 9 5corners andtry and keepoff the brakes. m E o 137 5_‚ Choose your lavourite(arand get radng likea pro.

O22 m ;Ig-wlvs 2

TheTony skateboarding lrialsjust keep oncoming.Are you up for it Sports fans?HINT!Holdinggrinds for as Iong aspossihlewillget you big saures.

Head oul (o theWavehousc and rack upahuge saure.

The month's results in fullPerfect Durk Tony Hawk's Pro Skuter 2

Sudallgflltlfladihhtmuthlafithflofltfim Sinflnlfluomluflofliflwlflwlhflnhflflonuon.Daniel Bowman proves his perfection with (his very impressive time. RobMorgan isking ofthe rooftopswith his unbeatable high scove.

EdThomas, IlereIord .

IleanWaterford, Buxton

craig Iluncan,cardifl

Ghris lomas, Iluneorn

lli, cheaters. No!

What to do

Pomtsw | n pr|zes!lf your score comes top ofone ol our Ieagues, you'llwin a fantastic ollicialNintenclo Controller Pad orRumble Pak. Super.

Keep those entries coming, .

Mano Kurt lans becausewe've extended the closingdute just o little longer.

Mega ChallengeIt's the hottest game to l|it tlte Garne BoyAclvanceand we know you Nintendoids are gonna IIe Iappingit up. Who will he crowned Super Circuit Champion’!

What you have to doToget to our MegaChallenge finaLyou need to posl the fastest TimeTrial time over three Iaps on the Cheese Land circuit, FlowerCup,150ccdass.You can play asany character.Riparound the course,clocking up a Iightningquick time.Send in

your fastest time to the usual MegaChalienge address,aIongwith aphoto to prove that your time’s Iegitimate,

The Mego Challenge finalllnly tlaosewl|o finisla intln top lourwlll malte lttltraugll to tlle llnol.Thelustost Super Cirouitrocerswill In Invlterl tol lflll Towers lo r o ruceo l l to so:who's tlle hatol tle liest.Wo set tltorules lor tlle MegaChallanqa Final. ll youwen: to Ire Inwlth o sllouttlnen get tlaose tyressqueollngund unter.

You'll only get three hoosts so usethemwisely, amla turho start is essential.lumping is helplul. but don't do it toomuch or you'll lose control. Good luck.

llemember to include o phone numherwith your entry. Il we can't contact you,you'll lorfeit your ploce.Anal leaveSatunlay 12 lanuary2002lree.

F Anolher momh togei those quidcUmes InloNOMTnwevs.

_Closing dute und rulesntcloslni-lptnluglhlsan.Clalloggo iaÄ " ‘ "

_ _ ‘Cldlnlgo Ilnalwtll toteplane-an

IAII Types bauten I EveryLender beaten I Gyms conquered

POKÖIIIOIIBottle Guide Pt2issue 106 BigGame

Contents Studium’°k"“°““"5"” lssuello Review7YP"’7“”’° """“""°"°°"'°" Issueflo Guide PartlKanroandlohrosorred Lust monthwe tnckled the

Stadium Mode. Now it's time"llo true Pokämaniacwill want to to bnttle through the Gym

bewilhout Pokämon Stadium2.Period.” Leuder Cnstles in Iohto undKonto. I.ets fight!

Know your TypesJust in case you didn't see last month's issuewith part one of our One glance at the table below and you can be sure that you’ll have aPokömon Stadium 2 guide, we've prlnted theTypes table again. winning team to reach the (op ofGym Leader Castle,It's so imponant that you choose the right Pokämon for the conect attacks. FromNormal to Sleel Types, we've got them sorted...








ausnncx ‚Ionosr AnnnsounnnxSTEEL

Attnck TypesPoke'mon Types can also affett howwell AII altacks are around 30%it performs certain attacks. Iess effective ifperformed byaNot only is it important {hat you get the different Pokemon Type.Get the

right Poke'mon for a battle,but you must also vight moves foryouv Pokemonuse the right attacks. and you’ll beawinner!Pokämon aremost effective at their own lt isgood t0 have Pokämon

move type. For example, anElectric who have awide range ofattatks.Pokämonä anack would be Iess effective if Thismakes them effective againslperformed byadifferent type. many differem Pokemon.


Pokfimon Studium 2 ITIIITITEIIDO.“Official tips

The Gym Leader CustleThe Poke’monGym Leader Castle iswhere all of (heGym Leaders fromthe Game Boy advenlures train their Poke’mon.Luckily for you they are happy to take onany chaIIengers‚but they're no

walk over. It's up to you to show them that you are a better Trainer.Only when you succeed inthe giant Castle,will you beworthy of taking on

the challenging Pokämon Champion inStadiummode.Let's enterWhite City and see what all the fuss isabout. ..


_Some ofthe Leaders who you ,Onceyou have defeated every Johto(hallengewill bededicatedTrainers of GymLeader,you'll have to challengeaparticular Pokämon Type.Gym Leader the Kanto leaders‚too.You’dbener beBugsy has pals IikeBugandGrass prepared for many tough banles ahead.Pokämon, sogoprepared! Pokämaniacs, aslheymeanbusiness.

This is the start of yourGymLeader tour and aneasy introductionforwhat's in store en route (o the summit.TheTrainers inViolet Gym use FlyingPoke’monsoyou can't gowrong

with anElectric Poke’mon inyour squad.Throw ina Psychic Type and you won't have any problems here!

n nrmcuu'

This isthe GymLeaderCastle.Each of theGym Ieaders have (heirown area where lhey 1?." "T" 5

spend their time training (heir fearsome (eamofbeasts.’

3;.‘ x35

‘ T .. __BirdKeeperMan Pidgey,Hoothoot, ', ‚Nalu.Doduo.Pidgeono.Tip ElectricandPsychicTypes should dominalethis FlyingType leam.

GymLeader FalknerPidgeot, Farfetchki,Noctowl,

You slart off inIhegrounds ofVioletGym.Youmay only progress to the nextGym Delibird,FearowlogeticfipLeader when you have defeated Falkner and hisband ofPokemon. Again,your best Eleclricand

PsychicTypeswillwin easily.

Azaleu GymThe Azalea Gym is home (o three Pokämon Twins Mynand LynLedybaßunkemligglypufi, GymLeader BugsyScyrhenßunerfree,Beedrill,Trainers who dedicate their attention to Bug and Hoppip,Pika(hu‚CIefairyTipWevecommend Fireand Weepinbell, Pinsir,PupitaLTipFlying,FireandWaterGrass Type Pokämon. ElectrkTypes for this banle. TypePoke’monwill take oulBugsy.Make FireTypes your primary weapons and you'll

squash their Poke’mon Iike the bugs they are! Flying zand RockTypes are also good, but don't use Psychics,

Bug (atcher ..an:Yanma, “‘

Spinarak, Shuckle, fRanata, Paras, _Geodude.Tip s

Baflle using Fire,FighlingandWaterType Pokämon tobealChaz easily.


IlIIIlITEIlIDO.“olficiul tips PokämonStudium2

oo-uenmaovmGuldenrod Gym has no seiTypes, but be prepared to fight some Wehave arrived at the Ecruteak City Gym to do battlewith leaderdaslardly NormalType Pokemon. Morty.He’dbetter be ready!Flqhting] und Pxyduc Typrs amEssüntinlmIakr- au: Normal Pok<}nxon„ Poison and Ghost Poke'mon dominate this Gym,butwatch out for

‘fouwlll also find good use fo: Vnfatev,Eletlrin and FlyingTypes,wo. Monywho has amixed team.Electric and Psychics are amust.


Bellsprout, Hoothoot,

„S9; _f ’ ‚ 1L w ‘I _ Ledian,Dino,Nidoran,fi t ; 133 ._ __"F

l _ Unown.Tip UseFlying,'

FightingandEledvicPokämon (o win.Sage1yZubat,

Smoothum,Gastly,_" Golbat,Misdreavus,VVHLVP" HaunteLTip Electric,

„b ‚ Ghost and PsychicTypeswill daim vlctory.

E fifflßflk ynunmm‚ _ ‚

usoT Nn i’ n50 N-s ‘2._ n g _ r ; * % * m!? _

r ‚ ‚ _u_3‚-1l' 13-1 l .

A Lass lois Teddiursa,Marill.hleowth.Fhanpy, Poliwag.SnubbulLTipUseEleclrit.Flghling and Psyrhic Pnkömnn towin hcro.



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‚„‚._ ‚ ." ‘Eis/was;

A BeautyRitaAipam.Mareep, Diglelt,Ponyn.Remuvald, Senlrel,TlpVuu can't go lar wmngwith Psychir. FightlngandWater Types.‘GymLeiderWitneyMillank,(Ielable,Wigglytufl,Glourn.Dodrio,Slantlor, fip Wosuggesl you useFighting,Psydlic and GymLeaderMorty Gengar, Ariados,Sudowoodo,Marawak‚Girafarlg,Noctowl.FlyingPokömon. TipWhipMortywith Electrit,Psychit andWaler Types.

Cianwood GymYour nextGym is lhe BlarkbeltNkk(raining dojo of high ‘ _ 5

‘ ‘

Hirnonlop,Nidorino,kicking,karate masters,

' - - Dugtrio,Hitmonlee,Nick and Chuck. Seaking,RhyhomTipTheir faith lies in win with Psychigwater

FightlngType Pokämon, and Grass Poke'mon.but they are nomatch for . Gym Leader chucka good PsychlcType! a Poliwrath,Granbull,UseGrass andWater Ma(hoke‚ Hitmonrhan,

Types to clear upany Ieft Sandslash,Hilmonlee.over Pokämon and Ieave Tip UsePsychic, FlyingCianwoodGym behind, ' and GrassTypes.


Jasmine is (heonly occupant of this Gym but her squad isextremelyvaried so you'll have to choose carefully to beat her.Even though she isa lone trainer, you'll have a very hard time without the

right Pokemon, sopack the best critters you have for this clash!

nunnmnt ‚

qsfonüäl t8‘HP. ‚-nungusj

A Gym leadevJasmineSteelix,(orsola,Magneten,Mantine,Skarmory, Forretress.Tip Pick Fire,Ground and EledricPokämon to beat Jasmine,

Muhoguny GymYour nextslep is to try and conquerMahoganyGym.You're upagainst Water and lceTypes, soyou'll have (o munter them

withGrassTypes, asweII asstreng Psychlc and ElectricPokämon.

L aoardnrMvinSeel,SwinulxShellder.Srnoochum.Kingler.FlaafiyflpUseElectric.Grass and Psychic Paket-nun todefeatAlvin easily.

4 smrCarolDellblrd,Azumarill.Cubone.Qwilflsh,Dralini,SeadraJipHmric.Grass and lceFalten-Ionwillbebes! for balue.

P GymLuder PrycePiloswine,Dewgong,(loyster,Ursaring.Oonphan.Jynmfip Runrings roundPrycewilhGrasgFigming and PsychicTypes.

PERSIRHL50 flm" 7J

NINTENDO.“Oflicial tips

Team RocketThose darnTrainers are extremely annoying in the Game Boyquests and they’ve evenmade anappearante here,too!Teaching these troublemakers a lesson they won't forget won't be

easy because of their wide range ofPokämon Types.Choose carefully when gathering your own squad.Rock and Ground

Poke’mon should safely see you through.Pack a Fighting,Water and Psychic Type for the journey, too.


n5'671Nm sHn- .C211‘!m‘

A nndm6mmGeodude, l(offing‚Pineco,Graveler.Weezing‚Eleclrode.Tip FightwithGround.Iceand FirePokemon tofinish off this zhallenger.

A RotketGruntMurkrow,Drowzee, L Recke!ExeculiveSneasel,Muk,Spinarak‚Dunsparce,Zubal,Houndour. Lickitung,Vileplume, Raticate,Arbok.TipDominateGrunt withRock,Fightlng Tlp Fighting,Psychic and BugPokämonand ElectritType Pokämon. will dowell before the final banle.

*’ “

LL'5T:TlF»L'-. 25W“I _„ ‘ l

_l 14g Hd’



L noch!ExecutiveHoundoom,Golbat,Persian,Misdreavus,VidreebeLWobbuffet.TipUsethebest lce,Fightingand Dark Pokämon you (anfind.

This isthe lastGym inJohlo‚with three dedicated Pokemon Trainers Use our battle information below before you pick your team and takereadymtake you on. It's gonna be tough! out a DragonType for the last fight,You will come up against all sovts here study their teams. With our Pokemon tips this Gymwill be a doddle. ..

B man»? Mumm.' B rnmnafiiggfllh‘! A wgIlNI 7x „au: v:.

‚ ‚ „ y .‚ . ‘NE’: In genau |‘_n_<um1..

ACooltrainerGloria Jigglypufßvenonat,Skiploom, A CooltrainerVinceBulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, A Gym Leader Clair Kingdva,Ampharos, Dvagonair,Clefairy,Exeggute,Oddish.Tip You should battlewilh Chikorita,Totodile,Cyndaquil.Tip UseWatev,Grass and Fire Rhydon,Ananine, Lapras.Tip UseGround,DragonandFire,Fightingand IcePokemon Types. Type Pokämon andVincewill behistovy. FightingType: inthis Pokemon scrap.

The Elite FourWe've now th rough with lheJohto Gyms.so now it’: time to tackle the These guys are specialist Pokemon Trainer; soyou won't have aneasyElite Four ina variely of awesome Pokämon hanles. Iimewithout exper! knowledge cf your crilters. Let'sget battling!

n ÜUHSEE u gzqarafii" „JR-IRDDS -‘x

LäUINm 2,» msaßrflm 8 6291M 3‘n?! MP1 ‚

"F"— - ‚ ‘ ‚‘LWII.n5: — H3] "331 157


A WillKam,Kadabrafiirafarig.Clealable.ExeggutonJyruJipMalte lhisbaflle A KogaVenomoth,Ariados,GnIbaLGIiganElenrode,MukJipYoustandaheuereasier byusing your bes:Dark,Ghost and BugPokemon Inbanle. (haute ofwinningwilh streng Fire,lceand Psychic Pokemun.

fl 1 I __ ‘BaumMachampxiolem.Kangaskhan.Biastoise,Heracrosgonix.

i513”,a “n” . SFEHgRSH-ITipUsePsychic.Gras:andWater Pokernon fov the advantage.

‘äglumiE? ‘Ei-k9 F RatenUrnhmon. —' x18€ . ' '


' Viareebel,Murkrow.l‚ _ Magmarfiengar,


ViIepIumeJip Psychic.lceandGmund Pokemonwillduyou pmudagainst Karenand safelysee you thmugh 1o lancezheGym (hampion.

4 ChampionLauteDragonlte,Tyranitanthafilard,Aerodactyl.Steelix.GyaradosJlpUseWater.Rad:andElectritPokfinwnand you'llfinishlance nnprublcm.


NINTENIIO.“ (Ifl icial tipsKanto Gym leader CastleWith the JohtoGyms completed,your next (rip is to (heBandof Kanto This time there are no helpers, soyou only have to fight the Ieaders offor evenmore class Poke’monduels. each Gym,sogo and show them who's boss!

«gzc-rgpuäfi651m’-‚af f ‘ I“;

A PewterGym,BrockOnix,Golem,Omastar,Pinsir, A (eruleanGym,MistyStannie,Togelic,Goldudg L VennillianGym, l t .SurgeRaizhn,Lanlurn,Forretress, KabutopsTip Useyour best Fighting,Grass Sunflora,Poliwhirl,Quagsire.Tip Eledric,Gras:and Eledabuzz, Eledrode, Porygon‚Magneton.Tip UseandGround Pokämon. FighlingPokämon work best. Ground,Fighingand FirePokemon (o defeat Lt.Surge.

‚L50 M‘ i

"jmn. v4:

A CeladonGym,ErikaBellossomfiangela,Venusaur, A Fuchsia GymJanineCrobat,Ariadosweezing, A SaffronGym,SabrinaAlakazam,Mr.Mime,Hypno,ChanseyJumpIufLVaporeon.TipChoose Fire,Iceand Stantler,Gligar,TentaaueLTipWerecommend Psychic, Vfigglytuff.Furret,SIobroJipTodefeat IhisLeader, pi(kFightingPokämon toseeoffErika. Grass and IceType Pokämon for this gruelling battle. Dark,FightingandGhost Pokemon (o bethe best.

j DGjJLLERX‘ e narunsxiLägwwn 2 .59 ran 9m; gw r-F TÜ


l 1113B." I56 . IE3: 135 ‘ISQ’. 121B‘

A (innaharGym,BlaineRapidash, Ninetales, Parasect, Flareon,Octillery,Magcargo. A ndianGym,BluePidgeonklakazam,Rhydon, Gyarados,Exeggulor,AKanine.Tip UseWater,Ground and FlyingPokämon for aneasy victory. Tlp DobamewithElectric,Groundand IcePokämon and Blues yours.

1 RedMeaanium. Victor-y at lastFeraligatr,Typhlosion, Yau haveflnally dalaatadJoIteon‚S(izor‚ all a! tlre Trainer: in theTauros.Tip To garna. Yaur narnn will ga(onquer Kamo Ilawn In IheHall a! Farnenscompletely, use a IegemluryTrainer! II youFire‚Groundand hava any mastcrlul lipso!PsychicTypes. yaar awn,send (neunlmaThey are easily Yaur Tips GI!“I:IISIICIIlhe best fighters. addrass an page 3.

nTubbaBlubbabootet! HShivermurdersolved HBowserbroken

Get reucly to visit even more exotic Iocutions inthe second part of nur monstrous PaperMaria guide.

Smoking out Tubba BlubbaAfter IeavingBoo's Mansion you crossGustyGulch to reach the entranceto Tubba BIubba’s Iair.

Contentslssue 105 BigGarneIssue 109 ReviewJ TubbaBlubba’:Castle J ShiverCity m“ „o Guide p" GustyGulch’s gh4ost_ly iphabitantsJ ToudTown J Starbom Va/Iey m“ 111 Guidem2 are ternfied ofthe Invlncnble tub

J Lavalava Island J StarSummit o’lard.Gofor it gang!J F/owerFields J Bowser’:Castle

bThe flying creatureswill dump yououtside i!you walk past.UseBow’:Ouna"E "ASparlfling, am" ‘hat's Sight moveand slowlycreep overtothe

' . h S P’ fmal.“ than n‘“Inman“ name.” doorontheleft Gene tar nece ‚mmlhe roomonthe Ieflslde of lhe comdor.

fm-ffi ’11‘-.I.‘{t'-.Ä"-"r51't«;x!!r‘-’r‚:{n1ff . ‚fiäl-QÜÜLÜTDÜETTIÄ .

- A Gothrough the double A After speaking to lhe A EquipOuna Sight,get

f_‚.2'.'5'uäu;g:; „n2! (‚u „k . „M52: doors, and through the ghost,go Ieftand useme theCastle Key from lhe° “' F‘"'"" "“ smaller doov at lhe back. SuperBkKk toupgrade (bestand Ieave.Head Ieft.

Godown the stairs and Bow.Goto lhecaslle lobby Blow the cvack inthePowerSpin lhrough the and use (he key lo uniock conidor bythe greenhole inthe floor. Gel the lhe riqhtdoor. Goupslairs (lubba.Enler room andCasfle Key fvom lhechest and head Iehuntilyou Spin Jump lhe top rightand jump down touse lhe mach a corridorwith adoor floor panel to IandonlheHeavtRefillbIock.You're onthe Ich.Enter lhe room, table.UseParakarry (o gelnearly there,Mazza! buibeware oftheSpikes. theD-Down Jump Badge.

1 „a1 s.„.‚.zvrns „ w ; nsav... T

Anal listen. ‘iou must be l-mnastll’(IN-floh one. cf thase thinäs da33Maria lachte racSt.

L Bounce upusing the spring and goIeft. A Tolhe Iefloflhe shelves isa roomwith_—-_ ‘I?

'l Push docktothelefttofinda seuet room. aMega Rush Badgeßo backto clockvoom- w ' ' v‘ ‚ Examine the drawers (o make steps and unlock Ihe doonMeet Tubba Blubba__ Clubba appeav.UseParakarry (o landonlhebed upstairs and useOuna SighLThvough doov

1 7 e Mushroom and then jump onto the shelves. onrighngelkey and unlock next door.* n

. i531213.‘?3ÄTÄÜÜ.‘svZ"E‚:Ü-TÖS h 1 EntevTubba’: bedroomansids { h a t Uindv Mlll? o“ therigh‘.Her" come in

and faII asleep.Open chest,laIk (o Vakkey and exit themain entrancefialk (o theBoos‚then head forWindyMilla! the bonom ofGusty

atiaD-QCL . 57.3?3 : 5 ; Gukh.Get Star Piecen55?‘ behindvocks. Spin jump

well inthemill‚go right.Huirrfit-minir ‚Hi-‚nmziiqzn-L.

PaperMaria IIIIITENDO.“Ofiicial tips

„w „. -. www ‚-ww‚ww . .w w w.- : . ‚ . .

‚amm» Trainä I

4 Iß‘ . ‘lA vcrv uull doswnad tav traln.

. Cnulcl thls in m a n than c. uv?

Spin Jump the star boxes toeventually Take theCaltulatov to Ralph at thereach the (hest onthe far vight and get the Badge shop.Head batk and chuck the ToyStorevoom key.Goback above ground via Train inthe box.Ride theToy Train to Finkthe spring and give the Shopkeeper the Station,goright and get theMailbag from

wwwww w ww > - u w w- ‘w w ‚ w w w Storeroom key.Nextup‚coIlecttheToy thechesLGothroughtherightexitand:wwww»- -w w ww - ‘wwww W v ww ww w w www TrainfvomhisStoreroom. keepwalkingtothevight.

Dar. uk-„Jw wtx-n?

1 sunrn 1 „nun; ncvnr „ k . n.n9ninu bat Vou Y: vcrv sflcciaiu

wr x“ l r w. ‚w ww n .ww wwwww. Mariu-

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Cal ld 0th In nur: Ilun n tuv?

Keep jumping onboxes until you reach GoIeftwhen you arrive and give theTayce T.’s FryingPan.Goback to the Blue cake to the giantGourmet ShyGuy.TakeStatiomjump back oulside and retum the the Cookbook and head across the railway

— —.ww ww w < ww * w ‘w w w ww- FryingPantoTaycelandthemailbagto trackstothebackofthescveenfiorightww www -. ww . wwww w.

-‚ „ „w w thePost0fli(e.TakeTay(eT.’sCakebackto andpullthepinkIevenllfterthagtakethe

ww‚.ww‚w www „ www w‘w“. w.w. w- w ww theToyBoxPinkStation. tvalntoGveenStation.

V I swora I Local51 never makc (t \aiain. bat von re verv sflecial.Maria. f ! ‘ - '\

Tomend the train tradts UseParakarry tofly ‚GivetheMysteryNoteatGreen Station,hit the over the blodts and get the and Dictionary to KussT.(oloured cubes inthis Dictionary from the chest. the librarianwho livesnextovder:YeIIow‚Green,Red, Goback above ground and to theToadTownentrance.BIue.WaIk right and use give the Cookbook toTayce He'llgive you aStar PieceOutta Sight tosneak T.She can now cook food, and some advice.Gobackthrough the fencing.Hit sovisit her and experiment to theToy Box and take theShyGuy for aMysteryNote. with some ingvedients. tvain to RedStation.

Trnuls II| the toy boxlfyou thought you'd seen the last of those ShyGuys, think again.Their lair lies deep within the bowels ofToadTown,hldden ina toy box.Your

mission is to end their destructive partying once and for all.„‚ . . - . - - ‚

GoIeftand fight the Big LanternGhost.Hit his light until you (ansee him,then

J concentrate onhitting his head.Afterwinning‚smash his lantevn to releaseWatt.

n p n o h q - o o o o c FindaBlock onthe right to upgradeWatt.Goto the screen to the right ofthe Followhim inside and jump onthe

Port.Enter the house at the lar Ieft (omer. spring to bounce inside theToy Box.GoIeft UseWart asyou explove to reveal BlocksUseBow’sOutta Sight move to hide,then and fight the ShyGuys (o get aCakulatov and goodies.Head right and ShyGuyswillwatch asa ShyGuy runs inand use;a and some (alteMix.Don't light the runaway.Blowa hole inthe rightwallsetret door in thewall. lleasure chest guy,head back,goright. with Bombene and (hase the ShyGuys.


IIINTEIIDO.“Olficiul tips PuperMurio

Time to head for yet another far flung and exotic Iocation.This time Mario gets to pack his sunglasses and moustache protection

Iotion a5 hefinds himself in the steamy tropical jungles ol Lavalava Island.

Goand talk toKoloradoatthe PorLthenSpin Jump thewhale.HeIp him out bygettingrid ofthe Fuzzy Caterpillar inhis belly and he’llgive you andKoloradoa Iiftonhis back toLavalava lslandJust don't (allhim tuna and you'll reach theother side inone piece!

Keep swimming Ieft underthe Iogs into the next area.Cross the bridges to thebonom right ofthe screen andaSuper Block.Goback to thebushes inthe top left ofthescreen.Fight the bushes anddiscover aVoshi kid.



"ü. e f“

When you land,get theStopwatch that's hidden inthebushes behindyou.Hit the palmtrees to get coconuts to throw‚ too.Examine the (lowers to get Heanrefills ifrequired and then floathigher using the spinning flowersJusjump onthem and holddownEfor anenormous Ieap.

Goback via thejetty that ledyou to the Super Block and headnorth to the next scremcrossover to the other side and float upto the Iedge onthe bigpurpleflower.Examine the bushes toreveal awarp pipe.Hmm...wonderwhat's inside...

It's time to see what Peach is up to.What's it going to be now?(Ilnhhnnr; fow qunrds? ßxtually, she's qoi o bake a (alte Alriijrlity!

Bat I ÄM rea l l v hunärv... Tellvon. ul-iat... I'll keep th is asecret H von malte ms Somethingreal lv vummv.

A Entor tho righl door, below thomninPnlranm.Tim»: lorPPMh t0 pvanire her(oolr. g skills.FollowTwin it's insliuctions and vieler hack to him ilyou gol stuclflakelhefinished (alte batlt. lu GounnelGuy and hc'll loll you vtlrat you should da noxt.

D Exil PEMHS ruomvia Ihe secret Iireplatetunncl. Head over to the botlnm right door inthomainhall. (hat toGourmot Guywho lypitallywanls somethinq to stuH inhismoutlLTalte Ihekey and mit.Unlock thn maindoof.Now it's limomsei;whal Mdllü i4upw.

7 k m „n l1: r. um‘: Sri mm71m. ‚ümalv nun.’Cm: um.’

Head right and exploreVoshiVillage, talking toall the Iocaldinoinhabitants.There's aToad House,Shop and Save PoinLGo right andanempt to explore the jungle.You'll find that you have to keeprescuing Kolorado from Fuzzies,and that your routeahead to thegiant volcano isblocked.

Rescue tlie greenVoshi kidinside,then exit and swim left.Bash the round stump to create abridgelhere’: aStar Pie(e inthewater here and a purpleVoshi kidonlhe next outcrop ofland.Goback right two screensand you'lldiscover evenmoreYoshisi

walk back toYoshiVillage,andyou'll realise that all the Voshi kidshave vanishedlheir parents aregoing absolutely crazy,soheadnorth into the depths ofthesweltering jungle.Examine thebushes infront tomove them andwalk to the right.Bash the tree torescue super cuteSushie.

Head south from here. Landonthe jetty opposite the Iarge Statueand gothrough to the next screen.Knock theVoshiout oftlie treewhere you hearthe snoringfioback to the statue screenand thistimemake sure you head to theright tofind another dino.

Look out forcocnuts which drop from trees asyou can use them asweapons and some plantswill shoot you into the air ifyou useaSpin Jump,it's a sweltering journey‚ but you'll stay coolwith our tips.

UseSushie toswim aroundthe islands and get the StarPiece.Hit trees to get cool stuffIike Ieners.Don't bother withthe Bub-ulbbecause he's gotnothing togive you.Go ba(kIeftand get the PowerQuakeBadge from the redblock.GoodgoingMario!

The lastVoshi istrapped by(woPiranha plants. UseStarStorm‚Wat1’sEIe<troDash andBombette tosquish them intoplant soupand rescue theVoshi kid.Returnto the villageand talk 1otheVoshi Ieader toget the Jade RavenStatue.

Into the volcunoNo Mario gamewould b2 complete wiIhouI a red hat lava level. sohere II is in all its glory. Nintendoids.

A Now you have IhoRaven SIaIue InyouI hands von I an Iemh IhPvoIIaIIo.but fim you have Io Fund lhe enIIanIeG0baIIImIhe ‚Ialue IIIaI ynu Inst sawm IIIe jungle Put lhe lade RdvenSlalneIn Ihe hole In move II

A ÜIIlsldIIdIIIg! GIJ IIqhI. enIeI Ihehnllow HEE Io find a Save PnInI(liml:all Iho way upmIhnonIsIde nfIhe ( Irre und get IheHuppyHeanBange. Now qo nach and enlev Ihe holeIn Ihn sIdo ol Ihn H90 In seewhalseueIs lurk IHSIÖE.

L Godown Iho s Ia ln and uwPurekanv Io fly dunss am!gel Ihe DnnyStomp badqe.G0nach up und use thespnng l0 bounro harlt In Ihe Savo PoIrII.(hat II:Knlorado. srndsh lhz qnld bIudI.hme Inr anoIhoI puIley nde.

A Equn: all ymn anu live Ranges whenyou lace Ihe Lava Piranhcx G0foI IheLava Huds IiIsI and sIick wIIh SushIeswalev nnarks, especoally TIrlaIvJave. .13fire aIIaIks amuseless. Keep your HPabmro 14und ynu shauld prevail.

A Hand lunhm Imo Ihejunqle unIIl yuuIeam an319a wIIh a qrassy Iedge aIm»badc Jurnp up und swnnn un Ihr: vIne I0qmaII egg.Seazth Ihe bushes I0 Ilu- rIghIdfld youll Pmwge In anMild wiIII luls o!blue Iubes lt s all veIy snmge‘

Yen can't 67ml. a H 6 ‘ ) 1a raschtlu volcana. ‘Is Ihr. 14.?Vcalw. that's c. nmeIn...m: (er „e. thcueflu. I'll Ing.

A Walk up Ihe Insnde sIaIIs In Ihe IoplalkIo Flaphael In Ins nesl. Jurnp down over IhesIde and Iollnw Ihe Iavens In Ihr IIqhI.PIckup IheUIIIa Slune ImmRaphaul and slauwallunq In Ihe IIqhI Deep Inside Ihevol(aIIo‚ slIde down the pulleys Iu fInd nSupeI Block a! Ihe end

A lump nff Ihe pulloy halfway dnwn Iomach anulhov Super Blmk,Gnbark upanrl( m 5 5 all Ihe way OVEY an lhe pulley. Enler oIIInnPIand spm IasI In Iun away Imm IhospIkL-d blank Ihal (hases von. HopduossIhe plaflolms In safety.

A 0ms balh lncalllflllülh ol Im»LavaPrranha have been besten follnw IheStarSpInIMIssIaIas shu m9:In Iead yuu fromIhe enIpIIIIg vollano.when she uslu Imhelp, useHornbeIIe In blasl Ihewall.MIssIar WI|I Ihon (anyyou away In saIIIIy.

NINTEHIIO.“official tips

A>I‘v'IE1IlIII‚ '

wlnw- yun .

A Plate nne nube avev Ilw wann, Ihenmove all Iheolhers In Iurn In sIup IhegIIIIIIIIIIWaIeI pmsxun‘wIII bulall Ihn nochdl Ihe Incl: and dem your paIlI Head 90vIhe nexI aIea and swIng nn IIIe scmndvIIIe un Iho IIglII In rnove lunhm.


/?/ I‘/ n:A G0hallt pasI Ine "blozks Wall: downIhe SHIH In IheSavv Poinl bolow am! IhPqold blmk Ihal ynu ( a msrnash. Sbde lellanIhe pullpy and leap o" In zollen Im:(lass FileSlneld Bange EquIp Iho Badgorighl away‘ jump down and wdlk In IheIm,ThIs volmno I; onoimous!

L Wall Ihmugh Ihe nexI (ave.Push Iheblue cuhe Ich am!Iump on Ihe IedqeSnmrv all IhebIoIIIs Ihen Iun awaynulckly.(.0IIghI In find a usefulHeaIIRefill blmk.Spin Iunmam I0 Ihe IehoIIheRefill blnd: In colled a SIaI Pnece,

1' " g

Fluucr Garden In Tocd Ton

L Buanely,Ihe aman nnw switches bailthrIn-lly In Pnnrev.Pvath Esmpe her momm Ihe usual melhud and qo lhrough Ihemam dem downstairx Enten Ihe roomanIhe Iell and Ium In Ihv Tvivia game IDwnI aPavasol Iov ynuI mllecnnn.

’ ClÜHI/fl tü Blwx/«SIEI Ini» nrIIuII Iv'.-'I||‘,' -.I.IrIs III hr-‚II II[I ‘hIa I-.


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flutru Divanim

5.3:333; ‚1A.

Ä GII down Ihnmin! paIII am! SpmJurnp In lhemnddle oIIhe (leannn (er .1SIaI PIeIaVoIIll naw havc In bame [h9PuIIIdPnanhas undWhIIe Mag: Kuupa‚U34: Star Sturm ‚Ind BambeIIL-‘s VowerBnmh In Inko Ihovn auI In an» nutze

Ä fly across Ihe lava usInq PaIalIaIIyPush Ihr: hluü blocks In slop Ihe lavaIlow,GoIeIIwIIII Parakduy. Phil! Inoveblocks InIo Ihn.- lava and fly um » wIIhPaIakaIIy. 6M Ihe IJIIIa Hannnor undwalk badI Io Ihe pIevIous Ioom SmashIhn block IhaIvon find.

I slIlall m: 9 m . u».Let s‘ her-d. Imck flu- other I a a v.I3 - ns m ereasure i: a imda. e. Llcun In tka vclnano.

A 6o InIo IhI- Inghl ( d V Fwln-In-KoIoIado IhInks hes found Ihe Iredsure.69| Ihe Supov Shvoom and Ihe MapleSyvup G0back Io Ihe Relill blo<k andIake Ihe sIaIIs dnwn In Ihe IeII Saveand pvepare IoIa lInI bloodl-dmm.

u ..„Ausmaß

A Now you're back wilh dem Maua onLavalava Island G0haIII In YosmVallageund head nnnh InIn Ihr jungle [In7|9|11, get IheVulcanoVase Ireasure undInka n lmdn Io Knlorado who wIIl swapII In!a Seed. Hemd bak Io TwdTown



Blooper und Konpus


Flow FieldMario’s a romantic Iittle fellow and Iikes nothing heuer than a swift trip -through the daisies out in Flower Fields.Hewen’: have time to pick any flowers for Peach though, assome of the

Vegetation in these gorgeous grounds are packed with venom.

?:‚ä-::.‘.'°„';’.‘:.“ ‘=.’.E2:::-‘ f‘ A‘: 3»C_»k,

. _

A Take theMagkalBeanA Take lhe last Magical A Spin Jump below theSeed (o MinhT.(o open lhe from Petunia and goba(k tree toget aStar Piece,FlowerFields entrance. |0 theWiseWeslerwood then walk left.Get theHead inside and talk to the area.Fvomheve, take the FenileSeil from the flowerWiseWesterwood (ree. SouthWest exit.Give the under the Crystal tvee andWa|k due east and retrieve red berriesto the red head back tolheWiselhe benies from Ihetree. flower and sheWl open the Westerwood tree.Take theTalk lo Petunia and spin gate. Keep going and h]! south east path and giveinto the pack ofmoles for the yeHow lree (o get the yellow berry to theher.Youave a slav,Mazza! yeHow berries. yellow flower.

A Use Parakany toflyover the lhoms.G0upand along the Iedge (o the lefi (o machanolher Super B|0(|( and head righLHitlhe tree (o gel Iheblue benies and (ollecxlheStar Piece in lhe grass lo the right.

AWalk right toget aDizzyDial then dropdownmestone steps and up the next.(hatmLily in the dried uppond and getJammin’Jelly fmm lhe righl tree.UseWanlo veveal a seaet Block bythe stone steps.

A Head back to theWiseWesterwood lree andjoumeywesLGive the blue berry to theblue flowev and walk left imo themaze.It'snotwodiffitult (o get thvough lhis trickychallenge, sojust aim roend upa:the cennalwarp pipeWhidl (akes you to (he Ieftexit.

A Rosie the flower refuses A Head for thedriedup A Head Ieftuntil youto give you theWater pond viamesouth am reach a tower.UseStone that Lilywants,sogo path.Give Lily(heWater Bombene onIhe Ieft sideback |0 the Crystal tree via Stone.Get theMirade Ihenclimb upand lalk tothe south west exit {vom Water, then go Ieftand the sun.Onyouvway backWiseWesterwoodk area. swim (o get the Bubble mWildWesterwood you'llGet a crystal berry and (ake BevrieLTake the north have (o battle Spike.Bealitba(k (o Rosie (o finally west exit and give the himand hejoins you underget lheWatev Stone. Bubbleplantmeberriex. lhename cfLakilester.

PaperMario lllllllTEllllio.“OflicialtipsPeuch in d‘ gu‘ e

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Vuv aeld u m " . h. Ullttovr \n> u. an.

'.. . „ . : p. _-‚ ‚m „urmr.

She's sneaked,cooked and now she'sabout to be the Queen of disguises.Now (hat Peach has the Sneaky Parasol she can use it to change into any

creature she comes across.Now that's being Sneaky!You're dem? a. (in. 50a.

Escape from the room in the usual way,lhenpoint the Sneaky Parasol at thenearest guard.TaIk to lheguards, lhengothrough the stardoor at the top.Thecranky guard tells you to goand Iook forhis green (Iubba male.

Godownslairs and unlock themaindoor a:lheboltom.Use lheParasol onlhesleepingClubba.G0back (o lhecrankyguard and lake his place.Head through lhedoor and gotowards lhe (astle.EavesdroponKammyKoopa until you're caughl.

Farewell to Toad TownMario’s quesl isvery nearly ovenThis i5your last chance (o exploreToad Town andfinish ofi your quests.Don't furqet Io Stock up anIhr: shcrpsfirbure gcring t0 need all zhe help

you can frorn now on. lfs gningmbe tuugh üul there.

A Nuw isa goud lime1ovisilTnyw T.the toolrand haue her makesomespacial cakes andbiscuirs.ExperimentwiIh ingredienls. auch as(a kp mit and bewies.Tay(e T's cookies andcakes are a great waywreplenish your energy.

A When you're ready (oleavo. qoand visit Merlon.Talk tohisguest vrho urgesyou I0 lravel t0 ShiverCityinStarbornValleyfifuu (an

only qet lhare via Ihesewers somum |0 Ihnarea where you floaledwilh Lakilzsler ovcr thepainlul lookingSplkES.

A G0righl and holdWar! I0 roveal rhe secrel'?'blocksTorpedo Jumplhem, then use Ihem a;

srepping slones.Golhraugh Ihr:blua doorand jump down rhopipe. Inthe ity room goIeflCofind a Super Blotkbelore erriling rigm.

Just when you thought things couldn't get anyweirder Mario findshimself caught up in a bizarre penguinmurder mystery.Before Mario can even hope to ascend to space

(o rescue Peach hemust first clear his own name, IWhen you arrive inShiverCity head asfar Ieflasyou

(ango t0 find theMayor's house.TaIk Io theMayor’:wife and then go inlo lhe back room.The Mayorappears to have popped his (Iogs and poor old Mario ‘rsthe prime suspecl.Hemusl be innotent!

Talk to the lownsfolkoutsidemfind (he realkiller,Tornado Jump the icypond lo break the iceandget (heWarehouse key.Checkwriter Herringway’:empty house,then gointorheWarehouse next door,

Goupstairs and bounceonthe spring (o the roof.Slideoff to the Ieftanddrop down the (himney.Talk (o Herringway andfollow him to (heMayorshouse.Now theMayor isalive and well.Phew!

m 1m. w. mn. x „u „ f “

L . »

‚ ‚Leave the house andtalk to the penguinsoutside.When they Ieave,Tornado Jump t0 get aStarPiecaHead right and Ieavelownwhere you'llmeer upwilh JrTroopaNou shouldknowhow (o beat him.


IIIIITEIIDO.“ofircral tipsStarbo n VulleyThis quaint town inhabited by lhe Star Kidswhogalher lherebefore ascending to Star Summit.

1 frnd Uul m»: ret mute Io Ihr? Lr-‚wlal“da: AM. m! Lfun: rnrdn Ihr: r/ bus h; yelhursl rark‘

(IX-raaaaat da vou ‘think?I

Scaaaary Monster; arg)”: ‘f.


A A!Ihr? starr you'll see a ruw D1snnwmen,Perform aTornado Jump a! rhe ironlmreveal a Slar Prerewalk nghr and dimb Ihe I(E sreps.Abrg smy rnunarer calledMonslar, Irres to slop you,hat hes preny easy In beat

„ i u fi m ,Jwicmn

-. . 4

L (m nghl and Iollow fl Enter lhe doorway Ihat L The Kouper (hat (allsMerle home. Hegrvea apnears.Goup Ihe slarrs Maria 4 muron rslheyou a uarlNow head and Tornado Jump tn brealr impnstoLWhack hrmback Io Shrver (rly und the rte. Press rhe swiuh am! fighl hirn.Keep9er a buche! Irom the andwalk nqhr.Dropdown waflung righr. IherrMayor‘Head badc Io the Ihe sleps andmlled Ihe dimh Ihr? starr;mthesnowmen In lhe Vailey. pebble G0batk nnund use IeflmlindanomerPlane lhe buche! and Kooper l0 press Ihe swruh. Super Blntk,G0rrghlscarf an rwo znowmen Two Knopers now awart am! emer anolhec (ave.


rauvn ‘au;unlas:von Salve du Puzxle.

lOnca vau salve du nuzzla. n: lllaY. vcu thvauäk.

A When ymr Iahe an ilem. plaze a pehble rn rhe holemavoid beim; Irappedßlrmbrhe Hans, pasl lhe ilar khaped hule.Dropdawn and uw Bomben?m Ihegap andpass Ihrough lhe faire wall on \he rrghl cf the im (ave,

"i ' ’ ' -' C Madame Merler, lheGuardian o!

UystalPalaze. appears In fronx o1you.She Ielis you a really Iongund bormgstory. bulmalte sure you Irslencarefulw

{v (Dllea Ihe Star Swne ( m m her and IakewI

1| hart lo lhe xlar shaped hure you rusrpassen 1o reveal a sauer | ( e starrway.

„A 34 ‚K ‘v k ‘t4 \ Bener chedt r! am,Maria!v. _J g . 1.; -J

‚cm „4 prwpraaaaa

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LTÜ)‘. _anfing?’ J

8 " -

Bowser's Custle

PuperMaria IlIIIlITEIlID054Officiul tips

After beating the Crystal King(he last Star Spirit Kalmar is released.Mario can now use the combined power of all the free Star Spirits.

Before leaving ShiverCity,stopoff a!Toad House.When youwake upyou'll findsomeone has left you some pressiesSaygoodbye and head lovStar Summit.

Walk upthe path unlil you rea(h aSavePoinLToadHouse and shop.Go right,IidetoCastle and goround (o the right.Fight(he guard, get lhe key and unlock the door.

UseWatt to light lhe room.WaIk up lhestairs unlilyou reach a roomwilh anotherBowserStatue.Push it Ieftand go lhrough.The glant doorknockerwill let you passthis limeGo rlght and fight the guard,

AIthe (op, push (he third block to lheIefLGo righnfindadoor and aSave Point.Push the Ieft bl0(k (o the Ieft to veach aHeanRefill.Push block over Ihedoorway.

0k. ‚warumVon u m : to roscuc um.’ TkankVcu sc- auch.

Sleep ifyou need to recoverbeforecontinuing.Head nonh into lhe heart ofthe (asxle,Goright until you veach a Iockeddoov,bounce upand puII the chain.UseSushie to swim lo the previous room.

Neu.Uhleh uzru dann (Mr-c 55.’?

ü»km‘;ß: im:Blua SH‘: GHVsGrccn sw am

Gothrough the door lhafs revealedand head Ieh{ora key.Goback (o IheSavePoint and unlock IhedconAnswevquestions, (limb stairs and goright al top.

‚Climb lhe set ofstairs and (rossbridge.There's aHeart Refill inthe conldor. LeadPeach out,but Iookba(k Io discovev she's aghost. Beat it and talk lo the scary lace.

Haveafinal Showdownwith JvTvoopa,lhen faze Bowser.UseMega Smash‚andOutta Sighl asmuchasposslble andneutvalise his StarRodwith Star Beam.

ü‘) 33

Now the gang can rise up into the sky and rea(h Ptincess Peach in her -

When you reach the doorknockevhe’lldump you intoapit.Blastahole inthewall (o escape.Cross the platfonns, usingpanymembers (o negoliate the lava.

Press the blueswitch and bounce onthe spring.Blast thewall then jump upandhit the switch.Walk righ},pull (he (hain,golhrough hole and get (he key frommejeny.Retumand pull both (halns again.

Stand ongrey bricks (o the leftoftheredbunon and useBombene (o blow theswitch.Rideblock,jump acvoss Io (herightlov akey.Go down and unlock rightdoov.

( Oh... Aqtuellv... Yqu lauk am.

G0back down and have a rest in(he(upboard whereToad was hiding intheIobby.Now chase Bowser lo hisbanlearena.Try and use the Star Beam (o getPeach andTwink involved inlheattack.

Plumbers rule!Holy smoke,you've done lt!H’: tuken n IM o! hlood,sweul.lenrsund cnke mix,Im!Peuch Im:l lnully beenrescued und lhe Stur Rad i5buck with its rigmlulowners. Wullow In flle lubcm!sequence.you hero!

Castle prison.You've nearly found Bowser!

.Floal(hvough the hole inthewall usingLakilestenfioup (he slairs,fight guardsand pvess the blueswit(h.WaIk thvoughhole for a key.Head right and unlock door.

‚With lhewatev nowdrained you (an

unlo(k the rightdoor.UseOuna Sight tosneak upon lhe (annonsand pummel(hemwithEledvoDash and QuakeHammer.Repeat a5 you (Iimb the steps.

Use lhe Iightson(hewaII and headvight up(hefirst staivsand through thelowerdoov.Walk straight through lhe door,goupthe stairsand (hvough newdoor.

(oumevBowsefs StarRod.UseOufla Sightand keep pluggingawaywith all yourstvongestweapons. It'sa Ionghard slog,butyou ( a nbeat Bowser!


Theadclress ior all your Ieners and pictures iClub Maria,NintendoMficial Magazine,Angel Hause,338-345Goswell Road, Landan,EC1V TOP. Or youcan e-mail us al dominic.winl®emap.com r


HERES THE BIT OF THE mnsnzine THFIT VOU LlJI-‘ITE...IYour Ietters Ißowser’:Prisan IGameor lame? IMario'sHotline


Jamie Pritchard, ChesterI It's not just Zelda gamesAIINintendo titles have that certainmagic air about them. But it'sagoodpoim,the new Iook certainly givesthe game amoremysterious lookand it's packed with charactentllicll


GIThe more verslons ofihc-V

ameCube (heve are rhe betrer. hJust goes roshowNlntendo isversarile and willing to rry au:something new.Timk

u . w _u ' Janathanßategwestc/iff‚ w :i„ „ RichardEr/ington,Doncaster I Wereckon Harryisboundtomake

mnmdsmunzm x

Frezierick‘Metz,Greece‘ I Andwhat's more‚ the coloured anappearance onGameCube.RichI Even ifwecould,wewouldnlThe P525 Iook absolutely awful.Rich I IIcould depend on the success ofnewZelda look is innovative.Ricll I They're noI good colours‘Tim the fiImsThey could be huge‚Tim

Gearyoid ‚Moroney,Co.Clare '

I WellwecertainlY BPWEÜMQgood games, and Nintendocerlainly knowhowlto rnakethem.SMB is a c|ass|c.TIm

I! you INIII(o do time in BowsefsPrisan.whatthree N64gameswaaldyou takewill: you?Sentl in yaur list a! three gamesandwhy you'd

‚ „o,“o: ‚

‘ take them and you migm be banged up wich theI wnh (h9 DOW?’° A i‘ . .„K. „e“generellen consoles, n:s b

ultlmate hat! hay,Bowser. Bat please note, youeasymignoremegameplay. V

must send a photowith your Bowsefs PrisanSome of (he newmies luok _ entry. No photo,no entry. Sony!stunning.But i7ö 93m9mm3‘slinks, vre'll l8“ you.Rlth

MarkG/ass,ManchesterI WeIoveSuper Circuit, it's goteverything you could ask for in acartoon racing game.Ti|nI Wetotally agree with you - _ _ Markyour entries ’Bowser’s Prison’.Mark‚WeII said that man! Rich t ‘ '

Marias Hotline.Don't boflle it all up, giveMann's Hotline a ring andgel it ofl your chesl.Don't lorgel, you muslleave your name andlelephone numbev. ..

"I thlnk Gamecube’: tetallywicted. Ihope itwill h: asuccess and I lhinlt ltwill."Anon

"Ican't wait for Dlddy KongPilot onGBAdvante.”Stephan Lane

“Seni:has finally made peacewithMarieand thewar iswer."Anon

"I lhinlrMaria Ihr!SuperClrcuit lsone greatgameandwaswenn thewait.”Anon

"whenGamecubo comesum.IsNOMgelng to start givingaway demodiscs?"CmigFriedman

Marias Hit {istDa you wunl (e see yourIener in Club Maria? Areyou lost lor a hat topic?Why not mckle ene e!these suhjects...

I Willi '

6"! "WillGoIdeneyqTWlNE orTony Hawk's ProSkater 2appear on theGamecube?"

DavidKennedy, NorfolkI Wedoubl there will be thoseparticular James Bond titles as themovies are quite old now.But youcan bei that 007will pop upsomewhere along the line.RichI As forTony Hawk‚a third versionof the game iscurrently underconstructionfiheck out our newsstory onpage 94. Tim

“lltheGamecuhe ls to b0successful. lhen it should beproducingmere sllool ‘ern ups likethe fanustlc PerlenDark.Comean Rare,whal er :your plans?”G/en Row/an,SandersleadI lfonlyweknewGIen.We're in thedark about Rare's projectsTimI Nothing’s been announced, butlet's hope there will be some sort ofPDgame onGameCubeRich

MAllllXSWlllllill‘. ..„

w...jun itdalngwithamldvafio"„ w ;theGamecube. Itlleeluace.All“ I !u m “7°“"°_shewnm: er: just amazmfl-when l 921aGamecube. lmglvingmyN64in‘"Wl5"

celleuion ol games toum;breche: and sister.fhamas Lnwrence, Ipswrch I

I It'sgreal I0 See (hat you'rekeeping your NimendoH1P8‘familywe hope "m VW‘ ‘“°brolher and sistel 99" l°ad5_°fenjoymem frommeN64.5:9:I l! alsomeans (hat youl S"be able rosneak a quick 9° Ü"Goldeneye O07 when nobod)“lookinq. lt‘; aclassic!TII'I|


EI «üP «B: «i?» «EJJTo: [email protected]: '


RRVour e-mail

Before you send us your e-mails,check out the red hox below.Follow these simple rules and you'll get a reply quicker!

"I know (hatnoone knows howmuchGameCubewill be‚ but will itbe a cheaper price than Microsoft'sx-ox?”A/ex Currie _‚v,‘4 ° ? “ .I we'd Iove (o beabla (Ölen you the price oftliätfiamecube, butwejust den’: know a! thelhiomenl.Nintendowill rnalfeanannouncementafier the USIaunch,butwereflönihm“less (hanX-Box.”I’m really


(IIInihatotherpeople thinlhlfi Insowliocareshowitlooksbgu

' h” "'

gameplay InflllI It's good 1oSee 50m

"l think th ttwo games everaräonkefsBFDDark.Iw dering if theywill be comin» » Ga ‘

‘ be‘des thegraphics i Pla alion 2.”PhilI We’d Iove e,bugiwe'd muchprefer the chaps al ething totally original.

”PIayStation 2 is nSpring.I think somPhilipPride ' _I It's probably your pareiflswho have got to find the money to financeyour filthy PIayStaion habit.

l Fantasy'sdue out here in thepcared.”lmälfälfi?

”lwas just thinking somyself(hata brilliant title to release onGameCube and GBAwould be theMonkey Islandsaga. Ihope youlikemy suggestion as i: would be great to see it come soNintendo.’Alex Boxrock,PresronI We'd Iove to see the oldMonkey Islandgames onGame BoyAdvanceoreven better a newMonkey Islandgame forGameCube.They have awicked sense of humour and are really tough.Keep your fingers crossed!


[email protected]‚ 5:16 aminnen,Vaur E-mail ‚ E—



Afew e-mail „rulesWe'll do our bes! to reply (o all your e-mails,bulweneed your help|0 de Ihis.Follow lhese simple rules l0 gel a speedy response...

m»man vo‘‚ W7‘

2mm“. aml loser) um lmxiil l1llll"ll'ldl’l

Harding.James Honeywell,everyone arCake, the gang a!

SystemManager Lindsay Perkins legalstuflWevecegnise and arknwrledgeall

--l -l- I! 1L ülhirlflflil

who doesMmEditorfim SlreelDeputy EditorRichardMarshDeputyArt EditorMarkSommerStaflWrilerDomini:Wim

Thanks (o Zeta Filzpalrick,MichaelJackson, SleveHurchinsJoeRoberts, Maura Sunon,AngelaGorman,RavenGames,CatChannomlohnnyGrieg,Mike

Crawfish,Sue Harris,EslelleFaulkner, Emily Brin,JoUpron,Neena Patel, PhilRobinson, EmmaBraisby,Joanne Biggs,JeremyChubb,GuyCunis,HelenOsbourne.ChrisGlover and GennaroTaslaldo.

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copyriglirsand "ademark righlswe'veused under IicencefnxnNinIendeCaLxd.WewIll alwayscerreqarvyoversighr.NinrendeOffidalMagazine isu EMAPAclive.Duplicarien,warmission inanylonn.orusemanerirmgesvnlllallobrainingouemesspeenixsmmmiringbedmehandvnlrewltin legalaaien

Everylhingw:vwrireisbandenoureumqinioiunminlomwrienmmanm‘< '* conpaniüorisconmwmrkmwledgeNews previeius and releasedales based an inlmmalionw: luuuuu:bernie arrherimeolgoingrowas; emap active

unga-(‘Jca engeEin"Ready to fight

hey ( a m :from all four comers of Britain,with only one thing on fnfier mnnths of Inqhtning qunck tunes inuur Mega (hallenge,wefinallytheiv mindLTo Iay lhe smatkdown,and blag some top goodies. had our four gladiators ofmesquarPd cnrcle, and here rhey are...


EnnuonueIAderotimi Charles Swift Frank AllenAge 16 Age 14

From Southwater From London From Altricham From LeedsWrestler of choice Wrestler of choice Wrestler of choice Wrestler of choiceMrAss Stone (oldSteveAustin Chris Benoit The UndertakerQuote of lhe duy Quote o! the duy Quote o! the duy Quote of lhe doy”Ahhhh‚what amIdoing?" "Comeon,get Benoit?" ”0h‚ fudge!” “IIhink | seeapattern emerging.”

The vules for the showdnwn were very simnIe. lt was going |0b2 a RoyalRumble,unlfmited (ime, pins on and no coumam.Leeand Frank {nrmed nnv (PnrYhVJhIh? Fmmanuel ann (ivarlps

formed tho 0th»: The winmng dunwnulri lhen hauemfiqht eachmhenwuth the winnav o! (h9final hmn hoing vhe wrtnrBul hefnw w:- got started wnth m9 man»evunr u-m thouqht L96

mcght Ireat nur fnnalnslswa ums previev: ofGnmeüzhe. Needlessmsay. our finalish were qmm: up f0: thi<!First up wasWavo Race.whnth rhey all aqrPPd kmked stunmng,

even ifnwas a Iinle unforgwung for fim time playevsNexl up wasSuper Monkey Ball,dnd afier indulqingma litrlemnnkey ranng andbuxmg, ths-y all agreed it was hrillnant

And so it begun...

SOn . ‘ g a n z .

Ghostly Game BoyIfyou fancy bagging yourself aGBAfor Christmas, then get entering thisghoulish Casper competition,Thanks to our pals aI Microids,we've got aGBA console bundledwith a copy of the game to giveaway.To be inwith a Chance, (ryanswering this question...

QWhat are the names of thethree nasty ghostswho are alwaystrying to get Casper in trouble?

AStretch, Stinky and FatsoBHuey‚Dueyand LouieCAthos,Porthos and Aramis

Now you Siu 9WeIove a good platform game a:NOM,andweespecially IikedTDK's Iatest,Lady Sia.Thewonderful folk atTDK Mediactivehave kindly given usfive copies ofthis excellent GameBoyAdvance title t0 win ifyou can answer Ihis question. ..

QWhat are the names of the baddies in Lady Sia?

AThe MohairsBThe T’SoasCThe Johtos

GNAEB5_LADJL\Nc-.E'i‘z-Ring uroundWith the imminent release of the firsx Lordofthe Rings live action movie,wethought itwas time that you got into the spirit ofall thingsTolkien.Sowe're givingyou ihe chance to win a copy ofRalph BakshVs fantaslic animated Lord of the RingsfiIm.Warner HomeVideo has given usfiveVHS and DVDS of Ihemovie which you canblag ifyou can answer this teaser correctly.

QWhat is the nameof the RingBearer‚ the hero ofthe Lord ofthe Rings trilogy?

ABilbo BagginsBDrago BagginsCFrodo Baggins

Goody goody Gundam 9It's Iaken Japan by storm and now it’sBritain’s turn to get all excited aboutGundam.Available from all good toystoremhese futuristic fighting robotsare flown by human pilots who tell talesofwar and space traveLThe GundamCartoon series iscurrently onCartoonNetwork and you can get inontheaction by bagging anexcellent Gundammodel kiLthanks to our top friends a:Bandai. Here's the brain teaser. ..

QWhat is the name of the animatedGundam sci fi saga?

AMobile SuitGundamBMobile HomeGundamCMobile Phone Gundam

GundamVlinq o souuAqemy.Sunnso.ANS

Howto >‚uu

4 '„ w i n '

4„ i‘

The closing date for all competitions is 13December 2001. l

NintendoDffi ciulNintenilnnews HBestforGBAdvnnce undGametube

EWSPHWepromise to bring you the best info onGumeCube, GBA undall NintendoNews.Wetell you thenews before anyone and uIIour stories are guuranteed 100%correct byNintendo.



(l Cube nIDÄZ

GÄÜÖYAD\W'"KNEERogue Squotlronnps2 Eredfwesnnäfß: SpvrvitheürogqnTony Hawk's


newfsnncnloursp1p; Sensono?ICEIPQB;{

ProSkuter 3 „[294“ Heartol Dutknesspfiißv 501991FIQMEI’Nphfl 3P95

Rogue LeoderOllotnewseremshois Qlnwicifidetails

Garne InfoBy:LucusArtsType:ActionReleusezTßt



w: had the good lortune to go hands on wilhpossibly themost visually impressiveGamecube game

so far announced,and ( a nconfirm It'snol only a visualfeast, but extremely playable, too.Rogue Squadron IIes( m 9 out in Ihr:USa5 a Iaunrlu til|P_ und

we'll he bringing you a massive mdeplh look a: the game nextissue. But in themeamimn we're going to whez your dpperitewith some stunnnng new Screenshots and hard details an LuhatIhP game is going 1o uIfer aII you SxarWars Fans.Ihe qamc w!“ fnattlrn ten mammossxons. includnuxg the (Iassit

attack an the Deam Star from the IirstStarwars film.plus theIMIHC an Hollndogfights over TdIOÜIIIE and air raids over Bespin.These missions wIII 5er; you pilot allm:-mnlvst ve-hi: Im frmn

the- Star VJan filvnsgevitfnmeChance to pnot such classics asX‘Ninqs AVv/inqsfv’ VJIngmBkF-Iinqs und nimurse-‚tm-I m1".daddy ofthem all. the Millermxum Ialcon.The (onlmlsystem UlIHlE-‘S the Ganle-Cube Controllers

sophistkated analoque ShOlHdEV huttnnmallnwing im preiise‘controI cf (In: Starwars (ranThe [h bunon handles the brakes vmilefl sorts ou: your

Shlp“; accelerationlhoDPfad isLISDG In issuv nrdL-n lo you!wingmexLYou ( a n even activaze a Iargeting System. soyou can spoxyou: Envmies Ihmugh a vism in Ihn- Ihick n.‘ bdule.

b RoqueSquadvon IIpromisos |0 be amassivggame inallrespects.

A ‘Mhdlever’: your IavourileSIarWars space (ral! you (an

bc sure It’; inthe game, ready for you to fly.

A The IeveloIdetail inRogue Squadmn IIisnuthing short nfslunning am!pmof {hatwhen it comes Io eye candy,GamKube is ina Ieague oIiIs own.

A The idea here is1owind Ihe leihe: ropes around the Iegs cf lhe III-Ms,tripping Ihemup. I!yuu genau (lose In IheATARI; you'll uash inlo Ihem.spellingdisaslev.

A Von( a nhave either an inovuu mdtpitvim.eidmway it's lhe lrendimn‚which has Io be one o!Ihemosgextiting Moments1mmIM Iilms.


i H3:yougolwhat I1nahes tostop IMevIIEmpImImmglulfiflinglheir plans? ‘Ibegalaxy i; depending onyou,

We think...IIyou're not impressul Iay IIIelook o! Ilogue leader Ihenyou'recIrIy blinda: Lucasflrls hascreatedwhatcouldbelhebesl

1 One o1the mosl impressive aspeas oI(Im qamL- isIhe Iighlingmilhspol onshadowsand reallymassive explosions.We've seid itbefore,bul lhis isjust Iike Ihefilms,except you're incanlmloIIhr:ships.

Star War: game euermade.Ghsck nach next monlh Ior nurIirst indann:play o! |I|is amazingGamecuhe sei Ii


Game InfoBy:ActivisionType: Extreme sports . ' -Re'e°5ei T5‘ \ 0 Slunning levels 0 llew lrick System 0 Phat soundtrack

repare (o be dazzled bywhat promises (o be one of themust have, gold plated classics forGameCubaWe are talking about the return ofMr900°,Tony Hawk.

Tony Hawk's ProSkater 3 looks Iike being the bes: sim yet with the most iealistic Iooking skateboardingever (o be seen in aVideo gameWith the GameCube's sheer powerwecan look forward t0 Skating areasthat set new Standards in realism,with incredible detail,and interactive features Iikespeeding cars youhave to dodge and irate pedestrians {hat leap out oftheway ofyour skater.The nine areas on offei are all new,and are sei all across theworld fromTokyo to Canada.One thing's

for sure, they're much bigger lhan in previous Tony Hawk'sgames‚with evenmore things to Irick on.Talking ofstunts, the trick combo system has been upgraded‚making for evenmore free flowing style ofSkating and ultimately even bigger scores (o boot.The gamewill feature a very tasty soundtrack blaring out skale favourites from the IikesofAlien Ant

Farm,Redman, RedHox Chilli Peppers,House ofPain and Motorhead.Other things to look forward to are atwo player mode and amuch improved CreateASkater mode.

AsweII asTony Hawk,you (anchoose to skate assomeother ’boarding stais includingSteveCaballevo.

Tony HawkonN64may behard to lindin the shops, but you (anbei ihiswill be

um 5 1 m >_ readily available forGametube.5 u _ When you grindyou'llneed lo keep the

* balance meter in the (entreoryour S(O1Eisn't going to Iook pieny.

„Therewill benineareas for youto ride including theicy surfates ofCanada.Brrrrr!Watch out for

the (ars!Get too(lose and the driverwill blaie his horn " 5 5 ‘""4‘“

a! you.Don't get toom

(lose bustev!



The (itystreels offer heaps ofplaces where you <anollie,grindand flip t0 your hearVs (ontent.

IIIImySoll! Call voll livewilhoulHUIDLAFQ 50-50 -_.

‘|||g ||gx|ggng o o d o!Pro

258B Sliaur 3? IIIoourseyou can’!because a: sure as skaters wipe

You (anexped some dazzling trickswhichwill impress Whoah!Watch your balance o1 you'll bemaking lriends OII‘, b0III IWCSOIIIGHit.yourmates and the girls,too! with the iannac sooner than you think. -


„um. -«m; ‘um n.“ M n u v .m... zum u... w. „m... u. . . n. 1.:... c.‚.„.‚.„‚ m57 m.‚um. riumixud um»;Canon ‚an Damm‘.um»... man Im. . .»‚Im! hin’. W 0 6 1 i " exnflnflfl u Iyfl 90|!!! Lmflpllvy Jul hubflrflcfl m ‘H0 ‘n! ‘mm Min: 1831MB!M Ü ) !Herrn’. ‘Soflvnflu lnr DIVDmId bv m»lmIIIIIIs In’: JG: Lzlllti in 1|

n“;arv „ m a n “ ; .1 urri Lama: m: vmxmm " u m um‘um:umm...“m: n..-„mw:mm1 au:Iranluuurlly „v‘Nimmt:ul Anm-u m.- msua am 20m ums-mmAmrmm. mc und a .V-u nur} an «unsrem».mm ‘IHMBIMHIU „ u m “ , „a rnuw. amRum: Reuflufi 775117


Street FighterAlpha 3ollowlng onfrom the ass kicking,andAwesome rated,Super Street

Flghter IITurbo Revivalcomes newsofanother Street Fightev game Intheworks,Slreet Fighter Alpha 3.Asyou can see, the game fell from lhe

tree ofgorgeous graphics and hit everybranch ontheway down,evensurpassing Ihe seriously impressiveSuper Street Fighter llTurbo Revival,which isnomean feat!Expect hordes ofStreex Fighter

regulars plus somecharacters takenfrom the CapcomVsSNK 2 game,including the IikesofEagle and Maki,allSporting bang onthemoneyanimations, and some very tasty lookinganack combos to boot.Another change from the first Street

Fighter GBA game isthe control system.Now the shoulder bunons prompt Iightanacks, and when they're held theyaIIow lhe0 and 0 butxons 1o changefrommedium (o heavy attacksIhemakers hope thlswill allow for amorefiuid and va(ied style offightingThegamewill also suppor! link upfights.

The Ievelofdetail onthe fighters isveryimpressiveYou can see everymuscle!

By: CupcomType: Baut ‘em upRelease: Spring 2002

it'sashamew:an’!Show you the game runninga5 ltIooksace!

Allyour favourites are gathered togetherfor your fighting pleasure.

|4’ j‚ r‘ J. _„J-SJLUÜTLLÖJJ _L

Forallyo r




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Gnvo u . 1 t a l l In: a l l Ming: Dragon 8.1l}...

. g . .

ncnnqn \man. ‚ \"" .


‚ ' ;„ ' flnflhllaffh.5-‘;‚ kann:

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Yen 1 Maya. Gundam Wink. wNvc gar n ‚im F a ,An um b u: 32mm am-aalnblc naw! . ‚

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Mail flrderfii



Spyrotheo Electronic Ans hrillging IheirGtlme lHfo crazy nurwlianleßube(PIDafl1aqc".':aso'=(v anXBox exclusnve. but

By:Universal |IItEfCICflVe n ü w I’. seews Elawnetube ma m )qr-lllng Ihr.Type:Adventure alnkrfl; lLuk|ng| r luun mtHr.T‘I!v:— l_l.!Il’1[‘Rdeuse: n‘ Q ledullFsDVt-‘u’ . ..e‘.:pnna.1nd 1.? tr.1rkx_ nnn

‘tlw auent I‘. dn-‘Imln-Iv nn (‘lfiälrhffujll

he world of vldeo games has changed . all‘“mm.Msomudl over the last yearorso,what _‚ V,

wlth the IikesofSaga making games for' “ '

NintendoandResidentEvilgarnes becomlng 5-l

- "

exdusive In GameCubaAnG nowamascot A

‘ -character for Sony lsmakln9 hlsway l0 .1Nlntendsxwhavs golng an? '


Spyro isa lirtle blue‚fire breathing dragon, ‚_‘ '‘ ‚ _

and the Ioveable star ofman);agameover ‘

the years‚and now his brand ofcandy _ -’covered action advenlure iscoming toGarne I ‚___BoyAdvance. ‚


’_.Spyrcfsmissionfor thls particular romp‘|5 _ _

to find all the fairies imprisoned bya power OHalm‘:KIIIIOI IS getlmg III!mad librarian.who needs theirwings for a handlleld Irealnenlpotionlhls involves over 30 Ievels of A Spyro’:wovld i:jam Klnn0.: ‚s .1hamro 21a}wart "mm h|5 colouflulgameplaywlth 3Dflying elements and 2D packed fullofcolourand l]l‚]l‘|L'l nf ulatfoyvmng nlllllllll] raus wurILl wasshooter Ievels.Wilh Spyro able t0 run‚walk nun510p advenuring. wird rluw lIr-"s Lurnlni,‘ In (1.791. In s hmnd nun-xjump and glidaaswell a5 brealh flre. (You'llmeet some aazy dlHe-‘llllllv. h-lun- nnxl umnrh.____ ‘ „ ‚

' warmeronyounravels.S‘ __q _ 4 Spym isn't averse lo humlng abaddies bultwllh his C “ I ! {BVG „I31 alms I0lirebmath, hemaybewie bulhe'salso louqh! fflfllfliflllsß gaming

Thema IJ-velv s u l w vmxky" gunnng uuwsanrre”.we <J\«'x:'7Il1P'‚"rHll\‚yll1fl lhw n": u "m- x mnnnqal (hrv' ' ' wut t Tlw cfoxrr- alln-xxa ‘nr fwr-nnrrl nf‘Illegamo slnould hopofully In an mn- n ontnrnpnu Iflllj.‘ In thnd |n=r<on

d\-'C'l1ILIl|2S.dllLl fvo:r1whJ1-.vex;w Peurd umbohrt Christus,and Iran wlm “ '

sugxmsed lu wLvk prr-läy weil!we've sann and Inanl, It's a veryGnom Iooklnggam,will: somenlce lookingworlds In explora.

Creutures aMoveover Pokämon, the Creatures are coming, and they need your help toc survive their harsh world.

n- u .‚ „ The creatuves inquestion are Norns,a Ioveable raceofanimals thal live in the world ofAlbia. It's up to players lo train and raise the Norms sothey can survive in thelr land‚ 0 "GEB? "I !h!“ SCHUHE line II|| ffll‘

especially against the naslyGrendals.Norns pass on thelr chavacteristlcs fvom generation to {h0 "5 Gameculle launch OII "W |3generation.meaning no two Norns are the same.Therewill be lhree worlds t0 raise your Iinle ‚ulgra .'vl.1n\|:1I1beasties in,and themakers promise almost limitless playtime, and some very advanced AI, 83x Tn: ky

Vhuo Harn L-lluc- ‘Slülnl51m vicns Rcujue "tuquailrür: IISuper Munkey BallLlavc- fvllvrd FlPt-slyle BMW 2E4‘1N€N‘IIH ‘L13Cm/y TmHatnwan Llark l«:rxvc>nl;w.-:LlannnnVenqearxeUmvnmz‘ StummNF. 8M.’ 1 0;’

Ifyouwanl (o raise stupid Nornsyou (an,but don'tcomecryingwhen they come a cropper.

Pokämonove over Bob the Builder,there's a new band in Ctown,and they’ve got their eyeson the

Christmas number one,wilh the heady brew of NuMetal and Pokemon.NuMetalband, 50.Grind,have teamed upwilh the _

Pokemon Allstars 1ocreate the tune/Gotta Catch ‘EmAll’.The song isveleased 011December 3,withmany pop . „ _pundits predicting aChristmas number 0ne.We’II have anexclusive Iook behind the scenesof the making of theVideo nextmonth,along with (he lyrics for the song.

A Herewecatzh upwith the boyswatching 111ePokemon (artoon.

ß They're banking onallyou Pokemaniacs gening behind1hexingle and going oul t0 buy itonils releaseonDecembev3rd.


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soSOUDCREW 49345 S101:onm 11512:... 33:3 90114111011 _ 49131 wmj: 111110111 EVE

glflnngflfizz 33g; „m01:1eLookmg maß? „ o “ Bvaanläfigmzgmmnuans 49107 11111101 025111111:C11.

11114111051111251 0115.. 333g: 330mm km1?’9 " " 3734? 9,3%}. “ u m ”0mm ’STNNE“ 4 9 3 | 1„ Muss flgg 3,61.? flüsleßu ' U 53024 Smokemlhawalel DEEPPURPLEm“ “T “W 49:20 11a1 111111411011 01151111100 0110s „ m ; „.302, 5’„‘f‚5‚_‚°°" 5303 5141m 1oMamn LEDIEPELLIN 1575PS 49:22 L91 0114101151119 MANIC ST9115/1... 4700s 1011111390000 “ i ” ‘m’ ° Ä”‘“’°"5"" 49323 Bab 0011100001121 SAMANTHA 11011.. 71:10 7 mm : 41009 0411m; 011m ABBA5511132611511 49324 T114 im: 111011111 47107 Thegnalcounldown 41010 oxmmaoimme A0511 1


RIGmSNDFRED 40:12: Sldo 111Av1s z”; Farne 41011 11an10ays111g111 111511541155 ,„ n , 5,4 „m „ M 5 5 . EvoryflnalhYouYakg 4701::0401101440111

A 11“Lsm” 49201 11111 cnPlace 5.101111 m 5 ‘ BMMMIOnTP-vflooere 47014 mankyouu 1111111014004MARIAHCAREV 41110 Unchamed MelodyLofisux 492a: 01114111 10x110110m 4 29g S ummmow g 47015 Walenoc A

4928:1 Alllhowlytq 112110 R.E.M 41311 11m1931m, 1a 47012 N6 Jude THEBENLES l5“PE“F“”“’--- 45285 Miucalilonua 041115111011145 45035 Sim sans ‘"023 | 3""a“°‘°-->”8M 7'593'155ggf?“ 49200 NolhingwnhoulMe MAN01111.0 114040 am 47024 LeIRBI 111513241155 j4929s 1111m 1105115211 55001 111.15 anq Sally 41025 LuveMeDo 1115EEATLES

By: llbi SoftType: ActionReleuse:TBC

e’ve uncovered two shotsof theGBAdvance’: very

first pinball game, basedaround Sega’sHouse of theDead first person shooter.The gamewill feature three

different pinball tables for yourmoneywith aII manner ofgoryZombies and eviImutantsfeaturing on the detailed tables.The game isdue to be released

inJapan inMarchwith a possibleEuropean release Iater in2002.And judging bythese screenshots,GBA owners could have their firstpinball hit intheir hands.


I>:Y|> | j { |Ü| j .ä ‘ i_r.| ÄHHL-L;".fxi:_w‚|i- ‚ 1M ‚w‘

.1- „w „. m41 .» „um n m. „ m :

n y w v mull" I‘ . „x w I'm. h. „.

um» ‚ n t w» HJ-‘AH {n

m4 ‚w „m1 Ing-z‘

1;» >14 umu w.n wurmw n «H ‚ww

wethink...Thre have beon sonne stinkyBatman game: over Ihnyoars,but tllis game saomsdlltarem,with sharp graphics, hugo Iovalsand anexoellent oontrol System.Thls is going to beono Inwatch.

P Pokämon Pinballwas a(e, let's hope this gameiseven bettenWe'll havemoveasitbreaks.

V Although Iittle isknown about the gameplayelements ofthe game,weknow it Iooksgood.

BloodyRoarExtremeO Ilealislicweapons O Indemmry O Multiplayermodes

sothere you are. lrading puncheswith an opponentwhensuddenly Ihey turn into a gianl rabbit and beat seven piles ofBy:Hudson Soft manmanure oul o! you.Type: neu‘‘am "p ‚ Noit's nur a bad dreanmöut a unnque beat ‘am up commg t0Re|eÜ5e3 TBC üametuhe. Bloody’Hoar ames ave

’‚in fact (heyve graced olher

consules o .4


. ‚ ameCube fans can IookfürwardIn an (‘ICIUSIRIP takP nn [HP nloven arm-s, maknng GamvCtJbr- 50cm inkl?the natuval choice f0: Irue Nxmendüf ht fans ‚ 7

For Ihe most part, uns game plays ilar l0 aTekken m S-oui Calilvur A Ace Iookingnexrgen gvaphicx.gamvs,hut with onemffc-vencca Ifa fightr-r‘; Beast härter fiHsUp, thcy (hedx.Foxyfighlev.(huk.( a n Iransform into a qmm animal and cany on fiqhtinq with a vlhole119WS9IDfII10‘.'8S‚C|'E3IUI€S on offev vaill includemoles, xnsecls, rabbxts - 4 > --and brav: ‚mrj Ihr) gamv u-‚vili also fmtuw a { w o playor modxa

L Rolease the beast A FighlWEII enough and ‚

inside u-ilh Bloody Roar. you (an uansform. _ P A:abeastk

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We think11m0scroonshotsdon't du( Inum iustico Incause Inmotionlllegamo Ioolßfast, sllck am! lullo1wlclnd flglllingmovos.Thiseoulul In a raal hasto!a gamo.

L The aninulions amexcellmhand Iullofencrgy, A Therewill be Ioads o!different fighters to choose 110m4

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emap actlve Ü‘’-"3‘3WC"; Ü“?

O Backlit rumours O IlewGBA colours lor Japanumours are rife on the Internet that Nintendo is planning (o produce aGBAwith abacklight,although Nintendo has strongly denied (fieseclaims.

This hasn’: stopped eager tech heads tearing their Game BoyAdvances apart and fittingtheir own backlights. Initial reports sugges! some success‚with enough light produced to playGBA in total darkness,with battery time down to ten hours. Formore details point yourbrowser to wwwportablemonopolyxom.But please bear inmind,your GBA’:warramy will bevoid ifyou open up the casing, soit's definitely not a good idea,Inother Garne BoyAdvance related news,we've uncovered three new GBA colours (hat are

shortly going on sale in Japan.TheGlacier Blue model carries theTokyo Yomiun’ Giants baseball(eam logo and isjoined bya dark blue and red model.Howeventhere has been noofficialannouncement on aUKrelease.

Reports have shown how to create aGBA batklight,but itwillmake yourwarranty void ifyou open itup!

any industry pundits lhink the DVDl

Mplaying PanasonicGameCube could bejust the thing to Iure PS2 owners away fromtheir black brick,and we think its certainlygot the edge as far as Iooks are concerned.The DVD and CDplayingGameCube will

shortly be going onsale in Japan for a veryvespectable ‚€243 and should hit Japaneseshops just in time for Christmas,The machine now has a new name,and from

nowon should simply be referred 1o asQ,But thebad new: for Nintendo fans across Ihe pond in theUSand here in the UK‚is (hat there has been noword onwhen Qwill be released.Inthe mean time,keep those fingers tightly

crossed and say your prayers before bed becausewewant Q in the UK! Please!



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