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November 2014

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NOVEMBER 2014 / Volume 51 / Issue 11 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. · Colossians 3:15
Page 1: November 2014

NOVEMBER 2014 / Volume 51 / Issue 11

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

· Colossians 3:15

Page 2: November 2014

Sometimes in our lives, we need to try new stuff. We need to step out of our comfort zones and do something to shake us up. That is particularly important in our faith. It is all too easy to grow complacent and stagnant.

This issue of the Good Tidings is FULL of new things for you to try! Maybe you can volunteer for a ministry you’ve never been a part of. Maybe you can start going to a Sunday school class. Maybe you can start reading the REAL Scriptures every day. Like I said…there are lots of opportunities in this issue!

One thing I would urge each and every one of you to consider is taking the G6 Class. This six-week class, offered Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm beginning on October 29, is definitely something new. This class will focus on the 6 G’s for becoming a better disciple of Christ – Glory, Grace, Growth, Group, Giftedness, and Generosity. The three pastors will be leading these classes each week, and we are really excited to delve into these topics with you. What a great way to try something new and grow in your faith as a result!

Whatever it is, I invite you to try something new this month. Let’s work together on deepening our faith, growing closer to God, and becoming better disciples. I know that God will bless our efforts!

Let’s do something new – I dare ya!



Dr. Roger Ross | Lead Pastor

Rev. Mike Whitaker | Pastor

Rev. Nicole Cox | Pastor


Brad Curtis | Director of StudentLife Ministry

Carli Burton | Director of Adult Education & Senior Ministries

Chase Carlisle | Director of Contemporary Music Ministries

Elyssa Carlisle | Director of Youth Choir & Handbells Ministries

Garrett West | Director of Worship Tech

Lana Solomonson | Executive Director

Laurie Lewis | Director of Contemporary Choir Ministry

Lindsay Walker | Director of KidLife Ministry

Dr. See Tsai Chan | Director of New Life Choir & Handbells Ministries


Grady Peavy | Printshop

Holly Taylor | Accountant

Jenny Hutcherson | Admin. Assistant

Pam Long | Financial Secretary

Sharon Sweeney | Dr. Ross’ Assistant


David Rodriguez

Dennis Fors

James “J” Dunlap

Randy Osborn

STAFF emails:First initial and Last [email protected]

Your church staff is here to help you live as disciples of Jesus Christ that transform the world. Feel free to contact them.

2 Good T i d ings / NOVEMBER 2014

One of my favorite treats is having a Coke with grenadine in it. Have you ever had it? It is a delicious cherry syrup. One of the things Roger likes to tease me about is my love of grenadine. So, one day I asked him if he had ever had it. He said no. I challenged him a bit – how can he tease me about it if he doesn’t know how good it is? So, I said, “Roger, I dare ya to try a Sprite with grenadine!” And do you know what? He did. And even better? He liked it!

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M E S S A G E S E R I E S !

N OV E M B E R 1 /2 | S E L F I E I D E N T I T Y | N I C O L E C O X S P E A K I N G N OV E M B E R 8/9 | L I F E M U L T I P L I E D | R O G E R R O S S S P E A K I N G

N OV E M B E R 1 5 / 1 6 | SA C R E D R H Y T HM S | R O G E R R O S S S P E A K I N G

G6 CLASSIt’s not too late to join the G6 class!

Please come on Wednesdays at 6:30 - 8:00pm in Atrium 4.

NEW SUNDAY MORNING CLASSTrail Mix: All that is sweet about the love of Christ, full of spiritual nutrition, and a couple of nuts!Everyone between the ages of 25 and 45 is invited to join this new Sunday morning class which begins November 2 at 10:15am in Room 6. Our facilitators will be Sharon Waltrip and Chris Wise, and we will be using Max Lucado’s study of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Please join us!

Contact: Carli Burton, [email protected] or 793-9760 x121

MAINTAINING LEADERSHIP SMALL GROUP (MLSG)Everyone is a leader! This is your opportunity to experience the “20 Best Talks” from the Global Leadership Summit. Please join us in Room 7at 7:00 - 8:30pm on the following dates:

Tuesday, November 11: Wayne Cordeiro, “Dead Leader Running”

Tuesday, November 25: Kenneth Ulmer, “A Leader’s Unshakeable Resolve”

Contact: Sharon at [email protected] or 793-9760 x131.

Page 4: November 2014

4 Good T i d ings / NOVEMBER 2014

Jesus sometimes told those for whom he performed miracles not to tell anyone about their healing or what they had witnessed.

“By doing that, Jesus essentially was trying to keep people from worshipping the healing instead of worshipping God as the healer. People sometimes worship the sign instead of the sign-giver,” Senior Pastor Dr. Roger Ross explained. “However, Jesus did say to his disciples ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.’ To make disciples, you have to tell your story.”

The telling of someone’s story of interaction with God or feeling God’s presence in their life in small and large ways is what drives “My Story” at First United Methodist Church. Calling it a program is too clinical and calling it witnessing sounds too “churchy.” Roger prefers to call it “faith-sharing.” Some have shared their stories from the pulpit and others by video. Starting with this digital edition of Good Tidings, some are telling their stories in writing, using first- and second-person accounts. All have proven to be equally powerful ways to spread the news of God’s activity in people’s lives – both to the listener and to the speaker.

“Something happens in a person’s heart when their story crosses their own lips. It solidifies what God has done for them and it ignites faith sparks in other people’s lives. It’s a double blessing,” said Roger of the dynamics of “My Story.” Counting the four stories in today’s magazine, 16 stories have been shared with more on the way. The “faith sparks” Roger alluded to have started a small blaze that seems certain to grow.

Roger said the idea came from hearing testimonials at another church a few years ago. He said “My Story” is an updated version of what people have been sharing in churches forever.

“Putting it in terms of a personal story seems to connect better with the post-modern era,” he said, adding that finding the stories in a church the size of FUMC is a matter of “keeping our ears to the ground and listening to what God is doing around us.”

Then the story needs to fit into the context of a particular sermon or series of sermons. For that reason, not every story will be shared at a Saturday night or Sunday morning service. But, he said, “Every story matters to God.”Longtime member Jody Antrim, whose story is in this edition of Good Tidings, said she feels more connected when someone from the congregation tells their story.

“It’s really a personal connection when somebody from my church tells their story. I may not even know them, but I see them walking in the hallways. It’s vulnerable and authentic and it lets you know we are in a safe place. People want to make that personal connection,” Antrim said. “It’s really powerful and people in our church are talking about it big time.”

And if people are talking about God at work in our lives, that’s half the battle, Roger said. “Someone telling their personal story is the greatest single weapon in a Christian’s arsenal,” he said. “You can have theological debates until the end of time, but you cannot argue against someone’s story because it is their story.”

‘My Story ’ series of personal encounters ignites ‘faith sparks’

Page 5: November 2014


In his line of work overseeing construction loans and rental property, Jeff Hunt says he has to focus on “concrete proof,” no pun intended.

“I am a practical person,” Jeff said. “I have worked around a lot of engineers, bankers, lawyers and construction people, the sort of people who look for black-and-white answers.People like me often want that out of our experiences with God, too.”

Instead of that “Aha!” moment, Jeff believes he experienced a series of small miracles when he was asked to oversee the church’s volunteer effort to build a new parsonage on the west side of Springfield in 2006. He readily admits he was skeptical of the plan to build the parsonage using volunteers, telling then senior pastor Dr. Roger Rominger at one point that, instead of saving money on labor, the plan “probably wouldn’t cost the church much more” than if they contracted for the construction.

And there were a whole series of challenges, Jeff said, but each time an issue arose that threatened to have a cascading effect on the very tight construction schedule, unsolicited help showed up, often seemingly from out of the blue. There was the time they needed to get the roof on because the drywall crew was scheduled to begin in a couple of days, but they did not have the equipment or the manpower to get the roofing materials up to the roof. Some guys down the street who had no connection to the church brought down a front-loader. They still lacked adequate manpower to finish the roof in time, and a Springfield roofer showed up and offered to finish it for a very modest price.

“I have always kind of had questions about my faith at times, wondering if divine things really do happen. But in this project I saw little miracles happen,” said Jeff about the project that began in July of 2006 and was completed before Christmas of that year. It was not until he looked back on the project that he realized that the group of volunteers had included the greatest carpenter of them all. Jeff had read the book The Case for Christ, but this project brought it into practical focus for him.

“There were so many instances that you just say ‘Wow! That’s a God thing.’ There were probably 10 times that someone or something appeared out of nowhere at the right time,” he said. “I have built several homes and managed a couple dozen rental properties. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

He also ended up clearly seeing that the real benefit of using the church volunteers had nothing to do with budgets. Many of the volunteers had been involved with Habitat for Humanity and other ministries.

“Being around people with their kind of faith, it rubs off,” Jeff said. “There were times I had my doubts, but they never really did. Watching this project come to an end and watching those people and their brotherhood of faith stay with it gave me the ‘evidence,’ if you will. I think I learned to have faith in what God will do.

“If you rely on God, the result might not be 100 percent what you expect, but you will have solace and peace.”~ Jeff Hunt

My Story: Becky AndrewIt was Father’s Day in 2012, and Becki Andrew was attending a Catholic Mass in Springfield. She and her husband, Eric, had been trying for some time to have a child. She recalls feeling like a statue of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, was staring at her. She also felt like the priest’s homily also was directed at her. It was from Matthew 9:20-22: Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.

“I happened to look over at the statue of Mary and suddenly it was like a light bulb went on that if she can get pregnant, so can I!” Becki recalled. “Then, Father’s homily was based on the Scripture that discussed the woman who was healed when she touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and Jesus said to her ‘Your faith has saved you.’ It was then I knew God was talking to me directly, so I simply said ‘Okay God, I believe that I’m pregnant right now!’ About a week later I started feeling like I had been run over by a truck.”

Katelyn Elizabeth Andrew was born March 13, 2013.Becki said she will share her story of faith with her daughter when she is old enough to grasp the true meaning. She said she had not shared her story even with her husband until recently.

“I didn’t share it with Eric at first because I thought he would just look at it like everything is coincidental,” she said. “I told him I was thinking about telling my story and asked him if he was comfortable with that. He was totally fine with it. He believed me. I have never forgotten that moment and how it changed my life.” ~ Becki Andrew

My Story: Jeff Hunt

Page 6: November 2014

6 Good T i d ings / NOVEMBER 2014

I share “God stories” with trepidation. My belief that God is personally involved in my life is not an easy belief for me to sustain. And on those occasions when His intervention in my life is absolutely evident in a very personal way, a part of me wants to tell the world. But I confess that another part is reluctant. Inside, I always fear someone is going to hear my personal story and then rationally explain a miracle in any way other than God. But this time, I’m going to share… “only God.” And I do so first to glorify Him, and second to help diminish my unbelief and sustain my belief.

My son-in-law Carlos is a youth pastor and, with his church’s plans for a Baptism Sunday on September 28th, he asked his junior high youth group if any of them would like to be baptized. Of course, he explained what it means to be baptized, and what it involved on their part. In addition to the full immersion baptism, each student would be required to prepare and deliver his or her own testimony and share it in front of the church congregation. In response, five youth expressed a desire to be baptized. His daughter (our granddaughter) Emma was not among the five. This didn’t overly concern Carlos or our daughter Emily because they knew this needed to be a personal decision and there was no need to intervene or coerce – they knew this must be her decision to be made when she was ready. But on the Tuesday before the special Sunday, Emma came to my daughter and son-in-law and let them know that she was ready…she wanted to be baptized. It would be just 5 days away.

Oh how I wanted to be there! We were leading our own Sunday School class that morning and were excited to hear Bob Goff speak that evening. It just wasn’t going to work to be there in the suburbs of Chicago. I had to be at peace with just hearing about it and getting photos from Emily.

I asked Emily what time the service would start so I could pray specifically for Emma at that time. It would be 10:00, and although I didn’t know when during the service the baptisms would take place, 10:00 would be when I would pray. It was the exact time I’d be walking down the long halls from my class to help in the KidLife area. I would simply pray during my walk.

What I didn’t expect was that we would have a young couple visit our class – their first visit to our church – and they, too, would be heading to KidLife at the same time. So, all the way down the halls, I focused on them, learning more about them, and welcoming them to our church. When I arrived at my station, I realized I’d gotten all the way down the hall at 10:00 and never prayed for Emma. I was disappointed enough that I wasn’t with her, and now I had a new disappointment - that I hadn’t prayed when I promised I would.

I decided I’d just tuck myself into a corner and pray for her once I checked into my responsibilities at the KidLife Check-In area. However, I got there and they were out of labels in the machine and needed someone to go find some. So, off I went, with my phone in my hand, to find labels. I got them and thought to myself, Ok, now I can pray down this hall on my way back to where I’m supposed to be. I began my walk when my phone rang with the familiar FaceTime ring. I looked at my phone and saw I was being “Face-Timed” by Emily from her seat in church. I was thrilled. I could actually “be” there. I could see Emma and hear

her testimony via modern technology. I watched on my phone’s screen as the first youth shared his testimony. I watched all six baptisms and heard each testimony. I just loved that I could “be there” for all of it – especially my granddaughter’s.

When it was over and Emily had signed off our FaceTime session, I sent a quick text and simply typed, “thank you” to my daughter.

It wasn’t until very late in the afternoon that I actually got to talk with Emily. She sounded so excited when she said, “Mom, you got to see the baptism part of the service from the beginning to the end! I’m so glad!” I said, “I know. And Emily, thank you so much for FaceTiming me because I really wanted to be there and this was just like I was there.” Her response to my gratitude was not what I expected.

“Mom, I didn’t FaceTime you….you FaceTimed me.” What? Absolutely not. I was walking down the hall ready to pray. You see, to FaceTime Emily would have required 4 steps on my part: 1) unlock my phone, 2) tap “FaceTime”, 3) find her name among my “contacts” and 4) tap on it. I didn’t do any of those steps…nor did I even think about doing it.

Emily continued, “Mom, I know you FaceTimed me. The first youth was walking toward the mic on the stage, it was quiet in the sanctuary, and my phone rang. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t silenced my phone – I always do. But I grabbed my phone and when I saw it was you, I quickly answered and handed the phone to Emma’s friend sitting next to me, and she held up the phone so you could watch.”

Stunned. I listened to Emily and I was…well…really, there aren’t words. She hadn’t FaceTimed me. I know I hadn’t FaceTimed her. It only left one remaining explanation. God. He reigns over everything – including technology. He made a way for it happen, and there’s no convincing me otherwise. He knew my heart and my desire. He knew my prayer before it was spoken. He knewthe time was right. With Him, all things are possible.

I will never, ever forget those words, “Mom, I didn’t FaceTime you…you FaceTimed me.” If you look at my phone, it indicates an outgoing FaceTime call at 10:11 Sunday morning to Emily’s phone. But I know where I was and what I was doing. I was walking down a hall making a decision to pray. My phone is an inanimate object. And only God had the miraculous power required to transport me so I could witness a special moment between Him and my granddaughter. It became my special moment with Him, too. And that’s a story to share. ~ Jody Antrim

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26

My Story: Jody Antrim

Page 7: November 2014


Deidre Rosenberger says God has an effective way to get her attention when she’s not listening closely enough.“He takes the proverbial two-by-four and whacks me over the head sometimes,” she said. Deidre often gets an overpowering feeling that she needs to pull her car over and give a ride to someone who is walking alongside a street or road. Most of the time the people are not even hitchhiking, and it’s not like she’s running a free taxi service around Springfield. “It’s not every person I pass, but when it happens I know it’s God…it’s kind of like ‘Stop. Now!’ “

She said she first began experiencing the feeling of hearing God speaking directly to her after the “Unbinding Your Heart” series at church. During one of the sermons there was a challenge to ask God what he wants you to do before you get out of bed.

“One morning I tried…and I waited and waited and waited,” she said, adding that the guidance she began to experience started with small, everyday things but then escalated to “the overwhelming feeling that I need to pull over and give someone a ride.”

Her husband Scott is a police officer, a professionthat doesn’t promote giving rides to strangers. “The first time my husband found out, I had picked up a gentleman whose car had broken down in like 99˚ heat. He said he was coming back from a doctor’s appointment because he had heart trouble,” Deidre recalled. “I took him to my home before taking him on to his home in Cantrall. I called my husband his reaction was ‘You did what?’

“I know it goes against the grain, but I get that feeling and I know it’s God. God doesn’t just tell me to pick people up. Those moments are just the riskiest. He has told me to pray for complete strangers, to offer comfort to a young lady crying in the Walgreens pharmacy, and pray with/for members of our church in the middle of choir practice.

Some of God’s requests are easy to do. Some of them scare me to death and some make me question my own sanity. When I comply a peaceful feeling comes over me. When I don’t, I have an overwhelming feeling of guilt. I certainly prefer peace to guilt. “

She said the feeling that God is telling her to give people rides has happened five or six times without incident, and she has only been worried one time. She was coming to choir practice at the church in sub-zero weather and passed a man in his 40s who was walking west through the church parking lot. He wasn’t wearing a very heavy coat. Still, she had an uneasy feeling.

“The two-by-four came out again,” she recalled. “I said ‘Seriously, what?’ God would not let me go forward. He said ‘Turn around now!’ I can still remember the look of relief on the man’s face. He said his car had broken down at Wal-Mart and he called everyone he knew but no one could respond. He already had walked about three miles in that weather and he didn’t live much further away, but he told me ‘I didn’t know if I could make it another step.’ “ She said her husband is “almost resolved to the fact that I’m not going to stop doing what God wants me to do, no matter how crazy it is.”

“Crazy” is an adjective Deidre freely and smilingly uses to describe herself. She also openly discussesthe fact that she battles an illness, clinical depression and anxiety disorder.

“When I was diagnosed, I was determined that I wasn’t going to keep it a secret,” she said. “I am a self-proclaimed crazy person, but if I can make a difference in just one person’s life by sharing my story, then it was worth it.“If I can step out of my comfort zone a little bit, maybe more people will be willing to share their story. We are a big family in our church and no one is alone in this journey.” ~ Deidre Rosenberger

“... if I can make a difference in just one person’s life by sharing my story, then it was worth it.”

My Story: Deidre Rosenberger

Page 8: November 2014

REGistRAtioN$15 per person by Nov. 5th$20 per person afterward

(Lunch Included)

First 50 persons to register receive a free dinner with Clif Christopher

Friday, Nov. 7, at 7:00pm at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in downtown Springfield. Free dinner with Clif No thanks

Register online:www.igrc.org/richchurchor Mail the forM below.

Payment must be included with registration.Make checks payable to IGrC.





church NaMe:_____________________________

address:p.O. Box 3487 Springfield, IL 62708-3487

(217) 529-3217, (fax) 529-4181, (cell) [email protected], www.igrc.org/umf


REGistRAtioN 8:30aM

FiRst sEssioN 9:00aM

LuNch 12:00pM

sEcoND sEssioN 1:00pM


2941 S. Koke Mill Road, Springfield, IL 62711www.springfieldfirst.org

clif:Layout 1 8/25/2014 11:56 AM Page 1

Dr. Clif Christopher, M. Div., CFRE

C lif founded the Horizons Steward-

ship Company in 1992 following a

challenging career in pastoral min-

istry. He serves as the company’s CEo to

this day. In his twenty years as a pastor, he

led numerous major building and capital

campaigns. Since founding Horizons, he

has led consultations in over 1,000

churches, conferences, synods and dio-

cese in all phases of building, finance, and

church growth.Dr. Christopher is a certified church

growth consultant and has earned the

coveted title CFrE (Certified Fund raising

Executive). In 1995 he was given the Na-

tional Circuit rider Award by the United

Methodist Church for outstanding lead-

ership in developing vital congregations.

Under Clif’s leadership, Horizons Stew-

ardship has helped secure over one bil-

lion dollars for churches. He has

personally worked in over 38 states and

is a frequent speaker at stewardship

seminars around the country. He is the

co-author of the book Holy Smoke, the

author of Not Your Parents’ offering

Plate, Whose offering Plate Is It? and rich

Church - Poor Church published by

Abingdon Press. Dr. Bill Easum, noted

consultant and author, said, “No one

knows more about local church steward-

ship than Clif Christopher.” Mega church

pastor, Adam Hamilton said, “When I

have a stewardship question, I call Clif

Christopher.” Foundation director, David

Atkins said, “Clif is one of the most effec-

tive communicators in the field of church

fundraising today.”Clif has been an ordained minister of the

United Methodist Church since 1975. He

is married and shares four children with

his wife. He is a graduate of Hendrix

College in Conway, Arkansas and Emory


clif:Layout 1 8/25/2014 11:57 AM Page 2

D r . C l i f C h r i s t o p h e r

See that you also excel in this grace of

giving .2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)

8 Good T id ings / NOVEMBER 2014

RICH CHURCH | POOR CHURCH Someone said, “God doesn’t want giving from you. God wants giving for you.” God knows that the practice of giving changes us from the inside out. On Saturday, November 8, we are excited to host a one-day seminar to help us grow in the grace of giving. Our speaker is a nationally known giving advisor, Dr. Clif Christopher. Dr. Christopher founded Horizons Stewardship Company in 1992 and is a certified church growth consultant. In 1995 he was given the National Circuit Rider Award by the United Methodist Church for outstanding leadership in developing vital congregations. Under Clif’s leadership, Horizons Stewardship has helped secure over one billion dollars for churches. He has personally worked in over 38 states and is a frequent speaker at stewardship seminars around the country.  The seminar will begin at 9:00am and end at 3:00pm on Saturday, November 8. Registration opens at 8:30am. The cost is $15 per person which includes lunch and materials. Price goes up to $20 after November 5. You can register online atwww.igrc.org/richchurch or contact the church office at 793-9760. What a great opportunity to become more grace-full!

MAKING A PROMISEThrough our new friend, Bob Goff, we’ve seen that love does. When we love God and love people, we can’t help but do stuff that shows our love. Love is active, involved, and out there. It expresses itself in practical ways. One sure sign of love is giving.

Scripture says, “For God so loved the world, he gave his only Son…” (John 3:16). God, who is love, always expresses his love in giving. It is God’s delight. Nothing is too extravagant. Out of sheer love, God proved his love for us in giving his Son, Jesus. What would you be willing to give for someone you love?

Each year, our Promise Weekend gives us one of our best opportunities to show love. On Saturday and Sunday, November 15th and 16th, our whole congregation will be invited to make a promise. Estimate of Giving cards will be available during the worship services, so each person or family can make a promise regarding their investment in the ministry of First United Methodist Church in 2015. Together these promises will help our church leaders make plans for the life changing ministry and mission God has in store in the coming year.

Sometimes people wonder where to start in their expression of love. Scripture encourages the baseline of our giving to be the first ten percent of one’s income. Often this is called a tithe. Here are some reasons why Christ-followers choose to tithe.

True OwnershipSometimes we lose sight that God is the owner and we are the managers of what is in this world. Giving the first tenth of our income simply returns to God what is already God’s.

Full PartnershipScripture says, “We are co-laborers with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9). In this divine partnership, God is looking for deeply devoted men and women, boys and girls who will tangibly put God first in their lives.

Real JoyThe happiest people in life are givers. Giving to God cultivates an attitude of gratitude. Genuine gratitude always produces joy.

The more we love, the more we give. It’s what love does. As we prepare for Promise Weekend, November 15-16, consider praying this each day: Lord, thank You for Your love. Show me how to love others through my giving. God loves to answer prayers like that.

Praying with you,

Page 9: November 2014


Christmas CoffeeOur church family is invited to share a special time of fellowship at the Christmas Coffee on Sunday, December 7, from 10:00-11:30am in Atrium 2 & 3. The Hospitality & Membership Team will host this time for everyone to gather for conversation and sampling of delicious Christmas cookies together.

To provide the hundreds of cookies needed to serve our family of faith, we will need the help of people willing to bring two dozen (or more) of your favorite Christmas cookies to share. As you are doing your Christmas baking, would you be willing to help in this way?

If you are willing to provide cookies, please sign up in the Atrium. Contact Sharon at 793-9760, x 131 or [email protected] for questions or additional information.

Who’s on your list?November is the perfect time to make your list. Who are the friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, and kids you are planning to invite to a Christmas Eve service this year? Now is the best time to make your list and begin praying for them by name each day. Ask God to prepare them to be open to your invitation and to soften their hearts to the true message of Christmas — that God is with us.

To help you in your planning, here’s the schedule for our Community Christmas Eve Celebrations.

Eve Before You Leave: Sunday, December 21st • 7:00pm For those who have other commitments on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve: Wednesday, December 24th

• 3:00pm A traditional/contemporary blend with Holy Communion and candlelight • 5:00pm & 7:00pm Contemporary music and candlelight • 9:00pm Traditional carols and candlelight

Childcare for infants through kindergarten will be provided at all services.

Do you like Christmas Music?If you do, we have a special invitation for you! The New Life Adult Choir and Youth Choir will be singing the Christmas Cantata, ”A Festival of Hymns and Carols,” accompanied by a full symphony orchestra on December 14th at the 9:00am service. We will be singing beautiful arrangements by various composers. There will be a lot of congregational singing, and we need a big choir to lead the worship!

If you are interested in singing with us, all you have to do is attend the first 30 minutes of our regular choir rehearsal; that is when we will be practicing the cantata. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm in the Choir room (Room 22). We hope you will give it a try!

Contact: See Tsai Chan, [email protected]

Page 10: November 2014

SAVE THE DATEJUNE 22-26, 2015Adventure Bible Camp We can’t wait for next year!

10 Good T id ings / NOVEMBER 2014

elementary curriculum We’re taking this month to talk about what it means to show GRATITUDE: letting others know how they’ve helped you. For week one, we kick off the month by taking a closer look at our memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It says, “Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus” (NIrV). Bottom Line: You always have something to be grateful for. In week two, we will take a look at a powerful story in Luke 17:11-19 about 10 lepers who asked Jesus to be healed. Bottom Line: Take time to say “thank you.” For week three, we’ll dig into a parable Jesus told about some vineyard workers. In Matthew 20:1-15, we read that a few of the workers started making comparisons to what others were getting paid and became ungrateful and started complaining. Bottom Line: Take time to adjust your attitude.  In week four, we’ll explore Exodus 23:14-19 and discover how some of the rules God gave His people included some major celebrating with entire DAYS and sometimes WEEKS set aside to give His people an opportunity to take time to celebrate. That’s our bottom line this week: Take time to celebrate what God has done. Finally, we’ll look at how the Apostle Paul closed out his letter to the Roman followers of Jesus. He thanked people – a LOT of people – for helping him on his journeys. We hope kids come away with this Bottom Line: Take time to remember how others have helped you.

Interested in helping in KidLife, but not sure where to start? Come join us for First Look, which will be held Sunday, November 2, immediately following the 10:15 service in the Atrium Lounge. First Look is an informal time to find out about volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved in serving in KidLife at First Church. Childcare will be available, so feel free to stop by before picking up your children from KidLife. Volunteer opportunities are varied and range from 20 minutes once a month before service, to middle of the week administrative needs. We need volunteers of all ages – Jr. high on up! Come explore how you can put your talents to work serving kids at First Church

Preschool CurriculumOur preschoolers are learning about Creation this month – with a twist. They’re learning that God made everything, and for that we thank Him. All throughout the month, our preschoolers will be working on a Thankful Tree in their classrooms. In addition, we’ve created a card you can take home with instructions on how to make your own Thankful Tree. A great way to show how thankful we are for God’s abundance is sharing it with those who are less fortunate. 


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILDKidLife and the Women’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study invite you to help us introduce children around the world to the love of Jesus through the Operation Christmas Child ministry. Participating is easy! Look for the gift boxes in the Atrium or at the Jeep check-in station near the gym. Fill the box with gifts for a child in need, and bring it back to the church on Sunday, November 2, 9, or 16. The brochure which is included with the box lists gift ideas along with instructions for preparing your box. Please include a $7 donation with each box to cover shipping costs. As we teach our children to be thankful for God’s abundance, let’s share with those in need!

First Look

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Have you ever had a moment that made you stop and think, “Wow, this changes everything”? Maybe it was finding out you didn’t make the team or that your parents were splitting. Maybe it was finding out you’re good at something or bad at something you didn’t expect. In those moments, our lives change direction quickly. The funny thing is that nearly everyone who met Jesus had one of those experiences. They came in with a plan, a direction, an identity. And as soon as they spent any time with Jesus, those ideas were turned upside down. As we look at four stories where this occurred, we find that an encounter with Jesus has the power to flip our lives as well.

Each month StudentLife participates in a community building and serving event called the ONETHING. On November 23, at 6:00 – 8:00pm, we will enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving dinner provided by the United Methodist Women of FUMC and decorate the church for the Christmas season. All students in 6th to 12th grade are invited to participate!


November 21st: Summer Mission Trip Registration materials due (forms and deposit)

November 23rd: the ONETHING at Fusion (Thanksgiving dinner provided by UMW), 6:00 – 8:00pm

November 30th: NO StudentLife Programming

December 21st: Summer Mission Trip Cookie Walk Fundraiser

December 28th: NO StudentLife Programming

January 4th: StudentLife Programming Resumes


2015 SUMMER MISSION TRIP SIGN-UPS ARE OPEN!Each summer StudentLife gives youth in 6th to 12th grade the chance to follow the Lord by serving others in communities all over the country. This year our Jr. High students will head to Louisville, KY (June 14-19), and our Sr. High students will load up the vans and travel to Brooklyn, NY (July 4-11). Both groups will partner with YouthWorks! (www.youthworks.com) to communicate Christ’s love to these communities through service projects, kids’ camps, and community cookouts. If your student is interested in being a part of one of these trips, please contact Brad Curtis at 217-793-9760 x124 or [email protected]

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12 Good T id ings / NOVEMBER 2014

THANK YOU! Our annual senior gala took us back in time again … and oh, the memories of those years gone by … the “good ole’ days”. Thank you to the Don Smith band, our entertainers, Master of Ceremonies, our Senior Ministry Council members, our cook, kitchen and dining room crew, our staff, sound and lighting crew, our custodians, and those who were able to come out and support us. THANK YOU!

SENIOR FELLOWSHIP Thursday, November 13, Around the Table Adventure!We meet for Christian fellowship on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:30am in Rooms 5/6. The coffee is always on and a devotional is shared. Our host and hostess, Joe and Jean McClure, will supply the morning treats. Card and board games will be enjoyed; if you have a favorite that is not offered, please bring it to share. Our dinner will be turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry salad, rolls, iced tea, and coffee. A donation of $6.00 is suggested for “all you can eat” or “until it is gone” meal. Come and join us.

LIFE LINE SCREENINGWednesday, November 19Appointments are limited; register today. You will receive $10 discount, and a matching $10 donation will be given to FUMC when you call for an appointment at 1-800-324-9458. Pink informationsheets are available at the Welcome Center.

RETIREMENT SMART 360°November 11, 18, & 25LAST CHANCE AT THIS GREAT VALUE! First United Methodist Church and Prosperity Partnerships, Inc. are offering an interactive workshop called Retirement Smart 360˚, designed for those in or nearing retirement. Attendees review over forty critical financial decisions that shape the success or failure of one’s retirement. Sign up in the Atrium for this 3-week class that will meet in Room 4 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Regularly $399.00, this class is offered for $99.00 per couple or 2 friends whowant to join together for the class (money-back guarantee). This includes all class materials and a detailed personal retirement plan for each attendee prepared by Prosperity Partnerships. Class size is limited to 20.


Gaither Homecoming Christmas Tour 2014Thursday, December 4Join us for a day trip to the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis to hear Bill Gaither,

Wes Hampton, David Phelps, Adam Crabb, and Todd Suttles, with special

guests Mark Lowry, The Isaacs, The Martins, Charlotte Ritchie, Kevin Williams,

and Gene McDonald. We will travel in a luxury coach and have floor seating in

rows 7–12. Cost is $60.00. Seating is limited; and your payment holds your seat. 

We will stop enroute for a meal. Please sign up in the Atrium or contact Carli. 

For more information about any of these events, please contact Carli Burton at [email protected] or 793-9760 x121.

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SANGAMON RIVER DISTRICT MEETINGOCTOBER 18, 2014Mary Jackson and Shirley Major attended the Illinois Great Rivers Annual UMW Conference at the Savoy United Methodist Church in October. The featured speaker was Harriet Olson, the General Secretary/CEO of United Methodist Women in New York. Her topic was “Changing the World, Leading from the Heart: Love in Action.”

NOVEMBER 7, 2014 BOARD MEETING AND LUNCHEONOur November 7 speaker will be Shawna Meredith, the new Director of the Asbury Children’s Supper Hour. She will talk about this program available for community children. Lunch is served at noon. Please call Elaine Galyon for a reservation at 217-793-0533. Suggested donation for lunch is $7.00; no charge for first-time guests.

NUTS, NUTS AND MORE NUTSNOVEMBER 8 & 9, AND DECEMBER 13 & 14 - SALE DATESThe fresh nuts will soon be here for our fundraiser! Get out your cookbooks and look up your favorite holiday recipes. We will have whole pecans, pecan pieces, English walnuts, black walnuts, whole almonds, slivered almonds, mixed nuts, and cashews. These nuts are fresh off the Georgia trees and make wonderful Christmas gifts.

THANKSGIVING DINNER – NOVEMBER 23, 2014Brad Curtis, StudentLife Director, has accepted the UMW’s offer to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for the youth on November 23, 2014. The UMW members enjoy this chance to visit with the kids. Several turkeys will be cooked along with mashed potatoes, dressing, and pumpkin pie. This is a wonderful event for everyone.

WORLD THANK OFFERING – NOVEMBER 22/23, 2014This is a yearly event in which the congregation participates in an offering for several areas of need. This year’s offering will go to the Kumler Neighborhood Ministries, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, and the fight against Ebola in Liberia. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

S C H E D U L ENovember 1, 2014

Sangamon River District UMWPersonal/Spiritual Growth RetreatDouglas United Methodist Church

9:00am – 3:00pm

November 7, 2014UMW Board/Luncheon

10:00am/12:00pm | Room 13/Gym

November 13, 2014World Kindness Day – Do something nice!

Send flowers to a friend, leave a great tip, smile

November 19, 2014Rachel Circle

7:00pm | Atrium 2

November 20, 2014Lydia Circle

9:30am | Rooms 5/6

December 5, 2014UMW Board/Luncheon

10:00am/12:00pm | Room 13/GymNeighborhood House Speaker: Leslie Bates


Rachel Circle meets on the 3rd Wednesday of

each month in Atrium 2 at 7:00pm.

Lydia Circle meets on the 3rd Friday of each month in Rooms 5/6 at 9:30am.

Please join us!

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is Jesus in your will?

Our time in this world doesn’t last forever, but our influence can. As you plan for the future, please prayerfully consider tithing 10% of your estate to the church for which Jesus gave his life.

Let’s Celebrate Thanksgiving Together!This year our church is blessed to share the Thanksgiving meal with our friends from Laurel United Methodist Church! You may be alone this holiday or just don’t feel like fixing a complete meal. Come join us! The meal will be held at Laurel UMC beginning at 12:00pm on Thanksgiving Day.

Turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, and beverages will be provided. People attending are asked to bring a dish to share. (Last name A-H bring a salad; I-P bring a vegetable; Q-Z bring a dessert.) Setting up the day before or cleaning up after the meal will be appreciated. If you plan to attend, please call Judy McEvoy at Laurel UMC, 525-1866, so that we will have a correct count for food amounts and table space.What a great way to strengthen our Methodist community, and to be reminded of our bounty and our blessings!

Thanks be to God!

WELCOME TO OUR NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR! Lana Salomonson started as our new Executive Director on October 26. We are excited to have her join our church staff team. She is bringing many strengths to the team, including more than 25 years in public relations and management experience in the public and private sector. She has a master’s degree in public administration with a focus on personnel management, and has worked in television, radio, and print journalism. She most recently has been a senior division manager at the State of Illinois overseeing personnel, budget, two divisions, labor relations, and marketing for agency campaigns and websites. Lana has been a member of Springfield FUMC for 20+ years. She lives in Springfield with her husband Scott (and dog Max). Her son Phil is a sophomore in college studying civil engineering. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, fine dining, swimming, cooking, swimming, vacationing, swimming, reading, swimming and writing. Please make her feel welcome in her new role at FUMC.

With the recent retirement of Alyce Foster, many people have inquired about whether her position will be re-filled. Yes! We’re looking for a new part-time staff member for this position. If interested, contact Lana Salomonson.

D e a t h sPlease hold in prayer the families

of these precious people:

Lucille Rishel

Esther St John

Ruth Holl

OPERATION: HOPE Tour of Duty - November 20

As our world battles an Ebola epidemic, you can be a sign of hope! On Thursday, November 20, we are hosting a benefit concert to bring relief to people in

West Africa. Our special guest that night is musical artist Jon Henniger. The band “For His Glory” will also perform.

This event is free. Doors will open at 6:00pm.

Concert is at 6:30-9:30pm. There will be a love offering to bring medical

supplies and support to those on the front lines. Please invite friends, family, and co-workers to

be a sign of hope to people in great need.

Line-up Features: Special guest Jon Henninger

along with For His Glory

B a p t i s m sWelcome to God’s family:

Grayson Michael BringuetMelanie Jane Miller

Cody Lee ColeEmily Jade Miller

Corey Robert Cole

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Financial Giving Updates First United Methodist Church

In an effort to more effectively serve the church body we are posting our financial report at the following web

address. This will permit the church to update our financial information in a more timely manner and provide more

immediate access when desired. The financial information can be found at the following address:


November REAL Scripture CardsThis month, we will continue reading Scriptures that correlate with our sermon series, Life in 3D,

followed by the book of Esther. We hope you will join us in reading these passages!

GiftednessNov. 1 – John 14:15-27Nov. 2 – 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

GenerosityNov. 3 – Matthew 6:19-24Nov. 4 – 2 Corinthians 9:6-15Nov. 5 – Luke 16:1-15Nov. 6 – Matthew 25:14-30Nov. 7 – 2 Corinthians 8:1-15Nov. 8 – Mark 12:41-44Nov. 9 – Acts 20:32-35

EstherNov. 10 – Esther 1:1-8Nov. 11 – Esther 1:9-15Nov. 12 – Esther 1:16-22Nov. 13 – Esther 2:1-9Nov. 14 – Esther 2:10-18Nov. 15 – Esther 2:19-3:4Nov. 16 – Esther 3:5-15Nov. 17 – Esther 4:1-8Nov. 18 – Esther 4:9-17Nov. 19 – Esther 5:1-8

Nov. 20 – Esther 5:9-14Nov. 21 – Esther 6:1-9Nov. 22 – Esther 6:10-14Nov. 23 – Esther 7:1-10Nov. 24 – Esther 8:1-6Nov. 25 – Esther 8:7-17Nov. 26 – Esther 9:1-10Nov. 27 – Esther 9:11-17Nov. 28 – Esther 9:18-22Nov. 29 – Esther 9:23-28Nov. 30 – Esther 9:29-10:3

Hospitalization If ever you are hospitalized, please make sure

to tell the person admitting you that you are

a member of First United Methodist Church

in Springfield. Our pastors make hospital calls

on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if you are

categorized as member of FUMC, the pastors

will be told and they will be able to come visit

you. You are also welcome to call the church

office at 793-9760 and let Sharon or Jenny know

that you have been admitted to the hospital.

We appreciate your help on this matter.

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“Good Tidings” Publications No. USPS 847-500 is published once a month by First United Methodist Church, 2941 S. Koke Mill, Springfield, IL. (217) 793-9760. www.springfieldfirst.org Pastors: Dr. Roger Ross, Rev. Mike Whitaker, and Rev. Nicole Cox

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: GoodTidings, 2941 S. Koke Mill, Springfield, IL 62711.Periodical postage paid at Springfield, IL

To receive Tidings via mail OR email, contact the main office.Connect with us online at www.springfieldfirst.org for more resources.

Upcoming Eventsnovember 2 — First Look – KidLife Volunteer Meeting 8 — Dr. Clif Christopher – Rich Church/Poor Church 15/16 — Promise Weekend 2, 9 & 16 — Operation Christmas Child Collection 20 — Operation: HOPE Tour of Duty Benefit Concert 27 — Thanksgiving 28 — Building Closed

december 6/7 — Contemporary Service Christmas Celebration 7 — Christmas Coffee 14 — Christmas Cantata 21 — “Eve Before You Leave” Service 24 — Christmas Eve Services 25 — Building Closed

WEEKEND WORSHIP EXPERIENCESSaturday / 5:30pm Sunday / 9:00 & 10:15am

Stay up on ALL future events of Springfield First · visit our website www.springfieldfirst.org

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