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NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National...

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NPS Form 10-900 (Rev, 8-06] Uni ted States Department 0.f the Interior Nationa 1 Park Service NATIONaL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLRCES REGISTRATION FORM Historic name: MAWAND HEIGHTS PQRK b MARGARET MPhlSON WEIR MEMORIAL POOL other narne/si ts nunbsr : nat for publicaticn: N/A city/tc,-~n: Weirton vicin~tv: N/n Category of Prcperty: Structures/Site Number cf Resources with in Pr-oper tv: Contributing Noncontributing - buildings - sites 3 structurzs - ob.iects 3 Total Number of contributing r, QSCU~C~S Reg ister : N/A Name of related property listing previously listed in the National
Page 1: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

NPS Form 10-900 ( R e v , 8-06]

Uni t e d S t a t e s Department 0.f t h e Interior Nationa 1 P a r k Service



o t h e r narne/si ts nunbsr :

n a t for publicaticn: N/A

city/tc,-~n: Weirton v i c i n ~ t v : N/n

Category of Prcperty: Structures/Site

Number c f Resources w i t h in Pr-oper t v :

Contributing Noncontributing

- buildings - sites

3 structurzs - ob.iects

3 Total

Number of contributing r, Q S C U ~ C ~ S

Reg ister : N/A

Name of related property listing

previously listed in the National

Page 2: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

4. State/Federal Agency Certif icatlon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A s t h e designated authority under the Nat iona! Historic Preservation A c t o f 1986, as amended, I hersby certify that this

X, nomination - request f a - Sekerminatisr of eligibility

meets the documentation standards far registeri~g properties in the ~ational Register of Histcrlc Places ard meets the procedural and professional reqbirements set forth i n 36 CFR Part 00. In my oginion, the property

* meets - - does not meet

See continuation sheet.

In my opinion, the property - m e e t s - does n o t meet

the National R e g i s t e r criteria. - See continuation sheet.

I , hereby certify t h a t this pr~perty is:

entered in the National Register - See continuation sheet.

determined e2iqible for t he National Register - See continuation sheet.

determined not eligible f c r the National Register

removed from the National Registar

other (explain):

Page 3: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

Historic: Recreation R Culture Sub: Soorts Facility Swimmina Pool Picnic She! ter

Current : Recreation b Culturn Sub: S~orts Caci!itv Swirnninu Pool Picnic Shelter


Other D~scription: She l t e r - Nc stvle

Materials: foundation Concrete walls Brick

roof Concrete other WoodiTimbers


Describe present and h iitor ic physical apoear3nce. X Ses continuation sheet -

8. Statement of Significance --------------------________________________________________----------------------------------------------------

Certifying official has considered the significance of this pr37erty in relation tc o t h e r properties: Lscal/State

Applicable National Recister Criteria: A, % C

Criteria Considerat ions (Except ions) : N / A

Areas o f Significance: Recreation Archi tecture/Enu ineer ins

Period(s1 of Significance: 1934 - 1938

Significant Dates: 1934 t 9 3 G - Significant Psrson(s): N / A

Cultural Gffiliation: N / A

Architect/Builder: Bintz. Wesiev, Civil Enqineer

State significance o f property, and justify criteria, considerations, and areas and periods of significance noted above.

X See continuation sheet. -

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Page 5: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

(NPS Form 10-900)

United States Department o f the Interior National Park Service



The War-land Heights Park w a s dedicated in July 1934, and w a s tke center of Weirtan's recreaticna! activities far decades. The contrlbcting site o f the park, alsa has twc contributing structures and one building. The main facility is the Margaret Manson Weir Memirial Pool, which is an avoid design, with the poo! area being elevated above the first Cloo~- dressing raoms and f iltr-ation roon;. Built r n 1934, with funds from the David Weir Estate and maintenance support from the Weir-tor Steel Corporation, the swimming pool has provided Weirton residents with summer recreation facilities for almost 6C years. Also in the park is a large wood tidber and stone qicnic shelter built by Weirtun stezl ernployoes during t3e depression years, as well as a garage for a tool shed. There are t ~ ~ o small noncontributing picnic she1 ters that were constructed in 198q a)-d 1991 , a small concessian stand and the play ground equipment.

The Marland Height3 Park is 13cated o n the ncrtheast corner o f W:llrams Drivo and Riverview Drive. T h e Marland Heights neighbtrhood is sited on 3

blufc between the cectral business dis2rlcr of ljeirton and t h e Chic: River. T h e park borders a residgntial area 0.F homes built from c. 1920 t c the 1950s on one side, ard the Williams Ccuntrh{ Clab, and a natural ravine on the other sides. The Marlanc! Heights Park is basically rectangular in shape with an arm to the s o ~ t h along i3urhanan Street. Sycamore tregs line the walk to the pool, where gardens and grassy areas were once lined with low hedges along t h e sidewalks. The hedges died out r n the lafe i970s and were not replarod although scme of the small garden p !o ts !?ear the Gaci have been reestablished. On the west side of Xilliams D r i v e thore was a putting course until the mid-1940s when the hillside became 3 picnic area. This was maintained until the 19705 but w a s n o t part o f the land t r a n s i e r for the park in 148G. A small miniature golf course has been placed under the Sycamore trees. The structures, buildings and play equipment are scattered through the park (See site plan! with the park grounds having a mixture o f grass and pea gravol, and hard surfaces for basketball and tennis courts.

The swimming pool is well documented with blueprints from the B i n t z Swimming Pool Company, which were designed by civil engineer Wesley Bintz of Lansing, Michigan. The pool designs were ?atented or February 9, 1926, Number 1,572,463. The blueprints n o t only incl~de the pool and dressing rooms, but mast of the standard equipment used a t t h e pool, such as benches, ladders, diving boards, flocdlights, floor drains, counters and shelves, and a plaque for the building.

From the ground the pool appears as a circular red brick wall approximately 12 feet: in height wit!- cancrzke details t ha t are painted white. The wall surface is divided into multiple bays that are divided b y concrete posts. 6 belt or stringcourse encircles the pool about 30 inches from the top of the wall. The brick wall and concrete coping above the beltcourse is actually free standing and is not attached at the sides to the concrete post that divides each bay . Eolow the beltcourse, in each

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( NPS Form 13---TO9 )

United States Department o f the Interior Na t io:?a l Park Ser*/ic~



bay surrounding the pool is a opening of c n e siu-light awning style windcw. These window b a y s aro covered dur i?q t h e &inter se3so? ~i t h wooden shuktsrs or waod f o - security, an2 aGzlnst vandalism. The ~ 1 n d c w sill is concrete, and Oelow each sill is a rectangalar desigr ~n the brickwork w i t h concrete sqcare b:ocbs at eac5 corqer. A t eve!-y three bays t h e d r v i d r n g past is extended and tapers ~ ~ w s r d s f z r acp r3 : : lma ts? l y f o ~ r mare feet with chamfer- edges. at t he tos of each post ii a g L ~ b e lightli?~ fixture.

While usually referred t o as oval, r h e pool st,-ucture is aztdally egg-shaced or ovoid with the Zimcnsions 5ei.7g 1 1 3 feet x 163 f e e t . The main entra~ce opeqs l n t s kne ch~ck-i~? a r s z a? t?e narrow end of the pool. (See plan for lower level) The lobby is cgrdoned 3 f . f 'sy a w i r e Fzt-ICO between t h e entrance and the rou?ter. The wcoden check-in counter is ar originai f e a t u r e . Behind t h e couzter a r a h o o d e n plan! , shelves ~ l t h original wire baskets for bathers to use. Or7 the left side of the lobby is a stairway which led to the spectator- area. This has been blocked o f f in favor of the outside stairs. To the r i g h t is the concession stand which was temporarily moved out to a separate building but now is again inside t h e pool. The dressing rooms extsnd around the perimeter of the pool, with the women's to t h e left a ~ d ths men's to the right.

The men's dressing r c g n is divided into zs\,<en small changing rooms with furniture consisting of o r l g i n a l dcuble w a o d e ~ bznches wi t b a z r ~ ~ t e r r a c k for hanging clothes. Taws:-ds the oppositp end cf the dressing r -oar si-e showers and restroom facilities. Stairs lead to the upper deck and p o o l area. The women's dressing room has individual curtained changing rooms

P ~ n k ~ r t n ~ ~ a l l c ; ~ l b . A an a l q l p a r l7nc th- sutside wall. G orioinal *

wringer is near t h e front exit t o re?rove water from suits and towels. The shower-s and restroom facilities are near the stairway leading to t he upper level for the pool. Located at the wide end o f the pool is the filtration room which can be accessed from the men or women's dressing rooms or from the outside door.

Page 7: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

(NPS Form 10-900)

United States Department o f the I n t e r i o r N a t i o n a l P a r k S e r v i c z



The u p p e r l e v e l o i t h e p o o l h a s a c o n c r s t e deck w i t h a p e r i m e t e r d a ! k w a y o v e r t h e l s w e r l e v e l d r e s s i n g rooms and f i l t r a t l o n r o c m . T h e c e n t e r p z o l s l o p e s f r o m a d e p t h o f 3 f e e t a t the wide end o f t h e p o o l t c 9 feet at t h e d i v i n g a rea . T h e d i v i n g b o a r d s a re l o c a t e d a b o d e t h e c h e c k - i n l o b b y a t t h e narrcw e n d o f t h e ~ 0 3 1 . T h e original d i u i n ? boards were n c t set up a c c o t - d l n q t o t h e b l u e p r - i , ~ t design :See ,12131; f o r uooe:- l e v e l w h i c ? h a d the h i g h b o a r d o f f s e t t o t h e s i d e . I n s t e a d t h e h i g h d i v e &a5 i n t h e c a n t z r f l a n k e d b y l o w e r c p r i n g b o a r d i . The h i g h d i v i n q b o a r d w a s r2mcved i ? 1990, t o a v o i d a n y l i a b i l i t y . The Ladders and the c o n c r e t e d e p t h m a r L e r s a t t h e e d q e o f t n z p o o l a r e o r i g i n a l . The C h : l d r e n t s Wading P o o l i s fenced ocf f r o m t h e l a r g e p o o l a t t h e n o r t h o r w i d e e n d o f the o v a : b e t w e e n t h e s t a i r s t o t h e dressin2 r o o m s . The s e c t i 3 n o f r a i l fa : - t h e c h i l d l - e n ' s p c c l is t h e o r i g i n a l s t y l e o f f e n c e u s e d i n t h e o a r h . Changes o v e r t h e years have i ~ c l u d s d m c v i n g f h s s 3 e c t a t a r a r e a f r o m t 5 e west s i d e cf t h e p o o l t o t h e e a s t side ~i kh the a u k s i d e stairwav f o r a c ~ z i i , and t o c h a n g e t h ~ f e n c i n g when n e e d 9 6 . The l a r g e r u s t i c p i ~ n i c s h e l t e r i ; t h e n ~ r t h s a s t c s r r i e r ~f t k ~ D~T.': ln;ds built a b c u t 1998, b y w o r k e r r 'ram Well- ton Stee: Mlli. T h e f rame and beans are hewn t i m b e r s w i t h v i s i b l e ad: marks, a n d t n e g a b l e r c o f h a s asahalk s h i n g l e s w i t h wood s h i n g l e s i n the s o u t h qabie e n d . The s t r u c t u r e i s o p e n o n t h r e e s i d e s w i t h a low w a l l f i e l d s t o n e o n 2" east s i d e . T h e n c r t h w a ! l h a s a massi*fe f i e l d s t o n e f i r e p l a c e . The s h e l t e r i s s i t e c a b o v e a h i l l s i d e a n d t h e l c w f i e l d s t s n e wall runs s o u t h i r s n t h e s o u t h e a s t c c r n e r o f t h e s h e l t e r i n a curve. T h i s s t y l e o f rustic a r c h i t e c t u r e w a s p c g u l a r durlng the d c p r o s s i o n y e a r s a n d is s i m i l a r t c many s u c h s t : - u c t u ~ s s f o u n d i n n a t i o n a l and state parks. The d e e p b r z w n c s l o r s , r u g g s d a p p e s r a v c e , a n d h o r i z o n t a l setting made i t blscd i n t c t h e ! a ; ~ d i c a o ~ . A t t h e s o u t h e n d of t h e p a r k o n a n a r r o w s t r i p o f I a n 5 is ; c o : ? t r i b ~ t i r ! g

Page 8: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

(NP5 Form 10-900!

United States Department o f the Interior N a t i o n a l P a r k S e r v i c e



T h e M a r l a n d H e i g h t s Park a n d M a r y a r e t Manson Weir M e m c r i a l P o o l a r e s i g n i f i c a n t u n d e r Cr i t e r i c n A f s r their a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h R e c r e a t i o n ; a n d C r i t e r i o n C f a r t h e a ? - c h i t e c t u r a and e n g i ? e e ~ - i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e elevated 7 0 0 1 . The P o r i o d o f S r j n i f i c a n c e 1s i 9 3 4 t3 1 9 3 8 , w h i c h is when t h e p a r k w a s d e v e l c p e d and t n e swimring p o c l and l a r g e o u t d s a r shelter were b u i l t .

T h e M a r l a n d H e i g h t s P a r k w a s d e v e l ~ p e t j w i t h th . t use o f a f c n d l a s t b~ D a v i d Manson Wei- who p a s s e d aweiy J a n u a r y b , 1929. The p a r k w a s c o n s t r u c t e d i n 1934 b y W z i - t o n Steel e ~ g l g y e e s a n d i n c l u d e d t h e m e n o r i a l p o o l , b a n d stand, s h u f f l e b o a r d c o u r t s , avd i n 1938 3 l a r g e r u s t i c s h e l e e r . Part o f t h 2 work was d o n e b y l o c a l steel w o r k e r s who h a d b e s n l a i d o f f d u r i n g t h e d e p r e s s i o n . T n e p a r k w a s a s a t p e r i n 9 p l a r n f o r t h e t o w n ' s annu3: C c u r t h cf J u l y Celebrat::n, as w o l i a s tt-2 s i t 2 f o r c c n p e t : t i v e r a c e s and sw:rining conp=k l~izni, 9 ~znic=. and band c3ncsrts.

T h e C l a r k s b u r g M i l l s u f f e r e d f r3 ;n a l a r k O F w a t e r 3rd i t s g e o g r a p h l c a ! l o c a t i c n as is3 latad f - o m an.{ ~r !ncipai marke ts . Ths dcc' ,=,on - ; w a s mad2 k c move t o 3 s i t e neai- H o l l i d a y s Cave wklch is now p a r t c f i n l e i r t on . The n e w s2t.z ttc;ok advantage o f t h e ~ g a t e r s u p p l y f r z m the O h i o R i v e r . B e f o r e the ~ n d o f 1 9 G 9 , the f i r s t t e n ,Tiiils o f t b e P h i l l i p s Sheet 5 T i n P l a t e Company were o p e r a t i n g . I n less than a y s a r , t e n m o r e w e r e a t work. I n 1913, a c o l d - r o l l e d s t r i p p l a n t was a d d e d a n d more h o t m i l l s w e r e b u i l t i r 1 9 1 4 a n d 1 9 1 5 . T h e ccmoany t o o k a S o l d s t e p i n 1325 t o b o r r o w 37 m i l l i o n t o build the w o r l d ' s first c o n t i n u o o s f o u r - h r g h h o t s t r i p m i l l . The p r e s e n c e o f t h e steel m i l l incrzased S r o m 230 e m p l o y e e s i n 1910, t~ 10,000 b y 1930, w i t h a p o p u l a t i o n o f H a l l l d 3 y s Cave a n d W e i r t o n a t 23,000.

By t h e t:me o f t . 1 ~ d e a t h i n 1929 o f pneucn3nia , D a v i d Mel- w a s t h e V i c e - P . - r - s i d e n t o f t he r e q a m e t % s i r 5;- Steel Cz.np~i.1;,,; P r e s i d e n t of the P e o p l e s Bank o f Hcl:iday= Cobs : Dr?c t31- J F t k s 3a-,I- c F W s i ~ t s n and T k e N a t i o n a l E x c h a n g e Bank o f S t e u 2 e n v i l l e ( O h i a ) ; as well as t h e V i c e - P r e s i d e n t oc the Recis to t ie Csa! I Coks Company. I n h i s w i l l Weir q t ~ o u l a t e d t h a t 375,000 b e uzed " a f t e i c o n f e r r i n q with t h e o f f i c i a l s o f t h e W e i r t o n S t e e l Company f o r a Margaret M . Weir M e m o r i a l " , i n h o n o r of h i s m o t h e r , e i the r i n t h e f o r m o f a h o s p i t a l , p a r k , p l s y g r o u n d , l i b r a r y cr o t h e r p r o p e r t ' / f o r t h e use o f t h e p ~ o l l c . A t t h e d f d i c a t Lon c f t h e p o o l E r n e s t W e l l - s a i d h i s b r o t h e r had o u t l i n e d b e f o r e h i s death, nlne p r i n c i p a l

Page 9: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

United States D e p a r t m e n t o f the Interior National Park Servicz



improvement= for the community, the seventh tc 5 s completed included the pool. The July 4th dedication in 173L., started t k e tradition of gathe:-ing in the park for a city wrde celebration.

The architectural ~ 1 3 ~ s for tho poc! we1-e desig~ed b y Wesley Erntz, o f Lansing, Michigan. Sintz was a civil englqeer wha had specialized in swimming acols since 1923. designins o v e r 135 pools durinq his career. Hrs first two below ~ r a d e pools were built in Flint, Michigan, in the 1918-20 period, while B ~ n t z szrved in the tit-! ensineor's office. The fi-st of the ovoid, above-grcund t y p e pacls ii the 1922 J.H. f locres M e m o r i a l Natatorium in Lansing, which was refurbished in 1980. Others that have been identifled are in M t . Pleasant, and Grand Ra?ids, Michigan, Rutland, Vermont, and Johnso? City, New York (both r a z s d ) and Msr,tevidso, Minnesota. 1 0 Wesf Virginia another pool 5 y Sine= was Idenf i f : s d in New Martrnsviile. That pool has a curved Ar -s Daco eqtrance fron 1941 , and has bui!t with help ft-or the K O - k s =regress Fdrniniztrat ion.

The particular- desig:: used in Inlel:-tcr- h z d b e s : ~ pstented o!i February 9, 1926, patent number 1,572,463. Wesley Bintz's plans called f c r a chtrk-in lobby, dressing roomi and filtration room on the outsid2 circle of th2 first level. Stairs ied up to a second level pool nestled in the cen tc r o f the structure. The arch i t ec tufa! p!ans incl~ded designs for t h e ladders, diving boards, depth markers, and benches. .Qli ?f which survive except for the high dive which was removed about 1990 f3.- liability reasons. The Weir Memorial Pcol also h a s t h e ariginal wire baskets for va luab les . wooden dressing benches, and wooden check-in counter.

The Marland Heights Park is sited on the b l i l f f which overlool;~ downtown Weirton, next to the Williams Country Club which was developed about the same time. The park has Sycamore trees bordering the walks with the pool and large shelter being the focal point=. The rustic stone and log shelter was also built by local steel workers who were laid off during the depression. The bandstand has since been razed, b u t the shuffleboard courts still stand as does a small clapboard garage to hold grounds equipment. The park noN includes two new picnic shelter5 as well as a small concession stard, recreation courts for basketball and tennis, and playground equipme?t.

The park has been a reflection of Weirton's financial health. The 1930s to 1950s were boom years for- the Weit-tcn Steel Company when it had money to l . - v i c h on t h p r i t\/. H r h . - v ~ r . ~ ~ 1 1 - i ~ t!,~ 1970, - and 19R05 industry w a s f laundering, and National Steel Ccrporation, Weirton's parent company, began to pull out o f civic involvement and concentrate on business survival. Eventually National Steel divested itself of Weirton Steel Division, and handed over ownership to the employee formed ESOP for the Ernp loyee Stock Ownership Plan.

Page 10: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

(NPS Form 10-900)

United States Department o f the Interior National Park Service



Since the Marland Heights Park had been maintained b y the Weirton Steel Company, ownership was transferred in 1994 to the Board o f Parks and Recreational Commissioners cf the City of Weirton. The Marland Heights Civic Association w a s formed out of a core grcup which helped raise funds to meet the operating budget sc the pool could b e opened for the 1986 season. This group has continued to raise funds, and provides volunteer labor for maintenance.

The Marland Heights Park and Margaret Manscn Weir Memorial Pno! at-e focal points in the community, providing rec~eationa! facilities for Weirton. The Art Deco styled pool and rustic shelter reflect the styles of architecture popular in the Degression years of the 1930s when many community oriented pl-o j e c ts were undertaken. Conservation of the pocl and park seen o f vital interest to the city, members c f t he cldic association, and local citizens.

Page 11: NPS Form - West Virginia · (NPS Form 10-900) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLKES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Number

(NPS Form LO-9CO)

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service



History Notebook prepared b y the Marland Heights= Civic kssociation, March 1988.

Numorous issues of the Weirton Steel Enplcyees Bulletin, June 1, 1934 Vol. 1 to December 4, 1936, Vo!. 3. (Bimonthly company newsletter)

Copies of Blueprints of Bintz Swimming Pool, Patanted February 9, 1925 . Designed by Wesley Bintz, Civil Engineer, Lansing, Michigan.

Interview by Katherine Jourdan with Karen Gould and Jc Ann Grace, Marland Heights Civic Association, March 31, 1393.

Wil? of David M. Weir, J e f f e r s c c County Courth~use, P r o b a t s Office, Steubenville, Chlo.

" N e i l - Memorial Pea! Dedication Witnessed b y 10.000", THE HERALD-STAR, Steubenville, Ehio? Thursday July 5 , 1434, p. 4.

"Community Welfare Among Achievemants of Representatives, Instrumental In Obtaining Pool, Park and Stadiun" WEIRTCN STEEL EMPLOYEES BULLETIN, Val 111, December 4, 1936, p. 8,

Section N u m b e r 1 0 Pape 2

VERBAL BCUNDARY DESCRIPTION All that certain tract of land situate in the City cf Weirton, District of Butlsr, County of Hancock and State of West Virginia being part of Lots 570, 571, 572, 573, 53L, 595, dl! lcts 565 and 586, parts of streets and part of an alley o n the plan of lots entitled "Marland Heights Allotmfnt No. 4 " , which plan is recorded in Plat aook #2, Page 23; also a piecz of land on the North side of said "Marland Heights Allotment No. 4 " , and more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at an iron pin in the North line of Riverview Avenue on the extension o f the East line o f Williams Drive; thence S 67%:' 00' 00" E along the North line o f Riverview Avenue 15 f e e t to the true place of beginning of the property here to b e conveyed; thence through lots 570, 571, 572 and 573 N 23"' 00 ' 00" E 584.91 feet to a point; thence S 68':' 49' 00" E 19.59 feet to an iron pin; thence S 8Ii' 33' 40" E 255 f e e t to a point; thence S 16" 27' 20" W 534.50 feet to the N.E. corner of lot 595: thence with the property line o f the Women's Club 15.6 acre tract and t h e East Line of Lot 595 S 8'7 12' 30" W 122.69 feet to a point; thenc2 throuah lot 595 and along the Narth line of Riverview ~lv'enue k 67" 00' 00" h 358.63 feet % O

the place of beginning, containing 4.34 acres more or less.

BOUNDARY JUSTIFICATION The property described is historically associated with the Marland t!eights Park, and includes the location of the Margaret Manson Weir Memorial Pool.

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(NPS Form 10-900

United States Department o f the Interior National Park Service



Mar-land Heights Park Margaret Mansan Weir Mencrial Pool

ADDRESS : River-view and Wi!liams D r i v e Weirton, Hancock County, West Virginia

PHOTCGRAPHER: Katherine M. Joutdan

DATE OF PHOTOS: 11 Nar=h 1993; 9 July 1993


PHOTO 1 OF 11:

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PYOTO 9 OF 11:

Northern Regionai Office, WV SHPO, Wheeling, WV

View of Front Entrance of Pool Camera looking Northeas:

View of Check-In Countor Camera looking Nc-tkeast

View o f Men's D r e s s i n g 4re; Camera lcoking E a s t

View of Men's Restrooms and Steps to Pool Csrnera looking Ncrth

View of Pool w l f h Depth Marker and Ladder Camera lhooking Southwest

View of Childreq's Pool Camera lookins Norzkeast

View of Large She1 ter Camera looking Northeast

View of New Shelter (1989) over Shuffleboard Courts Camera looking East

View of Concession Stand and Shelter/Shuffieboard Courts Camera lcoking Scutheast

PHOTD 10 OF 11: View of New She!tar ( 1 9 9 1 ) Camera looking Northwest

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Wei rton, West Virginia, Hancock County


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