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NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set 2002 Annual Report

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set

2002 Annual Report


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© NSW Department of Health 2004

SHPN (SSD) 040208

ISBN 0 7347 3738 6

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November 2004


The NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management

would like to thank the following people for their

expertise, data collection, support, enthusiasm and

energy in the establishment of the NSW Trauma

Minimum Data Set.

Trauma Network Committee■ Ms Libby Braybrooks

■ Ms Michel Burrowes

■ Ms Erica Caldwell

■ Ms Louise Carter

■ Ms Lisa Chytra

■ Ms Kate Curtis

■ Ms Julie Evans

■ Ms Fiona Fahey

■ Mr Peter Grove

■ Ms Linda Gutierrez

■ Ms Elizabeth Halcomb

■ Ms Celine Hill

■ Ms Alicia Jackson

■ Ms Patricia Manglick

■ Ms Nadia Nocera

■ Ms Kerry Quinn

■ Ms Sue Roncal

■ Ms Joanne Sheedy

■ Ms Rachel West

■ Ms Rachel Zordan

NSW Institute of Trauma and Injury Management■ Prof Danny Cass

■ Ms Trish McDougall

■ Mr David Martens

■ Ms Christine Allsopp

■ Ms Margaret Perrett

■ Mrs Karyn Dakin

■ Ms Andrea Delprado

■ Mr Rod Isaacs

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report i


NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report iii

Acknowledgments ..................................................i

Executive summary...............................................1

Data summary.........................................................3

Trauma service statistics ....................................7

General profile ........................................................7

Motor vehicle accidents (MVA) ....................................10

Motor bike accidents (MBA) ........................................11

Pedestrians ..................................................................12

Low/medium falls (<5m) ..............................................13

High falls (>5m) ...........................................................14

Pedal cyclists ................................................................14

Blunt assault ................................................................15


Stabbing ......................................................................15

Arrival modes ..............................................................16

Operating suite profile .................................................17

Intensive care profile ....................................................18

Injury region profile......................................................19

Injury severity profile....................................................20

Length of stay..............................................................21

Paediatric trauma summary..........................................22

Individual trauma service summaries ..........25

John Hunter Hospital /

John Hunter Children’s Hospital ...................................25

Liverpool Hospital ........................................................27

Nepean District Hospital, Penrith..................................29

Prince of Wales Hospital ..............................................31

Royal North Shore Hospital ..........................................33

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital .........................................35

St George Hospital.......................................................37

St Vincent’s Hospital ....................................................39

Sydney Children’s Hospital ...........................................41

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead...........................43

Westmead Hospital......................................................45

Appendix 1 .............................................................47

Index of figures.....................................................49

Index of tables ......................................................51

Executive summary

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 1

This is the inaugural report of the NSW Institute of

Trauma and Injury Management (ITIM) Trauma Minimum

Data Set (TMDS).

BackgroundThe Trauma Minimum Data Set was commenced in 2002 after the establishment of the NSW Institute ofTrauma and Injury Management. This is the first timethat data of this type has been available in NSW.

This document is a high quality and timely report ofmajor trauma treated at trauma centres in the SydneyGreater Metropolitan region for the calendar year 2002,and includes data from the following hospitals:

■ John Hunter Hospital/John Hunter Children’s Hospital

■ Liverpool Hospital

■ Nepean Hospital

■ Prince of Wales Hospital

■ Royal North Shore Hospital

■ Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

■ St George Hospital

■ St Vincent’s Hospital

■ Sydney Children’s Hospital

■ The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

The criteria for inclusion in the TMDS are; all patientsadmitted to hospital due to physical injury who have an Injury Severity Score (ISS1) greater than 15 and/orwho die and/or are admitted to an Intensive Care Unit.Only those patients who had an Injury SeverityScore (ISS) greater than 15 were selected for thisreport as this was the only cohort that could beuniformly grouped across the trauma services.

In determining the data fields to be included in theTrauma Minimum Data Set the ITIM endeavoured toselect only those data fields that were readily availablewithin a hospital’s Trauma Registry. A conscious effortwas made not to create additional workload through‘extra’ data collection. The data needed to becollectable, relevant, reliable and reproducible.

The data collection tool is included in Appendix I.

Utilisation of information■ Provide comprehensive feedback to trauma clinicians,

Area Health Services, NSW Department of Health,Injury Prevention Groups, and other stakeholders.

■ Assess the performance of the Trauma System Program.

■ Identify opportunities for Education for clinicians,administrators and consumers.

■ Development of improved Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Key points■ Trauma is the major cause of death and disability in

young people. The 15-44 year age group representover 50% of the serious injuries documented in thisreport. This group is most at risk of serious injury,disability and death.

■ Serious injury is becoming an increasing problem inour aging population.

■ Males are still over represented by a ratio of 3:1.

■ Over a quarter of patients, or an average of eightpatients per week, are receiving initial assessmentand management of their injuries outside of a higher level trauma centre.

■ Of patients requiring surgery within the first 24 hoursof admission to hospital 34% need a craniotomyperformed. This indicates that traumatic brain injury is still a major cause of death and disability.

■ Serious injury occurs more frequently in theafternoon and early evening.

■ Serious injury occurs more frequently on Fridays,Saturdays and Sundays.

■ Road trauma is still the major cause of serious injury.This factor is very evident in Western, South WesternSydney and Hunter regions.

■ Falls at home in the elderly is a major problem,especially in the Northern and Eastern regions of Sydney.

■ Motor cyclists are over represented with more serious injuries occurring than would be expectedfrom the percentage of traffic that motorbikesrepresent on the road.

■ While all trauma services see a whole range of injuriesthere is a tendency for each trauma service to see apredominance of one or two mechanisms of injury.

Data summary

All data is for calendar year 2002 (ie 01/01/2002 to

31/12/2002) where patients had an Injury Severity Score

(ISS) >15. The ISS1 is a reflection of overall severity and

probability of survival based on an anatomical injury

severity classification, the AIS or Abbreviated Injury

Scale.2 An ISS of greater than 15 reflects serious injury.

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 3

Table 1. Trauma service (TS) admissions and deaths

Total admissions 1,809 admission(1,772 patients*)

Survived 1,511 patients (85% of total patients)

Died 261 patients (15% of total patients)

Monthly average 150 admissions

Minimum monthly average 134 admissions (August)

Maximum monthly average 164 admissions (November)

Table 2. Admissions by gender

Female 463 admissions (26% of total)(454 patients)

Male 1,346 admissions (74% of total)(1,318 patients)

Indeterminate 463 admissions (26% of total)(454 patients)

Table 3. Outcome by gender

Gender Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

Female 374 patients (82%) 80 patients (18%)

Male 1,137 patients (86%) 181 patients (14%)

1. Baker SP, O’Neill B, Haddon W, The Injury Severity Score, A method for describing patients with multiple injuries and evaluating emergency care, J Trauma

14:187-196, 1974.

2. Abbreviated Injury Scale: Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Table 4. Age – Top three age ranges

Age range Count % of total

15-24 367 patients 21%

25-34 308 patients 17%

35-44 248 patients 14%

Table 5. Mechanism of injury – Top three

Mechanism Count % of total Deaths (% of total deaths)

Road trauma* 850 patients 48 105 patients (40%)

Falls** 460 patients 26 93 patients (36%)

Assault 119 patients 7 10 patients (4%)

* Road Trauma includes motor bike riders and pillions, motor vehicle drivers and passengers, pedal cyclists, and pedestrians.

** 0 to 5 metres.

Table 6. Admission type

Admission type Count % of total

Transfer in 495 admissions (27%)

Direct from scene 1,314 admissions (73%)

Table 7. Outcome by admission type

Admission type Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

Transfer in 407 patients (89%) 51 patients (11%)

Direct from scene 1104 patients (84%) 210 patients (16%)

Table 8. ICU admissions

Admission to ICU Count % of total

Yes 996 55%

No 808 45%

Table 9. ICU average length of stay (LOS)

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7.6 days 8.0 days 4.8 days

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health4

Data summary

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 5

Table 10. Hospital average length of stay (LOS)

LOS Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

Overall LOS 16.7 days 18.7 days 5 days

Direct admission LOS 16.3 days 18.5 days 4.8 days

Transfer in admission LOS 17.8 days 19.2 days 5.7 days

Table 11. Arrival mode – Top three arrival modes

Arrival Mode Admissions % of total

Ambulance 1288 71%

Helicopter 348 19%

Private vehicle 66 4%

Table 12. Operating suite in first 24 hours

633 admissions (35% of total) were sent to the operating suite within 24 hours of admission for a total of 702 procedures.

Table 13: Operating suite in first 24 hours – Top three procedures

Operating suite procedure Count % of total procedures

Craniotomy 236 34%

Laparotomy 165 24%

Open ext# 82 12%

Table 14. Injury time – Top three hours of the day injury occurred (excludes patients where time of injury is unknown)

Hour of day Count (patients injured) % of total

14:00 103 5.8%

15:00 100 5.6%

16:00 98 5.5%

Data summary

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health6

Table 15. Injury day of week

Day of week Count (patients injured) % of total

Saturday 298 17%

Friday 296 17%

Sunday 273 15%

Tuesday 249 14%

Wednesday 228 13%

Thursday 223 13%

Monday 203 11%

Table 16. Injury severity score (ISS)

ISS range Count (patients) % of total

16-24 1012 57%

25-40 621 35%

41-75 139 8%

Data summary

Trauma service statistics

General profile

Figure 1. Total trauma admissions to each trauma service for 2002 with ISS > 15

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 7

Figure 2. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by age

Figure 3. Trauma admissions to all trauma services for 2002 by age and gender

Figure 4. Trauma admissions to each trauma serviceby admission type (ie direct from sceneor transfer into the trauma service fromanother hospital)

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health8

Figure 5. Percentage of admission types for alltrauma admissions to each trauma servicedirect from scene or transferred fromanother hospital to a trauma service

Trauma service statistics

Figure 7. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by mechanism of injury

Figure 6. Percentage of inter-AHS (from one hospitalto another in a different AHS) and intra-AHS(from one hospital to another within thesame AHS) transfers for all traumaadmissions to each trauma service

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 9

Figure 9. Trauma admissions to all trauma services showing outcome percentages by mechanism of injury

Trauma service statistics

Figure 8. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by mechanism of injury and outcome (survived or died)



Figure 10. Trauma admissions to all trauma services showing injury region percentages by mechanism of injury

Head, Face, Chest, Abdomen, Extremity, External

Figure 13. Motor vehicle accident related traumapatient admissions to all trauma services byday of week that injury occurred for 2002

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health10

Trauma service statistics

Figure 12. Motor vehicle accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred

Motor vehicle accidents (MVA

Figure 11. Motor vehicle accident related traumapatient admissions to all trauma servicesby gender and age group

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 11

Trauma service statistics

Motor bike accidents (MBA)

Figure 14. Motor bike accident related trauma patientadmissions to all trauma services by ageand gender

Figure 16. Motor bike accident related trauma patientadmissions to all trauma services by day ofweek for 2002

Figure 15. Motor bike accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred

Figure 18. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health12


Figure 17. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions toall trauma services by age and gender

Trauma service statistics

Figure 19. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions toall trauma services by day of week thatinjury occurred

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 13

Trauma service statistics

Low/medium falls (<5m)

Figure 20. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patientadmissions to all trauma services by ageand gender

Figure 21. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred

Figure 22. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patientadmissions to all trauma services by day ofweek that injury occurred

Pedal cyclists

Figure 24. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health14

High falls (>5m)

Figure 23, High fall (5m or greater) trauma patientadmissions to all trauma services by ageand gender

Trauma service statistics

Figure 25. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 15

Trauma service statistics

Figure 26. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissionsto all trauma services by day of week thatinjury occurred

Blunt assault

Figure 27. Blunt assault trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender


Figure 28. Shooting trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender


Figure 29.Stabbing trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender

Figure 30. Arrival mode percentages for traumaadmissions to all trauma services

Figure 31. Arrival mode percentages for direct fromscene admissions to all trauma services












NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health16

Trauma service statistics

Arrival modes

Table 17. Arrival mode by trauma service admissions for 2002

Trauma service Ambulance Helicopter Fixed wing Nets Private vehicle

John Hunter Hospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospital 187 101 4 2 12

Liverpool Hospital 205 35 1 – 5

Nepean Hospital 72 29 – – 6

Prince of Wales Hospital 80 28 11 – 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 185 37 – – 9

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 127 53 – – 13

Sydney Children’s Hospital 9 3 1 17 1

St George Hospital 113 26 11 – 10

St Vincent’s Hospital 112 – 5 – 5

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead 25 5 1 39 1

Westmead Hospital 171 31 – – 4

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 17

Trauma service statistics

Figure 32. Arrival mode percentages for transfer intrauma admissions to all trauma services

(*NETS = Neonatal Emergency Transfer Service)

Figure 34. Outcomes for operating suite procedures for trauma admissions to all trauma services

Operating suite profile

Figure 33. Trauma admissions admitted to operatingsuite within 24 hours of admission for alltrauma services

Intensive care profile

Figure 35. ICU admissions by month for trauma admissions to all trauma services

Figure 36. ICU admissions by age for traumaadmissions to all trauma services

Figure 37. ICU admission percentages by arrivalmode for trauma admissions to all trauma services

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health18

Trauma service statistics

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 19

Trauma service statistics

Injury region profile

Figure 38. Injury region percentages by admissiontype for trauma patient admissions to alltrauma services

Figure 40. Injury regions by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services

Figure 39. Injury region percentages by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health20

Trauma service statistics

Figure 42. ISS range percentages by gender for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services

Figure 43. ISS range by arrival mode for traumapatient admissions to all trauma services

Injury severity profile

Figure 41. Injury severity score (ISS) range by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 21

Trauma service statistics

Length of stay

Figure 44. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) by age and gender for surviving traumaadmissions to all trauma services

Figure 45. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) by age and gender for deceased traumaadmissions to all trauma services















Figure 47. Paediatric admissions to each traumaservice by gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health22

Paediatric trauma summaryThis section includes all trauma admissions in the age

range 0-15 years to trauma services (TS) during 2002,

as this is the generally accepted paediatric age range

solely for use in the paediatric MDS.

Trauma service statistics

Table 18. Paediatric admissions and deaths

Total admissions 156 admissions(139 patients)

Survived 124 patients (89% of paediatric patients)

Died 15 patients (11% of paediatric patients)

Monthly average 13 admissions

Table 19. Gender

Female 45 patients (32% of paediatric patients)

Male 94 patients (68% of paediatric patients)

Figure 46. Paediatric admissions to each trauma service

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 23

Trauma service statistics

Figure 48. Admissions to each designated paediatricmajor trauma service by admission type

Figure 49. Admissions to each designated paediatric major trauma service by admission type percentage

Figure 50. Paediatric patient admissions to all trauma service by mechanism of injury

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health24

Trauma service statistics

Table 20. Arrival mode for paediatric admissions to trauma services for 2002

Trauma service Ambulance Fixed wing Helicopter Nets Private vehicle

John Hunter Children’s Hospital 11 8 1 2

Liverpool Hospital 14

Nepean Hospital 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 9 1

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 2 1

St George Hospital 2 3

Sydney Children’s Hospital 8 1 3 17 1

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead 24 1 5 37 1

Westmead Hospital 1

Individual trauma service summaries

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 25

John Hunter Hospital / JohnHunter Children’s Hospital

Table 21. Admissions and deaths – John HunterHospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Total admissions 306

Survived 270 (88% of total)

Died 36 (12% of total)

Direct admission 224 (73% of total)

Transfer in admission 82 (27% of total)

Monthly average 26

Table 22. Admissions by age range – John HunterHospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 22 7

15-24 50 16

25-34 59 19

35-44 43 14

45-54 34 11

55-64 35 11

65-74 23 8

75-84 22 7

85-94 17 6

95 and older 1 < 1

Table 23. Admissions by gender – John HunterHospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 72 24%

Male 234 76%

Figure 51. Trauma admissions to John HunterHospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospitalby age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health26

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 27. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at John Hunter Hospital / John HunterChildren’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

6.7 days 7.4 days 3.5 days

Table 28. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at John Hunter Hospital / John HunterChildren’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

12.8 days 14.1 days 3.4 days

Table 29. Transfer in admissions to John HunterHospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Belmont Hospital 4

Canberra Hospital 1

Cessnock Hospital 10

Coffs Harbour Hospital 1

Dungog Hospital 1

Gloucester Hospital 2

Gosford Hospital 1

Goulburn Hospital 1

Kempsey Hospital 6

Kurri Kurri Hospital 1

Lismore Hospital 1

Maitland Hospital 10

Manning Base Hospital 1

Mater Hospital 3

Merriwa Hospital 1

Muswellbrook Hospital 2

Nelson Bay Poly Clinic 6

Port Macquarie Hospital 6

Royal Adelaide Hospital 1

Scone Hospital 2

Singleton Hospital 10

Tamworth Hospital 7

Taree Hospital 3

Wyong Hospital 1

Table 24. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital/ John Hunter Children’s Hospital bymechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

MV driver 78 25

Low fall < 1m 51 17

MB rider 36 12

MV passenger 24 8

Pedestrian 21 7

Medium fall 1-5m 20 7

High fall > 5m 15 5

Assault 14 5

Other 9 3

Stabbing 8 3

Industrial 7 2

Pedal cyclist 6 2

Horse 5 2

Shooting 4 1

Burns 3 1

MB pillion 2 1

Train 2 1

Recreation 1 <1

Table 25. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital/John Hunter Children’s Hospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 187 61

Helicopter 101 33

Private vehicle 12 4

Fixed wing 4 1

Nets 2 1

Table 26. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital/John Hunter Children’s Hospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 109 36

No 196 64

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 27

Individual trauma service summaries

Liverpool Hospital

Table 30. Admissions and deaths – Liverpool Hospital

Total admissions 251

Survived 224 (89% of total)

Died 27 (11% of total)

Direct admission 204 (81% of total)

Transfer in admission 47 (19% of total)

Monthly average 21

Table 31. Admissions by age range – Liverpool Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 16 6

15-24 69 27

25-34 51 20

35-44 35 14

45-54 27 11

55-64 19 8

65-74 13 5

75-84 17 7

85-94 3 1

95 and over 1 <1

Table 32. Admissions by gender, Liverpool Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 60 24%

Male 191 76%

Figure 52. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospitalby age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health28

Table 33. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

MV driver 52 21

Medium fall 1-5m 34 14

MV passenger 30 12

Assault 20 8

Pedestrian 19 8

MB rider 16 6

High fall > 5m 13 5

Stabbing 12 5

Industrial 10 4

Recreation 9 4

Burns 8 3

Pedal cyclist 8 3

Shooting 8 3

Other 5 2

Horse 3 1

MB pillion 2 1

Low fall < 1m 1 <1

Train 1 <1

Table 34. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode count % of total

Ambulance 205 83

Helicopter 35 14

Private vehicle 5 2

Fixed wing 1 <1

Other 1 <1

Table 35. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 132 53

No 119 47

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 36. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Liverpool Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7 days 7.4 days 3.5 days

Table 37. Hospital average length of stay (LOS)at Liverpool Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

17.1 days 18.8 days 2.8 days

Table 38. Transfer in admissions to Liverpool Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Bankstown Hospital 9

Bathurst Hospital 2

Bowral Hospital 4

Blue Mountains Hospital 1

Camden Hospital 1

Campbelltown Hospital 6

Canterbury Hospital 1

Fairfield Hospital 2

Goulburn Hospital 5

Lithgow Hospital 1

Mudgee Hospital 1

Nepean Hospital 2

Nowra Hospital 1

Orange Hospital 1

Ryde Hospital 1

Shoalhaven Hospital 1

Tamworth Hospital 1

The San Hospital 1

Ulladulla Hospital 1

Wollongong Hospital 4

Young Hospital 1

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 29

Individual trauma service summaries

Nepean District Hospital,Penrith

Table 39. Admissions and deaths – Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Total admissions 107

Survived 96 (90% of total)

Died 11 (10% of total)

Direct admission 90 (84% of total)

Transfer in admission 17 (16% of total)

Monthly average 9

Table 40. Admissions by age range –Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Age range Count % of total

0-14 1 1

15-24 27 25

25-34 30 28

35-44 21 20

45-54 8 7

55-64 9 8

65-74 6 6

75-84 4 4

85-94 1 1

Table 41. Admissions by gender –Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Gender Count % of total

Female 23 21%

Male 84 79%

Figure 53. Trauma admissions to Nepean DistrictHospital, Penrith by age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health30

Table 42. Trauma admissions to Nepean DistrictHospital, Penrith by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

MV driver 26 24

MB rider 21 20

Assault 10 9

Medium fall 1-5m 10 9

MV passenger 6 6

Pedal cyclist 6 6

Recreation 6 6

Industrial 4 4

Stabbing 4 4

Other 3 3

Pedestrian 3 3

Sport 2 2

Train 2 2

High fall > 5m 1 1

Horse 1 1

Low fall < 1m 1 1

Shooting 1 1

Table 43. Trauma admissions to Nepean DistrictHospital, Penrith, by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 72 67

Helicopter 29 27

Private vehicle 6 6

Table 44. Trauma admissions to Nepean DistrictHospital, Penrith by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 82 77

No 24 23

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 45. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7.9 days 8.1 days 6.1 days

Table 46. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

17.1 days 18.3 days 6.9 days

Table 47. Transfer in admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Blue Mountains Hospital 5

Forbes Hospital 1

Hawkesbury Hospital 4

Lithgow Hospital 2

Mudgee Hospital 1

Narromine Hospital 1

Orange Hospital 3

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 31

Individual trauma service summaries

Prince of Wales Hospital

Table 48. Admissions and deaths –Prince of Wales Hospital

Total admissions 122

Survived 101 (83% of total)

Died 21 (17% of total)

Direct admission 87 (71% of total)

Transfer in admission 35 (29% of total)

Monthly average 10

Table 49. Admissions by age range – Prince of Wales Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 0 0

15-24 30 25

25-34 26 21

35-44 20 16

45-54 13 11

55-64 7 6

65-74 11 9

75-84 12 10

85-94 3 2

Table 50. Admissions by gender –Prince of Wales Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 26 21%

Male 96 79%

Figure 54. Trauma admissions to Prince of WalesHospital by age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health32

Table 51. Trauma admissions to Prince of WalesHospital by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

Medium fall 1-5m 19 16

MB rider 14 11

High fall > 5m 12 10

MV driver 12 10

Pedestrian 10 8

Low fall < 1m 9 7

MV passenger 8 7

Assault 7 6

Other 6 5

Stabbing 6 5

Recreation 5 4

Industrial 4 3

Pedal cyclist 3 2

Shooting 3 2

Sport 3 2

Burns 1 1

Table 52. Trauma admissions to Prince of WalesHospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 80 66

Helicopter 28 23

Private vehicle 1 1

Fixed wing 11 9

Other 2 2

Table 53. Trauma admissions to Prince of WalesHospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 65 53

No 57 47

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 54. ICU average length of stay (LOS)at Prince of Wales Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7.4 days 7.9 days 5.2 days

Table 55. Hospital length of stay (LOS) at Prince of Wales Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

18.5 days 20.9 days 6.8 days

Table 56. Transfer in admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Bourke Hospital 1

Cobar Hospital 1

Coffs Harbour Hospital 3

Crockwell Hospital 1

Dubbo Hospital 1

Gosford Hospital 1

Griffith Base Hospital 1

John Hunter HospitalJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital 1

Kempsey Hospital 2

Lightning Ridge Hospital 2

Liverpool Hospital 2

Manning Base Hospital 1

Milton-Ulladulla Hospital 2

Nepean Hospital 1

Orange Hospital 1

Port Macquarie Hospital 2

Shoalhaven Hospital 4

St George Hospital 2

Sutherland Hospital 1

Wollongong Hospital 5

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 33

Individual trauma service summaries

Royal North Shore Hospital

Table 57. Admissions and deaths –Royal North Shore Hospital

Total admissions 230

Survived 179 (78% of total)

Died 51 (22% of total)

Direct admission 152 (66% of total)

Transfer in admission 78 (34% of total)

Monthly average 19

Table 58. Admissions by age range –Royal North Shore Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 10 5

15-24 42 18

25-34 33 14

35-44 21 9

45-54 21 9

55-64 20 9

65-74 22 10

75-84 43 19

85-94 16 7

Table 59. Admissions by gender –Royal North Shore Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 63 27%

Male 166 73%

Figure 55. Trauma admissions to Royal NorthShore Hospital by age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health34

Table 60. Trauma admissions to Royal NorthShore Hospital by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

Medium fall 1-5m 67 29

Low fall < 1m 34 15

Pedestrian 29 13

MV driver 27 12

Burns 14 6

MB rider 13 6

MV passenger 12 5

Pedal cyclist 11 5

High fall > 5m 7 3

Assault 6 3

Industrial 3 1

Recreation 3 1

Other 2 1

Stabbing 2 1

Table 61. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 185 80

Helicopter 37 16

Private vehicle 8 4

Table 62. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 152 66

No 78 34

Table 63. ICU average length of stay (LOS)at Royal North Shore Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

9.28 days 10.3 days 5 days

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 64. Hospital average length of stay (LOS)at Royal North Shore Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

19.8 days 23.8 days 5.8 days

Table 65. Transfer in admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Dubbo Hospital 2

John Hunter HospitalJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital 2

Liverpool Hospital 2

Port Macquarie Hospital 2

Bowral Hospital 1

Coffs Harbour Hospital 1

Gosford Hospital 18

Goodooga Rural Hospital 1

Griffith Base Hospital 1

Gunnedah Base Hospital 1

Hornsby Hospital 3

Manly Hospital 8

Manning Base Hospital 1

Milton-Ulladulla Hospital 1

Mona Vale Hospital 8

Muswellbrook Hospital 1

Narrabri Hospital 1

Nepean Hospital 1

Orange Hospital 1

Ryde Hospital 4

St George Hospital 1

Tamworth Hospital 2

Taree Hospital 1

The San Hospital 3

Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 2

Westmead Hospital 2

Yass District Hospital 1

Wollongong Hospital 3

Wyong Hospital 3

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 35

Individual trauma service summaries

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Table 66. Admissions and deaths –Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Total admissions 194

Survived 164 (85% of total)

Died 30 (15% of total)

Direct admission 129 (66% of total)

Transfer in admission 65 (34% of total)

Monthly average 16

Table 67. Admissions by age range –Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 3 2

15-24 38 20

25-34 35 18

35-44 36 19

45-54 17 9

55-64 20 10

65-74 21 11

75-84 16 8

85-94 6 3

Table 68. Admissions by gender –Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 55 29%

Male 137 71%

Figure 56. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by age and gender

Table 69. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of Total

Low fall < 1m 50 26

Pedestrian 27 14

MV driver 26 13

Assault 20 10

Medium fall 1-5m 16 8

Other 13 7

MB rider 12 6

MV passenger 7 4

High fall > 5m 5 3

Stabbing 5 3

Shooting 3 2

Sport 3 2

Horse 2 1

Pedal cyclist 2 1

Train 2 1

Recreation 1 1

Low fall < 1m 50 26

Pedestrian 27 14

MV driver 26 13

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health36

Table 70. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 127 66

Helicopter 53 27

Private vehicle 13 7

Table 71. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 151 78

No 43 22

Table 72. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

5.5 days 5.5 days 5.4 days

Table 73. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

13.5 days 15.1 days 5.2 days

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 74. Transfer In admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Auburn Hospital 1

Balmain Hospital 3

Bathurst Hospital 3

Bega Hospital 1

Brewarrina Hospital 3

Canterbury Hospital 3

Coffs Harbour Hospital 4

Concord Hospital 1

Coonamble Hospital 1

Dubbo Hospital 9

Gloucester Soldiers Hospital 1

Goulburn Hospital 1

Griffith Base Hospital 1

Hornsby Hospital 1

Kempsey Hospital 1

Manning Base Hospital 2

Moree Hospital 1

Nepean Hospital 2

Noumea Hospital 1

Nowra Hospital 1

Orange Hospital 2

Parkes Hospital 1

Port Macquarie Hospital 2

Prince of Wales Hospital 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 1

Shoalhaven Hospital 1

St Vincents Hospital 3

Sutherland Hospital 1

Sydney Children’s Hospital Hospital 1

Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 3

Walgett Hospital 3

Tamworth Hospital 2

Wollongong Hospital 2

Wyong Hospital 1

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 37

Individual trauma service summaries

St George Hospital

Table 75. Admissions and deaths – St George Hospital

Total admissions 162

Survived 136 (84% of total)

Died 26 (16% of total)

Direct admission 127 (78% of total)

Transfer in admission 35 (22% of total)

Monthly average 14

Table 76. Admissions by age range –St George Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 5 3

15-24 34 21

25-34 21 13

35-44 22 14

45-54 11 7

55-64 20 12

65-74 21 13

75-84 20 12

85-94 7 4

95 and older 1 1

Table 77. Admissions by gender – St George Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 47 29%

Male 115 71%

Figure 57. Trauma admissions to St George Hospitalby age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health38

Table 78. Trauma admissions to St George Hospitalby mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

Medium fall 1-5m 43 27

MV driver 33 20

MV passenger 16 10

Pedestrian 16 10

Assault 13 8

MB rider 9 6

Pedal cyclist 8 5

Stabbing 7 4

Burns 4 2

Other 3 2

Horse 2 1

Shooting 2 1

High fall > 5m 1 1

Low fall < 1m 1 1

MB pillion 1 1

Recreation 1 1

Sport 1 1

Train 1 1

Table 79. Trauma admissions to St George Hospitalby arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 113 70

Helicopter 26 16

Private vehicle 10 6

Fixed wing 11 7

Other 1 <1%

Table 80. Trauma admissions to St George Hospitalby ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 82 52

No 77 48

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 81. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at St George Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7.53 days 7.9 days 5.8 days

Table 82. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at St George Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

18.6 days 21.4 days 4.7 days

Table 83. Transfer In admissions to St George Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Bathurst Hospital 3

Canberra Hospital 1

Coffs Harbour Hospital 3

Dubbo Hospital 2

Goulburn Hospital 1

Griffith Base Hospital 1

Inverell Hospital 1

John Hunter HospitalJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital 1

Kareena Hospital 1

Kempsey Hospital 1

Leeton Hospital 1

Narrabri Hospital 2

Norfolk Island Hospital 1

Nowra Hospital 1

Shoalhaven Hospital 2

Sutherland Hospital 5

Taree Hospital 1

Ulladulla Hospital 1

Wollongong Hospital 6

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 39

Individual trauma service summaries

St Vincent’s Hospital

Table 84. Admissions and deaths –St Vincent’s Hospital

Total admissions 123

Survived 99 (80% of total)

Died 24 (20% of total)

Direct admission 109 (89% of total)

Transfer in admission 14 (11% of total)

Monthly average 10

Table 85. Admissions by age range – St Vincent’s Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 35 28

15-24 14 11

25-34 19 15

35-44 14 11

45-54 10 8

55-64 7 6

65-74 10 8

75-84 12 10

85-94 2 2

95 and over 35 28

Table 86. Admissions by gender – St Vincent’s Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 34 28%

Male 89 72%

Figure 58. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospitalby age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health40

Table 87.Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospitalby mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

Medium fall 1-5m 46 37

Pedestrian 25 20

MV driver 12 10

Assault 10 8

Stabbing 7 6

Other 5 4

Pedal cyclist 4 3

Burns 3 2

MV passenger 3 2

Shooting 3 2

High fall > 5m 2 2

MB rider 1 1

Recreation 1 1

Sport 1 1

Table 88. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospitalby arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 112 91

Fixed wing 5 4

Private vehicle 5 4

Other 1 1

Table 89. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospitalby ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 66 54

No 57 46

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 90. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at St Vincent’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

9.5 days 10.1 days 6.9 days

Table 91. Hospital average length of stay (LOS)at St Vincent’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

17.7 days 20.6 days 5.8 days

Table 92. Transfer In admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Flinders Hospital – SA 1

Griffith Base Hospital 1

Parkes Hospital 1

Princess Alexandra Hospital 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 1

Shoalhaven Hospital 1

Sydney Hospital 3

Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 3

Wollongong Hospital 2

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 41

Individual trauma service summaries

Sydney Children’s Hospital

Table 93. Admissions and deaths –Sydney Children’s Hospital

Total admissions 31

Survived 29 (94% of total)

Died 2 (6% of total)

Direct admission 8 (26% of total)

Transfer in admission 23 (74% of total)

Monthly average 3

Table 94. Admissions by age range (general agegroups), Sydney Children’s Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 30 97

15-24 1 3

Table 95. Admissions by gender – Sydney Children’s Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 10 32%

Male 21 68%

Figure 59. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’sHospital by age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health42

Table 96. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’sHospital by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

MV passenger 6 19

Medium fall 1-5m 4 13

Other 4 13

Pedal cyclist 4 13

Pedestrian 4 13

Assault 2 6

Low fall < 1m 2 6

Horse 1 3

MB rider 1 3

Recreation 1 3

Sport 1 3

Stabbing 1 3

Table 97. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Nets 17 55

Ambulance 9 29

Helicopter 3 10

Fixed wing 1 3

Private vehicle 1 3

Table 98. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 25 81

No 6 19

Table 99. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Sydney Children’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

5.84 days 6.2 days 2 days

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 100. Hospital average length of stay (LOS)at Sydney Children’s Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

18.7 days 19.9 days 2 days

Table 101. Transfer In admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Bowral Hospital 1

Condobolin Hospital 1

Dubbo Hospital 1

Goulburn Hospital 1

Kempsey Hospital 1

Liverpool Hospital 4

Nepean Hospital 1

Parkes Hospital 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 2

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 3

Shoalhaven Hospital 1

St George Hospital 3

Tamworth Hospital 1

Westmead Hospital 1

Wollongong Hospital 1

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 43

Individual trauma service summaries

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Table 102. Admissions and deaths –The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Total admissions 71

Survived 63 (86% of total)

Died 8 (14% of total)

Direct admission 13 (18% of total)

Transfer in admission 58 (82% of total)

Monthly average 6

Table 103. Admissions by age range (general age groups) –The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Age range Count % of total

0-14 68 96

15-24 3 4

Table 104. Admissions by gender –The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Gender Count % of total

Female 26 37%

Male 45 63%

Figure 60. Trauma admissions to The Children’sHospital at Westmead by age and gender

Table 105. Trauma admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead by mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

Pedestrian 13 18

MV passenger 11 15

Burns 10 14

Low fall < 1m 9 13

Medium fall 1-5m 8 11

Pedal cyclist 8 11

MB Rider 4 6

Assault 2 3

High fall > 5m 2 3

MV driver 2 3

Other 1 1

Shooting 1 1

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health44

Table 106. Trauma admissions to The Children’sHospital at Westmead by arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Nets 39 56

Ambulance 25 35

Helicopter 5 7

Fixed Wing 1 1

Private Vehicle 1 1

Table 107. Trauma admissions to The Children’sHospital at Westmead by ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 48 68

No 23 32

Table 108. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

7 days 7.7 days 2 days

Table 109. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) atThe Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

15.3 days 16.8 days 3.6 days

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 110. Transfer In admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Auburn Hospital 1

Bankstown Hospital 2

Bathurst Hospital 2

Bourke Hospital 1

Campbelltown Hospital 2

Canberra Hospital 1

Coffs Harbour Hospital 2

Cowra Hospital 2

Dubbo Hospital 2

Fiji Hospital 1

Forbes Hospital 1

Gosford Hospital 5

Hay Hospital 1

John Hunter HospitalJohn Hunter Children’s Hospital 2

Kempsey Hospital 1

Liverpool Hospital 5

Mona Vale Hospital 3

Moree Hospital 1

Mt Druitt Hospital 2

Mudgee Hospital 2

Nepean Hospital 3

Noumea Hospital 2

Orange Hospital 2

Port Macquarie Hospital 1

Royal North Shore Hospital 2

Royal Prince Alfred Hospital 2

Shoalhaven Hospital 1

St George Hospital 1

Tamworth Hospital 1

Terrigal Hospital 1

Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 1

Westmead Hospital 1

Wyndham Hospital 1

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 45

Individual trauma service summaries

Westmead Hospital

Table 111. Admissions and deaths –Westmead Hospital

Total admissions 212

Survived 187 (88% of total)

Died 25 (12% of total)

Direct admission 173 (81% of total)

Transfer in admission 39 (19% of total)

Monthly average 18

Table 112. Admissions by age range –Westmead Hospital

Age range Count % of total

0-14 1 <1

15-24 45 21

25-34 46 22

35-44 34 16

45-54 29 14

55-64 11 5

65-74 28 13

75-84 10 4

85-94 5 2

95 and over 2 1

Table 113. Admissions by gender – Westmead Hospital

Gender Count % of total

Female 47 22%

Male 165 78%

Figure 61. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospitalby age and gender

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health46

Table 114. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospitalby mechanism of injury

Mechanism Count % of total

MV driver 56 27

Medium fall 1-5m 36 17

MV passenger 19 9

Pedestrian 19 9

MB rider 17 8

Assault 15 7

Industrial 10 5

Pedal cyclist 9 4

Stabbing 8 4

Other 6 3

Low fall < 1m 4 2

Burns 3 1

Sport 3 1

High fall > 5m 2 1

Horse 1 < 1%

MB pillion 1 < 1%

Train 1 < 1%

MV driver 56 27

Medium fall 1-5m 36 17

MV passenger 19 9

Pedestrian 19 9

Table 115. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospitalby arrival mode

Arrival mode Count % of total

Ambulance 173 82

Helicopter 31 15

Private vehicle 4 2

Table 116. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospitalby ICU admission

Admission Numberby ICU of admissions % of total

Yes 84 40

No 128 60

Individual trauma service summaries

Table 117. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Westmead Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

9.4 days 10.2 days 4.4 days

Table 118. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Westmead Hospital

Outcome – All Outcome – Survived Outcome – Died

18.4 days 20.1 days 5.9 days

Table 119. Transfer in admissions to Westmead Hospital

Transferring hospital Number of transfers

Blacktown Hospital 12

Mt Druitt Hospital 7

Gosford Hospital 3

Wollongong Hospital 3

Auburn Hospital 1

Bathurst Hospital 1

Blank Hospital 1

Blacktown Hospital 12

Blue Mountains Hospital 1

Cowra Hospital 1

Dubbo Hospital 1

Forbes Hospital 1

Katoomba Hospital 1

Nepean Hospital 1

Parkes Hospital 1

Sutherland Hospital 1

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead 1

The San Hospital 1

Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 1

Appendix 1

NSW Trauma System – Minimum Data Set

All trauma admissions with ISS >15 or ICU Admission or death(Exclude # NOF Death)

Data collection form

Hospital name

Gender male / female


Residential postcode

Injury postcode

Date of injury \ \

Time of injury :


Place of injury home / not at home

Date of arrival \ \ (at your hospital)

Time of arrival : (at your hospital)

Mode of arrival (at your hospital)

Transfer in? yes / no

Transfer from

Op suite at first hospital? yes / no

If yes, type of OS at first hospital

Transfer out? yes / no

Transferred to

Transfer out reason (burns, paediatric, spinal, other)

Op suite first 24 hrs? yes / no

If yes, type of OS

ICU admit? yes / no

ICU LOS (patient days)

Outcome? survived / died

AIS body regions


Length of stay (LOS) (total Hospital LOS in patient days)

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 47

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health48

Data dictionary

Mechanism ■ MVC driver

■ MVC pass

■ MBC rider

■ MBC pillion

■ Pedestrian

■ Pedal cyclist

■ Fall <1m

■ Fall 1-5m

■ Fall >5m

■ Shooting

■ Stabbing

■ Blunt assault

■ Organised sport

■ Recreational sport

■ Burns

■ Industrial – includes all work related

■ Horse

■ Other – specify

Mode of arrival■ Ambulance

■ Helicopter

■ Private vehicle

■ Fixed wing


■ Other

AIS body regionsList three most injured, ie the ones used to calculate

the ISS.

Type of OS ■ Craniotomy

■ Thoracotomy

■ Laparotomy

■ Open ext#

■ Other – specify

Length of stay (LOS)If LOS is >6 weeks then put >42 days.

Appendix 1

Index of figures

Figure 1. Total trauma admissions to each trauma service for 2002 with ISS > 15.........................................................7

Figure 2. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by age ............................................................................................7

Figure 3. Trauma admissions to all trauma services for 2002 by age and gender...........................................................7

Figure 4. Trauma admissions to each trauma service by admission type (ie direct from scene or transfer

into the trauma service from another hospital) ...............................................................................................7

Figure 5. Percentage of admission types for all trauma admissions to each trauma service direct from scene or

transferred from another hospital to a trauma service ....................................................................................8

Figure 6. Percentage of inter-AHS (from one hospital to another in a different AHS) and intra-AHS (from

one hospital to another within the same AHS) transfers for all trauma admissions to each trauma service .....8

Figure 7. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by mechanism of injury...................................................................8

Figure 8. Trauma admissions to all trauma services by mechanism of injury and outcome (survived or died)..................9

Figure 9. Trauma admissions to all trauma services showing outcome percentages by mechanism of injury ..................9

Figure 10. Trauma admissions to all trauma services showing injury region percentages by mechanism of injury.............9

Figure 11. Motor vehicle accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by gender and age group..10

Figure 12. Motor vehicle accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day

that injury occurred ......................................................................................................................................10

Figure 13. Motor vehicle accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by day of week that

injury occurred for 2002...............................................................................................................................10

Figure 14. Motor Bike accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender ................11

Figure 15. Motor Bike accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that

injury occurred .............................................................................................................................................11

Figure 16. Motor bike accident related trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by day of week for 2002.......11

Figure 17. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender...........................................12

Figure 18. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred ..................12

Figure 19. Pedestrian trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by day of week that injury occurred .................12

Figure 20. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender ..................13

Figure 21. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that

injury occurred .............................................................................................................................................13

Figure 22. Low to medium fall (<5m) trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by day of week that

injury occurred .............................................................................................................................................13

Figure 23. High fall (5m or greater) trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender .....................14

Figure 24. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender ..........................................14

Figure 25. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by hour of day that injury occurred .................14

Figure 26. Pedal cycle trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by day of week that injury occurred ................15

Figure 27. Blunt assault trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender .......................................15

Figure 28. Shooting trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender.............................................15

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 49

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health50

FFigure 29.Stabbing trauma patient admissions to all trauma services by age and gender .............................................15

Figure 30. Arrival mode percentages for trauma admissions to all trauma services. .......................................................16

Figure 31. Arrival mode percentages for direct from scene admissions to all trauma services ........................................16

Figure 32. Arrival mode percentages for transfer in trauma admissions to all trauma services .......................................17

Figure 33. Trauma admissions admitted to operating suite within 24 hours of admission for all trauma services. ..........17

Figure 34. Outcomes for operating suite procedures for trauma admissions to all trauma services ................................17

Figure 35. ICU admissions by month for trauma admissions to all trauma services ........................................................18

Figure 36. ICU admissions by age for trauma admissions to all trauma services.............................................................18

Figure 37. ICU admission percentages by arrival mode for trauma admissions to all trauma services.............................18

Figure 38. Injury region percentages by admission type for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services................19

Figure 39. Injury Region percentages by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services ................................19

Figure 40. Injury regions by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services. ..................................................19

Figure 41. Injury severity score (ISS) range by age for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services.........................20

Figure 42. ISS range percentages by gender for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services.................................20

Figure 43. ISS range by arrival mode for trauma patient admissions to all trauma services. ...........................................20

Figure 44. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) by age and gender for surviving trauma admissions to

all trauma services. .......................................................................................................................................21

Figure 45. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) by age and gender for deceased trauma admissions to

all trauma services. .......................................................................................................................................21

Figure 46. Paediatric admissions to each trauma service................................................................................................22

Figure 47. Paediatric admissions to each trauma service by gender ...............................................................................22

Figure 48. Admissions to each designated Paediatric Major trauma service by admission type. .....................................23

Figure 49. Admissions to each designated Paediatric Major trauma service by admission type percentage. ...................23

Figure 50. Paediatric patient admissions to all trauma service by mechanism of injury. ..................................................23

Figure 51. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital by age and gender................25

Figure 52. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by age and gender ........................................................................27

Figure 53. Trauma admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith by age and gender..................................................29

Figure 54. Trauma admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital by age and gender ..............................................................31

Figure 55. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by age and gender ..........................................................33

Figure 56. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by age and gender .........................................................35

Figure 57. Trauma admissions to St George Hospital by age and gender.......................................................................37

Figure 58. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital by age and gender ....................................................................39

Figure 59. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by age and gender ...........................................................41

Figure 60. Trauma admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead by age and gender ...........................................43

Figure 61. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospital by age and gender......................................................................45

Index of figures

Index of tables

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 51

Table 1. Trauma service (TS) admissions and deaths ....................................................................................................3

Table 2. Admissions by gender ...................................................................................................................................3

Table 3. Outcome by gender ......................................................................................................................................3

Table 4. Age – Top three age ranges ..........................................................................................................................4

Table 5. Mechanism of injury – Top three ...................................................................................................................4

Table 6. Admission type..............................................................................................................................................4

Table 7. Outcome by admission type ..........................................................................................................................4

Table 8. ICU admissions..............................................................................................................................................4

Table 9. ICU average length of stay (LOS) ...................................................................................................................4

Table 10. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) ............................................................................................................5

Table 11. Arrival mode – Top three arrival modes .........................................................................................................5

Table 12. Operating suite in first 24 hours....................................................................................................................5

Table 13: Operating suite in first 24 hours – Top three procedures...................................................................................5

Table 14. Injury time – Top three hours of the day injury occurred (excludes patients where time of injury is unknown)5

Table 15. Injury day of week.........................................................................................................................................6

Table 16. Injury severity score (ISS)................................................................................................................................6

Table 17. Arrival mode by trauma service admissions for 2002 ...................................................................................16

Table 18. Paediatric admissions and deaths ................................................................................................................22

Table 19. Gender........................................................................................................................................................22

Table 20. Arrival mode for paediatric admissions to trauma services for 2002 ............................................................24

Table 21. Admissions and deaths – John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital........................................25

Table 22. Admissions by age range – John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital.....................................25

Table 23. Admissions by gender – John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital .........................................25

Table 24. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital by mechanism of injury........26

Table 25. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospital by arrival mode.....................26

Table 26. Trauma admissions to John Hunter Hospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospital by ICU admission ..................26

Table 27. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at John Hunter Hospital / John Hunter Children’s Hospital........................26

Table 28. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at John Hunter Hospital/John Hunter Children’s Hospital ...................26

Table 29. Transfer in admissions to John Hunter Hospital /John Hunter Children’s Hospital .........................................26

Table 30. Admissions and deaths – Liverpool Hospital ................................................................................................27

Table 31. Admissions by age range – Liverpool Hospital .............................................................................................27

Table 32. Admissions by gender – Liverpool Hospital ..................................................................................................27

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health52

Table 33. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by mechanism of injury ................................................................28

Table 34. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by arrival mode.............................................................................28

Table 35. Trauma admissions to Liverpool Hospital by ICU admission..........................................................................28

Table 36. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Liverpool Hospital ................................................................................28

Table 37. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Liverpool Hospital..........................................................................28

Table 38. Transfer In admissions to Liverpool Hospital.................................................................................................28

Table 39. Admissions and deaths – Nepean District Hospital, Penrith..........................................................................29

Table 40. Admissions by age range – Nepean District Hospital, Penrith.......................................................................29

Table 41. Admissions by gender – Nepean District Hospital, Penrith ...........................................................................29

Table 42. Trauma admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith by mechanism of injury..........................................30

Table 43. Trauma admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith by arrival mode......................................................30

Table 44. Trauma admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith by ICU admission ...................................................30

Table 45. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Nepean District Hospital, Penrith ..........................................................30

Table 46. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Nepean District Hospital, Penrith ...................................................30

Table 47. Transfer In admissions to Nepean District Hospital, Penrith ..........................................................................30

Table 48. Admissions and deaths – Prince of Wales Hospital.......................................................................................31

Table 49. Admissions by age range – Prince of Wales Hospital ...................................................................................31

Table 50. Admissions by gender – Prince of Wales Hospital ........................................................................................31

Table 51. Trauma admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital by mechanism of injury .....................................................32

Table 52. Trauma admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital by arrival mode...................................................................32

Table 53. Trauma admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital by ICU admission................................................................32

Table 54. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Prince of Wales Hospital.......................................................................32

Table 55. Hospital length of stay (LOS) at Prince of Wales Hospital .............................................................................32

Table 56. Transfer In admissions to Prince of Wales Hospital .......................................................................................32

Table 57. Admissions and deaths – Royal North Shore Hospital ..................................................................................33

Table 58. Admissions by age range – Royal North Shore Hospital ...............................................................................33

Table 59. Admissions by gender – Royal North Shore Hospital ....................................................................................33

Table 60. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by mechanism of injury ..................................................34

Table 61. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by arrival mode ..............................................................34

Table 62. Trauma admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital by ICU admission............................................................34

Table 63. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Royal North Shore Hospital ..................................................................34

Table 64. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Royal North Shore Hospital............................................................34

Table 65. Transfer in admissions to Royal North Shore Hospital...................................................................................34

Table 66. Admissions and deaths – Royal Prince Alfred Hospital .................................................................................35

Table 67. Admissions by age range – Royal Prince Alfred Hospital ..............................................................................35

Index of tables

NSW Health NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report 53

Table 68. Admissions by gender – Royal Prince Alfred Hospital ...................................................................................35

Table 69. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by mechanism of injury .................................................35

Table 70. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by arrival mode .............................................................36

Table 71. Trauma admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital by ICU admission...........................................................36

Table 72. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital .................................................................36

Table 73. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital...........................................................36

Table 74. Transfer In admissions to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital..................................................................................36

Table 75. Admissions and deaths – St George Hospital...............................................................................................37

Table 76. Admissions by age range – St George Hospital............................................................................................37

Table 77. Admissions by gender – St George Hospital ................................................................................................37

Table 78. Trauma admissions to St George Hospital by mechanism of injury...............................................................38

Table 79. Trauma admissions to St George Hospital by arrival mode...........................................................................38

Table 80. Trauma admissions to St George Hospital by ICU admission ........................................................................38

Table 81. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at St George Hospital...............................................................................38

Table 82. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at St George Hospital ........................................................................38

Table 83. Transfer In admissions to St George Hospital ...............................................................................................38

Table 84. Admissions and deaths – St Vincent’s Hospital ............................................................................................39

Table 85. Admissions by age range – St Vincent’s Hospital .........................................................................................39

Table 86. Admissions by gender – St Vincent’s Hospital ..............................................................................................39

Table 87. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital by mechanism of injury ............................................................40

Table 88. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital by arrival mode.........................................................................40

Table 89. Trauma admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital by ICU admission......................................................................40

Table 90. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at St Vincent’s Hospital.............................................................................40

Table 91. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at St Vincent’s Hospital......................................................................40

Table 92. Transfer In admissions to St Vincent’s Hospital.............................................................................................40

Table 93. Admissions and deaths – Sydney Children’s Hospital ...................................................................................41

Table 94. Admissions by age range (general age groups), Sydney Children’s Hospital .................................................41

Table 95. Admissions by gender – Sydney Children’s Hospital .....................................................................................41

Table 96. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by mechanism of injury ...................................................42

Table 97. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by arrival mode ...............................................................42

Table 98. Trauma admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital by ICU admission.............................................................42

Table 99. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Sydney Children’s Hospital ...................................................................42

Table 100. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Sydney Children’s Hospital.............................................................42

Table 101. Transfer In admissions to Sydney Children’s Hospital....................................................................................42

Table 102. Admissions and deaths – The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ...................................................................43

Index of tables

NSW Trauma Minimum Data Set – 2002 Annual Report NSW Health54

Table 103. Admissions by age range (general age groups) – The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ...............................43

Table 104. Admissions by gender – The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.....................................................................43

Table 105. Trauma admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead by mechanism of injury ...................................43

Table 106. Trauma admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead by arrival mode ...............................................44

Table 107. Trauma admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead by ICU admission ............................................44

Table 108. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ...................................................44

Table 109. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ............................................44

Table 110. Transfer In admissions to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ...................................................................44

Table 111. Admissions and deaths – Westmead Hospital ..............................................................................................45

Table 112. Admissions by age range – Westmead Hospital...........................................................................................45

Table 113. Admissions by gender – Westmead Hospital ...............................................................................................45

Table 114. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospital by mechanism of injury ..............................................................46

Table 115. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospital by arrival mode ..........................................................................46

Table 116. Trauma admissions to Westmead Hospital by ICU admission .......................................................................46

Table 117. ICU average length of stay (LOS) at Westmead Hospital ..............................................................................46

Table 118. Hospital average length of stay (LOS) at Westmead Hospital .......................................................................46

Table 119. Transfer in admissions to Westmead Hospital ..............................................................................................46

Index of tables


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