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Nu News 1969-07 Su

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N U NEWS Tau appa Esilon Fraternity a the Uiversy of Calinia Volume 6., Number 1 Berkeley, Ca fornia In th  e F  all o  f 1968Nu C  hap  te  r ha  d  a su  cc  ess  fu  l us  h  and t  he s  h  ool y  ea  of 1968-69  sta  rted o  f v  ery we  ll. Nu m mb  ers  hip wa  s a  bov  e t  he  ave  rag  e on   ca  mpu  s. YQUf B  oard oLCon  to  l fe  lt t  hat t  he  situ  atio  n w  as q  ite go  od u  nt  il  w  e  -  be  gan t  n  o  '  t  ice    a  nd  ·  b om  e ac  qu  aite  d w  ith th  e new  es   ple  dg  es " , - e more we observed, th  eoree began to feel that the Chapter hd been  ufortun at-i pled ng . The young men pledged were·  not Teke quality en We kept oservin them, and as the quarter moved along, we knew that a  hous e claning was in ordr. Ths was  acco  lishe! is Fal wlbe y e es eurn ing o e Hse. e ous e li of a w  e  fern in ls the ar  e nbe of  g  atig seiosh as esle in is eersi J t c m n  g  quarter , . We in ite yo u to read th folI owing a rticl e carefully. R HELP is needed NU NEEDS A LUMNI HELP .. , First of all every alumnus is urged to step forward an d work to renew the strengt 0: Nu Chaptr. our lumi Board of Control and the five men returning in the Fall ae vitally interested in recreatng a N Chapter that is dedicated to frndship common ,g  · oe'; dv ! : L ctj s" a ness to o r  �thS pi" ._ ome fraternities ar   e throwi in the towel and ot reopenig inthe all - thi   is exactly what the militan factons t Calant us to d We refse to gve n Pleas sep forward and hel in rush lumni elp means a lot in sorting out and mig the selectin of rospetive mebers ' There are incoming students who are interested in , 1 1 fraternal living but we ust seek them out We must at the same tie avoid oth Ii · Fredy" and te Far Left We are not trying to attract the big name jocs an have no itention of trying bu e should seek men who have an atletic background because  we will need a good cross-section of tem players to rebuild the House . " YO SK, W CA I D? . . OLLW TE SGET 1., \ <: an contact school officials buiness acquaintances club members relatives friends and church members and obtan naes of men that are headed for Cal this fall 2. You can send their  names in on te rush recommendation cards beig sent aong    w ·th this issue of NU NES j (continued on pae 3)

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Tau appa Esilon Fraternity a the Uiversy of Calinia

V ol u m e 6., Number 1 Berkeley, Cafornia

In th e F all o f 1968Nu C hap te  r ha d   a su cc ess fu  l us h  and t  he s h ool y ea  of 1968-69  sta rted o f v ery we ll. Nu m� mb ers hip wa s a bov e t he  ave rag e on  ca mpu s. YQUf B oard oLCon to l fe  lt t  hat t he  situ atio n w as q ite go  od u nt il w e - be gan t  n o '  t ice  a nd · b� om e ac qu aite d w ith th  e new es  ple dg es

" , -

e more we observed, th eoree began to feel that the Chapter hd been

 ufortunat-i pledng . The young men pledged were· not Teke quality enWe kept oservin them, and as the quarter moved along, we knew that a  house claning was in ordr. Ths was acco lishe!

is Fal wlbe y e es eurning o e Hse. e ouseli of a w e  fern in ls the ar e nbe of g atig seioshas esle in is eersiJ t cmn g quarter

, .

We inite you to read th folIowing article carefully. R HELP is needed


.� . ,

First  of all every alumnus is urged to step forward and work to renew the strengt0: Nu Chaptr. our lumi Board of Control and the five men returning in the Fallae vitally interested in recreatng a N Chapter that is dedicated to frndship common,g · oe'; dv�!:Lctjs" a ness to o r �thSp�i"._

ome fraternities ar  e throwi in the towel and ot reopenig inthe all - thi   isexactly what the militan factons t Calant us to d We refse to gve n Pleassep forward and hel in rush lumni elp means a lot in sorting out and mig theselectin of rospetive mebers ' There are incoming students who are interested in

, 1

fraternal living but we ust seek them out We must at the same tie avoid oth·Fredy" and te Far Left We are not trying to attract the big name jocsan have

no itention of trying bu e should seek men who have an atletic background because  we will need a good cross-section of tem players to rebuild the House .


1., \ <:an contact school officials buiness acquaintances club members relativesfriends and church members and obtan naes of men that are headed for Cal this fall

2. You can send their  names in on te rush recommendation cards beig sent aong   w ·th this issue of NU NES j

(continued on pae 3)

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ag 2 N NEWS Sur 969

NNEWS is pubishd b th Tau Kappa Epsion ui ssociation and thuatr o Tau Kappa Epsion for aui and frinds. Nws changs ojddrssphoto and othr itms of intrst shoud b snt to

Ta Kapa Epsion umni Rcords ffic 2490 Chaning Wa Brk 9 4704



ONOR RLL... Your umni ssocation ishs o thank th foowng fratrsfor their participation in the Alumni Dues Program, proceeds from w hich are used topblish this newsletter and to stregthen the role of Tau Kapp  Epsilon at t he Univer sit f Caifornia. Man thanks to

Car E. ndrsonCar W. ndson' 57Richard C. ndrsonobrt S. Bbb'48Ro W. Br'57  dwa rd J. Bon

Stn J. Boingr'64 Edward H. Boz Jr. '21

ndrson Bothwickawrnc K. Brhm 68Donad M. Brttnr '59Howard C. Brown '24Cci . Burri'30Prc E. Cartr'32ow G Catin 54

Wifrd F. Cair'33frd H. Cark' 23Ga r F . Cod '63Rort W. Coins '54rank P. Conkin '27Dani B. Costo'51Homr D. Crott'20t. Emr R. urtis'64Ricard B. DaisWitt adJosph F• DMartiniEdward Drmott'49

Tr �Wiia IL ozi '59Micha uff'6Hurt . ErPau B. Egr'50Norman . Farr'59

aid E. Francis 4Vincnt J. Frirmuth 2Pau H. Gardinr 31Robrt W. GassinJosph E Gnas'53Sophu G. Goth'18Thodor J Goth35Robrt W. GrahamWiiam W. Graham 51Jffrson J. Grs Jr. 56onad E. Graux 61Thodor E. Haig 9

ar Ha 65 -r. Jams . HamitonRobin C. Hars 56John Ha   23 "

,·g9� :t ; l. HJ� "_.;Wiiam D. Hath' 48Wiiam . rzog' 52Harr V. Hn

Ean R. Higgins '19Si d Higgins' 29Hard M.  idrth '23Imgmar E. Hobrg'25Ca rro C. Hodg '24Ha rod HoorFod E. How '34orn W. Huntob ut '23War D. ngri'31Todd S Irson'28r. WatrK. Jannsn' 60W. H. Johnston' 22Dr. Hrac G. JonsRonad E. Jons 66an T. Ka'50RobrtKasb'551s t. Donad . Kds n 56a id E. Krr 6

-VlaH Kl1'n6�'-Frak . Kunz r '3Gorg ab '29frd F. awrnc'22onad . awri'50Jack B. hrg '57

Wiiam W wrnz Eric J. indbrg'61dwin M. itsingr'24r. Wiiam P.J. nchWiam J. McCaa 66onad G. cCam'61Wiiam C. McCammon' 30Wiiam W. McCombs'60Trr E. Mcraith'56Edmund . McMurra' 60Phiip E. Mrritt 52S. Hrbrt Mrwin' 25

(contiu on pag 3)


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Sume 1969


. . . .  . ,. _. OF AlUMNINEVSc

CAROLL . HODGE4 is a buyer with FooFair Stores of Sa Fraiso he

f  ily r�sidee is a 60 Vero St#04 Oaklad

R NLD  .ONS 66 is a metaurgial

1st Lt. ONALD L. KLSEN 66 saw aioin Vietnauring last year's Tet offensive and was ominated for the Silver  Star medal. He  also received the Bronz e Star AirMedal ad a Vietamese  citation w hi1e  witha  £le opay durig the fightig.

egi _eer for Sgetis Corp of Suyvale I

Married last A\gust he ad his ife the RBR W. CLLINS54 reports We{ee_·6i:_cli ���e �u�i�bie   - _ . � n-�g£t;' k!pi:fd��C£o�

110 W.  Olive #119 Suyvale Genral Mis at their£1ur mill in Great ·- c  

Falls. T he family residece there) is at

OBERKSBY SS atteded a Forma t Dier of the Orage   outy AlumiChapte  to support·the pedig ew hap tera Califoria State Coege, ullert  hreeof $ fromu we re there "  hereports  B th�reasbey is a flight of fier fo Ute Ai{Li�s workig ot ofLos: Age�It�ati al Airprt Heliest 43      Marot latia .


 �  w re

sig i 

Bel Air Los Ageles, at 14

el<  giQRd ad is urretly a ahtbroker He i mQst axious to ai anyfraters i seltig a a  ht to fit thireeds!

NORN A.   FARRLL59 has re uredrom Crow Z elerbhs Souther cli

ra eati  s aA'fdivisi o the ompay. His e residee isat 0 otlar Cir� Wal

STEVEN J.  BOLLINQ;R  '64 is at present� . , � ' " ,.' - , . '" ' � . �Chief hara  ist at  qlae Distrit Hospital, after graduag la t ue from UG;,.Med. Ceter  s S hoQl o ha ray i S?

_ Fraiso. Heresides t 60  Couty Ce ter r. Visalia •.'

. HER BURNBULL 8 is a Sitifi rogramer at the Sadi  Laorato i

Liverore. He resides the aJ 436Careot Way

2201 Fox FarRd

LAWRN C K. BREHM 68 wts " he weat her in Ton kin Gulf is beautif �1. rayfor pea_e " Be  is the USS Coral Sea ; CVA 43) i X Diisio the admiitrtiveofice �

REV. HN A. DIRK R• . 53 is viar oSt . Matthe ws Churh i Pross er, 1sh  Be has also.served churches inFriay': Harbor  and Tacoma Was h.  In '19 : 6 7,  we

 had a great visit  wit h JOE GN AS } 53 inWashigto C. Frater Dks a ddr esin Prosser. is SL Mathe w's   Church, 12 28  -Sherida Ave

CHARD RS 6 was mrrie i Mayto Carol A Begfeld presdet f e

'- Z sr ' n'ey� ;IieYMof�*fl?:�,''

Souther Califoria

DA VID E. KRR 66 is statio ed i Alasa witte Army ngieers.

BENS OM. LMS 8 esides at 0Vista Grade, Millbrae • . In inter   hemoves to  his  Pm Springs address 400W Araas Rd -

Dr  Charles C. Brier 4 Aubur  April 168oh H Hay$ 3 klad, auary99Wilfred H ohst   Mo tereyuly 1969
