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Nu News 1970-10 F

Date post: 07-Apr-2018
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- - Tau Kappa  - EpsilonPrateniy he Uvef  . sy oCli1 ' V:69, UIbr Cairnia BIG GA ME ALUMN LUNCHEO WILL BE HELD AT THE HOU S _ " l l , o ; " S a 1 b . 2 ,;: t 0 12:, i   - - - ;, ' $1. 50 frads . ch1{e; ' r  NO  HOST PAR TY -' ted   6 ing ga a H Duran #227 wr a bar w be  . s p COM  E TO THE  SE EVENT  S! ! We hop to see  you at the Big Gae Lunceon ad suggest  you stop b  y th e post  -Ile par n wa r ca! ANNUA EKE ALUMNI ECHSTAS LUNCHEON Mnda, D cmr 14 12:00 Nn i Mnda  , "- ! _D��r 1 .l     Fancs Yach Cu i (west-nd a      n Fn' $6. 50inclug ax an i) Y a cdia ind ad hs ncn and rax n is pasan s fr Hda : pac w an rd  . s a s b nn a xcn Q n nj sp T k Now s i rig h r rn S.V car nd a ed V D  EN L OS  ED I an y oe will be wni  , g a d from downt Sa Fran  sc to t Yac ChIb pleas c: TOI Mor g n (415) 982-60 or Dan Cstel (4  15) 3-60 , hes re u:?ss phoe s . Ples ll by Dee 10. LET'SA V U USUAL F  N t   .
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Tau Kappa - EpsilonPrateniy he Uvef  . sy oCli1� '

V:69, UIbr Cairnia


�_ "ll,o;"�� Sa1�€b .2 ,;: t�0 12:,�i -- -;, '$1. 50 frads . ch1{e;'r

 NO   HOST PAR TY -'t�ed  6�ing ga a H Duran #227 wr a bar w be  .s p

COM E TO THE SE EVENT S! !  We hop to see  you at the Big Gae Lunceonad suggest  you stop b  y the post -Ile par n wa r ca!



Mnda, Dcmr 1412:00 Nn

iMnda ,

�"-! _D��r 1 �.l    Fancs Yach Cu , i

(west-nd a     n Fn'

$6. 50inclug ax an i)

Y a cdia ind adhs ncn and rax n ispasan s fr Hda:

pac w an rd .sa sb nn a xcn Q n nj sp Tk Now s i righ rrn S.V car nd a ed


I any oe will be wni  , g a d from downt Sa  Fran sc to  t Yac ChIbpleas c: TOI Morgn (415) 982-60  or Dan Cstel (4 15) 3-60 •. , hes

re u:?ss phoes . Ples  ll  by De�e 10.


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MOFFITT LBRARY-Th new undergra�at lbrry  wich  opened  tis f al is   bauul nw  bulding, st mid r e -Indc�pd  northside ,   with rolig en aws ad amp i foopahs. Wl tocked  wh  book and places fo quit udy, t s a welom adjuncto cdd Banof LraTY ,


·Desp he son,wha tstuosvents of  rc yeTs� Bky l

das n enor of  sdnts whhs n xces of  h ar Plns o�ndaon of  27,500 U of ClifoTn ofica a rs ro1 -n f  u s w ow ha t ntschl ya w nd dca ion ff o

t sc·1gi mb r 10 sto-of  h ven e rabe cap.

T fus sowd t t 855 tudnt ad enold a unety b th

e gi stra on n f Otb 16 Thh enolment a Brky wa s n

96, when 28863 udts passd o and£T hrugh   Sa Ga,The nme of  stdn shw an n

c of  400 oer las ya In addtsom 600 udrgrada pn wund away is yea and fd ooer ampe a codn g o reporby unvesty of c ias

As .a was vey aa o the sate s eprsened in e Bekley enol'men fo s yea ll b anoerbusy year o e campus communy aCal


T Tk Hou  g d its h(' onw pdg s n Fa 1 R ,Ih ] ok o r

a  to a   ucl·s; Y<', wth J('

ddo of  ts w nl

h os of th nV( ar h

Bay a hr a ao sevral o

nas ass y  ad o"towns apr ow:

anil F Ackeman :7 


Frckson l7 Jo Ggo '74Kevin or 7avid Lw s 74James C. Megas  172

T homas  M.  Nickel 172· 

Rog M Sooon 2Malo S nds 4L Shackfod 7

Donald B Tama g 174Bad Volp i 4Ea A Wayn 2Jon Wbe 4

Rdwood Cty

  Sata Cla aP G  ontPo AoWn Cek San Fns oSan oBn gam  San Mao  Sana M1caNo BhSn nsoConod Sana n

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,  NU· NEWS g

The men of Teke House ar_prod to report th  notnly ws las year a success botacaecl1.<datern lybt tht it appear  s this yer will beeen better' O lstuarterCd()nt Avr ws 3 51 o(B pls for the total hou  se which plcs s vy

g in tJ€ c:v1

sndns  for ht qrter

,;Th>y(f:'-ppas    o ha - -\ea oten of o·a good sar   Wh a otal of somethness han 00 mn on thes s w 'pledgd 14 new membrs, iving our hous oa l o 2?en This kes hous str�ger han t has bn i n so me lso ar seg a ot of husasm:or tg oh ad doin thns. h pldges  a; aJradad prt for thses wh shows ta adspt• . ll ' l thou appas srogr than ve and rar o h u of os aniis heeon h Ca cams ooks as hough wl oas th prsn rani in

No o ak about upoig aiis. Ths ya e had  no of lmi

-  Fmbrs at many of o uos dicaing h prsn trd obuild!g enthu· X A hs po I woud lke o int ach nd ro o you o sop by at aytime

vE d r ad vst h h eber s. I guaan h o 1 b vy plasd wth\�h o s �

Th fro' of th hose has been paid aJ h insid wals tha eded t have benhd and paid and most mportat h hous reais ery ean all the tme-prns ar beng made couously. (nqng wh th acivies we havh chdld pdg danc �mnup vario  usxhan s ad r ryg o star h Daughtrs of Diana Bt ost poan in <d fu is he Big Gam chon All th mbs spcial lookingo d o hs vn S dop on b ad sa hlo ad h nw mbs


 Afna ast no Brus s o log with us as o Novmbr 3 W foun h a veychoith lots o ann Sacramo Las epos w ht h as happy wth his ho      We pla lar his yer to ha a Brtus par ?nd ist hi £oI cos I]i ko say hat the fatrniy wouldt b th pac it is wthout theb e l p 'of al�h.mHr$ op who "ha    hpd us spial ar Russ Rr wth hishu";pty-mknthes rk Se vsy with his a bili y c rbld anyt:


arunthe h  se John Seamster for his Oniz n g talens Cis th or his sic anda}y; im Sl  J(hnnc� Wyne Mrnez B Masaawh phen o ehrhWy ead; Mike rdn"  et

> ' " "':  �c. �  '�;' 


NATHBR'PW20 Ow Penna 0 un 1 69HE Y  HASON 33 Oklahoa City kl SIDNE IGGIS 29 El CerrioJana   �) 90  - 'EN M:  ISIGE 24,'  AlbaDe 'cebr, 19 - 69  , RC RD H NBO   N 30 GnaleCRLES H MILLE 21 San 'BernardiO Decemb 1969

WILLIAM R. RICH ARD) 5an  -nsRY  J.  SC E INE  1l? .   AJbny ,

Fbu 3 969 SEVE J DDIA t 59 R  Apl 8 970(Brothe Ddina , a Sn  Fan sc ttorym hs untimy  nd wh hs lght plane rashed  in  Peacock Ga', Marin  County;

� ,  soon atr akeo  fro  th San Rafae airport ; )

> ;. ondolence to Seth T rett· U nhs son Stve, for th loss of Lynn

lst July

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Page 4  NU NWS Fa 1970

What lumni Are Dong -




-' -







ill is a Navy Dental Officer, serving with heMarines in kinawa "Gd cuntry ver herehe reports, "with be;utiful skin diving and excellent glf curses. Drp by if yure in theeighbrhd." His address is: Lt. LW.Schhl, DC, USNR, Camp Hauge Dent Dept.,MCB Camp SD Butler, FPO Seatttle,  Wash.9877

  "After residing in Redding fr six years it wasnice t get back t the Bay Area u-   writes Sam

  At present, h� is wrking fr the nternal Ree_��n-SJ?iit, .a EJ.isco._e his _  £ ead -_.

three sns live in Nvat at 14 Hillsod Dr.

Er i an mar of s ow employ et cy i A, c geen ectes Aa e has ccer dtw eaful ew fs a he re it  tu" e vs   t 256 Hy Mn r.. W. " ana .

Brther Schlussel reprts a new psiin (paralleltransfer) as Assistant rinipal fr Stuen Services at Silver Ceek High Shl a brand neschl in San Jse He resides at 335 rgundDr, San Jse


l a fun at t Sa n "I am wkin s an lntry P (1- gades ftw lem  sl -- an he isl fYp  a t e Rn," e rtes "tges qut a her s   e ae mated naie ess. t te ecn

- 'ee aj:ve= �W, We a iethe nly Americans n the tw slas whic canonly be reachd by bat f anyne is in heneighbrhd, drp in fr free fd and ldgingII

Bill an be reace c/ ep f ducai

Clnia, Ya, Western Carline slans 96943

Jn, his wife Ja (Ca '5) andtheir six children live in lnt at1 Cmstk Circle  Jhn, a lcal realtr, is rereseting rwn &Kauffmann as ales manag f their nw wnhse develmen i Belmnt.

Don resigned frm te Ylo Cunty District At trneys ffice in order t pn hi 9W law fficat 3 Capitl Ave, Suie 307, Sacramento.  Hisresidece is at 6313 ae alm Wy inthe arb

suburb f Caicae
