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September?October Steeplelights
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September and October 2012 Naples United Church of Christ God is still speaking,
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September and October 2012

Naples United Church of Christ God is stillspeaking,

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Guest ColumnGuest Column

Dr. Ron Patterson

P. S.

I have made many home

visits during the summer

months and would like

to offer that possibility

to you. I am anxious to

hear from you and to

serve as I am able.


(Editor’s Note: the following article appeared first in the spring edition of “The Echo”, a publication of the St. Thomas Reformed Church, St. Thomas, V.I. and was written by the Rev. Jeffrey Neevel. This is the congregation where Ron and Charnley worship when they visit St. Thomas. This article is reprinted with permission.)

From the Pastor“What other reason would they be asking me that question?” was my thought after being asked if I was preaching the following Sunday. “Does it matter who is preaching? Is your decision to attend worship being made based upon who will be in the pulpit? What, is there a split loyalty between Jeff and the other preachers who occupy this pulpit?

Strange, but I don’t call up a fine restaurant before I go to dinner and ask who’s cooking that night. I’m fairly certain I will go and get a decent meal regardless of who parsed the herbs. (That’s a play on words for those of you who don’t know how a preacher cooks up a sermon.) At the very least, I know if I show up and share in the meal prepared for me, I will leave having been fed. If I don’t even show up, how will I be fed?

Lillian Daniel in her book “This Odd and Wondrous Calling” writes about her first church internship as a student intern: “I remember sitting in the back of the sanc-tuary, reviewing my notes for the very first seminary-intern sermon. It was to be a mighty word from God that would correct the hypocrisy, greed and faithlessness of the local church that was, nonetheless, supporting my education as they had supported that of so many others. As I mustered my courage to sock it to them, I overheard one woman lean across her walker and whisper loudly to her pew mate, “Ah, our new intern is preaching. I see it’s time for our annual scolding.”

She goes on to list the reasons that churches (like ours) who are fortunate to teach future ministers through Seminary intern programs have a leg up. “They are constantly sending the message to their members that God calls a rich variety of people to the ministry. Rather than week after week projecting one model in the pastor, interns stream through the church in all their quirky eccentricity to remind us of the wilderness of God’s mercy and the delightfully disturbing idea that any one of us could be called to this work.”

The question, “Who is preaching Sunday?” is an opportunity to remind us all that we worship God and not the preacher. We sing to glorify God and not the director. We go to Christian Education classes not because of who is teaching but because of what is being taught. Our loyalty should be to God first, not preacher, director or teacher.

If anyone is wondering who is preaching this Sunday, there’s one sure way to find out. Your table is ready. Enjoy the meal!

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From the Minister:Let me begin with a few updates. As you know, September 23rd will be the Rev. Cathy O’Connell’s last Sunday as our Associate Minister. On that day we will honor her with a festive coffee hour following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Then on a Sunday evening in January, we will formally celebrate her ministry with a reception in the Gathering Place followed by a catered dinner in the McSpadden Hall. Details on these events will be announced as they become available, but a small committee is hard at work planning this celebration.

At the July Council meeting, I presented candidates for the position of Interim Associate Minister and these candidates were approved for hire. I had been given the task of identifying and proposing candidates and I am pleased to announce that the Rev. Beverly Duncan, currently serving as one of our part-time Assistant Ministers, will begin a ¾ time position as our Interim Associate Minister. Her duties will include the pastoral care she has been providing so well and many of the other duties an Associate provides, including worship leadership, staff supervision, teaching and a full share in the weddings and funerals. She will begin this ministry on October 1. For the month of October only, she will serve full-time and then on November 1, the Rev. Dr. Kathleen L. Kircher will join our staff for a ¼ time interim ministry in the role of Stephen Ministry Coordinator and Adult Educator. Dr. Kircher is a long- time friend of this congregation who has worked to train Stephen Ministers for many years in our area and who is known to be a gifted teacher. Both Rev. Duncan and Dr. Kircher will be with us during the coming season as our Associate Minister Search continues.

Let me mention a few other exciting things in the works. After a hiatus of several years, we hope to bring back the “Blessing of the Pets” sometime in the early spring. On All Saints Day, November 1 at 7:00 p.m., we will be honoring our saints with a service or remembrance in the new Memorial Garden. On Saturday, October 27, we will once again reach out to our community by packaging meals for the hungry. The planning team, led by seminarian Ron Thompson, has announced an initial goal of packaging 125,000 meals in support of local food banks. Dr. Greg Smith is assembling an amazing collection of Adult Education offerings that will be announced in the next weeks in a separate mailing. Our Music Committee has once again planned a stunning concert season. The Bargain Box continues to break all sales records and our Mission Board has been renewing and forming mission partnerships with the grants they are considering because of the success of the Bargain Box. I am hoping that in early spring we can partner with other congregations in our United Church of Christ in a major hands on mission initiative to care for the earth.

As I write this, I am getting ready to leave for my summer vacations, but I leave knowing that the year ahead will be another amazing year of growth and faithfulness as together we continue to reflect the love of Jesus in this community. I don’t say it often enough—but I am grateful to God and thankful to all of you for the extraordinary blessing of Naples United Church of Christ.

With love,Ron

Rev. Beverly Duncan

Rev. Dr. Kathleen Kircher

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In This Issue...

September and October 2012

2 ..............Guest Column

3 .............. From the Minister

5 .............. From the Associate Pastor

5 .............. Letter from the Board of the Diaconate

6 .............. Board of Mission and Outreach

6 .............. 2012 Mission: 1

7 ..............Holiday BAZAAR

8 .............. I Will Pledge...

9 ..............Volunteer Corner!

9 .............. Precious Cargo Academy

10-11 ......Musical Notes

12-13 ...... Adult Enrichment Opportunities

14-15 ...... September Calendar

16-17 ......October Calendar

18-19 ......Youth Christian Education

20 ............Wednesday Nite Live!

20 ............Bargain Box News

21 ............Membership and Growth

22 ............ Stephen Ministry

22 ............Condolences

22 ............ Financial Report

23 ............ Endowment Committee

24 ............Book Recommendations

24 ............ In Service to Our Country

25 ............ September Lectionary

25 ............October Lectionary

26 ............ September Birthdays

26 ............ September Anniversaries

27 ............ October Birthdays

27 ............October Anniversaries

NUCC StaffMinistersRev. Dr. Ronald M. Patterson, Senior Minister

Rev. Catherine M. O’Connell, Associate Minister

Rev. Luvvy Kovacik, Assistant Minister

Rev. Beverly Duncan, Assistant Minister

Music MinistryDr. Becky Weese, Director of Music

Christian EducationDr. Greg Smith, Adult CE

Nancy Van Fleet, Director of CE

Ronald Thompson, Youth CE

AdministrationKary Sirken, Church Administrator

Sharon Magiera, Finance Administrator

Susan Pratt, Pastoral Assistant and Membership

Kaleigh Caldwell, Administrative Assistant

Donna Blais, Publications

Gregg Lepore, Production Manager,

Susan Melick, Events Coordinator

Pat McGee, Volunteer Coordinator

Georgia Lundy, Sunday Fellowship/Kitchen Coordinator

Daniel Brower, Facilities

Precious Cargo AcademyMary Jo Welch, Director

Leanne Badham, Assistant Director

Bargain Box Thrift StoreSandy Goldstein, Manager

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5 Steeplelights 0 September/October 2012

Some special dates to mark on your calendar: LAITY SUNDAY: September 30th


ALL SAINTS DAY: November 1st

On the occasion of Laity Sunday, the last Sunday in September, members of the congregation are invited by your Board of Deacons to lead our worship service. For this particular day, Art Wells will be giving the sermon with Ronnie Bellone and Julia Van Fleet providing the readings. Some of our youth confirmands will lend a hand with the ushering.

World Communion Sunday is a UCC tradition on the first Sunday in October. It serves as a call for all Christians—of whatever background and of whatever theological tradi-tion—to recollect that they are, in fact, one in Christ and that the Communion Table is God’s table.

All Saints Day is set aside each year to honor and remem-ber those of our congregation who have passed from this life within the past year. Please contact the church office should you wish to add a name to the list.

As a reminder, you may honor or celebrate loved ones through providing the Altar flowers ($60) or Pulpit flow-ers ($30) on any given Sunday. Simply notify the church office of a selected date and your words of remembrance.

Providing a Sanctuary pleasing to the eye when entering is a Diaconate responsibility. We would ask that members of the congregation lend a hand by removing programs, etc from your pew as you depart.

Finally, we are looking for “a few good men and women” to serve a three year term on the Board of Deacons com-mencing in January 2013. The Diaconate, essentially, is responsible for the Sanctuary and all that goes on within. Please let your wishes be known to the clergy, any paris-honer wearing the gold plated Deacon’s ID badge or the church office. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. Thanks in advance.

Blessings from the Board of the Diaconate

It’s hard to fathom this is my final Steeplelights contribution. Most of you probably know I will soon be looking for a new pastoral opportunity that allows me more time to spend with my friends and family. I’ll look first at interim ministry in Florida since Rich and I plan to remain in Naples. No matter where God sends me, I will never feel about any congregation the way I feel about you. I walked onto the chancel for the first time in Advent, 2005. While I had been a member of two very large congregations prior to arriving at NUCC, I had never been a pastor before. From a pastoral perspective, you were my first love. Over the years you have lovingly guided me into becoming a minister. The skills I have are the result of all that you’ve taught me, all that you’ve affirmed in me. You’ve invited me into your homes and more importantly into your hearts. In so many ways you have been family to me. I could not love you more. In ways you’ll never realize, you’ve been the wind beneath my wings that has sustained me through so much. If I never received another call to ministry, I’d be able to say with utter gratitude that I’d already had the best pastoral experience I could ever imagine for myself. It’s been rich and fulfilling beyond my wildest imaginings. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for seven remarkable seasons of growing with you in Christ.

Blessings and love, Cathy

Rev. Cathy O’Connell

From the Associate Pastor

Letter from the Board of the Diaconate

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Board of Mission and OutreachVisit the Ebenezer School!A trip to Honduras is planned March 14 – 18, 2013 to see the children at the school. There will be lots to keep us busy—nails and screws to replace and always painting.

Trip is limited to not more than 10, so sign up early! Call Judy Peterson for information.

2012 Mission: 1 is the third annual food packaging event where we will make “Meals of Hope” in McSpadden Hall on Saturday, October 27, 2012 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

If you were a part of this the last two years, you know the energy and excitement of this community wide effort to package over 100,000 meals of protein fortified macaroni and cheese. The results last year were 112,000 meals. This year our goal is 120,000 meals, we need you to make this happen. The meals are distributed in Collier County exclusively.

Sign up and reservations are a must since we have a limited amount of table space. You can now call the church office at 239-261-5469. We need a special supply and logistics team this year to keep the production of the meals flowing.

This event is an opportunity to make real Jesus’ prayer for the disciples “that they may all be one”. This is an opportunity to live out our faith –in unity- by offering worship that God desires from us: loosening the bonds of injustice and sharing our bread with the hungry.

See you at 2012 Mission: 1, Saturday, October 27, 2012, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in McSpadden Hall

Check out Mister Ron’s face book page at MisterRon/NUCC

The church website at naplesucc.org. Or www.meals-of-hope.org

2012 Mission: 1

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7 Steeplelights 0 September/October 2012

Holiday BAZAARNovember 10, 2012, 8 am - 2 pm

1) Linens of all kinds – It’s good to have them early – to get them ready for sale!

2) Jewelry – any kind – even broken gold pieces! These are needed now, as well, if possible!

3) Almost new items – that gift you never used – those candle sticks that are the wrong color – that bowl that doesn’t match anything else,

4) Garage sale items – you know what those are!

5) Tools – hand tools and small power tools,

6) Theme Baskets – Donate a basket for raffle worth $100-150! Pick your theme!

7) Treasures for Silent Auction – something VERY special – or a service!

8) Cookies – dozens and dozens of cookies! Bar cookies, drop cookies, decorated cookies,chocolate cookies, diabetic cookies…

9) Baked goods of any kind – breads, cakes, pies, brownies, coffee cakes, muffins…

10) Any home-made food “goodies” – pickles, salsas, jams, chutneys, appetizers, casseroles, soups…

11) Hand crafted items of any kind – whatever your talent! Join with the Perky Patchers andMonday Morning Workshop ladies in providing extraordinary creative “goodies”!

ANYTHING you find in your home – EXCEPT clothing and furniture – they go to the Bargain Box!


Come and Buy!Besides all the above – Cheese – Swiss and Cheddar - it melts in your mouth! Pecans – perfect for holiday baking!Coffee – it’s the best! And the Palette pals will have some WONDERFUL original art work you will love!

VOLUNTEER!YOU are the one WHO MAKES THIS A SUCCESS!Help is needed on Tuesday to cover tables!Help is needed on Sunday after church to help pack upA lot of help is needed on Saturday!

WHY?Best of all is the fellowship! What a great way to meet new people! This is a way to use YOUR talent for the benefit of our community! It’s short term! The profit is given to our community in cooperation with the Missions Board. Our own church benefits as well through special projects of Women’s Fellowship! Last year, more than $32,000 was earned to share with OUR community!

Join Your Fellow Members!Without your donations, there is nothing to sell!Without volunteers, the event cannot take place!Without buyers, we have a room filled with wonderful items! DONATE, VOLUNTEER, BUY!

Preview:Donated for the Theme Basket Raffle – by Palette Pals Bette Young and Nancy Seibert!

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(Editor’s Note: Some months ago, Dr. Patterson shared something in a sermon that was sent to him by John and Nancy Gilliland, NUCC members from Indiana. The first section was written by a friend of theirs and sent out to his friends before the last election. The second section appeared first in Sojourners Magazine—a journal of Christian conscience. Sojourners is available in the church office. This introduction and Truth and And Civiilty Election Watch Pledge are reprinted at the request of a member of the congregation.)

I have long been deeply troubled (angered) by some of the POLITICAL emails I receive. I am often tempted to retaliate with political messages to counteract the ones that offend me. I try to resist.

Who among us is not absolutely nauseated by the negative political ads? We are told such ads win elections. I submit that they foster ill-will, anger, hate, crudeness, rudeness, intolerance, inconsiderateness, division and a plethora of other negative attitudes and behavior among us.

In the interest of continued good will and friendship, after as well as before the election. Let’s be FRIENDS. I forward the following from “Sojourners” for consideration:

I Will Pledge...


For the duration of the election season, I hereby pledge to uphold the highest standards of truth and civility in word, thought and deed.

On my honor, I will:

1. Just say no to crazy email forwards, and to any other noxious electronic communication that comes my way. (Everyone in your address book will thank us. We promise.)

2. Communicate in a spirit of truth, humility, love, and patience with all people I come in contact with, despite our political disagreements or family relationship. (That goes for Uncle Frank. Especially Uncle Frank.)

3. Question any and all statements that sound mean, vindictive, or absurd; that provide no source or context; or that are politically motivated. (So, pretty much everything you hear on cable TV news.)

4. Share and enjoy stories of folks who are living out an attitude of truth and civility. (Make sure each story meets both requirements: Nice people telling lies don’t count.)

5. As a witness for God, encourage and spread a message of hope and reconciliation to a world that is deeply divided by political and cultural differences. (You know, like Jesus taught.)

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9 Steeplelights 0 September/October 2012

Needed: We have members who need a ride to worship services on Sundays. The commitment doesn’t have to be every week! Needed from Aston Gardens, Pelican Bay, Glenview, and others.

Needed: We need someone(s) to launder tablecloths and towels following church activities. This can be done at the church – or in your home!

Needed: Would you like to greet visitors on Sunday at our Kiosk? Training is available! Stop by on Sunday!

Needed: Precious Cargo continues to train volunteers – see the PCA article below!

Needed: Our church youth leaders need your help with our growing program. Can you share a craft, chaperone a field trip, help after school on Wednesday? Do you have a talent of another kind you can share? See Miss Nancy or call the church.

Needed: Our biggest “volunteer” activity of the year is coming soon – the Bazaar!

Do you have a desire to do something specific and haven’t been asked – let us know!

~ Thank you, Pat McGee, Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Corner!

Precious Cargo AcademyPrecious Cargo Academy (PCA) is welcoming volunteers. Two orientation sessions were held over the summer, and eight volunteers have committed to become a volunteer! Volunteers typically are in a classroom once or twice a week for one and a half hours each visit and are limited to 9 hours per month. Our volunteers are making a difference and are rewarded with smiles and giggles!

Our children are thrilled by a new face, and our teachers and staff are grateful for a helping hand, whether it’s rocking babies, reading to children, helping with an activity or sharing a talent. Our next volunteer orientation is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10th, 10:30 a.m. at PCA. Call Precious Cargo to register (261-7442).

The need for volunteers continues – can YOU help? Remember –

Noah’s ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals!

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Musical NotesThe Music Committee and Dr. Weese have been busy planning and organizing the music for the upcoming church year and the concert series at NUCC for the 2012-2013 season. There are three concert series: the Sanctuary Concert Series, the Tuesday at Twilight Series, and the Advent Meditations. Tickets for all concerts will be available for purchase in the Fall; there is no admission charge for the Advent Meditations.

The Music Committee is proud to bring you the talents and gifts of fine musicians throughout the year. As in previous years, each Sunday promises to enhance the spoken word. Guests soloists and instrumentalists will often accompany our Sanctuary Choir.

Special music has been planned for the recognition of Veterans’ Day, November 11th, (two trumpets); Thanksgiving Sunday, November 18th, (a chamber orchestra); and on Christmas Sunday, December 16th, (a chamber orchestra).

The Music Committee can offer these special additions to our worship services and concert series as a result of your contributions to the Music Gift Fund. Your pledges/contributions to the annual NUCC operating budget do not include funds for these musical enhancements to our worship services. These are made possible by your special contributions to the Music Gift Fund. When possible, the worship bulletins will indicate when the special music for the service was provided by the Music Gift Fund.

2012-2013 “Tuesdays at Twilight” Concert Series in Beverly Hall. There will be five concerts, each unique in their own style! Before and after each performance, you may enjoy fellowship and meet the performers at a complimentary wine and cheese reception in the Gathering Place. All concerts begin at 7:00 pm. Individual Tickets are $30.00.

~ Lou Fischer, Music Committee Chair

Beverly Hall ~ Concert Series 2012 ~ 2013

Robin Frank

An Evening of Jazz ~Glenn and Leelo Basham

Rebecca Richardson

Ars Nova String Trio ~ Photo by Nathan Hill

Adam Levin~ Photo by Jesse Weiner

Bergonzi String Quartet

$30.00 ~ Admission

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In the Sanctuary, Tuesdays at noon Dr. Becky Weese, organ and pianoPastoral Staff, homily.

December 4thMelissa Vitrella, mezzo-soprano

December 11thAdam Satinsky, cello

December 18thGeoff Day, violin

Tuesday, December 11th7:00 pm

Christmas with Billy Dean and Dawn

Sunday, April 7th3:00 pm

Two Friends, Two Pianos, Four HandsRichard Bosworth and Alden Gatt

Wednesday, March 13th7:00 pmPurdue UniversityMen’s Glee Club

Sunday, January 20th3:00 pm

The True Story of Cinderella.A comic opera for singers.(No Admission Charge)

$20.00 ~ Admission

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“Thursday at the Movies”The movies will begin at 4:00 pm in Beverly Hall. 4:00 pm in Beverly Hall. Admission is a $5.00 donation taken at the door. The group then adjourns to a local restaurant for a social time. Sign up sheets will be available after Sunday services or by calling the church office at 261-5469.

September 6th“The Mighty Macs” ~ Based on true events, when Immaculata College (a small Catholic college outside of Philadelphia) gets into financial trouble, the successful women’s basketball team helps save the college from closing its doors. Ellen Burstyn appears as the Mother Superior in this inspiring movie.

October 4th“Seraphine” ~ Seraphine Louis, a poor housekeeper living in the early 20th century, has a gift unknown by anyone around her, the gift of painting. A true story which won seven Cesar Awards, France’s equivalent to the Oscars. This French movie with subtitles is a movie everyone should see.

Adult Enrichment Opportunities

Single Seniors

The single seniors will meet under the portico for lunch after the 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, September 23rd. We will go to Brio’s at Waterside Shops.

On Sunday, October 28th after the 11 a.m. service we are invited to the Kensington Country Club. Susie Burtch is our host. Please put your name on the sign up sheet or call Rev Luvvy for details.

NUCC Summer Golf

Thank you to John Tosca for hosting us on July 25th at Cedar Hammock and to Ann & Alan Olson for hosting us on August 24th at the Naples Grande club.

On Thursday, September 20th we are invited by Ed & Betty Graf and Gary Fox, to play at Audubon Country Club. Our last outing is Friday, October 26th. We are invited by Chris Bramley to play at Bears Paw Country Club. The golf is paid by credit card on the day of play. The sign up sheets are on the outside table during coffee hour. Please sign up early, so that Rev Luvvy can make the pairings and let you know your tee time.

Perky Patcher’s Fall 2012

The Bazaar is coming!

The Bazaar is coming!

The Bazaar is coming!

Perky Patcher’s is looking for smiling faces, busy fingers and willing workers to complete projects to be sold at the Annual NUCC Bazaar on 11/10/2012. Quilter’s, Sewer’s, Knitter’s, Cross Stitcher’s or any other creative needle work is welcome.

Please join us in Nelson Hall Room 103 on Friday beginning September 21st at 9:30 - 2:00 pm bring a sack lunch and join our fellowship. For more information, please contact Sharon Robinson.

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Men’s Coffee & ConversationThere will be no meeting in September. On Thursday, October 18th at 10:00 amThursday, October 18th at 10:00 am in Nelson Hall Rm 104, we will discuss the topic “What is the common good? What do we owe one another and society?” The Men’s Coffee group is open to all men. After our gathering, many of the participants share lunch together at a local restaurant.

YogaAt NUCC, we open our hearts and minds in the belief that “GOD is still speaking.” We come each Sunday to practice praying. Yoga is a discipline of connecting the mind and the body for the purpose of “listening.” Yoga Lite is a basic practice with the goal of stilling the body and quieting the mind for meditation. Come for the balance, the stretching, the strength building and the relaxation and experience the profound joy of connecting with your higher self.

Yoga Lite - Tuesdays and Thursdays in October from 6 – 7 p.m. Bring a friend!There will be no Yoga classes in September.

For more information call Shannon

A donation of $6 is requested but no one is turned away.

M I D D L E R S‘ P L U SWelcome Aboard to a New Season in Naples!

Surf and Turf Buffet Dinnerat the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club

896 River Point Drive

Wednesday, November 7th$35 per person

5:30 p.m. Social

6:00 p.m. Dinner

Hosted by Nancy Wycliff

Registration forms will be available

the first week of October!

Deadline: 10/24, as long as space is available

Questions: Call Bobbi Richardson

The Middlers’ Plus social activities offer opportunity for fellowship off campus. Participants range in age

from 40 to well beyond middle age.

Christian ConversationBring a cup of coffee to Nelson Hall room 101 after worship and join in this informal discussion group (class follows the (class follows the 10:00 a.m. service on September 9, 16, 23 and 30 & fol-10:00 a.m. service on September 9, 16, 23 and 30 & fol-lows the 9:00 a.m. service on October 7, 14 and 21)lows the 9:00 a.m. service on October 7, 14 and 21). Seven substantive, passionate, and insightful sessions on central topics of the Christian faith are introduced by short video segments by seven leading and diverse Christian voices then discussed by the participants. Sessions will be facilitated by our Assistant Minister, Rev. Luvvy Kovacik, and are open to all. Advance registration is not required.

NEW this year: Women’s Coffee and Conversation!With the Rev. Beverly Duncan.

Just as the men have their time to discuss the issues of the day, so too, the women are getting their chance. (See “Men’s Coffee and Conversation.”) Once a month on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., we will challenge ourselves with the same topic the men are talking about. The fun begins on Thursday, October 18, 10-11:30 a.m., in the Minister’s Conference Room (near Cathy’s and Ron’s offices) andcontinues through Season. Pre-registration not required. All women are welcome.

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9 10 11

16 17 18

23 24 25


10:00am Worship Service 11:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 11:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101)

10:00am Worship Service (S) 11:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 11:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

LAITY SUNDAY 10:00am Worship Service (S) 11:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 11:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 3:00pm Melissa Vitrella Concert (BH) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 6:00pm Trustees Meeting (N104)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104)

1:00pm Music Committee Meeting (ACR)

3:00pm Precious Cargo Committee Meeting (ACR)

4:00pm Bargain Box Committee Meeting (BB)

6:00pm Council Meeting (N 104)

3:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (P) 5:30pm Singles Together (N104) 6:30pm Board of Christian

Education Meeting (N101)

10:00am Worship Service (S) 11:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 11:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 11:00am Senior Singles (Brio’s at Waterside) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

10:00am Worship Service 11:00am Diaconate Meeting (ACR) 11:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P)

LABOR DAY - OFFICE CLOSED DAY - OFFICE CLOSED 9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104)

5:00pm Baby Basics Diaper Pick-up (WH)

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What’s Happening This Month at Naples United Church of Christ


5 6 7 8

12 13 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29

12:00pmAl Anon Meeting (N104)

9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting (N104)

9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting (N104)5:30pmKanaan/Ayoub Wedding Rehearsal (S)

10:00am Dorothy Taylor Memorial Service and Interment (GC/MG)4:00pmKanaan/Ayoub Wedding (S)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade (BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade (BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S)

8:30am NUCC Summer Golf and Lunch(Audubon Country Club)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 5:45pm Precious Cargo Staff Meeting (N104) 7:00pm PFLAG Meeting (N104)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 4:00pm Thursday Movie and Dinner (BH)

1:00pm Stephen Ministry (N207) 3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

12:00pmAl Anon Meeting(N104)

CE Night of Joy(Orlando)

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1 2

7 8 9

21 22 23

28 29 30

14 15 16

NEIGHBORS IN NEED OFFERINGNEIGHBORS IN NEED OFFERINGWORLD COMMUNION SUNDAYWORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:00am Worship Service (S) 10:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 10:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 11:00 am Worship Service (S) 12:00pm Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 1:00pm Music Committee Meeting (ACR) 1:00pm Precious Cargo Meeting (ACR) 3:00pm Membership & Growth (N104) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

9:00am Worship Service (S) 10:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 10:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 10:00am Guest Information Brunch (N104) 11:00 am Worship Service (S) 12:00pm Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 12:00pm Guest Information Brunch (N104) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 11:30am Journey to Discipleship (N101) 2:00pm UCC Class (N101) 5:00pm Baby Basic Diaper Pick-Up (WH) 6:00pm Trustees (N104) 7:00pm UCC Class (N101)

4:00pm Bargain Box Committee Meeting (BB)

6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

NEW MEMBER SUNDAYNEW MEMBER SUNDAY 9:00am Worship Service (S) 10:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 10:00am Animate with Rev. Luvvy (N101) 11:00am Worship Service (S) 12:00pm Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 11:30am Journey to Discipleship (N101)

8:30am Finance Committee Budget Meeting (N104)

6:00pm Council Meeting (N 104) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

9:00am Worship Service (S) 10:00am Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 11:00am Worship Service (S) 12:00pm Stephen Ministry Pastoral Care (P) 12:00pm Senior Singles (Kensington CC) 5:00pm Confirmation Class (N101) 6:00pm Youth Group Meeting (N201)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 11:30am Journey to Discipleship (N101) 11:30am Women’s Fellowship Luncheon -

Cathy’s Israel Trip (MH)

9:00am Mission’s Organizational Meeting(N101)

6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

9:30am Monday Morning Workshop (N104) 5:00pm Baby Basic Diaper Pick-Up (WH)

3:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (P) 5:30pm Singles Together (N 104) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex) 6:30pm Board of Christian Education (N101) 7:00pm Diaconate Meeting (ACR)

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What’s Happening This Month at Naples United Church of Christ

3 4 5 6

10 11 12 13

24 25 26 27


17 18 19 20

9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting(N104)4:30pmKimberly Baumgard/James Maggert, Jr. Wedding Rehearsal (S)

4:30pmKimberly Baumgard/James Maggert, Jr. Wedding (S)

10:00am PCA Volunteer Orientation (PCA) 1:00pm Stephen Ministry (N104) 3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 5:00pm Healthy Relationships Class (N207) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting(N104)

10:00am WNL Committee Meeting (N104) 3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 10:00am Men’s Coffee and Conversation

(N104) 10:00am Women’s Coffee and Conversation

(MCR) 1:00pm Board of Mission & Outreach

Meeting (N101) 5:00pm Healthy Relationships Class (N207) 5:45pm Precious Cargo Staff Meeting (N104) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex) 7:00pm PFLAG Meeting (N104)

9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting(N104)

3:00pmCarrie Martin/Cameron Milicevic Wedding Reception(MH)

8:30am Finance Committee Budget Meeting (N104)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 5:45pm WNL Dinner (MH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

8:30am Finance Committee Budget Meeting (N104)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 5:00pm Healthy Relationships Class (N207) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

8:30am NUCC Summer Golf and Lunch (Bears Paw Country Club)9:30amPerky Patchers (N10312:00pmAl Anon Meeting (N104)(Time TBA) Trunk or Treat (parking lot)

8:30am Finance Committee Budget Meeting (N104)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH)

3:30pm Junior Disciples (N207) 4:00pm Children’s Choir: K-2nd Grade

(BH) 4:30pm Children’s Choir: Grades 3-5 (BH) 5:00pm Youth Choir Grades 6-12 (BH) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (BH/S)

9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 4:00pm Thursday Movie and Dinner (BH) 5:00pm Healthy Relationships Class (N207) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex) 7:00pm Forum on Prop 8 Freedom of

Religion Act (MH)

ALL SAINTS DAYALL SAINTS DAY 9:30am Precious Cargo Chapel (S) 4:00pm Thursday Movie and Dinner (BH) 5:00pm Healthy Relationships Class (N207) 6:00pm All Saints Service (GC/MG) 6:00pm Yoga Lite and Meditation (Narthex)

11:00 amMission 1Food PackagingEvent (MH/NH)

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Youth Christian Education

Take a look at Mr. Ron’s church facebook page, search for Ronald Thompson and Naples United Church of Christ and add him as a friend, to find out about youth events.

Greetings to you!Because of you, the congregation, the lives of children and youth are being trans-formed. As many of you are aware, our youth had the opportunity of attending their first mission trip - Week of Hope in Orlando, Florida. Our youth served in rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, Alzheimer and dementia adult day care centers, community outreach centers, shelters for abused women and children, homeless shelters, child day care centers – all of which provided hope for those in Central Florida. Lives were changed and new perspectives gained. We want to share with you some of the comments from the participants.

“The mission trip made me appreciate all the blessings I have in my life. I felt I was able to give something positive of myself to the people I served.” Michael Muldowney – 9th grade

“I spent a week at an Alzheimer unit and it just made me realize how fortunate I am. I remember my family, my friends, and special moments of my life. All these wonderful people that I met only have “now”. Making them smile for just a moment made going on this trip worth it. This mission trip opened my eyes to my world and how precious it is.”Erica Flesher – 12th grade

“The mission trip changed my life because it showed me how helpful people can be to the less fortunate. I enjoyed helping and hope to do it again.” Tristin Halfman – 11th grade

“The mission trip changed my life! I never knew that there are other people in the world that are less fortunate than we are. Working at my work site was eye-opening and mind-changing. It was amazing knowing that we were helping others with the work that we did for them. It was also a fun experience working with other churches.” Taylor Curry-Stokes – 9th grade

“Week of Hope changed me in many ways. It made me realize how fortunate I am and how thankful I should be. It was really inspiring!” Lizanna Angeli – 8th grade

“The Week of Hope Mission Trip transformed me because I learned to appreciate my youth. I worked at an Alzheimer day care and realized that I was fortunate to still have my youth and memories. I enjoyed helping the people there and making them happy. I hope I get to visit them again!” Julia Van Fleet – 9th grade

“This trip made me realize I can really trust God.” Lois Muldowney – youth leader

“This was truly one of those rare moments in my adult life where I personally felt that I “made-a-difference.” I was honored to be asked to be an adult leader and I am truly in awe of the young people from our church that joined us in this experience. We worked, prayed, ate, sang and prepared meals together. I so enjoyed getting to know and appreciate our young people. I will remember this mission trip as truly one of the most memorable events in my life.” Richard A. Anderson – youth leader

We are so thankful for the privilege of serving the children and youth for the past 5 years. This would not be possible without the support and prayers of the congregation and we thank all of you for the wonderful opportunity.

Blessings to all,Nancy Van Fleet – CE DirectorRon Thompson – Student Minister

Upcoming Activities

September 8th and 9th:Night of Joy a Special Event at Magic Kingdom® Park

September 16th:Youth Group “Make your Own”Pizza Party – 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

October 26th:Trunk or Treat

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Bargain Box NewsThe very best solution on these hot and rainy days is to come in out of the elements and shop or volunteer at the Bargain Box! Or better yet, clean out your closets and cabinets and venture down to the store to donate some of your treasures. While you are there, start shopping early for the holidays; it looks a lot like Christmas at 153 10th St. South!

We have a few slow Summer days now, but we always seem to keep ourselves busy. The furniture room constantly changes due to our wonderful donations. In one month, we were blessed with beautiful furniture from three condos! These pieces would definitely be a wonderful addition to your home, or why not buy yourself something new and send us your gently used items? Call us for assistance at 262-3802.

Fall is right around the corner, and all of you from up north will be traveling back to Florida soon. We are anxious to have you back and hope you enjoy the rest of your Summer!

~ Sandy, Your Bargain Box Manager

Our October Dinner will Feature...

The Magic of John Robert — What’s Up His Sleeve?MAGIC is in the air at our first Wednesday Nite Live Dinner on October 24, 2012 at 5:45 p.m.

Come, bring your friends, relatives, children and grandchildren—and be amazed by the awesome “MAGICAL ILLUSIONS OF JOHN ROBERT”, after enjoying a delicious HANEY’S meal of barbequed rack of ribs, baked beans, coleslaw, cornbread, plus A SURPRISE DESSERT! A fun evening for just $15! And remember there is NO CHARGE for children 12 and under.

John Robert is a professional magician, whose shows range from stage and close-up magic to psychic entertainment and illusions. He started this career at age 12, but was hooked on magic at age 4, when his Dad took him to a professional magic show. He creates and rehearses new routines weekly, and says that other than performing, one of the most rewarding experiences is starting with a new vision and then working the trick out.

Tickets will be available after church services on Sunday, October 7th, 14th, and 21st. They can also be purchased at the church office. For more information please contact Pat Slater. To view John Robert’s website: www.magicbyjohnrobert.com

Wednesday Nite Live!

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Guest Information Brunches, UCC Classes and New Member Sundays Schedule

October 14th: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 15th: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm 21st: New Member Sunday

November 4th: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 5th: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm 11th: New Member Sunday

December 2nd: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 3rd: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm 9th: New Member Sunday

January 6th: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 7th: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm 13th: New Member Sunday

February 3rd: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 4th: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm 10th: New Member Sunday

March 3rd: Guest Information Brunch

following both services 4th: UCC History and Culture Class

2pm and 7pm

10th: New Member Sunday

It’s September and fall is just around the corner. I live in Vermont and love the fall season, but this year is different. I am really looking forward to seeing my friends at Naples UCC!

The Membership and Growth committee has been working throughout the summer planning for a wonderful 2012-2013 winter season.

In October, look for our new kiosk when you enter the Narthex. It will be a new clear sign of welcoming; for friends who are visiting and guests who are searching for a spiritual home. If you are looking for a way to give your time ½ hour before worship service, greeting at the Kiosk is a sure way to become acquainted with fellow members, and a great way to show your love for your Church to our guests.

For those of you who have joined NUCC within the last 18 months, don’t forget to put our Newcomer’s dinner schedule on your calendar immediately – they meet every SECOND Thursday of each month at someone’s home, club house or an occasional restaurant. You don’t want to miss these dinners!

Our Guest Information Brunch schedule is listed on this page. Attending this brunch is not a commitment to join NUCC. It does, however, prepare those who have given time and thought in their search for a Church family. The video overview of our Church, along with homemade quiche and light fare, is welcome to all who wish to learn more about “who we are and what we believe”. If you have friends who are interested, please encourage them to call the office to sign up. Dr. Patterson also offers a class on UCC History and Culture for Guests, Visitors and Members. Attending worship on New Member Sundays is such a vital part of a welcoming Church family. So, as your friends prepare to join NUCC, we all do our best to help them make the best choice for their lifestyle.

All of us on the Membership and Growth Committee are looking forward to seeing you. So please stop by the Kiosk with your guests and let us welcome them to our church.

~ Lynda Christensen, Chair of Membership and Growth

Membership and Growth

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CondolencesTo the family and friends of Richard Wells, who passed on June 27th.

To Kay Meek on the loss of a family friend, Donna DeFelice.

To the family and friends of Marcia Cousins, who passed on July 3rd.

To Ken and Nancy Bruce on the loss of their grandson.

To Bobbi Smith on the loss of her daughter, Kim.

To Pat Blake on the loss of her sister, Laura.

To the family and friends of Carrie Surabian.

To Mike and Kris Brown on the loss of Mike’s sister.

On Saturday, November 3, 2012, our church will host a Stephen Ministry workshop from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Nanette Dost from Stephen Ministry’s headquarters in St. Louis will be presenting an overview of Stephen Ministry, including minister-ing to those experiencing grief and how to care in a distinctly Christian way. Everyone from our church may attend at no cost. This should be an extremely well-run, interesting, and informative workshop.

We start training our new Stephen Ministers on January 8, 2013. This program will give you a clear understanding of what a Stephen Minister does, what is in the training we will be starting on January 8th, and the ongoing 6 hour a month commitment required to be a Stephen Minister. Our current Stephen Ministers will be there to answer any questions you might have about joining our next training session. We have plenty of openings and would be delighted if you came to this program to learn more.

As of July 31, 2012 all the financial signals are reassuring that NUCC finances are still going in the right direction for an end of the year balanced budget. Current year pledges stand at $661,922.65 leaving a balance of $478,077.35 to come in over the next five months. Precious Cargo is still showing a net operating gain of $38,903.38 and Bargain Box has given $190,000 to Missions.

~ Treasurer, Charles Hanscomb

Financial Report

“Reeves with Mr. William

Saladino in an impressionism

art class. Thanks again to

Palette Pals for a wonderful


~ Jenny Godley

For this information

please reference a

printed copy.

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Endowment Committee

Each week many of us look at the prayer list and wonder who these people are? I can help you with one - Elizabeth Grace. Elizabeth Grace is our granddaughter. She is 10 years old and has been on our church prayer list for most of her life. She is a special child who was born with a rare defect known as Sturge-Webber Syndrome. Because of this condition, she can-not and probably will not have verbal communication skills; however, her social skills are not compromised. Elizabeth is an affectionate child who enjoys being around other people.

Her development has been slow but steady and has been directly influenced by a wonderful group of Special Education Teachers. It is because there is a shortage of these dedicated teachers, Gail and I decided to endow scholarships for students pursuing a degree in Special Education.

We established the Elizabeth Grace Fund as part of the NUCC Endow-ment. This fund is the first scholarship for Special Education at Florida Gulf Coast University, and represents an opportunity for our family to help others. The Fund is a restricted fund that is administered by our Church Endowment Grant Committee. Potential scholarship recipients are recommended by Florida Gulf Coast University School of Education and then approved by our grant committee. Best of all, Gail and I are not involved in the selection process.

If you are passionate about providing financial support for a need that is important to you, The Elizabeth Grace Fund is an example of how it can be done within the structure of the NUCC Endowment.

Now, when you see Elizabeth Grace on the prayer list, you can associate her with something very positive.

Thank you, Jim and Gail Lozelle

~ Endowment Committee

Preserving Our FutureElizabeth Grace

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Book Recommendations

~ Don Snyder

“The Price of Civilization” Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity“The Price of Civilization” Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity

by Jeffrey Sachs

In this book the author offers a diagnosis of our country’s economic ills, and an urgent call for Americans to restore the core virtues of fairness, honesty, and foresight as the foundations of national prosperity. He describes a political system that is beholden to big donors and influential lobbyists and a consumption-driven culture that suffers shortfalls of social trust and compassion. He bids us to reclaim the virtues of good citizenship and mindfulness toward the economy and each other. He urges each of us to accept the price of civilization, so that together we can restore America to its great promise.

“Enter the Story” Biblical Metaphors for Our Lives“Enter the Story” Biblical Metaphors for Our Lives

by Fran Ferder

The stories and parables in the Gospels are our stories. They are relevant to the choices we make and the things that we do. As one example from her book, Have you found favor with God? — that is one of the questions that comes out of a spiritual reading of the Annunciation. The author carries it one step further by speaking of everyday annunciations as taking place wherever we are called to bring into being peace, justice, and equality. She helps us find our own place in each of the Gospel moments.

“What Jesus Meant” the Beatitudes and a Meaningful Life“What Jesus Meant” the Beatitudes and a Meaningful Life

by Erik Kolbell

This book examines the eight pillars of “a life of faith in a world of doubt.” Jesus, the rabbi, shows us that the path of discipleship consists of meekness, empathy, righteousness, peace, persecution, purity, poverty and simplicity. All of these go against the grain of contemporary culture. The author states that Jesus did not take the path of ease and comfort, and neither can those who follow him.

In Service to Our Country:Naval Petty Officer First Class Jon Bilker

Sgt. Jeffrey Gase (Germany)

Matthew Knowles (Marine Division)

1st Lt. Damean Simmons (5th Tour Afghanistan)

856th Quartermaster Regiment of the FL National Guards from Immokalee in Afghanistan

For this information please reference a printed copy.

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September LectionaryOur music and worship resources each Sunday are based on the lectionary readings. The lectionary is a three-year cycle,

which takes the reader through all the major themes in the Bible. Use these readings to prepare for Sunday and for your

private devotions.

September 2:(Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Song of Sol 2:8-13 *Ps 45:1-2, 6-9 orDeut 4:1-2, 6-9 *Ps 15

James 1:17-27Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

September 9:(Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Prov 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 * Ps 125 orIsa 35:4-7a *Ps 146

James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17Mark 7:24-37

September 16:(Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Prov 1:20-33 *Ps 19Isa 50:4-91a *Ps 116:1-9

James 3:1-12Mark 8:27-38

September 23:(Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Prov 31:10-31 *Ps 1 orWis. Of Sol 1:16-2:1, 12-22 or Jer 11:18-20 *Ps 54

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8aMark 9:30-37

September 30:(Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost)Est 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 *Ps 124 or

Num 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 *Ps 19:7-14James 5:13-20Mark 9:38-50

October 7:(Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Job 1:1, 2:1-10 *Ps 26 orGen 2:18-24 * Ps 8Heb 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Mark 10:2-16

October 14:(Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost)Job 23:1-9, 16-17 *Ps 22:1-15 orAmos 5:6-7, 10-15 *Ps 90:12-17

Heb 4:12-16Mark 10:17-31

October 21:(Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost)

Job 38:1-7, (34-41) *Ps 104:1-9, 24,35c orIsa 53:4-12 *Ps 91:9-16

Heb 5:1-10Mark 10:35-45

October 28:(Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost)

Job 42:1-6, 10-17 *Ps 34:1-8, (19-22) orJer 31:7-9 *Ps 126

Heb 7:23-28Mark 10:46-52

October Lectionary

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September BirthdaysGladys Lewis ...................9/1Jane Heal ........................9/1Robert Wohlforth ............9/1Marcia Elders ...................9/1Patti Raht ........................9/2Derek Touchette ..............9/2Alice Childs .....................9/3Barbara Cammett ............9/3Jean Welton ....................9/3Linda Nielsen ..................9/3Calvin Smith ....................9/4Maxine Arnold ................9/4Martha Jean Gordon ........9/4John Ogden .....................9/4Terry Rayburn .................9/4John Stevens ....................9/5Barbara Parrish ................9/5Sharon Robinson ..............9/5Ashley Hyland .................9/6Patricia Donnell ...............9/6Sally Arnold.....................9/6Elaine Osbond .................9/6Jan Ortenzo .....................9/7Jack Scripsema.................9/7Bruce Petsche ..................9/7

Beth Himebauch .............9/7Thomas Jones ..................9/8Frederick Zuck ................9/8Johanna Armstrong .........9/9Linda Pfeffer ....................9/9Raymond Latimer ..........9/10Betty Mounts ................9/11Ray Berry ......................9/11Tor Hansen ....................9/12Roberta Juster ...............9/13Denise Bolton ................9/13Phyllis Hallene ..............9/14Elfrida Van Vleck ...........9/14Michael Barry ................9/14Matthew Pedersen .........9/14Jessica Braun .................9/15Alan Olson ....................9/15Todd Pedersen ...............9/15Velva Jane Spence ..........9/16James Annoye ...............9/16Thomas Packard ............9/17Roger Osbond ...............9/17Ryleigh Howell ..............9/17Jean McLean ..................9/18William Waltrip ............9/18

Hannah Feng .................9/18Sandy Goldstien ............9/19Beverly Lundquist .........9/19Abigale Jones ................9/19Yuly Valencia Olbrich ....9/19Joshua Myers .................9/19Robert Bodine ...............9/20Dorothy Scholtens .........9/20Dean Bacon ...................9/20Patricia Louise Slater ......9/20Ruth Beckman ..............9/20Doug Fairbanks .............9/20Carolyn Hickman ..........9/20E. Michael Brown ..........9/20Kris Buck ......................9/20Joshua Wills Hunsaker ..9/20Amanda Trammell .........9/21Richard Uehling ............9/22Mary McCallum ............9/22Richard Gottfred ...........9/22Audrey Gordon .............9/22Benjamin Buckley .........9/22Art Muller .....................9/23Kate Kraska ..................9/23Penny Durenberger .......9/23

Jerry Daily .....................9/24Charles Peltz ..................9/24Douglas Danforth ..........9/25Calvin Grayson ..............9/25Anne Atchison ...............9/25Kitty Stark ....................9/25James Barton .................9/26Charles Bradley .............9/26Bruce Shields .................9/27Gerald Mueller ..............9/27Patricia Maxwell ............9/27Kathleen Bennett ..........9/27Robert Hahlen ...............9/28Betty Carl ......................9/29Owen Marshall ..............9/30Betty Wrenshall .............9/30Rose Daigle ...................9/30Betty Schlemmer ...........9/30Barbara Weiss ................9/30Alfred Shotwell ..............9/30

Peter & Sally Burgess ......................................................... 9/1Charlie & Nancy Hanscomb ............................................. 9/1Alan & Carol Hilfiker ........................................................ 9/1Ralph and Bettye Bailey ................................................... 9/2Don & Anne Snyder ......................................................... 9/2Ren & Sandra Smith .......................................................... 9/3Tom & Ginny Packard ....................................................... 9/5Chester & Jane Heal ......................................................... 9/6Bill & Carrie Petty ............................................................ 9/6Kevin & Loretta Myers ..................................................... 9/7Carl & Cecile Peterson ...................................................... 9/8Fred & Donna Berlet ...................................................... 9/11Lou & Mary Fischer ......................................................... 9/11Ed & Fran Boston ............................................................ 9/12Scott & Linda Ruport ...................................................... 9/12Bob & Gail Rider ............................................................ 9/13Reid & Susan Lennertz. ................................................... 9/13Bill & Caroline Collier...................................................... 9/15

Eric & Milta Garrastazu .................................................. 9/15Bill & Pat Donnell .......................................................... 9/16Fred & Doty Gridley ........................................................ 9/16Dean & Beth Bacon ........................................................ 9/17Earle & Velma Cook ......................................................... 9/18Bill & Joyce Guerdes ...................................................... 9/19George & Linda Fellows .................................................. 9/20Charlie & Sonya Moore ................................................... 9/20Rick& Kate Kraska .......................................................... 9/20Joachim & Johanna Bracht .............................................. 9/23Sam & Kay McCullough .................................................. 9/23Wally & Linda Gauger ..................................................... 9/25Adam & Margie Mackey ................................................. 9/25Bill & Dori Smith ............................................................ 9/27Frank & Virginia Harris ................................................... 9/29Paul & Laura Wright ....................................................... 9/29Jen Rainey & Ronnie Bellone ........................................... 9/29David & Sandy Dorle ....................................................... 9/30

September Anniversaries

For this information please reference a printed copy.

For this information please reference a printed copy.

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27 Steeplelights 0 September/October 2012

October BirthdaysPreston Provost .............10/1Susan Hansen ................10/1Alina Nunez ..................10/2James Schorr..................10/2Georgiana Haeger .........10/2Marlene Bauerle ............10/2Carol Haack ..................10/3Milton Bergwall ............10/3Carol Hilfiker ................10/3Lydia Cartwright ...........10/5David Hoefer .................10/5Robert Thomason ..........10/5Joseph Cunha ................10/5Anita Hoy .....................10/6Jean Tezanos ..................10/7Fred Berlet ....................10/7Larry Kelley ...................10/7Don Kaegi .....................10/7Nancy Van Fleet ............10/7Jeanne Evans .................10/8Helen Hasselbacher .......10/8Ivan Hall .......................10/8Rendel Smith .................10/8Martha Watson ..............10/8Joseph Ellis ....................10/8Susan Gallo ...................10/9Paul Roese ...................10/10

Betty Boswell ..............10/10Phyllis Matteo .............10/10Kenneth Welton ..........10/10Wendy Richards ..........10/10Wally Hedman ............10/10Eric Flesher ..................10/10Amy Barry ..................10/10Sophie Barry ................10/10Jack Biondi ..................10/10Grace Van Tienhoven ...10/10Sunny Hansen .............10/11Carol Recco .................10/11Luise Wagner ...............10/11Joseph Anderer ............10/12Barbara Davis ..............10/12William Himburg ........10/13Burton Fairchild ..........10/13Norman Norris ............10/13Pamela Lydle ...............10/13J. Kincaid ....................10/14James Bailey ................10/14Roberta Patton ............10/14Morgan Johnson ..........10/14Margaret Johnson ........10/15Joan Rudolph ..............10/15Jane Gaillard ...............10/15Carole Monroe .............10/15

Walter Gauger .............10/15Freddy Prado ...............10/16Horace Ransom ...........10/16Caroline Morgan ..........10/17Michael Armstrong ......10/18Eleanor Hughes ...........10/18Jerome Zielinski ..........10/18Charles Arthur .............10/19Alyssa Long .................10/20Morris Snyder ..............10/20Barbara Hill ................10/20Margaret Kleber ..........10/20Diane Myers ................10/20William Fouse .............10/21Kay Ryder ...................10/21Ginny Newell ..............10/21Elizabeth Pedersen .......10/21Bertie Knapp ...............10/22Jeanette Hakes ............10/22Linda Gauger ..............10/22Maryn Coine ................10/22Weston Blabey.............10/23Charles Sellman ...........10/23Margaret Robichaud ....10/23Stanley Russell .............10/23Anne Hastings .............10/23Nancy Fleming ............10/24

Catherine O’Connell ....10/24Bradford Morse ...........10/25Carl Peterson ...............10/25Joan Toren ...................10/25Shannon Danford ........10/25Peter Lilly ....................10/26Ian Williams ................10/26Gabrielle Lormestoire ..10/26John Gray ...................10/27Suzette Sorenson ..........10/27C. Shaffer .....................10/27Dewey Tate .................10/27George Picht ...............10/28Gary Jorgensen ............10/28Jenna Feldman ............10/28Selma DeShetler ..........10/29Al Elders .....................10/29Barbara Converse .........10/29Millie Szilagyi ..............10/29Jim Head .....................10/30Charlene Dybedock .....10/30Dave Ray .....................10/30Teresa Zimmerman ......10/30Tina Tayman ................10/31Judd Thoman ..............10/31Marjorie McDonald .....10/31Lynn DeFreest .............10/31

Dean Smith & Jo Ann VandDegriff ................................. 10/2Davey & Kristine Scoon .................................................. 10/5Robert & Marianne Anderson ......................................... 10/5James & Claire Bailey ..................................................... 10/5Douglas & Alice Scott ..................................................... 10/7Richard & Kate Ahrens ................................................... 10/7Bryson & Linda Goss ...................................................... 10/8Buss & Lou Ann Ransom ................................................ 10/8Russ & Nancy Broad ...................................................... 10/9Robert & Helen Lewis ................................................... 10/10Bob & Debra Hall ........................................................ 10/10John & Kris Buck ......................................................... 10/11Donald & Nancy Williams ............................................ 10/11Todd & Tracy Pedersen .................................................. 10/12Lee & Anne Hauser ...................................................... 10/14Chip & Lynne Shotwell ................................................. 10/14Richard & Marion McAdoo ........................................... 10/14Robert & Deborah Bickle.............................................. 10/14

Winthrop & Marilyn Cody ............................................ 10/15Carter & Laura Smith ................................................... 10/15Charlie and Carol Sellman............................................. 10/16William & Katie Richmann .......................................... 10/16Walter & Genevieve Galliford ....................................... 10/17David & Virginia Williams............................................ 10/18Roger & Wendy Kephart .............................................. 10/19Robert & Jean Partridge ............................................... 10/20Ivan & Bobbie Hall....................................................... 10/23Gale & Nancy Miller .................................................... 10/23John & Carol Talanian .................................................. 10/23Allen & Dorothy Caswell .............................................. 10/24John & Susan Scheessele ............................................... 10/26Mark & Eunice Haller................................................... 10/28Robert & Louise Brown ................................................ 10/29Dan & Barbara Weiss ................................................... 10/30

October Anniversaries

For this information please reference a printed copy.

For this information please reference a printed copy.

Page 28: NUCC Steeplelights

Naples United Church of Christ5200 Crayton RoadNaples, FL 34103

(239) 261-5469 O Fax: (239) 261-2475

www.naplesucc.org O email: [email protected]

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Please Note:Please send address updates to the church office.

The next issue will be a single issue for November.

November Submission Deadline: October 15th

God is stillspeaking,

Don’t Forget! Go Green! Go Paperless!

Take Steeplelights with you!You can now have Steeplelights sent to your email. Contact the church office(239) 261-5469 if you would like to receive Steeplelights electronicallyinstead of through the mail.
