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THE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2, 1883. There are 11,000 one-legg- ed men in the United Slates. Ten inches of enow fell the other pay at Lexington, Ky. The latest fashionable amusement in England ib mule-ridin- g. Ex-Govee- Lowe, of Iowa, died at Washington City on the 22d nit. A man named Simms was frozen to death in Atlanta, Ga., the other day. Jay Gould figures his losses in stocks at various times at over f 100,-000,00- 0. The- - clergy of Tonkers denounce Mr. Beecher and his' words as in- famous. President Fillmore's mansion at Buffalo is to be turned into a board- ing houEe. Secretary Folger is better and has appeared at his office to resume his duties. Two boy burglars, not yet in their teens, were in jail the other day at Cleveland. There have been 109 murders in Leadville since it opened up &b a mining camp. London Bible societies have given away 4,989,660 copies of the scrip- tures this year. In New York lilac sprays were sell- ing last week at $1.50, and lilies of the valley $1.00. It is said that the two moons of Mars are not more than ten miles each in diameter. Three out of every five newspapers in Michigan favor the restoration of capital punishment Mrs. Gen. Roszcrans ia dead, and her funeral took place at Washington City on the 27th ult. Matthew Arnold now says the Americans arc " great, intelligent, sensual, avaricious." The ground in California is so dry that a cloud of duet follows every plow that is running. A crying baby at the public meet- ing is like a good suggestion it ought to bo carried out. A San Antonio court quashed an indictment in which a single horse was described as a team. It is stated that five thousand per- sons have died from fever in Sonora and Sinaloa, New Mexico. A saloonkeeper in Marin county, Cal., charges for watering stock, and throws in beer and other drinks. During the first five months of the present fiscal year the total internal revenue collections were $51,279,438. A severe gale the other night did great damage to the town of Gibral- tar, and also to shipping in the harbor. The least destructible portion of the human is tho hair. In Egypt it has been known to survive 4,000 years. The Infidel tries to make the world useful to himself the Christian tries to make himself useful to tho world. The citizens of Gadsden, Tenn., are afflicted with the 6tnalI-po- x. Out of twenty-si- x cases, fourteen have died. A buzzard with a bell on its neck is frightening people in Maryland. They take it to be the Angel of Death. It is stated that Denver is about organizing a liars7 club. We had not thought that Denver was ready to own up. The last raid on North Carolina moonshiners yielded three distilleries and 6,500 gallons of beer, but no prisoners. Henry Curtin was murdered the other night at Petersburg, Pike Co., Ind., and Charles Harvey is suspected of the crime. There were eighteen murders in Kentucky in November as against thirty in October and twenty-seve- n in September. It is claimed that Saturn is a thou- sand times larger than tho earth, but the materials composing it are no heavier than cork. A new through line from Chicago to New York, via the Grand Trunk and West Shore roads, will be inaug- urated next month. Buzzards arc reported so plentiful nc&r Hollister, Cal., that large limbs of trees arc frequently broken by their united weight. Miss Martha Williams, 21 years old, because of uurequitted love, shot herself in a barn tho other morning in Elbridge county, HI. A log cut in Suwannee county, Fla., required sixteen mules to haul it, and made 50,000 feet of lumber. This is a big tree story. The recent 6now storm reported in central Illinois was the heaviest known in years, and a consequent delay of railroad trains. Ex-Go- v. English, of Connecticut, who started out in life as a carpenter, is now worth $6,000,000, and is the richest man in his state. It is claimed that a conductor on the Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia road is worth $50,000. He has been at the business a long time. Henry Stockek, of Southwark, Ma68., fell dead while in a fit of pas- sion, caused by the refusal of his son to obey him. Wm. K. Nelson distributed bibles in the vicinity of Millersbnrg, Ohio, and stole horses nights. They found him out finally and jailed him. The North Pacific whale catch this season was 11,200 barrels of oil, 162,-24- 4 pounds of bone? and 310,000 pounds of ivory, all worth $860,000. Mary Dunn of Danville, N. Y., for six years unable to speak or rise from her bed, is now out walking and talking the result, she saye.of prayer. The anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims was observed on the 22d by the Pilgrim society on Pilgrim ., Tboi. Bnseell preaidiag. 1 Walnut planting is receiving great attention in California. The nuts are marketable, and when tho trees, are fit to cut down they sell for big money. The largest apple tree in the world isoppoBite the junction of the Mau-me- e and Auglaize Bivers, at Defiance, Ohio. It is six feet four inches in di- ameter. James Anderson was arrested the other night at Chicago and locked up on a telegram from Leavenworth, Kan., where he is wanted for embez- zlement A deserted damsel rushed iuto a ball room at Alviso, Colorado, the other night and threw a pan of molas- ses upon the shirt front of her faith- less lover. A young married couple were found fast asleep in their chairs when the janitor went around to turn off the gas after a concert iu New Lis- bon, Ohio. John Riely, of Frederick county, Va., will be 107 years old on the 25th of Jan. '84. He is in excellent health and frequently walks to Winchester, ten miles distant. Democrats and republicans of Salt Lake united in a public meeting the other evening to endorse President Arthur's recommendation for a legis- lative council for Utah. A train broke through a bridge on the Chester & Lenon Narrow Guage railroad in North Carolina. Joseph Henderson, fireman, and William Simmons, a brakeman, were killed. The Mormon organ at Salt Lake says that God struck Congressman Haskell with a 6tran:e, mysterious, incurable disease because he was con- spicuous in anti-Morm- on legislation. The official canvass of the vote of Dakota in adopting the state consti tution was made the other day at Yankton, showing a total of 19,150, with a majority for the constitution of 5,522. Edmund and Frank Long, two oil men of Bradford, Pa., were drowned the other day in Duck creek, Ohio, while trying to reach Marietta in a skiff. The bodies have not been re- covered. Mrs. Judith Fitzpatrick, an aged widow, living near Lecompton, Kas., was murdered at her home the other night, and an attempt made to burn the house, with the purpose of con- cealing the crime. A Toronto man died of small-po- x twenty-si- x years ago, and last week his grandchild slept upon the same bed and took the disease. The doctor says the germs of the disease were there all that time. Jesse Clement, of Chicago, an old newspaper man and the first editor of the Dubuque Daily Times, in 1857, and was entensively known through Iowa, died at Butlerj Mo., very sud- denly on the 25th ult. A sale was recently made of 32,000 acres of land in Stafford county, near Great Bend, Kansas, for $160,000. It was purchased by capitalists at Stan- ton, Va., for the purpose of establish- ing a colony of Dunkards. Moses Taylor, of Unionville, N.Y., built a big barn, which his nighbors wanted him to paint. "Paint it your- selves," was his reply, which they did one dark night, putting on all the colors in the chromatic scale. There is a one-legg- ed Confederate soldier in Georgia who has never drawn any pension from the state, because all of his command were killed and there is no one to certify to his having been in the army. John S. Anstietz aud two daugh ters, of Cleveland, Ohio, were out sleighing op the 25th ult, near Buf-fingt- on and while crossing the Lake Erie and Western track were struck by an express train and all killed. Chas. Sowers, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, shot himself through the heart the other morning. Cause despon- dency ; also, Mrs. R. W. Auburn at- tempted suicide by cutting her throat She will die. Cause, family trouble. The Christian convention recently held at Philadelphia to form an anti-secr- et society league denounced Ma- sonry particularly, and resolved that the G. A. R. was "an insidious, dan- gerous and useless form of secret organization." A very large number of postoffices have recently been added to what is known in the department as fourth-clas- s aud assigned to the presidential grade. These grades have been in- creased mostly iu tho central and western states. A fire at Kearnoy, Neb., on the evening of the 25th ult, burning the tenant house of P. W. Wilson and the houso of W. Nash, and most of the furniture destroyed. The origin of the fire is unknown. Tho loss is es- timated at $1,500. The family of Henry Hagedorn, of Cleveland, Ohio, was found suffocated with coal gas in their residence the other morning. Mrs. Hagedorn and a girl were dead, while the father and two other children were unconscious, but soon recovered. Mrs. Andrew Koerner, a young woman, was found dead iu bed the other morning and shockingly muti- lated in her home near Indianapolis. Her husband, with whom she lived unhappily, has been imprisoned for the crime, and tells conflicting stories. It is stated by one learned in such matters, that the air of the equator is lending always toward the poles, while that from the poles moves as constantly toward the equator. Where the currents clash, rotation ensues and 6torm centers are formed. There must be some very bad peo- ple living in Indiana. The last re- port from one of them says James Dyer, of Owen county, is on trial at Terre Haute for burning his house with bis two crippled children, who were in the way of bis second Philadelphia's new post-offic- e, which is soon to bo occupied, cost about $8,000,000. Its dimensions arc 175 feet and 9 inches on Chestnut street, 175 feet and 1 inch on Market street, and 484 feet on Ninth street; height of the dome above the curb, 170 feet Gen. Grant, on leaving home in New York city on the 27th ult, slipped upon the ice and fell, receiv- ing a Bevere shock and seriously in juring his thigh. The surgeons say that no bones were broken, but think the limb will be paralyzed for the time being. The Ponca Journal reports a dis- covery of coal in Dixon county by Prof. Perrigone. The vein is about eight inches thick and of & good qual- ity. There is hardly enough of it to create much excitement among the Poncaites. It is like the gold in the Platte river. The most stylish turn-o- ut on Sev- enth Avenue, New York, is U. S. Grant, jr's. It ia a Russian drosky, such as the General used to drive in Galena, drawn by three Arabian stal-lion- B harnessed abreast. The vehicle is decorated with flowing plumes of gold and blue. The Porter elevator, owned by John Lindenholm, of Essex, Iowa, was burned the other night and is a total loss. The insurance on build- - ins and stock is $5,500. The cause of the fire is unknown, but believed to have been'a hot journal on machinery on the second floor. N. W. Fitzgerald, S. C. Fitzgerald and A. B. Webb, pension attorneys, indicted by the grand jury at Wash- ington City, appeared in the criminal court the other day and gave bail iu $2,000 each. They have been sus- pended from practice since bills tvero found against them. News from Tombstone, A. T., says that tho sheriff arrived there the other evening with Red Sample and Texas Willis, two of the Bisbee murderers and supposed Gage Station train rob- bers in custody. The attempt to lynch the prisoners failed, and they were safely lodged in jail. The secretary of the interior, In- spector Benedict, Agent Tufts, and special agent Townsond will go at once to Muscogee, Indian Territory, and investigate the Creek troubles arising from the recent election of a chief, aud make recommendations looking to their settlement. At Baltimore, the other day, Henry Smith, with many aliases, just as he was embarking for Europe, was ar- rested for robbing Wells & Fargo's express in Nebraska, and the United States mails on the Pacific railroad. The former crime waB committed last March, and the latter in September. Efforts are being made by the CatholicB of Denver, to make that city the seat of the largest Jesuit college in America. Twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars have already been subscribed toward a fund for the erection of the necessary buildings, and much moro is promised under certain conditions. The senate has confirmed the fol- lowing postmasters for Nebraska: C. K. Coutant, Omaha: J. M. Davis. Wahoo; W. U. Wiedaman, Norfolk; H. Rice, Albion ; P. F. Petereou, Te-katn- ah ; G. Little, Plum Creek. Ben C. E. Westaul has been appointed railway postal clerk from Omaha to Ogden. Edward Ducuamen, of Cincinnati, the other morning stabbed his wife and thought he had killed her and gave himself up to the police. He was locked up, and the case investi- gated. His wife was not seriously hurt, but in the three weeks she lived with him, he had twice threatened to kill her. At Beverly, W. Va., the coroner's jury, after five days' investigation, has found that Mrs. Summcrfield and her child, whose remains were found in the ruins of their burned bouse last week, were murdered before the nouse was fired, and charged John Flannagan with the murder. He is now in jail. South Carolina has a local option law which applies to incorporated cities, towns and villages. When a place votes in favor of prohibition it is said to have gone "dry," and when another votes for license it is said to have gone "wet." More than twice as many towns have gone "dry" as have gone "wet." The rise and fall oflhe great lakes is puzzling the old settlers. At Grand Traverse Bay the water 6lowly rises for seven years, and then recedes for the same length of time. The Sault Ste. Marie Democrat says that the water in the "Soo" is lowering every day. At Traverse City the water is encroaching on the west side of the bay. One of the novelties in London is tho literary bracelet. It is made ol twelve tiny books (silver or gold), attached to each other by a double chain. Each little book bears the enambled name of a favorite poet or novelist. There are also musical bracelets of the same model, only tbey, of course, have the names of operas or composers. Mb. Bland, chairman of tho com- mittee on coinage, weights and meas- ures favors recoining tho trade dol- lars into standard dollars and thinks the issuing of the latter should not be stopped. He is of opinion that a mint ought to be established in the Mississippi valley, and on account of the advantages offered by St. Louis, favors that city for the location. Rev. Mb. Miller, of Zion church, Hempstead, L. I., had received no salary for several months, and having nothing to eat, took $22 of the church money tbatcame. into his possMtioB, and gave the church credit. They concluded that if he couldn't work for nothing and board himself 'he should give way to one who could, and appointed Rev. Mr. Hicks in his place. Paris. A reinforcement of 6,300 troops go to Tonquin. soon. The government has no information about Sontay be- ing occupied. News from Hong Kong says' the French have captured the principal outpoBts of Sontay, embracing iive strongly fortified villages. The ene- my made a stubborn resistance. The French loss was 200 men. and fifteen officers killed and wounded. The Chinese still hold the fortress of Son tay, butaresurrounded by theFreuch. Leader. Recent news from Loudon says the police declare without foundation the rumor of a plot against Gladstone and for the destruction of public build- ings. The precautions are in conse- quence of vagne threats. The British regiments in Egypt will be filled to the strength of 1,000 men each and seven moro regiments-aret- o be ordered to Egypt A dispatch from Hong Kong states that the fight at Sontay occurred on. the 14th. Two outworks were captured and the citadel surrounded by the French. Mr. Cullom has introduced iu.'the senate a bill to establish a board of railroad commissioners and to regu- late interstate commerce. The board under this bill will consist of five members at a salary each of $5,000 making a total of $25,000, rather an expensive method of securing the right. We may be mistaken in our opinion, but we incline strongly to the belief thai a plain, good law regu- lating railroads and interstate com- merce would be readily complied with by the railroad authorities and when violated could readily be en- forced in the courts without the annu- al expenditure of $25,000. An important and somewhat won- derful compact was signed by the railway officials at Omaha on the 29th ult, and the new organization, the result of their labors, will be known as the Western Trunk Line Associa- tion, and embraces the following roads : The Northwestern, the Rock Island, the Missouri Pacific, the Mil- waukee, the Wabaah, the Illinois Cen- tral, the St. Paul & Omaha, aud the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific will commence on Tuesday of this week to bill goods direct from Salt Lake to Chicago and all points on the lines of its allies. This new associa- tion gives to the Union Pacific the use of twenty-si- x thousand miles of track, and their eastern allied roads will use the U. P. track in like manner. Congressman Cox, of New York, who was appointed chairman of the house committee on naval affairs, is reported to be dissatisfied with the appointment, and will probably de- cline to serve on that committee. It is claimed by his friends that twenty-tw- o years' experience in the house entitled him to the chairmanship of foreign affairs, a place which he de- sired to occupy as he contemplated advising a number of reforms in the line of reducing the number of for- eign ministers, iuvesting consuls with diplomatic power when necessary, and improving the consular system so as to make it a more powerful agency for the advancement of tho commercial iuterests of the country. Congressman Springer's friends also report that he is dissatisfied with the chairmanship of the committee on the expenditures of the department of justice, as be desired the chairman- ship of the committee on elections. His friends claim that his constituents have been insulted by his omission from all important committees. Harrison' Ram ox lived for many years iu Hinckley, Medina county, Ohio, and amassed considorable prop- erty, most of which was in cash. He would not trust his money to the keeping of a bank, but hid it about his own premises, keeping the hiding place secret even from his own fam- ily. A short time ago he told his wife that he had bidden about $30,000 in money, and that pretty soon he would inform her of its whereabouts, so that in case of his death she would know where to look for it. He neg- lected to do this, and about a week after he died of apoplexy. After hits death an examination of his papers showed that he had 1335,000 in money all hidden about his premises. The most thorough search failed to reveal the hiding place, and the widow began to despair. Then she was impressed with the notion that if she prayed with faith the Lord would direct her to the place where the mouey was bidden. On Wednesday she prayed all day and night. On Thursday night she was impelled to go to the beehives, which stood on a bench near the house, and in ths excitement of expectation she knocked over one of the hives, disclosing to her view the top of a bench with a pile of greenbacks of large denomination upon it. A search under the other hives resulted iu finding a total of $15,000. In the afternoon one of the family dropped a bunch of keys through the barn floor, which necessi- tated taking up a plank to find them, and when the young man put his hand down he struck a half gallon fruit jar, which be pulled out to find partly filled with $20 gold pieces. Other jars and a grain bag were also found containing gold and silver, and when it had all been counted the total amount figured up over $213,000. The widow was overjoyed, and in her statement to the correspondent said she believed that the discoveries were in direct answer to her prayers. I Boiton Qlobe. I The annu-i- l dinner of the Now Eng- land Society nt I'tMinsylvauit, was held tliir) at the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. Among the guests were President Arthur, Secre- tary Chandler, Senator Hawiey, Rev. Dr. Leomrd Wool3ey B:icou. In response to the toast, "The President of the United State?," General Arthur said: "I confess Mr. Chairmm. that ray enjoyment of this annual dinner has been somewhat inirred by. the knowledge. that-- 1 should be at this moment dining with my own chapter of this society, and that it has been an act or'abmdoniug my brethren of the New York branch of the society which has brought me within reach of your generous hospitality ; but what difference can it make whether I dine in Philadelphia or in New York The president cannot be in both cities at once. Iudeed, I heard it said that it ia only a relic that can be in more than one place at a time, aud surely no president tihould bo classed a a relic until he has given his place to his successor. Last evening I dined with the New England society of Brooklyn and the hearty welcomo ex- tended me, so completely bereft me of thanks to the expressions of pleasure that this fresh draft on my power finds me utterly bankrupt. I thank you very much for the welcome given roe, aud can only say, 'Long lifo to your society and its promoters.'" Secretary Chandler, in responding to the toast, "The army aud navy," paid tributes to Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridau, and expressed the hope that "a grateful eougress and williug president" would restore tho former soldiers to the rolls of the army. Re- ferring to the navy, he spoke strongly of what he termed "complete restora- tion," with doing away with all ancieut ships and smooth-bor- e guuH and substituting steel ships and high power cannon, of which we have not one single specimen to show. Chand- ler, iu the course of his remark, spoke iu praise of the steamers of the Amer- ican Steamship Company, as being the only line of foreign steamers fly- ing tho Amorican flag, whereupon Shortridgc, director of the American Steamship Company arose and said the company were negotiating for the sale of its ships, as it could not be made to pay while ruu under the American flag, but could be under the ensign of Great Britain. This state- ment was not received with applause. Lippitt, Leak & Co. are subject to all tho mishaps aud disappointments that other meu are liable to who carry on an extensive business iu any ent ot lite. But they were in t expecting their business to be inter- rupted by the action of a genuine thief in stealing aud appropriating to his own uso a portion of their best property shipped to their salesmen of this city, Galley Bros. The stock aud quality of tho goods may not be so good as our salesmen may have ex- pected and required by reasou of the action of the thief. 1 Application for Druggists Permit. Matter of application of Edmond F. Pow- ell, for Druggist's permit. "VTOTICE is hereby given that Edmcnd 1 F. Powell did upon the 1.2th day of December, A. D., 1883, file his applica- tion to the Board of Supervisors of Platte count-- , Nebraska, for a druggist's permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous li- quors, at Platte Center, in Lost Creek precinct, Platte county, Nebraska, from the 25th day of January, 1884, to the 25th day of January, 1885. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from December 19th, A. D., 1883, the said li- cense will be granted. Edmond F. Powell, 34-- 3 - Applicant. F1NAE. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 5th, 1883. J is hereby given that the following-name- settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the District Court of Platte countv, at Columbus, Nebraska, on January 10th, J884, viz: Daniel .Slock, iiomesteau 2o. loU, for the S. E. i Section 0, Township 19 north, ol Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin- uous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Hammond, Peter Plant, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb., John V. Clark, of Postville, Platte Co.. Neb., and Michael McCallen, of Looking-glas- s, Platte Co., Neb. 33-- 6 C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAL. PROOF. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.) Dec. 12th, 1883. f VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol- - li lowing named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before C. A.Newman, Clerk of the District Court, at Columbus, Neb., on the 2d day of February, 1884. viz: Patrick Condon, Homestead Entry No. 8238, for the W. K S. W. X, Section 2, Township 19 north, Range 2 west. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cul- tivation of, said land, viz: Nils Peter- son, Patrick Carney, James Tate and Fremont Tate all of Platte Center, Platte Co., Nebr. 34-- 0 C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAI PKOOF. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.) Dec. 17th. 1883. f NOTICE is hereby given that the named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court for Platte county at (Jolumbus, .Neu., on January 21th, 1884, viz: Luther M. R. Pepper for the S. E. i Section 22, Township l'J, Range 4 west, lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John id. Pearce, Nils Berlin, August Abrahamson and James Dickinson ill of Cone, Neb. 3W5 C. HOSTETTER, Register. A WORD OF WARNIXC. stock raisers, and all other FARMERS, parties will do well to remember that the "Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is the only company doing business in this state that insures Horses, Mules and Cattle against loss by theft, accidents, diseases, or injury, (as also against loss by tire and lightning). All representations by agents of ether Companies to the contrary not- withstanding. HENBY GARN, Special Ag't, 13-- y Columbus, Neb. ESTBAY H0TICE. Came to my premises in Platte county, four miles east of Genoa, one mile west of Matson P. O. on the Columbus road, on the 16th of November, ONE BLACK .MARE, guessed to be about 12 years old. The right hind leg is either swollen or per- manently thick; mare in fair condition. Owner will prove property, pay charges and this notice and take the animal away. 32-p- 5 Lars Magxusex. for The Lives AGENTS;! all the Presidents the U. S. The larg est, handsomest best book ever sold for leai than twice our price, xne zasteat selling book in America. Immense prof- its to agents. AH Intelligent people want it. -- Any 'one can become a successful agent. Terms iree. uaixxt book to., Portland, Maine. KRAUSE, LUBKER & CO. NEW GOODS! BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! AT KRAUSE, LDBXRB & COS, )DKALKRS IN( HARDWARE! STOVES, TINWARE, CUTLERY, AND A FULL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. PtsssipM aad Wlad mills. 34-- tr FILIAL PROOF. Land Office :it Grand Island, Neb.,) Dec. 10, 1883. f NOl'ICK is hereby given that the fol. named settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of the District Court nt Columbus, Neb , on January 17th, 18S4, viz: llobert K.. Jones, Homestead No. 6151, for the S. W. K Section 14. Town hip 20, Range 3 west. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi- dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: i'atricK Coleman, S. E. Morgan. Andrew O'Donnell aud Isaac Jonea, all of St. Bernard, Neb. 33 G C. HOSTETTER, Register. FINAL. PROOF. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,1 Dec. 8, 1883. J NOTICE is hereby given that the named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made belore U. A. Newman, dene of the District Court, at Columbus, Ne braska, on the 2titb day or January, 1834, viz: John N. Hoffman, Homestead Entry No. 7492, for the E.&S.E. K Section 4, Township 18 north, Range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cul- tivation of, said land, viz: Jamea Kier-na-n, Arnold Schmidt. Daniel Shuckers and John V. Nelson, all ol West Hill P. O., Platte Co., Neb. S3-- e C. HOSTETTER, Register. FIAI, PROOF. Lind Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Nov. 19tb, 18S3. J is hereby given that the NOTICE settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, aud that said proof will be made before Clerk of Dist. Court at Columbus, Nebraska, on January 3d. 188 I VIZ" Frederick Papki, Homestead No. 8205, for the E. X N. V K Section 20, Town- ship 19, Rauge 2 west. He names the fol- lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: James Burrows. George Thorn-azi- n. Win. Patterson and John Edwards, all of Platte Centre, Neb. 31-- 6 C. HOSTETTER, Register. GO TO A. & M. TURNER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE -- FOR THE- - BEST GOODS AT The Lowest Prices! CONSULT THE FOLLOWING ALPHA- BETICAL LIST. ALBUMS, Arithmetics, Arnold's Ink (genuine), Algebras, Autograph Al- bums, Alphabet Blocks, Author's Cards, Arks, Accordeons, Abstract Legal Cap. BRUSHES, Baskets,Baby Toys.Books, Bibles, Bells for boys, Blank Books, Birthday Cards, Basket Buggies, boy's Tool-chest- s, Balls, Banker's Cases, boy's "Wagons, Sleds and Wheelbar- rows, Butcher Books, Brass-edge- d Ru- lers, Bill -- books, Book Straps, Base Balls and Bats. CAXD1ES, Cards, Calling Cards, Card Cases Combs. Comb cases, cigar ca- ses, Checker Boards, Children's Chairs, Cups and Saucers (fancy) Circulating Library, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Copy Books, Christmas Cards, Chinese Toys, Crayons, Checkers. Chess-me- n, Croquet sets. DOMESTIC Sewing Machines, Draw- ing Paper, Dressing Cases, Drums, Diaries, Drafts in books, Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Dominoes, Drawing books. ENVELOPES, Elementary school books, Erasers (blackboard), Erasers (rubber). FICTION Books, Floral Albums, Fur- niture polish. GRAMMARS, Geographies, Geome-trics,GIo- ve boxes, toy Guns, Gyroscopes (to illustrate the laws of motion). HARPER'S Readers, handsome Holi- day gifts. Hand-glasse- s, Hobby-horse- s, Hand-satchel- s, Histories. ITVKS, (all good kinds and colors), Ink- stands (common and fancy). JEWEL Cases, Jews harps. KE69 of ink, Kitchen sets. LEDGERS, Ledger paper, Legal cap, Lunch baskets, Lookingglasses MASOX & Hamlin Organs, Magnets, Music boxes, Magazines, Mustache cups. Mouth organs, Memorandums, Music books, Music holders, Machine oil, Mats, Moderator's records, Muci- lage, Microscopes. IVEEDL.ES for sewing machines. Note paper. ORGANS, Oil for sewing Kachines, Organ stools, Organ seats. PERIODICALS, Pictures, Puzzle blocks, Presents, Picture books, Pianos, Pens, Papetries, Pencils, Purses. Pol- ish for furniture, Pamphlctcases, Paper cutters, Paper fasteners. Picture puz- zles, Picture frames. Pocket books, Pertumery and Perfumery cases, Paper racks, Pencil holders. REWARD cards, Rubber balls, Rub- ber dolls. SCHOOL books, Sewing stands, School Satchels, Slates, Stereoscopes and pic- tures, Scrap books. Scrap pictures, Sewing machine needles. Scholar's com- panions. Specie purses. Sineinsr toy canaries, Sleds for boys, Shawl straps, shell goods. TELESCOPES, Toys of all kinds, children's Trunks, Thermometers, Tooth brushes (folding), Tea sets for girls, Tool chests for boys, Ten-pi- n sets for boys, Tooth picks, Tin toys. VIOLINS and strings, Vases. WOODRRIDGE Organs, Work bas- kets. Waste baskets, Whips (with case), Webster's dictionaries, Weather glasses, Work boxes. Whips for boys, Wagons for boys, What-not- s, Wooden tooth picks. M Dm Kirti i "tkik Em." WM. BECKER, IAUUt IJC ALL KINDS OF 9TAPLE AND FAMILY GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON BAND A WELL SELECTED STOCK. Tttt, Cofftts, Sugar, Syrups, Dritd and Canned Fruits, and othar Staples a Specialty. Delivered Free ie assy part "the City. Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A. 4 2f. Depot. ARETI m jl vv TWBBB tUm BB1XB SLICXQ8 ita tmi nor tut 11? C - VJ wats3 rater coats. . if. i itM .h riMBlAXftgUCUBg in hw WILLNtTSTlCKorPEEL It" I BBlJBI.RfBBr TSWIKS U.-- "' riSI MAHa) SLICEUS VBA aux sow vu ux ur raTi HORSEMAN FARMER w vrw waa Bras oats Taut hiul Xf naote. vtlhoat tkU trail, uit i3ickr A. J. TO WE, Sole Mfr. . i ' "x - I .V ssr ui imi m u w v r Rv . t 1 f B" fTl riinrnc CHEAP FUEL! aLiLMLns ttir.n or $jAo zl0yX THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Hai on hand a splendid stock of Rady-mad- e Clothing, Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., At prices it nm wr tofl of More in GoliBns. S. FISHBLATT, Whitebreast Coal. Rich Hill Citv " ". TAYLOR, SCHUTTE& CO. lb If JACOB SCHR AM, )DKALEIt IX DRY GOODS ! Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FDIIflm GOODS A!!D NOTIONS, low rmcES for cash. n-t- t msiHff? TOWER'S Fish Brand Slickers V IX THC II !3ICST StOBVIS WILL KEEP TOD DUT. TOUTEU'S FISnBRAXDSLICKEUS are the only Cout made vth Wire-Fa- st ened Metallic Button. EVERY COAT WARRANTED. For sale everywhere. feg5 At Wholesale by all flrt- - rlu JitMiom. 22 Um I. GLUCK. Proprietor. WEAKNESS I bay my foods strictly for cash and will givs my customers the benefit, of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. Medical Dispensary! Offlct and Parlors, Over the new Omaha National Bank, Thir- - tetnth between Farnam and Douglas Streets, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. A. M. D., Canon SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS, CATARRH KIDNEY AND BLADDER, AND WELL AS ALL CHRONIC AND NER- VOUS DISEASES,. DR. FISHBLATT Has discovered the greatest cure in the world for weakness of the back and limbs involuntary discharges, impotency, general debility, nervousness, languor, confus- ion of ideas, palpitation f the heart, timidity, trembling, dimness of sight or giddi- ness, diseases of the head, throat, nose or skin, atlections of the liver, lun.s, stom- ach or bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of vo'iith. and secret practices more fatal to the victims than the sons,'. ot Syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most radiant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage impossible. Those that are suffering from the evil practices, which destroy their mental and physical systems causing NERVOUS DEBILITY, the symptoms of which are a dull, distressed mind, which untits them from perform- ing their business and social duties, makes happy marriage impossible, distresses the action of the heart, causing flushes of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebod- ings, cowardice, fears, dreams, restless nights, dizziness, forgetfulne.ss, unnatural discharges, pain in the back and hips, short breathing, melancholy, tire easily of company and have preference to be alone, feeling as tired in the morning as when-retiring- , seminal weakness, lost manhood, white bone deposit in the urine, nervous- ness, confusion of thought, trembling, watery and weak eyes, dyspepsia, constipa- tion, paleness, pain and weakness in the limbs, etc., should' consult me immediately and be restored to perfect health. YOUNG MEN Who baye become victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and brilliant intellect who might otherwise entrance listening se nators with the thunders of their eloquence or wake to testacy the living lyre, may call with full conldence. MARRIAGE. Married persons or young men contemplating marriage be. aware of physical weakness, loss of procreative power, impotency, or any other disqualification speed- ily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. Fishblatt may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a pnysician. ORGANAL Immediately cured and full vigor restored. This distressing affliction which ren- ders life a burden, and marriage impossible, is the penalty paid by the victim for improper indulgence. Young people are apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now who that understand this subject will deny that procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by prudent? Besides being deprived of the pleasure of hcalthv off- springs, the most serious and destructive symptoms of both mind and body arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weaken. Loss of procreative powers, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indi- gestion, constitutional debility, wasting of the frame, cough, consumption aud death. A CURE WARRANTED. Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trilling mouth after month taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately. DR. FISnBLATT Graduate of one.of the most eminent colleges of the United States, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at certain sounds, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of the mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. 9 Dr. F. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin both mind and body, unfitting them for business, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad, melancholy effects produced by the early habits o f youth, viz: Weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head and dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritabil- ity, derangement of digestive functions, debility, consumption, etc. Private 0flices,over Omaha National Bank.Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reach of all who need Ssientlic Medical Treatment. Those who reside at a distance and cannot call, will receive prompt attention through mail by simply sending their symptoms with postage. Address Lock Box 34, Omaha, Neb. 52 , i V


There are 11,000 one-legg- ed men inthe United Slates.

Ten inches of enow fell the otherpay at Lexington, Ky.

The latest fashionable amusementin England ib mule-ridin- g.

Ex-Govee- Lowe, of Iowa, diedat Washington City on the 22d nit.

A man named Simms was frozen todeath in Atlanta, Ga., the other day.

Jay Gould figures his losses instocks at various times at over f 100,-000,00- 0.

The-- clergy of Tonkers denounceMr. Beecher and his' words as in-

famous.President Fillmore's mansion at

Buffalo is to be turned into a board-

ing houEe.

Secretary Folger is better andhas appeared at his office to resumehis duties.

Two boy burglars, not yet in theirteens, were in jail the other day atCleveland.

There have been 109 murders inLeadville since it opened up &b amining camp.

London Bible societies have givenaway 4,989,660 copies of the scrip-

tures this year.

In New York lilac sprays were sell-

ing last week at $1.50, and lilies ofthe valley $1.00.

It is said that the two moons ofMars are not more than ten mileseach in diameter.

Three out of every five newspapersin Michigan favor the restoration ofcapital punishment

Mrs. Gen. Roszcrans ia dead, andher funeral took place at WashingtonCity on the 27th ult.

Matthew Arnold now says theAmericans arc " great, intelligent,sensual, avaricious."

The ground in California is so drythat a cloud of duet follows everyplow that is running.

A crying baby at the public meet-ing is like a good suggestion itought to bo carried out.

A San Antonio court quashed anindictment in which a single horsewas described as a team.

It is stated that five thousand per-sons have died from fever in Sonoraand Sinaloa, New Mexico.

A saloonkeeper in Marin county,Cal., charges for watering stock, andthrows in beer and other drinks.

During the first five months of thepresent fiscal year the total internalrevenue collections were $51,279,438.

A severe gale the other night didgreat damage to the town of Gibral-tar, and also to shipping in the harbor.

The least destructible portion ofthe human is tho hair. In Egypt ithas been known to survive 4,000 years.

The Infidel tries to make the worlduseful to himself the Christian triesto make himself useful to tho world.

The citizens of Gadsden, Tenn., areafflicted with the 6tnalI-po- x. Out oftwenty-si- x cases, fourteen have died.

A buzzard with a bell on its neckis frightening people in Maryland.They take it to be the Angel of Death.

It is stated that Denver is aboutorganizing a liars7 club. We had notthought that Denver was ready toown up.

The last raid on North Carolinamoonshiners yielded three distilleriesand 6,500 gallons of beer, but noprisoners.

Henry Curtin was murdered theother night at Petersburg, Pike Co.,Ind., and Charles Harvey is suspectedof the crime.

There were eighteen murders inKentucky in November as againstthirty in October and twenty-seve- n

in September.

It is claimed that Saturn is a thou-sand times larger than tho earth, butthe materials composing it are noheavier than cork.

A new through line from Chicagoto New York, via the Grand Trunkand West Shore roads, will be inaug-urated next month.

Buzzards arc reported so plentifulnc&r Hollister, Cal., that large limbsof trees arc frequently broken bytheir united weight.

Miss Martha Williams, 21 yearsold, because of uurequitted love, shotherself in a barn tho other morning inElbridge county, HI.

A log cut in Suwannee county,Fla., required sixteen mules to haulit, and made 50,000 feet of lumber.This is a big tree story.

The recent 6now storm reported incentral Illinois was the heaviestknown in years, and a consequentdelay of railroad trains.

Ex-Go- v. English, of Connecticut,who started out in life as a carpenter,is now worth $6,000,000, and is therichest man in his state.

It is claimed that a conductor onthe Tennessee, Virginia & Georgiaroad is worth $50,000. He has beenat the business a long time.

Henry Stockek, of Southwark,Ma68., fell dead while in a fit of pas-

sion, caused by the refusal of hisson to obey him.

Wm. K. Nelson distributed biblesin the vicinity of Millersbnrg, Ohio,and stole horses nights. They foundhim out finally and jailed him.

The North Pacific whale catch thisseason was 11,200 barrels of oil, 162,-24- 4

pounds of bone? and 310,000pounds of ivory, all worth $860,000.

Mary Dunn of Danville, N. Y., forsix years unable to speak or rise fromher bed, is now out walking andtalking the result, she saye.of prayer.

The anniversary of the landing ofthe Pilgrims was observed on the 22d

by the Pilgrim society on Pilgrim., Tboi. Bnseell preaidiag. 1

Walnut planting is receiving greatattention in California. The nuts aremarketable, and when tho trees, arefit to cut down they sell for bigmoney.

The largest apple tree in the worldisoppoBite the junction of the Mau-me- e

and Auglaize Bivers, at Defiance,Ohio. It is six feet four inches in di-

ameter.James Anderson was arrested the

other night at Chicago and locked upon a telegram from Leavenworth,Kan., where he is wanted for embez-

zlementA deserted damsel rushed iuto a

ball room at Alviso, Colorado, theother night and threw a pan of molas-

ses upon the shirt front of her faith-

less lover.A young married couple were

found fast asleep in their chairs whenthe janitor went around to turn off

the gas after a concert iu New Lis-

bon, Ohio.John Riely, of Frederick county,

Va., will be 107 years old on the 25th

of Jan. '84. He is in excellent healthand frequently walks to Winchester,ten miles distant.

Democrats and republicans of SaltLake united in a public meeting theother evening to endorse PresidentArthur's recommendation for a legis-

lative council for Utah.

A train broke through a bridge on

the Chester & Lenon Narrow Guagerailroad in North Carolina. JosephHenderson, fireman, and WilliamSimmons, a brakeman, were killed.

The Mormon organ at Salt Lakesays that God struck CongressmanHaskell with a 6tran:e, mysterious,incurable disease because he was con-

spicuous in anti-Morm- on legislation.

The official canvass of the vote ofDakota in adopting the state constitution was made the other day atYankton, showing a total of 19,150,

with a majority for the constitutionof 5,522.

Edmund and Frank Long, two oilmen of Bradford, Pa., were drownedthe other day in Duck creek, Ohio,while trying to reach Marietta in askiff. The bodies have not been re-

covered.Mrs. Judith Fitzpatrick, an aged

widow, living near Lecompton, Kas.,was murdered at her home the othernight, and an attempt made to burnthe house, with the purpose of con-

cealing the crime.A Toronto man died of small-po- x

twenty-si- x years ago, and last weekhis grandchild slept upon the samebed and took the disease. The doctorsays the germs of the disease werethere all that time.

Jesse Clement, of Chicago, an oldnewspaper man and the first editor ofthe Dubuque Daily Times, in 1857,

and was entensively known throughIowa, died at Butlerj Mo., very sud-

denly on the 25th ult.A sale was recently made of 32,000

acres of land in Stafford county, nearGreat Bend, Kansas, for $160,000. Itwas purchased by capitalists at Stan-

ton, Va., for the purpose of establish-ing a colony of Dunkards.

Moses Taylor, of Unionville, N.Y.,built a big barn, which his nighborswanted him to paint. "Paint it your-selves," was his reply, which they didone dark night, putting on all thecolors in the chromatic scale.

There is a one-legg- ed Confederatesoldier in Georgia who has neverdrawn any pension from the state,because all of his command werekilled and there is no one to certifyto his having been in the army.

John S. Anstietz aud two daughters, of Cleveland, Ohio, were outsleighing op the 25th ult, near Buf-fingt- on

and while crossing the LakeErie and Western track were struckby an express train and all killed.

Chas. Sowers, of Cedar Rapids,Iowa, shot himself through the heartthe other morning. Cause despon-dency ; also, Mrs. R. W. Auburn at-

tempted suicide by cutting her throatShe will die. Cause, family trouble.

The Christian convention recentlyheld at Philadelphia to form an anti-secr- et

society league denounced Ma-

sonry particularly, and resolved thatthe G. A. R. was "an insidious, dan-

gerous and useless form of secretorganization."

A very large number of postofficeshave recently been added to what isknown in the department as fourth-clas- s

aud assigned to the presidentialgrade. These grades have been in-

creased mostly iu tho central andwestern states.

A fire at Kearnoy, Neb., on theevening of the 25th ult, burning thetenant house of P. W. Wilson and thehouso of W. Nash, and most of thefurniture destroyed. The origin ofthe fire is unknown. Tho loss is es-

timated at $1,500.

The family of Henry Hagedorn, ofCleveland, Ohio, was found suffocatedwith coal gas in their residence theother morning. Mrs. Hagedorn anda girl were dead, while thefather and two other children wereunconscious, but soon recovered.

Mrs. Andrew Koerner, a youngwoman, was found dead iu bed theother morning and shockingly muti-lated in her home near Indianapolis.Her husband, with whom she livedunhappily, has been imprisoned forthe crime, and tells conflicting stories.

It is stated by one learned in suchmatters, that the air of the equator islending always toward the poles,while that from the poles moves asconstantly toward the equator.Where the currents clash, rotationensues and 6torm centers are formed.

There must be some very bad peo-

ple living in Indiana. The last re-

port from one of them says JamesDyer, of Owen county, is on trial atTerre Haute for burning his housewith bis two crippled children, whowere in the way of bis second

Philadelphia's new post-offic- e,

which is soon to bo occupied, costabout $8,000,000. Its dimensions arc175 feet and 9 inches on Chestnutstreet, 175 feet and 1 inch on Marketstreet, and 484 feet on Ninth street;height of the dome above the curb,170 feet

Gen. Grant, on leaving home inNew York city on the 27th ult,slipped upon the ice and fell, receiv-

ing a Bevere shock and seriously injuring his thigh. The surgeons say

that no bones were broken, but thinkthe limb will be paralyzed for thetime being.

The Ponca Journal reports a dis-

covery of coal in Dixon county byProf. Perrigone. The vein is abouteight inches thick and of & good qual-

ity. There is hardly enough of it tocreate much excitement among thePoncaites. It is like the gold in thePlatte river.

The most stylish turn-o- ut on Sev-

enth Avenue, New York, is U. S.Grant, jr's. It ia a Russian drosky,such as the General used to drive inGalena, drawn by three Arabian stal-lion- B

harnessed abreast. The vehicleis decorated with flowing plumes ofgold and blue.

The Porter elevator, owned byJohn Lindenholm, of Essex, Iowa,was burned the other night and is atotal loss. The insurance on build- -

ins and stock is $5,500. The cause ofthe fire is unknown, but believed tohave been'a hot journal on machineryon the second floor.

N. W. Fitzgerald, S. C. Fitzgeraldand A. B. Webb, pension attorneys,indicted by the grand jury at Wash-

ington City, appeared in the criminalcourt the other day and gave bail iu$2,000 each. They have been sus-

pended from practice since bills tverofound against them.

News from Tombstone, A. T., saysthat tho sheriff arrived there the otherevening with Red Sample and TexasWillis, two of the Bisbee murderersand supposed Gage Station train rob-

bers in custody. The attempt tolynch the prisoners failed, and theywere safely lodged in jail.

The secretary of the interior, In-

spector Benedict, Agent Tufts, andspecial agent Townsond will go atonce to Muscogee, Indian Territory,and investigate the Creek troublesarising from the recent election of achief, aud make recommendationslooking to their settlement.

At Baltimore, the other day, HenrySmith, with many aliases, just as hewas embarking for Europe, was ar-

rested for robbing Wells & Fargo'sexpress in Nebraska, and the UnitedStates mails on the Pacific railroad.The former crime waB committed lastMarch, and the latter in September.

Efforts are being made by theCatholicB of Denver, to make that citythe seat of the largest Jesuit collegein America. Twenty-fiv- e thousanddollars have already been subscribedtoward a fund for the erection of thenecessary buildings, and much morois promised under certain conditions.

The senate has confirmed the fol-

lowing postmasters for Nebraska: C.K. Coutant, Omaha: J. M. Davis.Wahoo; W. U. Wiedaman, Norfolk;H. Rice, Albion ; P. F. Petereou, Te-katn- ah

; G. Little, Plum Creek. BenC. E. Westaul has been appointedrailway postal clerk from Omaha toOgden.

Edward Ducuamen, of Cincinnati,the other morning stabbed his wifeand thought he had killed her andgave himself up to the police. Hewas locked up, and the case investi-gated. His wife was not seriouslyhurt, but in the three weeks she livedwith him, he had twice threatened tokill her.

At Beverly, W. Va., the coroner'sjury, after five days' investigation,has found that Mrs. Summcrfield andher child, whose remains were foundin the ruins of their burned bouselast week, were murdered before thenouse was fired, and charged JohnFlannagan with the murder. He isnow in jail.

South Carolina has a local optionlaw which applies to incorporatedcities, towns and villages. When aplace votes in favor of prohibition itis said to have gone "dry," and whenanother votes for license it is said tohave gone "wet." More than twiceas many towns have gone "dry" ashave gone "wet."

The rise and fall oflhe great lakesis puzzling the old settlers. At GrandTraverse Bay the water 6lowly risesfor seven years, and then recedes forthe same length of time. The SaultSte. Marie Democrat says that thewater in the "Soo" is lowering everyday. At Traverse City the water isencroaching on the west side of thebay.

One of the novelties in London istho literary bracelet. It is made oltwelve tiny books (silver or gold),attached to each other by a doublechain. Each little book bears theenambled name of a favorite poet ornovelist. There are also musicalbracelets of the same model, onlytbey, of course, have the names ofoperas or composers.

Mb. Bland, chairman of tho com-

mittee on coinage, weights and meas-ures favors recoining tho trade dol-

lars into standard dollars and thinksthe issuing of the latter should not bestopped. He is of opinion that amint ought to be established in theMississippi valley, and on account ofthe advantages offered by St. Louis,favors that city for the location.

Rev. Mb. Miller, of Zion church,Hempstead, L. I., had received nosalary for several months, and havingnothing to eat, took $22 of the churchmoney tbatcame. into his possMtioB,

and gave the church credit. Theyconcluded that if he couldn't workfor nothing and board himself 'heshould give way to one who could,and appointed Rev. Mr. Hicks in hisplace.

Paris.A reinforcement of 6,300 troops go

to Tonquin. soon. The governmenthas no information about Sontay be-

ing occupied.News from Hong Kong says' the

French have captured the principaloutpoBts of Sontay, embracing iivestrongly fortified villages. The ene-

my made a stubborn resistance. TheFrench loss was 200 men. and fifteenofficers killed and wounded. TheChinese still hold the fortress of Sontay, butaresurrounded by theFreuch.

Leader.Recent news from Loudon says the

police declare without foundation therumor of a plot against Gladstone andfor the destruction of public build-ings. The precautions are in conse-quence of vagne threats.

The British regiments in Egypt willbe filled to the strength of 1,000 meneach and seven moro regiments-aret- o

be ordered to EgyptA dispatch from Hong Kong states

that the fight at Sontay occurred on.the 14th. Two outworks were captured

and the citadel surrounded bythe French.

Mr. Cullom has introduced iu.'thesenate a bill to establish a board ofrailroad commissioners and to regu-

late interstate commerce. The boardunder this bill will consist of fivemembers at a salary each of $5,000

making a total of $25,000, rather anexpensive method of securing theright. We may be mistaken in ouropinion, but we incline strongly tothe belief thai a plain, good law regu-

lating railroads and interstate com-

merce would be readily compliedwith by the railroad authorities andwhen violated could readily be en-

forced in the courts without the annu-

al expenditure of $25,000.

An important and somewhat won-

derful compact was signed by therailway officials at Omaha on the 29th

ult, and the new organization, theresult of their labors, will be knownas the Western Trunk Line Associa-

tion, and embraces the followingroads : The Northwestern, the RockIsland, the Missouri Pacific, the Mil-

waukee, the Wabaah, the Illinois Cen-

tral, the St. Paul & Omaha, aud theUnion Pacific. The Union Pacificwill commence on Tuesday of thisweek to bill goods direct from SaltLake to Chicago and all points on thelines of its allies. This new associa-

tion gives to the Union Pacific the useof twenty-si- x thousand miles of track,and their eastern allied roads will usethe U. P. track in like manner.

Congressman Cox, of New York,who was appointed chairman of thehouse committee on naval affairs, isreported to be dissatisfied with theappointment, and will probably de-

cline to serve on that committee. Itis claimed by his friends that twenty-tw- o

years' experience in the houseentitled him to the chairmanship offoreign affairs, a place which he de-

sired to occupy as he contemplatedadvising a number of reforms in theline of reducing the number of for-

eign ministers, iuvesting consuls withdiplomatic power when necessary,and improving the consular systemso as to make it a more powerfulagency for the advancement of thocommercial iuterests of the country.Congressman Springer's friends alsoreport that he is dissatisfied with thechairmanship of the committee on theexpenditures of the department ofjustice, as be desired the chairman-ship of the committee on elections.His friends claim that his constituentshave been insulted by his omissionfrom all important committees.

Harrison' Ram ox lived for manyyears iu Hinckley, Medina county,Ohio, and amassed considorable prop-erty, most of which was in cash. Hewould not trust his money to thekeeping of a bank, but hid it about hisown premises, keeping the hidingplace secret even from his own fam-

ily. A short time ago he told hiswife that he had bidden about $30,000in money, and that pretty soon hewould inform her of its whereabouts,so that in case of his death she wouldknow where to look for it. He neg-

lected to do this, and about a weekafter he died of apoplexy. After hits

death an examination of his papersshowed that he had 1335,000 in moneyall hidden about his premises. Themost thorough search failed to revealthe hiding place, and the widow beganto despair. Then she was impressedwith the notion that if she prayedwith faith the Lord would direct herto the place where the mouey wasbidden. On Wednesday she prayedall day and night. On Thursdaynight she was impelled to go to thebeehives, which stood on a benchnear the house, and in ths excitementof expectation she knocked over oneof the hives, disclosing to her viewthe top of a bench with a pile ofgreenbacks of large denominationupon it. A search under the otherhives resulted iu finding a total of$15,000. In the afternoon one of thefamily dropped a bunch of keysthrough the barn floor, which necessi-tated taking up a plank to find them,and when the young man put hishand down he struck a half gallonfruit jar, which be pulled out to findpartly filled with $20 gold pieces.Other jars and a grain bag were alsofound containing gold and silver, andwhen it had all been counted the totalamount figured up over $213,000. Thewidow was overjoyed, and in herstatement to the correspondent saidshe believed that the discoveries werein direct answer to her prayers.

IBoiton Qlobe. I

The annu-i- l dinner of the Now Eng-

land Society nt I'tMinsylvauit, washeld tliir) at the ContinentalHotel, Philadelphia. Among theguests were President Arthur, Secre-tary Chandler, Senator Hawiey, Rev.Dr. Leomrd Wool3ey B:icou. Inresponse to the toast, "The Presidentof the United State?," General Arthursaid: "I confess Mr. Chairmm. thatray enjoyment of this annual dinnerhas been somewhat inirred by. theknowledge. that-- 1 should be at thismoment dining with my own chapterof this society, and that it has been anact or'abmdoniug my brethren of theNew York branch of the societywhich has brought me within reach ofyour generous hospitality ; but whatdifference can it make whether I dinein Philadelphia or in New York Thepresident cannot be in both cities atonce. Iudeed, I heard it said that itia only a relic that can be in morethan one place at a time, aud surelyno president tihould bo classed a arelic until he has given his place tohis successor. Last evening I dinedwith the New England society ofBrooklyn and the hearty welcomo ex-

tended me, so completely bereft me ofthanks to the expressions of pleasurethat this fresh draft on my powerfinds me utterly bankrupt. I thankyou very much for the welcome givenroe, aud can only say, 'Long lifo toyour society and its promoters.'"Secretary Chandler, in responding tothe toast, "The army aud navy," paidtributes to Generals Grant, Shermanand Sheridau, and expressed the hopethat "a grateful eougress and williugpresident" would restore tho formersoldiers to the rolls of the army. Re-

ferring to the navy, he spoke stronglyof what he termed "complete restora-tion," with doing away with allancieut ships and smooth-bor- e guuHand substituting steel ships and highpower cannon, of which we have notone single specimen to show. Chand-

ler, iu the course of his remark, spokeiu praise of the steamers of the Amer-ican Steamship Company, as beingthe only line of foreign steamers fly-

ing tho Amorican flag, whereuponShortridgc, director of the AmericanSteamship Company arose and saidthe company were negotiating for thesale of its ships, as it could not bemade to pay while ruu under theAmerican flag, but could be under theensign of Great Britain. This state-

ment was not received with applause.

Lippitt, Leak & Co. are subject toall tho mishaps aud disappointmentsthat other meu are liable to who carryon an extensive business iu any ent

ot lite. But they were in texpecting their business to be inter-rupted by the action of a genuinethief in stealing aud appropriating tohis own uso a portion of their bestproperty shipped to their salesmen ofthis city, Galley Bros. The stock audquality of tho goods may not be sogood as our salesmen may have ex-

pected and required by reasou of theaction of the thief. 1

Application for Druggists Permit.Matter of application of Edmond F. Pow-

ell, for Druggist's permit."VTOTICE is hereby given that Edmcnd

1 F. Powell did upon the 1.2th day ofDecember, A. D., 1883, file his applica-tion to the Board of Supervisors of Plattecount-- , Nebraska, for a druggist's permitto sell malt, spirituous and vinous li-

quors, at Platte Center, in Lost Creekprecinct, Platte county, Nebraska, fromthe 25th day of January, 1884, to the 25thday of January, 1885.

If there be no objection, remonstranceor protest filed within two weeks fromDecember 19th, A. D., 1883, the said li-

cense will be granted.Edmond F. Powell,

34-- 3- Applicant.

F1NAE. PROOF.Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,

Dec. 5th, 1883. Jis hereby given that the

following-name- settler has filednotice of his Intention to make final proofin support of his claim, and that saidproof will be made before the Clerk ofthe District Court of Platte countv, atColumbus, Nebraska, on January 10th,

J884, viz:Daniel .Slock, iiomesteau 2o. loU,

for the S. E. i Section 0, Township 19north, ol Range 3 west. He names thefollowing witnesses to prove his contin-uous residence upon, and cultivation of,said land, viz: John Hammond, PeterPlant, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.,John V. Clark, of Postville, Platte Co..Neb., and Michael McCallen, of Looking-glas- s,

Platte Co., Neb.33-- 6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.

FINAL. PROOF.U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)

Dec. 12th, 1883. fVTOTICE is hereby given that the fol- -

li lowing named settler has hied noticeof his intention to make final proof insupport of bis claim, and that said proofwill be made before C. A.Newman, Clerkof the District Court, at Columbus, Neb.,on the 2d day of February, 1884. viz:

Patrick Condon, Homestead Entry No.8238, for the W. K S. W. X, Section 2,Township 19 north, Range 2 west. Henames the following witnesses to provehia continuous residence upon, and cul-tivation of, said land, viz: Nils Peter-son, Patrick Carney, James Tate andFremont Tate all of Platte Center, PlatteCo., Nebr.

34-- 0 C. HOSTETTER, Register.

FINAI PKOOF.U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.)

Dec. 17th. 1883. f

NOTICE is hereby given that thenamed settler has tiled notice

of his intention to make final proof in sup-port of his claim, and that said proof willbe made before Clerk of District Courtfor Platte county at (Jolumbus, .Neu., onJanuary 21th, 1884, viz:

Luther M. R. Pepper for the S. E. iSection 22, Township l'J, Range 4 west,lie names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon, andcultivation of, said land, viz: John id.Pearce, Nils Berlin, August Abrahamsonand James Dickinson ill of Cone, Neb.

3W5 C. HOSTETTER, Register.

A WORD OF WARNIXC.stock raisers, and all otherFARMERS, parties will do well to

remember that the "Western Horse andCattle Insurance Co." of Omaha is theonly company doing business in this statethat insures Horses, Mules and Cattleagainst loss by theft, accidents, diseases,or injury, (as also against loss by tire andlightning). All representations by agentsof ether Companies to the contrary not-withstanding.

HENBY GARN, Special Ag't,13-- y Columbus, Neb.

ESTBAY H0TICE.Came to my premises in Platte county,

four miles east of Genoa, one mile westof Matson P. O. on the Columbus road,on the 16th of November,

ONE BLACK .MARE,guessed to be about 12 years old. Theright hind leg is either swollen or per-manently thick; mare in fair condition.Owner will prove property, pay chargesand this notice and take the animal away.

32-p-5 Lars Magxusex.

for The LivesAGENTS;! all the Presidentsthe U. S. The larg

est, handsomest best book ever sold forleai than twice our price, xne zasteatselling book in America. Immense prof-its to agents. AH Intelligent people wantit. --Any 'one can become a successfulagent. Terms iree. uaixxt book to.,Portland, Maine.











FARM IMPLEMENTS.PtsssipM aad Wlad mills.


FILIAL PROOF.Land Office :it Grand Island, Neb.,)

Dec. 10, 1883. f

NOl'ICK is hereby given that the fol.named settler has filed notice

or his intention to make final proof Insupport of his claim, and that said proofwill be made before Clerk of the DistrictCourt nt Columbus, Neb , on January17th, 18S4, viz:

llobert K..Jones, Homestead No. 6151,for the S. W. K Section 14. Town hip 20,Range 3 west. He name the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous resi-dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,viz: i'atricK Coleman, S. E. Morgan.Andrew O'Donnell aud Isaac Jonea, allof St. Bernard, Neb.

33 G C. HOSTETTER, Register.

FINAL. PROOF.U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,1

Dec. 8, 1883. J

NOTICE is hereby given that thenamed settler has filed notice

of his intention to make final proof insupport of his claim, and that said proofwill he made belore U. A. Newman, deneof the District Court, at Columbus, Nebraska, on the 2titb day or January, 1834,viz:

John N. Hoffman, Homestead EntryNo. 7492, for the E.&S.E. K Section 4,Township 18 north, Range 4 west. Henames the following witnesses to provebis continuous residence upon, and cul-tivation of, said land, viz: Jamea Kier-na-n,

Arnold Schmidt. Daniel Shuckersand John V. Nelson, all ol West HillP. O., Platte Co., Neb.

S3-- e C. HOSTETTER, Register.

FIAI, PROOF.Lind Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1

Nov. 19tb, 18S3. J

is hereby given that theNOTICE settler has filed noticeof his intention to make final proof insupport of bis claim, aud that said proofwill be made before Clerk of Dist. Courtat Columbus, Nebraska, on January 3d.188 I VIZ"

Frederick Papki, Homestead No. 8205,for the E. X N. V K Section 20, Town-ship 19, Rauge 2 west. He names the fol-

lowing witnesses to prove his continuousresidence upon, and cultivation of, saidlaud, viz: James Burrows. George Thorn-azi- n.

Win. Patterson and John Edwards,all of Platte Centre, Neb.

31-- 6 C. HOSTETTER, Register.








ALBUMS, Arithmetics, Arnold's Ink(genuine), Algebras, Autograph Al-bums, Alphabet Blocks, Author's Cards,Arks, Accordeons, Abstract Legal Cap.

BRUSHES, Baskets,Baby Toys.Books,Bibles, Bells for boys, Blank Books,Birthday Cards, Basket Buggies, boy'sTool-chest- s, Balls, Banker's Cases,boy's "Wagons, Sleds and Wheelbar-rows, Butcher Books, Brass-edge- d Ru-

lers, Bill -- books, Book Straps, BaseBalls and Bats.

CAXD1ES, Cards, Calling Cards, CardCases Combs. Comb cases, cigar ca-ses, Checker Boards, Children's Chairs,Cups and Saucers (fancy) CirculatingLibrary, Collar and Cuff Boxes, CopyBooks, Christmas Cards, Chinese Toys,Crayons, Checkers. Chess-me- n, Croquetsets.

DOMESTIC Sewing Machines, Draw-ing Paper, Dressing Cases, Drums,Diaries, Drafts in books, Dolls, DressedDolls, Dominoes, Drawing books.

ENVELOPES, Elementary schoolbooks, Erasers (blackboard), Erasers(rubber).

FICTION Books, Floral Albums, Fur-niture polish.

GRAMMARS, Geographies, Geome-trics,GIo- ve

boxes, toy Guns,Gyroscopes(to illustrate the laws of motion).

HARPER'S Readers, handsome Holi-day gifts. Hand-glasse- s, Hobby-horse- s,

Hand-satchel- s, Histories.ITVKS, (all good kinds and colors), Ink-

stands (common and fancy).

JEWEL Cases, Jews harps.

KE69 of ink, Kitchen sets.LEDGERS, Ledger paper, Legal cap,

Lunch baskets, Lookingglasses

MASOX & Hamlin Organs, Magnets,Music boxes, Magazines, Mustachecups. Mouth organs, Memorandums,Music books, Music holders, Machineoil, Mats, Moderator's records, Muci-lage, Microscopes.

IVEEDL.ES for sewing machines. Notepaper.

ORGANS, Oil for sewing Kachines,Organ stools, Organ seats.

PERIODICALS, Pictures, Puzzleblocks, Presents, Picture books, Pianos,Pens, Papetries, Pencils, Purses. Pol-ish for furniture, Pamphlctcases, Papercutters, Paper fasteners. Picture puz-zles, Picture frames. Pocket books,Pertumery and Perfumery cases, Paperracks, Pencil holders.

REWARD cards, Rubber balls, Rub-ber dolls.

SCHOOL books, Sewing stands, SchoolSatchels, Slates, Stereoscopes and pic-tures, Scrap books. Scrap pictures,Sewing machine needles. Scholar's com-panions. Specie purses. Sineinsr toycanaries, Sleds for boys, Shawl straps,shell goods.

TELESCOPES, Toys of all kinds,children's Trunks, Thermometers,Tooth brushes (folding), Tea sets forgirls, Tool chests for boys, Ten-pi- n setsfor boys, Tooth picks, Tin toys.

VIOLINS and strings, Vases.WOODRRIDGE Organs, Work bas-

kets. Waste baskets, Whips (withcase), Webster's dictionaries, Weatherglasses, Work boxes. Whips for boys,Wagons for boys, What-not- s, Woodentooth picks.

M Dm Kirti i "tkik Em."





Tttt, Cofftts, Sugar, Syrups,Dritd and Canned Fruits,

and othar Staples aSpecialty.

Delivered Free ie assypart "the City.

Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, nearA. 4 2f. Depot.


tUm BB1XB SLICXQ8ita tmi nor tut 11? C - VJ

wats3 rater coats. .if. iitM .hriMBlAXftgUCUBg in hwWILLNtTSTlCKorPEELIt" I BBlJBI.RfBBrTSWIKS U.-- "'

riSI MAHa) SLICEUS VBAaux sow vu ux ur raTiHORSEMAN FARMERw vrwwaa Bras oats Taut hiulXf naote. vtlhoat tkU trail, uit i3ickrA. J. TOWE, Sole Mfr.. i



- I .V

ssr ui imim u w vrRv . t 1 fB" fTlriinrnc


aLiLMLns ttir.nor $jAozl0yX


Dry Goods and Clothing StoreHai on hand a splendid stock of

Rady-mad- e Clothing,Dry Goods, Carpets,

Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,

At prices it nm wr tofl of More in GoliBns.


Whitebreast Coal.Rich Hill

Citv " ".




Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,


low rmcES for cash.n-t- t


Fish Brand SlickersV IX THC II !3ICST StOBVIS



are the only Coutmade vth Wire-Fa- st

ened Metallic Button.EVERY COAT WARRANTED.

For sale everywhere.

feg5 At Wholesale by all flrt- -rlu JitMiom.

22 Um




I bay my foods strictly for cash and will givs my customers thebenefit, of it.

Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.

Medical Dispensary!Offlct and Parlors, Over the new Omaha National Bank, Thir- -

tetnth between Farnam and Douglas Streets,OMAHA, NEBRASKA.

A. M. D.,





DR. FISHBLATTHas discovered the greatest cure in the world for weakness of the back and limbsinvoluntary discharges, impotency, general debility, nervousness, languor, confus-ion of ideas, palpitation f the heart, timidity, trembling, dimness of sight or giddi-ness, diseases of the head, throat, nose or skin, atlections of the liver, lun.s, stom-ach or bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of vo'iith. andsecret practices more fatal to the victims than the sons,'. ot Syrens to the mariners ofUlysses, blighting their most radiant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriageimpossible.

Those that are suffering from the evil practices, which destroy their mental andphysical systems causing

NERVOUS DEBILITY,the symptoms of which are a dull, distressed mind, which untits them from perform-ing their business and social duties, makes happy marriage impossible, distressesthe action of the heart, causing flushes of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebod-ings, cowardice, fears, dreams, restless nights, dizziness, forgetfulne.ss, unnaturaldischarges, pain in the back and hips, short breathing, melancholy, tire easily ofcompany and have preference to be alone, feeling as tired in the morning as when-retiring- ,

seminal weakness, lost manhood, white bone deposit in the urine, nervous-ness, confusion of thought, trembling, watery and weak eyes, dyspepsia, constipa-tion, paleness, pain and weakness in the limbs, etc., should' consult me immediatelyand be restored to perfect health.

YOUNG MENWho baye become victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habitwhich annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of exaltedtalent and brilliant intellect who might otherwise entrance listening se nators withthe thunders of their eloquence or wake to testacy the living lyre, may call withfull conldence.

MARRIAGE.Married persons or young men contemplating marriage be. aware of physical

weakness, loss of procreative power, impotency, or any other disqualification speed-ily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. Fishblatt may religiouslyconfide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as apnysician.

ORGANALImmediately cured and full vigor restored. This distressing affliction which ren-ders life a burden, and marriage impossible, is the penalty paid by the victim forimproper indulgence. Young people are apt to commit excesses from not beingaware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now who that understandthis subject will deny that procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improperhabits than by prudent? Besides being deprived of the pleasure of hcalthv off-springs, the most serious and destructive symptoms of both mind and body arise.The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weaken. Loss ofprocreative powers, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indi-gestion, constitutional debility, wasting of the frame, cough, consumption aud death.

A CURE WARRANTED.Persons ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trilling mouth

after month taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply immediately.

DR. FISnBLATTGraduate of one.of the most eminent colleges of the United States, has effected someof the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing inthe ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at certain sounds,with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of the mind werecured immediately.


Dr. F. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgenceand solitary habits which ruin both mind and body, unfitting them for business,study, society or marriage.

These are some of the sad, melancholy effects produced by the early habits o fyouth, viz: Weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head and dimness ofsight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritabil-ity, derangement of digestive functions, debility, consumption, etc.

Private 0flices,over Omaha National Bank.Omaha, Neb.

CONSULTATION FREE. Charges moderate and within the reach of all whoneed Ssientlic Medical Treatment. Those who reside at a distance and cannot call,will receive prompt attention through mail by simply sending their symptoms withpostage. Address Lock Box 34, Omaha, Neb. 52

, i

