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.. .. •• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking PACIFI ITIZEN •• CI tit ll ll RY '1\ 'CI\ ' N I\ '" tional JA L Pre Ide"t Represen t atives of th e distrirt '0 u t h councils ' At:!' I.AKE cn\', Utoh All A IIvt'I' clloou •• loll on tha ullits III tho Illtn'mountotll !ullll'o 01 th Ol.t d ot cook- Dlstdct 01111 II - the C hAP - book proj",,1 WOft ollly ono ot ICfS. adllll And 'ollth IIlI1I1Y 'nlbjeok' dl .cu"",c! !1'I'OUllll-w!II sho,,, til sloslng by U, IDC BOllt'd. This (\lnd blollnlAI dls!.rlcl con"oll- project h0 5 broil mov- lIolI., It WII Ajf1·.,.,d lit Ih ro- IlIg nheAd IInd er Ih. Ir adN- VOL. 76 NO. 22 J"H Il)AY, , JUNE 8. J073 12 CENTS erving on the ntional \: outh oordino.tmg COun- ellt IDC qUArl rly moctlllg .hlp or Ho rd"t KhnurR. h .. r" 1110\' \9 1'1 I dl To I>' 'ho tC'(\ b ' B I I Ir 11\1110 III. qu .UOII WA. I \' C 0 0 - wholhel' to KO 11110 n , ,:olld RADIO SHOW AIRS SAN MATEO CITY COUNCIL BANNAI LOOMS AS FIRST NISEI TO SIT IN ASSEMBLY II of J \' . met in Chicago on Memorial Day weekend to di C\I comlilOll i sue and plan s. Invited to the m e e tin It s were Davi d U hio, ,h i g u giya m3 , Henry Tanaka and DOllna Omnta "ho ha s served as JA \' representative to th e J L executive commit- tee e. JACL till. NovemJxor At Pl'iIlUIIIl . MI'•. Khnul'll 01 Soil BoISt'. Iduho. Ih. dlslrlcl con- Lako ROIIIII. Yokol ot ,'clllion be choh'<'d by Bob. ond' Hid 1>1 ROIIIII. \ okota bill each ChAP- Idnho Full. WOI'o> n8lne'd 10 (. Ben Lomond, ld n .. conmuttC't' to SLURS AGAINST Anti-Nikkei bias festering ASIAN ETHNICS Youth in JACL Reports on the Proj ect of the Bienninlll (work- on Japane e Amer- Ican histOl ,) indicate good progre s and a variety of tec hniqu e being u ed: 11 \l'a announced U\at plans are underway to pon or a joint lIlidwe t- Ea tern di t rict c 0 u n c il wokshop in Wind -or, Ont., Canada tte ntative) on u- gu t 24-28. Outside . peak- ers are being sou ht to key not e the ethnicity work hop "'hich will focu- on elf all'arene' and en- richment. trategie for development of s ian . The workshop IS open to members of other di trict VOUUl COUll- cils and chapter . Funds for the "'ork hop will be from the youth program budget appro\'ed by the 'alional CounciL A TTl-Oi trict J Ys Con- ference will be held in Riv- er ide. Calif on Augu t 16-1'9. Program will stres leadershi p, Asian aware- !1e s, and media stereotyp- mg. There "'a much discu - iOIl 011 the job respon I' bilities of the to-be-hired ational Youth Director Rightfully 0, the _iYCC f e I this responsibilties bould be to the youth pro- gram, and to work cooper- ativelv with other mem- of the .. ational staff. While no firm decisions were reached, the NCC representath'es expressed the need to improve com- munications and stressed the importance of conti- nual follow-up on respon· sibillties delegated. ome . nle po.<Slbll!llto a, od\'\'l'li It," 'nake 'olle\' ond Bol.e lind cOlllmel'ciul ouUet. will be hwolnd In . Olhel' dlstricl bu h",. 011- planntllg (md carrying out on .Jde.C'(\ \\"s th .. Tolenl !lAnk, lIctlvlly 01' workshop for UIO Illdent .Ald, Scnlor CilbclI. COO" nUon, It WAS ('xplaincd ond UH"h nerds. Uw l1('W No· b)' D An HOYlIshlda, Bol.. UOllol Hl'ndqllllltrr. BulldillP Volley J A L prc.IMnt . n:'d lundlng 101 "'nM. SUMII As:Jglllllcn!.s Well' mud. nnd 'iosh llllul'n nnd othl'l' JAY ench choptel' will b. e"pcct<'d pres lit ,pok 011 the problem to '\lbmll n prolll'e... report at or kc.:plllil tho youth activo. the next 10 q\lnrtcrh se .1011 Hayn hi n.porla ill Prevlous- dl.trict cOll\'entlons WN the hondl- R.glonnl 01"",101' Don 1111- work of the host chopter. )'nshl rcporl<d h hu. be n busy In th. Region ond work- It_ Ol ympus U O I Ing wlU, the locol chapl .. ·• The 19 . ...1011 hosted on a pel'50nAI I,v I to h.lp by Mt. JACL. wos with W1Y pl'Oblem. Or to ph' held al Inll h(,I'" ;upport whel \10 Ibl" rDt: ,0" hoke U. hlo 1' 1 _ He urgce! the choptl'l' to ,Idl'<i 01 tho bu. 1m • meeting. 'IX'C'(\ Each haptcr Pl'. i d n I broullht the di lricl council up-to-dale on their acU\'IUc may fol' the past quarter. Aged Issei seen as target of pressure from Nikkei groups, says Utah savant ALT LAKE CIT\'. l.lh-A plea was made to ikk I com- munity leadr.. and or • nlz.a- lOllS by a . IM'I each'" at Weber 'tal ColieR", OJldon, I'to . 'creist' communlty con- R'icnc,-" in then prnctic soliCIting eontribuliolls tronl the reUrOO r. "I. Dr. Klyolol<hl Iwamoto. tlCO, notnlcs prof or at W .. ber. contended tha the • Ikk.1 organizatlOM are 'aking of th" r - til ed 1. m",tly \\ Idowl, mml 01 whom I!\'c on mod- est to mar£lnal reUrement m- eom ... They are the e illy PI'CS- ured patron. and \'Ictims of lhis H, contends that it IS ,\1d"I\' praClIc,>d in litah's smail' Japan","e com- muruU b). 'il<keJ organl7.a- Uons "hic:h a!Tange ... tcrlaln- ment pro am.. and ",thl'r- - benefIt movie show! pIcnics. B) cu tom an an b.din - '0 Nisei metallurgist wins Interior Depl. top service award ncy help th \ tile rematnlnc lrag! bclanIl Dr IWllmoin r 1971 a d IIllation b on or tho "OulStnndlng EdUClIlDn of Amenra" was amoog the ,'Ucu= nt the lanUlllllr WRA camp during World Wor II Professor Iwamoto, who was a Ford Foundntlon sc:hol- Prot ost Launched Agninst WHAM in Rochester. N.Y, felt communication would ALBAlOY, Ore - Haruo K.- . m 'f h . to, J'e$t'arch coordinator of til. I prove I eac "ere gl\'- Albany Metat:ur&l' Researc en more explicit areas of Center of the Bur<'9u 0 Rtbut\;Ol Tim. responsibility. Others fell Mmes. has received th .. 0 A. bomb photos from 11'0 mformcd of the broad this would tend to create parunent of 1r.t<1ior's Men - ca b Ic:CuUer wa 0 SAN MA fl·.O. Coli( I rutllm I hhrd to dotlna In WIth cmoUoopl pm"I ,,,,, ," Ih"I'I ' IImwln" Antl-.lllp"n- lodIl •• ,,"'"1 .!tlwtlon, Ix·- far aa Konno I, CflllI'rmod hr t. \·nllll1< lit In San Mol,..,? C"" n (,I n·pl....,u Ion 'Ther. aId , "II wa. ,UII an 'Jet ,,1 SlIn Mllle'v clly council on UII" Inl fir ubllr c" ... r"cl'm." In IInl l<On rxpr "xl 1tJ. dl. r ,I n I 1'1 II h bo.lIe.f nl the p Ibllity or 'c m. In cOunc oa For th" nrst tlm< In il.l Inll-nUon.. I am our/:'. hl .lory t h ,. cit.. coo II IIch II h·dlllll cxl.UnJi in Sitn Thry lfr. 10 support Rood re- "Jlrc',d ' to put 600 Mill' I. Inll,m"h II, bul IhM''' or ... w 0 r d pI thp In.I' . t Gardena Councilman in Special Jun e 26 Runoff Election The mutt ... wo. broughl In- 101 or (n'oblem "r,·. which C II <'J1C( 0 f"rmully to Uw "ouncU', ot- Itlll exl.1 wnc man John, Condon. IL CARDENA., CaUl - City It'll lion during the tudy led to Ihp youth. Councllman Paul T. Bannai lite ling hdd at ti, Clly Holl. ·Ivl . In vo l vtm.nl Ivl. Pride moved another lie\) elQ!A!:r tc.- M., or HURh A Wovn Id "I pc r""'loI11 would Ilk. to warda beearnlng the tint NI- he h. WiUI inen. 11\11 more J"plm( Ame 1cuna th council •• lud that ·t to Ix> a nate I.gill.tor rem m tho 10C\l.8 or SlIn .... public olllelal. 10 \'ariou. e gardl'll. whleh ha be<on .... hen h. tallled vo\(,t In f r,mel"'" n1l'tropoll!.on prru "ow'rnm, nl I' itions ot Im- r rna:;:;., or prld" and IncTl'3&- th" ,peclal 67th Aav-mbly on tori ",laUnl to lII'ow- porfJlnc,', bt·cnu.o we ft ng . uly 111 th,· city tor DWrlc:t election May 29 to 11111 Illlti-JlIpun , 1 lln/l In tr''fficlKiou Iy high number ot fiQl!\O y<111", II wld"ly &dv ....- force & Jun. 26 run-<>ff with thl Dr", The aecount, ho not- with eoll""" I'd In III Chamlx'l' 01 C<lm- Tim Rup<'T\ who garnered 5- Th t . ... ITJ.('J'ce brochur.. at Q tnuriJ 081 volH ' 1'<1. u rd 0 on In<idm1 th. c' r poy, tlorl ond attracUon and other matenal. ltolot'-d S. n Maleo CD .. of 11c).. don't r lIe-ct In aU ca .. rt Is found a the plc- Bannai, a RepubU""", waa , ndall m of t h. bel,utllul I lhcir bctual kil! ond CID- of I h e local lel"Pbooe thr in front of other GOP Jnp.m ICDrdm In C ntral trlbulion In t h. Jobe thC'J' directory. candidates whfl.. Dttrooc:rat PorI< 11 occurr,od la I year. hold," Konno Id Rupert. TOTT"..nce city treasu- While til yonwllI m 01 th" Mayor Wayn(' eald, '1 waa rer, out Gardena CIty J Ten C.trden outraged all 01 oppallrd to r d I. \ w k- COIlTICilman Don Dear wh o city'. r Idrn and 11 end (Moy 6) of the stoey m garnered 3,733 vot.ell to fin,- krmeod by th.. councli n n daB a y Area poJ>f'l' do ling I h third. p_o_ll_c_O __ lh __ .. In the 114 pred:ncta tn- Konno laid. "'Veo arc n n to rCAllJ 0 thII t Ihl IllIalion, ond t1ncI I 1'(tQted In the 0ltO- n It Impacl that the c:ornr R nl.l_ ,..,Ured u Justice of Aloo 11 now associated WIth -Cut Ratu Shlmpo. U,r ImportaUoa of J. :OJ .:'f" m!"i to newsman's charge Sen, Inouye hopes Watergate query will not drag on _ 01 S 110. OL LU - l 1l<p. added, It II dI ,- K=th K.L. ...,., lay cult to P npoint IndI dual pl .. dec! not cull\)' In Dimict of racism fn\'OIvinl: tbe Court to a thlrd-d..,..,., u- Ja n resfdmt m San 1.- ult char brought ap,m. I him by Honolulu tar-BIL'I.,. Un reporter Gregg IUkeaako. Th whleb wu tiled "" April 25, tenmed from HO. 'OLULU - Daniel an affray at the te Cap- Inouye, back on a brief \'is- Ito! on Apnl 10, dunng whleb Jut week (May 28). sald Kak 1<" c:1a1m(!(\ was tha he looks torward to 'a nsel' stabbed to punc:hl'd and kicked by Lro. speedI.... lIS during the J Beca LI;<o has requl'lJl- balance or the Seoate eel a JUlY trial in CIISl', ga'., c:anmlltft hearJJJgS. olved, 89,1I4 voten wf!I'e re- giI\ered, but only U,80 1 IZ7"1-) bothered to go to the poll Tbe 67th Dlatrict: encamP""" Gardena. Lawndale, parta Torrance, Hawthorne a:nd C noD. Rupportlonmen! The reat was ldt vacant by the death or Larry TOWIlRIld and there 11 a move In Sac- ramento to abolWt the dls- trict but strong oppo&itian being voiced by the remdeoUl ot district. Last week &nna:i was I:D Sac:rame!lto. armed with pe.- Uu..... circu1ated by his pre- cinct walkf!l'l, protesting th e propooed reapportionment. Bannai feels th.al his chance of victory In June 26 elec:- tl 0 n iIJ good. Although dlnrict 11 tl'lIdltlODally a Dem- ocntic area m the nmnbf!I' or rel)Stered vo\e!15, the NIsei candidate feeb that his str<mg owing In the primary gi"'" him a good crack at victory. Elec:UOD Voters, UTespec:th-e or PIlV rei/mrBtian, were able to vote for any of the 10 candidates, whose IJlIIIleI appeared alpha- betically on the ballot. Some or thooe who vote4 far the laiIng candidates ex- pn!9lled their support !Dr Ban- nai In the fInals_ Barmai also saw In the 67th Alsembty DIstrict with the beet ch.ru:e \0 seod a Jape.- nese American legislator ID Sacramellto. viewed t h • mO',e to genymander the 67th out ot Gardena vaUey as .. critic:al tssue facing the area Nisei.. "The Japanese Amen- cans have a right to be beard." he declarec:L "We' tough before and WOD. We'nl going to do it again." C&rd C1nb bsue more distance "lIh the Dnnus Award U.S. to be shown Wtl \\, ronsullan' to I b h · b The award "", ... gnlud h caUfornia lair bl,' genera mem ers tp V e ""ptlOnal HJROSHI A Commllt 00 de ath because introducing a more formal In conducting ph_'sical _tal- Hll'OI5hlm;,l d ec:toJ : Amcndmcnla, who wrol to structure to NYCC. lurgy and rcsean:h manage- 624 photographl mcludh,g 40 thr t&Uon mann CI' for re- h was sc:bedulr:d fOt:' a re-er- Sen. Inouye said that "in raltnmpnt on June 1 in Cir- general" he was WIth cull Court. the proltr8S 01 the hearings. Th. thlrd-dCf(l'Ile lWilult although they mm'ed charee aga t LI;<o consUtutnl S<>mewhat slowly. In the Gardma card club Issue. Mayor Ken • akaoka did not gain the wpport he sought in re;hufOlng Ute clos- mg dates tor the clubes whea the \ '01erS indlcatA!d the,y wanted. no changes in t b e present structure by almocst a 4 to 1 margin. The basic issue seemed ment programs The CltaUon in eolOT of the A-bombing buttnl time on the nir by an , t b h 'YCC h I Mted the Sigru[iCBnt contrib- "hich haw been returnOO to an Am .,.Iean 6POk 0 tape recorder o e ow j can e p uUons made to evol\'ing tech- the city by thc Unll<'d Staws. In r ponse to NIshJu"B" motivate the general mem- nalogy for fabricaUng zirea- It 15 to open at til 1<'Il<r, WHA I cw DU"ftor bership towards greater nlum. • metal es.'ential r 0 r A-bomb Hall Aug. Itchnd J Mnrgan .... lutA!d the . a ,nlademNUlor. which mo<U'1S "1's not a bad thing, he I"""" b maximum ot 1,00.0 ough," Inouye 5BId. "It', due 111 tines and/or a year in ja.1l parUally tt> a dl'<ltre of .f found gu.Ilty. membcft; to be as carefUl as possible in the questionmg 'Bit Ones' Dut P articipation in chapter alomic submarine rcactoT6. 6, A-bomb lemorlal Day. c h a I' g against lIa brouck. ONORA. Calit - A holiday He was a1<o tupOnslblc for How"ver, hL' mvlk'd Nbhika- camping trip end :d .n trage- and district workshop. the production of I It. ilrst Most o( tho piclures \\ Cf< wa or IUJOtber AsIan .... pre- dy I. y 28 when a llDSP This matter will be dis- pure ductile chromium, a ma- taken b' a Japane ' and U.s cntaU\'c to on the )outh \ tabbed \0 d ... th Call" growers cussed further at the next !erial later u ed for cancer- jomt fCbearch group alh'r th" OpUll"" progrnO;:;- fol101,1n£ an argument 0'·... . '·HowC\·er. I think we are 'YCC et' g hi h '11 treatment ImplanlS war. But oome \\ ere tak .. n b,' Arrang mcnts ar no,,, be- '! ,er«> tape play r Mel\'Ul about "",dy for th big ones," Nakaoka had fought to ""tdJ ciosing dates of t h • ciub and he was aecused in quarters of alleged\.y trying to fa,-or certain clubs. me m w c Wl The former ScatUeile Join- the U.S. Air Fcm:e when the Ing mudc by Asian Arr.criC:Uns!'· hima. 20, of San Mateo , I the """"tor added. be held in conjunction ed Ihe Bureau of Mines in atomic bomb was dropped for Falr Media and AI. an on W8 ""mping Wlth friend. eye potentia sald he hoped the in- with the ational Interim Alban)' in 1949. He J.! plan- here. They weI taken b'om the Alert to "",d a L':I- along the Calneras-TUolum- n:stigation into the ""'"' Board meeting in San ning to attend tlle 30th an- .bout 23,000 ft. abo v e pel'$Ol1 to Rocheotcr to ppelll' ne CounlY line n""r Highway would not be a long, drawn- Los Angeles elects Francisco on June 21-23. niversary reunion of the Scto Inland some. 25 on the program at th an ear- . marketl'n J p think I't __ .u be its first black mayor 4420d Regimental Com bat mil .. ooutheast of Hlr""htma J d. \ Y IchibeJ him. and two mends "ere a an w ........ V Team this summer in Hawaii over whleb the thick. mu.h- <paring to I av' whNl hl- tn the best intere>t or the LOS ANGELES-Ci\Y C<lc:In- Another Issue discussed wltll which he sen'ed during room-Uke cloud 01 th. ex- ma noticed that hi. tape play- country tor the cornmlttA!e to cIJman Tom Bradle,y, m his at length was the role of WW2. PIOySIODhiis seeSn. k' r.o LOYAL ORDER OF MOOS E pC was mIsslng An argument LOS ANGELE - A !remen- ha'd'e prolonged hearmg.;' he second attempt to unseat May- UIC I' 0 asa., 0 , ot the began between Shuna and dous murkel for Callrontia sal . or Sam yorty, has succeeded NYCC and its relationship city, an A-bomb photograph DROPS MEMBERSHIP BIAS ome other cumpers !rom the frulls nnd '·.Iletables seems to Asked for his assessment of a:nd assumes the post July 1. to .JACL. As a coordinat. BRITISH NAVY MARKER pecialisl •• ald thaI the pIC- Ba), Area, and the player was exist In Japan, where house- the mood in Washington, Sen. It will also mean a num- m . g body YCC serves the tur t eths show clearly the BCOpe CHICAGO Tho Lo\'dl Or- evenluaUr lound. wi" r ported!,). PItY 16 "aeb Inouye replied tllal in some b er of Japanese American. , HONORS WWl JAPANESE 0 e blasl. and that they . However, t h. argument lor melom, 1I dIm e for a ways the Ilean of government appointed by YorI;y to muni- need s of JAY chapters by are diUerent from those that der °d f MO<»<! h a "0100 to flared up "gam . hortly at- -In''le and 60 _n'- appeared to be grinding down. cipal commissions be 'd' ha e b sh J amen lIS membership polley, 0 " , .. , proVl 109 pro g ram re- LOS ANGELES _ Dr H. before. eon own 111 apan whlch IS quaiificatJons baS- t<'l' midnight and Shima was tor a head of le.tluee. "It would appeor • .. that placed sources, assistance in pro- Carroll Parish, executive .ec- ed on raoe. The 1.400 dele- stabbed three tim"" in the Daryl Arnold, executive functions have MIssing from Ci1;y Hall will gram development, and retary' of the Japan America gat meeting in Chlcago for back. He dIOO on his way to viee - president of Western slowed down," he said. ''In be yorty's administrati"" ...... I d hi' .. Soeiety of Southern Calitor- Manzana r '44 reunion the 85th inwrnational conven- San Bespltal. Growers, said that a market the Pentagon alone I think a sstant in charge of protocol, ea ers p m orgaruzmg nia, placed a "'Teath at a tion May 27-28 were report- Sh ·rllf s deputies from both survey hod eonvinced him bait dozen assistant secretary- George Saiki, who was t h to and developing chapters. monument honoring Japan .... LOS ANGELES _ The Man- ed to have voled overwhelm- counU ,pent th!, early mor- thut Japan. beeOu.", or its ships 8 r e untiUed. And. of tirst 'isej employed by As official. voting mem- kiUed in action while opera!- zanal' High School groduating ingly to delete reterenoo; to nlng hOUr> questionmg the 30 "growing affiuenee nnd amni- course. the posltJon of sec:re- mayor here to his staff. bel'S of the National Board, ing with the Britisb Navy in class of 1944 is planning a race from the eonstitution and camper:; who were 111 tlle area ty for fresh pi'Oduee," is a tnry of defense is untilled. th NCC t'. t . 1914-1918, located in the 30-year reunion nexl year in bylaws at the time of the stabbing. natural market. "I'm eertain the White e par lClpa es 10 Armed Forces Cemeteey in the early part ot JUn.. To Alter questioning members Technological a d van c - House is in a sUght turmoil," the overall JACL program Kalkara. Malta. updale the planning commlt- 01 two camping groups near es, mennwhile, hold promise Inouye said, "although Coo>- Send Us Clippings from Your Hometown Papers and poli cy decisions. Dr Par i. h headOO an tee's mailing UBt, such ad _ Nat 'l Elks leader urges Melones bridge, depuUes ar- of bringing the Japanese mar- gress seems to be operating Ques tion was rai sed as Ame",can of the dresses should be fonvardcd end of white-only rule re,\A!d Robert James T tile- ket as close .... America's east- at its usual pace." Order of SI. LaUlJ'\J.!, which to B K JI Mer! S mn. 24, of Alameda, tor in- em ..,aboard. -- ---.: .... ---------------- - to whether the JAYs were met May 12 on Malta to ded- & 3;4 'E. l_tt J!;UGENE, Ore - The naUon- vesUgation ot murder, burg- Arnold said tllat Sea Land, members of JACL. If so, icate it.< world headquarters. Angel.,. 90012 ; or to Arnold al Elks Lodge leader <aId May lar:v, forgery and possession of a container s1upplng firm. has they were entitled to cer- The 894-year-old order wa. Maeda, Cal Western Life, 3600 26 he will recommend that stolen property. announced the Introduction of Allow nalural,·zed cl'tl·zens to hold t 'n benefits such as sub founded 10 care for lepers Wilshire Suite 1914, Los An- the Elks drop their whites- Shima was 8 carpentA!r a fleet or eontalner ships that al , . ft - and the sick. geles 90010. only membership pollcy. prenli ee who of.ten spent hi. can "cruise at 33 knots and scription to the Pa Cl'C Francis Smith grand exalt- weekends camPing aceordlng wili be only a few feet short- ff' f U S 'd' S k k t ChietiZCynOaunthd thDell" seecrtvoricesanodf THE FI RST FUND-JACL ed ruler ot the naUon's 15 to his tather, MIles. bc:Trlnt a nJ tho 0 Ice 0 •• pres, en, par as s milUon EIJQo, sald the organiz- ' gmg upnnese po, '" WI - other national staff. Does aUon is being threatA!ned fi- J h f m , seven days of West Coast this mean that their na- Announce Health Plan Changes nanciaUy apan In searc or shIppers. WA IiINGTOJIT - Natuniliz- resident of the Us. for at I d Id b d The tinancial threat he G d I I I At present, Arnold said, a ed American citizens would least fourteen· hall be tiona ues wou e use said, is exemplitied by act ua a cana stragg ers combination of Japanese tastes be permittOO to hold the of- eUgible to h d':'" sm -" to subsidize the national or the M J I gl I t th l and prIce advantages offer the . . ., 0 e 0 ce w. LOS ANGELES-Parti· ts 3 k e e s as::.e te e TOKYO _ With British gov- PO'-IIUaI for tour Ca- !ices. of PreSIdent . and VIce President or Vi . lee PresIdent, youth program rather than C1pan S 7.50 single. $75 couple nnd P w g b" Presid t f th U tA!d St tes gardI of hi be used for distri ct pro- in the JACL major medical 90 family, Premiums for the units from issuing building omment approval, a team Ilfomla crops melons, lettuce, under °J)l 'oJsi':' of of s or her coun- grams as I 't IS' presently? program sponsored by S a n coming quarter should be pennits or tood or beverage from the Japan Health and and eelery. lation introduced last month MatsUDa ' h ed made payable to T h llcen t . U t Welfare Ministry has embark- "It an goes weU." he said, S .. ga, W 0 sponsor ' Vould the P acific Citizen Fernando VaUey andsix o!:b- Fund-JACL and u;; dis j. 0 orgaruza ons wa ed on a search for WW2 "Calitornla produeers w III by Rep. park Mutsunaga ( 0- a surular measure early in hl3 l)e sent to all JAY mem- er chapters were infonned Jul y 5 to the American Ja- or because ot race stragglers and collect the re- soon have another mal' ket ri- Bawail) nnd other membel .. COJl!l1:e-<Si .onaI ear..,.-,. the bel 'S? Would the JAY na- this week of a change in the panese Insurance Agency PO ' mains of Japanese soldiers vallng the East Coast in vol- o.t the Housa of Representa- co?,stitutional dis- underwri ter coverage a dB' who died during the Guadal- ume." tives. criminates against millions . of tional dues of $1.50 be '--:1 n ox 732 , Woodl and Hills T h ed loyal Am rates e!lecuve Jul y 1. Calif. 91364 ' Fatol cycle occident canal and New Georgia cam- Some California growers e measure, a propos I '" b"- encan inc r eased or remain the Jimmy S. Gozawa, admin- oth paigns. will be making their first to the U.S. Con- c same? istratol', announced Founders h leer JACL AUBURN, Calll. _ Mark Takeo Ishida who heads the move towards the OrIent sUtution, would remove the Many of these new citi2:- The NYCC expressed Life Insurance Co., of L os a r Wayne fujII , 20, of Auburn, repatriation eUo1't .. said ex - when they partlcipaw in contained "fr- ens terrible hard- Angeles will underwrite the W t 'Los ' was killed May 23 when his tensive search Is being plan- International Trade Show m tiele n of tho Constitution ships 111 order to come to th .. mu ch concern about the plan with coverage remaining c!n Angeles, Orange motorcycle smashed into a ned for SI. George Island, a Tokyo 111 August. On display which states that "(no per- United States, and studied tor "parental" a t tit u d e of exactly the same plus increa- S I ty, East Los Angeles and bridge abutment two mil es thickly wooded island 25 will be nothing but western ",xcept a natural b r n years. ill order to become some Sr. JACLers to the ,iog Ihe major medical max- epanoco. north of here on California miles north of Guadalcanal, fresh vegetables and melon .. CItiZen , •• shall be eliglble well-informed citizens of our th Th f It h' ld imum to $50,000 and conva- rogram is an altemaUve 49 the Highway Patrol sa id . where old records show was A key factor In making Cal- I? (hold) the Ottiee ot PI'e- great NaUon," he said. "Yet, you . ey e a c I . leseent hospital care up 10 35 plan to the JACI.rCaJit. Blue The youlh was the son of Mr. the objective ot soldiers who itomiu produce more attrac- sldent." The proposed amend- ow' Constitution denies them parent relationship was a day. Shield group health insurance and Mrs. Ted FujII. who swam ashore when their con- tive to the Japanese Is the re- ment provides that any full participation in our dem- "'ontlnlled on Pare endorsed by the Pacific Sollth- operate a market in Old Au- voy was attacked by U,S. lor- oent devaluaUon of the dollar, son who has been a U.S. Clt- ocraUc system of govern.- " ... New quarter),y rates will be west District CouncU. bum. cell Sept. 4, Arnold said. !zen for twelve year.; and a ment."
Page 1: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking

.. .. •• o .. •• ...


CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group

to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking


1I ~ ll ll RY '1\ 'CI\ ' N I\ '"tional JA L Pre Ide"t

Representatives of the distrirt '0 u t h councils

' At: !' I.AKE cn\', Utoh All A IIvt'I' clloou •• loll on tha ullits III tho Illtn'mountotll !ullll'o 01 th Ol.t d ot cook­Dlstdct 01111 II - the ChAP- book proj",,1 WOft ollly ono ot ICfS. l'OIlIl~ adllll And 'ollth Ih ~ IIlI1I1Y 'nlbjeok' dl.cu"",c! !1'I'OUllll-w!II sho,,, til sloslng by U, IDC BOllt'd. This (\lnd ~,e blollnlAI dls!.rlcl con"oll- l'al8in ~ project h05 broil mov­lIolI., It WII Ajf1·.,.,d lit Ih ro- IlIg nheAd IInder Ih. IradN-

VOL. 76 NO. 22 J"HIl)AY, ,JUNE 8. J073 12 CENTS

erving on the ntional \ :outh oordino.tmg COun-

ellt IDC qUArl rly moctlllg .hlp or Hord"t KhnurR. h .. r" 1110\' \9 1'1 I dl To I>' ' ho tC'(\ b ' B I I Ir 11\1110 III. qu .UOII WA. I \' C • ~ 0 0 - wholhel' to KO 11110 n , ,:olld




II of J \' . met in Chicago on Memorial Day weekend to di C\I comlilOll i sue and plans. Invited to the m e e tin It s were David U hio, , h i g u giyam3, Henry Tanaka and DOllna Omnta "ho has served as JA \' representative to the J L executive commit­tee

e. JACL till. NovemJxor At Pl'iIlUIIIl. MI' •. Khnul'll 01 Soil BoISt'. Iduho. Ih. dlslrlcl con- Lako I~\' ROIIIII. Yokol ot ,'clllion .\\'~II be choh'<'d by Bob. ond' Hid Il U"'RAW~ 1>1 ROIIIII. \ okota bill each ChAP- Idnho Full. WOI'o> n8lne'd 10 t~r (. "V(lJl~ Ben Lomond, ldn .. conmuttC't' to ~ .· plol" fl1rth~~ '

SLURS AGAINST Anti-Nikkei bias festering ASIAN ETHNICS

Youth in JACL

Reports on the Project of the Bienninlll (work­~hop on Japane e Amer­Ican histOl ,) indicate good progre s and a variety of technique being u ed:

11 \l'a announced U\at plans are underway to pon or a joint lIlidwe t­

Ea tern di t rict c 0 u n c il wokshop in Wind -or, Ont., Canada ttentative) on u­gu t 24-28. Outside . peak­ers are being sou ht to key not e the ethnicity work hop " 'hich will focu­on elf all'arene' and en­richment. trategie for development of s ian ~merican . The workshop IS open to members of other di trict VOUUl COUll­cils and chapter . Funds for the "'ork hop will be from the youth program budget appro\'ed by the 'alional CounciL

A TTl-Oi trict J Ys Con­ference will be held in Riv­er ide. Calif on Augu t 16-1'9. Program will stres leadership, Asian aware­!1e s, and media stereotyp­mg.

There "'a much discu -iOIl 011 the job respon I'

bilities of the to-be-hired • ational Youth Director Rightfully 0, the _iYCC f e I this responsibilties bould be to the youth pro­

gram, and to work cooper­ativelv with other mem­be~ of the .. ational staff.

While no firm decisions were reached, the NCC representath'es expressed the need to improve com­munications and stressed the importance of conti­nual follow-up on respon· sibillties delegated. ome

~~I!~I~c~!:ot °tJnl\'P~ 'k :Cf~~ . nle po.<Slbll!lltoa, od\'\'l'li It," 'nake RI\'~r 'olle\' ond Bol.e lind cOlllmel'ciul ouUet. Vollr~ ' ) will be hwolnd In . Olhel' dlstricl bu h",. 011-planntllg (md carrying out on .Jde.C'(\ \\"s th .. Tolenl !lAnk, lIctlvlly 01' workshop for UIO Illdent .Ald, Scnlor CilbclI. COO" nUon, It WAS ('xplaincd ond UH"h nerds. Uw l1('W No· b)' D An HOYlIshlda, Bol.. UOllol Hl'ndqllllltrr. BulldillP Volley J A L prc.IMnt. n:'d lundlng 101 "'nM. SUMII

As:Jglllllcn!.s Well' mud. nnd 'ioshllllul'n nnd othl'l' JAY ench choptel' will b. e"pcct<'d pres lit ,pok 011 the problem to '\lbmll n prolll'e ... report at or kc.:plllil tho youth activo. the next 10 q\lnrtcrh se .1011 Hayn hi n.porla ill Au~sl. Prevlous- dl.trict cOll\'entlons WN the hondl- R.glonnl 01"",101' Don 1111-

work of the host chopter. )'nshl rcporl<d h hu. be n busy In th. Region ond work-

It_ Olympus UO I Ing wlU, the locol chapl .. ·• The lI1u~' 19 . ...1011 hosted on a pel'50nAI I,v I to h.lp

by Mt. OI~ 'llIp\l' JACL. wos with W1Y pl'Oblem. Or to ph' held al Rodewo~' Inll h(,I'" ;upport whel \10 Ibl" rDt: ,0" hoke U. hlo 1'1 _ He urgce! the choptl'l' to ,Idl'<i 01 tho bu. 1m • meeting. 'IX'C'(\ Each haptcr Pl'. i d n I broullht the di lricl council up-to-dale on their acU\'IUc may fol' the past quarter.

Aged Issei seen as target of pressure

from Nikkei groups, says Utah savant ALT LAKE CIT\'. l.lh-A

plea was made to ikk I com­munity leadr.. and or • nlz.a­lOllS by a . IM'I each'" at

Weber 'tal ColieR", OJldon, I'to . 'creist' communlty con­R'icnc,-" in then prnctic soliCIting eontribuliolls tronl the reUrOO r. "I.

Dr. Klyolol<hl Iwamoto. tlCO,

notnlcs prof or at W .. ber. contended tha the • Ikk.1 tommunlt~· organizatlOM are 'aking ad,·ant.,~e of th" r -til ed 1. • m",tly \\ Idowl, mml 01 whom I!\'c on mod­est to mar£lnal reUrement m­eom ...

They are the e illy PI'CS­ured patron. and \'Ictims of

lhis pracUc~. H, contends that it IS ,\1d"I\' praClIc,>d in litah's smail' Japan","e com­muruU b). 'il<keJ organl7.a­Uons "hic:h a!Tange ... tcrlaln­ment pro am.. and ",thl'r­i~ - benefIt movie show! pIcnics. ~tc. •

B) cu tom an an b.din

- '0

Nisei metallurgist

wins Interior Depl.

top service award

ncy help th \ tile rematnlnc lrag! bclanIl

Dr IWllmoin r 1971 a d IIllation b on or tho "OulStnndlng EdUClIlDn of Amenra" H~ was amoog the ,'Ucu= nt the lanUlllllr

WRA camp during World Wor II Professor Iwamoto, who was a Ford Foundntlon sc:hol-

Protost Launched

Agninst WHAM in

Rochester. N .Y,

felt communication would ALBAlOY, Ore - Haruo K.­. m 'f h . to, J'e$t'arch coordinator of til. I prove I eac "ere gl\'- Albany Metat:ur&l' Researc en more explicit areas of Center of the Bur<'9u 0 Rtbut\;Ol Tim. responsibility. Others fell Mmes. has received th .. 0 A.bomb photos from 11'0 mformcd of the broad this would tend to create parunent of 1r.t<1ior's Men - ca b Ic:CuUer wa 0

SAN MA fl·.O. Coli( I rutllm I hhrd to dotlna In WIth cmoUoopl pm"I,,,,, ," Ih"I'I ' ~ IImwln" Antl-.lllp"n- lodIlY· •• ,,"'"1 .!tlwtlon, Ix·- far aa Konno I, CflllI'rmod hr • t. \·nllll1< lit In San Mol,..,? C"" n (,I n·pl....,u Ion 'Ther. aId , "II wa. ,UII an 'Jet ,,1 Th~ SlIn Mllle'v clly council on UII" Inl fir ubllr c" ... r"cl'm."

In IInl l<On rxpr "xl 1tJ. dl. r ,I n I 1'1 II h bo.lIe.f nl the p Ibllity or ~ 'c m. In cOunc oa For th" nrst tlm< In il.l ~, Inll-nUon.. I am our/:'. hl.lory t h ,. cit.. coo II

IIch II h·dlllll cxl.UnJi in Sitn Thry lfr. 10 support Rood re- "Jlrc',d ' to put up '~ 600 n~ Mill' I. Inll,m"h II, bul IhM''' or ... w 0 r d pI thp In.I' . t

Gardena Councilman

in Special June 26

Runoff Election

The mutt ... wo. broughl In- 101 or (n'oblem "r,·. which C II • <'J1C( 0 f"rmull y to Uw "ouncU', ot- Itlll exl.1 wnc man John, Condon. IL CARDENA., CaUl - City It'll lion during the tudy led to Ihp youth. urr~. Councllman Paul T. Bannai lite ling hdd at ti, Clly Holl. ·Ivl. Involvtm.nl Ivl. Pride moved another lie\) elQ!A!:r tc.-

M., or HURh A Wovn Id "I pc r""'loI11 would Ilk. to warda beearnlng the tint NI-he h. not,~1 WiUI inen. 11\11 more J"plm( Ame 1cuna th Th~ council ~mph •• lud that ·t to Ix> a nate I.gill.tor rem m tho 10C\l.8 or th~ SlIn .... public olllelal. 10 \'ariou. e gardl'll. whleh ha be<on .... hen h. tallled ~ . U54 vo\(,t In f r,mel"'" n1l'tropoll!.on prru "ow'rnm, nl I' itions ot Im- r rna:;:;., or prld" and IncTl'3&- th" ,peclal 67th Aav-mbly on tori ",laUnl to lII'ow- porfJlnc,', bt·cnu.o we h"v~ ft ng . uly 111 th,· city tor DWrlc:t election May 29 to 11111 Illlti-JlIpun , 1 lln/l In tr''fficlKiou Iy high number ot fiQl!\O y<111", II wld"ly &dv .... - force & Jun. 26 run-<>ff with thl Dr", The aecount, ho not- pe'Opl~ with eoll""" d"""~es . I'd In III Chamlx'l' 01 C<lm- Tim Rup<'T\ who garnered 5 -Th t . ... ITJ.('J'ce brochur.. at Q tnuriJ 081 volH ' 1'<1. u rd 0 on In<idm1 th. c' r poy, tlorl ond ~- attracUon and other matenal. ltolot'-d S. n Maleo CD .. of 11c).. don't r lIe-ct In aU ca .. rt Is found a the oov~r plc- Bannai, a RepubU""", waa , ndall m of t h. bel,utllul I lhcir bctual kil! ond CID- tuT~ of I h e local lel"Pbooe thr in front of other GOP Jnp.m ICDrdm In C ntral trlbulion In t h. Jobe thC'J' directory. candidates whfl.. Dttrooc:rat PorI< 11 occurr,od la I year. hold," Konno Id Rupert. TOTT"..nce city treasu-

While til yonwllI m 01 th" Mayor Wayn(' eald, '1 waa rer, od~(-d out Gardena CIty J Ten C.trden outraged all 01 oppallrd to r d I. \ w k- COIlTICilman Don Dear wh o

th~ city'. r Idrn and 11 end (Moy 6) of the stoey m garnered 3,733 vot.ell to fin,-

krmeod by th.. councli n n daB a y Area poJ>f'l' do ling I h third.

p_o_ll_c_O __ lh __ .. .:..Pt.:..:t_o.:..r:....:a..:.)':..:OII:.:..:th :.:...._-=C~.::nl:.:in::u:t:d:....:.::n~N:.::t:n:..:p:.:a~," In the 114 pred:ncta tn-

Konno laid. "'Veo arc n n to rCAllJ 0 thII t Ihl IllIalion, ond t1ncI I

1'(tQted In the 0ltO-

n It Impacl that the c:ornr

R nl.l_ ,..,Ured u AsIIocial~ Justice of a~a1 • Aloo 11 now associated WIth -Cut COUtl~: Ratu Shlmpo.

U,r ImportaUoa of J.

:OJ .:'f" ~ m!"i to newsman' s charge Sen, Inouye hopes

Watergate query

will not drag on

_ 01 S ~uc" 110. OL LU - l 1l<p. added, It II dI ,- K=th K.L. ...,., lay ~

cult to P npoint IndI dual pl .. dec! not cull\)' In Dimict of racism fn\'OIvinl: tbe Court to a thlrd-d..,..,., u-

Ja n resfdmt m San 1.- ult char brought ap,m. I him by Honolulu tar-BIL'I.,.

Un reporter Gregg IUkeaako. Th ~harge, whleb wu tiled

"" April 25, tenmed from HO. 'OLULU - ~ Daniel an affray at the te Cap- Inouye, back on a brief \'is­Ito! on Apnl 10, dunng whleb Jut week (May 28). sald Kak 1<" c:1a1m(!(\ h~ was tha he looks torward to

'ansel' stabbed to punc:hl'd and kicked by Lro. speedI.... lIS during the J Beca LI;<o has requl'lJl- balance or the Seoate Wa~ eel a JUlY trial in th~ CIISl', ga'., c:anmlltft hearJJJgS.

olved, 89,1I4 voten wf!I'e re-giI\ered, but only U,80 1 IZ7"1-) bothered to go to the poll

Tbe 67th Dlatrict: encamP""" Gardena. Lawndale, parta Torrance, Hawthorne a:nd

C noD.


The reat was ldt vacant by the death or Larry TOWIlRIld and there 11 a move In Sac­ramento to abolWt the dls­trict but strong oppo&itian being voiced by the remdeoUl ot th~ district.

Last week &nna:i was I:D Sac:rame!lto. armed with pe.­Uu..... circu1ated by his pre­cinct walkf!l'l, protesting the propooed reapportionment.

Bannai feels th.al his chance of victory In th~ June 26 elec:­tl 0 n iIJ good. Although dlnrict 11 tl'lIdltlODally a Dem­ocntic area m the nmnbf!I' or rel)Stered vo\e!15, the NIsei candidate feeb that his str<mg

owing In the primary gi"'" him a good crack at victory.

~pecb l Elec:UOD

Voters, UTespec:th-e or PIlV rei/mrBtian, were able to vote for any of the 10 candidates, whose IJlIIIleI appeared alpha­betically on the ~al ballot.

Some or thooe who vote4 far the laiIng candidates ex­pn!9lled their support !Dr Ban­nai In the fInals_

Barmai also saw In the 67th Alsembty DIstrict with the beet ch.ru:e \0 seod a Jape.­nese American legislator ID

Sacramellto. H~ viewed t h • mO',e to genymander the 67th out ot Gardena vaUey as .. critic:al tssue facing the area Nisei.. "The Japanese Amen­cans have a right to be beard." he declarec:L "We' tough before and WOD. We'nl going to do it again."

C&rd C1nb bsue more distance "lIh the Dnnus Sen~ce Award U.S. to be shown Wtl \\, ronsullan' to th~ I b h

· b The award "", ... gnlud h caUfornia lair bl,' genera mem ers tp V e ""ptlOnal .ceompllshm~nt" HJROSHI A Commllt 00 C~tltuUOlllll death because introducing a more formal In conducting ph_'sical _tal- Hll'OI5hlm;,ldec:toJ : ~ ~I.!:~ Amcndmcnla, who wrol to structure to NYCC. lurgy and rcsean:h manage- 624 photographl mcludh,g 40 thr t&Uon mann CI' for re-

h was sc:bedulr:d fOt:' a re-er- Sen. Inouye said that "in raltnmpnt on June 1 in Cir- general" he was sa~tJed WIth cull Court. the proltr8S 01 the hearings.

Th. thlrd-dCf(l'Ile lWilult although they hav~ mm'ed charee aga t LI;<o consUtutnl S<>mewhat slowly.

In the Gardma card club Issue. Mayor Ken • akaoka did not gain the wpport he sought in re;hufOlng Ute clos­mg dates tor the clubes whea the \ '01erS indlcatA!d the,y wanted. no changes in t b e present structure by almocst a 4 to 1 margin.

The basic issue seemed ment programs The CltaUon in eolOT of the A-bombing buttnl time on the nir by an , t b h 'YCC h I Mted the Sigru[iCBnt contrib- "hich haw been returnOO to an Am .,.Iean 6POk 0 tape recorder o e ow j can e p uUons made to evol\'ing tech- the city by thc Unll<'d Staws. In r ponse to NIshJu"B"

motivate the general mem- nalogy for fabricaUng zirea- It 15 ~hcdulOO to open at til 1<'Il<r, WHA I cw DU"ftor bership towards greater nlum. • metal es.'ential r 0 r A-bomb M.t~rtal Hall Aug. Itchnd J Mnrgan .... lutA!d the .

a ,nlademNUlor. which mo<U'1S "1's not a bad thing, he I"""" b maximum ot 1,00.0 ough," Inouye 5BId. "It', due 111 tines and/or a year in ja.1l parUally tt> a dl'<ltre of th~ .f found gu.Ilty. membcft; to be as carefUl as

possible in the questionmg

'Bit Ones' Dut P

articipation in chapter alomic submarine rcactoT6. 6, A-bomb lemorlal Day. c h a I' g against lIa brouck. ONORA. Calit - A holiday He was a1<o tupOnslblc for How"ver, hL' mvlk'd Nbhika- camping trip end :d .n trage-

and district workshop. the production of I It. ilrst Most o( tho piclures \\ Cf< wa or IUJOtber AsIan .... pre- dy I. y 28 when a llDSP

This matter will be dis- pure ductile chromium, a ma- taken b' a Japane ' and U.s cntaU\'c to u~r on the )outh \ tabbed \0 d ... th Call" growers cussed further at the next !erial later u ed for cancer- jomt fCbearch group alh'r th" OpUll"" progrnO;:;- fol101,1n£ an argument 0'·... . '·HowC\·er. I think we are

'YCC et' g hi h '11 treatment ImplanlS war. But oome \\ ere tak .. n b,' Arrang mcnts ar no,,, be- '! ,er«> tape play r Mel\'Ul about "",dy for th big ones,"

Nakaoka had fought to ""tdJ ciosing dates of t h • ciub and he was aecused in som~ quarters of alleged\.y trying to fa,-or certain clubs.

me m w c Wl The former ScatUeile Join- the U.S. Air Fcm:e when the Ing mudc by Asian Arr.criC:Uns!'· hima. 20, of San Mateo , I the """"tor added. be held in conjunction ed Ihe Bureau of Mines in atomic bomb was dropped for Falr Media and AI. an on W8 ""mping Wlth friend. eye potentia H~ sald he hoped the in-with the ational Interim Alban)' in 1949. He J.! plan- here. They weI taken b'om the Alert to "",d a L':I- along the Calneras-TUolum- n:stigation into the ""'"' Board meeting in San ning to attend tlle 30th an- .bout 23,000 ft. abo v e th~ pel'$Ol1 to Rocheotcr to ppelll' ne CounlY line n""r Highway would not be a long, drawn- Los Angeles elects Francisco on June 21-23. niversary reunion of the Scto Inland Se-~. some. 25 on the program at th an ear- ~9 . marketl'n J p ou':Jndffon~t- think I't __ .u be its first black mayor

4420d Regimental Com bat mil .. ooutheast of Hlr""htma J d. \ Y IchibeJ him. and two mends "ere a an w ........ V Team this summer in Hawaii over whleb the thick. mu.h- <paring to I av' whNl hl- tn the best intere>t or the LOS ANGELES-Ci\Y C<lc:In-

Another Issue discussed wltll which he sen'ed during room-Uke cloud 01 th. ex- ma noticed that hi. tape play- country tor the cornmlttA!e to cIJman Tom Bradle,y, m his

at length was the role of

WW2. PIOySIODhiis seeSn. k' r.o LOYAL ORDER OF MOOS E pC was mIsslng An argument LOS ANGELE - A !remen- ha'd'e prolonged hearmg.;' he second attempt to unseat May-UIC I' 0 asa., 0 , ot the began between Shuna and dous murkel for Callrontia sal . or Sam yorty, has succeeded

NYCC and its relationship city, an A-bomb photograph DROPS MEMBERSHIP BIAS ome other cumpers !rom the frulls nnd ' ·.Iletables seems to Asked for his assessment of a:nd assumes the post July 1. to .JACL. As a coordinat. BRITISH NAVY MARKER pecialisl •• ald thaI the pIC- Ba), Area, and the player was exist In Japan, where house- the mood in Washington, Sen. It will also mean a num-

m. g body YCC serves the tur

t eths show clearly the BCOpe CHICAGO Tho Lo\'dl Or- evenluaUr lound. wi" r ported!,). PItY 16 "aeb Inouye replied tllal in some b er of Japanese American.

, HONORS WWl JAPANESE 0 e blasl. and that they . However, t h. argument lor melom, 1I dIm e for a ways the Ilean of government appointed by YorI;y to muni-needs of JAY chapters by are diUerent from those that der °df MO<»<! h a "0100 to flared up "gam . hortly at- -In''le ~-,ybb- and 60 _n'- appeared to be grinding down. cipal commissions ~.v be ~

' d ' ha e b sh J amen lIS membership polley, 0 " '"~ , .. , ,~,~ ~ .~ -proVl 109 pro g ram re- LOS ANGELES _ Dr H. before. eon own 111 apan whlch IS quaiificatJons baS- t<'l' midnight and Shima was tor a head of le.tluee. "It would appeor • .. that placed sources, assistance in pro- Carroll Parish, executive .ec- ed on raoe. The 1.400 dele- stabbed three tim"" in the Daryl Arnold, executive e..~ecutive functions have MIssing from Ci1;y Hall will gram development, and retary' of the Japan America gat meeting in Chlcago for back. He dIOO on his way to viee - president of Western slowed down," he said. ''In be yorty's administrati"" ...... I d hi' .. Soeiety of Southern Calitor- Manzana r '44 reunion the 85th inwrnational conven- San And~ea.- Bespltal. Growers, said that a market the Pentagon alone I think a sstant in charge of protocol, ea ers p m orgaruzmg nia, placed a "'Teath at a tion May 27-28 were report- Sh ·rllf s deputies from both survey hod eonvinced him bait dozen assistant secretary- George Saiki, who was t h to

and developing chapters. monument honoring Japan .... LOS ANGELES _ The Man- ed to have voled overwhelm- counU ,pent th!, early mor- thut Japan. beeOu.", or its ships 8 r e untiUed. And. of tirst 'isej employed by • As official. voting mem- kiUed in action while opera!- zanal' High School groduating ingly to delete reterenoo; to nlng hOUr> questionmg the 30 "growing affiuenee nnd amni- course. the posltJon of sec:re- mayor here to his staff. bel'S of the National Board, ing with the Britisb Navy in class of 1944 is planning a race from the eonstitution and camper:; who were 111 tlle area ty for fresh pi'Oduee," is a tnry of defense is untilled. th NCC t'. t . 1914-1918, located in the 30-year reunion nexl year in bylaws at the time of the stabbing. natural market. "I'm eertain the White

e par lClpa es 10 Armed Forces Cemeteey in the early part ot JUn.. To Alter questioning members Technological a d van c - House is in a sUght turmoil," the overall JACL program Kalkara. Malta. updale the planning commlt- 01 two camping groups near es, mennwhile, hold promise Inouye said, "although Coo>-

Send Us Clippings from Your Hometown Papers

and policy decisions. Dr Par i. h headOO an tee's mailing UBt, such ad _ Nat 'l Elks leader urges Melones bridge, depuUes ar- of bringing the Japanese mar- gress seems to be operating Question was raised as Ame",can d.l~gation of the dresses should be fonvardcd end of white-only rule re,\A!d Robert James T tile- ket as close .... America's east- at its usual pace."

Order of SI. LaUlJ'\J.!, which to B K JI Mer! S mn. 24, of Alameda, tor in- em ..,aboard. -----.:....---------------- -

to whether the JAYs were met May 12 on Malta to ded- & ~~ 3;4 'E. l_tt s~,VIL:;! J!;UGENE, Ore - The naUon- vesUgation ot murder, burg- Arnold said tllat Sea Land, members of JACL. If so, icate it.< world headquarters. Angel.,. 90012; or to Arnold al Elks Lodge leader <aId May lar:v, forgery and possession of a container s1upplng firm. has they were entitled to cer- The 894-year-old order wa. Maeda, Cal Western Life, 3600 26 he will recommend that stolen property. announced the Introduction of Allow nalural,·zed cl'tl·zens to hold t ' n benefits such as sub founded 10 care for lepers Wilshire Suite 1914, Los An- the Elks drop their whites- Shima was 8 carpentA!r a~ a fleet or eontalner ships that al , .ft - and the sick. geles 90010. only membership pollcy. prenliee who of.ten spent hi. can "cruise at 33 knots and

scription to the PaCl'C Francis Smith grand exalt- weekends camPing aceordlng wili be only a few feet short- ff' f U S 'd' S k k t

ChietiZCynOaunthd thDell" seecrtvoricesanodf THE FI RST FUND-JACL ed ruler ot the naUon's 15 to his tather, MIles. bc:Trlnt ~ a nJ tho Queen~~aryth '" 0 Ice 0 •• pres, en, par as s milUon EIJQo, sald the organiz- ' gmg upnnese po, '" WI -

other national staff. Does aUon is being threatA!ned fi- J • h f m , seven days of West Coast this mean that their na- Announce Health Plan Changes nanciaUy apan In searc or shIppers. WA IiINGTOJIT - Natuniliz- resident of the Us. for at

I d Id b d

The tinancial threat he G d I I I At present, Arnold said, a ed American citizens would least fourteen· • hall be tiona ues wou e use said, is exemplitied by a~ act ua a cana stragg ers combination of Japanese tastes be permittOO to hold the of- eUgible to h d':'" sm - " to subsidize the national or the M J I gl I t th l and prIce advantages offer the . . ., 0 e 0 ce w. LOS ANGELES-Parti· ts 3 k e e s as::.e

te e oSV:~ Anlaal TOKYO _ With British gov- -a'-~ PO'-IIUaI for tour Ca- !ices. of PreSIdent . and VIce President or Vi. lee PresIdent,

youth program rather than C1pan S 7.50 single. $75 couple nnd P w g ~~.~ . b" ~" ~ Presid t f th U tA!d St tes gardI of hi be used for district pro- in the JACL major medical 90 family, Premiums for the units from issuing building omment approval, a team Ilfomla crops melons, lettuce, under ~e °J)l'oJsi':' of le ~s- ~ of b~ s or her coun-

grams as I

' t IS' presently? program sponsored by S a n coming quarter should be pennits or tood or beverage from the Japan Health and strawbe'~'Jes and eelery. lation introduced last month MatsUDa ' h ed made payable to T h F '~ llcen t . U .~ t Welfare Ministry has embark- "It an goes weU." he said, S .. ga, W 0 sponsor ' Vould the P acific Citizen Fernando VaUey andsix o!:b- Fund-JACL and remi~ed u;; dis j. 0 orgaruza ons wa ed on a search for WW2 "Calitornla produeers w III by Rep. park Mutsunaga (0- a surular measure early in hl3 l)e sent to all JAY mem- er chapters were infonned July 5 to the American Ja- or c;;.~nate because ot race stragglers and collect the re- soon have another mal'ket ri- Bawail) nnd other membel .. COJl!l1:e-<Si.onaI ear..,.-,. ~d the


'S? Would the JAY na- this week of a change in the panese Insurance Agency PO ' mains of Japanese soldiers vallng the East Coast in vol- o.t the Housa of Representa- co?,stitutional prohib'.ti~n dis-underwri ter coverage a dB' who died during the Guadal- ume." tives. criminates against millions. of

tional dues of $1.50 be

'--:1 n ox 732, Woodland Hills T h ed loyal rore!~bom Am rates e!lecuve July 1. Calif. 91364 ' Fatol cycle occident canal and New Georgia cam- Some California growers e measure, a propos I '" b"- encan

increased or remain the Jimmy S. Gozawa, admin- oth paigns. will be making their first amen~ent to the U.S. Con- c ~zens. same? istratol', announced Founders h leer ~-5pon s 011ng JACL AUBURN, Calll. _ Mark Takeo Ishida who heads the move towards the OrIent sUtution, would remove the Many of these new citi2:-

The NYCC expressed Life Insurance Co., of L os ~~re/\ a ~u~~b<;;~ r ~a~l~ya Wayne fujII , 20, of Auburn, repatriation eUo1't .. said ex - when they partlcipaw in ~e ~rohibition contained ~ "fr- ens ~derwent terrible hard-Angeles will underwrite the W t ' Los ' was killed May 23 when his tensive search Is being plan- International Trade Show m tiele n of tho Constitution ships 111 order to come to th ..

much concern about the plan with coverage remaining c!n Angeles, Orange motorcycle smashed into a ned for SI. George Island, a Tokyo 111 August. On display which states that "(no per- United States, and studied tor "parental" a t tit u d e of exactly the same plus increa- S I ty, East Los Angeles and bridge abutment two miles thickly wooded island 25 will be nothing but western S?~ ",xcept a natural b ~ r n years. ill order to become some Sr. JACLers to the ,iog Ihe major medical max- epanoco. north of here on California miles north of Guadalcanal, fresh vegetables and melon .. CItiZen , •• shall be eliglble well-informed citizens of our

th Th f It h ' ld imum to $50,000 and conva- rogram is an altemaUve 49 the Highway Patrol said. where old records show was A key factor In making Cal- I? (hold) the Ottiee ot PI'e- great NaUon," he said. "Yet, you . ey e a c I . leseent hospital care up 10 35 plan to the JACI.rCaJit. Blue The youlh was the son of Mr. the objective ot soldiers who itomiu produce more attrac- sldent." The proposed amend- ow' Constitution denies them parent relationship was a day. Shield group health insurance and Mrs. Ted FujII. who swam ashore when their con- tive to the Japanese Is the re- ment provides that any p~r- full participation in our dem-

"'ontlnlled on Ne~ Pare endorsed by the Pacific Sollth- operate a market in Old Au- voy was attacked by U,S. lor- oent devaluaUon of the dollar, son who has been a U.S. Clt- ocraUc system of govern.-" ... New quarter),y rates will be west District CouncU. bum. cell Sept. 4, ~942, Arnold said. !zen for twelve year.; and a ment."

Page 2: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking


" .,,, N \h .. \ Glnt. oar d ha lrm _"

" OND ' . ~ d ll ol

~ ~~~n~i~ ' l~I~' ,,~ o~ t 4'. ~f' 1 p"\']\ " I . l.a". ·'\I\I("" lII il\f, . \l b., ll\.'l H ~n th \ , . 1\:\0 ' " 'III"''' • Ii It \1"1" , c." :In rC'lr fWO H'If~ . t'art l. "

\1 So • \df'at '~.c1,,_.. )fln' ln" U' 11 f' Irll Ufl H"IH Alrm.1I tlrvh t

p ,, ~ ,~IU l$ t~~ :r .1 ~ct 'i , Ut'nl:~~r 'I~~ o'\~~:' f ()1A:~~t.t·~~~P ' ~'b · :~1; 1I ~l lt \ d\ c.'u h h'J Heln""" ,,,""

Nl'\ "alit ... • Ln RUl\1f'. 48 "(lMn(l\, nln, .04, ~.n It ranc:hco OU(l1

~ " lI a " I .. \ (, I U ('. ~I Q II .r lf'U

Ul.H PI" ~t .. lin ,.·uncl o. l -.It' g,UU, N",,..,


Wu Arnie ' . Army th e 442nd 7


\ Iread.\' cU'culatl'd \0 the J L chapIN' presiden t h\' Barr, ~Iat umoto. 0111' \\' a hington R e Jl resell ta U " ~ , i· a memorandum oul1imn" a number of congre sion· al bill · of patti IIlar illtcre ·t to Japano. e mericans. ' lIfficient mform3lion has been provided 10 as crt81n the mtent

'I'he PC has long been mlere ·Ied III rllbli~hlng such a li ting ( e below I on a permanent basis-not only of bill at the federal level but of bilL al the stale le\'el where JA L chapter. xi I. Frank 11I8ma of . acramento i drafting a Ii t of bills pending at the

altfornia legislatllre, which wtll be added 10 thi , compilal1on \ lld \\ OUClt other read rs in other

San Maleo-ODIInUt d front Fron ' 1'1"

with ]hl, mAU.. What L .th· ('rcd mt mObl o f ,,11 wa thal hI th t " and parnllrftph th., "'(,(\ Ih •. ,lnRI. Ineldont 01 th S n lat<o', .I. pont l G r· rl~n \'Rnda1i!'m A ptO\'1n Ih(" point.. ..

(Tht t r In quo Itou h rrprlnted bt-Io v F.d I

City • Hornt) Maurlcr II.· mIlton nddrd Ihol Ih,. ) ollth nol onl . h .. hRd 10 mnk. 11111 1.:Uhlllon 10 th. c,l>' lor thr d.,nAat bUI IhAI he h "'rn

states to keep us po ted STORY IN QUESTION Continuing with Sarl') 's memorandum. per on~

wi 'hing to inquire or expre ·s an opinion on an of the bill hould include the pecific number of th~

bill when IITitmg Ihe enator or Congre~man

New Worry for U,S. Japanese ZIP ('ode for member, of the Hou. e of Repre ell

latl\'e Wa hington. D. 20515: for members of the l'. enate it' s Wa hlllgton, 0 (' 20510

. of :\\ay till· 93rd 'e, lOll, aboul 9.000 bi ll. have already been mtroduced m the House alone and about !l 000 bills in the nate

1'0 can 'uch a mao of bills il all arduou tao k and without a full·tim e Washington .J Ct. repr en tatiye on hand to prepare the s 'nop I ~ a Barry ha ~

done. thi legislati\'e calendar could hal e been ICJ' meaningful or motil'ating. Furthermore. the baSIC data In and tatus of bills are now retrievable from a compu ter •. :0 ad\~ ~s our PC' districl repre entalhe Ka7 Oshiki. adnurustratl\·e assistant to Rep. Ka tenmeier of Wisconsin. The ke~ is to call up dau Ihroul:h U.E' of the number of the bill

The mechamc of legi.lalton hal ~ be tide: ribed in the old Washington 'ew.letter. II hen like ~Ia. a· oka battled our weeklv deadlines The\' were re plained when the Tille' II repeal campaign was bing waged and I suppose omeone will re-educate us again The poInt we \\ ant to make is that with so man\" simi· lar bills propo ed by so many ('ongre.smell-Indi at· mg their own particular inclination. or that of a on­sUtuent indil'idual or orgamzalion. the'E' bill. are re· ferred to a committee where the real work is dOlle )!any hardly ee daylight in the commillee. ·qUlrrel· ed away m 'ome heap. Other~ being 'imilar will b~

merged or redeSIgned \11th the committee or 'ubcom mittel' chaU'\llan as the pnnclpal author before it oes to the floor for further action

Knowing all that •. the intent 01 our PC LcglSJaU\ e a1endar IS to keep m. front of our readership tho. ~

m.easures of mteresl. 111 hopes that a few inquines WIll de\·elop. What really counts \I;th Ibe :enalor or congressman is heartng from hIS constituent. On tht other hand. legislators who get the PC and become aware of our legislati\e calendar may find out hOIl'

IOC1d"nl' lram U, d. Umr, 01 World War II" Or Ih. dan 01 thr V.Uow Ptr­II" ltal. around lilt lurn 01 It ntul')' Wroc g 11,. ha • all occurrrd rall'I' rt· ,~UJ and a numbc 01 J pan". • leaden beli... th may • IDa! • I reener of ra· rial baU a,lIInrt Amerl a~ 01 Japan "d~nt

'. Japan !>«om", a bit· .r and b U. omlc eo •

peUtor lor It •• \1' ,. e think /I 10m agauut Ul hu Ina" ed," na\t' U,hio DId Httr­do)' H. 1< naUonal lor 01 tho Japan •• American C

iew are mterested and ad accordingly, _______ '_'L_._n_._1_ .• _ • ....:....r. ,Nch bH ____ _

PC Legislative Calendar Federal legislation

I- Rttlrement Credil 121 by Sen. Daniel Inou~e Hawatil on Jan. 4. 19,


'1~~d~r~ro~:~~: 0;5a ~~c 1076 fPUfed on Jut)' 15. u,~ and 6ubiequr.ntly .mended Sept. 14 196(1) Japaneu AmerJC&lU: III the poSUlI field ~t\1c(' and clautfied

~~~~lt .e{:ie~: e::"·f:~eIO~~ ,,-pent jn mternment 1f ilnd only 11 they AaUsficd the folloWUl( IwO cntrcw.

I-They wen (!rvtnr on Ju1]. 15. 1952. 11) thr portal field ... ~n.'. lee or in the (:la5.Stfled CI\'j} en'· 1<'-(" In po6ltJoru; IiUbJect to the General Schedule and

2-AI IOmf' Hnlt! durLnC the­~nod D«cmbef 7. I.94J to Sep~ tember 3, 19-4~, by N"ason 01 U S policy or pro,-ram or by ~allOn

of entry Into lht." am~ed force .. they had b(-en nparatc-d {rom th'"

;:d.lb~(nIOd~n~~r~~~b!'t~onf.!lr .~: POLntment from a <'1\'11 servJcf" ree:b.try or bt"en denIed reln..c1ate­~t'nt to a ?MItton ap; drJlcnbed

S'!n.alor Inouye'J!: b1l1 would ~x· tfOnd the spt""-lal credn for inl«-r­n rnt Un.,. undpr 5 USC 1078 to all civilian emplo) I'e of the U.S. IprevitlU! lImlt.o.tton h2d required employee to be tn po!tal 6eJd er .... lc.. and claulfied civil 6C!rv­

ice I HOWC!Hr. It should be noled thott 1hE' oth«-r two requirement t)( 5 USC 1076 r~nam unchang~d

I c- ·11) entry lOW federal em­ploym«-nt ~y July 15. )952 and t2t ~eparatlon frorr. federal em­y)lo),ment durm( the period of Dec, 7, J!MJ to Sf'otember 3. 1945

STATUS llt'fen (I'd to the Committe.. on

POt't OtriCf and Ch'll $en-ice. . . . U

liR 3424 b)' Rep. Charles Gubser (Calif.) on Jan. 31, 1973; HR 5555 by Rep. Jer­ome Waldle (Calif.)

SYNOPSIS Thhl: bUl would provide ffOderal

cI 'II ~rvtce retlr,..ment credit to federal employee« ..... ho were Ja-

~b,~~I:,.rn;l~~a~lt~v:n~2 a~~te:8 i ~: !~:!t~~~e)~d~~trdb/orelr*~bTeant~~ credit an Individual mun h.we b~n ev,cuaud or excluded £tom a. military area or must have vol· unlJlrily departed Irom INch an stre~ fn anUclpation or an exelu· IIlnn nrd!!'I' and must. havf' bf'e-n d .. ufntd or interned tn a camp.

i:ee ~~ ~ lj~mc~;.;~::Jt J':(\~~ e: a:fa o f the time .oent In camp

ri:CeJfI(~I.[h t' bJ~e:~~ ~ ~en s~~!~g; lnouye (See ~T~~S

pt) ~~ t ~~frt~ '" ~n~h" c~.~rU~~~ i C: e on

1236 b~· Sen. Dantel Inouye ( Hay, a i) on Mar- 14

6Un' u ~~~:l ~s u Abo\ I! ,)

YATU!II: Hett! r to U.I' CG!I"IrnUie' c,n

Po" OMCf' .r d CivU ~rr ,.

ill-l>oelal I>.curoly UR 3429 b)' R.p ChaJ"

Gubser (Calil) on Jan 31 1973.

SYNOPSIS Thls 1I a blU to amend tnl.. 11

ot the SoclJlI ~urtty Act to ,ptO \ide wa,,, cr~lt.a under 011" old· _If!. 5Un·t\·ora. and c1labUJty to

~~~f:an:r:f::'!'er~OTdet.r::3eo~ laie"rned durin, World War JI Ind performed compenut~d $f'r\'Jee durln, 1htJr dete-ntion 01' tntforn· t'Of'nt. To be f'1J~blt' In lnt .. rn~CI mlUt. baw been deta1ned or In 1emed In a camp Ind han Pf!.t· tonned .omf' iet\'lcf' In connf'c· teon with thl" operation 01' admln· IstraUon of tht campI tor which he recelvrd compt>MaUon (rom U 5 Under thl" tnm. of the btu, an f!'ltglblC' Internf'f' t.. credJted with hav1n, been paid WI" warea actually earned pJUIi an additional ~160 tor ('aeh monlh that 1hf" In· t('mee perfortnl"d u.t' abo, e mt'n· tlon~ ,eI"\1cet.

An e-Ullible tnternt'e ;,1.11 bto either a US. eltfnn or a lawfuJly .. dmltted permant'nt U.S r,..ld ent

STATUS Referred to the Commltlu Gn

WaY5 and ::\1ean!

IV I:I R 517] by Rep. };dward

Roybal (Cali l ) On Mar ~ ,


Lul yur. the 91nd COn, re" paSlo-ed as part of the SOcial ~. curlty Amendmenu of 1912 a flro.

~~n 5O:1~~h~~~~~'1 n~~~o~ e ~~; lor certam IndlvidualJ who wetf" interned durln« W\'I2 ,.2 USC "'31 L The btu was iotrodUCl"d b\ Senator l nouye .

The Socia l Secur1t Admlniltra· Uon (SSA ) has In erpreted th f! 1rbtut.e as providing benefits onh' to u.s eiUze-nJ who wert' In .. t.erned durlnr WW2 Conrre!"A­man Roybal'. bill Js Intended to make clear that the benent. pro­vided by 42 USC 431 are to be f' X­tended 10 allens of J apane!e .n .. cestry as w ell as U.S. cltb:en •.

JACL ha. r eviewed the tan· ~age of the 1972 law and bt-

!11,;rbilu;t t~~e pr o:~~~3; d e ~~~~~ enough to tnel\.Jde almost all J It· panese who were Int.erned In campI (citiZeN a nd a lieM ). We h avp written to th e Geneflll Cou nsels Omce of SSA r equestfn, a nf.nterpretatlon or the It_tute. Both Senatars ]nouye lind Jack­son ( O·Wuh.) ha ve also writte n to SSA requut ln. a reln terpre· taUon.

A b lU which L"I Intended tn ae· eoml'Ji!h th e u m,. J)urpn.e UI Con, r eum.an Roy bal'. has heen fntrodueed In th" S,.nat e by Sen­ator Ton, (S ... e S 1?()8).

STATUS RHerr ... d to ttJe COmm,W ....... flD

Wa Y"_ and Meana.

~ 12Ua b" Sen HlulII Fonc (H." .,11 011 Mar 5, 1973

SYNOP-15 1-.. , ,. u SiR 5111 Yt' . ~ "

STAn'~ n,.!tnt'd· • ~ (

\\'a - In(l taL"


• on

DR Sl83 b) Rep Je 0 c W .. dte (Cali!.) on Mar 5. I i7

SYNOPSIS I Is bUl would f"lI:l"nd lht Sb

~) ~curity "'\'ale "edit bt 1p·

fit.: oj "'2 USC 431 IS~ ~xplan. tlon of U USC tll 'n dllcuulo'l ot JlR 51711 to Japane" A~er­cans who ,'olunlartly It'fl thf'lr

Te:lidence in order (et A\'old tll. encual&OD and dtlenUolL

To b" I"lJ,lbll". a Japane-Io" American mul't

1 -Ha\'f~ been un D~.(' 1 1,,1 a l'uJdent of an ar,..a ID thp U ~ from which Japant" f' Amtrlcan'l \\ ere ev.eua1M dUrin, WW2, and

2- Hne \'olunlarl1y d f" par I .. Nt from sueh an atf'. tn antl('Jpa· lion of lht evacuation

STATU' 'Rt'lerr,.d to th f" Commltt,. ..

Wa' and . Mun:

\ f-eabmel Commlhe. (or s ian American Atra lrs

H R 261 by Rep, Glenn Ander-• on (Calil.) on Jan. 3, 1973. mt 4186 by Rep. Anderson on Feb. 8; HR 2270 by Rep. Gt!orge Danielson (CallI I on Jan. 18; HR 3169 by Rep. Edward Royball (Cali f) on Jan. 29 (A U 01 the above btl1, art In ..

dlvldual b JU. Introduced by f!.wch o t the .bO\'e menlfoned Concrell· m t n leparately.)

SYNOPSIS 'Bitt to estabJlI'h thf' Cabln,.t

Commltt,e,e (or Allan American Art'aln

"Only Feder .. 1 action can bt:,Ul to 1.nvertlgate, laolate. and nell· ry the many lne,Uitie. and prob-

1~~1 ~ ~ IJf! \ 'O~~ ht: Asian Arner·

"Thla proposal would eloLabllll:h

~c~fB~ -) et~: k c~r'?~~fft ,,:~t; ~~: problems ot Asian AmerCe.n •. dt'­v elopln r aol utionw t o thou prob" lem., and correcting th e InJus­tice!' that p resently confront the American!!' o f A m n ancestry" (Congreulon aJ RfOcord, Feb. 22, 1913\

ST A TU~ All tour b l1l11 were rf'ft'rred to

th e Commit tee on Cov" mment O p ~ rati o n l.

VII- 'llIbakusba' AMislance IlR 2984 by Rep. Edward Roy.

bal (Calil.l on Jan. 24, 1973. SYNOPSIS

m ~nt bef J:.ta f~ o r~ ~~ Vf ~~ T, b ~~a;; cltJJ:en or thf' Unit ed Sta tea or any Indi vidua l who has been ad mit ted to the Un ited Satts for pe rma­nent rulden c:e) fo r m edial re· Ud UJr phyucal injury .unert:d

STATU' ftrfl'rrrd 1.0 \.hI' C'ommIU~ . t>D

t ... Judlcl-H

'll1-U.pan t- mf' r tel.n I ,I. a d hip cO

IIR 1481 b' R.p Gtor~t Dan. ,.1 0 Ie II' I 00 Jan 9 gil un 2160 by Rrp. Ed

wa,d Roybal (CallI) on Jan 15 lIR 3086 b~ Rop Ronald o..Uum. t CallI I on .Ian. 29; lin 4369 by Rep ~Ia,,'ln ]:;, h (Mlch 1 0 Fob. 20 tAli of tht' abo\/" bltll "'t-rto , ..

hoduced C!pAJiltely I

SYNOPSIS Each of llit bllJ. would pro\'ld ,

for tilt' u f' of certain fund. to promolt· ICholbrJy. t'ultunl. 1M _(tliUl' a('th'jtle bet¥.t't'n J,pan nnd thl' UnHed SUitt'.

wrUtt-n In Ifn 43l.a • It ,­th('rf'fore the purpo~ of thl ae:t to pro\ Jd, for tht- Ut~ of III mount equal to .. p .. rt 01 tLt: urns to b,. paid by Japan to thrc

Unltf'd Statt" In connecllon w1th the teHnton af Okinawa to Ja .. pant' ft admlnbtntlon to aid t'du. ratiOn and C\jJtUtt" at the hl,hert le" .. 1 In ord,.r to ,-nhanct rret. ptOCill ~plt to peopil" und . r­tandln, and 10 IUppal't the dote

friendship .net mutua Illy ot In· 11"tem bt1ween the US .• nd Ja­pan,"

(Similar but not Idenucal .tatr· ment,$ ot purpo.... are contained In rach nt Ihe- other bU!!.)

STATUS All bills referTl!!d to th . Com­

mIlk .. on Forelrn Affair.



OSAKA - A new artificial sweetener synthesized from mandarin oran ges, said to be 100 limes !iwcetcr th on sugar, \\'8S announced May 5 by Yoshio Tsujlsaka 01 Ihe Osaka Induslrlal Research Inslitule.

A vitamin extract called hesperidin (r om the miken was used to develop the sweelener by adding a ler, ment deveioped by the in.U­lute· With a lighl . weel lastc. experts described. ,t may re­place cyclamates, another arllhcal aweelener, which ha. boen banned since 1966 on

~ hB~ C l ~ ~eit u~: Y o~a~:ch~~f~~ wJ1l be reslrlcled 10 hospitals . IMllng Jll Oclober.

Priorities ontlnutd Irom Pa,. I

llOt condUCive to a po iOve and meanmgful participa· Iton of youlh III the J. \ Y program·s. Under the gUld· ance of re ponslve and reo sponsible you th advisor the ,"outh needs grenter flexibi lity in Ihe develop-

enl and Implemenlation of program

It wa suggest~d that a J A Y statement of righls be drafted for di. U:. ion with J Y advisors ami other .f CL leaders workin/! with .JA Y advi ors and other JACL leaders work· ing with the youth This ~ talem e nt would erve a a /!uide to promote better understanding and aware­ness of youth needs.

v I appreCiated the oppor·

lunity to be a participant observer . as requesled. during lhe first all day session. and later to be a parti cipant in Ihe discus· sions. It was difficult not to ra ise questions or com·


Manzanar plaque MIIOr'

A wOHI to 111,. \1,·1111" M J~

!.lIlh", Buk" r n l~Ue r tlt ", I. n(.1 10 b. <o n lu . ,~ with " ' 1th ..or hlll,leI II b<' UMei .. •

w f'upon 10 " how pnw,.r or rm pu t" POftC" of ( I~("' n~r 1'h" 'n Ittl lf·tl IA lin I nJll nl m ~ nl 10 be u d In hnlpln" on. , oln In · .i .hl

I)n "'~lt Htll. ukl t')nr'" wtrJl , ! "Ianorunr, I. hrouahi It> ,un­J r r tl~ " only by un ort 01 Ih.

Frank A. Iw~m. N.t'l V.P.·Citn. Oper.tion.


w ill . r.''''tAnr, in l"'ell I. no San Bruno, Callf. rvll . nor I. II Lh, aau t ct o ( L' rvll. bill Whl'll w. ato lRno. r r6m Ihe Reven Issei crew members of the Battle. ,.lint 01 laMr. n .. " 01 whal II Khi)! Mai ne who 108t Ihel r lives III Il avan a Harbor m, uno ]n our til., th.n Ihfrr du ring the Spanlsh·Amerlcan War in 1898, to the Ink .. pllll' r lin un rnrlln l '·on· highly honored and decorated Ni.ei who 108t thei r rn ll..-n.llnn. "I r II .. II I V Anel what I h.v. In mind I. V 8 dur ng \ orld War If, to the laat Sanaei who 108t Ii •• r,,,,.1 Im pl lrnUoll' 01 tn' his IIfr during the unpopular Vietnam War, it is an "holu.l. evncu.tion 01 th, Integral pa rt of thl ~ nation 's history that hundred4 J,p8nt.-. .)Of OYA MA of valiant, courageous Japanese Americans have made Cincinnati the Ul ti mate ucrlf!rr III ord r to protect and pruerve

the bMIc freedoms upon which our nallon wa

~ . '1I10' founded. Thr I., m "R.I"".tion ('. n. A furth er review of hi&tory will also reveal that

Itr" wn • mn tt~ r 01 . xprdl- th Hame J a pa n e ~c Amerlcanti were will ing to make rnry Ihlrlv "'nro n«o, Th, the ultimate sacrWce for th is nallon despite the hush :;':~h~ln~~1 1 ~d s~:;:: ~ l o~ ~ ~ A !O qultles tha t weI' directed against them. lIsei wet. m"nt !Jillon Myrta. tlMleRI,·" not even p rmi llcd to become ci tizens nor were they him !'I' "",I hi_ tnll (J WI allowed to obtain ownership !O real property; Amer· onr l. 10 rmptyln« tht ... CAmp' wan·born I~cl, without even the minimum rtghts Itl Ih. rortlt!oll po Ibl . 11m. f d It W.a hi \'1 •• ' Ihal th" .. 0 lie process gUaranteed by our Con$Utution. were \\ oul,1 h. I. unl.vorebl , h~rded IlkI' mere animals into government concentra· p"pullr rt pon .. 10 • prn"," hon camps: many third generation S a n~ei were born ~~~~~ t ~ ~ ~mtr(J~ :·r~~:.:!~ and rai~c d in government concentration camps be· Ir.llon CAmp" hind barbed Ilire and isolated [rom the general com·

U'. " n ont kno" 'hrr ~ munlty ,,,,. rMurh blocka 10 trln. ow that the great record of the J apanese Amer· ~~ ~ ~n rl~~ n t~;11 : ' ~J;rJ~ ,. :'.\: ~ iean soldiers i ~ generally kno\', n to everyone, many .t> domn loyol. " h)· won' l Ih. knowledgeable commenlators and h16toriall& have pon· .rm) I kr Ih.m," (from a dcred and asked the question- y, hy' Why would so n"" ,Onl" ' n<l In m'· ,,(fir. many . Japant~e Amerirans be willing lo make the In N,· ·. YOIY. Cilyl And Ihtn Jillmate Racrtfice for a nalton that denied them any ~~ ·;~r ;~~rr l ~~~: I~ ~ t.i~ ' ~; 01 Ihe basic freedoms for which they die d ~ What then .... lUnK Ih't ,ollon. 01 hll· I1Ighl have mollvaled the Japanese American soldie k.y " monlh" (Of WAS II • 0 .0 gallantly sene a nation that appeared to betray

...,kl 'h ' ~ alh" I a I k them7 ('ollllln', ,rl > dram In a ret ent article in the Pacific Clhzen. ~\;u SalOW, ('.ilonl~~~t~~~ ~ ~'C~ •. ~ ~~ retired . 'ational Director of J CL, recalled a pro­U~n Camp" matt .. 01 <'011' found ~la . lement. "Th~ . lev~r 0 lift p'u~]jc opinion." Mtation .nd manU .. ti,-nl \ uthor BIll Ho~oka \ la . In hIS book" istl- The Quiet Ih~ lilter I-nn I I Ihl d.,· meMcans," describes lhu saga in mencl n hiStory

• tI no hatkl" on my nrek as. "Proof In Blood " Thirty ) -or '«0, I 'ol1ld h.~r or.ued Ih. qu • • tlon un· 110\ ever you I 'ish to d cribe il . the fact is crystal til t .• \] t , ~ ' •• ~ a u ,. d ear-Japancse Americans have had to UteraUy make U'tn It m. lCrtd~ .,. dlrreUy the ultimate acrtfice in order 10 prove \"hal \1 as to J'<'Opl. who bod b • .." WI')' I .. bldl,. u . d a ways known to them from Ihe very beglnrung; that

1I0B CULLUM I , lhat they I ere loyal Americall& even thougb they • tb"qUt q.. ! \I possessed certain physical characteristics wWeb \1 ere

dirt rent {rom those of the majority of their fellow .. menull&. The Japanese American soldier's tremen· OUB desire and moti\'alion to prove lhis poinl is with·

legislative calendar

,. , ,. ou a doubt reflectpd in their great achievements in protecltng and presening the basic freedoms that were Ironically denied lo them

PHIL lH RA Co-ehalnnan

Boy Art . Community JACL

ment durtng the ob erva· \ton sess Ion. but I found it very helpful in getting a "feel" of the session. It gave the youth an oppor· tunity to speak oul freely: it gave me a renewed ense of respect for tbe

NYCC leaders who al'e con· scientiously striving for meaningful programs.

It ~ hope that our fe.llow Americans hal'e learned the co t/y les on that bemg an mencan canno and n e~er hould hne been, determined bv such irrelevant bctors as the color of one's skin, e);es and hair and rhere h l~ anc t o r ~ came from.

,\ lalemenl made b ' the late Presiden John r Kennedy describe Ihe great sacrifice made by those we honor and remember toda} "There is the knowledgE that suffertn!! must make both a people and a man more certain or the rigbt. while triumph brlnJ.' with it the command to respect that right"

The Japane<e merican . oldiers made the ultimate acrifice so thaI \1 I.' may enjo. the rEspect th ~ l enerall\' afforded to us b\' our fellow Amencans

today. ,\ 1 hough many Inequities still remain and the long truggle for equalil\' is nOI yet over. today­~ I~m ori a l Da\' "ay 28. 19i3-a1\ Japanese Americ are able to stand a li tUe stral hler and be proud of the lact that \\ e a.re Americans of Japanese aocestry. Let us n e v ~ r {or el the eternal debt we owe to the hu ndre d~ of Japanese American soldiers that made the ultimate . acrifice ~ o that 1\ e ma\' be where we are today There IS liB a long and difficult road ahead but their greal acrifice has paved the way and gil'en us the IIlcentive lo continue the struggle for equalily of man

(Abo,. " .. It •• I. I at Trink Iw a, ¥P<e<:h belore the J.~CL NC·W 'DC and Ni . .. VFW spOnsortd Memorial Da.1

"'Ices b. ld al Golden Gil. 'all"oll Cemeluy.-Iid. )


Toh Fu Pluladelphia

YOU ALERT READER ' who have orne knOll I· ed I.' of ., 'ihongo" no doubt caught on right 81 ay that the usual "Easl Wind" title had been translated into the Japanese language. nd that "toh·{u" bil didn' tlhrow you off one bit. knowing that it is simply the "ohn·yomi" for "higashi" and "kaze" respecth·ely. (y ou mal' advance to the econd row from Ibe head of the das .)

"TOH·F " 0 MEA that qui"gly bean curd thaI ' so good when chilled and garnished with a bit of "negi" and dried bonito flakes all flopping around m hoyu .

THE CHlNESE· TYLE of bean curd (pronounced. J think, as something that ounds to me as "dau·fu") IS a bit more firm than the squiggly soft Japanese­style stuff. And my fancy chopsticks handling with the latter would confirm the elusiveness of toh·fu.


IF YO UNRAVELLED "Yung Kuk" as beUlg a translation fo r "Marutani". you may advance to the very. head o[ the class. After poking around a bit, 1 was mformed that that's the Chinese pronounciation. The ohn·yomi for "maru" tround) and "taw" (valleyl in ihongo I "gahn·koku" which i n' l that far away from its original, and Iherefore purer, readin" iii Chinese of ''Yung Kuk". ..

[NCE 'fHE l\IlTH' . the J onI.' 's and the ' hoe­maker's and Carpenter's came from England to the e

2S Years Ago hores. I dOIl ' t know why we can't have a good l talian*

by name. of ."MaJ'Utani" come in as "Youngcook". About litis pomt, some reader no doubt is urging that the "c" be changed to a "k" so that my name would read: "young kook". In the Paci fic Citizen, Jun~ 12, 1948

1-hgh courl oull . " s Cahlor· "in fishing ban rules in Taka­hashi test case sta te rest1'1c­bon against Japanese violote!l: oonsUluUon Presidenl TI1.1man autogt'aphs drawing by Nisei art'sl. "red Oeh! I •. A Nisei veleran (Shinobu

ai to) wins "ighl 10 live in home, superIor court 8!"iido in­Juncl10n on lestr kl1ve cove­nant CanadA will open Wl'&t coasl Mea to J apanese

Canad,ans ne,,1 April, de· c I a re s Humphrey MiLeheli . minlsle .. 01 labor . . Wallace backers ask Nisei to join fight on Mundt bill . . Gtn. Dev­e ... · trlbule to Nisei sold iers broadcast by Mutual ... Fres· no Nisei wins (Jack lkawa) wln:s new trial III fight to re· taln homt Hope still held for Senate paS5age of e\'acue ~

measure as subcommittee r e­ports b,U (H.R. 3999).

BUT BEFO RE 1 quH . I've got lo explain "Beeru. an". That's right . that's "Bill" in ihollgo 0 now

we complete the circuit. And were I a uds' drinker to , the call of t!'Y fi rst n,ame . ... ~ e e r u ·s an " . 1'd re pond (WIth a bowl: Doh·mo. ahi' Ippon onegai· himasu."

DO 'T LE1' ALL this poi! your weekend abso. lutely. Relax a li ttle.

*. r.l osl o[ the ttl !1~ the nan~e "Marlltani" IS taken as beltlg Itahan tn onglD. (That IS, until Ihey ee me III person.)

Page 3: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking



Frying Pan

• nenl'llr, .010.

CATCHIN G UP WITH T H E MAIL-l"lorcnco Flinn· kosIn ba of Cull'or lIy, ali!., writos to ~ay that a

reunion will be held in Los ngcles on ,1uly 28 by

Ihe people who worked on the. tart of Ih~ IIC3rll\loun·

lain en tine!. The onlincl, you may recnll, was pub·

li hed for th~ people of Ilearl II10untaln Relocation

enter in W 'ominj:( Like most camp newspapcrs Il s tarted oul a~ a mimeographed information bulletin, but .oon graduated into II prinlcd tabloid .

The enlinel was largely th!' croation of Vauj!hn Mcchau, the WRA rcports officor. lie gathercd a stnff of e acuces to wnte and edit the noli's Rnd fentures, found a way to finan e it through the evaeuce co·op, and anRnged to have it printed in Ihe shop of the

ody Enlerprise, II weekly newspaper. For a starr nucleus he had a number of profcssionais includlllS Haruo hnma. a vctoran of Bay .\ rea isei journalism. and Loui. e u ki and lIlarlha Kaihalsu of the Ralu

himpo Engli h ~ection The Enterpnsc had to have addihonal help to handle the cntinel and .oon II hired Leroy Takaichi. a prinler from an Jose. and John Yamamoto. a Linotype operator from Los ,\n geles.



RETAIN TEACHER Ch lno.e Am o rlc~n

I nl tru ctor Subjec t

to Admlnl. t r. tlv i Cut

SAN 011>:00. nltr, M~lIl­h~" or Ihr Union or PAn AK­Inn ("o",,,,"nlll .. nr SAIl nI.­~n Counlv (MAY I~) .... ~od Ihft rontlnuod rmpln)'m~nl or !lAm Wong, ,oClnl .IIIdlrK Insll'll<l­Or AI ~I",,,· IIIRh Srhool, who!'" dt!'ml. ~1l1 WM prndtn,u herR'''" lho ellslrlcl I. rolr •• -InR .11 pn,bntlonnry Ir.chell due to budA.lnry con.ld .. ·•• tlnn~

Vornon YOIhlnkR. UI'A(" .0

tlnr ohnll mAli. rmph.sl,er! 10

Iho <t'liool bnRrr1 Ihnl Inrk or A~ItH1 J\11\('rtcnn ll"'A(:hru In SAn DloRO schnnl. hA. h.~n hlslorlcRI nlld hll'hl, or Wong "A' "n .IAnlOrnnt nnlnnAUVft ncllon" In cOlTccllnA thl. dr· flclrnrv

HI' I"trlltlon \\'0111<1 hAl'. ImpAct on Ih. 0\,0 .. 11 piAn nlnR Rnd r xprrlaUnno In th­Rrld or rduratlon fnr Son DI­r~o, YOshiokA .ddr<!

IIlth ommendatlon

!iT 1m l ' EXC'Jl A or, M ... C' w. (T.u) Knch, SAn t'I'"l 'l~cn BIIY AI tn bnnk .. yl.w ..... hoWI IludcnUl h .. cnpy nr Bill 1\oaoknwn', "NI""I ' Ihe Qulol Am_de III". whlrh wn. 'rvlrwrd ., tho In7~ B",k~l.y-Hnkll Studrllt P.x­'hRnar brnenl, whtrh "n, ro-.po".olcd by the Bnrkclry ,IACL. :-;IIml1l11no Rank or O.klAnd .1 • ., donotod .Ix II nkll. dollo whlrh "r" AlIrtlnll~" 10 bol.t .. Ih. t:xchlnar pro. Rum. A a'nllll nl I~ t . rh.".~ olud."I, will viall JApnll July 20·AuR I R·

--------~ ---------------


PROTEST HAWAII RECRUITMENT School Dist rict Recru it ra De fend Tri p to h pa nd

Own Pool of Qu ~lIf1cd Minori ty C. nd lda t ..

Il K \I III . (.I\C'umt"ntn t 'nlnn)

Labor Dept. lold

10 reconsider

Asian studies case JAp~n . born t u che r

h en d o port~tlon

SA('nAMI·:Wl'O. t'~111 U.f!. DI .lr!rl .'"~"r I'hl1ln WllklM 01 dM,d Ih. U.H. Lnbor D.· flInt"'''''! In I f'ron.It1;'r I h It tilft, or Sanltlnento SI,.I" Un'· y ... llv 'nrulty mrmh,.. !ih~·

tll n lI.y".hl~"I.nl Wilkin. lul~d thr d.p.rl

mN,1 Arlr<! "Arbl(r"rlly • n d rnpdolnll.lv" InAt y •• r wh~n

It tlpnlrd Ih. nror ••• nr on AI-1.,,·M1\ploymp nl rrrllll .. l.

n.CAU • nr th. dml.l. 11.­y •• hl •• lnnl Rntl hi. wlCe rACfd • MllorlAJlon h •• orln. IChtd-1I1r<! 1.01 Nnv'mhrr I1ntll AI· lornry Vlralnl. MII"lIor rllM A reMr.1 .I>Iorl p.IIU"" ror a ... II.lnln~ ood .. I" hll)<k th. .-cUem,

In (I.R, Rlnr. 'Ra

lI.ya.hlaRI.nl rntror<! t h • U "I. on •• lud",,1 \'1 a In 1083 All .. rnmplrtion or .Iudl ... 01 UC Rrrk.lry and C5U Sacra­mrnlo. h. w.. hlrr<! • • 1 .. lur" In A.lln rthnle 'IU­dl • .

P'tld.y .. June II, 1073 " CIFIC C ITIZEN- 3


Oregon fruit grower steps down 11000 nlVlln . (,),,1 nlY Y"ul. whh hu h •• M~ Dia­mond , 'rult Grnw/III rM tho I l"~ t d.rld~ , rl"'lIv~r,d hU "Aw.n ~nn~ " .ddrin. .t tho Mnuol m""llnll 0' tho I.r,. lorm ronpMlliv. In March,

Ourlnl lho p.,1 ynlr Dl a­mnnd. which mAl kola •• ve ... 1



GARfn;NA, (".11 1 AI Ih. r"rlu.,t 01 r nllc~ ChlM Wil­liam Hud,,,,,n •• n d r""0111-mond.tlM by th e . dmlntalr~­tly. ntlle .... , Ih. City Council nn MAy R approYod Ihl' .11-mln.lion of hel.hl 1".lrlrU",," Inr Card.no pollt. "rtlc.r "p­pIlCln"'.

'rhe prrvlouo hol.hl I1ml­tAUon of 3'ft" ha b .. ,.n cr,m­Pitt"l), ellmlnalM. W.I C h \ mu.1 b. In prDportilln to hclRht 01 Ippllc.nl Th •• c. IImH "I 21-36 .1 Umt 01 ap­polnlment I •• tllI malntlln!'d u a rfqulr~mnt

Tho City M GArd",," II now r..,rultin" lor Ih. po,ltlnn "r p"I1<~ nWc.r II> .. t.abll.h an ..lIg1blllty 11.1 an-i Immtdlal.­I;.' 1111 two vlcant po,IUon •• Appllcanll mdY call Ih. Clly P"..,nn~l OWc. r327-0220. _.t.",lon 258 .) .... Mayor KI'fl , Ak."kA (323·4444) Inr more d.uul, .

million hl)" ,,/ fro;h an" prm' ••• ~ I.... Irulll "v' ry }'r... h.. bPOn IInd .. ,,,I,,. a .. I.-nchln, p~rlnd In an 11-l4Impt 10 r'U I co.l •• nd moxl­mll~ I',turns to mtmb.r­.rnw"rl,

Dick t,,"... IWG ,.norll mlnn, .. , IBid Yuul could hlv, .Itpp.d down v.h~n hi. rtllul,,' t.rm .nd.d luI y, .. but "h •• layer! wUh II II> h.lp u. Iweal oul 10m. urlO)\J' prnbl"m •. "

Yuul (Int r3m'" t)n lh t hO.1fd In 1O~7. Ih. nw .. ,,11 In 1901·B2, helol' mmln' hark nn In IOOl a"d .I,,<~d prul ' denl. H. I. 'layln« with th ~

... "cI.U"n Ihroullh hll 1 ..... 0 Illn •• I'hlllp And Tr,m, In tho l~mlly 'l 120-"c," orchard

Y":'~!!°'i.th~~~r M~t~lU R,:.: atlrl.~d wllh tho rc)Op""UY. In 1930 .

Th. c.",p.ntly. w .. orll.I1-IT.d In 1913 hy "row"", In tho Mid-Columbia .r~.

MIS hears Sotow SAN FRANCISCO - ReUrl!d Nallonal JACL Mrtt10r M.a SI1.CiW or San Francl",,, w.~

~~~rt~·IU!~~u!re·~~~t;,i~.,~~ banquel or Ihe MIII\MY In-1~1I1« ..... cp &>rvlce AUOClltlon or North",", Calilomla hel~ al Ih. Alameda Naval AIr Su­lion OUicou' Club. June 2.

Their product was lively wl'ekly newspaper lhat, In add ition to publishing lhe nell' . played no btlle part In upholding evacuee morale. For c.-ample . when Wyoming's enalor E. V. Robertson was makin,:: some wild charges in Washington ahout how the Cl'acuees were being psmpl'red, The entmel suggesled he didn't know what he was talking about and invited him b~' telegram to \isit the camp and gel a first· hand look at condillons. The invitation was publiCized in The enlinel. and the tory was pic ked up by Ihe nell' services and published in other ne\\ s pa pel's,

Bevrrh' YII', (hlne • Sodol ~~ .. vlre ("rnl., WOI krr. Inltl Ihe hOArd Won K hM lerolv­rd hllh commendAtionA from hi. dopal tmrnl heAd and r.l­lo\\' Irachel Ii t s rontrlbll­tlon. 10 \ ,IAn .ludrnts I I Mo .... hln b('('n 01 , ... t ,,"1-IIC. 'hn Addrd SACn II:. TO, 111 "'-

munlty S~ .. \'Ic. whlt-h eir­e 11 I. (. m""thly p~rlt>dlcAI . omona Ih~ A~IAn community - uld lh. dlllrlN hAl n'Y­.. ~pprnachrtl Ih'm with 11A

Th. l,abnr !lep.rtm.nt do­nl.d hi. clilm rnr an .U .... rmploymnnl <rrUnca"", rulln. th.1 "quall rled p.r..,.... A r ,. avallAbl. Ito 1111 lh. PO&IU"" h. holdl If r""rultm ..... 1 ./CON iltfli mldr j

, lind thAt OIlhr'J ' II • n lJonwld •• urpluo nr ~"­C'hN' In f'Vfr), clttclory II

Sign Up Today Shr Alsn rcr"lIrd thrr. veRn lnl nol rnnuah CIllCornl. ARO, tho bOil d ~ullPorlNt Ih. ,.\ Ian ao Inlo t~lchln., h'1I tcqur. I to rrcrull A. I • n tnt> SacrAmentn ell Unilled ,\m"'ican t.Ach.. In arhl.,. S hnnl 01 Irl~1 nUl all hR'. rqlllt.ble .CN ."tRUon 10 Ih. m d. a &coutln Irlp In II • Asian population . "Ar.umtnl. w.,t In r rull _\ tAn ti'lIch­

prr:o:.rntrct then A. f': JUIt A~ ,.... rl

rrlrm U\'~ Icllnn drive fnr Aln

f',ntf"ssor G,.nr.,. K.al~Ad t

In chArce nr In_ A,lan SIU­dl.. prn~ram I UC 01"1. atd, '·Wr.'\",. h.d nn ('nt'nmu·

Wlllc.ln.' rullna order tho lAbor D.parlmtnl In rrvltw It deel Ion to MI_rmln. II Ih. .. ll.n • mmeon .tudl.,

enalor Robert on dIdn't bother to reply, and never found time to visil the camp. but the number of his pronouncements fell of( ub tanliall\'.

lui '''''. '." • h. d.ct., rd Th~ Icramonto tl n Inn. "Slnr tho n •• d lor Asian howey .... , '. rnM that .boIII lrach." 11111 • II~, we ur,. "0 Incll A Ian appUc.nLl hlv, Ihe bnard 10 I nil Id .. Ih. ~.n on tI1. til rI<t wa lin d"lrlel .dmlnl Irall\ e .cllon 1111 Ind IhU dl Irlcl nU,cl.la \ 'llh ,. I 10 Mr Won, and r I' 1 "m rum.I" '·Ac.nof~ t k. I' t tr In hi" ' b au 0 01 1 d UnlnK "ach-

r, rO\IT.m al C U S.tr.m .... 1n I a unlqu. lib) rt~ulr­

In, • prof 1M with uniqut

nlcatlnn "hit '·'r it akll ."

Florence Uba hasn·t announced :\. program for the reunion oUler than a dinner, but . he'. bus' trymll to locate former taffers and ~et the word out to them. It ought 10 he a happ.' affau becau. (' entmcl. tsfC morale was high and the expenence of working on the paper wa a memorable parI of an othel'\\ ise de­press11lg interlude. There will be a lot of reminiscing -plenly of "Do you rememb('r when?" type cnnver· salion . Bul e\'en more intere ting will he Ihe torles of what 's happened to each of Ihe slaffer .1I1CC The

enlinel publi hed iI last i ue 28 years ago.

CATCHING UP-In this spa e R few \ eeks a 0

\\;e mentioned seeing ,Japanese characters 1Il a lar,::e electric sign identifyin the Is.ei Travel Agencv \\hlle driving through Ontano. Oregon. ,'ow George I ~1'1, owner of the building, has \HIllen to cxpla11l whal It·s all about.



S. N 1,\ TI 0, (I' rho Japanr. Amrrtcln Currlcu • lum Projec1. Rn 367, • n . I. P<I OHOI, 13 nllcltin. co, N de 11m to Idcnlll 'he hem., "Con/l cl' Crl"U, r,

D,vl-," nr Dlublln .ort',' tor the 53n1 AMual m Ion; of th. .' Uona! Co nell lor the Socf.1 SludJr In !ll n FrancIS"" Irom • 0\' 19-24

J CP c'lOrd "ator Florence '", hlw.rl, workll\Jl with tho

con,entloo cnmmllt •• 10 I -c ·,d. prn~r.m lopln rt 81-Ing 10 the AS! n Am ean • penonce. Id I h" d lID should hi • ti 9 -Inch pa •• .nd lIm1tNl to I '0 .... 10 ... 0 .... ilttU .houJd be I In Ih~

• • altrlUnn rllr T~. city honl dltrir! ha'

boul 4,000 ... l.n 'ludrntJ or p r crnl III tho dl.tr I

,runllmenl, whUt AS "IAn t .. eh~ra mah Up 3 A r" cenl

• I ~" ~-m.mbrr Ir. hint • 1 r


dM n'l mRk_ I n y e.I Ill." Harold .·nn •. ACS lPl~­fir, uld. "Th~rf. .t~ p e-n\y or lin Amfrl In t • .chon W1thtlul lob. In C.allfl"nll bul w. had no rOOlACI Irom th cllv tll.trlrl"

I'or.y MUlkl. JACf., repr. ..... lOlh f. aid or Ih- Ha, .. , -.n !rlr. "I.n't It allly .... h.n ... hi' • inl of 1"",1 \al­fnl IllOklnK f(lf loh,"

rorker, In rt pona~ II> In­qultl. . • d a rh k M h 111. ,h""'M ther. Ir M It>­ell Allan .ppllclnl Inr t.a­IIlnK 10 30 fnr , '",,/'fIUry

Ind 30 rar oncury hool p don..

"The cha~aclen; on my build11lg IS my family name." he \\Tltes. "The reasons for the .ll(n are man\'. One is so that Issei driving down the treet will knoi ... where m office is, . lany times Issei would come to lown from various par1s ' of the area or cou ntry and look for my family. We pronounce our name Aye· , ee·ree. When an Issei inquiries about us they are like to a k for Eee-se-ree. Many of our Caucasian acquain· tances cannot distinguish (he similarity bet\\een the two pronounciations. ConsequenU\', some Is ei have had problems locating us. The japane:c characlers are also a novelty and act as a trade mark, 0 to speak, for other friends and customers to spot our office."

JACP b' Ju),\ I. 1073, All Ina.pcndenl tomm I.... \I 111 pick IWO Or Ibr,.. de llna for , C S roD IderaUnn P rim lor Jllbl .ll('wh .... d pll will. ~ dl llibulrd 10 6.000 dI tric\' participant.!. maU

-- --- 0 cr

George grew up m the White River \'aUev south of Seattle along with brothers Tom •• like an"d Mun There, some of their Caucasian friends pronounced lseri to rhyme with "misery". Tom became a proml' nent produ~E.! shipper in the Ontario area, which grows vast quanlll1es of potatoes and onions among other crops, but George says brothers Mike and Mun are dead. H you happen to be driving throlJgh Ontario, which IS on the Oregon side of the Snake River lust across from ld.aho, George Iseri would be happy 10 have you drop m and talk about his sign.

Maryknoll carnival LOS ANGELES - 1at)'l<noU . honl mar thP. d or In­

other Ichool OAr with Ita all thre~-d.y carnIval June 8.10 at 222 HcwlIl • L Call~d a "BI~ Onc' Ihll )ear.lta .pretd or lood and carre booth., tldu

nd cou try '~I/' cal~t to Ih~ I " II .~e.

Japanose Proverb

ada Ian)


~ra a ot 1 ga. deru. I'\Ith ta poken In









Army ROTC 11[ p, O. Box 12103

Philadelphia. Pa. 19134 Army ROTC

Tell me how Army ROTC can rou nd out my education wilhout

gett ing in the way.

Name ______________________________________ __

Address ____________________________ _

Clly ___________ Counly ________ _

Stale _________________ Zip __________________ _

Date of High School Graduation ___________________ _

College Planning to Attend _______________________ __

SER 3·03

A rmy ROTC, The more you look at it,

the better it looks.

d.1 • I mo,od

r It Ene 'h

Tr l~ fltl.nd.d

Dr J RO 1 P rk'r, Ih ' dlalncl', II rc I r 0 ctrt.U.

alfit ~rocmnel. "ho alon, ",th lanl Sup\. I , Hansen m d. \.he trIp. dr­

r~nd"ll Iht H. aUan rllort lie so d .'$ wr h mad.

, • o"d. alewlde.1I UI to track down A I... I .. chrr e.ndld.t~ and uri thrm I" apply Parkrr .ddod thero WIS 10m. r pon.ooe but thai It wu enerally d\seoun JUl' Mlnorily candldll' • h '"Id. w~rc able 10 lInd Jobs n their 0" n Cf)nunl,J. Up

Parkrr ... ,d ~Ior .. ROUlI: In Hnnolulu, h. ron\aclfit I h • UnlV. or HawaII and was told Ihore is a RTUI oyersupply or , ran tea.h.ra In the lsI nel. •• 11. said belween 60 to 80 can­dldale sh""ed up lor I h 0 dlstrlel Inlervl.WI and anoth· er 40 had to b. lurnod IWRY,

It w a ., Parker .ald. th. mo.1 ource tul rPcruillng trip th.. ear

Aim 01 .aroh

Parker aid thaI oul-or-state recrultn'lent .teort.. 'e<'k to expand the pool or can­dldale. 10 choo&e the b •• I qualWod. It Isn't easy I" Hnd "n 0 u ~ h quall/jed minori ly c.ndldales for .pedflc lield. or teaching, h. said. adding thaI out.!lders don·t under­stand the difllcul1y in\'olved because there are jobless As­Ian teachers.

Parker .aid hi! trip to Ha· wali was encouraged by lo­cal Asian residents. the dis­trict's Inlergroup stall and the Equal Opporturuty lor All As­Ians (EOAA). a local Asian teaohers j!roup. He ... Id his team Inteniewed 58 HawaJl­an candid tes.

The eflecl of the Hawaiian recruitment would broaden the pool or Asian candidate. for lulure selections, Park­er said.

Nol onsulted

But spokesmen tor the Sac· ramen to Chapter or the Ja­panese American Cit i ten ' League and Ihe Asian Com-

Yolo County Nisei saves

driver from burning cor MADISON, CaUl. - M .... o Sagara of Madison and James R. Lane of Woodland I a 5 t week (May 22) pulled Frank C. Brown, 59, of Esparto un­conscious from hIs burning car. a highway patrolman said.

Otllcers said Brown's car was hit fr6m the rear by a tow truck driven by Lane al­t".. Brown slowed down to avoid a collision 01 vchid .. dr,V...., by Sagara and David H. Goeman of Esparto.

01 u Icl rKO, Uldlca Ie A,,· Ian t. <ht! .mplo,m_", r • from 38 ~" cenl In school far 1011·72 In 38 per c.nl

I turr~nt <hool). r 1972-73 while ,\, an pupil enroll­",.~I .ta od abo\'P 83 per cenl durin, the IWO Han.

("hiuno leach.. hJriri. In­crea od from 2 9 per cenl In chool )'car 1971·72 to 3.3 per

cpnl In currenl I<hool par whll. Chicano student.! num­b.red 12 4 prt cenl or Ihe lotal enrollment lui )'ear and 12.7 per cenl this .chonl Yfar

In the paat Iwo ,ean, black tfachor percentage remained al 74 per ernt while blaok pupils mad. up 16 per coni luI ye.r and 16.~ per cenl Ihls year 01 Ihe Iota I enroll­ment

Nowsma n teach ing ' eth nic ,eporting'

SACRAMENTO. Cahr - An addItion 10 the California Stat. Uruverslty at Sacramen-10 Journallsm department Is B course on ethnic reporting taughl by KW Lee. award­Winning nCW$man tor the

aoramenta Union . Lee, who has been eited lor

,lorle. on well,,,, abuse and th. problem$ In mlnorlly commumties, meots with the cia.. three hours p. r week when assignment.! are made and reviewed.

Because the class IS new and largely experimental, Its 5 I. e Is 15 aludent.!, but • larger enrollment is expect­ed In the raU when the sem­Inar '" scheduled to continue.

Less than halt of the stu­dents this spring plan Jouma­IIsm careers

l but all adm,! the

experience IS InteresUng. There are only three while

students among the IS. the rest made up of Chicano and Orlenta.Js. And the assign· monts 8re anything bul easy.

Lee laid down lhe Iounda­tlon lor the class early when h. said Ule white press has only skimmed the SW'/ace re­portlng on I nor I t y atrairs. Newspapars and other media are making an attempt to Im­prove their coverage in these areas, Lee said, " because the~e Is a need 10 know what " really going on in ethniC groups." ThiS is noL to say non-white reporters caMol do a proper Job. ei tMr. added Lee.

Lee, a Kor~all . said m6re

Asian task force

for students in

Pasadena set up I'AS DE A. C.1I A "Tuk Group In m .. 1 th. S""ci.1 • ~ds M .\" r -\m_riean udrnta' h.. M Ipproved

to Ih. Puadtn Unlft.d SchOol 0 triel board or !'du­cauon

Summ rill" . t h. Import· an nl the KrOuP, lrultt AI-

f tAu. ..Id, "1 _ Ibl • a Iwo.wlY .Ir~ \VhJlI­.. tr preble I r • th .... amonl AUln .!ud to thLl luk .mup will h ...... a,. 10 htlp 101 ., th probl. that .hOuld not he"

The Ian Am. rlean \ITOUP III "" th. Ihlrd In th •• thool

dlstr cL Thtr.. ar. air tidy I •• k lor s lor bll k .nd Sp.nl h .um.",e m.mb • or th communlly

Knit> of Group

The new task lorte.n me Art '" W 'tdls: out" "roblt.m ~ \Yorkln~ .... Ith Ih. chool dl .. llicI Idm nl.lrlUO Ihoy will brln~ r.porll 1o tho board or Inlll~'

Summer Asian studies

and workshop scheduled

'IOu ·TAI. VIEW C.UI -~I -w('ck $ummrr prnfram of tnl'\IT lod ,\ lin Studl .. and "",,rklhap. ~ ~Inr orterod by FMlhlll Colle~e mulliculturaJ nllicp. July ~ Ihrou~h AUIl· II, al Japan Cultural InsU­luI<', 2015 Latham St.

l"1 o~r.m con,11 or three hIlUM I'er d.~. 19 •. m.-12 n ) for four d.y •• w...,k. and is • c c rod I I • d ror COUtj{lllru. mon~ th. i",Iruet",. will be

Kat.umi SU~lyama and Ka­IJuhlko o~uohl.

ACUviti", In the artemoon from I 10 4 p.m. include I ... d­In!! cullu .. al workshop. with Asian younG_ te ... and w..,lc.Iy lipid tnps 10 Asian commu­nlbE"!'

Inrormalion m.~· be obtain­td by c.IUn~ MuiUcultural ortlc • . Foothill Colle~., 12H5 EI Monl<' Rd .• Los Alto •.

Fresno State 'home' for

Japanese ESL students

FRESNO, CallI. - T h I r t y Osaka student. now studying EnRII.h in Japan will have the oppor(unlly 10 tost tholr knowlcd~e thiS summer at Fresno State Unlversilv.

Thcy will partlcipale in the "English as a Second Lan­gua~e" Institute 01 FSU July 21 through Au~. II under the instruction 01 Dr. George Ranr)', assislanl professor 01 lingui. tics. He will be assist· ed by Mrs. Keiko Welltm.n and Mrs. Karen Mistry.

This Is the third year for the program. In addlllon to drills in spoken English. the participants will also receive o Rene .. al orientation to con­temporary American society.

minority reporters are being hlred because o! this "to get the message across" to both white and minority groups, thus Improying undersla nding between each. Two Sacramen­to Union .taUers. a black and Chlcano. were guest lecturers early In the class.

The assignments are wide· ran~lOg and are not without difficulty which. L.e. a lor­mer professol' al a black unl· versity noles. is pari of the Jearruni proce5$.

Ot" Ftlend. Jo,n MCL lod.y Whv? Bt c.. u JACL. ,h. only N.tlon,1 olOJnfUI'on ,ttf\ftly

concerned ,bout ,h. welf., lJ1d...,t ,- ,ng of A/TIer 'Ut'11 of Al"n . nc.Ulry, e." rhIJ'by conilnul to be .n tHe-c ....... . d~ I. to prOItC.' ,hll' 'IOhh .nd o,'n t.qu,~ oPZ)OrtunlllU

S, us JACl btll!"''' In c.onl'rnJ'"? Iu tffcrh to promote ~ nd support relTtdl,l ,od (.Orrcc-In,. It'Q 'l,.f • .,n b, ~lnU'n· Ino • full.tlm offl'" in W"h rngton, D.C.

Se uu JACL wppor.. the concept tJut the N,I ~",I oro.n1ul lon II no ttronger thIn In. collee-tlv' Itre"'9lh of III

I ch,p'l" ,nd d'II,,'t (OU",fls 8(clu. JACL ,'!ek.s ro or~le 1h. de .... e·,..pment 0'

R.fg tOf\, 1 OfflctJ ""h,c" Will ptovlde nl!eded lechnlul U!tltJnt.

fM 11\ ,." . mb.,U1lp . !\d . Id in the Ilrenothenlng of I ,hlOlt rs

9tuu JACL b, 'i .... u thJt ,t should "cun 1ft thlfl of fuoon, lblllty . nd \IIoo,k c.o ll.bo"ttvely With other elhnic. grou()J .rood hU"Mn , " •• 01"11 ofo.nIU !loI'tJ to brn"O .bout e.quII,ty

aft"lOn9 . 11 ".tJ,OI"I' geClu" you , nd I, II """1"1', be eve Ihlt onr., U "'t

.. , togeth., Ii , tum n..,.. mount 'h~ k",ch of .ctIV.t;eI , nd OrOgrA,." th" . IIf b. rnunfngful Ind I"ndu""9

W. rttd you I jo,n 01 In Ih •• If.rl Jo n JACL lod' fl

H£NIIY T. TANAKA "I ,on' Pre, d."t

tembershlp Ie .. mown a1l<'r name 01 CHAPTDl lJ lor Sln~ l e &< Couple"re ar". TC rtes indicate lingle memo berlhlp In 1000 Club Ind .ddlUonal tobUlar mombenhlp I

p<lI1V Siudenl or Jr. rate does col Include PC (UbS01PUon. Pe,...,n 1I.1M tembtrshlp Chairman bUI cbeck ta payable 10 the JACL Ch.pter. UnIi,lod cbapte .. ar. Invl1M 10 rubmll similar d.ta. (CorrecUon •• when made, are daled.)


________ ______ Ch'pler ______ 197_

First Na m. (II Couple. wlf • • first Nme)

Mi lling Addr.,u Phon.

Polt Offlc . ZIP

o New 0 Renewal Amount Enclo.ed, _____ _

One subscription pet houlienold Included with memb,t.\nipi non .. transferable 0 Check: he re If ~'Ou do not ..... ant the Pacif iC C.tlnn.

Page 4: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking

4-PACIFIC CITIZEN Fridny , June 8, 1973

TWIN (,ITIES F LIOUT- Gnthcrod for. T \\'ln (,Itle, ,I ('L 1000 Club dinner nrc \frem lelll Mr and ~ 1r , Mus Hnrnd", ho·t.s. ~ hyo k o Mabui, chap ter 1000 Club <"llnlnnnn : nnd

Am Hondn. ro-chalrm.n of Ihe Iwop,,,,,d Tw in Clllr. J A(,L ch nr ler " 111M 10 J npan In 1974


Twin C it ie< 1000crs boosting 11'74 flig ht

The 11100 lIuh (the Tl\ln ClIIe, JA L mel (or a potluck d lnncr At th, home of Ihe

~t m;, Hnnntu!oi In St. L out!' Pnrk, l\lny 5, to work \IP ('1\­

thusin, III und .'u l" POl"t f('lf th r. J)l'O l ")o ~ l ' d U)I·1 Jupnll chnr tt"r m~ht lI"m Ih~ Twin I"rs, March 31 10 AI'O"II 19

M any of thl" mcmb~l . hn\,l b<"t:'n 10 .Tnpnn cm :-imllnr J AC'L t 1'i p ~. Rnd ~ o m(" me plRnnin ' t n '::0 n~n ln ,

\rkr chmwl o( Oncllt.n1 trC'n t !-\UIllI T rl"nm o to nnd S am 'Hl nda "hmq d !o'Heio ot Japan, Tlwse W (OIl' ('l1tcrlntn-


Pt-.... dtnt­Hent'" T • Ike. 219~ "G rnnd, Ie ''''' A\ Cle\'eland. OhIO HI 06

Prc_id. nt - F.lcrl-h i !:!ckl J 5 Ul:l) nina,

8319 Cu,hin Courl Sprinllfic1d, \ d 221 ~3

" .P. CR. . , ~ - w .) ­

Je-me!> l\lurakaml, 21::1'"' L.I una Rd,

allle R C Ii[ 95~OI

' ·. P. (Pub. AI!. ,-Dr 01'~ FlIlllta 1848 \\'oo<lhollo\\ Or Map'land Ht Mo. G30 ~ 3

\i .P. IGe". OP.) ­Fran~ A. twama. 59~1 R,'c, .de Or Sacr menlO. Calif, 95831

Trea urer­Alfred Hawte, 324 E. 1s\ I. Los An~eles. CalU 9UOl2

1000 Club ebmn.­Tad Hirota 1447 Ad, I Berkel ). Calij , 94702

Legal Coumrl-Ra,)m"nd U,o. 320 ':d East. Salt Lake C,ly, Utah 8411l

lrIi ationa t lf ead qu art u~

Da\'id E. UShIO, Executh'e DIrector 1634 Post St. San Francisco C til 94115

Wa. hinl[lon nep .. <enta tin­BarT)' D Mat un '\(J

R oom 204 1730 Rto<le I,land A"e '\~

Woshinl!loD D.C. 20036 Pa cilic ClliI.o-

&rl'), K. HODda, Editor. 125 WeUer t .• Los AD~eles. CalU 9uUI2

Reg-ional Office! (No. CaUl.)-

1(:;4 POSI St. San Francl$CO, Cal~ 94115

(So. Calil.l-125 Weller St Lo "nj!.le •. CalIf 90012

( l\ottb\\ t 1-1ntennountam)­Don Hayashi 327 N W Couch I PorUand, Ore. 97209

OJid" e"l'-Esther Hagiwara, sec. 21 \\' Elm SI Chl."go. m. monlU

P llt' jlle' 'lu th \\ C', ,_

G o\" Or J Il1l W Rt.U1ube. ~(H Sicn I W H.

Spnk.n , W •• h. 9!12l18 Dy e Ran")' f'lIkllk.i

920 f. J untpc Olhcl1, \I', h. q"~4

:-' 0 . ,a hr.·" , .,.da­Go.. Or HArr H .\.""k8

38;& lil"'l ~.(' A t:

Palo 110, Cahl 9~303

OYC: Jean Don~ 4011 W ,'lcols ,0\ ..

,crnmento, Calof 95820 entral ,,111.-

GO\ Dr Izumi TAnl~uch l

738 F. Tena a Wa' Frr no, ali!, 93726

DYC Ld. hib8, 1069 l. It roy Ln. Apt 0 l. ov C II! P3ti\2

Parif. t 'outh\\ f' . ­

GO\ H41f'1 K8\\8 Of'

2111l 0,' .,. SI Carson. Callf 90745 DYC: MAry Tok hi 1125 • an Anita AH Arcadia, CaW. 91006

lottrm ounu,in­GOY. Shl~ekt Umlo

5105 . 18th I

alt Lake CI " Utab 84117 Co-Dye: Da,·e Hlrnl.

Box 138, ChntTol' Hall Boise Stol. CoII.,e Boise. Idaho 83707

Co-DYC 'usan Yoshimura, 065 • 2600 Enst

. '. II Lak,' Cit). Utab 84 J09

' Jounta in - I' lain!'t--(,0 Dr Tokashl la),da,

550 Llnc:oln # 20 I Dl~n\'er, Colo 80203

MJd\\e .... t-

Gov' Ross H ar 0, I 'Z2 Argyl<· 51 Chicago, n 60640

Co-OYC Colin Hara, 4309 ' Kenmore. Chicago. 111 60613

Co- DYC: Be, e, Iy Tanamacht. 1502 Ironwood Dr Fairborn. Ohio 45324

Ea..!Iott'rn-Gov Grnyce U) ('hal a,

1535 Marlboro Rd .• Wesl C"c,~er. Pa 19380 DYC' P~Ie, osc 21 Wind.mere CI Rocl vlI !lid 20852


-Malor Task Force/ProjecI CommIttees)

Antl~D dam.a/ion­

Chi." Tomlhin 900 W 'c"po1 ChiCBRO. III 60657

Ccr\en tion ("4 Bnard )­Hena"')' T Kate 7,;2" SE 1901h Dr Portland. O,e 9i326 Dr . .r3rr~ TsuJfmura 31211 N} 1271h A,·c Portland 0 ... 97230

· C ",,("ntir'n Tff--V"(:ant

I .. ,~ .... \ d Ii c-JerQ' Enomoto P O. Box 56 T"hoc'" n • (' Ii! 93561

, ~' d e"/f .. I"-f SI l 1 av.~

1211 "lsi SI Sf: P .... l' 'P '\'~lsh qR il

C1 pd f' "n;"I' . .... :aCI JA 1-­Sb~' ('I" U hI( 5105 S '31h Eo.t S.< 1. L~ .\(~ r ih', Ul~h 84117 "11111 1 .~ffair\.--\'"c l)

. Cdurafj('n T / F (Vacant)

Er dowm"nt r ur: d­Yone C;'loda 109 (!Iedevie\\' Way C;aD F "anci~co 94131

C"'nic (,f'J) c'prns­Vacant)

J!: \ .t(' l ' ep .trationfo>-Dr .JunJi Kumamoto 675 Spruce SI Riverside. Cali I 92507

. YinanclaJ AfJail's­AI Hatate 324 E 1st SI Los Angeles. Calif 90012

B i'i lOry Project­Shig Wakamalsu 2336 N Commollweallh Chicago. 111 60614

(naga ki J\ward­( Nal'l J ACL Staff )

J ACL Bld g. l udy­F rank [wama 5951 RIverside Dr Sacramenlo, Calif. 9583 1

JA CLer of BleDnium­(Nat'l EXECOM)

• Lega l A lTa irs T/F­(Vacanl )

Lega l erv lce:.­Ra"mond S Uno 320 S 31'd Easl Salt Lake City. Utah 84111

rrfcmbership-(Nal ' l J ACL Sla l'l)

Nj ~ e i of B icnn ium­Emi Somekaw <J 1211 21 st St SE Puyallup, Wash 98371

!\ominatiun5-­Do Hu'i>n~

147 SE 28tn A .• PorUand, 0 •• 97214

Padfic Citizen Boa. rd­Kay Nokagll'l 812 Ucl," Dr Bu ·b •• k C.l1t 91504

Pan A ~lan • ."I udy­Vacant)

Pro!",onne l-S llg SUt;::i •• ,rna 8:: 19 CU5hln~ Court Spnn~field, Va 22153

PIJ!'uing-Lilli"n Kimura 1314 W Winnemac Chlca~o. III 60640

P rog-ram 6: Activilles-­IN.I'I J ACL SIatT)

Pro.1 Re,·j,·\\ I C"atua tion­(Vacant)

Public Aff. lrs T / F 'Vacant)

Pubhc Re la tions­Jamet I sono 1044 W Carmen Chicago, III 60640

P ub lica tions Review­(Vacanl)

Rcrog-nitions-(Nat'l EXECOM)

Rt:prcssh 'e Legisla tJon­Ross Hal'ano 1322 Argylc Chicago, ru 60640

- Resea rch and P rog-ram Pla lmin&,­(Vacanl)

Resolut ion5-Geo Yamasaki Jr 3727 Scoll SI San F rancisco 94123

cholarsh lp-(Nal'l J ACL Staff )

cholarsb ip Founda[iOD­Buddy Iwata 1211 Second SI Livingslon. Call! 95334

"" lV enior itizcns tudy­F rank Iwama 595 1 Riverside Dr Sacramento, CallI. 9583 1

' ocla l L e~ l s l a tl o ,, ­

(Vacanl ) ludcnt Ald-Gordon Yoshikawa 7761 Gwenwyn Dr Cincinnati. Ohio 45236

Thous.nd Club-Tad Hi rota 1447 Ada SI Berkeley. Calli 94 702

· l oulh & Young Adults­(Vacant)

Inl, .,~ lom lltor Inrr. ond tah l n t .11\ 11 1111 Wf'l l r l ll1h u 1.IN\lC'ulh J'" I 1' 1 I' rI h' Ih,

Ill' mht' l

l,rlll'lml hu" l, NniJu 1I11c1

M H~ 1\111 udu. h,,\,. Opt'll( d t1H'tl' hOlm to 1l\"l1~ ' Illndlnn u l th" tL\ CL ('flllllUtllllt ,\" , IIlle!

tlwlr lw ~ plt n ltt . , WIH' IH n lly (l1jo,n -o . 1\\118 Is n Life" nWln­IWI" 01 II", 11100 ('10110

JAp"nose cookery drAWl

mnny to dcmonstr"tion

}O\1I :mll1l' f U l' lnw I f' lIf'1tm

Ow jlll'p nrutiOI1 o r J n pllllr ~ (\

(' u i ~ h l{" hl' ln llA Ilw I'rowel otl tl

~ 1 ' h (1 n .. ' I.!lll l1r mnnthl,Y Illl'(, t ­

hut 01 th, Snlll,lIk t\ ,t \(,1 .. I\u II Ian' ., Oil 1\1 (1\ lA 111 th ~

U }' \,llnt l. 'nmmunity SdlOOI. 'H[, Ensl lsi SOlllh, .snit Lnk('

Ii .\" h i allJlh ' nu t 11 11 \11\ \1 "\11 11 · h I n1"~t~ nmnbr !" of l uet lc'II, Fl'n tu l'l'd WII!' a " ... h ob" : hohll" d"lnollstrntinn n .1111'1011(" ,.­IY Il t.' rnndut' rU(tk("I"Y b~ ' two nH:'mUel"O;; -- l\1I ' ~ Yusuko 1\'0-dnmlt IIUO 1\ 1r ~ lkuko r. tut , \1 .

bnYfI!';hl w ho nl'c (1"011\ .JlI llO" ,

l\lNl1h('!l's wntr lu"fl th l' nt't' ..

"" .... tlon of tlw Ortrnlnl dl,h Imri tlwn 811",plco It Rnd found It IOct('lIclou~" two kind. o( dl,," \\'~,.,. , .rvetl wlth th(ll shnbu ~ hnbu or; wrl1 A ~ n t ll ~ty ~11\Ol\l n no ~nlnd

1'1 ("pnrNi by l\1 1' ~ . Mnbubnyn­,hi

Hflunrtttl$: ' lU I th(> mrllU \ \' 0 "

(rC". h ~ 'l'uwb("ITY hot \t'okr ~,(" I'\ ' {'d 10 Ule' mf'mht"l· Hlld

pn'pRff'd by flint' Au Ulnl.\' rnl' ll\b l"r!'o~ t'hl '0 Morita, Oon­no BlindRUl'1' ' Ind TOl11oko Yono, So a(' l ml ll ~' h " l- .nfi t~

"' t ·~ t " cxc h nn~(' nt n C'l i \\' n~ m nd('

A hort hUfi tm 51 m ('C'tlHi rl.<crlblo' R u,IllA"" portlcl. pation In pan n l chnptrr ne­Ih 'iUe$ WAS mrldt

Nc'{ Au. 'IIInl~' 111' , lIuJr, J unr- lA, will rC'Hlurfl n dc-Inoll ­lHl'nt ion on moch" n .. l nplll1N'e 110\\ rr arl ntHlt.'mrn t b\' 1t'. K lIIniko Kanni Rnrl nlso n pi 0-k"t \\ hlch ('an l>c' t'On l rur t ~ d trom old Chrl tmn~ ,'arm. Membc 'Ill I <.Ilod by ph nf' to thnt nd pll

Plac e r Cou nty holds

Tulc L.lke pil ~r1 m.~e

June Events

L,A . Intro du ces

W eek ca nd ida t .,


Konko dedicates

new S.F. church

I SA.' FRA. 'CISCO In 001-emn yel pleasanl eel' moniel, the new Kooko Kyo church al til" comer of BUlh • n d Laguna SU, W 8. dodlcatl'd Sunday lIIay 27.

Almosl two houl'S 01 rilua!a. the morning English 1«\'1 ,Iarted oUIside Ihe bulldlnl! wilh nag ralsmg .en·mony condu~ed b) 80y Sc<IU 01 America Pack Troop and Post 58.

I Combinln Ihe pnnll g1'and

ceremony and dedication 5er­

\"1CC--5 the fltes \\'<,n" pr lded by Bishop Fumio Mal$Ul, who o[[e"ed til. main pray er of Nonlo. Re\' lIIrs hlnko fu­kuda made o/(ering 01 Toma­kuchl.

Other mlnt.lerS par(iclpa~ Ing were Re\,. Takao Ki,hl, Rc\'. 1II1ehihiro Yua a, Re\,. Masaru Okazakl. Re\' Alfred TsuYUkl. Rev. Ma. alo Ka\\'a­halsu. Rc\,. Nobuharu UzunO('. Re\' Hlromlchi Kimura, Rev. Haruko IshJwat.a, Bishop Kl­yo_hi Hala of Tokyo. Japan. dnd ~;x directors of J apan 'e Pilgrimage Group.

One hundred Iwenly pil­grims of which 40 are mIn­islers trom Japan witnes,ed

I the ceremonies which broughl together Konkokyo p r i e sis from San F rancisco, T oronto, Cleveland, Vancouver. Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Holly­wood, Fresno, Sacramento and

I San J ose.

'I'he ground for the struc­ture was broken In March of last year . l is completion was delayed considerably due to unseasonal rains In the win-ter.

CALENDAR Jun,. 8 ( Friday )

Mt Olympus-Graduat e. dlnner. Chu ck-a .. rama , Fashion P lacr Ma ll. 7 p .rn

P h Jladelphia- Bd Mtg, Run Mrsl r eli.

MJlwaukee-LadJe. Auxy M t •• Minami's res, 7 :30 p,ml

Al am e d ~~~~ n ~ e ~Sb~~ r dea ! ~u n t o n to Carmel. Iv 8 8.m,. ret 6 p ,rn

Wo.hington. D C.-J.A , Socfet.y bazaar, St. Alban 's School . 11 a.m .... p .m.

Puya llup Vallcy-Graduatel dnt , Poodle Dog, FlIe; 7 p .m.

Sequofa-optlmiat League award. banq

JUDe 10 (Sunday)

B alr8 ~ ~f:cocomm -M t g . San

Clnelnnall-b.elk81 p icniC. Gordon Yoshikawa', r C! B,dence

Wet t Va lley-- Fam ily picn ic , SCOjcUff State Park.

I D ~ yto n -F4m ll y plcnic, Eugene Crother'. f arm..

d Mvnl.,,1 '1'1""01 P'1I11<\, rIo Wln-

Trust fund Onene I<: .. ~ hlll~ 1'1 • • byl" .. h", Chll l"rh , r' t l711 ~ Ill.: vlow Av. " 0111'(1""

l" flY , eiTIU. IJ21J11a.

for two O.e. Nisei Intermountaln-C;.\ RI1I':N C1HOV I ·~, ( ' 11111 ' I'hl ' .1il1 l11 ll r"f" AIUtlrl CII!\ n,· 1\1 \"n lrllt r l 'nu ~ t li' lIml {'oml1lll­h -(1, Ihl \\"'t' k nnllo ll lU'f'(1 ""p .. port of (j,'OJ''''C' 1(""lln IIlIn

nl' l1 OIUlIIloto, two \\' 1'11 · 1t1lOWI1

O l'llIl Ut' COllnt )· Nl llf'l, nllri

NlH",1 11110 11 Iltr l'Ul11l11l1lll l y to n ~ lI t l th("l 1l1

K llnllfl IIml Oltnmulu un ' riC' ft 'IHlnnhi In n ('our! ul'tlnn bl'ouJ,l ht " ",,Infl l 1111" 111 b~ ' thr ,lUKl k t I)" pl (H'~ PC, ,Inn 211) unci tht ,y III" nllm !ll uln 1111. In "rlvll " It "n Ih. !'nuw ['II t .

( '"uUIIII",1 'l' llm l' l'ont 1' 111""

",t1tht I' 'l 'lwl"r I ton mtlflh Of

n tlln,' III" wlwll " 11""H1011 I. 1I\'IIII ' lhl., IItHl wlH>11 n 111"r,. p""ll v" l ' lnp l l1,'t' f !f ' It Jl lll lf!1 for

It ~ I 'n fl II"I·rtllfllll l y till' 110000 1t1r)Jt II! miNI h.V li lt thw· 111 (1 II J" J,III,lt utM " 11 11 III ' Inld or th" pmil lioll IIIHI l'Iuhl1lll 11 "" fIIlImr II I' 111110 III"J.[ C'CI "uppo!"1 or IIw YCHJ lh '1IIe1 to j,(IIt younlC ndll H .. 11\\'01\'('(1 111 tllI 'h' 1It,t1 vllil ·

Nu tlnl1ll 1 Vlc' f' 1'11'fllth'nt

th. 11" p .. 1 pr"old. nl'. pin from " tjf.h link I, ('W""nt Mt Olym ..

n ~~~ tl l :~/I·;.: rl f' l1t w htl "hAil r rt

HIJI 'ukIOJlll t I h t Cllll i lf l' w I" e Dflu I lit)' 11 11 11 1 lind f'rlll1k Jwn­mil

( ' I-u. lflh

"".v .. hl 1"ltI Iho "/'Oup <>1 tlH )lo ll ,,,U tli IIUti dlv" r l lly in 1111' ('hupt", . . Hf .nJd WfO.

I hhilid hI' tl Wlllft ,.,1 tl1f' "~II ' ... rnl l 'U!Wf'! n Dr th,. ""'mhf!f ' IIhlp •. \' IJlllh ri nd YOllt'K fldu lt., II Mf'mtw n. "Ullnt bt' /'rll! • nt tlw UJU IIwy ( ' lUI 1I!"ln" 1-(1 lh" (JI ""III ZlI tlOI1I" IInYlllthl ,wid IlYlJun" li cit! I (,.,.) till' f'1 unch of b .. h uc too Ulfl or lJ')(J youna" ilntl wond," "wli" 11111 I lind \\1 111111 ' rio I b, 'I'IfI U In JAf:J ,1"

" WI n"NI III lO uk r· n C"t)rn ... mlll11l'nl to Jh l .. t · In th" pro· "' lima or J A(II. IP

Double Knit Fabric. for Sale

at Factory to You

W holesa le Prices!


And Olher F.b,leo

M o" , I 'J nl')(Jn 10 6 p m W.d .•. .•• 12 Mon to 6 pm 5. . 7.ro '03 p.m

• Pacific Cout

Knitting Mill •• Inc.

27~ l oon I. Blvd., V.,non 582·8341 Rulh hlnh' II If' ( " , .. 111111 to br

It-nMthy "ncl ,'x lwlls lv!'. th" Mll1lmllh f ' nltl , IIHd hoth In rll\'htunll 111"1 wlthu\l1 hll1 (1 1' twll' (·11 ['\l1111illlllfNI IrhUU'I"NI th. 101"111011 0 11 nf tht hlll d RI"OIIP. the Inul'wdluh' "'''H'rt'n b, ' ln~ 10 no. 1. 1 iloilo 11,,1\11108.

I'runl( J\\' fl tn ll of HII{,llInll'nto Ul"ge' li mhl' f·rr. ·rtl v" 'l'() ~ Ilrll1111T1 hHt ftll thl'h nw ",I")I' 1" 11 , UI ' HUM,·"t, rI IIwn .11' Inor r 10tH! IJUblld ty - rmtln, t('V ,

Ill"f'" "IHI th ut tl1f' d'lIpl" 1" 111'"'\\ " it·tll'l" bl' 11 , ,,,I Itl J.(I'i flf'Oo­pi,. IlItt' l"I ' l c'd IIl1d 1I(' lIvl Ifr III n "rUNI "lnll ll "I"OIiP I "wn­IIlltt"" II, 1m'" I lind hut If If JI'­

Olll' l ' f ' l,c 'UIl,," h,' ufcf'f l 'Illrl Iht" y oull J.4 I'){ opl, ' t", "lvl'lI P'-1''''' .Ihle 11".11 10". wllh 1 ... lp

nnd rnrnul"lIj,[I'nwl1t ttl carry IhJ'()u"h ,

" Why ,JACII?" Willi thl' ,ub-JI'(:1 t OW'II"f1 b y Iwnrnn. " II '==-____ -======1

D t. ~ l'I(,l1dJn" upon Ih, lIInount rill I'd. n I'j' ('I"\'r will h~ f I nsldr for lutu ... ' tW"d)' t'n " " fIIi till' t l 'Ufi t CUnei (' ol1H11Ittf' ,

dr.h.'l'mlnrs, PI"< 1' 111 tn1.llh ' f'H of Ow fund 01"1 ' Nflh TUlllurn j

Mlk. Mots" hll n. Shiro Aokl , n.. Mo Okndo nnrl Kon Hnyn hi .

" (il"OrA' nnd AI II hn ',.. )lrt)oo

\'ttiNI R(' II\ I ~ lr-orl." "h lp nnri J'tn l ttl'lpnllol1 in ("'UI1"'" I 1111.) n ff nl .. !'- hi lh r p n" t III Ihl Ir h nUi o f " N'd, It \\ OI lld bt u Iwnr twaTml l1R ~t tlln for thl! l"ummlln ih 10 ('(till 10 thrlr II ld," thf\ eonllnltt urhlt ·d

( '011\1 l \m UnlU. hOli ffl b mnde IInyabl , 10 tl •• • r A flr-


• u

SluWhh r 1' 1" .

HI ~ hIlKhl "r lhr dIn,," hn I, cI b.v MI fl lymp" JACI. \, .... the 1ll'1': "ntntinn uf JACI.. IIft ''I,h h I ' pili fu r W l 'On "I' U­

tI\"c "I'(II 0 ' j'rv it', to tht oqUmtz'ltirlll Il t thr (U ti trict / ­nntionn l Irv t I III K"n Nrrd l U

ann S,llh ". Yo hlmum. bt'1 th of 11 0 1 In ll" l, h\ .hu)( O Ru rn l.

IDe U'C'OM IIH lr'1I1 rh " h 1m'" • Ala r Artlmllkt lind KI n

NOtt U '\('f' nllft flU' ll tl' d

l hf'I"( ' II n y tlt",t! tor JA Cf ,'!" h "" Imli tolel 111,. it' our> lh nt ,l fJpllJH" f ' Aml'Tit'"n. nn rrm· fl Jel , rf'fl Uw IOfld, 'l mlrlCJrlly. II ,' 1IIIId me}l l Nt .,,1 "H' In th f" mlflrll" "hi,. 'f1(:(}m~ grou p , " Urlf'fII th l. ml'lm IUCC" 111 No, J thot fi ll w" Wl ll1 t to lH'C(Jm,.,

mldlll ,' ,'11111" d ll1.Nl,. In our CfJlln tn't" H l' 1IIIId rn o I ,Jr'PiJ-nl, Anlf'licfln" h nvt th ,. ' Iblllty to Ii,' t Uhf 'llft hut fir'" m'H1Y t t m ,. . dl~('rlmJn8 t ('d

lI'UtIIl I Thl. Inny f'VI'JI b l In II", lorm 01 Indlrorl ,1I.rrlm· Inntion

II I' ufiWd the "(fIUP not to 00 &l,1I !I~d wllh h"lnR middle ,.In _ " hut tn Pl t!(-k up ror nur­Irl, unci not be Irrt b~hln" . "

H(' to ltl UU'In thal havlna hit dl rr lmlm,tto n inU ,.)VI'S \0\(" houlrJ h,' ('lIr""u) nnt to "I ('Iunlnn l,. n"plnl' fJth " ra

t nl n I) Son DlrKO. '~JiUon ',18 22

-PhOIO John H al r

Seven show-stoppers sparkle B ~ JO li Il r .HI n

O\'t-rtont! •

D pH &Om. Inendly com­petltlon for crowd honon from U S. Olympic r<'P ,,"­lalh e p",llY Knlh) rugby. and I h e .0\2".. c:oll"g~ glrla t.cam, U,e major porUon 01 tile applau", was for the NIp.. pon nUti Led b' 10\'l."ly Olympian Tokako HD ... gawa, All Japan chDmpion ChiZuru 1\10n.nkl and Junko Hyodo, Junior champion Yuki Kawai. 5akJko Nozawa, and &i!iI€."f'6 Satoko and Noriko Okazakl­this lalented Iroup. in how bwlness parlance, hlt>rnl1y "brought down the hom~1I


Interior De ian

320 W . Bix by Road I Lon g Beach. C a lif. 90807

Phone 424. 4607


Employer 01 Japanese Americans 19030 . Normandle

Torrance, CaUl.



Quailly WorkmanshIp Sandblast, l'e-stucco, plastering, palching acoustical ceilings

9944 E. !lost 8G6 - 8 ~ 2 5 6 ellnowor, Ca lir,

nEE-8t .

'm"O ' q ••• g J uo'} 'l1sr '3 ltSZ

.. tiaJ.IV u Olssa~uo:J "

9NIHU'1) 31180W S,NVQ

o . clod

ttt 01 Forms - \'edcl.iIlK AnnOl.ln~men

t lonro GARLAND F .1ITH (Owner)

~0 2 (O\,loa .. l lO nl & ch. 1111. 90803 (2\31 U 4·0ZSS


!'. L r BlrdJ

I,et o. 0' CQ lui F 0 Jld Ac 0 I ..

Do> Groomln!: - 10 Y. • Expert nee

1030 Lour 1I J,b Bh d 01 l Oth 435· 4!!!

Lonr Brach. am.

NORM REEVES INC. ', ... the All Ne ... cn IC

'I'hree Loc~lio", 15745 u k.nood, Paramouot, ('alii 531·0180 9536 E Flre.lone , Don n.y, alii 861-1387


nahelm , C.Iif. 178-6700


Dlreclor J osephine Thomas - Founded 1955 Age.: New Born, Teens

No extra charge for large families StaIr Licensed - Medically Appro"ed

13060 E. La J ora ~ 9 8· 1 8 11

orrlloo. CaUl.

The New Moon Si nquet Room' an llable

fo, . m ~ 1I 0' Il rg . group.

912 So. San Pedro St., Los Angeles MA 2 - 1091


seafood treats

I • DELICIOUS and e so easy to prepare

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gou rmet Breaded Shrimps

and Shrimp Puffs FISHKING PROCESSORS 1327 E 151~ Sf Lo. Angele, (213) 746· 1307

L,l1o"s, t ~ t oc '" of Popullr .nd Cia!; Ie Jap.nu. Record

Jlp ne r Magar lnel, Art 8oo1t:. Gilt .

HO £. h. 5 •.• Lo. Angl l" 5 Ut' p'Im. Prop

- --,-.,,.,,,,,,,-.,,,,###

S I ~ 1r. . nd 80nch At L EY.CHANGE<

Fred Funakoshi P",p nd ) tudu· A. Do n RtGUf> f


,/tlt l P I Sf & ch

616 W ilhur. 81'uJ. Lo. Ango(" 6 80.2350


T ell Our A d, p. rtl~ e rs


Century ~I Rea.Jlon • Inc. 1946

I! . O ".rdlo" Rd. or Oneh (' 111,9080.



411 E. Gree nl ea f

Co mpton. C. lif.

639 -0700

T'\TO Lontloll5 In. Food Irom


6t l Pinr h r . - • S·an6 21 (_ Broad\\ar - 435-!316

Lun, Ik.rb. alII OprD 7 0 T • Wrek

H '1 Hu I


OW: Da. n.'ll:e Hand Pressing

Pick-Up and !)(Oll"cry SO-D.\" Ch !1; Account

• ,0\ ,. nable

1111 E. Br03d,,"y

R EmJ ... k 6-2094



4 83~ I'1I ramounl BI,·d.

Lakewood. . lif.


Marutama CO. Inc. Fhh e.k. M, "ufac.tuI., r

Lo. A"sol ••




FUJIMOTO'S (00 14150.

Av" I,bl. al You ,

F.vout. Shoppi" g C.."t"

FUJIMOTO & CO. 302 306 S ~th W.·.

, L ' ~ City. Utlh


£'t'3 i /<.K eAte. D ... O.r: .... - Coek\&, ...

.... .. ",,11lI • IAJ'A;rt;UE aoOIl ' '14 E . F'.n:! 5 .

!.t'o, AM "' ,., _ "\fA9--3O'2t

Ueiin.stin l:iP3116e Cuisine

~ .:~ . .' .~, .

. New (fin "A In' . ' ; RESTAUR1u'IT ... lu.~heon. Dinner

Jl rAKf~~~~~HfONS Group Parti ...

104 S. Sr.rHG ..... lolA. 5-7!L1

Gommerci.al Rdrigeratioa ! I O"'lIn'ng Instollot"", I I M.intemnce i , Sam J. Umemoto

I Cert,flute M.mbef "I RS ES I M."..be, 01 J.I>OO Assn. of

I RLI'lQeraticn. i , \~ i~I~~';' ~ . J~ i , 1506 W Vernon Ave. i Ito- Ange les AX 5-520.4

cSouth ot Dd.n..,.uftd, ftUJ

flrsf St ... Sut. Au)

rh (7 l4) J( 1 .. 12.12

l.unc.t'eona: )1 • .m. ~ 2 o.m. OIl'V"e.r'C 5 · \0 D.m..


80. 270. El ko. N ••• Tel. 738-5141





Fully AI, Condilionod • 1V


Bonded CommISSion Mercbanu - FTwls &I Veget8blea 7,. S. Central Ave. L, .-\Vbole ale Ter minal larke.

CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC. ~::===_=:: ==_'; MA 2-859,. lIlA 7-7038. ~1A 3-451)4

1·- ... ...,.,..,.,.. ... "... ... tOt '"" . I Eagle Produce

929·943 S. San Pedro St. MA 5·2101

Bonded Commission Merchants Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables -

Los Anael e. 15


" ' I

Page 5: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking


Aloha from Hawaii' by Rlchm' Glma

;lIUIlIlIlI1lI1II1lI1I1I1I1lIlIIlIl~lIlIl1InIlIlI\I\IIIII\Ullllllllllll llllllllllllnm mlllllllllllllllllJlIII iIIlIIlUIIIIIIII ••

Hawa ii Today

tI1Cl1\l)1 0~ Int'nt :~lon~ : ~:!~ 11 f ncr~;lscd (rom 5:\ lX~r t'(.H\t

tn F('b r\lnr~' \n ~" lX'1' ~\'l\l in M81'C'h. :lccC'lHitnJ,'! 10 Robrrt HR~C'RRWO, cHl'~ lor (f tho ~tatl"~ I ~ b 0 r (il'pol'lmrnL statr\\ idc. thl' numbC'l" of pl'r .. ~on~ without Jobs lotull"<i :10. :;50-~50 1l10r~ thon 0 monlh RgO. Th~ bi~t:('sl jobh',"i jump \\ H~ rcocO) dN:l for l\\olokni­l ... ",n&i. \\ ht(~h \\'~I\t (1'011"1 n Ft-b. 8.6 pt'r ('("nl Jnbll'g rule to 16.8 pc-\' ,,:('1\1 in MArch. n OAhu the \1nl'l1lploymcnt rnt.e df'Cl"eascd fn.lIn 6.1 lXl' N'nt to 5 pc>r cent In Mor<h

Th. I 'plcal publlr ,.hool t~R('hcr 11\ Hnw:ul t: Il womAn, mani<!d . ~nd ho. no chlldr<n . Thi!l: i~ Q col'dinl! to d a tn com· piled b.. Iho .1t'Clronic dol,. proc~~. hlR di\'t!"1 n of Utt'

tale DCI,I 01 Budlt I .md Finance Th ftl:\lf<' how Ih.t .boul 78 per cell i 01 the .lllte·~ public . chool tenC'hf'r!t are femal. and Ihol 71 ""r ('font art' m urncd M.ore than 57 per f'nt or th{' teacher hlt\'fo nn chlldrcn lot 2 pel' ('tnt h8\'0 ~ne child. 14 ~ I}('r ""nl have t"o, 7.6 P('f (,: n l h a\'l' lhre • • and s.n pc>r cent ho\'e -tour or mOh

Fuel "Uppllel" III Ule I ­land. b, \ ' e 1. !'led rnllonltu: df~ el fuel. nc !'-pokcsnlBn • aid his complUlY ""l' bcltln ratioOln gn<oluu SOOT' Two oil companl .ald they an: unable to aeccp t all) nc" cus­tomers for die el fu.1 One of lhese 'ald It W8S unable to ake a.ny major nc \ eu.Cotom­

e..,; for ~osohnc aid l ark Allcn. dh'~ Ion mann or for

h'l r nd~, p\rr 1'I\('tlitl('~ and ulhrl' p\1bliC' pl"O})l'rlh,l. dol'll .• god III Ihl' qUllko.

n r uulllhl"" memhrt 8 ('Ir lhf" . IRI~ lelli.h.lu rr nlHl $I~'" llei ",ll1lslrlllloll omrllll' dl'blll, d Ihe IrRolll) Ilr Ihe ,III" ", 1,1011 to \I~ borr'Cm Nt bnnd r\lnds 10 bnll 1\ ~H nul 01 IL~ hlllll<'­dint<· <nsh shOl III~e. 1 h~ ~7~

mUllon houd h' h n... ulso b('cn l'ondl.'mlU'd lL j'tlw JlI.1 ~h."'p on lhl' n Hi to bnnk~ I uplc)''' SllIle bud!:.·1 rill l'Clol Ulrnm ltnnmkn SR\ s thnt !'UIllf'

('I{ llH mOnt,", n to (~ U I I' (' d Ih1'o\l)':h the- snh' In Mn\" of lhl' lonll tPI nl bond~ \\'111 bl' u,,('d to nwet the- cunent " :-it~, (IC

running tht'" ~lntr Jlo\'('rnnwnL Witho\lt thl'" l" . tl'll ('11 h 8. I'

'sarc\~' vn1n," Kumnku tln~.

that lhr ~lntC' wo\dd b,' Ult

able 10 1:"1<' puY<ill'(k, 10 nil 1~ wOl'kl'r~ b\" mld-Jullt' or .Iul)·

,tn\O" l 'rlm k 1 1\ .. 1 Oll f\tu\" 4 ollol'Cc! I help till Inl R,'I Oil It.. Il'rt b~' Irndilla II 2t1 million III t'It . ' (unds But the ~latf' "PJlllr('ntl~ \ul'n(.'<1 do\\ n Ihe olT,I', . aying Ihnl It Ib city I~ 0 rich. mn) bt' tht' _ tnt,· <hould lake back , me or It oid to Ih. dl\ In n I, tin 10 Go\'. John Burn . Fu i ... ltld h made the onl'r bU'RU (' lw bt'­h(,\"1 :~ it mn,,- not be h,'RIlI for Ule Lal~ 10 tak. out Its nn· "ounced 76 mlllloll loall Ihrou~h III • '" York bond ma rket

Siote Hep. I'tllllotil Lot has plead d 1I0t gulli. III dlslrlc t

~~ I ~ ~: ob~ ~~t ad ~ ' n' : I ~~ I ': I ,: ~\I tar -Bullelin rcporter Oru,

K. k."" ko, The char, e, \\ hlch \\. tllf-d Aplil ~S . temm<!d 1rom n 11." ~ I Uw stalc capitol 011 .\ prll 10. durIn " hlch Kakc ,ko mnill tamed hc \\ . s pUllched anrl kicked by l.ec On M ay ~ Lee .. Id for Ih" ft l'l time th t he ai­lempl<'d 10 Ole ..... u11 chnr ~ .. ngaln ' t K.kcSllko on the M1IIIe day k .. ko mode his com­plnlnl with Ity prooecu or Barry hung.

mtJ.;IH 1 ud just IH\d lo nCt'U111muctntr lo thl" much Iu,\'d d I"now (.If

11I11d w h ich (')\11' NtRtC" ha ft tl'fcni to n l t r" c t for mnn,' .' ('(U' ~,"

'h .. ra," 8 . l h('m _, whc'l 1\ .. htlfll r I\cottrd f r\lm thfl Unitl'ci l"ul'lI tl Wo,'k('1 , 1,11\11. In nllht 11 11 th~ \ 'fly In "'",hln,h'" 10 •• 1 bfllrk IIIlu ,h,. unhlll ('h(\I'''' WIUII Ih ..

~::~I't\~. U~'~~h~tl1r :i ~ l'~ R~'Cl~~;~ uul nC lhl' union h .. (·.u (1 hf' MlflArdly Intf'rCrrr('d "lth roulr,,,- t I\fllllUaU('IUIi Chunl •• , III h .. h ...

~lt;::,. l'~"r~~" ",'!r.~h'~t\r, l,~f ~',~v ";p,

"""&ret \1 ~I'kftl Ilruld"nl n f Ffi\\,ftlfl f:1\1('I,u'I.1' hili hl'tn

~\fI{i~,tt '(,;~~~~~~~1I1 ,,~\I~' t!~r'~~I~I~\ f.llHnd"llon hradq\lulClt'l"d It, rlll"hur.h . ' .1 \\, .1 .. 1,1 11.­kU''1ut. • ,."IM ,. n, or (' .. nltal t' rllil' nank. h. brrn .. It'clfd dlrf'elM nf lh .. bank

Sports Sc e n ~

rahlu hal hili'" hl"f"n 1I'ltllllolnt f'd foothnll c:ont"h At 1(."'l'hamC'hti '-'chonl,. 11'" 'Hlt''l'1 ttl. Ornrll N'HI klnl . th,. ,rid conrh th" fI.-l fh . !I aN Nauk,Utjl r«'ttl,1I1' .n 'n

~udt:~f'rl: :,, ~t~: ~::nl'~ t!~' )' ~~:: f'1 ~f'd .... ht' d or Ih , f' ,,- dPllt

Dea th s

rom l' Tacol"-' .\~ fn MTI f'l t

laul 1t'1l.llItnr Ull,n' laar ,nd 11.\\'U a",lelll ....... tullM! In an "utn aC"t' tdf"nl t.::"('t In t..all ,ln" T,,,, aU,.. \ .. ,..,. lttU,d tnri two 011 t' r1l ~ rl('l u.h " tnJUt .....

IIr. Rohut ( If (bunc. "8 Ho. nolulu r ulle' '' C .. ml1,lnlnl1,- r c)" tr. mil" and I K I l ur ~ ph' lel. n .... " kU lr-d I l v ~ ·h .. n his , ·tn·l"n­fUl .. R ... ~ ('lu· r.n ,-....'1" n ooln,. f'r".heod n,., In K.1n hIlTTl C" "1I lh\' v n f' lIr lI a n oJuh.l t'VOrl. \\ It · n,. ~,. . l et ' h f'l f'llt"" . rnln In II \ ~o l .. n ' nn.,.·dl ... . hurwUnlt tnto n.n fII upon lml'ut

N a m es in th o N ews

\\ t\rrtn I tkc- a 1ft fir-aid l .. haln.luno !'I lch .-. h 0 n I ophomo .. ~ . \'111 I • • 0 for

Wo""lnlllOl' D.C In J unr In to n' (" n il • 11 H iram FtmK P" ~" I I . I. til' ~ 01 Ih. Jasti" I k ,f 1-... lin

BOOK REVIEW: Allan Beekman

Biography of Scourge of Europe

'I'll 1,1i'1\ , IJ III( 111 01' Af1f11 , ~ 1111 u o:n. II Rob.,1 rIY" • • I'r .... r rubtl.h.r., 823 PP.. u.oa.

I W •• I.y ~CS COO~kl t:tth ","IN J I NY

l~ f"Jrlftnllll .,lfl I .... f'll Itf' tt,'·'t·

11"" 1)ollllllnll 12 r,.. IIlI n,llI"1I I rlOI'I W • • I y Un t"d Mfltlmdlillt

('hurd" fill" N Bth lilt, Mlln JII.'. ( 1. 111 ,

---------­.,_ . - - - - - - -- ""I 1973 CHEVROL[T I




~ · rlday . . /unp II, 1973

- BUlinels and -

Profeslional Guide Y!tU' au"" ... t.,4 "", •• I" ••• h Inu. f., :U ••• k. et . III 0110 ocone. 1110 oulhOI ,lol,lrll HltI.r 01 lit. ll •• k or

hi. POWN . hi, Inn"onl'o .>I,"r1 I ,,~ Irom Ih. Arrl ll· 10 th • ~ I cdll l'I'nll nil. Irom Ih. 1';11"11 h C'hIlIlMI nlmo I to Ih. C .. • 1,lnll Sao, World 'Iomlnl'''' como wllhln hi. AIMP

From liN I, thr hrlldQlInl1 . ('I"I ot lho mrN'u lom,mlnc \VR"

lIOI~~~I:;' 1~'~lt MI!~lo: .I:;\l I,\'h1:; ' Jlllntlnn lor hi. In~r 01111-

H~nl ltl .m. Prom Ihla IlIlIPlrn­\Ion, hr III. hlol1.<I " bo"y •• cnKlIllnhlr Itl Ihr unthlnk'­fn", to ,U'I"\" tI IrHPI'!,KfJu l for Ih. (\'II.lrntlon. and r.lIur.1 of (;rlmnn \"

'lUi P'I." tl'\ All ,. wi"", ,

FRED MIVATA I Hansen Chevroletl 11111 'If Ot',"PIi. lI.d W .. ,,,,,. ." .... t1 A.. 120 ·"OJ -- - - - - - - - -"

JUNO BUILDING (Leo •• at SOc p.r .q. It,) 16020 S. W clt.rn A.a.

a II" .. Iml"I"'II"" " _In t.eh "41,1."11 II,.. .. ,.t H.-.

I -, . Gr •• t.r Lo. Angel.. "

"OWI~ VIlW G4~Dlttl ,1.0_"1

l~?I,~! y~~. ,~~~~ .~ v~O~~1JJ, :f:,·/J~~

I':n. t Pr" •• ln AI Ihl . orcr.1 <rnlol'. rquillpt,d wllh rndlo ,.tl\lIon "nd t~lrph(')nf" I\X rhona". Ih. dictator I.colvrd ,"('portA Mild rt'ndrl,.d dr · t"illionfl

hl' hilt! only to will ,)el, " 1" crrtnn' would Inkf' clown hi word I, rmet within It if'll" mtnul\;x nn firm\" lhul hntl 1:'Il'rn hoy lIna 'i'nftl would whrel III Ihr 1I0rih or n'" tho "U\, .\nolhrr whlll ilel', nlld 10,ono .Jt'lW" 111 It t'ollcC'nlru lion (: nlnp In Pnlllnd would 114' I' l~lJnll1ntNI wlUlln th Ill' . t t\\I'Ol):-tl)UI houri. .,

Ear ly 1.1(.

Wh I B chun,.· 101 011' "ho In "I'll' 1I1~ hAd 11111 d ot .1. \\IOlII ,'\. rythln. 10 which hr hnd IlUl hi h nd' who ... (hool I"cord hil(I br.n ~ o

poor U.. .uthorlU,·, hod donled him hlRhrr duc.llon. who hilt) berolnf' a v.,ranl. w.ntlcrln~ the tr rta o( VII'nno. prnnllr.... . ~iir\' ln G . 1\« %1118. \l'ltiloul • ploc to II hi hend . Th ~ rh.n", In hi. lo, lunes

hid be III \\'ilh Ih~ rntr . nc. 01 . \U I lII~ , hll nlll\'~ land. Into World War 1, Fonnerly

Th. I'ollcy 01 A"nucldr hrl rll .. ,.rINI 01 thn •• hr 01 ... 111,.<\

• J nw '~"An In pnarom nRnl"ot tho .. Ihnl h. him nil t?I'CNIt'd 1o bf' pUI.. ArYln Iornnnn •. On Ihr around Ihnl h. W.l' ImJlI"ovln. the Cit'lmfl;tl

took .nd !I·t,lnll ha.pltal b"d. IDI hi. '01,1101", he Or­II." I Ih. kllilna or Ihr old, til' Incurnl>ly .Iek. ond Ih~ In. III .... A. hr .Ihnlnntrd 100 -noo t:r, rl1lrt"" und~r lhl, pI.~, 110 prrlrrtrd hlllrumo,,1II 01 mllu"re. MJch na UlI" , .. (·nlmb,·r. Ihul wrr. to drvou, l million ,jJ .. v.."

III Ih,. Inlloouctlan, U., au· thor f'nlllnf"tOlt', 10m", ot th,. thlna. b. ond th,. scope or hi. blnjll'Dph · " . Ihl. I. not. oclol or Illicol hl.tol'), "nd

I hA\," mad. no 110rl to de.· cribI' Ihr phil_ph,· of a-1I0nlli Sndell.llI. ." So "hen h. o""DIu or "J.wllh blood "I Ih. AUlhor mllthl bo '"CU.,:" Ihc .cceptance or .n Irt.Unn-

On, ()f Ih. Large I 5.I",lon. 2.21 VI Jeff., >n. LA

R£ I 2121



1.11~' S.lrrtlon 01 All (. ,brlc gvtry Slyl- nod Color

at L.uw Price

1070% \\ .,Imlnd., i\\t . Oardtn OrOH. (,.111


I p'rmllll : .. t I ••• t hl$ (,b-t\,\·.lIon I. Ilckln, In Hit- ~. I II or T~k 0 It

Garden., Calif.

TeL: 327.3250

III ,NU". fJ\YN'f It m-;;;-;:jj ,t_ul, If. '" • J J 1'/)nth)mlnhJrn 111111 l;ltt(lrAdn nn nlJYftl K ... n.:

~!I:n a;~~ r~:~t; ~~~i:'nf t,~dr"flln. 2 h.tl"l. IU ""'("1rle kttch,.n. WI hl",·dryer, .Ir ron .. dltlnntn., ""., •• 11. tUr"nllhln ... :I r.oQII, prJv.t '" bUf'h ,..ban,:

IIJ~~rr~~oun~ ~~~i:~ " n A P~~n.~ 112,Afji', pnr.d fnr ftllf,.k •• 1. corr.".uhl.. "nU. tIJI),/'ffl Intt

I 1!M"I.tJil)(' e.u .tr. Uontn, .. C21~) MO·~.W, . - -Support PC M vertl&erl

I Toyo Printing Offset. L.lUrprtll • Llftotyplt\t

lot S. SAN '(1)110 ST. Ltl Arul" 12 - M4dll •• 6·81 S)

6t~. ,. 1M ttl. G/uhr L..A 1' , .. ,I."tlen PC

JACLGroup H •• lthin;:-7 l~.mC~ t::;~,::~:" . /2~ )~l/ .. j'~a$2

NISII 'lO~IST If" ,PI. H .. ,t,,' l" f,,""'., a f I" St, UA JJ~'606 '

Fur; 1IQ(,gi.dl1 IIfrnb T • .• ,,",,,


2;~ s ' ~o~%t ff,"~1~L 't~


311 ( hl~;. 't..,tl'r.r .. 90012

'I.~ OPtnlng 0,1 I

YAMATO- TRAVEL- 'UR-'AU­)1' L 1,~ '} ';t~MI C900J21

• W.t.onville, C.lif.

TOM NAKASE REALTY ,t <! •• ag. P4t"Kt--. H ..... .. ,

'rv.'A'"I' 't f r t .OU:A, et •• ",="

l!t C. I'ford ... .... {(O S) 72~'7

.""'_" '.1"-#1""-#1'."""'_"" • San Jose, C.llf.

MARUKYO Kimcno Store • Sacramento, c.lif. --- -- ----• dro it d "r. ho now lound

• rI' prcl<!d niche 111 tho orm7 Dedicated . p r U d " n t. • n d brav(I, hn ,'on JnAny decora 4

101, thoulZh n, "cr IIlln . abon Ih. n \llk 01 corponl.

Itn , mDI,\,ol'IIC. , rInr I M. irAn food In Th. "uthor oy. he I •• t· O •• nf' ('ounlv I

I OlPUn, "to draw a round"d I 1101 tr,,11 01 1II11.r Ih. min" · 908 I \I· .. hln, lon 511·8787 h. IUC red . 0 < .. Ion ally Ih; . 101 \ na. C .ur .

101 WolI<-r £1.

Lo. An,.Ju ~

628-4389 ~

Wakano-Ura Su~ "r.ot. - Ov.P So .. ,

12or,nf~ ~!. ~Ci~~('tt U.

In hlJ I 'or I'ol'lod. I t In

~~: ~ I~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ u.~~~~ ~i 1..,lul • • acldlcr And

prot. lod Ihe In ructor', un-t "ombl () Inion of Jow 'HlUrr d rr~ nd <!d Ih. prof -

r, m " haling an Inn or

Iluthor , m!l to bf' cDrrh~ --- - ---I'W.. b)' hi horror or th. STORMONT "'cho UI who cau 10 PH

I IIllon dc.th. H ... crl~ .n OTOGRAPHY IInlo .. n.bl. t.mprr to HIl­I,r. th"".h "\1~ 1 1 S"""r. \\'ho '0' <I I; a I.~d "1th he ".rmln dlttat.or ) thll lIl'r h.d IInul\Ill elf-con·


F l o~ Wo II 'rfll

t!1 Drl 'br j \" 'an (It'm,.nlr


I .

• Seattle, Wash.


I Klnomcto Travel Se,,;jc:.e-

F,.... y )(n:.~'!) I ~ s_I. ___ M'" ~

• Wachington, D.C. 1090 S,,,omo St.. S., 11

A.,k for

'Cherry Brand' MUTU,ll SUPPLY co.

• r l um~n\3 I. ,In t lhf" j f!1\'" b omln« Inore heal<!d .. h. contlnu<!d dlaco 'ertn« to hI

rprt e thol he could hold hi. audl.nce .nd "" It"

Th. author pu olm I ail I • hllm. for the .ultld. 0 1

,.11 n.u ,Ion Hlll.r thou,h BUENA PARK NUTRITION I ~~~~~~~~~ Ihl, dAU,hlu 01 hIS htU . t CENTER :

landacd Oil. " I RUe. II'. no ~ec r et that there', an tnerft\" crunch . If tbe'c h a\'y d ... mands ronhnue w(-" eould have dJftlculty III moetin them. B ut WC'I"f' not counting Oil . n ~ · 10US . up ply dl.­!'uption. "

A Of'\\' "tlfa rf policY put blto eIT""t <'Cenll)' ",til cui R ~te e, pt.' ldi tur(' about 1, 2; million a 'ear by ollmlnaUn~ Genor.1 A slstane. paym.nt for .ome 300 \ 'orkin ~ pool f ilies. But other wellA.

Statf' otflC'tab Mid on prtl JO that. an $11 4 Inlllton \,at .. n('l\u hu Ud'nc: wUl 10 und('r eonllnJC'.o Hon In Autu t al Bel .. lAnl. and Punchbowl !=\ t.. Bldt on th" ",'Nt''"

~~lr;e ·~~~:tI~~ Ito ~f (O~I~O~n !97:"t't~"t.olh~~~f~(' ~i.~~In~r~ of A ~unUnl lind C ~ 11rr.1 SnY.o

and t [)t'pl cd' Land and ,'. lr 1 rt f" u

1'011<. hlel \braham \ lon3 of tA ui h. bt.#,11 ' Ia ird O\l t bv Ihr ,talr I H, ... 11 0 ~nniU1Uon or Poll om ra o. th- ftl' t rcolpl ~ n l of I SHOPO rommpnd.Hon Th ~ eomm"n­da ion, In thf! farm of I eon­.:ratulnton M)luUon, \\' I~

,::1vt'n to • tnn. In , fO- rf1T\t ' It" In . Inyor F.lmrr C' \'Olh .. ol11c. T . H mond ~.kl I

"Ice III' Idrlll 01 th. B An~ 01 H \\'nll, has b.-. nN! Min nl Ih~ • or by Ih. lid ­Pacine In tilu. lumnl ,\ H •• a~ honOI <!d by hi. con­

Ic"1 .ppo "f MPI .m

The author polnta OIlt that pholoarapbs of Hitler. wbl h mak him oppelr a < 0 m I c Charley Choplin. or mlll.ad­In,. Thll judcmenl I. ,. 11· dol<!d by Ih drplcUon of HIt­I.r In Getman nO" H II In motion. HIU.r hu vllllll,.

let ml" h.v. bffn Ih. only I II woman H tlor \ni l . loved 'P • In , r i M i 1.8'" 8"8

ri. rrthcl .... Ihe f1 of ,1 " I • ' nl ~ lI\1:;\~~\~~ ~ " 11 ~8;' . Oi1 6U85 I tl n g~~ - \ ~ tc~ ~tZ6n jl\ Sw .. t Shop ...... ..........-- ............ ...

lob hlcklgrub,. r. 'ho WI' AUf'oa I\ark. IIf I 2 .... f hl!>t - 24 H .. t (tf\.tlIUQ- -

0.1 th. m ""' l~ r. 10 th -- -- I l M", 8·.935 -v.. Co >"","1"" G-UI'"

lcid, of th. d. l.. d HIt- , I ~~~~~~~~~~~ • April '0, 10_5 CAPEllO S PIZZA • ( . ~_o=<""':"' '-=''''''~ PESKIN & GERSON Business TIcker

'lIr1kltanl 'II lUI rice and dim! ., U 0 .tor

he I. hypnotic ts a still on the rise. a • tate Ilftlcials In the Depl. ,I S ial Servlce say the) are

• 1V tm .. pan It're ~ ic m Unl" of H~"" li

mlllier p$ ·eh 10,111 h. ull In ,ymbol. a Ot.'

FASHION ONE HOUR ClEANINGS looking· " .... her \\'8.1 C" to

cui 'elf .... C1 ... 1

State Capitol

Go .. Jobn Bum. has Slgn<!d • proclamation declarln~ the

pril 26 •• llbquak. on the Island a stale emergene) HIs signalure on the document frees the ~tate 0 ,,!>end up 10 • ~On.O O O 10 aid Bli Island courrty go "emmen r gaIn;'

a bl~ g thDn • cu.... • I kit.anl lD • talk be/ore Walklkl Reside,,'" Ass. .... d that the cnticism of the Ja­pane~t' tn\"estmt'flt hft'll come [rom bu<lncssmen "" bo find compc>UlIon Dnd change be a challenge 10 their OWI1 cir­cle 01 op<'raUons . He add<!d. "Rather Ihan deplol e J.p.­neSoe In\·('.!:iunent in touri m nny olh.r l;lnnd In .... t

Ringside Seat

A d~y It Tee-Jay •••

Los Anltelc· II Ia \.Iko n unl il my mId­

dle as::e to see my Cust "'live" bullIighl and I can say that I don·t think I mlSSed an~-UUng for waiting <0 long and If T ne-ver see another one, It 'will be 100 soon

I dId """ ""'cral bullfl~bt.s no TV and was not O\·crlv irn­p res.<ed but the' 'F ohow hut me empty.

In facl. aft.". watchmg ,.1st two ·'bght..'t," I left m disgu..ct

dh'lch.a1 .bOut the pos.sIbUlIy 01 such •• a1e and he rephed. "Well. 11'0 not unpos.slble They pay more for a J.panC$~ leam than th. Padre'! 'ere sold for"

Wouldn't II h .. 1m the day when Japan Will Jom the M8-lor Leagues if 3.!: Arnene,," Malor League leam wou .old to Japanese Interests"

Of all the terum "~I C h nught be &Old Ihc Glan'" would seem to be the best ·t

Owner Ho~ce Stoneham has Vf"ry close ties With Ja­pan

I' H -

, \0 -.. , 1


lUI h'rnun t.

'\l\IIhtlm. aur


t H




I.. t .t Re

' n 'lnr 0 •• Caunl1 Sin .. 1032

p" lIup.eUDIU or • p<'<'ialt

! ,001 fl TMO d n Toro. aliI

F'H A V A CII,' ItO: l7tb

~DI. IU CallI 5 . S-~!!A $0-315]


200 W. Centr~1 557.1010

Santa An a, Calif.


lJ d. t" 0 .hlp E"e/,) thin to Build. Repair or Remodel .... Complete wne at Reasonable PrIce

U1 S Laruo CanyOn Rd i U · 13U The ""ene · .... as tbe old bull ring in Tijuana thi!' past Sun­day Several RUes'" from Ja­pan wen:~ with mt" and msist· <!d on seemg a bullfigbt. They were more dl.5gustcd with the ('spectacle" than] was

The GIants art' a ot mak n~ that much money

])e:;PIt.e their ext:ellence or" the fJeld. (they have boen leading lhe National Lc.Jtue West Since opering day) the Giants ha\'e not drawn man,)' fans

CongressIonal Scort La£una B.arh . t ahl

LICHEE RESTAURANT Sa)< eo. Daniel J\. , loou1t' . Hawali'~ m ~ cl'1tlcal prob -

lem deservlllF my . PCClaI le~- Opes 7 Da I Week Their ~eneral COn5CnsU5

'''<is. "How can they allow fiomething SO cruel to be otag<!d'"

One 1 eason COllin be Lho admimstratlon of thP club.

~~~~~~Il'~~~ ~nt~~u~~a~~ On. of W .. tmlnOler· , Newer<! II .d 1061 Be.uUluI Restaurants . t I fl I Sen-Ing Chin ... and merlcan Food

U new OWnl'l11 took ovC'r and grabbed a broom 10 .weep out all the debris. Ihey nughl pump .omo blood IIIto lhe club.

~~t~pf~';;'p~~~w:~' ~e ~J"~ I Luncb . Dinner - Banquel - Cocktails - Food 10 Go Coast .nd our .tate The Visit Our Dragon Cocktail Loun,. The bull has 110 chance.

Tbe odds on Ihe bullfighter losing hIS matcb against a bull is about tbe same as Ihe SaD Diego Padres wmning the World Series. which anyone can tell YOU are considerable odd>.

In lbe fu·st place. the bull is teased about Ibe rmg by lbree apprentice buJllighters until the animal is pretty well ex­hausled. Then. when they are p relly sure Ihat the bull bas losl bis zip. lhey st.art Slick­ing him with short knives at­tached 10 the end of stIcks the sIze And len gth of broom hand I""

Tired. wllb hlood OOllO ~ trom hl~, wowlds. the bull is then confronted by the "st.ar" toreador.

It's no match and soon the bu1l!ighter .ims h .. sword and rams it inlo Ihe back or the bull at least two feet.

The bull slaggers and llOal·

Iy I ~o~ : PJ" o:,sn'\' they bring m another specialist. This one has a shor t da,:ger which he jams Into the base 01 lhe bull's head which almosl inst.antly kills the animal.

The bring i.n a team of thJ"ee horses to pull the carcass out of the ring.


J apanese d ea l •••

011 Ihe hee ls or Ihe sale 01 the San Diego Padres to a Washinglon. D.C. group lor an estimated $12 million . ("omes a story ouL of San Franci::-co in ;:\ colum n by Herb c •• n. that Ih. Gia nt.< of Ihal cllv mighl be purch Ased by a J apanese: group,

I don' I Cale whot 1\1r T. of f\.1r T's Restauran t $ays. J think the Giants not on!), have solid personnC'1. they han" some colorful players

If YOLI took ('vel")' Giant player and put him Into a Dodger unilorm. the Los An­geles lans would break down the gates t.o gel into Ihe park to see tbem.

In San FrancJsco the only ones who look rorward to sce-109 ~ am e. al Candlesl lck Park are the mu~g<"rs who ~care all the other customen away


Takamiyama • . •

Il's been anothfr horrible sumo tournamenl for Hawaii­an Takamlyama which may indicate that he wilt never altai n his goal ot makmg ozeki. It·, the <.me old slory Despite h is size, Takamiyama has never mastered the tech­nique 01 sumo and hos Iallen easy prey to those who know his slyle.

One authori ty on sumo said Ihat Tak"miyamn would have been great , '" Ihe old days w hen sumo waS based on power. Today. !'incc many DC the smaller sumo wrestler know they h ave no chance against the Haw311 an's sil e, use trickery such as side step· ping and dancing around to gel away Irolll his st rength .

Velly mtelesllOg 1 asked an ,"formed m-

II they would m",,1 hIm head on in a It's l of pure strength , Takamiy ama would Wln most of the timc, Lhe gcn­eral consensus sa)'s.

measme which I ba"e IOU·O· ·er\,Ulg Exotic PolynClllan Drink! - Enlertai.nment NillhUy due<!d WIth Ihe <uPI>orl 01 my 6785 am. (7 U l 593- 1368


Ph as An)" Size - Submarule Sandwiches Roast Boel " P.straml Food 10 Go

colleague. Sen Fong. nnd which has al6n bt'-cn intro­duc<!d on Ihe House side b)', Congressman M.aLorunaga and Con gresswcrn.'1Jl Mink 15 de­sign<!d to .er"e tha t purpose . It exlends the period of co,'­erage beyond that contained I

S2~- 6 .22 in my earlier proposal In re-\ 6911 K.oott \c .• Buena. Pa rk spon!>c to the many commu-

h:~a;~~n; :x~~·s~.::~ived urg- COLLINS & AIKMAN CORP. I D 'ill! DIV.

Equal OpportUilily Employer Mal. and Femal.

HOO Huard v. 594-5.01

\\ e.lml n~ t.er , am

Rf"p. Pa Uy 'l\lInk has jolnl!"d heor 10('81 coJleaguet In Conrre .. k · ing thf" Dt"pt. n r D f" t ~fU:I' ~ r .. _ eonsldf>r Its dp.clslon n dope 11'\ ... Nava l Ammunition Otopot f'dll­ti C1l" at I..\Ul IUR h"t, In It l e tt ~ r U\ w mtam Clemeonta, Jr ., d~put y M(!­

t eotary of ddenlt. :\frt. Mink .Ik-

[ ~a W !J \ ~ I Ube r:~t :J~~UIU~ f~e: ------------------------------------------ .. :h~drns~ll'!'U g ~ for t.he nf"ed for

Rep. park ~tat.unaga join­ed more than 20 other House members in a concurrent re!--­olution ealling lor substalltlal reductions In the number of U.S. troops stationed in Eu­rope o"er the next II ~ year· Some 300.000 American troops "nd over 200.000 military de­pendents ate slatloned there, he said M a tsuna~a said he docs not advocale complete withdrawa l or U.S forces Irom Europe The Senote a p pro v e d (May 17) .n. Hiram Fon g's proposal to al­low ear1v retirement or )on~­service Fpdcr aJ workers dur­ing periods of major reduc­tions -in -forcc, encouraging older employees to retire vol· untarily on reduced annuity of Federal emplo~"C"<,~ wllh at leMt 25 )"ean; of ~ ervtce re­gardless of age or 20 years at age 50 .

JOin the JACL

(hick Sexing (ourse (18· .... k.!

Starting Septembet, 1973

Acce pting applications now.

Prepare for our income of up

to $24,000 a year.

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Send fot Free Brochure and Appllcanon Form


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&rd •• Gro". tim. H By HIRAOKA III 1st It4'-UuJuo4 Co ... <t ..

~l' 63 ' .. ' '"? 11 $." . " '. - INUf • 't.P ... D!"'t • - 7 YOICHI HIUOU ~ ~od " G ... Ooon • t.cuvr ... M

Td. 111 29 .... 21\1 Ie., .. Teps.o P •• "'" .. ,r.: le.tl ~.t.r. H ..... • t h .... p &.:) GUt· F' .. &tr.-.. ·u

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Los Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance Assn. e. nc Prc'~,

hut I", A..". A h. r,-OrN\ •• t , ~ Fu 250 E I .. SI ___ . .- _.626·9 2S I

An .. n fuliou Agy , 321 E 2lld. Sui .. 50 0 _ 626·~393 263·1109 Fun.kolhl Inl Agy" FUN j-K.gJ .. , -Ml.mjy:· rt.y

~21 E 2'>d SI_ _ __ 626·5275 .62· ~06 H ... hll, In. Agy .• '22 E S.t<:lld SI ___ . 628 . 121~ 287·8605 Inouyo I ••• AU .• \;) 29 Syl." .. ood A. . . . ~.",. "_86.·577. JM S. h,no' C •. 31 8 \ E I " 51 __ . _ _ _ .62.·0758 To .. T. Ito, Q5 l.ncoln, P, .. d<N 19 • • 7 189 L.AJ 681..olA II Mi"OfU ' NI. N.g.tl , ~97 Rock H . .. !!n. Monfe,ey P.fL..26S"'SS4 Sr ••• N. ,I •. A566 C 10 A, . _ 39 1·5931 837·9150 S.IO In. Agy. 366 E I . _ 6291.25 261 .6519

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JUII Rent or Lease an Impressi.e 1973 Car


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.-Empire Printing COa

COMMERCI"'L .nd SOCI"'L PRINTING Engli h .md Japanese

114 Welle r St., Los Angeles 90012 MA 8·7060

,,, 40 .,. cf w .0 -JACL CHARTER FLIGHT

TO JAPAN Sponsored by San Jose JACL and

authorized by National TraYe l Comm ittee


San Francisco Internat ional Airport on JAL for Tokyo Sept. 13, 1973


To San Francisco from Tokyo Oct. 7, 1973

All JACL members. ~pouse~, dependenl chIldren and parents In ~me household are eligible

Round Trip Fare- $335.00


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2024 E. hI SI. Le. Ang.' ••• Calf .

ANg. u. 8· 835

Apphances -

~ iAM"uuu And Co., Inc.

91t .. ~ (;., :/fom6 fjfellfiM/t1~

3420 W. Jeffuson Blvd. Los Angeles 18

RE 1·7261

N IS E I Est~~~~hed TRADING (0.

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MAdison .·6601 12. 3 4 '

:r~.r-cccoc::: :0

Aloha Plumbing PARTS & SUPPLIES

- Repal,s Our Speci.lty -

1948 S. Grand. Los An90les RI 9..ol371


R.mod" and R.p.alf1l War., Huters. G..rbao. OilpoaalL

Furn..: ..

- Servicing Lot An,.les -AX 3·7000 RE 3.0557


:a l', illttLtlt

PHOTOMART ~~-J,,.4~~

516 E. 2nd SI., Lo. Ang .... 622·396'

it'" ~

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TOYl.l..<' I '1---l

• STUDIO ~ Setl' Oil I fir)' come. first ~e" ed ba~I$, l

Mail paymenl 10 or fOf information an ,

3),8 East First Street ~ Los Ang~les. u nf, i

A 6.568 1 ~

, $#11'" , ,I', .... ~l

lerms of f light contact; ,

F, .. ?R.AN~ SH . IMIZ~ . ,,, 0'''' I .. ~.~~.~.~ ...... q~.~~.~.~.~.~"".u~.~".~._4".~"YM· ~ ..

Page 6: o .. PACIFI ITIZEN...•• o .. •• ... INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL CONVENTION FORMAT IN NEW DRESS Each Chapter, Young Adult and Youth Group to Share in Staging Bionniat Undertaking

6 - PACI F IC CITI ZE N li'rlda) ,Iune 8. 11173


An,.I •• ,I. ".n .... Cnmmllllib Jll nl1t' (' I\ t "l Ih n, ,,. " o"Arfi i\1 , Torl umt. ,,1I.tOI of

Union l 'hur"'l, WI' H It"('nRlll,C'd

tor hi. j'un1r1buU0I1 \0 th. Nlkkrl "I~htlr' by Iho .oolnl", HlUi lht' .Tnpllnr (' .\mo)'lonn HIRhtlt- Il1l1t11ull Sm~h'ty 1ln', lflt Ilt no~ \'RlIlIUlnrA onel Instltnh' 11I'OJC('t din ['lol' Ilun '\'o\;''' l m\u~ h l U1nd~ thr- pr,.. .. "I'nl"tlol1, \'Ilmndrrn 110 t,. d I hnl Ihorr wu. much nlMculty Itl ~tl ll llR Ih. IwoJf'tl Inn,·IIl". "On ntH hUlld \'0\1 1'('1l1lly

wnnt to Rl't lh" lhlnR 11"10,,11)1{ Vt'I'y fn.t. Rut, III lht, Mltm

lime' It wnll I1fH'd~1' thun Iwck to plIl'lh yourHI'II." hI" "tnt.-d. Tht· proje t hnll olmo, t rrtln­plrh'c1 " hili ,\'t'ur of uprrn­litln, Anci f t't11Ttnth' wnltlila word un "dundlna, YnmAdNu l'INIHc-n rtf'\'. "'orlutnl for ht" Uill"" t III !>dnl/tIlM Ih. "".1

tion 01 .I~hll •. , l>('nl'lIl' In Ih~ ('CUnnHIllIt\· to thl palnl whf'll " "n~ltt\,f f;l1t1on .. "lin br pr,. .. rllt d III til. handlenpP"d

,or. 11'.11., "". 1)1 hI ...... t "rn:! · hu alJl$ lI"rlOr1nl'd with th. j , ta h.. b<o~n th. J.pnn ... lI.n Yt.,IOI..-" 111 mph Oil Y I I Cann~l"n C' II I 1 u r • I c;..nlrft Knrdftnl. H. I •• 110 • momb,.,. orch •• !r •• nl! tl) .. , horJ Inftny Local Scene 01 U.~ Town Pl,mnlna In.lt- rol ... wIth tho SlIn "'"mci .. ·" , ______________ --J ,,:


Nisei Raconteur t ut~ of Cunnd., n(,yrll Cantt .. Or)(\ra '• W~.tf"m On"''' Co, rlhtll Arrod!'lny "I Art. And lh. Hoyn l Horlr,ly 01 Art~ In Jl:llg. SC lenc.e I.nd. lit, h. bl'<'11 In prlvnl~ lOI Anrcle.

prn c ll r~ .111"" IO D8 Th. Z4th In"'rnl.U",,,,1 !Ill. ( ,!ndldA.lPJIf '"r MI 1'1'1 n

(JOt 0, atHol h no", "f\tt\lnr Ii"" n \n 1If" h ~ thf' Ohl (l Ithflt In ("I'll'h lll.Hi 1 hl"l " . Hllm l: hh ril r i\ \\C'11 n \ht'n"till1\1o. M ' h,1\ h.~H .'\ "he'r!" hf' hi" "1 1"'11 1 k Il'"'' IlUI.\lf " 1~'hUt,.~ l'l"nl\l~\ )

i 'l~W York ' M 'I('ho\\ \lnfort\nlato~ ·. you

,.k< p<ol,l< III" Sho O<lO<l<ro nd Chris L hii 1(>\ granled

\\ ith n rl'<'HUFo thul thl'Y "will h\ ",1' be' arounrl'\ .0 YOU

didn't bOtJll'l abollt pho\ltng tllCm or lookil\):; Uwm up.

It t k the JHp.. ·\JlC'~ (, Amf'l­lC'an -\, !'.DC:lahOll fu1'\.·\\"('U din­IN' al thr LOhl ~ 'ERtel's to

brinJ:, tht: twn l)ut t hAdn 't !'of'f'n ~ho m abl1ut \\'0' (Rr~ and Chris hhh <101 <l"h. -0

10nJ:. ago But this i" • 1C\\

York Sho live' In Ih, Upp<r W ('~t. ide- nea,' whet \\ e 11\,('" .nd hri. N,H 11\'0< in Ihe :-'\lh\'lrb~ til Dobb~ f'cl,"- in \\ t.:~tchC'\<'l(,l COltll.t, SoUl 81't

tomu'}' or" who ~\;rvcd 111 Ule PaciCi( \Var

'ho norttrn

ho had Rid thhl I 1<lId to "ntt' too '000 thin~ aboul pc pIc ~ ht: u\ h( w nlcd Inl' to "'fill' nbout thl: other ~i(h 01 him. 'C\ Yurk has Uldividuul~ mOl c in ft'.rt<.:tang NI:-Cl "charnch~~ . thHD Rnywh(') (' in Ihe UlHh:d

tatC'!'. en d Sno J:- nne of them. -\ Lo All etc ... ,'1~ I, l1C tell~

\I~ that ht.: \IS tl work an II

nlltstand. hu~(' 011 in a 'lipennal'Kct and wheN' L 8

. 'i~el trom Lo~ Angrle~ rho hadn't wOI'ked ill a fnnt­"tand' During Ull Dl'pt ion ·hOll. I d. 01 . ~'t <olIe~c

~r"du8te~ , orkt'd tr U11'm Hot

(>nl: b. "'" of the car I~ 0' job. bUI becau,r 01 Ihe ..ace line

"I ''Orked In thl< IBl. markel In a Good pari of lown I" uld be Ihree WIth m,,' apron Ol ,.. a r 1, ll' the moroin a d thl \. ell-Io-<Io middle aged couplr woulo <'<>me in theIr car 10 pi k u

OMe ni unki t orange! ~raJX'truit and ~e'llon fa Dreaklast

"Then th<) "ouJd com • .. cam at noon to pick up . orne ,-I\uce, .ucumbe, a1'd a'O­.adDe!' lOt' lunch

··Enmng. thc light:< l!O 01'

'!I the mark. ""d Ihesc people dnv up agoUl' pIck up ~omc a."paro • at d arti­chokes ror sup""

'Th<n In prell' nark 'tIde and tPc llghl! are n pret~ brl h Cit's late) The come l.. lVJn':: up agam In thor ear 'rh Ina: 1(. \\""=~ 10nSlaiJ.< and a flo,,­cr In blS lapel ant! 'h~ ,'iI~

wea. c: g a lang c"cmn~ own with a cape They come

i" to buy som peaches lor thell' afler-Ihe.ter ""ack and somt s1.1"awbernes for to­rnoM'O:t.: .nornira:::' brcakt~

1 'ould still b<' there waltin

1)11 thrm U1 IlU Aplon , 'Thl~ \\"n~ l~rort th fl uninnt

nthom llt 1h(" ,r,q)l\\\fI~f' Irul1 . stunrls dul'lt\~ thl' Dnpre !liOIl.

I· I'Om 8oy lf' lI t.lrhl ll

Tho Onodcrno 1Iv. In A IRrR. nld·l.,hlon.d hnu III Bo"l. HCI8hl,. Bolh 01 Sho'o p,U'.i'I' tou ht J npan ~t" ~ hoot And hi:-: ml)th~r i. amonR th<" I'RH"

h"I'1 wnln('n to grndunt(' r"0111 Ih •• xrh .. ile And .1It. 0 ha­n01lli;o:u Um"~l' It.,v \n To~'o , Tht' otheJ )~S~I womnn to Gl'ndlm\(' t11(' ..:mnr ~chO('ll I~

hd. 1<hil's mothel Sho "(\-S N W )'Olk ml;ln­

,IReI' Of tltt Smlg,yo Kei,wi lll:wspap{"1' pubH~he .. ~ 01 u' \ ~ill SC'(IJl(," Arter 1 6llJlhlR lrom _ nl1(1)'o K.I ,nl, Shoo , 'ho hRd H I'\'ed Uot Onl" or thf" chl.f tn",:lnln... and inlcr­nrt'ton; dm'lnJ( th{' Wor rim TJ iol~ Ol)emed his own l'om .. OIunication> (lh'lI\ll. lie) ,.r\,-1\.¥ bu~in('"c:,

HI' <chedult i. Quile h cUe olllNimes :md h~ \\'i~ht'!I thot

he did,,'t I",,·. to tTa"el much Once he had to "'Ak~ a <\u,ck rhe d.,· ip to JA ­pan for "'arntr Cotnlnunica· lion!. all (" ·pl'n ~ p:nd, to help n(~oURtt'- III b\l~inr." elf'! I

'>1 .1 l on Pollt.

'J (] dOf"",'t gu n much tOI protOCQl, on dof' n't C'l'A\)l"

and bow. b<.au«, m hi dcol­ing~ "ith lhe .Tapant' t' he f't'oo

main, ~ enUali ne,,\I"al. Ht_ eri Ichm 01 ,orne lop 1.,·.1 ,~Lci i .... thl~ IfThe~ 'r~ ott('u too pollt(lo. and :som(tlm('~

Cl'Ud 31 the w!'Ollg lime" 'ho a tended chooJ In Jk'

pill' UI til his ""Ium her. dur­m~ adolr,;cenct. hf' h8 th~

abili t: nasp -"bUt nu­ance. which t!cape ordinar~ •• i. 1

When II a bUM. dowl bo ,nk • n utrnl ... trull·to and

dOe 01 try 10 pUFh produel. o Il'\t ",ide- or anoLhtr.

"'om timt· "ho It ~ to l"Our J p ne ~ cli('1"l 8 an 10

t p'Ctr .. other me a Japanese cllenl asked 'ho aboul Ihc American busln man. "Would It bo Impolite II 1 ",ked hlm il h. WBlI mar­ned"''' .. ho ~phtd, "You CMn

:cit bim I b. hI.' thrff chll­aren" Hc took th Japan ... 10 ta k fOI fcell R "1J11811

To man 1 'f:\\ Yorkers, :ho 1$ kIlo n a~ 'K'"U-I'B-t-t-f'

arate} po ~rt \ bccau· he ha.'\ been fee in TV commer ... cial. prnClic1ng bis chop tn­

erlectirel on Detroll', bel\. He "as appeared In II.. Ot'

dlUereJlt mmcrdab Iud In Ihe "ell kn~'",. popular hIm 01 ..,v~ral e ago. ·Pulne.\ wope". Ha\lo, , r~markable m.mor) lor d.tall.

ho IS on. 01 the most ... -markabl. 10Q -1~11" in . f ,


Early detection of stomach cancer

possible through stomach inflation LOS A. ·GELE.~ - B) uW -"')! up h. om.clo lik. a ball n to remove aT the crease:. Japane!f" doctors tay ;hey arc able 0 d~tec' Ihe ,."" carll .. , beglnruncs of lomach ca: !'T

uu~ at • t. nc.n:...on Sesn Canc~' C..,: tn W I AngeJe.

Cancer 01 the atomach ts the mos reyalent form 01 c""""" t: Japan. Whfl. th. tneJdence ot stomach cancer .. n a l a, gre. In th~ Unit<<l


l'onnl~ ShloJl nm \\ II pi ."ntcd with. plo'lllr rn, live \ ('RHi or ~el'\'IC't· nn th~ 1)1~ idrl 8--(' School BOllnl In

ntllrio. Orc· Mny 16. Durin III. MAY 7 rlrello<l. v , ,. TtrllU\u rll \\'R. lct'tf'ti lu I'f~'

plncr Slumojlnlu who dlOM not to run Tom Mll t'll ll bll poll.d II 'ole' III F"rultlnllti (01'(".) bonrd of dtool U'Ul'ilt'l

.I.etion lor Zone 2 10 "In Ihr po,. ov., 1111',. J.1I1l Tnlbol "ho rect'h' d nint' "wt,ltt·in" \'otts, Mnlsubn. n flu1lU'r, fl11 Ih. po,t of Kent at.1 who rr ia11('d dul' ta th~ 1)rrc nf prl

S01ll\1 bu,ine.



''''S, Ohuh"~ 1\I ('1\1 nl . • • Jolltml· r- pl'nkh," 0 c I II 1 WOI k('l' miUJi' thr IIlnn 'om, n\ulllt, R.lnlion. om«· 'n Ih( cilll'chmu rionfOrr Crl1t~r, Jf'3~O So, Wr t'111 .'\\',." On \rodn. a)', ",I Fdllay !'I'om 1 to :\ p,m. Sht' Also ",'nn " •• 1)haln in JnllPI1f' ~ th(' Ot:PBI·l .. Inrlll 01 Public :;001"1 'r\'-Irt ' '"rlou fln.ncla] " i. tnn('t" pr0Jrnmll, "uch i1"

aid tn tI r .~.d rll "bl"'l. blinn Alld Itlmlllr, ,lrdl -('1I1 And food I Inp

Courtroom In lUI ",h,.u Kr.. ( 'hln , II

m In I [J thr ~ , ,"or),! Clh lI utT ,n R hl (omm Ion hu IUHlO' c('d his cnndlcJnc) for: 'Ilt Of 1'''0 DcomOCTAtir CI\'1l \:011. I nomln.Uooo on tho W,..I SI.· II rlrct.-d. h. would b m. U,. fir I CI,I.

mtrlc I 'ud In. 'ow

Nisei Week

Q p


I 10 c' n S h I III (I '" U r a (Love) Qn Il' ~h PHd Mr Be I II ~hlmoll"n. of Win· lC'l ('nllf ,. hnll UI'C'!'jJlt'd " leRyl p Ilion \\'Ith Ih. ~lol~

tteml,., GrnNA1'a Otrlc~ In Snel'ltlncnlo. Floyd will hORln hi. n~w Job III AIIl/UII loll.,w­Ina hb Rnlliunlinn Irom th,

C 1)lIvl. School of I ,IW In JUI1f" lind hi. c,:tJmplrUoli 01 U,O Slnln flnl' t-:'hmlnu\loll In Jul Flo~'d I n'NI II n c lau frill nlat!,'r to Ihf Stud"",t ~ rculho'C" Cnnnnl\tj" chair

\un of thf ,\.Ibll I SlU (It'Hl •• \ S(aCilltlo/, ml mbrr of OlC~ Slud,.nl (,~OIl1l1\llt"'1 011

fo "cul t 1t",'rulOnf'llt '.lUd an'· KUTCh rdltt)t bnd \\ rlt,.,r to Ihr L." n",·I." f IO)'d "'. al () 1 ('tf'fltiv InlUall-d into th~ O,del of 1t,. Coil. n If'R.I hon­or _h' I) o\n,. I/nomlr RlId 01 it ntfil Innguu2f JI moJo), hft gradua" d In IU70 II-om C Davl. \ Uh hr>nar and W'i' made u mj'mb,'r of th Phi Brla K nppa ntlll I'hl K pP" Phi honol 001011< t loyd I. Il 1~1fi1, ti" dua.. ot \\"nl 1!I hhool It mM 11 .. 1 10 th. lormor \lulh nn I kl,

u hl"r at :.Ir and M '0' boru okl 01 W(,t)(\lnlld ('alII. Pia d nd \tuth 1Iian 0 .k( thol \)0 r In \'010 Coun,y



1 t P 1m • 12 pm


II " o

Spo r t~

(in! tlf'n. .Iurlr; Club hh, Pl't')Vf' '' ILa trtrrnRth ('JV~I ,md nv"r agoln. In Ih. VII"lc. In­vlt.llmlD\' Gordrn. 81,", ... d • flnl III lh .. Vbn.n Dl vl.lon 'Tenm lI"mb". or th ltl chltmp­I",,.hlp f'l'nw hwlud_ 1I".n TRnak., Mark V.ul, J ohn 'Kurata"l. Ra ntl1 Okada rlntl It 111 K . )~ hlm.17u ,, \f lkr

rorlllltll,. \\'nl hOnOff!U It th,. nnnuni Orf'~ Idn Judo Clull'e a\!,' nrdll bnncl\lf't wh rt h,.. rr.­,·,Iv.d Ih. Sf"" Mllrornoto Momnrl.1 nword 1m- tho mOllI il1'llirntlrmnl ,'Iub rnt·mh,.r Urhw )( " mr"hl, f'i 'l,'On Lh,. flUor/klf oj th(> Y"nr" nward

Shc.rtalop "ov. KIllAm" .. 01 Col"r.do Slnl,' (Jnlv",..lh Wll~ olml'd to th" W,. ~m A I hI" tie Con(.r"nco'. nll­NorUlPm Dlvi.I"1I h"""bAIi .rum. Thr lend ... In Ih. Norlh. ,m lJlvl.lnn III hItting with ft

AIlO O\'UDt(t; wnl rmf" ot tht,." unRnhnDUJf ,t"'ct!ona on thr t('"pm




l ... 'Ut


..ampi< < Ro.p lalor &; .lInor Tun.-Up'

St,rlln£ .. pea) Fn-e ?Irk-Up &; Doll y lh. abo, pcoduct lor Retail ~ 8 0

.. If'! undr" brand I 5ii F \rro\\ Uw.,. C f"'" .It ApfM" I D"" ~·I , •• \ ,,,,..nl ~ 1 ... 11 .. EU·"

Tun.-up B # ~n""kS 31G" "::. ~ ~5~lno ... " .... u.. am

.n7 '.110 . 81\~ , I ·.n a.brt.1. Calif. lS I-SOU

.nc~ "nd F.n/dn,·orlnH rolr ol""..d At SAn t)l oKO MAY II with Ju no Ann. ValO, 17, "I. tMIdy Ii wlnnt r "r n filln I)I_go JAC'I , .chlil"r.hlp, win. "Inp, " trip Lo .' up"n I,,, h.1' prf7Jrel, .. Mf'n l,,1 !lI-tardllllon nnd F,ldf'ile ' mRg,·ry: " Cor­r.lutly,· Stwly." t:ld_Uc Imn­""ry, IOm,.Um,.. ,'rronf't'Jully c.ll.d llhololO'6phic m.m'"y II • lorm c,f VIIURI Im.w'l'Y tombl"'nfl mf>mory ImOl1.r nnd ,,(h'r lmogr. , IUl'h u lh,. ImnRl": on,. mey N' mt)mm .. tnrHy whon 1'>6klnK "way from a bright obJ,,·I. Muny norm,,1 chlld«·n "'" ,;dUk"r bill 10"" th.lr IIn"glng .blllt' Al puberty,,, "b.t",L1 thought proc:,', ('J .t(, d(ovt-lopNI M1my I'p.t..ordt.'d J)f"'rJOnJ :,1.(1 ;tr, rldrlik.r., but unlike nOnTlIll count"rpartM, thf')' rrlnln th.lr Imaging ""wrr. Mig Voy,> drV('IOp<'d An ortKlnol mr'lhod to detrel rldcll.m .. nrl Ih. n ",.t.ed and ""DluDI,.1 ~OO norm,,! pf'rtlOnl and 60 m('n­t.lly .. etardrd "'·nogtl'll. 'I'h~ .Iudy ylcld"d ,,.w Informalion Ihnt may"" 01 \'Blur In 1<1('n­Ulyln, rfiord"d d<l.liken nnd "'hkh could provldr clue. 10 lin ding thr phy.lolollk.1 but. or _Idrtl.m.

Churches (;rodu(tt fj 110 t nlh, ..

rukul (,I Cubberly HI/Ih, Palo Alto, Calif., Wan Ih~ 1973 YBA Exehan~1 v.lth Japan Award, cO-,polUortd by th~

Hornp. HonK_nJ! Buddhl I W"",.n·, Ftd,·,.Uon •• ,,\ the BCA N~llon.1 BuddhLot Wom­~n'. f'('d('r .. Uon Award ron ... .I.ts or a round-Irlp fiI/lht to and. Hn" tclu oy In Japan A m-m~r of the Palo Alto VBA. tho !II/1h1 I. helnR flnancPd by Ih. Say D \riot Buddhut Worn"" and I'H' \\ •• lu a,. bdnr CO\'I",ed by tho Homp. Flongonli Fujlnlui Put a,,·arel .. ! Includ. Ruby lnunl of Manure,. and Kclka Na.ano trom JaPflll In 1&,1 Nancy Okada of New Yorl. II1Id .,{arlko Klyomolo frOll' Japan 19i'

QUN 11 rlf Crt'nlthfJw 8"uar" wt-n hrmorl'" HL • mrJthM'''' tItIlJv,hh'"T itm('hl'Cm MAY 20 Th, "I11''''J will hp ~hr,,.,,.n ;, t Ih. BIII1Or,,,· Ht,I'" 'm ,July 14 . SlIld rt IJeIl r,w,( thf' ;,tnnu:.! Crt'n,hliw SqUh,., ()rlr·niltl Fr·aIlYl.1 July 20 \(I 22. Con­tt·.tJJtlt. Dnd th"lr poor", art> BmblJr,. J-JJm<ldfJ. WMutd,ao r)ptlml t Club: D.bbl_ Cam­pi>'. b, I I •. A V'fW P""t OflfJ2 Jim Kimura, r;ardPJla VF W Po.I IWJI. CnrfJlyn To­"0, Cre.tr·nt Boy tJpUml

Club; J"ne Itt), Amr-rlC1<n r..,.. gl'm Mun"m"rl Pool 321: J.an Hf"jmtJv.., Arnmcan l.A?%I('Jn pf'rry Pr,!f\ ~2~: .nd R''ll~ Yo­hid.. San Y"m.ndo vrw

Po,l ~14(J ff rJuLldhbt Art. of Japan,"

aJl r'xhlhltl(m of ~!I mow..-· pil'" "'Tm' "nllng Ih. f1MIIt artl.ti< ",,,,k. .",,,,,uu-d for Ihr ml.ln NU of Buddhlam, I, (Ill ~t play Ihrwl/h Jun- 17 Irl Ih~ Lol AnRo!'" County MUl<'um 01 Art. Thp work ­eltn bt N'n C!v(:ry day except M'md"y "'" the llrat I~,·.I 01 tt,~ Ahmon m Ganery. Out· Itondln, palnllng.o .nd culp­ture from local mw.cumll and prJvlIll ('r ... lItctlf.Jns were' It"-

1'0\1'" lor th(· .hl]\' by Georg. KuYta)amh, the Muvum'. S"nir,r Curator of Far Eaitlom AI1 Adml I,m to "Buddh~ A 11 of J ap;a)~ IS (ref'" Th .. MIIM un- !rx:alA'd.t 5905 WII hi" BI' d

San Fra",,,co

.\ per .. l Hcolth W..,kend" far &.0 f IoI1n1.15co'1 Japan community wut be h"ld Jun . 23 and 24 under /II)OniOnbip 01 Unll,.:r:! Japanl!fr Communl­Iy S<rvlre • olfering In- med­Ical 1CT'<''lllng.o 10 youth and th. eld"rl) at Son FrandJco 0, trlot Health Cpnto.r No.5. 1351 2Hh A. ,~ • ., Irvin, Street)

Ne .... Yo,k

II tr rl'f"f"nt ,t '0 Ihnni, made at the I I .t.o\loo of tht' Vietnam \Vomc '. Unton. "at pI .1 by lanl Ha>egaw. al the Buddhl Church, 332 HI ,,",Ide Dr June 2 Daugh­t<1' 01 ~ Buddhist priesl, ah~ IS pr Iden 01 \be U.S. ""e·

Von .... ' o ("no, 18, 0 Sao tlon of the Women's Interna .. Paulo Japan •• mml«ranl tional Le.gu~ (or P""ce and

" lath-r 01 Anlonlo Ueno, Fr< a Dnd a IIbranan at rn.m!>tr of til Brazilian a cenler dly campus In Ric:b­duunkr 01 ""puti,,", died of mmd. Va heart attaek M.) 20. H buU 1,.;;=:;",....:..--------. .bout 20 Japan_ langua«~

P na ta~!>t-

10 .... W d' II



ProieDlona1 Gt'OOIJIlnf All B~.

A Compl.~ Do>p to •• I P.ta & 1"< S, pp1ies

61( Main I. \Ilumbn alii .

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1004 W. Gan ey Blvd

West COVIna, C~ltf


b of

F U K U I Mortuary, Inc.

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Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota


9 VeOlce BI~d Los Ange'es

RI 9·1 449



Dr. Heizaburo I lulu",a .• VlSiting Japanese "'lnter aUth­ority. said April 16;< r­'")\'dl rate from stomach can· CPr ha. climbed dramaucaJJy ~mong the pahent. in whom tn, dise.,e hu been detect­ed early \IS.Ing the new tech­niques

Canf"cr of t (' lorr,3C'h lJi.

f'l,f mo. fTp.quent cancer in Japan It accounts for more ·"'an 50 pcr cen' of a~ can­er m ""al~ and 35 p,.r cent

\.81"" 't.8!lsti.,. show that caoc. of Ihp colon is a maj­or p.oblem her" .• "ccordin, 0 Dr Ichikawa .t is po!.lbl. lor a pallent to have canct>< 01 the stomach. colon. or Fmall Intestines tor up to len ear or longer belore being a "are: or any p&ln or other IJ)'mp· loms b)· which timo Ihe tu­mor u; likely to be ",.,11 ad­"ane<!<! and posolbly .nol>"r­able

Instn.: mlal In <>,gan' .. n, the So. Calif. Soc:l.IY 01 the Japaneu Blind d"r'n h tenuro at pre.ldenl 01 thf L,


B, If fb,

""'!~;·:HSall!. I ~ __

FLiNTSTON' AUTO GLASS Ho •• "Id Y" I;k. 10 no!;" 0 mm,m'm I .... t ~I.~ ':! net capitol gOlns of 35 0

0 per annum We've got a yen

for your new car

at a ID (emale<

Ichikawa vb is c uef oj 'he medJcal ",U of llIe Tok,·o .1ell'opolit.aD Cancer DelecliOIl Center, said the patient's sto­mach '" ballooned with gas at tbl" . orne time he is giv­Pll bal1um In preparation for an X-r.n

Thf I.Omach di.sLenm- a" :; rr u1t of gas released when • powdel. wbich the patienl "wallows al the same lime he ,.waJlows the barium. ~.

oI\'c 10 the stomach 'The g3fi

paS$PS within a te·\\~ minutes and the stomach returns to it:: u~uCll hapr

Distending the .Iomach m this marmeT allows the ba-rium to coa~ and re\'eaJ in the X-ra) - nnaU cancer l,'hich may be bidden in the

C'rcases of thc 'tomacb, the phYSlcan .ald.

The overall :;un'i\'al rate tor ~tomacb cancer in Japan IS oul,· 10 10 29 pel' cent.

B) • catching Ihe cancer at ts earliest stage, thc five-year ~urvival rate ha~ been in­rreased to 95 P"I' C<'nt in one l/roup of 600 patJents

Dr. Ichlkaw3 was In L 0

Angeles to present a seminar 10 peeialists and slaff lechnJ-

'Whlle- dt the HeJL.~ .\fp-m­orlal Can""r Center, Dr. Ichi­kay. inHTUctOO the radiolo­gy stat! In his newly dH'elop­ed double cootrasl GI feri_ technique which enables Ih. Iinmg of the stomach and in­t~tines to be examined with much grea \.e1' preci. ion a n <l has made posEible Ihe d~ler­tiOl1 of cancers even a~ small as hal! a rice kernel.

ce;hC':~,':~o~Jgm~~~ ~f":: I ruea BI\'d.. which I, .tarred b)' \'olunleer Fpt'Cialislb. ollen! dally cancer detection lor both men and women as a com .. munity service program. For turtber in!ormation and da, md evening walk - in hour! you rna) call thc Center al 553-2877, -----

Micronesia-U .S.

status delayed HONOLULU - Formal d,.­cussion. between the United States and Micronesia over the [uture political status 01

the Trust Terrilory of I h e Pacific Islands will be post­poned until late swnmer. it bas beell annowlced by Am­ba>sador Franklin Haydn WU­liams tor Ihe U.S. side and Sell. Lazarus Salli oj' Palau tor the Micronesians·

19ZI 8". Canyon Rd Brt<1 . .lIf

029-13 6 , A"¥p1... M.n.mum 15,000. Wrtte fo, Del~ .l s.

us [ rront. 0' Ina will


Ber W, he

III \\ . Bonlt. ~an Dlma , aU(

33a'6256 ---tAlNE STATIONERS

Office: Supplle.. SlaUoner.,·, Greeting Carda, Gitto Bookkc6ping Supplle.

Rubber Stamp Prinlin 15814 Eo Gale l30·3S63

H.cienda nel,bt., .111.


all '0\\ ' 33t·UIt 966-481\


Wlndsbi.ld. In Sloe); lor All Car

125 f rro\\ llwy. Gle.ndorA 963-3386 or all 963·3514

Come In &. Bro\\'£P

STEPHEN'S Ample Parking in Ro",

M01 L. Tun .. Dr. Temple Ill , am

'l 87-2000

little people's Hair Styling for Boy &. Girl

8318 La.loru v. Bell Garden , Cali!.

927 -1928 I

Up \0 16 ·r •. b)' Miss Marilyn. fonnerl" of Bullocks

.11 287-4832 1033 . a" Gabriel Blvd.

an G.brl~I , .m.

Crain's Trains & Hobbies "The Toy Store fat Men

W., carry ruJJ line of L,onel Traina, Ho &. N Gauge TraiMi Track. Can;. Scenery, Books

1112 N. }I.dend. Bl vd. La. Puente. Calff. 333·5502

Jessie's Hobbies & Crafts Clru;ses in All CraIla

Rugs, Yarn, Stilchery, Knitting, Croehciing

16291 , N. Uacienda. Bt vd. In So, H ills Shoppinr enter .La Puent., .Iif. 330-9326

Lorene's California Shoppe Dre!'~~ Long Dres!tef

panw.l~o- lW~~a'ifon~ ult. t 039 E. 1 ••• Tuna. Sa n Gabriel. Calif.


Wonder Flower Gardens Florisl and Greenhouses

Goes Discounl . 25'< orl on All Green PlanIB

1143 . an Gabriel Bl vd. "an Gabrl'l , Calif.

281- 1\ ~4


DYKE D. NAKAMURA g t.red .rod Lice ed b\< ih. T ok)o

C}ecu Ili~'J uehling. Comml In

Inl.r",nD"" FI"I"clll CDu" .... lIor ."d Ffduci .ry



I oo-c Tokyo MasonIC Bldg.

1-3 Shibakoen 4·chome, M.nato-ku

Tokyo. Japan (J 05) Tel 432·4891/5


Low Cost

Li beral Terms

No Extra Charges

National JACL Credit Union Mail: P O. Box 1721 , Sa lt Lake Cily, Utah 84110

Office: 242 S. 4th east, Salt Lake City

Tel. : t801 ) 355-8040

Remember You Can Borrow Up 10 S 1.500

cn Your SIgnature

low interest rate: Come Drh e a BargaiD Ilith




SO" FrancISCO Ma,n O/het: -. '4151 981-1200 S.F Japan Cenle, B~nch: reI. 1415\ 981·1200

Mid·Po"ln.ul. Branch: rei (415) 941·2000 Oakland Branch' 1415) 839·9900

Sa" Jose Branch: roi. 1408) 298·2441 Westgate Bronch: rei. (408) 298·2441

Fr.",o B,anch: rei. (209) 233·0591 N rtn F,.sno B .. "ch: rei . (209) 233·0591

Lo. gele, Main Offico: reI. (213) 687-9800 L.A Downlown Branch: 616W 6th. (213) 627·2821

Montebello Branch: T.I (213) 726·0081 Cren,haw·L.A. Branch: reI. (213) 731-7334 Whle,n L.A. Brancb: rei. (213) 391·0678

Ga,dena B,onch: Tel. (213) 327,0360

Santa An. B,anch: T.I (714) 541-227 t Panorama City Branch: Tel. (213) 893·6306

San Diego B,anch: Tel (7141 236·1199

Heart Mountain Sentinel

staff reunion planned LOS ANGELES - ~. 0 r mer taW mcmbel's 01 the Healt Mountain Sentinel wili gather lor a reunion with BiB and Alice Hosokawu D.-om 'DenveJ Colo .. and Haruo and Masa!'o Imura l.-om Alameda. Cahf.. on SalurdaJ. July 28. accol'd­mg to Mr~ Florence Uba re­union chai11nan

Ed Tok4!shi WllJ arrange restaurant fI('commodations as -,won as an approxJ~ate num· bel' of tho::;(.' planm,ng to at· tend call be ascertcuncd

During the interim, both sid.. will study the import­ant question 01 I"etunl of pub­lic lands in Mit'l'onesia, The United States conlrols large parcels at land which origin­ally WCI'e t .. ken from the Mi· cronesians by the Japanese

durlng_'!!.orld _~a~ I

Window Guards " We Do II All WiU, Iron" Custom Crealed with Your Individual Taste In Mind

Residential • Commercial - Free Eslimale ~

2030 ' ea man, Soulb EI MOllie, allf. 579· 4925 [OW cost new auto loans!

Form~l' "taff me;mbe)':),­bolh ectit.cJflal and euculallon Ii!'. v. elJ as hUE-mcss-\ ... ho !lavc not rC'('cl\'ed i:t letl~1 ,rom ~lr". Uba 'ct ;tlC~ mgccl to ,'rmtact hel at .18~:l Lc'ua,\ ec;. .. , ..... CU"CI CII)' 9U230 (Tel. 838-1909.)


C.;:rpcUng • LmoJewn - Tile: - FlIntkote . AnlltltrOn!

Sale. and Ill.lallation - Depelldable Service

68 1· 1705


SACRAMENTO, Calil. - Ap· plication for new b)'anchu in Oxnard by both the Bank 01 Tok\'o and Sumitomu Bank or Calftol'l11IJ h a 1) been denied May 14, \ h C State Bankmg I Dept. announ~ ________________________________________ _. __ __

• Sumitomo Bank of California

