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Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-06-21 [p...

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f r a r A 1 I OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY JUNE 21 190f S E A 14J t 1 H howl mj roa TREllgIEk t 1 rt I MOOJTIGErfIgT- J I f 1r I- I At lajtona Bcaefc aid Stalreeze MdA- ccoiwdatiMS w 4 t c- I Scoured = = = = srZ w c WeSdllTbeaoaEasyTtrMS 1 A BUY YDURSELF A NICE HOME o1n We Sell Them on Easy Terns o a 90- Vt P < l Let He INk After Ywn- rrtpcrly e- xIAR10N 1 I Wkile Y HI are Away This Siaaer S a L I A FRANK MANAGER REALTY COMPANY r r WHAT A BANK DOESa f i There are many ways in which it serves the il public but the one now most valuable per- haps ¬ is to help with loans We will meet the needs of conservative qqoWep- ft The Munroe Chambliss Bank r INCORP ORATED T T Mnaroc Pros Z O Chambliss V Pres Av E Gerig Cashier M OlrEt f I A HOTEL guy OPEN mm BOUND JON R- litf DEE Ctwufrciai Bojcl Jlafes 2 Per Dy Ocili IIorNa r I I SCRAP METAL AND JUNK 1i j I will buy alt kinds of Junk Iron Steel TJrnsfl CnppiT Zinc Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Knglnos- Bollerf Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay the highest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and wnerc Itj Is located r E J IDIECKIIE- mH H BETWEEN MABKPT AND I A1jTj OQAlAt fI A- J V i iC v f j i TT r I a I X l4 + 4ttt44 +X+X444 + X 4 o ROWE LITTLE BONANZAi S E ROWE PROPRIETOR bi ALL KINDS O- Fi I V I Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Egs g17 Pr oItj q th t r L Bou8ht apd Sold Fssh and8 It Water Psv 4 Tht Mgst Com plete Pluce of Us Kind in the Country Rcmo f led and Right i 1 < UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connectffin first Iass > Meats and Reasonable Board to Weakly Customers X 4 Scrap Iron and Motals Also Green1ide Bought t p to nnd Sold VV f TepioijpNp1It PO BoNoG5 f 100 and 192 North Magnolia Street I I II t + + o oe > w > < + + + < > T i t QUARTS OF STRAIGHT tl 12 10 N C CORN WHISKEY AN 0e fr Bottle Livingston fa Pure Rye loltled I B Bud t 4 Qts Straight N Qts Straight N t2 4 200 8 75 4 C Cprn Whisky 11 C Cern Whjsk- yTkese Quarts Are lull 32 Ounce Qoarfc M li Ounce rills Glass ud Coikscrew Free vihEvcy Ore JI EXPRESS PAID IN PLAIN BOXES i = This Straight North Carollnfi Corn Whisky nut to be nblendnot a WE GUJRANT E compound not an Imitation but just T pure cornwhisky or full strength p Order today from the largest distillery In Florida v S DELANEY CO Jii Waretase No5 Jacksotville Fli- t Write For Price List No- T 2 k 4 l S I a a- a i 4 DAVID S WOOPROW 4 W AKIN GEORGE H FORD ir f OCALA PLUMBING i AND ELECTRIC CO I- r7 DEALERS IN Stan ford Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Pumps Irriga- liiI1ii 4 r Acetylene Gas Plants Sold a nd Installed Complete Estimate 4trO submitted on any Work ihipir lin- er J- n S P 0r BOX NQI44 OCALA FLORIDA PHONE NO 370 3i F Li S L 4 r OCALA OCCURRENCES K of P meet this evening Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Red Men meet Thursday evening HEXALL Mr Fred MacKay of Tampa sat tho Montezuma Planks Chili Tonic guaranteed to cure chills and fever 25 cents Mr S C Mayo of Roddick is at the Montczutna Peroxide Crenm for the complexion at the Court Pharmacy Mrs Arthur Cobb is somewhat Im- proved ¬ today 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c Mr T W Troxler has just received a barrel of line limes Miss Eeulah Wiggins south of town Is dangerously ill Mr Sam Melt lt= r of Baltimore is at Ocala House Mr T S McKInncy of Knoxville Is guest of tho Ocala House Mr Alex Inglis of Rockwell Is at tie Ocala Houses Mr R IL OKclley of Orange N J is at tilfi Ocala House Mr B W PerrJn of Lake City Is a gu est of the Ocala House Mr and Mrs Erastus Hopkins are at the Hotel Wolcott New York City r Miss Belle Hodge left Saturday iH Miami 1 to spend the summer Our baseball boys are home from their rt eks outing u Mrs Ef G McDavhl has gone tg p aidier fer a few weiksj or res and rc cerLtin = SYJipn In ItfPd ° C tatlonery go to n stationer Tilt Ocaln Nuv Co is the only stationery store in Ocala Mr George Stein and daughter Miss May will leave for Baltimore Julv WJ to be absent a month j ijir S I 4 Ut Bhrip wy has iip4 1 to line of toilet articles pmt Invites four Jnnpeouon Mr and Mrs William Wolff and lit- He aughter left this afternoon fof Atlanta fH CiDavIs Co of Jacksonville wilt soil any make of secondhand I typewril2f upon easy terms If Jeslred Messrs Dr Z Cobb ana J D Per 1 tins of Citra are guests of thi 9 Mon t zuma- r Have you seep tn Ii0 visible F- Slplef typewriter R C pavi C<> i H fJl11l H Mix D B Mayo came gown frin Jacksonville Sunila to yisit his relar tves nd friends In Ocala We hava the nicest hnir I brushes cOIPt1J nnd ptli jiTtojlet rn clos in the city Tydings Oo- H Mrs C Groves and son Henry are spending the summer at the Mont Eagle Tenn chautaurjua I A I Three cents will fan you for ten 1 hours Get one of those Cinch Wes tingiuse fans ffpm ttI W Tupl tr Mrs W L Colbert has returned rrom a vjslt to per sister Mrs Math nVP In Levy county If you shave yourself call nt the Court Pharmacy and ask to see the new iiafety razor The Ocala News Co are agents ftC the celobrated Hawkes glasses can fit you Give us a trial MJFH N lv Binltti who has been sick some flays left today for White 1 wrIngs for a few days of recupera- tion j Look over ouF line ° f toilet prep ar tions W ire quite prqud of the tine stpck Pcrfumen powdors and soapy of the liner grades Tydings Company Mr and Mrs W F Marlowe and baby left Sunday morning for Sneads Pla where they will enjoy a few I days visit With relatives Many of Qr pithens gre drifing lo- wjijds Brights disease by nesjl jtm1- symijtoms of kidney and Madder tfou Ie which Foloys Kidney ItMnc ly will quickly cure Sold by all dnig- glsts Mr B E Robinson went to Jackson- ville ¬ this morning to meet Mr R S- Hall who Is returning rpm New YorH City Your prescriptions when left at the Court Pharmacy are compounded front pure arid fresh drucs Phone us well call for and deliver your pre- scriptions ¬ Messrs JesSIe BUtch and J W Coulter represented the Blltchton sec- tion ¬ In town today They said their section enjoyed two good rains one Saturday and one Sunday The pride of the Court Pharmacy is Its prescription department Pure drugs only are uaed which are select- ed ¬ by men of experience f J E Theus a furniture dealer from Tallahassee was In town today visit- Ing his brother Mr Peter Paul Theus He said things were quiet in Talla hajjeee since the adjournment of the legislature There lanD better stock of fine writing papers in the city than we carry Come In and look it over if you want something really nice Ty- dlags Co Mrs Laird who has been with the telephone company at punnellon for the past few months has returned to the city R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired fr1r DR POWERS COMING HOME- A telegram was received by MK P E Harris this morning fronvMrs Hat ris who is with Dr and Mrs w H Powers at Tryon N C saying would leave today for home with Dr Powers It is inferred that Dr Pow- ers ¬ condition Is serious- A FAMILY IN NEED The Smith family the members of which have been so ill in the fourth ward next door to the home of ex Marshal Cleveland are still in need niP d anyone who wishes to help them do so either through the Kings Daughters to whom has been de- livered ¬ all the cash collected or by leaving groceries medicines and cloth- ing ¬ at the house or at the Carmichael Son Companys store Mr James Engessor who worked so hard last week In collecting money for the fam- ily ¬ turned over to the Kings Daugh- ters ¬ about S3S In cash He has col- lected ¬ a little today and some groc ries and other Items of necessities have beon given A nurse Is needed and many other expenses must be met- or the family will suffer The father is still seriously 111 the wife and five small children must be fed and cared for and the household goods though 14 days en route from Daytona have not yet arrived If any one wishes to help the family they will be doing a worthy deed- EXCURSION FROM PALATKA- The Atlantic Coast Line ran an ei- cursion to Ocala from Palatka t day riving at 11 oclock hs morning There were 25 white people and the balance colored Three hundred and twelve tickets were sold The train tll leave at 5 oclock returning DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion o 1 the ear There is only on wny to curedeaf ness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition ot t o wu uous lining of the Eusia > hian Tube Vhen this tuU lntiamed you iiave a runi bUng souriii pr Imperfect h arjn a d when it is entirely clbv 1 ftTltas s tKe resuU ni unless the Inflamma- tion ¬ cap lie taken out and this tube restored to Up normal condition heat ¬ ing wi1 ho destroyed forever nine uque put or ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but In inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mncuous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars- for any case of d ayipss4 cnea by catarrh tVjt anoo be cAi e by HaU4 CAtarrh Cure Sftl tor circu- lars ¬ fttJy- iF J CHENEY CO Toledo O Bold by druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation- Mr R A Dettericlr wno aas been ill or the pat tw j ov three weeks left this ftfMitoon for his former home in Venice below the Manatee river to rest up for a week or two Mr Frank aia who wlll have rh ariM of the tailoring department at- e th Guarantee Clothing Shy < Co arrived last night and will commetc > getting his department in K ij t t once The prescription department Is the main stay of any drugstore Acc K V reliability promptness an pure drugs have msil this department of our business one or the largest In the country Send us your prescriptions Tydlngs Co- Ho T void serious results take Foloy Kidney Remedy it the first sIgns of kidney or blader dlsordor such as backache urinary Irregularities ex- haustion ¬ and you will soon bfe well Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today Sold by all druggists- Mr John D Odom of Gaiter Is In the city having icturned from a business t rip rt his companys still in Lqke county p Missis S W Petteway and little son of Dunnellon and Mr G A Pette way of Leroy were guests of the Ocala House yesterday Mr J W Sylvester and daughter Miss Leafy Sylvester returned Satur- day ¬ afternoon from a > weeks visit to Mr Sylvesters mother and sister in St Petcrsurtf frs J A Walters will go to Cole man tomorrow to spend a few days with her brother Mr Wicker She will he accompanied by Master Newt Wicker who has been making his uhinc with her for the past six months who will go from there to hia liomp in Montezuma Ga Mr and Mrs Louis Pillans and baby who have been visiting Mrs Plllans parents Mr and Mrs J W Smith- at Martel returned home today A K Kelsey a Marlon county boy of Stanton passed rough Ocala to- day ¬ to visit his parents Mr and Mrs R A Kelsey Stanton Mr Kelsey left Tampa four years ago for Cali fomki settled down in Riverside and snys it Is the finest city of Its size In the United States He is getting along splendidly and has fallen in love with the Pacific Coast of the Qo den Qate state Will Jeffcat went down to Eastlake thin afternoon to spend a day with the Martin boys who are having a glor- ious ¬ time tenting Willie Anderson one pf the Star faithful carrier boys went down to Woo lmltr this afternoon with his young friend J B Chazal for a week of bathing and fishing Belle Meade Sweets Sugar fruit aid Chocolate THATS AIL These delicious candles cai be I had wily at Court Pharmacy- C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Betides Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 120 South Third St Phone 130 CrOVLA FLA A T1 JUST RECEIVED T i l Erick C1ieese Roquefort Cheese Farmer Sausage German Salomi Sausage Fresh Star Hams and Star Breakfast Bacon in Each Wee- kTEAPIT GROCERYa The prosecution of Patrick Calhoun he San Francisco millionaire and magnate mistrial for bribery has resulted In a I EAUTIFUl CUT FLOWERS Mr John Helntz the florist has a great many beautiful flowers In bloom and Is able to supply all local calls on him for flowers Mr Helntz h a re- cently ¬ made many Improvements On his green houses anil garden and has a place tha js a V edt to the city IF vpy irtEV the merits pf the f Oiaa Foidcr you would never Buffer frprn kdnoy bI a der of jfteuraatk trouble S1 battto two montUs treatmer Sp d q druggists or by uuiil ge Kw testrwonlal3 Dr E W 1i H Wi Olive Street St LOh is t t HARNESS REPAIRING- All kinds of harness rep riag neat ly and skillfully done at ceaspnablo prices also saw fUing Ask tyr MVJ Slmmop1 at Tompklns and Cobb > t cry Stables J THE AIR DOMEd Moving Pictures and Music h Best of Emtercalnment Furnish- ed ¬ I by Home People S 1 NEW PICTWEiit VEBV DAY I y f- Dtoors open at 799 p ni- Muiio H k t by tlae OrchstM iiteenActi T Prcgziiii for this Evening OBEYING HIS- MAGGIORE MQtiThi- tMWMOiPOS1 LAKE PIER QTa NKLACE- Hand Colored A YOUNG HERO OF THE WEST r LUDICROUS INPPNENCa- Ut 4i1msstp Id O Cents H W TUCKER PROPRIETOR- Dr I Kelly superintendent of schools for Alachua county came up from Citronelle this noon where he had been visiting his daughter Miss Jean Teaguo who came up Saturday from Tampa remained over Sunday with her aunt Mrs E T Par ter and left for Lady Lake thja aft- ernoon ¬ Mr Joo Hudgens of Berlin who spent several days with his sister Mrs Will Henderson across the river returned home today He attended the picnic at Electra Saturday Mr and Mrs E J Decker moved to Citra today where they have bought- a home Mr Decker will continue In the junk business and will be in Ocala- a great deal R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozer When the stomach tails to perform- Its functions the bowels become de ¬ ranged the liver and kidneys con ¬ gested causing numerous diseases The stomach and liver must be re ¬ stored to a healthy condition and hamberlains stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do it Easy to tuke and most effective- Dr Spooner of Stanton with hta wife and little daughter left yesterday- for Boston to be present at the cele- bration ¬ of the 400th anniversary of his alma mater and also a meeting of tho graduating class of 15 years ago It will prove a very interesting event and we wish for this genial doctor a pleasant visit Miss Della Smith of McIntosh a bright vivacious and charming young Marion county school rna am returned yesterday from a pleasant visit to friends at Lake Weir Mr and Mrs Gamsby are occupy- Ing their new and beautiful bungalow- in the second ward opposite Mr L R Chazals new stone house The city court had eight cases this morning Four were plain drunks with the usual fines and trimmings- One obstructing the sidewalk 55 and costs One case of exposing decayed fruit 910 and costs One visiting the red light district There was a total of 950 fines Only one failed to put up the cash To spread the name and fame of California throughout the world is the object of the California Promotion Committee which Is having a day of its own at the exposition at Seattle Wash today And Florida talk >> ot being a competitor- Bear In mind we carry a full line of Stafford and Carters inks also fountain pens from Jl up at the Ocala News Company m 1 I HART 8CHAFFNER A MARX BEAUTIFUL NEW MJILOINQ The very handsome plctnra of Hart Schaffner Marxs ceatJnew building now In process of consteac lion in Chicago which the Guarantee Clothing Shoe Company dlspfcy ing In Its western window Js attract ing much attention- The building will In some respects be the most remarkable of the kind In the world not In height and space ¬ although It will be thirteen stories and will afford a floor space equivalent to eight acresbut In beauty and con veBlence The floors on whl clothing will be carried are to absolutely duatproof This la accomplished by sealing all windows and passing the air through water before It enters the room A ventilating system of the same kind will be provided for the health of the employees A refrigerating system will cool the air and sterilize rand cool the drinking water f There will be penumatic tubes for sending man by compressed air from ne part of the house to another chutes 9 feet in diameter for dispatching shipments both freight nd express automatic firealarms and sprinklers and other modem equipment The building will contain the office stock floors andcutUng rooms no manufacturing will be carried on there but will be done In other large buildings located In different parts of the city The new building I >> hi the heart of the business district of Chicago and when completed will be accessible to hose who wish to visit It as one of the Interesting points In the city With agents all over the land sell Ing Hart Sohaffner Marxs cloth Ing as the Ocala agency the Guar- antee ¬ Clothing Shoe Co Is doing one can well see the necessity of such modern TxuilfUaga for the accommoda ¬ ion of their business The county school board is holdtog a special meeting to appoint teachers and arrange for repairing buildings Tilt following committee was betoro the board to see about the consolida- tion ¬ of schools in the neighborhood of Henderson naraelyJ Mess Cor dery Henderson Hicks and Grlggs- Mn Luffman ate appeared In the In- terest ¬ ot ym Qriner Farm school Jim Howell who has been on the sick list and Is now recovering was In town today and said he would prob- ably ¬ spend several woek at White to recelvo the benefit of its yaters The weather clerk drowned out the performance at the Ate Dome Satur ¬ ay night but the enterprising pro- prietor ¬ kenareeJ of his best pictures t q aihi to the usual number this ev- ening ¬ So there wl1lb three reels this evening and everybody should go and see themv Miss Jean Teague and Miss Adele Bittinger retuilied Saturday from a ten days visit to Miss Frances Chamb- ers ¬ In Tampa They had a most de- lightful ¬ stays oJ he last issue ofcthe Florida Bap- tist ¬ Witness contains a cut of Rev L B Warren formerly pastor of the Ooala Baptist church but now pastor of the First Baptist church Owens boro Ky He will spend his vacation- In Florida Mrs Eugene Dozler her daughter Miss Florence Dozier and her little son Jack have gone to Ocala to visit Mrs Dealers m UiJtfo Mrs Mayo Jacksonville Metropolis- Miss Fay Crlbbltt left this morning tOT Ocala After several days visit there she win go to DeLand where she will represent the local Epworth League in the state convention there Then she will remain at Stetson for a normal course St Petersburg Inde ¬ pendent Miss Cribbitt Is the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs John F Brooks She has many friends here who are glad to welcome her again to Ocala Misses Erin Yonge Lucia Moor head and their guests Miss Gertrude Stevens Alberta Stockton Clara Reese Mary Mente and Messrs Char ¬ les Head Leroy Brown Frank Mente Robert Maxwell Lawrence Bracken Newman Cherry and Ben Stone CIf Jacksonville left this afternoon for Eastlake to bo present at a houseparty given by Mrs Chas K Sage The young folks are Justified In anticipat- ing ¬ a most pleasant time LOSTA bunch of eight small keys on ring with my name on metal ta attached Finder will be suitably ¬ warded by returning keys t0 me E It Carney tax collector A Square Deal jb assured you when you buy Dr Pltfttfl family medicinesfor all the ingredi- ents ¬ entering Into them are printed on the bottlewrappers and their formulas attested under oath as being complete and correct You know Just wit > you are paying for and that the Ingredients are Jathered from Nature laboratory being selected from tbe most valuable native Dedlclnal roots found growing in out American foresQTmdjwhlle potent tcu c- areper ti hannljMjrtDlo the BOM delicate worn a drop p I n tn thpli prIalpl inthejrILjP C IP n ce ne This area t OMeuei Intrinsic meaThii properties of Its own being a most valuable antiseptic dauu ferment qutritive and soothing denul cent Glycerine plays an important part is- Hr Pierces Medical Discovery In the cure of Indigestion dyspepsia and weak stomach attended by sour risings heartburn foul breath coated tongue poor gnawing feeling In stom- ach ¬ biliousness and Kindred derange Bents of the stomach liver and bowels Besides curing all the above distressing Ailments the Qolden Medical Discovery r- Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes as catarrh whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach bowels- or pelvic organs Eyen In its ulceraiirs stages it yield to this sovereign rem- edy ¬ if its use persevered Ic Catarrh of the Nasal passages it Is well while taking the Golden Medical DIJ covery for the necessary constitutional treatment to cleanse tho freely two or three times a day with Dr Catarrh Remedy This thorough cburss of trcatiMftft generally cures the Vttrst cases la coachs sad hoarseness ciysd by troa- Cblal throat and lung affQcUooi exp COB umptlon In Its adraocvA atageai tbe uoldea Medical Is a most eflcteat rem- edy ¬ especially la those obstinate eoughcsusedby1rr1tatbou and congestion of- tfao bronchial mucous membranes The DWt cover Is not so good for acute comb ark fas from sudden colds nor most It bs ex peeled to cure constunptloQ la IU adraacedt- tagB9 no medicine will do thatbut for all tbe obstinate chronic coocba which If Dee lected or bdly treated lead UP to coMnap tics It ktk tact BedidM tku caa b ab REXALL I itc- L L < i r 4 f 4- Ti > i < i j4 f- of ur t Iiui r tit t II ftIii t- i rJ s L 0 r 1F t f 2 I tJ 3 1 r t r e c1 2- Ieiui < SI We will d bIui e fL Id start to the J p If aaj esa IsCW 1 IetIIfiMl el debt If 5 j OC for tbe n rerU h II K- j Io en J iJ lit MOW faOqiUoM tW traj p i toner abril fere idr J1h J atalltIleL d Jf If yoi- wfA ge aytkIgfret e h i x- MiaMer i a repsseMe4 we W 1 C it a finrer if ws are I it We aiitto tMIt 8II fii- ot put Mdftt- h hoe Is he a csi 1iatioa et y Pstr M tM i fllll1Re S 1 alp K CROGERY T 5 THE QUALITY iTOH- CMIVE S L CLARK Pnfrittar- TmPfeMcsm r f F McCLANE IPk- yIdMaadSrm ii 7 < j n Ge n al PractiM Calls Mad Prsspty Nifht r Day 1 tJ Special Atttntiwi tOMtetTaI > v1O- fifice sjaus ofWemeaantl Chilii- < ROOMS 32 Holder iIM4 Second Floor Phones Office No 3Jt Res1dene No 333- OCALA s Sc f J r FLORIDA r 4 S 1ti a LESDM HflDSE Located on North Mail St near gpvernm building J 5 Reasonable rat 8bJ the week or month Firstola table board and comfortable f rooms Mrs Rossie LeSicw Proprietttss c Phone 77 Ocala Fla KJ THE COMMERCIAL J BARBERSHOP t OpeasJmto the Letfey cf tbe Oai5 VI t now S a Offers the very best xerrie f A skilled workmen with oderm p- pllancea I i Strictly sanitary Electric r 5 v fans electric Jlr massages rot Hot < Roi f Water AC IlTIaM fu1 rV- INCENTODETrEJbCH 7 1X a Maaaet L WEATHER FORECAST Washington June 21Ibwers t night or Tuesday T m- t r SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALEi 4 a B A large and elegand soda fountain re with mlrJr COlt 1350 and will Mil It for 15o is nearly new and In Ane shape S A Moses it Bra Ia fi CASTOR MIiMtsaMIIra KUYNNmjUnplMcU > istit pIq Sigaaureof THE OCALA WAGON WORKS H Offers Its services and superior work- manship In the art of painting vehi- cles ¬ of all kinds and classes It has Introduced Its specialty of painting tomobiles A sample of our work can be seen on the decoration Mr D W IK Davis auto Give us a NIL it j THE OCALA WAGONWORK p- j FAN BARGAIN An eightInch Westing usc etectrfc tan that is positively guaranteed to 4 < i burn only three cents worth of elec I tricity in ten hours steady running- See J them at oeeH W Tucker the > electrical supply man Foleya Honey and Tar la especially recoHUft en dd for chronic throat sad luny troubles and many sufferers frofft I bronchitis asthma and coacoMpUaa + have found comfort and relief by us- ing ¬ v Foley8 Honey and Tar Sold by all druggists- The sr Farmers Alliance of Mario county will hold its annual meeting at Pedro July 2 and 3 It Is expected there wUl be present s large attend- ance ¬ A VITAL POINT The most delicate part of a babr1f Its bowels Every ailment that It suf- fers with attacks the bowels also en dangerlng in most cues the life of the infant McGees Baby Elixir cures 4 a i diarrhoea dysentery and all derange- ments ¬ > j of the stomach and bowels At all druggist i REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Cincinnati general store and flat building J200 a month profit 9509 Want 15000 cash balance seulaere r property P O Box 381 Clactanatl Mr and Mrs E A Ferris of v tervllle were here twa days last week looking for a home They expect to I move here by school time to eater their children > Mn Wesley Smith and chHdfe ai have returned to their home at Boys parents ton after several weeks visit to their 1 s > LOOKING ONE REsT Its a woman delignt to look Mr > best but pimplesskin erapttou and bolls rob life vf Joy LI- Bueklenc Arnica Salve cures them makes tbe skin soft and velvety It glorifies the face Curea pinptes sort eyes cold sores cracked lips cbapptfd y hands Try It Infallible for pUM 25c at all druggist 5- a 1 p
Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-06-21 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03198/00104.pdf · OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY JUNE 21 190f S E A 14J t 1 H howl mjroa TREllgIEk



A 14J

t1 H

howl mj roa TREllgIEkt



I At lajtona Bcaefc aid Stalreeze MdA-

ccoiwdatiMSw 4 t c-

I Scoured == ==srZ

w c




We Sell Them on Easy Terns oa90-

VtP <

l Let He INk After Ywn-




I Wkile YHI are Away This Siaaer Sa





f i There are many ways in which it serves theil public but the one now most valuable per-


is to help with loans We will meet theneeds of conservative qqoWep-

ftThe Munroe Chambliss Bank

r INCORP ORATEDT T Mnaroc Pros Z O Chambliss V Pres Av E Gerig Cashier




Ctwufrciai Bojcl Jlafes 2 Per Dy Ocili IIorNar I

I SCRAP METAL AND JUNK1i j I will buy alt kinds of Junk Iron Steel TJrnsfl CnppiT Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Knglnos-Bollerf Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay thehighest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and wnerc Itj Is located r



V i iC v f j i T T r

I a

I X l4 + 4ttt44+X+X444 + X4 o






Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Egs g17 Pr oItj q tht r

L Bou8ht apd Sold Fssh and8 It Water Psv 4 Tht Mgst Com

plete Pluce of Us Kind in the Country Rcmo f led and Right i1

< UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connectffin first Iass>

Meats and Reasonable Board to Weakly Customers X


Scrap Iron and Motals Also Green1ide Bought tp to nnd Sold


fTepioijpNp1It PO BoNoG5 f

100 and 192 North Magnolia StreetI I

II t ++ o oe > w > < ++ + < >T



AN 0efr

Bottle Livingstonfa

Pure Rye loltled IB Bud

t4 Qts Straight N Qts Straight N t24 200 8 754

C Cprn Whisky 11 C Cern Whjsk-

yTkese Quarts Are lull 32 Ounce Qoarfc M li Ounce

rills Glass ud Coikscrew Free vihEvcy Ore


i = This Straight North Carollnfi CornWhisky nut to be nblendnot aWE GUJRANT E compound not an Imitation but just

T pure cornwhisky or full strength


Order today from the largest distillery In Florida

v S

DELANEY COJii Waretase No5 Jacksotville Fli-

tWrite For Price List No-



4l S

Ia a-





Stanford Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Pumps Irriga-liiI1ii


r Acetylene Gas Plants Sold a nd Installed Complete Estimate4trO submitted on any Work ihipir lin-

er J-



3i F LiS

L 4r


K of P meet this evening

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Red Men meet Thursday evening

HEXALLMr Fred MacKay of Tampa sat

tho Montezuma

Planks Chili Tonic guaranteed tocure chills and fever 25 cents

Mr S C Mayo of Roddick is at theMontczutna

Peroxide Crenm for the complexionat the Court Pharmacy

Mrs Arthur Cobb is somewhat Im-proved



5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever Price 25c

Mr T W Troxler has just receiveda barrel of line limes

Miss Eeulah Wiggins south of townIs dangerously ill

Mr Sam Melt lt= r of Baltimore is atOcala House

Mr T S McKInncy of Knoxville Isguest of tho Ocala House

Mr Alex Inglis of Rockwell Is at tieOcala Houses

Mr R IL OKclley of Orange N Jis at tilfi Ocala House

Mr B W PerrJn of Lake City Is agu est of the Ocala House

Mr and Mrs Erastus Hopkins areat the Hotel Wolcott New York City

r Miss Belle Hodge left Saturday iHMiami

1to spend the summer

Our baseball boys are home fromtheir rt eks outing

uMrs Ef G McDavhl has gone tg

paidier fer a few weiksj or res andrccerLtin


SYJipn In ItfPd ° C tatlonery go to nstationer Tilt Ocaln Nuv Co is theonly stationery store in Ocala

Mr George Stein and daughter MissMay will leave for Baltimore Julv WJto be absent a month

j ijirS


4 Ut Bhrip wy has iip41 to line of toilet articles pmt Invitesfour Jnnpeouon

Mr and Mrs William Wolff and lit-He aughter left this afternoon fofAtlanta

fH CiDavIs Co of Jacksonvillewilt soil any make of secondhand I

typewril2f upon easy terms If Jeslred

Messrs Dr Z Cobb ana J D Per1tins of Citra are guests of thi 9 Mont zuma-r

Have you seep tn Ii0 visible F-Slplef typewriter R C pavi C<>

i H fJl11l H

Mix D B Mayo came gown frinJacksonville Sunila to yisit his relartves nd friends In Ocala

We hava the nicest hnirI brushes cOIPt1J nnd ptli jiTtojlet rnclos in the city Tydings Oo-

HMrs C Groves and son Henryare spending the summer at the MontEagle Tenn chautaurjua


I Three cents will fan you for ten1 hours Get one of those Cinch Westingiuse fans ffpm ttI W Tupl tr

Mrs W L Colbert has returnedrrom a vjslt to per sister Mrs MathnVP In Levy county

If you shave yourself call nt theCourt Pharmacy and ask to see thenew iiafety razor

The Ocala News Co are agentsftCthe celobrated Hawkes glasses

can fit you Give us a trial

MJFH N lv Binltti who has been sicksome flays left today for White 1

wrIngs for a few days of recupera-tion


Look over ouF line ° f toilet prepar tions W ire quite prqud of thetine stpck Pcrfumen powdors andsoapy of the liner grades TydingsCompany

Mr and Mrs W F Marlowe andbaby left Sunday morning for SneadsPla where they will enjoy a few I

days visit With relatives

Many of Qr pithens gre drifing lo-

wjijds Brights disease by nesjl jtm1-

symijtoms of kidney and Maddertfou Ie which Foloys Kidney ItMnc lywill quickly cure Sold by all dnig-glsts

Mr B E Robinson went to Jackson-ville


this morning to meet Mr R S-

Hall who Is returning rpm New YorHCity

Your prescriptions when left at theCourt Pharmacy are compoundedfront pure arid fresh drucs Phone uswell call for and deliver your pre-scriptions


Messrs JesSIe BUtch and J WCoulter represented the Blltchton sec-tion


In town today They said theirsection enjoyed two good rains oneSaturday and one Sunday

The pride of the Court Pharmacy isIts prescription department Puredrugs only are uaed which are select-ed


by men of experiencef

J E Theus a furniture dealer fromTallahassee was In town today visit-Ing his brother Mr Peter Paul TheusHe said things were quiet in Tallahajjeee since the adjournment of thelegislature

There lanD better stock of finewriting papers in the city than wecarry Come In and look it over ifyou want something really nice Ty-dlags Co

Mrs Laird who has been with thetelephone company at punnellon forthe past few months has returned tothe city

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired



A telegram was received by MK PE Harris this morning fronvMrs Hatris who is with Dr and Mrs w HPowers at Tryon N C sayingwould leave today for home with DrPowers It is inferred that Dr Pow-ers


condition Is serious-


The Smith family the members ofwhich have been so ill in the fourthward next door to the home of exMarshal Cleveland are still in needniP

d anyone who wishes to help themdo so either through the Kings

Daughters to whom has been de-livered


all the cash collected or byleaving groceries medicines and cloth-ing


at the house or at the CarmichaelSon Companys store Mr James

Engessor who worked so hard lastweek In collecting money for the fam-ily


turned over to the Kings Daugh-ters


about S3S In cash He has col-lected


a little today and some grocries and other Items of necessities

have beon given A nurse Is neededand many other expenses must be met-or the family will suffer The fatheris still seriously 111 the wife and fivesmall children must be fed and caredfor and the household goods though14 days en route from Daytona havenot yet arrived If any one wishes tohelp the family they will be doing aworthy deed-


The Atlantic Coast Line ran an ei-cursion to Ocala from Palatka t dayriving at 11 oclock hs morningThere were 25 white people and thebalance colored Three hundred andtwelve tickets were sold The traintll leave at 5 oclock returning

DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED-by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion o1 the earThere is only on wny to curedeafness and that Is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition ot t o wu uouslining of the Eusia > hian Tube Vhenthis tuU lntiamed you iiave a runibUng souriii pr Imperfect h arjn a dwhen it is entirely clbv 1ftTltas stKe resuU ni unless the Inflamma-tion


cap lie taken out and this tuberestored to Up normal condition heat¬ing wi1 ho destroyed forever nineuque put or ten are caused by catarrhwhich Is nothing but In inflamed con-dition


of the mncuous surfacesWe will give One Hundred Dollars-

for any case of d ayipss4 cnea bycatarrh tVjt anoo be cAi e byHaU4 CAtarrh Cure Sftl tor circu-lars



iF J CHENEY CO Toledo OBold by druggists 75c Take Halls

Family Pills for constipation-

Mr R A Dettericlr wno aas beenill or the pat tw j ov three weeks leftthis ftfMitoon for his former home inVenice below the Manatee river torest up for a week or two

Mr Frank aia who wlll haverh ariM of the tailoring department at-

eth Guarantee Clothing Shy < Coarrived last night and will commetc >

getting his department in K ijt t


The prescription department Is themain stay of any drugstore Acc K Vreliability promptness an pure drugshave msil this department of ourbusiness one or the largest In thecountry Send us your prescriptionsTydlngs Co-


void serious results take FoloyKidney Remedy it the first sIgns ofkidney or blader dlsordor such asbackache urinary Irregularities ex-


and you will soon bfe wellCommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy today Sold by all druggists-

Mr John D Odom of Gaiter Is In thecity having icturned from a businesst rip rt his companys still in Lqkecounty


Missis S W Petteway and littleson of Dunnellon and Mr G A Petteway of Leroy were guests of theOcala House yesterday

Mr J W Sylvester and daughterMiss Leafy Sylvester returned Satur-day


afternoon from a> weeks visit toMr Sylvesters mother and sister inSt Petcrsurtf

frs J A Walters will go to Coleman tomorrow to spend a few dayswith her brother Mr Wicker Shewill he accompanied by Master NewtWicker who has been making hisuhinc with her for the past six monthswho will go from there to hia liompin Montezuma Ga

Mr and Mrs Louis Pillans and babywho have been visiting Mrs Plllansparents Mr and Mrs J W Smith-at Martel returned home today

A K Kelsey a Marlon county boyof Stanton passed rough Ocala to-


to visit his parents Mr and MrsR A Kelsey Stanton Mr Kelseyleft Tampa four years ago for Califomki settled down in Riverside andsnys it Is the finest city of Its size Inthe United States He is getting alongsplendidly and has fallen in love withthe Pacific Coast of the Qo den Qatestate

Will Jeffcat went down to Eastlakethin afternoon to spend a day with theMartin boys who are having a glor-ious


time tenting

Willie Anderson one pf the Starfaithful carrier boys went down toWoo lmltr this afternoon with hisyoung friend J B Chazal for a weekof bathing and fishing

Belle Meade Sweets

Sugar fruit aid ChocolateTHATS AIL

These delicious candles cai beI had wily at

Court Pharmacy-

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Betides

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

120 South Third StPhone 130 CrOVLA FLA





Erick C1ieese

Roquefort Cheese

Farmer Sausage

German Salomi Sausage

Fresh Star Hams andStar Breakfast Bacon

in Each Wee-


GROCERYaThe prosecution of Patrick Calhoun

he San Francisco millionaire andmagnatemistrial

for bribery has resulted In a I

EAUTIFUl CUT FLOWERSMr John Helntz the florist has agreat many beautiful flowers In bloom

and Is able to supply all local calls onhim for flowers Mr Helntz h a re-cently


made many Improvements Onhis green houses anil garden and has aplace tha js a V edt to the city

IF vpy irtEVthe merits pf the f Oiaa Foidcr youwould never Buffer frprn kdnoy bI ader of jfteuraatk trouble S1 battto twomontUs treatmer Sp d q druggistsor by uuiil ge Kw testrwonlal3 DrE W 1i H Wi Olive Street StLOh is tt


All kinds of harness rep riag neatly and skillfully done at ceaspnabloprices also saw fUing Ask tyr MVJSlmmop1 at Tompklns and Cobb> tcry Stables



Moving Picturesand Music

h Best of Emtercalnment Furnish-ed

¬Iby Home People

S 1


y f-

Dtoors open at 799 p ni-



k tby tlae OrchstM iiteenActi


Prcgziiii for this Evening





PIER QTa NKLACE-Hand Colored



Ut4i1msstp Id O Cents




Kelly superintendent of schoolsfor Alachua county came up fromCitronelle this noon where he hadbeen visiting his daughter

Miss Jean Teaguo who came upSaturday from Tampa remained overSunday with her aunt Mrs E T Parter and left for Lady Lake thja aft-ernoon


Mr Joo Hudgens of Berlin whospent several days with his sisterMrs Will Henderson across the riverreturned home today He attended thepicnic at Electra Saturday

Mr and Mrs E J Decker moved toCitra today where they have bought-a home Mr Decker will continue Inthe junk business and will be in Ocala-a great deal

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozer

When the stomach tails to perform-Its functions the bowels become de ¬

ranged the liver and kidneys con ¬

gested causing numerous diseasesThe stomach and liver must be re¬

stored to a healthy condition andhamberlains stomach and LiverTablets can be depended upon to do itEasy to tuke and most effective-

Dr Spooner of Stanton with htawife and little daughter left yesterday-for Boston to be present at the cele-bration


of the 400th anniversary ofhis alma mater and also a meeting oftho graduating class of 15 years agoIt will prove a very interesting eventand we wish for this genial doctor apleasant visit

Miss Della Smith of McIntosh abright vivacious and charming youngMarion county school rna am returnedyesterday from a pleasant visit tofriends at Lake Weir

Mr and Mrs Gamsby are occupy-Ing their new and beautiful bungalow-in the second ward opposite Mr L RChazals new stone house

The city court had eight cases thismorning Four were plain drunkswith the usual fines and trimmings-One obstructing the sidewalk 55 andcosts One case of exposing decayedfruit 910 and costs One visiting thered light district There was a totalof 950 fines Only one failed toput up the cash

To spread the name and fame ofCalifornia throughout the world is theobject of the California PromotionCommittee which Is having a day ofits own at the exposition at SeattleWash today And Florida talk >> otbeing a competitor-

Bear In mind we carry a full line ofStafford and Carters inks alsofountain pens from Jl up at the OcalaNews Company




The very handsome plctnra of HartSchaffner Marxs ceatJnewbuilding now In process of consteaclion in Chicago which the GuaranteeClothing Shoe Company dlspfcying In Its western window Js attracting much attention-

The building will In some respectsbe the most remarkable of the kind Inthe world not In height and space ¬

although It will be thirteen stories andwill afford a floor space equivalent toeight acresbut In beauty and conveBlence

The floors on whl clothing will becarried are to absolutely duatproofThis la accomplished by sealing allwindows and passing the air throughwater before It enters the room Aventilating system of the same kindwill be provided for the health of theemployees A refrigerating system willcool the air and sterilize rand cool thedrinking water f

There will be penumatic tubes forsending man by compressed air from

ne part of the house to anotherchutes 9 feet in diameter for

dispatching shipments both freightnd express automatic firealarms

and sprinklers and other modemequipmentThe building will contain the

office stock floors andcutUng roomsno manufacturing will be carried onthere but will be done In other largebuildings located In different parts ofthe city

The new building I >> hi the heart ofthe business district of Chicago andwhen completed will be accessible tohose who wish to visit It as one ofthe Interesting points In the city

With agents all over the land sellIng Hart Sohaffner Marxs clothIng as the Ocala agency the Guar-antee

¬Clothing Shoe Co Is doing

one can well see the necessity of suchmodern TxuilfUaga for the accommoda ¬

ion of their business

The county school board is holdtoga special meeting to appoint teachersand arrange for repairing buildingsTilt following committee was betorothe board to see about the consolida-tion

¬of schools in the neighborhood of

Henderson naraelyJ Mess Cordery Henderson Hicks and Grlggs-Mn Luffman ate appeared In the In-


ot ym Qriner Farm school

Jim Howell who has been on thesick list and Is now recovering wasIn town today and said he would prob-ably


spend several woek at Whiteto recelvo the benefit of its


The weather clerk drowned out theperformance at the Ate Dome Satur ¬ay night but the enterprising pro-


kenareeJ of his best picturestq aihi to the usual number this ev-ening


So there wl1lb three reelsthis evening and everybody should goand see themv

Miss Jean Teague and Miss AdeleBittinger retuilied Saturday from aten days visit to Miss Frances Chamb-ers


In Tampa They had a most de-lightful



he last issue ofcthe Florida Bap-tist


Witness contains a cut of Rev LB Warren formerly pastor of theOoala Baptist church but now pastorof the First Baptist church Owensboro Ky He will spend his vacation-In Florida

Mrs Eugene Dozler her daughterMiss Florence Dozier and her littleson Jack have gone to Ocala to visitMrs Dealers m UiJtfo Mrs MayoJacksonville Metropolis-

Miss Fay Crlbbltt left this morningtOT Ocala After several days visitthere she win go to DeLand whereshe will represent the local EpworthLeague in the state convention thereThen she will remain at Stetson for anormal course St Petersburg Inde¬

pendentMiss Cribbitt Is the guest of her

uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs John FBrooks She has many friends herewho are glad to welcome her again toOcala

Misses Erin Yonge Lucia Moorhead and their guests Miss GertrudeStevens Alberta Stockton ClaraReese Mary Mente and Messrs Char¬

les Head Leroy Brown Frank MenteRobert Maxwell Lawrence BrackenNewman Cherry and Ben Stone CIfJacksonville left this afternoon forEastlake to bo present at a housepartygiven by Mrs Chas K Sage Theyoung folks are Justified In anticipat-ing


a most pleasant time

LOSTA bunch of eight small keyson ring with my name on metal taattached Finder will be suitably ¬

warded by returning keys t0 me EIt Carney tax collector

A Square Dealjb assured you when you buy Dr Pltfttflfamily medicinesfor all the ingredi-ents


entering Into them are printed onthe bottlewrappers and their formulasattested under oath as being complete

and correct You know Just wit > you arepaying for and that the Ingredients areJathered from Nature laboratory beingselected from tbe most valuable nativeDedlclnal roots found growing in outAmerican foresQTmdjwhlle potent tcu c-

areper ti hannljMjrtDlo the BOMdelicate worn a drop

p I n tn thpli

prIalpl inthejrILjP CIP n ce ne This areat OMeueiIntrinsic meaThii properties of Its ownbeing a most valuable antiseptic dauuferment qutritive and soothing denulcent

Glycerine plays an important part is-Hr Pierces Medical Discovery Inthe cure of Indigestion dyspepsia andweak stomach attended by sour risingsheartburn foul breath coated tonguepoor gnawing feeling In stom-ach


biliousness and Kindred derangeBents of the stomach liver and bowels

Besides curing all the above distressingAilments the Qolden Medical Discovery r-

Is a specific for all diseases of the mucousmembranes as catarrh whether of thenasal passages or of the stomach bowels-or pelvic organs Eyen In its ulceraiirsstages it yield to this sovereign rem-edy


if its use persevered IcCatarrh of the Nasal passages it Is wellwhile taking the Golden Medical DIJcovery for the necessary constitutionaltreatment to cleanse tho freelytwo or three times a day with DrCatarrh Remedy This thorough cburssof trcatiMftft generally cures the Vttrstcases

la coachs sad hoarseness ciysd by troa-Cblal throat and lung affQcUooi exp COBumptlon In Its adraocvA atageai tbe uoldeaMedical Is a most eflcteat rem-edy

¬especially la those obstinate

eoughcsusedby1rr1tatbou and congestion of-tfao bronchial mucous membranes The DWtcover Is not so good for acute comb arkfas from sudden colds nor most It bs expeeled to cure constunptloQ la IU adraacedt-tagB9 no medicine will do thatbut for alltbe obstinate chronic coocba which If Deelected or bdly treated lead UP to coMnaptics It ktk tact BedidM tku caa b ab




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t II ftIii t-


s L0 r1F tf

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Ieiui <SI

We will d bIui e fLId start to the JpIf aaj esa IsCW1 IetIIfiMl el debt If

5 jOCfor tbe n rerU h II K-


en J iJlit MOW faOqiUoM tW traj pitoner abril fere idr J1h JatalltIleL dJfIf yoi-

wfAge aytkIgfret e h i


MiaMeria repsseMe4 we W 1C it a finrer if ws are Iit

We aiitto tMIt 8II fii-ot

putMdftt-h hoe Is he a csi1iatioa et y Pstr M tM ifllll1Re

S 1




CLARK Pnfrittar-TmPfeMcsm



yIdMaadSrmii 7<


nGe n al PractiM Calls Mad Prsspty

Nifht r Day 1tJ

Special Atttntiwi tOMtetTaI > v1O-


sjaus ofWemeaantl Chilii-<

ROOMS 32 Holder iIM4Second Floor Phones Office No 3JtRes1dene No 333-


s Sc f Jr





Located on North Mail Stnear gpvernm building J


Reasonable rat 8bJ theweek or month Firstolatable board and comfortable f


Mrs Rossie LeSicw Proprietttssc

Phone 77 Ocala FlaKJ



OpeasJmto the Letfey cf tbe Oai5 VI

t now S


Offers the very best xerrie f A

skilled workmen with oderm p-

pllancea Ii

Strictly sanitary Electric r 5 vfans electric Jlrmassages rot

Hot <Roi f Water AC IlTIaM fu1rV-







Washington June 21Ibwers tnight or Tuesday Tm-




BA large and elegand soda fountain re

with mlrJr COlt 1350 and will Mil Itfor 15o is nearly new and In Aneshape S A Moses it Bra Iafi


KUYNNmjUnplMcU >istit pIq


THE OCALA WAGON WORKS HOffers Its services and superior work-manship In the art of painting vehi-cles


of all kinds and classes It hasIntroduced Its specialty of paintingtomobiles A sample of our work canbe seen on the decoration Mr D W IK

Davis auto Give us a NIL it jTHE OCALA WAGONWORK p-


An eightInch Westing usc etectrfctan that is positively guaranteed to 4 <

i burn only three cents worth of elecI tricity in ten hours steady running-


them at oeeH W Tucker the >

electrical supply man

Foleya Honey and Tar la especiallyrecoHUftend d for chronic throat sadluny troubles and many sufferers frofftIbronchitis asthma and coacoMpUaa +have found comfort and relief by us-ing

¬ vFoley8 Honey and Tar Sold by

all druggists-


Farmers Alliance of Mariocounty will hold its annual meeting atPedro July 2 and 3 It Is expectedthere wUl be present s large attend-ance


A VITAL POINTThe most delicate part of a babr1f

Its bowels Every ailment that It suf-fers with attacks the bowels also endangerlng in most cues the life of theinfant McGees Baby Elixir cures 4 a idiarrhoea dysentery and all derange-ments

¬ > j

of the stomach and bowels Atall druggist i


Cincinnati general store and flatbuilding J200 a month profit 9509Want 15000 cash balance seulaere rproperty P O Box 381 Clactanatl

Mr and Mrs E A Ferris of vtervllle were here twa days last weeklooking for a home They expect to Imove here by school time to eatertheir children >

Mn Wesley Smith and chHdfe aihave returned to their home at Boys

parentston after several weeks visit to their




Its a woman delignt to look Mr >best but pimplesskin erapttouand bolls rob life vf Joy LI-Bueklenc Arnica Salve cures themmakes tbe skin soft and velvety Itglorifies the face Curea pinptes sorteyes cold sores cracked lips cbapptfd y

hands Try It Infallible for pUM25c at all druggist


a 1p
