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Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-01 [p...

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C d y YA I44 a t I M i- v I i r t l OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 1909 r nn a v n H ROBINSON Presldea- tilHBLITCHManager + J C BOOZER Aset MBg f 7f GEO J BU TOO Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANK B OCALA FLA l- t THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK w RAre the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surroun ding territory- We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enterprises- We solicit a share of your business THE FURNITURE HOUSEO- F A McIVER MacKAY s CARRIES A LARGE r MODERN AND COMPLETE STOCK O- FFURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS 5 ALL KINDST- he only House in Central Florida that Completely Furnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest and Best ia Furniture Keeping up with the times and Jusl What the People Want Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell Hardware r Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc Look over our Stock and get our prices before you make your purchases Yours Respectfully McIVER MAcKAYO- cala Florida a L FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES I Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions r W JP EDWARDS Phone 108 City Mar- ketMONTEZUMA I HOTEL GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND Leading Commercial Hotel Rates 52 Per Day Ocala Florida VERNON W ELDREDT- HE UpTODATE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC- ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec- ialty ¬ New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re ¬ pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower ALL WORK GUARANTEED- Phone 21 Office Montezuma Hotel 11 j I PARK HOTELV Jacksonville Fla European PlanRa- tes 1 per day and up Rathskeller- and Cafe in Connectio- nE P THAGARD MANAGER II THK FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO AVc are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen- and our motto is to please Temporary quarters phone 2oO JAMES R MOORHEAD MGR t 1 Just a MinuteAb- out Sewing Machines f Why Not Buy The Best There is no economy in buying machines that are cheap in mechan ¬ ism and high in price that you will want to trade oft in a short time- A SINGER is always the pride of its owner The Singer Sewing Machine is recognized all over the world as time model of sewing machine perfection and all other makes are judged by the Singer standard That- is why every woman is proud to own a Singer sold only by the Singer Sewing Machine Co dealing directly from maker to user They are BOW being sold at lower prices t Also the best oil needles belts etc of which we carry a larger stock than any other dealer and we are on the spot to give careful at ¬ tention to all customers F A STA1VIRS Mgr 30 12 Montezuma Block j r j J The Man- From I Brodneys By GEORGE BARR- HCUTCHEON Copyright 1998 by Dodd Med Q Co That evening he dragged the reluc ¬ tant Saunders into the privacy of the- e i J J fw e J The enemy wa sitting serenely on one of tfurtron benches hanging garden and deliberately inter rupted the game of bridge which was going on- Ladies and gentlemen said Mr Britt camly dropping into a chair near by this place is full of spies Spies I cried four voices in unison Mr Saunders nodded a plaintive apol ¬ ogyYes sir every native servant here- Is a spy Thats what the enemy was here for today Ive analyzed the sit- uation ¬ and Im right Aint 1 Mr Saunders Of course I am He came here to tell em what to do and how to report our affairs to him See More- over ¬ lies getting the evidence of ev- erybody ¬ to prove that Skaggs and Wyckbdlme were men of sound mind up to the hour of their death He has the depositions of agents and dealers- in Bombay Aden Suez and threE or four European cities all along that line He goes over the days business- at the bank as often as we do as agents for the executors He knows Just how many rubles and sapphires- were washed out yesterday and how much they weigh Its our business- as your agents to scrape up every ¬ thing as far back as we can go to prove that the old chaps were mentally off their base when they drew up that agreement and will Of course if we can prove that insanity has always- run through the two families it Good Lord gasped Browne nerv- ously ¬ tift would be a great help If we can show that you and MrserLady Deppingham have queer spells occa ¬ sionally if Not for all the islands in the world cried Lady Deppingham The Idea Queer spells Please be good enough- to leave me out of the insanity dodge- as you Americans call it Is it necessary to make niy husband Insane in order to establish the fact that hIs grandfather was not of sound mind 1 queried pretty Mrs Browne with her calmest Boston Inflection- It depends on your husband said Britt coolly If he sticks at anything which may help us to break that will hes certainly insane Thats all Ive got to say about it Well Im hanged if Ill pose as an insane man roared Browne- Mr aunders hasnt asked me to be insane have you Mr Saunders asked Lady Agnes In her sweetest scorn- I dont apprehend < began Saun ¬ ders nervously Saunders said Britt calculatingly- and evenly next thing well have to begin hunting for insanity in your family We havent heard anythIng from you on this little point Lord Deppingham- I dont know anything about Mr Saunders family said Deppingham stiffly Britt looked at him for a mo- ment ¬ puzzled and uncertain Then he gave a short hopeless laugh and said under his breath Holy smoke When he finally called the tonfer ence adjourned and prepared to de ¬ part he calmly turned to the stenog ¬ rapher Did you get all this down Miss Pel hamYes Mr Britt Good Then he went away leav- ing ¬ the quartet unconsciously de ¬ pressed by the emphasis he placed upon that single word The next day but one it was an ¬ nounced that the enemy bad moved into the bungalow From time to time his gray blue or white clad fiiruro could be seen directing the operations of the natives who were engaged in rehabilitating Wyckholmes nest The chateau was now under the very eye of the enemy Continued Tomorrow Many persons find themselves af- fected ¬ with a persistent cough after- an attack of influenza As this cough- can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy it should not be allowed to run on until- it becomes trobulesome r W Cs T 1 0 1 WORK- The saloon causes men to stumble Strong drink causes men to stum ¬ bleThe saloon makes for strife and for destruction Strong drink leads to strife and de ¬ struction Therefore Christian people who must answer to God for what they do and to Christ for any souls led astray must be against the saloon and against strong drink The Peace Destroyer- That drunkenness does not make for peace was remarked long ago by Sol ¬ omon who saw in it babblings and brawls One of our Philadelphia news- papers ¬ the day after the birthday of the Prince of Peace published this While under the influence of drink which he had taken to celebrate Christmas William Turner a weaver yesterday quarreled over his dinner with his wife and sisterinlaw in their little home- In his anger he struck the wife as she held in her arms their tenweeks- old son Albert suckling at the breast Mrs Turner fell across the end of a lounge her body crushing that of the child A few minutes later the baby diedLast night Turner in his cell in the Front and Westmoreland Streets Sta ¬ tion was heartbroken Sobered by his act he realized its consequence In his grief he prayed and wept and la ¬ mented In another part of the sta ¬ tion house where she was being held for awitness was his wife who wept for the little ono so recently come into their life who had left them- It was a tragic ending to the Christmas feast over which the wife had labored in preparation The din- ner ¬ wits to have been at once a cele ¬ bration of the annual day of happi ¬ ness and of two years of married life Such tragedies are the daily results of drink 3 Vhat Think You- A commercial traveler speaking to a furniture dealer in a Michigan city said recently Look out for local option Its a bad one for certain kinds of business I asked one of my mustomers in a dry town in Illinois how he liked it He said his wife opposed it because she could not get a woman to do her washing A few weeks after the town went dry her woman who had been doing her wash- ing ¬ said Ill not be here again after today Why not anything wrong Xo only since the saloons closed my husband brings his money home and- I do not have to wash any more Let us ask which is the better that the saloonkeeper should have the money of this man and that his wife should be compelled to do washing in order to earn bread or that his money I should be given to her to buy food and clothing The answer to this question- will determine the answer to the question as to whether prohibition pays What do you think about it a What Teacher Did Japanese laws against the smoking- of cigarettes are very stringent For ¬ merly almost every boy smoked but one school master having proved to his own satisfaction that the habit ef ¬ fected permanent injury to growing boys ruled against them Feeling that ho could not under such circum- stances ¬ go on smoking himself he gave up the practice and persuaded- his colleagues to do likewise The real distinctions between peo ¬ ples are not those of Orient or Occi ¬ dent wealth or rank or socalled suc ¬ cess or failure they are those of growth of mind and soul Youths Companion 6 4 The allowable thing is ofteifc the fateful thing Doctor Cuyler well seys of the temptation of youth for strong drink Youth is commonly stronger at the engine than at the I brakes One unanswerable proof of the difficulty of stopping the drink habit is found in the fact that so few actually reform Xot a tenth of those enslaved to the bottle ever break loose even though they cry in their sober moments Would to God I might never taste another drop There was- a touch of pathos in the speech of one of our boys in blue to the magis ¬ trate after he was arrested for drunk- enness ¬ He held up a whisky flask > ALLENS LUNG BALSAM For deepseated COUGHS COLDS CROUP- A 23c Bottle far a Simple Cold A 5Dc Bottle lor a Heavy Cold- A 100 Bode for a Deep seated Cough Sold by all Bruucists DAVIS IAWRKXCE CO Nc- wYorkPIMPLES I I tried all kinds of blood remedies 1 which failed to do me any good but I have found the right thing at last My face was full of pimples and blackheads After taking Cascarets they all left I am continuing the use of them and recom ¬ mending them to my friends I feel fine when I rise in the morning Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets Fred C Witten 76 Elm St Newark N J Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Wenken or Gripe lOc 25c 50c Never sold in bulk The genu- ine ¬ I tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to care or your money back 922 = FOLYS- I HOf4EYANBIAR- C I The n i LAXATIVE cough remedy For coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good for everybody Sold everywhere The genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ia- l Yellow package RcfuscsubstitutfU- Prepared only by EIy A Company Chloe SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS T W Treating The Wrong DiseaseV times women call on their family physicians suffering as they imagine one from dyspepsia another from heart disease another from liver or kidney disease another from nervous prostration another with pain an there and in this way they present alike to themselves and their easygoing or overbusy doctor separate diseases for which- he assuming them to be such prescribes and potions In II reality they are all symptoms caused bv some weakness or derange- ment ¬ a organs distinctly feminine The physician ignorant of the canst of suffering keeps up his treatment until large are made The suffering patient gets no better by reason of wrong treat ¬ ment but probably worse A proper medicine like Dr Pierces Fa ¬ vorite Prescription directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoms and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery It has been well said that a disease known is half cured- Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine carefully devised < bYf I an experienced and skillful physician and adapted to womans delicate system > It Is made of native American medicinal roots without the use of alcohol and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the female system As a powerful invigorating tonic Fa ¬ ine Favorite Prescription is unequaled vorite Prescription imparts strength to and is invaluable in allaying and subduing the whole system and to the organs dis ¬ nervous excitability irritability nervous tinctly feminine in particular For over ¬ exhaustion nervous prostration neuralgia worked wornout rundown debilitated hysteria spasms St Vituss dance and teachers milliners dressmakers seam ¬ other distressing nervous symptoms com- monly ¬ stresses shopgirls housekeepers nurs- ing ¬ attendant upon functional and or- ganic ¬ mothers and feeble women generally disease of the distinctly feminine Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the organs It induces refreshing sleep and greatest earthly boon being unequaled mental anxiety and despondency- as an appetizing cordial and restorative Dr Pierces Pleasant f tonic the stomach liver and bovels One to As a soothing and strengthening nerv three a dose Easy to take as candy EVERY WOMAN ought to possess Dr Pierces great book the Peoples Common Sens Medical Adviser a magnificent thousandpage illustrated volume It teaches mothers how to care for their children and themselves It is the best doctor to have in the house in case of emergency Over half- a million copies were sold at 150 each but one free copy in papercovers will be sent on receipt of a 21 onecent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only or send 31 stamps for a handsome clothbound s COP Address the publishers Worlds Dispensary Medical Association 663 Main St Buffalo N Y and said your honor the only ene- my ¬ that ever conquered me Is that c se We level our anathemas at the sa- loonkeeper ¬ I who vends liquors over the bar but far more culpable Is he who gives respectability to the bar by his presence and his patronage We be- lieve ¬ in Invoking the power of the legislature and judgments of the courts against the curse of drink but we honestly believe that if all of us would scrupulously judge ourselves along the line of PaulS rule we should make far quicker work of It Judge Sends Former Schoolmate to Kansas City Nov Jail 20 Addressing I John Conners who was on trial for stealing 250 worth of Junk Iron I Judge Ralph S Latshaw said I Do you remember the first time I we met It was when Kve were both boys The judge continued We were nearly the same age and were in the same class in the old Lathrop school It must have been over 30 years ago- I can remember you will You were the one whom our classmates- had picked to become president You were the best in spelling and arith ¬ I metic The teacher considered you her model pupil Your penmanship- was the roundest and the letters the most perfect Everything came easy- to I you while the rest of us had to I study hard to get our lessons You never have found out what real work- is But Connors do you remember- the next time I saw you It was ten years ago You came to my office to have me write a letter to the gov- ernor ¬ to have your citizenship re ¬ I stored You had served a term In I the penitentiary for grand larceny What was the cause of your down- fall ¬ I I Whisky Connors was sentenced to 60 days- in jail then paroled on condition he would leave whisky alone 3 3 King Khama a native chief or the tribe of BechuanasJ in Africa grew up as a boy in the midst of the gross ¬ est savagery Before he came to his kingship however he became a Christian through personal contact with his loved friend John Macken- zie ¬ the missionary statesman of South Africa Khama determined to put an end to native beer drinking with all of its evils and also determined to pro ¬ hibit the white mans drink from the boundaries of his own state The white traders and liquor dealers vio ¬ lated his laws smuggled goods and defied the most strenuous legislation Warning followed warning still the law was violated Finally tried be- long further endurance the king gave an ultimatum in a public speech- to all the liquor dealers and traders- in his domain It is this speech that j shows his strength of character and reveals a life of the finest temper Take everything that you have Take all that is your and go I am trying to lead my people to act ac ¬ cording to that word of God which we have received from you white people and you show them an ex ¬ ample of wickedness such as we never knew You the people of the word of God Go Take your cattle and leave my town and never come back again- On the ground of old friendship- one dealer pleaded for pity Khama Hashed back Friendship You know better than any one how I hate this drink Dont talk to me about friendship You are my worst enemy- I had a right to expect that you would uphold my my laws and you bring in the stuff for others to break them You ask for pity and you show me no pity Xo I have had enough of such pity It is my duty- to have pity on my people over whom God has placed me and I am going to show them pity today That is my duty to God And the drink went To the British administration he wrote i dread the white mans drink more than the assegais of the Matabele which kill mens bodies and Is quickly over but drink puts devils into men and destroys their souls and their bodies forever Its wounds never heal I pray your honor never to ask me to open even a little door- to the drink HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE- The above Is the name of a German chemical which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kid- ney ¬ Remedy Hexamethylnet < tramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Fo ¬ leys Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malady Sold by all druggists U WINDSOR HOTEL < JACKSONVILLES FINEST AND FLORIDAS LARGEST and BEST YEARROUND HOTEL Rates 3 per Day and Upwards American Plan THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor- The ILt- o H Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of and liar been made under his per- sonal 4c n supervision since its infancy I Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health r L Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare fecric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allay Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles Cures Constipation- and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy anti natural sleep The Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY 3 bears the Signature of J I The KM You to Always Bought- In Use For Ovr 30 Years THC CENTaU OOOMNV TT MURRAY THCCT NEW YORK err S L Better Not Get 1 1 v Dyspepsia W If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsj effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indij But dont trifle with Indigestion u A great many people who haTe a partial digesterandt- rifled with indigestion have been not digesters at all sorry for itwhen nervous or Kodol Is a perfect II chronic dyspepsia resulted and you could see Kodol dig sting every they have jot been able to cure it particle of food of all kinds in the Use Kodol and prevent having glass testtubes in our laboratories Dyspepsia you would know this Just ag well Everyone is subject to Indiges- tion ¬ as we do- Nature Stomach derangement follows and Kodol will always a stomach abuse Just as naturally cure a sick stomachbut in order and just as surely as a sound and to be cured the stomach must rest healthy stomach results upon the That Is what Kodol doesrests the taking of Kodol stomach while the stomach golf When you experience sourness well Just as simple as A B C of stomach belching of gas and Our Guarantee nauseating fluid bloated sensation gnawing pain in the pltot the Co to your drcgjrl today and gets dol lar bottle Then after you have used the stomach heart burn socalled entire contents of the bottle If you diarrhoea headaches dullness or honestly gay that It has not done you eany return the bottle to the druggist aDC chronic tired feeling you need Kb he will refund your money without ques ¬ doL And then the quicker you take non or delay We trill then pay the drnr gist lor the bottle Dont hesitate till Kodol the better Eat what you druggists know that our guarantee ia good want let Kodol digest it This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one In a family The large bat ¬ Ordinary pepsin dyspepsia tab ¬ tie contains 250i oa much as toe filtr lets physics etc are not likely cent bottle to be of much oeneflt to you in Kodol is prepared at the labor digestive ailments Pepsin Is only toriesof E C DeWItt n Chicsigl r FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES
Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-01 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03336/00119.pdfOCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 1909 r nn a v n H ROBINSON Presldea-+

Cdy YA I44a t





i r




a v n H ROBINSON Presldea-tilHBLITCHManager+ J C BOOZER Aset MBg

f7f GEO J BU TOO Te-





RAre the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers of the surroun ding territory-

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men andwomen who have built and are still building successful enterprises-

We solicit a share of your business








he only House in Central Florida that Completely

Furnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest andBest ia Furniture Keeping up with the times and JuslWhat the People Want

Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell

Hardware r Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc

Look over our Stock and get our prices before you

make your purchases Yours Respectfully


cala Floridaa



Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

r W JP EDWARDSPhone 108 City Mar-




Leading Commercial Hotel Rates 52 Per Day Ocala Florida


HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC-ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec-


New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re ¬

pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower


Phone 21 Office Montezuma Hotel



PARK HOTELVJacksonville Fla

European PlanRa-tes 1 per day and up Rathskeller-and Cafe in Connectio-



AVc are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and octagon

blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen-and our motto is to please

Temporary quarters phone 2oO


1 Just a MinuteAb-out Sewing Machines


Why Not Buy The BestThere is no economy in buying machines that are cheap in mechan ¬

ism and high in price that you will want to trade oft in a short time-

A SINGER is always the pride of its owner The Singer SewingMachine is recognized all over the world as time model of sewing machineperfection and all other makes are judged by the Singer standard That-is why every woman is proud to own a Singer sold only by the Singer

Sewing Machine Co dealing directly from maker to user They are BOW

being sold at lower pricest

Also the best oil needles belts etc of which we carry a largerstock than any other dealer and we are on the spot to give careful at¬

tention to all customers

F A STA1VIRS Mgr30 12 Montezuma Block j


j J

The Man-




Copyright 1998 by Dodd Med Q Co

That evening he dragged the reluc ¬

tant Saunders into the privacy of the-



J Jfw e J

The enemy wa sitting serenely on one oftfurtron benches

hanging garden and deliberately interrupted the game of bridge which wasgoing on-

Ladies and gentlemen said MrBritt camly dropping into a chairnear by this place is full of spies

Spies I cried four voices in unisonMr Saunders nodded a plaintive apol ¬

ogyYes sir every native servant here-

Is a spy Thats what the enemy washere for today Ive analyzed the sit-


and Im right Aint 1 MrSaunders Of course I am He camehere to tell em what to do and how toreport our affairs to him See More-


lies getting the evidence of ev-


to prove that Skaggs andWyckbdlme were men of sound mindup to the hour of their death He hasthe depositions of agents and dealers-in Bombay Aden Suez and threE orfour European cities all along thatline He goes over the days business-at the bank as often as we do asagents for the executors He knowsJust how many rubles and sapphires-were washed out yesterday and howmuch they weigh Its our business-as your agents to scrape up every¬

thing as far back as we can go toprove that the old chaps were mentallyoff their base when they drew up thatagreement and will Of course if wecan prove that insanity has always-run through the two families it

Good Lord gasped Browne nerv-ously


tift would be a great help If wecan show that you and MrserLadyDeppingham have queer spells occa ¬

sionally ifNot for all the islands in the world

cried Lady Deppingham The IdeaQueer spells Please be good enough-to leave me out of the insanity dodge-as you Americans call it

Is it necessary to make niy husbandInsane in order to establish the factthat hIs grandfather was not of soundmind 1 queried pretty Mrs Brownewith her calmest Boston Inflection-

It depends on your husband saidBritt coolly If he sticks at anythingwhich may help us to break that willhes certainly insane Thats all Ivegot to say about it

Well Im hanged if Ill pose as aninsane man roared Browne-

Mr aunders hasnt asked me tobe insane have you Mr Saundersasked Lady Agnes In her sweetestscorn-

I dont apprehend < began Saun ¬

ders nervouslySaunders said Britt calculatingly-

and evenly next thing well have tobegin hunting for insanity in yourfamily We havent heard anythIngfrom you on this little point LordDeppingham-

I dont know anything about MrSaunders family said Deppinghamstiffly Britt looked at him for a mo-


puzzled and uncertain Thenhe gave a short hopeless laugh andsaid under his breath

Holy smokeWhen he finally called the tonfer

ence adjourned and prepared to de ¬

part he calmly turned to the stenog¬

rapherDid you get all this down Miss Pel

hamYesMr Britt

Good Then he went away leav-ing


the quartet unconsciously de¬

pressed by the emphasis he placedupon that single word

The next day but one it was an ¬

nounced that the enemy bad movedinto the bungalow From time to timehis gray blue or white clad fiirurocould be seen directing the operationsof the natives who were engaged inrehabilitating Wyckholmes nest

The chateau was now under thevery eye of the enemy

Continued Tomorrow

Many persons find themselves af-


with a persistent cough after-an attack of influenza As this cough-can be promptly cured by the use of

Chamberlains Cough Remedy itshould not be allowed to run on until-it becomes trobulesome


W Cs T1



The saloon causes men to stumbleStrong drink causes men to stum ¬

bleThe saloon makes for strife and fordestruction

Strong drink leads to strife and de ¬

structionTherefore Christian people who

must answer to God for what they doand to Christ for any souls led astraymust be against the saloon andagainst strong drink

The Peace Destroyer-That drunkenness does not make for

peace was remarked long ago by Sol ¬

omon who saw in it babblings andbrawls One of our Philadelphia news-papers


the day after the birthday ofthe Prince of Peace published this

While under the influence of drinkwhich he had taken to celebrateChristmas William Turner a weaveryesterday quarreled over his dinnerwith his wife and sisterinlaw intheir little home-

In his anger he struck the wife asshe held in her arms their tenweeks-old son Albert suckling at the breastMrs Turner fell across the end of alounge her body crushing that of thechild A few minutes later the babydiedLast night Turner in his cell in theFront and Westmoreland Streets Sta ¬

tion was heartbroken Sobered by hisact he realized its consequence Inhis grief he prayed and wept and la ¬

mented In another part of the sta ¬

tion house where she was being heldfor awitness was his wife who weptfor the little ono so recently come intotheir life who had left them-

It was a tragic ending to theChristmas feast over which the wifehad labored in preparation The din-ner


wits to have been at once a cele ¬

bration of the annual day of happi ¬

ness and of two years of married lifeSuch tragedies are the daily results ofdrink


Vhat Think You-

A commercial traveler speaking toa furniture dealer in a Michigan citysaid recently Look out for localoption Its a bad one for certainkinds of business I asked one of mymustomers in a dry town in Illinoishow he liked it He said his wifeopposed it because she could not geta woman to do her washing A fewweeks after the town went dry herwoman who had been doing her wash-ing


said Ill not be here again aftertoday Why not anything wrongXo only since the saloons closed myhusband brings his money home and-I do not have to wash any moreLet us ask which is the better thatthe saloonkeeper should have themoney of this man and that his wifeshould be compelled to do washing inorder to earn bread or that his money

I should be given to her to buy food andclothing The answer to this question-will determine the answer to thequestion as to whether prohibitionpays What do you think about it


What Teacher DidJapanese laws against the smoking-

of cigarettes are very stringent For ¬

merly almost every boy smoked butone school master having proved tohis own satisfaction that the habit ef¬

fected permanent injury to growingboys ruled against them Feeling thatho could not under such circum-stances


go on smoking himself hegave up the practice and persuaded-his colleagues to do likewise

The real distinctions between peo ¬

ples are not those of Orient or Occi ¬

dent wealth or rank or socalled suc ¬

cess or failure they are those ofgrowth of mind and soul YouthsCompanion

6 4

The allowable thing is ofteifc thefateful thing Doctor Cuyler wellseys of the temptation of youth forstrong drink Youth is commonlystronger at the engine than at the

I brakes One unanswerable proof ofthe difficulty of stopping the drinkhabit is found in the fact that so fewactually reform Xot a tenth of thoseenslaved to the bottle ever break looseeven though they cry in their sobermoments Would to God I mightnever taste another drop There was-a touch of pathos in the speech of oneof our boys in blue to the magis ¬

trate after he was arrested for drunk-enness


He held up a whisky flask



A 23c Bottle far a Simple ColdA 5Dc Bottle lor a Heavy Cold-A 100 Bode for a Deep seated Cough

Sold by all BruucistsDAVIS IAWRKXCE CO Nc-

wYorkPIMPLESI I tried all kinds of blood remedies1

which failed to do me any good but Ihave found the right thing at last Myface was full of pimples and blackheadsAfter taking Cascarets they all left I amcontinuing the use of them and recom¬

mending them to my friends I feel finewhen I rise in the morning Hope tohave a chance to recommend CascaretsFred C Witten 76 Elm St Newark N J

Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste GoodDo Good Never Sicken Wenken or GripelOc 25c 50c Never sold in bulk The genu-ine


I tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed tocare or your money back 922



CI The n


LAXATIVE cough remedyFor coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good for everybody Sold everywhere

The genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR is ia-

lYellow package RcfuscsubstitutfU-Prepared only by



Treating The Wrong DiseaseVtimes women call on their family physicians suffering as they

imagine one from dyspepsia another from heart disease another fromliver or kidney disease another from nervous prostration another withpain an there and in this way they present alike to themselvesand their easygoing or overbusy doctor separate diseases for which-he assuming them to be such prescribes and potions In IIreality they are all symptoms caused bv some weakness or derange-ment


a organs distinctly feminine The physician ignorant of thecanst of suffering keeps up his treatment until large are madeThe suffering patient gets no better by reason of wrong treat¬

ment but probably worse A proper medicine like Dr Pierces Fa¬

vorite Prescription directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease therebydispelling all those distressing symptoms and instituting comfort instead of prolongedmisery It has been well said that a disease known is half cured-

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine carefully devised < bYf

I an experienced and skillful physician and adapted to womans delicate system>

It Is made of native American medicinal roots without the use of alcohol

and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the female system

As a powerful invigorating tonic Fa¬ ine Favorite Prescription is unequaledvorite Prescription imparts strength to and is invaluable in allaying and subduingthe whole system and to the organs dis¬ nervous excitability irritability nervoustinctly feminine in particular For over¬ exhaustion nervous prostration neuralgiaworked wornout rundown debilitated hysteria spasms St Vituss dance andteachers milliners dressmakers seam¬ other distressing nervous symptoms com-


stresses shopgirls housekeepers nurs-ing

¬ attendant upon functional and or-ganic


mothers and feeble women generally disease of the distinctly feminineDr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the organs It induces refreshing sleep andgreatest earthly boon being unequaled mental anxiety and despondency-as an appetizing cordial and restorative Dr Pierces Pleasant f

tonic the stomach liver and bovels One toAs a soothing and strengthening nerv three a dose Easy to take as candyEVERY WOMAN ought to possess Dr Pierces great book the Peoples Common Sens Medical

Adviser a magnificent thousandpage illustrated volume It teaches mothers how to care for theirchildren and themselves It is the best doctor to have in the house in case of emergency Over half-a million copies were sold at 150 each but one free copy in papercovers will be sent on receipt of a21 onecent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only or send 31 stamps for a handsome clothbound s

COP Address the publishers Worlds Dispensary Medical Association 663 Main St Buffalo N Y

and said your honor the only ene-my


that ever conquered me Is thatc se

We level our anathemas at the sa-loonkeeper

¬ I

who vends liquors over thebar but far more culpable Is he whogives respectability to the bar by hispresence and his patronage We be-lieve


in Invoking the power of thelegislature and judgments of thecourts against the curse of drink butwe honestly believe that if all of uswould scrupulously judge ourselvesalong the line of PaulS rule weshould make far quicker work of It

Judge Sends Former Schoolmate to

Kansas City NovJail

20 Addressing I

John Conners who was on trial forstealing 250 worth of Junk Iron I

Judge Ralph S Latshaw said I

Do you remember the first timeIwe met It was when Kve were both

boys The judge continued Wewere nearly the same age and werein the same class in the old Lathropschool It must have been over 30years ago-

I can remember you will Youwere the one whom our classmates-had picked to become president Youwere the best in spelling and arith ¬


metic The teacher considered youher model pupil Your penmanship-was the roundest and the letters themost perfect Everything came easy-toI you while the rest of us had to

I study hard to get our lessons Younever have found out what real work-is

But Connors do you remember-the next time I saw you It was tenyears ago You came to my office tohave me write a letter to the gov-ernor


to have your citizenship re ¬I stored You had served a term InI the penitentiary for grand larcenyWhat was the cause of your down-fall


I WhiskyConnors was sentenced to 60 days-

in jail then paroled on condition hewould leave whisky alone33

King Khama a native chief or thetribe of BechuanasJ in Africa grewup as a boy in the midst of the gross ¬

est savagery Before he came to hiskingship however he became aChristian through personal contactwith his loved friend John Macken-zie


the missionary statesman ofSouth Africa

Khama determined to put an endto native beer drinking with all ofits evils and also determined to pro ¬

hibit the white mans drink from theboundaries of his own state Thewhite traders and liquor dealers vio¬

lated his laws smuggled goods anddefied the most strenuous legislationWarning followed warning still thelaw was violated Finally tried be-

long further endurance the kinggave an ultimatum in a public speech-to all the liquor dealers and traders-in his domain It is this speech that

j shows his strength of character andreveals a life of the finest temper

Take everything that you haveTake all that is your and go I amtrying to lead my people to act ac ¬

cording to that word of God whichwe have received from you whitepeople and you show them an ex¬

ample of wickedness such as we neverknew You the people of the word ofGod Go Take your cattle andleave my town and never come backagain-

On the ground of old friendship-one dealer pleaded for pity KhamaHashed back Friendship Youknow better than any one how I hatethis drink Dont talk to me aboutfriendship You are my worst enemy-I had a right to expect that youwould uphold my my laws and youbring in the stuff for others to breakthem You ask for pity and youshow me no pity Xo I have hadenough of such pity It is my duty-to have pity on my people over whomGod has placed me and I am going toshow them pity today That is myduty to God And the drink went

To the British administration hewrote i dread the white mansdrink more than the assegais of theMatabele which kill mens bodies andIs quickly over but drink puts devilsinto men and destroys their souls andtheir bodies forever Its woundsnever heal I pray your honor neverto ask me to open even a little door-to the drink


The above Is the name of a Germanchemical which is one of the manyvaluable ingredients of Foleys Kid-ney


Remedy Hexamethylnet < tramineis recognized by medical text booksand authorities as a uric acid solventand antiseptic for the urine Take Fo¬

leys Kidney Remedy as soon as younotice any irregularities and avoid aserious malady Sold by all druggists




Rates 3 per Day and Upwards American Plan




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Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beenin use for over 30 years has borne the signature of

and liar been made under his per-sonal4c n supervision since its infancy

I Allow no one to deceive you in thisAll Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health rLInfants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Parefecric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allay Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles Cures Constipation-and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates theStomach and Bowels giving healthy anti natural sleepThe Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend

CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY 3bears the Signature of


IThe KM You to Always Bought-




Better Not Get 1


v Dyspepsia W

If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsjeffectually helping Nature to Relieve IndijBut dont trifle with Indigestion


A great many people who haTe a partial digesterandt-rifled with indigestion have been not digesters at allsorry for itwhen nervous or Kodol Is a perfect IIchronic dyspepsia resulted and you could see Kodol dig sting everythey have jot been able to cure it particle of food of all kinds in the

Use Kodol and prevent having glass testtubes in our laboratoriesDyspepsia you would know this Just ag well

Everyone is subject to Indiges-tion

¬ as we do-NatureStomach derangement follows and Kodol will always a

stomach abuse Just as naturally cure a sick stomachbut in orderand just as surely as a sound and to be cured the stomach must resthealthy stomach results upon the That Is what Kodol doesrests thetaking of Kodol stomach while the stomach golf

When you experience sourness well Just as simple as A B Cof stomach belching of gas and Our Guaranteenauseating fluid bloated sensationgnawing pain in the pltot the Co to your drcgjrl today and gets dollar bottle Then after you have used thestomach heart burn socalled entire contents of the bottle If youdiarrhoea headaches dullness or honestly gay that It has not done you eany

return the bottle to the druggist aDCchronic tired feeling you need Kb he will refund your money without ques¬doL And then the quicker you take non or delay We trill then pay the drnrgist lor the bottle Dont hesitate tillKodol the better Eat what you druggists know that our guarantee ia goodwant let Kodol digest it This offer applies to the large bottle only

and to but one In a family The large bat¬Ordinary pepsin dyspepsia tab¬ tie contains 250i oa much as toe filtrlets physics etc are not likely cent bottleto be of much oeneflt to you in Kodol is prepared at the labordigestive ailments Pepsin Is only toriesof E C DeWIttn Chicsigl r

