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Occupational Identity - Concept Review

Date post: 20-Jul-2015
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My boyfriend is the most

important part of my life.

He is my best friend as

well and boyfriend He

provides me with

support and encouragement

with everything I do in life.

He is always there for me

no matter what. I cherish

every moment we spend

together and look forward

to what the future holds

I love to travel and see the different cultures and amazing sights. I wish to travel more in my future

and get the chance to experience how people live in different countries an immerse myself in all

of the different beautiful sights in the world.


FriendsFriends are very important to me

as they are the ones I get advice

and share incredible moments

with. They are there through

thick and thin and will always

be honest no matter what.

Fitness is a huge

part of my life.

Crossfit is the one

thing that makes me feel

better, both physically

and mentally. It gives me

a great deal of satisfaction

and constantly provides

Me with goals. It allows

me to constantly push my

mind and body to its limits


Cooking and healthy

eating is a huge part

of my life as I believe

A healthy lifestyle promotes

The best health. I cook

everyday and love it. It

Provides me with a challenge

And provides self worth

as I can fuel my body with

healthy foods and also

Provide others with nutritious




This big step of moving out of home and becoming a scarfie has taught me how to be independent

and has put me in many different life situations. It has helped to define my life through the choices I

have made and amazing people I have met on the way.

Occupational therapy is the

current goal I am

working towards at Otago


This is my future and what

I see myself doing. It provides

me with the sense of enabling

others to participate in the

occupations in their life that

they find meaningful. This

consumes a lot of my time

as I study very hard to

accomplish this goal. I love

to help others and seeing

them succeed

Sourced from: http://www.shoreline-pt.com/Therapists.htm


My first ever job and they one I am still currently in has provided me with the skills of customer service

and cash handling skills. It allows me to contribute to society and help a business run. I have met some

truly amazing people working here; both colleagues and customers. This job is important to be as it

provides me with an income which I need to survive. It allows me to participate in other occupations and

independent. It helps contribute to my occupational identity as it provides me with future skills and

a work ethic I can take into my future.

FootballFootball has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. It introduced my into my love

of sports and health. I have represented Otago for my age group several years in a row. It has

made me realize the responsibility you need to have with being in a team and my team work

abilities I have now. Every Saturday morning revolved around football. The dedication it took to get

up in the frosty mornings and play in the freezing cold. It brought a lot of satisfaction to my life and has

shaped my passion for physical exercise.

Image sourced from:


FamilyThese amazing people in my life have helped shaped

the person I am today. They have taught my all of my

values in life and have brought me up to be the person

I am today. The invest all of their time me and each other,

always supportive and encouraging. These people mean

everything to me and have given me everything I have

ever needed. They have had a huge influence in shaping

who I am today.

Occupational Identity

All of the slides in this power point impact

and help shape who I am today and who

I want to be in the future. Through these

people and occupations I have been

provided with skill, knowledge and the

values I hold today. I am truly lucky to have

these people and occupations in my life

as I absolutely love life and all of the

opportunities within it.


Neice, D. (2013). Standings and Scores. Retrieved from: http://www.mcaleague.com/boys_soccer.htm

Our Lady of Lourdes. (n.d). Gala Sponsors. Retrieved from: http://www.olol.school.nz/sponsers.html

Rindell, T. (n.d). For PT’s and OT’s. Retrieved from: http://www.shoreline-pt.com/Therapists.htm
