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Ocean Aid: All-Natural, High Quality, Cost-Effective Wound ...saic verruca, verruca plantaris,...

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ic surgeons, dentists and homeopath- ic practitioners have all been experi- encing success with our products. They have reported reduced healing times, patient compliance, ease of use and painless application. We would like to emphasize that our products are all natural, sterile, and pharmaceutical grade, as well as being pH and salt balanced. Ocean Aid products have been proven to aid in the healing process of numer- ous skin and throat conditions. After extensive research and clinical test- ing, we are confident that the medi- cal community needs our products to effectively help people experienc- ing many different ailments. Treating Wounds The Natural Way Infections and diabetic foot ulcer- ations are the most common reason for a diabetic patient to be admitted to the hospital. The diabetic foot triad, which consists of peripheral neuropathy, deformity and minor trauma, has been described as the causative pathway to diabetic foot ul- cers (Reiber, et al). The peripheral neuropathy causes loss of protective sensation which allows minor trauma to occur; the patients cannot feel it, so initially it causes inflammation, bulla formation or hematoma and if By Eddie Kolos and Marty Stern Ocean Aid, Inc. is dedicated to providing healthcare professionals and patients with all natural products that effectively heal skin trauma, pre- vent infection, and nourish healthy cells. Our innovative products com- bine antibacterial enzymes with natu- ral elements and minerals to help re- generate and protect living cells. Our products have achieved incredible re- sults by reducing average healing time by almost 50%, as well as min- imizing scarring. Ocean Aid ensures superior wound care for your per- sonal healing needs by offering high quality and cost-efficiency. A Unique Formula The patented formula used to create the Ocean Aid line of prod- ucts is a sterile solution comprised of reverse osmosis water, coral reef sea salt, and the natural enzyme, lysozyme. Lysozyme is an archaic enzyme found naturally in the human body’s breast milk, saliva, tears, mucosal secretions, gastroin- testinal fluids, amniotic fluids, blood, and urine. Lysozyme attacks over 650 types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses harmful to the human body. Using lysozyme to target the gram- positive bacteria, while leaving the beneficial bacteria unharmed, is the most advantageous method of main- taining the immune system. To obtain the optimal delivery system for the lysozyme we added coral reef sea salt. The sea salt helps to recreate the natural environment of lysozyme to achieve its maximum effectiveness. The sea salt also safely nourishes the affected area, increases blood circulation, and establishes an isotonic solution that the human body will accept. Coral reef sea salt contains over 82 major and minor el- ements and minerals that the bo- dyneeds, especially during the regen- eration of cells. Podiatrists, pediatricians, cosmet- it continues to go untreated severe ul- ceration and infection set in. Foot de- formities cause an increase in pressure on several plantar surfaces. This, along with peripheral neuropathies, undoubtedly lead to diabetic foot ul- cerations. Patients that have previous- ly had ulcerations or amputations are at higher risk for these complications. Ocean Aid is an all-natural product line that was developed to heal wounds without using harmful anti- septics and disinfectants. Antiseptics and disinfectants do kill bacteria, but they also destroy the healing tissues (including scaffolding subcutaneous structures and migrating and regen- erating epithelial cells), and the in- flammatory cells that are cleaning up necrotic debris and harmful bacteria. Unlike other products on the mar- ket, the goal of Ocean Aid is to kill microbial invaders and provide es- sential minerals to enhance cell growth and repair, resulting in a faster healing time. The key ingredient in Ocean Aid products is lysozyme. The lysozyme used in this product is isolated from domesticated chicken egg whites, but it has been found in bacterio- phage, yeast, invertebrates, fish, rep- tiles, birds and mammals (Chung et al., 1988). In the blood, lysozyme is produced by macrophages and neu- trophils which are the first white blood cells on the site of any trauma or invasion (Cross et al.,1988). Lysozyme is a single polypeptide chain of 129 amino acids that con- tains four disulfide bridges between cysteine residues 6-127, 30-115, 64- 80, 76-94 which gives it a unique shape that is needed for its active state (Holm and Sander, 1994). Lysozyme (aka. Mumamidase) enzymatic activity is antibacterial be- cause it hydrolyzes polysaccharides that help make up the protective bar- rier of bacterial cell walls (hence tar- geting only bacteria). The bioactive tertiary structure has a binding site that accommodates six hexoses. 204 www.podiatrym.com PODIATRY MANAGEMENT JUNE/JULY 2007 PROFILES IN EXCELLENCE 2007 PROFILES IN EXCELLENCE 2007 Ocean Aid: All-Natural, High Quality, Cost-Effective Wound Treatment Circle #101
Page 1: Ocean Aid: All-Natural, High Quality, Cost-Effective Wound ...saic verruca, verruca plantaris, mol-luscum contagiosum, and hereditary keratosis punctata plantaris. Satisfaction and

ic surgeons, dentists and homeopath-ic practitioners have all been experi-encing success with our products.They have reported reduced healingtimes, patient compliance, ease ofuse and painless application.

We would like to emphasize thatour products are all natural, sterile,and pharmaceutical grade, as well asbeing pH and salt balanced. OceanAid products have been proven toaid in the healing process of numer-ous skin and throat conditions. After

extensive research and clinical test-ing, we are confident that the medi-cal community needs our productsto effectively help people experienc-ing many different ailments.

Treating Wounds The NaturalWay

Infections and diabetic foot ulcer-ations are the most common reasonfor a diabetic patient to be admittedto the hospital. The diabetic foottriad, which consists of peripheralneuropathy, deformity and minortrauma, has been described as thecausative pathway to diabetic foot ul-cers (Reiber, et al). The peripheralneuropathy causes loss of protectivesensation which allows minor traumato occur; the patients cannot feel it,so initially it causes inflammation,bulla formation or hematoma and if

By Eddie Kolos and Marty Stern

Ocean Aid, Inc. is dedicated toproviding healthcare professionalsand patients with all natural productsthat effectively heal skin trauma, pre-vent infection, and nourish healthycells. Our innovative products com-bine antibacterial enzymes with natu-ral elements and minerals to help re-generate and protect living cells. Ourproducts have achieved incredible re-sults by reducing average healingtime by almost 50%, as well as min-imizing scarring. Ocean Aid ensuressuperior wound care for your per-sonal healing needs by offeringhigh quality and cost-efficiency.

A Unique FormulaThe patented formula used to

create the Ocean Aid line of prod-ucts is a sterile solution comprisedof reverse osmosis water, coral reefsea salt, and the natural enzyme,lysozyme. Lysozyme is an archaicenzyme found naturally in thehuman body’s breast milk, saliva,tears, mucosal secretions, gastroin-testinal fluids, amniotic fluids,blood, and urine. Lysozyme attacksover 650 types of bacteria, fungi, andviruses harmful to the human body.Using lysozyme to target the gram-positive bacteria, while leaving thebeneficial bacteria unharmed, is themost advantageous method of main-taining the immune system.

To obtain the optimal deliverysystem for the lysozyme we addedcoral reef sea salt. The sea salt helpsto recreate the natural environmentof lysozyme to achieve its maximumeffectiveness. The sea salt also safelynourishes the affected area, increasesblood circulation, and establishes anisotonic solution that the humanbody will accept. Coral reef sea saltcontains over 82 major and minor el-ements and minerals that the bo-dyneeds, especially during the regen-eration of cells.

Podiatrists, pediatricians, cosmet-

it continues to go untreated severe ul-ceration and infection set in. Foot de-formities cause an increase in pressureon several plantar surfaces. This,along with peripheral neuropathies,undoubtedly lead to diabetic foot ul-cerations. Patients that have previous-ly had ulcerations or amputations areat higher risk for these complications.

Ocean Aid is an all-natural productline that was developed to healwounds without using harmful anti-septics and disinfectants. Antiseptics

and disinfectants do kill bacteria, butthey also destroy the healing tissues(including scaffolding subcutaneousstructures and migrating and regen-erating epithelial cells), and the in-flammatory cells that are cleaning upnecrotic debris and harmful bacteria.Unlike other products on the mar-ket, the goal of Ocean Aid is to killmicrobial invaders and provide es-sential minerals to enhance cellgrowth and repair, resulting in afaster healing time.

The key ingredient in Ocean Aidproducts is lysozyme. The lysozymeused in this product is isolated fromdomesticated chicken egg whites,but it has been found in bacterio-

phage, yeast, invertebrates, fish, rep-tiles, birds and mammals (Chung etal., 1988). In the blood, lysozyme isproduced by macrophages and neu-trophils which are the first whiteblood cells on the site of any traumaor invasion (Cross et al.,1988).Lysozyme is a single polypeptidechain of 129 amino acids that con-tains four disulfide bridges betweencysteine residues 6-127, 30-115, 64-80, 76-94 which gives it a uniqueshape that is needed for its activestate (Holm and Sander, 1994).

Lysozyme (aka. Mumamidase)enzymatic activity is antibacterial be-cause it hydrolyzes polysaccharidesthat help make up the protective bar-rier of bacterial cell walls (hence tar-geting only bacteria). The bioactivetertiary structure has a binding sitethat accommodates six hexoses.

204 www.podiatrym.comPODIATRY MANAGEMENT • JUNE/JULY 2007

P R O F I L E S I N E X C E L L E N C E 2 0 0 7P R O F I L E S I N E X C E L L E N C E 2 0 0 7

Ocean Aid: All-Natural, High Quality, Cost-Effective Wound Treatment

Circle #101

Page 2: Ocean Aid: All-Natural, High Quality, Cost-Effective Wound ...saic verruca, verruca plantaris, mol-luscum contagiosum, and hereditary keratosis punctata plantaris. Satisfaction and

JUNE/JULY 2007 • PODIATRY MANAGEMENTwww.podiatrym.com 205

P R O F I L E S I N E X C E L L E N C E 2 0 0 7P R O F I L E S I N E X C E L L E N C E 2 0 0 7

ments and minerals to promote celland tissue growth to accommodateaccelerated healing provided by thesea salt. The moisturizing foam has aunique composition that keeps theseextraordinary elements over the af-fected area, creating an invisible ban-dage that does not clog pores and iseasy to apply. Ocean Aid moisturiz-ing foam is appropriate for manyconditions that podiatrists encounteron a daily basis. This formulation hassuccessfully treated and healed con-ditions such as psoriasis, postopera-tive phenol/alcohol procedures, andexcision of porokeratotic lesions, mo-

saic verruca, verruca plantaris, mol-luscum contagiosum, and hereditarykeratosis punctata plantaris.

Satisfaction and SynergyThe podiatrists currently using

these products are reporting reducedhealing times, painless applicationand 100% patient satisfaction andpatient compliance. Ocean Aid Sprayand Ocean Aid Moisturizing Foamhave a wide range of indications, andthese products are also well toleratedby all ages and skin types. Some ofthe indications include burns, lacera-tions, abrasions, sore throats, con-junctivitis, post-operative woundsand almost any penetration of theskin’s defense mechanisms. Theseproducts can also be used togethersynergistically; the spray would beapplied first for the increased con-

When lysozyme comes into contactwith these bacterial polysaccharidesthey bind via these active bindingsites causing stress on the fourth hex-ose, which breaks the C-O bond anda water molecule is inserted and theenzyme is released and ready to workagain. The accumulation of brokenbonds in the bacterial cell wall causesstructural instability, leaving the bac-teria susceptible to osmotic pressureand lysis. Essentially, it lyses bacterialcell walls,, leaving eukaryotic cells in-tact. This bactericidal activity is mosteffective for gram positive bacteria,which is the cause of most skin infec-tions, including Staph and Strep.

Ocean Aid SprayOcean Aid spray is a patented iso-

tonic sea salt solution (0.9% NaCL)that provides many elements andminerals that are essential for acceler-ated wound healing. This formula-tion is also the optimum environ-ment for the lysozyme to work mostefficiently. It helps increase bloodflow at the affected site and providesthe essential elements and mineralsthat are cofactors for enzymes usedfor repair and new cell growth. Theproduct’s packaging is also one of itsmany great features. The packaging isa state-of-the art container that keepsthe solution completely sterilethroughout its entire use. The interi-or lining prevents bacteria and anyother airborne particle from enteringand contaminating the solution.Ocean Aid spray can be used for topi-cal cleansing and debriding of anywound, including stage I-IV pressureulcers, diabetic ulcers, burns, lacera-tions, abrasions, post-surgicalwounds, psoriasis, epidermalysis bul-losa, and even insect bites.

Ocean Aid FoamOcean Aid moisturizing foam

uses the same concepts as the spray,which include lysozyme that is cy-tolytic to gram-positive bacteria. Italso incorporates very important ele-

centration of lysozyme and the mois-turizing foam can be applied afterthe spray has dried to form a bacteri-cidal barrier. These products can beeasily dispensed by the podiatrist inhis/her office, increasing both officerevenue and patient compliance.

Ocean Aid, Inc. is dedicated toproviding healthcare professionalsand patients with all-natural prod-ucts that effectively heal skin trauma,prevent infection, and nourishhealthy cells. Our innovative prod-ucts combine antibacterial enzymeswith natural elements and mineralsto help regenerate and protect livingcells. Ocean Aid ensures superiorwound care for your personal healingneeds by offering high quality, cost-effective products.

References:Cross et al., 1988 M. Cross, I. Man-

gelsdorf, A. Wedel and R. Renkawitz,Mouse lysozyme M gene: isolation, char-acterization, and expression studies, Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988), pp. 6232-6236.

Holm and Sander, 1994 L. Holm andC. Sander, Structural similarity of plantchitinase and lysozymes from animal andphage. An evolutionary connection, FEBSLett. 340 (1994), pp. 129-132.

Chung et al., 1988 L.P. Chung, S. Ke-shav and S. Gordon, Cloning the humanlysozyme cDNA: inverted Alu repeat inthe mRNA and in Situ hybridization formacrophages and Paneth cells, Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 85 (1988), pp.6227-6231.

Dommett et al., 2005 R. Dommett,M. Zilbaur, J. T. George and M Bajaj-El-liott, Innate immune defence in thehuman gastrointestinal tract, MolecularImmunology London 42 (2005) pp903-912.

Reiber GE, VileikyteL, Boyko EJ, et al.,1999 Causal pathways for incident lower-extremity ulcers in patients with diabetesfrom two settings. Diabetes Care.1999;22(l):157-162

Rogers LC, Armstrong DG, et al.,2006 Assessing diabetic foot risk. PodiatryManagement Nov/Dec 2006 51-55

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Circle #101

Ocean Aid...

The Ocean Aid line

was developed to heal

wounds without using

harmful antiseptics

and disinfectants.
