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Page 1 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2019 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 - www.sjbrebeuf.org
Page 1: October 13, 2019 Page 1images.acswebnetworks.com/1/2852/512142101319.pdf · 6:00 pm Antonio and Tomas Acosta. October 13, 2019 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 SEASON

Page 1 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2019

St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

847-966-8145 - www.sjbrebeuf.org

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Page 2 Twenty– Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2019

Dear Parishioners, “When he looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their

offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting

in two small coins. He said, ‘I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings

from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered

her whole livelihood.’” (Luke 21:1-4) As a small child, this reading stood out to me. The thought of someone putting in a smaller amount than the others -- but actually giving all of herself in the process -- amazed me. I guess to a young child, more is just more! It wasn’t until I was older that I could appreciate the sacrifice the widow made. This weekend we begin our “Season of Stewardship.” During the next four weeks, we will discuss stewardship in all its forms -- how we give of our time, talent, and treasure. Some people think of stewardship as “the money talk,” but it is much, much more. In the early days of the Church, the collection was the way that congregations literally shared what little they had with each other. The needs of the early Church were met, along with the needs of those who could not care for themselves. Widows, the ill, and the elderly were all cared for through the passing of the basket. Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way we care for the gifts we have been given, use them well, and share them generously. It is through the giving and sharing of our resources that we help build the Kingdom of God. Stewardship is not a fundraiser. It isn’t the latest program, and it certainly isn’t a once-a-year event. Stewardship is every single day, every hour, the choices we make. It is closely tied to the Offertory during Mass. In fact, during this time as we wait for the Offertory basket we can ask:

Who can I pray for this week? How can I serve this week? How much can I graciously give this week?

As we reflect on the Offertory we can consider how to be like the widow, offering our whole selves, all we have, not just what is in our wallet or our bank account. This is the time to consider things like:

How can I share my time and talent to contribute to the Parish Mission? How is my prayer life? Do I spend time with God? Am I growing in my prayer life? Do I think of others before myself? How am I answering the call to discipleship?

We have Jesus as our model. Each act of giving is a step forward on our journey toward eternal life. Thank you for your generosity in time, talent, and treasure, Fr. Meany

Drodzy Parafianie, “Gdy podniósł oczy, zobaczył, jak bogaci wrzucali swe ofiary do skarbony. Zobaczył też, jak uboga jakaś wdowa wrzuciła tam dwa

pieniążki, i rzekł: «Prawdziwie powiadam wam: Ta uboga wdowa wrzuciła więcej niż wszyscy inni. Wszyscy bowiem wrzucali na ofiarę

z tego, co im zbywało; ta zaś z niedostatku swego wrzuciła wszystko, co miała na utrzymanie” (Łk 21:1-4)

Będąc małym dzieckiem ten fragment mnie poruszył. Myśl o tym, że ktoś wkłada mniejszą ilość niż inni - ale faktycznie oddaje się cały w tym procesie - zadziwił mnie. Myślę, że dla małego dziecka, więcej to po prostu więcej! Dopiero gdy byłem starszy, mogłem docenić poświęcenie dokonane przez wdowę. W ten weekend rozpoczynamy nasz „Sezon zarządzania”. W ciągu następnych czterech tygodni omówimy zarządzanie we wszystkich jego formach - w jaki sposób poświęcamy nasz czas, talent i skarb. Niektórzy ludzie uważają zarządzanie za „gadanie o pieniądzach”, ale to o wiele, wiele więcej. We wczesnych dniach Kościoła kolekta była sposobem, w jaki wspólnoty dzieliły się tym, co miały ze sobą. Potrzeby wczesnego Kościoła zostały zaspokojone, podobnie jak potrzeby tych, którzy nie mogli dbać o siebie. Opiekę nad wdowami, chorymi i osobami starszymi prowadzono dzięki kolekcie. Zarządzanie to sposób na życie. Jest to sposób, w jaki dbamy o otrzymane dary, które wykorzystujemy dobrze i dzielimy się nimi hojnie. To poprzez dawanie i dzielenie się naszymi zasobami pomagamy budować Królestwo Boże. Zarządzanie nie jest zbiorem funduszy. To nie jest najnowszy program ani coś, co można nastroić, a na pewno nie jest to wydarzenie raz w roku. Zarządzanie to każdy dzień, każda godzina, wybory, których dokonujemy. Jest ściśle związane z Ofiarowaniem podczas Mszy. W rzeczywistości, kiedy czekamy na koszyk, możemy zapytać:

Za kogo mogę się modlić w tym tygodniu? Jak mogę służyć w tym tygodniu? Ile mogę łaskawie dać w tym tygodniu?

Zastanawiając się nad Ofiarowaniem, możemy zastanowić się, jak być ową wdową, oferując wszystko, co mamy, a nie tylko to, co jest w naszym portfelu lub na naszym koncie bankowym. Czas zastanowić się nad tym:

Jak mogę podzielić się swoim czasem i talentem, aby przyczynić się do misji parafialnej? Jak wygląda moje życie modlitewne? Czy spędzam czas z Bogiem? Czy wzrastam w życiu modlitewnym? Czy myślę o innych czy tylko o sobie? Jak odpowiadam na wezwanie do bycia uczniem?

Mamy Jezusa jako wzór. Każdy akt dawania jest krokiem naprzód na naszej drodze do życia wiecznego. Dziękujemy za hojność w czasie, talentach i skarbach, Ks. Meany

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Page 3 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 13, 2019

Monday, October 14 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Craig Bourbon, Efren Miranda, Nicholas J. Smajo, Elanie Rivera (Health & Blessings), Thanksgiving for the Lim Family Tuesday, October 15 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Richard Zaprzalka, Angelita G. Mortera (Birthday Remembrance), Urszula Siek (1 month d/a), Sylvia Moore (Birthday Blessings) Wednesday, October 16 6:30 - Robert Boller, Robert Urgo (Birthday Remembrance) 8:30 - Craig Bourbon, Matthew Berszoner, D. Denise 7:00pm (Polish ) - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Wladyslaw Przybysz (3rd d/a), Henk, Lavergne, Bob Mizera, Halina Nowak & Edward Nowak, Governing Polish Nation, Danuta Jedrzejewska (Health & Blessings), Aniela & Czeslaw Knopisz (Health & Blessings), Iwona & Krzysztof Truchel (25th Wedding Anniv.) Thursday, October 17 6:30 - Patrick O’Connor 8:30 - Edgardo De Las Alas (d/a) Friday, October 18 6:30 - Bridget O’Connor 8:30 - Albert De Lorenzo Saturday, October 19 7:30 - Juan M. Zapata 5:00pm - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Josefina S. Navarro, Pedro Gonzales, Matthew Wojtaszek, Sr., Lly Kim Go, Donald Zarzycki, Juan M. Zapata, Dr. Fernando Rivera, Deceased Members of Cedilla Family 6:30pm - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Wieslaw Perkowski, Helena Jan Kurpisz, Zofia Czeslaw Garbarz, Zbigniew Kaminski (1 year d/a), Waldemar Kaszubski, Jadwiga, Jozef, & Artur Rafalko, Janiny Golik (Birthday Remembrance) & Wojciecha Golik, Tadeusz Wojcek (14th d/a), Eugeniusz Kwiek (2nd d/a) & Deceased Family Members, Louis & Sophie (Blessings), Family of Beata & Peter (Blessings),

Amanda & Mateusz (Blessings & Thanksgiving), Paulina & Timothy (Blessings & Thanksgiving), Pawel ( Health, Blessings & Thanksgiving), Karol (Health & Blessings) Sunday, October 20 - Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Car lton All Parishioners 9:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Domingo Paguio (35th d/a), Arthur & Dorothy Kapchinski, Robert Piton, Josefina Lynch (1st d/a), Anna Kozarska, Irena & Edward Mordell, Daniel & Joanne Amendola (50th Wedding Anniv. Blessings), Milagros U. Semilla (Birthday Thanksgiving) 10:45 - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Robert Pond, Paz & Maximo Cedilla, Fred & Rosalina Cedilla, Cesar Cedilla, Armin Cedilla, Yoly & Rachelle Ricafranca, Fredelino Cedilla, Nancy & Victor Rodriguez (50th Wedding Anniversary Blessings) 12:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Walter & Darek Ciechanowski, Zofia Poloncarz, Michael Puacz, Janina & Jozef Puacz, James, Zofia, & Wladyslaw Boczar, Daniel Szacilowski, Zbigniew Rojek, Damian Bertrand, Safe Travel, Family Thanksgiving, Special Intention 6:00pm - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Kamil & John Szczerbiak, Casimer Durava

Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of October 14-20

Intencje mszalne -- Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje

mszalne do biura parafialnego 14 dni przed żądanym ter-

minem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie

jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy termin biuletynu, czas ten

zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie

zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św.

Requests for Mass Inten�ons -- Please submit all Mass In-

ten�ons to the parish office two weeks in advance of your

request so they can be printed in the bulle(n. (Unless there

is an early deadline for bulle�n, this will be shortened). Only

intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass.

Note: The Parish Office will close at 1:00 pm on Monday, Oct. 14, in honor of Columbus Day.

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MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each

week. Suggested donation is $50. Please contact the parish office to select a date.

Altar Bread and Wine For the week of October 13, 2019 offered for

Wladyslawa Staszowski

Offered by: Susan & Irene

Pray For Our Ill Members Patty Pater (2) Patricia Severin (3) Madeline Albano (4) Charles Pembleton (4) K. Kozeny (4) Virginia Brekke (4) Cameron Kozeny (4) Diana Zumpano (3) Elena Sioson (2) Veren Schoenmann (4) Cresencio Rapanan (3) Matthew Sobieszczyk (2) Alex Barton (2) Heather Lach (4) Theresa Merrigan (3) Patricia Harris (2) Names on our ill list will appear for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared.

Celebrating our SJB Military Remembrance

St. John Brebeuf Parish accepts family members names, branch of service, and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, Attention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard. Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler Lt. Joseph Disclafani May they return safely to their families. If your loved one's name appears on this list and his/her rank is not included, please contact the parish office so the information can be added. Thank you. If you or your loved one is no longer in active service, please call the parish office to let us know.

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS those buried from our parish

Mieczyslawa Karpierz

Mieczyslaw Jewula

Stanislaw Wojtasik

Stanislawa Macanowicz

Nomer Manzanero

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 — 4:2; Lk 18:1-8

Saturday October 19 5:00 pm Kaitlyn Maczek, Jmaddison Simi 6:30 pm Max Regulski, Isabelle Nawara Sunday October 20 9:00 am Alyna & Maggie Prucnal, Cameron Garrett 10:45 am Steven Bronder, Max Gold Veronica Grden 12:30 pm Simon, Matthew & Faustina Majka 6:00 pm Antonio and Tomas Acosta

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YOU are a disciple.

How will your life reflect this mission?

Join us in discerning your prayer, service,

and giving toward our parish this year.

We are excited to kick off the Season of Stewardship at our parish! The Season of Stewardship calls us to reflect on the many ways we can grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus through stewardship. Stewardship is a grateful response that activates our discipleship through sharing in prayer, giving, and service. • How do you spend your time? • How will you give generously to our

Parish Mission? • How will you serve those in need? Join us in prayerful discernment over the next few weeks. Watch for more information coming soon!

Cieszymy się, że możemy rozpocząć sezon zarządzania w naszej parafii! Sezon zarządzania wzywa nas do refleksji nad różnymi sposobami, dzięki którym możemy pogłębiać naszą więź z Jezusem poprzez zarządzanie. Zarządzanie to wdzięczna odpowiedź, która aktywizuje nasze uczniostwo poprzez uczestnictwo w modlitwie, dawaniu i służbie. • Jak spędzasz swój czas? • Jak hojnie ofiarujesz na naszą misję

parafialną? • Jak możesz służyć potrzebującym? Dołącz do nas w modlitewnym rozeznaniu przez następne kilka tygodni. Więcej informacji już wkrótce!

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October 13: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel we hear that only one of those healed returned to glorify God and to give thanks

to God. It is true, that when we have a grateful heart we know that everything is a gift from God.

To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent DePaul so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

All information will be strictly confidential. St. John Brebeuf Parish Office: (847) 966-8145

13 października: Dwudziesta Osma Niedziela Zwykła W dzisiejszej Ewangelii słyszymy, że tylko jeden z uzdrowionych powrócił, aby wielbić Boga i

dziękować Bogu. Prawdą jest, że kiedy mamy wdzięczne serce, wiemy, że wszystko jest darem od Boga. Kiedy dziękujesy za wszystko, co Bóg Ci dał, czy zastanawiałeś się nad odpowiedzią na wezwanie pomocy biednym, dołączając do Towarzystwa Świętego Wincentego a Paulo? Czy Bóg wzywa Cię do przyłączenia się do Towarzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo? Jeśli znasz rodzinę która potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwoń do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem możemy pomóc cierpiacym i potrzebującym.

Wszystkie informacje bedą ściśle poufne. Biuro Parafijalne Sw. Jana Brebeufa (847) 966-8145

Uncle Pete's Ministry News Sack Dinners: Last Collection for 2019! This weekend is the final Uncle Pete’s Sack Dinner Minis-try drive for the 2019 season. Since March our parish provided over 3000 meals to the less fortunate. Thank you! In addition to families in need across Chicago’s West Side, those who we serve include: Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens St. Martin dePorres, Our Lady of Angels, Marillac Center, St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. Sylvester, Mother Teresa Sisters of Charity and Cornerstone Community Center Shelters and Housing Facilities Franciscan Harrison Shelter, Eddie Beard Veterans House, Grace House, St. Leonard’s House, Covenant House, the Franciscan Day Program Women and Children Deborah’s Place, Madonna House and House of the Good Shepherd, Marillac Project Hope, Sarah's Circle Senior Programs and other Our Lady of Angels, Marillac Center, YMCA residences If you haven't yet participated in this ministry, this weekend is a great opportunity for you. You’ll be surprised just how easy and rewarding it is! Thank you and God bless.

Uncle Pete’s Ministry Respect Life Baby Gift Shower

Once again Uncle Pete’s Ministry is sponsoring a Baby Gift Shower to com-memorate Respect Life Month. The par-ish has been generous in supporting this event for over 30 years. The baby gifts will be given to Catholic Charities, Infants, Marillac House, Heather’s Place and other Moms. You are invited to bring one new baby or toddler item to church and place it in a container found at the church entrance. Items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, tee shirts, sweaters sets, kimonos, onesies, outfits, booties, regular blan-kets and diapers are needed. Collection dates will be the following weekends in October: 12 & 13, 19 & 20 and 26 & 27. For additional information call Anna LaCorte, 847-965-2771.

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Marcel Majchrowski Lukasz & Wioleta Majchrowski

Gabriella Korowski

Dareiusz & Marzena Kurowski

Lilliana Weston & Guy Frank Battista Guy D. & Shannon Battista

Amelia Victoria Kania Macin J. & Anna Kania

Jacob Casey Potok

Kazimierz & Elzbieta Potok

Emily Helena Terc Richard & Deanna Terc

Dante Maxx Espinosa-Galarza

Will & Natalie Espinosa

Sofia Elizabeth Rageb Sami & Katazyna Rageb

Matthew Jozsef Tomaras

Bryan and Christine Tomaras

Kai Kameron & Zhari Elise Wallace Sean & Stephanie Wallace

An Invitation for Families of Newly Baptized Children

Dear Families, Greetings from St. John Brebeuf Parish, Niles. October blessings! We would like to invite all the children who have received the Sacrament of Baptism here at St. John’s in 2019 and their families for a special blessing ceremony on October 27, 2019 at 10:45 am in Church. We will be celebrating a Family Mass together with other SJB families. Please bring your children and your family to the Church on October 27 at 10:45 am for the Holy Eucharist and blessings. Reception to follow. Mac Karaban Pastoral Associate Drogie Rodziny, Chcielibyśmy zaprosić wszystkie dzieci, które otrzymały Sakrament Chrztu w naszej parafii w 2019 roku oraz ich rodziny na specjalne błogosławieństwo w dniu 27 października 2019 r. o godz. 10:45 rano w Kościele. Będziemy odprawiać Mszę Świętą wraz z innymi rodzinami SJB. Proszę, zabierzcie swoje dzieci i swoją rodzinę do Kościoła w dniu 10/27 o godzinie 10:45 na Eucharystię i błogosławieństwa. Poczęstunek po uroczystości. Maciek Karaban Pastoral Associate

We Welcome the Children Baptized in September

Welcome Sunday October 27, 2019, 10:45 am Mass

All parishioners are invited to join us at the 10:45 am Mass on October 27 for a special blessing of families

with newly baptized children -- followed by a reception with treats in the Parish Ministry Center. We will have special activities for children.

Come and meet everyone!

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SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The Children's Liturgy of the Word is geared especially for chil-dren ages 6-10. It is a special opportunity for children to under-stand and appreciate Scripture at Sunday Mass at 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Polish Mass. Basically, after the opening prayer (Collect), the children are invited to come forward with two adult Catechists and go to the Music Room in church to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word. Children’s Liturgy of the Word offers an experience for children to hear Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding of God’s word. The children return to the main parish assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We warmly invite all children in the parish to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of he Word. All parents, please encourage your children to join when the clergy invites them to come forward to hear the good news of the Lord. We welcome all of our children ages 6-10 to participate!

Wedding Banns Kristen Taylor & Kevin Baecker

The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayer daily, Monday through Friday, following the 8:30am Mass: Saturday, after the 7:30am Mass; Sunday before the 7:30am Mass. Praying the Rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful.

Devotions in the Church Rosary

Monday through Friday After 8:30 AM Mass

After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Every First Wednesday of the Month Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Inc. Benediction )

First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus

After 8:30 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

First Saturday Devotions

To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and

After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group

Monday 7:00 PM

Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM

Hour of Divine Mercy

Friday 3:00 PM Includes Stations of the Cross) Pray for priests every Thursday

The Anointing of the Sick Our Parish will be celebrating this spe-cial encounter with God on Saturday, October 26th 10:00 am Please attend if you feel that at this time in your life you need God’s ten-der care. We cordially invite you, family, and care givers to attend this Mass and Sacrament. After the liturgy, light refresh-ments will be served in the main entrance of the church.


On the last two weekends of Oct. 19-20 and 26-27, we will be at all Masses selling banks $2.00 and bars of 50 $8.00. Please help us help those with special needs. The proceeds will help the Knights of Columbus fund our program. This is our only fund-raiser. The GLADD Program God Bless You!

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St. John Brebeuf School Jumping Jaguars


Session 2: November 7th, 14th, 21st,

December 5th, 12th, & 19th

Session 3: January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, February 6th, & 13th

The St. John Brebeuf Jumping Jaguars Program is specifically designed for children ages 2 & 3. All sessions take place on Thursday mornings from 8:30am – 9:30am and a parent or care-giver must accompany the child and stay for all of the activities each day. The charge is only $20.00 for each six week session. Each Jumping Jaguars day in-cludes Library Time, Gym Play, and Crafts/Songs. For additional information and/or to register for Jumping Jaguars, contact St. John Brebeuf School Office (847) 966-3266.

Children’s Choirs SJB Gloria Choir, Grades 3-4

Tuesday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm in school

SJB Laudate Choir, Grades 5-8 including all parish children including RE students

Tuesday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the church

Contact Ewa Fair, 773-551-0289

Bookplates to Honor

Your Family

Donate toward one or more of our new hymnals through envelopes made availa-ble in our pews and at the church doors. You then can create a bookplate upon which you may commemorate an im-portant event, celebrate the memory of a departed loved one, or simply honor your family name. The bookplates will be placed on the inside back cover of the hymnal to be read each time they are opened and used. We are suggesting a $20.00 donation per book to cover the cost of the 1000 hymnals we purchased. Thank you for your dona-tions as we strive for more participation and joy at our liturgies. The entire singing assembly thank you!

Join the Niles Metropolitan Chorus

Rehearsals are held on TUESDAYS, 7:00-9:00 PM SJB Church Music Rehearsal Room

Contact Marek Rachelski for details.

702 806-8421

Lift Every Voice! Sing on Sunday with the Choir!

No Evening Rehearsals! Just arrive at 10 AM Let’s make it easy for you to be part of the singing. No regular evening rehearsals means less commitment of personal time. We’re going to have fun! Choir rehearsals are on Sundays at 10:00 AM for the 10:45 Mass. That’s it! We welcome you each Sunday morning at 10 AM. Be a more active part of our liturgy - it happens in the choir! Haven’t joined before? Don’t worry - we will help you!

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Has Begun!

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process for welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church. Interested? Contact Father Robert Carlton at 847-966-8145 or [email protected]

The Queen Is Coming

Watch for more details regarding Queen of Hearts 50/50 raffle

coming soon!

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◊ Alcohol-free mouthwash

◊ Chapstick or lip balm

◊ Combs

◊ Deodorant

◊ Disposable razors

◊ Hand & body lotion

◊ Nail clippers

◊ Playing cards

◊ Shampoo

◊ Shaving cream

◊ Toothbrush

◊ Toothpaste

◊ Crossword puzzle book, game

book, or word-find book

Honoring our Veterans for their Service

2019 Parish Project The Faith Community of

St. John Brebeuf

Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces served our country -- and now it is time for our parish to serve them.

Unfortunately, many veterans face poverty, homelessness, chronic health conditions, and mental health issues. Many have difficulty even providing for their basic needs, something we often take for granted.

St. John Brebeuf's Parish Pastoral Council is asking parishioners to help. Please: • Collect one of each item below and put it into a 2-gallon sized

"ziplock" bag.

• Bring your family's bag with you to Mass the weekend of October 26-27 or November 2-3. The bags will be collected and blessed.

• On November 3 from 1:30-2:30 pm, come to the Parish Ministry

Center. We will gather all the donated items, pack them into boxes, and pray for those who will receive the items. A convoy of cars will take the items from our parish to the Hines VA Center to be given to veterans in need.

Questions? Please contact the Parish Office at 847-966-8145.

Collect one of each item below and put it into a 2-gallon sized "ziplock" bag

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Uhonorowanie naszych Weteranów

za ich usługę.

Projekt parafialny 2019 Wspólnota wiary

w St. John Brebeuf

Weterani Sił Zbrojnych USA służyli naszemu krajowi - a teraz

nadszedł czas, aby nasza parafia służyła im.

Niestety wielu weteranów boryka się z biedą, bezdomnością,

przewlekłymi chorobami i problemami ze zdrowiem psychicznym.

Wielu ma trudności nawet z zaspokojeniem podstawowych potrzeb,

co często uważamy za coś oczywistego.

Parafialna Rada Duszpasterska św. Jana Brebeufa prosi parafian o

pomoc. Proszę:

• Zbierz po jednym z każdego przedmiotu poniżej i umieść go w

woreczku „ziplock” o pojemności 2 galonów.

• Przynieś ze sobą woreczek na mszę weekendową w dniach 26–27

października lub 2–3 listopada. Woreczki zostaną zebrane i


• 3 listopada od 13:30 do 3: 30 przyjdź do Centrum Duszpasterstwa Parafialnego. Zbierzemy wszystkie darowane przedmioty, zapakujemy je w pudełka i będziemy modlić się za tych, którzy je otrzymają. Konwój samochodów zabierze przedmioty z naszej

parafii do Hines VA Center, które zostaną przekazane

potrzebującym weteranom.

Pytania? Proszę kontaktować się z biurem parafialnym pod

numerem 847-966-8145.

Przygotuj jeden z poniższych przedmiotów i umieść go w woreczku „ziplock” o pojemności 2 galonów.

◊ Bezalkoholowy płyn do płukania jamy ustnej

◊ Balsam do ust

◊ Grzebienie

◊ Dezodorant

◊ Maszynki jednorazowe

◊ Balsam do rąk i ciała

◊ Obcinacze do paznokci

◊ Karty do grania

◊ Szampon

◊ Krem do golenia

◊ Szczoteczka i pasta do zębów

◊ Krzyzowki, ksiazki z gierkami i zagadkami do rozwiazywania

◊ Krzyżówki, różne książki z gierkami, z zagadkami do


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Congratulations to Our New Deacon Candidate, Krzysztof Slowikowski!

Krzysztof Slowikowski and 17 other men attended the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders of Deacon on September 29th at the St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, IL. Please include Kris and his wife, Mariola, in your prayers as they begin the path toward Kris becoming a deacon.

Photos: (left, left to right) Krzysztof Slowikowski, Fr. Meany, and Mariola Slowikowski; (right) Kris and 17

other men participated.

Parish News Roundup

The Blessing of the Pets on Friday, Oct. 4, was popular! Fr. Przemek celebrated the special blessing and

reports that all the furry friends (and their people) were very well behaved at this fun event.

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Oct. 14: Medicare & You Presentation, 7 pm, PMC Oct. 19-20: Uncle Pete's Ministry, pick up Sack Dinner bags

after all Masses Oct. 20: CROP Hunger Walk Oct. 24: Domestic Violence Training, 6 pm, PMC Oct. 26: Anointing of the Sick Mass, 10:00am

• Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on

Mon, Tues., and Wed. 7:30-10 pm. • Golden Agers Bingo 9:30am -1:30pm in PMC C.

The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so please check to confirm events.

Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB

TASTE OF ST. ISAAC JOGUES Saturday, October 19 - 20

Enjoy tastes from 12 different countries, dessert table and entertainment. Oct. 19th—Solemn Feast Day Mass celebrated by Bishop Bartosic 5 pm, followed by Taste of St. Isaac Jogues at 6:15 in Parish Hall. Don’t miss out on all this delicious fun at our sister parish! For info call Dee Stanton 847-966-1180.

Knights of Columbus Council 4338 at St. John Brebeuf

KOC members will be here at all of the masses this weekend October 12-13. They will also be selling vocation raffle tickets to support seminarians. Please stop and say hello! Benefits of joining the Knights of Columbus include: • Fellowship with men dedicated in sharing the

Gospel of Christ with their time and talents in both social gatherings, such as their golf league at Tam and charitable activities

• Insights to fundraising activities at other Parish-es, such as St. John Brebeuf and St Juliana

• Honor Guard coverage, when requested for key Parish events, such as Confirmation, Holy Com-munion, and wake services for members

• Life insurance for members and their family • Support for Seminarians, School, Athletics, and

Parish Ministries • Wheelchair assistance for those in need • Membership base over 200+ For more info, call Mel Koenigs, 847-966-2293.

October 14, 7:00 – 8:00 PM

St. John Brebeuf Holy Name Men’s Club Parish Ministry Center—8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714






For questions or a free Medicare Review: Kathy Walsh, Premier

Medicare Benefits, (847) 983-8722 or [email protected]

Niles/Park Ridge CROP Hunger Walk St. John Brebeuf Parish is participating in the 2019 Niles/Park Ridge CROP Hunger Walk (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) on Sunday, October 20. To participate or to make a pledge, please contact Deacon Andy Beierwaltes at (847) 966-6961 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Save the Date: Nov. 12, 7:00 pm Do you want to paint a picture?

The Catholic Women's Club will host a painting class,

and you can paint your own picture to take home. More details coming soon!

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St. John Brebeuf Church

“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through pray-

er, sacraments, lifelong formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (Polish)

Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm (Polish), 6:00 pm

Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:30 am

Wednesday 7:00 pm (Polish)

Saturday 7:30 am

First Friday 7:00 pm Mass (Polish)

See Bulletin for Holy Days


Saturday 11:00 am-Noon (English & Polish)

First Friday 6:00 pm (English & Polish)

See Bulletin for Advent & Lenten Reconciliation Dates

October 13, 2019


Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk Rev. Robert Carlton Pastoral Associate: Mac Karaban Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Deacons: Larry Skaja (retired) Andy Beierwaltes School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney Music /Liturgical Dir.: Marek Rachelski Children’s Choir Dir.: Ewa Fair Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor: Maria Garcia

Parish Office

Rev. Thomas May Ministry Center 8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Office Hours Monday & Tuesday 9am - 8pm

Wednesday 9am - 7pm Thursday & Friday 9am - 4pm

Saturday 9am - 1pm Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm

School School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney

8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 Website: www.sjbschool.org

(847) 966-3266

Religious Education

Fr. Przemek Tomczyk, (847) 966-3269

Youth Ministry Contact Fr. Robert Carlton (847) 966-8145

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals,

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office (847) 966-8145

Eucharistic Adoration

Parish Ministry Center Chapel, 8305 N. Harlem Ave. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7am - 8pm

Wednesdays 7am - 7pm Fridays 7am - 5pm

Saturdays 7am - 6pm Sundays 7:00 am - 12:30 pm

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CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 13, 2019 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 14 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
