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October 20, 2019 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

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October 20, 2019 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

October 20, 2019Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is located in southeastern New Mexico. The caverns were discovered in 1898 by 16-year-old Jim White, who had noticed bats flying from the desert hills. When he investigated, he located the entrance: “I found myself gazing into the biggest and blackest hole I had ever seen, out of which the bats seemed literally to boil.”

About 25 years ago, I was leading a youth choir tour and we stopped at Carlsbad on the way to Los Angeles. By this time tourists could take elevators to descend several hundred feet below ground. There was a moment on the underground tour when our guide asked the group to stop and stand still while she extinguished the light in the cave and her flashlight. The darkness seemed to swallow the light. Everything visible vanished.

The text of this morning’s choral anthem, Stay with Us, comes from a Greek hymn, Phos Hilaron, that dates back to the late third or early fourth century A.D. and sometimes is known as the “lamp-lighting hymn.” At that time in Jerusalem, a lamp was kept perpetually burning in the empty tomb of Christ, its glow a symbol of the living light of Jesus. As Christians gathered to worship, the hymn was sung and, in

a tradition known as the lighting of the lamps, a candle lit from the lamp was brought forth from the tomb, its bright, solitary flame calling the church to celebrate the Risen Lord.

Stay with us, Lord Jesus, It soon is evening, and night is falling.

Jesus Christ, the world’s true light! Shine so the darkness cannot overcome it.

Let your light pierce the darkness And fill your church with its glory.

What darkness do you need for the light to pierce? Do you need courage to open your heart again? Are you seeking the very face of God? Are you praying to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living?

May the Lord who is our light and our salvation meet you in this very room with all those gathered to worship today.

—Doug Haney

Preparing for worship

ON THE COVER: The Unjust Judge and the Importunate Widow, 1864, Sir John Everett Millais. Part of Illustrations to the Parables of Our Lord engraved by the Dalziel Brothers. Wood engraving on paper. At the Tate Museum, London.

Wilshire Baptist Church4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214

(214) 452-3100 | www.wilshirebc.orgPartnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ


October 20, 20198:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Chiming of the HourThe people of Wilshire gather this morning to worship God.

In order for this service of worship to be focused upon that purpose,please turn off all cell phones, pagers and alarm watches.

Prelude Allegro from Concerto in B Minor Antonio Vivaldi/ Johann Gottfried Walther

Opening Sentences Tiffany Wright / Julie Girards

Scripture tells us that the day is coming when every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus, the name above all names. We gather today to declare this same message: Jesus Christ is the full expression of God in human form and the only one worthy of our worship. We are invited to set aside all other gods — whether mortals or nature or ideals — and focus our attention on the name of all majesty.

+Hymn 416 Name of All Majesty majestas

Greeting to Worshipers Gladys Kolenovsky / Kristen Rice Jackson

Guests are invited to take a Response Card from the pew rack, complete it and place it in the offering plate when it is passed later in the service.

You also are invited to take the red fabric rose from the card and place it on your lapel or blouse to help others identify that you are our honored guest today.

Prayer concerns will be received and prayed for this week when listed on an intercessory prayer card from the pew rack and placed in the offering plate.

+Gospel Reading — Luke 18:1–8 Rick Hibbs / Sam Tinsley

Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Grant me justice against my opponent.’ For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, ‘Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.’” And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long


*8:30 worship service / **11:00 worship service+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.Hearing devices are available in the Narthex and South Atrium.


in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

This is the word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

Jesús les contó a sus discípulos una parábola para mostrarles que debían orar siempre, sin desanimarse. Les dijo: “Había en cierto pueblo un juez que no tenía temor de Dios ni consideración de nadie. En el mismo pueblo había una viuda que insistía en pedirle: ‘Hágame usted justicia contra mi adversario.’ Durante algún tiempo él se negó, pero por fin concluyó: ‘Aunque no temo a Dios ni tengo consideración de nadie, como esta viuda no deja de molestarme, voy a tener que hacerle justicia, no sea que con sus visitas me haga la vida imposible.’” Continuó el Señor: “Tengan en cuenta lo que dijo el juez injusto. Acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará mucho en responderles? Les digo que sí les hará justicia, y sin demora. No obstante, cuando venga el Hijo del hombre, ¿encontrará fe en la tierra?”

Esta es la palabra del Señor.Gracias a Dios.

Children’s Moment George MasonAll children are invited to meet the pastor at the chancel steps at this time.

+Hymn 422 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners hyfrydol

Epistle Reading — 2 Timothy 4:1–5 Jim Tapley / Casey Boland

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.

This is the word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

En presencia de Dios y de Cristo Jesús, que ha de venir en su reino y que juzgará a los vivos y a los muertos, te doy este solemne encargo: Predica la Palabra; persiste en hacerlo, sea o no sea oportuno; corrige, reprende y anima con mucha paciencia, sin dejar de enseñar. Porque llegará el tiempo en que no van a tolerar la sana doctrina, sino que, llevados de sus propios deseos, se rodearán de maestros que les digan las novelerías que quieren oír. Dejarán de escuchar la verdad y se volverán a los mitos. Tú, por el contrario, sé prudente en todas las circunstancias, soporta los sufrimientos, dedícate a la evangelización; cumple con los deberes de tu ministerio.

Esta es la palabra del Señor.Gracias a Dios.


Prayers of the People Mark Wingfield

Giving of Tithes and Offerings

One of the many ways your generosity makes community possible at Wilshire is by providing the magnificent pipe organ that aids our singing and worship. Your gifts not only built the organ but also provide for its maintenance, tuning and for a skilled musician to lead us in worship from the organ bench. When you give to the Unified Budget, you make our worship richer and more beautiful.

Offertory Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Johann Sebastian Bach

+Offertory Response old 100th

Our God is making all things new, a promise that we know is true.Through eyes of faith we long to see a love-transformed community.

A place where truth and justice reign and healing triumphs over pain,Where all have dignity and worth and peace is passed throughout the earth.

Anthem Stay with Us Egil HovlandSanctuary Chorale / Sanctuary Choir

Stay with us, Lord Jesus, stay with us. Stay with us, it soon is evening and night is falling.

Jesus Christ, the world’s true light! Shine so the darkness cannot overcome it! Stay with us, Lord Jesus, it soon is evening. Stay with us, Lord Jesus, for night is falling.

Let your light pierce the darkness and fill your church with its glory.

Message * “Prayerful Persistence” Leigh Curl ** “Holy Persistence” Jared Jaggers

+Hymn Show Us How to Stand for Justice nettletonSee hymn on next page

Sharing of Decisions


Postlude In Thee is Gladness Johann Sebastian Bach


The flowers on the chancel today are given in gratitude to the families who have opened their homes for the Generations meetings.

All guests are invited to a coffee reception in the James Gallery immediately after the service.

Welcome to Wilshire today. If you are a guest with us today, we welcome you warmly to our congregation. We would like to get to know you and tell you more about our church. Please take a Response Card from the pew rack, fill it out and place it in the offering plate when it comes by.

Someone to talk with. If you are facing a life challenge and would like to have a spiritual friend to walk alongside you for a season of healing, perhaps you would benefit from a Stephen Minister. Learn more at wilshirebc.org or contact Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107.

Hymn Show Us How to Stand for Justice nettleton


Meet today’s worship leadersCasey Boland came to Wilshire in 2002 and has been involved as a missions volunteer and Stephen Minister. She teaches at Lake Highlands High School where she is a Richardson ISD STAR teacher for excellence in education.

Rick Hibbs and his family came to Wilshire in 2007. He is married to Susan, and they have two children, Wes, a student at Texas A&M, and John, a senior at Saint Mark’s. Rick is director of Concordia Class. Professionally, he is director of customer solutions at Advantage Solutions, a construction and design firm.

Gladys Kolenovsky has been a Wilshire member since 1982. She is married to Bobby, is a deacon, teaches in rotation in Cord of Three Class and serves as co-leader of the Vision 20/20 Sustain Initiative. Vocationally, she administers services for children with dyslexia at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.

Kristen Rice Jackson came to Wilshire in 2003. She is married to Eric Jackson, and they are the

parents of E.J., who is 6, and Elliot, who is 5. Kristen attends Avodah Class and serves with the kindergarten choir on Wednesday evenings. She is executive director of a nonprofit art education organization called Color Me Empowered.

Jim Tapley joined Wilshire in 2016, along with his partner, Denise Casale. They attend Cord of Three Class, where he serves as a lay leader in supporting Pastoral Resident Leigh Curl. He also serves on the Video Ministry Team. Jim is a freelance corporate video photographer. Sam Tinsley has been a Wilshire member since 1972. He and his wife, Peggy, are members of Compass Class. Sam is a deacon, serves as co-chair of the Wilshire Adventurers Committee and serves on the Personnel Committee. He is retired from teaching mathematics at Richland College. He and Peggy are the parents of two adult sons, Price Tinsley and Steve Tinsley.

George A. MasonSenior Pastor

(214) 452-3132

Mark WingfieldAssociate Pastor(214) 452-3128

Doug HaneyMinister of Music

(214) 452-3123

Jeff BrummelAssociate Minister of Music/

Organist(214) 452-3122

Tiffany WrightMinister for Care Ministries

(214) 452-3107

Heather MustainMinister of Missions & Advocacy

(214) 452-3110

Jessica CappsMinister to Senior Adults

(214) 452-3129

Darren DeMentMinister to Students

and Young Adults(214) 452-3102

Julie GirardsMinister to Children

(214) 452-3104

Joan HammonsMinister to Preschoolers

(214) 452-3141

Leanna Coyle-CarrPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3154

Leigh CurlPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3152

Jared JaggersPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3153

Ryan WilsonPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3158

Matt DodrillMcIver Fellow

(214) 452-3156

David NaborsDirector of Business Admin.

(214) 452-3157

Dale PrideFacilities Manager

(214) 452-3101

J. Preston BrightAssociate Pastor Emeritus

Staff contacts

To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name and add @wilshirebc.org.


Let’s talk turkey

After worship on Sunday, Nov. 3, the Theological Dialogue Team will host a free luncheon event called “Why Am I Afraid to Talk to my Family at Thanksgiving?” It will feature a moderated conversation between Aaron Coyle-Carr, Gloria Martin and Andy Stoker. Gloria is a marriage and family therapist, and Andy is a United Methodist pastor with expertise in family systems theory. After the panel discussion, there will be time for small-group conversations around the tables. No reservation is required. The event will be at noon in Community Hall.

Wednesday baptism service

A special Wednesday evening baptism service is planned for Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. If you have not been baptized and would like to be immersed or if you would like to affirm your previous Christian baptism, you are invited to participate in this small-group experience that some find less intimidating than a Sunday morning service. To learn more, contact Debby Burton at [email protected]. or (214) 452-3132.

Exercise with doctor of physical therapy students

Doctoral-level physical therapy students of Texas Woman’s University are offering a free six-week fall-prevention program at Wilshire on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Each class will feature three

stations with different evidence-based activities specialized to reduce risk for falls including balance, strength and aerobic exercises. One-on-one attention will be provided. This course is open and safe for adults of all levels. Sessions begin Oct. 21 and run through Dec. 2 and will be held in Rooms 3301 and 3303. Registration is not necessary; just show up. For more information, contact Parish Nurse Linda Garner at [email protected] or (214) 452-3151.

Join Christmas Choir

Interested in singing with Sanctuary Choir but can’t commit year-round? Consider joining the Christmas Choir. Christmas-only singers are invited to the first portion of regular Wednesday night rehearsals at 7 p.m. and to sing with the choir on Sundays in Advent and at Hanging of the Green, Dec. 8. Just show up on Oct. 23 in Choral Hall or contact Doug Haney at [email protected]. This Wednesday at Wilshire

Two adult class options continue this Wednesday evening at 6 p.m.: “Jazz + Faith” led by Mark McKenzie and “You’re Already a Theologian” led by Jared Jaggers. The jazz class meets at 6 p.m. in Room 1205-L. The theology class meets at 6 p.m. in Room 1205-G.

Next Wednesday at Wilshire

All are invited to the resident-led vespers service in McIver Chapel on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 6 p.m.

Wednesday daytime at Wilshire

Did you know there’s a place for you at Wilshire during the daytime on Wednesdays? New Song, our community senior adult choir, rehearses at 9:30 every Wednesday morning, and all are welcome to participate. We also offer lunch in Koinonia Café every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon, followed by Bible study around the tables at noon.

The Wilshire Tapestry

Keep up with all the Wilshire news at wilshirebc.org or by using our Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed every Sunday at 11:00.


Wilshire on the


Koinonia Café: Oct. 23 — Grilled citrus chicken, roasted leg of lamb, basmati rice, potatoes with feta, broccoli with herb butter, green beans, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Grilled cheese, roasted potatoes, salad. Oct. 30 — Chicken cordon bleu, Marsala pork chops, tomato-basil gnocchi, roasted broccoli, snap peas, spinach and artichoke rice, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Pasta, meat sauce, salad.

Wilshire on the Go

The next Wilshire on the Go luncheon will be on Tuesday, Oct. 29, in the Galleria/Addison area. Watch next week’s Tapestry for specific details. Wilshire on the Go is a way to connect with Senior Pastor George Mason and our pastoral residents at informal lunchtime gatherings across the city, close to where you work and live. A fourth luncheon will be held Nov. 19 at or near CityLine. No reservation is needed for these; just show up — and bring a friend.

Wilshire Welcome Class

Get to know Wilshire through a rotating series of Sunday morning classes that begin at 9:40 a.m. most Sundays. The class meets near McIver Chapel on the south end of the building, first floor.

Stephen Ministry training

The next Stephen Minister training will begin in January 2020. Stephen Ministry leaders are accepting applications now through Nov. 17. If you are new to Wilshire and have served as a Stephen Minister, Tiffany Wright would welcome a conversation with you to discuss becoming an active Stephen Minister at Wilshire. If you would like to learn more about being trained as a Stephen Minister, also contact Tiffany: [email protected] or (214) 452-3107. More information may be found online at wilshirebc .org/care/stephen-ministry.

Faith in 3-D

Wilshire’s 2020 Faith in 3-D production will be Lighting the Way, a collection of short plays commissioned by Climate Change Theatre Action and performed internationally by respected theater schools and performing arts groups.

Numerous actors are needed to present a number of brief plays with topics that range from the hilarious to the deadly serious. The show will be presented March 6 and 7 in Community Hall. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 7:00 p.m. Rehearsals will begin on Monday, Jan. 6. Men and women of various ages are encouraged to apply to audition by Nov. 4. Complete the registration form at wilshirebc.org/registration.

Thanksgiving food baskets If you or your Sunday School class is interested in putting together turkey baskets (each basket costs $50 to $75) for our mission partner the Wilkinson Center, contact Abbey Adcox ([email protected]) and tell her how many baskets you will provide. This year Wilshire has committed to provide 75 baskets to provide complete Thanksgiving meals for families in need. A suggested list of items and instructions will be provided to you upon confirmation. Baskets must be dropped off at Wilshire the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 20. Volunteers also are needed to load the U-Haul and deliver the baskets that morning.

Thanksgiving food bags

Wilshire will continue the longstanding tradition of providing canned goods for families in need for Thanksgiving. These donations will benefit families served by White Rock Center of Hope in East Dallas. Beginning next Sunday, Oct. 27, pick up the designated brown paper bags and accompanying shopping list, then fill the bags with canned goods and return them to the front office Nov. 17. Please note this is an earlier drop-off date than in previous years. Thanksgiving service opportunities Gateway of Grace will host its annual Thanksgiving luncheon (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Cathedral on Ross Avenue on Thanksgiving Day. Help is needed to transport refugees to the meal and to provide food and gift cards. For many refugees, this is a first-time experience with Thanksgiving. Cornerstone Baptist Church has reserved 10 volunteer spots for Wilshire members to help serve Thanksgiving lunch at Cornerstone on Thanksgiving Day. Sign up at wilshirebc.org/registration.


The Wilshire TapestrySouper Bowl funds report

Gifts to the Phil Strickland Offering for World Hunger given during last February’s Souper Bowl of Caring are making a difference this fall at Pleasant Grove Elementary in Dallas ISD, where 97 percent of students are from low-income households and 60 percent are learning English as a second language. The after-school program that provides enrichment and nutrition for students has been expanded to allow all students at the school to have access to a full meal after school rather than just a snack. This success was achieved with a $6,900 gift.

Thursday Noon Brown Bag Book Club

The Women of Wilshire Thursday Noon Book Club will meet on Nov. 7 for I Was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon; Dec. 5 will be a potluck brunch to discuss The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. For more information, contact Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107 or [email protected].

WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club

The Women of Wilshire Tuesday Evening Book Club meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. in the Parlor. Upcoming dates and book titles are: Nov. 19, Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng; Dec. 10, The Christmas Club by Barbara Hinske (with cookie exchange, bring two dozen cookies to share); Jan. 21, Southern Discomfort by Tena Clark.

Register for youth fall retreat

This year’s Wilshire Student Ministry fall retreat is Nov. 23-24 at the URJ Greene Family Camp near Bruceville, Texas. Retreat theme is “Seeking Shalom,” and retreat speakers are Christine Browder, Mary Beth Foust and Mary Lu Hare. Registration is $90, and financial assistance is available. Register online at wilshirebc.org/registration.

New member: Martha K. Thompson

Thanksgiving luncheon Tickets go on sale this Sunday, Oct. 20, for

Wilshire’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon,

which will be held at noon on Sunday, Nov.

24, in Community Hall. Enjoy a traditional

Thanksgiving meal with friends and

family. This year, the luncheon will double

as a celebration of the fall Generations

emphasis, with special music and activities

for all ages and a report on the results of

commitments turned in during worship

that morning.

Turkey with gravy and dressingMashed potatoes

Sweet potatoes with marshmallowsGreen beans

Macaroni and cheeseCranberry sauce

Dinner rollsGreen salad

Pumpkin pie and pecan pie

Seating is by advance reservation only.

Purchase your seats in the front office.

The cost is $10 per adult and $6 per child

elementary age and younger with a $30 cap

for immediate families.


Sunday, October 20• Morning worship – 8:30 a.m. • First Grade Sunday School

open house – 9:30 a.m. • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m. • Coffee and Conversation

with George – 9:40 a.m. • Morning worship – 11:00 a.m. • Youth Choir lunch – noon• Library Committee – noon• Pathways to Ministry

Committee – noon • Women’s retreat planning

meeting – noon • Deacon Nominating

Committee – noon • Finance Committee – noon • Missions Committee – noon• Personnel Committee – noon • Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m. • Shekinah – 1:20 p.m. • Nova – 1:30 p.m. • Carillon Ringers – 3:00 p.m. • Praying with a Pen

workshop – 4:30 p.m. • Generations home meeting,

Gillis home – 5:00 p.m.

Monday, October 21• Game of 42 – 10:00 a.m.• Fall prevention class –

10:30 a.m.

• Generations home meeting, Beasley home – 6:30 p.m.

• Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 22• Computer class - 9:30 a.m.• Yoga class – 12:15 p.m.• Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m. • Generations home meeting,

Imhoof home – 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 23• New Song – 9:30 a.m.• Ukulele group – 11:00 a.m. • Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m. • Bible Study – noon • Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m. • Children’s handbells – 5:00

p.m.• Music and Missions – 6:00

p.m.• Jazz + Faith – 6:00 p.m. • You’re Already a Theologian

– 6:00 p.m. • Women’s retreat planning

meeting – 6:00 p.m. • Sexual abuse awareness

training – 6:00 p.m. • Yoga class – 6:15 p.m.• Watershed – 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 24• Knit Unto Others – 1:30 p.m. • Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m.

Friday, October 25• Preschool Playdate with

Parents – 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, October 27• Morning worship – 8:30 a.m. • Country Critters – 8:30 a.m. • Sixth grade Sunday School

open house – 9:30 a.m. • Wilshire Welcome – 9:40

a.m. • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m. • Morning worship – 11:00 a.m. • Youth Choir lunch – noon• Deacon Nominating

Committee – noon • Sexual abuse awareness

training – noon • Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m. • Shekinah – 1:20 p.m. • Nova – 1:30 p.m. • Praying with a Pen

workshop – 4:30 p.m. • Generations home meeting,

Coleman home – 5:00 p.m.

Wilshire calendar

Adventurers with Max

Wilshire Adventurers last week enjoyed a program and luncheon with Max the Giant Poodle, who is a licensed medical therapy dog and brings joy to everyone he meets.


Committee nomination formWilshire’s Committee on Committees is beginning its work to nominate members of 2019 committees. The form below may be used to (a) volunteer yourself for consideration or (b) suggest someone else for consideration by the Committee on Committees. All names received will be considered and evaluated against current openings and needs. The Committee on Committee’s final report will be presented to the church in conference for approval. Please place the completed form in the offering plate or return it to the church office promptly.

Kathy Alverson, chair. Committee: Vic Henry, Barbara Gass, Forrest Brown, Laurie Diffee, Hillary Campbell, Anna Hines, Peggy Tinsley, Steve Terry.

A. I am willing to serve on a church committee, and my preferences and comments are:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

B. I would like to suggest the following people to serve on church committees:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

My name: _________________________________________________

Phone: ______________ E-mail: _______________________________


Descriptions ofWilshire Committees

BAPTISM: Handles preparations and hospitality related to baptisms.

BUILDING & GROUNDS: Assists staff with maintenance and repair of church property by developing plans for the future to improve the efficient use of the church premises and enhance the security of the church property.

CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: Reviews performance of the children’s education program and makes recommendations to the minister to children. The committee also promotes growth in the program, reviews curriculum, helps recruit and retain teachers, and establishes policies to ensure safety of children in all church activities.

CHURCHWIDE SOCIAL: Plans and supports churchwide social events, including Thanksgiving luncheon.

CHRISTIAN ADVOCACY: Guides Christian advocacy initiatives.

DEACON NOMINATING: Makes recommendations for

selection of deacons.

FINANCE: Develops the church budget and works with the business administrator to monitor income and expenses, approving monthly financial statements and reporting them to the church.

HISTORY: Maintains archives of church to preserve a record of our history together.

INTERIOR DECOR: Consults with other committees to coordinate decor of interior public spaces.

LIBRARY: Advises and supports library administration and events.

MISSIONS: Supports and promotes partnership missions by developing and maintaining relationships that provide opportunities for Wilshire to be on mission.

NEW MEMBER: Helps new members become assimilated into the church family by supporting the Connections Class, assisting with new member fellowships, greeting new members upon joining.

PATHWAYS: Coordinates and supports work of Pathways to Ministry program, including pastoral residency.

PERSONNEL: Establishes duties and responsibilities of all ministry staff positions and maintains the Personnel Manual. The committee has ultimate responsibility for recommending new ministry staff to the church. It also recommends ministry staff compensation.

PRESCHOOL EDUCATION: Reviews performance of the preschool education program and makes recommendations to the minister to preschoolers. The committee also promotes growth in the program, reviews curriculum, helps recruit and retain teachers and establishes policies to ensure safety of children in all church activities.

RISK MANAGEMENT: Works with staff to reduce and manage safety and liability risks.

WEEKDAY EDUCATION: Sets policies and governs Wilshire’s Early Childhood Learning Center.

WILSHIRE ADVENTURERS: Plans fellowship activities for senior adults.

What’s a committee and what’s a ministry team?

Wilshire operates with both committees and ministry teams. Most committees have some level of governance function, while ministry teams are service oriented. The Committee on Committees nominates individuals for service on committtees once a year, while any interested person may join a ministry team at any time. Ministry teams include ushers, greeters, the video team, health ministry team and so forth.


Deacon nomination formThe Deacon Nominating Committee respectfully asks Wilshire members to submit names of persons to be considered for deacon service, to be ordained in January. Nominees should be individuals who have been church members for at least one year and who have modeled consistent, faithful service and leadership in the life of Wilshire Baptist Church. You may nominate as many individuals as you wish. Those chosen will begin three-year terms of service in February 2020. You also may nominate a deacon in reserve to rotate into active service.

Although an exhaustive list is not necessary, please indicate for each nominee the qualifications you believe most important for the committee to consider as exemplified by the four practices expected of members: Worship, Learning, Giving and Serving.

Deacon Nominee: _____________________________Qualifications:

Deacon Nominee: _____________________________Qualifications:

I am an ordained deacon/minister ________________________________

The Deacon Nominating Committee appreciates your thoughtful suggestions, and if you are willing to advocate for your nominee(s) to a member of the committee, please indicate your willingness on this form. Remember, the committee’s work is sensitive and confidential; we thank you for trusting the work of the Holy Spirit and praying for us as we serve. — Michael Moorhead, chairman

Your name and contact information (optional): ___________________________________

Return completed nomination forms to Debby Burton in the church office or place in the offering plate. Our deadline is October 20, 2019. Submissions also may be made at wilshirebc.org/registration.

Also use this form to let us know if ( ) you are a new member who is an ordained deacon from another church or ( ) you are a deacon who is age 70 or older and want to move to deacon emeritus status.


Roster of members ordained as deaconsDeacons in Reserve

(eligible to be nominated)

Akins, AllanAlverson, KathyBarner, ClaudiaBlaker, MicheleBooth, GinnyBrookshire, Steve Brown, ChadBrown, DennieBrown, KileBruster, Bill Burgin, CharlesBurton, DavidCabaniss, JoniCarter, LesCarver, MaryClanton, DavidCoffman, SueColeman, David Cotter, KarenCullum, Fred Cullum, PatEggert, MarkFarner, NathanFloyd, Don Forsyth, NelsonGarner, LindaGarrett, LindaGranberry, JillGush, JenyceHallman, SteveHamilton, DeanHill, AnnHinton, GradyImhoof, MikeJackman, Mary KayKirkham, DarylKrause, TimLaw, BobLawson, GayleLeal, GabeLeonard, SusanLewis, BradMadding, ChadMartin, GloriaMartin, PhillMeripolski, Debbie Mirochna, JanellMoore, JulianaMorrison, JimMullins, Monica

Nabors, DavidNewsom, KirkPerry, JamesPlunk, MichaelRampey, DebbieRoan, DwightRoan, LindaSegner, Susan AustinShilling, GeraldSkelton, PaulSmith, DennisSmith, LauraSmith, GuySullens, JoeVigil, JulianWilson, Trey Woodbury, PaulaYarbrough, Charles

Active Deacons(currently serving)

Akins, KellyAustin, PatBanta, RobBrookshire, GailBrown, AllisonBrown, Leigh AnnCabaniss, CarolCabaniss, KevinCapps, MichaelClay, SteveCoates, JohnColeman, JudyColeman, Bob Conner, SteveDeMent, JohannaEarly, DianaFrancis, EdFrancis, LindaGranberry, LarryHampton, Jeff (officer)Hampton, LeAnnHines, AnnaImhoof, LindaJernberg, BillKeath, TravisKeith, CraigKeller, KentonKeller, MaryKolenovsky, GladysLink, KatyLuttrell, Richard

McClung, BrittMcKenzie, MarkMcLaughlin, SuzyMoorhead, MichaelMoorhead, Shaeron Morgan, TimMosley, Meredith Murray, CarolynNadalini, ShannonO’Brien, BillOrtegon, GinaParnell, JohnSchoellhorn, Jon-ErikStafford, AllanStone, HenryTerry, SteveThomas, KyleThompson, HankTinsley, SamWalton, RhondaWarden, Andrew Williams, EverettWilson, MeganWingfield, AlisonWoodbury, JasonYarbrough, CollinYarbrough, Judy

Deacon Emeriti(honorary status)

Austin, JimBratcher, TomBruster, CharlotteBullock, Stan Conner, DaleHerold, ClaireneHerold, Fred Laquey, PhilLaux, Dot Morris, BrendaMorris, GwinMusick, VirgilPost, MaxRamsour, DavidSmith, BobSmith, GarlandWallis, Sondra


Have you signed up to attend a Generations home meeting for dinner and

dialogue with George Mason and a pastoral residency alumnus? Some dates

are already full, so please RSVP today. A link to the online Signup Genius

may be found at wilshirebc.org/registration. Date and time Host home Resident alumnus

Sunday, Oct. 20, 5:00 p.m. Home of John and Carolyn Gillis Andrew Daugherty 9415 Hill View Dr., Dallas 75231

Monday, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m. Home of Vickie Conn Beasley Matt Marston 3521 Ainsworth, Dallas 75229

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 6:30 p.m. Home of Mike and Linda Imhoof Annette Thornburg 9113 Loma Vista, Dallas 75243

Sunday, Oct. 27, 5:00 p.m. Home of Bob and Judy Coleman Garrett Vickrey 7039 Westlake Ave., Dallas 75214

Monday, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m. Home of Sam and Rachel Murphy Erica Whitaker 6230 Berwyn Lane, Dallas 75214

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 6:30 p.m. Home of Jim Sterling & Joey Hamilton Anne Scalfaro 5454 Druid Lane, Dallas 75209
