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Page 1: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 2: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 3: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 4: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 5: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 6: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty
Page 7: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty


Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty of Math and Science University

INTRODUCTION Recently, fish consumption behaviour needs to be improve since the changes of consumption patern to instan food. Fish, especially from deep sea is good for health, due to the fish rich of polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega-3). The author want to investigate the effect of anti dislipidemia of Sardinella longiceps Oil (SLO) through decrease of MDA levels, because MDA maker lipidperoxidation RESEARCH METHODS Pre-test. And post-test this research is true experimental study with randomized group design. This research employing 50 Wistar rats divided into 5 groups, i.e. control group (0% SLO), treatment group 1 (10% SLO), treatment group 2 (15% SLO), treatment group 3 (20% SLO), and treatment group 4 (25% SLO). To obtain dislipidemia, rats were feeded with food rich of fat for 8 weeks, followed by determination of MDA, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels (pretest data). After that, all rats were feeded with diet mix with sardinella longiceps oil for 6 weeks for dislipidemia and followed by determination of MDA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dislipidemia Wistar rats were prepaired as mentioned on research methods, Initial mean of Wistar rat body weight is 49.79 if 0.77 g. Dislipidemia. Wistar rat mean body weight after 8 weeks intake rich of fat diet is 200.21 + 0.51g. Mean rat body weight after SLO intake is about 201.13 + 1.04 g. Decrease of MDA levels of dislipidemia ‘Wistar rat Mean MDA levels of dislipidemia Wistar rat for pre and posttest were listed on Table 1.

Data of mean different profile of MDA levels for various intake of SLO after treatment was presented on Figure 1.

Figure l Profile of Mean Posttest MDA levels.

Anova test indicates that there is a different of MDA levels as a results of various SLO intake with p < 0. 05. Resume of the results were presented on Table 2. Table 2 Resume of Post Hoc of MDA Levels

Intake of various SLO results in decrease of MDA blood levels of dislipidemia Wistar rat. “Mean MDA blood levels can be seen on Table 1. Mean MDA blood levels of dislipidemiu Wistar rat cause by intake of 0% SLO pre and posttest is about 1.25 + 0.01 and 1.22 + 0.03 um/mL. From the same table, it can also be seen that the mean MDA bloods levels for intake of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%

Page 8: repositori.unud.ac.id fileINTAKE OF SARDINELLA LONGICEPS OIL AS ANTI DISLIPIDEMIA THROUGH DECREASE OF MDA ON RAT WISTAR Sri Wahjuni Biochemistry Laboratory Chemistry Departement Faculty

SLO For pre and posttest were (1.26 + 0.01) and (0.84 + 0.13); (1.25 + 0.01) and (0.74 + 0.16); (1.26 + 0.01) and (0.61 + 0.13); (1.26 + 0.01) and (0.71 + 0.13) um/mL, respectively. Intake of 0% SLO did not decrease MDA blood levels compare to intake of 10% SLO. Decrease of MDA blood levels of dislipidemia Wistar rat were significantly observed for intake of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% SLO with p < 0.05 as can be seen on data presented on Table 2, From that table, it can be seen that the significant highest decrease of MDA blood levels was observed for intake of 20% SLO, the decrease is about 0.62 um/mL. CON CLUSSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Conclussions Intake of 20% SLO results in decrease of MDA blood levels of dislipidemia Wistar rat about 51.58%, from 1.26+0.01 to O.61+0.l3 µm/L; Future Work Further research regarding of whether intake of SLO to human results in a similar effect for anti dislipidemia and anti inflammation need to be carried out. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to thanks Pro£ Dr. dr. A. A. G. Sudewa Djelantik, Sp.PK; Pro£ Dr. dr. I Wayan Wita, SpJP; and Prorf Drh. N. Mantik Astawa, Ph.D; for their invaluable supervision during doctoral study. Great thanks to Indonesian Government through Higher degree of Education and National Education Ministry for funding this research. REFFRENCES Ahmed, E. 2001. Immune Mechanism in

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