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Oki Flyer - Education

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Look What You Can Do OI(.I





ond much more

Page 2: Oki Flyer - Education

0Kl and Educat ion

OKI Print ing Solutions' dedicated public sector team have

been working in partnership with the education market for

over 20 years. This close relationship has identif ied that

cost effectiveness is a l<ey factor in all decisions that are

made within the educational marl<etplace. Addit ionatly, clear

stakeholder communication, revenue generation and youth

engagement are other key factors where print ing can ptay a

signif icant role. OKI can support a wide range of activit ies and

also exceed objectives to manage costs effectivety.

Our award-winning products and services consistently

achieve a high [eve[ of customer satisfaction and have won

independent industry awards. Wi th a combinat ion of the

r ight OKI pr in ter , media and OKI 's ' in box 'Template Manager

design software you can create high-impact prints with

versati le messages whenever you want.


Page 3: Oki Flyer - Education

Look What You Can Do

As wetl as taking care of everyday print ing requirements,

OKI's unique proposit ion wil l enable you to cover al lyour

ed ucationaI needs from stationery, si gnage, marketin g

communicat ions, f inance and admin is t rat ion. The broad

range of OKI printers and mult i function products are buil t

to handle a wide range of media covering many different

sizes, thicl<nesses and f inishes. Together with OKI's ' in box'

Temptate Manager software you can produce a variety of

essential materiaI easily without needing complex design

sl<i l ts - saving valuabte t ime and result ing in signif icantly less


Look how you can mal<e your printed communications

stand out:

For the ClassroomProfessional- lookin g pr int outsfor thousands of uses

Attent ion-grabbing projectsColourful labelsNational Curr iculum support documentsSports day banners and postersWristbands

For your Ad m in istration TeamGive your educat ion establ ishmentthe r ight impression

Timetables for staffNewsletters & school/college prospectusesCalendarsCentral admin istrationColourful reports

For your OfficePrint what you need,when you need i t

Letters to parentsPTA and staff meeting notesTest and Exam papersSecure and conf ident ial documentsReport cards


-. 6r3v

Page 4: Oki Flyer - Education

C3000 Seriesfor economicaI printing


Products illustrated are representative of some of the OKI

range. Please contact your OKI reseller for full details.

Look How You Can Do lt

The right printer and multifunction rangeOKI's range of award-winning products and services cater

for schools and educationa[ establishments of al l sizes. Our

machines produce high-quatity output quickty and are robust

enough to work in a variety of environments; from lT suites

and educationatadministration to classrooms and labs.

Reduced noise levels also means they easity btend in with

quieter working areas [ ike study areas and l ibraries.

OKI high definit ion toner makes placement on the page more

accurate with f iner l ines, greater gradation and glossiness

with reduced grain. And, combined with OKI Pro Mutt i-tevel

technotogy, ensures the best print quali ty.

The right designs with Template ManagerYou shouldn't have to waste t ime atigning your prints to f i t

perfectty on the page. OKI's Template Manager witttake care

of the printer sett ings for you. Our unique software lets you

create documents on screen as they would appear printed on

non-standard media l ike labels and banners. OKlTemptate

Manager is easy to use and everyone can instal l i t from CD or

download the latest version, so i ts not restr icted to a handful

of users. You do not even need to have addit ional software

instal led to use atl the functionali ty.

The right mediaOKI's machines use a wide range of media to add value and

convenience to your schoo[; providing essentialprint ing

for so many different uses. You can confidently print almost

anything you need, from very t ight to very heavy media.-ftF

- . " . " 1



for print, scan, copy and fax

for A4 and A3 printing

Page 5: Oki Flyer - Education

0ur Educat ion Media

Banngr paper (part number 0poo*oz s )Attract at tent ion with OKI 's specialeye-catching bannerpaper up to 1.2m in tength in ei ther A4 or A3. Print staffplanners, c lassroom schedules, Nat ionaI Curr iculum -

support ing not ices or even adverts for upcoming events. Ourrange also includes water/ tear-resistant media.

MembefSh i p CafdS {part number as4sane)Create single or double-sided membership cards whennew members ioin interest c lubs or after-schoolact iv i t ies- no need to outsource the design and pr int !Also use thisversat i le media for t icket product ion, fundraising events orseasonal product ions.

Pfe-CfeaSed A3-A4 papef (part number 0s4sa2s0)This media can not only be used to create school brochuresand newsletters but also induct ion documents for pupi lsmal<ing that first day just a little bit easier. Equally, addprofessional ism to parent open days and occasions whenguests are on site.

44 watef/teaf-fesistant papef (part number 0s4s02ss)This range of media can be used outdoors as wel l as indoors.Water resistant paper is idealfor health and safety signs,posters and not ices and can be used outside at events such assports days. Furthermore, i t 's even more durable as i t doesn'ttear.

Wf istban dS ?sart number a945a90a )l f you're worr ied about losing tracl< of students on excursionswhy not give each student a wristband with contact detai lson.. . just in case. With OKI 's Template Manager these can bechanged for each occasion. Wristbands can also be used forsports days and team events to ident i fy groups.

Pre-creased brochure, tri-fold (part number as4so241)This heavyweight paper can be used to create concert songsheets, event programmes, lunch menus or report cards. Thepre-set creases ensure you get a professiona[-looking resultt ime after t ime.

lntereste d in oiher OKI media avai lable?Visi t www.askoki.co. u k/educat ion

Page 6: Oki Flyer - Education

Look Why You Shoutd Do lt

Create print on demand and el iminate wastage. Save money

by pr in t ing what you need when you need i t . Pr in t ing on OKI 's

specia l media wi th an OKI pr in ter or mul t i funct ion product

in-house is genera l ly more economical than outsourc ing.

Producing output locally also delivers crucial benefits [ ike

admin is t rat ive controI and f lex ib i l i ty ensur ing e l iminat ion of

last minute errors before f inaI production. In-house print ing

also gives you the ftexibi l i ty to alter exist ing designs or tai lor

communicat ions for vour d i f ferent audiences.

OKI's Template Manager software removes the hassle ofpr in t ing out mul t ip te t r ia l runs to ensure your pr in ts are [ ined

up correctly. OKI's unique software lets users l<eep printed

communicat ions v isual ly consis tent us ing saved template


Download Template Manager and f ind out more about OKI 's

med ia solutions at www.asl<ol<i.co. u l</ed ucation

O K I P r i n t i n g S o l u t j o n s i s t h e t r a d i n g n a m e o fOki Europe Ltd., part of the Ol( i Etectr ic group.

O 2007 Oki Systems (UK) Ltd.

/'-\.!"///Wf.<As an INERGY STAR Partner, Oki hasdetermined that this product meets theENERGY STAR gujdel ines for energy eff ic jencV.

OKI PRTNflNG Soluf lons

550 Dundee Road, S loughBerkshire, SL1 4LET+44(0) 7753879879

F +44(0) 7753 879 899wwwAsKoKr.co.u r/ rouclrrot


How much more economical is i t to pr int wi th an OKI?No. of t imes cheaper to print with an OKIr 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 9

Business Cards 250

Letterhead 1,000

Form 1,000

Financial Report 1.00

A3 Poster 100

Banner 100

Direct Mait 1,O00

