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Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning...

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M •*•!, WltB '•'••<••• « ... C LRRK WANTK~D-1M A COMMISSION HOCSB A desirable silaattoa lore young man of good .heructer, is cornet ia Igurea, a»d a g—xt an.t fluent pesntaa Tut- besl of referances require I. Address N H , al tin . Sir.- ..i IttCmrnr I Kn ( u :. s.ltf D RUG CLERK WTNTETIO 0O r77N¥w"(iKLiATTH~ •at who speaai ths iMmnu .ml English language Ap- ply ta BCHlk.FrKLlN. BUDS fc CO . tt$ lot and 1(6 Jotimt. r|Md"fcLlHS*Wn»TK»rTO UO TO NEW ORLEANS " —A good Apothecary, whe ipiaks the UKUISII aad Eng- lish taaga-g.i Appty to 8CHIFFELIN BROTHERS fc CO. •4 104 aad 108 John itriat. ( "<©VBaUiEt*_-WAM_l> A DAILY UOVKHNh._S Jf MtaaWk in* 'iigho- Engllib braactiei, French and Ma aw. Apply at ft) Wait lsiti atiaat, baiweea the hours nf 3 and 4 o'clock o4_3t I NSTRUMENT MAKERS w VNIKD- T W O KiK.sr rata workmen on q'ladraals, aaitaats aud eompassss . n%_ _A A.SAMANOS 300 Fro it, oer^Fultan st rr>U CAPITALIST*—A SPECIAL'PARTNER WITH 1 BRUMS will beiekea laa •»!•. piofltab a c n h bunneii Tha tusiaoss has baaa established far sevsrel years, tha aalaa laareaiiag evsr a kaadrad par oeat. aaeh vssr. Tba lauun or aalaa for tbia year aia nearly two huadred thoua- aad dollars, and aaa increased aait raar to deublo tbat aiauaat. Profits tbia year $30,000. A partus witb tba eaib was bear -/ aa opportunity of realixmg a haadieme iortana. AUdreii Irou, Box III, Qaatral Poat Oft.« ol BOARDING. B OARD W tweea VaU stages each aad < ^ ^ TOWN-PLEASANTLY LOCATES BE- tweea Uaiou Square aad Seooad avsaae. Can aad 1 of tba block—(family private) Aeeommo- detleei liberal—homa, Aral claw. Baths, cat. Be , la eveiy way aaitad le Ika eemfort of a gentleman's family—or a faw K atltaes of respectability, •• oaly a faw woald ba takes, saerat le/aleck Private table if preferred. References Bertiesjar. Moiee lef» fag H. W J., at tka Coariar and Ku- lairer aalao, will gaoat immediate attsntios t3<i 3t and* IT OAHD—A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO SECURE A 1 plaaaaat Parlot aad Bedroom, witk fall or partial board, laagirictlf if<.ti iwily, where laeeajoymi-iiofpleaiaat aantotr . i . ,oius are U ba had Location preferred be- twtSB bik aad lata alraata. Addraaa Box 1244 Poat 0 « . •Ml , B QAJU) WAMTED-FOR A GENTLKMAN ABO wifaja tka eonuiry, witkla a ihort dis'.snre of tka eily. at tkii oases stating location aad taraig. apft •^5HF~fo LE"T^^6WE OR TWO a**»ly fa-aiahed. ia a prlrato laanly, tultabla for ia* Braaiiait aad' taa if rfqai"rad, at, OAID CAN I E OB IAIN ED B T A OENT1B Apply at ol lw» G OOD BOABD UAH BE OBIAIN1 atta aad au wlfa la a aaall fa«i>jr, raiidaaea ia Do KalkAvwaaa. BOOT tka ooraor of Gold atraat, Brooklya ; r«f itiwaajauk—grod. Addroaa W. box lataP O olBt rUBMlBMED suna or APAKTMEMTS. •Id. 04 1' ON For 31 A aacood gaaci. fot ataxia g»atlaa>aa. witkuut hu»ru Ap- ply at 91 Wkita atraat Botaraaaaa axabaagad fjOA>b-fo LET, A PAHLOB AND BED ROOM, M9 far aiagla taatlamaa, ia aaaaall privata fanily. Bruak taat, m roq-ilrot; wbara tbaro ara uo othor boardari ~ porttOBaBW. Q w f t r o ot 3B4 Soaaaao gar—a. < rarsjusMao BOOMB TO L«T IN BROOBLTN-A * aaita of »ary Baa go—a. ouatiating ui tbraa paatrna at- tat bad. witk ago of varr plaaaaat parlor, eaa ba obtataad by • party of roar or BTO raatlaaioa oa applicattoo to Mra. BLir. No. 4 Bands atraat. Tka bomsa udalijktfally laoaiad, ooaamaadtaf avtsw sad witkta tkraa atia«>s walk of Pultun Pairy, Tarna aoda- rata. Soraraaaoa arekaagad. tW'f p06ifillPAllteD-A S1NU1,E UKNTLEMgN W 1MM XL oa a raraiofcad Parlor and B-droom, witk braakfast L>cauoa aaaat ko aaar C^ortor aad fjga,tirar g \V SUKKHIOK QOA'ITf, I *t\1 Aaglu3*l»B, ami Brilliant (rum Bt. Uomiugu, ( paiobl UkiOKOE RARRELL, H-6 Wsll. « eoraar of Prunt st BERMUDA ABBOW BOOT IN LAROE OR Nil ALL liuaatilms, fur • • « by _°*i!?_. JOHNSTON A CO i n Libarty tl OLlVk. OIL 1 -t |(| OALLON8 HRIME OUALITY-Por salt by »>»" o4 lP_ Gik " BPBAOPB 7tP«srlst. "TORTOISE SHELL t -OK SALE—ONE THOUSAND POUNDS OR TOR tons Srnll. from San Bias, deliysrabla to Balliiaura Ap- ply to i Ol l INS A DENHGN, at A H. Csotars, IDA WatOg straat.oa Waducsdsy, <ir any subsaqusnt day. o4 'i\* PRINTED WOOL SHAWLS - S LIMMON, IRA8ER k CO. HAVE IN STORE A BULL assortmsat of Priutad Wuol 8bawls, of aaw aad aporov- ad stylsi. whirh tbay uflar for sala oa usual tarms. six aot COGNAC AND ROCHKLLE BRANDY' T HE UNDIRSINUKD BEO TO CALL THE ATTEN- tloa of parchaiari to a aaw prodactioa of tba abosa arti- elaa, wklcb baa baaa proaouacod by couao ssurs aqaal to|tlia hast inpartgd brands, aad which will ba sold at a grsat rs- duclioa oa curraat prieas. s3»ilm AMIES S CO- 109 Wall atraat. EMBROIDERED AND PLAIN WOOL SHAWLS. S LIMMON, PRASES fc CO., 48 B 49 PINE 8THEET, hava ia stora a fuL assortmaat of arabruidarad aad pla'a dysd woul long aad squs r a Shawls ; also, a graat rariaty of •mbroidarad snd plain Indiana 8hawls, daairabla colors, which tbay oflsr fur sala on ucAaltarata. slO BM WOOL LONOBHJVWLS. S LIMMON, FHASER h CO 48 and 49 Piaa strsst, haro auw ia Mora a fall supply of Waol Loaf aad Squara Shawls, of approrad stylos and noval .i«sigu«. which tbay of- s.ootit far for sala oa uiusl tarois^ WOOL LONG anil BQUARE SHAWLS! " ^LIMMON. ERASER fc CO. 48 aad 49 Piaa straat, hava ^ aow IB stora a larga aaaortmaat of Wool Loag aad Squsra Shawls, of aaw aad approved daiigas, which thay oBaroa uiml taiuis log sala. tjMBj ~ COTTON and HOP SAUUINO. S LiMMoN. r'KASKK fc CO. 48 and49 Piaa itrsat, hava in storo a fall supply of 44 inth Cotton and Hop Bagging. lata IM lbs. par yard, which thay offar on usual terms for sala. alO DRAIN PIPE TITSiriBD. O P VARIOUS SIZES, PROM POUR TO TWELVE IN ehas ia diaoistar, for sals by ROCHE BROTHEBSJk£0. J ^Fnlton PATENT WBOUOHT SPIKES AND NAILS. I f W i l l K E U 8 PATENT WROUGHT SPIKES. V A l UUl/rioas sisos; 100 kogs do do Nails; SOU do Cat Nails, van ins suss, all of Providaaca Iroa Company's manefaetura, aad for sala vary low, to elosa a a Conors Addrass WILLIAM H. HENDEBSON, Providaaca, B. I. PXOVIDgWCg, Sept 3. 1853. 17 lm IRISH OLU*: P RIME QUALIir. ON HAND AND TO ARRITE, for sale, ia lota to salt parchaaora, by a*Hw» T E JONES. 10 ipracs atraat. SALB. 10 Brundwsy Addraaa P. D , oBlea aa!3 E OOMB WANTED—A PASLOS AND ONE OB TWO Bod rooms adjoiniag, ia a ftrst claas house IB tka uppar •art of tha city, aot abova (tk glraat. Address boi 5A2 gen oral x4»»Vos»oo JT'« LET-A PEW OENTLEMEN CAN BE wslk alaaaaht rooms, faraiakad or unfur- Pifth atraat. aaar tka Bow- W W t B tka house. myl7 1 V> t s t T IN BROOKLVN-TO ONE OR TWO 8INULE 1 OoallOBaa, (without board.j * J a n s airy bad room, TO auaad. witAaut buara at N>. Z3 Pi •.ylbforakraa required A bail. h> B«o •aia of tka Bridge atraat, Cat henna ith- »ud BOB CASKS VELVET RIBBONS. 60 osaas Vestiaxs. 6 do embroidered Slipper, 10 caakl Porcelain. 00 oaaas Toy Oaaa. 10 do Uermsn Lead Pencils. 20 do CryiBgBskiei. SO do assorted Toys. Bx Haasa. Africa. Asia, Helve ia, aad Cariolaaas. UODPREY fc CO., Commission Msrchaats, •3* HOPaarlstraat. 11 1 PLAYINO CARD*. T HE CONORE88 MAN UP AC TURING COMPANY oflar for sals at No M ABA atraat, BOM tha Harold oBleo, tha lartast, boat aad cheapast assortmsat of Amarieaa and Spanish Playing Cards, Ivory, Satin Surfaco; Batia, Plus aud 8itperlins Easmallad; Breach and Colored Sails Cards and Cardboard tq ba fomnd ia this city. a22 lm jyl9 » ufuii Perriss,aad only 7 or 8 atmatoa froa tha Wail street Barry Apnyat 135 Bridge st., Brooklyn FINANCIAL. S I L Y E S BULLION—TOO ots. for aala by mSB J. H BROWEB fc CO., 41 Boothat. MS WANTEFON SOND AND MORTGAGE—ON Stat rata elty propert r, about $20,000 at 6 par cant for a tarsi of years. Addroaa A A., box 816 Naw York Port Of Baa. .,lMf A DYANOBS-THEUNDEM8IGNKD ARK PREP4RKI> ta aaahBdvaaoas oa coueigaaenis of Produce to Hsvra eHMeyotV CLASK S LAURIE. 124 Proat St. slO , S^SSJ^kBjtjpeTod OBION MUTUAL BCBIP-Hafo Bat W. C. OILMAN. 18 Merchants'Eickanga. ASBAliTB-Laad Warraata of i«o, mi aad 48 for gate aad wanted by E MORRISON fc CO , 51 William at. _, DBAPTB OB MOBILE aM NEW of aatadky JAMES L B B fc CO ,76 Broad it OENERAL MUTUAL 8CRIP- lSMareaante' Eickaato N. 8TRUELBNB fc CO. |Vf ANUPACTUREHS OP FRENCH aad PHARM ACEU- lvA ticConfactloDBiy aad Chocolate by steam, agents far t- ans Manufaciarers of tiue Paacy Boxes aad Papar, 75 Da- aae atraat, Naw York. Juiube Licorice and Gam Drops, ajusshijaba Pasta, of the vary bait quality, eouitaatly oa hand Also, a superior stock of Sweat aud Houutopatkic Chocolate, Cocoa Pasta, Broaa. Cracked aad Ground Cocoa, fcc. Shipper! and wholesale dealers eupplisilat short Botice. I t Sot* REMOVALS HAS REMOVED TO ay9tf IP US jj^OMM .MEICIAL aajofiitaday W. C. OILMAN TBifaT BAff'DOLLABB-Oa, ll half dimes for sale by -J ^ •• MOBBUON * R!BFw? arte.- dollaii, dimes aad CO.,61 William street. CBS TO ENGLAND IRELAND, SCOT- 'ALES. PRANCE AND GERMANY -Tka ,E«^.V& R EMOVED—ISAAC T. SMITH No. 100 Wail aC R EMOVAL—SAM'L L. Ml I'CHII.L HAH REMOVED from 194 Front atraat to No 13 Broadway. jo 13 I » KMO V A L-J I KAM H AS REMOVBD PROM 102 IX Wall street to 924 Br>adway._ J?r 31 _ R EMOVAL — MOSO.UERA fc CO. HAVE REMOVED to No. 169 Proat street, euraor of Maiden laae, (MoCal- ocb's buildings ) fe28 PEABL ST. B3 A 8EK1.VN, HAS REMOVED TO 113 fa,. Hanover Square. (| EMOVAL.—LTTTLE ., ALDBN fc CO.. HAVE RE 39 Nassau street,corner of Liberty, s28 moved to lofts No jppoide'lie Pint Office EMOVAL— RUSSIAN AND DANISH CONSULATE removed to No, 82 Beaver straat. my ) t } B. 8CHLESINGEB REMOVED' .Street J . Piaa it root, to Nu^76 Wiiria.7n~sVrsst.~Iet. BOB 'o I i 'e.lsr streets TO 82 PINE May 3d, 1863. ayttl C. BBNENPUTJICH HAS REMOVED FROM N O 1 Liberty ay3 FOR SALE. PHILIP, BPBYBBfc, CO.. 68 Broad at. MADE ON COTtWONalENTS TO OTJh pply parioni wiihinc to reaut mo- aay to aay part of tha above coon'rlas, with draft! for aar au^vunt, large or small, payable at sight m all the principal sit,., tad w».». ipllW.J fcT.TAPSCOTT, 88Booth at. DlUJSf oTXyTjiaAIMri AT 8 I O H T . IN HUMS TO SUIT a a LnaBni.riiii Broaaa, Havre, Haakorf, Amatar 4aa aad Praaxlert oa tho Maia, aad oa all tko ekielciliee of. • •rau|M<l>ris<« 'crisis Bel r ^ ^ A DVANCBA riiMos is Luu4' a Liverpool. Hull, Glasgow, Belfast, H t t n , aad athav |Mfta la Graat Britaia, Irolaad, aadoatke Cavtiaeit. , » Ordar* ozaoatod at Ifoatroal. Ordoa lor teu Bo,, traaaiBitted to oar frleads, Byaa Miir fc"Co., China. OSBOBNt fc 8YMaf. aaBB tl 80 Wall street _ I ~N<nRAN("i SCRIP OK-rHK -WS."i;. QILM'AN. No J IS Mvreftaata' Siekaaja —Doalarg with the Mutual In BaraaeaOompan'iia, Will A d i t for thair interest to offer their .rp wSs'lnf Ui« sir. riiai. tiftmnii or inrga. at (MVoflNM, •/fcapa noaifrs uf attornay ara i s rsmliness for slfectinf tiauafera. aad fair pneag may be obtained. ki jj ata, laAL art H 'BMtTTA NCiCk T<) THE OLD COUNTRY —W. fc J . T TAPSCOTT a CO wuald Inform ' iiair frieads sml the aW>« thai thay still ottatiaM ' issue Drafts payable tar .ugaaat all taa p n a c i p a l ••• »• and town, nf Eng'and Ir. uwl. Baolland and W es. at light and without discount TUiyala-i, far l a . conunodation nf th» French and Gar- -aK9^B|^at" .i, i me aiglit Draft! sagotlabla ia all tha prin- cipal • ' »« •»! Pr»a*« aad QaraaBy. My2J it aSTTrn CSI'KH "fii ENGLAND IRELAND SCOT n, tAND AND WALKS -BOWMAN, GRINNELL k CO will i i i u d.'afta, fro« £1 and upwards, payable at •tgktbi aay towa tkraacfcotlt wffkl Britain aad Ireland SWALLOW-TAIL LINE OP LIVERPOOL ABlLOH- DfiH PACKET SHIPS—ParsoBi wiihiBg to hava than fnsado breoffc'. i'et ia ».ith«r of tha eplendid packet shine eampeaskg thjitiaa, which sail r»gularly on tha 8th ind 31st f<»»lr •"« a' r ml., srp <.*a'inm LouiiiB every a!tar- aata rkarsday, lAsrtlivavaidwgdglBn, willplBABO apply totha all satb»r,.sd agsnt. in this siij iBBWatAlf, URIHK1LL IsCO., OSes*—iwaontb-' .Now York, •ad FaVTWIOX CHAMBERS. Liverpool. M iV»»WkOBYpA»waBBia»gdoon«OOOmlftf. tha moaay w i U b e *et srBjed. Li»vrr 5 »IP ss k«ti S**»t It aw York MB II aistetch month. Lradwa in «to avary alternate Thunday. p-?» puaags. apply ** above. aol4 f , n rwiik To LOAB^AT" S'rX'PER CEaTT" INTEB- I U.IIUU ait oa band sad mortgage, oa trit-claaa sr.Hisotivs raal srta.t« inthtg oity. Apply to ",it_ JOHN F. CONSEY, NOB 2) k M_Wall itreet ID D B S W,W0. $9,0110, $e,006.-»-ThBBO sumajte land ' A l w . O v V a a Bead and Mortgage, on prodactiva raal F OB SALE-A LOT OF SHELVING AND Casei. auitable for Sooksollora. Apply to afj A A. BOOE- BUT fERP I S.LU. 81 Pearl at. t M>B S A L E - A SUM-MARINE ARMOR OR DIVING Drsss complete, made uadar Qoodysar'i patent, aad coat •13 It never hsa been oaod and will'be eol J for B200. ply to A A — ~ — " F 'OH SALB—A nUPEBIOB HALL STOVE WITH turei aad pipe complete for _a_throe story huaie, all in Ap- rt FIX- good order. •Lin Apply to JOHN NORTON, Jr , 90 Wall itT, an, o3 W INDLASS FOR SALFU-OBS superior pat eat Windlass almost aaw, bat little aied, in jood order aad laitabla for a vessel of 3u0 tons, will ba sold low if applied for 1 diataly to CABIWRIGHT, HARRISON fc CO , s28 ill Proat at. [/LOURING MACHINE POR8ALE.—Pour pair Praack * Barr Stones. Elevators, Coavaiora, Bolts, Spars, Wheals and Shafting and a 45 horsa power steam engiae, forming altoga imr a complato aot of machinery for aSrit clasi merchant douriug mill. .6 J. MORRISON. M Front it. t ^ARYBD AUB1GNY STONE—Gonilamoa and Commit- ' taes|contemplaliBg building the Homing Spring, are invit- sd to examine samples of Stooo, which for beauty of coloi and economy is worthy of attention. s23 2w THOS. S. WINSLOW, Agent, 60 South it. BUSINESS CARDS. BAILEY A CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, th31 oatf 27 Sooth it, Naw York. JOHN GADSBY fc SOBS, NO. II FETTER LANK. PHILADELPHIA. MAHurACTUSfas or COTTON BIBB SOCKS AND KNITT jACKtTS. i!61m» JOHN NORTON, J». SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 9u WALL STBIBT. COB. OF WATKB STBBBT. myi (Over the Marina Bank.) o KJ* ft n A N ' H GOLD QUARTZ MACHINE MANUFACTURING CO. No. 6 Wall street. New York. Ara prepared to execute ordere with despatch. •17 «w H. A V. POST, Secretary^ EDWAJLp H. i n MOBILI SACKBT AeiST, . ^ FOB DICS Ni«r O B LEA NS IW5 MOBILE PACKL Shipping and Commission Msrchaat, 27 S O U T H STREET, |yll(a) Nsw ¥»gg i or. uCttfttmm%mfmBtyears. ApplyteS. 8. BROAD, o3 000. eums aro was *d m Bond aad Mortgage. To ke sscored OB flrat nJ> « iwsllisgs and lot* togatftd A I r id T»".',' dj- ale '(« UD the Boat destrabta nei«h- aklya gevva peg coat, iatarait will bo rUnrod for the above loans )• worth near- tots waatod. For particulars annly to SB BROAD, Nn. 13 Wall street. Iss r5.000. END ON BOND and MORTGAGE UlU^'. in sums to suit appliesnts, on productive Ertaw-ia this oity or Brooklyn. Apply to 6 8 BROAD, No. 13 Wall it. _ BOND AND MORT- $iHiM)o t :. e*r«d :>i i I u I u M.iii B, u 8e*g» per cant, interest To be se- as story brick hunses aad lota s^i na- WANTED—ON •rookifl; are worth c»!h, %40,800— Ala.-. |Si,WB wanted on * konsss and lots that trs worth $27,- ms A | g e , tSOOe s s s t s d on two bongeg aad lote that ara h giB.oivi Also, MW'OvMBtId 00 two hoaeei and as. "\.r ir. -miitth fTlJW •Mimsats yi qj'rfgags lm i •I , .rtaJ SB Tina as .»•••• Uo.ooo.';,':,.? til ihiscitv wortk more I rsnoaai wo honaei aad lots that gig wAaied oo two houses ash, |i4fiQT< Anply to B S. BROAD, tmmbnnm JOHN hi NSI »Bll liate can "alwayi And safe in iir noaey, free tree from all BtpB E—B40,noo IN BONOS AND icarod oa oaproduetive prop- BB I wire the amount, aad tka isannd qnestinn. LEE, Real Eaist* A'.\ctiynser A Naeeau at. arroRAGE. H n iBAQB>— vfaatad la store 2fW Print street. Apply to r J fc J PRYOR. aso Front it, awTflHAMK Thi ',-ii» •' ••otiuncaa be taken al >>!.. THIO. H. VBTTBBL&M, Phils. B. VgTTKBLlin, N York, THEO. H fc B. VETTKRLKIN. Imiorteri aad Dealeri ia FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LEAF TOBACCO AND SBGARS, 128 WATER STREET. NEW YORK. aolO SHIP AND CABIN STORES. OP gUPEHluB QUaLITlBS. SUrVLlEO Ami carefully put up. suitable for any voyage or climate, by LETHBRIDGE AND DOWLING, He. 86 SOUTH STBBBT, NEW YORK art MOORE, HOLLOWBUSH fc CO., BANKKHS AND KXCHANOE DEALERS, ILLINOIS. QUINCY H. FOTHEBIROHAM, COMMISSHM AOMVT. SHIP AND INSURANCE BROKE _ - BBOKEB. Coraeir «J Wr»f«r, OBOT th* Martm SaaA. Near Yer*. Vessels bought, sold, and chartered. Freight! procured, and engaged for saw pert. Passage ticketa purchased for Auatratia, Oalifornia, aad taropo. aSOtf DANIEL R, HASBROUCK CUSTOM HOIJSK RROKiKR, OFFICE AT WINSTON fc SEA MAN'S, 28 P I N E STREET, NBW Yon REFEBKNtrES : Jaaien B V'son, Esq., (Pras't. Bank or Commonwealth.) John J llerrkk Esq. Cyrus W. Field fc Co. Thomas C D'lrmnius. Esq HAMhkk DOWN KB laponeri no M wmien. P.Mibroitit'rifhy \t lute- t.uutla A I . a t »• l . u u a l a L J. WYEIH fc CO ,t liui-orteia.) No, 'u Broau street I iiiliisnliiiih, Wlnu- (,Oode, Ac. HILL BROTHERS, (Iuiiorters.) 69 Liberty street I i i K i . i t •> ». liird.) J. N, OlMBEEDE,5S8Bruadwsy and 6 .Ueu , Laj llota HYATT fc CORNELL. 399 B'way, (eatrauea kBaVadaw at.) I iicrnii'iv ( Vt i»,ui. WILLIAM HOWLAND, 12H Nassau, uppusite Clinton Hall WHITNEY, JOCELYN fc ANNIN 68 and 80 Fuituu at I \|>r. », Mm" pi at; »1« i t li.iiil-.- EDWARDS, SANFORDfcCO, (Foieigu) M Broadway Bxpreaa lle«»ru»rr. A NEWSPAPER Publiihed every Batarday at 36 Broadway: Bneaoallc Tllaa a ml Liarnklrk GaaBaaaVB T o p o . MILLEB, COATE8 fc YO0L ( |Uj|.ortori,) 278 Pearl it. I m i . y LUIMIS, I'- r i l l i n . r> , i BBsssBBBa A< • WARD. PECK fc CO .(Importers) No. 47 Maiden Lane Irnigit, I . n n pa, Tubkultt, l t u I ton-, Ac. MEEKER fcMAlDHOF, l Maul j No. 24 Day itree I t i r t i a i is, Vnilililon, HeRiktcrM* DAVID CULVER, (Maaut. aud Dealer...Nu. 62 Cliff street COWLEB fc CO (Improved Rangee)..No. 177 Grand straat BlahinB T»rkle. J. B. CROOK fc CO. (Imp's slid Mauuf'rs) .... 60 Pulton it. Prliigra, UlmpN, liriilda, lluttono, A.'. KOHL8AAT, BR08 48 John at. I.old t»ena and l'imiU. A. G. BAGLEYfcCO.(Mauufacturen;. No 12 Maiden 1 the N. Y. GOLD PEN MANUF. CO. 183 Greenwich, betw een Cortland aad Dey iti. ( . c a l l . u i c a > Kuininliiii. Cood.. J. M DAVIE8. JONES fc CO. Nos. 104 and 106 William as. C. B. HATCH SCO. (Imp. aad Mauuf ) No. 97 WIIUBBB st. Lrnlci uud Keu.lnrs. W fc N JACKSON fc BON8.238 Front gt. fc 891 Sroadt ray. G r i n d a t o n e s . NOVA SCOTIA, NEWCASTLE, WICKEBSLY, YREMCH AND OHIO. J. S. WHITNEY fc CO 4 South and 66 Wasaiagt. >a at l.au.uud Hpuriiii^ A|»pairntus. HENRY TOMES fc CO , 291 Broadway, (late 20A.) tiold A- silvtr Friugea,TasaelO|!4tara, l.ucc,Jt-c KOHLSAAT. BROS .48Jo)uisl . Grates, fendrra a a d I r o u Kailiug;. JOHNSON, WHITSON fc CO M ..4t Lsoaaid st Huts, tape, Ac. THOMP80N fcROBSLERlForsfc Straw 112Maidemlaao. Hides aud Leathvr. -(Isnporler.i W. P. MILLER No. 86Gold aad 41 Spruce street. Hardware, C u t l e r y , K d g e T o o l s , o V c . CHAS. B. LITTLE, (Imp. and Gen.Dsaieri) 33fc84 Fultom India Kubber ( lothln. and Hurgtcal Artli-les. UNION INDIA RUBBER CO. (Manor V :9Nasaao itreet I n d l a H a b b e r M h o e s , B o o t e . C l o t h i n g , ckc. NEWARK INDIA BUSBER MAN. CO...* Ma.deu Lauo N. BRUNSWICK INDIA BUSSES - o ..••!•» M m h . Laao Iran Works, (Plain and Oraamantal.) I. B. B W. W. CORNELL a CO., Na. 136 fc 143 CeBtre-st. Jewelry, Fancy Oaerda aad HtvAlonerp. CARROLLfcHUTCHINSON.diupt . , 647Broadway L a c e G a a d a and xakabreldoriwo. GEOSGE PBARCE fc CO.. (Importers.) No. 68 Broadway L i n e n C a m b r i c Uoodaj, .Importers.) BERTBAND.FRKRES fc HENRY, (French,) 27 Willtaa-st. L i n e n T h r e a d , M f c o e T h r e a d A (BBBBBBSB Thread, THOMAS BASBOUR, (Manor.) 43 Excha nga Plaoo. Lauipa a a d G a a FLxcnres. DIETZ, BROTHERS a Co., (Maaof .) No. 134 *Wi|liam-st. STABS, FELLOWS fc CO ,(Mauut.,> No.«7 Bi skman-at. Llthegraphera. GEOBGE HAYWARD No. 120 We tsr street; MICHBLIN fc BHATTUCK .225 Fulton et. Locomotive Needlea and Fancy Gt> oda. THOMAS fc EDWARD GILL ...14 Dey it l.tHlatuiDK Uotla. A. M. QUIMBY fc SOW, 18Nassau it.aad 133Bs st27thst narblelanad Iron and Wood. FREUND fc CO ....... „.- 63434 B roadway. SALAMANDER MABBLB COL. No. 813 J Headway Maasmsaajr and Heaewood. B. fc C. W HOUGHTON, (all fancy woods) ..'* Waiker-st HAWB8 fc GBAHAM, (Importers .. 176 and 17S Center it M u a l c a l I n a t r u m e a t s , (Wholesale.,) CABGILL fc CO (Imp's su.lMuuut'rs) 47 Maa lea Lane HOHE fc LEAVITT, (Importer fc Mauuf ,) 31 (late 44) Maidan-laae. Machinery and Machine Toole. BCHBNCK'S Ma..iuuery Ospot 63Coaruland it. LEONARD'S (Machiniati'Tools) 109 Pearl fc. to Bea vsrsts. Machinery and Barnlns Oils, Cactdleo, oVc. A. BARTLETT 132 Water, corner Pi as, aaar Wall it Marble, (Importers and Manwlactnrera.) FERRIS fc TABER,(Steam Marble Work.s)386Green wtca. Needles, K l o b H o o k a and FUFgUg Tackle. THOS. H. BATB. (Manof. and Import. ,r) 103 Maiden Laao Ciiiata, Otis, A c . BAYNOLDBkDBVOE .No. 160 Water stteet P o i n u , O r n g a and Patent. Aledieineo. D.8ABFATY No.l74Watar mat P a p e r B o x e s , Mann faclarers.) A. LAORAVE No. 128 Fultoa itree t Pnper War.- r><mBea> J.C. ELY, (iupe'r. quality of Biu (en Boiirdi,)..7»-FultoB!t CYBU8 W. FIELD fc CO. (Wl toleeals Dealsri) 11 Ciiff-tt P a p e r M a c h Geoda. REN8HAW fc HILL, (Manafr Carers,) .... 4 1 F u l t o n soBBBl P a p e r H a n s l n c s ar,d Window rihadea. WM. HINTON, (Manufaetn/er) ,43Coartlandt it. P l a n e F o r t e Mann foctarers. NUNNS fc CLARK No. 257 Broadway GROW fc CHRISTOPHE &, cor. o f 3d Avenue aad Uth its. Plated. Ware, Tubli | Cutlcr» Ac. WINDLB fc CO ^ No. 56 Maiden laas Perfnm'^ry a n d F ancy Goods. A. fc J. RAMSEY,! Manof and I mportet) 318 Greeowich-it P-nteat Eloatj o Hkirta. P. BATES, (M aoufaotarer) J6 Liberty-it Real Balate a n d P i eperty Brokers. BRONSOr,, KNAPP fc CO 110 Broadway Idibbsjuo a n d TO/ I Hurry Good*. L. fc A . TJNDEBHILL, (Jobtst rs) ..Not. 4 and 6 John itreet Spectacle** en anut'ai;tnrcr.l EDBP.S. FRANKa,(SpectaoViiadjuitedtotheBye)52B»wery (Shirt Miaiinfaetnrera. A. T. fc W. UN'DKHHILL, (Troy Collan,). 36 Dey it Salamactder Nafe*. ST EARNS fc 'MARVIN, (Wt'der'i Patent)..146 Water street SILAS C. HERRING, (do) Nos. 135 and 139 Water itree M'.tip Bread and (Irackcr*. B TREAD WELL fc 80NS-.276 Wash.ngtou and 244 Froa ERA8TUS TITUS - No. 283 W hington itreet Mruisiicrr and Account Book*. O F, NB SBITT fc CO., (Tontine Build)..Wall fc Water itg W. K. fc J. SIBELL, (MaauBacturers) No. 2S Wall street Haudlery. B. M. 8EGEE. (Saddles, Harness, Trunin, fcc.) 826 Bwgy Teacher of Navigation. G»"V.ALE, (Publisher of liberal worki,) 1 Bowery TOY* and Fancy Good*. ALT HOP fc AKLBORN, (Import,,)59 and 61 Maiden Laa J. Yv". H O L B B R T O N , ( F i r e w o r k s ) 43 Maiden Lane T y p e F o n n n e r a and Printer* WnrehouNe. CORTELYOU fc GRIPPING 29 Sptucest fJntbrella*, Pnranolsand Waikinc Mtickn. JOHN J.SMITH, (Imp. and Mauufae.,)234 fc235 Broadway Watcliea, Jewelry and Gold Pen*. FREDERICK LOCKWOOD, (allkinds,)...58 Fulton street J. Y. SAVAGE, (Gold Pern.) No, 92Fulton street Window Frame*, Uoor Sn«H and Ulinds. J. FROTHINGHAMfcCO. (Manuf ) .... No,61 Been man-it W i n d o w <>la«* Importer*. H. J.BAKERfcBROTHER, (Chemicals, fcc.).. 142-Waterst F. HOPKINS fc BHOTHBR8 61 Barclay st met. World** Nafe Co. (Lillie's Patent.) MOBRIS fc BRADLEY. Agouti 11» Pearl it Tho above lilt waa collected by S. M. PETTEN-HLL fc Co. Ne>sapaper Advertising Agenti, No. 122 Naisau st., and is to ss taaarted on Mondays, Wednesday! and Fridays, one year. »•» Aay correction or addition to tko foregone list should e sent si above. o But H YL* o. c mil B t I I a n gAJtrLtTT .FEKKY.tKr ut , t ,', BUCNINGHAM8 i-OiASH M c C U L L O C H , 1H8 B r o a d st 16ti iUs.Nrot. u prime, tor sale by GORUE V EDGAR, iti Water it_ ANL7LE6-iOuboa»s We.teruaad.ity madr adamantine i..r.al"y W H. POPHAM. HePiuut st *4 dhIL C.iSES- 7d0(i bbls emuir oil cssks fo urime order, , Z1 lor sale by J fc J PBYEH A I O . 240Front st L.n.AGS- -PI A G S - A i p e r i c a u F l a g i . l n milk eotUB. n a i l BV sizes, luitahle for •alehv c ' ** dscoratiug aad Foorlh ot July, for A. HINRICHS, 150 Broadway ot EFINE V LARD nlL— •»• '»«' Iba prime guality. lor city •alet or ihipiueiit. for eaie by the mauulacturers. _CA/tRINGfON fc DOOOHERTY,3:ii8 uthst. JOTA8H-L'i tin cans, 6 pounds aaeh in boxes of I dozvu each, eipr.'sslv for making leap. lor sals by 04 B. T BABBITT, 68 aad 70 Washington st k^CkTHES-iui ass, Cora aad Bush Heytnes, manufacturud •^ br Silas Harris, and delivered to the trade by his ageuts, o4 LOGAN, VAIL fc CO., 9Gold st. O LIVES—160aet'Spaaish Ohvei, juit landed.ia loti to iuit purchaseis hy 04 _J W. KLWELL fc CO. 57 Sooth it C I.OAKINGS- A gnod aasortment. comprising all grades for sale by o4 MOREHOUSE fc MKRR1TT, 34hj PiBest. I ^KA.N AUlLl.A WOlill-si tons isige sus aud good qua \B lity, foriale b » DAN , EL CPRTIS fc CO. UI Paarlit. | OWELL CO OSNTBURaiS-I'lB'* ••» Twilled, ol va- I^nou. •••^•./•^l^wgajNCB fc CO.,43Broadway > < o V T > a r i i R E i D - J fc P. Coet'siuperioraixcord thread "MCCALL* BLAKE~fc PAlRCHILD, 11 Broad it. ^ STEEL SPRINGS—A large lot, jestrecuveu and tor sale 7 at maiiulariuMia' prices by o4 LONG fc DAVENPORT,lOJPlattit^ S HEET IRON—200 tons English, a complete aaaortaanl, (or sale ia qoaalllies to suit purchasers by o4 JBE. CAHMER k CO. T Broad it W EIGHER'S TOOLS—Aeomiilete let, compriiing frame bottom,beam aad weights, lor tale by « ISAAC T SMITH, 101 Wall at., eor. Froat. C 'EDAR—Cedar Tunt-er for ship buildisg and PencilCsdar ' coastantly for ssle at the yard 713 water etreet OtU JAMES W. PHILLIPS. MSjsatfc st. T URPENTINE—too bbls, part aaw dip. for sala by WM. F. CAXTERFISLD. 74 Froat st., «a Successor to D. L. Sayrs. i AMILTON SHIRTING STRIPES—30 luch, twilled ma rinen itripee, dark aad colored, lor aala hy 04 SOCH fc INGLI8, 61 Piaeit. FOdK Leaves, Colocynth Appiea, Carraway Seed, Aaaii t. Bead, Aipualtuiu, Cochineal, for tale by o4 SAM'L 8WEET3ER, 128 Water it. •uper lor preserved Froat it. | NGOT COPPER—10 torn boat quality lag ot Copper, for 77 fc 79 Broad at. 1 JHIL1. tl.i.i-i Bowne i o . . - i .,, -. - •ui aud last, roiora. lor ia e by si LAV. ItkNt E. CLAr-H * CO.. (5 Broad it oJICK SEBtaES—Ail widths aud qualities, also, ball su O do. nn sale i>j EWA LP CARON.ua Broadway. A NCHOR—AaEiujlisu wood atoca Anchor Lbs..far sals by 04 J SPRINTED weigmag .<': THOS P STANTON, 56 South it aud A u4 LININGS-Good ilylei. jait leeeived "" HUTt:HINSON fcTIPFANY, 50 Eichange Place. NCHOH8 AND CHAIN CABLB8—24 Anchors, ol ve- il • . < •. Hi. u ... - lor i s l e by ' J O. WILLIAMS, 188 Proat St. ••illii "ALAS DUCKS, from the Amoskeag and Mil.oiu rjlrVl Comuaniei, lor aais by the ageall, o4 MEHR1AM. BRBWER fc CO.,34 Pine itreet jVEW ORLEANS MOLA8SE8-30U bbli. laadiag frota 1" brig Flora, lor isle by i4 C A. BUBGE8S,257Froatgt._ S HOULDERS—200 hhds. prime quality able lor shipping, for safe by o4 in order aad aaia- JNO B. KIl'OHING, 121 Pearl itraat. P APER CAMBHICS-Black, Slatei, Tan, various shadas, desirable sly lei, received by the late arrivals, aad tor o4 lur sale by C. CARY1LLE, 17 Broad street. W HITE PONGEES—100 eases superior qoality contract goods, 26 to 30 taels weight, tor sale by <>4 BUCBLIN fc CBAKfE, 80 Froat at 04 All Ike vari- irsale by GOODHUE at CO. 04 South It. Y ELLOW METAL and COPPER BOLT* oua sizss of excellent quality, on hand and for aala by Slowi" No. ), just raceived ud lor sals by o4 M WARD. CLOSE fc CO.. 83 Maidsn Lane. / 'A.-UOR OIL—19 barrels M USCOVADO 81 GARS—238 nhds. by brig Tribune, now aflcat, and for sale IU bond or duty paid by "1VBN8. 137Paarlat. uat, aud lor sale iu bond or duty paid by STOREY tt 8TEV ol JefTeri. -II eai'h 2.1 hy i nn- On one ot P EABL STICK FANS—A large s.sortuient of fiae Pearl Slick Fans, new patterns, lust received per steamer. ALFRED PLUNBBTT, lapoitor, o3 No. 6 Day itreet. qp-stairt. hJATINETS—HopeCa '• blacks, mitturai and faacy colors i c^ also, printed 8atineti in great variety, from varioos sour- ces, for sale by W. C. LANGLEY fc C O . , i o3 _ _ ** Broad street, cr Eicaaags place. 1LE8IAS—Louiilale CoT'i 7-8 and~4-4 Silenai, rolled and fid. CJ book lold, of superior quality, in all colors. Alao, me- dium aud low qualitiae. tor lale by 04 LAWRENCE, CLAPP fc CO 35 Broad it. W INTER SPERM OIL— Bleached and uubloached, tor sals by LYLES. POLHEMU8 fc CO. Mauufactarere, 262 aud 263 South st. <A Ogee 120 Front atreot. P RINCIPE SEOARS—500,000 of tha wall kaowa brands Eaglea aad Barrios, extrai , Eaglei aad Barnoa TBREBERVED OYSTEBS-900 boxB! laperior P Ovsiers iaitable for loag voyagei, for sale by o4 T CABTWRIOHT, HARRISON fc CW...U1 Crux a Hijos aud oa lioud, aad duty paid for sale b< THOMAS OWEN * ** U HENDRICKSfcBROTHERS. 04 ( COTTON YARNS^Of J breads. Nos o4 the best i tt.22. for sale by M. CANPIKLD fcCG Georgia and Carolina 80 Cedar st. C OLORED WINDOW ULASS—A complete assortment of eveiy variety of color, and of the finest quality, for o4 sale by RIDNBR. THIELfc CO. 34 New street. kftLP LAKES—Sellable lor paper hangings, paper slain- I i ug for sala by RIDNEB. TH1EL fc CO. 34 Now it. S BINS—12 bales Baoaos AyraaGoat Skias, av'g ifc iba ; 5 fcalas do do Dear Skuas, av'g I * lbs., for sale by 8S W. W. DE FOBE8T SCO. 82 So uth it. (e>*T. CROIX BUM—100 paaohooai very lorerior ki(h.la- K3 veredSt. Croix Rum, for aala by w4 CULBEBT fc FINLAY. 24 Old Slip. O IL OF BERGAMOTT—Of supsnor quality need, for Bale br Oil of Au BOVING fc WITTE.94 Joha it H AVANA SEGABS of tha moat celebrated braadi, com mon siss, Loudon and Regalias, far sala by o4 LILL1B fc RAISINS, 109 Froat it. treeh Vanilla 41 S o i t h *C V A N I L L A B E A N S A small parcal of V Beans l) C I . , , . BOt I y Kii leat, Uottaee 25 by 40 foal, with maatu (runts Hamiitua Avenue- I ho throe stor) onefc hoaaea aad lota at t'leeaai m i l uf II—nllii* aieaus, pju lost south of Court at. . lots 18 l.v alnnil wi fuel . h.m>«. 38 feet deep (.'inter Ntieet—Thiee lots on the wesi .idc o| t'entvr atn» ' in re.r of the ui. •.. , each lot 25 leet trout. Julfermn Aifiioe— ESht lots on the west side avenue, ;"i feet .outli of the old Jamaica turnpike lOnre.t. Sackett Avenue—Eif ht lota on tha east aide m Avenue, in. .liaUly iu rerr of the above . 25 by 100 feel cam the lota is a small frame barn and atable. One half the purchase .noney can renmn on ban* an. J . w.nrt gage. K'ii maps and parlieulara apply to tne Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. Oct 12 At 12o'clock at the Mercbanta' Exchange. «2d8lreet. (opooaitethe Crystal Paisce)-Positive8ale—The two story f'aae houses and nine tears lease of two lots, each 25 by 100, ground rent $50n) on the northstde of 42d street, 150 ft west of the 5th Avenue ; ho snag are 25 by 40. Termi at sals. THURSDAY. Oct 13 At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange. Steamboat John Marshall—As sha now lies at the foot of Liberty street, N R , length 203 fea , 27 feet beam, 9 feet 4 inches hold, beam engine. 4laJ tuch cylinder, 103f feet struke, bunt in Beltiaiure iu 1846, copper Uiiene.l and coppered, well fo ml in every respect, and hai accommoditious fur 200 pays- lengin. Sold to close a concern rater Paras. Auctioneer BY PETER PARKS. CMIee N o . 3 Naaaaustreet,near Wall. N. B.—A regiejust li kept for Private Sales t<! Real E.lats, and strict sUnatioB giv*e to sales of Furaitore at private u •« •er. I. -.uiii. uiorared <••• bend aad mortgays, and sales of evsry Had attended. THIS DAY. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 5. At 1 o'clock, P. M. on the premn.es, at Fordham, Important sale of about 200 value le lots of ground, in the pleasant village of Pordham, u._r the Fordham depot, about 12 miles from the City Hall. The above lots are finely located ."or rsaideucei, being upon elevated ground, perfectly healthy, and easy of access from the city. Terms of sale and full par- ticulars will be found in the special advertisements. At Private Sale—One nrstolais honse eat Fifth Avsnii, with stable, and lotofunuiual iize—Pnce $4,5000 A'so, aruutber of first class housae, without stables,m the ssras vicinity. Also several on Madiaon BVaaejB. ^or r^artilu^srs sunly as above k W.1LORD -C 0V tiEOKUJ CO. Store No. 261 Pearl street. o4 ^for sale by _ PETER V. KING fc CO. USCOVADO SUGAR and MOLASSES—1000 hhds aa 1VS 350boxei Muicovado Sufar ; 500 hhdi Molasses—fo isls* ia boad by YZNAGA fc ETULAIN. 28 Broadway. H AM8—For Shipping—Duflleld'i glazed Hauii. laitabla ,'or shipping to California, Auitralia. fcc. being imper- vMini to dampneu, fcc. for sale by 04 BRU8H fc CO. 35 Front it. M QTHESVSjP PEARL—A fsw eases of Motasr of Paar Shell, from Manilla, of superior quality, lor ssle by R. S. STENTON, o4 Hardware Commission Agent 20 Cliffat UHBATHTT* 7 O lltyEng! ov sala by oj GB< HEAIH. COPVEB- nn rases, 14 to34ox lRy r - ' w__ /r r *»— ."" >»•„., ee »„ ^. _-^, hist qui in an u I acta red by Williams, Foefer fc Co.— ^ 'HERRY WIN;. ) tillado.Otwoss. B ILLING'S SMOKbiSr lings Patent ronroi ^.LL, MINTURN fc CO. 78 Booth st. ' _t large assortment, including Amon- eomtantly on hand, in lota to suit purchaieri forsaleiu »• by 03 P. HARMON V '. EPHEW4J fc CO.. 80 South st OUI_>BR8—800 barrels Bil- _ '''ISM, pot up expressly for • hipping to California aad A i' .*a*A maiksts, on hand aad for isle by JBWELL. HARRISON fc CO., o4 27 Water et aad 7 Erie Railroad D.pot OBERT AYRE8 46 FRONrFfUEET, OFFRES FOR •ale, IB loti to lait porchaaen, BEEF—1000 bbli repacked Chicago Mess Beef. 500 do extra Mere Beef. 300 do light Mess Beef. 350 do city Mess Beef. PORK—400 bbls. Mess Pork. 300 bbls. prime do. BUTTER—In 26 aad rO lb. kags, packed for the California market. 04 H IDES, HAIR, fcc — 3000 Rio Grande Hide*, av Wlbi . IB boa 2000 do do do do do. 625 do do av. 21 lbs. 150 do hssvy do. 32 bales mixed Rio Grande Hair. 2 do long do do. 5 do do Wool. 25000 Shia Boars—for sale by 04 S RICHARDS. 40 Sooth itreet. W OLCOTTVILLE BBASS CO '8 AGENCY.—MARKS fc DA VOL, Agists, No,78 Cedar itreet, offer for sale, ia lets to suit— 20.0HO lbs of pressed Kettles, assorted lizsi. 35,000 do battery do do. 30,000 do rolled aad sheet Bran. Also. German Silver. They solicit orders for the above, which will be promptly filled, and at the lowest rates. o4 B ^ ROWN^ROLLS— t5O0^iecei, eaHabuTToT bags^aBdlbr banging hami, for sale law, to close. Bottles—75 hamperi quart and pint Claret Hock aad Porter Bottles. Pipes—2,500 boxes Clay Pipee, m bond and duty daid. German Segars—60M. good quality; Stained Glass—All colon, at .reduced pncei, by the case, for lata oa reatoaable terms, by 04 FBBD'K HOQ8E, SO Cedent..upitairi. ! \ j EV. YORK STEAM SUGAR REPINING COMPANY J.Y suceenori to Woolsoy fc Co. aad Howlands fc Molier Tooth street, cor. ol Montgomery—Sales office No. 113 Wall strset. Have constantly on haarfthe usual kinds of Refined and Coffee Sugars oed flyraps.vn :<— Lon f . smalt aad large loavos. dtandard and Circle A. Crashed. Granulated aad Powdarsd. Clarified, whitai aad yetlowi. Syropi. in hhdi., tierces and barrel!,I 04 B. R. MclLVAlNB.Triasnrar LIOl I A L B-FLOUB MACHINES YAN~D^TEAM r ENGINE. Four French Burr Stones, 4 feet. Poor Flour Conveyors Three Flour Elevators. Largo Grain Coaveyon Large do Elevator, with iron backeti. Flour, Buckwheat and Meal Bolti. White Oak Hoik or Frame. Spar Wheel! and Shafting oomplete. A forty-five hone power Steam Engine, with fixtures aad better* complete, foiminf altogether a complete sst of ma- chinery for a Merehaat Floor Mill. Apply to 04 tf J. MO RR 1SON.52 Front St. A MERICAN STAR FILEWORK6, WILLIAM8BURGH. L. I.—The iobacriber is regularly manufacturing, a.in has always in stock at his Depot, 8 Liberty street,Now York, 'or sale IB quantities to suit, oa favorable terms— Taper Saw Files—Diamond C. S. do C. S. and Extra C 8, warranted p 't aud Frame Saw Files, C. S , warranted, r s. warranted flat bastard aad hall round Filei. Da Mill Saw Files. D 0 4 , qoara Bastard; do Round Bastard. These File * *rs made of the best doable refined Cast Steel by superior an * experienced workmen, and wherever the " - •' ' proc lanced equal in quality to the beit for Riera, La Padua. Juito Sanx, and other brands, iu fc 8QN, 15*1 South at. G ENESEE FLOUH-Oftherollowiugiopeiior brands— Win. H. Hanford, Jr,. Joseph Hail's Modal Mills, Wm. C iHawley, 8helby Center Mills, R. 8. Williams fc C c . J o h n Mortem, W.C. Prmdls, J. Wwodfate, Eclectic Mills, Boeh- ester Mills, fcc. fcc. for sala by ot DOWS fc CARY. 2 South st. ,OOR SPRIN-HI, DOOR 8PRINGS-Tbs Pateut Perpeo- dicular Door Spring, maoofacturad by T. Kiggin, (lots Grayjfc Biggin,) of 36 Maiden-lane. B. P TOHREY. Ageat, 82 Joha it. Hardware merchant! anpplied on favorable termi SB eJALACRATUS— Best quality old fashioued Pearl ash Salai- O ratus, warrantad purs and oi ;the bait kiad in kegi, half liliii and caaki. Also, ia iron hound packngaa lor export, fur sale by COGSWELL, CRANE fc CO. oi corner Wall and Front street. P ATENT CANDLES—Of superio7 quality, aasorlod sixes aad colors, pat up IB plain and faacy paper boxea of o the each, for aals by LYI.E8, POLHAMU8 fc CO., Manufacturer!, 262 and 2rjJSouth street, o3 __* ____* !_____ L'HEDEHICK h . C . E . B O . 80 CEDAR STREET, (op r stairs,) usar Bru lway. IM POUTER OP GERMAN and FRENCH DRY GOODS. H08IEBY, fcc. otters for sale acompletsasioiimant of GERMAN HOSIERY. GLOVES, ke. Cottoa Fringes—Whits and colored—aa extensive assort- meat. Laces—Black nlk, Thread and linen bed Laosi. Tapes— Lines, whits, gold snd, red snd striped. Luuen Bobbias ; Silk Coat aad Vast Buttons Silk and Cotton Vastings. Saxony Marinoes, different kualities. Turks' Rsd Yarn—German—all numbers. Black and Fancy Silk Cravat«, ia great vanity. Hooks and Eves—best auality. lilvared, fce o4 I RISH LINENS, fcc—BARKLIE fc BROWN*. No. 50 William street, offer for sale a full and handsome as •or*, mint of Liaen Goods, rouei»:ing ia part of:— 4-4 Shirtiag Linens, wholr anddemip'.ecss. 4-4 Fine Krouting Linens. 9-8 Heavy Pillow do. 4-4 Blay and Yellow do. 3-4 aad7-SBlay do. 3-4 Barnesley Drills, f nc qualitiei 3-4 Farmer'i and heavy Brown Drills. 3-4 White Slate and Blay do. 3-4 and 4-4 White and Brown Hollands. 3-4 and 5-8 Damaak Napkins. 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 12-4 Damask Clot hi. 7-4. 8-4. 9-4. and 10-4 tabls Damask. o4 H " UTCHINSON fcTIPFANY. No. 50 Eichange Place, offer for sals— Gsr-tan Cloths—in blacks and colors. German Casiimsrsa— Naw styles aad varisty of pattsrns. Black Doeskins—American and German, of Bedlam aa I fiae qaaiitiei. CarnageClothi—Peart, iilvar and fawn drabi, plain ail twilled, all wool aad oolton warp Cnecxi—Shirting, aproa, foraitara aad dark cheeks of the belt itylsi. Fine Shirtings—29, 30 and 34 inch fins ihirtingi. Canton Flaaaeli—Midway brown and blanched. Cloak Linings— Plaid and fancy p-tteras. Til ...tings—4-4 black and drab. Carpsttag—Medium and low priced. Chenille Bugs—A vaiiaty of patterai. 04 J AMES LEFFEBTS fc CO., NO. 29 BROAD STREET, -.ffer for sale— CASS1MESE8—Fallityiai. fancy. Checkad for children'! wear. Highland Plaidi. Double aad twut. black aad white. Do Blacki, varioui qua'ittea Do Black and gold, mixsd, heavy. DOESKINS—Blacki different qoalities. TWEEDS—All wool, black aad white and fancy colcrs. CLOTHS—3-4, all wool, blacki aad olives. SATINETS—Black and mixed, low priced. JEANS—Of various mixtures and qualities. PLANNKL8—Grey twilled LINSEYt—Linings and cheeks. CLOAKINGS— Plaia and priated. COATINGS—Heavy mixed 04 5IJB1 Do Eo •5 1m» nn thapremiiei, ot» 43^ ' '»> l o t * c- ( l i . - AT FIRS-PROOF BRICK Store ?*» No. UK Fr«»t it sul. J G WILLIAMS t_Tn'llAOE- AffoK O rtree ffa*Stfr£ -Tha balk of 40tw bbls rag he taken on itorege, feyGEQ J JOHNSTON,50Froat it. lAtsaa—Waa'ted m l h e Ire proof atore N o . 156 Snntk street Aopiy o* t h e BJWJP***; ayl6 AW St TAKEN IN PINi STORES. No7a». earl strset, on first S o o n . Apply at No. el Pe .il fftwai. ______ t" 7 BTOlAfiE TABTEN IN THE CELLAS OP l.-o PEAiil. KB etreet Apply ta the store, mv il I AGE-THE BUI, istore, (rg proo UTOBAGE O takiBlii iORiGR WA«ftl>—IB the fireproof 1 at ^pply oa tns prenaBss. ,K O F 100* BALES l Front it V a be s._f IB store 44 Proat st! CAN BE SUtf trim linP*h lit KORKB-l- n. OHBItt. 1TOHE isrow-s^ 4A»*E—Oa (fcttoa Floor aad Mdis ROBBRT^YREB. lib, il FRONT 8THEET - Applr ffrMAGE O is the ti hi tf in itors, N o 74 WAKKMAN, DIMON fc CO, MAY SB HAD FOR 7t» BALES COTTON _ , fioor ia ihe fire proof itores 52 South street I I Joaei lana. Insoraano at the Inweit raiei. B. RICHARDSON » CO rfcAN BE HAD FROM i" ntOPMAY •reof store and cellar, M New it Aiioit t. > tf ADOLPHU i D HUUEL, 2fl fcew it IRAS! F'er Oil, IS Cellar I7«I South itreet. Apply to R H HUNTER, lit Front it. • RAGE WAR-HOUSES. WEST North River. AiiiUeArlBtloBiof IdarchandiOO taken oa aaeeaaedatlag eras. Apply i» ike elces. 117 Wsihinglea and tt w Ml , tl fjrt ^ ____.._>-___.______ I-B-THI, BUBICRIBES HAS A VERY LARGE TOT a .f lak of all the .tffareat nxei ind qoalities, among •hire, ate the following kiads—Davis a Black"!. Harr.sna'i, Haysard fc Rosea fffceaheas*. Araold's, Merdao's, Cooper BPhilllpe' fcc fcc , black, blue, red, carmiBS. copying is- gaa, im*a iaid. Uarwii cdpymg fcc kc , which ha will sell « Ifcs m.aaiactBien' prices m ( HAKI.Eg SMALL. 177 Pearl et C 'AU^Vff A CMJODS—a.»m hags H»H ,*n« ' 3nr>h*T*o «UBBV Bagi, STiO balsi.Usnuy Cleth. in belaa Pataa Goat 8klas 70eases Lac DyS, HI esse* MB*aiiladige, for sala by •3 WM A, BALE, Ja ,'4t Sooth st OGDRN fc L EOVY, Attorneys and Cmiv . . inn at Law, N i w o i i . n n ' , Lot u r n Rat sr to Moasrs. J H. Brower y. Co , New York. " Oire-iioi fc PHXOH, do " Dobois fc V andervoor«. do. " Sturges, P.ennet fc Co., do. " Townser.d. C'sch fc Dlks. do. Chsi PI Conaolly. Eiq.do. " George ft Lawriuce, E>q .do. " A fc A. Lawrence fc Co., Boiton. Hsrrinl, Darling fcCo , do. " Mason fc Lawrence, do. _" J. W. Paige fc Co.. do. (a) MBBBV J. i n n v 0!l6or' T AUSTRALIA COMMISSION HOUSE. SAMUEL P LORD a C O . Mgl.BOCHNg, W ILL GIVE THEIR ATTENTION TO CONSIG1*- manti that may be made to them nf veieali and merclB- aadtiri, and from long experience, hope to give iatnfa"'io* to those wHii may plans tiusiaass in their hands. Are permit- ted lo refer to— N. y.-Phelpi. Dodge fc C. Roorman, Johnson fc Co. N. L. * G. Gnswnld, Wm Colgate fc Co. The Richardson, Esq W. H Newman fc Co Jones fc .lohn.on Roil on Pim Sprague fc t'o. The'iubicrlben are prepared to forward goods by lirnt. I ass veiieli at the lowest market ratal, 119 MAILLRR fc LORD. 108 Wall street. New Yorl >.__ GEO. W. MORELL. ATTngBBV.fcC.fcc. VNITKD STA "E.s COMM1MtlOlfMH. DETR.IIT. (Michigan ) Mi. MoBtLL, after several yean'practice IB the ei ty of New York, hai removed to Detroit, Michigan, where ut i will attend lot'eliectiBg, and all other but profeiiiea. Ho refers ihy permtealoa) la New York, to Hallmort—J Feuby k Rro. Henry Maakia, t'p'i—Phelpa, James kCo Meets iu. Mens fc Co. Ijymton -T Hoary Shrodar. t'afparatso— AI sop fc Co. Uma—Aliren fc Co. •aa Fro-cnece—Aliopfc Co. "~*"~" NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. S.nt.PETTENGILLfcCo.No. 122 Nassau itreet, New York, have made such arrangements with the best and mint widely emulated joarnali in the United Statea and C&nadai, that th ty ara enabled to make a laving or time and expense to the advertiser! who do business through them. They select thse best paper., and advertiie conipinuouily at tha very lowest prices, and alwayi keep the interest of their cus- tomers us view. Merchants ara invited to nail on them G UNPOWDER-MANUFACTURED BYE J. DU- PONI da NK MOUR8 fc CO - 5,009 kegi Du Pout's Rifle, FFPU, 25 Ibi such 5 "oo H do do do PFPU, I2K do ''.'"Uqili. flo do FFKO, i.'-, 4,(4)0 do do do FG 25 3,000 '4 do do in PPG. 12). it.flon do fel lea iheotiag, FO, 25 2,000 do tough powder, FPFH, 25 2,000 do do do F P R , - 1,000 do do do PR, •to A P kCe.Gi.fe.iyi.-p. do do do FPP, R OBERT HAYDOCK. NO. 23 WILLIAM STREET ufieri foT isle— Broad Clothi—Black, br>wn, olive brown, and green cot- ton warp Broadclothi. low-pnbed, fiaa aad medium, frors tba Waconah Mills. FancyCaaaimsreB—now openixg, the new fall itylss, of varioos makis. compriusf sviry varisty of pattsrns and qaa- litm. Black Caiiimerei, low priced, medium and superfine, ot superior style aad rinnh. all wool and cottoa warp. Oxford and iteel mixed Casaimsrei, fiae and luperfine, from the Pitchburg Milli. •'. :uet«. black. Cadst and Oxford mixed, hne, medium, in I low gridei Fancy Satinets, in great variety. Sheaps Grey CaisimerBi, Clothi and Sat nets of evsry 3tig.de and quality Cadet Cloths and Casaimsrei. Flaaaeli, blue and scarlet, plain and twilled Limeys and Cloak Lining!, all cotton, and cotton aad wool, good styles. Manchester Company superior Quilts, comprising berth, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 and 13-4,new patterns. Imperial tambour Skirts, of niw style. 6-4 and other stylee Ticks r>4 FORTIETH TRADE SALE of BOOKS. STATIONERY, fcc Will take place on TUESDAY, October lfth, and will lie held iu the spacious and elegaut store, No. 356 Broadway The Catalogue for tbia sa'e will be issued imur.odiately, and will comprise invoices from all the leading publishers in the coun- try. The sales will he guarantied and osshad as h»i»i (ore. payable thirty days irom the close of tha tale. Advances in cash will be mada on rereipt of stock, whea required. Com n buiurs ara requested to forwrrd their invoices aa tooaai poisi ble. Address until October lit, GEO W. LORD fc CO., 261 Pearl street, after Oct. 1st. 356 Broadway. New York. A. M. Merwln, Auctioneer. HY BiNGS, BROTHER & CO. Tied* 8ale Rooi/.s No. 13 Park Raw. At Privata Sala—A complete assortment or Bohn's Popular Library Series, coimisting of the Standard, Scientific, Anttqua. nan. Classical, Illustrated and Philological Libraries, which- a n unrivalled in the neatness in their getting up, in the cheap- ness of their price and in their substantially valuable character. Also, the series of popular Books published in Loudon under the titles uf the National iUustuted, and the Loudon Illustra- ted Libraries, consisting of works of sterling charcter, profuse- ly illustrated by first cluss wood eugravuigi, aud sold at low prices. Catalogues, lucluding also other works, both English and American, may be hud upon application. Alao.iwn large and uundssome paiutiaga in rich gilt frames the one by Tripoli, representing Cleopatra at her to let, size 9x7 feet; the other by Juvercet, Cleopatri at afestival, size 7-6x5-8 —th«i>« p.iuit iiign have just been received aud ara wall worthy the attention of artists and counoisseura. Joha Ksosa. Auctloaesr. LYMAN A CO. iUCCESIOBS TO COOLBTfcKgBBB. Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway, corner of Whitest reel. Devote particular atteutiou to the sale of public uud private libraries, paintings, engraving-i,stationary, articles of taste and virtu, and everything connected with literature and the lur arts ; alao, to laiai of furniture, at tha residence! of familisa breaking np houaekeeping or removing Evening Sale, of books, (new and old,) stationery, fcc, for private ass and for the trads, are coBitantly held during the busines season of thsysar, from Septea h sr to July. Their premises compnas two rooms, each being 60 feet wide by 150 deep, and lighted from three streets, preienting unparal leled advantages for the dupla* of furniture, paintiugi, atat na- ry, furs, clothing, and every de§criptioB ot fancy goods, adapted to m'Tuiug and evening sales, lur which conofnesents are re ipectlxlly solicited. Particular si tuition given to the sale of law, theological and medical libraries, and prop rty of ev_ry ii scriplion, nu which liberal advances will be made HJWTTCCJLTUN. AUCTION ABO COMMISSION Mggi M.NT Sales Rooun No. 59 Beekman itraat. F. CrJtoa will giva psnoxa) attention ty lain of goods ,houi«- uoldfi:nutureal ths residence! offajaiiiss.allefwhicha'eri- pectfally solicited Wanted—EvarydiscriptioB of fomitore, cirpeti,pianos,and dry goods, fce , (on which a liberal ad—> ace will be made,) stored and inisrsd if dssirsd THIS DAV WEDNESDAY, at i0H o'clock, at the auction room. Large Sale nf Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture,'.Carpet! Oil.Clotbi, Chain. Mirrors, fce , fcc —A very large assortment of rosewood and mahogany cabinet furniture, most of which hai been mada to order and but little uied, and will comprise every article in the houie-keeping line, lueh ai solas aad »ot» bedsteads; wardrobes and book cues; marble top furnilura, in rosewood and mahogany; center and sofa tables; bedroom and cottafs furniture, in suits; hair m.ttrasses; bods and pillias- ters; several large mirrors, oil paintings, kitchen furniture, fcc. fcc. Also, a large lot of quilts, counterpane!, Manketa, ta de linen, kc Alio, the balance chain from last sals. Also, sav- ersl hall ane parlor itovei. Sale pen Bptory. Samuel Osgood. Auctioneer. OSGOOD & CONCKLIN, AUCTIOBBBBS AND COMMISIIOH MgBCHABTS, 1.38Fulton strsst. between Broadway and Nassau street 0. fcC. will give their personal attention to the sale of furni- ture at the residence of private inaividuals, and solicit ths sama from those who are about braaking up house-keeping. Also will havs vsekly sales st their rooms. THIS DAY. WEDNESDAY at inj» o'clock at the auction room Furniture—A large aaa gesersi sssortmeat of superior carved rosewood mahogany oaB aad walnut Faiaiture, *oa- sisting in part of parlor suites in French satin brocatella. de laias and hair eloth, tete-a-tetes, lofai, divani, coaenei. Vulture, rocking, parlor aad gothic chain; mirror Iront ete firei, corner aad bonk itandi, library and secretary book caasi; marbla top pier, centre, card aad gofa tablss, men- tion dining tablsa, fce , soniuting m part of chamoar furni- ture, imitation roeewood and enamelled marble top and plain dressing bureaus and washstaads, kc; gothic carved, scroll and cottage Preach bedsteads, mattress!!, Itc Also, a line of oil paintings and engravings ; alao, an invoics of pier, oval, mantel and toilet mirrors Also, two enameled marble top cottage suites—the whole to be sold without reserve to pay advances. ii'ivs been testeu,' S". D WlLLMoTT. AOW .1,000 6,000 .MX) nn 530 III 25 25 -J 2o •» 26 25 do do do do do do .I.. do do do do tin do J OSEPH W CORSES fcC0..1NO. 36 WILLIAM ST., offer for isle— — - _ . . S tinats—Of diffsrent •tualiliei black and mixed; printed Snaep's Grsy Cloths—Steel «»r«d awl cadet mixed do. aad Caiiimerei. Broadclothi—Black and color *d Caaiimeres—Superlative piece »Bid wool blaek, o idperi- orliniih. Plaaneli—Scarlet, mulled and plain. , Negro Clothi and Kerieyi—In a varied »f stylsi, of ap- proved manufactures. Bleached Slurtiugi and Sheetings—!., 7-8 . a d 4-4, of a va rirtrof styles; brown do. Drill!—Blenched and brown. Nankeens—Plain and twilled, of diffsrent qualities' Alio, 6-4 ticking, 4 4 heavy colored Chaahrays 'rioting Cloths—A variety of si vies « GOODS—ALFRED PLUNKETT, Importer o French, English and German Fancy and Staple Goodi No. 6 Dey itreet near Broadway, offeri for late ths follow nig goods in quantities to iti.t puvchaaen : Tooth, Nail, Hair and Hat i Opera and Eya Glaisss. Bruthei. I Fine Pamtingi oa Copper and Silk Gnardi and Laceti. | Canvai fctANCY P i n Pearl, Ivory, Bone and dark Hick Pans. Port MnnnaiesfcSegarCasei. Garters, Arm Elaatica.Silk fc Cotton Purses and Bags. Traveling Cues, Retii uiii. .Scent Boitlei, Roiariei, Cro- cifixes. Medals, Combs, fold and gilt Jewelry. A. i-or.ieoiu and Flutmas. ALSO, French Silk Crowu and Brim Hat Ptnih, Bandi and Bind ngs. Tips am' Sidei. Bocslei. Slides and Medallinai o4 ILGERfccb. - Psrian Marble and Bisque Futures Deals, Work Bnxn, Tsilei Caiei Canei and Whipi. Chinaand Terra Cotta Wars Ink Standi, Card Cans. Watch Cam. Theatrical Ornament!. U ILGERkCO. I14WATER8TPEE'.. WINES, BRANDIES. GIN, rhnsaaessin the I mi if his GKO W "rmss.f-.il F B Corn mi. Kiq. ? ANIBI. Lose Rs«. PBBioerr HAM., Esq ft C.MSR.t KNO. Esq. Msssn BABci.AVfcl.ivraai- re*. " GOODBOB fc C o . " F G FOITBB. " MOSBIH GBiNNfiv. Rfc O L H. tii-»i I B _ JAMBS M Bauw- A F. SII.I.IMIM,C Merchants' Ba. J WATSON Wgg J IIBPKVSTKBO. P N SrorroBD CNAIB a WALK! R C WBTMOBB N W Hi a n . . Wilms a Co Buss RBtaeifc LASS D A CUSHMAN lib Ik. I. IBBB. D-ee do do do FF do do do FF do do do F do do do O .in bis King and ihip ping powder 25 do 3 000 do high f l u i d PFF, 25 do Vorkl It de do do F F P , I2M do .an do * i do Fk', 35 do I 000 H do do do Ff, u.H do S4SI £ do dork ihont nig. 121* do 1 MB 1* do rifle do big, do 1 ism do mealed Powder, for Pyrotechnist s. ( A NISI IH POvVUKK. lO.OOOCBBiitsrlKagliRitle.ovaleaniiteri, 1 Hi sgelt ' 5*000 do do do round do 1 do n'oilO do FPFG, do do 1 do 0000 do FFFG, do do 44 do The above powder is from the celebrated manufactory of Messrs Do Poat, ami il griatlr superior to any other made, in the United Slatei. Il will be sold on reasonable terms. ,u M s t o salt purchaieri. r A1 , , | ,, £*," K l J. 1 K ; , ^ U- Agiat lor tha sale uf Do Pom's Powder. 117 Slaw 301 IW Froat street. N Y 15 I ANK BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY-QKO A HICKS (lo. 53 Nai.au itreet (cos door from Maid- . n i.„,.i would respectfully call tin intention of the bnsi- ... iLoTuintv to Ins f i » assorted itock of BLANK BOOaSTflMM Bnt« Place Blsuk Hook, ruled to any pal- l"r» an"* " u m l 'n nn/.iyl. isqaired Memorandum Hooas ofBllitylsiBBdiixei. Knglnh. Fiench ami American Wm- ng PapZn Copy-Vrif i»« N"'»"at Pr»«»«». English, German ing raper. 1 1 r s Envelopes ol all stylee anil "...*£.. p"-.r7»old V_d Sifver Pencil Ca... .n.l St... P«.',« great varaty and of the belt miBilfaclare; Cuitom- Hoois Bleaks Nolai.Drafti, Billiof Exchange, fce ;Cheehi. S.,r.; kc lithographed to order, of any pattern or ityle re- quired C.mnogr.p ^ ^ H „< K f, »„„„-„_ BBB 53 Nassass street IMPOhTERSOF kr and Sole Agents in the United Statei for Hmri. Cruie fc Hirichflsld, Bordsaox ; Mes«n Lade fc Sons, Geiienheim on-the-Rlnne, Mesin Kensuain, Bollinger fc Co. Ay Chamnegne—offer for sale from V. S. Bonded Warehouse— BORDEAUX WINES— In wood and flail, comprutng8t. Julieu, 8t. Eitephe, St. Emi,ion, Chat. Maarose, Chat. La- toar. Chat Margaux, Chat. Rant in. Chat. Mont on, Ch»t. LaatM 18t7Cbat. Leoville, 1847 Chat. Larosi, 1867 Chat. Marganx (abonnei,) 1847 Chat Liflts tmonopol,) Baiiternei, ,K47 grand vm— Chat Yquem. RHENISH WINK<—In wood and flags, comprising Nur- atein, Deidesheim, Forster, Hoclineim, Lteafraumilch, Ko- deslieiin. Geisenheim, Hudesbeim Birf. Marcobrunn Geii- enheim Rothenherg, Hocihum Dom Dscbant, Steinberg, .fohaniuoherg, Steinberg Cabinet, Mmel Msscatel, and Stein wein ia in Hockibsutei. all of vintage 1846 BtlLLINGER CHAMPAGNE WINES-In quarti aad 1 BHANDIE8—Otard.Dnpnyfc Co.,la half pi pel, pals and colored, vintages of Infis, Idol, 1848,1848, 184«. 1H44 1842 and IH-iO; J. Haaiiassy. Londne color, viatagai 1851, 1859 and 184S- J, J.Dupuy, pale and colored, inhlf. quarter andeiphth pipei ; Alex. S.ignerte and Arxac Ssignette.pale aad colored in hilt, qr and eighth pipei. GIN—Nolet'i imperial F.agle brand, ia pipes. BATAVIA ARACK—Very lupenor. lold in loti to ai purchaieri. . . . . •_ JAMAICA RUM—Some very old,and of mperior quality, in ponchionl. - - MAPE1KA O L. P.—Ia qr. casks; very choice East In- dia ia hhdi ami pipes. SHERRIES pais and fold of various trades ia quartet "pORT WINES direetfvora Opoito mqaartercngi, of va •"'"sicfLV M'ADEIRA-Ia pipei. hf. pipil and qoartercaiki MALAGA W1NF.—Sweet and dry. in qu»rter aad eighth "'.'•ETTE WINES—St. Jalieo and flaaterass, IB hhdi sad BBBU do , Burgundy Pnrt. Cstts Port, Cstts Madsira and "esAYANA SEGARS-La India and Loadrsi, aad vartooi * ttERM AN SEGABS— A . larga isssrtmeat coaataatly oa .bead, . - eg B OURRY D'lVERNOIS fc CO.. No 70 BBOADWAT. UKAB WALL STBEBT, havs received per lats arrivals, and offer for sale, on reasonable terms, a full assortment of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, suitable for the Fall Trade, and consisting of Gros du Rhine and Lmtrmgs, in ail widths aad pricss. Poult de Soies and Gros de Naples, black and colored. Florence! and Marcaliaes,black, colored and changeable. Dress Siiki, black and colored, such as Glace, plain and figured Poolt de Soiei, Armani, Satin ds (Thinei watered Silki, fce. Lyons Sat IBI and Sergei, a full aaiortment. Lyoni Gros de Rhine Cravats 30 to 36 inch. Hihbnni.Satini and Taffetaa.colorjd and black, all numberi Thread Lacei, Lace 8c_rfs.Mantillas, Capes, Cardinali, fcr. Bruiellei Lacegoodi. Black, Silk Lacei, Veili, fce. fce ALSO—A COMBLFTB ASS0RTMEBT Ok SWISS COTTON GOOD8, Consisting in part of— Ginghams and Madras Handkerchiefs. Plain, figured and dotted Muslins. Striped, and checked Muslins aad Jaconsts, white and colored. Km!,, -iidered D r e i m , a great variety. Fancy Lace Muslins and needleworked Muslim Lace Cnrtams, MmlinCurtains, and Dransry Moilini,s foil assortment Torkey Red Prints Plain aad twilled Turkey Rid Calicoei. Jaconet Cravats, white and colored, fcc. fce. Needleworked Capes, Collars, Caffs, Bands, Handkcr enisfi, fcc. fcc. Aim. a foil assortmsat of COTTON HOSIERY t>4 L^ALL GOODS—W. C. LANGLEY fc CO., NO. 26 Broad a it, corner or Exchange Place, offer for isle— COTTON GOODS. PRI NTS—From J Dunnell fc Co. and Lodi Print Worki; M—rider, and Chintz colon, in great variety; also black and white, and furmtursi, medium aad commoa steam Prints. DE LAINE8—From J. Dunnell fc Co , printed on foreign and domestic olothi. TICKS AND STRIPES—Of varioui itylsi and qualitei. DENIMS—Plain and printed. MHF.KTINOS—4 4. % and \, Thiitle, Matoaca, Batteriea, Va., Famii y, and othen. DRILLS AND DUCK—44. 40, 31, 29, 27, 24 and V2 inch, Thistle. Aihland, Howard and gram bagging OSNABURGS—;«, 36, 31 and 27 inch Aihland, Matoaca, Batter«ea, snd other well known itylei RLKACHED SHIRTINGS—4-4,7-8 and 3-4. CAMBRICS—Various qualitiei DIAPERS—7-4 Jacquard blue, brown aad bleached, CANTON FLANNELS— Bleaehed, brown and colored, ot varioui qualities WOOLEN GOODS. DOESKINB—From ths Greenfield Co. and others, ia com plete anortment. BEAVKRCLOTHS—Ofmperiorq lalitiei in various colon. SATINETS—Of lupir. medium aad kv qualitiei, ia ths va- rieties of colon and mixture! TWEEDS—All woo! and cotton warps. BLACK CASS—In great variety, low and medium soali- tiss KENTUCKY JEANS—Acomnlst aiso-t-i.ent plain colon and fancy m m u m , clouded ind fancy plaids. PLAID LINSKY8—Large IBII unullpl .. y i,of the masnfae- turs of Bab. ockfcMon. ROB ROY PLAIDS—6-4 and J_ srarle. and blue CRAVATS—Of low and medium qualitiei, faacy colon sad blacki - at W ILLARD fc WOOD, Noi. 40and 42 BROADSTRBIT, offer for isle— BLEACHED SHIRTINGS-Csiei 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Shirt nigs, am.nf which are the following well known desirable styles, viz .—WgmsuttaSteam Milli.Coddinftoa Co.. Aqued iv.ck, Warren Co.. Londondala, Mas nville, Hanovir, Oak- land, Warwick, Grafton, Carliile, New York City Mill. Coos's Woomccket, Granlts,Pokanoket, Mount Waahlngtoa and Pacific. BLEACHED DRILLING—Casss fine 4-4 Wamiuttsr Steam Mi'l, Atlantic, and 30 inch Worcester BROWN SHEETING^—Bales heavy 4-4 Worciiter. COLORED CAMBRICS—Cases i 4 assorted colon. YELLOW NANKINS-Caiei Ane Loud.jidale. COTTON DIAPER—Caiei fine Birdieye Toweling, TWEEDS—Cases fine Check and kaavy diagonal Ribbed and fancy colored Jenny Lmds. KENTUCKY JEANS--Cues Una Cmtnunaock. Philadel phis. Warwisk, Nsw York. Bhods Island, Amhant and ner desirable styles SATINETS—Caaei black, blue,brown, drab, green,cadet, Oxford, iteele,gold and other desirable mixtures, from the LeedsCn Hocianam. Springville, Miaot, Hilliardfc Spencer, Berkshire, Houiatonic and Saxony Mills. FANCY CASSIMKRES-CBIB! cotton warp Bslfisni. FANCY SATINETS—Caiei new I'ylis, in flue, median and low grades SHI.KPS GREY CLOTHS and CASSIMERES—Cass heavy red mixed. WOOLEN SHIRTS ami DRAWERS—Cues white ind blue mixed, in fine, medium and low grades, from tha Nsw Britain and other mills, NEW KKKSEV8 and PLAINS— CUM grey, drab and black keriey , plains and it ripe 1 on flat and cable warps, of Williams'well karswa aad r .her desirable styles. PLAID LINSEYS—Cues small and large plaids, frcm the followiag welltaowB milli.Babc.ek k Stillmaa, Weill Aih- away. Steam Mill, Exceltior, Gala Plat Is, Laureldala.'Mon- ad ash. othar desirshls itrlee B4 J. E. Van Antwerp, Auctioneer BY JOHN E. VAN ANTWERP & WON. Store N- lb(> Pearl itreet,corner nf Pini J. E. V.A.fcSon willfivevhei-persoaalatten'.ion'.athaiaiti of f uru it tire at private residences. THURSDAY, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room Eighth Regular Fall Trade Sale—200 packages and lots Shef- field, Birmingham, German and American Hard wan. Cutlery, Platedware, Japanry, fcc., on a credit of four mouths. Consisting in part of table and spring cutlery, tea trayi and waiters, filei and rasps,shoe thread, padlocki, tape measure., hand and panm.1 laws, chisel handles, iciaiori,gimbleta,chalk and fish lines, hones, aad othsr ihelf roods Alio, aa invoice of American hardware, viz : bolts, hammers. saf setta.loiki hingei, ihoveli ; lease American table and desert halves and forks, carvers, fcc ; 2 casks English t*ble • u' i»'iy, various styles ; SO doz steel rat traps . 3 caiks trace chains ; 1 caski hand and pan>iel aawi; 20 ia.es cut tacki, as- sorted ; 50 dgz long handle ihovela ; luO doz " American File Wars" files, 10 to 14 inch ; 200 doz " Swineburn'i" flat bastard do, 12,13 and 14 inch ; I case tea trays and waiten. Also, an invoice of English pattern cardi,of ivory and sell tip, stag and bone knivei anu forki, pallet knives, fine pocket and pen knivea, carveri, fcc Alio, for account of whom it may concern—A lana invoice of fine ivory cutlery in (.eta. " Rogers" small cutlery, carvers, fine razors in esses, fcc, slightly damaged. Catalogue! on ths morning ot sale At Private Sala—SO crates white; granite ware on eonaifa- ment W.N. Lewis, Aoctionser. BY LEWIS & MORTIMER. StorsNo. 187 Chatham itraat. 1 HIS DAY. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 5. Pawnbroker'! Sale— At 10 o'clock, at the corner of Bowery and Broome by order of W, Simpson fc Co. a quantity of unre- deemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards At 10 o'clock, at tne auction room. Pawnbroker'! Sala—By order of H. Barnard, 21 Third avenue licensed pawnbroker, a large quantity of unredeemed pledget, which Lave been depoiited a year and upwards. THURSDAY. Oct. 6. TvPawnbroker'i8ale—At 10 o'clock, at 25 Chatham itreet, by order of J B. k J Simpaon fc Co., a quantity of unredeemed pledges, consisting or winter clothing At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker's Sale—By order of J, L. Phillips. 308 Hudson •treat, licensed pawnbroker, a quantity of unredeemed pledges which hare been deposited a vear and uowardi. FRIDAY, at lOo'clock. at the anc 1..11 room. By order of J. M. Davis— 300 lots winter clothing, SATURDAY,at 10 o'clock, at the auction r- >.n. Furniture—Consisting of sofas, -lu'.ani.ciiatrs, carpsti,oil clothi. tablet kitchen furniture fcc. MONDAY. lO.b. at lOo'clock. at theiaucton room. Pawnbroker'! Sale—By order of I. Bernstein, 197 Grand it licensed pawnbroker, an assortment nf unredeemed pledgee WEDNESDAY. 12th. at Hi o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker'! Sale—By order if P. Fallen, 121 West Broad way, licensed pawnbroker, a quantity nf unredeemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards. A. M. Criatalar, Auctioneer. BY A. M. CR18TALAR. Store No. 23 Bowery. Gives iin attention to sales of merchandise, watchei, jswslry fcc. fin' ,!...irs.ilc urompUy attendedt THURSDAY.~6tn7•• '0 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawii broker's Sale—By order of I. Bernstein, 197 Grand at, icenaed pawnbroker, a quantity of nnredeemsd pledges, wsieh have been deposited a year and upwards FRIDAY,7th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker'!Sale—Bv order of 8. D. Mon, 76 Catharine at. licensed pawnbroker, a quantity of unredeemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards. WEDNESDAY, 6th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room Pawnbroker's 8ale—By order nf T 8olomons, Grind street, licensed pawnbroker, an assortment of unredeemed pledges TUESDAY, llth, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker's Sals—By order of J. J. Lsvy, c> 6th &venne< (late nf East Broadway.) licensed pawnbroker, a large aaetrrt- meiu of unredeem 1 pledges, which have been deposited a year and upward* FRIDAY, Uth, at 10 o'clock,st the auction room. Pawnbroker's Sale—By 'rder 01 S J Levy, 56 Wooster at.,a quantity of unredeemed p.n.lf ea, which have been deposited a year and upwards. H. Farringtnn .Auctioneer BY J. t>. INGERSOLL. 8'ors No 222 Pearl itreet. THIS DAY. WEDNESDAY, at 1110 clock, at the auction ri..m Boots,Shoes and Brogans—300 caiesBoota, Shoes and Mm it* 11s. comprising a desirable assortment of freih and seasonable goods, direct from the manufacturer*, ai'apted of the Northern, ontbeii, Western snd city trade. AT Blt'VATf SALE. Micssei rent's call half w sited and imitation ill tc lied boots. Uf cases men's kip welted and half welted boots. I' 5 cases boy's aad youth's calf, kip and thin booti, 200 casei men's long legged D S. wax boota. 100 cases msB'sthick pegged booti, extra sixes. 100 cases men's cram long leg D. S. boots, extri itfoi. incases men'spri « Hungarian hocts 100 cases men's thick and kip pegged hrngaai. 50 r u e . wnmea's leather spring and hen'. Raged laced booti. 100 cases women's enamel aad kid welt ooots and bulk im. Also, a lot nf misses' and children'! lace boots and busk ins and enny Lnvl i. adapted to the iprtng trade C. 8 Parsons. Auctioneer BY A BRAIH1 & CO. Storsi Nm. 269 and 26D* Piarl strsst TUESDAY, at 9M o'clock, at the auction room, Booti, Shoes, Brogam, kit.-300raiei boots, shoes aad bro gaaa, fresh and prime goods, suitable for the spring trads, in- cluding every variety of women's, Busies' and childien'i gait en, fcc , direht freoi the manufactureri.which will t.e mid with- out reierve. At Private Sale—D'rect from the raanafactarer and con •tantly on hand, 2000caaai o' booti and ihoes of a ry variety snd quality which will lie .old low for cash or city acc.ptsiices Homer Morgan, Auctioneer BY HOMER MORGAN. Stoas No. 1 Pine street. saiss of alio to ,. lis ai Rati 1 '-i •'• aiepping at S e i houriv irom »,< n ..... a A M ants) Blernn rln'nrk P M and the eentautatiee is e«iy (36 per anaoj* ,• aej d tfca ptttchaas money . in remain an bond and mortgage lor } rsatfS a' ^eveu per cent, and the tit le is imiiuefttionanle Also, a lie story rame cottage, built about one year, situated oathe corner ol FordfcaM avi uiieainl Mb i l n e t i , lot ^8 by '10, house about & by'SH feet. Also, two lots adjoining, on Fordliain avenue, 25 by lOOea/ h This property is kuown as the parentage nf ths Methodist ahurcli Also, a three itury trame house, store and lot situated on Washington avenue, and occupied by Mr Jau Drew , lettHxl;.'. Alio, a reeently built large two bay barn, which can at a small eipeuse be converted mm a oni, eiueut dwelling house, with fuur lots of ground attached. 25 by 100 feet each. Free tickets will be furnished to all ersoii. deuroui. of attend- ing the sale and maps, with full particu'ars, oa applying to the Auctiouier, 40 Wall itreet. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 19. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants F.xchauge. Staten I.land—20 eligible building .lies, varying m size irom five to fifteen acres each, near the ocean, 00 elevated ground. Also, a haudiome gothic hnuse^built iu the best manner, 2 sto- ries high.52i3d. contains 14 rooms besides cellar, kitchen, pun- tries, fcc is nearly new and was built bv day's work, aud 11 nu iihed with iiiahosaiiy doors, marble mantels, fcc ; attached are barn, coach, wagon and ice hoiles, und all other necessary ..ut buildings, together with 10 u res nf first quality laud, with abundance of fruit and shade trees. Also, a ueat two stor and basemeut frame house, contain- ing 14 roouu. built iu mod irn style, together with oul-bund nigs and ten acres of land. All thia beautiful proaerty is loca- ted ou the South aide of Slai.ni Island, about five miles from Vauuerbdl's Lauding, IB au excellent ueighbornood. The land is in a high state of cultivation and location is unsurpas- sed, being perfectly haalthy, where there is excellent fishing and bathing. The proposed Staten Islaud Railroad is located within ten minutes' walk of any portion of this property ii.-iulenicii desirous of viewing the property can obtain tickets nee ol" charge, for Toesda.", Thursday uud Saturdays >•! sacs week untu the day or sale, together with lithographic mips, on applying 10 the auctioneer 40 Wall street. Terms easy and tile positive J UBis Cols. Auctloassi. BY JAMES COLE At SON. Office No. 43 Fulton, corner of Front strest, Brooklyn James Cols fc 80a will give their personal aneution to inlsi HI in 1 na*mild furniture and out-door inlet generally , also, to tales of rsal aetata, slocks fcc, iu Brooklyn and Naw York. MONDAY. Oct. 10 " At it o'clock, at the Merchants'Exchange. National Nhades, Nn. 16 High street—A three story, baee- meiii anil deep cellar, brick house, finished in the beat uianuer, with maJrble mantels, grates, sliding door., corniced and hard finished, built mths most substantial manner ; house 25 ieel 2 lucties by 3h teet—now leased for SbOO per annum, payable a »nt lily Also, a three story and cellar brick houia on the rear of the wt; this house contains tan rooms, built in a sub- stantial manuer aud is rented to the front occupant for the low rent of $225 per annum; lot 25 feet 2 inches front, runmug through to a wide alley in rear, and 98 ieet sit inches deep.— Terms at ssle. Maps are rsady. Desirable building sections, with water tronlage, at N e w Utrecht, between Fort Hamilton and Bath. Sale positive, for division. Section No 1 has a front of 150 feet from Franklin avenue. 751 feet on the highway from the villggs of New Utrecht to the hav, and a water front on the bay contain.- 13_ acres. Wo. 3 has a front of 100 leet 011 Frauklin avenue, alio a front on the hay contains 1 \ acres. On this lection is a good llllll-e . fcC. No. 3 has same front at No. 2, and is adjoining, hat carriage house, fcc, contains over 1 '-, ;u •. » No. 4 has same fronts, and has a barn, hovel, fcc, contains ubout 2 acret No. 5 same fronts, aud contains 2 acrei. No. ti tame fronts, aud eontaiaa over 2 acres No. 7 has a front of 100 feet 011 Franklin avenue, 94C feel on Court street, and alto u front on the bay, contains over 2 acrei. No 8 hat 961 feet front on Court itreet, 1232 feet on Franklin avenue, aud a front on the bay, c.uutauis over 10 acres. No. 9 has 1467 feet front on Franklin avenue, and contains 34 acrei upland and 2114 acrei meadow. Total, 551^ acres. No. 10 has a front of 565 feet on FrauKliu avenue, 28'41 feet on the highway leading from the village of New Utrecht to the bay. and 224 feet front on the main street 111 the village and adjoint the residence of Dr Waters, ooutaining 29 acrea 01 upland, and 'J.I4 acres of meadow and swamp. Total, m \ acret. This is the best or iperty in tliii part or New Utrecht, aud is very desirable ror private resulenoet. Terms—50 percent or the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage Maps wdl be ready 12 d an before the tale,at the offlceorthe Auctioneers. Parsonage Ho use. at Flatbuth—A two story aud attic house, containing 14 room!, situate on the main itraat iu the village of Flatbuib, neai ly oppotsts the Reformed Dutch Church, aud adjoining the laud of Erasmus Hall Aoadeiny and also Schoon- maker's ttore ; the house is 25 by 36 fset, with a tea room iu the rear 10 by 15 feet, ail built in the mint mo tanttal manner; has a barn, corn crib, wagon bouts, a well of god water and a cis- tern, fruit trees and shrubbery in the yard ; u well calculated for a genteel private residence. There is about a quarter of an acre of land, which has a front of 5854 fact on tne road. Mapa are aow ready. Sale positive, by order of the Consistory ot the church. TUE8DAY. Oct. 11. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange. Washington Park Property—Four lots on the corner ol Myr- tle and Carlton avenues, lo be sold to the highest bidder, fur each, uo under bidding of any kind. This plot hat a frout on Myrtle avenue of',« fet; on Carlton avenue of «4 ft 3 inches, and annul 1000 feet on the re r, making four fine building lots, which will be sold separately. Also, one lot ou Hampden street 100 feet north from Myrtle avenue ; 25 bv 100 feat. 45 good building lots on DeKalb avenue, fcc. 24 lots oa DeKalb avenue, between Noitrand and Marcy av. 6 lots on Kosciusko street iu rear of the abova. 10 lots onijetterson etreet, bet.w en Reed snd Patchsn av's. 5 lots sn Hancock street, in rear 01 the above. Each lot ii25 by 100 feet, and the location n the best in the 9th ward, but a short diitance from Bed ford avenue, and good lines of oranibusei running to the femes of Brooklyn and Wil- lianisburghlemes pass within a short distance of the property and the lines of railroad 'which will toon getin operation will lendlomak property in this section of Brooklyn still more desi- rable. Terms—60 percent of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage if desired. Miyt are now ready. Cottage House and Lot No, 229 Front street, near Hudion avenue, Brooklyn—The house is 22 by 26 foot, built in the beet substantial manner, IB one itory, attic and basemeut; has wood house and cistern in ths yard, alio grape vinei, fcc ; lot 25x100 —will be toidbv order of executon. Maps are ready. WEDNE8DAY, Otc. 12. At 12o'elock. attheMerchanti'Exchange. Oiforw !treet—A three story, baasaaal and cellar, frame house oa the west side ot Oxford street, neai Atlantic avenue; the home is finished ia the belt manner ; il 25 by 32 ft. $2000 on bond snd mortgage. Adelphi street - Two houtei and one lot on the east aide of Adelphi street, near Atlantic avenue ; tha front home 11 22 ft irjuare. occupied aa a ston ; the rear house is 25 by 22 ft, two •tones high ; the lot 1125 by 100 feet $1000 on bond and mort- gage. I |Willoughby Avenue—A two story, basement and attic frame house, on the north aide of Willoughby avenue, between Ryer- son and Houston street! : the house it well built, piazza front and rear, French windowi and blindi in front. $1700 on bond and mortgage Ninth street—A three story and basement brich house on the northerlr lide or 9th street, between 2d and 3d Avenues ; the house is bin t in the beet manner, piazza in rear, coutaini 11 roorv 1, oistern, fcc. ; hnase 25 by 36 feet ; lot 25 by 100 feet.— $.'',"• may remain nn bond and mortgage. Maps of all the above property are now ready Bruce A. Chilton, Auctioneer. BY COLE & CHILTON. tiff, 1 e No. 18 Nassau ti reel, near Pins. Theiubirnben will give their personal attention to the aalei of real estite vessels, stock! and bond, at the Merchant!' Ex- change. A register kept for the disposal of real estate at pri- vatsi-ls. Loani negotiated on real estate. Jams Cole. Bruce A. Chiitoa. THIS DAY WEDNESDAY. Oct. 5. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Excnange. Executon' Sale of Valuable Property on Broadway ; also, Houses and Lots on Rivington and Sheriff itreeti, and the farm known as Clasoa'i Point, Weitcbester County, by order of Ed- ward C. Center, executor of A. W Clason deceased , No. 256 Rivington itreet—A lot IS feet 9 inches front and rear hy mi feet deep ; upon it 11 a two story brick house. No. 257 Rivington itreet—Lot 18 teet 9inches front and rear, by 60 feet in depth ; oxion it is a two itory brick house. No. 2*7)4 Rivington strict—Lot 18 feet 9 inches front and rear by 60 feet deep ; upon it ii a two story brick house Lot No. 70 sheriff street—Being tke southerly comer of Riv- ington and Slier iff streets, 18 feet 9 inches front and rear by 60 feel deep ; upon it is a two itory brick home and store The Range of Stables in Sheriff street, in the rear of and ad joining the above, lyeing 40 feet front and rear by 75 ft in depth- Alto, the three story House and Lot No. 866 Rroadway, be- ing 25 feet front ou Broadwav.24 feet 10 inches in the rear, 110 feel*, inches on the apntherty side, and 108 feet on the norther. Il side Alto, the undivided one-half part of that Farm of land situate at Westchester, known as Clason's Point, containing 316 «cres —distant 12miles from the cityof N*w York. Terms of Sale—10 oer cent to be paid nn the day of sale, and the balance on the 15th day of Octolier, when tho deeds will bo delivered ; 75 per c,c. t of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at 7 per cent for 3,5 or 10 yean. Maps can be had at tee office of the Auctioneer!, No 18 Naiiau itreet. INI> t OBCltl I'B'BI *-.. 41 ihi Pfce-lf W» ion d o .... do boo li«i do do |.(i do .... do. ..iJ 2(41 do do b)0 200 d c .... dn bJ ino Parker V. Coal C» 150 dot' teal (0 100 do au 2d 2 0 do do gBt 3 0 do .... do .0' do .... do bi 200 d o .... do sfcl TALCOTT A Per Africa ) fc 114J* >-» Bi -S u% 25 24*. ask nh 06 30 ;i5'. :•« 36 Btk J«* B 1 AKll 10* »i 1 Hartaa B .... •HI de Bit bo.' 50 do do C lUfi do Nuf fc W'.ri.i. SUB de Erie RH.. upg SlO d o .... do )*' 2UU J 0 .... U0 sod tun do du pfcc 100 d o .... do... -OJO 101 d o .... do Ml 10 do do i-vfcc ion do Hud Rivsr 100 do d< li* 15«l do do bbO 3m> djN V l su R . . . 200 do ti.-. H M ' » 100 do C-U'UL Co..siO BhOTUBB'g ClKCl'L-B Niw YOKK, Out. en m » •> ui. -9% B. '•fc •• , "9\ 8. M TSk , ^ 72 TIM 1135 is. a ilii Colfo*.—The advices by the successive arrival* of the WasA 1 *f(on, America aud Baltic VYOJM, under ordinary circumstances, liave produced a marked r S e c t 011 Hie prices riling on this ride. The complication of depressing causes weighed heavily on the Liverpool maiket, and even the crop ad- vices received per Arabia, were «aid to have been " very contradictory but geueraliy of a favorable character." Had cuck advice, beeu correct, the markets on tins side would have broken down under the weight ol the unfavorable account* from abroad lo liana since the dale of her departure, 7th September, but prices have been sustained by the confirmation of the injuries sus- tained by the growing crop m\s then advised, and con- tinuance, owing le the heavy rains which Usled until the -"Ui September, establishing the opinion atuo:ig the best informed sources that " w e must have an open fall and late killing frost, to give ui over 3,000,000 ," and that the occurrence of killing frost any time prior t o t n e 1st of November, would reduce the yield below mat quantity, tho pUtit being very luxuriant and the bolls green. Holders have not pfMMd slouks but the contrary of fered sparingly, and the rales have been wi'houl de- cline. On the in Alio b a l e s , and on the 3d 000 bales were sold. The sales of the 1st and 3<lin*t. were principally for home use, but to-day, in consequence of Southern ad- vices, an export demand sprang up, the sales being up" wards of 4000 bales at full rates STB1CT -IVBBrOOL.CLASSiriCATIO.-. L Ord. Ord. O.Ord. L.Mid. Mid. U Mid. New^Orleaus, '1 in' cifHiit clearance from lull pot > ,; o 1 Hie III lust .1 ' 13.1"W '. 352.Mb t,u» via* at 10 Liverpool , 5,bj| bOU Sour, C.o-I baa wi,ca. in L mdon , Sl.St-o 1 » n it la liloui est*>i l.llT bbli flour. IS,bo: but nbest la lin«ioi , IT oc-3 bus wheal lo Falni.Miui , 1.117 Dbil flour, t.uoO tu,» w h e a l I 1 O atgo* . <e>,»3.. ot is flour. 51,053 bus wheat to lUwt bill boll tour, 2T,i*l Uiu wheat lo Antwerp , |3,?il bbtl flour. 1,074 bus win- it in liiiide.nix ; -,u<>j ijtils rtu.ir, .:,6b2 bus wfceai to Uar««i\iei •jsapeciiully, BDWARC iILL, Broker. No. 'lo Suiil'i Urawl The mar lid tooay ijqtiitl and there is u u i o ilii,>o- siiion to sell at a e i n s . i r n d u c t i o n 111 p n c e . T. dt il. MEHMNu.g's TOBACCO CISBILAB. Vet Africa. St* Voaa, Oct. 5. We had anticipated, vi ith good, an increase ol trans- acUons during the mouth of September. The result, howevei, has proved ..ti.cruise, inactivity hating been the leading teature ot the market. The home trade have purchased with a sparing baud, while the export demand has been principally cotiuuod lo limited im- (liases for Africa and the West Indies. In the mean wiiiii;, liolden have evinced but little dispo'ltio.i lo pfMS sales, and appait ally await U10 future with toll couli- dence of realiiint; thru present view*. Touching tho , 4 i.mtli ut thin year, we remark, that some progress lias been made 111 securing the early plantings Hie weather proving cold ha* induced seme planters to cut Ihcir crop 111 grten condition. \u eaily day will •leieianue the character, and 11. a meaauie the extent of Uipcrop. Low grades ol leaf continue iu limited supply. The •'ilii. are 1,000 hhds kenlucky, 7fl d o Mason County. Virginia Lug n o - i e 111 m a r k e t . Kentucky " Inferior Kentucky Mn'diiiig to fair tiood, including heavy ib^vlug Selections Maysvtile, interior leaf to good wrapper .. tailSIFIS AMI' OELIVIBIBS. Elias Combe, Auctioneer. BY COMBS & RICHARDS. Office 75 Trinity Building, No. Ill Broadway. C. fc R. will give their personal attention to sales of Real Eitate, Hhips and Stocks, at the Merchants' Eichange, or else* where. Furniture sales at private residences, and oat-door sale! of merchaudise Real Estate disposed of at private sale. Loans negotiated on bond and mortgage Elifti Combs Benjamin W. Riekardi. MONDAY, Oct. 10. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant'! Eichange (If notpreviouily disposed of at private sale.) O _«itreet—The substantial and well built brick dwelling bouse and lot No, 12 Oak itreet, near Pearl Williamsbu. gh—Three frame cottages and one brick dwelling on South Third near First street. Fifty Second itreet -Two lots on 53d street, iouth lide, be- tween Lexington and Fourth Avenuei, each 25 by 100 Seat.— $1,120 on the two may remain for live jean from lit January, IA63, at seven per cast interest, payable yearly. For further information enquire of the Auctioneers, at their office, Trinity Buildings. jamei M BY JAMES Hoaar Morgan will give _ii personal attantioa to Honsehnld Ftifuitiire, and oat door sslss gsssrally Res'Estats. at sake, fca Miller, Ancn moer. M. MILLER & CO. Store No. 81 Maiden Lane. J. M. Miller fc Co. will givetheir personal attention to the laleirf Household Furniture, at the residences of familiei de- clining housekeeping, find lo out door sales generally. SATljRa*7v7oct fl At I o'clock, at the MBit eke Iter Hotel, formerly kept by David 8m th. known ill the lfi Mile Stage Honse. Executor's Sale—Will he sold by order of tre Executon—45 Building Lots, heauti.utly l.id nut and elegantly » mated fron' mg on the Boiton post rood and Prlham road, adjoining Proipact Hill village, Westchester Co. For maps and parti u, larserquire at the auction room. TUESDAY, Oct. 11 At 12o'clock,atthe Merchants' Exchange. "One lot of land with a three story frame dwelling: bouse on the rear on the south Itde ofliS'h street; being ii'i'ifest from the fHh aveniis. Termiliberal. For partlc. ilars enquire at ihe auc. tion room Property can be seen at any time. Jnder the direction of Director! of I he New Eork Institution 1,1 the Deaf and Dumb : Eight lots on 5th avenue, between 4fi! h and 4Sth st reel s, Twelve iota nn the north aide of 4Hi h 11. 100 east nf 5th av. Four Iota nn the south side of 49th it. 200 feet east nf 5th av. Four loti on the iouth side of 49th street, 100 teet west of 4th avenue, IB view of the Crystal Palace and opposite the parapet of Columbia College. Seven lotion the east side of7th av.hetw'n 59th and 00th sis. Seventeen loti oortb side 5uth st. betw'n bth and 7th avenue Eighteen lots iouth side Both st betw'n i.tli and 7th avenuei Eight loti on the west side of nth av betw'n Nth and both st Eight lots on the eist side of 6th av. hstw'n Sfrth and both ats. For maps and particular! eiqnire al the auction room. WEDNESDAY. Oct. 12. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange. 58th Street—Nine loti of gmund on the north iide of 58th it, hei ween Broadway and 7th Avenue , being 195 feet east Irom Broadway A large portion of the purchase money can remain. TUESDAY. Oct. IB. At lOo'clock, at the auction room, HI Maiden-lane. For account of whom it may concern—Ml doi patent Lather. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant!' ttxchinge. ',8th Street—The new two itory hatament and attic frame dwelling house nf modern finish on the north side nf 78th it., between 4th and 5th Avenues, being :kgi feet wait frnai the 4th avenue; house 21 by 32 feet, containing ten rooms, sliding doors, gratei, fcc. lot 25 hy lis) feet Aim, on the rear of tha lot 11 a two story frame ihnp, 2a hy 18 feet, with aa alley. Alio, adjoining 00 the east—Two Ints of ground, MI feet froat by 104 feet deen. On the lot is a two itory dwelling, containing nine rooms, attic and cellar, fcc. W. Cole, Auctioneer. BY W. COLE cV CO. Store Nn t Ann street. Catd—Out door sateens' furriture and rr.erchandne person- ally attended to. Advances mada on pianos, billiard tahlei furniture ae At Private Sal*—4 ptaana, to pay advance! , Daguerrean in •trnmioM, anueiher of earner as nf varioui n i s i , alec a gaaa ral assort meet "*" Biaterlale seed bv the trade D D.Nash.Anctioueei. BY U. D. NASH. Stora No, 3loBroadway. . C*J . ?fc . b . 9 .10 . 6*e a a a a a a 7 "'4 bX »H 10!*. 11 Hi 1 I H.I ! ... tl » A U ... .... D . mi* . "A" Harrisbarg K mkssltl 1.11 lis Hops Va: e i Il.ioed.eau. Mills. lid,a Ho. -ii.t! «> lud. Head..A.... O.'. Do E Junes 1. • Lawrence .A Ho B Do C Do D Do O ^ .j.OO K11 BOB- Bala i i - t e n i a * ;i --' 1 ess (tii ..' s Stark y.ii O.B.. M i l). .1 M A— l>> V.-- • Surf ilk blie ( UBf... rmit'.i 1 PB I'bnriidise, Sue Vi.'t, ry Walthani .... A .... Do BY.... n'ltiiiiutU fins 13 sli WieaaaaaMillaMB 37 f Wl Iiamivil.e 40 Hfc Wintbrop 34 'Si t, none urns 37 4; .*. 4.1 .44 ..6 '. li'V I'.V I3s| tail f^ HLKAillk-li BHUTINUI AM) SHIHIINO.4. . 31 . 34 . JO '. S3 . 37 .. 31 ,. 33 . It"' . M . 4b" . 2S .. 32 . 37 . 45 n BiondwaysopaattoBSM Agucuerk. Inn .. Do Do Atlantic Mills... Atlantic L.. Do O.. a, Mill! ... Do DJ Do Do 1: Do Do Dv .H.. ..O.. ..S.. w.. Bridgiwutsr c. Slock on hand 1st Sept., lo53 Received since Delivered since Stock on hand 1st Aug, 'S3 andTe.ai. } 9! » »* W* M a)15,ll)»al8 _lidXla*ud. n,1 .!i 9 * 9V ktU 1034.11 UHali), Uusmess al Southern ports is hampered by the scarci. ty of shipping, and treights consequently must rule htgfc ausoiuinK in their advance any advantage gained in price. We subjoin for your perusal the information before us on the subject of the growing crop. Our correspondent at Montgomery, Alabama, un- der date of the .8th ultimo, writes as follows :— " Since the 20th, the weather has continued clear, with the sunshine and cool nights, it n o w looks quite like an open autumn spell. Picking is n o w going on vigorously, but many planters say that tney ate up viitu their Cotton, in other words, they have none open. A further investigation into the effect of the rains of this month leads us to the conclusion that the injury lies in the partial " rot" of th* "Lotion crop," but chiefly 111 the threatened destruction of the •' top crop"—Blooms but seldom .nature into bolls, when exposed lo u t , with every circumstance favoring, blooms but seldom make Cotton afier liiU Sept. We .must have an open fall and late killing frosl to give us over three millions." From the Mercury, Prices Current, published al Charleston, under date of September 30th, we extract the following : "The Cotton Crop—We are informed, on perfectly reli- able authority, that in three of the heaviest cotton grow- ing districts in the Stale, Edgefield, Newbury and Abbe" ville, the planters do not expect lo realize more than a half of a crop of cotton, and of that more than a propor- tionate share will be of inferior quality." The Cheraw Gazette ol the 9tJlh says—"The eveuingf and mornings for the past week have been quite cool, almost cold enough tor frost. On Thursday w e h a d many indications of a strong equinoctial gale, but they passed away during the day. Sibce then, the weather has been dry and pleasant, and we have every indica- tion of its continuing so. Cotton in many places, has been cut short by lh* rust, bul otherwise it is maturing finely. The weed is generally unusually large, but the co.uplaini is as general that il is badly filled with fruit; should an early frost therefore occur, the crop 111 this section must be short. A very late frost however, and propitious weather, would make a marked Changs in the result." Alabama — A letter was received in town yesterday, says the Mobil* Advertiger of th* 33d instant, from ou* of the largest planters in Wilcox County, in which oc- curs the following paragraph 1 " W e have had rain al- most every day this month, which together with th* worm has made a smash of the Gotten crop in this quarter." Th* Reporter (Talladega, Ala,) of tha ltd sayi: " W e have had a great deal of rain during the last few weeks. Our planters complain that their cot- ten is almost irretrievably ruined—they cannot make half a crop. There is a good deal of sickness through* out the country caused no doubt ID * great measure by the,singularly wet summer and fall." Ttnne»s«.—A gentleman writing from Hardeman Couuty lo the Memphis Whig, says " The farmers of this County are complaining very much of the bad effect of the wet weather upon the Cotton crop. Those supposed to be good judges of tt and honest man, say it cannot much exceed half a crop even with favorabla weather from n o w o n . T h * Cotton crop of bolls is very much rotted, and the weather still cloudy and raining." The Whig also hears similar accounts from other adjoining Counties, and also from North Missis- sippi. The Aberdeen, Miss., Independent of lTtb instant, Bays : Cross—For some days past we have made strict en- quiry of Intelligent Planters, with the intention of tho- roughly acquainting ourselves with the prospect of the cotton crop. We have seen and conversed with men from all parts of the surrounding country, and they all c o n c u r 111 r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e y i e l d of cotton aa short—less than was ever known in this country perhaps. From average accounts we are satisfied that the yield per acre cannot exceed S00 lbs., a great majority of the planters fear it will be less, and the continued wet weather may verify their fears. During the months of May and June, scarcely any rain fell, bat since tbat time, we £ii?ve had continual showers , consequently the worm has ciMtroyed all the " top crop," and what is even worse, t h e " bottom crop" is fast disappearing from the rot. This latter evil is worse o n t h e prairie but prevails also to a great extent on the sandy lands. Not only Is this the condition of the crop in this vicinity, but pretty much the same state of things exists throughout the surrounding counties. No favorable change can now prevent the cotton crop from being light—werjy Ught. The Selma Sentinel of the 90th 1:1st• says 1 " Buring the last week there has been more rain in this lection of the country than has fallen in one week since last March, when almost the whole country was flooded by water. The Cotton crop is necessarily compelled t o b e far short of that once anticipated. The wet weather has not only been the means of producing the rot o matured bolls, but has materially increased the ravages of the worm, especially in Cotton produced on rich bot- tom lands." We have not space for further information, but think the above sufficient to establish the correctness of the views wo have advised, and with such prospects, spin- ners need not be surprised when informed by their cor- respondents that there is no probability of any orders being executed on this side at the highest limits yet given. Since the above was written advices from Texas via i'.altunore, of the 4th nisi have been received, which state that the boll worm is ravaging the Cotton fields. Othsr Atlantic. Florida. Oulf Ports. Inferior .... nominal, nominal. nominal. Ord low to good. 8*4 9 i , f JeJ 85, 9 * °5i 8?< 9 * 954 Midlowt.ogn.id. l'i 111* lilt) "'fc I"* llfc I'-W H U)< Mid fair to fair.. 11*. Utg i n * i l * ir 13 Oif«—9000 gallons Linseed sold from store at 65c. Crude Whale is quiet al 60c. Crude Bperra $1 20. Hide*—There is a fair demand for Hides and priees are well sustained, 3000 K10 Grand, 3-!* a lblic, 6 months, Sft39 Oronoco, 20 a a 175t; 2400dry Maracaibo, 22, 1.M4 *lbH, 1000 salted do, 32, 12*, A months, 850 Metamoras, abtttit 15c,6 months. Leather—Wc liavo no alteration 111 the market, the demand is good and prices well supported. 1 .;•''- 'I a- market continues quiet but firm, without change in prices. The sales since our last comprise 500 bags Braiil, al 11 a 11 * c ; 300 mats Java, a 12c; 100 Bags old Brown do, at 14c. |»IMM -The demand is limited, but prices are with- out change. 250 ahds Muscovado sold for distilling, at 22c; 100 hhds Mascovado to the trade at 34 a 25c, 100 hlids Cardenas, at 22 a 23c, 150 hbds Porto Rico, at SB and 29 cents. sugar*--The market continues quiet and prices favor buyers. The sales since *ur last are 5(H) h h d s C u b a , at 4>>H5C.; 200 hhds Porto Rico at 5a5J4c; 100 hhds N. Or- leans at 4*ia5c; 200 boxes brown Havana. al5)4afle. Rice-373 tierces changed hands to-day, at $ 3 8 7 * a $4 50 cash—part for export. Drugs—Wc note sales 50 casks Cream Tartar at 3Ac a 30*c on the spot, and 3«)*c a 37*c to arrive, th* mar- ket closing firmly—making asking 40c. 21 crs Rio Ipe- cac ai f t * now held higher , S3 casks refined Argols at 94 a Sin ; SO lbs Resublimed Iodine at | 8 , 1000 a m Suit Quinine at $3, 4 mos 1 41 dozens Angostura Hal sain Copeiva at 42c , 5 eases Opium a t $ 4 Stltpetre—300 bags Crude at about 7* Milan Steel—200boxes forexport o n n > il 1 I* m s . W halt hone—Sales 40,000 lbs in N B tor 101 re- ported at 36c ; Su.ooo lbs from the S a n al 1 here, and 20,000 lbs ai about same rate declined then 'Mar- ket very fiim. 1 oeoa—tsno bags Para a l 5 * c a oe for export. »•-..' Manuiaciurers ha.ing supplied themselves with an average supply for six months at shearing time, hut little demand exists at present for any description. Holders pressing sales have forced a material reduction of prices, and the present currant rate for domestic 11 38lo 50c. In view of tne probable free admission o: Foresjn after the next Congress Assembles, importers notwithstanding the present light supply, are anxious tc tell at even lower rates than have heretoiore b**n eur rent. We quota—Buenos Ayras washed 13 a 14c, Mas tixa do !• a 25c. Bntre Rio do 13 a 17c, Cordova d o t ? 4 Sac, Buenos Ay res unwashed 9 a 10. MsittM d o IB a _f» 7,480 1,470 Va N. A C Ohio 16K 12 -. Hi.i 1,008 180' l'i 7,ttb4 1791 H.063 SXFO-TS To Liverpool.. London HamOurgh Mediterranean B.N.America.. S. America .... West Indies... lttrnf Tobacco. Manf. Tobacco. AW 151 14 14 25 25 19 30 17 9 45 COM' 160 195 215 53; i ! bales. ISOs'tms 188 30 34 cerg" Ibt rWi 1 13.350 57 ; 92,677 33S 1 S1.O0J 120 | 130O 14,821 90 3.000 150 3.1IW 6,149 88,770 et 6,679 3.000 10,06! S 14.82B 385 ' Total. 341 923| 362 i 1546 315,326 902 BliUIOrACTUBEO TOBACCO. The sales lor the mouth Have been to a fair extent, and towards the close an increased business was real- ised. We have no change to notice in price?, which are generally Irm, notwithstanding the heavy stocks in agents' Laud* which have slightly increased since our last. Th* grocers buy sparingly, and hold but light slocks. Bast brands of 6'e .;.;*•- Medium, B's a n d 8'., Common, is and 8'g Do. U's Uood and Medium ID'S, stock light Twist in kegs, N o . I 18 a 32 15 a 16 11 a 13 9 a II 12ia 14 18 a 22 15 a — 34 a , 12 a , 10 a 19 a 30 a -...19,505 packages. 20.456 •' 62,094 26,393 LEAV. II ir, 12 23 23 Do. common, Pounds, N o . 1 Oo. Medium Do. Common 3S's Ladies'Twist sales for Sept., 1853 ... " 1852... Stocks, 1853 1858 SEED With a good export demand, the sales have been ex tensive, embracing all growths and grades. !,n prices we have but little change to note, holders appearing to gather firmness as the slock becomes mor* concen- trated. FOREIGN TOBACCO. The imports of Cuba have proved unusually large, offering an ample assortment of all grades The de- mand is fair and prices unchanged. Iu Havana there is less doing, and both imports ar.d stocks are light. M .16 •o 31 _8 31 34 Bihar en Milts fsrusle Longdate) Do Chirouee B I'llUtOll I'.'.idnifion Mills.. Do Do 3d Concord River Mg co3* Dedliam 28 l)eli!l*8teauiMilli 36 Dovei 36 Dwighl A .... 3d Do D '•<& Do E 146 KlwellMilll .16 Empire 3*> •'..sex Mi.Is . 'it Oeorge Mills 16 Glasgow 31 isotnu- Mills.. . . 31 Granite Mills 31 Great Falls.-.8... 31 Do M . . . 31 Do A . . . 34 Greenville 36 Haiuiltoa 108 Hamlet 3* Haaiptou 1. g Cloth 36 Hancock Mil.a 36 Hanover Wr Twist 36 Harmony .. . < llama Manf Co... 37 Hope 36 Do 3ll| Hope Steaai Mills. 34 India supr t nitons 37 Junivi Sim ill lis tin 31 Do 3.4 Do 36 DJ 42 Do Al Lancaster Mil s . . . 37 I.iiuesville 36 Lawrincs .. .. A-., o Do B . . . 40 Do Q... I* Do H . . . 30 LoBsdale 36 Do premium... 36 Loadoudals . . . 33 Do 31 l i IU.-I f i n e ........ «' l'i Min-tl—( .ueu o.d H'le, Do li* Do li Do f<* Do sv... B i * , , . s'a Do ti Di I > Maucuriter l 0:1117 11* Mimnm Mills .... 11* Maiimnlle 14* Do 7 Do Steam Twist 3 Mass A s* Do C 13 Medwiv, Am a. m Motiegan It vi .ut.-nn e 7 Do 9* Mt WastiS m Mills 9 * Mnwrv'sScli i'w.st 8* Naslini 6 N . . 4* Do in Newliuryport 10* N Harap M'g rum. Ill* New York M i l s . . . fi'sj Do Water Twist . , , ' . . . . 1 l i * Ociaa Bone V:i-» 1 Milli » Pacific Mills 12 i*ali) Alto 1) Paris, fine ......... '.<* Pokaoogel, lute none PoBilse aons Hraditg uoue Di —. 9 D> nous Hevvra Mills .... 8 Rnrkiugka-t 71* Roibnrr 8 * Salisbury M i l l s .... 9 Social Milli 12* Steam Mill 33 Do 7* riiorudike 10 Vtiea Mills, preiu aoue L'aiou ...... II* Do uoue Do II tjxbridse » * Victory 8 * Va. Ex Wtr Twist. •^C Walthaui. P... 12* Do X... 9* Wamiutta in* Do Gold Medal 11* Warren S'.'in Mills 14 Do A... IA 1 * Warwick I.'ut'lolhs l i * Warwick Ml Co . . 8* Do f* Washington Co... b* Do 8 Do 8teaa Mills 7 Water Twin, 11* While Rock Mills. 15 Do Watsr Twut. 10 W.liiaiusvilie. fine 0 I Wooniocket Cotton 11*,York Premiums... .•'J ..., B im 06 32 M 31 BI >5 c 34 M ..6 31 146 .11* -13 36 28 31 39 36 37 36 36 31 30 T 34 M 36 33 A11101 Do. Do. Do. Do.. Cuba, (Baracoa) (St. Jago " and Ygnani) IMrOBTS: STOCKS: 18*18* 23*23 a 744 bales, 1347 413 334 3M 33 139- bales 3390 ,. 740 309 .5 a 5 * . 5 * a 6 * .. « * a 6 * .. 6 * a 7 .. 7 * • 7 * .. 8 * a 9 * 3,087hhds. 3,634 " 3571 " 3.8S0 " 28,ti8S " 1853, 1852, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1853, 18,585 NEW ORLEANS MARKET The business at this point is about at a stand, owing, in a great measure, to the absence of factors. Never- theless, the market continues very firm, and for infe- rior grades rather higher prices are obtainable. The advance on Lugs and Common Leaf is fully *c The total receipts for the fiscal y e a r e n d i n g 1st Sep- tember, 1853, which include 10,050 hhds strips, and 1700 hhds stems, show a total of 71,000 hhds, and for same period in 1853. including 11,740 hhds strips, and 3,118 hhds stems, a total of 89,675 hhds. QUOTATIONS. Lugs, Factory Do. Planters' Leaf, Inferior to Common D> Fair Do. Fine Do Selections Arrivals from 1st Sep. 1851 to Sept. 34, Do do 1853 do Exports do 185H do Do do 1853 do Stocks do 1853 do Do do 1853 de RICHMOND, Va. The demand throughout the month has been anima- ted, and a further advance established. The receipts and breaks are limited. The weather for the last days of September was cold and ungenial for the maturing of that part of the crop set out late. The May plantings were partly cut, and prove of good quality. The market closes with a brisk demand for all grades. The official statement of Inspections is not yet received, but will not vary mueh from the following estimate, Vic : Inspections at this point to Sept. 30, 1853...33,431 hhds. Do throughout the State 50,500 Which shows a decrease compared with last year of 1,100 hhds. QUOTATION*. Lugs, inferior 0 Do. good .... 7 Do. fine m a n u f a c t u r i n g ........... 8 Leaf, inferior 9 Do. common and middling 9* Do. good shipping 11 Do. fine do 13 Do. line manufacturing ........... 13* BALTIMORE, MD. The active demand for both Maryland and Ohio con- tinues without abatement, stimulated by the light re- ceipts and reduced estimates for the growth of 1853. The stock of Maryland is extremely light, and gener- ally held under limits , prices iiave again improved. Ohio has met with ready buyers, tha purchases hav- ing been partly speculative, running parcels of Reds, averaging 5 * t o 6 * cents ; other grades at the quoted prices. QUOTATIONS. Good to Fine crop Medium Crop " Common " Seconds " Inferior tails and frosted Ohio, Good to Fine Yellow. " " Spangles " Red do " Common to Medium Colory " Good Fine Reds " Medium " " Good common do " Inferior and Green " Scraps BXrOBTS. Against same time In 1858. 15,648 Hhds 4207 " IS,**! " 3791 " 3891 " 225 " 1442 " 559 " 669 " 94 " 73 - 331 " 43,112 " 22.223 Hhds 14,789 " 133 " 389 " ft " g,Brown.A do B do-.C . Bleached. . Blae Boott. Brows Do.-Blrachsd... To..Blue Chicopee, Brown.. Do Bleached Uo Blue Coaastoga, Brown. Dwight. Brown Do Bleactied . Do Blue Granitavill* Haacock India, Browa Larouia, Brown..- Do Bleached Do Blue Do Corset... Lawr'nrs BrownN Do...Blsacb.edN Do...Biua .... N Do... Brown..W Do...Bi»s. hedW Mass., Browa Do..Bleached ... Do..Blue Amsk'g Dack.1,85. Ashland Do .. Iiaggius ... Da Do Dack Do do Do do Do do Boston Dues Co... No 1, 18 ox No. 2. 17 ox No. 3, 16 ox N<is 4 to m. weight and prices sama proportion ....... Cayadntta Cupola ............ Di Di Aa 0 Do Do Euei Dock Ettnek COTTON DRILLS. 30 «) .ki 8* Norfolk, Brown 8 'Oxford, do ... Peaseie. do Peppeull, Brown.. 9* Do Bleac'd. 8 \ Uo .ColorBd. ii 31 37 36 34 .u 45 31 34* 36 32 M 36 B 31 36 37 M 31 4., 37 37 36 36 31 31 3.1 12 37 36 36 31 37 37 96 37 30 12* 11* 'J 8H Ul» •5 8)4 a Ml* 12* H* H 7* 6 MB* I* ** 841 y 11 1 - «* 8«J w* M MM 14* 16 7* 6 aoue «* »k \2\ 'J u* ** 10 k Biue 9* s* num. 8 I 11 none lo HI * 7 11 8 11* none aoie 12 k 30 iok 11 8 ne.ie none. 10 n". 9* 10 12* IS 13 8* 12* H)II . :.- e.» >.,} n't iiti'sBttled, and •1.1- . tnpoi ' M... li.i.g »ts ollirid 7*1 8 * J 8*Peq«B.-. 9*r " Perkiae, Browu 8 Do .... Blsacued. 8* Do ...Blue sj Pelertmro. Bleac'd. 8* Salmon Falli, Br'u 30 8 Di Bleached 28 8* Do Blue 32 10 Slater'i Browu 30 6* Do 30 7 Staik Mills— 30 8 ' Stout Brown...C 30 8 i Do BlearnedSC 28 8* Do Blue 28 9* Do Corset 38 t-k Ruff.dk, Brown 30 8 ' Do Bleached . 28* 8* Du .... Blue 28* 9* Thistle 36 10 I is 36 IU* WasUiugton Browu 30 8 , Do Bleached 28* 8*| 28 9* OSNABURGS. 33 12* Ettrick 36 11 James River 24 12 1 do -1 11 Lowell A 28 13 Do ...B 36 17 Do .1 40 19 Do Twilled D 44 21 Do do K Manchester ....... 23 28 do 32 27 Methnaa Duck .... 22 26 Patapeeo Ds Do Do...Duck 38 11 Do do 30 8* Do BagglBf... 36 II m do si 9 Planters 33 9 jSoiithera Lowell.. a. 9 jSwift Creek 28 1 tk Ihistie Duck... 31 30 28 28 28 30 28 28 .'11 30 28 28 30 37 30 29 29 3* 30 27 26 Amoikeag ..... -A Di Do C Biamaa.. . ....... Camlst Clinton Globe, bleached... Do Corset Lacouia, Browa... Do Bleached Do Coriet... Lancaster ......... Msncheitsr Corset Naumkeaf, Colored Naumkiag Bleaoad Amoekeag California ......... Columbian ........ Kagl* JeweltCitv... Manehiiter. . 30 29 27 28 27 27 28 27 27 .. 28 .AC A A ,..-.- H c n 6* 7* 9 9* 10 12 14 25 Maryland, 7 a 9 6* a 7 5* a 6 5* a 7 5 a 5 * 10 a lfi 9 a 12 7 * 8 5?» a « * 6* a 8 5* a 6 * 5* a5* 5 a 5 * 4 a 4 * Amoikeag. Do Do .... Do Do Aihburtoo. Brown'i... Columbian. Coneitoga . Enei ..... Granits State.. Amoikeag— Do AihburtoB... Hampshire .. Ida Jiwett City.. Do , Lehigh .... .. Al A 11 , 8* 11 9 9 13* 9 ' JKAN8. 8* Nsi ha a Browa .... 8*' Do Bleac.had .... 8k Pepperill, Browa.. aoBe 1 Do Bleached 16 iStaaley, Browa .. none' Do Bleached 8 Nelson Corset 8k SuaaBoe 8*Thorodika, Brown 9 I Walthaui sat in,bid 9 Dodb'le twii'd do 7)4 York, Browa "k Do Blaanhed 10* : Do Corset 9* DGNIMS. 12*lMslros* 11 Otis ink Oxford 10 iThoradike 10k York 7k' TICKS 16 Hamilton 12* Jewett City 12 I Do 11 Methuiie 10k Mtlford Improved. none O t i s ........... 10 j Pearl River PR... 11 me Pennsylvania 13*So«hegBB 14 iThoradike .... 10 IWalpaia 33 28 31 30 .16 40 30 40 27 31 27 36 21 37 31 36 20 21 31 30 30 31 27 27 77 27 8 rk 8, 8 8* 8* 8 8 8* 9* ** 8 8 9* 8 7* 8 B S 9* 8* 8 8* 9* 8 lions 8 8 II 6* 7* 8* 10* 12* 11* 14* 7* 8* 14 11* 9* 8* 13 16* 10* 10* 8 10 7* 8 9 9* unae 7* 8 mine none 8 8k 8 9 9 11* 10* 10 10* 12* Amoikeag, Rro, A Do do-.B Do Blch'd A Do do...B Do Col'd A Do 1I0...B Aitihurton, Brown. li Bleached Franklin, Brown.. Do Bleached COTTON STRIPES. .6-3 .. U*|MBncheiter .3-3 .. 11 Neptaee .... .. none O t i s ............... , noa* Portland 9% Taylor, light 30 in Do dark .... 37 9*',Y»rkNankias 7*| COTTON FLANNELS. 30 11* Hamiltoa,Brown.. 30 11 ' Do Bleach'd 30 12 ! Do extra width 30 II* MaBChestsr, Col'd 30 12* Do Blch'd 30 12 ! Do Browa 29 none Naomkeag, Brown 28 mine 1 Do Blch'd 9* Pepperill, Browa.. 9* Do Blch'd.. C7HAMBBAT8 AND GINGHAMS. 30 30 27 27 32 "T7 32 31 28 28 32 28 30 31 Ti 29 27 27 26 28 31 29 29 27 Bone 9* 9 14* 13 none 15 11* in* 10 IS* 7 7* none 10 8* 8* 12* 9* 10* i«.S 10 10* 9* 10* 11 1 11* Glai, plato ancol'i Do Plaid Lancaster II 10 Amsterdam W. Indi Other ports . Pennsylvania. , 16,880 Hhds 8922 8854 ..... 2494 1779 . 271 302 13J9 36 42,935 It (1 Is N 14 tl tl '* 14 tf •* (1 iNseienoNS. 24.399 16,072 335 1049 14 Hhds It • 4 1* II Total 41,699 Stock 1st Jan. 1853 Inspected since Exported do Stock on hand Ott. 1. 18.13. 37,530 ' ...11,759 hhds. ...41,699 " 53.458 " ...48.933 " ..10,523 Raleiat the Baltimore Stack Beard, On oner 3 —100 B i " i more and Ohio Rulrom! Boads. 1155. 8 4 * ; 12 share. Mr- chi-tri' Bank. 1 9 * ; 2S0 do Baltimore sou Ohio Railroad, •1*; II do (Taion Manutactnriiig Company, 15*. At tha Board thii dtv. Md 6'i 1870, cloied at 106* bid. Bait b'a 184), 104* bid, 105 aiked, Baltimore and Ohm Rail- road ttondi. 1867, ill* asked ; do l«Bo. 90 asked, do Utftg.Ac* bid. 8A asked; deiharei6l* bid, 62 asked. 1 Sale, of Stock*, ol the Brohtre Board Boiton Ortobar 1 — ' ma) Vermont Centril Railroad, 13* * 14*, 2BB9 f leaihurg I Railroad, 14* a 14*; 50 Boston and Maine H.ilf**! , ifk, U I Fits_4Vurg Railroad, 9S*; IT! Philadelphia, w" . ,.. ,i£lon and Baltimore Rai.im .re, 3 6 * . tt Ysrmout aud Canada Railroad ' 99k, U Westera Rsilma l.M, I Portland, Saco and Porti mouth Railroad. 9 9 * to Old Colony Railroad. 93; 3 Boston and Worcester Railroad, in''*, 50 Worcester and Hashsa Railroad 59*, 75Toltac Mining Company, 1 1 * a 12, vn Ful- too Copder Compear, 2 * a 3 * . 45t) Maloae Saaditnm Cere 6 aay, 1, 79 Kast Boatoa Compaa» Dividends, .4*, ,0 Wsbster sas, 102*; 2 Washington Bank, 101), $'*SBI Ogdenihurg Se- cond Mortgage SBVOBI. 68 Second Bo>rd-.30i Ogdeaihurf Rsilrosd. 1 4 * a 1 4 * . l.v) VsrmoBi (antra! Railroad, 14. 50 Worceiter aad .leihua Railroad. v»k 35 Philadelphia, Wi'miagmn and Baltimore Railroad, 31; WO Faltoa Cooper Compear, I * a 2k- *o Tel- tec Miking Cempasr, 13, I***) Bogus Cur fivei, <l*,W »*. Allan's mad'r, 32 in. Do d s . . . 27 i n . Am. Print Worki— Madder, No. 1... Do 2... Blue and orange.. Green and black.. Blue and white... Ruby Chapini' blue A or.. Do madden Cocheeo Platei Coneitaga madder.. C'innf llfcCo's mad. Franklin, hlk A wh. Do.bik It lavender — a 8 * Garner's fine (Chintz none Do, mad dk, 30 in. Do, do do 28 in. Do, do light, 30 in. Do, do do 28 in Do, dam. far 30 . . Do faucy Hamilton Colli, black ft white. Do. madder ...... 10 IManhall'i Plaid.. .. 11 >lancheiter 11 N V..rk M11 •s.Piini PRINTS. in |Monotomy— al0*j Blueand white .... 1 Blue and orange.. alO* Msmmaek fancy... 10 alO I Do blue... a 9 * Do, blk ft orange. a 9 * Mnmam.blkftwhite— a 9 * PerkiniCo 11 Profidesce Print Worki: none. Milder, No. 1 9kal0 9 I 9 * Do N o 2 8 k a 9 alO* Do.Er stylee 26 l.'V 1 13 i 12 u 12 a 9 a 9* aiok a 8* a 9 a 7* a 9* 9*aiu Ripka'i Mar Shir. 9*i2n* Koheion'i fc Son's: - a 7 * Blue and" orange.. Ind green ........ Bine and green... none. Blue and w h i t e . , none, j Dn large aad fig. 8 a— Rochelle. blk ft w h . 6*4 7* Do hlk ft nurple. 5*a 9 Do hlk. ft lav .... 6l|al1 Sprague'i madder.. 9 a 9 * _ D o blue ft orange. alO - a 9 * - a 9 * - a 9 * - a 9 - alO none 7 a 8 I I 8 Minchesler madder a u* Wash, blkftwh. all) Du hlk fc lavender a 8 i Do. ir.a.ld'* ...... 9ks 9 t 0 uaiuum CI . 1.1- -1 ua rr,rna Ohio !*l~f, '" r **'* * r J H.DBAI-BftCO. -t Waiereireet V\|.l.lo. BKL'.sS_l.8 CARPKl'NG—AB al.nre el l i - - prr. ir .{as itv and new l.i jm, ,uit received,lersals by ,.l HASTINGS a PLIMPTON, 5 So*ta WiiUamst. ^tu a l . U N U r M L T as-li iueeis Kagiiia aad Vreach. .1" "liltlNNKLL. MINTPRW ft CO ; 71 gootu it. '1'OMACCO—I in salei Cieuluegos Tobacc.) of prime qaeli- A tr, |'_ri Iu i - . u d , 114 UI1J1. K i a . u c k y , for aaie by .3 MA t HEWS, KINIGAN fc TO . I* Wall st C -U'B'A WKlTK WAX—J3 "tales •r'sa'panor quality ia ' Boad, lur lale by oj IH )M_S OWEN fc SON. 154 Booth It. WPlHirs' rCKP.*NTLsE--i t' ht.ls,"or srima qoahty ia sv taa shipmui 0 dc -. 101 sale la lots to aait bv al M shipping 0 dc -, lot sale la lots to aait by DOLLMER fc POTTER. IM Froat it OLABSEB—343 hhds. a id IM I Bow iBB'luif^'or n i l bv es MBicovado Mulasaes, VtAViriKlVsVlNt-AN k yOX. 94 Wall st S UGAR—11' ahds. hew Oriea_i Sugar, of vanoua grades ia store, tor sale by ul JOHN G. MILLER. 83 Watsr st._ ( 4AUS11C ALKALI—»'ive theuaaad poaads eupeuer -' ,u» ;i, saiiabls for ioap aiiksri an* bieaehsrs. far sitleliy JAMB8T. LEWIS fc CO . 82 Water el •» I ^ E ATM K RBS— looo lb white and gray Uv* Uaaaa reaiaara, Uudiuf and for sale by "' THOMAS WALLACE, 84 Water street \ | At'KKKtCL—«24 bbls Bo 3 Markaral, Halifax laspee' .'1 i n n . ,u b iu,l suiiable for il..pu»ai to the Weal )r_Uoe. fr.alel.y JAMK9 Ht'Mkli a CO 174 Proat st. J AMAICA RDM—In panclie.-i, eome very lupenor, IB nm lan.l lor aale by 03^ HILGERfcs-Q 19 Pint straat. "r\|uSTARD BEBD—PruMjeUvw Eugiisa IB stora aad 1*1 ivsl lauding, for sale by u3 MVLL-K fc KLUqKUT L 90Waterst._ B AHAMA BPONGK-A ipleidid lot ol white earnage, uard head aad coarse, iuit received, for aals by 1^ ^L**'.* 1 *^ 1 **?*-.* C " ° - 7»a***-l*t. _ I V. Ak' l o t t A i i . ) - ; 1. bates Havaaa. wiappara aad Itlera - ot new at J old crop; 30C bales Cuba wrappers and Hilars IT sale by I . . H fcj VF.TTERLEIN 12-iWaiersi ...4 C ^LO VERSE ELS—Asj bbli. and UMBM boat uew Clover '' seed, IB lots to iuit purchiiari. for sa'e hv o3_ BCHUCH ARDT fc GBBHARD \ | CM i)V ADv> »I01.A»HE>-J«S. uiiiii Mosoovada _le- .'I lasses, iu boud.for sala by ol DANIEL Ct'RTIB fc CO,111 ISarlat. Nous copions l'extrait tuivant de la Cireulaire do MM. Djccor-rgT BT C I I . Par Africa Nfw VOBK, 3 Oct. La houvello dc la housse de I'littore. aa Angleterre et stir le continent Ftiropeen, rccue depots nos dernier* avis, n'.'i produit jusqti' ict stir noire place, qu'iicn eflrt moddre. Les tonds speculatifs out m£ine rogagnc en tmiine partic la baisse qu'ils BVM*AI suiiie tout d'aoor.l, et exhibent assrz de fermeiii. Les funds a placements rf'guliers sont compurativement ncgligi'4 , la continua linn dutaiix <-lev* de tttrtlrlt, el la ilrniiuide rr-iluite out tint par en inflnencer iiucki'ics uriseu tiaisse, qnelque les rentes forcoes soient tin rares et les uuaniites ea gciicral pas trhs considtraijles. L'011 petit noier ane baisse de 1 A3 p ct sur les St. Louis City et Comity, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, S*h Francisco, Ihs Erie 1* h y p , et les Brie Convertibles. yuolquos fluctuations plus trancli.-rv «e font atissi re- marqner sur noire liate de Railroad lions y intmduisons aujourd'hui las Obligations d u N e w Y o ' k Central R. K C. Imises Actionnaires cm paiment ties primes diver- se! mi« quelle* les Companies nut etl mlmtaes a la con- solidation. Klles sont destloees a oecusjhr un» place imporlanie sur notte man-he en raisou du chiffre con. stdcr.ible et de la nature tl* la scrunte . elles c montem 2 $8,287,000 de 6 p. et. rembourxahl**, IS8S. eliei ne Mint (Hunt paranlies par tins hvpoitilque mais par nu Ion-!.- d'amortiaaement obhgatoira de I pour ft, N*ut cotoiis ausii $3,000,000 Bonds <lu Chicago et Mississippi R. R , S-IS47 convertibles jtisqu' en 18IS, et garantis par une 3 hypotheqtie. Einpriiiiti courts T p. ct.; empriinls I lung terme 10 i 12 p, ct. Papier long 1 0 1 12 p e t . La tendance des changes BBnftntM I la hausie. Prin- ct[»alfs affairrs sur Londres 1 0 9 * a 109 i e t gur Paris de 5.134 a 5.13*. A la cloture les fonds de speculation sont plus fsi tiles. Vos obcissants serviteurs, DBCOPPLT * « 0 "" BAl.TlMi»RK. O.t. 3. Cattle Market.—Beat Cattle— Tu. r.; were odered at the scalei to-day 1340 head of Bwtei-000 sold, lOO driven off, IM lefi oyer Prices rsngssl from $1 *3 to 4 'li on the imof, nett $5 3A to 8 »0. averaginf $1 H is giois. Hugs Sales at tne sr .'*• to-day at $ • 10 to 7 00. Sheep- Salr-i at tha scales today from $3 00 to 500 snd In tolerable good demand. •'I'th. .1 K Hr..<Y— .sj tiarees prist* Maes Beef of very si- I psnoar juality, for sals by al MT HUBBABD. 37lrroatBtr—«. ^ ' <HH SALE—36ttWBag alia Safari, ia.ia..ie for ike Ja_ ...ruia market, by _o3_ JAMEB SMITH ft BON. Wall straat. _ B ODBBON WHI-EKY-A eaiaU lot at .aid Beorka- Wliiiaey. for sale by ol DAYTON. SPRAOPE ft C^..tw7*TO*t. DIVEK'H CELEBRATED r'KKirr UKHV—Orders ra- ft ce.vedby t'ELIX NEUKELDEB. M Derst.. o3 so.a Agent for the United Statea. L AKD—;>9 casct Latd. in 10 lb. caauisters. pat op IB Call- roruiaatyie.loraBlahy BAKEKfc PHILLIPS. 04 I99au.l301 Duane It,eor, Waahuiftoa. O YSTERS—SWdoxen, hermetically saaisd, IB 2 lb. caas warraatad to keep ia aay cliaiaie, for sale by "3 JO. BAKER fc C O . 109 Wall st. R IVETS—A full Bisort-i*Bt of Boiler aad leak Rivets, ia stun, lor m i e by ud HOLDANEfc t?Q., 91 Was.iufloa St. B OILER PLATE—SO tons 3-Id inch; Bo'do * de ; tbia K do ; 36do la do. varioos widths, for sail by Broad st o3 do ; 35do * do, varioui widthi, T. B. CODDINUTON. oi D HILLINGS—300 bales AasoeXeac Drilluifs, for agpwita- liou, lot sale by 03 MERRIAM. BREWER fc CO • 34 P i n a l . *p sjsj>*j B OILER litilN—Peaiisylvaaiabest Boiler lroa. orvanatu sixes, iu store, for sala hy o3 HOLDANE fc CO.. Wo II Washington at. I >OKE-600 bbls Mi si. 400 de Biuap;" ..*) ,lo Prims: BM da A Soar Prima, for tale by _o* BRUSH ft CO. 35 Froat st, 1 )IG IRON—100 tone No! 1 Booteh Ptf Iron, on shipboard ia ," t aad for sale by o3 SPOFEORD, TILESTOX ft CO ,30Broadway. R DSIN—Fine Rosin, selected expr essly for saippiBg to be bad of o3 DEPPEHMANN ft ALBCRT1S. 90 Beavir it A NGLE IRON—A full asaortuienl of aaperlot mainy Ae- gis iron, oa hand, for sala By 03 HOLDANEfc CO.. 91 WaaBxaf ton at 1 IK.Mil. SHIRT BUTTONS—A laige Bssertmsat reeeivai I from Europe, by recent arrivals of steamers, for sale by ol M AUKS fc DA VOL rt Cedar street K A1LKO AD IRON.-For aala, and aow landing, 310 was most approved patter, T rail. Apply to al DAVIS, BROOKS fc CO , 24* Broadway W HALE OIL—880 buls winter bleached aitra. fog Bale by LANE fc HUSSET. 134 Faartst. oil aad 8B Water itraat. \ » i HEAT— Joa bsgs, eeataiaing aboat 870 baskels naw v v Soalbera Wheat, is store aad for sale br o3 JAMES HUNTER fc CO.. 174Frosts* M OLASSES—300 hhdi. belt oualilv Cardaaaa Moiaaaas for sale ia lot! to iuit punl.aeera by o3 PECK fc CHDECK. 130 Wall«;_ ( MiNNY BAGS—1400 loeee, imall use, laadiug from ship Jiataa Drake, and for aala by u3 _ S__£*__*£: _-_JSSS3 "• SS- 5 -SS-i-Sfc 1 >EPPER—300O~bsfs kaavy Sanatra, far sals, la bead ar daty paid, by ol TOWMSUND, CLINCH ft D I K E , 17 ft olFrsat it 1 3'MENTO—etio bags Jamaica, ia aoaa or duly paid SB - byTOWNBEND. CLINCH fc DIKE, «7 and 69 Froat it ilUL o3 C CINNAMON— ?4 bales 1st auality Cevloa <a boad. for •aJshr TOWNSEND, CLINCH fcDIKI. o3 17 ft WFraat straat. lean ba landed I >IU IRON—121 toes Uartsbsrrie, here aad < at any wharf in tha barbor. foriale by 03 THOMAS WALLACE. 13 Water at. S ODA A8H—Moapatt'i rsnaed Soda Ask IB stare; in aait sad to arrive, for sale by t'TRl'S W. FIELDftCO, lldiBst 03 S HEATHING COPPER—10 oaaai 14 aad II *«• BA—thing Copper, of superior quality, for sale by ol QOOPHPE ft C O . 84 Booth St. B "'MMTand BAGGING—O* every daaeripuoa. Bags, wovea whola, all sixes, far sale by 03 F O X ft POLHEMU8. 59 Broad St., ear. Beave H EAVY HOP is AC KING -100 piecesrsmaiaiag SEA ISLAND BAGGING—200 pieces, for sale by o3 TUCKER. COOPER ft CO., 70 8oath itraat. 1 /1RE BRICKS-Abom I3.MW Stooibridge Fire Brleki, far sala ax ship. Apply to o3 JOS. KERSHAW, M Broadway. N EATSFOOt OlL-lOfJ1 bMs.. far lale bv HENRY WALDKON, o3 IROFrontai., eor. bnrliaf slip. H EIDMCK CHAMPAGNE—50 baskets Heidnek Chaai- psgos Wm, laadiig and for aale at $12 oar doses, by 0.1 M. HOLLANDER, 89 Beaver it. L AKD OIL—2 ssj gallons Lard Oil, ear owa asaaufaetoia: also, 13H0 gallons Western No. 1. for sale bv JEWELL, HARRISON ft CO., o3 37 Watarit., aad 7 EnePlaaa. A RROWl^oTrT-^n bbli and half bbis. Sassafras Hark—30 hbls prima. Sal Tartar—50 da-uio-aa, for sala by ol GEORGE P. EDGAR, 145 Water st. 1 " >0 CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA SHIPPERS— . 108,000 feat ot dryssasooed 1* Ineb Tallow Piaa Flar- ing afloat and tor sals by S _Jr t KOI ft CHPRCW.I-OWallBt. S ARDINES AND TRUFFLEB-So casei BardiBas aad Scaiei lrufflsi, just lereived, iu good order, aa*of fa- vored brand «, for sala by 03 T. W. BATAPD ft CO.. 101 Paarl st. C HOCOLATE—Suitable for saipmeal ta California. Aas- trali.1, ftc. of Bsker and •>..here manoractar*. of varioas qualitias and prices, tor sale in lots to aoit purchasers by 03 ^J COLDEN MURRAY.82 Soota at. they ara of the manufacture, d will C 4ANDLES—450 hotel S's and 8 1 Caodlsi, - viry out quality of J. Strata's 1 Hand 100 degree! of hsa:. for Bale hy Strata's ir i s l e hy T Hf^BARD SON. 27 Froat It. S OUTHERN FLOUR—3000 bbls Hsxall. Belmont, Eitra Eagle,Gray Ear'" sr,d Bridgwater, for loaf vevafaa aad warm elimatei, for iale by o3 ALLEN ft PAXSON. 114 Front it. C OHOElFsHIHTSiBd DRAWERS—A fnlll assortaiSBtZ compruiBf all tha varioui qoalitiei in scarlet, white, biue and fancy colore, for fale by the sole igrati o< SWAN ft WETMOHE,46 Broadway. V ERMILLION—Eight eaaas Chinese Vermilnoa.ia stars, and for sale by LEI o3 CWIS 8 MORRIS ft CO. 114 Front St. coraer Wall strset. M ANUFACTURED TOBACCO—2500 b u m of varioui si- zes and hrandi, comprising S's, s's, 10's, 33's and pound 111 in pi, for isle by o3 JAMES HUNTER ft CO,. 17t Froat it M ADDER—Prime Ombri. Sal Soda—-Nawcaatl*. Carb. Ammonia—in lars. Kaiiaoi—Prime Java. Lu np Arsenic— Prims white. Jnniper Berries—Prists Leg 1 orn, in store and for sala by o3 MULLP1R » KLEUOK18T, 90 Water St. I JOR.TABLE FOROKSl—Round — Queen's batsot and square portable forges and bellows,complete, for imiths railroad and plantation uies, of different n i s i open aad aa- clued iides, foriale by the msaufarlorer'i sgeati. o3_ LONG fc DAVENPORT, IQPlatt St. 1 AANCY FEATHERS—a o s s n , cootBiBiBf a variety a stylas, satiable for for mines' aad enildrm's kali nut received and ferfleby JOHN C, HENDERSON fc CO., oj 174 aad 17« Paarl it., (op nalri.) \ " .* RLLti'w" MEFAT SHEATHING—HafeBBei best quality Ksgliih, ISto l i o n maauiBCtured by Willi as, Foster fc Co for sale by ot GRINNELL. MINTURN ft CO. 7ISo«tbst._ M ADEIRA wINES—Of th* wall Paown and favorite hraeds J AG. R. snd Raseoda, laqoerter aad aightas. a$ P HARMONY'S NEPHEWS ft CO. g Booth it. f ^NOi.ISH TAPESTRY CARPF.rlNGS-A imall issues A nf Va.vat aud Brniieli, Croplsy's make, ms' reeaived MIIJ f ,r sale by t HASriVGS fc PLIMPTON. 5 South William st B RAKIERS AND BOLT COPPER—A full alee rt stent ef Braxisrs and Bolt Copper froai tba TBUBIOB Copper Works; extra situ made to order by ••3 , WILLETB ft CO. 303 Pearl st. I MPORTED 'CORDIALS—Aaarett*, Manaehino, Carseoa. Raspberry Syrup aud Vinegar, Absinthe, red sad white, K'ri.thebwaaser. now lindiag per Bremen bark Colombia, mrielany HENRY SNYDER. 8.'. Beaver it o3_ V r ELLOW METAL SHETHING—A fall aaiertmsal froai II to 32 a* Crocker's Taunton Yellow Sheathing Metal, a superior article, for iale by 03 WILLETS ft C C . 303 Pearl street. WH"VC THREAOS, ftc-Jast received a freih itaek of »-9 Tliommn'i patent Thraadi of vinous colon tad lettable ler ttaoe flndug tosses, troak raakere, haraeee •sksrs, fte. aud well worthy the attention of dialers, for sale by the oa- deriigned. who'araiole ageuti ia the U 8 for the aale of thess Th readi CLARE ft LAURIB, IM Front tt. all B ALAAM Cot'AIV \-Mars. T.S. » sfli Java, ia bbli ABfe-tora, ta demi.ekai Maraeaiho, in pipes a id cana. both ia hood aad oat ef bead Alio foli8abli.ihsr.leit ) for isle hf HASKELL, MERRICK fc BULL, s30 Wo iu (laid st. New "fork. w" W A N fc~WSTMORE. 46 Broadway, enSra ter Mia a fan t^arai aaeartmeat ol Iiee'estie G..mls, eoanstiag ia part of— Cllnll Pnisi—New sad desirable patiaraB. Madder PIIBII-NSW du do Bins and Whiti Pi.ate— Large aad imsll Igoras, ladifa colon. Plata Huh Color Prists. colored Cs-ibriei— Fiaa and low priced Colaaad SUMtaa—Book fold. Nbeetiags—Bteaekad aad hiowa, 4 4. 4-4, 10-4 sad 13-4. Sh r' ngs— Bteaebad and Brown, 3-4 aaa 4-4. l»-ille—Bleached aad hloa Tieks—Talapooaa, Roeheiter. Bristol tad W» omiag Csatoa FidKBBIS—Bleached aad brown rweada—All wee), foe sad Sow gradaa. Cloakiaga—CaatoB aad all wool Shirts, Drawen sod Saski—Whiti aad iiiht, ftc U agliaini fte. sJU ^ j i * ; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning Courier/New … · 1 OoallOBaa, (without board.j * Jans airy bad room, TO auaad. witAaut


• * • ! , W l t B ' • ' • • < • • • « . . .

CLRRK WANTK~D-1M A C O M M I S S I O N HOCSB A desirable silaattoa l o r e young man of good .heructer,

is c o r n e t ia Igurea, a»d a g—xt an.t fluent pesntaa Tut-besl of referances require I. Address N H , al t in . Sir.- ..i I t t C m r n r I Kn (u : . s . l t f

DRUG CLERK WTNTETIO 0O r77N¥w"(iKLiATTH~ • a t who speaai ths iMmnu .ml English language Ap­

ply ta B C H l k . F r K L l N . BUDS fc CO . tt$ lot and 1(6 Jotimt.

r | M d " f c L l H S * W n » T K » r T O UO TO NEW O R L E A N S " —A good Apothecary, whe ip iaks the UKUISII aad Eng­

lish t a a g a - g . i Appty to 8 C H I F F E L I N BROTHERS fc CO.

•4 104 aad 108 John i tr iat .

( "<©VBaUiEt*_ -WAM_l> A DAILY UOVKHNh._S Jf MtaaWk in* 'iigho- Engllib braactiei , French and Ma

aw. Apply at ft) Wait lsiti atiaat, baiweea the hours nf 3 and 4 o'clock o4_3t

IN S T R U M E N T M A K E R S w V N I K D - T W O KiK.sr rata workmen on q'ladraals, aa i taats aud eompassss

. n%_ _ A A . S A M A N O S 300 Fro it, oer^Fultan st

rr>U CAPITALIST*—A S P E C I A L ' P A R T N E R WITH 1 BRUMS will b e i e k e a laa •»! • . piofltab a c n h bunnei i

Tha tusiaoss has baaa established far sevsrel years, tha aalaa laareaiiag evsr a kaadrad par oeat . aaeh vssr . Tba l a u u n or aalaa for tbia year aia nearly two huadred thoua-aad dollars, and aaa b» increased a a i t raar to deublo tbat aiauaat. Profits tbia year $30,000. A partus witb tba ea ib was bear - / aa opportunity of realixmg a haadieme iortana. AUdreii Irou, Box III , Qaatral Poat Oft .« ol


tweea VaU stages each aad <

^ ^ T O W N - P L E A S A N T L Y LOCATES B E -tweea Uaiou Square aad Seooad avsaae . C a n aad

1 of tba block—(family private) Aeeommo-det lee i liberal—homa, Aral c l a w . Baths, cat . Be , la eveiy way aaitad l e Ika eemfort of a gentleman's family—or a faw

Ka t l t a e s of respectability, • • oaly a faw woald ba takes , s a e r a t l e /a l eck Private table if preferred. References

Bertiesjar. Moiee lef» fag H. W J. , at tka Coariar and Ku-lairer aalao, will gaoat immediate attsnt ios t3<i 3t and*

IT OAHD—A G E N T L E M A N WISHES TO S E C U R E A 1 plaaaaat Parlot aad Bedroom, witk fall or partial board,

laagir ict l f i f < . t i iwi ly , where l a e e a j o y m i - i i o f p l e a i a a t aantotr . i . ,oius are U ba had Location preferred be-twtSB bik aad lata alraata. Addraaa Box 1244 Poat 0 « . •

• M l • ,

BQAJU) W A M T E D - F O R A G E N T L K M A N A B O w i f a j a tka eonuiry, witkla a ihort dis'.snre of tka ei ly.

at tki i oases stating location aad taraig. apft

•^5HF~fo LE"T^^6WE OR TWO a**»ly fa-a iahed. ia a pr l ra to laanly, tu l tab la for ia* Braai iai t aad' taa if rfqai"rad,


Apply at o l lw»

GOOD B O A B D UAH B E O B I A I N 1 atta aad a u wlfa la a a a a l l fa«i>jr, raiidaaea ia Do

KalkAvwaaa. BOOT tka ooraor of Gold atraat, Brooklya ; r«f i t iwaajauk—grod. Addroaa W. box l a t a P O o l B t


04 1'


For 31

A aacood gaaci. fot ataxia g»atlaa>aa. witkuut hu»ru Ap-ply at 91 Wkita atraat Botaraaaaa axabaagad

fjOA>b-fo LET, A PAHLOB AND BED ROOM, M9 far aiagla taatlamaa, ia aaaaall privata fanily. Bruak taat, m roq-ilrot; wbara tbaro ara uo othor boardari ~ porttOBaBW. Qwftro ot 3B4 Soaaaao gar—a. <

rarsjusMao BOOMB TO L«T IN BROOBLTN-A * aaita of »ary Baa g o — a . ouatiating ui tbraa paatrna at-tat bad. witk ago of varr plaaaaat parlor, eaa ba obtataad by • party of roar or BTO raatlaaioa oa applicattoo to

Mra. BLir . No. 4 Bands atraat. Tka bomsa uda l i jk t fa l ly laoaiad, ooaamaadtaf a v t s w sad

witkta tkraa a t i a«>s walk of Pultun Pairy, Tarna aoda-rata. Soraraaaoa arekaagad. t W ' f p 0 6 i f i l l P A l l t e D - A S1NU1,E UKNTLEMgN W 1MM XL oa a raraiofcad Parlor and B-droom, witk braakfast L>cauoa aaaat ko aaar C^ortor aad fjga,tirar

g \V SUKKHIOK Q O A ' I T f ,

I *t\1 Aag lu3* l»B , ami Brilliant (rum Bt. Uomiugu, ( paiobl UkiOKOE R A R R E L L , H-6 Wsll.

« eoraar of Prunt st


liuaatilms, fur • • « by _ ° * i ! ? _ . J O H N S T O N A CO i n Libarty tl

OLlVk. O I L

1 - t | ( | O A L L O N 8 HRIME O U A L I T Y - P o r salt by » > » " o4 l P _ G i k " B P B A O P B 7 t P « s r l s t .


t-OK SALE—ONE THOUSAND POUNDS OR TOR tons Srnll. from San Bias, del iysrabla to Balliiaura Ap­

ply to i Ol l INS A DENHGN, at A H. Csotars, IDA WatOg straat .oa Waducsdsy, <ir any subsaqusnt day. o4 'i\*

P R I N T E D W O O L S H A W L S -

SL I M M O N , I R A 8 E R k CO. H A V E I N STORE A B U L L assortmsat of Priutad Wuol 8 b a w l s , of aaw aad aporov-

ad s ty ls i . whirh tbay uflar for sala oa usual tarms. s ix aot COGNAC AND ROCHKLLE BRANDY'

TH E U N D I R S I N U K D BEO TO C A L L T H E ATTEN-tloa of parchaiari to a aaw prodactioa of tba abosa arti-

elaa, wklcb baa baaa proaouacod by couao ssurs aqaal to|tlia hast inpartgd brands, aad which wi l l ba sold at a grsat r s -duclioa oa curraat prieas.

s3»ilm A M I E S S C O - 109 Wall atraat. EMBROIDERED A N D P L A I N WOOL SHAWLS.

SL I M M O N , P R A S E S fc C O . , 48 B 49 P I N E 8THEET, hava ia stora a fuL assortmaat of arabruidarad aad pla'a

dysd woul long aad squs ra Shawls ; also, a graat rariaty of •mbroidarad snd plain Indiana 8hawls , daairabla colors, which tbay oflsr fur sala on ucAaltarata. slO BM


SL I M M O N , F H A S E R h CO 48 and 49 Piaa strsst , haro auw ia Mora a fall supply of Waol Loaf aad Squara

Shawls, of approrad stylos and noval .i«sigu«. which tbay of-s.oot i t far for sala oa u ius l tarois^

WOOL LONG anil B Q U A R E SHAWLS! " ^ L I M M O N . ERASER fc CO. 48 aad 49 Piaa straat, hava ^ aow IB stora a larga aaaortmaat of Wool Loag aad

Squsra Shawls, of aaw aad approved dai igas , which thay oBaroa u i m l taiuis log sala. t jMBj

~ COTTON and HOP S A U U I N O .

SL i M M o N . r'KASKK fc CO. 48 and49 Piaa itrsat , hava in storo a fall supply of 44 inth Cotton and Hop Bagging.

l a t a IM lbs. par yard, which thay offar on usual terms for sala. alO

DRAIN P I P E T I T S i r i B D .

OP VARIOUS SIZES, P R O M P O U R TO T W E L V E I N ehas ia diaoistar, for sa ls by

m » ROCHE B R O T H E B S J k £ 0 . J ^ F n l t o n PATENT WBOUOHT S P I K E S A N D N A I L S .

I f W i l l KEU8 P A T E N T WROUGHT SPIKES. V A l U U l / r i o a s sisos; 100 kogs do do N a i l s ; SOU do Cat

Nai ls , van ins s u s s , all of Providaaca Iroa Company's manefaetura, aad for sala vary low, to elosa a a C o n o r s Addrass WILLIAM H. H E N D E B S O N , Providaaca, B. I .

PXOVIDgWCg, Sept 3. 1853. 17 lm


PR I M E Q U A L I i r . ON H A N D A N D TO ARRITE, for sale, ia lota to salt parchaaora, by

a * H w » T E J O N E S . 10 i p r a c s atraat. S A L B .


Brundwsy Addraaa P. D , oBlea aa!3

EOOMB WANTED—A P A S L O S A N D ONE OB TWO Bod rooms adjoiniag, ia a ftrst claas house IB tka uppar

•art of tha city, aot abova ( t k glraat. Address boi 5A2 gen oral x4»»Vos»oo JT'«

L E T - A P E W O E N T L E M E N CAN BE wslk alaaaaht rooms, faraiakad or unfur-

Pifth atraat. aaar tka Bow-W W t B tka house. myl7

1 V> t s t T I N B R O O K L V N - T O O N E OR TWO 8 I N U L E 1 OoallOBaa, (without board.j * J a n s airy bad room,


auaad . witAaut buara at N>. Z3 Pi • . y l b f o r a k r a a required A bail.

h> B«o • a i a of tka Bridge atraat, Cat henna ith-»ud

B O B CASKS V E L V E T RIBBONS. 60 osaas Vest iaxs .

6 do embroidered Slipper, 10 caakl Porcelain. 00 oaaas Toy Oaaa. 10 do Uermsn Lead Penci ls . 20 do CryiBgBskiei. SO do assorted Toys.

Bx Haasa. Africa. Asia, Helve ia, aad Cariolaaas. UODPREY fc CO. , Commission Msrchaats,

• 3 * HOPaarlstraat.

11 1

P L A Y I N O C A R D * .

THE CONORE88 MAN U P AC TURING C O M P A N Y oflar for sals at N o M A B A atraat, BOM tha Harold

oBleo, tha lartast, boat aad cheapast assortmsat of Amarieaa and Spanish Playing Cards, Ivory, Satin Surfaco; Batia, Plus aud 8itperlins Easmallad; Breach and Colored Sa i l s Cards and Cardboard tq ba fomnd ia this c i ty . a22 l m

jyl9 » ufuii Perriss ,aad only 7 or 8 atmatoa f roa tha Wail street Barry A p n y a t 135 Bridge st., Brooklyn

FINANCIAL. SI L Y E S BULLION—TOO o t s . for aala by

mSB J. H B R O W E B fc CO., 41 Boothat.

MS WANTEFON SOND AND MORTGAGE—ON Stat rata elty propert r, about $20,000 at 6 par cant for a

tarsi of years. Addroaa A A. , box 816 Naw York Port Of Baa. . , lMf

AD Y A N O B S - T H E U N D E M 8 I G N K D ARK PREP4RKI> ta aaahBdvaaoas oa coue igaaenis of Produce to Hsvra

e H M e y o t V C L A S K S L A U R I E . 124 Proat St. slO , S ^ S S J ^ k B j t j p e T o d O B I O N M U T U A L B C B I P - H a f o

Bat W. C. O I L M A N . 18 Merchants 'Eickanga . A S B A l i T B - L a a d Warraata of i«o, mi aad 48

for gate a a d wanted by E MORRISON fc CO , 51 William at.

_ , DBAPTB O B M O B I L E a M NEW of aatadky

J A M E S L B B fc CO ,76 Broad it


lSMareaante ' E i c k a a t o

N . 8 T R U E L B N B fc CO. | V f ANUPACTUREHS OP F R E N C H aad PHARM ACEU-l v A ticConfactloDBiy aad Chocolate by steam, agents far t- ans Manufaciarers of tiue P a a c y Boxes aad Papar, 75 D a -aae atraat, Naw York.

Juiube Licorice and Gam Drops, ajusshijaba Pasta, of the vary bait quality, eouitaatly oa hand Also, a superior stock of Sweat aud Houutopatkic Chocolate, Cocoa Pasta, B r o a a . Cracked aad Ground Cocoa, fcc.

Shipper! and wholesale dealers eupplisilat short Botice. I t Sot*


ay9t f


s« U S

jj OMM .MEICIAL aajofiitaday

W. C. O I L M A N

TBifaT BAff'DOLLABB-Oa, l l half dimes for sale by

- J ^ • • M O B B U O N *


arte.- dollai i , dimes aad

CO.,61 William street.


, E « ^ . V &

RE M O V E D — I S A A C T. S M I T H N o . 100 Wail aC

REMOVAL—SAM'L L. Ml I'CHII.L HAH R E M O V E D from 194 Front atraat to N o 13 Broadway. jo 13

I » KMO V A L - J I KAM H AS R E M O V B D PROM 102 I X Wall street to 924 Br>adway._ J?r 3 1 _

R E M O V A L — MOSO.UERA fc CO. H A V E R E M O V E D to No. 169 Proat street , euraor of Maiden laae, (MoCal-

ocb's buildings ) fe28

P E A B L ST. B 3

A 8EK1.VN, H A S R E M O V E D TO 113 f a , . Hanover Square.

( | EMOVAL.—LTTTLE . , A L D B N fc CO.. H A V E RE 39 Nassau street ,corner of Liberty,

s28 moved to lofts N o

jppoide' l ie Pint Office EMOVAL— RUSSIAN A N D D A N I S H C O N S U L A T E removed to No , 82 Beaver straat . my )

t } B. 8 C H L E S I N G E B R E M O V E D ' . S t r e e t

J . Piaa i t root, to Nu^76 Wiiria.7n~sVrsst.~Iet. BOB ' o I i 'e.lsr streets

TO 82 P I N E May 3d, 1863. a y t t l


a y 3


P H I L I P , BPBYBBfc , CO.. 68 Broad at. MADE O N COTtWONalENTS TO OTJh

pply parioni wiihinc to reaut mo-aay to aay part of tha above coon'rlas , with draft! for aar au^vunt, large or small, payable at sight m all the principal s i t , . , tad w » . » . i p l l W . J fcT.TAPSCOTT, 88Booth at. D l U J S f oTXyTjiaAIMri AT 8IOHT. IN HUMS TO SUIT • a a L n a B n i . r i i i i Broaaa , Havre, H a a k o r f , Amatar

4 a a aad Praaxlert o a tho Maia, aad o a all tko ekielci l iee of. • • r a u | M < l > r i s < « ' c r i s i s

Bel r ^ ^

ADVANCBA ri iMos is Luu4' a Liverpool. Hull , Glasgow, Belfast,

H t t n , aad athav |Mfta la Graat Britaia, Irolaad, a a d o a t k e C a v t i a e i t . , »

Ordar* ozaoatod a t Ifoatroal . Ordoa lor t e u Bo,, traaaiBitted to oar frleads, B y a a

M i i r fc"Co., China. O S B O B N t fc 8YMaf. aaBB t l 80 Wall street _

I~ N < n R A N ( " i SCRIP OK-rHK - W S . " i ; . Q I L M ' A N . No J IS Mvreftaata' S i e k a a j a —Doalarg with the Mutual In

BaraaeaOompan'iia, Will A d i t for thair interest to offer their • .rp wSs' lnf Ui« sir. riiai. t iftmnii or inrga. at (MVoflNM, •/fcapa noaifrs uf attornay ara i s rsmliness for slfectinf tiauafera. aad fair pneag may be obtained.

kijj ata, laAL a r t

H'BMtTTA NCiCk T<) THE OLD COUNTRY —W. fc J. T TAPSCOTT a CO wuald Inform ' iiair frieads sml the

aW>« thai thay still ottatiaM ' issue Drafts payable tar .ugaaat all taa pnacipal ••• »• and town, nf Eng'and Ir . uwl. Baolland and W es . at light and without discount TUiyala-i , far l a . • conunodation nf th» French and Gar-

- a K 9 ^ B | ^ a t " .i, i m e aiglit Draft! sagotlabla ia all tha prin­cipal • ' »« •»! Pr»a*« aad QaraaBy. My2J

i t a S T T r n C S I ' K H " f i i E N G L A N D I R E L A N D SCOT n , t A N D A N D WALKS - B O W M A N , G R I N N E L L k CO will i i i u d.'afta, f r o « £1 and upwards, payable at • tgktb i aay towa tkraacfcotlt wffkl Britain aad Ireland

SWALLOW-TAIL L I N E OP LIVERPOOL A B l L O H -DfiH PACKET SHIPS—ParsoBi wiihiBg to hava than fnsado breoffc'. i'et ia ».ith«r of tha eplendid packet shine eampeaskg thj i t iaa , which sail r»gularly on tha 8th ind 31st f < » » l r • " « a ' r m l . , srp <.*a'inm LouiiiB every a!tar-aata rkarsday, lAsrtlivavaidwgdglBn, willplBABO apply totha

all sa tb»r , . sd a g s n t . in this s i i j i B B W a t A l f , U R I H K 1 L L IsCO.,

OSes*—iwaontb- ' . N o w York, • a d FaVTWIOX CHAMBERS. Liverpool.

M iV»»WkOBYpA»waBBia»gdoon«OOOmlftf. tha moaay w i U b e *et srBjed.

L i » v r r 5 » I P s s k « t i S**» t It aw York MB II a i s t e t c h month. Lradwa in «to avary alternate Thunday . p-?» puaags . apply ** above. aol4

f , n r w i i k T o LOAB^AT" S'rX'PER CEaTT" I N T E B -I U . I I U U a i t oa band sad mortgage, oa trit-claaa

sr.Hisotivs raal srta.t« inthtg oity. Apply to " , i t_ JOHN F. C O N S E Y , NOB 2) k M_Wall itreet

•I D D B S W,W0. $9,0110, $e,006.-»-ThBBO sumajte land

' A l w . O v V a a Bead and Mortgage, on prodactiva raal

FO B S A L E - A LOT O F S H E L V I N G A N D Casei . auitable for Sooksollora. Apply to

afj A A .

B O O E -

BUT f E R P I S.LU. 81 Pearl at.

tM>B S A L E - A S U M - M A R I N E ARMOR OR D I V I N G Drsss complete, made uadar Qoodysar'i patent, aad coat

•13 It never hsa been oaod and will 'be eol J for B200.

ply to A A — ~ — "

F'OH SALB—A n U P E B I O B H A L L S T O V E WITH turei aad pipe complete for _a_throe story huaie , all in


F I X -good order. • L i n

Apply to J O H N N O R T O N , Jr , 90 Wall itT, an, o3

W INDLASS F O R S A L F U - O B S superior pat eat Windlass almost aaw, bat little a i e d , in jood order aad laitabla

for a vessel of 3u0 tons, will ba sold low if applied for 1 diataly to C A B I W R I G H T , HARRISON fc CO ,

s28 i l l Proat at. [ / L O U R I N G M A C H I N E P O R 8 A L E . — P o u r pair Praack * Barr Stones. Elevators , Coavaiora, Bolts , Spars,

Wheals and Shafting and a 45 horsa power steam engiae, forming altoga imr a complato aot of machinery for a S r i t clasi merchant douriug mill .

.6 J . MORRISON. M Front i t .

t^ARYBD AUB1GNY STONE—Gonilamoa and Commit-' taes|contemplaliBg building the Homing Spring, are invit-

sd to examine samples of Stooo, which for beauty of co lo i and economy is worthy of attention.

s23 2w THOS. S. W I N S L O W , Agent, 60 South i t .


S H I P P I N G A N D C O M M I S S I O N MERCHANTS, th31 oatf 27 Sooth i t , N a w York.

J O H N G A D S B Y fc SOBS, NO. II F E T T E R L A N K . P H I L A D E L P H I A .

MAHurACTUSfas o r C O T T O N B I B B SOCKS A N D K N I T T jACKtTS. i !61m»


9u W A L L S T B I B T . C O B . O F W A T K B S T B B B T . m y i (Over the Marina Bank.)

o KJ* ft n A N ' H

GOLD QUARTZ M A C H I N E M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO. No. 6 Wall street. N e w York.

Ara prepared to execute ordere with despatch. •17 «w H. A V. POST, Secretary^

EDWAJLp H. i n M O B I L I S A C K B T A e i S T , . ^ FOB DICS

Ni«r O B LEA NS IW5 M O B I L E PACKL Shipping and Commission Msrchaat,

27 S O U T H STREET, | y l l ( a ) N s w ¥ » g g •

i or. uCttfttmm%mfmBtyears. A p p l y t e S . 8. BROAD,


000. eums

aro was *d m Bond aad Mortgage. To ke sscored OB flrat nJ> « iws l l i sg s and lot* togatftd A I

rid T » " . ' , ' dj- ale ' (« U D

the Boat destrabta nei«h-aklya gevva peg coat, iatarait w i l l bo rUnrod for the above loans )• worth near-tots waatod. For particulars annly to

S B B R O A D , Nn. 13 Wall s treet .

Iss r5.000. E N D ON BOND and MORTGAGE

U l U ^ ' . in sums to suit appliesnts, on productive Ertaw-ia this oity or Brooklyn. Apply to

6 8 BROAD, No. 13 Wall i t . _

BOND A N D MORT-$ i H i M ) o t : . e*r«d :>i i I u I u M.iii

B, u 8e*g» per cant, interest To be se­as story brick hunses aad lota s i na-


• r o o k i f l ; are worth c» !h , %40,800— Ala.-. |Si,WB wanted on * konsss and lots that trs worth $27,-ms A|ge, tSOOe s s s t s d on two bongeg aad lote that ara

h giB.oivi Also, MW'OvMBtId 00 two hoaee i and a s . "\.r i r . -miitth fTlJW •Mimsats yi qj'rfgags lm i •I , . r t a J SB Tina as .»••••

Uo.ooo.';,':,.? • t i l ihiscitv wortk more I rsnoaai

w o honaei aad lots that gig wAaied oo two houses

ash, |i4fiQT< Anply to B S. B R O A D ,

tmmbnnm JOHN

hi NSI


liate can "alwayi And safe in iir n o a e y , free tree from all

BtpB E—B40,noo IN B O N O S A N D icarod oa oaproduetive prop-BB I wire the amount, aad tka

isannd qnestinn. L E E , Real Eaist* A'.\ctiynser

A Naeeau at.

arroRAGE. Hn iBAQB>— vfaatad la store 2fW Print street. Apply to

r J fc J PRYOR. aso Front i t , awTflHAMK Thi ',-ii» •' • • o t i u n c a a be taken al

> > ! . .

THIO. H. V B T T B B L & M , P h i l s . B . VgTTKBLlin, N York, THEO. H fc B. VETTKRLKIN.

Imior ter i aad Dealeri ia FOREIGN A N D DOMESTIC L E A F TOBACCO A N D

S B G A R S , 128 WATER S T R E E T . N E W YORK. aolO


Ami carefully put up. suitable for any voyage or cl imate, by LETHBRIDGE A N D DOWLING,

He. 86 S O U T H S T B B B T , N E W YORK a r t





Coraeir «J Wr»f«r, OBOT th* Martm SaaA. Near Yer*. Vessels bought, sold, and chartered. Freight! procured, and engaged for saw pert. Passage t i cke ta purchased for Auatratia, Oalifornia, aad

taropo. aSOtf


O F F I C E AT W I N S T O N fc SEA MAN'S , 28 P I N E S T R E E T ,

N B W Y o n R E F E B K N t r E S :

Jaaien B V ' s o n , Esq . , (Pras' t . Bank or Commonwealth.) John J llerrkk Esq. Cyrus W. Field fc Co. Thomas C D'lrmnius. Esq

H A M h k k DOWN KB l a p o n e r i n o M w m i e n . P . M i b r o i t i t ' r i f h y \ t l u t e - t . u u t l a A I . a t »• l . u u a l a L J. W Y E I H fc CO ,t liui-orteia.) No, 'u Broau street

I i i i l i i s n l i i i i h , W l n u - ( , O o d e , A c . H I L L BROTHERS, (Iuiiorters.) 69 Liberty street

I i i K i . i t •> ». l i i r d . ) J. N, OlMBEEDE,5S8Bruadwsy and 6 .Ueu , Laj l l o t a HYATT fc C O R N E L L . 399 B'way, (eatrauea kBaVadaw at.)

I i i c r n i i ' i v ( Vt i » , u i . W I L L I A M H O W L A N D , 12H Nassau, uppusite Clinton Hall W H I T N E Y , JOCELYN fc A N N I N 68 and 80 Fuituu at

I \ | > r . » , M m " p i a t ; »1« i t l i . i i i l - . -EDWARDS, S A N F O R D f c C O , (Foie igu) M Broadway

B x p r e a a l l e « » r u » r r . A N E W S P A P E R Publi ihed every Batarday at 36 Broadway:

B n e a o a l l c T l l a a a ml L i a r n k l r k GaaBaaaVB T o p o . M I L L E B , COATE8 fc Y O 0 L ( |Uj|.ortori,) 278 Pearl i t .

I m i . y L U I M I S , I ' - r i l l i n . r> , i BBsssBBBa A< • WARD. P E C K fc CO .(Importers) No. 47 Maiden Lane

I r n i g i t , I . n n p a , T u b k u l t t , l t u I t o n - , A c . M E E K E R fcMAlDHOF, l Maul j No. 24 Day i t ree

I t i r t i a i i s , V n i l i l i l o n , H e R i k t c r M * D A V I D C U L V E R , (Maaut . aud D e a l e r . . . N u . 62 Cliff s treet COWLEB fc CO (Improved Rangee) . .No . 177 Grand straat

B l a h i n B T » r k l e . J . B. CROOK fc CO. (Imp's slid Mauuf ' r s ) . . . . 60 Pul ton i t .

P r l i i g r a , U l m p N , l i r i i l d a , l l u t t o n o , A . ' . K O H L 8 A A T , B R 0 8 48 John at.

I . o l d t » e n a a n d l ' i m i U . A. G. B A G L E Y f c C O . ( M a u u f a c t u r e n ; . No 12 Maiden 1 the N . Y. GOLD P E N M A N U F . CO. 183 Greenwich, betw een

Cortland aad Dey i t i . ( . c a l l . u i c a > K u i n i n l i i i i . C o o d . .

J. M D A V I E 8 . J O N E S fc CO. N o s . 104 and 106 William as. C. B. HATCH S C O . (Imp. aad Mauuf ) No. 97 WIIUBBB st .

L r n l c i u u d K e u . l n r s . W fc N JACKSON fc BON8.238 Front gt. fc 891 Sroadt ray.

G r i n da t o n e s . N O V A SCOTIA, N E W C A S T L E , WICKEBSLY, Y R E M C H

A N D OHIO. J. S. W H I T N E Y fc CO 4 South and 66 Wasaiagt. >a at

l . a u . u u d H p u r i i i i ^ A | » p a i r n t u s . H E N R Y TOMES fc CO , 291 Broadway, (late 20A.) t i o l d A- s i l v t r F r i u g e a , T a s a e l O | ! 4 t a r a , l . u c c , J t - c K O H L S A A T . BROS .48Jo )u i s l .

G r a t e s , f e n d r r a a a d I r o u K a i l i u g ; . J O H N S O N , WHITSON fc CO M . . 4 t L s o a a i d s t

H u t s , t a p e , A c . T H O M P 8 0 N fcROBSLERlForsfc Straw 112Maidemlaao .

H i d e s a u d L e a t h v r . - ( I s n p o r l e r . i W. P . M I L L E R No . 86Gold aad 41 Spruce s t ree t .

H a r d w a r e , C u t l e r y , K d g e T o o l s , o V c . CHAS. B. L I T T L E , (Imp. and Gen .Dsa ier i ) 33 fc 84 Fultom I n d i a K u b b e r ( l o t h l n . a n d H u r g t c a l A r t l i - l e s . U N I O N I N D I A R U B B E R CO. (Manor V :9Nasaao i t r e e t

I n d l a H a b b e r M h o e s , B o o t e . C l o t h i n g , c k c . N E W A R K I N D I A B U S B E R M A N . C O . . . * Ma.deu Lauo N . BRUNSWICK I N D I A B U S S E S - o ..••!•» M m h . L a a o

Iran Works, (Plain and Oraamantal.) I. B. B W. W. C O R N E L L a CO., Na . 136 fc 143 CeBtre-st .

J e w e l r y , F a n c y Oaerda a a d H t v A l o n e r p . CARROLLfcHUTCHINSON.d iupt . , 647Broadway

L a c e G a a d a a n d x a k a b r e l d o r i w o . G E O S G E P B A R C E fc CO.. (Importers.) No. 68 B r o a d w a y

L i n e n C a m b r i c U o o d a j , . I m p o r t e r s . ) B E R T B A N D . F R K R E S fc H E N R Y , (French, ) 27 W i l l t a a - s t . L i n e n T h r e a d , Mfcoe T h r e a d A (BBBBBBSB T h r e a d , T H O M A S B A S B O U R , (Manor.) 43 Excha nga Plaoo .

L a u i p a a a d G a a F L x c n r e s . DIETZ, BROTHERS a Co., (Maaof . ) No . 134 *Wi|liam-st. S T A B S , F E L L O W S fc CO ,(Mauut. ,> N o . « 7 Bi skman-at .

L l t h e g r a p h e r a . G E O B G E HAYWARD — No . 120 We t sr s treet; M I C H B L I N fc BHATTUCK .225 Fulton et.

L o c o m o t i v e N e e d l e a a n d F a n c y Gt> o d a . T H O M A S fc E D W A R D G I L L . . .14 Dey i t

l . t H l a t u i D K U o t l a . A. M. QUIMBY fc SOW, 18Nassau i t . a a d 133Bs s t 2 7 t h s t

n a r b l e l a n a d I r o n a n d W o o d . F R E U N D fc C O . . . . . . . „ . - 63434 B roadway. S A L A M A N D E R M A B B L B COL. N o . 813 J Headway

M a a s m s a a j r a n d H e a e w o o d . B . fc C. W HOUGHTON, (all fancy woods) . . ' * Waiker-st H A W B 8 fc G B A H A M , (Importers . . 176 and 17S Center i t

M u a l c a l I n a t r u m e a t s , ( W h o l e s a l e . , ) C A B G I L L fc CO (Imp's su. lMuuut'rs) 47 Maa lea Lane HOHE fc LEAVITT, (Importer fc Mauuf ,) 31 (late 44)

Maidan-laae. M a c h i n e r y a n d M a c h i n e T o o l e .

BCHBNCK'S Ma..iuuery Ospot 63Coaruland i t . LEONARD'S (Machiniat i 'Tools) 109 Pearl fc. to Bea v s r s t s .

M a c h i n e r y a n d B a r n l n s O i l s , C a c t d l e o , o V c . A . B A R T L E T T 132 Water, corner Pi a s , aaar W a l l i t

M a r b l e , ( I m p o r t e r s a n d M a n w l a c t n r e r a . ) FERRIS fc TABER,(Steam Marble Work.s)386Green wtca .

N e e d l e s , K l o b H o o k a a n d F U F g U g T a c k l e . THOS. H. BATB. (Manof. and Import. ,r) 103 Maiden L a a o

C i i i a t a , O t i s , A c . B A Y N O L D B k D B V O E . N o . 160 Water s t t e e t

P o i n u , O r n g a a n d P a t e n t . A l e d i e i n e o . D . 8 A B F A T Y N o . l 7 4 W a t a r m a t

P a p e r B o x e s , M a n n f a c l a r e r s . ) A. L A O R A V E No. 128 F u l t o a itree t

P n p e r W a r . - r><mBea> J . C . ELY, (iupe'r. quality of Biu ( e n Boi irdi , ) . .7»-FultoB!t C Y B U 8 W. F I E L D fc CO. (Wl toleeals Dea l sr i ) 11 Ciiff-tt

P a p e r M a c h „ G e o d a . R E N 8 H A W fc H I L L , (Manafr C a r e r s , ) . . . . 4 1 F u l t o n soBBBl

P a p e r H a n s l n c s a r , d W i n d o w r i h a d e a . WM. H I N T O N , (Manufae tn /er ) ,43Coartlandt i t .

P l a n e F o r t e M a n n f o c t a r e r s . N U N N S fc CLARK N o . 257 Broadway GROW fc CHRISTOPHE &, cor. o f 3d Avenue aad Uth i t s .

P l a t e d . W a r e , T u b l i | C u t l c r » A c . W I N D L B fc CO ^ N o . 56 Maiden l a a s

P e r f n m ' ^ r y a n d F a n c y G o o d s . A. fc J. R A M S E Y , ! Manof and I mportet) 318 Greeowich- i t

P - n t e a t E l o a t j o H k i r t a . P . BATES, (M aoufaotarer) J 6 Liberty- i t

R e a l B a l a t e a n d P i e p e r t y B r o k e r s . B R O N S O r , , K N A P P fc CO 110 Broadway

I d i b b s j u o a n d TO/ I H u r r y G o o d * . L. fc A . T J N D E B H I L L , (Jobtst rs) . . N o t . 4 and 6 John i treet

Spectacle** en anut'ai;tnrcr.l EDBP.S. FRANKa, (Spec taoVi iadju i t ed to theBye)52B»wery

( S h i r t M i a i i n f a e t n r e r a . A . T . fc W. U N ' D K H H I L L , (Troy Col lan , ) . 36 Dey i t

S a l a m a c t d e r N a f e * . ST E A R N S fc 'MARVIN, (Wt'der' i Patent) . .146 Water street S I L A S C. H E R R I N G , (do) Nos . 135 and 139 Water itree

M ' . t i p B r e a d a n d ( I r a c k c r * . B T R E A D WELL fc 8 0 N S - . 2 7 6 Wash.ngtou and 244 Froa E R A 8 T U S TITUS - No. 283 W hington i treet

M r u i s i i c r r a n d A c c o u n t B o o k * . O F , N B SBITT fc CO., (Tont ine B u i l d ) . . W a l l fc Water itg W. K. fc J . S I B E L L , (MaauBacturers) No. 2S Wall street

H a u d l e r y . B. M . 8 E G E E . (Saddles, Harness , Trunin, fcc.) 826 Bwgy

T e a c h e r o f N a v i g a t i o n . G»"V.ALE, (Publisher of l iberal worki,) 1 Bowery

T O Y * a n d F a n c y G o o d * . ALT H O P fc A K L B O R N , (Import,,)59 and 61 M a i d e n Laa J. Yv". H O L B B R T O N , (Fireworks) 43 Maiden Lane

T y p e F o n n n e r a a n d P r i n t e r * W n r e h o u N e . C O R T E L Y O U fc G R I P P I N G 29 S p t u c e s t

f J n t b r e l l a * , P n r a n o l s a n d W a i k i n c M t i c k n . J O H N J . S M I T H , (Imp. and Mauufae.,)234 fc235 Broadway

W a t c l i e a , J e w e l r y a n d G o l d P e n * . F R E D E R I C K LOCKWOOD, (a l lk inds , ) . . .58 Ful ton street J . Y. S A V A G E , (Gold Pern.) No, 9 2 F u l t o n street

W i n d o w F r a m e * , U o o r Sn«H a n d U l i n d s . J . F R O T H I N G H A M f c C O . (Manuf ) . . . . N o , 6 1 Been man- i t

W i n d o w <>la«* Importer*. H . J . B A K E R f c B R O T H E R , (Chemicals, fcc.).. 142-Waterst F . H O P K I N S fc B H O T H B R 8 61 Barclay st m e t .

W o r l d * * N a f e C o . ( L i l l i e ' s P a t e n t . ) MOBRIS fc B R A D L E Y . Agout i 11» Pearl i t

Tho above l i l t waa collected by S. M. P E T T E N - H L L fc Co. Ne>sapaper Advertising Agent i , No . 122 Naisau st. , and is to s s taaarted on Mondays, Wednesday! and Fridays , one year.

» • » Aay correction or addition to tko foregone list should e sent s i above.

o B u t

HYL* o.


m i l B t I I a n g A J t r L t T T . F E K K Y . t K r ut ,t ,',

B U C N I N G H A M 8

i - O i A S H

McCULLOCH, 1H8 Broad st

16ti iUs.Nrot. u prime, tor sale by GORUE V EDGAR, i t i Water it_

ANL7LE6- iOuboa»s W e . t e r u a a d . i t y madr adamantine i . . r . a l " y W H. P O P H A M . HePiuut st *4

d h I L C . i S E S - 7d0(i bbls emuir oil c ssks fo urime order, , Z 1 lor sale by J fc J P B Y E H A I O . 240Front st

L.n.AGS- - P I A G S - A i p e r i c a u F l a g i . l n milk eotUB. n a i l BV sizes , luitahle for •alehv c ' **

dscoratiug aad Foorlh ot July, for A. HINRICHS, 150 Broadway ot

E F I N E V LARD n l L — •»• '»«' Iba prime guality. lor city •alet or ihipiueiit. for ea ie by the mauulacturers.

_ C A / t R I N G f O N fc DOOOHERTY,3: i i 8 u t h s t .

J O T A 8 H - L ' i tin cans, 6 pounds aaeh in boxes of I dozvu each, e ipr . ' s s lv for making l eap . lor sa ls by

0 4 B. T B A B B I T T , 68 aad 70 Washington st k ^ C k T H E S - i u i ass, Cora aad Bush Heytnes, manufacturud • ^ br Silas Harris , and delivered to the trade by his ageuts,

o4 L O G A N , V A I L fc CO., 9Gold st.

OL I V E S — 1 6 0 a e t ' S p a a i s h O h v e i , ju i t landed.ia lot i to iuit purchaseis hy

04 _ J W. K L W E L L fc CO. 57 Sooth i t

CI . O A K I N G S - A gnod aasortment. comprising all grades for sale by

o4 M O R E H O U S E fc MKRR1TT, 34hj PiBest.

I ^KA.N AUlLl .A W O l i l l - s i tons i s ige s u s aud good qua

\ B lity, foriale b » D A N , E L C P R T I S fc CO. UI Paarl i t .

| O W E L L CO O S N T B U R a i S - I ' l B ' * • • » Twilled, ol va-

I ^ n o u . • • • ^ • . / • ^ l ^ w g a j N C B fc CO.,43Broadway

><oVT>a r i i R E i D - J fc P. Coet's iuperioraixcord thread

" M C C A L L * BLAKE~fc P A l R C H I L D , 11 Broad i t .

^S T E E L SPRINGS—A large lot, j e s t recuveu and tor sale 7 at maiiulariuMia' prices by o4 L O N G fc D A V E N P O R T , l O J P l a t t i t ^

SH E E T IRON—200 tons Engl ish, a complete aaaortaanl, (or sale ia qoaal l l ies to suit purchasers by

o4 J B E . CAHMER k CO. T Broad i t

WEIGHER'S TOOLS—Aeomii lete l e t , compriiing frame bottom,beam aad weights, lor tale by

« ISAAC T S M I T H , 101 Wal l at., eor. Froat .

C'EDAR—Cedar Tunt-er for ship buildisg and PencilCsdar ' coastantly for ss le at the yard 713 water etreet

O t U J A M E S W. PHILLIPS . MSjsatfc st.

TURPENTINE—too b b l s , part aaw dip. for sala by WM. F . C A X T E R F I S L D . 74 Froat st. ,

«a Successor to D . L. Sayrs.

iAMILTON SHIRTING STRIPES—30 luch, twilled ma r inen itripee, dark aad colored, lor aala hy

04 S O C H fc I N G L I 8 , 61 P i a e i t .

F O d K Leaves, Colocynth Appiea, Carraway Seed, A a a i i t . Bead, Aipualtuiu, Cochineal, for tale by o4 S A M ' L 8WEET3ER, 128 Water i t .

•uper lor preserved

Froat i t .

| NGOT COPPER—10 torn boat quality l a g ot Copper, for

77 fc 79 Broad at.

1J H I L 1 . t l . i . i - i B o w n e i o . . - i .,, - . -• • u i aud last, roiora. lor ia e by

s i LAV. ItkNt E. CLAr-H * CO.. (5 Broad i t oJICK SEBtaES—Ail widths aud qual i t ies , a lso , ball su O do. nn sale i>j

EWA LP C A R O N . u a Broadway.

ANCHOR—AaEiujl isu wood atoca Anchor Lbs..far sals by

0 4


weigmag .<':

THOS P STANTON, 56 South i t aud

A u4

L I N I N G S - G o o d i l y l e i . jait leee ived

" " HUTt:HINSON fcTIPFANY, 50 E i c h a n g e P lace .

NCHOH8 A N D CHAIN CABLB8—24 Anchors, ol v e ­il • . < •. Hi. u . . . - lor i s l e by

' J O. WILLIAMS, 188 Proat St.

• • i l l i i "ALAS DUCKS, from the Amoskeag and Mil .oiu r j l r V l Comuaniei, lor aais by the ageal l ,

o4 MEHR1AM. BRBWER fc CO.,34 Pine i treet j V E W O R L E A N S MOLA8SE8-30U bbli. laadiag frota 1 " brig Flora, lor i s l e by

i 4 C A. B U B G E 8 S , 2 5 7 F r o a t g t . _

SHOULDERS—200 hhds. prime quality able lor shipping, for safe by


in order aad aaia-

JNO B. KIl 'OHING, 121 Pearl itraat.

PAPER C A M B H I C S - B l a c k , Slatei , Tan, various shadas, desirable sly lei , received by the late arrivals, aad tor

o4 lur sale by C. CARY1LLE, 17 Broad street.

W HITE PONGEES—100 eases superior qoality contract goods, 26 to 30 taels weight, tor sale by

<>4 B U C B L I N fc CBAKfE, 80 Froat at


All Ike vari-irsale by


oua s izss of excellent quality, on hand and for aala by

S l o w i " No . ) , just raceived ud lor sals by

o4 M WARD. CLOSE fc CO.. 83 Maidsn Lane.

/ 'A.-UOR OIL—19 barrels

MUSCOVADO 81 GARS—238 nhds. by brig Tribune, now aflcat, and for sale IU bond or duty paid by

"1VBN8. 137Paarlat . uat, aud lor sale iu bond or duty paid by


ol JefTeri. -II eai'h 2.1 hy

i nn-On one ot

PE A B L STICK FANS—A large s.sortuient of fiae Pearl Slick Fans , new patterns, lust received per steamer.

A L F R E D P L U N B B T T , l a p o i t o r , o3 No. 6 Day i treet . qp-stairt.

hJATINETS—HopeCa '• blacks, mitturai and faacy colors i c^ also, printed 8atineti in great variety, from varioos sour­ces, for sale by W. C. L A N G L E Y fc CO. , i o3 _ _ ** Broad street, c r E i c a a a g s place.

1LE8IAS—Louiilale CoT'i 7-8 and~4-4 S i lenai , rolled and fid. CJ book lold, of superior quality, in all colors. Alao, me­dium aud low qualitiae. tor la le by

04 LAWRENCE, CLAPP fc CO 35 Broad i t .

W I N T E R SPERM OIL— Bleached and uubloached, tor sals by LYLES. P O L H E M U 8 fc CO.

Mauufactarere, 262 aud 263 South st. <A O g e e 120 Front atreot.

PRINCIPE SEOARS—500,000 of tha wal l k a o w a brands Eaglea aad Barrios, extrai , Eaglei aad Barnoa

T B R E B E R V E D OYSTEBS-900 boxB! laperior P Ovsiers iaitable for loag voyagei , for sale by


Crux a Hijos aud oa

lioud, aad duty paid for sale b< THOMAS O W E N


(COTTON Y A R N S ^ O f J breads. Nos o4

the best i tt.22. for sale by

M. C A N P I K L D fcCG

Georgia and Carolina

80 Cedar st.

COLORED WINDOW ULASS—A complete assortment of eveiy variety of color, and of the finest quality, for

o4 sale by R I D N B R . T H I E L f c CO. 34 New street.

k f t L P LAKES—Sel lable lor paper hangings, paper slain-I i ug for sala by

R I D N E B . T H 1 E L fc CO. 34 Now i t .

SBINS—12 bales Baoaos AyraaGoat Skias, av'g ifc iba ; 5 fcalas do do Dear Skuas, av'g I * lbs., for sale by

8S W. W . D E F O B E 8 T S C O . 82 So uth i t . (e>*T. CROIX BUM—100 paaohooai very lorerior ki (h. la-K3 veredSt. Croix Rum, for aala by

w4 C U L B E B T fc F I N L A Y . 24 Old Slip.

OIL OF BERGAMOTT—Of supsnor quality need , for Bale b r

Oil of Au

B O V I N G fc WITTE.94 Joha i t

HA V A N A SEGABS of tha moat celebrated braadi, com mon s i s s , Loudon and Regalias, far sala by

o4 L I L L 1 B fc RAISINS, 109 Froat i t . treeh Vanilla

41 S o i t h *C

V A N I L L A BEANS A smal l parcal of V Beans

l ) C

I . , , . BOt I y Kii l eat , Uottaee 25 by 40 foal, with maatu (runts

Hamiitua Avenue- I ho throe stor) onefc hoaaea aad lota at t'leeaai m i l uf II—nllii* a i eaus , pju lost south of Court at. . lots 18 l.v alnnil wi fuel . h.m>«. 38 feet deep

(.'inter Ntieet—Thiee lots on the wesi .idc o| t'entvr atn» ' in re.r of the ui. •.. , each lot 25 leet trout.

Julfermn Aifiioe— E S h t lots on the west side avenue, ;"i feet .outli of the old Jamaica turnpike lOnre.t.

Sackett Avenue—Eif ht lota on tha east aide m Avenue, in. .liaUly iu rerr of the above . 25 by 100 feel cam the lota is a small frame barn and atable.

One half the purchase .noney can renmn on ban* an.J. w.nrt gage. K'ii maps and parlieulara apply to tne Auctioneers.

W E D N E S D A Y . Oct 12 At 12o'clock at the Mercbanta' Exchange.

«2d8lreet. (opooaitethe Crystal Paisce) -Pos i t ive8ale—The two story f ' aae houses and nine tears lease of two lots, each 25 by 100, ground rent $50n) on the northstde of 42d street, 150 ft west of the 5th Avenue ; ho snag are 25 by 40. Termi at sa ls .

THURSDAY. Oct 13 At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange.

Steamboat John Marshall—As sha now lies at the foot of Liberty street, N R , length 203 fea , 27 feet beam, 9 feet 4 inches hold, beam engine. 4laJ tuch cylinder, 103f feet struke, bunt in Beltiaiure iu 1846, copper Uiiene.l and coppered, well fo ml in every respect, and hai accommoditious fur 200 pays-l e n g i n . Sold to close a concern

rater Paras. Auctioneer BY PETER PARKS.

CMIee No . 3 Naaaaustreet,near Wall. N. B.—A regiejust l i kept for Private Sales t<! Real E . l a t s ,

and strict sUnatioB giv*e to sales of Furaitore at private u •« •er. I. -.uiii. uiorared <••• bend aad mortgays, and sales of evsry Had attended.

THIS DAY. W E D N E S D A Y . Oct. 5.

At 1 o'clock, P. M. on the premn.es, at Fordham, Important sale of about 200 value le lots of ground, in the

pleasant village of Pordham, u._r the Fordham depot, about 12 miles from the City Hall. The above lots are finely located ."or rsaideucei, being upon elevated ground, perfectly healthy, and easy of access from the city. Terms of sale and full par­ticulars will be found in the special advertisements.

At Private Sale—One nrsto la is honse eat Fifth A v s n i i , with stable, and lotofunuiual i i ze—Pnce $4,5000 A'so, aruutber of first class housae, without stables,m the ssras vicinity. Also several on Madiaon BVaaejB. ^or r^artilu^srs sunly as above

k W.1LORD -C 0V tiEOKUJ C O . Store No. 261 Pearl street.

o4 ^for sale by _

P E T E R V. K I N G fc CO. USCOVADO SUGAR and MOLASSES—1000 hhds aa

1 V S 350boxei Muicovado Sufar ; 500 hhdi Molasses—fo isls* ia boad by Y Z N A G A fc E T U L A I N . 28 Broadway.

H AM8—For Shipping—Duflleld'i glazed Hauii. la i tabla ,'or shipping to California, Auitral ia . fcc. being imper-

vMini to dampneu, fcc. for sale by 04 B R U 8 H fc CO. 35 Front i t .

MQTHESVSjP P E A R L — A fsw eases of Motasr of Paar Shell , from Manil la , of superior quality, lor ss le by

R. S. STENTON, o4 Hardware Commission Agent 20 Cliffat


O l l tyEng! ov sala by oj GB<

H E A I H . C O P V E B - n n rases, 14 to34ox l R y r - ' w _ _

/ r r *»— ."" >»•„. , ee »„ ^. _-^, h is t qui in an u I acta red by Will iams, Foefer fc Co.—

^' H E R R Y WIN;. ) t i l lado.Otwoss.

BILLING'S SMOKbiSr lings Patent r o n r o i

^ . L L , M I N T U R N fc CO. 78 Booth st. ' _t large assortment, including Amon-

eomtant ly on hand, in lota to suit purchaieri forsaleiu »• by

03 P. HARMON V '. EPHEW4J fc CO.. 80 South st OUI_>BR8—800 barrels Bi l -

_ ' ' ' I S M , pot up expressly for • hipping to California aad A i ' .*a*A maiksts, on hand aad for i s l e by J B W E L L . HARRISON fc CO.,

o4 27 Water et aad 7 Erie Railroad D.pot OBERT AYRE8 46 F R O N r F f U E E T , O F F R E S FOR •ale, IB lot i to l a i t p o r c h a a e n ,

BEEF—1000 bbli repacked Chicago Mess Beef. 500 do extra Mere Beef. 300 do light Mess Beef. 350 do city Mess Beef.

PORK—400 bbls. Mess Pork. 300 bbls. prime do.

BUTTER—In 26 aad rO lb. kags, packed for the California market. 04

HIDES, HAIR, fcc — 3000 Rio Grande Hide*, av W l b i . IB boa 2000 do do do do do. 625 do do av. 21 lbs. 150 do h s s v y do. 32 bales mixed Rio Grande Hair. 2 do long do do. 5 do do Wool.

25000 Shia Boars—for sale by 04 S RICHARDS. 40 Sooth itreet.

W OLCOTTVILLE BBASS CO '8 AGENCY.—MARKS fc DA V O L , A g i s t s , No,78 Cedar itreet, offer for sale,

ia lets to suit— 20.0HO lbs of pressed Ket t les , assorted l i z s i . 35,000 do battery do do. 30,000 do rolled aad sheet B r a n . Also. German Silver. They solicit orders for the above,

which will be promptly filled, and at the lowest rates. o4

B^ ROWN^ROLLS— t5O0^iecei , eaHabuTToT bags^aBdlbr banging hami, for sale law, to close.

Bottles—75 hamperi quart and pint Claret Hock aad Porter Bottles.

Pipes—2,500 boxes Clay Pipee, m bond and duty daid. German Segars—60M. good quality; Stained Glass—All c o l o n , at .reduced pnce i , by the case,

for lata oa reatoaable terms, by 04 F B B D ' K HOQ8E, SO C e d e n t . . u p i t a i r i .

! \ j EV. YORK S T E A M SUGAR R E P I N I N G C O M P A N Y J.Y s u c e e n o r i to Woolsoy fc Co. aad Howlands fc Molier Tooth street , cor. ol Montgomery—Sales office No. 113 Wall strset. Have constantly on haarfthe usual kinds o f Refined and Coffee Sugars oed flyraps.vn :<—

Lon f . smalt aad large loavos. dtandard and Circle A . Crashed.

Granulated aad Powdarsd. Clarified, w h i t a i aad yetlowi.

Syropi . in hhdi. , tierces and barrel! ,I 04 B. R. MclLVAlNB.Tr iasnrar

L I O l I A L B - F L O U B M A C H I N E S YAN~D^TEAM r E N G I N E .

Four French Burr Stones, 4 feet. Poor Flour Conveyors Three Flour Elevators. Largo Grain C o a v e y o n Large do Elevator, with iron backeti. Flour, Buckwheat and Meal Bolt i . White Oak H o i k or Frame. Spar Wheel! and Shafting oomplete.

A forty-five h o n e power Steam Engine, with fixtures aad better* complete, fo iminf altogether a complete s s t of ma­chinery for a Merehaat F loor Mill. Apply to

04 tf J. MO RR 1SON.52 Front St.

AMERICAN STAR F I L E W O R K 6 , WILLIAM8BURGH. L. I.—The iobacriber is regularly manufacturing, a.in

has always in stock at his Depot, 8 Liberty s treet ,Now York, 'or sale IB quantities to suit, oa favorable terms—

Taper Saw Files—Diamond C. S. D» do C. S. and Extra C 8 , warranted

p 't aud Frame Saw F i l e s , C. S , warranted, r s . warranted flat bastard aad hall round F i l e i .

Da Mill Saw Fi les . D 0 4 , qoara Bastard; do Round Bastard.

These File * *rs made of the best doable refined Cast Steel by superior an * experienced workmen, and wherever the

" - •' ' proc lanced equal in quality to the bei t for

Riera, La Padua. Jui to Sanx, and other brands, iu

fc 8 Q N , 15*1 South at.

GE N E S E E F L O U H - O f t h e r o l l o w i u g i o p e i i o r brands— Win. H. Hanford, Jr,. Joseph Hail's Modal Mi l l s , Wm.

C iHawley, 8helby Center Mills , R. 8. Williams fc C c . J o h n Mortem, W . C . Prmdls, J. Wwodfate, Eclect ic M i l l s , Boeh-ester Mills, fcc. fcc. for sala by ot DOWS fc CARY. 2 South s t .

, O O R SPRIN-HI, DOOR 8 P R I N G S - T b s Pateut Perpeo-dicular Door Spring, maoofacturad by T. Kiggin, ( lots

Grayjfc Biggin,) of 36 Maiden-lane. B. P TOHREY. Ageat , 82 Joha i t .

Hardware merchant! anpplied on favorable termi SB eJALACRATUS— Best quality old fashioued Pearl ash Salai-O ratus, warrantad purs and oi ;the bait kiad in k e g i , half liliii and caaki. Also, ia iron hound packngaa lor export , fur sale by COGSWELL, C R A N E fc CO.

o i corner Wall and Front street .

PA T E N T CANDLES—Of superio7 quality, aasorlod sixes aad colors, pat up IB plain and faacy paper boxea of o the

each, for aals by L Y I . E 8 , P O L H A M U 8 fc CO. , Manufacturer!, 262 and 2rjJSouth street ,

o3 __* ____* !_____ L'HEDEHICK h . C . E . B O . 80 CEDAR S T R E E T , (op r stairs,) usar Bru • lway.

IM P O U T E R O P GERMAN and F R E N C H DRY GOODS. H 0 8 I E B Y , fcc.

otters for sale acompletsas io i imant of G E R M A N H O S I E R Y . G L O V E S , k e .

Cottoa Fringes—Whits and colored—aa extens ive assort-meat.

Laces—Black nlk, Thread and linen bed L a o s i . Tapes— Lines , whi ts , gold snd, red snd striped. Luuen Bobbias ; Silk Coat aad Vast Buttons Silk and Cotton Vastings. Saxony Marinoes, different kualities. Turks' Rsd Yarn—German—all numbers. Black and Fancy Silk Cravat«, ia great v a n i t y . Hooks and Eves—best auality. lilvared, fce o4

IRISH L I N E N S , fcc—BARKLIE fc BROWN*. N o . 50 William street, offer for sale a full and handsome as

•or*, mint of Liaen Goods, rouei»:ing ia part of:— 4-4 Shirtiag Linens, wholr anddemip' .ecss . 4-4 Fine Krouting Linens. 9-8 Heavy Pillow do. 4-4 Blay and Yellow do. 3-4 aad7-SBlay do. 3-4 Barnesley Drills , f nc qualit iei 3-4 Farmer'i and heavy Brown Dri l ls . 3-4 White Slate and Blay do. 3-4 and 4-4 White and Brown Hol lands . 3-4 and 5-8 Damaak Napkins. 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 12-4 Damask Clot hi . 7-4. 8-4. 9-4. and 10-4 tabls Damask. o4

H" UTCHINSON fcTIPFANY. No . 50 E ichange Place, offer for sals—

Gsr-tan Cloths—in blacks and colors. German Casiimsrsa— Naw styles aad varisty of pattsrns. Black Doeskins—American and German, of B e d l a m aa I

fiae qaaiitiei . CarnageClothi—Peart, iilvar and fawn drabi, plain a i l

twilled, all wool aad oolton warp Cnecxi—Shirting, aproa, foraitara aad dark cheeks of the

belt i t y l s i . Fine Shirtings—29, 30 and 34 inch fins ihirtingi. Canton Flaaael i—Midway brown and blanched. Cloak Linings— Plaid and fancy p-tteras. Til ...tings—4-4 black and drab. Carpsttag—Medium and low priced. Chenille Bugs—A vaiiaty of patterai. 04

J AMES L E F F E B T S fc CO., NO. 29 BROAD STREET, -.ffer for sale—

CASS1MESE8—Fal l i ty ia i . fancy. Checkad for children'! wear. Highland Plaidi. Double aad twut . black aad whi te .

Do Blacki , varioui qua'ittea Do Black and gold, mixsd, heavy.

DOESKINS—Blacki different qoalities. TWEEDS—All wool, black aad white and fancy colcrs . CLOTHS—3-4, all wool, blacki aad ol ives . SATINETS—Black and mixed, low priced. JEANS—Of various mixtures and qualities. PLANNKL8—Grey twilled LINSEYt—Linings and cheeks. CLOAKINGS— Plaia and priated. COATINGS—Heavy mixed 04

5 I J B 1 Do


•5 1m»

nn thapremiiei , ot» 43^ ' '»> l o t * c - ( l i . - AT F I R S - P R O O F BRICK Store ?*» No . UK Fr«»t i t s u l . J G W I L L I A M S

t_Tn' l lAOE-


O rtree


-Tha balk of 40tw bbls rag he taken on i torege , feyGEQ J JOHNSTON,50Froat i t .

lAtsaa—Waa'ted m l h e Ire proof atore No. 156 Snntk street Aopiy o* the BJWJP***; a y l 6

AW S t T A K E N IN P I N i STORES. No7a». earl strset , on first S o o n . Apply at No. e l Pe . i l

fftwai. _ _ _ _ _ _ „ t " 7

B T O l A f i E T A B T E N IN T H E C E L L A S OP l.-o P E A i i l . KB etreet Apply ta the store, mv il

I A G E - T H E BUI, i s tore , ( rg proo

U T O B A G E O t a k i B l i i

i O R i G R W A « f t l > — I B the fireproof 1 at ^pply oa tns prenaBss.

,K O F 100* B A L E S l Front i t

V a be s._f IB store 44 Proat st!


trim l i n P * h


KORKB-l- n. OHBItt.

1 T O H E i s r o w - s ^

4A»*E—Oa (fcttoa Floor aad Mdis

R O B B R T ^ Y R E B .

l i b , i l FRONT 8 T H E E T -


ffrMAGE O is the t i

h i tf

in i tor s , N o 74

WAKKMAN, DIMON fc CO, MAY S B HAD FOR 7t» BALES COTTON _ , fioor ia ihe fire proof itores 52 South street

I I Joaei lana. Insoraano at the Inweit raiei . B. RICHARDSON » CO

r f c A N B E H A D FROM i" n t O P M A Y •reof store and cellar, M New i t Aiioit t .

> tf A D O L P H U i D HUUEL, 2fl fcew i t

I R A S ! F'er Oil, IS Cellar I7«I South itreet. Apply to R H HUNTER, l i t Front i t . • RAGE W A R - H O U S E S . WEST North River.

AiiiUeArlBtloBiof IdarchandiOO taken oa aaeeaaedat lag eras . Apply i» ike e l c e s . 117 Wsihinglea and t t w M l , t l

f j r t ^ _ _ _ _ . . _ > - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

I - B - T H I , BUBICRIBES HAS A VERY LARGE T O T a .f lak of all the .tffareat n x e i ind qoalities, among •hire, ate the following kiads—Davis a Black"!. Harr.sna'i, Haysard fc Rosea fffceaheas*. Araold's, Merdao's, Cooper BPhilllpe' fcc fcc , black, blue, red, carmiBS. copying is-gaa, im*a i a i d . U a r w i i cdpymg fcc kc , which ha will sell « Ifcs m . a a i a c t B i e n ' prices

m ( HAKI.Eg SMALL. 177 Pearl et

C' A U ^ V f f A CMJODS—a.»m hags H»H , * n « ' 3nr>h*T*o « U B B V Bagi, STiO bals i .Usnuy Cleth . in belaa Pataa Goat 8klas 70eases Lac DyS, HI esse* MB*aiiladige, for sala by •3 WM A, BALE, Ja ,'4t Sooth st

O G D R N fc L E O V Y , Attorneys and Cmiv . . inn at Law,

N i w o i i . n n ' , Lot u r n Rat sr to

Moasrs. J H. Brower y . Co , New York. " Oire-iioi fc PHXOH, do " Dobois fc V andervoor«. do. " Sturges, P.ennet fc Co., do. " Townser.d. C ' s c h fc Dlks. do.

C h s i PI Conaolly. E i q . d o . " George ft Lawriuce , E>q .do . " A fc A . Lawrence fc Co., Boiton.

Hsrrinl, Darling fcCo , do. " Mason fc Lawrence, do.

_ " J . W. Paige fc Co. . do. (a)

MBBBV J. i n n v




W ILL G I V E T H E I R ATTENTION TO CONSIG1*-manti that may be made to them nf veieal i and merclB-

aadtiri, and from long experience, hope to give ia tnfa" ' io* to those wHii may plans tiusiaass in their hands. Are permit­ted lo refer to— N. y . - P h e l p i . Dodge fc C.

Roorman, Johnson fc Co.

N . L. * G. G n s w n l d , Wm Colgate fc Co. The Richardson, Esq W. H Newman fc Co Jones fc .lohn.on

Roil on P i m Sprague fc t'o. The' iubicrlben are prepared to forward goods by lirnt. I ass

v e i i e l i at the lowest market ratal , 119 M A I L L R R fc L O R D . 108 Wall street . N e w Yorl >.__

G E O . W . M O R E L L . ATTngBBV.fcC.fcc.

VNITKD STA "E.s COMM1MtlOlfMH. D E T R . I I T . (Michigan )

M i . MoBtLL, after several y e a n ' p r a c t i c e IB the ei ty of New York, hai removed to Detroit, Michigan, where ut i wil l attend lot 'e l iect iBg, and all other but profeiiiea.

Ho refers ihy permtealoa) la N e w York, to

Hallmort—J Feuby k Rro. Henry Maakia,

t'p'i—Phelpa, James k C o Meets iu . M e n s fc Co.

Ijymton - T Hoary Shrodar. t'afparatso— AI sop fc Co. Uma—Aliren fc Co. •aa Fro-cnece—Aliopfc Co.

" ~ * " ~ " N E W S P A P E R A D V E R T I S I N G . S . n t . P E T T E N G I L L f c C o . N o . 122 Nassau i t r e e t , N e w

York, have made such arrangements with the best and mint widely emulated joarnali in the United Statea and C&nadai, that th ty ara enabled to make a laving or time and expense to the advertiser! who do business through them. They select thse best paper., and adverti ie conipinuoui ly at tha very lowest prices, and a l w a y i keep the interest of their cus­tomers us view. Merchants ara invited to nail on them

GU N P O W D E R - M A N U F A C T U R E D B Y E J. D U -P O N I da NK MOUR8 fc CO -

5,009 kegi Du Pout's Rifle, F F P U , 25 Ibi such 5 "oo H do do do P F P U , I2K do ' ' . '"Uqi l i . flo do FFKO, i.'-, 4,(4)0 do do do FG 25 3,000 '4 do do in PPG. 12) . it.flon do fel l ea iheotiag, FO, 25 2,000 do tough powder, F P F H , 25 2,000 do do do F P R , -1,000 do do do PR,

•to A P kCe.Gi . fe . iy i . -p . do do do F P P ,

ROBERT HAYDOCK. NO. 23 W I L L I A M S T R E E T ufieri foT i s le—

Broad Clothi—Black, br>wn, olive brown, and green cot­ton warp Broadclothi. low-pnbed, fiaa aad medium, frors tba Waconah Mil ls .

FancyCaaaimsreB—now openixg, the new fall i t y l s s , of varioos makis . compriusf sv iry varisty of pattsrns and qaa-l i t m .

Black Cai i imerei , low priced, medium and superfine, ot superior style aad rinnh. all wool and cottoa warp.

Oxford and iteel mixed Casaimsrei, fiae and luperfine, from the Pitchburg Mil l i .

•'. :uet«. black. Cadst and Oxford mixed, hne, medium, i n I low gr ide i

Fancy Satinets, in great variety. Sheaps Grey CaisimerBi, Clothi and Sat nets of evsry

3tig.de and quality Cadet Cloths and Casaimsrei. F laaae l i , blue and scarlet, plain and twilled Limeys and Cloak Lining!, all cotton, and cotton aad wool,

good styles. Manchester Company superior Quilts , comprising berth,

10-4, 11-4, 12-4 and 13-4,new patterns. Imperial tambour Skirts, of n iw style. 6-4 and other stylee Ticks r>4

FORTIETH TRADE S A L E of BOOKS. STATIONERY, fcc Will take place on T U E S D A Y , October lfth, and will lie

held iu the spacious and elegaut store, No. 356 Broadway The Catalogue for tbia sa'e will be issued imur.odiately, and will comprise invoices from all the leading publishers in the coun­try. The sales will he guarantied and osshad a s h»i»i (ore. payable thirty days irom the close of tha tale. Advances in cash will be mada on rereipt of stock, whea required. Com n buiurs ara requested to forwrrd their invoices aa t o o a a i poisi ble. Address until October l i t , GEO W. LORD fc CO., 261 Pearl street, after Oct. 1st. 356 Broadway. New York.

A . M. Merwln, Auctioneer. HY BiNGS, BROTHER & CO.

Tied* 8ale Rooi/.s No. 13 Park Raw.

At Privata Sala—A complete assortment or Bohn's Popular Library Series, coimisting of the Standard, Scientific, Anttqua. nan. Classical, Illustrated and Philological Libraries, which-a n unrivalled in the neatness in their getting up, in the cheap­ness of their price and in their substantially valuable character.

Also, the series of popular Books published in Loudon under the titles uf the National iUustuted, and the Loudon Illustra­ted Libraries, consisting of works of sterling charcter, profuse­ly illustrated by first cluss wood eugravuigi, aud sold at low prices. Catalogues, lucluding also other works, both English and American, may be hud upon application.

Alao.iwn large and uundssome paiutiaga in rich gilt frames the one by Tripoli, representing Cleopatra at her to let, size 9x7 feet; the other by Juvercet, Cleopatri at afestival, size 7-6x5-8 —th«i>« p.iuit iiign have just been received aud ara wall worthy the attention of artists and counoisseura.

Joha Ksosa . Auctloaesr. LYMAN A CO.

iUCCESIOBS TO COOLBT fc KgBBB. Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway, corner of Whitest reel .

Devote particular atteutiou to the sale of public uud private libraries, paintings, engraving-i,stationary, articles of taste and virtu, and everything connected with literature and the l u r arts ; alao, to la ia i of furniture, at tha residence! of familisa breaking np houaekeeping or removing

Evening Sale, of books, (new and old,) stationery, fcc, for private ass and for the trads, are coBitantly held during the busines season of thsysar , from Septea h sr to July.

Their premises compnas two rooms, each being 60 feet wide by 150 deep, and lighted from three streets, preienting unparal leled advantages for the dupla* of furniture, paintiugi, atat na­ry, furs, clothing, and every de§criptioB ot fancy goods, adapted to m'Tuiug and evening sales, lur which conofnesents are re ipectlxlly solicited. Particular si tuition given to the sale of law, theological and medical libraries, and prop rty of ev_ry ii scriplion, nu which liberal advances will be made


Sales Rooun No. 59 Beekman itraat. F. CrJtoa will giva psnoxa) attention ty l a i n of goods ,houi«-

uoldfi:nutureal ths residence! o f fa ja i i i s s .a l l e fwhicha 'er i -pectfally solicited

Wanted—EvarydiscriptioB of fomitore, cirpeti ,pianos,and dry goods, fce , (on which a liberal ad—> ace will be made,) stored and inisrsd if dssirsd

THIS DAV W E D N E S D A Y , at i0H o'clock, at the auction room.

Large Sale nf Rosewood and Mahogany Furniture,'.Carpet! Oil.Clotbi, Cha in . Mirrors, fce , fcc —A very large assortment of rosewood and mahogany cabinet furniture, most of which hai been mada to order and but little uied, and will comprise every article in the houie-keeping line, lueh a i solas aad »ot» bedsteads; wardrobes and book c u e s ; marble top furnilura, in rosewood and mahogany; center and sofa tables; bedroom and cottafs furniture, in suits; hair m.ttrasses; bods and pillias-ters; several large mirrors, oil paintings, kitchen furniture, fcc. fcc. Also, a large lot of quilts, counterpane!, Manketa, ta de linen, kc Al io , the balance c h a i n from last sals . Also, sav-ersl hall ane parlor i tovei . Sale p e n Bptory.

Samuel Osgood. Auctioneer. OSGOOD & CONCKLIN,

AUCTIOBBBBS AND COMMISIIOH MgBCHABTS, 1.38Fulton strsst . between Broadway and Nassau street

0 . fcC. will give their personal attention to the sale of furni­ture at the residence of private inaividuals, and solicit ths sama from those who are about braaking up house-keeping. Also will havs vsekly sales st their rooms.

THIS DAY. W E D N E S D A Y at inj» o'clock at the auction room

Furniture—A large aaa gesersi sssortmeat of superior carved rosewood mahogany oaB aad walnut Fa ia i ture , *oa-sisting in part of parlor suites in French satin brocatella. de laias and hair eloth, tete-a-tetes , lofai , divani, c o a e n e i . Vulture, rocking, parlor aad gothic cha in ; mirror Iront ete f i r e i , corner aad bonk i t a n d i , library and secretary book caasi; marbla top pier, centre, card aad gofa tablss , m e n ­tion dining tablsa, fce , son iut ing m part of chamoar furni­ture, imitation roeewood and enamelled marble top and plain dressing bureaus and washstaads, k c ; gothic carved, scroll and cottage Preach bedsteads, mattress!! , Itc

Also, a line of oil paintings and engravings ; alao, an invoics of pier, oval, mantel and toilet mirrors

Also, two enameled marble top cottage suites—the whole to be sold without reserve to pay advances.

ii'ivs been testeu,' S". D W l L L M o T T .

AOW .1,000 6,000

.MX) n n 530

III 25 25

-J 2o


26 25

do do do do do do . I . . do do do do tin do

J OSEPH W C O R S E S fcC0..1NO. 36 WILLIAM ST., offer for i s l e— — — - _ . .

S tinats—Of diffsrent •tualiliei black and mixed; printed

Snaep's Grsy Cloths—Steel «»r«d awl cadet mixed do. aad Caii imerei .

Broadclothi—Black and color *d Caaiimeres—Superlative piece »Bid wool blaek, o idperi-

orliniih. Plaaneli—Scarlet, mulled and plain. , Negro Clothi and Ker iey i—In a v a r i e d »f s ty l s i , of ap­

proved manufactures. Bleached Slurtiugi and Sheet ings—!. , 7-8 . a d 4-4, of a va

rirtrof styles; brown do. Drill!—Blenched and brown. Nankeens—Plain and twi l led , of diffsrent qualities' Alio, 6-4 ticking, 4 4 heavy colored Chaahrays ' r i o t i n g Cloths—A var iety of si vies «

GOODS—ALFRED PLUNKETT, Importer o French, Engl ish and German Fancy and Staple Goodi

No. 6 Dey itreet near Broadway, offeri for late ths follow nig goods in quantities to iti.t puvchaaen : Tooth, Nail, Hair and Hat i Opera and Eya Glaisss .

Bruthei. I Fine Pamtingi oa Copper and Silk Gnardi and Lace t i . | Canvai


P i n Pearl, Ivory, Bone and dark Hick Pans .

Port MnnnaiesfcSegarCasei . Garters, Arm Elaatica.Silk fc

Cotton Purses and Bags. Traveling C u e s , Retii u i i i . .Scent Boit lei , Roiar ie i , Cro-

cifixes. Medals, Combs, fo ld and gilt Jewelry.

A. i-or.ieoiu and F lu tmas . ALSO,

French Silk Crowu and Brim Hat Ptnih, Bandi and Bind ngs. Tips am' S ide i . B o c s l e i . Slides and Medallinai o4

I L G E R f c c b . -

Psrian Marble and Bisque Futures

Deals , Work B n x n , Tsilei Caie i

Canei and Whipi. Chinaand Terra Cotta Wars Ink Standi, Card C a n s . Watch C a m . Theatrical Ornament!.

UI L G E R k C O . I 1 4 W A T E R 8 T P E E ' . . WINES, B R A N D I E S . G I N ,

rhnsaaessin the I m i if his

GKO W " r m s s . f - . i l F B C o r n mi. Kiq.

?ANIBI. L o s e Rs«. P B B i o e r r H A M . , E s q

ft C.MSR.t KNO. Esq. M s s s n BABci .AVfcl . ivraai-

re*. " GOODBOB fc C o . " F G FOITBB. " M O S B I H G B i N N f i v .

Rfc O L H. tii-»i I B _ J A M B S M B a u w -

A F. S I I . I . I M I M , C Merchants' Ba.

J WATSON Wgg J I I B P K V S T K B O . P N SrorroBD C N A I B a WALK! R C W B T M O B B N W Hi a n . . W i l m s a Co B u s s RBtaeifc


lib Ik. I. IBBB.


do do do FF do do do FF do do do F do do do O .in bis King and ihip

ping powder 25 do 3 000 do high f l u i d P F F , 25 do Vorkl It de d o do F F P , I2M do

.an do * i do Fk', 35 do I 000 H do do do F f , u.H do

S4SI £ do d o r k i hon t n ig . 121* do 1 MB 1* do rifle do big, do 1 ism do mealed Powder, for Pyrotechnist s.

( A NISI IH POvVUKK. lO.OOOCBBiitsrlKagliRitle.ovaleaniiteri, 1 Hi sgelt ' 5*000 do do do round do 1 do n'oilO do F P F G , do do 1 do 0000 do F F F G , do do 44 do

The above powder is from the celebrated manufactory of Messrs Do Poat, ami i l gr iat lr superior to any other made, in the United Slatei . Il will be sold on reasonable t e r m s . ,u M s to salt purchaieri. r

A 1 , ,|, , £*," K

l J. 1K ; , ^ U -

Agiat lor tha sale uf Do Pom's Powder. 117 Slaw 301 IW Froat street. N Y

15 I ANK BOOKS, P A P E R AND S T A T I O N E R Y - Q K O A HICKS ( lo . 53 N a i . a u itreet ( c o s door from Maid-

. n i . „ , . i would respectfully call t in intention of the bnsi-. . . iLoTuintv to Ins f i » assorted itock of BLANK

BOOaSTflMM B n t « Place Blsuk Hook, ruled to any pal-l"r» an"* " u m l 'n n n / . i y l . isqaired Memorandum Hooas o f B l l i t y l s i B B d i i x e i . Knglnh. Fiench ami American W m -ng PapZn Copy-Vrif i »« N"'»"at Pr»«»«». English, German ing raper . 1 1 r s Envelopes ol all stylee anil

" . . . * £ . . p"- . r7»o ld V_d Sifver Pencil C a . . . .n . l S t . . . P « . ' , « great varaty and of the belt miBilfaclare; Cuitom-Hooi s Bleaks No la i .Draf t i , Bil l iof Exchange, fce ;Cheehi . S . , r . ; kc lithographed to order, of any pattern or i ty le re-quired C . m n o g r . p ^ ^ H „ < K f , » „ „ „ - „ _

BBB 53 Nassass street

I M P O h T E R S O F k r and Sole Agents in the

United Statei for H m r i . Cruie fc Hirichflsld, Bordsaox ; Mes«n Lade fc Sons, Geiienheim on-the-Rlnne, M e s i n Kensuain, Bollinger fc Co. Ay Chamnegne—offer for sale from V. S. Bonded Warehouse—

BORDEAUX WINES— In wood and f l a i l , comprutng8t . Julieu, 8t. Ei tephe , St. Emi,ion, Chat. Maarose, Chat. La-toar. Chat Margaux, Chat. Rant i n . Chat. Mont on, Ch»t. LaatM 18t7Cbat. Leovil le , 1847 Chat. Larosi, 1867 Chat. Marganx (abonnei,) 1847 Chat Liflts tmonopol,) Baiiternei, ,K47 grand vm— Chat Yquem.

RHENISH WINK<—In wood and flags, comprising N u r -atein, Deidesheim, Forster, Hoclineim, Lteafraumilch, Ko-deslieiin. Geisenheim, Hudesbeim Birf . Marcobrunn Geii­enheim Rothenherg, H o c i h u m Dom Dscbant, Steinberg, .fohaniuoherg, Steinberg Cabinet, Mmel Msscatel , and Stein wein ia in Hockibsutei. all of vintage 1846

Bt lLLINGER C H A M P A G N E W I N E S - I n quarti aad

1 BHANDIE8—Otard.Dnpnyfc Co., la half pi pel , pals and colored, vintages of Infis, Idol, 1848,1848, 184«. 1H44 1842 and IH-iO; J. Haaiiassy. Londne color, viatagai 1851, 1859 and 184S- J, J .Dupuy, pale and colored, inhlf. quarter andeiphth pipei ; Alex. S.ignerte and Arxac Ssignette.pale aad colored in h i l t , qr and eighth pipei.

GIN—Nolet'i imperial F.agle brand, ia pipes. BATAVIA ARACK—Very lupenor . lold in l o t i to ai

purchaieri. . . . . •_ JAMAICA RUM—Some very old,and of mperior quality,

in ponchionl. - - — MAPE1KA O L. P.—Ia qr. casks; very choice East In­

dia ia hhdi ami pipes. SHERRIES pais and fold of various trades ia quartet

" p O R T WINES direetfvora Opoito m q a a r t e r c n g i , of va

•"'"sicfLV M ' A D E I R A - I a pipei. hf. pipil and qoartercaiki MALAGA W1NF.—Sweet and dry. in qu»rter aad eighth

"'.'•ETTE WINES—St. Jal ieo and flaaterass, IB hhdi sad BBBU do , Burgundy Pnrt. Cstts Port, Cstts Madsira and

" e s A Y A N A S E G A R S - L a India and Loadrsi , aad vartooi

* ttERM AN SEGABS— A . larga isssrtmeat coaataatly oa .bead, . - eg

BOURRY D' lVERNOIS fc CO.. N o 70 B B O A D W A T . UKAB W A L L S T B E B T , havs received per lats arrivals, and offer

for sale, on reasonable terms, a full assortment of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, suitable for the Fa l l Trade, and consisting of

Gros du Rhine and Lmtrmgs, in ail widths aad pricss. Poult de Soies and Gros de Naples, black and colored. Florence! and Marcaliaes,black, colored and changeable. Dress Siiki, black and colored, such as Glace, plain and

figured Poolt de Soie i , A r m a n i , Satin d s (Thinei watered Silki, fce.

Lyons Sat IBI and Sergei , a full aaiortment. Lyoni Gros de Rhine Cravats 30 to 36 inch. Hihbnni.Satini and Taffetaa.colorjd and black, all numberi Thread Lacei , Lace 8c_rfs.Mantillas, Capes, Cardinali , fcr. Bru ie l l e i Lacegoodi. Black, Silk Lacei , V e i l i , fce. fce


Consisting in part of— Ginghams and Madras Handkerchiefs. Plain, figured and dotted Muslins. Striped, and checked Muslins aad Jaconsts , whi te and

colored. Km!,, -iidered D r e i m , a great variety. Fancy Lace Muslins and needleworked M u s l i m Lace Cnrtams, MmlinCurtains, and Dransry M o i l i n i , s

foil assortment Torkey Red Prints Plain aad twilled Turkey Rid Calicoei. Jaconet Cravats, white and colored, fcc. fce. Needleworked Capes, Collars, Caffs, Bands, Handkcr

enisfi, fcc. fcc. Aim. a foil assortmsat of COTTON HOSIERY t>4

L^ALL GOODS—W. C. LANGLEY fc CO., N O . 26 Broad a i t , corner or Exchange Place, offer for i s l e —

COTTON GOODS. PRI NTS—From J Dunnell fc Co. and Lodi Print Work i ;

M—rider, and Chintz c o l o n , in great variety; also black and white, and furmtursi, medium aad commoa steam Prints.

DE LAINE8—From J. Dunnell fc Co , printed on foreign and domestic olothi.

TICKS A N D STRIPES—Of varioui i t y l s i and qual i te i . DENIMS—Plain and printed. MHF.KTINOS—4 4. % and \ , Th i i t l e , Matoaca, Batteriea,

Va. , Famii y, and o t h e n . DRILLS A N D DUCK—44. 40, 31, 29, 27, 24 and V2 inch,

Thistle. Aihland, Howard and gram bagging OSNABURGS—;«, 36, 31 and 27 inch Aihland, Matoaca,

Batter«ea, snd other well known i t y l e i RLKACHED SHIRTINGS—4-4,7-8 and 3-4. CAMBRICS—Various qualitiei DIAPERS—7-4 Jacquard blue, brown aad bleached, CANTON F L A N N E L S — Bleaehed, brown and colored, ot

varioui qualities WOOLEN GOODS.

DOESKINB—From ths Greenfield Co. and others, ia com plete anortment .

BEAVKRCLOTHS—Ofmperiorq lalitiei in various co lon . SATINETS—Of lupir . medium aad k v qualitiei, ia ths va­

rieties of c o l o n and mixture! TWEEDS—All woo! and cotton warps.

BLACK CASS—In great variety, low and medium soal i -tiss KENTUCKY JEANS—Acomnlst aiso-t-i.ent plain c o l o n

and fancy m m u m , clouded ind fancy plaids. P L A I D LINSKY8—Large IBII unullpl . . y i ,o f the masnfae-

turs of Bab. ock fc M o n . ROB ROY PLAIDS—6-4 and J_ srarle. and blue CRAVATS—Of low and medium qualitiei, faacy c o l o n sad

blacki - at

W ILLARD fc WOOD, Noi . 40and 42 B R O A D S T R B I T , offer for isle—

BLEACHED S H I R T I N G S - C s i e i 3-4, 7 8 and 4-4 Shirt nigs, am.nf which are the following well known desirable styles, viz .—WgmsuttaSteam Mill i .Coddinftoa Co.. Aqued iv.ck, Warren Co.. Londondala, Mas nville, Hanovir , Oak­land, Warwick, Grafton, Carliile, New York City Mill. Coos's Woomccket, Granlts,Pokanoket, Mount Waahlngtoa and Pacific.

BLEACHED D R I L L I N G — C a s s s fine 4-4 Wamiuttsr Steam Mi'l, Atlantic, and 30 inch Worcester

BROWN SHEETING^—Bales heavy 4-4 Worc i i t er . COLORED CAMBRICS—Cases i 4 assorted c o l o n . YELLOW N A N K I N S - C a i e i Ane Loud.jidale. COTTON DIAPER—Caiei fine Birdieye Toweling, TWEEDS—Cases fine Check and kaavy diagonal Ribbed

and fancy colored Jenny Lmds. KENTUCKY J E A N S - - C u e s Una Cmtnunaock. Philadel

phis. Warwisk, N s w York. Bhods Island, A m h a n t and ner desirable styles SATINETS—Caaei black, b lue ,brown, drab, green,cadet ,

Oxford, i tee le ,gold and other desirable mixtures, from the LeedsCn Hocianam. Springville, Miaot, Hilliardfc Spencer, Berkshire, Houiatonic and Saxony Mills.

F A N C Y C A S S I M K R E S - C B I B ! cotton warp Bs l f i sn i . FANCY SATINETS—Caiei new I ' y l i s , in flue, median

and low grades SHI.KPS GREY CLOTHS and CASSIMERES—Cass

heavy red mixed. WOOLEN SHIRTS ami D R A W E R S — C u e s white ind

blue mixed, in fine, medium and low grades, from tha Nsw Britain and other mills,

NEW KKKSEV8 and PLAINS— C U M grey, drab and black ker iey , plains and it ripe 1 on flat and cable warps, of Williams'well karswa aad r .her desirable s tyles .

PLAID LINSEYS—Cues small and large plaids, frcm the followiag we l l taowB mill i .Babc.ek k Stillmaa, Weil l A i h -away. Steam Mill, Exceltior, Gala Plat Is, Laureldala.'Mon­ad a s h . othar desirshls itrlee B4

J. E. Van Antwerp, Auctioneer BY JOHN E. VAN ANTWERP & WON.

Store N- lb(> Pearl itreet,corner nf P in i J. E. V.A.fcSon wil l f ivevhei-persoaalatten' . ion' .athaiait i

of f uru it tire at private residences. THURSDAY, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room

Eighth Regular Fall Trade Sale—200 packages and lots Shef­field, Birmingham, German and American Hard w a n . Cutlery, Platedware, Japanry, fcc., on a credit of four mouths.

Consisting in part of table and spring cutlery, tea trayi and waiters, filei and rasps,shoe thread, padlocki, tape measure., hand and panm.1 laws , chisel handles, iciaiori,gimbleta,chalk and fish lines, hones, aad othsr ihelf roods

Al io , aa invoice of American hardware, viz : bolts, hammers. s a f setta. loiki hingei, ihove l i ; l e a s e American table and desert halves and forks, carvers, fcc ; 2 casks English t*ble • u' i»'iy, various styles ; SO doz steel rat traps . 3 caiks trace chains ; 1 caski hand and pan>iel a a w i ; 20 ia.es cut tacki , as­sorted ; 50 dgz long handle ihovela ; luO doz " American File Wars" files, 10 to 14 inch ; 200 doz " Swineburn'i" flat bastard do, 12,13 and 14 inch ; I case tea trays and wai ten .

Also, an invoice of English pattern cardi,of ivory and sell tip, stag and bone knivei anu forki, pallet knives, fine pocket and pen knivea, carveri, fcc

Alio, for account of whom it may concern—A l a n a invoice of fine ivory cutlery in (.eta. " Rogers" small cutlery, carvers, fine razors in esses , fcc, slightly damaged.

Catalogue! on ths morning ot sale At Private Sala—SO crates white; granite ware on eonaifa-


W . N . Lewis , Aoctionser. BY LEWIS & MORTIMER.

StorsNo. 187 Chatham itraat . 1 H I S D A Y .

W E D N E S D A Y . Oct. 5. Pawnbroker'! Sale— At 10 o'clock, at the corner of Bowery

and Broome by order of W, Simpson fc Co. a quantity of unre­deemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards

At 10 o'clock, at tne auction room. Pawnbroker'! Sala—By order of H. Barnard, 21 Third avenue

licensed pawnbroker, a large quantity of unredeemed pledget, which Lave been depoiited a year and upwards.

THURSDAY. Oct. 6. TvPawnbroker'i8ale—At 10 o'clock, at 25 Chatham itreet , by order of J B. k J Simpaon fc Co., a quantity of unredeemed pledges, consisting or winter clothing

At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker's Sale—By order of J, L. Phillips. 308 Hudson

•treat, licensed pawnbroker, a quantity of unredeemed pledges which hare been deposited a vear and uowardi.

FRIDAY, at lOo'clock. at the anc 1..11 room. By order of J. M. Davis— 300 lots winter clothing,

SATURDAY,at 10 o'clock, at the auction r- >.n. Furniture—Consisting of sofas, -lu'.ani.ciiatrs, carpsti ,oi l

clothi. tablet kitchen furniture fcc. MONDAY. lO.b. at lOo'clock. at theiaucton room.

Pawnbroker'! Sale—By order of I. Bernstein, 197 Grand i t licensed pawnbroker, an assortment nf unredeemed pledgee

WEDNESDAY. 12th. at Hi o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker'! Sale—By order if P. Fallen, 121 West Broad

way, licensed pawnbroker, a quantity nf unredeemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards.

A. M. Criatalar, Auctioneer. BY A. M. CR18TALAR.

Store No. 23 Bowery. Gives iin attention to sales of merchandise, watchei , jswslry

fcc. — fin' ,!. . .irs.ilc urompUy attendedt THURSDAY.~6tn7•• '0 o'clock, at the auction room.

Pawii broker's Sale—By order of I. Bernstein, 197 Grand a t , icenaed pawnbroker, a quantity of nnredeemsd pledges, ws i eh have been deposited a year and upwards

FRIDAY,7 th , at 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Pawnbroker'!Sale—Bv order of 8. D. M o n , 76 Catharine at.

licensed pawnbroker, a quantity of unredeemed pledges, which have been deposited a year and upwards.

WEDNESDAY, 6th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room Pawnbroker's 8ale—By order nf T 8olomons, Grind street,

licensed pawnbroker, an assortment of unredeemed pledges TUESDAY, l l th , at 10 o'clock, at the auction room.

Pawnbroker's Sals—By order of J. J. Lsvy, c> 6th &venne< (late nf East Broadway.) licensed pawnbroker, a large aaetrrt-meiu of unredeem 1 pledges, which have been deposited a year and upward*

FRIDAY, Uth , at 10 o'clock,st the auction room. Pawnbroker's Sale—By 'rder 01 S J Levy, 56 Wooster at.,a

quantity of unredeemed p.n.lf ea, which have been deposited a year and upwards.

H. Farringtnn .Auctioneer BY J. t>. INGERSOLL.

8'ors No 222 Pearl i treet .

THIS DAY. W E D N E S D A Y , at 1110 clock, at the auction ri..m

Boots,Shoes and Brogans—300 caiesBoota, Shoes and Mm it* 11s. comprising a desirable assortment of freih and seasonable goods, direct from the manufacturer*, ai'apted of the Northern,

ontbe i i , Western snd city trade. AT Blt'VATf SALE.

Micssei rent's call half w sited and imitation ill tc lied boots. Uf cases men's kip welted and half welted boots. I' 5 cases boy's aad youth's calf, kip and thin booti , 200 casei men's long legged D S. wax boota. 100 cases msB'sthick pegged booti, extra sixes. 100 cases men's cram long leg D. S. boots, extri i t f o i . incases men'spri « Hungarian hocts

100 cases men's thick and kip pegged hrngaai. 50 r u e . wnmea's leather spring and hen'. Raged laced booti.

100 cases women's enamel aad kid welt ooots and bulk im. Also, a lot nf misses' and children'! lace boots and busk ins and

enny Lnvl i . adapted to the iprtng trade

C. 8 Parsons. Auctioneer B Y A B R A I H 1 & CO.

Storsi Nm. 269 and 26D* Piarl s trsst TUESDAY, at 9M o'clock, at the auction room,

Booti, Shoes, Brogam, k i t . - 3 0 0 r a i e i boots, shoes aad bro gaaa, fresh and prime goods, suitable for the spring trads, in­cluding every variety of women's, Busies' and childien'i gait e n , fcc , direht freoi the manufactureri.which will t.e mid with­out reierve.

At Private Sale—D'rect from the raanafactarer and con •tantly on hand, 2000caaai o ' booti and ihoes of a ry variety snd quality which will lie .old low for cash or city acc.ptsi ices

Homer Morgan, Auctioneer BY HOMER MORGAN.

Stoas No. 1 P ine street. saiss of

alio to

,. l i s ai Rati 1 '-i•'• aiepping at Se i houriv irom »,< n .. . . . a A M ants) Blernn rln'nrk P M and the eentautat iee is e«iy ( 3 6 per anaoj* ,• a e j d tfca ptttchaas money . in remain an bond and mortgage lor } rsatfS a' ^eveu per cent, and the tit le is imiiuefttionanle

Also, a l ie story rame cottage, built about one year, situated oa the corner ol FordfcaM avi uiieainl Mb i l n e t i , lot ^8 by '10, house about & by'SH feet.

Also, two lots adjoining, on Fordliain avenue, 25 by lOOea/ h This property is kuown as the parentage nf ths Methodist ahurcli

Also, a three itury trame house, store and lot situated on Washington avenue, and occupied by Mr Jau Drew , lettHxl;. ' .

Al io , a reeently built large two bay barn, which can at a small e ipeuse be converted mm a oni , eiueut dwelling house, with fuur lots of ground attached. 25 by 100 feet each.

Free tickets will be furnished to all ersoii. deuroui. of attend­ing the sale and maps, with full particu'ars, oa applying to the Auctiouier, 40 Wall itreet.

W E D N E S D A Y . Oct. 19. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants F.xchauge.

Staten I.land—20 eligible building . l i e s , varying m size irom five to fifteen acres each, near the ocean, 00 elevated ground. Also, a haudiome gothic hnuse^built iu the best manner, 2 sto­ries high.52i3d. contains 14 rooms besides cellar, kitchen, pun-tries, fcc is nearly new and was built bv day's work, aud 11 nu iihed with iiiahosaiiy doors, marble mantels, fcc ; attached are barn, coach, wagon and ice h o i l e s , und all other necessary ..ut buildings, together with 10 u res nf first quality laud, with abundance of fruit and shade trees.

Also, a ueat two stor and basemeut frame house, contain­ing 14 roouu. built iu mod irn style, together with oul-bund nigs and ten acres of land. All thia beautiful proaerty is loca­ted ou the South aide of Slai.ni Island, about five miles from Vauuerbdl's Lauding, IB au excellent ueighbornood. The land is in a high state of cultivation and location is unsurpas­sed, being perfectly haalthy, where there is excellent fishing and bathing. The proposed Staten Islaud Railroad is located within ten minutes' walk of any portion of this property — ii.-iulenicii desirous of viewing the property can obtain tickets nee ol" charge, for Toesda.", Thursday uud Saturdays >•! s a c s week untu the day or sale, together with lithographic mips , on applying 10 the auctioneer 40 Wall street. Terms easy and t i l e positive

J UBis Cols . Auct loass i .

BY JAMES COLE At SON. Office No. 43 Fulton, corner of Front strest, Brooklyn

James Cols fc 80a will give their personal aneution to i n l s i HI in 1 na*mild furniture and out-door inlet generally , also, to tales of rsal aetata, slocks fcc, iu Brooklyn and Naw York.

M O N D A Y . Oct. 10 " At i t o'clock, at the Merchants'Exchange.

National Nhades, Nn. 16 High street—A three story, baee-meiii anil deep cellar, brick house, finished in the beat uianuer, with maJrble mantels, grates, sliding door., corniced and hard finished, built m t h s most substantial manner ; house 25 ieel 2 lucties by 3h teet—now leased for SbOO per annum, payable a »nt lily Also, a three story and cellar brick houia on the rear of the w t ; this house contains tan rooms, built in a sub­stantial manuer aud is rented to the front occupant for the low rent of $225 per annum; lot 25 feet 2 inches front, runmug through to a wide alley in rear, and 98 ieet sit inches deep.— Terms at ssle . Maps are rsady.

Desirable building sections, with water tronlage, at N e w Utrecht, between Fort Hamilton and Bath. Sale positive, for division.

Section No 1 has a front of 150 feet from Franklin avenue. 751 feet on the highway from the villggs of New Utrecht to the hav, and a water front on the bay contain.- 13_ acres.

Wo. 3 has a front of 100 leet 011 Frauklin avenue, a l io a front on the hay contains 1 \ acres. On this lection is a good l l l l l l - e . fcC.

No. 3 has same front a t No. 2, and is adjoining, hat carriage house, fcc, contains over 1 '-, ;u •. »

No. 4 has same fronts, and has a barn, hovel, fcc, contains ubout 2 acret

No . 5 same fronts, aud contains 2 acrei. No. ti tame fronts, aud eontaiaa over 2 acres No. 7 has a front of 100 feet 011 Franklin avenue, 94C

feel on Court street, and alto u front on the bay, contains over 2 acrei.

N o 8 hat 961 feet front on Court itreet, 1232 feet on Franklin avenue, aud a front on the bay, c.uutauis over 10 acres.

No. 9 has 1467 feet front on Franklin avenue, and contains 34 acrei upland and 2114 acrei meadow. Total, 551^ acres.

No. 10 has a front of 565 feet on FrauKliu avenue, 28'41 feet on the highway leading from the village of N e w Utrecht to the bay. and 224 feet front on the main street 111 the village and adjoint the residence of Dr Waters, ooutaining 29 acrea 01 upland, and 'J.I4 acres of meadow and swamp. Total, m \ acret.

This is the best or iperty in tliii part or New Utrecht, aud is very desirable ror private resulenoet.

Terms—50 percent or the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage Maps wdl be ready 12 d a n before the tale ,at the offlceorthe Auctioneers.

Parsonage Ho use. at Flatbuth—A two story aud attic house, containing 14 room!, situate on the main itraat iu the village of Flatbuib, neai ly oppotsts the Reformed Dutch Church, aud adjoining the laud of Erasmus Hall Aoadeiny and also Schoon-maker's ttore ; the house is 25 by 36 fset, with a tea room iu the rear 10 by 15 feet, ail built in the mint m o tanttal manner; has a barn, corn crib, wagon bouts, a well of god water and a cis­tern, fruit trees and shrubbery in the yard ; u well calculated for a genteel private residence. There is about a quarter of an acre of land, which has a front of 5854 fact on tne road. Mapa are aow ready. Sale positive, by order of the Consistory ot the church.

T U E 8 D A Y . Oct. 11. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange.

Washington Park Property—Four lots on the corner ol Myr­tle and Carlton avenues, lo be sold to the highest bidder, fur each, uo under bidding of any kind. This plot hat a frout on Myrtle avenue of',« f e t ; on Carlton avenue of «4 ft 3 inches, and annul 1000 feet on the re r, making four fine building lots, which will be sold separately.

Also, one lot ou Hampden street 100 feet north from Myrtle avenue ; 25 bv 100 feat.

45 good building lots on DeKalb avenue, fcc. 24 lots oa DeKalb avenue, between Noitrand and Marcy av. 6 lots on Kosciusko street iu rear of the abova.

10 lots onijetterson etreet, bet.w en Reed snd Patchsn av's. 5 lots sn Hancock street, in rear 01 the above.

Each lot i i25 by 100 feet, and the location n the best in the 9th ward, but a short diitance from Bed ford avenue, and good lines of oranibusei running to the f e m e s of Brooklyn and Wil-lianisburghlemes pass within a short distance of the property and the lines of railroad 'which will toon getin operation will l endlomak property in this section of Brooklyn still more desi­rable. Terms—60 percent of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage if desired. M i y t are now ready.

Cottage House and Lot No, 229 Front street, near Hudion avenue, Brooklyn—The house is 22 by 26 foot, built in the beet substantial manner, IB one itory, attic and basemeut; has wood house and cistern in ths yard, alio grape vinei, fcc ; lot 25x100 —will be toidbv order of executon. Maps are ready.

W E D N E 8 D A Y , Otc. 12. At 12o'elock. a t theMerchant i 'Exchange .

Oiforw !treet—A three story, baasaaal and cellar, frame house oa the west side ot Oxford street, neai Atlantic avenue; the home is finished ia the belt manner ; i l 25 by 32 ft. $2000 on bond snd mortgage.

Adelphi street - Two houtei and one lot on the east aide of Adelphi street, near Atlantic avenue ; tha front home 11 22 ft irjuare. occupied aa a s t o n ; the rear house is 25 by 22 ft, two •tones high ; the lot 1125 by 100 feet $1000 on bond and mort­gage. I |Willoughby Avenue—A two story, basement and attic frame house, on the north aide of Willoughby avenue, between Ryer-son and Houston street! : the house it well built, piazza front and rear, French windowi and blindi in front. $1700 on bond and mortgage

Ninth street—A three story and basement brich house on the northerlr lide or 9th street, between 2d and 3d Avenues ; the house is bin t in the beet manner, piazza in rear, coutaini 11 roorv 1, oistern, fcc. ; hnase 25 by 36 feet ; lot 25 by 100 feet.— $.'',"• may remain nn bond and mortgage. Maps of all the above property are now ready

Bruce A. Chilton, Auctioneer. BY COLE & CHILTON.

tiff, 1 e No. 18 Nassau ti reel, near Pins . T h e i u b i r n b e n will give their personal attention to the aalei

of real e s t i t e vessels, stock! and bond, at the Merchant!' Ex­change. A register kept for the disposal of real estate at pri-v a t s i - l s . Loani negotiated on real estate. Jams Cole.

Bruce A. Chiitoa. THIS D A Y

W E D N E S D A Y . Oct. 5. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Excnange.

Executon' Sale of Valuable Property on Broadway ; also, Houses and Lots on Rivington and Sheriff i treet i , and the farm known as Clasoa'i Point, Weitcbester County, by order of Ed­ward C. Center, executor of A. W Clason deceased ,

No. 256 Rivington itreet—A lot IS feet 9 inches front and rear hy mi feet deep ; upon it 11 a two story brick house.

No. 257 Rivington itreet—Lot 18 teet 9inches front and rear, by 60 feet in depth ; oxion it is a two itory brick house.

No. 2*7)4 Rivington strict—Lot 18 feet 9 inches front and rear by 60 feet deep ; upon it i i a two story brick house

Lot No. 70 sheriff street—Being tke southerly comer of Riv­ington and Slier iff streets, 18 feet 9 inches front and rear by 60 feel deep ; upon it is a two itory brick home and store

The Range of Stables in Sheriff street, in the rear of and ad joining the above, lyeing 40 feet front and rear by 75 ft in depth-

Alto, the three story House and Lot No. 866 Rroadway, be­ing 25 feet front ou Broadwav.24 feet 10 inches in the rear, 110 feel*, inches on the apntherty side, and 108 feet on the norther. Il side

Alto, the undivided one-half part of that Farm of land situate at Westchester, known as Clason's Point, containing 316 «cres —distant 12miles from the c i tyof N*w York.

Terms of Sale—10 oer cent to be paid nn the day of sale, and the balance on the 15th day of Octolier, when tho deeds will bo delivered ; 75 per c,c. t of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at 7 per cent for 3,5 or 10 y e a n . Maps can be had at tee office of the Auctioneer!, N o 18 Na i iau itreet.

I N I >

t OBCltl I'B'BI *-.. 41 i h i Pfce-lf W»

ion d o . . . . d o boo li«i do do |.(i d o . . . . d o . . . i J 2(41 do do b)0 200 d c . . . . d n bJ

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Per Africa )

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BhOTUBB'g ClKCl'L-B N i w YOKK, Out.

en m » •> u i . -9% B. ' • f c •• , "9\ 8 . M TSk , ^ 72 TIM 1135

i s . a

ilii Colfo*.—The a d v i c e s by the s u c c e s s i v e arrival* of t h e

WasA 1 * f (on , America aud Baltic VYOJM, u n d e r ordinary c i r c u m s t a n c e s , l i ave p r o d u c e d a marked r S e c t 011 Hie prices r i l i n g o n t h i s r i d e .

T h e c o m p l i c a t i o n of d e p r e s s i n g c a u s e s w e i g h e d heavi ly on the L iverpoo l m a i k e t , and e v e n the crop ad­v i c e s rece ived per Arabia, w e r e «aid to h a v e b e e n " very contradictory but g e u e r a l i y of a favorable c h a r a c t e r . "

Had cuck a d v i c e , b e e u c o r r e c t , the m a r k e t s on t ins side would have broken d o w n under the w e i g h t ol the unfavorable a c c o u n t * from abroad l o liana s i n c e the da le of her d e p a r t u r e , 7th September , but pr i ce s h a v e been sus ta ined by the conf irmat ion o f the injuries s u s ­ta ined by the g r o w i n g crop m\s then a d v i s e d , and c o n ­t i n u a n c e , o w i n g l e the h e a v y rains w h i c h U s l e d unt i l the -"Ui S e p t e m b e r , e s tab l i sh ing the opin ion atuo:ig the best informed s o u r c e s that " w e must have a n o p e n fall and late k i l l ing frost , to g i v e u i over 3,000,000 ," and that the o c c u r r e n c e of ki l l ing frost any t ime prior to t n e 1st of N o v e m b e r , w o u l d r e d u c e the y i e l d b e l o w m a t quantity, tho pUt i t b e i n g very luxuriant and the bol l s g r e e n .

Holders h a v e not p f M M d s louks but the contrary of fered sparingly , and the ra les have been w i ' h o u l d e ­c l i n e . On t h e in Alio ba le s , and o n the 3d 000 b a l e s w e r e sold.

T h e sa l e s of t h e 1st a n d 3<lin*t. w e r e pr inc ipal ly for h o m e use , but t o - d a y , i n c o n s e q u e n c e of S o u t h e r n ad­v i c e s , an e x p o r t d e m a n d sprang up, the s a l e s be ing u p " wards of 4000 b a l e s at fu l l ra tes

STB1CT -IVBBrOOL.CLASSiriCATIO.-. L Ord. Ord. O.Ord. L.Mid. Mid. U M i d .


'1 in' cifHiit c l e a r a n c e from lu l l pot > ,; o 1 Hie III lust . 1 ' 13.1"W '. • 352.Mb t,u» via* at 10 Liverpool , 5 , b j | bOU Sour , C.o-I baa wi,ca. in L mdon , Sl.St-o 1 u» » n it la liloui est*>i l.llT bbli flour. IS,bo: but nbest la lin«ioi , IT oc-3 bus w h e a l l o Falni.Miui , 1.117 Dbil flour, t.uoO tu,» w h e a l I 1 O a t g o * . <e>,»3.. ot is flour. 51,053 bus w h e a t to l U w t bill bol l t o u r , 2T,i*l Uiu wheat lo A n t w e r p , | 3 , ? i l bbtl flour. 1,074 bus win- it in l i i i ide .nix ; -,u<>j ijtils rtu.ir, .:,6b2 bus wfceai to Uar««i\iei

•jsapeciiully, BDWARC iILL, Broker. N o . 'lo Suiil ' i Urawl

T h e mar l i d t o o a y i j q t i i t l and there is u u i o ilii,>o-s i i ion to sel l at a e ins . i rnduction 111 p n c e .

T . dt i l . MEHMNu.g's T O B A C C O C I S B I L A B . Vet Africa. St* V o a a , Oct . 5.

W e had ant ic ipated , vi ith good , an i n c r e a s e o l trans-a c U o n s dur ing the mouth of S e p t e m b e r . T h e result , h o w e v e i , has proved . . t i . cru i se , inact ivity h a t i n g been the leading teature ot the market . T h e h o m e trade have purchased wi th a sparing b a u d , w h i l e t h e export demand has been principally cot iuuod l o l imi ted i m -( l i a s e s for A f r i c a and the W e s t Indies . In t h e mean wiiiii;, l i o l d e n have e v i n c e d but little d i spo' l t io . i l o pfMS s a l e s , and appai t a l ly awai t U10 future w i t h t o l l couli-d e n c e of real i i int; thru present v i ew* .

T o u c h i n g tho , 4 i .mt l i ut thin year , w e r e m a r k , that s o m e progress lias been made 111 s e c u r i n g t h e early plant ings Hie w e a t h e r proving co ld ha* i n d u c e d s e m e planters to c u t Ihcir crop 111 g r t e n cond i t i on . \ u ea i ly day wi l l • l e i e ianue the character , and 11. a m e a a u i e the extent of U i p c r o p .

Low grades ol leaf cont inue iu l imited supply . T h e •'il i i . are 1,000 hhds k e n l u c k y , 7fl do M a s o n C o u n t y .

Virginia L u g no- ie 111 market . K e n t u c k y " Inferior K e n t u c k y Mn'diiiig to fair t i o o d , inc luding h e a v y i b ^ v l u g S e l e c t i o n s Maysvt i l e , interior leaf to good wrapper . .


Elias Combe, Auctioneer. BY COMBS & RICHARDS. Office 75 Trinity Building, No. I l l Broadway.

C. fc R. will give their personal attention to sales of Real Eitate, Hhips and Stocks, at the Merchants' Eichange , or else* where. Furniture sales at private residences, and oat-door sale! of merchaudise Real Estate disposed of at private sale. Loans negotiated on bond and mortgage

Elifti Combs Benjamin W. Riekardi.

MONDAY, Oct. 10. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant'! E ichange

(If notpreviouily disposed of at private sale . ) O _«itreet—The substantial and well built brick dwelling

bouse and lot No , 12 Oak itreet, near Pearl Williamsbu. gh—Three frame cottages and one brick dwelling

on South Third near First street. Fifty Second itreet - T w o lots on 53d street, iouth lide, be­

tween Lexington and Fourth Avenuei, each 25 by 100 Seat.— $1,120 on the two may remain for live jean from l i t January, IA63, at seven per cast interest, payable yearly. For further information enquire of the Auctioneers, at their office, Trinity Buildings.

j a m e i M


Hoaar Morgan will give _ii personal attantioa to Honsehnld Ftifuitiire, and oat door ss lss gsssrally Res 'Es ta t s . at sake, fca

Miller, Ancn moer.

M. MILLER & CO. Store No. 81 Maiden Lane.

J. M. Miller fc Co. will givetheir personal attention to the laleirf Household Furniture, at the residences of familiei de­clining housekeeping, find lo out door sales generally.

S A T l j R a * 7 v 7 o c t fl At I o'clock, at the MBit eke Iter Hotel, formerly kept by David

8m th. known ill the lfi Mile Stage Honse. Executor's Sale—Will he sold by order of tre Executon—45

Building Lots , heauti.utly l . id nut and elegantly » mated fron' mg on the Boiton post rood and Prlham road, adjoining Proipact Hill village, Westchester Co. For maps and parti u, larserquire at the auction room.

TUESDAY, Oct. 11 At 12o'clock,atthe Merchants' Exchange.

" O n e lot of land with a three story frame dwelling: bouse on the rear on the south Itde ofliS'h street; being ii'i'ifest from the fHh aveniis. Termiliberal. For partlc. ilars enquire at ihe auc. tion room Property can be seen at any time.

Jnder the direction of Director! of I he N e w Eork Institution 1,1 the Deaf and Dumb :

Eight lots on 5th avenue, between 4fi! h and 4Sth st reel s, Twelve iota nn the north aide of 4Hi h 11. 100 east nf 5th av. Four Iota nn the south side of 49th i t . 200 feet east nf 5th av. Four loti on the iouth side of 49th street, 100 teet west of 4th

avenue, IB view of the Crystal Palace and opposite the parapet of Columbia College.

Seven lot ion the east side of7th av.hetw'n 59th and 00th sis . Seventeen loti oortb side 5uth st. betw'n bth and 7th avenue Eighteen lots iouth side Both st betw'n i.tli and 7th avenuei Eight loti on the west side of nth av betw'n Nth and both st Eight lots on the e i s t side of 6th av. hstw'n Sfrth and both ats. For maps and particular! eiqnire al the auction room.

WEDNESDAY. Oct. 12. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange.

58th Street—Nine loti of gmund on the north iide of 58th i t , hei ween Broadway and 7th Avenue , being 195 feet east Irom Broadway A large portion of the purchase money can remain.

TUESDAY. Oct. IB. At lOo'clock, at the auction room, HI Maiden-lane.

For account of whom it may concern—Ml doi patent Lather.

At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant!' t txchinge . ',8th Street—The new two itory hatament and attic frame

dwelling house nf modern finish on the north side nf 78th i t . , between 4th and 5th Avenues, being :kgi feet wai t frnai the 4th avenue; house 21 by 32 feet, containing ten rooms, sliding doors, gratei, fcc. • lot 25 hy lis) feet Aim, on the rear of tha lot 11 a two story frame ihnp, 2a hy 18 feet, with aa alley.

Alio, adjoining 00 the east—Two Ints of ground, MI feet froat by 104 feet deen. On the lot is a two itory dwelling, containing nine rooms, attic and cellar, fcc.

W. Cole, Auctioneer. BY W. COLE cV CO.

Store Nn t Ann street. Catd—Out door sateens' furriture and rr.erchandne person­

ally attended to. Advances mada on pianos, billiard tahlei furniture a e

At Private Sal*—4 ptaana, to pay advance! , Daguerrean in •trnmioM, anueiher of earner as nf varioui n i s i , alec a gaaa ral assort meet "*" Biaterlale seed bv the trade

D D.Nash.Anct ioueei . BY U. D. NASH.

Stora No, 3loBroadway.

. C*J . ?fc . b . 9 .10 . 6*e

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7 "'4 bX »H

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Do BY.. . . n'ltiiiiutU fins

13 s l i WieaaaaaMillaMB 37 f Wl Iiamivil.e 40 Hfc Wintbrop 34 'Si t,



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Agucuerk . I n n . . Do Do

Atlantic M i l l s . . . Atlantic L . .

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Do D J Do Do

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S l o c k o n h a n d 1st Sept . , lo53 R e c e i v e d s i n c e

D e l i v e r e d s i n c e

S t o c k o n hand 1st A u g , 'S3

a n d T e . a i . } 9 ! » » * 1° W* M a ) 1 5 , l l ) » a l 8

_l idXla*ud. n , 1 . ! i • 9* 9V ktU 1034.11 U H a l i ) ,

Uusmess a l S o u t h e r n ports i s hampered by the scarc i .

ty of shipping, and tre ights consequent ly m u s t ru le htgfc

ausoiuinK in the ir a d v a n c e a n y a d v a n t a g e g a i n e d i n

price .

W e subjoin for y o u r perusa l the information before us on the subject o f t h e g r o w i n g crop.

Our correspondent at Montgomery , A labama, un ­der da te o f t h e . 8 t h u l t i m o , w r i t e s a s f o l l o w s :— " S ince t h e 20th, t h e w e a t h e r has c o n t i n u e d c l e a r , with the s u n s h i n e and coo l n ights , it n o w l o o k s qui te l ike an o p e n a u t u m n spel l . P ick ing is n o w g o i n g on v igorous ly , but m a n y p lanters say that tney a t e up viitu their Cot ton , in o ther w o r d s , they have n o n e o p e n . A further i n v e s t i g a t i o n into the effect of the rains o f this month leads u s to the c o n c l u s i o n that the injury l i e s in the partial " r o t " o f t h * " L o t i o n crop ," but chiefly 111 the threatened d e s t r u c t i o n o f the •' top c r o p " — B l o o m s but s e ldom .nature into bo l l s , w h e n e x p o s e d lo u t , with every c i r c u m s t a n c e favor ing , b looms but s e l d o m make Cotton af ier l i iU Sept . W e .must h a v e an o p e n fall and late k i l l ing fros l to g i v e us over three m i l l i o n s . "

F r o m the Mercury, P r i c e s Current , publ i shed al Char le s ton , u n d e r da te of September 30th, w e ex trac t the fo l l owing :

"The Cotton Crop—We are informed, on perfect ly rel i ­able authori ty , t h a t in three o f the heav ies t c o t t o n g r o w ­ing districts in t h e S t a l e , Edgefie ld, N e w b u r y and Abbe" vi l le , the p lanter s d o not e x p e c t l o realize m o r e than a half of a c r o p o f c o t t o n , and of that more t h a n a propor­t ionate share w i l l be of inferior qual i ty ."

T h e C h e r a w Gazette ol the 9tJlh s a y s — " T h e e v e u i n g f and m o r n i n g s for the past w e e k have b e e n qu i te c o o l , a lmost co ld e n o u g h tor frost. On T h u r s d a y w e had m a n y ind icat ions of a s trong equinoct ia l g a l e , but they passed a w a y d u r i n g t h e day . S ibce t h e n , the w e a t h e r has been dry a n d p l e a s a n t , a n d w e h a v e e v e r y indica­tion of its c o n t i n u i n g so . Cot ton in m a n y p l a c e s , has been cut short by l h * rust , bul o therwi se it i s matur ing finely. T h e w e e d is g e n e r a l l y unusua l ly l arge , but the co.uplaini is a s g e n e r a l that i l is badly filled w i t h fruit; shou ld an e a r l y frost there fore o c c u r , t h e c r o p 111 this sect ion m u s t be short . A v e r y late frost h o w e v e r , and propitious w e a t h e r , w o u l d m a k e a marked Changs in the resu l t ."

Alabama — A let ter w a s r e c e i v e d in t o w n yes t erday , s a y s the Mobi l* Advertiger o f t h * 33d i n s t a n t , from o u * of the largest p l a n t e r s in W i l c o x C o u n t y , i n w h i c h oc ­c u r s the f o l l o w i n g paragraph 1 " W e h a v e had rain a l ­most e v e r y d a y t h i s m o n t h , w h i c h together w i t h th* w o r m has m a d e a s m a s h of the Got ten crop in this quarter ." T h * Reporter ( T a l l a d e g a , A l a , ) o f t h a l t d s a y i : " W e h a v e had a great d e a l o f rain d u r i n g the last f e w w e e k s . Our p lanters compla in that their cot-ten is a l m o s t i rre tr ievably ruined—they c a n n o t m a k e half a crop. T h e r e i s a g o o d deal of s i c k n e s s t h r o u g h * o u t the c o u n t r y c a u s e d n o doubt ID * great m e a s u r e by the , s ingu lar ly w e t s u m m e r and fall."

T t n n e » s « . — A g e n t l e m a n writing from H a r d e m a n Couuty l o t h e M e m p h i s Whig, s a y s " T h e farmers of this C o u n t y a r e c o m p l a i n i n g v e r y m u c h o f t h e bad effect of t h e w e t w e a t h e r upon the Cot ton c r o p . T h o s e supposed to be g o o d j u d g e s of tt and h o n e s t m a n , say it c a n n o t m u c h e x c e e d half a crop e v e n w i t h favorabla w e a t h e r from n o w o n . T h * Cot ton c r o p o f bo l l s i s very m u c h rot ted , a n d t h e w e a t h e r s t i l l c l o u d y and raining." T h e Whig a l so h e a r s s imi lar a c c o u n t s from other adjo in ing C o u n t i e s , and a l so from N o r t h Miss is ­sippi.

T h e A b e r d e e n , M i s s . , Independent o f lTtb ins tant ,

Bays : Cross—For s o m e d a y s pas t w e have m a d e str ict e n ­

quiry of I n t e l l i g e n t P l a n t e r s , w i t h the i n t e n t i o n of tho­roughly a c q u a i n t i n g o u r s e l v e s w i t h the prospec t of the cot ton c r o p . W e h a v e s e e n and c o n v e r s e d w i t h men from al l parts o f t h e surrounding c o u n t r y , a n d t h e y all c o n c u r 111 r e p r e s e n t i n g the y ie ld of co t ton aa short—less than w a s e v e r k n o w n in th i s country p e r h a p s . From average a c c o u n t s w e are satisfied that the y i e ld per acre cannot e x c e e d S00 lbs . , a great majority of the planters fear it w i l l b e l e s s , a n d the cont inued w e t w e a t h e r may verify the ir f ears .

During t h e m o n t h s o f M a y and J u n e , s c a r c e l y any rain fell , ba t s i n c e tbat t i m e , w e £ii?ve had cont inua l s h o w e r s , c o n s e q u e n t l y t h e w o r m has ciMtroyed all the " top c r o p , " a n d w h a t is e v e n w o r s e , t h e " bot tom crop" is fast d i sappear ing from t h e rot. T h i s latter evi l is worse o n t h e prairie but prevai l s a l so to a g r e a t extent on the s a n d y l a n d s . N o t o n l y Is this the condi t ion of the crop in t h i s v ic in i ty , but pretty m u c h t h e s a m e state of th ings e x i s t s throughout the surrounding count i e s . N o favorable c h a n g e can n o w prevent t h e cot ton crop from be ing light—werjy Ught.

T h e S e l m a Sentinel of the 90th 1:1st• s a y s 1 " Bur ing the last w e e k t h e r e has b e e n more rain in this l e c t i o n of the c o u n t r y t h a n has fa l len in one w e e k s ince last March, w h e n a l m o s t the w h o l e country w a s flooded by water . T h e C o t t o n crop i s necessar i ly c o m p e l l e d to be far short o f that o n c e ant ic ipated. T h e w e t w e a t h e r has not o n l y b e e n t h e m e a n s of producing the rot o matured bo l l s , but h a s material ly increased the ravages of the w o r m , e spec ia l l y i n Cotton produced o n r ich bot­tom l a n d s . "

W e h a v e no t s p a c e for further information, but think the above suff ic ient to establ ish the c o r r e c t n e s s of the v i e w s w o h a v e advised , a n d wi th s u c h prospects , spin­ners n e e d no t be surprised w h e n informed by the ir cor­respondents that there i s n o probability of a n y orders being e x e c u t e d on this s ide at the h ighest l imits yet g iven .

Since the above w a s w r i t t e n adv ice s from T e x a s via i'.altunore, o f the 4th n i s i have been r e c e i v e d , which state that the boll w o r m is ravaging the Cotton fields.

Othsr Atlantic . Florida. Oulf Ports.

I n f e r i o r . . . . nominal, nominal. nominal. Ord low to good. 8*4 9 i , f JeJ 85, 9 * °5i 8?< 9 * 954 Midlowt.ogn. id . l'i 111* lilt) "'fc I " * l l fc I'-W H U)< Mid fair to fa i r . . 11*. Utg i n * i l * ir 13

Oif«—9000 g a l l o n s L inseed sold from s t o r e at 65c. Crude W h a l e is qu ie t al 60c. Crude Bperra $1 20.

Hide*—There is a fair demand for Hides and priees are w e l l s u s t a i n e d , 3000 K10 Grand, 3 - ! * a l b l i c , 6 m o n t h s , Sft39 O r o n o c o , 2 0 a a 175t; 2400dry Maracaibo , 22, 1.M4 *lbH, 1000 sal ted do , 32, 1 2 * , A m o n t h s , 850 Metamoras , abtttit 15c,6 months .

Leather—Wc l iavo no alteration 111 the market , the demand is g o o d a n d prices we l l supported .

1 .;•''- 'I a- market cont inues quiet but firm, without change in p r i c e s . T h e sa l e s s ince o u r last c o m p r i s e 500 bags B r a i i l , al 11 a 11 * c ; 300 mats Java , a 12c; 100 Bags old B r o w n d o , at 14c.

| » I M M - T h e demand is l imited, but pr ices are with­out c h a n g e . 250 ahds Muscovado sold for disti l l ing, at 22c; 100 hhds M a s c o v a d o to the trade at 34 a 25c, 100 hlids C a r d e n a s , at 22 a 23c, 150 hbds P o r t o R i c o , at SB and 29 c e n t s .

sugar*--The market c o n t i n u e s quiet and pr ices favor buyers . T h e s a l e s s ince *ur last are 5(H) hhds Cuba, at 4>>H5C.; 200 hhds Porto Rico at 5a5J4c; 100 h h d s N. Or­leans at 4*ia5c; 200 boxes brown Havana . al5)4afle .

Rice-373 t i e r c e s changed hands to -day , at $ 3 8 7 * a $4 50 cash—part for export .

D r u g s — W c n o t e sa l e s 50 casks C r e a m Tartar at 3Ac a 3 0 * c o n the spot , and 3«)*c a 3 7 * c to arrive, t h * mar­ket c l o s i n g firmly—making asking 40c. 21 crs Rio Ipe­cac ai f t * now held higher , S3 c a s k s refined Argols at 94 a Sin ; SO lbs Resubl imed Iodine at | 8 , 1000 a m Suit Q u i n i n e at $ 3 , 4 m o s 1 41 dozens Angostura Hal sain C o p e i v a at 42c , 5 e a s e s Opium at $ 4

Stltpetre—300 bags C r u d e at about 7 * Milan Steel—200boxes forexport on n > il 1 I* ms. W halt hone—Sales 40,000 lbs in N B tor 101 re­

ported at 36c ; Su.ooo lbs from the S a n al 1 h e r e , and 20,000 lbs a i about s a m e rate dec l ined t h e n 'Mar­ket very fiim.

1 oeoa—tsno bags Para a l 5 * c a oe for export . »•-..' Manuiac iurers h a . i n g suppl ied t h e m s e l v e s

with an a v e r a g e supply for s ix months at s h e a r i n g t ime, hut l itt le d e m a n d e x i s t s at present for a n y descript ion. Holders p r e s s i n g sa l e s have forced a materia l reduct ion of prices , and the present currant rate for d o m e s t i c 11 3 8 l o 50c. In v i e w of tne probable free admiss ion o: Fores jn after the next Congress A s s e m b l e s , importers notwi thstanding the present light supply , are anx ious tc te l l at e v e n l o w e r rates than have here to iore b**n eur rent. W e q u o t a — B u e n o s Ayras w a s h e d 13 a 14c, Mas tixa do ! • a 25c. Bntre Rio do 13 a 17c, C o r d o v a do t ? 4 Sac, B u e n o s Ay res u n w a s h e d 9 a 10. M s i t t M do IB a


7,480 1,470

Va N.

A C Ohio

16K 12

- . H i . i 1,008

180' l'i

7,ttb4 1791 H.063


To Liverpool.. London



B.N.America. . S. A m e r i c a . . . .

West Ind ie s . . .

lttrnf Tobacco. Manf. Tobacco. AW

151 14

14 25 25 19 30 17 9



160 195 215





ISOs'tms 188

30 34

cerg" Ibt rWi

1 13.350 57 ; 92,677 33S 1 S1.O0J 120 | 130O 14,821

90 3.000 150 3.1IW


88,770 et 6,679

3.000 10,06! S 14.82B 385


T o t a l . 341 923| 362 i 1546 315,326 902

B l i U I O r A C T U B E O TOBACCO. T h e sa l e s lor the mouth Have been to a fair ex tent ,

and towards the c l o s e an increased b u s i n e s s w a s real­i s e d .

W e have no c h a n g e to not i ce in price?, w h i c h are g e n e r a l l y I r m , notwi thstanding the h e a v y s t o c k s in a g e n t s ' Laud* w h i c h have s l ight ly increased s i n c e our last. T h * grocers buy sparingly , a n d hold but light s l o c k s .

Bast brands of 6'e . ; . ; * • -M e d i u m , B's and 8'., C o m m o n , i s and 8'g

D o . U ' s U o o d and M e d i u m ID'S, s tock l ight T w i s t in k e g s , N o . I

18 a 32 15 a 16 11 a 13 9 a II

1 2 i a 14 18 a 22 15 a — 34 a

, 12 a , 10 a

19 a 30 a

- . . . 1 9 , 5 0 5 p a c k a g e s . 20.456 •' 62,094 26,393

L E A V .

II ir, 12 23 23

Do. c o m m o n , P o u n d s , N o . 1

O o . M e d i u m D o . C o m m o n

3S's L a d i e s ' T w i s t

s a l e s for Sept . , 1853 . . . " 1852. . .

S t o c k s , 1853 1858

S E E D W i t h a g o o d export demand, the s a l e s h a v e b e e n e x

t e n s i v e , e m b r a c i n g all g r o w t h s and grades . !,n pr ices w e have but little change to no te , holders appear ing to ga ther firmness a s the s lock b e c o m e s m o r * c o n c e n ­trated .

F O R E I G N T O B A C C O . T h e imports of Cuba have proved unusual ly large,

offering a n a m p l e assortment of a l l grades T h e de­m a n d is fair and prices u n c h a n g e d . Iu H a v a n a there is l e s s do ing , and both imports ar.d s t o c k s are l ight .

M .16 •o

31 _8 • 31 34

Bihar en Milts fsrusle Longdate)

Do Chirouee B I'llUtOll I'.'.idnifion M i l l s . .

Do Do 3d

Concord River Mg co3* Dedliam 28 l ) e l i ! l*8 teau iMi l l i 36 Dovei 36 Dwighl A . . . . 3d

Do D '•<& Do E 146

Klwel lMi l l l .16 Empire 3*> •'..sex Mi.Is . 'it Oeorge Mills 16 Glasgow 31 isotnu- M i l l s . . . . 31 Granite Mills 31 Great F a l l s . - . 8 . . . 31

Do M . . . 31 Do A . . . 34

Greenville 36 Haiuiltoa 108 Hamlet 3* Haaiptou 1. g Cloth 36 Hancock Mil.a 36 Hanover W r Twist 36 Harmony . . . < l l a m a Manf C o . . . 37 Hope 36

Do 3 l l | Hope Steaai M i l l s . 34 India supr t nitons 37 Junivi Sim i l l lis tin 31

Do 3.4 Do 36 D J 42 Do Al

Lancaster Mil s . . . 37 I.iiuesville 36 L a w r i n c s . . . . A - . , o

Do B . . . 40 Do Q... • I* Do H . . . 30

LoBsdale 36 Do premium. . . 36

Loadoudals . . . 33 Do 31

l i IU.-I f i n e . . . . . . . . «'

l'i Min-tl—( .ueu o.d H'le, Do l i * Do l i Do

f<* Do sv . . . B i * , , . s'a Do ti D i

I > Maucuriter l 0:1117 1 1 * M i m n m M i l l s . . . . 1 1 * Maiimnlle 1 4 * Do 7 Do Steam Twist 3 Mass A s * Do C

13 Medwiv, A m a. m Motiegan

It vi .ut . -nn e 7 Do 9 * Mt WastiS m Mills 9 * Mnwrv'sScli i'w.st 8 * Naslini 6 N . . 4 * Do

in Newliuryport 1 0 * N Harap M'g rum. I l l* New York M i l s . . . fi'sj Do Water Twist . , , ' . . . . 1

l i * Ociaa Bone V: i -» 1 Mi l l i

» Pacific Mills 12 i*ali) Alto 1) Paris, fine . . . . . . . . .

'.<* Pokaoogel, lute none PoBilse aons Hraditg — uoue D i — .

9 D> nous Hevvra M i l l s . . . . •

8 Rnrkiugka-t 71* Roibnrr 8 * Salisbury M i l l s . . . . 9 Social Mi l l i

1 2 * Steam Mill 33 Do

7 * riiorudike 10 Vtiea Mills, preiu

aoue L ' a i o u . . . . . . I I * Do

uoue Do II tjxbridse » * Victory 8 * Va. Ex Wtr Twist. • C Walthaui. P . . .

1 2 * Do X . . . 9 * Wamiutta

i n * Do Gold Medal 1 1 * Warren S'.'in Mills 14 Do A . . . IA1* Warwick I.'ut'lolhs l i * Warwick Ml Co . . 8 * Do f* Washington C o . . . b * Do 8 Do 8 t e a a Mil l s 7 Water Twin,

1 1 * While Rock Mil l s . 15 Do Watsr T w u t . 10 W.liiaiusvilie. fine 0 I Wooniocket Cotton

11*,York P r e m i u m s . . .


..., B im 06 32 M 31 • BI >5 c 34 M ..6 31 146 . 1 1 * -13 36 28 31 39 36 37 36 36 31 30 T 34 M 36 33

A11101 Do. Do . D o . D o . .

Cuba, (Baracoa) „ (St. Jago

" and Ygnani)



1 8 * 1 8 * 2 3 * 2 3 — a —

744 bales, 1347 „

413 „ 334 „ 3M „

33 „

139- bales 3390 ,. 740 „ 309 „

. 5 a 5 * . 5 * a 6 * . . « * a 6 * . . 6 * a 7 . . 7 * • 7 * . . 8 * a 9 *

3,087hhds. 3,634 " 3571 "

3.8S0 " 28,ti8S "

1853, 1852, 1853, 1853, 1853, 1853, 18,585

N E W O R L E A N S M A R K E T T h e b u s i n e s s at this point i s about a t a s t a n d , o w i n g ,

i n a great measure , to the absence of f a c t o r s . N e v e r ­t h e l e s s , t h e market cont inues very firm, a n d for infe­rior g r a d e s ra ther higher prices are o b t a i n a b l e . T h e a d v a n c e o n L u g s and Common Leaf i s fu l ly * c

T h e total receipts for the fiscal y e a r e n d i n g 1st Sep­tember , 1853, w h i c h include 10,050 h h d s s tr ips , and 1700 h h d s s t e m s , s h o w a total of 71,000 h h d s , a n d for same period in 1853. including 11,740 h h d s s t r ips , and 3,118 hhds s t e m s , a total of 89,675 hhds.

Q U O T A T I O N S . L u g s , F a c t o r y

Do . P l a n t e r s ' Leaf , Infer ior t o Common

D> F a i r D o . F i n e D o S e l e c t i o n s

Arrivals from 1st Sep . 1851 to S e p t . 34 , D o do 1853 d o

Exports do 185H d o Do do 1853 d o

S t o c k s do 1853 d o D o do 1853 d e

R I C H M O N D , Va. T h e d e m a n d throughout t h e m o n t h h a s b e e n anima­

ted, and a further advance e s t a b l i s h e d . T h e receipts and breaks are l imited. T h e w e a t h e r for t h e last days of September w a s cold and u n g e n i a l for t h e matur ing of that part of t h e crop set o u t la te . T h e M a y plant ings w e r e partly cut , and prove of g o o d q u a l i t y .

T h e market c lo se s wi th a brisk d e m a n d for al l grades . T h e official s t a t e m e n t of I n s p e c t i o n s is not y e t rece ived , but wil l no t vary mueh from t h e f o l l o w i n g e s t i m a t e , Vic :

Inspect ions at this point to Sept . 30, 1853. . .33,431 hhds. D o throughout the State 50,500

W h i c h s h o w s a decrease c o m p a r e d w i t h las t year o f 1,100 hhds .

Q U O T A T I O N * . L u g s , inferior 0

D o . g o o d . . . . 7 D o . fine m a n u f a c t u r i n g . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Leaf, inferior 9 D o . c o m m o n and middl ing 9 * D o . g o o d shipping 11 Do. fine do 13 D o . l ine manufactur ing . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 *

B A L T I M O R E , M D . T h e a c t i v e d e m a n d for both M a r y l a n d a n d Ohio con­

t i n u e s w i t h o u t abatement , s t i m u l a t e d by t h e l ight re­ce ip t s and reduced es t imates for t h e g r o w t h of 1853.

T h e s t o c k of Maryland is e x t r e m e l y l ight , and gener­a l ly he ld u n d e r l imits , prices i iave aga in improved.

Ohio h a s m e t with ready b u y e r s , tha p u r c h a s e s hav­ing been part ly s p e c u l a t i v e , running p a r c e l s of R e d s , a v e r a g i n g 5 * t o 6 * cent s ; other g r a d e s at the quoted p r i c e s .

Q U O T A T I O N S . G o o d to F ine crop M e d i u m Crop

" C o m m o n " S e c o n d s " Inferior tails and frosted

Ohio, G o o d to F i n e Y e l l o w . " " S p a n g l e s " R e d d o " C o m m o n t o Medium Colory " Good F i n e Reds " M e d i u m " " G o o d c o m m o n do " Inferior and Green " Scraps

BXrOBTS. Against s a m e t i m e In 1858.

15,648 Hhds 4207 "

IS,**! " 3791 " 3891 " 225 "

1442 " 559 "

669 " 94 " 73 -

331 "

43,112 "

22.223 Hhds 14,789 "

133 " 389 "

ft "

g , B r o w n . A do B do- .C

. Bleached.

. Blae Boott. Brows

D o . - B l r a c h s d . . . T o . . B l u e

Chicopee, B r o w n . . Do Bleached Uo Blue

Coaastoga, Brown. Dwight. Brown

Do Bleactied . Do Blue

Granitavill* Haacock India, Browa Larouia, B r o w n . . -

Do Bleached Do Blue Do C o r s e t . . .

Lawr'nrs BrownN Do . . .B l sacb .edN D o . . . B i u a . . . . N D o . . . B r o w n . . W D o . . . B i » s . hedW

Mass. , Browa Do. .Bleached . . . D o . . B l u e

Amsk'g Dack.1,85. Ashland

Do . . Iiaggius . . . Da Do Dack Do do Do do Do do

Boston Dues C o . . . No 1, 18 ox No. 2. 17 ox No . 3, 16 ox

N<is 4 to m. weight and prices sama p r o p o r t i o n . . . . . . .

Cayadntta Cupola . . . . . . . . . . . .

D i Di Aa 0

Do Do

E u e i Dock Ettnek



8 * Norfolk, Brown 8 'Oxford, do . . .

Peaseie. do Peppeull , B r o w n . .

9 * Do Bleac'd. 8 \ Uo .ColorBd.

i i 31 37 36 34 .u 45 31 3 4 * 36 32 M 36 B 31 36 37 M 31 4 . , 37 37 36 36 31 31 3.1 12 37 36 36 31 37 37 96 37


1 2 * 1 1 * 'J 8H

Ul» •5 8)4 a

M l * 1 2 * H * H

7 * 6

M B * I * ** 841 y

11 1 -

« * 8«J w*


1 4 * 16 7 * 6

aoue «* » k

\ 2 \ 'J

u *

* * 10 k

Biue 9 * s *

num. 8 I

11 none

lo HI *

7 11 8

1 1 * none a o i e

12 k 30 i o k 11 8

ne.ie none.

10 n". 9 *

10 1 2 * IS 13 8 *

1 2 *

H ) I I . :.- e.» >.,} n ' t iiti'sBttled, and • 1 . 1 - . tnpoi • ' M... l i . i .g » t s o l l i r i d

7 * 1 8 * J

8 * P e q « B . - . 9 * r " Perkiae, Browu 8 D o . . . . Blsacued. 8 * Do . . . B l u e • sj Pelertmro. Bleac'd.

8 * Salmon Fal l i , Br'u 30 8 D i Bleached 28 8 * Do Blue 32 10 Slater'i Browu 30 6 * D o 30 7 Staik Mills— 30 8 ' Stout B r o w n . . . C 30 8 i Do BlearnedSC 28 8 * Do Blue 28 9 * Do Corset 38 t-k Ruff.dk, Brown 30 8 ' Do Bleached . 2 8 * 8 * D u . . . . B l u e 2 8 * 9 * Thistle 36 10 I is 36 IU* WasUiugton Browu 30 8 , Do Bleached 2 8 * 8 * | 28 9 *

OSNABURGS. 33 1 2 * Ettrick 36 11 James River 24 12 1 do -1 11 Lowell A 28 13 Do . . . B 36 17 Do .1 40 19 Do Twilled D 44 21 Do do K

M a n c h e s t e r . . . . . . . 23 28 do 32 27 Methnaa D u c k . . . . 22 26 Patapeeo

Ds Do D o . . . D u c k

38 11 Do do 30 8 * Do BagglBf . . . 36 II m do si 9 Planters 33 9 jSoiithera L o w e l l . . a. 9 jSwift Creek 28 1 tk Ihistie D u c k . . . 31

30 28 28 28 30 28 28 .'11 30 28 28 30 37

30 29 29 3* 30 27 26

Amoikeag . . . . . -A D i • Do C

B i a m a a . . . . . . . . . . Camlst Clinton Globe, b l e a c h e d . . .

Do Corset Lacouia, B r o w a . . .

Do Bleached Do C o r i e t . . .

Lancaster . . . . . . . . . Msnchei t sr Corset Naumkeaf, Colored Naumkiag Bleaoad

Amoekeag California . . . . . . . . . Columbian . . . . . . . . Kagl* J e w e l t C i t v . . . Manehi i ter . .

30 29 27 28

27 27


27 27

. . 28

. A C A A

, . . - . - H

c n

6 * 7 * 9 9 *

10 12 14 25

Maryland, 7 a 9 6 * a 7 5 * a 6 5 * a 7 5 a 5 *

10 a lfi 9 a 12 7 * 8 5?» a « * 6 * a 8 5 * a 6 * 5 * a 5 * 5 a 5 * 4 a 4 *

Amoikeag. D o Do . . . . Do Do

Aihburtoo. B r o w n ' i . . . Columbian. Coneitoga . E n e i . . . . . Granits S t a t e . .

A m o i k e a g — Do

AihburtoB. . . Hampshire . . Ida J i w e t t Ci ty . .

Do , L e h i g h . . . . . .

Al A

11 , 8 *

11 9

9 1 3 * 9 '

JKAN8. 8 * Ns i ha a B r o w a . . . . 8* ' Do Bleac .had . . . . 8 k Pepperill, B r o w a . .

aoBe1 Do Bleached 16 iStaaley, Browa . .

none' Do Bleached 8 Nelson Corset 8k SuaaBoe 8*Thorodika, Brown 9 I W a l t h a u i sat i n , b i d 9 Dodb' le twii'd do 7)4 York, Browa "k Do Blaanhed

10* : Do Corset 9 *

DGNIMS. 12*lMslros* 11 Otis ink Oxford 10 iThoradike 10k York 7k' TICKS 16 Hamilton 12* Jewett City 12 I Do 11 Methuiie 10k Mtlford Improved.

none O t i s . . . . . . . . . . . 10 j Pearl River P R . . .

11 me Pennsylvania 13*So«hegBB 14 iThoradike . . . . 10 IWalpaia

33 28 31 30 .16 40 30 40 27 31 27 36 21 37 31 36 20 21 31 30 30 31

27 27 77 27

8 rk 8 , 8 8 * 8 * 8 8 8 * 9 *

** 8 8 9 * 8 7 * 8 BS 9 * 8 * 8 8 * 9 * 8

lions 8 8

II 6 * 7 * 8 *

1 0 * 1 2 * 1 1 * 1 4 * 7 * 8 *

14 1 1 * 9 * 8 *

13 1 6 * 1 0 * 1 0 *

8 10

7 * 8 9 9 *

unae 7 * 8

mine none

8 8 k 8 9 9

1 1 * 1 0 * 10 10* 1 2 *

Amoikeag, Rro, A Do d o - . B Do Blch'd A Do d o . . . B Do Col'd A Do 1I0.. .B

Aitihurton, Brown. li Bleached

Franklin, B r o w n . . Do Bleached

COTTON STRIPES. .6-3 . . U* |MBnche i ter .3 -3 . . 11 Neptaee . . . . . . none O t i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , noa* Portland

9% Taylor, light 30 in Do dark

. . . . 37 9*' ,Y»rkNankias 7 * |

COTTON F L A N N E L S . 30 1 1 * Hami l toa ,Brown. . 30 11 ' Do Bleach'd 30 12 ! Do extra width 30 I I * MaBChestsr, Col'd 30 1 2 * Do Blch'd 30 12 ! Do Browa 29 none Naomkeag, Brown 28 mine1 Do Blch'd

9 * Pepperill, B r o w a . . 9 * Do Blch 'd . .


30 30 27 27 32 "T7 32 31 28 28 32


30 31


29 27

27 26 28 31 29 29 27

Bone 9 * 9

1 4 * 13

none 15 1 1 * i n * 10 I S *

7 7 *

none 10 8 * 8 *

1 2 *

9 * 1 0 * i«.S 10 1 0 * 9 *

1 0 * 11 1 1 1 *

Glai , plato a n c o l ' i Do Plaid


II 10


W. Indi Other ports .


, 16,880 Hhds 8922 8854

. . . . . 2494 1779

. 271 302

13J9 36


I t

( 1

I s

N 14

t l

t l

'* 14

t f

• *

( 1

iNseienoNS. 24.399 16,072

335 1049


Hhds I t

• 4



T o t a l 41,699

Stock 1st J a n . 1853 Inspected s ince

E x p o r t e d do

Stock on hand Ott . 1. 18.13.

37,530 '

. . . 1 1 , 7 5 9 hhds.

. . . 4 1 , 6 9 9 "

53.458 " . . . 4 8 . 9 3 3 "

. .10,523

Raleiat the Baltimore Stack Beard, O n oner 3 —100 B i " i more and Ohio Rulrom! Boads. 1155. 8 4 * ; 12 share . Mr-c h i - t r i ' Bank. 1 9 * ; 2S0 do Baltimore sou Ohio Railroad, • 1 * ; II do (Taion Manutactnriiig Company, 1 5 * .

At tha Board thii dtv. Md 6'i 1870, c lo ied at 106* bid. Bait b'a 184), 104* bid, 105 aiked, Balt imore and Ohm Rail­road ttondi. 1867, i l l * asked ; do l«Bo. 90 a s k e d , do Utftg.Ac* bid. 8A asked; d e i h a r e i 6 l * bid, 62 asked.

1 Sale, of Stock*, ol the Brohtre Board Boiton Ortobar 1 — ' ma) Vermont Centril Railroad, 1 3 * * 1 4 * , 2BB9 f leaihurg I Railroad, 1 4 * a 14*; 50 Boston and Maine H . i l f * * ! , ifk, U I Fits_4Vurg Railroad, 9S*; IT! Philadelphia, w" . ,.. ,i£lon and

Baltimore Rai.im .re, 3 6 * . tt Ysrmout aud Canada Railroad ' 99k , U Westera Rsilma l.M, I Portland, S a c o and Porti

mouth Railroad. 9 9 * to Old Colony Railroad. 93; 3 Boston and Worcester Railroad, in' '* , 50 Worcester and Hashsa Railroad 5 9 * , 75Toltac Mining Company, 1 1 * a 12, v n Ful-too Copder Compear, 2 * a 3 * . 45t) Maloae S a a d i t n m Cere

6aay, 1, 79 Kast Boatoa Compaa» Dividends, .4*, ,0 Wsbster s a s , 102*; 2 Washington Bank, 101), $'*SBI Ogdenihurg Se­

cond Mortgage SBVOBI. 68 Second Bo>rd-.30i Ogdeaihurf Rsi lrosd. 1 4 * a 1 4 * . l.v)

VsrmoBi (antra! Railroad, 14. 50 Worcei ter aad . l e ihua Railroad. v»k 35 Philadelphia, Wi'miagmn and Baltimore Railroad, 31; WO Faltoa Cooper Compear, I * a 2 k - *o Tel-tec Miking Cempasr, 13, I***) B o g u s C u r f i v e i , <l*,W »*.

Allan's mad'r, 32 in. Do d s . . . 27 in.

Am. Print Worki— Madder, No . 1 . . .

Do 2 . . . Blue and orange . . Green and b lack . . Blue and w h i t e . . . Ruby

Chapini' blue A o r . . Do m a d d e n

Cocheeo P la te i Coneitaga madder . . C'innf llfcCo's mad. Franklin, hlk A wh.

Do.bik It lavender — a 8 * Garner's fine (Chintz none

Do, mad dk, 30 in. Do, do do 28 in. Do, do light, 30 in. Do, do do 28 in Do, dam. far 30 . . Do faucy

Hamilton Colli, black ft white.

Do. madder . . . . . .

10 I M a n h a l l ' i P l a i d . . . . 11 >lancheiter 11 N V..rk M11 •s.Piini PRINTS. i n |Monotomy— a l 0 * j Blueand w h i t e . . . . —

1 Blue and orange . . — — alO* M s m m a e k f a n c y . . . 10 — alO I Do b l u e . . . — — a 9 * Do, blk ft orange. — — a 9 * M n m a m . b l k f t w h i t e — — a 9 * PerkiniCo —

11 Profidesce Print Worki: none. M i l d e r , No. 1 9 k a l 0

9 I 9 * Do N o 2 8 k a 9 — alO* Do.Er stylee 26 l . ' V 1 •

13 i

12 u 12

a 9 a 9 * a i o k a 8 * a 9 a 7 * a 9 *

9 * a i u Ripka'i Mar Shir . 9 * i 2 n * Koheion'i fc Son's: - a 7 * Blue and" orange . .

Ind g r e e n . . . . . . . . Bine and g r e e n . . .

none. Blue and w h i t e . , none, j Dn large aad fig.

8 a— Rochelle. blk ft w h . 6 * 4 7 * Do hlk ft nurple. 5 * a 9 Do hlk. ft l a v . . . . 6 l | a l1 Sprague'i madder . . 9 a 9 * _ D o blue ft orange.


- a 9 * - a 9 * - a 9 * - a 9 - alO none

7 a 8 I I 8

Minches ler madder —

a u * Wash, blk ft w h . all) Du hlk fc lavender a 8 i Do. ir.a.ld'* . . . . . . 9 k s


t 0

u a i u u m

C I . 1.1- -1 ua rr,rna Ohio !*l~f, '"r **'* * r

J H . D B A I - B f t C O . - t Waiere ireet V \ | . l . l o . BKL'.sS_l.8 C A R P K l ' N G — A B a l .nre el l i -- prr. ir .{as itv and new l . i j m , ,u i t rece ived, lersa ls by ,.l HASTINGS a PLIMPTON, 5 So*ta WiiUamst.

^ t u a l . U N U rMLT as-li iuee i s Kag i i ia aad Vreach.

. 1 " " l i l t l N N K L L . MINTPRW ft CO ; 71 gootu it . '1'OMACCO—I in sa le i Cieuluegos Tobacc.) of prime qaeli-A tr, |'_ri Iu i-.ud, 114 UI1J1. K i a . u c k y , for aaie by . 3 M A t HEWS, KINIGAN fc TO . I* Wall st

C-U 'B 'A WKlTK WAX—J3 "tales •r 'sa 'panor quality ia ' Boad, lur l a l e by oj I H ) M _ S OWEN fc S O N . 154 Booth It.

W P l H i r s ' r C K P . * N T L s E - - i t' ht.ls,"or srima qoahty ia s v taa shipmui 0 dc -. 101 sa le la lots t o aait bv



shipping 0 dc -, lot sa le la lots t o aait by DOLLMER fc P O T T E R . IM Froat i t

OLABSEB—343 hhds. a id IM I Bow iBB'luif^'or n i l bv

es MBicovado Mulasaes,

V t A V i r i K l V s V l N t - A N k y O X . 94 Wall st

SUGAR—11' ahds. h e w Oriea_i Sugar, of vanoua grades ia store, tor sale by

ul JOHN G. M I L L E R . 83 Watsr s t . _

( 4AUS11C ALKALI—»'ive theuaaad poaads eupeuer -' ,u» ; i , sa i iabls for ioap a i i k s r i an* bieaehsrs. far

sitleliy J A M B 8 T . LEWIS fc CO . 82 Water el • »

I^ E ATM K RBS— looo lb white and gray Uv* Uaaaa rea iaara , Uudiuf and for sale by

"' THOMAS W A L L A C E , 84 Water street \ | At'KKKtCL—«24 bbls Bo 3 Markaral, Halifax laspee' . ' 1 i n n . ,u b iu,l suiiable for i l . . p u » a i to the Weal )r_Uoe. f r . a l e l . y JAMK9 H t ' M k l i a CO 174 Proat st. a»

J AMAICA RDM—In p a n c l i e . - i , eome very lupenor, IB nm lan.l lor aale by

03 H I L G E R f c s - Q 19 P i n t straat.

"r \ |uSTARD BEBD—PruMjeUvw E u g i i s a IB stora aad 1*1 ivsl lauding, for sale by

u3 M V L L - K fc K L U q K U T L 9 0 W a t e r s t . _

BA H A M A B P O N G K - A ip l e id id lot ol white earnage, uard head aad coarse, iuit received, for aals by

1 ^ ^ L * * ' . * 1 * ^ 1 * * ? * - . * C " ° - 7»a***-l*t. _

I V. Ak' l o t t A i i . ) - ; 1. bates Havaaa. wiappara aad It lera - ot new at J old crop; 30C bales Cuba wrappers and Hilars

I T sale by I . . H fcj VF.TTERLEIN 12-iWaiersi ...4

C^LO VERSE ELS— Asj bbli. and UMBM boat uew Clover '' seed, IB lots to iuit purchi iari . for sa'e hv


\ | CM i)V ADv> » I 0 1 . A » H E > - J « S . uiiiii Mosoovada _ l e -. ' I lasses, iu boud.for sala by

ol DANIEL Ct'RTIB fc CO,111 I S a r l a t .

N o u s c o p i o n s l'extrait tu ivant de la Cireulaire do MM. Djccor-rgT B T C I I . Par Africa N f w V O B K , 3 Oct .

La h o u v e l l o dc la h o u s s e de I'littore. a a Ang le t erre e t stir le c o n t i n e n t Ftiropeen, rccue d e p o t s nos dernier* av is , n'.'i produit jusqti ' ict stir no ire p l a c e , qu'i icn eflrt moddre. L e s tonds speculatifs out m£ine rogagnc en tmiine partic la baisse qu'ils B V M * A I suii ie tout d'aoor.l , et e x h i b e n t a s s r z de fermeiii. L e s funds a p l a c e m e n t s rf'guliers sont c o m p u r a t i v e m e n t ncgligi'4 , la c o n t i n u a linn d u t a i i x <-lev* de t t trt lr l t , e l la ilrniiuide rr-iluite out tint par e n inf lnencer i iucki' ics u r i s e u t ia isse , q n e l q u e les r e n t e s forcoes so i en t t i n rares e t l e s u u a n i i t e s e a gciicral pas trhs considtrai j les . L'011 petit n o i e r a n e baisse d e 1 A3 p c t sur les St. Loui s City e t C o m i t y , Pittsburgh, Cinc innat i , S*h F r a n c i s c o , Ihs Er ie 1* h y p , et les B r i e Convert ib les .

y u o l q u o s fluctuations plus trancli.-rv «e font atissi re-marqner sur no ire liate de Rai lroad l i o n s y i n t m d u i s o n s aujourd'hui las Obl igat ions du N e w Y o ' k Centra l R. K C. I m i s e s Act ionnaires c m pa iment t ies pr imes diver­s e ! mi« que l l e* l e s C o m p a n i e s nut e t l mlmtaes a la con­sol idat ion. Kl l e s s o n t d e s t l o e e s a oecusjhr u n » place impor lan ie sur n o t t e man-he e n raisou d u chiffre c o n . stdcr.ible e t de la nature tl* la s c r u n t e . e l l e s c montem 2 $8,287,000 d e 6 p. et. rembourxahl**, IS8S. e l i e i ne Mint (Hunt paranl i e s par t ins h v p o i t i l q u e mais par nu Ion-!.- d 'amort iaaement obhgato ira de I pour f t , N * u t cotoi is a u s i i $3,000,000 Bonds <lu C h i c a g o et Mississippi R. R , S-IS47 convert ib les j t isqu' e n 18IS, e t garantis par u n e 3 hypotheqt i e .

Einpri i i i t i c o u r t s T p. ct.; empri inls I lung terme 10 i 12 p, c t . Papier long 1 0 1 12 p e t .

L a t e n d a n c e d e s c h a n g e s BBnftntM I la haus i e . Pr in-ct[»alfs affairrs sur Londres 1 0 9 * a 109 i et gur Par i s de 5.134 a 5 . 1 3 * .

A la c lo ture les fonds de specu la t ion sont plus fsi tiles.

Vos obcissants serv i teurs , D B C O P P L T * « 0

"" B A l . T l M i » R K . O. t . 3. Cattle Market.—Beat Catt le— Tu. r.; w e r e odered at

the s c a l e i to-day 1340 head of B w t e i - 0 0 0 sold, lOO driven off, IM lefi oyer Pr ices rsngssl from $1 *3 to 4 'li o n the imof, nett $5 3A to 8 »0. a v e r a g i n f $1 H i s g i o i s . Hugs S a l e s at tne sr . '*• to-day at $ • 10 to 7 00. S h e e p - Salr-i at tha sca les t o d a y from $ 3 00 to 5 0 0 snd In to lerable g o o d demand.

•'I'th. .1 K Hr..<Y— .sj tiarees prist* Maes Beef o f very s i -I psnoar juality, for sa l s by al M T H U B B A B D . 37lrroatBtr—«.

^' <HH SALE—36 ttW Bag alia Safar i , i a . ia . . i e for ike J a _ ...ruia market, by

_ o 3 _ JAMEB SMITH ft BON. • Wall straat. _

BODBBON W H I - E K Y - A eaiaU lot at .aid B e o r k a -Wliiiaey. for sale by

o l DAYTON. S P R A O P E ft C^. .tw7*TO*t.

D I V E K ' H C E L E B R A T E D r'KKirr U K H V — O r d e r s ra­ft ce .vedby t 'ELIX N E U K E L D E B . M D e r s t . .

o3 so.a Agent for the United Statea.

LAKD—;>9 casct Latd. in 10 lb. caauisters . pat op IB Call-roruiaatyie . loraBlahy B A K E K f c PHILLIPS.

04 I99au.l301 Duane I t , e o r , Waahuiftoa.

OYSTERS— SWdoxen, hermetically saa i sd , IB 2 lb. caas warraatad to keep ia aay cl iaiaie , for sa le by

"3 J O . B A K E R fc CO . 109 Wall st.

R IVETS—A full Bisort-i*Bt of Boiler a a d l e a k Rivets, ia s t u n , lor m i e by

ud H O L D A N E f c t?Q., 91 W a s . i u f l o a St.

BOILER PLATE—SO tons 3-Id i n c h ; Bo'do * de ; tbia K do ; 36do la do. varioos widths , for sa i l by

Broad s t o3 do ; 35do * do, varioui w i d t h i ,

T. B. C O D D I N U T O N . oi

DHILLINGS—300 bales AasoeXeac Dr i l lu i f s , for agpwita-liou, lot sa le by

03 MERRIAM. BREWER fc CO • 34 P i n a l . *p sjsj>*j

BOILER l it i lN—Peaiisylvaaiabest Boiler l roa . orvanatu sixes, iu store, for sala hy

o3 HOLDANE fc CO.. Wo II Washington at. I > O K E - 6 0 0 bbls Mi si . 400 de Biuap;" ..*) ,lo Prims: BM da A Soar Prima, for tale by _o* BRUSH ft CO. 35 Froat s t ,

1) I G IRON—100 tone No! 1 Booteh Ptf Iron, on shipboard ia ," t • aad for sale by

o3 S P O F E O R D , TILESTOX ft CO ,30Broadway.

RD S I N — F i n e Rosin, se lec ted expr essly for saippiBg to be bad of

o3 D E P P E H M A N N ft ALBCRT1S. 90 Beavir i t

AN G L E IRON—A full asaortuienl of aaperlot m a i n y Ae­gis iron, oa hand, for sala By

03 H O L D A N E f c C O . . 91 WaaBxaf ton at 1 IK.Mil. SHIRT BUTTONS—A laige Bssertmsat reeeivai I from Europe, by recent arrivals of steamers, for sale by

o l M AUKS fc DA V O L rt Cedar street

K A1LKO AD I R O N . - F o r aala, and a o w landing, 310 was most approved patter, T rail. Apply to

al DAVIS, BROOKS fc CO , 2 4 * Broadway

W H A L E OIL—880 buls winter bleached a i tra . fog Bale by L A N E fc H U S S E T . 134 Faarts t .

oil aad 8B Water itraat. \ » i HEAT— Joa bsgs, eeataiaing aboat 870 baskels naw v v Soalbera Wheat, i s store aad for sa le br o3 JAMES H U N T E R fc CO.. 174Frosts*

MOLASSES—300 hhdi. belt oualilv Cardaaaa Moiaaaas for sa le ia lot ! to iuit punl.aeera by

o3 PECK fc C H D E C K . 130 W a l l « ; _

( M i N N Y BAGS—1400 loeee, imal l u s e , laadiug from ship • Jiataa Drake , and for aala by u3_ S__£*__*£: _-_JSSS3 "• SS- 5 -SS-i-Sfc

1>EPPER—300O~bsfs kaavy S a n a t r a , far sals , la bead ar daty paid, by

o l TOWMSUND, CLINCH ft D I K E , 17 ft o l F r s a t i t

13'MENTO—etio bags Jamaica, ia aoaa or duly paid SB - b y T O W N B E N D . CLINCH fc DIKE,

«7 and 69 Froat it ilUL o3

CCINNAMON— ?4 bales 1st auality Cevloa <a boad. for •aJshr T O W N S E N D , C L I N C H fcDIKI.

o3 17 ft W F r a a t straat.

l e a n ba landed I >IU IRON—121 toes Uartsbsrrie, here aad < at any wharf in tha barbor. for ia le by

03 THOMAS W A L L A C E . 13 Water at.

SODA A8H—Moapatt' i rsnaed Soda Ask IB stare; in aa i t sad to arrive, for sale by

t 'TRl'S W. F I E L D f t C O , l l d i B s t 03

SHEATHING COPPER—10 oaaai 14 aad II *«• BA—thing Copper, of superior quality, for sale by

ol Q O O P H P E ft CO. 84 Booth St.

B"'MMTand BAGGING—O* every daaeripuoa. Bags, wovea whola, all sixes, far s a l e by

03 F O X ft P O L H E M U 8 . 59 Broad St., ear. Beave •

HEAVY HOP is AC KING - 1 0 0 piecesrsmaiaiag SEA I S L A N D BAGGING—200 pieces, for sale by

o3 TUCKER. COOPER ft CO. , 70 8oath itraat.

1/ 1 R E B R I C K S - A b o m I3.MW Stooibridge Fire Brleki, far sala ax ship. Apply to

o3 JOS. K E R S H A W , M Broadway.

NE A T S F O O t OlL-lOfJ1 bMs.. far l a l e bv H E N R Y WALDKON,

o3 IROFronta i . , eor. bnrliaf slip.

HEIDMCK CHAMPAGNE—50 baskets Heidnek Chaai-psgos W m , laadi ig and for aale at $12 oar d o s e s , by

0.1 M. H O L L A N D E R , 89 Beaver i t .

LAKD OIL—2 ssj gallons Lard Oil, ear owa asaaufaetoia: also, 13H0 gallons Western N o . 1. for sale bv

J E W E L L , H A R R I S O N ft CO. , o3 37 W a t a r i t . , aad 7 E n e P l a a a .

ARROWl^oTrT-^n bbli and half bbis . Sassafras Hark— 30 hbls prima. Sal Tartar—50 da-u io -aa , for sala by

o l GEORGE P. EDGAR, 145 Water st.

1" >0 CALIFORNIA A N D A U S T R A L I A SHIPPERS— . 108,000 feat ot dryssasooed 1 * Ineb Tal low Piaa Flar­

ing afloat and tor sals by S _ J r t K O I ft C H P R C W . I - O W a l l B t .

SARDINES AND T R U F F L E B - S o case i BardiBas aad S c a i e i lrufflsi, just lereived, iu good order, a a * o f fa­

vored brand «, for sala by 03 T. W. B A T A P D ft CO.. 101 Paarl st.

CHOCOLATE—Suitable for sa ipmea l ta California. Aas-trali.1, ftc. of Bsker and •>..here manoractar*. of varioas

qualitias and prices, tor sale in lots to aoit purchasers by 03 ^ J C O L D E N M U R R A Y . 8 2 Soota at.

they ara of the manufacture, d will C4ANDLES—450 hote l S's and 8 1 C a o d l s i ,

- viry o u t quality of J. Strata's 1 Hand 100 degree! of hsa:. for Bale hy

Strata's ir i s l e hy

T H f ^ B A R D SON. 27 Froat It.

SOUTHERN FLOUR—3000 bbls H s x a l l . Belmont, E i t r a Eagle ,Gray Ear'" sr,d Bridgwater, for loaf vevafaa aad

warm e l imate i , for ia le by o3 A L L E N ft P A X S O N . 114 Front i t .

COHOElFsHIHTSiBd DRAWERS—A fnlll assortaiSBtZ compruiBf all tha varioui q o a l i t i e i in scarlet, white ,

biue and fancy colore, for fale by the sole i g r a t i o< S W A N ft W E T M O H E , 4 6 Broadway.

V ERMILLION—Eight eaaas Chinese Vermilnoa. ia s tars , and for sale by

L E I o3

CWIS 8 M O R R I S ft CO. 114 Front St. coraer Wall s trset .

MA N U F A C T U R E D TOBACCO—2500 b u m of varioui si­zes and hrandi, comprising S's, s's , 10's, 33's and pound

111 in pi, for i s l e by o3 JAMES H U N T E R ft CO,. 17t Froat i t

MADDER—Prime Ombri. Sal Soda—-Nawcaatl*. Carb. Ammonia—in lars. Kai iao i—Prime Java.

Lu np Arsenic— Prims white . Jnniper Berries—Prists Leg 1 orn, in store and for sala by

o3 MULLP1R » K L E U O K 1 8 T , 90 Water St.

IJOR.TABLE FOROKSl—Round — Queen's batsot — and square portable forges and be l lows ,complete , for imiths

railroad and plantation uies , of different n i s i open aad a a -c l u e d i ides , foriale by the msaufarlorer' i sgea t i .

o3_ LONG fc D A V E N P O R T , IQPlatt St.

1AANCY FEATHERS—a o s s n , cootBiBiBf a variety a s ty las , satiable for for m i n e s ' a a d e n i l d r m ' s k a l i

n u t received and f e r f l e b y J O H N C, H E N D E R S O N fc CO. ,

o j 174 aad 17« Paarl i t . , (op n a l r i . )

\" .* RLLti'w" M E F A T SHEATHING—HafeBBei best quality

Ksgl i ih , ISto l i o n maauiBCtured by Willi a s , Foster fc Co for sale by

ot G R I N N E L L . M I N T U R N ft CO. 7 I S o « t b s t . _

M ADEIRA wINES—Of th* wal l Paown and favorite hraeds J A G . R. snd Raseoda, l a q o e r t e r aad aightas.

a$ P HARMONY'S N E P H E W S ft CO. g Booth i t .

f ^NOi . ISH TAPESTRY C A R P F . r l N G S - A imall i s s u e s A nf Va .va t aud Brni i e l i , Croplsy's make, ms' reeaived

MIIJ f ,r sale by t H A S r i V G S fc P L I M P T O N . 5 South William st

BRAKIERS A N D BOLT C O P P E R — A full alee rt stent ef Braxisrs and Bolt Copper froai tba TBUBIOB Copper

Works; extra s i t u made to order by ••3 , W I L L E T B ft CO. 303 Pearl st.

I M P O R T E D 'CORDIALS—Aaarett*, Manaehino , Carseoa. Raspberry Syrup aud Vinegar, Absinthe, red sad white ,

K'ri.thebwaaser. now l indiag per Bremen bark Colombia, m r i e l a n y H E N R Y S N Y D E R . 8.'. Beaver i t o 3 _

Vr E L L O W M E T A L S H E T H I N G — A fall aaiertmsal froai II to 32 a* Crocker's Taunton Yellow Sheathing Metal,

a superior article, for ia l e by 03 WILLETS ft C C . 303 Pearl street.

WH"VC THREAOS, ftc-Jast received a freih itaek of »-9 Tl iommn'i patent Thraadi of v i n o u s c o l o n tad let table ler ttaoe f lndug t o s s e s , troak raakere, haraeee • s k s r s , fte. aud well worthy the attention of d i a l e r s , for sale by the oa-deriigned. who'araiole ageuti ia the U 8 for the aale of thess Th readi C L A R E ft L A U R I B , IM Front t t . a l l

BALAAM Cot'AIV \ - M a r s . T . S . » s f l i Java, ia bbli ABfe-tora, ta demi.ekai

Maraeaiho, in pipes a id cana. both ia hood aad oat ef bead Al io fo l i8abl i . ihsr . l e i t ) for i s le hf

H A S K E L L , MERRICK fc B U L L , s30 Wo iu (laid st . N e w "fork.

w" W A N fc~WSTMORE. 46 Broadway, enSra ter Mia a fan t^arai aaeartmeat ol Iiee'estie G..mls, eoanst iag ia part of—

C l l n l l P n i s i — N e w sad desirable patiaraB. Madder P I I B I I - N S W du do Bins and Whiti Pi.ate— Large aad imsl l Igoras, l ad i fa

c o l o n . Plata H u h Color Prists. colored Cs-ibriei— Fiaa and low priced Colaaad SUMtaa—Book fold. Nbeetiags—Bteaekad aad h i o w a , 4 4. 4-4, 10-4 sad 13-4. Sh r' ngs— Bteaebad and Brown, 3-4 aaa 4-4. l»-ille—Bleached aad hloa Tieks—Talapooaa, Roeheiter. Bristol tad W» omiag Csatoa FidKBBIS—Bleached aad brown rweada—All wee) , f o e sad Sow gradaa. Cloakiaga—CaatoB aad all wool Shirts, D r a w e n sod Saski—Whit i aad i i i h t , ftc U agliaini fte. sJU



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