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Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation...

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Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL November 5 th , 2017
Page 1: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church

Oxford, FL

November 5th, 2017

Page 2: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Reformation Sunday


NOTES ON TODAY’S SERVICE Lord, keep us faithful to your Word! The Festival

of the Lutheran Reformation of the Church emphasizes the true Church’s unfailing

reliance on the Word of God and unflinching testimony to it in the face of

persecution. Jesus promised to pour out his Spirit on the Church that we might be

God’s mouthpiece even before kings. Today the Church prays that the Lord give us

the strength to be faithful and the peace of knowing our lives are safe in his hands.


by your presence and invite you to return to worship with us again. If you do not

have a church home, consider making ours – yours! If you would like more

information about Open Bible Lutheran, please feel free to speak to Pastor Schulz

or to one of the Greeters. You may reach Pastor Schulz at 989-525-5514. Or go to

our web site: www.openbiblelutheranchurch.com. Please stay and visit for

fellowship after the Worship Service.


Restrooms can be found on the right side of the fellowship hall.

Personal Hearing Assistance Devices are available. Ask an usher.

Please turn off all cell phones Personal and other electronic devices. Thank you.

Prayers for Worship can be found on pages 10 and 11 in the front of the hymnbook.

Applause: Please refrain from applause during the service.

Photographs: Please refrain from any photographs during the service.

† For respect of those who use the sanctuary for meditation before the service, please

refrain from any unnecessary noise once the pre-service music has begun.

We have 3 Large Print Hymnals available, please ask an usher for a copy.

Return at the end of the service.

Also, this Week’s Worship Bulletin is available on our website.


It’s located on the home page-right hand side under Mornings with Mommy

“Sunday Bulletin.”

Prelude: Three Versions of "Ein Feste Burg" Anonymous/Schmidt/Praetorius

Prelude and Fugue in e minor(Cathedral) J.S. Bach

Page 3: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Reformation Sunday


A Commemoration of the Lutheran

Reformation of the Church

OPENING HYMN “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” CW#201

Choir will sing verse 3


Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy


Congregation: Amen.

DIALOGUE Congregational responses taken from words of Martin Luther

and ancient Christian creeds

P: It was in Eden that Satan destroyed the peace that existed

between God and his human creatures. It was in Eden where the

tragic cry began:

C: Lord, have mercy on us. Show us your face. Deliver us from

Satan’s hold.

P: When the time was right, God acted. He sent his Son to do

for his creatures what they could not do for themselves. Jesus

Christ lived and died and rose again to restore peace and renew

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Reformation Sunday


the divine image that had been lost. The Church was born to

carry the message of Christ to the world.

C: We shall not die but live and declare the praises of God.

P: Satan was not finished. He challenged the Church’s faith and

mission. But God preserved his Church, often quietly, sometimes

with only a whisper. Even in the depths of darkness the light of

grace flickered.

In the fourth century as Satan attacked the deity of Jesus, the

Church confessed:

C: We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from

Light, true God from true God.

P: In the fifth century as Satan challenged the doctrine of the

Holy Trinity:

C: Now this is the true Christian faith: We worship one God in

three persons and three persons in one God, without mixing the

persons or dividing the divine being. For each person—the

Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—is distinct, but the deity of

the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one, coequal in glory and

coeternal in majesty.

P: Through the centuries the battle continued. Often Satan

seemed to be the victor. The cry of God’s people went before his


Page 5: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Reformation Sunday


C: Lord, have mercy on us. Show us your face. Deliver us from

Satan’s hold.

P: When the time was right, God acted. He raised up a man,

Martin Luther, a man often plagued by weakness and doubt. But

God used that man to be a messenger of the everlasting gospel.

C: Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, and I am your sin.

The just shall live by faith alone.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Here I stand; I can do no other.


P: Almighty God, through the preaching of your servants, the

blessed Reformers, you caused the light of the Gospel to shine

forth. Grant that we may faithfully defend it against all enemies

and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to

the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ our

Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one

God, now and forever.

C: Amen

The Word

First lesson Daniel 6:10-12, 16-23

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Reformation Sunday



Please join in singing the refrain, the choir will sing the verses

(This psalm inspired Martin Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress”)

Choir sings verses: 1. God our strength and mighty fortress

God, our refuge day and night;

God whose promise is deliverance,

God whose law is truth and light.

Through the earth with fear may tremble,

None can shake God’s boundless might.

2. In the city of the Holy Rivers

flow and streams run pure;

Where you, abide in splendor,

There your people dwell secure.

In their hearts your love will flourish,

Through the faith your word endures.

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Reformation Sunday


3. Come, behold God’s matchless wonders.

See the deeds of God’s own hand;

Gifts beyond our expectations,

Works too great to understand.

Sound God’s might in songs of glory

Sung to earth’s most distant land.

SECOND LESSON Galatians 5:1-6


Alleluia. If you continue in my Word, you are truly my disciples,

and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.


Choir: O Church Arise Getty/Townsend/Hudson Judy Hainen, Music Director

1. O Church arise, and put your armor on;

Hear the call of Christ our Captain.

For now the weak can say that they are strong

In the strength that God has given.

With shield of faith and belt of Truth,

We'll stand against the devil's lies;

An army bold whose battle cry is love,

Reaching out to those in darkness.

2. Our call to war: to love the captive soul,

But to rage against the captor.

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Reformation Sunday


And with the sword that makes the wounded whole,

We will fight with faith and valor.

When faced with trials on every side,

We know the outcome is secure;

And Christ will have the prize for which He died;

An inheritance of nations.

3. Come see the cross where love and mercy meet,

As the Son of God is stricken;

Then see His foes lie crushed beneath His feet,

For the Conqueror has Risen!

So Spirit come, put strength in every stride.

Give grace for every hurdle,

That we may run with faith to win the prize,

Of a servant good and faithful.

As saints of old still line the way,

Retelling triumphs of His grace,

We hear their calls and hunger for the day

When with Christ we stand in glory!

GOSPEL Matthew 10:16-23

P: The Gospel of the Lord.

C: Thanks be to God.

HYMN OF THE DAY Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord CW 176

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Reformation Sunday


SERMON Daniel 6:10-12; 16-23

“Stand Up For Jesus”


We All Believe in One True God CW 270

Personal Offering Prayer: As an expression of my Christian faith I seek to

honor and serve you, O Lord, with my abilities, prayers, and our financial

resources. I recognize that I give back to you what you have given to me.

As a faithful steward I dedicate this gift to your glory and the good of your

kingdom. Amen.


P: Almighty and eternal God! Out of the depths we call to you.

The world opens its mouth to swallow your church, and our faith

in you is too small to confront its lures and attractions!

C: We confess the weakness of our sinful flesh. Satan deceives us

daily. If we are to depend upon any strength from ourselves, all is

lost. Help us, we beg, to withstand the ungodly way of life that

the world has to offer.

P: The work is not ours, O God, but yours. O Sovereign Lord

and Creator, we have no way to satisfy your righteousness,

nothing to contest the great Deceiver’s earthly power, nothing to

mute its false attractions, nothing to uproot the rule of our sinful


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Reformation Sunday


C: We would gladly pass our days in happiness and peace in an

age awash with iniquity. Hear us, heavenly Father, for the cause is

yours. Yes, the Creator of all that is, your cause is righteous and

everlasting. Vindicate your name among the nations!

P: O all-seeing Lord, have mercy on your church. You

understand our plight. We thank you for sending a messenger of

peace to correct the times between life and death. This One is

our Son, Jesus the Christ, the incarnate Savior, who saves us from

calamities that plague your church.

C: You have chosen us to do your work. Therefore, O God,

accomplish it by your will. Stand by your church each day in the

name of Jesus, who is our shelter and shield, our mighty fortress.

Through the strength of the Holy Spirit, such faith works joy and

peace and willingness to serve a world in need.

P: We are even ready to lay down our life for this cause, as were

your servants Martin Luther and his fellow reformers and

Confessors, who forcefully stormed the kingdom of heaven to

restore the gospel of your righteousness to its central place in

Christian life.

C: For the cause is holy. Though this world is filled with devils

and though our bodies perish in persecution, your Word and

your Spirit still remain. The church always needs reform as its

message encounters the false and frivolous. But the Word of God

stands firm forever.

P: In the confidence of faith, gracious Lord, bless our efforts to

spread the gospel of the glory and grace of God throughout the

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Reformation Sunday


world to the joy and edifying of all who hear and believe and for

your glory and our good.

C: Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

C: Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those

who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever and ever. Amen.

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper


P: The Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.

P: Lift up your hearts.

C: We lift them up to the Lord.

P: Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.

C: It is good and right so to do.

P: It is truly good and right that we should at all times and in

all places give you thanks, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and

everlasting God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who has called

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Reformation Sunday


us to be his own so that we may live under him in his kingdom

and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and

blessedness. Therefore, with all the saints on earth and hosts

of heaven, we praise your holy name and join their glorious song:


P: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night he was betrayed, took

bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to

his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my (+) body, which is

given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”

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Reformation Sunday


Then he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,

“Drink from it, all of you; this is my (+) blood of the new

covenant, which is poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.

Do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

P: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

C: (spoken) Amen.

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Reformation Sunday


Distribution & HYMN Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior CW#313

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Reformation Sunday


P: O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

C: And his mercy endures forever.

P: Gracious Lord, our refuge and strength, pour out your Holy

Spirit on your faithful people. Keep us steadfast in your Word,

protect and comfort us in all temptations, defend us against all

our enemies, and bestow on the Church your saving peace;

through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns

with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.


P: The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

C: Amen.

HYMN God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage CW 293

This familiar hymn was written to mark the 300th anniversary of the

Reformation in 1817 and was first sung as the fifth stanza of “A Mighty


Postlude: Postlude on Old Hundredth arr. Fred Bock

Soul, Adore the King of Heaven. Michael Burkhardt

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Reformation Sunday


Chancel Flowers Today are given to God’s glory by Ron & Mary Helen Schultz in

celebration of their 54th Wedding Anniversary on November 16th.

IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK: For healing we pray for: Corinne Mahoney, Jutta

Owens, Skip Owens, Bill Gebhart, Marilyn Pearson, Larry Fronk, Fred Rathgeber,

Judy Hainen, Fred Aguda, Jean Butts, Jeri Leeper, Dave Denitto, Barb Hartshorn,

Armand Occhetti, Pat Kramer, Tom DeWitz For vision we pray for: Mary Brooks, For

chronic pain we pray for: Ken Wells, BJ Collins, Jennifer Schlegel, Renda Mackey,

Doreen Schaefer, Linda Niermeyer, our nation and leaders; those who protect us at

home and abroad; those without work and income; marriages and families; the


If you know of someone in the hospital, please contact the church office at

352-753-9038, to let us know. Thank-you.


Organist: Judy Hainen

Organist next week : Mary Burel

Sunshine & Rehab Committee: Nov 1st – 15th: Jean Butts (calls), Dorothy

Plybon (cards), Mary Helen Schultz (visits) Ocala: Vanita McCurnin

Greeters Today : Sandy Newman, Jane Semelsberger

Greeters Next Week Nov. 12th : Feg & Joan Henkel

Ushers Nov. 5th & 12th: Walt Farnsworth, Frank Selvey

Communion Assistant Nov. 5th : Roger Otto

Coffee Hostesses : Thank you to the volunteers today.

Altar Guild for October: Barb Matthias November: Mary Burel, Kay Blan

Counters: Jim Johnson, Richard Mason, Joan Blaho, Jeanette Kellam

Prayer Partner: Nov. 5th & 12th: Gail Rathgeber

Newsletter & Kneemail Coordinator: Karen Pearson

([email protected])

Who’s Who Reporter: Peggi Carrier

Kneemail Reporter: Karen Pearson

Bulletin Assembler: John Marks

Cleaning: Ron Klatt

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Reformation Sunday


Food Pantry Drop-off Volunteers: Gordon & Shirley Roback (Thank-you to

Jim and Eva Orcutt for filling in)

WELS Connection Technician: Dan Pearson, LeRoy Valley

Photographer: Russ Niermeyer

Offerings: October 29th, 2017 Att: 115

General Fund $ 4,345.00

Building Fund $ 110.00

Coffee $ 36.00

Steeplechase $ 17.00

Flowers $ 40.00

Office Supplies $ 10.00

Mortgage Reduction $ 100.00

Carriage House $ 35.00

WinGS Alum.Cans $ 10.00

Total $ 4,703.00

Commitments to “Keep Our Vision Growing” $859,057.00 (includes the Anne

Lind gift and the Antioch Grant $25,000) Total to-date collected: $814,944.70

Our Head Elder, Jim Fehlhaber, is getting ready to construct the 2018

usher schedule and the 2018 prayer partner schedule. He will be

contacting current ushers and prayer partners soon. If you are not

currently serving as an usher or a prayer partner but would like to serve

in either capacity during 2018, please contact Jim

at [email protected] or 779-435-9065.

Happy Birthday: Dave Gonia – 5, Robin Otto – 7, Janis Liermann – 11, Jean

Marshall - 12

Happy Anniversary: Gordon & Shirley Roback - 9

Ladies Bible Study Continues Tuesdays, at 1:00 pm in the church. Topic

is "Having a Mary Spirit" by Joanna Weaver. Please contact Pam

Johnson at 352-390-6982, if you will be attending.

Page 18: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Reformation Sunday


Journey with Jesus Bible Study: Led by Judy Hainen

This Bible Study will continue Monday’s at 9:15 am. This study goes to

different homes each week. Topic is "The Fruits of the Spirit" by Hazel

Offner. Please contact Judy at 352-750-5320, if you will be attending.

This Week at Open Bible 11/05 to 11/11 2017 Today 8:00 AM Early Bird Bible Study

Today 9:30 AM Worship Service

Today 10:30 AM Fellowship Time Reformation Pot-luck

Today 11:30 AM Steeplechase Service

Monday 9:15 AM Journey with Jesus

Tuesday 9:40 AM Mornings with Mommy

Tuesday 1:00 PM Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday 2:00 PM 466A Group at DeWitz’s home

Tuesday 4:00 PM New Life in Christ

Wednesday 1:00 PM WinGS

Wednesday 5:00 PM Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday 6:15 PM Choir

Thursday 9:30 AM Elder’s

Ladies of Open Bible: The WinGS Meeting and Activity will be Wednesday,

November 8th at 1:00pm. We will start with a meeting and then the activity

for November will be Napkin Folding.

November 12th: A dedication of our new, renovated, building will be held on

Sunday, November 12th with a special prayer to God for his blessings on our

expansion. Following the worship service, everyone is invited into the new

fellowship hall. Pastor Schulz will conduct a tour of the new and renovated

facility. Question and input appreciated. Juice, coffee and cookies will be


Coffee Host/Hostesses: Please sign-up to help with the coffee/fellowship hour.

We need people for next week. The sign-up sheet is now located on the

counter in the hallway to the new fellowship room. Men are invited to help

too! Thank you.

Page 19: Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Oxford, FL€¦ · and joyfully proclaim it to the salvation of people everywhere to the glory of your holy name; through your Son, Jesus Christ

Reformation Sunday


New Life in Christ Class: Take a look at God, creation, the work of the

Holy Spirit, Baptism, Lord’s Supper, the dual natures of Jesus Christ,

Heaven and Hell, Judgment Day and more. Class is a good refresher for

members and pre-requisite for those wanting to join Open Bible. This class

will continue on Tuesday, November 7th from 4:00 – 5:30PM, at

church. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Schulz.

Open Bible is making plans for Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday,

November 23rd following the 10:00am Worship Service. This year it

will not be catered. We are asking each family to bring an item to

share. A few ladies volunteered to cook the turkey, mashed potatoes

and gravy. Please sign up in the kitchen pass-thru.

Advent by Candlelight: Will be held Sunday, December 3rd at

6:00pm. All women are invited to attend the Advent by Candlelight.

Please sign-up on the table decorated for advent near the entrance to

the new fellowship hall. We have a sign-up sheet for each table and

hostess. Invitation are available too. Please invite your friends. If you

have any questions, please ask Karen Pearson.

Ladies Luncheon: Save the Date! The Ladies are planning a Christmas

Lunch at Arnold Palmer Country Club in The Villages, Friday,

December 15th. It will be complete with Christmas songs, a grab bag and

after lunch, a tour of Susan & Mel Parker’s decorated home.

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Reformation Sunday


Open Bible Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Mark M Schulz 4671 Bellwether Lane

Oxford, FL 34484 352-753-9038, 989-525-5514

“Growing in Christ through the Word, making His Salvation Known”

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) www.openbiblelutheranchurch.com

Please join “The Voice of Open Bible” Sunday’s 11:00 – 11:30am on 89.5 FM (The Boulevard)

Scan this image with your IPhone or

IPad and go immediately to our web site.
